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Steimer, Michael; Evaluierung von Rahmenbedingungen für Monitoring Systeme zur Erfassung der Pflanzenschutzmittelbelastung in den EU-Anrainerstaaten
Steiner, Sarah; Graft-Funktion, Histopathologie und Morphometrie von als Bypass-Graft zur myokardialen Revaskularisierung bei älteren Patienten verwendeten Radialarterien
Kindsmüller, Sibylle Anne; Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern nach Katheterablation
Simstich, Nina Stephanie; Profitieren Patientinnen mit metastasiertem Mammakarzinom von der Teilnahme an klinischen Studien?
Dengler, Manuela; Elektrophysiologische Untersuchung und Ablationsbehandlung von Patienten mit operativ versorgter kongenitaler Herzerkrankung an einem tertiären Zuweisungszentrum
Werber, Dorothea; Reales und virtuelles Experiment zur optischen Charakterisierung von SiC-Bauelementen
Grüneis, Barbara; Produktpiraterie in China
Schneider-Affeld, Jil Kamilla; Die Wirkung des NMDA-Rezeptor-Antagonisten Memantin im Salicylatmodell auf die neuronale Aktivität im Hörsystem der mongolischen Wüstenrennmaus: eine 14C-2-Deoxyglukose-Studie
Merkl, Melanie; Klinische Heterogenität der Mukolipidose II
Vester, Katharina; Korrelation der MR-Spektroskopie und MR-Perfusionsmessung zur Evaluation von Hirntumoren
Schöniger, Stephan-Andreas; Spektrale Subparameter des Bispektral Index (BIS) und des Cerebral State Index (CSI) unterscheiden besser zwischen wachen und bewusstlosen Patienten in Allgemeinanästhesie als die zusammengesetzten Indizes.
Schrötzlmair, Florian; Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) als Mediator der durch tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) induzierten Lebermetastasierung
Vogel, Dominik Klaus; Der Einfluss von Polymorphismen der Catechol-O-Methyltransferase auf die zentrale Schmerzverarbeitung des Menschen bei repetitiver Schmerzstimulation
Baron von Hoyningen-Huene, Nicolai; Real-time Tracking of Player Identities in Team Sports
Besig, Sophie-Charlotte; EC-Zellkarzinoide des Ileums: Expression von Matrixmetalloproteinasen und angiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren
Fegert, Charlotte; Intravitreale Therapie mit Ranibizumab als Monotherapie sowie in Kombination mit der Photodynamischen Therapie zur Behandlung der exsudativen AMD
Racz, Alexander; Strukturelle und kinetische Charakterisierung von Ruthenium-Selenid Katalysatoren
Kielow, Achim; Auswirkungen von Bestrahlung auf die Expression und Lokalisation von uPA, PAI-1 und VEGF in drei Kopf-Hals-Xenografttumoren
Dashevsky, Alexey; Non-Penetrating Intracanalicular Partial Trabeculectomy via the Ostia of Schlemm's Canal
Weishaupt, Julia Stefanie; Myeloperoxidase als Biomarker bei stabiler Angina pectoris und akutem Koronarsyndrom
Tholen, Anika Christiane Katharina; Verträglichkeit und Effektivität von Radiochemotherapie bei älteren Patienten mit malignen Tumoren im Kopf- und Halsbereich, Ösophaguskarzinom und nicht-kleinzelligem Bronchialkarzinom
Ziegler, Astrid; Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von Sugammadex und Neostigmin im Bezug auf die Reversierung Rocuronium bzw. Vecuronium induzierter neuromuskulärer Restblockaden
Margraf, Johanna Maria Theresia; Die Rolle des EGF-Rezeptors und EGF-vermittelter Signalwege auf die strahleninduzierte Migration bei Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs (HNSCC)
Janello, Christine; Rechts- und linksventrikuläre Volumina von Patienten mit Morbus Ebstein. Vergleich von axialen und LV kurze Achse Schichten in der Kernspintomographie
Ruckhäberle, Julia Vanessa; Diagnostik, Therapie, Outcome und pädiatrisches Follow-up fetaler Arrhythmien
Schuhbäck, Annika Renate Christina; Comparison of Accuracy of Axial Slices versus Short-Axis Slices for Measuring Ventricular Volumes by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Patients with Corrected Fallot's Tetralogy
Haas, Alexander; Bewertung von elektrischen Isolierstoffen für Bordnetze von Fahrzeugen mit elektrifiziertem Antrieb
Haack, Marianne; Adhärenz der Psychotherapeuten im Rahmen einer neu entwickelten, manualisierten Kurztherapie: Zusammenhang mit Patientenmerkmalen und Therapieergebnissen
Katz, Casimir Richard Simeon; Multi-Alloy Structures for Injectorless Quantum Cascade Lasers
Ochs, Stefanie; Größenfraktionierte Detektion von Allergen, Allergen beladenen Partikeln und Pollen in der Umluft
Brown, Anna; Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion mit Periostlappenaugmentation
Riegel, Martina Gitta; Postoperative konformale Strahlentherapie nach radikaler Prostatektomie.
Reiner, Matthias; Modellierung und Steuerung von strukturelastischen Robotern
Trigas, Vasiliki; Kardiologische und gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Probleme im Schwangerschaftsverlauf von Frauen nach Vorhofumkehr-Operation wegen kompletter Transposition der großen Gefäße
Simon, Franz Sebastian; Veränderungen der zerebralen grauen Substanz beim Tinnitus aurium
Brauner, Alexandra; Frühkomplikationen der intraoperativen Radiotherapie im Vergleich zur adjuvanten Radiatio bei der Behandlung von Weichteilsarkomen der Extremitäten
Gerneth, Martin; Glutathion-S-Transferase M1- und T1-Polymorphismus bei malignem Melanom, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, atopischem Ekzem, Quincke Ödem und akuter Urtikaria
Orendt, Thorsten; Resolution of Geometric Singularities by Complex Detours - Modeling, Complexity and Application
Bandouch, Jan; Observing and Interpreting Complex Human Activities in Everyday Environments
Dietzel, Mariella Christina; Humane Amnionmembran zur Rekonstruktion von oronasalen Fisteln
Duan, Xiaohong; Modeling the impact of soil heterogeneity on the variability of crop growth at field scale
Kerner, Alexander; Nutzung von Sensitivitätsinformationen für die adaptive Simulation bei thermo-hydraulischen Systemcodes
Anton, Thomas; Entwicklungs- und Einführungsmethodik für das Projektierungswerkzeug Pneumatiksimulation
Salvador Comino, Maria Rosa; PD-1 expression and phenotypes on peripheral blood T lymphocytes from breast cancer patients
Schönenberg, Sven; Der physiologische Zustand und der Sauerstoffbedarf von Bierhefen unter brautechnologischen Bedingungen
Vogel, Christian; Statistical properties of compressible hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Knapek, Markus; Adaptive Optics for the Mitigation of Atmospheric Effects in Laser Satellite-To-Ground Communications
Wirtz, Isabelle; Zeitliche, laterale, örtliche und funktionelle Reproduzierbarkeit der Messungen von Längsschnittprofilen retinaler Gefäße mit dem Retinal Vessel Analyzer
Weinandy, Franziska; Towards an Understanding of the Role of Apical Polarity Molecules in Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis
Fleischer, Carolin Susanne; Identification and Visualization of Macromolecules in intact cells by Cryo-electron Tomography
Steubl, Dominik; BK-Polyomavirus Infektion: Risikofaktoren und Verlaufsbeobachtung nach Nierentransplantation
Strötz, Beate; Zyklusabhängigkeit des Knochenmetabolismus - zum Einfluss von Peptid- und Steroidhormonen in Follikelphase und Lutealphase des weiblichen Zyklus auf den Knochenstoffwechsel prämenopausaler Frauen
Müller, Maximilian; Enhancing Sport - Sports Technology Design in the Context of Sport Motive, Motion Task and Product Feature
Masanetz, Sabine; Impact of prebiotic substances on gut health of livestock animals
Fasan, Annette; Malignancy and metastatic spread of Ewing Tumors explored based on the identification of angiogenic target structures
Huttner, Anja Katharina; Evaluation des Therapieprogramms TOM für adipöse Kinder und Jugendliche
Egermann, Hannes Peter; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Einfluss von Hypoxie auf das Plasminogenaktivierungssystem und den Wachstumsfaktor VEGF in vier Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien
Eichhorn, Stefan; Stabilität des versteiften Sprunggelenks unter Anwendung neuer Implantatkonzepte
Toepfer, Maria-Angela; Retrospektive Nachuntersuchung eines unzementierten Hüftendoprothesenstiels mit teilstrukturierter Spongiosametalloberfläche
Steinebrunner, Markus; Therapie der exsudativen altersbedingten Makuladegeneration (AMD) mittels intravitrealem Triamcinolon und in Kombination mit photodynamischer Therapie (PDT)
Burger, Frank; Bewirtschaftung und Ökobilanzierung von Kurzumtriebsplantagen
Rickert, Markus; Efficient Motion Planning for Intuitive Task Execution in Modular Manipulation Systems
Rauscher, Isabel; Meniscal Measurements of T and T2 at MR Imaging in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Osteoarthritis
Altomonte, Jennifer; Optimization of Oncolytic Viral Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Ritter, Wilma; Carbon and nitrogen allocation of juvenile and adult beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) trees under contrasting ozone exposure and competition: a 13C/12C and 15N/14N labeling approach
Müller-Lieb, Kathrin; Prädiktoren der Institutionalisierung von Patienten mit Alzheimer Demenz im deutschsprachigen Raum
Nacke, Christoph; Selektive biokatalytische Herstellung von Aromastoffen aus Carotinoiden durch Kombination molekularbiologischer, enzym- und verfahrenstechnischer Methoden
Engelmann, Verena; Noninvasives Monitoring der Perfusion und Oxygenation im Entnahmebereich nach mikrochirurgischem Radialislappen-Transfer mit Untersuchung der Sensomotorik und Lebensqualität
Bendel, Carolin; Inszenierung der Fahrzeugübergabe in der deutschen Automobilindustrie
Bolze, Florian; Funktionelle Charakterisierung der humanen Melanocortin-4-Rezeptor Punktmutationen W16X und V103I
Schöberl, Florian Helmut Sebastian; Rolle der cGMP-abhängigen Proteinkinase Typ II bei der synaptischen Plastizität und beim Angstlernen in der lateralen Amygdala
Ahrholdt, Wolf Herwig; Standardisierte fehlertolerante Signaldatenaufbereitung für vernetzte Fahrwerkregelsysteme
von Plato, Anna Katharina; Geschlechstspezifische Unterschiede beim Auftreten von Restenosen nach koronarer Stentimplantation
Link, Anna; Prognostische Aussagekraft der [18F]-FDG-PET/CT und der Tumormarker S100-β und MIA in der Nachsorge des Hochrisikomelanoms
Dembek, Claudia Johanna; Potential immune correlates of protection in HIV-1 infected individuals
Klaas, Jörg; Die "Ultramarinkrankheit". Studien zu Veränderungen in ultramarinhaltigen Farbschichten an Gemälden.
Mack, Isabelle; Molecular and functional analysis of the cross-talk between human preadipocytes, adipocytes and endothelial cells in vitro
Landwehr, Daniel; Funktionelle und radiologische Nachuntersuchung von primär implantierten, ovalären Hüftpfannen
Gobin, Oliver Christian; Transport in Nanoporous Solids
Krainz, Philipp Stefan; Der Rituximab induzierte Zelltod - Bedeutung der lipid rafts und Modulation durch Antimykotika vom Azoltyp
Kuhn, Lukas; Self-diagnosing Agent: Tight Integration of Operational Planning and Active Diagnosis
Gohlke, Annegret; Molecular analysis of pancreatic cancer metastasis in a genetically engineered mouse model
Ciuchendea-Dobrei, Mihaela-Andreea; Radiochirurgie und stereotaktisch fraktionierte Strahlentherapie am Linearbeschleuniger bei Patienten mit Meningeomen;Wertigkeit der L-[Methyl-11C] Methionin (MET)-PET-Untersuchung als Ergänzung zu morphologischen bildgebenden Verfahren wie CT und MRT bei der Erstellung der Therapieplanung und Definition des Zielvolumens der Schädelbasismeningeome
Idelberger, Claudia; Sonnenlicht-induzierte Chlorophyll-Fluoreszenz im Tagesgang in Nutzpflanzenbeständen
Ladikos, Stawros; Real-Time Multi-View 3D Reconstruction for Interventional Environments
Hölzle, Clarissa Antonia; Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Ischämischen Präkonditionierung bei der NMRI-Maus
Hummel, Benjamin; Integrated Behavior Modeling of Space-Intensive Mechatronic Systems
Meiwald, Thomas; Konzepte zum Schutz vor Produktpiraterie und unerwünschtem Know-how-Abfluss
Hausknecht, Roland; Molekulare Genetik im Artenschutz von Großraubtieren - Eine Fallstudie am Wolf
Bieber, Mathilde; Messmethoden zur Untersuchung der Kohlenstoffablagerung an nickelhaltigen SOFC-Anoden beim Betrieb mit Methan
Eberhardinger, Alexander; Innovative Verfahrenstechnik bei der Bereitstellung von Waldhackgut zur thermischen Verwertung
Pauker, Stephanie; Insulinanaloga im Vergleich zu Humaninsulin: Therapie-Effekte auf Stoffwechsel, Herzfunktion und vaskuläre Funktion bei Patienten mit Typ 2 Diabetes mellitus unter intensiviert konventioneller Insulintherapie
Lampl, Benedikt; Bedeutung des Stromasupports für die Apoptoseregulation durch Mcl-1 und Proteinkinase C in CLL-Zellen
Ohlendorf, Rainer; A Network Processor Architecture with Application-Optimized Reconfigurable Processing Paths (FlexPath NP)
Spreng, Viktoria; Analyse der Futteraufnahme und Vormagenentwicklung beim Kalb aus Prozessdaten einer multisensorischen Kälberaufzuchtanlage
Glocker, Benjamin M.; Random Fields for Image Registration
Letzel, Ingrid Erika Marie; Überwachung der Narkosetiefe durch die EEG-Monitore BIS® und CSM - eine EEG-Reanalyse
Layher, Michael; Einfluss der Schmierstoffadditivierung auf das Reibungsverhalten nasslaufender Reibschaltelemente
Bickel, Laura; Die neuronale full-length Isoform des Zelladhäsionsmoleküls L1 und nicht die alternativ gespleißte L1delta(2,27) Isoform erhöht das metastatische Potential von Tumorzellen
Öder, Jürgen Sebastian; Elementare Zusammensetzung und gesundheitliche Bedeutung von Feinstäuben aus Grundschulklassenzimmern und der umgebenden Außenluft
Heibel, Tim Hauke; Medical Tool Tracking in Fluoroscopic Interventions
Groß, Claudia; Expression, Regulation und Funktion von Tdp-43 in der Maus
Brosow, Roland; Strahleninduzierte Genexpressionsänderung in peripheren mononukleären Zellen
Fite-Georgel, Pierre; Augmented Reality Tools for Digital Plant Engineering
Morgenstern, Mario; Hohe tibiale Umstellungsosteotomie in open wedge-Technik: Radiologische Beurteilung der Beinachse, des tibialen slopes und frühe klinische Ergebnisse;Evaluation einer Computernavigation für die hohe tibiale Umstellungsosteotomie anhand eines Präzisions-Modells
Wittmann, Dominik; Beyond Boolean Modeling in Systems Biology
Wadé, Diana; Kurz - und Langzeitergebnisse bei Patienten mit AV-Knoten-Reentrytachykardie nach Ablation der langsamen Leitungsbahn. Eine Analyse der prädiktiven Faktoren für ein Rezidiv der Arrhythmie.
Fourchaud, Laure; Characterization of protein and peptide sensing processes in the gut coupled to gastrointestinal hormone secretion using ex-vivo models
Hildebrandt, Patrick; Die Wahl von Baumartenmischungen als forstökonomische Entscheidung unter Unsicherheit
Kellner, Monika Elisabeth; Latentes Wasser in silanfeuchtigkeitsvernetzbaren Polyolefinen
Garma, Tonko; Semiconductor nanowires and their field-effect devices
Ewald, Philipp Sebastian; Untersuchungen zur intratumoralen Heterogenität der Genexpression beim Adenokarzinom des Ösophagus
Busche, Marc Aurel; In vivo Funktionsanalyse kortikaler Neurone mittels Zwei-Photonen Fluoreszenzmikroskopie in einem Mausmodell der Alzheimer-Krankheit
Arold, Beate; Charakterisierung von Enon-Oxidoreduktasen und 3-Dehydroquinat-Synthasen
Haller, Ferdinand; Multifunctionality in the enzyme family of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
Nemeth, Isabell; Methodenentwicklung zur Bestimmung von Potenzialen der Energieeffizienzsteigerung im Haushalts- und GHD-Sektor
Juergens, Elmar; Why and How to Control Cloning in Software Artifacts
Kieu, Thi Quynh Hoa; Heavy metal removal by a highly heavy metal tolerant sulfidogenic consortium in anaerobic semi-continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR): Changes of microbial community structure and abundance
Frühe, Georg; Überlagerung von Grundlösungen in der Elastodynamik zur Behandlung der dynamischen Tunnel-Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion
Schreiner, Julia Anna; Zerebrale Aktivierung bei der Leichten Kognitiven Störung während räumlicher Navigation und ihre Veränderung unter Galantamin
Altmann genannt Brewe, Torben; Einfluss des Gαq-Proteins auf die Anoxietoleranz isolierter Mäusekardiomyozyten
Fedrizzi, Andreas; Action-Related Places for Mobile Manipulation
Sperl, Jonathan Immanuel; Optimized Intensity Modulation for Dose/Noise Reduction in X-ray Computed Tomography
Nisenbaum, Jael; Die Rolle der potentiellen Tumorstammzellmarker CD133 und cMet im murinen Pankreaskarzinommodell
Berghöfer, Uta; Die Bedeutung von Gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnissen für den Naturschutz
Rammah, Yasser; Nonlinear Triad Interactions in Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma Turbulence
Onyango, Nelson Owuor; The Epidemiology of Childhood Related Diseases:
Müller-Waldeck, Franziska; Bestimmung von Antioxidantien in Perilla frutescens L. und deren Wirkung im Menschen
Kerber, Georg; Aufnahmefähigkeit von Niederspannungsverteilnetzen für die Einspeisung aus Photovoltaikkleinanlagen
Groten, Raphaela Krystyna; Haptic Human-Robot Collaboration: How to Learn from Human Dyads
Ameloh, Kirsten; Unterschiede in Symptomatik, Beschwerdeerleben sowie Körperbild zwischen Patienten mit und ohne Traumafolgestörung
Holzmüller, Regina; YB-1-abhängige onkolytische Adenoviren zur Therapie des Glioblastoms: Evaluierung verschiedener Vektoren in vitro und im Xenograft-Modell
Wechsler, Johannes; Openness in the music business
Schreiner, Florian; Content management and protection using Trusted Computing and MPEG-21 technologies
Lein, Maximilian; Semiclassical Dynamics and Magnetic Weyl Calculus
Pietz, Matthäus; Simulation-based Valuation of Project Finance Investments – Crucial Aspects of Power Plant Projects
Schiller, Jennifer; A Framework for Externalizing Information in Agile Meetings
Krinninger, Maximilian; Ein System zur Endoskopführung in der HNO-Chirurgie
Treml, Sebastian Ulrich Benedikt; Entwicklung von Kompositdämmstoffen auf Basis von Frässpänen aus Holz
Yordanov, Hristomir; Wired and Wireless Inter-Chip and Intra-Chip Communications
Javaheri, Anahita; Phenotyping of mice with genetic defects relevant to allergic diseases: Proteinase 3/neutrophil elastase double-knockout mice
Röhlig, Richard M.; Metabolite Profiling of Maize Grain: Differentiation due to Genetics, Environment and Input System
Du, Juan; A Feasibility Study of Tungsten-Fiber-Reinforced Tungsten Composites with Engineered interfaces
Chen, Jia; Compact Laser-Spectroscopic Gas Sensors using Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Sigl, Gregor; Effects of continuous milking during the dry period or once daily milking in the first four weeks of lactation on metabolism and productivity of dairy cows
Stamminger, Andreas; Beiträge zum Verhalten von Raketennutzlastkörpern beim atmosphärischen Wiedereintritt
Tadayonfar, Gholamreza; Numerische Modellierung der geologischen und mechanischen Prozesse der Hangbewegung am Sudelfeld
Herfellner, Thomas; Anaerobe Hydrolyse und Methanisierung fester, flüssiger und pastöser organischer Produktionsrückstände aus Brauereien
Plehm, Stephanie; Epigenetic regulation of stemness and malignancy in Ewing Tumors
Penzenstadler, Birgit; DeSyRe - Decomposition of Systems and their Requirements
Blodig, Stefan; Warmlauf des Verbrennungsmotors im Hybridfahrzeug
Fisch, Florian; Development of a Framework for the Solution of High-Fidelity Trajectory Optimization Problems and Bilevel Optimal Control Problems
Zang, Christian; Growth reaction of temperate forest trees to summer drought
Eberlein, Jens; Development of the ”chemokine flow cytometry” assay and its application to the characterization of pathogen-specific T cells.
Tchegho Kamdem, Aurélien; Verfahren zum eingebauten Selbsttest von analogen und gemischt analog-digitalen integrierten Schaltungen
Lasser, Tobias; Tomographic Reconstruction Methods for Optical and Intra-operative Functional Imaging
Demirci, Stefanie; New Approaches to Computer Assistance for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Repairs
Dengler, Joachim Erhard; Heterolytische Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle mit bifunktionellen Katalysatoren
Traugott, Johannes; Precise Flight Trajectory Reconstruction Based on Time-Differential GNSS Carrier Phase Processing
Näbauer, Johann Martin; Untersuchung echokardiographischer Parameter zur prädiktiven Einschätzung des Therapieerfolges einer Radiofrequenzablation bei Patienten mit paroxysmalem Vorhofflimmern
Neubauer, Andreas; Single crystal growth of intermetallic compounds with unusual low temperature properties
Friedrich, Markus Oliver; Funktionsorientiertes Konzept zur Unterstützung früher Phasen der Produktentwicklung in der Informationstechnik
Bauer, Iris; Einsatz der intrakardialen Pumpe Impella Acute LV (Recover LP 2.5) im Vergleich zu einer intraaortalen Ballongegenpulsation (IABP) bei Patienten mit akutem Myokardinfarkt und kardiogenem Schock
Janzen, Tilman; Biophysical studies of radioiodine metabolism during therapy of Autonomous Functioning Thyroid Nodule
Wefers, Benedikt; The role of ERK/MAPK signalling in emotional behaviour – studies on Braf knockout and gain-of-function mutant mice
Aguib, Heba Essam El-Din Soliman Hassan; Adaptive Mechanismen zum sicheren Greifen und Fügen von Gewebe in der laparoskopischen Operationstechnik
Heinz, Sabine; Population Biology of Typha latifolia L. and Typha angustifolia L.: Establishment, Growth and Reproduction in a Constructed Wetland
Franze, Roxana Maria; Online Messdatenplausibilisierung am Motorenprüfstand
Hauser, Stephanie; Untersuchungen zur molekularen Bedeutung des Zelladhäsionsmoleküls L1CAM und seiner Spleiß-Variante in den späten Phasen der Metastasierung von murinen und humanen Tumorzellen
Senghaas, Niklas; Regulation, biochemistry and functional analysis of the conserved Lunapark protein in central nervous system development
Winkler, Franz; Trajektorienfolgeregelung einer Klasse von verteilt-parametrischen Systemen mit verteiltem Stelleingriff und mitgeführter Sensorik
Islam, Shareeful; Software Development Risk Management Model
Scharfenberger, Christian; Panoramic Vision for Automotive Applications: From Image Rectification to Ambiance Monitoring and Driver Body Height Estimation
Claus, Christopher; Zum Einsatz dynamisch rekonfigurierbarer eingebetteter Systeme in der Bildverarbeitung
Amler, Thomas; Detection of particles transported in weakly compressible fluids
Bissinger, Oliver; Bildgebende Beurteilung des Knochenwachstums nach Applikation von rhBMP-2 versus Nukleinsäurentransfer am Rattenunterkiefer
Koch, Guido; Adaptive control of mechatronic vehicle suspension systems
Riedmiller, Stefanie Julia Franziska; Concomitant boost-Radiochemotherapie bei fortgeschrittenen Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Kopf-Hals-Region: Tumorkontrolle, Überleben und prognostische Einflussgrößen
Demmel, Simone; Perzeption der Abscisinsäure und die Funktion des Phytohormons bei abiotischem Stress
Bogner, Mathias; Modulare und objektorientierte Implementierung der Finite Volumen Methode (FVM) zur Simulation kavitierender Strömungen in Turbomaschinen
Kiendl, Josef; Isogeometric Analysis and Shape Optimal Design of Shell Structures
Wang, Xinxing; Time-variable gravity field determination from satellite constellations
Stückle, Johannes Carl; Beeinflusst die perioperative Gabe von Moxifloxazin die zerebrale Inflammation und das neurologische Outcome 24 Stunden nach extrakorporaler Zirkulation mit tief hypothermem Kreislaufstillstand an der Ratte?
Hilscher, André; Degradation, chemical alteration and stabilisation of pyrogenic plant residues in soil
Pabst, Reinhard; Theorie- und Methodenentwicklung bei der Versicherung technischer Risiken am Beispiel der Maschinenversicherung in Deutschland
Zepper, Peter; Charakterisierung zirkulierender Vorläuferzellen und Zytokine bei stabilen und instabilen Plaques der Arteria carotis interna
Brunner, Claudia; Development and experimental implementation of a physical concept for quality assurance of new CT methods
Winkler, Torsten; Effect of Genetic Kinome Alterations on the Response of Cancer Cells to SUTENT Therapy
Auer, Stefan Josef; 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Simulation for Interpreting Complex Urban Reflection Scenarios
Schmidl, Sabine; The role of AID and NF-kB for B cell development and lymphomagenesis
Sushko, Iurii; Applicability Domain of QSAR models
Vollmar, Patrick; Biopsychological interactions in autoimmune models of CNS inflammation
Höpfner, Jana Ariadne; Die chirurgische Therapie des Rektumkarzinoms über einen Zeitraum von 25 Jahren
Pertek, Anna; QTL and candidate gene analysis of energy and lipid metabolism in swine
Ma-Lauer, Yue; Regulation of the abscisic acid response by protein phosphatase 2C-interacting proteins ABP7 and ABP9 in Arabidopsis thaliana
Waldeyer, Wolfgang; Zerebrale Inflammationsreaktion und neurokognitive Defizite nach inkompletter Vorderhirnischämie im Rattenmodell
Canella, Lea; Optimisation of the PGAA instrument at FRM II for low background and 2D measurements
Ramirez, Alejandro; Time-of-flight in Wireless Networks as Information Source for Positioning
Zivelonghi, Alessandro; Thermomechanical Behaviour of Two Heterogeneous Tungsten Materials via 2D and 3D Image-Based FEM
Rolfs, Katharina; Influence of the alloying element cobalt on the key properties of ferromagnetic shape memory Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals
von Wedel, Jasper; Endogene Stammzellmobilisation mittels G-CSF bei Patienten mit akutem Myokardinfarkt
Venjakob, Arne; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Messung der Knochendurchblutung unter Hypotension und lokaler Kühlung im Tiermodell
Liu, Lu; Data model and algorithms for multimodal route planning with transportation networks
Recalde Lummer, Nils; Adsorption behavior and effectiveness of AMPS®-based cement fluid loss additives at high temperature and in combination with lignosulfonate and biogums
Zeitler, Benjamin; Molecular Farming: Production of antimicrobial peptides in different Nicotiana species
Wallenhauer, Carsten; Effiziente Ansteuerung und Nutzung des Sensoreffekts piezoelektrischer Aktoren
Brackertz, Bettina; FLT3-regulierte, Leukämie-assoziierte Antigene als Zielstrukturen für zytotoxische T-Lymphozyten
Zacharias, Franziska; Knowledge Representations for Planning Manipulation Tasks
Goodwin, Bernhard; Die Perspektive von Wissenschaftlern auf die Wissenschaftskommunikation am Beispiel deutscher Forstwissenschaftler
Petersen, Björn Hajo; Discrete Abelian Gauge Symmetries
Gérard, Laura; High-Resolution Single-Particle Quantification of Colloid Transport Processes
Hagemeier-Klose, Maria; Hochwasserrisikokommunikation zwischen Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung und Öffentlichkeit – eine Evaluation der Wahrnehmung und Wirkung behördlicher Informationsinstrumente in Bayern
Schönberger, Tanja Stephanie; Langzeitergebnisse chirurgisch versorgter Poplitealarterienaneurysmen und ihre retrospektive Eignung zur endovaskulären Versorgung
Henze, Martin; Optical Novae as Supersoft X-ray Sources in the Andromeda Galaxy
Demtröder, Cédric Rémi Dieter; Xenogene Transplantation humaner Amnionmembran
Breibeck, Andreas; Prognostische Wertigkeit des Hämoglobins bei Patientinnen mit metastasiertem Mammakarzinom
Brunner, Thomas; In-Trap Decay Spectroscopy for ββ Decays
Langer, Marcella; Flip-Aktivität membranfusogener Modellpeptide in Phospholipidmembranen
Graf, Saskia; Untersuchung zum Einfluss der geographischen Höhe auf die Blutzuckerhomöostase bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 unter körperlicher Belastung
Haider, Sylvia Simone Rebekka; Altitudinal distribution of non-native plants: the effects of climate, habitat and introduction history
Moghaddas Gholami, Amin; Cross species common gene regulatory network inference
Pfleger, Florian; Experimentelle Untersuchung der Auskolkung um einen zylindrischen Brückenpfeiler
Straub, Katrin; Zerfallseigenschaften von Nukliden in der Umgebung von 100Sn
Flexeder, Andrea; Interprocedural Analysis of Low-Level Code
Fouquet, Marc; Strategic Resource Management Desicions in Computer Networks
Nagel, Robert; Connectivity and Decentralized QoS Provisioning in Vehicular Networks
Holzapfel, Christina; Search for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for weight loss and lifestyle factors associated with body mass index
Mathmann, Katrin; Investigation of intraoral mechanical effects on sensory sensations and their contribution to mouthfeel
Pfalzgraf, Johannes; Experimentelle Reibleistungsuntersuchungen an Kettentrieben im Verbrennungsmotor
Schleicher, Thomas; Flusskalzination von Kieselgur – Einflüsse auf die Bildung und Inhibition von kristallinen SiO2-Modifikationen und technologische Eigenschaften der Kieselgur
Roelofsen, Julia; Situationsspezifische Planung von Produktentwicklungsprozessen
Krompaß, Stefan; Topics in Meeting Complex Service Level Objectives for Mixed Database Workloads
Einert, Thomas Rudolf; Folded Bio-Polymers – Structure, Pulling and Diffusion
Hepperger, Peter; Pricing and Hedging under High-Dimensional Jump-Diffusion Models using Partial Differential Equations
Busch, Sebastian ; Unruh, Tobias; The Influence of Additives on the Nanoscopic Dynamics of the Phospholipid Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine
Reiter, Sarah; Partizipationsbedürfnisse chronisch kranker Patienten bei der medizinischen Entscheidungsfindung
Goeke, Stefanie; Innovative diagnostische und therapeutische Möglichkeiten bei Patienten mit Gallengangsstenose
Mutze, Kathrin Isabelle Amelie; Epigenetisch relevante Proteine und ihre therapeutische Bedeutung für das Magenkarzinom
Mack, Hildegard Isolde Dietlinde; Regulation of Mammalian Autophagy by Unc-51-Like Kinase 1
Nordmann, Bastian; Einfluss der Forstwirtschaft auf den vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutz – Integrale Klassifizierung abflusssensitiver Waldflächen
Velagic, Samir; Partielle Charakterisierung der antilisteriellen Wirkung von Pichia norvegensis und Staphylococcus equorum
Geischeder, Rupert; Bodenbelastung und Bodenbeanspruchung unterschiedlicher Fahrwerkskonfigurationen
Hortsch, Ralf; Miniaturisierte Rührreaktoren zur Kultivierung morphologisch veränderlicher Mikroorganismen
Nizic, Angela; Kurzzeitschwingfestigkeit des Verbundes aufgeklebter Bewehrung
Pflaum, Sebastian; Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines Brennverfahrens für Niedrigstemissionen bei Dieselmotoren
Feucht, Matthias Jens; Klinische Ergebnisse nach einzeitiger Revisionsrekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes: Ein retrospektiver Vergleich zwischen drei unterschiedlichen Operationstechniken
Teodorowicz, Alexandra; Herzklappenersatz bei jungen Frauen-
Christian, Manuel; Einflussfaktoren, Entstehung und Analytik des Phänomens Gushing
Dragicevic, Kristijan; An Execution Trace Verification Method on Linearizability
Heiler, Jörg; Handlungstaktiken für den gelebten Raum
Claus, Eike; Die Morbidität der perinealen Prostatektomie und ihr Einfluss auf die Patientenzufriedenheit
Wiechert, Lena; Computational Modeling of Multi-Field and Multi-Scale Phenomena in Respiratory Mechanics
Hager, Robert; Radial propagation of geodesic acoustic modes
Giuliani, Manuel; Comparing Classical and Embodied Multimodal Fusion for Human-Robot Interaction
Kessler, Judith; Isoliervermögen hybrider Isoliersysteme in gasisolierten metallgekapselten Schaltanlagen (GIS)
Ashton, Sean; The Design, Construction and Research Application of a Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometer (DEMS)
Esmaeili, Habib; Parameter Estimation of Multivariate Lévy Processes
Lutz, Bernhard; Einflussfaktoren auf die elektrische Feldverteilung in Isoliersystemen mit polymeren Isolierstoffen bei Gleichspannungsbelastung
Acker, Andrea; Anwendungspotential von Telepräsenz- und Teleaktionssystemen für die Präzisionsmontage
Meyer, Niels Helge; Structural basis for molecular recognition and function of proteins in alternative mRNA splicing and host-parasite immunobiology.
Nagel, Patrick; Einfluss der pränatalen Diagnosestellung auf das perinatale Management und die Morbidität bei Kindern mit kritischen angeborenen Herzfehlern
Hösl, Michael Georg; Expanding the Toolkit of Protein Engineering: Towards Multiple Simultaneous in vivo Incorporation of Noncanonical Amino Acids
Weber, Michael; Dielektronen Spektroskopie in kalter Kernmaterie
Zettl, Rita Anne; Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von ß1-Integrin auf die Zellzyklusregulation in normalen Fibroblasten nach Exposition mit ionisierender Strahlung
Zeichfüßl, Roland; Ansteuerverfahren eines neuartigen piezoelektrischen Stellantriebs für den Einsatz in der Robotik
Chen, Zhen Li; Wall Modelling for Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation
Petermann, Markus Alexander; Schutz von Technologiewissen in der Investitionsgüterindustrie
Proczek, Iwona Malgorzata; Technological separation and analysis of flavanones from different plants and their microbiological activity
Markert, Mathias; Entwicklung eines kliniktauglichen Assistenzsystems für die Leberchirurgie
Hein, Tobias; Finite beta effects on turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas
Lattka, Eva; FADS genes – Key genetic regulators of polyunsaturated fatty acid levels
Myschik, Stephan; Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Windmeßsystems auf Niedrigkostenbasis für Kleinflugzeuge
Keitler, Peter; Management of Tracking
Lutterschmid, Georg; Surface-active proteins from Fusarium spp. and their role in gushing in carbonated beverages
Lauf, Thomas; Analysis and Operation of DePFET X-ray Imaging Detectors
Schneider, Nicolas; Etablierung eines T-Zell spezifischen Maus Modells des großzellig-anaplastischen Lymphoms
Simson, Georg; Kontinuierliche Darstellung von Cu/ZnO/Al2O3-Katalysatorsystemen in Mikroreaktoren
Germer, Jan; Electroweak contributions to squark-pair production processes at the LHC
Hirth, Florian; Schichtdickenmessung an gedruckten Polymerschichtsystemen
Günther, Eva; Sononucleation of inorganic phase change materials
Guertler, Niels; Predicting Zonal Flows - The Reynolds-stress response functional for large-scale flows generated by turbulence in magnetized plasmas
Gebendorfer, Katharina Maria; Charakterisierung eines für oxidativen Stress spezifischen Transkriptionsfaktors aus Escherichia coli
Wang, Yu; Charting Small RNA Landscape – an Exciting Journey in the Postgenomic Era
Bohn, Stefan; Structure of the 26S proteasome from Schizosaccharomyces pombe at subnanometer resolution
Schneider, Christine; Freisetzungsmuster kardialer Ischämie-Marker nach Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation unter Berücksichtigung des Zugangsweges
Deubzer, Michael; Robust Scheduling of Real-Time Applications on Efficient Embedded Multicore Systems
Friedrich, Markus; Parallel Co-Simulation for Mechatronic Systems
Schäufele, R.; Santrucek, J.; Schnyder, H.; Dynamic changes of canopy-scale mesophyll conductance to CO2 diffusion of sunflower as affected by CO2 concentration and abscisic acid
Neuenschwander Escosteguy Carneiro, João; Development of a Presumed Function Method of Moments with Application to Polydisperse Sprays
Wongwathanarat, Annop; Multidimensional Simulations of Core Collapse Supernovae using a Two-patch Overset Grid in Spherical Coordinates
Neusser, Sebastian; Spin Waves in Antidot Lattices: From Quantization to Magnonic Crystals
Pürner, Constanze; Polymorphismus der Glutathion-S-Transferasen bei Patienten mit polymorpher Lichtdermatose
Oberkofler, Martin; Rückhaltemechanismen für Wasserstoff in metallischem Beryllium und Berylliumoxid sowie Eigenschaften von ioneninduziertem Berylliumnitrid
Li, Jingrui; Quantum Dynamics of Ultrafast Electron Transfer Processes in Dye-Semiconductor Systems
Fiedler, Isabella; Hörschwellenschätzung mittels Registrierung von Distorsionsprodukten otoakustischer Emissionen (DPOAE) und Auditory Steady-State Responses (ASSR).
Scholz, Andreas; Adaptive Data Processing in Embedded Networks
Knipper, Ulla; Untersuchungen zur Robustheit von IGBT-Chips im Lawinendurchbruch
Rapp, Stephan; Shape Memory Polymers in Fiber Composite Structures for Shape Adjustment
Meier, Christoph; Time-Cost Tradeoffs in Product Development Processes
Tischler, Patrick; Comparative genomics of microbial genomes and development of a comprehensive chlamydiae genome database
Gröbner, Anna Elisabeth; Differential effects of bovine conceptus-derived signaling molecules on the uterine environment supporting embryo development while allowing maternal immune tolerance.
Ramakrishnan, Raghunathan; The DFT+U Method in the Framework of the Parallel Density Functional Code ParaGauss
Gründinger, A.; Joham, M.; Utschick, W.; Stochastic Transceiver Design in Point-to-Point MIMO Channels with Imperfect CSI
Schulte, Hans Christian; Nachweis des extrazellulären Matrix Metalloproteinaseninducer EMMPRIN im Verlauf des chronischen Transplantatschadens der Niere
Heiss, Christian; How do elite athletes lead themselves?
Berkemeier, Felix Gregor; Kraftspektroskopische Untersuchungen der Myomesin-Elastizität
Dahlmann, André; Replica Placement in Content Delivery Networks: Model and Methods
Berr, Michael Sebastian Tobias; Ersatz des vorderen Kreuzbandes in Zweikanal-Technik
Feigl, Andreas; Strukturkontrollierte Synthese von verzweigten und linearen Oligo- und Polysilanen mit neuartigen Katalysatorsystemen
Buckl, Sabine; Developing Organization-Specific Enterprise Architecture Management Functions Using a Method Base
Wilhelm, Ralph; Ernährungskommunikation zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährungsstile
Benner, Jacqueline; Amino acid homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans lacking the intestinal peptide transporter PEPT-1 and identification of PEPT-1 modulator proteins
Richter, Tobias; Der Einfluss hohen hydrostatischen Drucks auf polymere thermoplastische Lebensmittelverpackungen
Garg, Divita; Computational and NMR Studies of Thymidylate Synthase and its Regulation
Wittmer, H.O.M.; Auerswald, K.; Schönbach, P.; Bai, Y.; Schnyder, H.; 15N fractionation between vegetation, soil, faeces and wool is not influenced by stocking rate
Hösel, Bastian; Regulation of the Dll1 gene during mouse embryogenesis: MSD mediated cis-regulation and identification of miRNAs
Schneider, Stefan; Compact Bidding Languages and Supplier Selection for Markets with Economies of Scale and Scope
Höfling, Frederik; Induktion von Apoptose durch Toll-like-Rezeptor-Liganden
Acker, Ralph; Access Manager
Wigger, Christian; Development and Application of a Nonlinear Axisymmetric Resistive MHD-Code
Leischner, Ulrich; Ultra-fast two-photon microscopy for in vivo brain imaging
Klaus, Julian; Preferential Flow in a cultivated lower meso-scale catchment: observation, modelling and implications for solute transport
Schmid, Daniela; The effect of reducing the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio during pregnancy and lactation on maternal and fetal adipokines
Huber, Silke; Phenotypic and functional characterization of macrophages during type 2 immune responses
Lee, Mi Su; The MENX syndrome: an animal model to study the role of p27 in tumor predisposition and the response of neuroendocrine tumors to therapeutic agents
Aslam, Muhammad; Claudins in inflammatory CNS disease
Kuptz, Daniel; Seasonal dynamics behind the CO2 efflux of adult European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees - uncovered by stable C isotopes
Maier, Viola; Characterization of Semaphorin 4C and Semaphorin 4G as candidate ligands of Plexin-B2
Breitkreutz, Harald; Coupled Neutronics and Thermal Hydraulics of High Density Cores for FRM II
Vennemann, Sylvia Vera; Wundheilungsmanagement von Spalthautentnahmedefekten - eine klinische Studie
Horstmann, Birger; Quantum Simulations of Out-of-Equilibrium Phenomena
Scheickl, Oliver; Timing Constraints in Distributed Development of Automotive Real-time Systems
Wachinger, Christian; Ultrasound Mosaicing and Motion Modeling
Naraschewski, Frederik Nikolaus; Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid over MoVTe(Sb)NbOx Catalysts
Andrade, Katia Cristine; Simultaneous Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Electrophysiological Recordings: Practical Application and Methodological Approach
Moosaie, Amin; Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Drag Reduction by Rigid Fiber Additives
Gick, Robert Karl; Systemische Analyse von Problemen in Projekten der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Erarbeitung von Lösungsansätzen anhand einer neu entwickelten Projektmanagementmethode
Kallweit, Christiane; Kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren bei übergewichtigen und adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen und deren Veränderungen durch stationäre Intervention
Sanz Ruiz, Mikel; Tensor Networks in Condensed Matter
Nehring, Sebastian; Kritische Analyse des Verfahrens zur Erweiterung des genetischen Codes in Eukaryoten. Design von Lipase-Kongeneren durch Genetic Code Engineering.
Baumgart, Anja; Die Rolle der Notch Signaltransduktion bei der Tumorgenese des nicht-kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinoms in vitro und im KRASG12D-induzierten Mausmodell
Lorenz, Stephan; Assistenzsystem zur Optimierung des Sitzkomforts im Fahrzeug
Brandmayr, Julia; Generierung und Analyse von Veränderungen im CACNB2 Gen
Yang, Zhengxiong; The Finite Cell Method for Geometry-Based Structural Simulation
Hellings, C.;Joham, M.;Utschick,W.; Gradient-Based Rate Balancing for MIMO Broadcast Channels with Linear Precoding
Lauer, Martin Rolf Werner; Determination of the Heat Release Distribution in Turbulent Flames by Chemiluminescence Imaging
Koppen, Mario Johannes; Van der Waals forces in the context of non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics
Schneider, Martha; Molekulare Mechanismen des SARS-Coronavirus: Charakterisierung des akzessorischen 7a-Proteins und Effekt des proteasomalen Inhibitors MG-132 auf die virale Replikation
Kessler, Stephan; Mathematisches Fachwissen von gymnasialen Mathematiklehrkräften
Schlattmann, Markus; Weiterentwicklung des „Anaerobic Digestion Model (ADM1)“ zur Anwendung auf landwirtschaftliche Substrate
Henning, Horst Alfred; Synaptic signaling by mGluR1 and TRPC3 in spiny dendrites of cerebellar Purkinje cells
Brazee, J.; Chang, S.J.; Möhring, B.; Moog, M.; Tahvonen, O.; Financial Effects of Silvicultural Measures in Pure Spruce Protection Forests in the Bavarian Alps
Thoma, Falko; Lastübertragung im verformten System Lager-Welle-Zahnrad
Blume, Moritz; Joint Image and Motion Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography
Götz, Barbara; Valuation of multi-dimensional derivatives in a stochastic covariance framework
Klein, Agnes; Kaufbereitschaft für regional-fair erzeugte Lebensmittel - Eine Analyse am Beispiel Konsummilch
Gong, Hongbo; Generalization of road network for an embedded car navigation system
Bauer, Barbara Andrea; Spinalanästhesie zur Sectio caesarea- Bedeutung des Blutdruckabfalls für das Neugeborene
Eisenächer, Katharina; Functional analysis of cytosolic sensors of viral nucleic acids and their role for innate antiviral immune defense
Günther, Nina Angela; Drivers of Earnings Management and Conservatism in the German Stock Market
Wurzbacher, Michael; Untersuchungen zum Einfluss antioxidativer Substanzen auf die Geschmacksstabilität des Bieres
Mitsakis, Panagiotis; Online analysis of the tar content of biomass gasification producer gas
Brei, Thomas; Vergleich der Lebensqualität bei radikal-chirurgisch behandelten Patienten der beiden häufigsten Tumorentitäten in der Urologie im Verlauf des ersten postoperativen Jahres
Freiding, Simone; Identification of genetic markers and bottlenecks in Lactobacillus sakei constituting safety and quality determinants of fermented sausages
Brunnbauer, Melanie Deborah; Mechanische Untersuchungen heterodimerer Kinesin-2 Motoren
Pfaller, Florian Felix; Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen von Melanompräparaten mit MTAP, TFPI–2 und SOCS–3 als neue prognostische Marker oder Risikofaktoren
Haug, S., Stelzer, R.; Multivariate ECOGARCH processes
Kalcher, Immanuel; Aqueous Electrolytes: Ion-Specific Structure and Thermodynamics
Horn, Caroline; Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Mammakarzinom nach primär systemischer Therapie
Wurm, Christine; Structure, Mechanics and Dynamics of Cytoskeletal Model Systems
Reinnicke, Sandra; Compound specific isotope analysis of the pesticides bentazone, MCPA, dichlobenil and its main metabolite BAM: Method validation and degradation studies
Ewender, Sabine; Langzeiterfahrungen nach Verletzungen der Halswirbelsäule
Zhu, Xiaoxiang; Very High Resolution Tomographic SAR Inversion for Urban Infrastructure Monitoring — A Sparse and Nonlinear Tour
Tichmann, Klaus; Bestimmung des Haftkoeffizienten niederenergetischer Kohlenwasserstoffionen
Haberl, Wolfgang; Code Generation and System Integration of Distributed Automotive Applications
Flurl, Benedikt; Ein modulares Verfahren zur Simulation von Mehrfeldproblemen in Strömungsmaschinen
Anzeneder, Tobias; Röntgenweichstrahltherapie bei benignen Dermatofibromatosen
Spießberger, Beate; Analyse der Funktion der cGMP-abhängigen Proteinkinasen in der Nebenniere und im Duodenum
Filous, Michael N.; Lizenzierungsgerechte Produktentwicklung
Sommer, Christian; Construction and Operation of a Cryogenic Source for Cold Polar Molecules
Tschöke, Tilman; Know-how-Management in der Beschaffung
Schmidhuber, Michael; Konzeption und Erprobung eines biohybriden nanoanalytischen Handheld Systems
Schelter, Florian; Der Hypoxia-inducible factor-1- Signalweg fördert die Metastasierung von Tumorzellen unabhängig von seiner Zellüberleben-sichernden Funktion
Lescher, Christian; Collaboration-based Metrics for Project Management Support in Global Software Engineering
Pilloni, Giovanni; Distribution and dynamics of contaminant degraders and microbial communities in stationary and non-stationary contaminant plumes
Sauceda-Friebe, Jimena Celia; Immunoanalytical Determination of Mycotoxins in Food with an Automatized Instrumental Platform
Hollweck, Trixi; Ein neues kardiales Stammzellimplantat zur Therapie kardiomyodegenerativer Erkrankungen
Bätz, Georg; Planning and Control Methods for Robotic Manipulation Tasks with Non-Negligible Dynamics
Zikic, Darko; Contributions to Medical Image Registration
Beinhofer, B.; Knoke, T.; Finanziell vorteilhafte Douglasienanteile
Beinhofer, B.; Knoke, T.; Vorteilhafte Douglasienanteile unter variierenden Rahmenbedingungen
Sikora, Arkadiusz Eugeniusz; Small-Molecule Inhibitors of p53-MDM2 interactions
Ibing, Andreas; Search Based Software Design for Communication Receivers
Mönich, Ullrich Johann; Reconstruction and Processing of Bandlimited Signals Based on Their Discrete Values
Gupta, Ashutosh Kumar; Constraint solving for verification
Joder, Karin N.; Intramolecular and intermolecular diffusion processes in protein folding and assembly
Schweda, Christian M.; Development of Organization-Specific Enterprise Architecture Modeling Languages Using Building Blocks
Boussama, F., Fuchs, F., Stelzer, R.; Stationarity and geometric ergodicity of BEKK multivariate GARCH models
Einhellig, Heike; Determinanten von ultrasonographischen Atherosklerosemarkern der A. carotis bei Typ 1 diabetischen Kindern und Erwachsenen
Otto, Elke; Design and Synthesis of Highly Active and Selective α5β1 Integrin Ligands Containing the New IsoDGR Binding Sequence
Schramm, Stefan; Methode zur Berechnung der Feldeffektivität integraler Fußgängerschutzsysteme
Scharpf, Johannes; Modellbasierte Methodik zur Optimierung der Sensorkonfiguration am Beispiel Dieselmotor
Poitschke, Tony Matthias; Blickbasierte Mensch-Maschine Interaktion im Automobil
Eichhorn, Michael; Dynamische Generierung von sicheren Benutzerschnittstellen in verteilten Systemen
Weitsch, Yvonne; Metamaterials in Arbitrary Waveguiding Structures
Dennewald, Danielle; Biphasic whole-cell synthesis of R-2-octanol with recycling of the ionic liquid
Prokopczuk, Patrick; Neue Herstellungsverfahren für integral bechaufelte Rotoren
Reichardt, Robert; Entwicklung neuer Katalysatoren für die Synthese von biologisch abbaubarem Poly(3-hydroxybutyrat) aus großtechnisch verfügbaren Rohstoffen.
Keimel, Christian; Klimpke, Manuel; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; No-Reference Video Quality Metric for HDTV Based on H.264/AVC Bitstream Features
Buerschaper, Oliver; The Structure of Nonchiral Topological Order
Diem, Olivia; Regulation der Expressionsaktivität humaner endogener Retroviren (HERVs)
Zwick, Michael; Predicting Cache Contention in Multicore Processor Systems
Logé, Christoph; Enantiosensitive Lasermassenspektrometrie
Baumann, Sandra; Downstream Signaling of Oncogenic Kras in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: In Vivo and Ex Vivo Imaging of Tumor Cell Proliferation as a Tool for the Identification of Therapeutic Targets
Lüthi, Stefan; Interlocking firm networks and emerging Mega-City Regions
Dakovic, R., Czado, C.; Comparing point and interval estimates in the bivariate t-copula model with application to financial data
Assimonis, S. D. ; Matthaiou, M.; Karagiannidis, G. K. ; Nossek, J.A.; Improved parametric families of ISI-free Nyquist pulses using inner and outer functions
Weigl, Tobias Marius; Eine strukturbasierte Indexanalyse differential-algebraischer Gleichungen
Blanke, Fabian; Kontrastverstärkte Magnetresonanztomographie zur nicht-invasiven Erkennung und Charakterisierung der Löffler Endokarditis bei Patienten mit Hypereosinophilem Syndrom.
Hinterramskogler, Bastian; Takeovers and Private Equity Investors
Giovannini, Paola; Studies on the top quark mass measurement in the all-hadronic top-antitop decay channel with ATLAS
Lecreps, Isabelle; Physical mechanisms involved in the transport of slugs during horizontal pneumatic conveying
Kretschmer, Karsten Alexander; High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Gamma-Ray Lines
Niemann, Karin; Die unspezifischen Effekte der Akupunktur: zwei systematische Übersichtsarbeiten randomisierter klinischer Studien
Stürmer, Kathleen; Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung Professioneller Unterrichtswahrnehmung im Rahmen universitärer Lehrerausbildung
Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Modeling and minimization of transciever power consumption in wireless networks
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; On multistreaming with compact antennas arrays
Castañeda, M.;Nossek, J.A.; Multiuser diversity with limited feedback
Slim, I.; Castañeda, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; FDD overhead optimization for a multiuser two-way system with imperfect CSI
Brunner, H.H.; Castañeda, M.; Nossek, J.A.; How much training is needed for interference coordination in cellular networks?
Huss, H.-H.; Stimm, B.; Mosandl, R; Mit Eicheln gemästete Schweine schmecken besonders gut
Alonso Herranz, Elisa; Short-term measurement of high-temperature chlorine-induced corrosion and agglomeration during biomass and waste combustion
Stross, Leonhard; The Influence of Regulatory T cells and other Immunoregulators on the Course of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Aulbach, Stefan; Schema Flexibility and Data Sharing in Multi-Tenant Databases
Schlemm, Eckhard; Estimation of Continuous-Time ARMA Models and Random Matrices with Dependent Entries
Dolze, Esther; Die peroxisomale processing-protease DEG15: Vermittlung von Dimerisierung und Substrat-Bindung durch das calmodulin-like-protein CML3
D'Angelo, Lorenzo Tancredi; Konzepte zur aktivitätseingebetteten Prävention
Ivanidze, Jana; Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis: Inflammatory and Degenerative Disease Mechanisms
Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste in München; Those who can do... Writing about Landscape Architecture
Rocci Denis, Sara; Design and Experimental Study of Injection Systems in a Supersonic Combustion Chamber
Cohrs, Christian Matthias; Discovery of new pathomechanisms in murine bone disease mutants by systemic analysis
Mücke, Martin; Elektromagnetisch induzierte Transparenz mit einem einzelnen Atom
Vlaicu, Philip; Interaction Pathways between Breast Cancer Cells and Macrophages
Elsayed, Salah; Development of non-contacting high throughput sensing to determine drought stress in wheat and maize
Müller, Katharina Eva; Korrelate der leichten kognitiven Störung im höheren Lebensalter
Schaul, Tom; Studies in Continuous Black-box Optimization
Promberger, Christoph; The Fourth Generation: A Comprehensive Analysis
Friese, Sylvia; On Normalization and Type Checking for Tree Transducers
Lenz, Claus; Context-aware human-robot collaboration as a basis for future cognitive factories
Blomberg, Geraldine; Der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos in der universitären Lehrerbildung
Schattke, Kaspar Philipp; Flow Experience as Consequence and Self-Determination as Antecedence of Congruence between Implicit and Explicit Motives
Huber, Manuel; Parasitic Tracking for Ubiquitous Augmented Reality
Gross, Josef Johann; Differential adaptation of performance, metabolism and endocrine systems to lactational and nutrition induced negative energy balance of dairy cows
Ciemniak, Christian; Setup of a Neutron Scattering Facility for the Measurement of Scintillation Light Quenching Factors of Low-Temperature Detectors Used in the Direct Dark Matter Search Experiments CRESST and EURECA
Fouda, Sara; Nitrogen availability of biogas residues
Maier, Sarah Maria; New Insights on Fe-Zeolite Catalysts for the Reduction of NOx with NH3
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.;Joham, M.; Power Minimization in Parallel Vector Broadcast Channels with Separate Linear Precoding
Kohlpaintner, Michael; Kleinräumige Variabilität der Nitratkonzentrationen im Sickerwasser eines N-gesättigten Fichtenforstes – Beschreibung, Erklärung, Konsequenzen
Heider, Jens; Ubiquitous Personal Information Management
Fritzsche, Martin; Requirements Engineering für änderungsintensive, marktgetriebene Softwareentwicklungsprojekte von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
Schaller, Philipp; Aktienbasierte Incentives im Rahmen der Vorstandsvergütung -
Gruber, Helga; Surveillance of Cry1Ab protein and cry1Ab DNA in liquid manure, soil and agricultural crops under Bt-maize cropping and slurry management of cows fed Bt-maize (MON810)
Bendlin, R.; Chandrasekhar, V.; Chen, R.; Ekpenyong, A.; Onggosanusi, E.; From Homogeneous to heterogeneous Networks;A 3GPP Long Term Evolution Rel. 8/9 Case Study
Karsunke, Xaver York Zacharias; Entwicklung immunanalytischer Methoden zur Detektion von niedermolekularen toxischen Verbindungen in Lebensmitteln
P. Jurkowski, P. Henkel, G. Gao and C. Günther; Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Tight and Soft Baseline Constraints for Freight Stabilization at Helicopters and Cranes
Lang Halter, Evi; Prävalenz und Biodiversität von Listeria Spezies in limnischen Habitaten
Marcinowski, Moritz; Functional conformations of the molecular chaperone BiP
Hachinger, Stephan; Analysis of spectra of Type I Supernovae with radiative transfer models
Liu, Yimei; Distributed geo-services based on Wireless GIS- a case study for post-quake rescue information system
Benedix, Olaf; Adaptive Numerical Solution of State Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Frenzel, Elrike; Regulation of the biosynthesis of the food-borne Bacillus cereus toxin cereulide
Schlögl, Katrin; Identical location transmission electron microscopy in combination with rotating disc electrode measurements -- the activity of fuel cell catalysts and their degradation
Clauss, Johannes; Intelligente Zahnschiene als Technologieplattform für sensorische Implantate
Kossler, Sarah; Electronic properties of physisorbed helium
Weigand, Luise; Characterization of human MHC II-restricted T cell receptors with reactivity against B cells and tumor cells for therapeutic application in the context of adoptive T cell transfer of transgenic CD4 T cells
Brechmann, E.C., Czado, C. and Ng, P.; Quantifying geographical and macroeconomic effects on bank branch deposits using linear mixed models
Pfaffel, O. and Schlemm, E.; Eigenvalue distribution of large sample covariance matrices of linear processes
Min, A. and Czado,C.; Bayesian model selection for D-vine pair-copula constructions.
Moser, M. and Stelzer, R.; Tail behavior of multivariate Lévy-driven mixed moving average processes and supOU stochastic volatility models
Mayerhofer, E., Pfaffel, O. and Stelzer, R.; On strong solutions for positive definite jump diffusions
Ueltzhöfer, F., Klüppelberg, C.; An oracle inequality for penalised projection estimation of Lévy densities from high-frequency observations
Müller, G., Durand, R.B., and Maller, R.A.; The risk-return tradeoff: A COGARCH analysis of Merton's hypothesis
García, I., Klüppelberg, C., Müller, G.; Estimation of stable CARMA models with an application to electricity spot prices
Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. and Stelzer, R.; Multivariate supOU processes
Fink, H., Klüppelberg, C.; Fractional Lévy driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and stochastic differential equations
Czado, C., Heyn, A., Müller, G.; Modeling individual migraine severity with autoregressive ordered probit models.
Haug, S., Klüppelberg, C. and Peng, L.; Statistical models and methods for dependence in insurance data
Esmaeili, H., Klüppelberg, C.; Parametric estimation of a bivariate stable Lévy process
Bankovsky, D., Klüppelberg, C. and Maller, R.; On the ruin probability of the generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in the Cramér case
Schlemm, E.; On the Markov transition kernels for first-passage percolation on the ladder
Akdere, Deniz; Die Rolle des in vivo bestimmten "Patienten-Prothesen-Mismatch" auf die Prognose bei Aortenklappenersatz
Dotzler, A.;Utschick, W.;Dietl, G.; Linear Successive User Allocation in the Multi-Cell MIMO Environment
Dotzler, A.;Utschick, W.;Dietl, G.; Efficient Zero-Forcing Based Interference Coordination for MISO Networks
Loschko, Jakob; Antigen targeting to plasmacytoid dendritic cells - induction of tolerance or immunity
Jokic, Nadezda; Synthesis and Applications of Bidentate N-heterocyclic Mono- and Biscarbene Ligands
Sprenger, Timm O.; Essays on the Information Content of Microblogs and their Use as an Indicator of Real-World Events
Ducka, Anna Magdalena; Molecular architecture of Spire-actin complexes and its implication for actin filament assembly
Schmidt, David; Communications in Multi-Antenna Interference Networks
Schwarze, Susanne; Auswirkung der Elektrokrampftherapie auf die Herzfrequenzvariabilität bei depressiven Patienten
Borla Tridon, Daniela; A study of cosmic electrons between 100 GeV and 2 TeV with the MAGIC telescopes
Rohrmüller, Florian; Action Selection in Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems
Liang, Xiaoling; Functional characterization of allorestricted T cell receptors (TCRs) with specificity for HER2/neu and FMNL1 in vitro and in vivo for potential clinical application
Fiener, P.; Auerswald, K.; Van Oost, K.; Spatio-temporal patterns in land use and management affecting surface runoff response of agricultural catchments - A review
Gamnitzer, U.; Moyes, A.B.; Bowling, D.R.; Schnyder, H.; Measuring and modelling the isotopic composition of soil respiration: insights from a grassland tracer experiment
Georgiev, Stoyan; Mass Analyzed Threshold Ionization Studies and Quantum-Chemical Calculations of Biologically Relevant Molecules and Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes
Gernhardt, Stefan; High Precision 3D Localization and Motion Analysis of Persistent Scatterers using Meter-Resolution Radar Satellite Data
Herz, Markus; Optimierung der Förderrate einer piezoelektrischen Hochleistungs-Mikropumpe
Stübner, Matthias; Hydrophobins and Fungispumins - surface active fungal proteins with a role in foam stability of carbonated beverages and fungus-plant interaction
Anselment, Timo Martin Jürgen; Development of Novel Phosphine Sulphonate-Based Palladium Catalysts for Ethene Homo- and Co-Polymerisation Reactions with Polar-Functionalised Olefins
Gorantla, Sivahari Prasad; Studies on the functional domains in oncogenic JAK2 and identification of drug resistant mutations in FIP1L1-PDGFRa
Franke, David; Investigation of mechanical contact problems with high-order Finite Element Methods
Drude, Nicholas; Optimale Gestaltung von Strukturen elastischer Materialien durch die Topologieoptimierung mit Gewichtungsoperatoren
Lammirato, Carlo; Hydrolysis of cellobiose by β-glucosidase from Aspergillus niger in the presence of soil solid phases: minerals, biochar, and activated carbon
Walch, Dennis; Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Belastungsermittlung in der Kommissionierung vor dem Hintergrund einer alternsgerechten Arbeitsgestaltung der Intralogistik
Leitloff, Jens; Detektion von Fahrzeugen in optischen Satellitenbildern
Klaus, Stephan; Development of Efficient Catalysts for the CO2/Epoxide Copolymerization Reaction
Leipold, Frank M.; Wireless UWB Aircraft Cabin Communication System
Amann, Johanna; Redundancy and Access Permissions in Decentralized File Systems
Stief, Felix; Development of a Gait Analysis Model and its Clinical Relevance for the Treatment of Patients With Varus Malalignment of the Knee
Hofsøy, Dan Anker; Development and evaluation of a long-term management system for sleep-related breathing disorders
Satzinger, Kurt Leopold; Entwicklung neuer Legierungskonzepte mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt zur Herstellung von kontinuierlich schmelztauchverzinkten hochfesten Mehrphasenstählen
Rieger, Andreas; Entwicklung und Konzeption eines Gehörgangsensors für die mobile Pulsoximetrie
Tholen, Susanne Vera; Der Zusammenhang zwischen klinischer Progression und PIB-PET als Marker der zerebralen Amyloid-Pathologie bei Patienten mit Alzheimer-Krankheit im zeitlichen Verlauf
Mestek, Peter; Punktgestützte Flächentragwerke aus Brettsperrholz (BSP) – Schubbemessung unter Berücksichtigung von Schubverstärkungen
Tran, David; Indirect Signatures of Unstable Dark Matter in Cosmic-Ray Antimatter and in the Gamma-Ray Sky
Fichtinger, Astrid; Semantische Transformation im Kontext von INSPIRE
Greenwald, Daniel; Muon Colliders, Frictional Cooling and Universal Extra Dimensions
Niemczyk, Thomas; From strong to ultrastrong coupling in circuit QED architectures
Martín González, Anabel; Advanced Imaging in Head-Mounted Displays for Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Tenorth, Moritz; Knowledge Processing for Autonomous Robots
Neher, Rosaly; Untersuchung zur ZAG-Expression im Fettgewebe von Tumorpatienten
Lettner, Matthias; Ein Bose-Einstein-Kondensat als Quantenspeicher für Zwei-Teilchen-Verschränkung
Diethert, Alexander; Near-surface composition of pressure sensitive adhesive films and its impact on adhesion
Ahmad, Nafees; Functional and regulatory network analysis of Pitx3 in aphakia – a mouse model for microphthalmia and Parkinson’s disease
Gerdes, L.; Utschick, W.; Optimized Capacity Bounds for the Half-Duplex Gaussian MIMO Relay Channel
Gerdes, L.; Utschick, W.; Optimized Capacity Bounds for the MIMO Relay Channel
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; On the Inseparability of Parallel MIMO Broadcast Channels with Linear Transceivers
Mátyás, Alpár; Modeling of quantum cascade lasers by ensemble Monte-Carlo methods
Knorr, Jürgen; Inzidenz cerebraler Krampfanfälle nach Operationen am offenen Herzen
Marschall, Matthias; Supramolecular Engineering of Regular and Disordered Networks on Metal Surfaces
Heindl, Thomas; Die Szintillation von flüssigem Argon
Bista, Michal; NMR high resolution spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography for development of MDM2/X-p53 interaction antagonists
Kumke, Holger; Kartographische Anreicherung von Gebäudefassaden mit thermalen Bilddaten
Henkel, Tobias; Modellierung von Reaktion und Stofftransport in geformten Katalysatoren am Beispiel der Methanolsynthese
Gründinger, A.; Joham, M.; Utschick, W.; Stochastic Transceiver Design in Multi-Antenna Channels with Statistical Channel State Information
Kutscher, Michael; Verjüngung von Fichtenreinbeständen in den Flyschbergen und im Kalkalpin mittels Saat
Günzel, Christian; Präklinische Reanimationen im Rettungsdienstbereich Dachau
Herrmannsdörfer, Markus; Evolutionary Metamodeling
Hrabar, Ana; Understanding hydrodenitrogenation on unsupported and supported sulfide based catalysts
Hagenau, Anja; Analyse der Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen natürlicher Muschelbyssusfäden der Miesmuschel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Méndez Fernández, Daniel; Requirements Engineering: Artefact-Based Customisation
Schell, Stefan; Dose delivery and treatment planning methods for efficient radiation therapy with laser-driven particle beams
Djintchui Ngongang, Arnaud; Development of Compounds Suitable for NMR Quantum Computing
Höfel, Torben; Reaktionstechnische Analyse rekombinanter Mikroorganismen zur Herstellung von Hydroxyisobuttersäure
Hofinger, Michael; Membrangestützte Herstellung bakterieller Cellulose mit Gluconacetobacter xylinus
Delhomme, Clara; Process Integration of Fermentation and Catalysis for the Production of Succinic Acid Derivatives
Ghiglieri, Jacopo; Effective Field Theories of QCD for Heavy Quarkonia at Finite Temperature
Hohe, Martin; Kreuzotterbisse und ihre Langzeitfolgen
Golosova, Anastasia; Chemical modification of carbon nanotubes for nanocomposite applications
Christian, Jan Gregor; Bedeutung chlamydialer Pathogenitätsfaktoren für bakterielles Wachstum und Signalwege der Wirtszelle
Sellmeier, Stefan; Laserspektroskopische Spurenanalytik von Ölbestandteilen in Abgasen von Verbrennungsmotoren
Preissler, Patrick; Categorization of Lactobacillus brevis along their beer-spoiling potential
Grünewald, Sophie; Kardiale Risikofaktoren für Herzoperationen bei erwachsenen Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern
Betz, Daniel; Olefin epoxidation with transition-metal catalysts in ionic liquids
Sun, Minxuan; Crybb2, a new candidate gene for schizophrenia?
Sinz, Quirin; Aminosäure- und Peptidstoffwechsel von Lactobacillus sakei: Analytische und biochemische Untersuchungen zur Bildung von aromarelevanten Verbindungen
Barkhausen, Christoph; Production of non carrier added (n.c.a.)177Lu for radiopharmaceutical applications
Marschall, Holger; Towards the Numerical Simulation of Multi-Scale Two-Phase Flows
Brenner, Cornelia; 10 Jahre nationales Forschungsprojekt „Familiäres Prostatakarzinom“ - Probleme der Identifikation von Risikofamilien
Rath, Stephan; Einfluss der purinergen Signalkaskade auf die Tumorprogression im humanen kolorektalen Karzinom
Kapteina, Gesa; Modell zur Beschreibung des Eindringens von Chlorid in Beton von Verkehrsbauwerken
Busch, F.; Grenzenlos mobil?
Boltze, M.; Busch, F.; Friedrich, B.; Friedrich, M.; Kohoutek, S.; Löhner, H.; Lüßmann, J.; Otterstätter, T.; AMONES: Anwendung und Analyse modellbasierter Netzsteuerungsverfahren in städtischen Straßennetzen - Teil 2: Analyse und Ergebnisse
Grosanic, S.; Piszczek, S.; Umfelddatenerfassung in Verkehrsbeeinflussungsanlagen
Boltze, M.; Busch, F.; Friedrich, B.; Friedrich, M.; Kohoutek, S.; Löhner, H.; Lüßmann, J.; Otterstätter, T.; AMONES: Anwendung und Analyse modellbasierter Netzsteuerungsverfahren in städtischen Straßennetzen - Teil 1: Problemstellung und Methodik
Monninger, D; Busch, F.; Kloth, H.; Personalisiertes Informations- und Störfallmanagementsystem im ÖPNV für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung
Leonhardt, A.; Busch, F.; Sachse, T.; Dynamische Regelung der Straßenbenutzungsgebühr zum optimalen Betrieb von High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes
Gründinger, A.; Joham, M.; Utschick, W.; Design of Beamformaing in the Satellite Downlink with Static and Mobile Users
Deuschinger, Lena; Konzeption eines Ansatzes zur Berechnung der Bürokratiekosten von Unternehmen in Deutschland
Boltze, M.; Busch, F.; Friedrich, B.; Friedrich, M.; Kohoutek, S.; Löhner, H.; Lüßmann, J.; Otterstätter, T.; AMONES: Anwendung und Analyse modellbasierter Netzsteuerungsverfahren in städtischen Straßennetzen - Teil 3: Evaluierung und Handlungsempfehlungen
Wunderlich, Th.; Fischell, M.; Schäfer, Th.; 25 Years of wrong GPS Campaign Planning
Dittrich, C.; Busch, F.; Rückstaulängenschätzung zur verbesserten Geschwindigkeitsempfehlung im Fahrzeug
Brandlmaier, Andreas; Electric-field control of magnetization in multifunctional hybrid devices
Lattke, F.; Ott, S.; Winter, S.; TES EnergyFacade. Innovative vorgefertigte Fassadenelemente aus Holz.
Mayser, Sabine; Perceived Fairness of Differential Customer Treatment
Ehle, Anita; Zum Einfluss des Ovulationsgeschehens auf Knochenstoffwechsel und Knochendichte in der Perimenopause
Suter, Floriana Viola; Untersuchung zum Einfluss des ersten Assistenten auf die Operabilität und das funktionelle und onkologische Ergebnis nach radikaler Prostatovesikuloektomie bei Vorliegen eines Prostatakarzinoms
Pronk, Geertje Johanna; Biogeochemical interfaces in natural and artificial soil systems: specific surface area, phenanthrene sorptive properties and formation of organo-mineral associations
Schulz, Stefanie; Functional diversity of nitrogen transforming microbial communities during terrestrial ecosystem development
Wieland, Bernd; Investigations on radial electric fields in the edge transport barrier of H-mode discharges
Perreiter, Eva; L1-algebras on commutative hypergroups: Structure and properties arising from harmonic analysis
Fritsche, Petra; Einfluss der Histondeacetylase 2 (HDAC2) auf die Pathogenese des Pankreaskarzinoms
B. Brendle; A Simulation Model for a Smart Home and Vehicle to Building Application
D. Ciechanowicz; Economics of Vehicle-to-Grid
S. Fendt; Storage of Bio-Energy - Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) as Contribution to Future Enery Systems
S. Franke; Production Based Energy Management Tools for the Food Processing Industry
B. Gohla-Neudecker; Supplying Clean and Affordable Energy for TUM's MUTE
C. Hammer; Modeling long-term impacts of regulatory instruments on the German energy sector
A. W. Holleitner; Photovoltaics of nanoscale circuits comprising photosynthetic proteins
M. A. Ruderer; Morphology of bulk heterojunction systems for polymer-based photovoltaics
A. Tremel; Load Change and Power Storage Requirements for Renewable Energies
Czeschka, Franz Dominik; Spin Currents in Metallic Nanostructures
Spangenberg, Andrea; Hahn, Andreas; Eltrop, Ludger; Wern, Bernhard; Neuer Umgang Russlands mit Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Schmid, Wolfgang; Construction of a sputtering reactor for the coating and processing of monolithic U-Mo nuclear fuel
Scheffel, Matthias; Design and Optimization of Wavelength-Switched Optical Core Networks
Kopp, Christine; Einfluss der Schneidparameter beim Scher- und Keilschneiden von Magnesiumblechwerkstoffen
Harnoß, Tobias; Morphologische 3D Analyse der anatomischen Lage von drei Marknagelmodellen zur Versorgung proximaler Humerusfrakturen
Eibauer, Matthias; Korrektur der Transferfunktionen CTF und MTF in der Kryoelektronentomographie
H. Boche, M. Schubert; A Generalization of Nash Bargaining and Proportional Fairness to Log-Convex Utility Sets with Power Constraints
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan, H. Boche; Pricing Mechanisms for Multi-Carrier Wireless Systems
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Signal Reconstruction from Sine Wave Crossings
M. Wiese, H. Boche, I. Bjelakovic, V. Jungnickel; The Compound Multiple Access Channel with Partially Cooperating Encoders
H. Boche, S. Naik, M. Schubert; Combinatorial Characterization of Interference Coupling in Wireless Systems
A. Ibing, H. Boche; Automatic Joint Optimization of Iterative MIMO-OFDM Receiver Algorithms on a Meta Level
A. Ibing, H. Boche, P. Otto; On Channel Correlation Based Scheduling and Signalling for MIMO-OFDMA Downlink
H. Boche, S. Naik, M. Schubert; Pareto Boundary of Utility Sets for Multiuser Wireless Systems
H. Boche, S. Naik, T. Alpcan; Characterization of Convex and Concave Resource Allocation Problems in Interference Coupled Wireless Systems
V. Pohl, F.Y. Suratman, A.M. Zoubir, H. Boche; Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Architectures Based on Sub-Nyquist Sampling Schemes
B. Farrell, H. Boche; Worst Case and Expected Peak-to-Average Power Ratio for Orthonormal Systems
S. Wahls, H. Boche; On Spatio-Temporal Tomlinson Harashima Precoding in IIR Channels: MMSE Solution, Properties, and Fast Computation
S. Wahls, H. Boche; Linear IIR-MMSE Precoding for Frequency Selective MIMO Channels
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Sampling of Deterministic Signals and Systems
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Carrier-Cooperative Transmission in Parallel MIMO Broadcast Channels: Potential Gains and Algorithms
Haitof, Houssam; A Framework for Autonomic Service-based Resource Management Using a Semantic Approach
Spangler, Barbara Martina; Die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors c-Jun bei der Entstehung des malignen Melanoms
Huber, Christian; Evaluierung der pflanzlichen Entgiftungskapazität für Humanarzneimittel in der Phytoremediation am Beispiel der Wirkstoffe Paracetamol und Diclofenac
Koch, Ulrich; Modellbasierte Regelung elektromagnetischer Aktoren für Störgeräuschprüfstände
Jia, Hongbo; Dendritic organization of sensory inputs in cortical neurons in vivo
Strasser, Alexandra; The relevance of mental images
T. Lorenz;A. Mörtl;B. Vlaskamp;A. Schubö;S. Hirche; Synchronization in a goal-directed task: human movement coordination with each other and robotic partners
A. Molin;H. Tischer;S. Hirche; Order Reduction in Optimal Event-triggered Control Design for Linear Stochastic Systems
T. Nierhoff;O. Kourakos;S. Hirche; Playing Pool with a Dual-Armed Robot
Lee, Dongheui;Ott, Christian;Nakamura, Yoshihiko;Hirzinger, Gerd; Physical Human Robot Interation in Imitation Learning
A. Gusrialdi;R. Dirza;S. Hirche; Information-driven distributed coverage algorithms for mobile sensor networks
A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche; Communication topology design for large-scale interconnected systems with time delay
F. Brandi;R. Chaudhari;S. Hirche;J. Kammerl;E. Steinbach;I. Vittorias; Perceptual Haptic Data Reduction in Telepresence and Teleaction Systems
R.F. Wyrembelski, T.J. Oechtering, H. Boche; MIMO Gaussian Bidirectional Broadcast Channels with Common Messages
Byrne, Robert; Coronary Restenosis and Arterial Healing Following Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation – Time Course, Angiographic Metrics and Impact of Modifications in Polymer and Drug Coatings
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Klimpke, Manuel; Diepold, Klaus; Design of No-Reference Video Quality Metrics with Multiway Partial Least Squares Regression
Keimel, Christian; Redl, Arne; Diepold, Klaus; Comparison of HDTV formats in a consumer environment
Keimel, Christian; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus; Extending video quality metrics to the temporal dimension with 2D-PCR
Keimel, Christian; Rothbucher, Martin; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus; Video is a Cube: Multidimensional Analysis and Video Quality Metrics
Chen, Xiaowei; Sensory information processing in the mouse cortex: From brain circuits to single synapses
Grünecker, Barbara; Manganese-enhanced MRI as an in vivo functional imaging tool in mice
Muschik, Christine; Quantum Information Processing with Atoms and Photons
Satzger, Thomas; Fast Marching Methods for Indefinite and Anisotropic Metrics
Bauer, G.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; A 3D finite element approach for the coupled numerical simulation of electrochemical systems and fluid flow
Kastenmüller, Andreas; Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Assemblierung und Struktur von kleinen Hitzeschockproteinen
Maier, Paul;Jain, Dominik;Sachenbacher, Martin; Diagnostic Hypothesis Enumeration vs. Probabilistic Inference for Hierarchical Automata Models
Maier, Paul;Jain, Dominik;Sachenbacher, Martin; Compiling AI Engineering Models for Probabilistic Inference
Fonds and Co.; Willkommen im Wald
Deflorian, Michael; Versuchsplanung und Methoden zur Identifikation zeitkontinuierlicher Zustandsraummodelle am Beispiel des Verbrennungsmotors
Czado, C. and Schmidt, T.; Mathematische Statistik
Czado, C., Zhang, R., Min, A.; Efficient maximum likelihood estimation of copula based meta t-distributions
Philipp Mittendorfer and Gordon Cheng; Humanoid Multi-Modal Tactile Sensing Modules
Vandewalle, J., Nossek, J.A.; Nullators and norators in circuits education: A benefit or an obstacle?
Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Power efficiency in communication systems from a circuit perspective
Antreich, F.; Nossek, J.A.; Optimum chip pulse shape design for timing synchronization
Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; MMSE based FDD overhead optimization for a multiuser two-way system
Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; A method to convert near-perfect into perfect reconstruction FIR prototype filters for modulated filter banks
Bai., Q.; Nossek, J.A.; Optimal QoS-Constrained Resource Allocation in Downlink and Uplink Multicarrier Systems
Castañeda, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Multiuser feedback design with multiple receive antennas
Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Quantized CDI based Tomlinson Harashima precoding for broadcast channels
Nossek, J.A.; Ivrlac, M.T.; On the relation of circuit theory and signals, systems and communications
Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Scalar quanitzer based feedback of the channel direction information in MU-MISO systems
Brunner, H.H.; Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Upper Bound to Interference Coordination with Channel State Information Outdating
Matthaiou, M.; Chatzidiamantis, N.D.; Karagiannidis, G. K. ; Nossek, J.A.; ZF Detectors over Correlated K Fading MIMO Channels
Antreich, F.; Nossek, J.A.; Seco-Granados, G.; Swindlehurst, A.L.; The extended invariance principle for signal parameter estimation in an unknown spatial field
Lumpp, Björn Christian; Echtzeitfähige Stickoxidmodellierung zur Integration im Steuergerät eines Nutzfahrzeug-Dieselmotors
Takaaki Kuratate and Brennand Pierce and Gordon Cheng; `Mask-bot''- a life-size talking head animated robot for AV speech and human-robot communication research
Gomez Torres, Armando Miguel; Further developments of multiphysics and multiscale methodologies for coupled nuclear reactor simulations
Al-Hasan, Nisar Salim; Numerische Untersuchung transsonischer reaktiver Strömungen zur gasdynamisch initiierten Partikelerzeugung
Schümmer, Tobias; The role of a hydrophobic cluster for stability and assembly kinetics of the trimeric foldon domain from T4 fibritin
Stefanescu, Alexander; Design and Application of an Optical High Time Resolution Instrument for High-Energy Transients
Oliver-Daumen, Bartolomé Peter; Produktsicherheit bei UltraClean- und kaltaseptischen Abfüllanlagen
B. Farrell, T. Strohmer; Eigenvalue Estimates and Mutual Information for the Linear Time-Varying Channel
H. Boche, M. Schubert; A Generalization of Nash Bargaining and Proportional Fairness to Long-Convex Utility Sets With Power Constraints
H. Boche, B. Farrell; PAPR and the Density of Information Bearing Signals in OFDM
Renner, Stephan; Kraftspektroskopie mit Nanoporen
Kluge, Sebastian; On the computation of fuel-optimal paths in time-dependent networks
Jungwirth, Rainer; Irradiation behavior of modified high-performance nuclear fuels
Hassabou, Abdel Hakim; Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a PCM-Supported Humidification-Dehumidification Solar Desalination System
Birle, Emanuel; Geohydraulische Eigenschaften verdichteter Tone unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ungesättigten Zustandes
H. Boche, S. Naik, M. Schubert; Combinatorial Characterization of Interference Coupling in Wireless Systems
Opalka, Daniel; New aspects of the Jahn-Teller effect in tetrahedral systems: high-order expansions of the electrostatic Hamiltonian and relativistic Jahn-Teller couplings
Kraus, J.; Bertrand, P.; Zagst, R.; Theory of Performance Participation Strategies
Angsüsser, Stephan; Kartenicons im interkulturellen Vergleich
Kappl, Rolf; The superpotential in heterotic orbifold GUTs
Schröder, W.; Breede, F.; Danowski, C.; Grilli, M.; Hahn, M.; Hosters, N.; Klaus, M.; Kowollik, D.; Genin, C.; Schieffer, G.; Schlösser, J.; Tini, V.; Wallmersperger, T.; Willems, S.; SFB Transregio 40: Schubdüse
Rausch, S.;Haberthuer, D.;Stampanoni, M.;Schittny, J.C.;Wall, W.A.; Local strain distribution in real three-dimensional alveolar geometries
Norman, R.E.;Flanagan, J.;Sigal, I.;Rausch, S.;Tertinegg, I.;Eilaghi, A.;Ethier, C.; Finite element modeling of the human sclera: influence on ONH biomechanics and connections with glaucoma
Klöppel, T.;Popp, A.;Küttler, U.;Wall, W.A.; Fluid-structure interaction for non-conforming interfaces based on a dual mortar formulation
Srinath, D.N.;Wall, W.A.; Airfoil shape optimization under a range of operating conditions
Danowski, C.;Gravemeier, V.;Küttler, U.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.; A monolithic approach to thermo-structure interaction in rocket nozzles
Wall, W.A.;Cyron, C.J.;Klöppel, T.;Meier, C.;Müller, K.; Coupled problems on the cellular and sub-cellular scale
Maier, A.;Gee, M.W.;Reeps, C.;Eckstein, H.-H.;Wall, W.A.; Spatial distribution of material properties in the wall of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Klaas, M.;Koch, K;Schröder, W.; Advanced multi-scale modelling of the respiratory system
Klöppel, T.;Popp, A.;Wall, W.A.; Interface treatment in computational fluid-structure interaction
Popp, A.;Wall, W.A.; Computational contact dynamics including multiphysics and multiscale effects
Srinath, D.N.;Wall, W.A.; Shape optimization of airfoils for drag minimization over a range of operating conditions
Willige, Björn Christopher; Die Gibberellinsignaltransduktion bei Arabidopsis thaliana und ihr Crosstalk mit dem Auxintransport
Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.;Maier, A.;Reeps, C.;Essler, M..; Correlation of biomechanics to tissue reaction in aortic aneurysms assessed by FEM and FDG-PET-CT
Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.;Klöppel, T.;Küttler, U.;Popp, A.; Advanced computational approaches for fluid-structure interaction in haemodynamics
Jordan, Joseph; Effiziente Simulation großer Mauerwerksstrukturen mit diskreten Rissmodellen
Rasthofer, U.;Henke, F.;Wall, W.A.;Gravemeier, V.; An extended residual-based variational multiscale method for two-phase flow including surface tension
Rausch, S.;Martin, Ch.;Bornemann, B.;Uhlig, S.;Wall, W.A.; Material model of lung parenchyma based on living precision-cut lung slice testing
Burlon, Davide; Hard X-ray studies of GRB precursors and AGN
Kröner, Axel; Numerical Methods for Control of Second Order Hyperbolic Equations
Graf, Zofia; Apoptoseinduktion im malignen Melanom: Molekulare Vorgänge und Evaluation zukünftiger Möglichkeiten therapeutischer Zugänge
Braun, Michael; Cooperative Pulses
Cyron, Christian; Micromechanical Continuum Approach for the Analysis of Biopolymer Networks
Klöppel, Th.;Wall, W.A.; A novel two-layer, coupled finite element approach for modeling the nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic behavior of human erythrocytes
Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; Residual-based variational multiscale methods for laminar, transitional and turbulent variable-density flow at low Mach number
Gee, M.; Küttler, U.; Wall, W.A; Truly monolithic algebraic multigrid for fluid-structure interaction
Hawe, Simon;Kleinsteuber, Martin;Diepold, Klaus; Dense Disparity Maps from Sparse Disparity Measurements
Siggelkow, Lisa; Synthesis, Characterization and Computational Studies of Binary and Ternary Intermetallic Compounds in the Systems Alkaline Earth Metal / Transition Metal / Tetrel Element.
Klöppel, T.;Gee, M.;Wall, W.A.; A scaled thickness conditioning for solid- and solid-shell discretizations of thin-walled structures
Shahmiri, S.;Gerstenberger, A.;Wall, W.A.; An XFEM based embedding mesh technique for incompressible viscous flows
Gravemeier, V.; Kronbichler, M.; Gee, M.W.; Wall, W.A.; An algebraic variational multiscale-multigrid method for large-eddy simulation: generalized-alpha time integration, Fourier analysis and application to turbulent flow past a square-section cylinder
Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.;Maier, A.;Küttler, U.;Ismail, M.; Advanced computational modeling in cardiovascular biomechanics and disease
Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.;Klöppel, T.;Küttler, U.;Popp, A.; Computational fluid-structure interaction approaches for challenging scenarios
Metzke, R. W.;Runck, H.;Stahl, C.A.;Schillinger, B.;Calzada, E.;Mühlbauer, M.;Schulz, M.;Schneider, M.;Priebe, H.-J.;A., Wall W.;Guttmann, J.; Neutron computed tomography of rat lungs
Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; Variational multiscale methods for premixed combustion based on a progress-variable approach
Gabler, Michael; Coupled core-crust-magnetosphere oscillations of magnetars
Birner, Stefan; Modeling of semiconductor nanostructures and semiconductor–electrolyte interfaces
Winterhalter, Loïc Thomas Patrice; High throughput phenotyping of field-grown maize
Sorgatz, Cornelia; Physikalische Charakterisierung von Überzugsmaterialien in der Lebensmittelindustrie
Buchschmid, Martin; ITM-Based FSI-Models for Rooms with Absorptive Boundaries
Lucia, Ferrari; Interaction of PCE polyelectrolytes with cement mineral surfaces: a study from the macro to the nano-scale
Leitner, Laura; The role of the transcriptional coactivator MAL and its target genes in cell motility and EMT
Ann, Christoph; Hauck, Ronny; Durchholz, Janina; Stockenberger, Dominik; Leitfaden zum Schutz vor Produktpiraterie durch Vertragsgestaltung
Sharifullina, Elvira; Structure and function studies in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the mouse vibrissal cortex
Taherzadeh, Danial; Mechanics and Substrate Transport of Moving Biofilm Structures
Metzger, Ursula Irmingard; Ozonaufnahme als Funktion der Kronentranspiration in Bestandesbäumen (Fagus sylvatica L. und Picea abies (L.) Karst.): Integrative Kopplung durch den Stamm-Xylemfluss
Knoke, T.; Kurzumtrieb zur Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit?
Rößiger, J.; Griess, V.C.; Knoke, T.; Risiko als ökonomischer Grund zur Umwandlung
Neuner, S.; Beinhofer, B.; Risiko und die finanzielle Ableitung des Allgemeinen Bestockungsziels
Hahn, A.; Können Vorsicht und Verzicht zur Gefahr werden?
Ossig, B.; Rappl, A.; Schneider, T.; Unterstützung terrestrischer Inventuren aus dem Weltall?
Clasen, C.; Der Einfluss des Standortes auf die ökonomische Bewertung
Acevedo-Cabra, R.; Knoke, T.; Bewertung von Waldbrandrisiken mit Space-Time-Point-Process
Koch, Markus; Classical and Quantum Dynamics of a Strongly Coupled Atom-Cavity System
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Gaussian multiple access channel with compact antenna arrays
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; On the associaton of power-flow with circuit terminals
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; On multistreaming with electrically small antenna arrays
Steiner, Susanne; Rewards are not always bad for fun: Undermining the Undermining Effect Using Task-Congruent Rewards
Dashivets, Tetyana; Matrix-assisted protein refolding
Pitscheider, Maximilian Friedrich; Three membered rings as probes in the activity based protein profiling
Filgas, Robert; Testing the GRB fireball scenario with GROND
Simonetto, Cristoforo; Yukawa Hierarchies and the See-saw Mechanism
Andreetto, Erika; Identification of sequences of the interaction interface of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) and islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) and synthesis and characterization of IAPP-derived inhibitors of Aβ aggregation
Geprägs, Stephan; Magnetoelectric Interactions in Multiferroic Thin Films and Composites
Höllerl, S.; Neuner, M.; Kohlenstoffbilanz des Wald- und Holzsektors bewirtschafteter und unbewirtschafteter Bergmischwälder der Bayerischen Alpen A carbon balance of the forest- and wood sector in managed and unmanaged mixed mountain forests in the Bavarian Alps
Hammer, Carola; Einflüsse des Europäischen Emissionshandels auf Produktions- und Investitionsentscheidungen bei Strom- und Wärmeerzeugern
Sipilä, Pekka; Real-Time Magnetic Field Monitoring in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Bai, Qing; Li, Jingrui; Nossek, J.A.; Throughput Maximizing Transmission Strategy of Energy Harvesting Nodes
Bai, Qing; Yao, Hao; Nossek, J.A.; Packet Scheduling and Resouce Allocation for Downlink Multicarrier Systems with Quality-of-Service Constraints
Schwierz, Nadine; Ionen und Peptide an Grenzflächen: Von der Spezifität der Ionen bis hin zur Bioadhäsion
Nimbalkar, Manoj; Creation of Novel Pulses for Magnetic Resonance by Optimal Control
Eberlein, E.; Glau, K.; PIDEs for Pricing European Options in Lévy Models - A Fourier Approach
Erbas, Aykut; Friction of soft matter at nano-scale
Sedlmeier, Felix; Water: Structure, dynamics and solvation
Takaaki Kuratate, Yosuke Matsusaka, Brennand Pierce, and Gordon Cheng; mask-bot: a life-size robot head using talking head animation for human-robot communication
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Strong Secrecy in Bidirectional Relay Networks
R.F. Wyrembelski, A. Sezgin, H. Boche; Secrecy in Broadcast Channels with Receiver Side Information
Hörwick, Markus; Sicherheitskonzept für hochautomatisierte Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Fiener, P.; Seibert, S.P.; Auerswald, K.; A compilation and meta-analysis of rainfall simulation data on arable soils
Braun, Michael G.; Biokatalytische Herstellung von Cholsäurederivaten mit Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenasen
Yuen, Pui Sum; Phase-Retrieval Method and Applications
Ono, Keita; Development of an XFEM based Adaptive Contact Model for Telepresence Systems with Time Delay
F. Soualle, M. Cattenoz, K. Giger and C. Zecha; Improved Analytical Models of SNIR Degradation in Presence of Pulsed Signals and Impact of Code-Pulse Synchrony
P. Henkel and C. Zhu; Carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution with Inequality Constraints for GPS and Galileo
Z. Wen, P. Henkel and C. Günther; Reliable Estimation of Phase Biases of GPS Satellites with a Local Reference Network
J.S. Knogl, P. Henkel and C. Günther; Precise Positioning of a Geostationary Data Relay using LEO Satellites
P. Henkel; Reduction and Optimization of Almanac transmission for GNSS Satellites
K. Giger and C. Günther; Multisatellite Tracking GNSS Receivers in Multipath Environments
P. Henkel, P. Jurkowski and C. Günther; Differential Integer Ambiguity Resolution with Gaussian A Priori Knowledge and Kalman Filtering
K. Giger and C. Günther; Multiantenna Multisatellite Code and Carrier Tracking
Z. Wen, P. Henkel, M. Davaine and C. Günther; Satellite Phase and Code Bias Estimation with Cascaded Kalman Filter
Wunderlich, Th.; Ohlmann-Lauber, J.; TLS-Challenge 2011 − Drittanbieter von TLS-Software
Ohlmann-Lauber, J.; Schäfer, Th.; Ansätze zur Ableitung von Deformationen aus TLS-Daten
Griess, V.C.; Knoke, T.; Can native tree species plantations in Panama compete with Teak plantations? An economic estimation.
Reiterer, A.; Wasmeier, P.; Anwendungsfelder bildgebender Tachymetrie – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven
Griess, V.C.; Knoke, T.; Growth Performance, Wind-throw, Insects - Meta-Analyses of Parameters Influencing Performance of Mixed Species Stands in Boreal and Northern Temperate Biomes
Baltar, L.G.; Schaich, F.; Renfors, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Computational complexity analysis of advanced physical layers based on multicarrier modulation
Maier, F.; Busch, F.; Gebühren für die Nutzung der Straßeninfrastruktur - Eine Abwägung
Schneider, S.; Auerswald, K.; Schnyder, H.; Bellof, G.; Suitability of eight techniques for estimating digestibility of herbage from continuously grazed all-day pasture
Auerswald, K.; Rossmann, A.; Schäufele, R.; Schwertl, M.; Monahan, F.J.; Schnyder H.; Does natural weathering change the stable isotope composition (2H, 13C, 15N, 18O and 34S) of cattle hair?
Schäfer, Th.; Simulation der Interaktion zwischen Laserstrahl und Objekt
Schäfer, Th.; Flächenhafte Deformationsmessungen an Betonoberflächen unter Berücksichtigung der Interaktion Laserstrahl/Objektoberfläche
Bompadre, A.;Perotti, L.E.;Cyron, C.J.;Ortiz, M.; HOLMES: convergent meshfree approximation schemes of arbitrary order and smoothness
Fichter, Andreas; Periphere Nervenregeneration durch muskelgefüllte Kollagenschienen am Modell experimentell erzeugter Ischiasnervendefekte in der Ratte
Dietsch, Philipp; Robustness of large-span timber roof structures - Structural aspects.
Munch-Andersen, Jorgen; Dietsch, Philipp; Robustness of large-span timber roof structures - Two examples.
Dietsch, Philipp; Kreuzinger, Heinrich; Guideline on the assessment of timber structures: Summary.
Winter, Stefan; Dietsch, Philipp; Eurocode 5 - Bemessung und Konstruktion von Holzbauwerken
Li, Jing; Co-chaperone interactions in the Hsp90 chaperone cycle
Arduini-Schuster, Mariacarla; Beck, Andres; Binder, Markus; Cremers Jan; Ebert, Hans-Peter; Fux, Volker; Lang, Werner; Manara, Jochen; Puchta, Klaus; Rampp, Thomas; Neue Hüllen für alte Geböude. Membrankonstruktionen können einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Energieeffizienz im Bestandsbau leisten
Winkler, Christoph; Progressfreies Überleben, Gesamtüberleben und karzinomspezifisches Überleben von sporadisch, familiär und hereditär erkrankten Prostatakarzinompatienten nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie in Deutschland
Reiterer, A.; Automatisiertes Geo-Monitoring in der Ingenieurgeodäsie
Soroka, Joanna; Phospho-regulation of the Hsp90 chaperone machinery
Daley, D.J., Klüppelberg, C. and Yang, Y.; Corrigendum to Baltrunas, Daley and Klüppelberg: Tail behaviour of the busy period of a GI/GI/1 queue with subexponential service times
Wolf, Friedemann; How Companies Can Benefit from Population Aging – Empirical Essays Investigating Consumers' Transition to Retirement
Stemmer, Christian; Untersuchungen zur Instabilität hypersonischer Grenzschichten unter Berücksichtigung von Hochtemperatureffekten
Straub, D.; Der Kiureghian, A.; Reliability Acceptance Criteria for Deteriorating Elements of Structural Systems
Rohrberg, Julia; Einfluss des Hsp70/Hsp90-Chaperonsystems auf die Reifung und Aktivierung von Hsp90-Substratproteinen
Clasen, C.; Griess, V.C.; Knoke, T.; Financial consequences of losing admixed tree species: A new approach to value increased financial risks by ungulate browsing
Sebastian Sethe, Carole Batkai, Anne Dickinson, Martin Hildebrandt; Manufacture of Advanced Therapies: Academia meets Industry
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Service Integration in Multiantenna Bidirectional Relay Networks: Public and Confidential Messages
Bensi, M.T.; Der Kiureghian, A.; Straub, D.; Bayesian network modeling of correlated random variables drawn from a Gaussian random field
Cottone, G.; Di Paola, M.; Fractional Spectral Moments for Digital Simulation of Multivariate Wind Velocity Fields
Straub, D.; Reliability Updating with Equality Information
Cottone, G.; Statistics of Non-Linear Stochastic Dynamical Systems by under Lévy noises by a convolution quadrature approach
Cottone, G.; Di Paola, M.; Butera, S.; Stochastic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems with Fractional Power-Law Nonlinear Term. Fractional Calculus Approach
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; How to Achieve Privacy in Bidirectional Relay Networks
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Bidirectional Broadcast Channels with Common and Confidential Messages
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Secrecy in MIMO Gaussian Bidirectional Broadcast Channels
Bendlin, R.; Huang, Y.-F.; Nossek, J.A.; Probalistic power control for heterogeneous cellular networks with closed-access femtocells
Brunner, H.H.; Nossek, J.A.; Schaltungstechnik Vorlesungsbegleitende Simulationen mit SPICE
D'Mello, S.;Graesser, A.;Schuller, B.;Martin, J.-C.; Foreword
Epps, J.;Cowie, R.;Narayanan, S.;Schuller, B.;Tao, J.; Editorial Emotion and Mental State Recognition from Speech
Eyben, F.;Petridis, S.;Schuller, B.;Tzimiropoulos, G.;Zafeiriou, S.;Pantic, M.; Audiovisual Classification of Vocal Outbursts in Human Conversation Using Long-Short-Term Memory Networks
Eyben, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Valstar, M.;Gunes, H.;Schuller, B.;Pantic, M.; String-based Audiovisual Fusion of Behavioural Events for the Assessment of Dimensional Affect
Gonsior, B.;Sosnowski, S.;Mayer, C.;Blume, J.;Radig, B.;Wollherr, D.;Kühnlenz, K.; Improving Aspects of Empathy Subjective Performance for HRI through Mirroring Emotions
Gunes, H.;Schuller, B.;Pantic, M.;Cowie, R.; Emotion Representation, Analysis and Synthesis in Continuous Space: A Survey
Hofmann, M.;Kaiser, M.;Aliakbarpour, H.;Rigoll, G.; Fusion of Multi-Modal Sensors in a Voxel Occupancy Grid for Tracking and Behaviour Analysis
Hofmann, M.;Kaiser, M.;Lehment, N.;Rigoll, G.; Event Detection in a Smart Home Environment using Viterbi Filtering and Graph Cuts in a 3D Voxel Occupancy Grid
Hofmann, M.;Kiechle, M.;Rigoll, G.; Late Fusion for Person Detection in Camera Networks
Hofmann, M.;Sural, S.;Rigoll, G.; Gait Recognition in the Presence of Occlusion: A New Dataset and Baseline Algorithm
Hofmann, M.;Wolf, D.;Rigoll, G.; Identification And Reconstruction Of Complete Gait Cycles For Person Identification In Crowded Scenes
Ihsen, S.;Schneider, W.;Wallhoff, F.;Blume, J.; Raising Interest of Pupils in Engineering Education Through Problem Based Learning
Kaiser, M.;Arsic, A.;Hörnler, H.;Hofmann, M.;Rigoll, G.; The Noldus Database: Automated Recognition of Restaurant Related Activities for the Restaurant of the Future
Kaiser, M.;Heym, G.;Lehment, N.;Arsic, A.;Rigoll, G.; Dense Point-to-Point Correspondences Between 3D Faces Using Parametric Remeshing for Constructing 3D Morphable Models
Kaiser, M.;Lehment, N.;Rigoll, G.; Dense Point-to-Point Correspondences Between 3D Faces with Large Variations for Constructing 3D Morphable Models
Khoshhal, K.;Aliakbarpour, H.;Quintas, J.;Hofmann, M.;Dias, J.; Probabilistic LMA-based Human Motion Analysis by Conjugating Frequency and Spatial Based Features
Landsiedel, C.;Edlund, J.;Eyben, F.;Neiberg, D.;Schuller, B.; Syllabification of Conversational Speech Using Bidirectional Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Laquai, F.;Chowanetz, F.;Rigoll, G.; A large-scale LED array to support anticipatory driving
Laquai, F.;Duschl, M.;Rigoll, G.; Impact and modeling of driver behavior due to cooperative assistance systems
Lehment, N.H.;Kaiser, M.;Rigoll, G.; Using segmented 3D point clouds for accurate likelihood approximation in human pose tracking
Menzel, D.;Fastl, H.;Brandt, T.;Stephan, T.; An active free-field equalizer for headphones used in functional magnetic resonance imaging
Poitschke, T.;Laquai, F.;Stamboliev, S.;Rigoll, G.; Gaze-based interaction on multiple displays in an automotive environment
Quintas, J.;Khoshhal, K.;Aliakbarpour, H.;Hofmann, M.;Dias, J.; Using Concurrent Hidden Markov Models to Analyze Human Behaviours in a Smart Home Environment
Rader, T.;Adel, Y.;Baumannn, U.;Fastl, H.; Ein Modell der Diskriminationsleistung im Störgeräusch bei Cochlea-Implantaten mit elektrisch-akustischer Stimulation (EAS)
Rader, T.;Baumann, U.;Fastl,H.; H.Sprachverstehen, Frequenzdiskrimination und Melodieerkennung bei Patienten mit elektrisch-akustischer Stimulation (EAS), bimodaler, bilateraler und unilateraler Cochlea-Implantat-Versorgung
Rader, T.;Baumann, U.;Fastl, H.; Simulation data and a model approach for speech perception with electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS)
Rader, T.;Fastl, H.;Helbig, S.;Baumann, U.; Elektrisch-akustische Stimulation: Funktionelle Ergebnisse im Vergleich zur konventionellen CI Versorgung
Rehrl, T.;Blume, J.;Geiger, J.;Bannat, A.;Wallhoff, F.;Ihsen, S.;Jeanrenaud, Y.;Merten, M.;Schönebeck, B.;Glende, S.;Nedopil, C.; ALIAS: Der anpassungsfähige Ambient Living Assistent
Rigoll, G.; Multimodal Interaction: Methods and Applications for Joint Cooperation between Humans and Cognitive Systems
Rotili, R.;Principi, E.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Real-Time Speech Recognition in a Multi-Talker Reverberated Acoustic Scenario
Schlittenlacher, J.;Hashimoto, T.;Fastl, H.;Namba, S.;Kuwano, S.;Hatano, S.; Loudness of pink noise and stationary technical sounds
Schröder, M.;Pammi, S.;Gunes, H.;Pantic, M.;Valstar, M.;Cowie, R.;McKeown, G.;Heylen, D.;ter Maat, M.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.;Wöllmer, M.;Bevacqua, E.;Pelachaud, C.;de Sevin, E.; Come and Have an Emotional Workout with Sensitive Artificial Listeners!
Salah, A.;Gevers, T.; Voice and Speech Analysis in Search of States and Traits
Schuller, B.;Valstar, M.;Cowie, R.;Pantic, M.; The First Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop - An Introduction
Schuller, B.;Valstar, M.;Eyben, F.;McKeown, G.;Cowie, R.;Pantic, M.; AVEC 2011 - The First International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge
Schuller, B.;Weninger, F.;Dorfner, J.; Multi-Modal Non-Prototypical Music Mood Analysis in Continuous Space: Realiability and Performances
Schuller, B.;Zhang, Z.;Weninger, F.;Rigoll, G.; Selecting Training Data for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition: Prototypicality vs. Generalization
Stuhlsatz, A.;Meyer, C.;Eyben, F.;Zielke, T.;Meier, G.;Schuller, B.; Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Emotion Recognition: Raising the Benchmarks
Völk, F.;Lindne, F.;Fast,l H.; Primary Source Correction (PSC) in Wave Field Synthesis
Weninger, F.;Durrieu, J.-L.;Eyben, F.;Richard, G.;Schuller, B.; Combining Monoraul Source Separation With Long Short-Term Memory for Increased Robustness in Vocalist Gender Recognition
Weninger, F.;Geiger, J.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; The Munich 2011 CHiME Challenge Contribution: NMF-BLSTM Speech Enhancement and Recognition for Reverberated Multisource Environments
Weninger, F.;Lehmann, A.;Schuller, B.; openBliSSART: Design and Evaluation of a Research Toolkit for Blind Source Separation in Audio Recognition Tasks
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.; Audio Recognition in the Wild: Static and Dynamic Classification on a Real-World Database of Animal Vocalizations
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.;Batliner, A.;Steidl, S.;Seppi, D.; Recognition of Non-Prototypical Emotions in Reverberated and Noisy Speech by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.;Wöllmer, M.;Rigoll, G.; Localization of Non-Linguistic Events in Spontaneous Speech by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Long Short-Term Memory
Weninger, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.; Automatic Assessment of Singer Traits in Popular Music: Gender, Age, Height and Race
Wöllmer, M.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; A Multi-Stream ASR Framework for BLSTM Modeling of Conversational Speech
Wöllmer, M.;Marchi, E.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Robust Multi-Stream Keyword and Non-Linguistic Vocalization Detection for Computationally Intelligent Virtual Agents
Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Batliner, A.;Steidl, S.;Seppi, D.; Tandem Decoding of Children's Speech for Keyword Detection in a Child-Robot Interaction Scenario
Wöllmer, M.;Weninger, F.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; Computational Assessment of Interest in Speech - Facing the Real-Life Challenge
Yamauchi, K.;Menzel, D.;Fastl, H.;Takada, M.;Nagahata, K.;Iwamiya, S.; Cross-cultural study on feasible sound levels of possible warning signals for quiet vehicles
Zhang, Z.;Weninger, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.; Unsupervised Learning in Cross-Corpus Acoustic Emotion Recognition
Menzel, D.; Zum Einfluss von Farben auf das Lautheitsurteil
Gorbea Diaz, Carlos Enrique; Vehicle Architecture and Lifecycle Cost Analysis
Kulkarni, A.; Heindlmaier, M.; Traskov, D.; Montpetit, M.J.; Médard, M.; An Implementation of Network Coding with Association Policies in Heterogeneous Networks
Heindlmaier, M.; Lun, D.S.; Traskov, D.; Médard, M.; Wireless Inter-Session Network Coding - An Approach Using Virtual Multicasts
Mahboob, Q.; Straub, D.; Comparison of Fault Tree and Bayesian Networks for Modeling Safety Critical Components in Railway Systems
Miraglia, S.; Dietsch, P.; Straub, D.; Comparative Risk Assessment of Secondary Structures in Wide-Span Timber Structures
Schumacher, T.; Straub, D.; The Bayesian Acoustic Emission Source Location Algorithm: Extended Model
Špačková, O.; Straub, D.; Probabilistic risk assessment of excavation performance in tunnel projects using Bayesian networks: A case study
Straub, D.; Lentz, A.; Papaioannou, I.; Rackwitz, R.; Life Quality Index for Assessing Risk Acceptance in Geotechnical Engineering
Buettner B, Oehrvik V, Witthoeft CM, Rychlik M; Quantitation of isotope-labelled and unlabelled folates in plasma, ileostomy and food samples.
Kotzor, Daniel; Kernel Methods for ill-posed localization problems
Adams, N.A.; Radespiel, R.; Sattelmayer, T.;Schröder, W.;Weigand,B.; A computational monolithic approach to thermo-structure interaction in rocket nozzles
Wanat, Nastasia; Potential adaptation of Miscanthus x giganteus for the phytoremediation of a former mine site highly contaminated
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Gaussian multiple access channel with compact antenna arrays
Durkovic, Marko; Habigt, Tim; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus; Low latency localization of multiple sound sources in reverberant environments
P. Mittendorfer and G. Cheng; Humanoid Multi-Modal Tactile Sensing Modules
Erhard Wieser, Philipp Mittendorfer, Gordon Cheng; Accelerometer based robotic Joint Orientation Estimation
P. Mittendorfer and G. Cheng; Self-Organizing Sensory-Motor Map for Low-Level Touch Reactions
R. Chaudhari;E. Steinbach;S. Hirche; Towards an objective quality evaluation framework for haptic data reduction
E. Steinbach;S. Hirche;J. Kammerl;I. Vittorias;R. Chaudhar; Haptic Data Compression and Communication
J. Liu;A. Benigni;D. Obradovic;S. Hirche;A. Monti; State Estimation and Branch Current Learning Using Independent Local Kalman Filter With Virtual Disturbance Model
A. Molin;S. Hirche; On the Optimal Design of Decentralized Event-triggered Controllers for Large-scale Systems with Contention-based Communications
J.R. Medina Hernández;M. Lawitzky;A. Mörtl;D. Lee;S. Hirche; An Experience-Driven Robotic Assistant Acquiring Human Knowledge to Improve Haptic Cooperation
V. Koropouli;Dongheui Lee;S. Hirche; Learning interaction control policies by demonstration
W. Wang;D. Brscic;Z. He;S. Hirche;K. Kühnlenz; Real-time human body motion estimation based on multi-layer laser scans
J. Liu;A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche;A. Monti; Joint Controller-Communication Topology Design for Distributed Wide-Area Damping Control of Power Systems
H. Wu;L. Lou;C.-C. Chen;S. Hirche;K. Kühnlenz; Performance-Oriented Networked Visual Servo Control with Sending Rate Scheduling
John Nassour, Patrick Heaff, Fathi Ben Ouezdou and Gordon Cheng; Bipedal Locomotion Control with Rhythmic Neural Circuits
C.-C. Chen;H. Wu;K. Kühnlenz;S. Hirche; Switching Control for a Networked Vision-based Control System
John Nassour and Gordon Cheng; Experience-based Learning Mechanism with a Concept of Vigilance
Hernández, J.R. Medina;Lawitzky, M.;Mörtl, A.;Lee, Dongheui;Hirche, S.; An Experience-Driven Robotic Assistant Acquiring Human Knowledge to Improve Haptic Cooperation
Liu, Z.;Lee, Dongheui;Sepp, W.; Particle Filter Based Monocular Human Tracking with a 3D Cardbox Model and a Novel Deterministic Resampling Strategy
Schmidts, A. M.;Dongheui Lee,;Peer, A.; Imitation Learning of Human Grasping Skills from Motion and Force Data
Seufert, Knud;Bocquet, Marie-Laure; Auwärter, Willi;Weber-Bargioni, Alexander;Reichert, Joachim;Lorente, Nicolás;Barth, Johannes V.; Cis-dicarbonyl binding at cobalt and iron porphyrins with saddle-shape conformation
Klappenberger, F.;Kühne, D.;Krenner, W.;Silanes, I.;Arnau, A.;García de Abajo, F. J.;Klyatskaya, S.;Ruben, M.;Barth, J.V.; Tunable quantum resonators by self-assembled metal-organic honeycomb networks
G. Duerr, M. Madami, S. Neusser, S. Tacchi, G. Gubbiotti, G. Carlotti, and D. Grundler; Spatial control of spin-wave modes in Ni80Fe20 antidot lattices by embedded Co nanodisks
Rosenberger, Martin; Kirschneck, Michael; Koch, Tilo; Lienkamp, Markus; Hybrid-ABS : Integration der elektrischen Antriebsmotoren in die ABS-Regelung
Groh, Georg; Contextual Social Networking
Krenner, W. ; Klappenberger, F. ; Kühne, D. ; Diller, K. ; Qu, Z. ; Ruben, M. ; Barth, J.V.; Positioning of single Co atoms steered by a self-assembled organic molecular template
Villgrattner, T. and Ulbrich, H.; Design and Control of a Compact High--Dynamic Camera--Orientation System
Buschmann, T. and Favot, V. Lohmeier, S. and Schwienbacher, M. and Ulbrich, H.; Experiments in Fast Biped Walking
Thuemmel, T. and Rossner, M.; Introduction to Modelling and Parameter Identification Methodology of Linkages by Measurements and Simulation
Britz, R. and Maier, T. and Schwarz, F. and Ulbrich, H. and Zaeh, M. F.; Modeling and Simulation Based Optimization of a Turning Process
Schwienbacher, M. and Buschmann, T. and Lohmeier, S. and Favot, V. and Ulbrich, H.; Self-Collision Avoidance and Angular Momentum Compensation for a Biped Humanoid Robot
Cebulla, T. and Schindler, T. and Ulbrich, H.; Nonsmooth Contact Mechanics: Implementation in MBSim
Esefeld, B. and Ulbrich, H.; A Hybrid Integration Scheme for Nonsmooth Mechanical Systems
Heckmann, B. and Ginzinger, L. and Thuemmel, T. and Ulbrich, H.; Modellbasiertes Monitoring fuer Rotorsysteme
Dannoehl, C. and Mueller, S. and Ulbrich, H.; H-Infinity-Control of a Rack Assist Electric Power Steering System
Staub, Ch. and Ono, K. and Mayer, H. and Knoll, A. and Ulbrich, H. and Bauernschmitt, R.; Remote minimally invasive surgery - haptic feedback and selective automation in medical robotics
Huber, R., Clauberg, J. and Ulbrich, H.; Herbie: Demonstration of Gyroscopic Effects by Means of a RC Vehicle
Clauberg J., Schneider, M. and Ulbrich, H.; Simulation of a Non-Smooth Continuous System
Villgrattner, T. and Schneider, E. and Andersch, P. and Ulbrich, H.; Compact High Dynamic 3 DoF Camera Orientation System: Development and Control
Thuemmel, T. and Rossner, M. and Rutzmoser, J.; Nutzung der Eigenbewegung zur Identifikation kinetischer Parameter in Mechanismen
Schindler, T. and Friedrich, M. and Ulbrich, H.; Computing Time Reduction Possibilities in Multibody Dynamics
Dr. Frank Diermeyer, Sebastian Gnatzig, Frederic Chucholowski, Tito Tang, Prof. Dr. Markus Lienkamp; Der Mensch als Sensor - Der Weg zum teleoperierten Fahren
Buhl, M.;Fritsch, O.;Lohmann, B.; Exakte Ein-/Ausgangslinearisierung für die translatorische Dynamik eines Quadrocopters
Roppenecker, G. und Lohmann, B.; H∞ bound for linear port-Hamiltonian systems
Schubert, Jan; Conventz, Sven; Immobilienstandort Flughafen - Merkmale und Perspektiven der Airport Cities in Deutschland
Droß, Michael;Thierstein, Alain; Wissensökonomie als Entwicklungstreiber von Flughafenregionen – das Beispiel München
Hofmann, Wilhelm; Visualisierungen in räumlichen Planungsprozessen - Über die Gleichzeitigkeit der Arbeitsebenen Analyse, Entwurf, Organisation und Politik
Hoyler, Michael;Lüthi, Stefan;Thierstein, Alain; Introduction: German Cities in the World City Network
Lüthi, Stefan;Thierstein, Alain;Bentlage, Michael; Interlocking firm networks in the German knowledge economy. On local networks and global connectivity
Pecchioli, Laura; Carrozzino, Marcello; Mohamed, Fawzi; Bergamasco, Massimo; Kolbe, Thomas H.; ISEE: Information access through the navigation of a 3D interactive environment
Kaden, Robert; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Modellierung einer Geodatenschnittstelle zur semantisch basierten Geodatenintegration von CityGML-Modellen
Schorr, M.;Borrmann, A.;Obergriesser, M.;Ji, Y.;Günthner, W.;Euringer, T.;Rank, E.; Using Product Data Management Systems for Civil Engineering Projects – Potentials and Obstacles
Butenuth, M.;Burkert, F.;Kneidl, A.;Borrmann, A.;Schmidt, F.;Hinz, S.;Sirmacek, B.;Hartmann, D.; Integrating pedestrian simulation, tracking and event detection for crowd analysis
Dori, G.;Borrmann, A.; Automatic generation of Complex Bridge Construction Animation Sections by coupling Constraint-based Discrete-Event Simulation with Game Engines
Lukas, K.;Borrmann, A.; Minimizing the traffic impact caused by infrastructure maintenance using ant colony optimization
Kneidl, A.;Borrmann, A.;Hartmann, D.; Generating sparse navigation graphs for microscopic pedestrian simulation models
Ji, Y.;Borrmann, A.;Wimmer, J.; Coupling Microscopic Simulation and Macroscopic Optimization to Improve Earthwork Construction Processes
Obergriesser, M.;Euringer, T.;Borrmann, A.;Rank, E.; Integration of geotechnical design and analysis processes using a parametric and 3D-model based approach
Ji, Y.;Borrmann, A.;Obergriesser, M.; Towards the Exchange of Parametric 3D Bridge Models Using a Neutral Data Format
Kneidl, A.;Borrmann, A.; How Do Pedestrians find their Way? Results of an experimental study with students compared to simulation results
Borrmann, A.;Butenuth, M.;Chakraborty, S.;Kneidl, A.;Schäfer, M.; Towards multi-layer pedestrian interaction models for simulation, tracking, interpretation and indoor navigation
Kneidl, A.;Thiemann, M.;Hartmann, D.;Borrmann, A.; Combining pedestrian simulation with a network flow optimization to support security staff in handling an evacuation of a soccer stadium
Bankiewicz, D.;Alonso-Herranz, E.;Yrjas, P.;Lauren, T.;Spliethoff, H.;Hupa, M.; Role of ZnCl2 in High-Temperature Corrosion in a Bench-Scale Fluidized Bed Firing Simulated Waste Wood Pellets
Becher, V.;Bohn, J.-P.;Dias, P.;Spliethoff, H.; Validation of spectral gas radiation models under oxyfuel conditions - Part B: Natural gas flame experiments
Becher, V.;Bohn, J.-P.;Goanta, A.;Spliethoff, H.; A combustion concept for oxyfuel processes with low recirculation rate - experimental validation
Becher, V.;Clausen, S.;Fateev, A.;Spliethoff, H.; Validation of spectral gas radiation models under oxyfuel conditions - Part A: Gas cell experiments
Bohn, J.-P.;Blume, M.;Goanta, A.;Spliethoff, H.; Flame temperatures and species concentrations in non-stoichiometric oxycoal flames
Gaderer M.,;H., Spliethoff.; Thermische Nutzung von Biomasse und Reststoffen in Deutschland
Haselsteiner, T.;Erbel, C.;Kunze, C.;Spliethoff, H.; An in situ optical gas phase analysis approach for TGA: Its assessment and application
Kunze, C.;Riedl, K.;Spliethoff, H.; Structured Exergy Analysis Of An IGCC Plant With Carbon Capture
Kunze, C.;Riedl, K.;Spliethoff, H.; Structured exergy analysis of an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant with carbon capture
Kunze, C.;Spliethoff, H.; Modelling, Comparison and Operation Experiences of Entrained Flow Gasifier
Lotric, A.;Sekavenik, M.;Kunze, C.;Spliethoff, H.; Simulation of Water-Gas Shift Membrane Reactor for Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Plant with CO2 Capture
Sivalingam, S.;Gleis, S.;Spliethoff, H.;Hawthorne, C.;Charitos, A.;Scheffknecht, G.; Analysis and Comparison of Reactivity and CO2 Capture Capacity of Fresh Calcium-Based Sorbents and Samples From a Lab-Scale Dual Fluidized Bed Calcium Looping Facility
Spliethoff, H.;Wauschkuhn, A.;Schuhbauer, C.; Anforderungen an zukünftige Kraftwerke
Andreas Grill, Jens-Patrick Springer; Simulation and experimental validation of an ORC system for waste heat recovery of exhaust gas
Blume, M.;Bohn, J.-P.;Goanta, A.;Spliethoff, H.; Reduction of the flue gas recirculation rate in oxycoal processes by means of non-stoichiometric burner operation
Dias, P.;Becher, V.;Goanta, A.;Spliethoff, H.; Oxyfuel boiler design with Controlled Staging with Non-Stoichiometric Burners concept.
Fendt, S.;Gaderer, M.;Spliethoff, H.; Storage of Bio-Energy - Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) as Contribution to Future Energy Systems
Fendt, S.;Tremel, A.;Gaderer, M.;Spliethoff, H.; The Potential of small scale SNG production from biomass gasification
Mayerhofer, M.;di Ninno, F.;Benito, P:;Piaccia, A.;Gaderer, M.;Basile, F.;Spliethoff, H.; Iron based catalysts for tar removal - downstream tests in real producer gas
Schuhbauer, C.;Tschaffon, H.;Kluger, F.;Spliethoff, H.; Transiente Berechnung thermomechanischer Schädigung dickwandiger Bauteile im 700 textdegreeC-Kraftwerk durch Anfahrvorgänge
Wieland, C.;Kreutzkam, B.;Balan, G.;Spliethoff, H.; Evaluation, comparison and validation of deposition criteria for numerical simulation of slagging
Wieland, C.;Lemp, O.;Scheffknecht, G.;Spliethoff, H.; Vergleichende Untersuchung von Depositionskriterien für CFD-Simulationen
Sivalingam, S.;Gleis, S.;Spliethoff, H.; Sorbent reactivity studies for CO2 and SO2 co capture by calcium looping process
Gohlke O.,;J., Murer M.; Anwendung von Energiekennzahlen für Abfallverbrennung
Losurdo, Marco; Coupling Mesh-Meshless Modelling to describe melting solids in Industrial facilities
Papadopoulos, T.; Numerical simulations of coal gasification at high temperature in an entrained flow reactor
Hofbauer, H.;Fuchs, M.; Proceedings of the ICPS 11 - International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies 11, 30th of August to 1st of Sepetember 2011, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 1. Edition 2011
Zaeh, Michael F.;Reinhart, Gunther;Lindemann, Udo;Karl, Florian;Biedermann, Wieland; DSM-based Evaluation of Assembly Manufacturing Resources
Wölkl, S.;Shea, K.; Modellbibliotheken für die Funktions- und Komponentenmodellierung in der Konzeptentwicklung mit SysML
von Saucken, Constantin;Schröer, Bernd;Lindemann, Udo; Industrial Designers and Engineers in Product Development. Conflicts and Approaches for Improving Collaboration
Sop Njindam, Thierry;Metzler, Torsten;Paetzold, Kristin;Shea, Kristina; Integrating Failure Analysis into the Conceptual Design of Cognitive Products: Towards a New Paradigm
Schütz, D.;Schraufstetter, M.;Folmer, J.;Vogel-Heuser, B.;Gmeiner, T.;Shea, K.; Highly reconfigurable production systems controlled by real-time agents
Schröer, Bernd;Löhmann, Sebastian;Lindemann, Udo; Creating User Experience by novel Interaction Forms: (Re)combining Actions and Technologies
Schröer, Bernd;Lindemann, Udo; Concretization of User-Representation: Modeling User Action as Part of a Product Solution
Schrieverhoff, Phillip;Jorgensen, Rune;Lindemann, Udo; Resource and Cost Oriented Innovation Steering in Sustainable Product Design
Schrieverhoff, Phillip;Jorgensen, Rune;Lindemann, Udo; TRIZ as Innovation Driver in Sustainable Product Design
Schmitz, Steffen;Wynn, David C.;Biedermann, Wieland;Lindemann, Udo;Clarkson, P. John; Improving Data Quality in DSM Modelling: A Structural Comparison Approach
Schmidt, Helena X.;Kohn, Andreas;Lindemann, Udo; Domain Specific Language in Technical Solution Documents - Discussion of two Approaches to Improve the Semi-automated Annotation
Schenkl, Sebastian A.;Orawski, Robert;Elezi, Fatos;Lindemann, Udo; Towards a Lifecycle-oriented Planning of a Platform Portfolio
Schenkl, Sebastian;Ponn, Josef;Lindemann, Udo; Managing Uncertainties of Requirements in Product Platform Development
Parvan, M. I.;Schwalmberger, A.;Lindemann, U.; Application of Basic Design Principles for Solution Search in Biomimetics
Orawski, Robert;Krollmann, Jan;Mörtl, Markus;Lindemann, Udo; Generic Model of the Early Phase of an Innovation Process regarding Different Degrees of Product Novelty
Orawski, Robert;Hepperle, Clemens;Mörtl, Markus;Lindemann, Udo; Reoccurring Cyclic Consideration of End-of-Life Requirements During Product Planning
Mörtl, Markus;Schmied, Christian; Literaturstudie für die FVA offenbart weiteren Forschungsbedarf im Bereich Kostenschätzen
Moerk, Sindre;Elezi, Fatos;Lindemann, U.; Structural Analysis Crossing Domain Borders
Mirson, Alexander;Skrypnyuk, Oleg;Elezi, Fatos;Lindemann, U.; MDM-Based Software Modularization by Analysing Inter-Project Dependencies
Metzler, Torsten;Shea, Kristina; Lessons Learned from a Project-Based Learning Approach for Teaching New Cognitive Product Development to Multi-Disciplinary Student Teams
Metzler, Torsten;Shea, Kristina; Taxonomy of Cognitive Functions
Maurer, Maik;Kesper, Heiner; eFMEA – Raising Efficiency of FMEA by Matrix-Based Function and Failure Networks
Maurer, Maik; Systematic Knowledge Transfer based on Knowledge Correlations
Maier, Anja;Langer, Stefan; Engineering change management report 2011: Survey results on causes and effects, current practice, problems, and strategies in Denmark
Maier, Anja;Dönmez, Denniz;Hepperle, Clemens;Kreimeyer, Matthias;Lindemann, Udo;Clarkson, John; Improving communication in design: recommendations from the literature
Li, Fang;Vierheilig, Johannes;Helms, Bergen;Bayrak, Gülden;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Shea, Kristina; Towards Management of Information Technology-Cycles in transdisciplinary Innovation Processes
Langer, Stefan;Herberg, Arne;Körber, Klaus;Lindemann, Udo; Integrated system and context modeling of iterations and changes in development processes
Lang, A.;Kirschner, R.;Kain, A.;Lindemann, U.; Overcomming the keep the market out premise (KMOP) in product development
Krinner, Michael;Elezi, Fatos;Tommelein, Iris;Lindemann, U.; Managing Complexity in Lean Construction Design – Using the MDM Methodology to create organizational Modularity
Kortler, Sebastian;Lindemann, Udo; A Meta Model of the Innovation Process to Support the Decision Making Process Using Structural Complexity Management
Kortler, Sebastian;Helms, Bergen;Shea, Kristina;Lindemann, Udo; A More Flexible Way of Modelling Structure With Multiple Domains
Kohn, Andreas;Schmidt, Helena X.;Lindemann, Udo; Erfolgreicher Umgang mit Wissensmodellen in Unternehmen - Handhabung semantischer Modelle zur Erschließung und Nutzung von Wissen über technische Lösungen
Kohn, Andreas;Maurer, Maik;Schmidt, Helena X.;Lindemann, Udo; Use of existing ontologies as input for Structural Complexity Management - Reducing the effort for analysing and improving engineering systems
Kohn, Andreas;Lindemann, Udo; Search for similar technical solutions by object abstraction using an ontology
Knoblinger, Christoph;Oehmen, Josef;Rebentisch, Eric;Seering, Warren;Helten, Katharina; Requirements for Product Development Self-Assessment Tools
Kissel, Maximilian;Hellenbrand, David;Schullerus, Wolfgang;Lindemann, Udo; Robustheitsbewertung von Produktkonzepten in frühen Entwicklungsphasen
Kissel, M.;Hellenbrand, D.;Lindemann, U.;Schullerus, W.; Robustheitsbewertung von Produktkonzepten in frühen Entwicklungsphasen
Kissel, Maximilian;Hellenbrand, David;Lindemann, Udo; A Methodology to evaluate the structual Robustness of Produtct Concepts
Kirschner, R.;Kain, A.;Lang, A.;Lindemann, U.; Immersive product improvement IPI - first empirical results of a new method
Kain, A.;Kirschner, R.;Lindemann, U.; Open Innovation and User Experience: a chance to gain deeper user insights
Kain, A.;Kirschner, R.;Lang, A.;Lindemann, U.; Facing the open innovation dilemma - structuring input at the company's border
Jowers, I.;Prats, M.;Pedreira, N.;McKay, A.;Garner, S.; Supporting Shape Reinterpretation with Eye Tracking
Jowers, I.;Prats, M.;McKay, A.;Garner, S.; Design exploration with useless rules and eye tracking
Jorgensen, Rune;Behncke, Florian G. H.; Considering sustainable impacts of suppliers throughout the product life cycle in the pursue of a sustainable vision
Hepperle, Clemens;Orawski, Robert;Langer, Stefan;Mörtl, Markus;Lindemann, Udo; Temporal aspects in lifecycle-oriented planning of product-service-systems
Hepperle, Clemens;Förg, Armin;Mörtl, Markus;Lindemann, Udo; Consideration of goal interrelations in lifecycle-oriented product planning
Hepperle, Clemens;Biedermann, Wieland;Böcker, Alexander;Lindemann, Udo; Design for X-guidelines and lifecycle phases with relevance for product planning – an MDM-based approach
Helten, Katharina;Schenkl, Sebastian;Lindemann, Udo; Biologizing Product Development - Results from a Student Project
Helten, Katharina;Eben, Katharina;Lindemann, Udo; Identification and Design of Pilot Projects to Implement Lean Development
Helms, Bergen;Schultheiss, Hansjoerg;Shea, K.; Automated Assignement of Physical Effects to Functions Using Ports Based on Bond Graph
Hellenbrand, David;Lindemann, Udo; A Framework for integrated Process Modeling and Planning of mechatronic Products
Hellenbrand, D.;Kissel, M.;Rohloff, J.;Lindemann, U.; Modellierung und Prognose von Entwicklungs- und Recyclingkosten in frühen Entwicklungsphasen
Gmeiner, T.;Shea, K.; Development of an ontology for the automatic reconfiguration of a vise-type fixture device
Fähling, Jens;Langer, Stefan;Schölkopf, Jan Michael;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Lindemann, Udo; Enhancing the selection of methods for customer integration in innovation processes through a process-oriented description framework
Elezi, Fatos;Sharafi, Armin;Mirson, Alexander;Petra, Wolf;Krcmar, Helmut;Lindemann, U.; A Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Approach for Extracting Causes of Iterations in Engineering Change Orders
Elezi, Fatos;Pechuan, Alvaro;Mirson, Alexander;Kortler, Sebastian;Biedermann, Wieland;Lindemann, Udo; Supporting Cycle Management by Structural Analysis of the Organisational Domain in Multi-Project Environment
Elezi, Fatos;Pechuan, Alvaro;Langer, S.;Herberg, Arne;Behncke, Florian G. H.;Lindemann, U.; Iteration Management by Identification of Value Stream in Product Development Processes
Elezi, Fatos;Graebsch, Martin;Hellenbrand, D.;Lindemann, U.; Application of Multi-Domain Matrix Waste Reduction Methodology
Eberl, Thomas ; Stroph, Ralf ; Pruckner, Alfred; Analyse unterschiedlicher Bedienkonzepte der Fahrzeuglängsführung bei Elektromobilität
Eberl, Thomas;Jung, Martin;Stroph, Ralf;Pruckner, Alfred; Bedienkonzepte für die Fahrzeuglängsführung bei Elektromobilität
Eben, Katharina;Helten, Katharina;Lindemann, Udo; Product development processes in small and middle-sized enterprises - identification and elimination of inefficiency caused by product variety
Daniilidis, Harrys;Hellenbrand, David;Bauer, Wolfgang;Lindemann, Udo; Using Structural Complexity Management for Design Process Driven Modularization
Daniilidis, Charalampos;Enßlin, Vincent;Eben, Katharina;Lindemann, Udo; A classification framework for product modularization methods
Heuser, Lutz;Wahlster, Wolfgang; PROCESSUS
Biedermann, Wieland;Lindemann, Udo; Prediction of Communication Structures Based on Product Structures
Biedermann, Wieland;Lindemann, Udo; Designing Consistent Structural Analysis Scenarios
Biedermann, Wieland;Lindemann, Udo; On the Applicability of Structural Criteria in Complexity Management
Biedermann, Wieland;Diepold, Klaus;Lindemann, Udo; Entscheidungsstrategien zur Festlegung und Priorisierung von Änderungen
Behncke, Florian G. H.;Lindemann, Udo; Indicating the criticality of changes during the product life cycle
Behncke, Florian;King, Moritz;Lindemann, U.; Educational game concept for the transfer of results from the transdisciplinary research to the new scientific generation
Behncke, Florian;Gabriel, Frank;Langer, Stefan;Hepperle, Clemens;Lindemann, U.;Karl, Florian;Pohl, Johannes;Schindler, Sebastian;Gunther, Reinhart;Zaeh, Michael; Analysis of information flows at interfaces between strategic product planning, product development and production planning to support process management - A literature based approach
Behncke, Florian;Abele, Katrin;Lindemann, U.; Impact of product design decisions within product development on the supplier selection process at the automotive industry
Bauer, Wolfgang;Maurer, Maik; Future-proof interfaces: systematic identification and analysis
Bauer, Wolfgang;Daniilidis, Charalampos;Lindemann, Udo; Approach for a modularization driven system definition using multiple domains
H. Mangesius;M. Sobotka;O. Stursberg; Consensus Based Decoupling in Hybrid Optimization of Cooperative Transportation Planning
M. Roozbehani;M. Rinehart;M.A. Dahleh;S.K. Mitter;D. Obradovic;H. Mangesius; Analysis of Cometitive Electricity Markets under a New Model of Real-Time Retail Princing with Ex-Post Adjustment
C. Lichtenthäler;T. Lorenz;A. Kirsch; Towards a Legibility Metric: How to Measure the Perceived Value of a Robot
I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, J. Sommerfeld; Capacity results for compound wiretap channels
A.K. Chorppath, S. Bhashyarn, R. Sundaresan; A convex optimization framework for almost budget balanced allocation of a divisible good
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan; Learning User Preferences in Mechanism Design
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan; A Privacy mechanism for Mobile Commerce
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan; Mechanism design for energy efficiency in wireless networks
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan; Adversarial behavior in network mechanism design
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan, H. Boche; Pricing mechanisms for multi-carrier wireless systems
Günthner, W. A.; Borrmann, A.; Horenburg, T.; Klaubert, C.; Schorr, M.; Wimmer, J. et al.; Digitale Baustelle - innovativer Planen, effizienter Ausführen: Werkzeuge und Methoden für das Bauen im 21. Jahrhundert
Walch, D.; Belastungsermittlung in der Kommissionierung vor dem Hintergrund einer alternsgerechten Arbeitsgestaltung der Intralogistik
Kammergruber, F.; Günthner, W. A.; Ergonomische Abläufe sind gefragt Arbeitsorganisation und technische Unterstützung sorgt für Entlastung Gefährdungsanalyse
Schneider, O.; Hohenstein, F.; Günthner, W. A.; Bewertung von Methoden hinsichtlich einer ganzheitlichen Prozessdarstellung
Stockenberger, D.; Durchholz, J.; Günthner, W.; Integrierte Sicherheitsmerkmale als Schutz vor Produktpiraterie im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
Rakitsch, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Kirchner, A.; Feil, A.; Schadenspotential von Fremdstoffen in Agrarrohstoffen.
Günthner, W.; Stockenberger, D.; ProAuthent Integrated protection against counterfeiting in mechanical engineering through marking and authenticating critical components
Günthner, W. A.; Kessler, S.; Klaubert, C.; Wimmer, J.; ForBAU - Effizienter Bauen mit digitalen Werkzeugen
Euringer, T.; Günthner, W. A.; Obergrießer, M.; Horenburg, T.; Studie: CAD-Modellierung im Bauwesen, Integrierte 3D-Planung von Brückenbauwerken
Günthner, W. A.; Wölfle, M.; Fischer, R.; Wearable Computing und RFID in Produktion und Logistik Ansätze zur bereichsübergreifenden Nutzung digitaler Informationen
Günthner, W. A.; Schipplick, M.; Ertl, R.; Hahn-Woernle, P.; Wettbewerbsfaktor Energieeffizienz - Teil II, Simulationsmodell für Entwicklung und Betrieb von automatischen Regalbediengeräten
Ji, Y.; Borrmann, A.; Wimmer, J.; Coupling Microscopic Simulation and Macroscopic Optimization to Improve Earthwork Construction Processes
Günthner, W. A.; Kammergruber, F.; Walch, D.; Ergonomie im Lager
Günthner, W. A.; Klaubert, C.; Wimmer, J.; ForBAU - Modellbasierte Projektabwicklung im Ingenieurbau
Walch, D.; Günthner, W. A.; Fit durch Job Rotation
Rakitsch, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Schmidt, P.; Berechnungsverfahren für stark geneigte Schneckenförderer
Schipplick, M.; Günthner, W. A.; Potentiale einer flachheitsbasierten Antriebssteuerung am Beispiel Regalbediengerät
Rammelmeier, T.; Galka, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Active prevention of picking errors by employing Pick-by-Vision
Fruth, A.; Best Practices bei RFID-Projekten
Wang, R.; Prives, S.; Fischer, R.; Salfer, M.; Günthner, W. A.; Data analysis and simulation of Auto-ID enabled food supply chains based on EPCIS standard
Lantschner, D.; Günthner, W. A.; Leistungssteigerung in automatischen Lagersystemen durch zusätzliche E/A-Punkte
Günthner, W. A.; Schorr, M.; Studie: Datenmanagement im Bauwesen - Bauprojektdaten effizienter verwalten und nutzen
Hübner, K.-T.; Tragsicherheit automatisierter Hochregallager  unter stoßartigen Beschickungslasten durch Regalbediengeräte
Günthner, W. A.; Klaubert, C.; Wimmer, J.; ForBAU - Model based management of infrastructure projects
Günthner, W. A.; Walch, D.; Dem demografischen Wandel Rechnung tragen - Gesundes Kommissionieren durch ergonomische Lagerfachbelegung
Günthner, W. A.; Schipplick, M.; Ertl, R.; Hahn-Woernle, P.; Wettbewerbsfaktor Energieeffizienz - Teil I, Simulationsmodell für Entwicklung und Betrieb von automatischen Regalbediengeräten
Tenerowicz, P.; Fischer, R.; Das Internet der Dinge in der Intralogistik - Ein Konzept zur Selbststeuerung in Materialflusssystemen
Atz, T.; Günthner, W.; Integrierte Lagersystemplanung
Günthner, W. A.; Kammergruber, F.; Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Intralogistik - Nachhaltige Ergonomie planen
Walch, D.; Günthner, W. A.; Reife Leistungsträger im Lager
Günthner, W. A.; Tenerowicz, P.; Modularisierung und Dezentralisierung in der Intralogistik - Auf dem Weg zur zellularen Fördertechnik
Wang, R.; EPCIS-based tracking and tracing of returnable transport items in the food supply chain
Atz, T.; Günthner, W. A.; Lagerplanung am PC
R. Chaudhari;E. Steinbach;S. Hirche; Towards an Objective Quality Evaluation Framework for Haptic Data Reduction
Wehrle,E.;Wedekind,M.;Baier,H.;; Fuzzy modeling of imprecise material parameters in the analysis of metal matrix composite structures
Reinicke,G.;Baier,H.;; An alternative method to evaluate the effect of piezoelectric patch actuators bonded to flexible structures
Morasch,A.;Prievitzer,J.;Baier,H.; Zur ganzheitlichen Bewertung von Werkstoffen am Beispiel von naturfaserverstärkten und glasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen
Perterer,M.;Baier,H.;Höchtl,F.; Comparison of a Cost-Effective Phase Based Thermography Method with Ultrasonic Investigation of Defects in CFRP Structures
Reinicke,G.;Baier,H.; Active Vibration Control of Large Satellite Solar Array Panels with Regional Mode Shapes
Stroscher,F.;Sika,Z.;Petersson,Ö.; Reduced order model (ROM) of a blended wing body (BWB) aircraft configuration
Petersson,Ö.;Baier,H.; Multidisciplinary optimization of aircraft structures subject to dynamic aeroelastic loads, including a linear load alleviation system
Paulus,D.;Salmon,T.;Mohr,B.;Rößler,C.;Petersson,Ö.;Stroscher,F.;Baier,H.;Hornung,M.; Configuration selection for a 450 passenger ultra-efficient 2020 aircraft
Perterer,M.;Wedekind,M.;BaierH.; Imperfektionsbewertung von Faserverbund-Metallstrukturen mit zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren
Zhang,Y.;Baier,H.; Optimal Parts Allocation for Structural Systems Via Improved Initial Solution Generation
Koukal,A.;Baier,H.;Clausen,A.H.;Seibert,D.; Influence of the fibre content on the mechanical behaviour of polymers for pedestrian protection
Both,J.;Barfuß,D.;Baier,H.; Mode II delamination of CFRP-metal laminates at bolted joints
Kuhn,T.;Langer,H.;Apenberg,S.;Wei,B.;Datashvili,L.; A Very Large Deployable Space Antenna Structure Based on Pantograph Tensioned Membranes
Both,J.;Morasch,A.;Baier,H.; Load bearing capacity of hybrid CFRP-metal laminates
Wehrle,E.;Both,J.;Wehrle,R.;Baier,H.; Entwurfsoptimierung einer werkstoffhybriden Karosserie für Elektrofahrzeuge
Rapp,S.;Baier,H.; Shape Memory Polymer Actuator Patches for Shape Adjustment of Fiber Composite Parts
Perterer,M.;Höchtl,F.;Kiefmann,A.;Baier,H.;Senner,V.; Kosteneffiziente phasenmodulierte Thermographie zur Schadensdetektion an flachen und stark gekrümmten Bauteilen aus CFK
Perterer,M.;Höchtl,F.;Kiefmann,A.;Baier,H.;Senner,V.; Cost-Effective Phase-Modulated Thermography for Damage Inspection of Flat and Strongly Curved CFRP Structures
R. Irmer, J. Droste, P. Marsch, M. Grieger, G. Fettweis, S. Brueck, H.-P.Mayer, L. Thiele, V. Jungnickel; Coordinated multipoint: Concepts, performance, and field trial results
K. Manolakis, L. Thiele, C. Oberli, T. Haustein, V. Jungnickel; Impairment modeling for joint transmission CoMP
T. Wirth, J. Dommel, K. Borner, L. Thiele, T. Haustein; Radio resource management in heterogeneous deployments: A system level perspective
L. Thiele, M. Olbrich, M. Kurras, B. Matthiesen; Channel aging effects in CoMP trnasmissions: gains from linear channel prediction
L. Thiele, M. Olbrich, M. Kurras, B. Matthiesen; Channel aging effects in CoMP transmission: gains from linear channel prediction
Reith C.; Wasmeier P.; Alpines Monitoring am Beispiel Hornbergle bei Reutte, Tirol
A.M. Wing; L. Johannsen; S. Endo; Light touch for balance: influence of a time-varying external driving signal
Sojer, M., Henkel, J.; License risks from ad hoc reuse of code from the internet
Mayer, Manuel;Gradl, Stephan;Schreiber, Veronika;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; A Survey on Performance Modelling and Simulation of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Herzfeldt, Alexander;Kristekova, Zuzana;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; A Conceptual Framework of Requirements for the Development of E-Learning offerings from a Product Service System Perspective
Goswami, Suparna;Ravichandran, T.;Teo, Hock Hai;Krcmar, Helmut; Achieving High Performing Supply Networks Through Value Network Transparency
Tertilt, Daniel;Krcmar, Helmut; Generic Performance Prediction for ERP and SOA Applications
Hecht, Sonja;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; IT capabilities in ERP maintenance
Müller, Sebastian;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; Monetizing Blogs: Revenue Streams of Individual Blogs
Böhm, Markus;Hansbauer, Georg;Müller, Sebastian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Corporate Divestitures: Towards Measuring the Success of IT Carve-Out Projects
Schmidl, Jörg;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Similarity Determination in Activity Sequences ? A Supportive Framework
Mauro, Christian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; SODA@Med ? Ein Framework zur serviceorientiertenIntegration medizinischer Geräte inKrankenhausinformationssysteme
Berkovich, Marina;Esch, Sebastian;Mauro, Christian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards an Artifact Model for Requirements to IT-enabled Product Service Systems
Berkovich, Marina;Mauro, Christian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Weyde, Felix;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards Cycle-Oriented Requirements Engineering
Mauro, Christian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; The Nature of Medical Device Services
Sharafi, Armin;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Analysis of Current IT Support for Product Development Processes
Sutter, Martin;Schermann, Michael;Hoermann, Stefan;Krcmar, Helmut; Calculating the conditional value at risk in IS projects
Akkaya, Cigdem;Obermeier, Manuela;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Components of Trust Influencing E-Government Adoption in Germany
Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Exploring the contribution of information technology to Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) initiatives
Ziaie, Pujan;Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; Introducing Software Design Elements for IT-Benchmarking Purposes
Gradl, Stephan;Mayer, Manuel;Danciu, Alexandru;Escrihuela, Ramon;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Measuring the Buffer Occupation of SAP ERP System Applications
Wiesche, Manuel;Berwing, Carolin;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Patterns for Understanding Control Requirements for Information Systems for Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC IS)
Teichmann, Sebastian;Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Sunyaev, Ali;Krcmar, Helmut; Risikosteuerung bei der Anpassung von Behandlungsabläufen für die elektronische Gesundheitskarte
Bösl, Dominik B.;Matthes, Nastaran;Utesch, Matthias C.;Krcmar, Helmut; Schülerakademie "Serious Gaming
Gradl, Stephan;Mayer, Manuel;Danciu, Alexandru;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Understanding the Performance Behavior of a SAP ERP System for the Use of Queuing Models
Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Understanding the Role of Information Technology for Organizational Control Design: Risk Control as New Control Mechanism
Köbler, Felix;Koene, Philip;Goswami, Suparna;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Using NFriendConnector to Extend Facebook to the Real World
Hoermann, Stefan;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Variations in risk exposure
Hoermann, Stefan;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; When to manage risks in IS projects
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Ausblick und zukünftiger Forschungsbedarf
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Controlling von Innovationscommunities - Entwicklung und Test einer Innovationscommunity-Scorecard
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Qualitätsmessung von kundengenerierten Innovationsideen
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Gemeinschaftsgestützte Ideenbewertung
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Gemeinschaftsgestütztes Innovationsmanagement: Anforderungen und ein Referenzmodell
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Kundenintegration bei Softwareunternehmen: Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Motivation und Relevanz des Forschungsprojektes
Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Koch, Michael;Möslein, Kathrin; Wertaneignung in Innovationscommunities
Krcmar, Helmut;Utesch, Matthias; Anleitung Planspiel
Bieber, Daniel;Schwarz, Kathleen; Benutzerfreundlichkeit von mobilen Applikationen zur Nutzung von virtuellen Netzgemeinschaften für die Generation 50+
Keuper, Frank;Oecking, Christian;Degenhardt, Andreas; Cloud Computing - Outsourcing 2.0 or a new Business Model for IT Provisioning?
Krcmar, Helmut;Utesch, Matthias; Didaktisches Konzept? Ein Vorschlag für Universitäten
Krcmar, Helmut;Utesch, Matthias; Frequently Asked Questions
Duesberg, Frank; Marktplatz zum effizienten Einlösen von Hilfsmittelverordnungen auf Basis einer Mehrwertanwendung der eGK
Schmid, Stefan; Model-based Conflict Resolution in Service Internationalization
Böhm, Markus;Henningsson, Stefan;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Yetton, Philip;Krcmar, Helmut; A Dual View on IT Challenges in Corporate Divestments and Acquisitions
Truschin, Sergej;Schlachtbauer, Tobias;Zauner, Andreas;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Content Matters: Towards Handling E-Mail while Driving Safely
Blohm, Ivo;Köroglu, Orhan;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Absorptive Capacity for Open Innovation Communities - Learnings from Theory and Practice
Berkovich, Marina;Hoffmann, Axel;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Analysis of Requirements Engineering Techniques for IT-enabled Product Service Systems
Elezi, Fatos;Sharafi, Armin;Mirson, Alexander;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut;Lindemann, Udo; A Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Approach for Extracting Causes of Iterations in Engineering Change Orders
Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Kaletsch, Alexander;Jedamzik, Siegfried;Sunyaev, Ali;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Prozessdigitalisierung durch Mehrwertanwendungen der eGK am Beispiel der elektronischen Überweisung
Mladenova, Vassilena;Homann, Marcus;Kienegger, Harald;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards an Approach to Identify and Assess the Mobile Eligibility of Business Processes
Bögelsack, Andr'e;Homann, Marcus;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Performance of SAP ERP with Memory Virtualization using IBM Active Memory Expansion as an example
Eckjans, Dennis;Fähling, Jens;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Mobile customer integration: A smartphone application prototype for conducting mobile conjoint studies
Böhm, Felix;Fähling, Jens;Huber, Michael;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Scenario planning for innovation development: an overview of different innovation domains
Blohm, Ivo;Ebner, Winfried;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Was bringen die aktivsten Teilnehmer in IT-gestützten Ideenwettbewerben? Der Einfluss von Teilnehmer-Aktivität auf Ideengenerierung und Ideenbewertung
Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Marketplaces for health applications
Fähling, Jens;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Collaboration Engineering for Innovation Design Processes using the Outcome-driven approach
Fähling, Jens;Langer, Stefan;Schölkopf, Jan Michael;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Lindemann, Udo; Enhancing the selection of methods for customer integration in innovation processes through a process-oriented description framework
Koene, Philip;Köbler, Felix;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Touch'n'Document
Hoermann, Stefan;Kienegger, Harald;Langermeier, Melanie;Mayer, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; Comparing Risk and Success Factors in ERP Projects: A Literature Review
Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Köbler, Felix;Koene, Philip;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Encrypted NFC emergency tags based on the German Telematics Infrastructure
Petkov, Petromil;Köbler, Felix;Foth, Marcus;Medland, Richard C.;Krcmar, Helmut; Engaging energy saving through motivation-specific social comparison
Krcmar, Helmut;Böhm, Markus;Friesike, Sascha;Schildhauer, Thomas; Innovation, Society and Business: Internet-based Business Models and their Implications
Petkov, Petromil;Köbler, Felix;Foth, Marcus;Krcmar, Helmut; Motivating Domestic Energy Conservation through Comparative, Community-Based Feedback in Mobile and Social Media
Herzfeldt, Alexander;Briggs, Robert O.;Read, Aaron;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards A Taxonomy of Requirements for Hybrid Products
Schmidl, Jörg;Krcmar, Helmut; Using Task Histories to Support Person-To-Person Knowledge Exchange
Krcmar, Helmut; Einführung in das Informationsmanagement
Krcmar, Helmut;Palka, Wolfgang;Wolf, Petra; Offentliche Dienste mobilisieren
Krcmar, Helmut; Mobiles eGovernment in Deutschland und Europa - Quo vadis?
Berkovich, Marina;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Requirements Engineering für Product Service Systems - Eine State-of-the-Art-Analyse
Berkovich, Marina;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Requirements Engineering for Product Service Systems - A State of the Art Analysis
Bub, Udo;Picot, Arnold;Krcmar, Helmut; Die Zukunft der Telekommunikation
Becker, Jörg;Krcmar, Helmut; Prozessorientierte Verwaltungsforschung in Deutschland
Mauro, Christian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Medizintechnik goes SOA
Broy, Manfred;Krcmar, Helmut;Zimmermann, Jens;Kirstan, Sascha; Model-based software development - its real benefit
Menschner, Philipp;Prinz, Andreas;Koene, Philip;Köbler, Felix;Altmann, Matthias;Krcmar, Helmut;Leimeister, Jan Marco; Reaching into patients? homes - participatory designed AAL services - The case of a patient-centered nutrition tracking service
Fähling, Jens;Blohm, Ivo;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut;Fischer, Jan; Accelerating customer integration into innovation processes using Pico Jobs
Sharafi, Armin;Jurisch, Marlen;Ikas, Christian;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Bundling Processes between Private and Public Organizations: A Qualitative Study
Blohm, Ivo;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Rieger, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Controlling von Ideencommunities ? Entwicklung und Test einer Ideencommunity-Scorecard
Blohm, Ivo;Bretschneider, Ulrich;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Does Collaboration among Participants Lead to Better Ideas in IT-based Idea Competitions? An Empirical Investigation
Krcmar, Helmut;Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Grau, Andreas;Lauth, Alexander; Gefahr erkannt - Gefahr gebannt
Krcmar, Helmut;Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Grau, Andreas;Lauth, Alexander; Governance, Risikomanagement und Compliance (GRC): Systeme für Transparente Unternehmensführung
Krcmar, Helmut;Picot, Arnold; Interview mit Marvin Ammori und Christof Weinhardt zum Thema Netzneutralität und die Zukunft der Telekommunikation.
Bretschneider, Ulrich;Blohm, Ivo;Fähling, Jens;Huber, Michael;Riedl, Christoph;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; IT zur Unterstützung der Kundenintegration in den Innovationsprozess
Köbler, Felix;Goswami, Suparna;Koene, Philip;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; NFriendConnector: Design and Evaluation of An Application for Integrating Offline and Online Social Networking
Mauro, Christian;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Serviceorientierte Integration medizinischer Geräte - ganzheitliche IT-Unterstützung klinischer Prozesse
Krcmar, Helmut; Trends im Decision Support - Worauf man bei der Umsetzung innovativer Steuerungskonzepte achten sollte
Riedl, Christoph;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Why e-Service Development is Different: A Literature Review
Nunnemann, Sabine;Last, Dirk;Schuster, Tibor;Förstl, Hans;Kurz, Alexander;Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Survival in a German Population with Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
Möhrenschlager, Matthias;Ring, Johannes; Food Allergy: An Increasing Problem for the Elderly
Mihaljevic, Andr'e L.;Friess, Helmut; Operatives Vorgehen bei zystischen Pankreastumoren: Radikale Resektion und organerhaltende Resektion
Melchart, Dieter; Theorienbildung in der Komplementärmedizin -- flqqStillstandfrqq oder flqqstill -- but slowly -- progressingfrqq?
Untch, Michael;Gerber, Bernd;Möbus, Volker;Schneeweiss, Andreas;Thomssen, Christoph;Minckwitz, Gunter von;Beckmann, Matthias W.;Blohmer, Jens-Uwe;Costa, Serban-Dan;Diedrich, Klaus;Diel, Ingo;Eiermann, Wolfgang;Friese, Klaus;Harbeck, Nadia;Hilfrich, Jörn;Jackisch, Christian;Janni, Wolfgang;Jänicke, Fritz;Jonat, Walter;Kaufmann, Manfred;Kiechle, Marion;Köhler, Uwe;Kreienberg, Rolf;Maass, Nicolai;Marschner, Norbert;Nitz, Ulrike;Scharl, Anton;Wallwiener, Diethelm; Zurich Consensus: Statement of German Experts on St. Gallen Conference 2011 on Primary Breast Cancer (Zurich 2011)
Struhal, Walter;Falup-Pecurariu, Cristian;Sztriha, Laszlo K.;Grisold, Wolfgang;Sellner, Johann; European Association of Young Neurologists and Trainees: Position Paper on Teaching Courses for Generation Y
Ströhlein, Michael A.;Lordick, Florian;Rüttinger, Dominik;Grützner, Klaus-Uwe;Schemanski, Oliver C.;Jäger, Michael;Lindhofer, Horst;Hennig, Michael;Jauch, Karl-Walter;Peschel, Christian;Heiss, Markus M.; Immunotherapy of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis with the Antibody Catumaxomab in Colon, Gastric, or Pancreatic Cancer: An Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase I/II Trial
Wagenlehner, Florian M.E.;Bescherer, Knut;Wagenlehner, Christine;Zellner, Michael;Weidner, Wolfgang;Naber, Kurt G.; Urodynamic Impact of Acute Urinary Retention in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A 2-Year Follow-Up after Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
Weidenhammer, Wolfgang;Lewith, George;Falkenberg, Torkel;Fonnebo, Vinjar;Johannessen, Helle;Reiter, Bettina;Uehleke, Bernhard;Ammon, Klaus von;Baumhöfener, Franziska;Brinkhaus, Benno; EU FP7 Project `CAMbrella' to Build European Research Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Wagenlehner, Florian M.E.;Wagenlehner, Christine M.;Blenk, Birgit;Blenk, Holger;Schubert, Sabine;Dalhoff, Axel;Naber, Kurt G.; Urinary Pharmacokinetics and Bactericidal Activity of Finafloxacin (200 and 800 mg) in Healthy Volunteers Receiving a Single Oral Dose
Schlitter, Anna Melissa;Esposito, Irene;Klöppel, Günter; Klassifikation und Diagnose zystischer Pankreastumoren
Sander, K.;Poppert, H.;Etgen, T.;Hemmer, B.;Sander, D.; Dynamics of Intracranial Venous Flow Patterns in Patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Sander, Dirk;Carolei, Antonio;Diehm, Curt;Hennerici, Michael G.;Rothwell, Peter M.; Challenges to the Management of High-Risk Stroke Patients with Multiple-Site Occlusive Vascular Disease
Roos, Marcel;Heinemann, Falko M.;Lindemann, Monika;Horn, Peter A.;Lutz, Jens;Stock, Konrad;Thürmel, Klaus;Baumann, Marcus;Witzke, Oliver;Heemann, Uwe; Fetuin-A Pretransplant Serum Levels, Kidney Allograft Function and Rejection Episodes: A 3-Year Posttransplantation Follow-Up
Stark, Thomas;Niedermeyer, Hans P.;Knopf, Andreas;Sudhoff, Holger; Surgical Technique for Implantation of the MED-EL SONATATI100
Spiwoks-Becker, Isabella;Wolloscheck, Tanja;Rickes, Oliver;Kelleher, Debra K.;Rohleder, Nils;Weyer, Veronika;Spessert, Rainer; Phosphodiesterase 10A in the Rat Pineal Gland: Localization, Daily and Seasonal Regulation of Expression and Influence on Signal Transduction
Schuemann, Klaus;Solomons, Noel W.;Laarakkers, Coby M.;Romero-Abal, Mar'ia-Eugenia;Kroll, Sylvia;Weiss, Guenter;Swinkels, Dorine W.; Reproducibility of and Correspondence among Different Hepcidin Forms in Blood and Urine and Their Relationships to Iron Status in Healthy, Male Guatemalan Volunteers Observed over 9 Weeks
Bulitta, Jurgen B.;Kinzig, Martina;Naber, Christoph K.;Wagenlehner, Florian M.E.;Sauber, Christian;Landersdorfer, Cornelia B.;Sörgel, Fritz;Naber, Kurt G.; Population Pharmacokinetics and Penetration into Prostatic, Seminal, and Vaginal Fluid for Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, and Their Combination
Braun, Susanne;Ye, Qing;Radeloff, Andreas;Kiefer, Jan;Gstoettner, Wolfgang;Tillein, Jochen; Protection of Inner Ear Function after Cochlear Implantation: Compound Action Potential Measurements after Local Application of Glucocorticoids in the Guinea Pig Cochlea
Ceyhan, G. O.;Timm, A.-K.;Bergmann, F.;Günther, A.;Aghdassi, A. A.;Demir, I. E.;Mayerle, J.;Kern, M.;Lerch, M. M.;Büchler, M. W.;Friess, H.;Schemmer, P.; Prophylactic Glycine Administration Attenuates Pancreatic Damage and Inflammation in Experimental Acute Pancreatitis
Bonfig, W.;Schwarz, H. P.; Growth Pattern of Untreated Boys with Simple Virilizing Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Indicates Relative Androgen Insensitivity during the First Six Months of Life
Bonfig, W.;Schmidt, H.;Schwarz, H. P.; Growth Patterns in the First Three Years of Life in Children with Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Diagnosed by Newborn Screening and Treated with Low Doses of Hydrocortisone
Arnold, Andreas;Fawzy, Tamer;Steinhoff, Hans-Joachim;Kiefer, Jan;Arnold, Wolfgang; Influence of a Totally Open Oval Window on Bone Conduction in Otosclerosis
Alexopoulos, Panagiotis;Guo, Liang-Hao;Kratzer, Martina;Westerteicher, Christine;Kurz, Alexander;Perneczky, Robert; Impact of SORL1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Alzheimer's Disease Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers
Ahrens, Birgit;Quarcoo, David;Buhner, Sabine;Matricardi, Paolo M.;Hamelmann, Eckard; Oral Administration of Bacterial Lysates Attenuates Experimental Food Allergy
Jacobs, Volker R.;Mayer, Stefanie C.;Paessens, Bernadette J.;Bernard, Rudolf;Harbeck, Nadia;Kiechle, Marion;Ihbe-Heffinger, Angela; Comparison of Actual Hospital Costs versus DRG Revenues for In-Patient Treatment of Febrile Neutropenia during Adjuvant Anthracycline plus/minus Taxane-Based Chemotherapy for Primary Breast Cancer
Ihbe-Heffinger, Angela;Paessens, Bernadette J.;Schilling, Christoph von;Shlaen, Margarita;Gottschalk, Nina;Berger, Karin;Bernard, Rudolf;Kiechle, Marion;Peschel, Christian;Jacobs, Volker R.; Management of Febrile Neutropenia -- a German Prospective Hospital Cost Analysis in Lymphoproliferative Disorders, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Primary Breast Cancer
Hausteiner-Wiehle, C.;Sokollu, F.; Magical Thinking in Somatoform Disorders: An Exploratory Study among Patients with Suspected Allergies
Koehler, Mirjam;Kliegel, Matthias;Wiese, Birgitt;Bickel, Horst;Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Eifflaender-Gorfer, Sandra;Eisele, Marion;Fuchs, Angela;Koenig, Hans-Helmut;Leicht, Hanna;Luck, Tobias;Maier, Wolfgang;Moesch, Edelgard;Riedel-Heller, Steffi;Tebarth, Franziska;Wagner, Michael;Weyerer, Siegfried;Zimmermann, Thomas;Pentzek, Michael; Malperformance in Verbal Fluency and Delayed Recall as Cognitive Risk Factors for Impairment in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Friess, Helmut;Brambs, Hans-Jürgen; Zystische Raumforderungen im Pankreas
Förstl, H.;Stamouli, S. S.;Janetzky, W.;Galanopoulos, A.;Karageorgiou, C.;Tzanakaki, M.; Memantine in Everyday Clinical Practice: A Comparison of Studies in Germany and Greece
Gu, Huiying;Wei, Xing;Chen, Shirley;Kurz, Alexander;Müller, Ulrich;Gasser, Thomas;Dodel, Richard C.;Farlow, Martin R.;Du, Yansheng; Association of Clusterin Gene Polymorphisms with Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease
Gstoettner, Wolfgang K.;Van de Heyning, Paul;Fitzgerald O'Connor, Alec;Kiefer, Jan;Morera, Constantino;Sainz, Manuel;Vermeire, Katrien;McDonald, Sonelle;Cavall'e, Laura;Garc'ia Valdecasas, Juan;Adunka, Oliver F.;Baumann, Uwe;Kleine-Punte, Andrea;Brockmeier, Hanna;Anderson, Ilona;Helbig, Silke; Assessment of the Subjective Benefit of Electric Acoustic Stimulation with the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit
Grimmler, Christina;Janssen, Holger;Krautextgreekbe, Desire'e;Fischer, Ralf-Jörg;Bahl, Hubert;Dürre, Peter;Liebl, Wolfgang;Ehrenreich, Armin; Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analysis of the Switch between Acidogenesis and Solventogenesis in Continuous Cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum
Bauer, Tanja;Sprinzl, Martin;Protzer, Ulrike; Immune control of hepatitis B virus
Koropouli, V.;D. Lee,;Hirche, S.; Learning interaction control policies by demonstration
Stein, M.; Towards Optimal Schemes for the Half-Duplex Two-Way Relay Channel
M. Goldenbaum, R.A. Akl, S. Valentin, S. Stanczak; On the Effect of Feedback Delay in the Downlink of Multiuser OFDM Systems
S. Stanczak, M. Kaliszan, M. Goldenbaum; Max-Min Fair Rate Control Based on a Saddle-Point Characterization of Some Perron Roots
M. Goldenbaum, H. Boche, S. Stanczak; Analyzing the Space of Functions Analog-Computable via Wireless Multiple-Access Channels
Auernhammer, H.; Twenty Years of Precision Farming - more Questions than Answers?
Cornelius Moucha, Enrico Lovat, and Alexander Pretschner; A virtualized usage control bus system
Prachi Kumari, Florian Kelbert, Alexander Pretschner; Data Protection in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems: A Smart Meter Example
Moucha, Cornelius;Lovat, Enrico;Pretschner, Alexander; A Hypervisor-Based Bus System for Usage Control
Neisse, Ricardo;Pretschner, Alexander;Di Giacomo, Valentina; A Trustworthy Usage Control Enforcement Framework
Lovat, Enrico;Pretschner, Alexander; Data-centric multi-layer usage control enforcement
Kumari, Prachi;Pretschner, Alexander;Peschla, Jonas;Kuhn, Jens-Michael; Distributed data usage control for web applications
Neisse, Ricardo;Holling, Dominik;Pretschner, Alexander; Implementing Trust in Cloud Infrastructures
Büchler, Matthias;Oudinet, Johan;Pretschner, Alexander; Security Mutants for Property-Based Testing
Utting, Mark;Pretschner, Alexander;Legeard, Bruno; A taxonomy of model-based testing approaches
T. Soleymani;F. Saghafi; Sliding Mode Leader Following Control for Autonomous Air Robots
Auernhammer, H.; Precision Farming: Nutzen für die nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung und den Ökolandbau
Auernhammer, H.; Transborder Farming - an intelligent approach to more successful farming
Gtoehl, D.; Stopper, J.; Bertsch S.; Schwarz D.;; Fluidised glass façade elements for an active energy transmission control
Gstoehl D.; Stopper J.; Bertsch S.; Schwarz D.; Fluidised glass façade elements for an active energy transmission control
Kuhn, Philipp; Kühne, Maximilian; Optimierung des Kraftwerks- und Speicherausbaus mit einem iterativen und hybriden Modell
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Service Integration in Multiantenna Bidirectional Relay Networks: Public and Confidential Messages
Straub, D.; Reliability updating with inspection and monitoring data in deteriorating reinforced concrete slabs
M.F. Pinto; A. G. Melo; L.O.A. Junior; L.C.G. Lopes; Calibração de Imagens Estereoscópicas de Objetos em 3 dimensões para Geração Automática de Trajetórias de Manipuladores Robóticos Industriais
Miraglia, Simona; Dietsch, Philipp; Straub, Daniel; Comparative Risk Assessment of Secondary Structures in wide-span Timber Structures.
Suda, Michael; Gaggermeier, Anika; Koch, Marc; Waldflurbereinigung - Bedeutung und Einflussfaktoren auf den Verfahrensverlauf
S. Erhart; M. Doumiati; O. Sename; J. J. Martinez Molina; L. Dugard; Estimation du prol de la chaussee pour la dynamique du vehicule
Balakrishnan, Gokul;Geisinger, Michael;Buckl, Christian; Multifunk: Self-Organizing Sensor Networks for Industrial Process Monitoring
Barner, Simon;Raabe, Andreas;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Beschreibung der Plattformabhängigkeit eingebetteter Applikationen mit Dienstmodellen
Baumgartner, B.;Mendoza, A.;Eichhorn, S.;Schreiber, U.;Knoll, A.; A Comparative Study on Extra-Corporal Circulation Control
Bayer, Justin;Osendorfer, Christian;Smagt, Patrick van der; Learning sequence neigbourhood metrics
Buckl, Christian;Geisinger, Michael; Middleware-Architekturen zur Integration von Systemen in Systems-of-Systems
Buckl, Christian;Fehling, Marcus;Klein, Cornel;Schätz, Bernhard; Mehr Software (im) Wagen - Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie als Motor der Elektromobilität der Zukunft
Bernhard, Manuel;Buckl, Christian;Döricht, Volkmar;Fehling, Marcus;Fiege, Ludger;Grolman, Helmut von;Ivandic, Nicolas;Janelle, Christoph;Klein, Cornel;Kuhn, Karl-Josef;Patzlaff, Christian;Riedl, Bettina;Schätz, Bernhard;Stanek, Christian; Mehr Software (im) Wagen: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik (IKT) als Motor der Elektromobilität der Zukunft, Abschlussbericht des vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie geförderten Verbundvorhabens eCar-IKT-Systemarchitektur für Elektromobilität
Feussner, H.;Can, S.;Fiolka, A.;Schneider, A.;Wilhelm, D.; Leistungsfähigkeit, Risiken und Vorteile des Einsatzes der Robotik in medizinisch-operativen Disziplinen
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Knoll, Alois;Luttenberger, Michael;Buckl, Christian; GAVS+: an Open Platform for the Research of Algorithmic Game Solving
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Bensalem, Saddek;Jobstmann, Barbara;Yan, Rongjie;Knoll, Alois;Ruess, Harald; Model Construction and Priority Synthesis for Simple Interaction Systems
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Jobstmann, Barbara;Knoll, Alois;Buckl, Christian; On the Hardness of Priority Synthesis
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Bensalem, Saddek;Chen, Yu-Fang;Yan, Rongjie;Jobstmann, Barbara;Ruess, Harald;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Algorithms for Synthesizing Priorities in Component-based Systems
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Ruess, Harald;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems using Games: from Theory to Practice
Chen, Lili;Panin, Giorgio;Knoll, Alois; Multi-Camera People Tracking with Hierarchical Likelihood Grids
Dirndorfer, Tobias;Botsch, Michael;Knoll, Alois; Model-Based Analysis of Sensor-Noise in Predictive Passive Safety Algorithms
Gaschler, Andre; Visual Motion Capturing for Kinematic Model Estimation of a Humanoid Robot
Gaschler, Andre; A Software Architecture for Robot Control and its Application to Social Robotics
Giuliani, Manuel;Knoll, Alois; Evaluating Supportive and Instructive Robot Roles in Human-Robot Interaction
Peters, A.;Döring, A.;Ladwig, K.-H.;Meisinger, C.;Linkohr, B.;Autenrieth, C.;Baumeister, S.E.;Behr, J.;Bergner, A.;Bickel, H.;Bidlingmaier, M.;Dias, A.;Emeny, R.T.;Fischer, B.;Grill, E.;Gorzelniak, L.;Hänsch, H.;Heidbreder, S.;Heier, M.;Horsch, A.;Huber, D.;Huber, R.M.;Jörres, R.A.;Kääb, S.;Karrasch, S.;Kirchberger, I.;Klug, G.;Kranz, B.;Kuch, B.;Lacruz, M.E.;Lang, O.;Mielck, A.;Nowak, D.;Perz, S.;Schneider, A.;Schulz, H.;Müller, M.;Seidl, H.;Strobl, R.;Thorand, B.;Wende, R.;Weidenhammer, W.;Zimmermann, A.-K.;Wichmann, H.-E.;Holle, R.; Multimorbidität und erfolgreiches Altern
Dias, Andr'e;Gorzelniak, Lukas;Döring, Angela;Hartvigsen, Gunnar;Horsch, Alexander; Extracting gait parameters from raw electronic walkway data
Gorzelniak, Lukas;Dias, Andr'e;Soyer, Hubert;Knoll, Alois;Horsch, Alexander; Using a robotic arm to assess the variability of motion sensors
Homm, F.;Kämpchen, N.;Burschka, D.; Fusion of Laserscannner and Video Based Lanemarking Detection for Robust Lateral Vehicle Control and Lane Change Maneuvers
Huang, Jia;Buckl, Christian;Raabe, Andreas;Knoll, Alois; Energy-Aware Task Allocation for Network-on-Chip Based Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems
Huang, Jia;Raabe, Andreas;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; A Workflow for Runtime Adaptive Task Allocation on Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Huang, Jia;Blech, Jan Olaf;Raabe, Andreas;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Reliability-Aware Design Optimization for Multiprocessor Embedded Systems
Huang, Jia;Blech, Jan Olaf;Raabe, Andreas;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Analysis and Optimization of Fault-Tolerant Task Scheduling on Multiprocessor Embedded Systems
Jäntsch, Michael;Schmaler, Christian;Wittmeier, Steffen;Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos;Knoll, Alois; A scalable Joint-Space Controller for Musculoskeletal Robots with Spherical Joints
Whittle, Jon;Clark, Tony;Kühne, Thomas; Automated Model-to-Metamodel Transformations Based on the Concepts of Deep Instantiation
Holzapfel, Florian;Theil, Stephan; Novel Dynamic Inversion Architecture Design for Quadrocopter Control
Kupferberg, Aleksandra;Glasauer, Stefan;Huber, Markus;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois;Brandt, Thomas; Biological Movement Increases Acceptance of Humanoid Robots as Human Partners in Motor Interaction
Lenz, Claus;Röder, Thorsten;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; Distance-Weighted Kalman Fusion for Precise Docking Problems
Lenz, Claus;Sotzek, Alice;Röder, Thorsten;Radrich, Helmuth;Knoll, Alois;Huber, Markus;Glasauer, Stefan; Human Workflow Analysis using 3D Occupancy Grid Hand Tracking in a Human-Robot Collaboration Scenario
Mair, Elmar;Fleps, Michael;Ruepp, Oliver;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; Optimization Based IMU Camera Calibration
Mair, Elmar;Fleps, Michael;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; Spatio-Temporal Initialization for IMU to Camera Registration
Martiniuc, Aurel Vasile;Blau, Axel;Difato, Francesco;Nanni, Mrina;Sccol, Francesca;Knoll, Alois;Benfenati, Fabio; Lab-bench perfusion setup for combined long-term multielectrode in vitro electrophysiology and time-lapse microscopy
Mendoza, A.;Sprunk, N.;Baumgartner, B.;Schreiber, U.;Bauernschmitt, S. Eichhorn R.;Lange, R.;Krane, M.;Knoll, A.; Automation of an extracorporeal support system with adaptive fuzzy controllers
Mendoza, A.;Rodriguez, M.;B., Baumgartner;U., Schreiber;Knoll, A.; Embedded Platform for Automation of Medical Devices
Chistyakov, Yury S.;Kholodova, Elena V.;Minin, Alexey S.;Zimmermann, Hans-Georg;Knoll, A.; Modeling of electric power transformer using complex-valued neural networks
Minin, A.;Zimmermann, H.-G.;Knoll, A.; Complex Valued Recurrent Neural Network: From Architecture to Training
Honkela, Timo;Duch, Wlodzislaw;Girolami, Mark;Kaski, Samuel; Historical Consistent Complex Valued Recurrent Neural Network
Zimmermann, Hans Georg;Minin, Alexey;Kusherbaeva, Victoria;Germany, Muenchen; Comparison of the Complex Valued and Real Valued Neural Networks Trained with Gradient Descent and Random Search Algorithms
Schwarz, Loren Arthur;Mkhitaryan, Artashes;Mateus, Diana;Navab, Nassir; Estimating Human 3D Pose from Time-of-Flight Images Based on Geodesic Distances and Optical Flow
Müller, Thomas;Tran, Binh An;Knoll, Alois; Automatic Distribution of Vision-Tasks on Computing Clusters
Müller, Thomas;Knoll, Alois; Evolution of Attention Mechanisms for Early Visual Processing
Tuong, Nguyen Xuan;Müller, Thomas;Knoll, Alois; Robust Pedestrian Detection and Tracking from A Moving Vehicle
Nair, Suraj;Dean, Emmanuel;Knoll, Alois; 3D Position based Multiple Human Servoing by Low-Level-Control of 6 DOF Industrial Robot
Osendorfer, Christian;Schlüter, Jan;Schmidhuber, Jürgen;Smagt, Patrick van der; Unsupervised learning of low-level audio features for music similarity estimation
Papazov, Chavdar;Burschka, Darius; Deformable 3D Shape Registration Based on Local Similarity Transforms
Papazov, Chavdar;Burschka, Darius; Stochastic Global Optimization for Robust Point Set Registration
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Representation of Manipulation-Relevant Object Properties and Actions for Surprise-Driven Exploration
Roth, Erwin;Dirndorfer, Tobias;Neumann-Cosel, Kilian v.;Fischer, Marc-Oliver;Ganslmeier, Thomas;Kern, Andreas;Knoll, Alois; Analysis and Validation of Perception Sensor Models in an Integrated Vehicle and Environment Simulation
Rückstiess, Thomas;Osendorfer, Christian;Smagt, Patrick van der; Sequential Feature Selection for Classification
Rückstiess, Thomas;Schmidhuber, Jürgen; A Python Experiment Suite
Rückstiess, Thomas;Schmidhuber, Jürgen; Python Experiment Suite Implementation
Schlüter, Jan;Osendorfer, Christian; Music Similarity Estimation with the Mean-Covariance Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Shah, Hardik;Raabe, Andreas;Knoll, Alois; Priority division: A high-speed shared-memory bus arbitration with bounded latency
Novak, Dennis A.; Neue Entwicklungen in der Rehabilitation von Handfunktionsstörungen: Humanrobotik
Sojer, Dominik;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Synthesis of Diagnostic Techniques Based on an IEC 61508-aware Metamodel
Sojer, Dominik; Synthesis of Fault Detection Mechanisms
Sprunk, Nicole;Garcia, Alejandro Mendoza;Knoll, Alois;Schreiber, Ulrich;Eichhorn, Stefan;Hoerer, Juergen;Bauernschmitt, Robert; Hemodynamic regulation using fuzzy logic
Sprunk, Nicole;Garcia, Alejandro Mendoza;Schreiber, Ulrich;Bauernschmitt, Robert;Knoll, Alois; Cardiovascular model for development and test of automated hemodynamic regulation with medication
Staub, Christoph;Ning, Yu;Can, Salman;Knoll, Alois; A Distributed Software Framework for Robotic Surgery
Staub, Christoph;Can, Salman;Knoll, Alois;Karl, Verena Nitschand Ines;Färber, Berthold; Implementation and Evaluation of a gesture-based Input Method inRobotic Surgery
Staub, Christoph;Ono, Keita;Mayer, Hermann;Knoll, Alois;Ulbrich, Heinz;Bauernschmitt, Robert; Remote minimally invasive surgery - haptic feedback and selective automation in medical robotics
Staub, Christoph;Can, Salman;Knoll, Alois; Haptic Gesturing as Human-Machine Interface in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
Strobl, Klaus H.;Mair, Elmar;Hirzinger, Gerd; Image-Based Pose Estimation for 3-D Modeling in Rapid, Hand-Held Motion
Weissmann, Markus;Bedenk, Stefan;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Model Checking Industrial Robot Systems
Wittmeier, Steffen; Jäntsch, Michael; Dalamagkidis; Konstantinos; Knoll, Alois; Physics-based Modeling of an Anthropomimetic Robot
Wittmeier, Steffen; Jäntsch, Michael; Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos; Rickert, Markus; Gravato Marques, Hugo; Knoll, Alois; Caliper: A Universal Robot Simulation Framework for Tendon-Driven Robots
Wang, Wei;Brvsči'c, Drazon;He, Zhiwei;Hirche, Sandra;Kühnlenz, Kolja; Real-time Human Body Motion Estimation based on Multi-layer Laser Scans
Henriksson, Bernhard Thiele AND Dan; Using the Functional Mockup Interface as an Intermediate Format in AUTOSAR Software Component Development
Patil, M. J.;Althoff, M.; Energy-consistent, Galerkin approach for the nonlinear dynamics of beams using intrinsic equations
Althoff, M.;Rajhans, A.;Krogh, B. H.;Yaldiz, S.;Li, X.;Pileggi, L.; Formal Verification of Phase-Locked Loops Using Reachability Analysis and Continuization
Althoff, M.;Mergel, A.; Comparison of Markov Chain Abstraction and Monte Carlo Simulation for the Safety Assessment of Autonomous Cars
Althoff, M.;Guernic, C. Le;Krogh, B. H.; Reachable Set Computation for Uncertain Time-Varying Linear Systems
Rauh, A.;Auer, E.; Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties
Althoff, M.;Krogh, B. H.; Zonotope Bundles for the Efficient Computation of Reachable Sets
Althoff, M.;Dolan, J. M.; Set-Based Computation of Vehicle Behaviors for the Online Verification of Autonomous Vehicles
Nasseri, M.A.;Asadpour, M.; Control of flocking behavior using informed agents: An experimental study
Vogel, Jörn;Castellini, Claudio;Smagt, Patrick van der; EMG-Based Teleoperation and Manipulation with the DLR LWR-III
Lakatos, Dominic;Petit, Florian;van der Smagt, Patrick; Conditioning vs. Excitation Time for Estimating Impedance Parameters of the Human Arm
Höppner, Hannes;Lakatos, Dominic;Urbanek, Holger;Castellini, Claudio;van der Smagt, Patrick; The Grasp Perturbator: Calibrating human grasp stiffness during a graded force task
Castellini, Claudio;Smagt, Patrick van der; Preliminary evidence of dynamic muscular synergies in human grasping
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano;Hung, Yeung Sam; Synchronization Seeking in Multi-agent Dynamic Systems with Communication Uncertainties
Martiniuc, A. V.;Zeck, G.;Stuerzl, W.;Knoll, A.; Erratum for printed publication: Sharpening of directional selectivity from neural output of rabbit retina
Ciechanowicz, David;Sachenbacher, Martin; Economics of Vehicle-to-Grid
Waibel, Markus;Beetz, Michael;Civera, Javier;D'Andrea, Raffaello;Elfring, Jos;Galvez-Lopez, Dorian;Häussermann, Kai;Janssen, Rob;Montiel, J.M.M.;Perzylo, Alexander;Schiessle, Björn;Tenorth, Moritz;Zweigle, Oliver;Molengraft, Ren'e van de; RoboEarth - A World Wide Web for Robots
Nerdinger, Winfried; Bibliotheken im Internetzeitalter. Von P(rint) nach E(lectronic)
Wu, Y., Luo, H., Ding, M., Zhou, J., and Li, X.; Efficient limited feedback for MIMO-relay systems
Erdle, K.; Mistele, B.; Schmidhalter, U.; Wer kann was? – Aktive und passive Spektralsensoren im Plfanzenbau und ihre Unterschiede in der Differenzierung von Biomasseparametern bei Weizen
Krapf, L.Ch.; Gronauer, A.; Schmidhalter, U.; Heuwinkel, H.; Potenziale der Nahinfrarotspektroskopie für die Online-Prozessüberwachung landwirtschaftlicher Biogasanlagen
Ruth, B.; Khalvati, M.; Schmidhalter, U.; Quantification of mycorrhizal water uptake via high-resolution on-line water content sensor
Schmidhalter, U.; N-Düngung - Präzisionsdüngung und Gießkannenprinzip
Schmidhalter, U.; Georgi, A.C.; Landzettel, C.; Nährstoffvariabilität in Gülle
Schmidhalter, U.; Manhart, R.; Heil, K.; Schraml, M.; v.Tucher, S.; Gülle- und Gärrestdüngung zu Mais
v.Tucher, S.; Fouda, S.; Lichti, F.; Schmidhalter, U.; Kurz- und längerfristige Stickstoffwirkung nicht separierter und separierter Biogasgärreste zu Weidelgras nach einmaliger und wiederholter Ausbringung
Reiter, Karl; Pernath, Nadine; Pagel, Philipp; Hiedi, Stephan; Hoffmann, Florian; Schoen, Carola; Nicolai, Thomas; Risk Factors for Morbidity and Mortality in Pediatric Home Mechanical Ventilation
Borjesson, Mats; Urhausen, Alex; Kouidi, Evangelia; Dugmore, Dorian; Sharma, Sanjay; Halle, Martin; Heidbüchel, Hein; Björnstad, Hans Halvor; Gielen, Stephan; Mezzani, Alessandro; Corrado, Domenico; Pelliccia, Antonio; Vanhees, Luc; Cardiovascular evaluation of middle-aged/senior individuals engaged in leisure-time sport activities: position stand from the sections of exercise physiology and sports cardiology of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
Block, Jörn H.; How to Pay Nonfamily Managers in Large Family Firms: A Principal—Agent Model
Suhre, Karsten; Römisch-Margl, Werner; Angelis, Martin Hrabé de; Adamski, Jerzy; Luippold, Gerd; Augustin, Robert; Identification of a Potential Biomarker for FABP4 Inhibition: The Power of Lipidomics in Preclinical Drug Testing
Lämmle, Lena; Worth, Annette; Bös, Klaus; A Biopsychosocial Process Model of Health and Complaints in Children and Adolescents
Rid, Wolfgang; Profeta, Adriano; Stated Preferences for Sustainable Housing Development in Germany—A Latent Class Analysis
Mohr, B.; Paulus, D.; Baier, H.; Hornung, M.; Design of a 450-passenger blended wing body aircraft for active control investigations
Becker, S.; Xu, T.; Ilchmann, F.; Eisler, J.; Wolf, B.; Concept for a gas-cell-driven drug delivery system for therapeutic applications
Pock, M.; Malass'e, O.; Walter, M.; Combining different binary decision diagram techniques for solving models with multiple failure states
Tumasjan, Andranik; Sprenger, Timm O.; Sandner, Philipp G.; Welpe, Isabell M.; Election Forecasts With Twitter: How 140 Characters Reflect the Political Landscape
García, Isabel; Klüppelberg, Claudia; Müller, Gernot; Estimation of stable CARMA models with an application to electricity spot prices
Lidoris, Georgios; Rohrmüller, Florian; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; System interdependence analysis for autonomous robots
Marton, Zoltan-Csaba; Pangercic, Dejan; Blodow, Nico; Beetz, Michael; Combined 2D–3D categorization and classification for multimodal perception systems
Bubnoff, Nikolas von; Prognostic significance of treatment response in CML in view of current recommendations for treatment and monitoring
Murer, Martin J.; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Waal, Chantal M. W. de; Wilpshaar, Saskia; Berkhout, Bart; Berlo, Marcel A. J. van; Gohlke, Oliver; Martin, Johannes J. E.; High efficient waste-to-energy in Amsterdam: getting ready for the next steps
Wohlmuth, Barbara; Variationally consistent discretization schemes and numerical algorithms for contact problems
Hoisl, Frank; Shea, Kristina; An interactive, visual approach to developing and applying parametric three-dimensional spatial grammars
Masanetz, S.; Preißinger, W.; Meyer, H. H. D.; Pfaffl, M. W.; Effects of the prebiotics inulin and lactulose on intestinal immunology and hematology of preruminant calves
Jourdan, C.; Kloiber, S.; Nieters, A.; Seiler, H.; Himmerich, H.; Kohli, M. A.; Lucae, S.; Wolfram, G.; Gieger, C.; Wichmann, H.-E.; Linseisen, J.; Gene-PUFA interactions and obesity risk
Heidemann, Christin; Scheidt-Nave, Christa; Richter, Almut; Mensink, Gert B. M.; Dietary patterns are associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in a representative study population of German adults
da Cruz, Eduardo; Lechner, Evelyn; Stiller, Brigitte; Munoz, Ricardo; Beghetti, Maurice; Fakler, Ulrich; Haas, Nikolaus; Recommendations from the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology for training in paediatric cardiac intensive care
Schmidt, Bernd; On a semilinear variational problem
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina; Junge, Oliver; Marsden, Jerrold E.; Discrete mechanics and optimal control: An analysis
Kurz, Alexander F.; Leucht, Stefan; Lautenschlager, Nicola T.; The clinical significance of cognition-focused interventions for cognitively impaired older adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Bornschein, Susanne; Pohl, Corina; Förstl, Hans; Kurz, Alexander; Jahn, Thomas; Cognitive decline in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
NAEEM, ISMAT; MIRZA, ARSHAD M.; MASOOD, W.; FARID, T.; Magnetic electron-drift vortex modes in an inhomogeneous quantum plasma
Eberhard, M. I.; Olson, A. D.; Ambrosini, G. L.; Ahern, A. L.; Caterson, I.; Hauner, H.; Jebb, S. A.; Greater improvements in diet quality in participants randomised to a commercial weight loss programme compared with standard care delivered in GP practices
Mendel, R.; Traut-Mattausch, E.; Jonas, E.; Leucht, S.; Kane, J. M.; Maino, K.; Kissling, W.; Hamann, J.; Confirmation bias: why psychiatrists stick to wrong preliminary diagnoses
Werner, Tanja; Wagner, Stefan J.; Martínez, Inés; Walter, Jens; Chang, Jung-Su; Clavel, Thomas; Kisling, Sigrid; Schuemann, Klaus; Haller, Dirk; Depletion of luminal iron alters the gut microbiota and prevents Crohn's disease-like ileitis
Schormair, Barbara; Plag, Jens; Kaffe, Maria; Groß, Nadine; Czamara, Darina; Samtleben, Walter; Lichtner, Peter; Ströhle, Andreas; Stefanidis, Ioannis; Vainas, Andreas; Dardiotis, Efthimios; Sakkas, George K.; Gieger, Christian; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Meitinger, Thomas; Heemann, Uwe; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios M.; Oexle, Konrad; Winkelmann, Juliane; MEIS1 and BTBD9: genetic association with restless leg syndrome in end stage renal disease
Schemann, Michael; Recording from human gut tissue: a major step towards more efficient drug development?
Salgado, J. P.; Khoramnia, R.; Lohmann, C. P.; Winkler von Mohrenfels, C.; Corneal collagen crosslinking in post-LASIK keratectasia
Rivera-Brugués, Nuria; Albrecht, Beate; Wieczorek, Dagmar; Schmidt, Heinrich; Keller, Thomas; Göhring, Ina; Ekici, Arif B.; Tzschach, Andreas; Garshasbi, Masoud; Franke, Kathlen; Klopp, Norman; Wichmann, H-Erich; Meitinger, Thomas; Strom, Tim M.; Hempel, Maja; Cohen syndrome diagnosis using whole genome arrays
Mei, Henrik; Frölich, Daniela; Giesecke, Claudia; Loddenkemper, Christoph; Reiter, Karin; Schmidt, Stefanie; Feist, Eugen; Daridon, Capucine; Tony, Hans-Peter; Radbruch, Andreas; Dörner, Thomas; Steady state generation of mucosal IgA+ plasmablasts is not abrogated by B cell depletion therapy with rituximab
Mayr, N. Patrick; Martin, Klaus; Hausleiter, Jörg; Brown, Anna; Tassani, Peter; Ventilation manoeuvres facilitate MitraClip placement
Kunrath, Sabine; Baumert, Jens; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Increasing railway suicide acts after media coverage of a fatal railway accident? An ecological study of 747 suicidal acts
Kotliar, Konstantin E.; Baumann, Marcus; Vilser, Walthard; Lanzl, Ines M.; Pulse wave velocity in retinal arteries of healthy volunteers
Holzapfel, Christina; Grallert, Harald; Baumert, Jens; Thorand, Barbara; Döring, Angela; Wichmann, H. Erich; Hauner, Hans; Illig, Thomas; Mielck, Andreas; First investigation of two obesity-related loci (TMEM18, FTO) concerning their association with educational level as well as income: the MONICA/KORA study
Baumert, J.; Lukaschek, K.; Kunrath, S.; Erazo, N.; Ladwig, K. H.; P1-88?Decrease of railway suicides between 1998 and 2006: evaluation of the German railway suicide prevention project
Baumert, J.; Kunrath, S.; Ladwig, K. H.; SP3-73?Increase of railway suicides in Germany after the railway suicide death of Robert Enke, a famous German football player
Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt; Der Schutzwald-Mythos: Alpen ohne Bergwald sind wie ein Bergschuh ohne Schuhband!
Suda, Michael; Mayer, Renate; Humor in der Lehre?! - Plädoyer für ein Lächeln im Hörsaal
Suda, Michael; Mayer, Renate; Mit Rückenwind in der Humorbrise segeln und die Meere der Wissensvermittlung neu entdecken. Humor in Forschung und Lehre
Korp, Harald-Alexander; Müller, Christoph; Titze, Michael; Humor im Hörsaal. Humoristischer Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Wissensvermittlung in der gähnenden Lehre
Friesecke, Gero;Gill, Peter; Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry
Alt, Hans Wilhelm;Witterstein, Gabriele; Distributional equation in the limit of phase transition for fluids
Singh, Preeti;Goyal, G.K.; Functionality of pizza ingredients
Singh, Preeti;Abas Wani, Ali;Saengerlaub, Sven; Active packaging of food products: recent trends
Klein, Markus;Höhn, Bernd‐Robert;Michaelis, Klaus;Annast, Rainer; Theoretical and experimental investigations about flank breakage in bevel gears
Höhn, Bernd‐Robert;Michaelis, Klaus;Otto, Hans‐Philipp; Pitting load carrying capacity under increased thermal conditions
Michaelis, Klaus;Höhn, Bernd‐Robert;Hinterstoißer, Michael; Influence factors on gearbox power loss
Lutz, Eva;Schraml, Stephanie; Family firms: should they hire an outside CFO?
Kirn, Johannes;Lorkowski, Thomas;Baier, Horst; Development of flexible matrix composites (FMC) for fluidic actuators in morphing systems
Reitzner, Daniel; Quantum Walks
Burgkart, Rainer; Complementary limb motion estimation for the control of active knee prostheses
Loeffelbein, Denys John; Experimental analysis of tensile force of individualized stents for microvascular anastomoses
Hoffstetter, Marc; Middle ear of human and pig: a comparison of structures and mechanics
Richter-Gebert, Jürgen; Diese Jugend von heute ...
Hoffmann, Christian; Time-Domain Emission Measurements in K-Band
Weitsch, Yvonne; Dispersion Analysis of Periodic Structures by Solving Corresponding Excitation Problems
Russer, Johannes A.; Imaging of Sources of Radiated Electromagnetic Interference
Polifke, Wolfgang; Some regularization methods for a thermoacoustic inverse problem
Duerr, Georg; Reprogrammable magnonic crystals formed by interacting ferromagnetic nanowires
Schümann, Klaus; Studies on variation in fecal reactive oxidative species generation in free-living populations in Guatemala
Ottmann, Matthias; Perspektiven des deutschen Immobilienmarktes und wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen
Lang, Alexander; Kirschner, Rafael; Kain, Andreas; Lindemann, Udo; OVERCOMING THE KEEP THE MARKET OUT PREMISE (KMOP) IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
Pail, R.;Goiginger, H.;Schuh, W.-D.;Höck, E.;Brockmann, J. M.;Fecher, T.;Mayrhofer, R.;Krasbutter, I.;Mayer-Gürr, T.; GOCE-only gravity field model derived from 8 months of GOCE data
Peterseim, N.;Schlicht, A.;Stummer, C.;Yi, W.; Impact of cross winds in polar regions on GOCE accelerometer and gradiometer data
Fecher, T.;Pail, R.;Gruber, T.; Global gravity field determination by combining GOCE and complementary data
Murböck, M.;Pail, R.;Fuchs, M.;Bouman, J.; GOCE gravity gradients: a new satellite observable
Yi, W.;Rummel, R.; Contribution analysis of the gravity field recovered from GOCE
Pail, R.;Goiginger, H.;Schuh, W.-D.;Höck, E.;Brockmann, J. M.;Fecher, T.;Mayer-Gürr, T.;Kusche, J.;Jäggi, A.;Prange, L.;Rieser, D.;Hausleitner, W.;Maier, A.;Krauss, S.;Baur, O.;Krasbutter, I.;Gruber, T.; Combination of GOCE data with complementary gravity field information
Pail, R.;Fecher, T.;Jäggi, A.;Goiginger, H.; Can GOCE help to improve temporal gravity field estimates?
Böhm, J.;Schuh, H.;Urquhart, L.;Steigenberger, P.;Santos, M.; Troposphere Delay Modeling based on Numerical Weather Models
Hirt, C.;Gruber, T.;Featherstone, W. E.; Evaluation of the first GOCE static gravity field models using terrestrial gravity, vertical deflections and EGM2008 quasigeoid heights
Hirt, C.; Assessment of EGM2008 over Germany using accurate quasigeoid heights from vertical deflections, GCG05 and GPS/levelling.
Hirt, C.;Featherstone, W.E.;Claessens, S.J.; On the accurate numerical evaluation of geodetic convolution integrals
Hirt, C.; Mean kernels to improve gravimetric geoid determination based on modified Stokes’s integration
Hirt, C.;Claessens, S.J.; Ellipsoidal area mean gravity anomalies – precise computation of gravity anomaly reference fields for remove-compute-restore geoid computation
Hirt, C.;Schmitz, M.;Feldmann-Westendorff, U.;Wübbena, G.;Jahn, C.-H.;Seeber, G.; Mutual validation of GNSS height measurements from high-precision geometric-astronomical levelling,
Claessens, S.J.;Hirt, C.;Amos, M.J.;Featherstone, W.E.;Kirby, J.F.; The NZGEOID09 New Zealand quasigeoid model
Featherstone, W.E.;Kirby, J.F.;Hirt, C.;Filmer, M.S.;Claessens, S.J.;Brown, N.J.;Hu, G.;Johnston, G.M.; The AUSGeoid09 model of the Australian Height Datum
Gritzmann, P., B. Langfeld and M. Wiegelmann; Uniqueness in discrete tomography: Three remarks and a corollary
Hückelhoven, Ralph;Panstruga, Ralph; Cell biology of the plant-powdery mildew interaction
Alpers, A.; R.S. Pennington, S. König, C.B. Boothroyd, R.E. Dunin-Borkowski; Reconstruction of an InAs Nanowire using Geometric and Algebraic Tomography
Brandenberg, René;König, Stefan; No dimension independent core-sets for containment under homothetics
Brandenberg, René;Roth, Lucia; Minimal containment under homothetics: a simple cutting plane approach
Buchschmid, M.; ITM-Based FSI-Models for Rooms with Absorptive Boundaries
Auernhammer, Hermann; Twenty Years of Precision Agriculture - more Questions than Answers?
J. Chen, A. Hangauer, R. Strzoda, M.-C. Amann; VCSEL-based Calibration-free Carbon Monoxide Sensor at 2.3 μm with in-line Reference Cell
A. Hangauer, J. Chen, M.-C. Amann; Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Light- Current Characteristic at Constant Internal Temperature
A. Hangauer, J. Chen, R. Strzoda, M.-C. Amann; The Frequency Modulation Response of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers: Experiment and Theory
Bock, T., Linner, T., Miura, S.; Robotic High-Rise Construction of Pagoda Concept: innovative earthquake-proof Design for the Tokyo Sky Tree
Linner, T., Abazovic, I., Ellmann, B., Bock, T.; Development of Functionality Oriented Robotic Environments through Process Analysis and Process Modification
Linner, T., Kranz, M., Roalter, L., Bock, T.; Robotic and Ubiquitous Technologies for Welfare Habitat
Fieß, M;Horvath, B;Wittmann, T;Helml, W;Cheng, Y;Zeng, B;Xu, Z;Scrinzi, A;Gagnon, J;Krausz, F;Kienberger, R; Attosecond control of tunneling ionization and electron trajectories
Magerl, E.;Neppl, S.;Cavalieri, A. L.;Bothschafter, E. M.;Stanislawski, M.;Uphues, Th.;Hofstetter, M.;Kleineberg, U.;Barth, J. V.;Menzel, D.;Krausz, F.;Ernstorfer, R.;Kienberger, R.;Feulner, P.; A flexible apparatus for attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy of solids and surfaces
Bergues, B;Zherebtsov, S;Deng, Y;Gu, X;Znakovskaya, I;Kienberger, R;Krausz, F;Marcus, G;Kling, M F; Sub-cycle electron control in the photoionization of xenon using a few-cycle laser pulse in the mid-infrared
Düsterer, S;Radcliffe, P;Bostedt, C;Bozek, J;Cavalieri, A L;Coffee, R;Costello, J T;Cubaynes, D;DiMauro, L F;Ding, Y;Doumy, G;Grüner, F;Helml, W;Schweinberger, W;Kienberger, R;Maier, A R;Messerschmidt, M;Richardson, V;Roedig, C;Tschentscher, T;Meyer, M; Femtosecond x-ray pulse length characterization at the Linac Coherent Light Source free-electron laser
Hofstetter, Michael;Schultze, Martin;Fieß, Markus;Dennhardt, Benjamin;Guggenmos, Alexander;Gagnon, Justin;Yakovlev, Vladislav S.;Goulielmakis, Eleftherios;Kienberger, Reinhard;Gullikson, Eric M.;Krausz, Ferenc;Kleineberg, Ulf; Attosecond dispersion control by extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors
Djeffal, Christian; The Iron Rhine Case - a Treatys Journey from Peace to Sustainable Development
Markram, Henry;Meier, Karlheinz;Lippert, Thomas;Grillner, Sten;Frackowiak, Richard;Dehaene, Stanislas;Knoll, Alois;Sompolinsky, Haim;Verstreken, Kris;DeFelipe, Javier;Grant, Seth;Changeux, Jean-Pierre;Saria, Alois; Introducing the Human Brain Project
Jia Chen; Compact Laser‑Spectroscopic Gas Sensors using Vertical‑Cavity Surface‑Emitting Lasers
Stephanidis, Constantine; Multi-touch Table as Conventional Input Device
Ibarra, A;Molinaro, E;Petcov, S T; Lepton Number Violation in TeV Scale See-Saw Extensions of the Standard Model
Bobeth, Christoph;Hiller, Gudrun;Dyk, Danny van; Angular analysis ofB→V(→P1P2) + decays
Ruiz-Hervias, J;Mompean, F;Hofmann, M;Atienza, J M; On the reliability of neutron diffraction for residual stress measurement in cold-drawn steels
Pardo, L C;Rovira-Esteva, M;Busch, S;Ruiz-Martin, M D;Tamarit, J Ll; FABADA: a Fitting Algorithm for Bayesian Analysis of DAta
Daoutidis, Ioannis;Litvinova, Elena;Ring, Peter; Covariant Density Functional Theory for Excited States in Nuclei
Weber, Michael;Agakishiev, G;Belver, D;Belyaev, A;Blanco, A;Böhmer, M;Cabanelas, P;Chernenko, S;Dybczak, A;Epple, E;Fabbietti, L;Fateev, O;Finocchiaro, P;Fonte, P;Friese, J;Fröhlich, I;Galatyuk, T;Garzón, J A;Golubeva, M;González-Díaz, D;Guber, F;Gumberidze, M;Hennino, T;Holzmann, R;Huck, P;Ierusalimov, A;Ivashkin, A;Jurkovic, M;Kämpfer, B;Karavicheva, T;Koenig, I;Koenig, W;Kolb, B W;Korcyl, G;Kornakov, G;Kotte, R;Kozuch, A;Krása, A;Krizek, F;Krücken, R;Kuc, H;Kühn, W;Kugler, A;Kurepin, A;Kurilkin, A;Kurilkin, P;Ladygin, V;Lang, S;Lapidus, K;Liu, T;Lopes, L;Lorenz, M;Maier, L;Mangiarotti, A;Markert, J;Metag, V;Michalska, B;Michel, J;Müntz, C;Naumann, L;Pachmayer, Y C;Palka, M;Parpottas, Y;Pechenov, V;Pechenova, O;Pietraszko, J;Przygoda, W;Ramstein, B;Reshetin, A;Rustamov, A;Sadovsky, A;Salabura, P;Schmah, A;Siebenson, J;Sobolev, Yu G;Spataro, S;Ströbele, H;Stroth, J;Sturm, C;Tarantola, A;Teilab, K;Tlusty, P;Traxler, M;Trebacz, R;Tsertos, H;Vasiliev, T;Wagner, V;Weber, M;Wüstenfeld, J;Yurevich, S;Zanevsky, Y;; Inclusive e+epair production in p+p and p+Nb collisions at Ekin= 3.5 GeV
Zhou, S G;Meng, J;Ring, P;Zhao, E G; Neutron halo in deformed nuclei from a relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model in a Woods-Saxon basis
Leach, K G;Garrett, P E;Ball, G C;Bangay, J C;Bianco, L;Demand, G A;Faestermann, T;Finlay, P;Green, K L;Hertenberger, R;Kriicken, R;Phillips, A A;Rand, E T;Sumithrarachchi, C S;Svensson, C E;Towner, I S;Triambak, S;Wirth, H-F;Wong, J; Experimental Guidance of ISB Corrections via Direct Nuclear Reactions
Jungclaus, A;Walker, J;Leske, J;Speidel, K-H;Stuchbery, A E;East, M;Boutachkov, P;Cederkäll, J;Doornenbal, P;Egido, J L;Ekström, A;Gerl, J;Gernhäuser, R;Goel, N;Górska, M;Kojouharov, I;Maier-Komor, P;Modamio, V;Naqvi, F;Pietralla, N;Pietri, S;Prokopowicz, W;Schaffner, H;Schwengner, R;Wollersheim, H-J; New lifetime measurements in the stable semimagic Sn isotopes using the Doppler-shift attenuation technique
Afanasjev, A V;Abusara, H;Litvinova, E;Ring, P; Spectroscopy of the heaviest nuclei (theory)
Brunner, T;Brodeur, M;Ettenauer, S;Gallant, A T;Gernhäuser, R;Lapierre, A;Ringle, R;Sjue, S K L;Delheij, P;Frekers, D;Krücken, R;Zuber, K;Dilling, J; Design of aβ-detector for TITAN-EC and the first electron-capture branching ratio measurement in a Penning trap
Irastorza, I G;Aune, S;Barth, K;Belov, A;Borghi, S;Bräuninger, H;Cantatore, G;Carmona, J M;Cetin, S A;Collar, J I;Dafni, T;Davenport, M;Eleftheriadis, C;Elias, N;Ezer, C;Fanourakis, G;Ferrer-Ribas, E;Friedrich, P;Galán, J;Gardikiotis, A;Gazis, E N;Geralis, T;Giomataris, I;Gninenko, S;Gómez, H;Gruber, E;Guthörl, T;Hartmann, R;Haug, F;Hasinoff, M D;Hoffmann, D H H;Iguaz, F J;Jacoby, J;Jakovčić, K;Karuza, M;Königsmann, K;Kotthaus, R;Krčmar, M;Kuster, M;Lakić, B;Laurent, J M;Liolios, A;Ljubičić, A;Lozza, V;Lutz, G;Luzón, G;Morales, J;Niinikoski, T;Nordt, A;Papaevangelou, T;Pivovaroff, M J;Raffelt, G;Rashba, T;Riege, H;Rodríguez, A;Rosu, M;Ruz, J;Savvidis, I;Silva, P S;Solanki, S K;Soufli, R;Stewart, L;Tomás, A;Tsagri, M;Bibber, K van;Vafeiadis, T;Villar, J;Vogel, J K;Yildiz, S C;Zioutas, K; Latest results and prospects of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope
Engels, R;Emmerich, R;Grigoryev, K;Kravtsov, P;Kochenda, L;Mikirtytchiants, M;Paul, S;Rathmann, F;Schieck, H Paetz gen;Schott, W;Schug, G;Seyfarth, H;Ströher, H;Trofimov, V;Vasilyev, A;Westig, and M; Extra physics with an ABS and a Lamb-shift polarimeter
Guazzoni, P;Zetta, L;Faestermann, T;Hertenberger, R;Wirth, H F;Jaskoła, M; Homologous states in139,140pr via the139,140pr reactions
Sokolov, D A;Ritz, R;Pfleiderer, C;Keller, T;Huxley, A D; Neutron scattering studies of the lattice expansion in a ferromagnetic superconductor UGe2under pressure
Rhodes, Jr, E J;Reiter, J;Schou, J;Larson, T;Scherrer, P;Brooks, J;McFaddin, P;Miller, B;Rodriguez, J;Yoo, J; Temporal changes in the frequencies and widths of the solar p-mode oscillations
Amann, A;Brokate, M;Rachinskii, D;Temnov, G; Distribution of return point memory states for systems with stochastic inputs
Ceeh, Hubert;Gärtner, Stefan;Hugenschmidt, Christoph;Schreckenbach, Klaus;Schwalm, Dirk;Thirolf, Peter; Status report on the setup for the decay rate measurement of the negative positronium ion
Meyer, Jörg;Reuter, Karsten; Electron–hole pairs during the adsorption dynamics of O2on Pd(100): exciting or not?
Hölzel, R W;Krischer, K; Pattern recognition with simple oscillating circuits
Mintert, F;Lapert, M;Zhang, Y;Glaser, S J;Sugny, D; Saturation of a spin-1/2 particle by generalized local control
Sackmann, Erich; Quantal concept of T-cell activation: adhesion domains as immunological synapses
Eiglsperger, Johannes;Kramer, Tobias;Madroñero, Javier; Fluctuations in the spectra of open few-body systems
Kiffner, Martin;Hartmann, Michael J; Dissipation-induced correlations in one-dimensional bosonic systems
Burgis, M;Schaller, V;Glässl, M;Kaiser, B;Köhler, W;Krekhov, A;Zimmermann, W; Anomalous diffusion in viscosity landscapes
Kartsovnik, M V;Helm, T;Putzke, C;Wolff-Fabris, F;Sheikin, I;Lepault, S;Proust, C;Vignolles, D;Bittner, N;Biberacher, W;Erb, A;Wosnitza, J;Gross, R; Fermi surface of the electron-doped cuprate superconductor Nd2−xCexCuO4probed by high-field magnetotransport
Staple, Douglas B;Geisler, Michael;Hugel, Thorsten;Kreplak, Laurent;Jürgen Kreuzer, Hans; Forced desorption of polymers from interfaces
Wolfgang Höhl; Designing with the Sun – Integrative Workflow and Solar Simulation with AutoCAD, 3D Studio MAX and EcoTect
Furukawa, Toshi A.;Leucht, Stefan; How to Obtain NNT from Cohen's d: Comparison of Two Methods
Gantert, Nina;Peterson, Jonathon; Maximal displacement for bridges of random walks in a random environment
Gantert, Nina;Hu, Yueyun;Shi, Zhan; Asymptotics for the survival probability in a killed branching random walk