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Pildner von Steinburg, Ralph; Auswirkungen der hyperbaren Sauerstofftherapie auf die humanen Lymphozytensubpopulationen
Pournaras, Christos; CpG-DNA – a potential adjuvant in prostate cancer immunotherapy
Di, Pengfei; Providing Efficient Key Based Routing for Multiple Applications
Hromatke, Thorsten; Endoprothetischer Beckenteilersatz nach Resektion maligner Knochentumoren: Klinische Ergebnisse
Gawlina-Schmidl, Yvonne; Analyse ioneninduzierter Ausfallmechanismen in hochintegrierten CMOS-Speicherzellen
Kabanov, Y., Rutkowski, M., and Zariphopoulou, T.; Low-dimensional partial integro-differential equations for high-dimensional Asian options
Santa, C.; Kaths, J.; Mathias, P.; Schendzielorz, T.; Potenziale kooperativer Lichtsignalsteuerung zur Steigerung der Verkehrseffizienz und -sicherheit
Czado, C., Schabenberger, H., and Erhardt, V.; Nonnested model selection for spatial count regression models with application to health insurance
Hauger, W.; Mannl, V.; Wall, W.A.; Werner, E.; Aufgaben zu Technische Mechanik 1-3 - Statik, Elastostatik, Kinetik
Brechmann, E. C.; Hierarchical Kendall copulas: properties and inference
Glöckl, Rainer; Multimodale Rehabilitation bei Patienten vor Lungentransplantation: Evaluation von zwei Trainingsformen
Pöhnl, Katharina Maria; Untersuchungen der basalen und postprandialen Insulinsekretion und -clearance bei adipösen Typ 2-Diabetikern
Lyko, Christine; Visualization of flow in the ascending aorta: bicuspid aortic valves compared to tricuspid aortic valves
Schneider, Eike Philipp; Increased Wall Shear Stress may be determining the Development of Ascending Aortic Dilatation in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Stöber, J., and Czado, C.; Regime switches in the dependence structure of multidimensional financial data
Romero, I.;Urrecha, M.;Cyron, C.J.; A torsion-free nonlinear beam model
Pahari, Dipak Raj; Optimierung eines in vitro-Kultursystems für die neuronalen Vorläuferzellen aus dem embryonalen Mittelhirngewebe der Maus
Sayed, Nora; Bedeutung des Interleukin-1 Rezeptors für den renalen Ischämie-Reperfusionsschaden
Gärtner, Cornelia; Der Einfluss persönlichkeitsbezogener Merkmale und kontextueller Faktoren auf die prähospitale Verzögerung beim akuten Myokardinfarkt
Mitterer, Martin Johann; 3-D CT-Scan basierte Untersuchung der radiologischen Insertionsflächen der funktionellen Hauptbündel des vorderen Kreuzbandes
Stäuble, Roland Bernhard; Einfluss einer neuromuskulären Blockade auf die perioperativen Bedingungen bei laparoskopischen Cholezystektomien
Paulig, Christiane; Änderungen des Immunphänoyps bei malignen B-NHL unter Anti-CD20-Therapie
Bundschuh, Ralph Alexander; Nutzen der Positronen Emissions Tomographie für die Anwendung in der stereotaktischen Strahlentherapie
Wolter, Heike; Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion unter klinischen, funktionellen und bildgebenden Gesichtspunkten: Bio-versus Titananker
Schepsmeier, U., and Stöber, J.; Derivatives and Fisher information of bivariate copulas
Levin, Merle Cornelia; Charakterisierung von weichmagnetischen Pulververbundwerkstoffen für den Einsatz in Traktionsantrieben
Kornek, Matthias; Einfluss des Catechol-O-Methyltransferase-Val158Met-Polymorphismus auf die postoperative Nierenfunktion nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen mit extrakorporaler Zirkulation
Schmid, Andrea; Die MDR 2 Knockout Maus als Modell der hepatischen Osteodystrophie
Chizzali, Barbara; Akute Toxizität und Therapieoutcome bei adjuvanter Radiochemotherapie von Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Kopf-Hals-Tumor
Renner, Anne Christine Barbara; Der Einfluss anthropometrischer Parameter auf die Gefäßsteifigkeit bei Schulkindern
Chmiel, Ruth; Vergleichende Analyse frühkindlicher und (prä-) pubertärer Insel-Autoimmunitätsmerkmale in der Pathogenese des Typ 1 Diabetes bei Kindern der BABYDIAB-Studie
Stadler, Nadine Jutta; Einfluß von Imatinib, Etoposid und Docetaxel in der Monotherapie und in Kombination mit Strahlentherapie auf die Proliferation von Prostatakarzinomzellen
Yuen, Pui Sum; Phase-Retrieval Method and Applications
Stanek, Birgit Maria; Fluiddynamische Untersuchungen an Karotismodellen mit Stentimplantation
Kaviani, Reza; Systematische sonographische Untersuchung der Nervenstimulatormethode zur interskalenären Plexusblockade
Klüppelberg, C., Straub, D., and Welpe, I.; Dealing with dependent risks
Meier, Oliver; Einfluss von antithrombozytären Wirkstoffen auf die plättcheneigene Thrombingeneration
Zapp, Michael; Morphologie der tibialen Bohrkanal-Erweiterung nach Vorderer-Kreuzband-Ersatzplastik mit dem mittleren Drittel der Patellarsehne - eine Ct gestützte prospektive Analyse
Pilotto, Katrin-Isabell; Klinische Ergebnisse nach konservativ behandelter subcapitaler Humerusfraktur
Mühl-Benninghaus, Ruben; Auswirkung von Darbepoetin alpha auf den Lebermetabolismus
Gegg, Moritz; Identification and characterization of the novel planar cell polarity gene Flattop (Fltp)
Schorn, Andreas; Niederdruck- vs. Normaldruckkapnoperitoneum für die transgastrale Peritoneoskopie: Eine randomisierte tierexperimentelle Studie
Riederer, Isabelle; Interaction of Endothelial Cells and Natural Killer Cells
Larentis, Michael; Combined monitoring of aerobic and anaerobic contaminant degradation genes and microbial populations as a tool to assess natural attenuation
Kögler, Dominik Amadeus; Erfolgsaussichten der Ablation bei idiopathischen ventrikulären Ausflusstraktarrhythmien im Kurz- und Langzeit-Follow-up an einem tertiären Zentrum: Einfluss der anatomischen Lokalisation
Safi, Wajima; Optimierung der Differenzierung humaner Monozyten zu Endothelzellen sowie deren Wachstumsbeschleunigung und Charakterisierung
Nieberler, Markus Peter; Entwicklung und klinische Etablierung einer intraoperativen zytologischen Diagnostik der Knocheninfiltration bei Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen mit Charakterisierung von αvβ6 Integrin als Biomarker invasiver Karzinomzellen
Kampe, Michael; Einfluss alpiner Softboots auf das Bewegungsmuster des Freestyle-Skifahrers und die Kräfte zwischen Ski und Bindung
Gams, Franziska; Psychoedukation von schizophren Erkrankten: Wertigkeit des video-geleiteten Verfahrens im Vergleich zur Therapeuten- bzw. Peer- geleiteten Methode
Reupold, Philipp; Lösungsraumanalyse für Hauptantriebsstränge in batterieelektrischen Straßenfahrzeugen
Sonntag, Ulrich Sebastian; Risiko von Stentthrombosen bei Patienten mit gleichzeitiger Clopidogrel- und Protonenpumpenhemmertherapie
Koops, Eva Martina; Der Einfluss des Neuropeptids Oxytocin auf die Bindungsbereitschaft
Armbruster-Hartung, Sonja Verena Ingrid Annette; Primär- und Sekundärprävention gastroduodenaler Ulzera in der internistischen Praxis
Reuter, Lea Vanessa; Prognostische Bedeutung des EGF-Rezeptor-Signalweges und Tumor-infiltrierender Lymphozyten beim Magenkarzinom
Munte, Anna; Anforderung an die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung
Reutter, Teresa; Charakterisierung und Optimierung piezoelektrischer MEMS-Mikrophone mittels physikalischer Modellierung und Simulation
von Neumann-Cosel, Kilian; Virtual Test Drive
Schmidt, Fabian; Oxidativer Stress und der Einfluss von Immunonutrition bei Schenkelhalsfraktur
Blaschke, Patricia; Beeinflussung der Strahlensensibilität einer Tumorzelllinie des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches durch Patupilon
Dorstewitz, Annika; Penisfraktur - Management und Langzeitergebnisse
Timmer, Sebastian; Transplantation von CD34+ Zellen in Balb/c Nacktmäuse: Verfolgung der Zellwanderung in vivo mittels Kernspintomographie und anschließender histologischer Auswertung
Gärtner, Florian Reinfried; Die funktionelle Bedeutung der thrombozytären Sphingosinkinase 1 und 2 in der arteriellen Thrombose
Haase, Bettina; Prospektive klinische Studie zu Körperoberflächentemperaturen, CPTGs, cv-a-CO2D, ScvO2 und Laktat als Prädiktoren des Herzindexes
Keller, Matthias; Die extra-abdominelle Fibromatose: Bewertung operativer und strahlentherapeutischer Maßnahmen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Rezidivfalles
Qian, Lei; Minimalinvasive axilläre Operationstechnik (ADAM - Axillary Dissection with Access Minimized)
Huber, Jens; Selektive Lasertrabekuloplastik: Therapieergebnis, prädiktive Faktoren und Wechselwirkung mit lokaler Therapie
Böhner, Christina Maria; Qualitative und quantitative Untersuchung des Riech- und Hörvermögens bei gynäkologischen Tumorpatientinnen unter Chemotherapie
Albiez, Verena Bernadette; Neuropsychologie, Theory of Mind und psychosoziales Funktionsniveau bei adulter Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung
Rozej, Anna; Klinische Untersuchungen zur Assoziation von dentalen Erosionen mit der gastroösophagealen Refluxkrankheit
Artman, Meri Tuuli; Bestrahlungsinduzierte Regulation des Plasminogenaktivator-Inhibitor Typ 1 (PAI-1) und des vaskulären endothelialen Wachstumsfaktors (VEGF) in sechs Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien der Kopf-Hals-Region
Müller, Christian; Quantitative Untersuchungen zur differenzierten Expression von Effektormolekülen der angeborenen Immunabwehr zwischen extraoraler Haut und Mundschleimhaut
Türck, Leonie Friederike; Effekte der Kombination von Bestrahlung und Koffein auf die Apoptose bei den HNO-Tumorzelllinien SAS und XF354
Rühlmann, Charlotta; The NMDA-Receptor on Fast Spiking Parvalbumin-expressing Interneurons
Kerle, Irina Anja; Untersuchung zur Validität der konfokalen Laserimagingmikroskopie zur Beurteilung der Vaskularisierung in einem Mausmodell für das kolorektale Karzinom
Weber, Angelika; Migration von hämatopoetischen Stamm- und Progenitorzellen in atherosklerotische Läsionen und Differenzierung zu myeloiden Entzündungszellen
Haug, Simone Elisabeth Margareta; Der Hoffasche Fettkörper - Ein Literature-Review
Michl, Sebastian; Genauigkeit des intraoperativen 3D-Scans bei transpedikulärer dorsaler thorakolumbaler Stabilisierung
Raml, Thomas Oliver; Operative Therapie der Sigmadivertikulitis an einem Krankenhaus der Schwerpunktversorgung
Janzon, Cornelia; Evaluation of metabolic sensor-chip measurements with MCF-7 breast cancer cells
Biegler, Roman; Linear anatomisch versus punktuell elektrophysiologisch orientierte Substratablation zur Behandlung von Patienten mit persistierendem Vorhofflimmern
Kuse, Miriam; Verwendung eines Niedrigdosisprotokolls mit verringerter Röhrenspannung in der kardialen CT-Angiographie
Buchgeister, Philipp; Vergleich der onkologischen Ergebnisse und der perioperativen und postoperativen Morbidität der perinealen und der retropubischen radikalen Prostatektomie
Petridis, Gerasimos; Prospektive, kontrollierte, randomisierte klinische Untersuchung zur Osteointegration zweier Hydroxylapatitgecoateten Femurschäfte bei Hüfte-TEP-Implantation
Murer, Martin; Numerical methods for efficient power generation from municipal solid waste
Eberl, Thomas; Charakterisierung und Gestaltung des Fahr-Erlebens der Längsführung von Elektrofahrzeugen
Starkmann, Angelika Martha; Somatoforme Symptome bei multisomatoformer Störung: Häufigkeiten, Zusammenhangsmuster, klinische Korrelate
Rasch, Sebastian; Analyse der Metastasierung des Pankreaskarzinoms: Identifizierung differenziell exprimierter Gene
Ayx, Isabelle Jessica Veronika; Vergleichende Analyse des Angiogenese- und Metastasierungsverhaltens basaloid-squamöser Plattenepithelkarzinome gegenüber herkömmlichen Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs
Meier, Anna Cäcilia; Shared Decision Making: Ein Kommunikationstraining für Patienten mit Schizophrenie
Metzke, Robert; Modeling and experimental investigation of the mechanobiological environment associated with alveolar pneumocytes
Dössinger, Georg; MHC multimer purification of rare antigen specific T cells and direct T cell receptor isolation by single cell PCR
Stassek, Jan Christoph; Haben Schwangerschaft und Elternschaft Einfluss auf den Verlauf des PCO-Syndroms? Basis-Daten der prospektiven LIPCOS-Studie (Lebensstil-Intervention beim Polyzystischen Ovar Syndrom (PCOS))
Bauer, Robert; Onkogene Tyrosinkinasen als molekulare targets: Untersuchungen zur sequenziellen Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor-Resistenz von BCR-ABL und zur Inhibition von NPM-ALK
von Keitz, Fabienne Dominique; Die Koexpression von Aurora A Kinase und EGFR ist prognostisch für Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf- Hals- Bereichs und stellt eine Zielstruktur für die Therapie dar
Müller, Dirk Matthias; Tibiakopf-Frakturen – Nachuntersuchung zur Sportfähigkeit und Erprobung eines neuen OP-Verfahrens mittels Ballon-Osteoplastie im Kadavermodell
de Waha, Antoinette; A Meta-Analysis of 20 Randomized Trials of a PCI-Based Strategy in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Geisler, Gerrit Jan; Experimentelle Untersuchungen am Humanpräparat zum Einfluss des Beckenringschlusses auf Kraftübertragung und Stabilität des Beckens nach endoprothetischer Tumorrekonstruktion IIb nach Enneking/Dunham
Brunner, Tobias Christoph; Excitation of Heat and Momentum Transport in Turbulent Wake Flow
Kain, Andreas; Methodik zur Umsetzung der Offenen Produktentwicklung
Haubold, Sabine; Technische Mängel verringern den Nutzen katheterbasierter postoperativer Schmerzverfahren
Ottinger, Benjamin Johannes; Osteochondrale Transplantation am Talus: Klinische und MRT-basierte Ergebnisse in der mittel- bis langfristigen Nachuntersuchung
Kunze, Lars; Naïve Physics and Commonsense Reasoning for Everyday Robot Manipulation
Ismail, M.;Gravemeier, V.;Comerford, A.;Wall, W.A.; A stable approach for coupling multidimensional cardiovascular and pulmonary networks based on a novel pressure-flowrate or pressure-only Neumann boundary condition formulation
Hoppe, Henriette; Verbesserung der Sehnenheilung durch Wachstumsfaktoren nach induzierter M. supraspinatus - Ruptur am Rattenmodell - Vergleich verschiedener Applikationsformen
Vuong, A.-T.;Yoshihara, L.;Wall, W.A.; A general approach for modeling interacting flow through porous media under finite deformations
Beck, Isabelle; Extrinsische und intrinsische Immunmodulation der allergischen Antwort.
Yoshihara, L.; Coroneo, M.; Comerford, A.; Bauer, G.; Klöppel, T.; Wall, W.A.; A combined fluid-structure interaction and multi-field scalar transport model for simulating mass transport in biomechanics
Müller-Spahn, Christina; Interleukin-21 mediated generation of allorestricted central memory cytotoxic T cells directed against Ewing tumour-specific antigens
Laux, Magdalena; Die Wirkung von Erythropoietin auf die Thrombozytenfunktion im akuten Myokardinfarkt
Shi, Jiaxi; Leistungssteuerung chirurgischer Instrumente mit funktionellen EMG-Daten
Girg, Tatjana Annika; Lebensqualität von Patienten mit Alzheimer-Demenz
Hayashi-Reimers, Miku; Architektur als Chance für den Tourismus.
Wiggenhauser, Paul Severin; Herstellung vaskularisierter Fettgewebskonstrukte
Leuthner, Peter Georg; Differenzierung und Vaskularisierung humaner Präadipozyten im Polyurethangerüst in vivo
Kriegisch, Marie; Einflüsse des alpinen Hochgebirgsklimas auf Parameter allergischer Erkrankungen: Untersuchungen an der Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus (UFS - Zugspitze)
Matthä, Simone; Adipocytes and their metabolic function on hepatocytes
Lackermeier, Angela; Interleukin-21 und CpG-Oligonukleotide: Untersuchungen zur Apoptoseinduktion bei B-Zell chronisch lymphatischer Leukämie
Schwarz, Michaela Amélie; Rekombinante Expression, Rückfaltung und biochemische Charakterisierung verschiedener Formen der Kallikrein-ähnlichen Protease 15 (KLK15)
Miller, Simone Wilma; Konzepte zeitgenössischer bildender Künstler und ihr Einfluss auf Erhaltungsstrategien
Imtaar, Muhammad Atyab; Fabrication of nanomagnetic logic components via nanoimprint lithography
Ritschl, Lucas Maximilian; Innovative mikrovaskuläre Techniken - klinische und apparative Untersuchungen, sowie kritische Evaluation
Jeromin, Wolf; Verformungsanalyse von ein- und zweiachsig gespannten Mehrfeldplatten bei verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen
Rottländer, Yella Constance; Die Integration von individuellen anatomischen 3D- Rekonstruktionen aus Mehrschicht- Computertomographien in das elektro- anatomische CartoMerge®-Stystem bei der Radiofrequenzablation von paroxysmalem und persistierendem Vorhofflimmern
Selch, Christina Maria; Isolierung und Charakterisierung allo-restringierter zytotoxischer T-Zellen mit spezifischer Reaktivität gegen HLA-A*0201-restringierte Peptidantigene der pädiatrischen akuten lymphatischen Leukämie
Otti, Alexander; Die Rolle des "Default-Mode"-Netzwerks bei Empathie für Schmerz
Loos, Daria Andrea; Ätiologie, Klinik, Therapie und Verlauf infektiöser Endophthalmitiden; Vergleich aktueller Vitrektomieverfahren
Cetindis, Mirjam; Durch G-CSF mobilisierte CD34+-Progenitorzellen im akuten Myokardinfarkt zeigen eine verminderte Expression von LFA-1, VLA-4 und CXCR4
Heim, Daniel; Kohlenstofffaser-verstärkter Kohlenstoff: Faser-Matrix-Anbindung und deren Einfluss auf den Kurzfaserverbund
Knappich, Moritz; Die pharmakologische Therapie der Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung in der Praxis
Gatti, Alessia; Vergleich der Narbenausprägung und Bewertung der Kosmetik bei Patientinnen mit brusterhaltend operiertem Mammakarzinom und einseitiger Strahlenbehandlung nach simultaner Reduktionsmastektomie beidseits
Bülbül, Bayram Özgür; In vitro Untersuchungen zur Regulation von Matrix Metalloproteinasen bei kardiovaskulären Zellen durch den Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer (EMMPRIN)
Salmen, Bettina; Bei Patienten mit Metabolischem Syndrom und leichtem – mittelschwerem Hypertonus verbessert Telmisartan, aber nicht Amlodipin, die myokardiale und die vaskuläre Funktion insbesondere postprandial
Dimitrova, Mariana Petrova; Auswirkung extremer Ausdauerbelastung auf die retinale Mikrozirkulation
Straßer, Andreas Dominikus; Analysis of C-type lectin receptor induced NF-kappaB signaling
Staffler, Vera; Lebensqualität, Selbstwertgefühl und emotionale Stabilität nach Abdominoplastik und Bodylift
Karras, Kimon; A Network Processor Architecture for High Speed Carrier Grade Ethernet Networks
Kühner, Manuel; Haptische Unterscheidbarkeit mechanischer Parameter bei rotatorischen Bedienelementen
Beermann, Insa; Vergleichende prospektive klinisch radiologische1-Jahres-Ergebnisse nach MPFL-Rekonstruktion
Baumgartner, Benedikt; Automation of a Portable Heart-Lung Machine and Patient Monitoring with Data Mining Methods
Müller, Felix; Histopathologische Evaluation der Toxizität des Alpha-Emitter-Immunkonjugats Bi-213-anti-EGFR-mAk an Harnblasen und Nieren von Swiss nu/nu-Mäusen nach intravesikaler Instillation
Durus, Murat; Ball Tracking and Action Recognition of Soccer Players in TV Broadcast Videos
Riedel, Julia Corinna Johanna; Einfluss von Endoprothesen auf das biliäre Keimspektrum bei Patienten mit akuter Cholangitis
Bölch, Sebastian Philipp; Single Pass Albumin Dialysis – Technik, Surrogatparameter und klinischer Verlauf von 32 Patienten in einer retrospektiven Datenanalyse
Chronas, Dimitrios; Risikofaktoren für Frühgeburtlichkeit in Bayern in den Jahren 1998 - 2005: Analyse und Erstellung eines Prädiktionsmodells
Zwisler, Daniela Maria Constanze; Prädiktion des Therapieansprechens mit [18F]FLT- und [18F]FDG-PET am Beispiel experimenteller Lymphome und in der humanen Erkrankung
Di Nunno, G.; Khedher, A.; Vanmaele, M.; Robustness of quadratic hedging strategies via backward stochastic differential equations
Dengler, Bernadette; Dexamethason, Cytarabin und Cisplatin +/- Rituximab bei refraktären oder rezidivierten B-Zell-Lymphomen: Analyse der Remissionsinduktion, Stammzellmobilisation, Toxizität, des progressionsfreien Überlebens und des Gesamtüberlebens
Leistner, Vanessa; Intensivpflichtige Komplikationen einer "End Stage Liver Disease" und die Suche nach Mortalitätsprädiktoren anhand der klinischen Studie SENSATION (Studies on End Stage Liver Disease And Transplantation)
He, Jiayue; Selective Cleavage of C-O Bonds and Hydrodeoxygenation of Lignin Fragment Molecules
Christov, Florian Boris; Hat der extrakardiale Conduit die mittel- bis langfristigen funktionellen Ergebnisse und die Lebensqualität nach totaler cavopulmonaler Anastomose verbessert?
Götzendörfer, Manuel; Untersuchung von Designprinzipien in Innovationsprojekten aus der Wissensperspektive
Gärtner, Christian Achim; Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over supported alkali chloride catalysts
Simecek, Jakub; Innovative Complexation Strategies for the Introduction of Short-lived PET Isotopes into Radiopharmaceuticals
Hemmer-Torhorst, Petra; Erfahrungen und subjektive Einschätzung der Teilnahme an einer Gruppentherapie gegen Progredienzangst. Eine Analyse von Boosteranrufen bei Krebs- und Rheumapatienten.
Weitz, Jochen; Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit wachstumsfaktorspezifischer Plasmide zur Förderung der Knochenregeneration mittels non-viralem Vektor in vivo – eine experimentelle Studie an der Ratte
Bohn, Daniela Fabienne; Misshandlungen in Kindheit und Jugend, depressive und dissoziative Symptome bei erwachsenen Patienten mit Fibromyalgiesyndrom
Kreutzer, Kilian; Auswertung einer polychromen Sequenzmarkierung sowie Etablierung eines neuen Fluorochromschemas zur Untersuchung der Knochenaktivität nach non-viralem Gentransfer von BMP-2-Plasmid am critical-size-defect des Rattenunterkiefers mittels Konfokaler Laser Scanning Mikroskopie
Stehling, Walter Artur; Funktion und Darstellung psychischer Erkrankungen in Spielfilmen und ihre Bedeutung in der Stigmaforschung
Lorenz, Lutz Martin; Entwicklung und Bewertung aufmerksamkeitslenkender Warn- und Informationskonzepte für Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Mair, Sebastian; Eine prospektive, klinische Studie zur Validierung von Prädiktoren der Abweichung des Pulskonturherzindex von dem Thermodilutionsherzindex nach definierten, kalibrationsfreien Intervallen sowie ohne Vorgabe definierter, kalibrationsfreier Intervalle
Sauer, Melanie E.; Überschneidung des Symptomenspektrums und differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzung der komplexen Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung von der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung
Pekala, Martha Sophia; Hämodynamische Konsequenzen bei der Ebstein- Anomalie der Trikuspidalklappe
Petrakis, Ioannis; Equilibrium Analysis of Core-Selecting Auctions and the Impact of Risk Aversion and Allocation Constraints
Geißendörfer, Jürgen Wolfgang; Herzfrequenzvariabilität und Antipsychotika-Therapie bei schizophrenen Patienten
Ehlers, Kerstin Christina; From GWAS to functionality: association of rs2014355 in the ACADS gene locus with acylcarnitine ratio and postprandial metabolic and inflammatory activation of human PBMC
Götte, Frederik; Der Einfluss des p53-Status karzinom-assoziierter Fibroblasten auf die Chemosensitivität des Nicht-Kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinoms
Gruber, Lisa Maria; Impact of high-fat diet on inflammatory and metabolic phenotypes in animal models of ileitis and colitis
Gaete Jamett, Oscar Cristóbal; Optimization of Wavelength Division Multiplexed Optical Communication Systems at 100 Gb/s Using Multilevel Phase Modulation and Direct Detection
Dragone, Silvio; A cycle-accurate coprocessor prototyping platform for system-on-chip
Schaber, Katrin; Integration of Variable Renewable Energies in the European power system: a model-based analysis of transmission grid extensions and energy sector coupling
Schenck, Thilo Ludwig; Entwicklung eines Photosynthese betreibenden Hautersatzmaterials
Götz, Simon Quirin; Klinische Studie zur Indizierung des Herzzeitvolumens (HZV) und des globalen end-diastolischen Volumens (GEDV) mittels biometrischer Daten bei übergewichtigen und adipösen Patienten
Cavanna, Davide; In vivo and in vitro analysis of Dll1 and Pax6 function in the adult mouse pancreas
Sharwood, Jennifer; Einfluss der Vorgabe von "kaltem" Antikörper auf die Biodistribution bei der Radioimmuntherapie von Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen mit Rituximab
Vogel, Annekathrin Kristina; Orthostatische EKG-Veränderungen beim Leistungssportler
Weber, Ruth Valerie; Sildenafil zur Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit bei Patienten mit angeborenem Herzfehler und Fontan-Kreislauf
Gayer, Stefan; Modeling, Simulation and Identification of the Dynamics of K+ Uptake in E. coli
Zenk, Eva-Leena; Quantitativer Apprehension-Test: Prospektive Evaluation eines neuen klinischen Tests zur Beurteilung des Schadensausmaßes nach traumatischer anteroinferiorer Schulterluxation
Tschirdewahn, Julia Lisa Dorothea; Analyse einer prospektiv angelegten Datenbank zur transpulmonalen Thermodilution mittels PiCCO-System: Anwendbarkeit von Schlagvolumenvariation im Hinblick auf die Prävalenz von Sinusrhythmus und druckkontrollierter Beatmung und Einfluss der femoralen gegenüber der jugulären Indikatorinjektion.
Wolff, Carolina Johanna; Diagnostische Wertigkeit von PSA und DVT
Marton, Zoltan-Csaba; Multi-cue Perception for Robotic Object Manipulation
Lorenz, Barbara Elisa; RNA- Expression inflammatorischer und apoptotischer Mediatoren bei Infarktpatienten nach Erythropoietintherapie
Lay, Simon Martin; Prospektive Studie zum Screening von Patienten mit Kollagenosen und rheumatischen Erkrankungen auf das Vorliegen einer Lungenfibrose sowie einer pulmonal arteriellen Hypertonie.
Fazel-Madjlessi, Julia Viktoria; Fraktionierte intravesikale Therapie des fortgeschrittenen humanen Harnblasenkarzinoms im Mausmodell mit 213Bi-Anti-EGFR-MAk und histologische Bewertung der Toxizität auf das tumorfreie Urothel
Nennstiel, Simon; Perkutane transhepatische Cholangiodrainage (PTCD): Indikation, Erfolg, Langzeitverlauf, Komplikationen und deren Risikofaktoren bei Patienten mit benignen und malignen Gallengangstenosen
Milsom, Thomas; Central insulin signaling as a regulator of systemic inflammation
Köllmeier, Tanja; Analyse spezialisierter Bakteriengemeinschaften und deren cellulolytische Hauptvertreter für die Hydrolyse in thermophilen Biogasanlagen
Henke, F.;Winklmaier, M;Gravemeier, V.; Wall, W.A.; A semi-Lanrangean time-integration approach for extended finite element methods
Gobmaier, Thomas; Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methodik zur Synthese zukünftiger Verbraucherlastgänge
Arnold, Elmar Till; Zerebrale Kontrolle und Überleben nach stereotaktischer Strahlentherapie von Hirnmetastasen
Gikadi, Jannis; Prediction of Acoustic Modes in Combustors using Linearized Navier-Stokes Equations in Frequency Space
Wedekind, Max; Charakterisierung von Steifigkeit und Festigkeit heterogen verstärkter Verbundstrangpressprofile
Traboulsi, Hussein; Langzeitverlauf nach Implantation von zwei verschiedenen medikamenten-beschichteten Stentplattformen basiert auf bioresorbierbarem und permanentem Polymer: Drei-Jahres-Ergebnisse der randomisierten ISAR-TEST 4 Studie
Chlebowski, Anat; Überprüfung des SPECT/CT Verfahrens zur Erfassung einer initialen Knocheninvasion und Planung der Resektionsgrenzen oraler Plattenepithelkarzinom im Vergleich mit anderen bildgebenden Verfahren
Steer, Katharina Barbara; Morbogene und pharmakologische Determinanten der motorischen Aktivität bei schizophrenen Psychosen
Hoermann, Stefan; Risks in Enterprise Resource Planning Projects
Körber, Alois; Verfahrenstechnische Analyse und Optimierung des molekularen Orientierungswinkels von biaxial verstreckten Poly(ethylenterephthalat)-Folienbahnen
Klorek, Tobiasz; Verlauf der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität im ersten postoperativen Jahr nach radikaler retropubischer Prostatektomie
Simunovic, Iva; Inzidenz und Prädiktoren der Stentthrombose in Bare-Metal-Stents und Drug-Eluting-Stents
Klemm, Sarah; Strahlentherapie des diffus großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphoms
Tziotis, Dimitrios; Machine Learning and Network Analysis using Mathematical Optimisation in Mass Spectrometry Bioinformatics
Bühler, Andreas; Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography: Methods and Applications
Paul, Carola; Timber-based agrisilvicultural systems to facilitate reforestation in Panama
Siles Canales, Francisco; Automated Semantic Annotation of Football Games from TV Broadcast
Semmlack, Saskia; Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Detektion von Mikrometastasen in Lymphknoten mittels der Histopathologie und des Epithelmarkers Cytokeratin 20 bei eingeschränkter und ausgedehnter Lymphadenektomie nach radikaler Zystektomie eines invasiven Harnblasenkarzinoms
Lochmann, Klaus; Defining and Assessing Software Quality by Quality Models
Eck, Sebastian; Identification of genetic variation using Next-Generation Sequencing
Rathgeber, Philipp; Equity distribution in entrepreneurial teams
Mohajerani, Pouyan; Robust Methods and Algorithms for Fluorescence Imaging and Tomography
Bernlochner, Florian; Success factors for new venture teams
Miedaner, Martin; Spontan Bakterielle Peritonitis: Resistenzspektrum kulturell nachgewiesener Erreger, Therapieversagen und Mortalität bei hospitalisierten Patienten in einem gastroenterologisch-hepatologischen Zentrum
Bruse, Charlotte; Gewebeprotektion in der akuten Pankreatitis durch Signalwege des angeborenen Immunsystems
Graf, Julia; Mechanismen der Insulin Resistenz bei chronischer HCV-Infektion
Kreuzer, Matthias; Analysis of anesthetic-induced effects on extracellular electrophysiological activity in cortical and subcortical neuronal networks
Degirmenci, Saliha; Bestimmung der Körperfettmasse von Säuglingen mittels Ganzkörper-Magnetresonanztomografie
Zywitza, Dorit; RFID-Technologie für das intraoperative Prozessmonitoring in der Chirurgie
Breitenbach, Kathrin; Compliance bei der Einnahme von Bisphosphonaten
Schubert, Sara; Geringeres Langzeitüberleben nach radikaler Prostatektomie bei Patienten mit positiver Familienanamnese
Heidsieck, Alexandra; Magnetic Nanoparticles - Characterization and Modeling for Drug Targeting Applications
Keimel, Christian; Design of Video Quality Metrics with Multi-way Data Analysis
Fricke, Christian Lucas Alexander; Die häufigsten intensivpflichtigen Komplikationen der Leberzirrhose
Stüwert, Marie-Christine; Körperbild und psychosomatisches Beschwerdebild bei dermatologischen Patienten im Vergleich mit Patienten der psychosomatischen Ambulanz
Stering, Katharina; Etablierung der PLA-Technik an Paraffingewebe von Mammakarzinomen: Identifizierung von PTK6 co-exprimierten Proteinen und ihre medizinische Relevanz
Friedrich, Teresa Maria; Ras-driven mouse models of colorectal cancer: Interaction of MAPKs with the nuclear receptor PPARg
Hartung, Jonas Arno; Einfluss des CCR10-Systems auf die Neointimaformation nach Endothelverletzung
Gaudchau, Andrea; Metaanalyse über die Anwendung atypischer Antipsychotika in der Therapie der rezidivierenden depressiven Störung
Wiesbeck, Mathey; Struktur zur Repräsentation von Montagesequenzen für die situationsorientierte Werkerführung
Huber, Sonja; In-situ-Legierungsbestimmung beim Laserstrahlschweißen
Ischinger, Nina Fleur; End-of-Life Management of patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD)
Mey, Lisa Maria; Klinisch-funktionelle und radiologische Nachuntersuchung von Patienten mit AC-Gelenksluxation vom Typ Rockwood III – V und operativer Versorgung mittels PDS-Cerclage
Breckwoldt, Michael; Imaging of mitochondrial redox signals in neuronal physiology and pathology
Kahnert, Markus; Scanstrategien zur verbesserten Prozessführung beim Elektronenstrahlschmelzen (EBM)
Ritscher, Marianne; Ist die thermische Vestibularisprüfung durch eine Kombination von Vibrationsreizung und aufgezeichneten Kopfimpulstest am Beispiel von der Neuritis vestibularis und dem Morbus Menière ersetzbar?
Gros, Nicolas; Immunmodulation der Tumorentstehung
Petermann, Franziska; IL-23R+ γδ T cells: A population of effector cells that is pre-programmed in the embryonic thymus and enhances autoimmunity by restraining Foxp3+ regulatory T cells
Reiter, Johanna; Kapnographie zur Überwachung einer Midazolam- und Propofolsedierung während ERCP
Alali, Abdullah; Development and validation of new solver based on the interfacial area transport equation for the numerical simulation of sub-cooled boiling with OpenFOAM CFD code for nuclear safety applications
Nothhaft, Katrin; Scherschneiden höchstfester Blechwerkstoffe im offenen Schnitt
Stolze, Peter Johannes; Advanced Finite-Set Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Heitkamp, Melanie; Long-term effects of an inpatient weight-loss program in overweight and obese children and adolescents
Hieber, P.; First-passage times of regime switching models
Wulbrand, Christian Jens; Bestrahlung hypoxischer Tumorzellen mit Alpha-Radioimmunkonjugaten: Nachweis der sauerstoffunabhängigen Wirkung
Mutschler, Robert; Versorgungssituation DMP Asthma in Bayern - eine Fünfjahresbilanz (2006-2010)
Leon Suarez, Isabel; Einsatz zellulärer In-vitro-Allergietests bei Patienten mit Typ-I-Allergie auf Betalaktam-Antibiotika
Mabikke, Samuel; Improving Land and Water Governance in Uganda: The Role of Institutions in Secure Land and Water Rights in Lake Victoria Basin
Gensbaur, Anna; Pilotstudie zur experimentellen Kombinationstherapie von Ig-Apherese und Omalizumab bei Patienten mit schwerem therapieresistentem atopischem Ekzem und erhöhten IgE-Spiegeln
Höcht, Leonhard; Advances in Stability Analysis for Model Reference Adaptive Control Systems and Application to Unmanned Aerial Systems
Avramov , Maria; Sensitivity and Stress of Groundwater Invertebrates to Toxic Pollution and Changes in Temperature
Cebulla, Thomas; Spatial Dynamics of Pushbelt CVTs: Model Enhancements to a Non-smooth Flexible Multibody System
Graf, Franziska Maria; Siloxanbasierte Ionische Flüssigkeiten
Bedö, Stefan; Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen der relevanten Einflussgrößen auf die Biegetragfähigkeit von Brettsperrholzträgern
Nassour, John; Success-Failure Learning for Humanoid: study on bipedal walking
Scherer, Daniel; Methoden zur Automatisierung der inkrementellen Blechumformung
Arnstadt, Nike; Befragung zu Effektivität, Akzeptanz und Nutzen eines Palliativmedizinischen Dienstes am Klinikum rechts der Isar
Romberg, Laura Kim Anh; Validierung eines neuen Immuno-Line-blots zur Detektion der Helicobacter pylori Infektion
Weikersdorfer, David; Efficiency by Sparsity: Depth-Adaptive Superpixels and Event-based SLAM
Baur, Matthias; Aktives Dämpfungssystem zur Ratterunterdrückung an spanenden Werkzeugmaschinen
Both, Jan Christian; Tragfähigkeit von CFK-Metall-Laminaten unter mechanischer und thermischer Belastung
Sift, Eva Maria; Ärztlicher Umgang mit Leiden und Tod
Ohliger, Kathrin Theresa; Analyse der Reifung von Typ 1 Diabetes assoziierten Autoantikörpern bei Kindern mit Hilfe der Messung von IgM-Autoantikörperisotypen
Zhang, Fan; Quality of Experience-driven Multi-Dimensional Video Adaptation
Shakir, Dzhoshkun Ismail; Intra-operative Nuclear Imaging Based on Positron-emitting Radiotracers
Jäntsch, Michael; Non-Linear Control Strategies for Musculoskeletal Robots
Specht, Inga; Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung kontroverser Informationen im Museum
Kuck, Julia Anna; Kann ein zielgerichtetes hämodynamisches Management das renale Outcome von Patienten nach größeren nicht-kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen verbessern?
Klüppelberg, C., Straub, D., Welpe, I.; Quantifying extreme risks
Dibbern, Dörte; Key prokaryotic populations contributing to carbon flow in an agricultural soil food web
Förg, Theresa; DC-SIGN als Zielstruktur zur Verbesserung von Vakzinierungen
Schmidt, Sandra; Optimierung und experimentelle Untersuchung der CO2-Abtrennung mit Monoethanolamin für braunkohlegefeuerte Kraftwerke
Wilken, Frauke; Qualitative Untersuchungen zur Wertigkeit des Knorpelgewebes des proximalen Femurs bei femoroacetabulärem Impingement für die autologe Chondrozytentransplantation
Roth, Katharina Petra; Hsp70 Protein und Antikörper-Level bei Patienten mit Graft-versus-Host-Disease
Schmitz-Schug, Iris; Improving the nutritional quality of dairy powders – analyzing and modeling lysine loss during spray drying as influenced by drying kinetics, thermal stress, physical state and molecular mobility
Strobl Diestro, Klaus H.; A Flexible Approach to Close-Range 3-D Modeling
Cotic, Matthias; The Influence of a New Plate Fixator on Valgus Producing Open Wedge High Tibial Ostetomy and its Outcome in Sporting Activity
DSouza, Sonia; Physical efficiency as a function of age: Development of an age scaling model for biomechanical simulation
Ottnad, Thomas; Dosierung von Kunststoffen für generative Fertigungsverfahren
Bierling, Thomas; Comparative Analysis of Adaptive Control Techniques for Improved Robust Performance
Beck, Carolin; Der Zusammenhang des Bradykinin B2-Rezeptors und des EGFR bei der Strahlenbiologie von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren
Moritz, Franco; Deep Metabotyping of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) – characterization of surrogate markers for systemic metabolism and non-invasive diagnostics in Diabetes.
Türmer, Sebastian; Car detection in low frame-rate aerial imagery of dense urban areas
Althoff, Daniel; Safety Assessment for Motion Planning in Uncertain and Dynamic Environments
Merli, Dominik; Attacking and Protecting Ring Oscillator Physical Unclonable Functions and Code-Offset Fuzzy Extractors
Brandl, Kristina; Die Medtronic-Mosaic-Bioprothese in Aortenposition nach 17 Jahren - eine retrospektive Untersuchung bei 272 Patienten
Tertilt, Daniel Nico Sebastian; Evolutionäre Algorithmen zur Performance-Modellierung von Unternehmensanwendungen
Petkov, Ventsislav; Automatic Performance Engineering Workflows for High Performance Computing
Blodow, Nico; Managing Belief States for Service Robots
Güttler, Tatjana Alexandra; Perinatalmedizinisches Ergebnis bei Terminüberschreitung aus dem Krankengut des Klinikums rechts der Isar über eine 5-Jahres-Periode
Strüwind, Christoph Mauritz; Der α-Winkel des Schenkelhals-Kopf-Übergangs und die fluoroskopische Navigation in der arthroskopischen Therapie des Cam-Impingements: Eine experimentelle Studie
Behme, A., Klüppelberg, C., and Mayr, K.; Asymmetric COGARCH processes
Fehlner, Karin; Die Aktivitätsregulation von ERM (Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin) - Proteinen und ihre Bedeutung für die LFA-1 vermittelte T-Zellmigration
Kovács, Máté Amadé; Information Flow Security in Tree-Manipulating Processes
Pawelczak, Constanze Sophie; Fall-Kontroll-Studie zur Risikoevaluierung bei schwangeren Frauen mit angeborenen Herzerkrankungen
Lutzny, Gloria; Untersuchungen der zellulären Mechanismen der Prionstammreplikation
Meier, Jan; Entwicklung und Anwendung hydrodynamischer Methoden zur Untersuchung von Massentransporteffekten in der Elektrooxidation von Ethanol
Müller, Inga; Konventionell-chirurgischer Aortenklappenersatz (SAVR) bei über 80-Jährigen im Vergleich zu Literaturergebnissen nach kathetergestützter Aortenklappenimplantation (TAVI)
Gorza, Matteo; Molecular dissection of SON's interactome reveals the molecular link to splicing
Goel, Kanika; Advanced Stacking Techniques and Applications in High Resolution SAR Interferometry
Humble, Nicole; Investigative Methods Adapted to Assess the Biological Properties of Laser-Driven Protons
Kauf, Tobias; The Heterogeneity of Founding-Family Firms: Governance, Firm Policy, Economics, and Ownership Dynamics in Lone Founder, Family Founder, and Heir Firms
Apel, Susanne; The Geometry of Brackets and the Area Principle
Jantsch, Matthias Christoph; Studies on changes in phytosociological and animal species composition in beech forests under global warming in Bavaria, Germany
Mellert, Karl Heinz; Erfassung von Indikatoren zur Beurteilung des Nitrataustragsrisikos in Bayerns Wäldern sowie Lösungsansätze zur räumlichen Bewertung auf verschiedenen Skalenebenen
Zhu, Ke; Dense Stereo Matching with Robust Cost Functions and Confidence-based Surface Prior
Maifeld, Johannes M.; Evaluation des mechatronischen Supportsystems SOLOASSISTTM zur Kameranachführung bei laparoskopischen Eingriffen
Kohler, Dominic Christopher; State-Discrete Probabilistic Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Brasse, Matthias; Magnetization of correlated electron systems: MnSi thin films, CrB2 single crystals and two-dimensional electron systems in MgZnO/ZnO
Lingel, Julia; Opportunity Recognition in Großunternehmen
Philipp, Peter; Centralized and Distributed Moving Horizon Strategies for State Estimation of Networked Control Systems
Morhenn, Humphrey; Dynamics at the Onset of Self-Diffusion in Molecular Liquids
Schwienbacher, Markus; Efficient Algorithms for Biped Robots - Simulation, Collision Avoidance and Angular Momentum Tracking
Nuber, Anne Ania; Mehrlagige Amnionmembran zur Rekonstruktion oronasaler Fisteln - ein porcines Modell
Farschtschi, Said Chosro; Die Rolle von Thrombozyten bei der Arteriogenese im Mausmodell
Schepsmeier, Ulf; Estimating standard errors and efficient goodness-of-fit tests for regular vine copula models
Walker, Alesia; Mass spectrometry based gut meta-metabolomics in obesity and type 2 Diabetes
Brandner, Jörg Andreas; Ecology of the invasive neogobiids Neogobius melanostomus and Ponticola kessleri in the upper Danube River
Sedlmeier, Eva-Maria; Analysis of the Impact of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) on Placental Gene Expression
Roppelt, Markus; Control, monitoring and management of a WDM-PON using pilot tones
Schuck, Falko; Ein integriertes Auslegungskonzept zur Sicherstellung exzellenter Handling Qualities für Kleinflugzeuge
Petsch, Susanne M. E.; Analysis of Serial Chain Manipulator Structures with Respect to Efficient Actuation in Context of Abstractly Represented Tasks
Dai, Houde; A novel glove monitoring system for quantifying neurological symptoms during deep-brain stimulation surgery
Wutz, Klaus; Entwicklung eines Immunochips zur simultanen Detektion von Antikörpern gegen zoonotische Pathogene in Schweineseren am Beispiel des Hepatitis E-Virus und Yersinia spp.
Magenheimer, Kai Alexander; Lean Management in indirekten Unternehmensbereichen: Modellierung, Analyse und Bewertung von Verschwendung
Serim, Sevnur; The development of activity-based probes for serine proteases
Ashida, Asuka; The Convention on Biological Diversity and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans in Germany and Japan
Schervier-Vogt, Antonia Isabel; Der Einfluss Tiergestützter Therapie auf die Befindlichkeit und das Verhalten dementer und depressiver Patienten in der Gerontopsychiatrie
Kratzer, Martina; Zusammenhang zwischen SORL1-Polymorphismen und Liquormarkern der Alzheimerkrankheit
Hu, Ling; Development and Application of Stable Isotope Dilution Assays for the Fusarium Mycotoxins Enniatins and Beauvericin
Brockmann, Marisa; Nedd8 in the brain - Its impact on synaptic function and the role of PSD-95
Plucinska, Gabriela Barbara; In vivo imaging of the mitochondrial life-cycle in zebrafish
Sirtl, Thomas; Influences on Structure Formation in Surface-Supported Organic Nanostructures
Lippl, Stephanie Eva-Maria; NF-κB Aktivierung durch Wachstumsfaktortyrosinkinasen
Wiesche, Manuel; Understanding the Role of IT in Management Control Systems
Petuya, V. and Pinto, C. and Lovasz E.-C.; Non-smooth Behaviour of a Linkage Mechanism with Revolute Clearance Joints
Jung, Eva; Der deutsche Fibromyalgieverbraucherbericht
Hoffmann, Markus; Invasionen heimischer und neophytischer Wasserpflanzen - Untersuchungen an den Modellarten Najas marina ssp. intermedia und Elodea nuttallii
Westerteicher, Christine Gabriele Heinrike; SORL1 Polymorphismen und Liquormarker der Alzheimer Krankheit
Plyaskin, Roman; Fast and accurate performance simulation of out-of-order processing cores in embedded systems
Fleischer, Dietmar; Verfahren reduzierter Ordnung zur Ermittlung instationärer Luftkräfte
Kara, Mahmut; Untersuchung von Nukleinsäuren mit Hilfe von neuen Simulationsmethoden
Hüdepohl, Lorenz; Neutrinos from the Formation, Cooling, and Black Hole Collapse of Neutron Stars
Müller, Michael Peter; Beeinflußbarkeit des primären Gushings im technologischen Ablauf
Wiedemann, G. Elias; Ableitung von Elektrofahrzeugkonzepten aus Eigenschaftszielen
Köbler, Felix; Analyzing and Leveraging Benefits of Online Social Networking for the Elderly – Effects and Design of Social Networking Sites
Tesař, Michal; Top Quark Threshold Scan and Study of Detectors for Highly Granular Hadron Calorimeters at Future Linear Colliders
El-Kelish, Amr; Transcriptional and physiological changes in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisifolia L.) upon abiotic stress
Konrad, Julia Maria; 23-G Monoport Corevitrektomie, rtPA, Bevacizumab und Gasinjektion zur Behandlung von subretinalen Blutungen bei exsudativer altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration
Rehrl, Johannes; Wasserstoffversprödung in hochfesten, mikrolegierten Stählen
Kamml, Maria; Analysis of the sensitizing properties of ragweed pollen components and the influence of environmental factors in a murine in vivo model
Karl, Julia Elisabeth; Zur Prävalenz parodontaler Erkrankungen bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus im Vergleich zu stoffwechselgesunden Probanden
El Essaili, Ali; Towards User-centric Video Transmission in Next Generation Mobile Networks
Sittig, Andy; Optimierung und Applikation von Betriebsstrategien in Hybridfahrzeugen
Zehetmaier, Philip Caspar; Hochdisperse Kieselsäuren als Trägermaterial
Tippmann, Johannes; Partikelbetrachtungen und Partikelcharakterisierungen in Malzmaische für die Bierbereitung
Szkola, Agathe; Sensitiver und paralleler Nachweis von Biotoxinen mittels Chemilumineszenz-Durchfluss-Mikroarrays
Hoegner, Ludwig; Automatische Texturierung von Fassaden aus terrestrischen Infrarot-Bildsequenzen
Hellings, C.;Gerdes, L.;Weiland, L.;Utschick, W.; On Optimal Gaussian Signaling in MIMO Relay Channels with Partial Decode-and-Forward
García-von Damnitz, Tania Zuleyka; Retrospektive Analyse von Lebensqualität und Schmerz-Outcome nach operativer Behandlung lumbaler Rezidivbandscheibenvorfälle.
Kunzmann, Martin Herbert; Synthesis of gamma-lactones for activity based protein profiling: Investigation of their protein reactivity and inhibition of bacterial virulence
Zinth, Ursula G.; End-to-End Distance Distribution and Intra-Chain Diffusion in Unfolded Polypeptide Chains Determined by Time-Resolved FRET Measurements
von Kotzebue, Lena; Diagrammkompetenz als biologiedidaktische Aufgabe für die Lehrerbildung
Huang, Jia; Towards an Integrated Framework for Reliability-Aware Embedded System Design on Multiprocessor System-on-Chips
Hatwig, Jens Steffen; Automatisierte Bahnplanung für Industrieroboter und Scanneroptiken bei der Remote-Laserstrahlbearbeitung
Stäker, Julia; Pharmakogenetische Untersuchungen psychiatrischer Patienten: Bestimmung ausgewählter genetischer Varianten in pharmakokinetischen und pharmakodynamischen Strukturen und deren Bedeutung für die Psychopharmakotherapie
Walk, Philipp; Analysis of Convolutions with Support Restrictions
Dahlkötter, Florian; Airborne observations of black carbon aerosol layers at mid-latitudes
Xu, Qian; Extended Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Large Scale Structural Design Optimization
Sonntag, Philip Alexander; Häufigkeit der Mutation HOXB13 G84E in einer deutschen Kohorte und deren Korrelation mit der klinischen Präsentation und dem Langzeitüberleben von Prostatakarzinompatienten
Katsiarimpa, Anthi; Interaction of Arabidopsis AMSH proteins with ESCRT-III and their role in intracellular membrane trafficking
Rathore, Rajesh; In Vitro Screening Of Selected Organic Nanomaterials With PC12, H4IIE, And T. thermophila
Söhngen, Eric Mathias; Regulation of tumor initiating cells in glioblastoma multiforme. The role of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 and cellular hypoxia.
Huemer, Jakob; Einfluss instationärer aerodynamischer Kräfte auf die Fahrdynamik von Personenkraftwagen
Wagner, Julia Maria; Orthogonal polynomial systems and weighted Cesàro means
Mackensen, Andreas; Presswerkorientierte Analyse der Umform- und Scherschneideigenschaften von Mehrphasenstählen
Böck, Andreas; Statistical modeling of risk and trends in the life sciences with applications to forestry, plant breeding, phenology, and cancer
Reinbold J, Koehler P, Rychlik M,; Quantitation of glutathione and its oxidation products in erythrocytes by multiple-label stable-isotope dilution
Kruse, Florian; Interior point methods for optimal control problems with pointwise state constraints
Nies, Benedikt Johannes; Nutzungsgerechte Dimensionierung des elektrischen Antriebssystems für Plug-In Hybride
Schrempf, Matthias Christian; Assoziation der SLC22A3-LPAL2-LPA-Genregion auf dem Chromosom 6 mit dem akuten Myokardinfarkt
Bel-Brunon, A.;Kehl, S.;Martin, C.;Uhlig, S.;Wall, W.A.; Numerical identification method for the non-linear viscoelastic compressible behaviour of soft tissue using uniaxial tensile tests and image registration - Application to rat lung parenchyma
Ehrl, A.;Popp, A.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; A dual mortar approach for mesh tying within a variational multiscale method for incompressible flow
Xu, Zhenlan; Fluorotelomer alcohols, perfluoroalkyl acids and semifluorinated alkanes in the house dust, air and sediment
Holz, Ralph-Günther; Empirical analysis of Public Key Infrastructures and Investigation of Improvements
Davis, R. A., Pfaffel, O., and Stelzer, R.; Limit theory for the largest eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices with heavy-tails
Schwaiger, Johannes; Code-Generierung für einen neuen 3D-Druckprozess auf Tropfenbasis
Söllner, Wolfgang Christoph Hermann; Konzeption eines universellen Kommunikationsprotokolls zur Realisierung von Anwendungen im Smart Home
Kabisch, Jan; Mikrobiologische Sicherheit von Rohwurstprodukten
Schott, B.;Wall, W.A.; A new face-oriented stabilized XFEM approach for 2D and 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Lamla, Bettina; From Information to Informed Decision
Zhenchuk, Anna; Biofunctionality of Sourdough Metabolites in Healthy and Inflamed Gastrointestinal Tract
Kohn, Andreas; Entwicklung einer Wissensbasis für die Arbeit mit Produktmodellen
Eirich, Jürgen; Protein target identification and characterization of photo-cross-linkable small molecules
Engert, Silvia; Epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of early mouse development
Coroneo, M.;Yoshihara, L.;Wall, W. A.; Biofilm growth: a multi-scale and coupled fluid-structure interaction and mass transport approach
Bernhard, Antonie Sophie; Approaches to plant-based production of designed antimicrobial peptides and their immunomodulatory activities
Rasthofer, U.;Burton, G.C.;Wall, W.A.;Gravemeier, V.; Multifractal subgrid-scale modeling within a variational multiscale method for large-eddy simulation of passive-scalar mixing in turbulent flow at low and high Schmidt numbers
Schömann, Joachim; Hybrid-electric propulsion systems for small unmanned aircraft
Sun, Luanzi; Water intake and water isotope relations in animal feed
Henschelchen, Martina Theresia; Analyse der Plaquestruktur von Präparaten der Arteria carotis mittels intravaskulärem Ultraschall (IVUS) und virtueller Histologie (VH) in Korrelation zu histomorphologischen Parametern
Schrade, Katrin S.; Kapillargaschromatographische und sensorische Untersuchungen flüchtiger Verbindungen in Stachelbeeren (Ribes uva crispa L.) und Jostabeeren (Ribes x nidigrolaria Bauer)
Pill, Ulrike; Expression of Glia Maturation Factor in human glioblastoma cells and its impact on cellular stress response after hypoxia
Bladt, Henrike; Oxidationsreaktivität von Rußen: Einfluss intern gemischter Mineralien sowie Kraftstoff- und Abgaszusammensetzung
Döscher, Thorsten; Stand und Entwicklung der Vorstandsvergütung in Deutschland und Europa
Aschauer, Stefan; There is never enough dynamic range - DEPFET active pixel sensors with analog signal compression
Wolf, Patrick Karl-Heinz; In situ-Messungen als Basis für Wachstums-/Reflexionsmodelle submerser Makrophyten
Ritter, Andreas; Radiation Hardness Studies for DEPFETs in Belle II
Otti, Alexander; On the neurobiology of somatoform pain: A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation
Müller, Melanie; The ecosystem approach in freshwater ecological data analysis
Koukal, Andreas; Crash- und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen im Fußgängerschutz von Fahrzeugen
Yi, Zhang; Characterization of Endogenous Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Antigen Processing Pathways for Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Infection
Schmidt, Michael K.; Die Verklebung von Buchenholz für tragende Holzbauteile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Farbverkernung
Sterz, Kai Raphael; A Systematical Analysis of the Signal Transduction Pathways Induced by the Latent Membrane Protein 1 (LMP1) of Epstein-Barr Virus
Winter, Jürgen Michael Albrecht; Detection of Supernova Neutrinos in the liquid-scintillator experiment LENA
Gehring, Caroline Anna; Die tumorsuppressive Wirkung von NF-κB/RelA auf die Entstehung des Pankreaskarzinoms im Zusammenhang mit dem CXCR2-Signalweg und der zellulären Seneszenz
Groethuysen, Marie Luisa; Charakterisierung metabolisch-inflammatorischer Eigenschaften der gesunden und der aneurysmatisch veränderten Aorta mittels PET/CT
Mayerhofer, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; Fluidized bed gasification of biomass– In bed investigation of gas and tar formation
Kunfermann, Andrea Christiana; Structural and functional characterization of the non-mevalonate pathway enzymes IspC and IspD in complex with natural and synthetic ligands
Klymenko, Olena; Role of tumour initiating cells in the radiation resistance of osteosarcoma
Franzkowiak, Michael; Methodik zur Strukturierung von Vorrichtungssystemen in der Lohnfertigung
Grover, Nidhi; Cyclopentadienyl Molybdenum(II) Carbonyl Alkene Epoxidation Precatalysts
Martin, Thomas Gerhard; Functional Synthetic DNA Nanostructures
Baumeister, Christoph Kai; Access versus Ownership: Consumers’ Reactions to an Alternative Consumption Mode
Geisel, Anna Christina; Anreicherung stammspezifischer DNS-Fragmente durch Mikrotiterplatten-Ausschlusshybridisierung für die in vitro diagnostische Identifizierung von Clostridium difficile Stämmen mittels PCR
Lê, Minh; Quantitative evaluation of network reliability
Lauffer, Felix Josef; T-Zellantwort bei der Autoimmunpankreatitis: Vergleichende Analyse der T-Zellsubpopulationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Th17-Zellantwort
Brandt, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer M.; Development of a thermo-oil operated waste heat exchanger within the hot off-gas of electric arc furnaces of steel mills
Mercep, Ljubo; Context-Centric Design of Automotive Human-Machine Interfaces
Großmann, Nadine; Publikation von Forschungsarbeiten durch die universitäre deutsche Allgemeinmedizin
Stolberg-Stolberg, Josef; Effects of Cartilage Impact with and without Fracture on Chondrocyte Viability and the Release of Inflammatory Markers in Two Invitro Models
Mukhtar, Farooq; Algorithm for Brune’s Synthesis of Multiport Circuits
Bönisch, Friedericke; Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Terpenglykosyltransferasen aus Vitis vinifera
Moser, Norman; Point-of-Care-Messungen zur Erhebung der Prävalenz von Säure-Basen-Störungen und Mortalitätsprädiktion in der Intensivmedizin
Girschick, Tobias; Enhanced Small Molecule Similarity for Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Modeling and Cheminformatics Applications
Heringer, Jessica; The role of IKKα during diet-induced obesity and glucose intolerance in insulin sensitive tissues. The role of glycosylation during intestinal carcinogenesis
Diersch, Sandra; Etablierung und Charakterisierung eines neuen zellbasierten Modellsystems zur Analyse der Signaltransduktion von onkogenem Kras im Pankreas
Castiñeiras Vilariño, Mercedes María; Generation and analysis of a Clec12a-deficient mouse model
Bothschafter, Elisabeth Monika Ludmilla; Femtosecond and Attosecond Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors and Dielectrics
Mehl, Julian; Kreuzbandinsuffizienz und Varus-Gonarthrose: HTO alleine oder kombiniert mit Bandrekonstruktion und ggf. OATS
Wittmeier, Steffen; Physics-Based Modeling and Simulation of Musculoskeletal Robots
Huemer, J.; Stickel, T.; Sagan, E.; Schwarz, M.; Wall, W.A.; Influence of Unsteady Aerodynamics on Driving Dynamics of Passenger Cars
Du, Jia Yan; Optimizing towing processes at airports
Hellings, C.;Herrmann, S.;Utschick, W.; A Deterministic Initialization for Optimizing Carrier-Cooperative Transmit Strategies
Braun, Lothar; Traffic Analysis on High-Speed Internet Links
Graunke, Katharina; Phenotyping personality of young cattle (Bos taurus) – a multidimensional approach
Schäffner, Iris; Fox transcription factors in adult neurogenesis
Milz, Stefan; New concepts in four dimensional dose calculations
Rotzoll, Sibylle; Eine retrospektive Analyse: Zervikale Lymphknotenmetastasen bei unbekanntem Primärtumor
Lukashevich, Maria; Die Wirkung unterschiedlicher Insulin Therapieschemata auf die Myokard- und Gefäßfunktion bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
Pahl, Anna Tradescantia; Factors controlling plant invasion: community niche, vegetation structure and local adaptation
Kostner, David; Entwicklung eines markerfreien in frame Deletionssystems für Acetobacteraceae
Kipp, Sebastian; High-throughput phenotyping of winter wheat cultivars under field conditions
Edelmann, Philipp; Coupling of Nuclear Reaction Networks and Hydrodynamics for Application in Stellar Astrophysics
Ried, Christian Lothar; Unilaterale Konserviertheit und homotypische Interaktion von Transmembranhelices im humanen bitopischen Membranproteom
Strobusch, Daniel; Adaptive Expansions of the Vibrational Hamiltonian in Curvilinear Coordinates
Mayer, Benedikt; Die prognostische Wertigkeit der prätherapeutischen [18F]-Fluor-Desoxyglucose-Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie bei inoperablen, Stadium I NSCLC Patienten
Stapel, Peter; Strength grading of timber with regard to different grading methods
Rößler, Sebastian; Methods for multitemporal mapping of submerged aquatic macrophytes using multi- and hperspectral remote sensing
Kirner, geb. Eben, Katharina Gabriele Maria; Zusammenhang zwischen Leistung in der Produktentwicklung und Variantenmanagement – Einflussmodell und Analysemethode
Hartmann, Georg; Entwicklung und Validierung eines Verfahrens zur Quantifizierung von Edelmetall-Nanopartikeln in Wasserproben
Haas, Florian; Two-Dimensional Partial-Wave Analysis of Exclusive 190 GeV π-p Scattering into the π-π-π+ Final-State at COMPASS (CERN)
Yang, Yinliang; Design of cleavable linkers and applications in chemical proteomics
Litvinov, Sergey; Mesoscopic simulation of DNA using Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics
Moser, Dorothee; Charakterisierung von Schädigungen in Gesteinen bei Impaktprozessen mit zerstörungsfreier Prüfung
Mayet, J.;Ulbrich, H.; Tautochronic centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers
Mayet, J.; Gruber, F.; Pennec, R.; Rixen, D.; Ulbrich, H.; Numerical Investigation of Centrifugal Pendulum Vibration Absorber Responses
Tomiatti, Viktoriya; Cks1 is a critical regulator of hematopoietic stem cell cycling, quiescence and homeostasis, operating upstream of CDK
Bentrup, Kim Agnes; PET/CT imaging to monitor safety and efficacy of oncolytic VSV therapy
Jefremow, Mihail; Power Efficient and Robust Sense Amplifiers for Embedded Non-Volatile Memories in High-Speed Microcontrollers for Automotive Applications
Schwarzfischer, Michael; Quantification and analysis of single-cell protein dynamics in stem cells using time-lapse microscopy
Altenbuchinger, Michael; Chiral Dynamics of Heavy-Light Mesons
Szehr, Oleg; Spectral Methods for Quantum Markov Chains
Hoch, Michael; Citizen Value
Krombholz, Lisa; Effekt von Familienanamnese und Risikogruppe bei deutschen Prostatakarzinompatienten auf das Outcome nach radikaler Prostatektomie
Huber, Juliane; Hangsedimente und Saprolithe als grundlegende Bestandteile der Critical Zone
Schulz, Jennifer; Landscape dynamics and perspectives for multifunctional Forest Landscape Restoration in Central Chile
Brandmaier, Stefan Josef; Experimental design methods to increase the accuracy of in silico models
Andre Richter, Christian Herber, Holm Rauchfuss, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf; Performance Isolation Exposure in Virtualized Platforms with PCI Passthrough I/O Sharing
Christian Herber, Andre Richter, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf; A Network Virtualization Approach for Performance Isolation in Controller Area Network (CAN)
Baek, Sohee; Structural and Functional Analysis of the Natural JNK1 Inhibitor Quercetagetin. Structure of the Stapled p53 Peptide Bound to HDM2
Meier, C.; Popp, A.; Wall, W.A.; An Objective 3D Large Deformation Finite Element Formulation for Geometrically Exact Curved Kirchhoff Rods
Kissel, Maximilian; Mustererkennung in komplexen Produktportfolios
Schulz, Johannes H. P.; Aging and memory effects in anomalous diffusion processes
Grbic, Sasa; Advanced Valve Modeling and Multi-Modal Fusion for Minimally Invasive Valve Procedures
Kirchner, Alana; Adaptive regularization and discretization for nonlinear inverse problems with PDEs
Demmel, Peter; In-situ Temperaturmessung beim Scherschneiden
Kofler, Thomas; Ontologischer Ansatz zur abgestimmten Anforderungserschließung für Informationssysteme zur Geschäftsprozessunterstützung
Adami, Stefan; Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase Phenomena with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Leng, Rattha; Expression von EGF- Rezeptor, Aurora Kinase A (STK 15), p53 und p16ink4a bei Plattenepithelkarzinom der Nasenhaupt- und Nasennebenhöhle
Schlagermann, Pascal; Exergoökonomische Analyse geothermischer Strombereitstellung am Beispiel des Oberrheingrabens
Schiefler, Carlotta Dorothée; Die Rolle der Sphingosinkinase1 in Kopf-Hals-Tumoren in Bezug auf Radiatio und den EGFR-Signalweg
Rodríguez Solano, Carlos Javier; Impact of non-conservative force modeling on GNSS satellite orbits and global solutions
Schmitt, Michael; Reconstruction of Urban Surface Models from Multi-Aspect and Multi-Baseline Interferometric SAR
Franz, Christian; Untersuchung von Quantenphasenübergängen bei fehlender Inversionssymmetrie
Abdul Ghani, Amylia; Transformation of carbon dioxide to esters and cyclic carbonates by molecular catalysts
Luo, Jie; Detection, identification, and quantification of aflatoxin producing fungi in food raw materials using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays
Klämpfl , Tobias Gabriel; Cold atmospheric plasma decontamination against nosocomial bacteria
Mahmoud, Ahmed; Modeling and Design of Single-Molecule Devices
Kiesel, Carola Angelika; Enhanced degradation of isoproturon in soils: sustainability of inoculated, microbial herbicide degraders, and adaptation of native microbes
Seidel, Volker; Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen der Aerodynamik und Verbrennungsstabilität eines Vormischbrenners
Monninger, Daniel Jürgen; Verkehrliche und technische Anforderungen an Systeme des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs zur Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung
Jantke, Dominik; Synthese und Charakterisierung von wasserlöslichen NHC-Komplexen später Übergangsmetalle und deren katalytische Anwendung in Wasser
Schmid, Constantin; Fit für den Straßenverkehr nach herzchirurgischer Operation?
Bertoglio, C.; Caiazzo, A.; A tangential regularization method for backflow stabilization in hemodynamics
Hooshmand, Amir; Solving Engineering Design Problems through a Combination of Generative Grammars and Simulations
Durchholz, Janina; Vorgehen zur Planung eines schlanken Logistikprozesses
Trometer, Stefan; Analyse und Optimierung von Verbundstützenkonstruktionen bei hochdynamischen Einwirkungen aus Nahdetonationen
Klare, Stefan; Design and Control of Shape Rendering Interfaces
Abele, Lisa Theresa; Resource Monitoring in Industrial Manufacturing Using Knowledge-Based Technologies
Molin, Adam; Optimal Event-triggered Control with Communication Constraints
Schindler, Sebastian; Strategische Planung von Technologieketten für die Produktion
Höhne, Kristin; HIV-1 Vpr stimuliert NFAT zur Induktion der LTR-Transaktivierung und frühen T-Zellaktivierung
Annuth, Hendrik; Growing Surface Structures
Hahn, Carolin; Remote Entanglement of Two Single Atoms
Apinis, Kalmer; Frameworks for analyzing multi-threaded C
Aladini, Firouzeh; New elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs): Synthesis, characterization and application in enzyme recycling
Salami, Oyewole Taye; Synthesis and Working Mechanism of Humic Acid Graft Copolymer Fluid Loss Additives Suitable for Cementing High Pressure/ High Temperature Oil and Gas Wells
Rips, Simon; Quantum optomechanics with nonlinear nanomechanical resonators
Müller, Thomas; Techniques for adapting Industrial Simulation Software for Power Devices and Networks to Multi- and Many-Core Architectures
Stockenberger, Dominik Simon; Schutz vor Produktpiraterie durch Kennzeichnung und Authentifizierung von Komponenten und Ersatzteilen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
Kolvenbach, Robin; Transport in nano-sized, mesoscopically structured ZSM-5 zeolites
Jakob, Frank; Novel fructans from acetic acid bacteria
Coletti, Raffaele; Novel model for in vivo imaging of large arteries in steady state and atherosclerosis using 2 photon microscopy
Sölch, Susanne; Effects of the GTPase Rab31 on breast cancer cell proliferation, adhesion, and expression of other tumor-associated genes
Waldschmitt, Nadine; Tissue-specific overexpression of UPR-related C/EBP homologous protein impairs mucosal repair in ChopIEC Tg/Tg mice
Hoßfeld, Tobias; Keimel, Christian; Hirth, Matthias; Gardlo, Bruno; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Tran-Gia, Phuoc; Best Practices for QoE Crowdtesting: QoE Assessment with Crowdsourcing
von Pfister, Lorenz Marius Johannes; Der Klumpfuß
Böttinger, Nina; Adoptive immunotherapy for treatment of chronic hepatitis B
Hofmann, M.;Geiger, J.;Bachmann, S.;Schuller, B.;G., Rigoll; The TUM Gait from Audio, Image and Depth (GAID) Database: Multimodal Recognition of Subjects and Traits
Schreiber, Martin; Cluster-Based Parallelization of Simulations on Dynamically Adaptive Grids and Dynamic Resource Management
Bock, Anna; Detection of the impacts of climate change on plants from novel unexploited long-term datasets
Bapierre, Halgurt; Context Specific Next Location Prediction
Claussnitzer, Melina Christine; Leveraging transcription factor binding site patterns: from diabetes risk loci to disease mechanisms
Sieglin, Bernhard A.; Experimental Investigation of Heat Transport and Divertor Loads of Fusion Plasmas in All Metal ASDEX Upgrade and JET
Hanauer, Matthias Xaver; Risk factors and capital market anomalies
Regos, Ionela; Chemical characterisation of low molecular weight phenolic compounds from the forage legume sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia)
Hanitzsch, Andreas; Maximierung und Sicherung der Angebotsqualität im nachfragegesteuerten ÖPNV durch Analyse von Verkehrs- und Betriebsdaten
Treib, Marc; GPU-Based Compression for Large-Scale Visualization
Maurer, Reinhard Johann; First-Principles Description of the Isomerization Dynamics of Surface-Adsorbed Molecular Switches
Jurik, Verena; The Interplay of Individual Student Characteristics and Gender in Physics Classroom Interactions
Braun, Alexander; Carbon and nitrogen isotope turnover in animals and animal products
Mühling, Andreas Michael; Investigating Knowledge Structures in Computer Science Education
Magnoli, Marcelo Vinicius; Numerical simulation of pressure oscillations in large Francis turbines at partial and full load operating conditions and their effects on the runner structural behaviour and fatigue life
Bertoglio,C.;Barber, D.;Gaddum, N.;Valverde, I.;Rutten, M.;Beerbaum, P.;Moireau, P.;Hose, R.;Gerbeau, J.-F.; Identification of artery wall stiffness: in vitro validation and in vivo results of a data assimilation procedure applied to a 3D fluid-structure interaction model
Schulze, Christine; From molecule to men: Inhibition of intestinal glucose absorption by polyphenols and plant extracts for reducing the glycemic response
Mueller, K.W.; Bruinsma, R. F.; Lieleg, O.; Bausch, A.R.; Wall, W. A.; Levine, A. J.; Rheology of semiflexible bundle networks with transient linkers
Maier, Matthias; Living Cells and Cytoskeletal Model Systems: Mechanics and Responses to Dynamic Shear
Rieser, Gernot; Biodiversität von Mikroorganismen im Produktionsumfeld pharmazeutischer Betriebe
Schuhbauer, C.; Angerer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Kluger, F.; Tschaffon, H.; Coupled simulation of a tangentially hard coal fired 700 °C boiler
Kluth, Sebastian Constantin; From Bismarck to Riester - An Empirical and Institutional Analysis of the German Pension System
Hoffmann, Niklas Bastian; Postoperative Ergebnisse in der koronaren Bypass-Chirurgie bei Patienten mit präoperativer Stentimplantation im Vergleich zu Patienten ohne vorausgegangener Stentimplantation
Hellings, C.;Weiland, L.;Utschick, W.; Optimality of Proper Signaling in Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channels with Shaping Constraints
Dai, Lianpan; Generation, Characterization and Application of a Novel BAC System for MVA Mutagenesis to Investigate the Function of Vaccinia Virus Immune Modulatory Gene N1L
Leiseifer, Andreas David; Causal Localizations in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Leierseder, Simon Johannes; Untersuchungen zur Funktion der MicroRNAs miR-199a/b-3p und miR-223 im kardiovaskulären System
Sudilovsky, Vladimir; Using gamma-ray bursts to probe the cosmic intergalactic medium
Horst, U., Hu, Y., Imkeller, P., Réveillac, A., and Zhang, J.; Forward-backward systems for expected utility maximization
Knies, Nathalie; Consequences of CARD11(L225LI) expression in murine B lymphocytes in vivo
Kienle, Sandra Petra; From single molecules to biological interfaces with atomic force microscopy
Ratschiller, Thomas; Trikuspidalklappenrekonstruktion mit dem Contour 3D Ring: klinische und funktionelle Ergebnisse
Wimmer, Valentin; Efficiency of statistical methods for genome-based prediction
Herdener, Lutz; Systematische Ansätze zur Optimierung der Laufschnelligkeit
Zeilinger, Michael Hermann; Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of Lithium-Containing Silicides, Germanides and Borosilicides
Zheng, Linlin; Regulation of Benzoxazinoid Biosynthesis in Zea mays: Genomic requirement for the Bx1 gene expression
Minenko, Ekaterina; Einfluss des FgHyd5 Proteins auf Morphologie, Wachstum und Virulenz von Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe)
Jäckel, Christoph; Incorporating model uncertainty into the variable selection problem of expected return proxies
Hartmann, Thomas; Role of the Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase 7 in oncogenic transformation by simian virus 40 large T-antigen
Ballweg, Matthias Benjamin; Dominanzverhalten in Teams: Dominanzarten und Dominanzkreisläufe
Wanninger, Stefan; Generation and Analysis of a Mouse Model Conditionally Expressing AKT1-E17K in T-Cells
L.P. Poubel;S. Sakka;D. Cehajic;D. Creuso; Support Changes During Online Human Motion Imitation by a Humanoid Robot using Task Specification
M. Lang;O. Dunkley;S. Hirche; Gaussian Process Kernels for Rotations and 6D Rigid Body Motions
Reiserer, Andreas Anton; A controlled phase gate between a single atom and an optical photon
J. Umlauft; D. Sieber; S. Hirche; Dynamic Movement Primitives for Cooperative Manipulation and Synchronized Motions
Aondio, Patrik; Berechnung von Zylinderschalen aus Holz und Holzwerkstoffen unter Berücksichtigung der Spannungsrelaxation
Warmuth, Niels Jakob; Multifactor Capital Asset Pricing Models
Tuna, Deniz; Quantum-Chemical Investigations into the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Bioorganic Molecules
Tiemeyer, Constantin Raimund; Sulfonierte Copolymere als Additive für Tiefbohrzement: Synthese, Wirkung und kolloidchemisches Verhalten
Garon, Ariane; On a new visualization tool for quantum systems and on a time-optimal control problem for quantum gates
Heimpel, Martina; Familiäre Prostatakarzinomforschung - machen die Hereditätskriterien in Anbetracht des demographischen Wandels und der bereits bestehenden Forschungsergebnisse heutzutage noch Sinn?
Panzer, H.;; Adaptive Entwicklungspunktwahl und globale Fehlerschranken bei der Modellreduktion mittels Krylow-Unterraum-Verfahren
Blattner, Andreas; Bedienkonzeptentwicklung für Fahrerinformationssysteme basierend auf einem Touchpad mit haptischer Rückmeldung
Lorenz, Oliver; Modulation of the Hsp90 cycle by the Glucocorticoid receptor
Tilke, Carsten; Standardisierung der Anforderungen an die Immobilienprojektentwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Finanzierungsprozesses
Vaaraniemi, Mikael; Usability Oriented Visualization Techniques for 3D Navigation Map Display
Kaspar, Daniela; Molekulare Effekte von Nitrit auf Listeria monocytogenes und die temperaturabhängige Regulation des Stickstoffmetabolismus in Listeria monocytogenes
Taeger, Steffen; Impact of heat and drought on provenances of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Pahl, Marc-Oliver; Distributed Smart Space Orchestration
Pierzycki, Robert H.;Seeber, B. U.; Comodulation Masking Release In Electric Hearing
Sarholz, Frederik; Analyse der Signale eines bildgebenden Radars am Beispiel der Straßenverlaufsschätzung
Drescher, Marcus Armin; Essays on Trust in Teams
Ismail, Mahmoud; Reduced Dimensional Modeling of the Entire Human Lung
Dieringer, Falko Hartmut; Numerical Methods for the Design and Analysis of Tensile Structures
Hamacher, Paul Jonas; The geometry of Newton strata in the reduction modulo p of Shimura varieties of PEL type
Paasch-Colberg, Tim; Ultrafast, optical-field-induced currents in solid-state materials
Hamp, Tobias; Sequence-based prediction of protein-protein interactions
Peterseim, Nadja; TWANGS – High-Frequency Disturbing Signals in the 10 Hz Accelerometer Data of the GRACE Satellites
Grunewald, Almut; Friedrich Kiesler. Seine Skulpturen und sein offenes künstlerisches Konzept
Wang, Fengxiang; Model Predictive Torque Control for Electrical Drive Systems with and without an Encoder
Frei, Kilian; Foreign Indebtedness and Inflation
Donhauser, Simon Christian; Entwicklung und Validierung eines automatisierten DNA-Mikroarrays zur Detektion von humanpathogenen Bakterien in Trinkwasser
A.M. Wing;S. Endo;A. Bradbury;D. Vorberg; Optimal feedback correction in string quartet synchronization
Bouard, Alexandre; Middleware-based Security for Future In-Car Networks
Meister, Mona; Resilienz in soziotechnischen Systemen
Goisser, Michael Martin; Establishing Fagus sylvatica under annually recurring summer drought
Maier, Stefan Karl; Towards Comprehensive Identification of Proteins from MALDI imaging
Köppl, Florian; Abbauwerkzeugverschleiß und empirische Verschleißprognose beim Vortrieb mit Hydroschild TVM in Lockergesteinen
Zhang, Licong; Schneider, Reinhard; Masrur, Alejandro; Becker, Martin; Geier, Martin; Chakraborty, Samarjit; Timing Challenges in Automotive Software Architectures
Behme, A., Lindner, A., and Maejima, M.; On the range of exponential functionals of Lévy processes
Stojanovic, Natasa; Development of novel models to investigate mutant p53 functions in pancreatic cancer and determinants of deregulated expression
Cong, Xiaoying; SAR Interferometry for Volcano Monitoring: 3D-PSI Analysis and Mitigation of Atmospheric Refractivity
Farah, P.;Popp, A.;Wall, W.A.; Segment-based vs. element-based integration for mortar methods in computational contact mechanics
Murphy, Christian E.; Concise Image Maps - A Design Approach
Hahn, Dieter; Statistical Iterative Reconstruction for X-ray Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography
Münzer, Robert Helmut; Search for the kaonic bound state ppK-
Kalideris, Evdokia; The Role of Insulin Receptor and Insulin-like Growth Factor I Receptor in GEMM-driven Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Daveloose, C.; Khedher, A.; Vanmaele, M.; Robustness of quadratic hedging strategies in finance via fourier transforms
Raab, Jennifer; Die Rolle von Vitamin D und Insulinresistenz in der Pathogenese des Typ-1-Diabetes
Dobosz, Michael; The application of in vivo and ex vivo multispectral epi-fluorescence imaging for the preclinical discovery and development of monoclonal antibodies in tumor xenograft models
Ritthaler, Thomas; Kognitive Reserve und Bewegung
Röder, Pia Verena; Re-assessing intestinal sugar transport by use of mice lacking the sodium-dependent glucose transporter SGLT1, the glucose transporter GLUT2 or the fructose transporter GLUT5
Eidens, Mena Katharina; Studies on dietary and hormonal regulation of selected nutrient transporters in mouse small intestine
Marosky, Anja; Einfluss der Kühllufteindüsung auf das Betriebsverhalten von Drallbrennern
Bronner, Johanna; Measurement of Higgs Boson Production via Vector Boson Fusion in Decays into W Bosons with the ATLAS Detector
Haas, Kerstin; Diet induced obesity differentially affects mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle and liver of C57BL/6J mice
Varduhn, Vasco; A Parallel, Multi-Resolution Framework for Handling Large Sets of Complex Data, from Exploration and Visualisation to Simulation
Exner, Armin Theodor; Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Optical Sensors
Yadav, Anandi; Nanoimprinting Techniques for Polymeric Electronic Devices
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche;Y. Nakamura; Laplacian Trajectory Vector Fields for Robotic Movement Imitation and Adaption
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche;W. Takano;Y. Nakamura; Full Body Motion Adaption based on Task-Space Distance Meshes
Dietsch, P., Kreuzinger, H., Winter, S.; Effects of changes in moisture content in glulam beams.
Dietsch, P.; Einsatz und Berechnung von Schubverstärkungen für Brettschichtholzbauteilen.
Winter, S., Gamper, A., Dietsch, P., Merk, M.; Gebäudeklima - Auswirkungen auf Konstruktion und Dauerhaftigkeit von Holzbauwerken
Wu, Yin; Hydrosilylation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Bis-N-Heterocyclic Carbene Rh(I) Complexes: A Density Functional Theory Study
Pletschen, N.; Badur, P.; Nonlinear State Estimation in Suspension Control Based on Takagi-Sugeno Model
Twaddle, Heather; Schendzielorz, Tobias; Fakler, Oliver; Amini, Sasan; Use of automated video analysis for the evaluation of bicycle movement and interaction
Capuani, Alessandro; Influence of lactic acid bacteria activity on redox status and proteolysis in gluten-free doughs
Gansera, Laura; Der herzchirurgische Eingriff bei Patienten mit chronischer Leberzirrhose: Unkalkulierbares Risiko oder gerechtfertigte Therapie?
Konitzer, Katharina Anne; Untersuchungen zur Salzwahrnehmung in Brot und Textur-Modellsystemen – Ein Beitrag zur Kochsalzreduktion in Lebensmitteln
Coskun, Tayfur; Two-Handed User Interfaces for Mobile Devices
Denschlag, Carla; Rapid diagnosis of Fusarium contamination in cereals using group-specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays
Schneider, Wolfram; Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Bewertung gendersensibler MINT-Lehr-Lernprozesse in Schule und Universität
Bentlage, Michael; The multi-dimensional knowledge economy in Germany
Hermann, Maria; In situ production and functional properties of exopolysaccharides from acetic acid bacteria in baking applications
Barthels, Andreas; Energy-aware Computing in Embedded Systems and its Operating System Support
Panda, Sudeepta Kumar; Establishment of mouse disease models by using sequence specific nucleases
Wallhäußer, Eva; Development of an ultrasonic based pattern recognition algorithm for detecting fouling in bioprocesses
Graser, Lilian; Olefin Epoxidation with molybdenum-based catalysts in ionic liquids
Reuss, Evelyn; Prognostische Faktoren für den Therapieerfolg bei anti-VEGF-Behandlung der exsudativen Makuladegeneration mit Ranibizumab
Liu, Ziyuan; Probabilistic Cognition for Autonomous Systems: Abstraction, Semantics and Knowledge
Langenhan, Christoph;Sahm, Alexander;Petzold, Frank;Seifert, Arne;Teichert, Astrid; Mobile application to collect information about architecture to obtain a collective knowledge base
Dawedeit, Christoph; Functional foam coatings inside tubing and custom developed diamond ignition targets
Beuttenmüller, Dietmar; Approximation with respect to disc polynomials
Gebremariam, Mekonnen Melaku; Studies on teff (Eragrostis tef) malt as alternative raw material for lactic acid fermented gluten-free beverages
Schenkl, Sebastian A.;Behncke, Florian G. H.;Hepperle, Clemens;Langer, Stefan;Lindemann, Udo; Managing Cycles of Innovation Processes of Product-Service Systems
Behncke, Florian G.H.;Maisenbacher, Sebastian;Maurer, Maik; Extended Model for Integrated Value Engineering
Ölmez, Manuela;Lindemann, Udo; Managing Attribute Complexity for User-centered Decision Support Systems
Roth, Michael;Kasperek, Daniel;Lindemann, Udo; Verifying the Abstraction Level of Structural Models
Schöttl, Florian;Lindemann, Udo; Design for System Lifecycle Properties – A Generic Approach for Modularizing Systems
Omer, Mayada;Mostashari, Ali;Lindemann, Udo; Resilience Analysis of Soft Infrastructure Systems
Nerl, Christoph Johann; Simulationsgestützte Verfahrensentwicklung zum kontinuierlichen Verbundgießen von Aluminiumhalbzeugen
Schoeder, Svenja;Ulbrich, Heinz;Schindler, Thorsten; Discussion of the Gear-Gupta-Leimkuhler method for impacting mechanical systems
Pfeiffer, Friedrich;Schindler, Thorsten; Einfuehrung in die Dynamik
Schindler, Thorsten;Acary, Vincent; Timestepping schemes for nonsmooth dynamics based on discontinuous Galerkin methods: Definition and outlook
van der Valk, Paul L.C.;Rixen, Daniel J.; An Impulse Based Substructuring method for coupling impulse response functions and finite element models
Kirschneck, M.;Rixen, D. J.;Polinder, Henk;Ostayen, Ron van; Effects of Magneto-Mechanical Coupling on Structural Modal Parameters
Muenster, Martin;Lehner, Michael;Rixen, Daniel J.; Requirements for the Response to Disturbance of Steering and Suspension Systems based on Vehicle Targets
Seijs, M.V. van der;Valk, P.L.C. van der;Horst, T. van der;Rixen, D.J.; Towards Dynamic Substructuring using Measured Impulse Response Functions
Valk, Paul L.C. van der;Rixen, Daniel J.; Towards a parallel time integration method for nonlinear systems
So, Kwok Kai; Uncertainty Analysis of Shock-Bubble Interaction
Hippmann, Sophie; Pulver- und schmelzmetallurgische Verfahren zur Herstellung von Kupfermatrix-CNT-Kompositen für den Einsatz als Gleitlagerwerkstoff
Mörtl, Alexander; Design of Interactive Motor Behaviors for Close Joint Action of Humans and Robots
Hanke, Florian; Two- and Three-Dimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions of Massive Stars Applying Neutrino Hydrodynamics
Springer; Distributed Estimation and Control
F. Deroo;M. Meinel;M. Ulbrich;S. Hirche; Distributed control design with local model information and guaranteed stability
Neumann, D.; Gründinger, A.; Joham, M.; Utschick, W.; Pilot Coordination for Large-Scale Multi-Cell MIMO Systems
Arnold, Armin Rudolf; The Capital Market Outcomes of Marketing Executives’ Insider Trades
Quitterer, Felix Gerald; Structural and functional characterization of the pyrrolysine biosynthetic enzymes PylB, PylC and PylD
Bannat, Alexander; Ein Assistenzsystem zur digitalen Werker-Unterstützung in der industriellen Produktion
Rothbucher, Martin; Development and Evaluation of an Immersive Audio Conferencing System
Weitz, Maximilian; Compartmentalization of synthetic biochemical systems
Marx, Harald; Computational Proteomics
Bayer, Karen; Characterization of fluorescently-labeled hepatitis C virus genomes and their application to visualize the intracellular transport of viral particles
Täubert, Jens-Eike; Host-parasite interactions in aquatic ecosystems - The relationship between fishes and endangered freshwater mussels
Rasthofer, U.;Burton, G.C.;Wall, W.A.;Gravemeier, V.; An algebraic variational multiscale-multigrid-multifractal method (AVM^4) for large-eddy simulation of turbulent variable-density flow at low Mach number
A. Koene;A. Remazeilles;M. Prada ;A. Garzo, ;M. Puerto;S. Endo;A.M. Wing; Relative importance of spatial and temporal precision for user satisfaction in human-robot object handover interactions
Stangel, Daniela; Relevanz des Kinesin Motor Proteins Kif20a im Pankreaskarzinom
Falk, Sabrina; Challenges in Recruitment and Incentive Management – Empirical Studies on the Effects of Informational Asymmetries, Monetary and Non-Monetary Job Characteristics
Keller, Simone Miriam; Untersuchungen des EGF-Rezeptor-Signalwegs als molekulare Zielstruktur zur Behandlung des Magenkarzinoms
Hahn, Wilhelm Andreas; Kontinuierliche und gleichmäßige Holznutzungen unter Risiko
Kurz, Daniel; Sensor-Aided Visual Camera Localization and Tracking for Handheld Augmented Reality
Fuchs, Stephan; Verfahren zur parameterbasierten Gewichtsabschätzung neuer Fahrzeugkonzepte
Padula, Daniela Maria; Functional analysis of Pitchfork and G-protein coupled associated sorting protein 2 in the mouse
Provost, Julien; Roussel, Jean-Marc; Faure, Jean-Marc; Generation of Single Input Change Test Sequences for Conformance Test of Programmable Logic Controllers
Müller, Daniel Christoph; Metabolomics investigations in body fluids of smokers and non-smokers
Jendrysik, Christian; Development and characterisation of silicon photomultipliers with bulk-integrated quench resistors for future applications in particle and astroparticle physics
Poomvanicha, Montatip; Modulation of cardiac L-type calcium channels by genetic modification
A. Mörtl;T. Lorenz;S. Hirche; Rhythm Patterns Interaction - Synchronization Behavior for Human-Robot Joint Action
Hall, Nicholas G.; An Agenda for Project Management and Scheduling Research
Artigues, Christian; Recent developments in mixed integer linear programming formulations for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Schwindt, Christoph; Project Scheduling Under Generalized Precedence Relations: A Survey of Structural Issues, Solution Approaches, and Applications
Knapp, Daniela; Robot Collaboration Partners with Human-like Characteristics in Haptic Object-Manipulation Tasks
Schubert, Gerhard; Interaktionsformen für das digitale Entwerfen
Zhang, L.; Goswami, D.; Schneider, R.; Chakraborty, S.; Task- and Network-level Schedule Co-Synthesis of Ethernet-based Time-triggered Systems
Blume, Jürgen; Methoden und Anwendungen zur intuitiven Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion
Isik M., Hemmert W.; Quantitative Evaluation der Feinstrukturkodierung in Cochleaimplantaten.
Karg S., Rudnicki M., Hemmert W.; Wechselwirkung von Pulsform, Polarität und Elektrodenposition in Experiment und Modell.
Zirn S., Hempel J.-M., Hemmert W., Polterauer D.; Sprachverständnis von Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern bei konkurrierenden Sprechern.
Nicoletti M., Hemmert W.; Modelle des elektrischen Hörens: vom Spiralganglion bis zur kognitiven Wahrnehmung.
Hemmert, W.;Nicoletti, M.;Wirtz, C.;Rudnicki, M.; Coding of speech in the intact and implanted inner ear
Panzer, Heiko K. F.; Model Order Reduction by Krylov Subspace Methods with Global Error Bounds and Automatic Choice of Parameters
Vilne, Baiba; Regulatory networks of hematopoietic stem cells and their micro-environment
Dotzer, A. Dietrich, C. Dietl, G. Utschick W.; Fractional Reuse for LTE-Advanced MIMO Networks
Bednarz, Martin; Entwicklung einer optimierten Messergeometrie für das einstufige Zargenbeschneiden von Strukturbauteilen
Sun, Boqiao; Stereoselektive mehrstufige Reduktion von Dehydrocholsäure mit Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenasen
Pfleghaar, Joachim; Energieeffiziente aktive Dämpfung von Torsionsschwingungen im KFZ-Antriebsstrang
Brunner, H.H.; Dotzler, A.; Utschick, W.; Nossek, J.A.; Intercell Interference Robustness Tradeoff with Loosened Covariance Shaping
Brunner, H.H.; Braun, J.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Precoding for Systems with Soft Combining to Counteract Instationary Intercell Interference
Kloiber, Tobias; Constructive Passivity-Based Control of Smooth and Switched Nonlinear Systems
Arbeiter, Andreas; Generation of a spatiotemporally inducible reporter mouse model for in vivo imaging of pancreatic cancer therapy
Obermeier, Manuela; Enterprise Architecture Management in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Design, Einführung und Evaluation
Bergmann, Hanna; Card9 signaling in the innate immune system drives carcinogenesis in the colon under inflammatory conditions
Schuetz, C.;Baur, J.;Pfaff, J.;Buschmann, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Multipurpose Redundant Manipulators for Agricultural Tasks
Karaca, Esra; Role of Sp Transcription Factors in Adult Neurogenesis
Mattern, Jessica; Hilft Selbstregulation bei der Unterrichtsvorbereitung?
Zanzi, Daniele; Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in Hadronic tau+tau- Decays with the ATLAS Detector
Mühe, Henrik; Concurrency in Main-Memory Database Systems
Ku, Xin; Development and application of small molecule probes for kinase affinity purification and quantitative chemical proteomics
Hou, Jie; Coding for Relay Networks and Effective Secrecy for Wire-tap Channels
Lutz, Tobias; Coding for Half-Duplex Relay Networks and the Trapdoor Channel
Hoffmann, Christoph; A novel SP1/SP3 dependent intronic enhancer governing transcription of the UCP3 gene
Hülsmann, Friederike; Integrated agent-based transport simulation and air pollution modelling in urban areas - the example of Munich
Schaule, Matthias Sebastian; Anreize für eine nachhaltige Immobilienentwicklung - Nutzerzufriedenheit und Zahlungsbereitschaft als Funktion von Gebäudeeigenschaften bei Büroimmobilien
Feichtinger, Paul; The Influence of the EU Common Agricultural Policy on Agricultural Land Prices
Müller, Kei Wieland; Simulation of self-assembly and mechanics of transiently crosslinked, semiflexible biopolymer networks
Obst, Katja; Phytochemical Characterization and Sensory Evaluation of Macropiper excelsum
Glonegger, Matthias; Berücksichtigung menschlicher Leistungsschwankungen bei der Planung von Variantenfließmontagesystemen
Danowski, Caroline; Computational Modelling of Thermo-Structure Interaction with Application to Rocket Nozzles
Shahmiri, Shadan; A Hybrid Fixed-Grid-ALE Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Kaden, Robert; Berechnung der Energiebedarfe von Wohngebäuden und Modellierung energiebezogener Kennwerte auf der Basis semantischer 3D-Stadtmodelle
Skublics, Daniel Alexander; Großräumige Hochwassermodellierung im Einzugsgebiet der bayerischen Donau
D. Sieber;S. Hirche; Uncontrollability of Controlled Consensus Networks characterized by Faria Vectors
Rutzmoser, Johannes B.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Model Order Reduction for Geometric Nonlinear Structures with Variable State-Dependent Basis
Maier, Patrick; Augmented Chemical Reactions - Research on 3D Selection and Confirmation Methods
Heinemann, Christina; IL-12 antagonizes IL-23 in autoimmune inflammation by Blimp1-dependent programming of CD4+ effector T cells into suppressive IL-10 producers
Sudhakar, Y.; Moitinho de Almeida, J.P.; Wall, W.A.; An accurate, robust, and easy-to-implement method for integration over arbitrary polyhedra: application to Embedded Interface Methods
Heinig, Peter Christian; Global consequences of local structure
Greiwe, Magnus; Synthese und Charakterisierung von (Poly-)antimoniden und die Darstellung von N-dotiertem ZnO
Huber, Matthias;Dimkova, Desislava;Hamacher, Thomas; Integration of wind and solar power in Europe: Assessment of flexibility requirements
Rognoni, Lorenz; Molecular Mechanism of the Mechanosensor Filamin
Wang, C., Drees, L., Gissibl, N., Hoehndorf, L., Sembiring, J., and Holzapfel, F.; Quantification of incident probabilities using physical and statistical approaches
Freiherr von Gagern, Martin; Creating Hyperbolic Ornaments
Förster, Agnes; Planungsprozesse wirkungsvoller gestalten
Gravemeier V.; Wall W. A.; Robuste und effiziente Simulation komplexer Problemstellungen der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion
Betz, W.; Mok,C.M.; Papaioannou, I; Straub, D.; Bayesian model calibration using structural reliability methods: application to the hydrological abc model
Betz, W.; Papaioannou, I.; Straub, D.; Adaptive variant of the BUS approach to Bayesian updating
Manner, Julia; Steuerung plattformbasierter Servicemarktplätze
Špačková O.; Rimböck A.; Straub D.; Optimal flood risk management - decision process in practice
Špačková O.; Rimböck A.; Straub D.; Risk management in Bavarian Alpine torrents: a framework for flood risk quantification accounting for subscenarios
Keilholz, Patrick; Auswirkungen von veränderter Landnutzung auf den Wasserhaushalt und die Auwaldvitalität in einer Flussoase am Tarim (China)
Eckl, Julia Martina; Analysis of the Hsp90 client system in Caenorhabditis elegans
Stoff, Ingo; Essays on Challenges for Institutional Investors in the Maturing Private Equity Industry
Huber, B.;Ulbrich, H.; Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Solenoid Valve of a Common Rail Diesel Injector
Seeland, Madeleine; Structural Graph Clustering: Scalable Methods and Applications for Graph Classification and Regression
Fimiani, Leticia; Interstellar radionuclides in lunar samples
Liu, Xueping; Development of Methods for the Analysis of Chemical Genetic Screens
Gaßner, Manuela; Ammoniak- und Lachgasemissionen nach Anwendung von Kalkammonsalpeter und Harnstoff in Kombination mit Urease- und Nitrifikationsinhibitoren bei Weizen
Hahn, Christoph; A Simulation Approach of Permeability Prediction for RTM Process Simulation
Flohrer, Nick; Psychological Empowerment
Roßbauer, Michaela; Postpartale Entwicklung von Diabetes bei Müttern mit Gestationsdiabetes sowie Übergewicht bei deren Kindern und die Rolle des Darm-Mikrobioms
Staudt, Christian; Neutrino masses and spontaneously broken flavor symmetries
Kooshapur, Hamed; Integrated structural biology of protein complexes in miRNA and peroxisome biogenesis
Straub, D.; Value of Information Analysis with Structural Reliability Methods
Stinner, M.; Olmos, P.; Finite-length scaling of convolutional LDPC codes
Hu, Kai; Ott, Christian; Lee, Dongheui; Online Human Walking Imitation in Task and Joint Space based on Quadratic Programming
Margreiter, M.; Twaddle, H.; Lüßmann, J.; Krause, S.; Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Adaptive Network Signal Controls based on Real Vehicle Trajectories
Hofmann, Daniel; Simulationsgestützte Auslegung von Ordnungsschikanen in Vibrationswendelförderern
Beguin, Benoit; Development and Analysis of an Elasto-flexible Morphing Wing
Vögele, Christian;Brunnert, Andreas;Danciu, Alexandru;Tertilt, Daniel;Krcmar, Helmut; Using Performance Models to Support Load Testing in a Large SOA Environment
Jurisch, Marlen;Krcmar, Helmut;Scholl, Hans Jochen;Wang, Kai;Wang, Yuan;Woods, Grant;Xu, Donghe;Yao, Yaxing; Digital and Social Media in Pro Sports: Analysis of the 2013 UEFA Top Four
Engel, Tobias;Bhat, Manoj;Vasudhara, Venkatesh;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; An Ontology-based Platform to Collaboratively Manage Supply Chains
Sadovskyi, Oleksandr;Engel, Tobias;Heininger, Robert;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Analysis of Big Data enabled Business Models using a Value Chain Perspective
Prifti, Loina;Heininger, Robert;Hecht, Sonja;Krcmar, Helmut; Service Desk Requirements for Cloud Service Providers
Ziaie, Pujan;Krcmar, Helmut; Designing Target-Oriented Incentive Systems for Online Production Communities
Jurisch, Marlen;Palka, Wolfgang;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Which capabilities matter for successful business process change?
Brunnert, Andreas; Vögele, Christian; Danciu, Alexandru; Pfaff, Matthias; Mayer, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Performance Management Work
Heyer, Isabel; Überleben von Prostatakarzinompatienten nach radikaler Prostatektomie in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl erstgradiger Angehöriger mit Prostatakarzinom in einem nationalen Kollektiv
Ivashchenko, Volodymyr;Veprek, Stan;Pogrebnjak, Alexander;Postolnyi, Bogdan; First-principles quantum molecular dynamics study of Ti x Zr 1− x N(111)/SiN y heterostructures and comparison with experimental results
An, S.;Lee, Dongheui; Prioritized Inverse Kinematics using QR and Cholesky Decompositions
Koo, Seongyong;Lee, Dongheui;Kwon, Dong-Soo; Unsupervised object individuation from RGB-D image sequences
Lee, Dongheui;Nakamura, Yoshihiko; Motion Recognition and Recovery from Occluded Monocular Observations
Magnanimo, Vito; Saveriano, Matteo; Rossi, Silvia; Lee, Dongheui; A Bayesian Approach for Task Recognition and Future Human Activity Prediction
Saveriano, Matteo;Lee, Dongheui; Distance based Dynamical System Modulation for Reactive Avoidance of Moving Obstacles
Marx, Sebastian; Radium-Aufreinigung zur Herstellung von Actinium-225 am Zyklotron für die Alpha-Immuntherapie
Szakmany, Gergo P.; Orlov, A.O.; Bernstein, G.H.; Porod, W.; Bareiss, M.; Lugli, P.; Russer, J.A.; Jiraschek, C.; Russer, P.; Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Nano-Antenna Arrays for the Infrared Regime
Lehmeyer, B.; Ivrlac, M.T.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Lankl, B.; On Matching Strategies for Wireless Receivers
Stein, M.; Castaneda, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Information-Preserving Transformations for Signal Parameter Estimation
Biehler, J.; Gee, M.W.; Wall, W.A.; Towards Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in Complex and Large Scale Biomechanical Problems based on a Bayesian Multi Fidelity Scheme
Marinho, M.A.M.; Antreich, F.; Costa, J.P.C.L.da; Nossek, J.A.; Reduced Rank TLS Array Interpolation for DOA Estimation
Stein, M.; Castaneda, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Information-Preserving Spatial Filtering for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation
Stein, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; A Lower Bound for the Fisher Information Measure
Igl, Christine; Dynamics in Online Communities - A Macro Level Investigation of Community Success
Kugler, Eva Maria; Mechanosensitvity of isolated myenteric neuronal networks
Leis, Benedikt; Entwicklung von Thermus thermophilus als Wirt für (Meta)Genomanalysen
Behncke, F. G. H.;Walter, F. M.A.;Lindemann, U.; Procedure to Match the Supply Chain Network Design with a Products’ Architecture
S. Ryan;S. Endo;A.M. Wing; Multi-Player Microtiming Humanisation using a Multivariate Markov Model
Nöbauer, Ulrich Matthias; A Monte Carlo Approach to Radiation Hydrodynamics in Stellar Outflows
Bauer, Wolfgang; Braun, Felix; Elezi, Fatos; Maurer, Maik; Monetary Evaluation of Platform Strategies
Epple, Eliane; Measurable Consequences of an Attractive anti-KN Interaction
Eggers, Martin Hermann Albert; Perspective-Adjusting Appearance Model for Distributed Multi-View Person Tracking
Monahov, Ivan; Integrated software support for quantitative models in the domain of Enterprise Architecture Management
Barth, R.;Baur, J.;Buschmann, T.;Edan, Y.;Hellström, T.;Nguyen, T.;Ringdahl, O.;Saeys, W.;Salinas, C.;Vitzrabin, E.; Using ROS for Agricultural Robotics - Design Considerations and Experiences
Oberti, R.;Marchi, M.;Tirelli, P.;Calcante, A.;Iriti, M.;Hočevar, M.;Baur, J.;Pfaff, J.;Schuetz, C.;Ulbrich, H.; CROPS Agricultural Robot: Application to Selective Spraying of Grapevine's Diseases
Tahmasian, Masoud; Multimodal neuroimaging on neurodegenerative disorders using the hybrid PET/MRI technique
Schallmoser, Stefan; Insight into Catalytic Cracking of Hydrocarbons over MFI type Zeolites
Li, Haijuan; Chromosome and megaplasmid partitioning in Thermus thermophilus HB27
Fritsch, O.;Tromba, D.;Lohmann, B.; Cascaded Energy Based Trajectory Tracking Control of a Quadrotor
Mkhitaryan, Artashes; A Framework for Optimal Dynamic Modelling of Sensing Modalities
Seitz, A.; Popp, A.; Wall, W.A.; A semi-smooth Newton method for orthotropic plasticity and frictional contact at finite strains
von Saucken, C; Schenkl, Sebastian; Dahlmann, Patrick; Maurer, Maik; Measures and Methods for Systematic Knowledge Management
Lichtenthäler, Christina; Legibility of Robot Behavior
Goldenbaum, Mario; Computation of Real-Valued Functions Over the Channel in Wireless Sensor Networks
Frieß, Benedikt; Spin and Charge Ordering in the Quantum Hall Regime
Landsmann, Peter; Sensorless Control of Synchronous Machines by Linear Approximation of Oversampled Current
Schäfer, Stefanie; Pre-service teachers' cognitive learning processes with regard to specific teaching and learning components in the context of professional vision.
Hartl, Robert; Verfahren zur Abschätzung des zeitlichen Maskierungsverlaufs transienter Fehler in digitalen Schaltungen
Jurisch, Marlen Christin; IT-enabled Business Process Change in Private and in Public Sector Organizations
Hampp, Constanze; Die "Aura" des Originals - Wahrheit oder Mythos?
Karl, Florian; Bedarfsermittlung und Planung von Rekonfigurationen an Betriebsmitteln
Borowka, Sophia Carola; Evaluation of multi-loop multi-scale integrals and phenomenological two-loop applications
Schenkl, Sebastian A.; Elser, Hannes; Nilsson, Susanne; Ölund Sandström, Gunilla; Mörtl, Markus; Srinivasan, Venkataraman; A method for assessing the innovativeness of product-service systems
Cerwenka, Alexander Fabian; Phenotypic and genetic differentiation of invasive gobies in the upper Danube River
Lasar, David; The developmental role of brown adipose tissue and brown-like adipocytes (brite) in murine neonates
Peraro, Tiziano; Advanced methods for scattering amplitudes in gauge theories
Westermaier, Christian; Zeitdiskrete adaptive Regelung mit allgemeinem Referenzmodell bei instabilen Diskretisierungsnullstellen
Schäfer, Heike; Landschaftliche Orientierungssysteme
Karg, Michael; Representation, Acquisition and Use of Expectations for Domestic Service Robots
Danner, Michael Karl Matthias; Validierung und Untersuchung der klinischen Anwendbarkeit ICD/CRT-interner Aktivitätssensoren zur Messung körperlicher Aktivität von Herzpatienten
De Monte, Paul Sebastian; Adaptive Trajektorienfolgeregelung für Quadrokopter basierend auf der L1-adaptiven Regelungstheorie
von Saucken, C; Lachner, F; Lindemann, U; Principles for User Experience: What We Can Learn from Bad Examples
Heister, Philipp; Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Supported Size-Selected Silver Clusters (n=9-55) and Supported Chiral 2,2'-Dihydroxy-1,1'Binaphthyl (Binol) Molecules
R. Timmers;S. Endo;A. Bradbury;A.M. Wing,; Synchronization and leadership in string quartet performance: a case study of auditory and visual cues
A. Koene;S. Endo;A. Remazeilles;M. Prada;A.M. Wing; Experimental Testing of the CogLaboration Prototype System for Fluent Human-Robot Object Handover Interactions
Conventz, Sven Carlos Matthias; Materialized flows of knowledge: Airports as new nuclei of a networked-based office landscape
Behncke, F. G. H.;Holstein, J.;Lindemann, U.; Method for the Supplier Selection in Supply Chain Networks - An Approach of Structural Complexity Management
Behncke, F. G. H.;Eichinger, J.;Lindemann, U.; Involvement of Procurement in the Product Creation Process: A Systematization Scheme of Measures
Behncke, F.G.H.;Maisenbacher, S.;Maurer, M.; Extended model for integrated value engineering
Anderson, John Erik; Expanding the use of life-cycle assessment to capture induced impacts in the built environment
Helms, S.;Behncke, F. G. H.;Lindlöf, L.;Wickel, M. C.;Chucholowski, N.;Lindemann, U.; Procedure Model for the Indication of Change Propagation
Helms, S.;Behncke, F. G. H.;Lindlöf, L.;Wickel, M. C.;Maisenbacher, S.;Lindemann, U.; Classification of methods for the Indication of Change Propagation - A Literature Review
Perna, Marco; In vitro reconstitution of the Atg1-kinase complex: Revealing the molecular mechanism of autophagy initiation
Arciniega Castro, Marcelino; Structural Analysis of 20S Proteasome and Development of Structure-Based Virtual Screening Methods
Sorbara, Catherine Diamante; In vivo imaging of axonal degeneration and axonal transport in mouse models of multiple sclerosis
Rößiger, Gerhard Jörg; Zur Optimierung der ökologisch-ökonomischen Modellierung einer naturnahen Waldwirtschaft
Ulmer, Manuel Tobias; Analyse der Reinigung von Sieb- und Filtergeweben im Querstrom mit Hilfe der Gesetze des Stoffübergangs
Böhmer, A.I.; Zöllner, A.M.; Kuhl, E.; Lindemann, U.; Medical Device Design Process: A Medical Engineering Perspective
Vouldis, Ioannis; The role of p22phox mediated reactive oxygen species in tumour progression: a study based on proteomics, in vitro and in vivo approaches
Roth M., Kasperek D., Lindemann U.; Identifying the Adequate Level of Abstraction Within Structural Modeling
Huber, B.;Ulbrich, H.; Experimental Evaluation of the Static Magnetic Force and Dynamic Investigation of the Solenoid Valve of a Common Rail Diesel Injector
Guertler, M. R.; Holle, M.; Guber, D.; Lindemann, U.; How to Determine a Companys Open Innovation Situation
Guertler, M. R.; Holle, M.; Lindemann, U.; Open Innovation: Industrial Application and Demands – a Qualitative Study
Guertler, M. R.; Lewandowski, P.; Lindemann, U.; Stakeholder-Analysis featuring Open Innovation
Huber, Philipp; Mathematisch-Technische Optimierung von Verzahnungsgeometrien
Gaggermeier, Anika; Waldflurbereinigung in Bayern
M. Prada;A. Remazeilles;A. Koene;S. Endo; Implementation and experimental validation of Dynamic Movement Primitives for object handover
Zimmer, Marcus; Business Solutions
Vogl, Stefan; Majorana Dark Matter: The Power of Direct, Indirect and Collider Searches
Huppmann, Teresa; Maximierung der Oberflächentoxizität von Polymeren durch Titandioxid
T. Lorenz;B. N. S. Vlaskamp;A. M. Kasparbauer;A. Mörtl;S. Hirche; Dyadic movement synchronization while performing incongruent trajectories requires mutual adaptation
Fritsch, Oliver; Energiebasierte Lage- und Positionsfolgeregelung für einen Quadrocopter
Paszkiewicz, Paulina Joanna; Development of a truncated EGFR marker as a safeguard for adoptive T cell therapy
Graf, Michael; Methode zur Erstellung und Absicherung einer modellbasierten Sollvorgabe für Fahrynamikregelsysteme
Bauer, Wolfgang; Werner, Christopher; Elezi, Fatos; Maurer, Maik; Forecasting of Future Developments based on Historic Analysis
Bauer, Wolfgang; Elezi, Fatos; Maurer, Maik; Situative Selection of Platform Design Methods
Schöttl, Florian; Paefgen, Max-Christian; Lindemann, Udo; Approach for Measuring Change-Induced Complexity Based on the Production Architecture.
Michailidou, Ioanna; von Saucken, Constantin; Kremer, Simon; Lindemann, Udo; Managing Complexity in User Experinece Design: Matrix-based Methods for Connecting Technologies and User Needs
Gleirscher, Mario; Behavioural Safety of Technical Systems
Zou, Nan; Interkalation der Enzyme Papain und Cellulase sowie von Graphenoxid in Hydrotalcit- und Hydrocalumit-artige Schichtstrukturen (LDHs)
Kirchberger, Christoph Ulrich; Investigation on Heat Transfer in Small Hydrocarbon Rocket Combustion Chambers
Cuchet, Mathilde; Fish Protection and Downstream Migration at Hydropower Intakes
Behnke, Julia; Function and Regulation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Chaperone Grp170
von Saucken, C; Michailidou, I; Kremer, S; Lindemann, U; Motive-Oriented Design: Helping Automobile Engineers to Take the User's Perspective!
Le, Diem Trinh Thi; Tourist use of public transport at destinations – the case of Munich, Germany
Sarkar, Kuhu; Nanostructured zinc oxide films for application in photovoltaics
Hoffmann, Max Jakob; First-principles Multi-scale Simulations of Dynamic Catalyst Surfaces
Jüstel, Dominik; Radiation for the Analysis of Molecular Structures with Non-Crystalline Symmetry: Modelling and Representation Theoretic Design
Frotscher, Johanna; Molekulare Charakterisierung von Glykosyltransferasen in Vitis vinifera
Zhang, Zaiyong; Rapid and automatic structure determination using sparse NMR data and Rosetta
Giller, Malte; Untersuchung und Charakterisierung des Phasengebietes M-Q-X (M = Ag, Cu; Q = Chalkogen; X = Halogen)
D. Tolic;S. Hirche; Stabilizing Transmission Intervals and Delays for Linear Time-Varying Control Systems: The Large Delay Case
Becerici Schmidt, Neslihan; Results on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Search in GERDA: Background Modeling and Limit Setting
Becerril, Lucia; Kasperek, Daniel; Roth, Michael; Lindemann, Udo; Visualization of Interdisciplinary Functional Relations in Complex Systems
Saeedi Bidokhti, S.; Kramer, G.; An application of a wringing lemma to the multiple access channel with cooperative encoders
Li, Kai; Modelling genomic selection schemes in Bavarian pig breeding programs using ZPLAN+
Holle, M.; Roth, M.; Guertler, M. R.; Lindemann, U.; From Customer Innovations to Manufactured Products: A Project Outlook
Saeedi Bidokhti, S.; Kramer, G.; Capacity bounds for a class of diamond networks
von Sivers, Moritz; Scintillating CaWO4 Crystals for the Direct Dark Matter Search Experiments CRESST and EURECA
Eckstein, Nadine; Untersuchungen zur mineralisatorgesteuerten Phasenbildung und Eigenschaften von polyphosphidischen Verbindungen
Schimandl, F; Baur, M.; Busch, F.; Ermittlung von Wirkungen kooperativer Assistenzsysteme im motorisierten Individualverkehr mittels mikroskopischer Verkehrsflusssimulation - Methodik und Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt simTD
Röschinger, M.; Stockenberger, D.; Günthner, W. A.; Werkzeugmanagement in der Cloud
Dr. Kleeberger, M.; Schneidler, S.; Prof. Dr. Günthner, W. A.; Dynamische Krantragwerksberechnungen
Sailer, M.; Hense, J.; Mandl, J.; Klevers, M.; Psychological Perspectives on Motivation through Gamification
Mirlach, M.; Le, T.; Jung, M.; Atz, T.; Günthner, W.; Lagerverwaltung und Bestandsmanagement in dezentral gesteuerten Systemen
Vickers, Stefan J.; Study of rare B decays in the Standard Model and Beyond:
Fisch, Rupert Johannes; Code Verification of Partitioned FSI Environments for Lightweight Structures
Janzen, Nils Henner; Mikrodosiertechnik und Mikrosensoren zur pH-Kontrolle in Parallelbioreaktoren
Titze, Katharina; Massenselektive Laserspektroskopie kalter chiraler Molekülsysteme im Überschallstrahl
O'Meara, Corey; A Lie Theoretic Framework for Controlling Open Quantum Systems
Li, Shun; ROSA26 dual fluorescent reporter pigs and generation of a porcine model for pancreatic cancer
Frisch, Jérôme; Towards Massive Parallel Fluid Flow Simulations in Computational Engineering
Porter, Laura; Towards modelling ultracool dwarfs
Schmid, Lisa-Magdalena; Amereller, Maximilian; Lindemann, Udo; Definition of room functionality for automotive development
Beribisky, Alexander; Protein and small molecule recognition by native and non-canonical nucleic acids
Pathare, Ganesh; Structural and functional studies of 19S regulatory particle subunits of the 26S proteasome
Freigang, C.;Browne, J.W.;Seeber, B.U.; Does Onset Enhancement Improve Availability of Envelope ITDs in Cochlear Implant Users?
Menzer, F.; Choosing Optimal Delays for Feedback Delay Networks
Seeber, B.U.; Die SOFE-Hörumgebung für die audiologische Forschung -- Aufbau und Ergebnisse aus der Anwendung
Kasperek, Daniel; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Maurer, Maik; Assessing Process Sequences in Engineering Design by DSM-based System Dynamics Simulation
Roth, Sascha; Federated Enterprise Architecture Model Management
Kasperek, Daniel; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Maurer, Maik; Structure-based Analysis of Dynamic Engineering Process Behavior
Kasperek, Daniel; Fink, Stefanie; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Bauer, Wolfgang; Maurer, Maik; Assessing the Informative Value of Complexity Metrics Within Design Structure Matrices in Early Development Phases of Complex Systems
Kasperek, Daniel; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo; Maurer, Maik; A Method for Impact Analysis of Cyclic Changes within Innovation Processes of PSS
Schwegler, Philipp; High-Rate Performance of Muon Drift Tube Detectors
Gresset, Sebastian; Genetische Analyse der stabilen Kohlenstoffisotopendiskriminierung in einer Mais (Zea mays L.) Introgressionsbibliothek
A. Dietrich;M. Kimmel;T. Wimböck;S. Hirche;A. Albu-Schäffer; Workspace Analysis for a Kinematically Coupled Torso of a Torque Controlled Humanoid Robot
Novacki, Zoran; Wandelbare lineare Tragsysteme
Reik, Alexander; Maurer, Maik; Consideration of Dynamics in Knowledge Prioritization: Preparing an Efficient Company-Internal Knowledge Transfer
Reik, Alexander; Lindemann, Udo; Analyzing which technology-related information is required at which stage of product planning: A literature-based approach to integrate technology management into strategic product planning
Wagner, Andreas; Wasmeier, Peter; Wunderlich, Thomas; Ingensand, Hilmar; Vom selbstzielenden Theodolit zur Image Assisted Total Station
Reitmayer, Claudia; Einfluss des Wand-Decken-Knotens auf die Tragfähigkeit und Bemessung von monolithischen Ziegelaußenwänden
Amann, J.;Flurl, M.;Jubierre, J. R.;Borrmann, A.; An Approach to Describe Arbitrary Transition Curves in an IFC Based Alignment Product Data Model
Christian Herber, Andre Richter, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf; Deadline-Aware Interrupt Coalescing in Controller Area Network (CAN)
S. Endo;K. Juhlberg; A. Bradbury;A.M. Wing;; Interaction between physiological and subjective states predicts the effect of a judging panel on the postures of cellists in performance
Vergara, M.; Sgammini, M.; Zhu, Y.; Thoelert, S.; Antreich, F.; Tracking Error Modeling in Presence of Satellite Imperfections
Sicklinger, Stefan Alfred; Stabilized Co-Simulation of Coupled Problems Including Fields and Signals
Kochovski, Zdravko; Image analysis of molecular complexes present in cryo-tomograms of neuronal synapses
Saeedi Bidokhti, S.; Prabhakaran, V.; Is Non-Unique Decoding Decoding Necessary?
Auernhammer, H.; Precision Farming - gestern, heute, morgen
Beck, Philipp; Discovery and Characterization of Novel Proteasome Ligand Binding Sites
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; On Carrier-Cooperation in Parallel Gaussian MIMO Relay Channels with Partial Decode-and-Forward
Ölmez M.; Lindemann U.; Decision-Maker Modeling for Decision Support Application
Vasiliki Koropouli, Azwirman Gusrialdi, Dongheui Lee; ESC-MRAC of MIMO Systems for Constrained Robotic Motion Tasks in Deformable Environments
Michailidou, Ioanna; von Saucken, Constantin; Kremer, Simon; Lindemann, Udo; A User Experience Design Toolkit
Paßehr, Sebastian; Two-Loop Corrections to the Higgs-Boson Masses in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with CP-Violation
Ritter, F.;Schubert, G.;Geyer, P.;Borrmann, A.;Petzold, F.; Design Decision Support - Real-time Energy Simulation in the Early Design Stages
Sommer, Stephan P.; Model-Driven Tailoring and Assembly of Service Oriented Cyber-Physical-Systems
Schönfeld, Fiona Luise Désirée; Ehrenamtlich aktive Frauen im Natur- und Umweltschutz
Baur, J.;Schuetz, C.;Pfaff, J.;Ulbrich, H.; Modeling and Control of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles in an Antagonistic Set-up
Schenkl, Sebastian A.; Schmidt, Danilo M.; Schockenhoff, Damian; Maurer, Maik; Knowledge Evaluation for PSS Providers
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander; Maurer, Maik; Evaluation of Knowledge to Future-Proof the Knowledge Base
Qaroush, Abdussalam Kayed Yousef; CO2 activation using nitrogen-bearing donors: capturing of CO2 using [n]-oligoureas as novel green sorbents
Carro Saavedra, C.; Schrieverhoff, P.; Lindemann, U.; Analysing the Concept of Value to Identify Relevant Stakeholders' Preferences in Design for Adaptability
Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Weidmann, Dominik; Kasperek, Daniel; Omer, Mayada; Applicability of Agent-Based Modeling for Supporting Product-Service System Development
Omer, Mayada; Ganguly, Anirban; Behncke, Florian; Hollauer, Christoph; A Complexity Driven Approach for Risk Evaluation in Use-Oriented Product-Service Systems Supply Chains
Scheible, Max Boy; Untersuchung von dynamischen Prozessen auf DNA-basierten molekularen Strukturen
Toh, W.X.; Hashemi Farzaneh, H.; Lindemann, U.; Analysis of empirical studies in design research
Schenkl, Sebastian A.; Rösch, Christian; Mörtl, Markus; Literature study on factors influencing the market acceptance of PSS
Schenkl, Sebastian A.; Sauer, Roman M.; Mörtl, Markus; A Technology-centered Framework for Product-Service Systems
Geßenhardt, J.; Fakler, O.; Schendzielorz, T.; Busch, F.; Scaling up of ADAS’ Traffic Impacts to German Cities
Kremer, Simon; Michailidou, Ioanna; von Saucken, Constantin; Lindemann, Udo; User Experience Milestones - Structuring the Development of Experience Products
Fakler, O.; Geßenhardt, J.; Lüßmann, J.; Busch, F.; Structures of Traffic Management and Control in German Cities
Rychlik M, Humpf H-U, Marko D, Dänicke S, Mally A, Berthiller F, Klaffke H, Lorenz N; Proposal of a comprehensive definition of modified and other forms of mycotoxins including “masked” mycotoxins
Geßenhardt, J.; Schendzielorz, T.; Gerstenberger, M.; Fakler, O.; Verkehrliche Wirkungen kooperativer, infrastrukturbasierter Fahrerassistenzsysteme in deutschen Städten - Grundlage für die politische Entscheidungsfindung
Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Wickel, Martina C.; Krcmar, Helmut; Lindemann, U.; Towards Cycle-oriented Traceability in Engineering Change Management
Rösch, Oliver; Steigerung der Arbeitsgenauigkeit bei der Fräsbearbeitung metallischer Werkstoffe mit Industrierobotern
Jahn, Gloria Katharina; Studien zur Überprüfung der Validität eines Instruments zur Erfassung professioneller Unterrichtswahrnehmung von Lehramtsstudierenden
Schaffer, C.J. ; Palumbiny, C.M. ; Niedermeier, M.A. ; Jendrzejewsi, C. ; Santoro, G. ; Roth, S.V. ; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Watching a Solar Cell Die ; morphological degradation in organic photovoltaics
Kandler, C. ; Lindauer, M.; e-MOBILie - from Concept to HiL Testbench
Fendt, S. ; Spliethoff, H. ; Winklmaier, J. ; Hartmann, T. ; Hamacher, T. ; Wolf, M. ; Ewald, S. ; Koschany, F. ; Hinrichsen, O. ; Bernt, M. ; Gasteiger, A. ; Höhler, F. ; Klein, H.; Chemical storage of excess electricity - Interdisciplinary collaboration at TUM
Piquee, J. ; Beguin, B. ; Breitsamter, C.; Analysis of sailwing concept for wind turbines
Ji, Yang; Durchgängige Trassen- und Brückenplanung auf Basis eines integrierten parametrischen 3D-Infrastrukturbauwerksmodells
Sindram, Maximilian;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Modeling of Urban Planning Actions by Complex Transactions on Semantic 3D City Models
Sindram, Maximilian;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Semantische Modellierung von Maßnahmen als Transaktionen auf den Entitäten virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle
Steinbrücker, Carolin; Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung von Zielmolekülen für die Entwicklung von neuen Krebstherapien
Brennand Pierce and Gordon Cheng; Versatile Modular Electronics for Rapid Design and Development of Humanoid Robotic Subsystems
Zheng, Chengdong; Complexation Assisted Foam Fractionation of Caffeine from Its Aqueous Solution
Garcia Cely, Camilo Alfredo; Dark Matter Phenomenology in Scalar Extensions of the Standard Model
Bügler, M.;Borrmann, A.; Using Swap-Based Search Trees to obtain Solutions for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems
Bügler, M.;Ongunmakin, G.;Teizer, J.;Vela, P. A.;Borrmann, A.; A Comprehensive Methodology for Vision-Based Progress and Activity Estimation of Excavation Processes for Productivity Assessment
Oh, Seung Cheol; Single layer films of functional molecules on noble metal surfaces visited by scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy
Widenhorn, Andreas; Demand Reactions in Food Retailing
Meinel, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Effect and comparison of different working fluids on a two-stage organic rankine cycle (ORC) concept
Buttler, A.; Koltun, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Efficiency and flexibility potential by integrating water electrolysis in IGCC power plants for excess power storage
Steibel, M.; Botteghi, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of solid fuel gasification in entrained flow reactors
Halama, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Computational modeling (CFD) of entrained flow gasification kinetics with focus on the structural evolution of char particles
Baur, J.;Schuetz, C.;Pfaff, J.;Buschmann, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Path Planning for a Fruit Picking Manipulator
Pfaff, J.;Baur, L.;Schuetz, C.;Buschmann, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Design of Drive Units for Agricultural Robots
Schuetz, C.;Pfaff, J.;Baur, J.;Buschmann, T.;Ulbrich, H.; A Modular Robot System for Agricultural Applications
Bontsema, J.;Hemming, J.;Pekkeriet, E.;Saeys, W.;Edan, Y.;Shapiro, A.;Hočevar, M.;Hellström, T.;Oberti, R.;Armada, M.;Ulbrich, H.;Baur, J.;Debilde, B.;Best, S.;Evain, S.;Gauchel, W.;Ringdahl, O.; CROPS: high tech agricultural robots
M.H. Mamduhi;A. Molin;S. Hirche; Event-based Scheduling of Multi-loop Stochastic Systems over Shared Communication Channels
Kellermann, Magnus; On the measurement of efficiency and productivity under firm heterogeneity
Halama, S.; Entrained flow gasification: numerical simulation of reaction kinetics and pore structure evolution
Herrmann, S.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermo-economic and experimental investigation of small to medium-scale integrated biomass gasification solid oxide fuel cell systems
Ulbrich, M.; Schwarz, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; Experimental study on the impact of process parameters on energy and ash yield of bio coal produced with hydrothermal carbonization(HTC)
Speth, K.; Murer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Selective high temperature reduction of nox with ammonia in biomass incineration
von Saucken, Constantin; Lindemann, Udo; User-Centered Design for Research: Following Our Own Recommendations
Fischer, Maximilian Felix; Heterotic orbifolds
Heindlmaier, M.; Iscan, O.; Rate-Distortion Properties of Single-Layer Quantize-and-Forward for Two-Way Relaying
Heindlmaier, M.; Blöchl, C.; The Two-User Broadcast Packet Erasure Channel with Feedback and Memory
Purahong, Witoon; Molecular microbial diversity of deadwood and leaf litter in forests of different forest management intensity
Manfredini, Alessandro; Search for Neutral MSSM Higgs Boson in A/h/H to Tau+ Tau- to Electron and Muon + 4 Neutrino Decays with the ATLAS Detector
D. Xue;A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche; A Distributed Strategy for Near-Optimal Network Topology Design
Kremling, M.; Briesemeister, L.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; High-temperature biomass gasification in an entrained flow reactor – design and engineering of a test facility
Briesemeister, L.; Wittmann, T.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Study of a decentralized entrained-flow gasification plant in combination with biomass from hydrothermal carbonization for chp
Schneider, R.;Fischer, J.;Bügler, M.;Thöns, S.;Borrmann, A.;Straub, D.; A software prototype for assessing the reliability of a concrete bridge superstructure subjected to chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion
Borrmann, A.;Flurl, M.;Jubierre, J.R.;Mundani, R.-P.;Rank, E,.; Synchronous collaborative tunnel design based on consistency-preserving multi-scale models
Brandl, Florian; Thermal effects in laser-heated freestanding permalloy and multiferroic hybrid structures forming magnonic grating couplers and prototype spin wave multiplexers
Grienberger, Christine Maria; Neuronale Netzwerkanalyse mittels Fluoreszenz-Mikroendoskopie in vivo
He, Haiyan; Synthesis and Characterization of Tin Polyanions Endohedrally Filled with Transition Metal Group 9 Atoms
Schindler, Thorsten; Consistent high-frequency damping for nonsmooth flexible multibody systems
Schindler, Thorsten; Consistent higher order integration of nonsmooth mechanical systems
Schindler, Thorsten; Timestepping schemes based on discontinuous Galerkin methods
Austregesilo, Alexander; Central Production of Two-Pseudoscalar Meson Systems at the COMPASS Experiment at CERN
Mayer, Judith; Essays on Financing and Governance of Social Enterprises
Walker, Emer Ann; It’s a matter of source: The competitive effects of dominant species on calcareous grassland forbs
Denic, Marco; Impacts of river habitat quality on the conservation of endangered target species
Eiter, Hans-Martin; Carrier and Lattice Dynamics in Systems with Charge and Spin Order
Bottassoand, C.L. ; Cacciola, S.; Improved knowledge of wind conditions for wind turbine and wind farm control
Schurr, Benjamin Christoph; Dissection of the molecular mechanism of hop inhibition in Lactobacillus brevis
Pfeifer, Matthias Franz Xaver; The genome and transcriptome of Triticeae genomes and the impact of polyploidization
Handel, O.;Biedermann, D. H.;Kielar, P. M.;Borrmann, A.; A System Dynamics based perspective to help understanding the managerial big picture in respect of urban event dynamics
Michael Heindlmaier, Navid Reyhanian, Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti; On Capacity Regions of Two-Receiver Broadcast Packet Erasure Channels with Feedback and Memory
F. Deroo;S. Hirche;B. D. O. Anderson; Spatial decay analysis in interconnected dynamical systems using vector Lyapunov functions
Stetina, Mandy; Role of TcyB and Gpo in the maintenance of redox homeostasis and adaptation to oxidative stress in Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis
Manoliu, Ioan-Andrei; Untersuchung der spontanen striatalen Aktivität bei an Schizophrenie erkrankten Patienten mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT)
Martin Luccarelli, Dominik Tobias Matt, Pasquale Russo Spena, Markus Lienkamp; Purpose Design for Electric Cars - Parameters Defining Exterior Vehicle Proportions
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Jäger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp; Smartphone-based Energy Consumption Simulation for Electric Vehicles
Martin R. Hammer, Udo Steininger, Lothar Wech, Georg Walder, Richard Eckl, Moritz Steffan, Markus Lienkamp; Development of Safe Energy Storage System for Small Electric Vehicles
Stephan Fuchs, Jonas Laubmann, Markus Lienkamp; Parametric Modelling of Cost arising from the Production, the Operation and the Recycling of Vehicles
Stefan Matthias Müller, Alexander Pohl, Markus Lienkamp, Carsten Reinkemeyer; An Approach to Predictive Risk An a lysis of Manipulation of Electric Vehicles
Dipl. - Ing. Paul Stuke, Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler; Interior air conditioning for electric vehicle EVA - New approach on vehicle interior cooling to increase comfort and reduce energy consumption
Christian Campestrini, Georg Walder, Andreas Jossen, Markus Lienkamp; Temperature Influences on State and Parameter Estimation Based on a Dual Kalman Filter
Claudia Meis, Dr. Michael Lehmann, Prof. Dr. Lienkamp, Prof. Dr. Spiegelberg; Development, Parameterization and Verification of a Series Hybrid Vehicle Model to investigate Energy Management Strategies
Benjamin Reuter, Johannes Riedl, Thomas Hamacher, Markus Lienkamp, Alex M. Bradshaw; Future Resource Availability for the Production of Lithium - Ion Vehicle Batteries
Gerhard Huber, Klaus Bogenberger; Optimal Charging Strategies for Electric Cars on Long Trips
Alexander Littau, Bernhard Wagner, Stefan Köhler, Armin Dietz, Stefan Weber; Design of Inductive Power Transmission into the Rotor of an Externally Excited Synchronous Machine
Philipp Gwinner, Michael Otto, Karsten Stahl; Lightweight Torque-Vectoring Transmission for the Electric Vehicle V ISIO .M
Sebastian Bender, Vinoth Pannirsilvam, Raymond Khoo, Pablo López Hidalgo, Maximilian Tschochner, Pratik Sheth, Sebastian Osswald, Daniel Gleyzes, Heong Wah Ng, Markus Lienkamp; Concept of an Electric Taxi - for Tropical Megacities
Philipp Schleiss, Marc Zeller, Gereon Weiss, Dirk Eilers; SafeAdapt - Safe Adaptive Software for Fully Electric Vehicles
Bauer, Maximilian; Facilitated diffusion models for gene regulation in living cells
Hommeltenberg, Janina; Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of CO2 and CH4 over Natural and Drained Bog Forest Ecosystems in Southern Germany
Liu, Yefei; Two-fluid modeling of gas-solid and gas-liquid flows: Solver development and application
Amann, Dorena; Transformational Leadership Meets Follower Motives
Woidy, Patrick; Chemische Reaktionen in wasserfreiem Ammoniak - Umsetzungen von Haupt-, Nebengruppen- und Actinoidverbindungen
Allaverdi, D.;Herberg A.;Lindemann U.; Identification of Flexible Design Opportunities (FDO) in offshore drilling systems by market segmentation
Oliver Horst, Patrick Heinrich, Falk Langer; ICT-Architecture for Multi-Modal Electric Vehicles
Specker, Claudia; Analysis of the interaction of gushing inducing hydrophobins with beer foam proteins
S. Sakka;L.P. Poubel;D. Cehajic; Tasks prioritization for whole-body realtime imitation of human motion by humanoid robots
Xu, Zheng; Characterization of dehydrogenase mutants in continuous cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum
Bernhard, Rebecca Juliane; Novel Electrolyte Solvents and Additives for Lithium-Ion Batteries and Different Materials Degradation Phenomena
Goebels, Florian; Classification of protein protein interactions
Zhao, Feng; Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): Systems biology of the allergenic pollen upon elevated NO2 concentrations
von Groote, Janina Christine; General Relativistic Multi Dimensional Simulations of Electron Capture Supernovae
Auernhammer, H.; Automation in Crop Production - State-of-the-art und where to we go from here ?
Schmidt, Michael Timo; Elezi, Fatos; Tommelein, Iris; Berghede, Klas; Lindemann, Udo; Supporting Organizational Design Towards Lean with the Viable System Model
Mecking, Rebecca-Ariane; Beeinflussung des Angebots im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel durch Konsumenteninformationen: Eine Anwendung auf Basis der Theory of Planned Behavior
Ostermeir, Katja; Advanced sampling to study protein plasticity and protein association
Pugachev, A.O.; Aggregation of experimental and theoretical data for brush seal leakage evaluation
Tykhomirov, V.V.; Petrov, A.V.; Sheremetyev, A.V.; Pugachev, A.O.; Structural and dynamic optimization of a single axial compressor blade using the gradient-based method
Fleckenstein, Tilly Thea; Sip1, a Unique Small Heat Shock Protein of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Wolf, Thomas; H2 pseudo-optimal model order reduction
Schneider, Stephan Felix; Carbon flow from pasture to milk
Milne, R.;La Vecchia, C.;Van Steen, K.;Hahn, S.;Buchholz, M.;Costello, E.;Esposito, I.;Hoheisel, J.D.;Lange, B.;Lopez-Bigas, N.;Michalski, C.W.;Real, F.X.;Brand, A.;Malats, N.; EU Pancreas: An Integrated European Platform for Pancreas Cancer Research - from Basic Science to Clinical and Public Health Interventions for a Rare Disease
Steubl, Dominik;Hettwer, Stefan;Vrijbloed, Wim;Dahinden, Pius;Wolf, Petra;Luppa, Peter;Wagner, Carsten A.;Renders, Lutz;Heemann, Uwe;Roos, Marcel; C-Terminal Agrin Fragment - A New Fast Biomarker for Kidney Function in Renal Transplant Recipients
Faust, Georg; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen zur Herstellung eines hydrophoben Spinnenseidenproteins mit Escherichia coli
Schendzielorz, T.; Mathias, P.; Busch, F.; Vorausberechnung der Trajektorien von Fahrzeugen an städtischen Knotenpunkten
Zimmermann, Felix; Generierung von maßgeschneiderten Bauteileigenschaften in PHS-Bauteilen durch Anlassen mittels Flamme
Harms, Reentje Gerhard; Rhenium in Biomass Refining – Catalyst Development and Mechanistic Studies on the Rhenium Oxide-Catalysed C–O Bond Cleavage of Lignin Model Compounds
Popp, A.; Wall, W.A.; Dual mortar methods for computational contact mechanics – overview and recent developments
Gramlich, Kristina; Charakterisierung der Kollagenbindung von Yersinia enterocolitica und ihre Bedeutung in der Wirtszellinteraktion
Flügel, Veronika M.; Expressed Cyclopeptide Libraries as Selective Inhibitors for RNA-Protein Interactions / Structural Basis for the Site-Specific Incorporation of Non-Natural Amino Acids into Peptides and Proteins
Conze, Matthias Holger; Integrierte Abruf- und Transportsteuerung für lagerhaltige Teileumfänge zur schlanken Versorgung der Automobilmontage
Kuhs, Kristin; Evaluierung eines tumorspezifischen Antikörpers zur Immuntherapie Hsp70-membranpositiver Tumore im in-vivo Modell
Ramakrishnan, Robert; Griebel, Benjamin; Volk, Wolfram; Günther, Daniel; Günther, Johannes; 3D Printing of Inorganic Sand Moulds for Casting Applications
Schnyder, H.; Isotope ecology of Yak in Tibet-Transhimalaya alpine rangelands
Bi, Hai; Raman Spectroscopy on Single-Molecule Junctions
Holle, M.; du Maire, M. N.; Lindemann, U.; Motivation of External Open Innovation Partners
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.; Processing of Topological BIM Queries using Boundary Representation Based Methods
Bauer, Andreas; Investigation of itinerant antiferromagnets and cubic chiral helimagnets
Esche, Rebecca; New Methodologies for the Analysis of Phytosterols and Their Intact Esters: Applications to Cereals, Nuts and Edible Plant Oils
Rybak, Katarzyna; Tethering complexes required for plant cytokinesis
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Bill, Ralf; Donaubauer Andreas; LOD4 und städtisches Facility Management
Schirmer, Markus; A novel approach for structural analysis of high viscose starch based products during heating
Wiedemann, Birgit Maria; Magnetic and Structural Properties of Fe and MnSi Thin Films Investigated by Scattering Techniques
Lange, Kathrin; Development of an experiment for the investigation of intrinsically chiral metal clusters in the gas phase
Andor, Noemi; The role of intra-tumoral heterogeneity in the development, progression and recurrence of human malignancies
Stein, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Will the 1-bit GNSS receiver prevail?
Stein, M.; Lenz, A., Mezghani, A., Nossek, J.A.; Optimum Analog Receive Filters for Detection and Inference under a Sampling Rate Constraint
Franke, Stephan; Strategieorientierte Vorentwicklung komplexer Produkte – Prozesse und Methoden zur zielgerichteten Komponentenentwicklung am Beispiel Pkw
Auernhammer, H.; ISOBUS in European Precision Agriculture
Ostermeier, R.;Auernhammer, H.; Multisensor data fusion ISOBUS-solution for a sensor based fertilizer application system
Hohenstein, Frank Christian; Systementwurf und Umsetzung einer funktionsintegrierenden Gabelstaplerlokalisierung für eine wandlungsfähige und effiziente Transportausführung
Refaey, Mostafa Mohamed Abdo; Factors of Influence on the Erosion of Epoxy Resin insulating Material by Corona Discharges
Dems, Patrick; On Eulerian-Eulerian Large Eddy Simulation of Polydispersed, Reacting Spray Flows with Moment Methods
Flurl, M.;Jubierre, J.R.;Monjarez, C.;Morelos, R.;Watson, E.; Interaktive Planung von U-Bahn Tunnels: Automatisierte Berechnung der Änderung des normierten Energieverbrauchs eines U-Bahn Zuges bei Änderung des zu Grunde liegenden Trassenverlauf
Jubierre, J.R.;Borrmann, A.; Flexible linking of semantic, procedural and logic models for consistent multi-scale infrastructure design
Korinth, Valentina; (Öko-)Toxizität und technische Einsetzbarkeit von Methyltrioxorhenium mit Rhenium-Rückgewinnung
Chiang, Hsin-Yin; Material Selection of UMo Fuel: Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation Studies
Bretzler, Victor; Supramolekulare Wechselwirkungen in Silikonen
Huber, B.;Ulbrich, H.; Simulation and Validation of a Common Rail Diesel Injector
Grosse, C.; Was ist eigentlich Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung?
Große, C.; Malm, F.; Betone mit Selbstheilungseigenschaften - Entwicklung und Prüfung
Große, C.; Bauwerksdiagnose mit zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren: Was wurde erreicht? - Woran fehlt es?
Heinz, D.; Zemente und Zusatzstoffe – aktuelle Entwicklungen
Lowke D.; Frischbetonrheologie - Von der Konsistenz zu den interpartikulären Wechselwirkungen
Wagner, Michael; Suche nach topologisch nichttrivialen Eigenschaften stark korrelierter Materialien
Vaitkevicius, V.; Šerelis, E.; Hilbig, H.; The effect of glass powder on the microstructure of ultra high performance concrete
Kränkel T. ;Lowke D. ;Gehlen C.; Verdichtbarkeit und Stabilität Leichtverarbeitbarer Betone
Illguth S. ;Lowke D. ;Gehlen C.; Zum Formfüllungsvermögen dünnwandiger Schalungen – Experiment und Simulation
Große, C.; Zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden zur Beobachtung rheologischer Prozesse bei Frischbeton
Gehlen C. ;Kränkel T. ;Lowke D. ;Mazanec O.; Praxisorientierte Optimierung der rheologischen Eigenschaften von UHPC
Thiel C. ;Beddoe R. ;Lowke D. ;Gehlen C.; Accelerated carbonation: changes in water transport, porosity and phases of mortar due to different CO₂ pressures
Peters, Stefan; Dynamics of spatially extended phenomena
Reeps, C.; Kehl, S.; Tanios, F.; Maier, A.; Biehler, J.; Pelisek, J.; Wall, W.A.; Eckstein, H.-H.; Gee, M.; Biomechanics and gene expression in abdominal aortic aneurysm
A.M. Wing;S. Endo;T. Yates;A. Bradbury; Perception of string quartet synchronisation
Lesca, Elena; Structural analysis of the human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 kinase - Expression and purification of the human calcium channel ORAI1
Barletta, L.; Kramer, G.; On continuous-time white phase noise channels
Barletta, L.; Kramer, G.; Signal-to-noise ratio penalties for continuous-time phase noise channels
Barletta, L.; Borgonovo, F.; Filippini, I.; Analysis of dynamic frame Aloha with frame restart
Barletta, L.; Magarini, M.; Pecorino, S.; Spalvieri, A.; Upper and lower bounds to the information rate transferred through first-order Markov channels with free-running continuous state
Barletta, L.; Borgonovo, F.; Cesana, M.; A formal proof of the optimal frame setting for dynamic-frame Aloha with known population size
Munir, J.; Mezghani, A.; Slim, I.; Nossek, J.A.; Chromatic Dispersion Compensation Using Complex-valued All-pass Filter
Fehenberger, T.; Hanik, N.; Digital Back-Propagation of a Superchannel: Achievable Rates and Adaption of the GN Model
Kleele, Tatjana; Imaging microtubule dynamics in the healthy and diseased nervous system
Mahdavi-Arab, Nafiseh; Plant invasion, insect herbivory and competition: insights into the ecological interactions between invasive goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) and native tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
Wagner, Andreas; Wasmeier, Peter; Flächen- und Feature-basiertes Monitoring mit Videotachymetern
Lutz, T.; Various Views on the Trapdoor Channel and an Upper Bound on its Capacity
Lutz, T.; Recursions for the Trapdoor Channel and an Upper Bound on its Capacity
Yu, Zheng; Genetic and transcriptome analysis of autopolyploid Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.
Kitterick, P.T.;O'Donoghue, G.M.;Edmondson-Jones, A.M.;Marshall, A.;Jeffs, E.;Craddock, L.;Riley, A.;Green, K.;O'Driscoll, M.;Jiang, D.;Nunn, T.;Saeed, S.;Aleksy, W.;Seeber, B.U.; Comparison of the benefits of cochlear implantation versus contra-lateral routing of signal hearing aids in adult patients with single-sided deafness: study protocol for a prospective within-subject longitudinal trial
Menzer, F.;Seeber, B.U.; Does reverberation perception differ in virtual spaces with unrealistic sound reflections?
Khan, Aftab, A.; Donaubauer, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.; A multi-step transformation process for automatically generating indoor routing graphs from semantic 3D building models
Allam, Shady Naguib Elsayed; Actions of the phytopharmacon Iberogast in different regions of the gut
Drews, Matthias; Renormalization Group Approach to Dense Baryonic Matter
Amann, J.;Flurl, M.;Jubierre, J. R.;Borrmann, A.; An alignment meta-model for the comparison of alignment product models
M. Doumiati;S. Erhart;J. Martinez;O. Sename;L. Dugard; Adaptive control scheme for road profile estimation: application to vehicle dynamics
Maier, Jakob F.;Wynn, David C.;Biedermann, Wieland;Lindemann, Udo;Clarkson, P. John; Simulating progressive iteration, rework and change propagation to prioritise design tasks
Machl, Thomas ; Fischl, Gerhard; Donaubauer, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Ein semantisches 3D + t Datenmodelle als Integrationsplattform zur Analyse der Agrarlandschaft
Pucillo, Francesco; Michailidou, Ioanna; Cascini, Gaetano; Lindemann, Udo; Storytelling and a narrative analysis based method for extracting users´ motives in UX design processes
Winter, A.; Kindersberger, J.; Tenzer, M.; Hinrichsen, V.; Zavanttoni, O. Lesaint; Muhr, M.; Imamovic, D.; Solid/Gaseous Insulation Systems for Compact HVDC Solutions
Bauer, Wolfgang; Kasperek, Daniel, Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Maurer, Maik; Application of Structural Domain - Spanning Criteria in an Industrial Case - Study
Singer, D.;Amann, J.; Erweiterung von IFC Alignment um Straßenquerschnitte
Kern, Claudia; Entwicklung eines therapeutischen Kletterprogramms und Evaluation seiner Effekte auf Personen mit Multipler Sklerose
Delgado, S.; Kotyczka, P.; Overcoming the Dissipation Condition in Passivity-Based Control for a Class of Mechanical Systems
Delgado, S.; Kotyczka, P.; Passivitätsbasierte Positions- und Geschwindigkeitsregelung eines Segway- Systems
Knispel, Nihat; Biosynthese von Ginsenosiden und Polyacetylenen in Panax ginseng unter Feldbedingungen.
Klodt, Maria; Convex Relaxation Methods for Image Segmentation and Stereo Reconstruction
Guertler, Matthias Rudolf; How to assess actors for an Open Innovation project?
Wickel, Martina; Langer, Stefan; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Lindemann, Udo; A categorization and visualization scheme to determine Engineering Change Effects in companies
Wickel, Martina; Lindemann, Udo;; A Retrospective Analysis of Engineering Change Orders to Identify Potential for Future Improvements
Wickel, Martina; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Behncke, Florian; Lindemann, Udo; Comparison of Seven Company-Specific Engineering Change Processes
Höllerl, S.; Mosandl, R.; Stabilisierung montaner Fichtenbestände - Nur rechtzeitig durchforsten und verjüngen führt zum Erfolg
Schuetz, Christoph;Buschmann, Thomas;Baur, Joerg;Pfaff, Julian;Ulbrich, Heinz; Predictive online inverse kinematics for redundant manipulators
Baur, J.;Dendorfer, S.;Pfaff, J.;Schuetz, C.;Buschmann, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Experimental Friction Identification in Robot Drives
Knogler, Maximilian; Investigating student interest in the context of problem-based learning
Kasperek, Daniel; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Maurer, Maik; Structure-based Compilation of System Dynamics Models for Assessing Engineering Design Process Behavior
Kasperek, Daniel; Lindinger, Markus; Maurer, Maik; A structure-based System Dynamics Approach for Assessing Engineering Design Processes
Kasperek, Daniel; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Maurer, Maik; Structure-based Compilation of System Dynamics Models for Assessing Engineering Design Process Behavior
Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Schoettl, Florian; Bauer, Wolfgang; Schenkl, Sebastian A.; Behncke, Florian; Lindemann, Udo; A Process Taxonomy Model for Engineering Design Research
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander; Mörtl, Markus; Matrix-based decision-making for compatible systems in product planning concerning technologies for the reduction of CO2-emissions
Kaths, J.; Using Model Predictive Control for Cooperative Traffic Signal Control
von Saucken, Constantin; Gomez, Rafael; Unified Usre Experience Model: Enabling a More Comprehensive Understanding of Emotional Experience Design
Unverdorben, Pia; Pseudo-atomare Interpretation von Konformationsänderungen des 26S Proteasoms nach Klassifizierung von Kryo-Elektonenmikroskopie-Daten
Vollmayr, Andreas; Fluid Flow Perception
Elezi, Fatos; Resch, David; Tommelein, Iris; Bauer, Wolfgang; Maurer, Maik; A Viable System Model Perspective on Variant Management based on a Structural Complexity Management Approach
Bendel, Michael; Entwicklung einer neuartigen Nachweismethode hochenergetischer Teilchen im CALIFA-Kalorimeter
Carro Saavedra, C.; Schrieverhoff, P.; Lindemann, U.; A Knowledge-based Approach to Optimize Simulations in the Product Development Process
Moya Carreras, D.; Carro Saavedra, C.; Schrieverhoff, P.; Haupt, S.; Lindemann, U.; Identification of Key Parameters for Adaptable Design
Münzberg, Christopher; Heigl, Hubertus; Schrieverhoff, Phillip; Lindemann, Udo; Development of a plastic recycler applying TRIZ
Hass, Johannes;Rensch, Christian;Salvamoser, Ruben;Münzberg, Christopher; Lindemann, Udo;Mayer, Oliver; Experimental Proof of the Creative Value of TRIZ
Baueregger, Stefan Matthias; Interaction of Latex Polymers with Cement-Based Building Materials
Wittmann, Robert; Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Ewald, Alexander; Buschmann, Thomas; An Estimation Model for Footstep Modifications of Biped Robots
Rossner, M.;Thuemmel, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Online Roundness Error Identification and Model-based Monitoring for Rotors
Rossner, M.;Thuemmel, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Inclusion of Unsteady Bow in a Model-Based Monitoring System for Rotors
Fichtl, Matthias; Efficient Methanol Synthesis Catalysts: Long-Term Stability and Deactivation Phenomena
Zhou, Haibo; Label-Free Applications of SERS for Bacteria Analysis
Nokwe Nkumbe, Cardine; Molecular determinants and mechanisms of antibody light chain (AL) amyloidosis
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; The Multiport Communication Theory
Castaneda, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Estimation of rank deficient covariance matrices with Kronecker structure
Trotschel, F.; Antreich, F.; Nossek, J.A.; Space-time adaptive principle component anaylsis for time-delay estimation
Marinho, M.A.M.; Antreich, F.; Costa, J.P.C.L.da; Nossek, J.A.; A Signal adaptive array interpolation approach with reduced transformation bias for DOA estimation of highly correlated signals
Bai, Q.; Nossek, J.A.; Improving Energy-efficiency of Multi-antenna Receivers via Adaptation of ADC Resolutions
Castaneda, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Design of Single User Limited Feedback Systems
Bai, Q.; Li, J.; Nossek, J.A.; Energy-constrained throughput maximization for point-to-point communications
Günther, J.; Pilarski, P.M., Helfrich, G., Shen, H., Diepold, K.; First Steps Towards an Intelligent Laser Welding Architecture Using Deep Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning
Braun, A.;Tuttas, S.;Borrmann, A.;Stilla, U.; Towards automated construction progress monitoring using BIM-based point cloud processing
Tuttas, S.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.;Stilla, U.; Konzept zur automatischen Baufortschrittskontrolle durch Integration eines Building Information Models und photogrammetrisch erzeugten Punktwolken
Tuttas, S.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.;Stilla, U.; Comparison of photogrammetric point clouds with BIM building elements for construction progress monitoring
Daum, S.;Braun, A.; BIM-basierte Bauprozessplanung: Automatisierte Ableitung von Precedence Relationships durch eine räumliche Anfragesprache
Mayer, Hermann;Klein, Wolfram;Frey, Christian;Daum, Simon;Kielar, Peter M.;Borrmann, André; Pedestrian Simulation based on BIM Data
Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Wittmann, Robert; Wahrmann, Daniel; Ewald, Alexander; Buschmann, Thomas; Real-Time 3D Collision Avoidance for Biped Robots
Meiners, Jenni; Iridium PNP pincer complexes: CH activation, oxygenation and oxidation reactions
M. Goldenbaum, S. Stanczak; On the Channel Estimation Effort for Analog Computation Over Wireless Multiple-Access Channels
Frey, Markus; Models and Methods for Optimizing Baggage Handling at Airports
Li, Su; Synthesis and Characterization of Homogeneous Rhenium Catalysts. Applications in Olefin Epoxidation and Olefin Metathesis
Huang, Jin; Identification and characterization of a novel component involved in water deficit stress and abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Spectral efficient channel estimation algorithms for FBMC/OQAM systems: A comparison
Baltar, L.G.; Laas, T.; Newinger, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Enhancing Spectral Efficiency in Advanced Multicarrier Techniques: A Challenge
Kehrle Miranda, R.; Lustosa da Costa, J.P.C.; Marinho, M.A.M.; Pignaton de Freitas, E.; Freitas de Ramos, R.; Liu, K.; Cheung H.; Baltar, L.; de Sousa, R.T.; Evaluation of Space-Time Frequency (STF)-Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems in Realistic Channel Models
Zhang, Ran; Efficient Parameter Estimation in the High-Dimensional Inverse Problem of Seismic Tomography
Wagner, Andreas; Huber Ben; Wiedemann Wolfgang; Paar, Gerhard; Long-Range Geo-Monitoring using Image Assisted Total Stations
Wagner, Andreas; Wasmeier, Peter; Wunderlich, Thomas; Tutorium Videotachymetrie
Wunderlich, Th.; Trägheitsnavigation im Tunnelbau
Rozenvasser, G.; Malikov, S.; Ushakov, S.; Duvansky, A,; Gunko, V.; Wunderlich, Th.; Global Monitoring of the Technical Condition for the “Donbass Arena” Stadium, Ukraine
R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; Strong secrecy and decoding performance analysis for robust broadcasting under channel uncertainty
H. Boche, J. Nötzel; Positivity, discontinuity, finite resources, nonzero error for arbitrarily varying quantum channels
R.F.Schaefer, A. Khisti, H. Boche; On the use of secret keys in broadcast channels with receiver side information
R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; List Decoding for Arbitrarily Varying Broadcast Channels with Receiver Side Information
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; Arbitrarily varying wiretap channels with finite coordination resources
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan, H. Boche; Bayesian mechanisms for wireless network security
R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; Robust Broadcasting of Common and Confidential Messages Over Compound Channels: Strong Secrecy and Decoding Performance
F. Shen, E. Jorswieck, A.K. Chorppath, H. Boche; Pricing for distributed resource allocation in MAC without SIC under QoS requirements with malicious users
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; System approximation with general measurement functionals
H. Boche, G. Janssen; Resource cost results for entanglement distillation and state merging under source uncertainties
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer, H.V. Poor; On arbitrarily varying wiretap channels for different classes of secrecy measures
H. Boche, J. Nötzel; Cooperation for the classical-quantum multiple access channel
H. Boche, M. Cai, C. Deppe; Classical-quantum arbitrarily varying wiretap channel--a capacity formula with Alhswede dichotomy-resources
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; No-go theorem for sampling-based signal processing
V. Pohl, C. Yapar, H. Boche, F. Yang; A phase retrieval method for signals in modulation-invariant spaces
R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; How much coordination is needed for robust broadcasting over arbitrarily varying bidirectional broadcast channels
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; List decoding for arbitrarily multiple access channels with conferencing encoders
A.K. Chorppath, E.M. Yeh, H. Boche; Pricing games in multihop wireless networks under interference constraints
Biedermann, D. H.;Kielar, P. M.;Handel, O.; Betrachtung der Modellierung und Simulation von Fußgängern im Kontext verschiedener Skalen
Biedermann, D. H.;Kielar, P. M.;Handel, O.;Borrmann, A.; Towards TransiTUM: A Generic Framework for Multiscale Coupling of Pedestrian Simulation Models based on Transition Zones
Schindler, Markus; Pressure sensitive adhesives - inner structure and adhesive performance
P. Walk, P. Jung; Stable recovery from the magnitude of symmetrized fourier measurements
Kuchler, Florian; Electric dipole moment searches using the isotope 129-xenon
Kempf, Stefan; Long-term effects of low and moderate doses of ionising radiation on learning and memory formation in the neonatal mouse brain
Zweifel, Tobias; Fission gas behavior and interdiffusion layer growth in in-pile and out-of-pile irradiated U-Mo/Al nuclear fuels
Heizinger, Valentin; Algorithmische Analyse von Prozessketten in der Agrarlogistik
Pelz, Benjamin; Enzyme mechanics studied by single molecule force spectroscopy
Guo, Shuai; Nanostructures for polymer-based organic photovoltaics
Kühne, Maximilian; Janker, Karl; Hamacher, Thomas; Variability of residual load time series and its implications for energy storage demand in Germany
Knoke, Thomas; Wald im Wandel - eine weltweite Perspektive
Paul, Carola; Knoke, Thomas; Weber, Michael; Agroforstsysteme zur Verbesserung der Wertholzproduktion in den Tropen
Rößiger, Jörg; Minderung forstlicher Risiken durch ökologische Stabilisierungseffekte zwischen Baumarten
Wallner, Adelheid; Elatawaneh, Alata; Schneider, Thomas; Schätzung forstlicher Kenngrößen mit RapidEye-Satellitendaten?
Uhde, Britta; Finanzielle Bewertung naturnaher Alternativen zu Forstplantagen
Kindu, Mengistie; Schneider, Thomas; Teketay, Demel; Knoke, Thomas; Änderungen der Landnutzung im Hochland von Äthiopien
Auernhammer, H.; Precision Farming - Herausforderungen von heute und morgen
Hafner, A.; Ott, S.; Bodemer, E.; Winter, S.; A Case Study for End of Life Reuse and Recycling Survey Methodologies: The Höllentalanger Cottage.
Aondio, P.; Berechnung von Zylinderschalen aus Holz und Holzwerkstoffen unter Berücksichtigung der Spannungsrelaxation.
Hofmann, V.; Werther, N.; Winter, S.; Fire behaviour of large scale wooden roof structures.
Hofmann, V.; Gräfe, M.; Werther, N.; Winter, S.; Fire resistance of primary beam - secondary beam connections in timber structures.
Werther, N.; Hofmann, V.; Gräfe, M.; Winter, S.; Fire resistance of primary beam - secondary beam connections in timber structures.
Just, A.; Schmid, J.; Werther, N.; Frangi, A.; Fire protection of timber members - determination of the fire protection system characteristics for the verification of the load-bearing resistance by means of calculation models.
Dietsch, P.; Franke, S.; Franke, B.; Gamper, A.; Winter, S.; Methods to determine wood moisture content and their applicability in monitoring concepts.
Dietsch, P.; Gamper, A.; Merk, M.; Winter, S.; Monitoring building climate and timber moisture gradient in largespan timber structures.
Kleinhans, U.; Spliethoff, H.; Vorhersage von Ascheablagerungen auf Wärmeübertragerflächenbei der Feststoffverbrennung
Kleinhans, U.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; The prediction of particle size distribution during pulverized fuel combustion using SEM and CFD methods and its impact on ash deposition rates
Marro, R.; Friese, K.; Grzechnik, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; Characterization of the ash melting properties by various biomass ashes
Ungwattanapanit, T.; Baier, H.; Postbuckling analysis and optimization of stiffened fuselage panels utilizing variable-stiffness laminates
Joachim, Christoph; Costs and Benefits of Alarm Communication in Aphids
Rascher, Daniela; Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und Anwendung eines optischen Immunosensors zur Bestimmung von Procalcitonin in humanem Plasma und Vollblut
Schenk, S.; Optionspreisberechnung via Fast Fourier Transform (Teil 4)
Stich, Jürgen; Mannhart, Melanie; Zipperle, Thomas; Massier, Tobias; Huber, Matthias; Hamacher, Thomas; Modelling a Low-Carbon Power System for Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore
Jobst, Michael Johannes; Attosecond Dynamics in Molecules and on Interfaces
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.;Langenhan, C.;Petzold, F.; Automated generation of building fingerprints using a spatio-semantic query language for building information models
Marro, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; High temperature combustion of biomass in an entrained flow reactor
Abt, A.; Haas, P.; Paul, C.; Luick, R.; Wertholzproduktion mit Birnen und Speierlingen
Nasyrov, V.;Stratbücker, S.;Ritter, F.;Borrmann, A.;Hua, S.;Lindauer, M.; Building information models as input for building energy performance simulation – the current state of industrial implementations
Abt, Alexander; Haas, Patrick; Paul, Carola; Luick, Rainer; Wertholzproduktion mit Birnen und Speierlingen
Knoke, T,; Bendix J.; Pohle, P,; Hamer, U,; Hildebrandt, P,; Roos, K,; Gerique, A,; Lopez Sandoval, M,; Breuer, L,;Tischer, A,; Silva, B,; Calvas, B,; Aguirre, N,; Castro, LM,; Windhorst, D,; Weber, M,; Stimm, B,; Günter, S,; Palomeque, X,; Mora, J,; Mosandl, R, and Beck, E.; Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands.
Schöttl, Florian; März, Daniel; Lindemann, Udo; Vorgehensweise zur Gestaltung robuster Produktionssysteme am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie
Schöttl, Florian, Brumeißl David, Lindemann, Udo; Modellierung von Flexibilität in Produktionssystemen - Eine Methode zur Strukturierung von System Lifecycle Properties
Mai, Jan-Frederik; Multivariate exponential distributions with latent factor structure and related topics
Roth, Michael; Scholz, Simon; Gövert, Kristin; Kasperek, Daniel; Lozano, Christopher; Mund, Hartwig; Lindemann, Udo; Standardisierungskonzept für Kleinserien im Maschinenund Anlagenbau
Festl, Judith; Analysis and Evaluation of the Geosensor Network's Data at the Aggenalm Landslide, Bayerischzell, Germany
Brennand Pierce and Gordon Cheng; Realising Herbert: An Affordable Design Approach of an Anthropometrically Correct Compliant Humanoid Robot
Kammerl, Daniel; Bauer, Wolfgang, Mörtl, Markus; Identifikation der Informationsflüsse zwischen Produkt- und Produktionstechnologieplanung
Kammerl, Daniel; Enseleit, Martin; Orawski, Robert; Mörtl, Markus; Depicting Product-Service Systems in the early phase of the product development
Hollauer, Christoph; Wickel, Martina; Lindemann, Udo; Learning from past changes - towards a learning-oriented engineering change management
Meinel, D.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Economic comparison of ORC (Organic Rankine cycle) processes at different scales
Buttler, A.; Benner, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Flexibilitäts- und Speicherbedarf im Zuge des Energiekonzepts der Bundesregierung
Pittala, F.; Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Training-Aided Frequency-Domain Channel Estimation and Equalization for Single-Carrier Coherent Optical Transmission Systems
Bai, Q.; Mezghani, A.; Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Optimizing the energy efficiency of SIMO receivers with compact uniform linear arrays
Pittalà, F.; Mao, B.; Karinou, F.; Goeger, G.; Nossek, J.A.; Experimental demonstration of single-stage frequency domain equalization for single-carrier coherent recievers
Slim, I.; Xie, C.; Nossek, J.A.; Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Spectrally Efficient Nyquist WDM Systems
Holle, M.; Lindemann, U.; Design for Open Innovation (DfOI) – Product Structure Planning for Open Innovation Toolkits
Elezi, Fatos; Schmidt, Michael Timo; Tommelein, Iris; Lindemann, Udo; Analyzing Implementation of Lean Production Control with the Viable System Model
Schmidt, Michael Timo; Elezi, Fatos; Tommelein, Iris; Lindemann, Udo; Towards Recursive Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycles for Continuous Improvement
Meingassner, Georg Johann;Mayet, Johannes;Pflaum, Hermann;Ulbrich, Heinz;Rixen, Daniel;Stahl, Karsten; Neuartiges Fliehkraftpendelsystem SCPA - Synchronous Centrifugal Pendulum Absorber
Volk, Wolfram;Benkert, Tim;Thümmel, Thomas;Krinner, Andreas; Mechanische Schnellläuferpresse mit Koppelrastgetriebe
Benkert, Tim;Thümmel, Thomas;Krinner, Andreas; Entwurf eines Pressenantriebes zum Hochgeschwindigkeitsscherschneiden
Bauer, Wolfgang; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Lindemann, Udo ; Maurer, Maik; Domain-Spanning Change Propagation in Changing Technical Systems
Ungwattanapanit, T.; Baier, H.; Postbuckling Optimization of Composite Stiffened Fuselage Panels using Steered Fibers
Ozbek, M.; Rixen, D.; Challenges in Performing Dynamic Stability Analysis on Large Multi-MW Scale Wind Turbines
Ozbek, M.; Rixen, D.; A New Analysis Technique for Identifying High Damping Systems: An Application to an Operating Wind Turbine
Ozbek, M.; Rixen, D.; Using remote sensing technologies for wind turbine/farm health monitoring
Ozbek, M.; Rixen, D.; Dynamic Stability Analysis of Wind Turbines through In-field Vibration Tests
Ozbek, M.; Rixen, D.; Structural Health Monitoring of Multi-MW Scale Wind Turbines by Non Contact Optical Measurement Techniques: An Application on a 2.5 MW Wind Turbine
Ozbek, M.; Rixen, D.; Stability Control of Wind Turbines for Varying Operating Conditions through Vibration Measurements
Kirschneck, Michael;Rixen, Daniel;Polinder, Henk; Model Reduction Methods for Magnetic Fields Based on Modal Analysis
Kirschneck, Michael;Rixen, Daniel;Polinder, Henk;van Ostayen, Ron A.J.; Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Coupled Vibration Analysis of a Direct-Drive Off-Shore Wind Turbine Generator
van der Valk, Paul L.C.;Voormeeren, Sven N.;de Valk, Pauline C.;Rixen, Daniel; Dynamic Models for Load Calculation Procedures of Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures: Overview, Assessment and Outlook
Bosch, Allert;Schmehl, Roland;Tiso, Paolo;Rixen, Daniel; Dynamic Nonlinear Aeroelastic Model of a Kite for Power Generation
Eling, R.; van Ostayen, R; Rixen, D.; Multilobe floating ring bearings for automotive turbochargers
Kirschneck, Michael; Rixen, Daniel; Polinder, Henk;van Ostayen, Ron A.J.; Modal analysis of a large direct-drive off-shore wind turbine generator rotor
Münster, M; Lehner, M.; Rixen, D; Vehicle steering design using solution spaces for decoupled dynamical subsystems
Rutzmoser, J.; Rixen, D.; Tiso, P.; Model order reduction using an adaptive basis for geometrically nonlinear structural dynamics
Seijs, M.; Pasma, E.A.; de Klerk, D.; Rixen, D.; A robust Transfer Path Analysis method for steering gear vibrations on a test bench
Oriol Lloberas-Valls, Frank P. X. Everdij, Daniel J. Rixen, Angelo Simone and Lambertus J. Sluys; Multiscale Analysis of Damage Using Dual and Primal Domain Decomposition Techniques
Münster, M; Lehner, M.; Rixen, D; Störübertragungs-Anforderungen an Vorderachse und Lenksystem
Tiso, P.; Rutzmoser, J.; Rixen, D.; Nonlinear Manifold for Model Order Reduction of Geometrically Nonlinear Structural Dynamics
A.S. Mansour, R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; Secrecy measures for broadcast channels with receiver side information: Joint vs individual
A.S. Mansour, R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; Joint and individual secrecy in broadcast channels with receiver side information
Horch, Clemens; Habigt, Julian; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus; Evaluation of Video Quality Fluctuations Using Pattern Categorisation
Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Münzberg, Christoph; Kammerl, Daniel; Goswami, Suparna; Lindemann, Udo; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Krcmar, Helmut; Supporting the cross-disciplinary development of product-service systems through model transformations
Fastl, H.;Bauer, B.;Zuleeg, R.; Musikwiedergabe in einem Club über konventionelle Lautsprecheranordnungen bzw. mittels Wellenfeldsynthese
Fastl, H.;Beidenhauser, G.; Psychoacoustic experiments on some unwanted interior car sounds
Frey, S.;Fastl, H.;Schmoch, H.;Mommertz, E.; Psychoakustische und messtechnische Detektion von Echos in Räumen
Geiger, J.T.;Gemmeke, J.F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Investigating NMF Speech Enhancement for Neural Network based Acoustic Models
Geiger, J.T.;Kneißl, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Acoustic Gaitbased Person Identification using Hidden Markov Models
Geiger, J.;Marchi, E.;Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; The TUM system for the REVERB Challenge: Recognition of Reverberated Speech using Multi-Channel Correlation Shaping Dereverberation and BLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Geiger, J.T.;Weninger, F.;Gemmeke, J.F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Memory-Enhanced Neural Networks and NMF for Robust ASR
Geiger, J.T.;Zhang, B.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; On the Influence of Alcohol Intoxication on Speaker Recognition
Geiger, J.T.;Zhang, Z.;Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Robust Speech Recognition using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks for Hybrid Acoustic Modelling
Kaya, H.;Eyben, F.;Salah, A.A.;Schuller, B.; CCA Based Feature Selection with Application to Continuous Depression Recognition from Acoustic Speech Features
Kirst, C.;Weninger, F.;Joder, C.;Grosche, P.;Geiger, J.;Schuller, B.; On-line NMF-based Stereo Up-Mixing of Speech Improves Perceived Reduction of Non-Stationary Noise
Kuwano, S.;Namba, S.;Fastl, H.;Putner, J.; Continuous judgment of sound quality of electric home appliances
Lehment, N.H.;Merget, D.;Rigoll, G.; Creating automatically aligned consensus realities for AR videoconferencing
Marchi, E.;Ferroni, G.;Eyben, F.;Gabrielli, L.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Multi-resolution Linear Prediction Based Features for Audio Onset Detection with Bidirectional LSTM Neural Networks
Marchi, E.;Ferroni, G.;Eyben, F.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Audio Onset Detection: A Wavelet Packet Based Approach with Recurrent Neural Networks
Merget, D.;Smietanka, G.;Goetze, J.; UHF RFID Transmission with Soft-Input BCH Decoding
Paletta, L.;Schuller, B.;Robinson, P.;Sabouret, N.; IDGEI 2014 - 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion
Pavlic, Mario; Kamerabasierte Nebeldetektion und Sichtweitenschätzung im Fahrzeug
Putner, J.;Lohrmann, M.;Fastl, H.; Analyse von Körper- und Luftschallbeiträgen zum Fahrzeuggeräusch mittels Transferpfadanalyse aus Betriebsmessungen
Brückner, R. and Schuller, B.; Social Signal Classification Using Deep BLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Schuller, B.;Marchi, E.;Baron-Cohen, S.;O’Reilly, H.;Pigat, D.;Robinson, P.;Davies, I.;Golan, O.;Fridenson, S.;Tal, S.;Newman, S.;Meir, N.;Shillo, R.;Camurri, A.;Piana, S.;Stagliano, A.;Bolte, S.;Lundqvist, D.;Berggren, S.;Baranger, A.;Sullings, N.; The state of play of ASC-Inclusion: An Integrated Internet-Based Environment for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions
Schuller, B.;Zhang, Y.;Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.; Intelligent systems’ Holistic Evolving Analysis of Real-life Universal speaker characteristics
Soleymani, M.;Aljanaki, A.;Yang, Y.-H.;Caro, M.N.;Eyben, F.;Markov, K.;Schuller, B.;Veltkamp, R.;Weninger, F.;Wiering, F.; Emotional Analysis of Music: A Comparison of Methods
Tiefenbacher, P.;Gehrlich, T.;Rigoll, G.;Nagamatsu, T.; Supporting remote guidance through 3D annotations
Tiefenbacher, P.;Pflaum, A.;Rigoll, G.; Touch Gestures for Improved 3D Object Manipulation in Mobile Augmented Reality
Tiefenbacher, P.;Wichert, S.;Merget, D.;Rigoll, G.; Impact of Coordinate Systems on 3D Manipulations in Mobile Augmented Reality
Völk, F.;Fastl, H.; Virtual Acoustics in Psychoacoustics and Audiology
Weninger, F.;Bergmann, J.;Schuller, B.; Introducing CURRENNT - the Munich open-source CUDA RecurREnt Neural Network Toolkit
Weninger, F.J.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; On-Line Continuous-Time Music Mood Regression with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
Weninger, F.J.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; Single-Channel Speech Separation With Memory-Enhanced Recurrent Neural Networks
Weninger, F.;Geiger, J.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Feature Enhancement by Deep LSTM Networks for ASR in Reverberant Multisource Environments
Weninger, F.;Hershey, J.R.;Le Roux, J.;Schuller, B.; Discriminatively Trained Recurrent Neural Networks for Single-Channel Speech Separation
Weninger, F.J.;Watanabe, S.;Tachioka, Y.;Schuller, B.; Deep Recurrent De-Noising Auto-Encoder and blind de-reverberation for reverberated speech recognition
Xia, R.;Deng, J.;Schuller, B.;Liu, Y.; Modeling Gender Information for Emotion Recognition Using Denoising Autoencoders
Yoshida, J.;Völk, F.;Fastl, H.;Rigoll, G.; Influences of vehicle exterior design on loudness ratings by German versus Japanese drivers
Yoshida, J.;Völk, F.;Fastl, H.;Rigoll, G.; Influences of Vehicle Exterior Images on Sound Quality Ratings: German vs. Japanese Drivers
Zhang, Z.;Coutinho, E.;Deng, J.;Schuller, B.; Distributing Recognition in Computational Paralinguistics
Zhang, Z.;Eyben, F.;Deng, J.;Schuller, B.; An Agreement and Sparseness-based Learning Instance Selection and its Application to Subjective Speech Phenomena
Zhang, Z.;Pinto, J.;Plahl, C.;Schuller, B.;Willett, D.; Channel Mapping using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory for Dereverberation in Hands-Free Voice Controlled Devices
Liu, W.; Meinel, D.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Investigation of hydrofluoroolefins as potential working fluids in organic Rankine cycle for geothermal power generation
Takanen, M.; Wierstorf, H.; Pulkki, V.; Raake, A.; Evaluation of sound field synthesis techniques with a binaural auditory model
Freigang, C.; Schmiedchen, K.; Nitsche, I.; Rübsamen, R.; Free-field study on auditory localization and discrimination performance in older adults
Bai, Q.; Mittmann, U.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Minimizing the Energy per Bit for Pilot-Assisted Data Transmission over Quantized Channels
Böhmer, Annette; Zöllner, Alexander; Kuhl, Ellen; Lindemann, Udo; Towards an Instrumented Tissue Expander
Salichs San José, Juan; Analysis of optoacoustic efficiency and study of heterogeneous solid tumors with mesoscopic multispectral optoacoustic tomography
Günther, J.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.; Neural Networks for fast sensor data processing in Laser Welding
Randt, Niclas P.;Sartorius, Sky; Urban, Marcia;; Requirements and Concepts of Operations for a Personalized Air Transport System in 2050
Iwanizki, Michael;Randt, Niclas P.;Sartorius, Sky; Preliminary Design of a Heavy Short- and Medium-Haul Turboprop-Powered Passenger Aircraft
M. Kimmel;S. Hirche; Invariance Control with Chattering Reduction
Randt, Niclas P.; Perspectives of turboprop aircraft: a stakeholder-oriented evaluation using scenario planning
Randt, Niclas P.; Wolf, Sebastian;; Automation in Future Air Transport: a Scenario-Based Approach to the Definition of Operational Requirements
Meyer, Dominik; Degenne, Remy; Omrane, Ahmed; Shen, Hao; Accelerated Gradient Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms
Feldmaier, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus; Path-finding Using Reinforcement Learning and Affective States
Wunderlich, Thomas; Wasmeier, Peter; Wagner, Andreas; Auf dem Weg zum geodätischen Universalinstrument - wie nahe am Ziel sind IATS und MS50?
Hahn, M.;Müller, T.;Levenhagen, J.; An optimized end-to-end process for the analysis of agile earth observation satellite missions
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche;Y. Nakamura; Sampling-based Trajectory Imitation in Constrained Environments using Laplacian-RRT*
Suda, Michael; Dobler, Günter; Förster im Blätterwald - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für einen "gefährdeten" Berufsstand
Schaffner, Stefan; Suda, Michael; Huml, Gerd; Mobilisierung - das Unwort des Jahrzehnts
Dobler, Günter; Suda, Michael; Höhensteiger, Franziska; Die Greenpeace - Kampagne im Spessart
Suda, Michael; Pukall, Klaus; Multifunktionale Forstwirtschaft zwischen Integration und Segregation, Inklusion und Extinktion
Suda, Michael; Unser Wald - ein Spannungsfeld der Interessen
Wunderlich, Th.; Optical Plumbing versus RTK-GNSS – Staking Out On High Levels
Staack, Holger; Seibert, Dominic; On the virtual development of pedestrian protection
J. Nötzel; Hypothesis testing on invariant subspaces of the symmetric group, Part I - quantum Sanov's theorem and arbitrarily varying sources
H. Boche, G. Janssen; Resource Cost Results for One-Way Entanglement Distillation and State Merging of Compound and Arbitrarily Varying Quantum Sources
Wang, Y.; Zhao, F.-Y.; Kuckelkorn, J.; Spliethoff, H.; Rank, E.; School building energy performance and classroom air environment implemented with the heat recovery heat pump and displacement ventilation system
Gehlen C. ;Duran F. ;Lowke D.; Lärmarmes Betonsteinpflaster mit offenporigem Betongefüge
Bimüller, Carolin; From leaf to soil — Nitrogen partitioning and stabilization in soil organic matter
Kelbert, Florian;Pretschner, Alexander; Decentralized Distributed Data Usage Control
Wunderlich, Th.; Optical Plumbing versus RTK-GNSS – Staking Out On High Levels
Wasmeier, P.; Flächen- und Feature-basiertes Monitoring
Wunderlich, Th.; Auf dem Weg zum geodätischen Universalinstrument - wie nahe am Ziel sind IATS und MS50?
Schendzielorz, T.; Mathias, P.; Busch, F.; Vorausberechnung der Trajektorien von Fahrzeugen an städtischen Knotenpunkten
Rasthofer, Siegfried;Arzt, Steven;Lovat, Enrico;Bodden, Eric; DroidForce: Enforcing Complex, Data-centric, System-wide Policies in Android
Lovat, Enrico;Kelbert, Florian; Structure Matters - A New Approach for Data Flow Tracking
Lovat, Enrico;Oudinet, Johan;Pretschner, Alexander; On quantitative dynamic data flow tracking
Alexander Pretschner; Achieving Accountability with Distributed Data Usage Control Technology
Babaee, M.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Visualization of image collections in 3D: Application to immersive information mining
Babaee, M.; Bahmanyar, R.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Locally linear salient coding for image classification
Babaee, M.; Bahmanyar, R.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Interactive clustering for SAR image understanding
Babaee, M.; Tsoukalas, S.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Dimensionality Reduction using Relative Attributes
Babaee, M.; Tsoukalas, S.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Interactive Visualization based Active Learning
Crisan, D., Hambly, B. and Zariphopoulou, T.; Spatial risk measures: local specification and boundary risk
Babaee, M.; Bahmanyar, R.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Farness Preserving Non-nagative Matrix Factorization
Babaee, M.; Tsoukalas, S.; Schenk, S.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Immersive Visualization of SAR Images using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Babaee, M.; Tsoukalas, S.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Discriminative Feature Learning from SAR Images
Babaee, M.; Yu X.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Immersive Visual Analytic of Earth Observation Data
Gordon Cheng, Andreas Holzbach; A concurrent real-time biologically-inspired visual object recognition system
Ewald Lutscher and Gordon Cheng; Constrained Manipulation in Unstructured Environment Utilizing Hierarchical Task Specification for Indirect Force Controlled Robots
Ewald Lutscher, Gordon Cheng; Hierarchical Inequality Task Specification for Indirect Force Controlled Robots using Quadratic Programming
Andreas Holzbach, Gordon Cheng; Sampled Template Collation for Simulating Visual Attention and Object-Based Selection
Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng; Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Human Activities from Observation based on Semantic Reasoning
Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng; Understanding Human Activities from Observation via Semantic Reasoning for Humanoid Robots
Andreas Holzbach, Gordon Cheng; A scalable and efficient Method for Salient Region Detection Using Sampled Template Collation
Erhard Wieser and Gordon Cheng; Predictive Action Selector for Generating Meaningful Robot Behaviour from Minimum Amount of Samples
Eva Wiese, Hermann Josef Müller, Agnieszka Wykowska; Using a gaze-cueing paradigm to examine social cognitive mechanisms of individuals with autism observing robot and human faces
Stefan Ehrlich, Agnieszka Wykowska, Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Gordon Cheng; When to engage in interaction - and how? EEG-based enhancement of robot’s ability to sense social signals in HRI
Andreas Holzbach and Gordon Cheng; A fast and scalable system for visual attention, object based attention and object recognition for humanoid robots.
Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Tetsunari Inamura, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng; Bootstrapping Humanoid Robot Skills by Extracting Semantic Representations of Human-like Activities from Virtual Reality
Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; A new method for solving 6D Image-Based Visual Servoing with Virtual Composite camera model
Gründinger, A.; Joham, M.; Barthelme, A.; Utschick, W.; Mean Square Error Beamforming in SatCom: Uplink-Downlink Duality with Per-Feed Constraints
Gründinger, A.; Joham, M.; González-Coma, J. P.; Castedo, L.; Utschick, W.; Average Sum MSE Minimization in the Multi-User Downlink with Multiple Power Constraints
Firl N, Kienberger H, Rychlik M; Validation of the sensitive and accurate quantitation of the fatty acid distribution in cow milk
Saveriano, M.; Lee,D.; Safe Motion Generation and Online Reshaping using Dynamical Systems
Liu, Jie; Saveriano, Matteo;Lee, Dongheui; Robot Compliant Behavior thro ugh Reinforcement Learning
Saveriano, M.; Lee,D.; Learning Motion and Impedance Behaviors from Human Demonstrations
Brauchle, J.; On the Error-Correcting Radius of Folded Reed–Solomon Code Designs
Spring, A.; Wirth, G.; Becker, G.; Pardatscher, R.; Witzmann, R; Brantl, J.; Schmidt, S.; Blindleistungsflüsse von Photovoltaik - Wechselrichtern mit einem Leistungsfaktor von Eins
Wirth, G.; Lorenz, E.; Spring, A.; Grossi, L.; Becker, G.; Pardatscher, R.; Witzmann, R; Brantl, J.; Schmidt, S.; Modellierung der Einspeiseleistung verteilter PV - Anlagen zur optimierten Netzbetriebsführung
Hu L, Gastl M, Linkmeyer A, Hess M, Rychlik M; Fate of Enniatins and Beauvericin During the Malting and Brewing Process Determined by Stable Isotope Dilution Assays
Bobrich A, Fanning K J, Rychlik M, Russell D, Topp B, Netzel M; Phytochemicals in Japanese plums: impact of maturity and bioaccessibility.
Delchier N, Ringling C, Cuvelier M-E, Courtois F, Rychlik M, Renard C M G C; Mechanisms of folate losses during processing: diffusion vs. heat degradation
Delchier N, Ringling C, Cuvelier M-E, Courtois F, Rychlik M, Renard C M G C; Thermal degradation of folates under varying oxygen conditions.
Walravens J, Mikula H, Rychlik M, Asam S, Njumbe Ediage E, Diana Di Mavungu J, Van Landschoot A, Vanhaecke L, and De Saeger S; Development and validation of a UPLC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of free and conjugated Alternaria toxins in cereal-based foodstuff
Wüchner, Tobias;Ochoa, Martín;Pretschner, Alexander; Malware detection with quantitative data flow graphs
Barthe, Gilles;Köpf, Boris;Mauborgne, Laurent;Ochoa, Martín; Leakage Resilience against Concurrent Cache Attacks
Lovat, Enrico;Oudinet, Johan;Pretschner, Alexander; On quantitative dynamic data flow tracking
Holling, Dominik;Pretschner, Alexander;Gemmar, Matthias; 8Cage: Lightweight Fault-Based Test Generation for Simulink
A. Lin, D. Schwarz, R. Sellaouti, S. Shokur, R. C. Moioli, F. L. Brasil, K. R. Fast, N. A. Peretti, A. Takigami, S. Gallo, K. Lyons, P. Mittendorfer, M. Lebedev, S. Joshi, G. Cheng, E. Morya, A. Rudolph, M. Nicolelis; The walk again project: Brain-controlled exoskeleton locomotion
S. Shokur, S. Gallo, J. Olivier, N. Peretti, A. Takigami, A. L. Lin, K. Fast, R. Moioli, F. Brasil, E. Morya, G. Cheng, H. Bleuler, M. A. L. Nicolelis; The walk again project (wap): Sensory feedback for brain controlled exoskeleton
Mohsen Kaboli, Philipp Mittendorfer, Vincent Hugel and Gordon Cheng; Humanoids Learn Object Properties From Robust Tactile Feature Descriptors vai Multi-Modal Artificial Skin.
T. Soleymani;V. Trianni;M. Bonani;F. Mondada;M. Dorigo; Autonomous Construction with Compliant Building Material
G. Francesca;M. Brambilla;A. Brutschy;L. Garattoni;R. Miletitch;G. Podevijn;A. Reina;T. Soleymani;M. Salvaro;C. Pinciroli;V. Trianni;M. Birattari; An Experiment in Automatic Design of Robot Swarms AutoMoDe-Vanilla, EvoStick, and Human Experts
Tian, Wei; Experimental and Numerical Study on Reinforcement Corrosion in Cracked Concrete
Röder, Nina; Schermann, Michael; Krcmar, Helmut; IT Enabled Agility in Organizational Ambidexterity
Röder, Nina;Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael; A Situational Perspective on Workarounds in IT-Enabled Business Processes: A Multiple Case Study
Röder, Nina; Wiesche, Manuel; Schermann, Michael; Krcmar, Helmut; Why Managers Tolerate Workarounds? The Role of Information Systems
Dongus, Konrad;Ebert, Simon;Schermann, Michael;Yetton, Philip;Krcmar, Helmut; Control and Performance in IS Projects: A Meta-Analysis of Hierarchical and Market-based Control Relationships
Dongus, Konrad;Yetton, Philip;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Transaction Cost Economics and Industry Maturity in IT Outsourcing: A Meta-Analysis of Contract Type Choice
Franke, Laura; Kessling, Wolfgang; Engelhardt, Martin; Wong, Mun Summ; Evaluation of Comfort Concepts with Tempered Air and Elevated Air Speed in Tropical Climate
Stopper, Jochen; Ritter, Volker; Gstöhl, Daniel; Verschattung und Raumtemperierung mit flüssigkeitsdurchströmten Glasfassaden
Lindauer, M.; Nemeth I.; Instationäre Energiebedarfs- und Angebotssimulation eines Stadtquartiers mit Einbeziehung des Nutzerverhaltens
Botzler, S.; Kolarik, J.; Olesen, B. W.; Investigating peoples’ preferences of automated indoor climate control facilities
Brunnert, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; Detecting Performance Change in Enterprise Application Versions Using Resource Profiles
Brunnert, Andreas;Neubig, Stefan;Krcmar, Helmut; Evaluating the Prediction Accuracy of Generated Performance Models in Up-and Downscaling Scenarios
Brunnert, Andreas;Wischer, Kilian;Krcmar, Helmut; Using Architecture-Level Performance Models as Resource Profiles for Enterprise Applications
Chucholowski, Nepomuk;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Wickel, Martina;Krcmar, Helmut;Lindemann, Udo; Towards Cycle-Oriented Traceability in Engineering Change Management
Danciu, Alexandru;Brunnert, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards Performance Awareness in Java EE Development Environments
Ecker, Simon;Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Zoller, Peter;Krcmar, Helmut; Understanding IT risk management design in large organizations
Engel, Tobias;Brugger, Adrian;Goswami, Suparna;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Interdependent Determinants of Supply Chain Information Sharing: Evidence from the Tobacco Industry
Engel, Tobias;Englschalk, Andreas;Güner, Nurettin;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; Investigating Information Sharing Behavior in Supply Chains: Evidences from an Embedded Single Case Study
W. Zhou;J. Reisinger;A. Peer;S. Hirche; Interaction-based dynamic measurement of haptic characteristics of control elements
Lee, In; CostRFID: Design and evaluation of a cost estimation method and tool RFID integration projects
Engel, Tobias;Sadovskyi, Oleksandr;Böhm, Markus;Heininger, Robert;Krcmar, Helmut; A Conceptual Approach for Optimizing Distribution Logistics using Big Data
Ertl, Christoph;Greger, Vanessa;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Analysis of Different Organizational Forms and Their Effect on Performance Management of IT
Füller, Kathrin;Engel, Tobias;Benz, Maximilian;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; A matrix for selecting appropriate customer integration methods
Füller, Kathrin;Goswami, Suparna;Helmut, Krcmar; Web-Based Customer Integration for Product Design: The Role of Hedonic vs Utilitarian Customer Experience
Füller, Kathrin;Schenkl, Sebastian;Schneider, Franz-Xaver;Hutterer, Philipp;Mörtl, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Verification of Quality Criteria by Customer Integration
Goffart, Klaus;Schermann, Michael;Kohl, Christopher;Preissinger, Jörg;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards Identifying Contextual Factors on Parking Lot Decisions
Greger, Vanessa;Balta, Dian;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Analyzing Stakeholders in Complex E-Government Projects: Towards a Stakeholder Interaction Model
Hoermann, Stefan;Hlavka, Tobias;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Determinants of vendor profitability in two contractual regimes: an empirical analysis of enterprise resource planning projects
Homann, Marcus;Banova, Vassilena;Oelbermann, Paul;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards User Interface Components for Dashboard Applications on Smartphones
Homann, Marcus;Banova, Vassilena;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Einsatz einer mobilen Unternehmensplattform
Homann, Marcus;Banova, Vassilena;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards an End-User Development Tool for Mobile ERP Applications
Janssen, Marijn;Charalabidis, Yannis;Krcmar, Helmut; Introduction to Open Data and Cloud Services Minitrack
Jurisch, Marlen;Krcmar, Helmut;Scholl, Hans Jochen;Wang, Kai;Wang, Yuan;Woods, Grant;Xu, Donghe;Yao, Yaxing; Digital and Social Media in Pro Sports: Analysis of the 2013 UEFA Top Four
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Lindemann, Udo;Reinhart, Gunther; Kundenintegration in Innovationsprozesse
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Lindemann, Udo;Reinhart, Gunther; Anforderungsmanagement für Produkt-Service Systeme
Krcmar, Helmut;Schaffer, Jonathan;Seitz, Jürgen;Spil, Ton;Vogel, Doug;Wickramasinghe, Nilmini; ECIS 2014 E-Health panel: critical considerations in the design, development and implementation of E-Health solutions
Palka, Wolfgang;Bär, Tobias;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Patterns for Mobile Open Government Data Applications
Pfaff, Matthias;Krcmar, Helmut; Semantic Integration of Semi-Structured Distributed Data in the Domain of IT Benchmarking
Geiger, Manfred;Bieber, Daniel; Verknüpfung von Dienstleistungselementen mit Hilfe von Near Field Communication (NFC)
Roht, Olga;Engel, Tobias;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; An Analysis of Synergy Effects between Closed Loop Supply Chains and Product-Service Systems
Rosenberg, Zuzana;Jurisch, Marlen;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Using Case Survey Methodology to Extract Variables and Causal Links: An Example from Studying Business Process Change
Schermann, Michael;Lang, Michael;Hoermann, Stefan;Swanson, Burt;Krcmar, Helmut; When Does Learning Pay Off? The Relationship of Organizational Learning and ITO Vendor Profitability
Klüppelberg, Claudia;Straub, Daniel;Welpe, Isabell M; Information Technology Risks: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
Scholl, Hans Jochen;Wang, Kai;Wang, Yuan;Woods, Grant;Xu, Donghe;Yao, Yaxing;Jurisch, Marlen;Krcmar, Helmut; Top soccer teams in cyberspace: Online channels for services, communications, research, and sales
Sedera, Darshana;Lokuge, Sachithra;Krcmar, Helmut;Srivastava, Shirish C.;Ravishankar, M. N.; The Future of Outsourcing in the Asia-Pacific Region: Implications for Research and Practice--Panel Report from PACIS 2014
Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; The Relationship of Personality Models and Development Tasks in Software Engineering
Willnecker, Felix;Brunnert, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; Model-based Energy Consumption Prediction for Mobile Applications
Willnecker, Felix;Brunnert, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; Predicting Energy Consumption by Extending the Palladio Component Model
Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Kernschmidt, Konstantin;Münzberg, Christoph;Kammerl, Daniel;Goswami, Suparna;Lindemann, Udo;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Krcmar, Helmut; Supporting the Cross-disciplinary Development of Product-service Systems Through Model Transformations
Krcmar, Helmut;Reussner, Ralf;Rumpe, Bernhard; Quality analysis approaches for cloud services - Towards a framework along the customer's activity cycle
Hepp, Martin;Hoffner, Yigal; Information Need in Cloud Service Procurement? An Exploratory Case Study
Wollersheim, Jan;Pfaff, Matthias;Krcmar, Helmut; Information Need in Cloud Service Procurement ? An Exploratory Case Study
Ziaie, Pujan;Krcmar, Helmut; Designing Target-Oriented Incentive Systems for Online Production Communities
Binder, F; Weißbrod, M.; Mosandl, R.; Waldbäume und ihre Verjüngung. Teilprojekt V: Baumartenentwicklung und Vitalität
Andreas Battenberg / TUM; Visio.M-Effizienztest
Stephan, A.; Ullmann, P.; Speth, K.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Investigation of corrosion,aerosol- and particle formation in a wood fired power plant
Rasthofer, U.; Gravemeier, V.; Wall, W.A.; Multifractal, multigrid, multiscale: Large-eddy simulation by "multi-'' to the power of three
Schatte, G.; Yim, H.B.; Simulation of boiling processes under forced circulation conditions in steam generator tubes
Timo, R.; Oechtering, T. ; Wigger, M.; Source Coding Problems with Conditionally Less Noisy Side Information
Vellambi, B. N.; Timo, R.; Successive Refinement with Common Receiver Reconstructions
Timo, R.; Grant, A.; Vellambi, B. N.; Streaming with autoregressive-hamming distortion for ultra short-delay communications
Kohlhepp, A.; Schatte, G.; Burger, T.; Spliethoff, H.; Laborverdampferstrecke zur mess- und regelungstechnischen Konzeptvalidierung und Integration in die Lehre
Schatte, G.; Herausforderungen und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten größerer Kraftwerksflexibilität
P. Henkel, M. Iafrancesco; Tightly coupled Position and Attitude Determination with two low-cost GNSS receivers
P. Henkel, P. Berthold, J. Kiam; Calibration of Magnetic Field Sensors with two mass-market GNSS receivers
J. Kiam, J.M. Cardenas, P. Henkel; Cost-effective Cooperative RTK Positioning of Rowing Boats
Benjamin Büttner, Juanjuan Zhao, Alain Thierstein, Gebhard Wulfhorst, Agnes Förster, Lena Sterzer; When growth stresses development. Interdependencies between housing, employment and mobility in the Munich metropolitan region
Twaddle, H., Schendzielorz, T., Fakler, O.; Bicycles in urban areas: Review of existing methods for modeling behavior
Ritter, F.;Schubert, G.; Integration digitaler Gebäudesimulationen in den frühen Entwurfsphasen
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Bill, Ralf; Donaubauer, Andreas; Cloud-basierter 3D-Webclient zur kollaborativen Planung energetischer Maßnahmen am Beispiel von Berlin und London
Offer, Julia; Kaden, Robert; Kastner, Oliver; Zimmermann, Günter; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Entwicklung eines GIS-Werkzeugs zur Untersuchung geothermischer Energieproduktionspotenziale
Wagner, Detlev; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Coors, Volker; Spezifikation von Prüfplänen und Prüfergebnissen zur Validierung von 3D-Stadtmodellen
Yao, Zhihang; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Cloud-basierter Webclient für kollaboratives Arbeiten auf semantischen 3D-Stadtmodellen
van Hoorn, Andre; Vögele, Christian; Schulz, Eike; Hasselbring, Wilhelm; Krcmar, Helmut; Automatic Extraction of Probabilistic Workload Specifications for Load Testing Session-Based Application Systems
Suda, Michael; Pukall, Klaus; Multifunktionale Forstwirtschaft zwischen Inklusion und Extinktion
Priester, Roland; Miramontes, Montserrat; Wulfhorst, Gebhard; A generic code of urban mobility: how can cities drive future sustainable development?
Altamura, A. ; Straub, D.; Reliability assessment of high cycle fatigue under variable amplitude loading: Review and solutions
Betz, W. ; Papaioannou, I. ; Straub, D.; Numerical methods for the discretization of random fields by means of the Karhunen–Loève expansion
Borges, J.G.; Nordström, E.M.; Garcia-Gonzalo, J.; Hujala, T.; Trasobares, A.; Forest decision support tools in Germany.
I. Palunko;P. Donner;M. Buss;S. Hirche; Cooperative Suspended Object Manipulation Using Reinforcement Learning
Söllner, Konstanze ; Sühl-Strohmenger, Wilfried; Informationsdienste für Ingenieurwissenschaften
M.F. Pinto; A.G. Melo;M.M. Lanes; O.M.Toledo; Desenvolvimento de um kit didático para controle e acionamento de motores
M.F. Pinto;G.M. Soares; T.R. F. Mendonça; P.S. Almeida; H.A. C. Braga; Smart Modules for Lighting System Applications and Power Quality Measurements
C.C.Almeida; P.S. Almeida; N.R.C. Monteiro; M.F. Pinto; H.A.C. Braga; LED-Based Electronic System to Support Plant Physiology Experiments
T.R.F. Mendonça; M.F. Pinto; C.A. Duque; Least Squares Optimization of Zero Crossing Technique for Frequency Estimation of Power System Grid Distorted Sinusoidal Signals.
C.C. Almeida; P.S. Almeida; M.F. Pinto; R.L. Valle, C.H.N.Martins; H.A. C. Braga.; A Fast Dynamics and PWM-Dimmable LED Driver for Accurate Control of Illumination in Plants Physiology Experiments
M.F.Pinto; T.R.F. Mendonça; L.R. Olivi; E.B. Costa; A.L.M. Marcato; Modified Approach Using Variable Charges to Solve Inherent Limitations of Potential Fields Method
Jiang, Y.; Schaffrath, J.; Knorz, M.; Winter, S.; van de Kuilen, J.-W.; Applicability of various wood species in glued laminated timber - parameter study on delamination resistance and shear strength
Böhling, Kathrin; Arzberger, Monika; New modes of governance in Bavaria's alpine forests: The 'Mountain Forest Initiative' at work
Ertl, Christoph; Greger, Vanessa; Wolf, Petra, Krcmar, Helmut; Analysis of Different Organizational Forms: Towards a Framework of Influencing Factors Regarding Performance Management of IT in Public Organizations
Deng, J.; Xia, R.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Schuller, B.; Introducing shared-hidden-layer autoencoders for transfer learning and their application in acoustic emotion recognition
Böhling, Kathrin; Sidelined member states: Commission-learning from experts in the face of Comitology
Althoff, M.;Dolan, J. M.; Online Verification of Automated Road Vehicles Using Reachability Analysis
Eder, Martin;Karl, Maximilian;Knoll, Alois;Riesner, Stefan; Continuum Worm-like Robotic Mechanism with Decentral Control Architecture
Keizer, Simon;Foster, Mary Ellen;Gaschler, Andre;Giuliani, Manuel;Isard, Amy;Lemon, Oliver; Handling uncertain input in multi-user human-robot interaction
Huang, Jia;Barner, Simon;Raabe, Andreas;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; A framework for reliability-aware embedded system design on multiprocessor platforms
Wang, Wei;Chen, Lili;Liu, Ziyuan;Kühnlenz, Kolja;Burschka, Darius; Textured/textureless object recognition and pose estimation using RGB-D image
Jäntsch, Michael;Wittmeier, Steffen;Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos;Herrmann, Guido;Knoll, Alois; Adaptive Neural Network Dynamic Surface Control for Musculoskeletal Robots
Chen, Guang;Clarke, Daniel;Weikersdorfer, David;Giuliani, Manuel;Gaschler, Andre;Knoll, Alois; Multi-modality Gesture Detection and Recognition with Un-supervision, Randomization and Discrimination
Garcia, A. Mendoza;Eichhorn, S.;Polski, M.;Knoll, A.; Simulation of an Electro Mechanical Resuscitation Device for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Bayer, Justin;Osendorfer, Christian;Korhammer, Daniela;Chen, Nutan;Urban, Sebastian;Smagt, Patrick van der; On Fast Dropout and its Applicability to Recurrent Networks
Chen, Gang;Hu, Biao;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois;Huang, Kai;Liu, Di; Shared L2 Cache Management in Multicore Real-Time System
Chen, Gang;Hu, Biao;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois;Liu, Di;Stefanov, Todor; Automatic Cache Partitioning and Time-triggered Scheduling for Real-time MPSoCs
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Adaptive Dynamic Power Management for Hard Real-time Pipelined Multiprocessor Systems
Rickert, Markus;Sieverling, Arne;Brock, Oliver; Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Sampling-Based Motion Planning
Roitberg, Alina;Perzylo, Alexander;Somani, Nikhil;Giuliani, Manuel;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; Human Activity Recognition in the Context of Industrial Human-Robot Interaction
Martiniuc, Aurel;Habibey, Rouhollah;Golabchi, Asiyeh;Bocos-Bintintan, Victor;Knoll, Alois;Blau, Axel; Paired spiking is an ubiquitous response property in network activity
Cai, Caixia;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Somani, Nikhil;Knoll, Alois; 6D Image-based Visual Servoing for Robot Manipulators with Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
Shah, Hardik;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Timing anomalies in multi-core architectures due to the interference on the shared resources
Becker, Klaus;Schätz, Bernhard;Armbruster, Michael;Buckl, Christian; A Formal Model for Constraint-Based Deployment Calculation and Analysis for Fault-Tolerant Systems
Althoff, M.;Krogh, B. H.; Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Systems
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Energy Optimization for Real-Time Multiprocessor System-on-Chip with Optimal DVFS and DPM Combination
Liu, Di;Spasic, Jelena;Zhai, Jiali Teddy;Stefanov, Todor;Chen, Gang; Resource Optimization for CSDF-modeled Streaming Applications with Latency Constraints
Kainz, Gerd;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Tool Support for Integrated Development of Component-based Embedded Systems
Chen, Chao;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; A Traffic Knowledge Aided Vehicle Motion Planning Engine Based on Space Exploration Guided Heuristic Search
Hashemi Farzaneh, M.;Nair, S.;Nasseri, M.A.;Knoll, A.; Reducing communication-related complexity in heterogeneous networked medical systems considering non-functional requirements
Mahdizadeh, Amin;Nasseri, M. Ali;Knoll, Alois; Transparency Optimized Interaction in Telesurgery Devices via Time-Delayed Communications
Träger, Mattias;Roppenecker, Daniel;Jensen, Brian;Can, Salman;Knoll, Alois;Lueth, Tim; Interdisciplinary Concept of Design, Actuation, Control and Vision Computing of a Laser-Sintered Single-Port Robot
Nasseri, M.A.;Gschirr, P.;Eberts, D.;Eder, M.;Nair, S.;Kobuch, K.;Maier, M.;Zapp, D.;Lohmann, C.P.;Knoll, A.; Virtual Fixture Control of a Hybrid Parallel-Serial Robot for Assisting Ophthalmic Surgery: an Experimental Study
Petrick, Ronald P. A.;Gaschler, Andre; Extending Knowledge-Level Contingent Planning for Robot Task Planning
Rupanov, Vladimir;Buckl, Christian;Fiege, Ludger;Armbruster, Michael;Knoll, Alois;Spiegelberg, Gernot; Employing early model-based safety evaluation to iteratively derive E/E architecture design
Griffiths, Sascha AND Voss, Laura AND Röhrbein, Florian; Industry-Academia Collaborations in Robotics: Comparing Asia, Europe and North-America
Röhrbein, Florian;Veiga, Germano;Natale, Ciro; The ECHORD Project: A General Perspective
Zhang, Feihu;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Multiple Vehicle Cooperative Localization with Spatial Registration Based on a Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
Gaschler, Andre;Springer, Maximilian;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; Intuitive Robot Tasks with Augmented Reality and Virtual Obstacles
Chen, Guang;Giuliani, Manuel;Clarke, Daniel;Gaschler, Andre;Knoll, Alois; Action Recognition Using Ensemble Weighted Multi-Instance Learning
Frtunikj, Jelena;Armbruster, Michael;Knoll, and Alois; Data-Centric Middleware support for ASIL assessment and decomposition in open automotive systems
Balasubramanian, Ravi;Santos, Veronica J.; MRI-based skeletal hand movement model
Khatib, Oussama;Kumar, Vijay;Sukhatme, Gaurav; Continuous Control of the DLR Light-weight Robot III by a human with tetraplegia using the BrainGate2 Neural Interface System
Althoff, M.; Formal and Compositional Analysis of Power Systems using Reachable Sets
Kainz, Gerd;Keddis, Nadine;Zoitl, Alois;Buckl, Christian;Pensky, Dirk;Kärcher, Bernd; Steuerungsprogramme 4.0 Struktur und Aufbau von Steuerungsprogrammen für Industrie 4.0
Bischoff, Bastian;Nguyen-Tuong, Duy;Hoof, Herke van;McHutchon, Andrew;Rasmussen, Carl Edward;Knoll, Alois;Peters, Jan;Deisenroth, Marc Peter; Policy Search For Learning Robot Control Using Sparse Data
Frtunikj, Jelena;Rupanov, Vladimir;Camek, Alexander;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; A Safety Aware Run-Time Environment for Adaptive Automotive Control Systems
Shah, Hardik;Coombes, Andrew;Raabe, Andreas;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Measurement based WCET Analysis for Multi-core Architectures
Becker, Klaus;Armbruster, Michael;Schätz, Bernhard;Buckl, Christian; Deployment Calculation and Analysis for a Fail-Operational Automotive Platform
Frtunikj, Jelena;Rupanov, Vladimir;Armbruster, Michael;Knoll, Alois; Adaptive Error and Sensor Management for Autonomous Vehicles: Model-based Approach and Run-time System
Chen, Nutan;Urban, Sebastian;Osendorfer, Christian;Bayer, Justin;Smagt, Patrick van der; Estimating finger grip force from an image of the hand using Convolutional Neural Networks and Gaussian Processes
Staehle, Hauke;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Drive-by-wireless with the eCar Demonstrator
Gaschler, Andre;Nogina, Svetlana;Petrick, Ronald P. A.;Knoll, Alois; Planning Perception and Action for Cognitive Mobile Manipulators
Buckl, Christian;Geisinger, Michael;Gulati, Dhiraj;Ruiz-Bertol, Fran J.; CHROMOSOME: A Run-Time Environment for Plug,&,Play-Capable Embedded Real-Time Systems
Shah, Hardik;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; The Priority Division Arbiter for low WCET and high Resource Utilization in Multi-core Architectures
Thiele, Bernhard AND Otter, Martin AND Mattsson, Sven Erik; Modular Multi-Rate and Multi-Method Real-Time Simulation
Sagstetter, Florian;Andalam, Sidharta;Waszecki, Peter;Lukasiewycz, Martin;Staehle, Hauke;Chakraborty, Samarjit;Knoll, Alois; Schedule Integration Framework for Time-Triggered Automotive Architectures
Martiniuc, Aurel;Bintintan, Vicor-Bocos;Röhrbein, Florian;Knoll, Alois; Descriptive model for the prediction of motion direction from spike trains of ON-OFF directional selective retinal ganglion cells
Somani, Nikhil;Cai, Caixia;Perzylo, Alexander;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; Object Recognition using constraints from Primitive Shape Matching
Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; LiDAR Based Vehicle Detection in Urban Environment
Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Vehicle Detection Based on LiDAR and Camera Fusion
Lenz, David;Minnerup, Pascal;Chen, Chao;Roth, Erwin; Mehrstufiges Planungskonzept für pilotierte Parkhausfunktionen
Cai, Caixia;Somani, Nikhil;Nair, Suraj;Mendoza, Dario;Knoll, Alois; Uncalibrated Stereo Visual Servoing for Manipulators using Virtual Impedance Control
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano; Homogeneous Polynomial Lyapunov Functions for Robust Local Synchronization with Time-varying Uncertainties
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano; Robust Consensus for Uncertain Multi-agent Systems with Discrete-time Dynamics
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano; Robust Synchronization via Homogeneous Parameter-dependent Polynomial Contraction Matrix
Schorp, Konstantin;Sommer, Stephan; Component-Based Modeling and Integration of Automotive Application Architectures
Keddis, Nadine;Kainz, Gerd;Zoitl, Alois; Capability-based Planning and Scheduling for Adaptable Manufacturing Systems
Keddis, Nadine;Burdalo, Jonathan;Kainz, Gerd;Zoitl, Alois; Increasing the Adaptability of Manufacturing Systems by using Data-centric Communication
Schaub, Alexander;Bünte, Tilman;Burschka, Darius; Direct Homography Control for Highly Maneuverable Vehicles
Mkhitaryan, Artashes;Burschka, Darius; A Framework for Dynamic Sensory Substitution
Schmid, Korbinian;Ruess, Felix;Burschka, Darius; Local Reference Filter for Life-Long Vision Aided Inertial Navigation
Schaub, A.;Ramirez, J.C.;Burschka, Darius; Autonomous Parking Using a Highly Maneuverable Robotic Vehicle
Mair, Elmar;Augustine, Marcus;Jäger, Bastian;Stelzer, Annett;Brand, Christoph;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; A biologically inspired navigation concept based on the landmark-tree map for efficient long-distance robot navigation
Wang, Wei;Chen, Lili;Liu, Ziyuan;Kühnlenz, Kolja;Burschka, Darius; Textured/textureless object recognition and pose estimation using RGB-D image
Hess, D.;Althoff, M.;Sattel, T.; Formal Verification of Maneuver Automata for Parameterized Motion Primitives
Hornung, Rachel;Urbanek, Holger;Klodmann, Julian;Osendorfer, Christian;van der Smagt, Patrick; Model-free robot anomaly detection
Bayer, Justin;Osendorfer, Christian; Learning Stochastic Recurrent Networks
Lenz, Claus;Knoll, Alois; Mechanisms and capabilities for human robot collaboration
Frtunikj, Jelena;Armbruster, Michael;Knoll, Alois; Run-time Adaptive Error and State Management for Open Automotive Systems
El-Guindy, A.;Rünzi, S.;Michels, K.; Optimizing Drum-Boiler Water Level Control Performance : A Practical Approach
Garcia, A. Mendoza;Krane, M.;Baumgartner, B.;Sprunk, N.;Schreiber, U.;Eichhorn, S.;Lange, R.;Knoll, A.; Automation of a portable extracorporeal circulatory support system with adaptive fuzzy controllers
Litescu, Sorina;Aydt, Heiko;Lees, Michael;Knoll, Alois; Information Dynamics and Performance in Human Complex Networks
Ivanchev, Jordan;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; Stochastic Bus Traffic Modelling and Validation Using Smart Card Fare Collection Data
Sunderrajan, Abhinav;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; DEBS Grand Challenge: Real time Load Prediction and Outliers Detection using STORM
Xu, Yadong;Aydt, Heiko;Cai, Wentong;Lees, Michael; Efficient Graph-based Dynamic Load-balancing for Parallel Large-scale Agent-based Traffic Simulation
Wagner, Michael;Cai, Wentong;Lees, Michael Harold;Aydt, Heiko; Evolving Agent-based Models using Complexification Approach
Bi, Ran;Aydt, Heiko;Sengebusch, Falco;Knoll, Alois; Serious Games for Behaviour Model Identification in the Context of Electro-mobility
Pelzer, Dominik;Ciechanowicz, David;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; A price-responsive dispatching strategy for Vehicle-to-Grid: An economic evaluation applied to the case of Singapore
El-Guindy, A.;Rünzi, F.Nickel S.;Niedermeier, J.;Michels, K.; Optimierung der Füllstandsregelung der ND-Trommel einer GuD-Anlage
Bauch, Dominik;Lenz, David;Minnerup, Pascal;Avram, Andrei; Interface Definition and Code Generation in heterogeneous Development Environments from a Single-Source
Ostankov, Artem;Röhrbein, Florian;Waltinger, Ulli; LinkedHealthAnswers: Towards Linked Data-driven Question Answering for the Health Care Domain
Kienberger, Julian;Minnerup, Pascal;Kuntz, Stefan;Bauer, Bernhard; Analysis and validation of AUTOSAR models
Minnerup, Pascal;Knoll, Alois; Testing autonomous driving systems against sensor and actuator error combinations
Richter, Christoph AND Röhrbein, Florian AND Conradt, Jörg; Bio-inspired optic flow detection using neuromorphic hardware
Chen, Guang;Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Learning Weighted Joint-based Features for Action Recognition Using Depth Camera
Frtunikj, Jelena;Armbruster, Michael;Knoll, and Alois; Data-Centric Middleware support for ASIL assessment and decomposition in open automotive systems
Fischer, Sybille;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Lloyd, Julian A.;Oh, Seung Cheol;Diller, Katharina;Allegretti, Francesco;Klappenberger, Florian;Seitsonen, Ari Paavo;Reichert, Joachim;Barth, Johannes V.; Self-Assembly and Chemical Modifications of Bisphenol A on Cu(111): Interplay Between Ordering and Thermally Activated Stepwise Deprotonation
K Thoeringer, Christoph; Evaluating Social Support-Like Phenomena in an Animal Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Pausch, Hubert;Kölle, Sabine;Wurmser, Christine;Schwarzenbacher, Hermann;Emmerling, Reiner;Jansen, Sandra;Trottmann, Matthias;Fuerst, Christian;Götz, Kay-Uwe;Fries, Ruedi; A Nonsense Mutation in TMEM95 Encoding a Nondescript Transmembrane Protein Causes Idiopathic Male Subfertility in Cattle
Zhang, Feihu;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Multiple Vehicle Cooperative Localization with Spatial Registration Based on a Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline; Market Participation and Agro-Biodiversity Loss: The Case of Native Chili Varieties in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru
Dalio, Ronaldo J. D.;Fleischmann, Frank;Humez, Martina;Osswald, Wolfgang; Phosphite Protects Fagus sylvatica Seedlings towards Phytophthora plurivora via Local Toxicity, Priming and Facilitation of Pathogen Recognition
A. Molin;S. Hirche; Price-based Adaptive Scheduling in Multi-Loop Control Systems with Resource Constraints.
Cerwenka, Alexander;Brandner, Joerg;Geist, Juergen;Schliewen, Ulrich; Strong versus weak population genetic differentiation after a recent invasion of gobiid fishes (Neogobius melanostomus and Ponticola kessleri) in the upper Danube
Isono, Erika;Nagel, Marie-Kristin; Deubiquitylating enzymes and their emerging role in plant biology
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline; Identification of Dried Native Chili Markets in the International Tourism Sector in Peru: An Open-Ended Contingent Valuation Study
Ritschl, Lucas M.;Fichter, Andreas M.;von Düring, Monika;Mitchell, David A.;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Mücke, Thomas; Introduction of a Microsurgical In-Vivo Embolization-Model in Rats: The Aorta-Filter Model
Schwaiger, Karin;Harms, Katrin S.;Bischoff, Meike;Preikschat, Petra;Mölle, Gabriele;Bauer-Unkauf, Ilse;Lindorfer, Solveig;Thalhammer, Sandra;Bauer, Johann;Hölzel, Christina S.; Insusceptibility to disinfectants in bacteria from animals, food and humans—is there a link to antimicrobial resistance?
Prazeres da Costa, Olivia;Hoffman, Arthur;Rey, Johannes W.;Mansmann, Ulrich;Buch, Thorsten;Tresch, Achim; Selection of Higher Order Regression Models in the Analysis of Multi-Factorial Transcription Data
Mergner, Julia;Schwechheimer, Claus; The NEDD8 modification pathway in plants
Yachdav, G.;Kloppmann, E.;Kajan, L.;Hecht, M.;Goldberg, T.;Hamp, T.;Honigschmid, P.;Schafferhans, A.;Roos, M.;Bernhofer, M.;Richter, L.;Ashkenazy, H.;Punta, M.;Schlessinger, A.;Bromberg, Y.;Schneider, R.;Vriend, G.;Sander, C.;Ben-Tal, N.;Rost, B.; PredictProtein--an open resource for online prediction of protein structural and functional features
Flügel, Veronika;Vrabel, Milan;Schneider, Sabine; Structural Basis for the Site-Specific Incorporation of Lysine Derivatives into Proteins
Goldberg, T.;Hecht, M.;Hamp, T.;Karl, T.;Yachdav, G.;Ahmed, N.;Altermann, U.;Angerer, P.;Ansorge, S.;Balasz, K.;Bernhofer, M.;Betz, A.;Cizmadija, L.;Do, K. T.;Gerke, J.;Greil, R.;Joerdens, V.;Hastreiter, M.;Hembach, K.;Herzog, M.;Kalemanov, M.;Kluge, M.;Meier, A.;Nasir, H.;Neumaier, U.;Prade, V.;Reeb, J.;Sorokoumov, A.;Troshani, I.;Vorberg, S.;Waldraff, S.;Zierer, J.;Nielsen, H.;Rost, B.; LocTree3 prediction of localization
Leuchner, M.;Gubo, S.;Schunk, C.;Wastl, C.;Kirchner, M.;Menzel, A.;Plass-Dülmer, C.; Can Positive Matrix Factorization identify sources of organic trace gases at the continental GAW site Hohenpeissenberg?
Jungmann, Pia M.;Baum, Thomas;Bauer, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Erdle, Benjamin;Link, Thomas M.;Li, Xiaojuan;Trattnig, Siegfried;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Woertler, Klaus;Welsch, Goetz H.; Cartilage Repair Surgery: Outcome Evaluation by Using Noninvasive Cartilage Biomarkers Based on Quantitative MRI Techniques?
Meier, Reinhard;Braren, Rickmer;Kosanke, Yvonne;Bussemer, Johanna;Neff, Frauke;Wildgruber, Moritz;Schwarzenböck, Sarah;Frank, Annette;Haller, Bernhard;Hohlbaum, Andreas M.;Schwaiger, Markus;Gille, Hendrik;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Beer, Ambros J.; Multimodality Multiparametric Imaging of Early Tumor Response to a Novel Antiangiogenic Therapy Based on Anticalins
Hemmerling, Jana;Heller, Katharina;Hörmannsperger, Gabriele;Bazanella, Monika;Clavel, Thomas;Kollias, George;Haller, Dirk; Fetal Exposure to Maternal Inflammation Does Not Affect Postnatal Development of Genetically-Driven Ileitis and Colitis
Sternecker, Katharina;Denic, Marco;Geist, Juergen; Timing matters: species-specific interactions between spawning time, substrate quality, and recruitment success in three salmonid species
Elatawneh, Alata;Wallner, Adelheid;Manakos, Ioannis;Schneider, Thomas;Knoke, Thomas; Forest Cover Database Updates Using Multi-Seasonal RapidEye Data—Storm Event Assessment in the Bavarian Forest National Park
Schönleber, Konrad;Zensen, Carla;Heinrich, Andreas;Krischer, Katharina; Pattern formation during the oscillatory photoelectrodissolution of n-type silicon: turbulence, clusters and chimeras
Fiala, Thomas;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Nonpremixed Counterflow Flames: Scaling Rules for Batch Simulations
Strachna, Olga;Torrecilla, Daniel;Reumann, Marie K.;Serganova, Inna;Kim, Jihye;Gieschler, Simone;Boskey, Adele L.;Blasberg, Ronald G.;Mayer-Kuckuk, Philipp; Molecular Imaging of Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGF A) in Femoral Bone Grafts Transplanted Into Living Mice
Obermeier, Andreas;Schneider, Jochen;Wehner, Steffen;Matl, Florian Dominik;Schieker, Matthias;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Stemberger, Axel;Burgkart, Rainer; Novel High Efficient Coatings for Anti-Microbial Surgical Sutures Using Chlorhexidine in Fatty Acid Slow-Release Carrier Systems
Harteis, Sabrina;Schneider, Sabine; Making the Bend: DNA Tertiary Structure and Protein-DNA Interactions
Mahdavi-Arab, Nafiseh;Meyer, Sebastian T.;Mehrparvar, Mohsen;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Complex Effects of Fertilization on Plant and Herbivore Performance in the Presence of a Plant Competitor and Activated Carbon
Gossner, Martin M.;Pašalić, Esther;Lange, Markus;Lange, Patricia;Boch, Steffen;Hessenmöller, Dominik;Müller, Jörg;Socher, Stephanie A.;Fischer, Markus;Schulze, Ernst-Detlef;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Differential Responses of Herbivores and Herbivory to Management in Temperate European Beech
Aguirre-Ráquira, William;Borda, Daniel;Hoyos-Carvajal, Lilliana; <i>Potyvirus</i> Affecting Uchuva (<i>Physalis peruviana</i> L.) in Centro Agropecuario Marengo, Colombia
Krappmann, Michael; Achroma Software-High-Quality Policy in (a-)Typical Mass Spectrometric Data Handling and Applied Functional Proteomics
Simons, Nadja K.;Gossner, Martin M.;Lewinsohn, Thomas M.;Boch, Steffen;Lange, Markus;Müller, Jörg;Pašalić, Esther;Socher, Stephanie A.;Türke, Manfred;Fischer, Markus;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Resource-Mediated Indirect Effects of Grassland Management on Arthropod Diversity
Feucht, Walter;Schmid, Markus;Treutter, Dieter; Flavanols and Flavonols in the Nuclei of Conifer Genotypes with Different Growth
Spornraft, Melanie;Kirchner, Benedikt;Haase, Bettina;Benes, Vladimir;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Riedmaier, Irmgard; Optimization of Extraction of Circulating RNAs from Plasma – Enabling Small RNA Sequencing
Schmidt, Morten;Falco, Aniello;Loch, Marius;Lugli, Paolo;Scarpa, Giuseppe; Spray coated indium-tin-oxide-free organic photodiodes with PEDOT:PSS anodes
Schmid, Markus;Sängerlaub, Sven;Miesbauer, Oliver;Jost, Verena;Werthan, Johannes;Stinga, Camelia;Samain, Daniel;Stramm, Cornelia;Noller, Klaus;Müller, Kajetan; Water Repellence and Oxygen and Water Vapor Barrier of PVOH-Coated Substrates before and after Surface Esterification
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline; Market-Based Instruments for the Conservation of Underutilized Crops: In-Store Experimental Auction of Native Chili Products in Bolivia
Brandl, Susanne;Falk, Wolfgang;Klemmt, Hans-Joachim;Stricker, Georg;Bender, Andreas;Rötzer, Thomas;Pretzsch, Hans; Possibilities and Limitations of Spatially Explicit Site Index Modelling for Spruce Based on National Forest Inventory Data and Digital Maps of Soil and Climate in Bavaria (SE Germany)
Hörnig, Martin; Bigontina, Andreas; Radig, Bernd; A Comparative Evaluation of Current HTML5 Web Video Implementations
Hammann, Felicia;Schmid, Markus; Determination and Quantification of Molecular Interactions in Protein Films: A Review
Braun, Michael;Glaser, Steffen J; Concurrently optimized cooperative pulses in robust quantum control: application to broadband Ramsey-type pulse sequence elements
Nützel, Anna;Dahlhaus, Anne;Fuchs, Angela;Gensichen, Jochen;König, Hans-Helmut;Riedel-Heller, Steffi;Maier, Wolfgang;Schäfer, Ingmar;Schön, Gerhard;Weyerer, Siegfried;Wiese, Birgitt;Scherer, Martin;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Bickel, Horst; Self-rated health in multimorbid older general practice patients: a cross-sectional study in Germany
Obermueller, Thomas;Schaeffner, Michael;Gerhardt, Julia;Meyer, Bernhard;Ringel, Florian;Krieg, Sandro M; Risks of postoperative paresis in motor eloquently and non-eloquently located brain metastases
Engel, Katharina;Rudelius, Martina;Meinel, Felix G;Peschel, Christian;Keller, Ulrich; An adult patient with Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Phillip, Veit;Saugel, Bernd;Ernesti, Christina;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Schultheiß, Caroline;Thies, Philipp;Mayr, Ulrich;Schmid, Roland M;Huber, Wolfgang; Effects of paracentesis on hemodynamic parameters and respiratory function in critically ill patients
Aoqui, Cristiane;Chmielewski, Stefan;Scherer, Elias;Eißler, Ruth;Sollinger, Daniel;Heid, Irina;Braren, Rickmer;Schmaderer, Christoph;Megens, Remco TA;Weber, Christian;Heemann, Uwe;Tschöp, Matthias;Baumann, Marcus; Microvascular dysfunction in the course of metabolic syndrome induced by high-fat diet
Herzog, Bastian;Lemmer, Hilde;Horn, Harald;Müller, Elisabeth; Screening and monitoring microbial xenobiotics’ biodegradation by rapid, inexpensive and easy to perform microplate UV-absorbance measurements
Thaler-Kall, Kathrin;Döring, Angela;Peters, Annette;Thorand, Barbara;Grill, Eva;Koenig, Wolfgang;Horsch, Alexander;Meisinger, Christa; Association between anemia and falls in community-dwelling older people: cross-sectional results from the KORA-Age study
Kaján, László;Hopf, Thomas A;Kalaš, Matúš;Marks, Debora S;Rost, Burkhard; FreeContact: fast and free software for protein contact prediction from residue co-evolution
Rauh, Kathrin;Kunath, Julia;Rosenfeld, Eva;Kick, Luzia;Ulm, Kurt;Hauner, Hans; Healthy living in pregnancy: a cluster-randomized controlled trial to prevent excessive gestational weight gain - rationale and design of the GeliS study
Mueller, Melanie;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; A new tool for assessment and monitoring of community and ecosystem change based on multivariate abundance data integration from different taxonomic groups
Uebel, Kirsten;Pusch, Karina;Gedrich, Kurt;Schneider, Karl-Theo M;Hauner, Hans;Bader, Bernhard L; Effect of maternal obesity with and without gestational diabetes on offspring subcutaneous and preperitoneal adipose tissue development from birth up to year-1
Eberlein, Bernadette;Huss-Marp, Johannes;Pfab, Florian;Fischer, Rainald;Franz, Regina;Schlich, Michele;Leibl, Maria;Allertseder, Veronika;Liptak, Jarmila;Kriegisch, Marie;Hennico, Romain;Latotski, Julia;Ebner von Eschenbach, Cordula;Darsow, Ulf;Buters, Jeroen;Behrendt, Heidrun;Huber, Rudolf;Ring, Johannes; Influence of alpine mountain climate of Bavaria on patients with atopic diseases: studies at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS - Zugspitze) – a pilot study
Landstorfer, Richard;Simon, Svenja;Schober, Steffen;Keim, Daniel;Scherer, Siegfried;Neuhaus, Klaus; Comparison of strand-specific transcriptomes of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC) under eleven different environmental conditions including radish sprouts and cattle feces
Vester, Helen;Holzer, Nina;Neumaier, Markus;Lilianna, Schyschka;Nüssler, Andreas K;Seeliger, Claudine; Green Tea Extract (GTE) improves differentiation in human osteoblasts during oxidative stress
Mücke, Thomas;Mitchell, David A;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Ritschl, Lucas M;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Kanatas, Anastasios; Incidence and outcome for patients with occult lymph node involvement in T1 and T2 oral squamous cell carcinoma: a prospective study
Meng, Chen;Kuster, Bernhard;Culhane, Aedín C;Gholami, Amin; A multivariate approach to the integration of multi-omics datasets
Husemann, Martin;Ulrich, Werner;Habel, Jan; The evolution of contact calls in isolated and overlapping populations of two white-eye congeners in East Africa (Aves, Zosterops)
Gehrmann, Mathias;Specht, Hanno M;Bayer, Christine;Brandstetter, Markus;Chizzali, Barbara;Duma, Marciana;Breuninger, Stephanie;Hube, Kathrin;Lehnerer, Sophie;van Phi, Valerie;Sage, Eva;Schmid, Thomas E;Sedelmayr, Michael;Schilling, Daniela;Sievert, Wolfgang;Stangl, Stefan;Multhoff, Gabriele; Hsp70 - a biomarker for tumor detection and monitoring of outcome of radiation therapy in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
Rozhon, Wilfried;Wang, Wuyan;Berthiller, Franz;Mayerhofer, Juliane;Chen, Tingting;Petutschnig, Elena;Sieberer, Tobias;Poppenberger, Brigitte;Jonak, Claudia; Bikinin-like inhibitors targeting GSK3/Shaggy-like kinases: characterisation of novel compounds and elucidation of their catabolism in planta
Seeliger, Claudine;Falldorf, Karsten;Sachtleben, Jens;Griensven, Martijn van; Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields significantly improve time of closure and proliferation of human tendon fibroblasts
Jung, Simone;Pausch, Hubert;Langenmayer, Martin C;Schwarzenbacher, Hermann;Majzoub-Altweck, Monir;Gollnick, Nicole S;Fries, Ruedi; A nonsense mutation in PLD4 is associated with a zinc deficiency-like syndrome in Fleckvieh cattle
Kurz, Carolin;Wunderlich, Silke;Spieler, Derek;Schwaiger, Benedikt J;Andres, Christian;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;Ilg, Rüdiger; Acute transverse myelitis and psoriasiform dermatitis associated with Sjoegren’s syndrome: a case report
Harrasser, Norbert;Banke, Ingo J;Hauschild, Matthias;Lenze, Ulrich;Prodinger, Peter M;Toepfer, Andreas;Peschel, Christian;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Ringshausen, Ingo;Verbeek, Mareike; Clinical challenge: fatal mucormycotic osteomyelitis caused by Rhizopus microsporus despite aggressive multimodal treatment
Unterseer, Sandra;Bauer, Eva;Haberer, Georg;Seidel, Michael;Knaak, Carsten;Ouzunova, Milena;Meitinger, Thomas;Strom, Tim M;Fries, Ruedi;Pausch, Hubert;Bertani, Christofer;Davassi, Alessandro;Mayer, Klaus FX;Schön, Chris-Carolin; A powerful tool for genome analysis in maize: development and evaluation of the high density 600 k SNP genotyping array
Singh, Akanksha;Braun, Julia;Decker, Emilia;Hans, Sarah;Wagner, Agnes;Weisser, Wolfgang W;Zytynska, Sharon E; Plant genetic variation mediates an indirect ecological effect between belowground earthworms and aboveground aphids
Sedlmeier, Eva-Maria;Brunner, Stefanie;Much, Daniela;Pagel, Philipp;Ulbrich, Susanne E;Meyer, Heinrich HD;Amann-Gassner, Ulrike;Hauner, Hans;Bader, Bernhard L; Human placental transcriptome shows sexually dimorphic gene expression and responsiveness to maternal dietary n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid intervention during pregnancy
Blumenstein, Tobias;Zeitlmann, Hilar;Alves-Pinto, Ana;Turova, Varvara;Lampe, Renée; Optimization of electric bicycle for youths with disabilities
Horger, Thomas;Kollmannsberger, Stefan;Frischmann, Felix;Rank, Ernst;Wohlmuth, Barbara; A new mortar formulation for modeling elastomer bedded structures with modal-analysis in 3D
Loeffelbein, Denys J;Souvatzoglou, Michael;Wankerl, Veronika;Dinges, Julia;Ritschl, Lucas M;Mücke, Thomas;Pickhard, Anja;Eiber, Matthias;Schwaiger, Markus;Beer, Ambros J; Diagnostic value of retrospective PET-MRI fusion in head-and-neck cancer
Beirer, Marc;Siebenlist, Sebastian;Crönlein, Moritz;Postl, Lukas;Huber-Wagner, Stefan;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Clinical and radiological outcome following treatment of displaced lateral clavicle fractures using a locking compression plate with lateral extension: a prospective study
Weineisen, Martina;Simecek, Jakub;Schottelius, Margret;Schwaiger, Markus;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Synthesis and preclinical evaluation of DOTAGA-conjugated PSMA ligands for functional imaging and endoradiotherapy of prostate cancer
Sauerschnig, Martin;Stolberg-Stolberg, Josef;Schulze, Anne;Salzmann, Gian;Perka, Carsten;Dynybil, Christian; Diverse expression of selected cytokines and proteinases in synovial fluid obtained from osteoarthritic and healthy human knee joints
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline;Lapikanonth, Tiptunya;Vionita, Hanum;Vu, Hanh;Yang, Shuang;Zhong, Yating;Li, Yifei;Nagelschneider, Veronika;Schlindwein, Birgid;Wesseler, Justus; What are the socio-economic impacts of genetically modified crops worldwide? A systematic map protocol
Vester, Helen;Huber-Lang, Markus S;Kida, Qerim;Scola, Alexander;van Griensven, Martijn;Gebhard, Florian;Nüssler, Andreas K;Perl, Mario; The immune response after fracture trauma is different in old compared to young patients
Schweneker, Katrin;Clemm, Christoph;Brügel, Melanie;Souvatzoglou, Michael;Hermisson, Mirjam;Schmidt-Graf, Friederike;Zimmer, Claus;Peschel, Christian;Jost, Philipp J; Effective long-term treatment with bevacizumab for relapsed glioblastoma: case report and review of the literature
Grubmüller, Stephanie;Schauer, Kristina;Goebel, Werner;Fuchs, Thilo M.;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Analysis of carbon substrates used by Listeria monocytogenes during growth in J774A.1 macrophages suggests a bipartite intracellular metabolism
Schnyder, Hans A.;Vanderelst, Dieter;Bartenstein, Sophia;Firzlaff, Uwe;Luksch, Harald; The Avian Head Induces Cues for Sound Localization in Elevation
Kaufmann, Stefanie;Frishman, Dmitrij; Analysis of Micro-Rearrangements in 25 Eukaryotic Species Pairs by SyntenyMapper
Severino, Valeria;Farina, Annarita;Fleischmann, Frank;Dalio, Ronaldo J. D.;Di Maro, Antimo;Scognamiglio, Monica;Fiorentino, Antonio;Parente, Augusto;Osswald, Wolfgang;Chambery, Angela; Molecular Profiling of the Phytophthora plurivora Secretome: A Step towards Understanding the Cross-Talk between Plant Pathogenic Oomycetes and Their Hosts
Höllerhage, Matthias;Deck, Roman;De Andrade, Anderson;Respondek, Gesine;Xu, Hong;Rösler, Thomas W.;Salama, Mohamed;Carlsson, Thomas;Yamada, Elizabeth S.;Gad El Hak, Seham A.;Goedert, Michel;Oertel, Wolfgang H.;Höglinger, Günter U.; Piericidin A Aggravates Tau Pathology in P301S Transgenic Mice
Drews, Matthias;Weise, Wolfram; Functional renormalization group approach to neutron matter
Drewes, Marco; Novel collective excitations in a hot scalar field theory
Ibarra, Alejandro;Solaguren-Beascoa, Ana; Radiative generation of quark masses and mixing angles in the two Higgs doublet model
Glasser, Ivan;Ignacio Cirac, J.;Sierra, Germán;Nielsen, Anne E.B.; Construction of spin models displaying quantum criticality from quantum field theory
Chen, Mu-Chun;Fallbacher, Maximilian;Mahanthappa, K.T.;Ratz, Michael;Trautner, Andreas; CP violation from finite groups
Garbrecht, Björn;Ramsey-Musolf, Michael J.; Cuts, cancellations and the closed time path: The soft leptogenesis example
Beneke, M.;Piclum, J.;Rauh, T.; P-wave contribution to third-order top-quark pair production near threshold
Bharucha, Aoife;Goudelis, Andreas;McGarrie, Moritz; En-gauging naturalness
Buras, Andrzej J.;Gérard, Jean-Marc;Bardeen, William A.; Large $$N$$ N approach to Kaon decays and mixing 28 years later: $$\Delta I=1/2$$ Δ I = 1 / 2 rule, $$\hat{B}_K$$ B ^ K , and $$\Delta M_K$$ Δ M K
Brambilla, N.;Eidelman, S.;Foka, P.;Gardner, S.;Kronfeld, A. S.;Alford, M. G.;Alkofer, R.;Butenschoen, M.;Cohen, T. D.;Erdmenger, J.;Fabbietti, L.;Faber, M.;Goity, J. L.;Ketzer, B.;Lin, H. W.;Llanes-Estrada, F. J.;Meyer, H. B.;Pakhlov, P.;Pallante, E.;Polikarpov, M. I.;Sazdjian, H.;Schmitt, A.;Snow, W. M.;Vairo, A.;Vogt, R.;Vuorinen, A.;Wittig, H.;Arnold, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Di Nezza, P.;Fodor, Z.;Garcia i Tormo, X.;Höllwieser, R.;Janik, M. A.;Kalweit, A.;Keane, D.;Kiritsis, E.;Mischke, A.;Mizuk, R.;Odyniec, G.;Papadodimas, K.;Pich, A.;Pittau, R.;Qiu, J.-W.;Ricciardi, G.;Salgado, C. A.;Schwenzer, K.;Stefanis, N. G.;von Hippel, G. M.;Zakharov, V. I.; QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives
Buras, Andrzej J.;De Fazio, Fulvia;Girrbach, Jennifer; 331 models facing new b → sμ + μ − data
Beneke, Martin;Boito, Diogo;Wang, Yu-Ming; Anomalous Higgs couplings in angular asymmetries of H →Zℓ + ℓ − and e + e − →HZ
Buras, Andrzej J.;Buttazzo, Dario;Girrbach-Noe, Jennifer;Knegjens, Robert; Can we reach the Zeptouniverse with rare K and B s,d decays?
Ibarra, Alejandro;Solaguren-Beascoa, Ana; Lepton parameters in the see-saw model extended by one extra Higgs doublet
Bobeth, Christoph;Haisch, Ulrich;Lenz, Alexander;Pecjak, Ben;Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, Gilberto; On new physics in ΔΓ d
Buras, Andrzej J.;De Fazio, Fulvia;Girrbach-Noe, Jennifer; Z-Z′ mixing and Z-mediated FCNCs in SU(3) C × SU(3) L × U(1) X models
Jirschik, Robert;Hartmann, Michael J; The circuit quantum electrodynamical Josephson interferometer
Huber, Stephan;Biberthaler, Peter;Delhey, Patrick;Trentzsch, Heiko;Winter, Hauke;van Griensven, Martijn;Lefering, Rolf;Huber-Wagner, Stefan; Predictors of poor outcomes after significant chest trauma in multiply injured patients: a retrospective analysis from the German Trauma Registry (Trauma Register DGU®)
Zimborás, Zoltán;Zeier, Robert;Keyl, Michael;Schulte-Herbrüggen, Thomas; A dynamic systems approach to fermions and their relation to spins
Walter, Mathias C;Öhrman, Caroline;Myrtennäs, Kerstin;Sjödin, Andreas;Byström, Mona;Larsson, Pär;Macellaro, Anna;Forsman, Mats;Frangoulidis, Dimitrios; Genome sequence of Coxiella burnetii strain Namibia
Wunderlich, Th.; Maß nehmen am Baubestand – Warum Vermessen Geodäten braucht!
Wunderlich, Th.; Krautblatter, M.; Alpine Hazards and Infrastructure
Wunderlich, Th.; Rissmonitoring und Rissverortung aus der Distanz
Wunderlich, Th.; Einführung zum Monitoring mit terrestrischem Laserscanning (TLS)
Wunderlich, Th.; Technik und Anwendungen der Videotachymetrie
Wunderlich, Th.; Wieser, A.; Verfahren zur flächenhaften Objekterfassung für Aufnahme und Monitoring
Khambud, R.; Climate Change Adaptation and Flood Risk Management
M.H. Mamduhi;D. Tolic;A. Molin;S. Hirche; Event-triggered Scheduling for Stochastic Multi-loop Networked Control Systems with Packet Dropouts
Cyron, C. J.;Humphrey, J. D.; Preferred fiber orientations in healthy arteries and veins understood from netting analysis
Schnädelbach, K.; Geschichtlicher Überblick zu Brander, Reichenbach und Ertel
Sonsaard, Parinya; Dorfner, Johannes; Hamacher, Thomas; Optimization of Distribution Transformer Energy Management System with Stationary Battery and Electric Vehicle Charger
P.S.Koutsourelakis; Simulation-based, high-dimensional stochastic optimization: application in robust topology optimization under large material uncertainties
I. Franck, P.S. Koutsourelakis; Variational Bayesian formulations with sparsity-enforcing priors for model calibration
Fernández, Daniel Méndez; Ognawala, Saahil; Wagner, Stefan; Daneva, Maya; Where do we stand in requirements engineering improvement today?: first results from a mapping study
Wu, Y., Minero, P. and Wigger, M.; Insufficiency of linear-feedback schemes in gaussian broadcast channels with common message
Wu, Y. and Wigger, M.; Coding schemes for the discrete memoryless broadcast channel with rate-limited feedback
Wang, Wuhong; Bubb, Heiner; Wets, Geert; Wang, Fengyuan; Advances in Mobility Theories, Methodologies, and Applications
Seidel, Tina; Stürmer, Kathleen; Modeling and Measuring the Structure of Professional Vision in Preservice Teachers
Müller, Jan; Hess, John; Hager, Alfred; Sense of coherence, rather than exercise capacity, is the stronger predictor to obtain health-related quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease
Suchy, Christiane; Massen, Lilian; Rognmo, Øivind; van Craenenbroeck, Emeline M.; Beckers, Paul; Kraigher-Krainer, Elisabeth; Linke, Axel; Adams, Volker; Wisløff, Ulrik; Pieske, Burkert; Halle, Martin; Optimising exercise training in prevention and treatment of diastolic heart failure (OptimEx-CLIN): rationale and design of a prospective, randomised, controlled trial
Wilks, Désirée C.; Rank, Melanie; Christle, Jeff; Langhof, Helmut; Siegrist, Monika; Halle, Martin; An inpatient lifestyle-change programme improves heart rate recovery in overweight and obese children and adolescents (LOGIC Trial)
Hassani, Ahmed; Zarnkow, Martin; Becker, Thomas; Influence of malting conditions on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) as a raw material for fermented beverages
Behrend, Caleb; Schonbach, Etienne; Coombs, Andre; Coyne, Ellen; Prasarn, Mark; Rechtine, Glenn; Smoking Cessation Related to Improved Patient-Reported Pain Scores Following Spinal Care in Geriatric Patients
Hölzle, Patricia; Tatarau, Christian; Hermsdörfer, Joachim; Visually Guided Tracking on a Handheld Device: Can It Be Used to Measure Visuomotor Skill in Shift Workers?
Adjobimey, Tomabu; Satoguina, Judith; Oldenburg, Johannes; Hoerauf, Achim; Layland, Laura E.; Co-activation through TLR4 and TLR9 but not TLR2 skews Treg-mediated modulation of Igs and induces IL-17 secretion in Treg:B cell co-cultures
Grasreiner, Sebastian; Neumann, Jens; Luttermann, Christoph; Wensing, Michael; Hasse, Christian; A quasi-dimensional model of turbulence and global charge motion for spark ignition engines with fully variable valvetrains
Hamann, Johannes; Maris, Nikolaos; Iosifidou, Paraskevi; Mendel, Rosmarie; Cohen, Rudolf; Wolf, Petra; Kissling, Werner; Effects of a question prompt sheet on active patient behaviour: A randomized controlled trial with depressed outpatients
Lauterbach, Rainer; Hass, Lars Helge; Schweizer, Denis; The impact of fund inflows on staging and investment behaviour
Walter, Martin Sebastian; Frank, Matthias Johannes; Rubert, Marina; Monjo, Marta; Lyngstadaas, Staale Petter; Haugen, Håvard Jostein; Simvastatin-activated implant surface promotes osteoblast differentiation in vitro
Kraus, Verena; Lawson, Erica F.; Scheven, Emily von; Tihan, Tarik; Garza, Judith; Nathan, Rani G.; Cordoro, Kelly M.; Waubant, Emmanuelle; Atypical Cases of Scleroderma en Coup de Sabre
Leucht, Stefan; Zhao, Jun; Early improvement as a predictor of treatment response and remission in patients with schizophrenia: A pooled, post-hoc analysis from the asenapine development program
Seybert, Carolina; Huber, Dorothea; Ratzek, Melanie; Zimmermann, Johannes; Klug, Günther; How to Capture Emotional Processing in a Process-Outcome Study of Psychoanalytic, Psychodynamic, and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapies
Renner, Judith; The Local Roots of the Global Politics of Reconciliation: The Articulation of ‘Reconciliation’ as an Empty Universal in the South African Transition to Democracy
Cutter, Gary R.; Stüve, Olaf; Does risk stratification decrease the risk of natalizumab-associated PML? Where is the evidence?
Schirmer, Lucas; Srivastava, Rajneesh; Hemmer, Bernhard; To look for a needle in a haystack: the search for autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis
Gröpel, Peter; Baumeister, Roy F.; Beckmann, Jürgen; Action Versus State Orientation and Self-Control Performance After Depletion
Haslbeck, Andreas; Kirchner, Paul; Schubert, Ekkehart; Bengler, Klaus; A Flight Simulator Study to Evaluate Manual Flying Skills of Airline Pilots
Kerschbaum, Philipp; Lorenz, Lutz; Bengler, Klaus; Highly automated driving with a decoupled steering wheel
Radlmayr, Jonas; Gold, Christian; Lorenz, Lutz; Farid, Mehdi; Bengler, Klaus; How Traffic Situations and Non-Driving Related Tasks Affect the Take-Over Quality in Highly Automated Driving
Sodergren, Mikael H.; Warren, Alexander; Nehme, Jean; Clark, James; Gillen, Sonja; Feussner, Hubertus; Teare, Julian; Darzi, Ara; Yang, Guang-Zhong; Endoscopic Horizon Stabilization in Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Hörer, Jürgen; Cleuziou, Julie; Kasnar-Samprec, Jelena; Schreiber, Christian; Balling, Gunter; Foth, Rudi; Lange, Rüdiger; Sigler, Matthias; A Comparative Histopathological Study of Heparin Coated and Uncoated Polytetrafluoroethylene Shunts in Children With Congenital Heart Defect
Sepahvand, K.;Marburg, S.; On uncertainty quantification in sandwich structures with spatial random damping behavior
Warncke, Katharina;Dressel, Petra;Ziegler, Anette-G.;Steinborn, Marc;Bonfig, Walter;Burdach, Stefan;Engelsberger, Ilse; Severe Pretreatment Cerebral Edema in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes
Maurer, Tobias;Horn, Thomas;Souvatzoglou, Michael;Eiber, Matthias;Beer, Ambros J.;Heck, Matthias M.;Haller, Bernhard;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Schwaiger, Markus;Treiber, Uwe;Krause, Bernd J.; Prognostic Value of 11 C-Choline PET/CT and CT for Predicting Survival of Bladder Cancer Patients Treated with Radical Cystectomy
Tholen, Susanne;Schmaderer, Christoph;Kusmenkov, Ekatharina;Chmielewski, Stefan;Förstl, Hans;Kehl, Victoria;Heemann, Uwe;Baumann, Marcus;Grimmer, Timo; Variability of Cognitive Performance during Hemodialysis: Standardization of Cognitive Assessment
Güttler, Jörg;Georgoulas, Christos;Linner, Thomas;Bock, Thomas; Towards a Future Robotic Home Environment: A Survey
Hooshmand, Amir; Campbell, Matthew I.; Layout synthesis of fluid channels using generative graph grammars
Köpf, M.; Gellrich, K.; Küchenhoff, H.; Meyer, H. H. D.; Kliem, H.; Effects of continuous milking during a field trial on productivity, milk protein yield and health in dairy cows
Ehlers, Kerstin; Brand, Tina; Bangert, Adina; Hauner, Hans; Laumen, Helmut; Postprandial activation of metabolic and inflammatory signalling pathways in human peripheral mononuclear cells
Birk, Ruth Z.; Rubio-Aliaga, Isabel; Boekschoten, Mark V.; Danino, Hila; Müller, Michael; Daniel, Hannelore; Differential regulation of pancreatic digestive enzymes during chronic high-fat diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6J mice
Baldacchino, F.; Puech, L.; Manon, S.; Hertzog, Lionel R.; Jay-Robert, P.; Biting behaviour of Tabanidae on cattle in mountainous summer pastures, Pyrenees, France, and effects of weather variables
Doering, Friederike; Eicken, Andreas; Hess, John; Ischaemic stroke with intact atrial septum - exclude arteriovenous malformations
Wesseler, Justus; Zilberman, David; The economic power of the Golden Rice opposition
Fornasier, Massimo; Solombrino, Francesco; Mean-Field Optimal Control
Casas, Eduardo; Mateos, Mariano; Vexler, Boris; New regularity results and improved error estimates for optimal control problems with state constraints
Wieners, Christian; Wohlmuth, Barbara; Robust operator estimates and the application to substructuring methods for first-order systems
Mainzer, Klaus; The Concept of Law in Natural, Technical and Social Systems
Horvath, Michael; Weizsäcker, Robert K. von; The Idea of Economic Laws. Some Considerations on Rationality, Historicity, and Objectivity in Economics
Tag, Andreas; Leinhos, Jens; Hechtfischer, Gerd; Leibfritz, Martin; Eibert, Thomas; Design, simulation, and fabrication of broadband coaxial matched loads for the frequency range from 0 to 110 GHz
Figur, Sascha A.; van Raay, Friedbert; Quay, Rüdiger; Lohmiller, Peter; Vietzorreck, Larissa; Ziegler, Volker; RF-MEMS variable matching networks and switches for multi-band and multi-mode GaN power amplifiers
Figur, Sascha A.; van Raay, Friedbert; Quay, Rüdiger; Vietzorreck, Larissa; Ziegler, Volker; RF-MEMS multi-mode-matching networks for GaN power transistors
Tritschler, V. K.; Olson, B. J.; Lele, S. K.; Hickel, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.; On the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability evolving from a deterministic multimode planar interface
Remmler, Sebastian; Hickel, Stefan; Spectral eddy viscosity of stratified turbulence
ZAGGL, MICHAEL A.; Eleven mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation
Malecki, Andreas; Eggl, Elena; Schaff, Florian; Potdevin, Guillaume; Baum, Thomas; Garcia, Eduardo Grande; Bauer, Jan S.; Pfeiffer, Franz; Correlation of X-Ray Dark-Field Radiography to Mechanical Sample Properties
Pakes, Christopher I.; Garrido, Jose A.; Kawarada, Hiroshi; Diamond surface conductivity: Properties, devices, and sensors
Dana, Elías D.; Jeschke, Jonathan M.; García-de-Lomas, Juan; Decision tools for managing biological invasions: existing biases and future needs
Schulz, Christian M.; Skrzypczak, Matthias; Raith, Stefan; Hinzmann, Dominik; Krautheim, Veronika; Heuser, Fabian; Mayer, Valentin; Kreuzer, Christoph; Himsl, Meike; Holl, Michael; Lipp, Christina; Kochs, Eberhard F.; Wagner, Klaus J.; High-fidelity Human Patient Simulators Compared with Human Actors in an Unannounced Mass-Casualty Exercise
Celis-Morales, C.; Forster, H.; O'Donovan, C.; Woolhead, C.; Marsaux, C.; Fallaize, R.; Macready, A. L.; Kolossa, S.; Navas-Carretero, S.; San-Cristobal, R.; Tsirigoti, L.; Lambrinou, C. P.; Godlewska, M.; Surwillo, A.; Gibney, E.; Brennan, L.; Walsh, M.; Drevon, C.; Manios, Y.; Traczyk, I.; Martinez, J. A.; Lovegrove, J. A.; Saris, W.; Daniel, H.; Gibney, M.; Mathers, J. C.; Validation of Web-based self-reported socio-demographic and anthropometric data collected in the Food4Me Study
Koenigstorfer, Joerg; W?sowicz-Kiry?o, Gra?yna; Sty?ko-Kunkowska, Ma?gorzata; Groeppel-Klein, Andrea; Behavioural effects of directive cues on front-of-package nutrition information: the combination matters!
Hummel, Sandra; Vehik, Kendra; Uusitalo, Ulla; McLeod, Wendy; Aronsson, Carin Andrén; Frank, Nicole; Gesualdo, Patricia; Yang, Jimin; Norris, Jill M.; Virtanen, Suvi M.; Infant feeding patterns in families with a diabetes history - observations from The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) birth cohort study
Costanzo, Alessandra; Dionigi, Marco; Mastri, Franco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Rigorous network modeling of magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer
Gebhardt, Ronald;Kulozik, Ulrich; Simulation of the shape and size of casein micelles in a film state
Börding, Sandra;Bach, Thorsten; An enantioselective synthesis of the C24–C40 fragment of (−)-pulvomycin
Mayr, Florian;Wiegand, Christian;Bach, Thorsten; Enantioselective, intermolecular [2+2] photocycloaddition reactions of 3-acetoxyquinolone: total synthesis of (−)-pinolinone
Sarkar, Kuhu;Braden, Erik V.;Fröschl, Thomas;Hüsing, Nicola;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Spray-deposited zinc titanate films obtained via sol–gel synthesis for application in dye-sensitized solar cells
Sarkar, Kuhu;Schaffer, Christoph J.;González, Daniel Moseguí;Naumann, Anna;Perlich, Jan;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Tuning the pore size of ZnO nano-grids via time-dependent solvent annealing
Grumbein, S.;Opitz, M.;Lieleg, O.; Selected metal ions protect Bacillus subtilis biofilms from erosion
Durst, J.;Siebel, A.;Simon, C.;Hasché, F.;Herranz, J.;Gasteiger, H. A.; New insights into the electrochemical hydrogen oxidation and evolution reaction mechanism
Eichhorn, Johanna;Strunskus, Thomas;Rastgoo-Lahrood, Atena;Samanta, Debabrata;Schmittel, Michael;Lackinger, Markus; On-surface Ullmann polymerization via intermediate organometallic networks on Ag(111)
Song, W.;Martsinovich, N.;Heckl, W. M.;Lackinger, M.; Thermodynamics of 4,4′-stilbenedicarboxylic acid monolayer self-assembly at the nonanoic acid–graphite interface
Zeilinger, Michael;Fässler, Thomas F.; Structural and thermodynamic similarities of phases in the Li–Tt (Tt = Si, Ge) systems: redetermination of the lithium-rich side of the Li–Ge phase diagram and crystal structures of Li 17 Si 4.0−x Ge x for x = 2.3, 3.1, 3.5, and 4 as well as Li 4.1 Ge
Höhne, Dominik;Herdtweck, Eberhardt;Pöthig, Alexander;Kühn, Fritz E.; Loop shaped dicarboxylate-bridged dimolybdenum( ii ) bisphosphine compounds – a rational synthesis
Zhong, Rui;Pöthig, Alexander;Feng, Yinkai;Riener, Korbinian;Herrmann, Wolfgang A.;Kühn, Fritz E.; Facile-prepared sulfonated water-soluble PEPPSI-Pd-NHC catalysts for aerobic aqueous Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reactions
Raba, Andreas;Cokoja, Mirza;Herrmann, Wolfgang A.;Kühn, Fritz E.; Catalytic hydroxylation of benzene and toluene by an iron complex bearing a chelating di-pyridyl-di-NHC ligand
Grover, Nidhi;Pöthig, Alexander;Kühn, Fritz E.; Cyclopentadienyl molybdenum alkyl ester complexes as catalyst precursors for olefin epoxidation
Melzer, Katharina;Brändlein, Marcel;Popescu, Bogdan;Popescu, Dan;Lugli, Paolo;Scarpa, Giuseppe; Characterization and simulation of electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistors
Philipp, Martine;Aleksandrova, Ralitsa;Müller, Ulrich;Ostermeyer, Martin;Sanctuary, Roland;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Krüger, Jan K.; Molecular versus macroscopic perspective on the demixing transition of aqueous PNIPAM solutions by studying the dual character of the refractive index
Szkola, A.;Linares, E. M.;Worbs, S.;Dorner, B. G.;Dietrich, R.;Märtlbauer, E.;Niessner, R.;Seidel, M.; Rapid and simultaneous detection of ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin B and saxitoxin by chemiluminescence-based microarray immunoassay
Gebhardt, Ronald;Teulon, Jean-Marie;Pellequer, Jean-Luc;Burghammer, Manfred;Colletier, Jacques-Philippe;Riekel, Christian; Virus particle assembly into crystalline domains enabled by the coffee ring effect
Suda, Michael; Dobler, Günter; Malets, Olga; Kritik als Erzählung über eine Erzählung: Analyse von Fernsehbeiträgen über Waldzertifizierung anhand eines Aktantenmodells narrativer Semiotik
Suda, Michael; Schaffner, Stefan; Borgwardt, Steffen; Geometrische Kennzahlen für die Zersplitterung von Privatwaldarealen
Hürter, S.;Götz, S.;Bernhardt, H.; Analyse of real and simulated tractrix of modern agricultural machines
Zang, Ulrich; Goisser, Michael; Grams, Thorsten E. E.; Haberle, Karl-Heinz; Matyssek, Rainer; Matzner, Egbert; Borken, Werner; Fate of recently fixed carbon in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings during drought and subsequent recovery
Yilmaz, Pelin; Parfrey, Laura Wegener; Yarza, Pablo; Gerken, Jan; Pruesse, Elmar; Quast, Christian; Schweer, Timmy; Peplies, Jorg; Ludwig, Wolfgang; Glockner, Frank Oliver; The SILVA and "All-species Living Tree Project (LTP)" taxonomic frameworks
Yan, Xiaohe; Sabrautzki, Sibylle; Horsch, Marion; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valerie; Beckers, Johannes; Hrabe de Angelis, Martin; Graw, Jochen; Peroxidasin is essential for eye development in the mouse
Yachdav, Guy; Kloppmann, Edda; Kajan, Laszlo; Hecht, Maximilian; Goldberg, Tatyana; Hamp, Tobias; Honigschmid, Peter; Schafferhans, Andrea; Roos, Manfred; Bernhofer, Michael; Richter, Lothar; Ashkenazy, Haim; Punta, Marco; Schlessinger, Avner; Bromberg, Yana; Schneider, Reinhard; Vriend, Gerrit; Sander, Chris; Ben-Tal, Nir; Rost, Burkhard; PredictProtein--an open resource for online prediction of protein structural and functional features
Wurst, Wolfgang; Prakash, Nilima; Wnt1-regulated genetic networks in midbrain dopaminergic neuron development
Wirth, Matthias; Stojanovic, Natasa; Christian, Jan; Paul, Mariel C.; Stauber, Roland H.; Schmid, Roland M.; Hacker, Georg; Kramer, Oliver H.; Saur, Dieter; Schneider, Gunter; MYC and EGR1 synergize to trigger tumor cell death by controlling NOXA and BIM transcription upon treatment with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib
Werfel, Stanislas; Jungmann, Andreas; Lehmann, Lorenz; Ksienzyk, Jan; Bekeredjian, Raffi; Kaya, Ziya; Leuchs, Barbara; Nordheim, Alfred; Backs, Johannes; Engelhardt, Stefan; Katus, Hugo A.; Muller, Oliver J.; Rapid and highly efficient inducible cardiac gene knockout in adult mice using AAV-mediated expression of Cre recombinase
Wang, Iren; Hennig, Janosch; Jagtap, Pravin Kumar Ankush; Sonntag, Miriam; Valcarcel, Juan; Sattler, Michael; Structure, dynamics and RNA binding of the multi-domain splicing factor TIA-1
Wang, Kun; Demir, Ihsan Ekin; D'Haese, Jan G.; Tieftrunk, Elke; Kujundzic, Kristina; Schorn, Stephan; Xing, Baocai; Kehl, Timo; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Guralp O.; The neurotrophic factor neurturin contributes toward an aggressive cancer cell phenotype, neuropathic pain and neuronal plasticity in pancreatic cancer
von Eisenhart Rothe, Alexander F.; Goette, Andreas; Kirchhof, Paulus; Breithardt, Gunter; Limbourg, Tobias; Calvert, Melanie; Baumert, Jens; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Depression in paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation patients: a cross-sectional comparison of patients enroled in two large clinical trials
Vogt, Ingo; Prinz, Jeanette; Worf, Karolina; Campillos, Monica; Systematic analysis of gene properties influencing organ system phenotypes in mammalian perturbations
Vogt, Manfred Otto; Nobauer, Christian; Meierhofer, Christian; Lange, Rudiger; Chest pain 9 months after interventional atrial septal defect occlusion: do not forget the worst!
Ursache, Robertas; Heo, Jung-ok; Helariutta, Yka; Plant Vascular Biology 2013: vascular trafficking
Synofzik, Matthis; Gonzalez, Michael A.; Lourenco, Charles Marques; Coutelier, Marie; Haack, Tobias B.; Rebelo, Adriana; Hannequin, Didier; Strom, Tim M.; Prokisch, Holger; Kernstock, Christoph; Durr, Alexandra; Schols, Ludger; Lima-Martinez, Marcos M.; Farooq, Amjad; Schule, Rebecca; Stevanin, Giovanni; Marques, Wilson, Jr.; Zuchner, Stephan; PNPLA6 mutations cause Boucher-Neuhauser and Gordon Holmes syndromes as part of a broad neurodegenerative spectrum
Sommer, Iris E.; van Westrhenen, Roos; Begemann, Marieke J. H.; Witte, Lot D. de; Leucht, Stefan; Kahn, Rene S.; Efficacy of Anti-inflammatory Agents to Improve Symptoms in Patients With Schizophrenia: An Update
Sinnecker, Daniel; Moretti, Alessandra; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig; Negating the dominant-negative allele: a new treatment paradigm for arrhythmias explored in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Secchi, F.; Cannao, P. M.; Pluchinotta, F. R.; Butera, G.; Carminati, M.; Sardanelli, F.; Lombardi, M.; Monney, P.; Piccini, D.; Rutz, T.; Vincenti, G.; Coppo, S.; Koestner, S. C.; Stuber, M.; Schwitter, J.; Romana, P. F.; Francesco, S.; Gianfranco, B.; Mario, C.; Massimo, L.; Alizadeh Sani, Z.; Vojdan-Parast, M.; Alimohammadi, M.; Sarafan-Sadeghi, S. H.; Seifi, A.; Fallahabadi, H. R.; Karami Tanha, F.; Jamshidi, M.; Hesamy, M.; Bonello, B.; Sorensen, C.; Fouilloux, V.; Gorincour, G.; Mace, L.; Fraisse, A.; Jacquier, A.; Meester, C. de; Amzulescu, M.; Bouzin, C.; Boileau, L.; Melchior, J.; Boulif, J.; Lazam, S.; Pasquet, A.; Vancrayenest, D.; Vanoverschelde, J. L.; Gerber, B. L.; Loudon, M. A.; Bull, S. C.; Bissell, M. et al.; These abstracts have been selected for VIEWING only as ePosters and in print. ePosters will be available on Screen A & B throughout the meeting, Print Posters at the times indicated below. Please refer to the PROGRAM for more details
Schulz, Stefanie; Richardt, Gert; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig; Morath, Tanja; Neudecker, Julia; Hoppmann, Petra; Mehran, Roxana; Gershlick, Anthony H.; Tolg, Ralph; Anette Fiedler, K.; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed; Kufner, Sebastian; Schneider, Simon; Schunkert, Heribert; Ibrahim, Tareq; Mehilli, Julinda; Kastrati, Adnan; and for the Bavarian Reperfusion Alternatives Evaluation 4 Investigators; Prasugrel plus bivalirudin vs. clopidogrel plus heparin in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Schultz, Carl Christoph; Nenadic, Igor; Riley, Brien; Vladimirov, Vladimir I.; Wagner, Gerd; Koch, Kathrin; Schachtzabel, Claudia; Muhleisen, Thomas W.; Basmanav, Buket; Nothen, Markus M.; Deufel, Thomas; Kiehntopf, Michael; Rietschel, Marcella; Reichenbach, Jurgen R.; Cichon, Sven; Schlosser, Ralf G. M.; Sauer, Heinrich; ZNF804A and Cortical Structure in Schizophrenia: In Vivo and Postmortem Studies
Schneider, Simon; Batrice, Anja; Rischpler, Christoph; Eiber, Matthias; Ibrahim, Tareq; Nekolla, Stephan G.; Utility of multimodal cardiac imaging with PET/MRI in cardiac sarcoidosis: implications for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment
Saladin, Adrien; Rey, Julien; Thevenet, Pierre; Zacharias, Martin; Moroy, Gautier; Tuffery, Pierre; PEP-SiteFinder: a tool for the blind identification of peptide binding sites on protein surfaces
Ried, Janina S.; Shin, So-Youn; Krumsiek, Jan; Illig, Thomas; Theis, Fabian J.; Spector, Tim D.; Adamski, Jerzy; Wichmann, H.-Erich; Strauch, Konstantin; Soranzo, Nicole; Suhre, Karsten; Gieger, Christian; Novel genetic associations with serum level metabolites identified by phenotype set enrichment analyses
Purrington, Kristen S.; Slettedahl, Seth; Bolla, Manjeet K.; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Czene, Kamila; Nevanlinna, Heli; Bojesen, Stig E.; Andrulis, Irene L.; Cox, Angela; Hall, Per; Carpenter, Jane; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Haiman, Christopher A.; Fasching, Peter A.; Mannermaa, Arto; Winqvist, Robert; Brenner, Hermann; Lindblom, Annika; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Benitez, Javier; Swerdlow, Anthony; Kristensen, Vessela; Guenel, Pascal; Meindl, Alfons; Darabi, Hatef; Eriksson, Mikael; Fagerholm, Rainer; Aittomaki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Nordestgaard, Borge G.; Nielsen, Sune F.; Flyger, Henrik; Wang, Xianshu; Olswold, Curtis; Olson, Janet E.; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Knight, Julia A.; Tchatchou, Sandrine; Reed, Malcolm W.R.; Cross, Simon S.; Liu, Jianjun; Li, Jingmei; Humphreys, Keith; Clarke, Christine; Scott, Rodney; ABCTB Investigators; Fostira, Florentia; Fountzilas, George; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Henderson, Brian E. et al.; Genetic variation in mitotic regulatory pathway genes is associated with breast tumor grade
Poos, Kathrin; Smida, Jan; Nathrath, Michaela; Maugg, Doris; Baumhoer, Daniel; Neumann, Anna; Korsching, Eberhard; Structuring osteosarcoma knowledge: an osteosarcoma-gene association database based on literature mining and manual annotation
Petersen, Ann-Kristin; Zeilinger, Sonja; Kastenmuller, Gabi; Romisch-Margl, Werner; Brugger, Markus; Peters, Annette; Meisinger, Christine; Strauch, Konstantin; Hengstenberg, Christian; Pagel, Philipp; Huber, Fritz; Mohney, Robert P.; Grallert, Harald; Illig, Thomas; Adamski, Jerzy; Waldenberger, Melanie; Gieger, Christian; Suhre, Karsten; Epigenetics meets metabolomics: an epigenome-wide association study with blood serum metabolic traits
Osberg, Brendan; Nuebler, Johannes; Korber, Philipp; Gerland, Ulrich; Replication-guided nucleosome packing and nucleosome breathing expedite the formation of dense arrays
Olshausen, G. von; Lennerz, C.; Grebmer, C.; Pavaci, H.; Kolb, C.; Shock whilst gardening--implantable defibrillators & lawn mowers
Napadow, Vitaly; Li, Ang; Loggia, Marco L.; Kim, Jieun; Schalock, Peter C.; Lerner, Ethan; Tran, Thanh-Nga; Ring, Johannes; Rosen, Bruce R.; Kaptchuk, Ted J.; Pfab, Florian; The Brain Circuitry Mediating Antipruritic Effects of Acupuncture
Myers, Nicholas; Pasquini, Lorenzo; Gottler, Jens; Grimmer, Timo; Koch, Kathrin; Ortner, Marion; Neitzel, Julia; Muhlau, Mark; Forster, Stefan; Kurz, Alexander; Forstl, Hans; Zimmer, Claus; Wohlschlager, Afra M.; Riedl, Valentin; Drzezga, Alexander; Sorg, Christian; Within-patient correspondence of amyloid-beta and intrinsic network connectivity in Alzheimer's disease
Muller, Soren; Rycak, Lukas; Afonso-Grunz, Fabian; Winter, Peter; Zawada, Adam M.; Damrath, Ewa; Scheider, Jessica; Schmah, Juliane; Koch, Ina; Kahl, Gunter; Rotter, Bjorn; APADB: a database for alternative polyadenylation and microRNA regulation events
Moghadam, Keivan Kaveh; Pizza, Fabio; La Morgia, Chiara; Franceschini, Christian; Tonon, Caterina; Lodi, Raffaele; Barboni, Piero; Seri, Marco; Ferrari, Simona; Liguori, Rocco; Donadio, Vincenzo; Parchi, Piero; Cornelio, Ferdinando; Inzitari, Domenico; Mignarri, Andrea; Capocchi, Giuseppe; Dotti, Maria Teresa; Winkelmann, Juliane; Lin, Ling; Mignot, Emmanuel; Carelli, Valerio; Plazzi, Giuseppe; Narcolepsy is a common phenotype in HSAN IE and ADCA-DN
Mishra, Sushil Kumar; Kara, Mahmut; Zacharias, Martin; Koca, Jaroslav; Enhanced conformational sampling of carbohydrates by Hamiltonian replica-exchange simulation
Michl, Stephanie Celine; Windisch, Wilhelm; Geist, Juergen; Function of the crystalline style and first detection of laminarinase activity in freshwater mussels of the genus Anodonta
Meng, Chun; Brandl, Felix; Tahmasian, Masoud; Shao, Junming; Manoliu, Andrei; Scherr, Martin; Schwerthoffer, Dirk; Bauml, Josef; Forstl, Hans; Zimmer, Claus; Wohlschlager, Afra M.; Riedl, Valentin; Sorg, Christian; Aberrant topology of striatum's connectivity is associated with the number of episodes in depression
Menapace, Luisa; Moschini, Gian Carlo; Strength of Protection for Geographical Indications: Promotion Incentives and Welfare Effects
Melenk, J. M.; Rezaijafari, H.; Wohlmuth, B.; Quasi-optimal a priori estimates for fluxes in mixed finite element methods and an application to the Stokes-Darcy coupling
Manoliu, Andrei; Riedl, Valentin; Zherdin, Andriy; Muhlau, Mark; Schwerthoffer, Dirk; Scherr, Martin; Peters, Henning; Zimmer, Claus; Forstl, Hans; Bauml, Josef; Wohlschlager, Afra M.; Sorg, Christian; Aberrant Dependence of Default Mode/Central Executive Network Interactions on Anterior Insular Salience Network Activity in Schizophrenia
Louy, Dirk; Habel, Jan Christian; Ulrich, Werner; Schmitt, Thomas; Out of the Alps: The Biogeography of a Disjunctly Distributed Mountain Butterfly, the Almond-Eyed Ringlet Erebia alberganus (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae)
Lorenzen, S.; Helbig, U.; Riera-Knorrenschild, J.; Haag, G. M.; Pohl, M.; Thuss-Patience, P. C.; Bassermann, F.; Weissinger, F.; Schnoy, E.; Becker, K.; Ruschoff, J.; Eisenmenger, A.; Karapanagiotou-Schenkel, I.; Lordick, F.; 629P * LAPATINIB VERSUS LAPATINIB PLUS CAPECITABINE AS SECOND-LINE TREATMENT IN HER2-OVEREXPRESSING METASTATIC GASTRO-ESOPHAGEAL CANCER (GC): A RANDOMIZED PHASE II TRIAL OF THE ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT INTERNISTISCHE ONKOLOGIE (AIO)
Loewe, Axel; Lutz, Yannick; Wilhelms, Mathias; Sinnecker, Daniel; Barthel, Petra; Scholz, Eberhard P.; Dossel, Olaf; Schmidt, Georg; Seemann, Gunnar; In-silico assessment of the dynamic effects of amiodarone and dronedarone on human atrial patho-electrophysiology
Liu, Xueping; Campillos, Monica; Unveiling new biological relationships using shared hits of chemical screening assay pairs
Leucht, Stefan; Samara, Myrto; Heres, Stephan; Patel, Maxine X.; Woods, Scott W.; Davis, John M.; Dose Equivalents for Second-Generation Antipsychotics: The Minimum Effective Dose Method
Langwieser, Nicolas; Olshausen, Gesa von; Rischpler, Christoph; Ibrahim, Tareq; Confirmation of diagnosis and graduation of inflammatory activity of Loeffler endocarditis by hybrid positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging
Krieg, Sandro M.; Sabih, Jamil; Bulubasova, Lucia; Obermueller, Thomas; Negwer, Chiara; Janssen, Insa; Shiban, Ehab; Meyer, Bernhard; Ringel, Florian; Preoperative motor mapping by navigated transcranial magnetic brain stimulation improves outcome for motor eloquent lesions
Kohls, Martin; Sezer, Mufit; On The Top Degree of Coinvariants
Koch, Kathrin; Schultz, C. Christoph; Clinical and pathogenetic implications of occipital bending in depression
Kleeff, Jorg; Kong, Bo; Siveke, Jens; Esposito, Irene; RE: Proteomic Mucin Profiling for the Identification of Cystic Precursors of Pancreatic Cancer
Katsiarimpa, Anthi; Munoz, Alfonso; Kalinowska, Kamila; Uemura, Tomohiro; Rojo, Enrique; Isono, Erika; The ESCRT-III-Interacting Deubiquitinating Enzyme AMSH3 is Essential for Degradation of Ubiquitinated Membrane Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana
Jansen, Henning; Samani, Nilesh J.; Schunkert, Heribert; Mendelian randomization studies in coronary artery disease
Hutz, Katharina; Mejias-Luque, Raquel; Farsakova, Katarina; Ogris, Manfred; Krebs, Stefan; Anton, Martina; Vieth, Michael; Schuller, Ulrich; Schneider, Marlon R.; Blum, Helmut; Wagner, Ernst; Jung, Andreas; Gerhard, Markus; The stem cell factor SOX2 regulates the tumorigenic potential in human gastric cancer cells
Guenzinger, Ralf; Kolb, Christof; Ried, Thomas; Lange, Ruediger; Unusual mechanism of post-operative pacemaker lead dislodgement
Gruenert, Uta; Raeder, Uta; Growth responses of the calcite-loricated freshwater phytoflagellate Phacotus lenticularis (Chlorophyta) to the CaCO3 saturation state and meteorological changes
Groh, Alexander; Bokor, Hajnalka; Mease, Rebecca A.; Plattner, Viktor M.; Hangya, Balazs; Stroh, Albrecht; Deschenes, Martin; Acsady, Laszlo; Convergence of Cortical and Sensory Driver Inputs on Single Thalamocortical Cells
Goldberg, Tatyana; Hecht, Maximilian; Hamp, Tobias; Karl, Timothy; Yachdav, Guy; Ahmed, Nadeem; Altermann, Uwe; Angerer, Philipp; Ansorge, Sonja; Balasz, Kinga; Bernhofer, Michael; Betz, Alexander; Cizmadija, Laura; Do, Kieu Trinh; Gerke, Julia; Greil, Robert; Joerdens, Vadim; Hastreiter, Maximilian; Hembach, Katharina; Herzog, Max; Kalemanov, Maria; Kluge, Michael; Meier, Alice; Nasir, Hassan; Neumaier, Ulrich; Prade, Verena; Reeb, Jonas; Sorokoumov, Aleksandr; Troshani, Ilira; Vorberg, Susann; Waldraff, Sonja; Zierer, Jonas; Nielsen, Henrik; Rost, Burkhard; LocTree3 prediction of localization
Ellwanger, Daniel Christian; Leonhardt, Jorn Florian; Mewes, Hans-Werner; Large-scale modeling of condition-specific gene regulatory networks by information integration and inference
Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Boldis, Alexandra; Pfitzinger, Paulo L.; Teller, Steffen; Brunner, Eva; Klose, Natascha; Kehl, Timo; Maak, Matthias; Lesina, Marina; Laschinger, Melanie; Janssen, Klaus-Peter; Algul, Hana; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Guralp O.; Investigation of Schwann Cells at Neoplastic Cell Sites Before the Onset of Cancer Invasion
Brugger, Markus; Carbonez, Pierre; Pozzi, Fabio; Silari, Marco; Vincke, Helmut; New radiation protection calibration facility at CERN
Bleves, Sophie; Dunger, Irmtraud; Walter, Mathias C.; Frangoulidis, Dimitrios; Kastenmuller, Gabi; Voulhoux, Rome; Ruepp, Andreas; HoPaCI-DB: host-Pseudomonas and Coxiella interaction database
Baumgartner, Helmut; Budts, Werner; Chessa, Massimo; Deanfield, John; Eicken, Andreas; Holm, Johan; Iserin, Laurence; Meijboom, Folkert; Stein, Jorg; Szatmari, Andras; Trindade, Pedro T.; Walker, Fiona; for the Working Group on Grown-up Congenital Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology; Recommendations for organization of care for adults with congenital heart disease and for training in the subspecialty of 'Grown-up Congenital Heart Disease' in Europe: a position paper of the Working Group on Grown-up Congenital Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology
Arnold, Roland; Goldenberg, Florian; Mewes, Hans-Werner; Rattei, Thomas; SIMAP--the database of all-against-all protein sequence similarities and annotations with new interfaces and increased coverage
Andor, Noemi; Harness, Julie V.; Muller, Sabine; Mewes, Hans W.; Petritsch, Claudia; EXPANDS: expanding ploidy and allele frequency on nested subpopulations
Ahmed, Zeeshan; Zeeshan, Saman; Huber, Claudia; Hensel, Michael; Schomburg, Dietmar; Munch, Richard; Eylert, Eva; Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Dandekar, Thomas; Isotopo' a database application for facile analysis and management of mass isotopomer data
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline;Lapikanonth, Tiptunya;Vionita, Hanum;Vu, Hanh;Yang, Shuang;Zhong, Yating;Li, Yifei;Nagelschneider, Veronika;Schlindwein, Birgid;Wesseler, Justus; What are the socio-economic impacts of genetically modified crops worldwide? A systematic map protocol
Scholl, Hans Jochen;Jurisch, Marlen;Krcmar, Helmut;Scholl, Margit C.; Building Sound Foundations for Smart City Government:
Felderer, Michael;Katt, Basel;Kalb, Philipp;Jürjens, Jan;Ochoa, Martín;Paci, Federica;Tran, Le Minh Sang;Tun, Thein Than;Yskout, Koen;Scandariato, Riccardo;Piessens, Frank;Vanoverberghe, Dries;Fourneret, Elizabeta;Gander, Matthias;Solhaug, Bjørnar;Breu, Ruth; Evolution of Security Engineering Artifacts:
Christin Jurisch, Marlen;Palka, Wolfgang;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Which capabilities matter for successful business process change?
Blaszczyk, Andreas;Flückiger, Reto;Müller, Thomas;Olsson, Carl-Olof; Convergence behaviour of coupled pressure and thermal networks
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline; Organic coffee certification in Peru as an alternative development-oriented drug control policy
Gulenko, Iwan; Improving passwords: influence of emotions on security behaviour
Achleitner, Ann-Kristin;Figge, Christian;Lutz, Eva; Value creation drivers in a secondary buyout – the acquisition of Brenntag by BC Partners
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Anforderungen an die Softwareevolution in der Automatisierung des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus
Burgkart, Rainer; Biomechanisch sichere Geschwindigkeitsregelung für die Mensch-Roboter Interaktion
De Monte, Paul; Position Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor based on L1 Adaptive Control
Nüsslin, Fridtjof; - Innovating medical technology - research platform to advance patient-adapted health care - the cluster “Patient Customized Engineering for Smart Cardiovascular Therapy”
Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space via loop groups
Mai, Jan-Frederik; A note on the Galambos copula and its associated Bernstein function
Stapel, Peter; Efficiency of visual strength grading of timber with respect to origin, species, cross section, and grading rules: a critical evaluation of the common standards
Richter, Klaus; Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in modified wood: a review
Dorn, Julia; Clinical value of protein expression of kallikrein-related peptidase 7 (KLK7) in ovarian cancer
Oberwallner, Thomas; Different Strokes for Different Folks: An Evaluation of Road Networks and their Impact on VANET Mobility
Wohlfart, Florian; Validated Model-Based Performance Prediction of Multi-Core Software Routers
Renner, Judith; Office Hours: How (Critical) Norm Research Can Regain Its Voice
Renner, Judith; One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Fernández, Daniel Méndez; Ognawala, Saahil; Wagner, Stefan; Daneva, Maya; Where do we stand in requirements engineering improvement today?: first results from a mapping study
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Zöllner, Alexander Martin, Kuhl, Ellen; Lindemann, Udo; Medical Device Design Process: A Medical Engineering Perspective
Gabriel, Diana;Roedl, Daniela;Gordon, Leslie B.;Djabali, Karima; Sulforaphane enhances progerin clearance in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria fibroblasts
Feussner, Hubertus;Becker, Valentin;Bauer, Margit;Kranzfelder, Michael;Schirren, Rebekka;Meining, Alexander;Wilhelm, Dirk;Lueth, Tim; Developments in flexible endoscopic surgery: a review
E. Dean-León and G. Cheng,; A new method for solving 6D Image-Based Visual Servoing with virtual composite camera model
Brandl, Christina;Ortiz, Oskar;Röttig, Bernhard;Wefers, Benedikt;Wurst, Wolfgang;Kühn, Ralf; Creation of targeted genomic deletions using TALEN or CRISPR/Cas nuclease pairs in one-cell mouse embryos
Naudts, K.;Ryder, J.;J. McGrath, M.;Otto, J.;Chen, Y.;Valade, A.;Bellasen, V.;Berhongaray, G.;Bönisch, G.;Campioli, M.;Ghattas, J.;De Groote, T.;Haverd, V.;Kattge, J.;MacBean, N.;Maignan, F.;Merilä, P.;Penuelas, J.;Peylin, P.;Pinty, B.;Pretzsch, H.;Schulze, E. D.;Solyga, D.;Vuichard, N.;Yan, Y.;Luyssaert, S.; A vertically discretised canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes
Hoffmann, Markus A.;Raeder, Uta;Melzer, Arnulf; Influence of environmental conditions on the regenerative capacity and the survivability of Elodea nuttallii fragments
Pereira, Dora I. A.;Aslam, Mohamad F.;Frazer, David M.;Schmidt, Annemarie;Walton, Gemma E.;McCartney, Anne L.;Gibson, Glenn R.;Anderson, Greg J.;Powell, Jonathan J.; Dietary iron depletion at weaning imprints low microbiome diversity and this is not recovered with oral nano Fe(III)
Zwirglmaier, Katrin;Reid, William D. K.;Heywood, Jane;Sweeting, Christopher J.;Wigham, Benjamin D.;Polunin, Nicholas V. C.;Hawkes, Jeff A.;Connelly, Douglas P.;Pearce, David;Linse, Katrin; Linking regional variation of epibiotic bacterial diversity and trophic ecology in a new species of Kiwaidae (Decapoda, Anomura) from East Scotia Ridge (Antarctica) hydrothermal vents
Innosabi GmbH; New Approaches in Selecting the right Open Innovation Method
Lang, Alexander; Bauer, Lara; Lindemann Udo; Socially indicated Match Making Method, SIM3, an Alternative Way of Identifying the right OI Method
Dev, P.S. Bhupal;Millington, Peter;Pilaftsis, Apostolos;Teresi, Daniele; Flavour covariant transport equations: An application to resonant leptogenesis
Diriken, J.;Patronis, N.;Andreyev, A.N.;Antalic, S.;Bildstein, V.;Blazhev, A.;Darby, I.G.;De Witte, H.;Eberth, J.;Elseviers, J.;Fedosseev, V.N.;Flavigny, F.;Fransen, Ch.;Georgiev, G.;Gernhauser, R.;Hess, H.;Huyse, M.;Jolie, J.;Kröll, Th.;Krücken, R.;Lutter, R.;Marsh, B.A.;Mertzimekis, T.;Muecher, D.;Nowacki, F.;Orlandi, R.;Pakou, A.;Raabe, R.;Randisi, G.;Reiter, P.;Roger, T.;Seidlitz, M.;Seliverstov, M.;Sieja, K.;Sotty, C.;Tornqvist, H.;Van De Walle, J.;Van Duppen, P.;Voulot, D.;Warr, N.;Wenander, F.;Wimmer, K.; Study of the deformation-driving νd5/2 orbital in 6728Ni39 using one-neutron transfer reactions
Dietsch, P.; Design of shear reinforcement for timber beams
Aicher S., Reinhardt HW., Garrecht H.; The Multifunctional TES-Façade Joint
Capener, C.; Burke, S.; Le Roux, S., Ott, S.; Hygrothermal Performance of TES Energy Façade at two European residential building demonstrations – Comparison between Field Measurements and Simulations
Dietsch, Philipp;Franke, Steffen;Franke, Bettina;Gamper, Andreas;Winter, Stefan; Methods to determine wood moisture content and their applicability in monitoring concepts
Wacker, Alice; Jurisch, Marlene; Jin, Jun;, Wolf, Petra; Krcmar, Helmut; Identifying Main User Groups for Green IS–An Empirical Study of Electric Vehicles in China.
Seitz, F.; Geodätische Erdbeobachtungsdaten als Fundament für die Beobachtung und das Verständnis des globalen Wandels
Hirt, C.;Kuhn, M.;Claessens, S.;Pail, R.;Seitz, K.;Gruber, Th.; Study of the Earth׳s short-scale gravity field using the ERTM2160 gravity model
Hirt, C.; GOCE’s view below the ice of Antarctica: Satellite gravimetry confirms improvements in Bedmap2 bedrock knowledge
Hirt, C.;Papp, G.;Pal, A.;Benedek, J.;Szucs, E.; Expected accuracy of tilt measurements on a novel hexapod-based Digital Zenith Camera System – a Monte Carlo simulation study
Hirt, C.;Kuhn, M.; A band-limited topographic mass distribution generates a full-spectrum gravity field – gravity forward modelling in the spectral and spatial domain revisited
Borgwardt, S., A. Brieden and P. Gritzmann; Geometric clustering for the consolidation of farmland and woodland
Ringman, R.; Pilgard, A.; Brischke, C.; Richter, K.; Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in modified wood: a review
Hoefle, Caroline;Hückelhoven, Ralph; A barley Engulfment and Motility domain containing protein modulates Rho GTPase activating protein HvMAGAP1 function in the barley powdery mildew interaction
Güttler, Jörg;Georgoulas, Christos;Linner, Thomas;Bock, Thomas; Towards a Future Robotic Home Environment: A Survey
Dresel, C.;Li, Y.;Wilzeck, V.;Castrop, F.;Zimmer, C.;Haslinger, B.; Multiple changes of functional connectivity between sensorimotor areas in focal hand dystonia
Geyer, P.; Tigges, J.; Zölch, T.; Gondhalekar, D.; Maderspacher, J.; Brasche, J.; Lang, W. & Pauleit, S.; Integrating urban built and green structures to improve climate change mitigation and adaptation
Derikx, Monique H;Kovacs, Peter;Scholz, Markus;Masson, Emmanuelle;Chen, Jian-Min;Ruffert, Claudia;Lichtner, Peter;te Morsche, Rene H M;Cavestro, Giulia Martina;Férec, Claude;Drenth, Joost P H;Witt, Heiko;Rosendahl, Jonas;; Polymorphisms atPRSS1–PRSS2andCLDN2–MORC4loci associate with alcoholic and non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis in a European replication study
Synofzik, Matthis;Kernstock, Christoph;Haack, Tobias B;Schöls, Ludger; Ataxia meets chorioretinal dystrophy and hypogonadism: Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome due toPNPLA6mutations: Figure 1
Lahmann, C.;Henningsen, P.;Brandt, T.;Strupp, M.;Jahn, K.;Dieterich, M.;Eckhardt-Henn, A.;Feuerecker, R.;Dinkel, A.;Schmid, G.; Psychiatric comorbidity and psychosocial impairment among patients with vertigo and dizziness
Baumann, M.;Sahin, K.;Lechner, C.;Hennes, E. M.;Schanda, K.;Mader, S.;Karenfort, M.;Selch, C.;Hausler, M.;Eisenkolbl, A.;Salandin, M.;Gruber-Sedlmayr, U.;Blaschek, A.;Kraus, V.;Leiz, S.;Finsterwalder, J.;Gotwald, T.;Kuchukhidze, G.;Berger, T.;Reindl, M.;Rostasy, K.; Clinical and neuroradiological differences of paediatric acute disseminating encephalomyelitis with and without antibodies to the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
Moshammer, R., Pretzsch, H.; Einsatz des Wachstumssimulators SILVA zur Entwicklu ng von Durchforstungsrichtlinien
Pretzsch, H.; Struktur des Kronenraumes und Morphologie der Kronen in Mischung im Vergleich zum Reinbestand
Pretzsch, H., Biber, P., Schütze, G., Uhl, E., Rötzer, T.; Veränderte Dynamik von süddeutschen Waldbeständen seit 1870
Pretzsch, H., Biber, P., Schütze, G., Uhl, E., Rötzer, T.; Beschleunigtes Waldwachstum erfordert Anpassung
• Pretzsch, H., Block, J., Dieler, J., Gauer, J., Göttlein, A., Moshammer, R., Schuck, J., Weis, W., Wunn, U.; Nährstoffentzüge durch die Holz- und Biomassenutzung in Wäldern. Teil 1: Schätzfunktionen für Biomasse und Nährelemente und ihre Anwendung in Szenariorechnungen
• Pretzsch, H., Uhl, E., Nickel, M., Steinacker, L., Schütze, G.; Die lange Geschichte der ertragskundlichen Versuchsflächen in Bayern
Casper, Egbert; Häfele, Karl-Heinz; Kaden, Robert; OGC standard CityGML opens up new applications in energy simulation
eds. Klüppelberg C., Straub D., Welpe I.; Decision-Making Under Risk: A Normative and Behavioral Perspective
Papaioannou I., Der Kiureghian A.; EOLE for discretization of multivariate random fields
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D.; Reliability analysis for runway overrun using subset simulation
Papaioannou I., Papadimitriou C., Straub D.; Sequential importance sampling for structural reliability
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D.; Efficient discretization procedure for integrating structural reliability into Bayesian networks
Auernhammer, Hermann; Precision Farming - Herausforderung von heute und morgen
Allert, B.; Simulation von Bremsenquietschen: Ein Beitrag zur Prognosegüte
Breuer, Alexander; Heinecke, Alexander; Rettenberger, Sebastian; Bader, Michael; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; Pelties, Christian; Sustained Petascale Performance of Seismic Simulations with SeisSol on SuperMUC
Fender, Johannes;Graff, L.;Harbrecht, H.;Zimmermann, Markus; Identifying Key Parameters for Design Improvement in High-Dimensional Systems With Uncertainty
Eichstetter, Markus; Redeker, Christian; Müller, Steffen; Kvasnicka, Pavel; Zimmermann, Markus; Solution spaces for damper design in vehicle dynamics
Safi, Wajima; Optimierung der Differenzierung humaner Monozyten zu Endothelzellen sowie deren Wachstumsbeschleunigung und Charakterisierung
Schling, Eike; Barthel, Rainer; Tutsch, Joram; Freie Form - experimentelle Tragstruktur
Ostermeier, Ralph;Auernhammer, Hermann; Multisensor Data Fusion ISOBUS-Solution for a Sensor Based Fertilizer Application System
Bassily, D., Georgoulas, C., Güttler, J.; Linner, T., Bock, T.; Intuitive and Adaptive Robotic Arm Manipulation using the Leap Motion Controller
Georgoulas, C., Raza, A., Guettler, J., Linner, T., Bock, T.; Home Environment Interaction via Service Robots and the Leap Motion Controller
Linner, T., Pan, W., Georgoulas, C., Georgescu, B., Guettler, J., Bock, T.; Co-adaptation of robot systems, processes and in-house environments for professional care assistance in an ageing society
T. Bock, T. Linner, J. Güttler, M. S. Dong, C. Georgoulas, B. G. Georgescu, A. Kühn, C. Lietzau, G. A. Rick, R. Bengez, W. Pan, N. Buzalo, A. Bulgakow; The City of the Future (English: The City of the Future)
Gabriel, Diana;Roedl, Daniela;Gordon, Leslie B.;Djabali, Karima; Sulforaphane enhances progerin clearance in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria fibroblasts
Teiluf, Katharina;Seidl, Christof;Blechert, Birgit;Gaertner, Florian C.;Gilbertz, Klaus-Peter;Fernandez, Vanesa;Bassermann, Florian;Endell, Jan;Boxhammer, Rainer;Leclair, Stephane;Vallon, Mario;Aichler, Michaela;Feuchtinger, Annette;Bruchertseifer, Frank;Morgenstern, Alfred;Essler, Markus; α-Radioimmunotherapy with 213Bi-anti-CD38 immunoconjugates is effective in a mouse model of human multiple myeloma
Mühlau, Mark;Engl, Christina;Boucard, Christine C.;Schmidt, Paul;Biberacher, Viola;Görsch, Isabel;Sorg, Christian;Wohlschläger, Afra;Zimmer, Claus;Hemmer, Bernhard;Weindl, Adolph; Spinal cord atrophy in early Huntington's disease
Fuessel, Susanne;Erdmann, Kati;Taubert, Helge;Lohse-Fischer, Andrea;Zastrow, Stefan;Meinhardt, Matthias;Bluemke, Karen;Hofbauer, Lorenz;Fornara, Paolo;Wullich, Bernd;Baretton, Gustavo;Magdolen, Viktor;Wirth, Manfred P;Kotzsch, Matthias; Prognostic impact of urokinase-type plasminogen activator system components in clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients without distant metastasis
Engel, Katharina;Rudelius, Martina;Meinel, Felix G;Peschel, Christian;Keller, Ulrich; An adult patient with Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Uebel, Kirsten;Pusch, Karina;Gedrich, Kurt;Schneider, Karl-Theo M;Hauner, Hans;Bader, Bernhard L; Effect of maternal obesity with and without gestational diabetes on offspring subcutaneous and preperitoneal adipose tissue development from birth up to year-1
Herzog, Bastian;Lemmer, Hilde;Horn, Harald;Müller, Elisabeth; Screening and monitoring microbial xenobiotics’ biodegradation by rapid, inexpensive and easy to perform microplate UV-absorbance measurements
Multhoff, Gabriele;Radons, Jürgen;Vaupel, Peter; Critical Role of Aberrant Angiogenesis in the Development of Tumor Hypoxia and Associated Radioresistance
Wiese, Anne;Förster, Agnes;Gilliard, Lukas;Thierstein, Alain; A spatial strategy for the production of place in two German cities - Urban design interventions as a driver for spatial transformation
Alguel, Hana;Rasch, Sebastian; A clinical perspective on the role of chronic inflammation in gastrointestinal cancer
Schulz, Stefanie;Richardt, Gert;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Mehran, Roxana;Gershlick, Anthony H.;Morath, Tanja;Mayer, Katharina;Neudecker, Julia;Tölg, Ralph;Ibrahim, Tareq;Hauschke, Dieter;Braun, Daniel;Schunkert, Heribert;Kastrati, Adnan;Mehilli, Julinda;; Comparison of Prasugrel and Bivalirudin vs Clopidogrel and Heparin in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Design and Rationale of the Bavarian Reperfusion Alternatives Evaluation (BRAVE) 4 Trial
Gossner, Martin M.;Schall, Peter;Ammer, Christian;Ammer, Ulrich;Engel, Kerstin;Schubert, Holger;Simon, Ulrich;Utschick, Hans;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Forest management intensity measures as alternative to stand properties for quantifying effects on biodiversity
Döbler, Christian;Pfeifroth, Lorenz; Recurrence for the frog model with drift on $\mathbb{Z}^d$
Zimborás, Zoltán;Zeier, Robert;Keyl, Michael;Schulte-Herbrüggen, Thomas; A dynamic systems approach to fermions and their relation to spins
Jirschik, Robert;Hartmann, Michael J; The circuit quantum electrodynamical Josephson interferometer
MULLER-KROEHLING, Stefan;JANTSCH, Matthias C.;FISCHER, Hagen S.;FISCHER, Anton; Modelling the effects of global warming on the ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) fauna of beech forests in Bavaria, Germany
Franz, D.;Esposito, I.;Kapp, A.-C.;Gaa, J.;Rummeny, E.J.; Magnetic resonance imaging of less common pancreatic malignancies and pancreatic tumors with malignant potential
Beaujean, Frederik;Bobeth, Christoph;van Dyk, Danny; Comprehensive Bayesian analysis of rare (semi)leptonic and radiative $$\varvec{B}$$ B decays
König, Matthias;Neubert, Matthias;Straub, David M.; Dipole operator constraints on composite Higgs models
Strauss, R.;Angloher, G.;Bento, A.;Bucci, C.;Canonica, L.;Carli, W.;Erb, A.;von Feilitzsch, F.;Gorla, P.;Gütlein, A.;Hauff, D.;Hellgartner, D.;Jochum, J.;Kraus, H.;Lanfranchi, J.-C.;Loebell, J.;Münster, A.;Petricca, F.;Potzel, W.;Pröbst, F.;Reindl, F.;Roth, S.;Rottler, K.;Sailer, C.;Schäffner, K.;Schieck, J.;Scholl, S.;Schönert, S.;Seidel, W.;von Sivers, M.;Stodolsky, L.;Strandhagen, C.;Tanzke, A.;Uffinger, M.;Ulrich, A.;Usherov, I.;Wawoczny, S.;Willers, M.;Wüstrich, M.;Zöller, A.; Energy-dependent light quenching in CaWO $$_4$$ 4 crystals at mK temperatures
Buras, Andrzej J.;De Fazio, Fulvia;Girrbach, Jennifer; $$\Delta I=1/2$$ Δ I = 1 / 2 rule, $$\varepsilon '/\varepsilon $$ ε ′ / ε and $$K\rightarrow \pi \nu \bar{\nu }$$ K → π ν ν ¯ in $$Z^\prime (Z)$$ Z ′ ( Z ) and $$G^\prime $$ G ′ models with FCNC quark couplings
Fischer, D;Thomas, S M;Neteler, M;Tjaden, N B;Beierkuhnlein, C; Climatic suitability of Aedes albopictus in Europe referring to climate change projections: comparison of mechanistic and correlative niche modelling approaches
Grubmüller, Stephanie;Schauer, Kristina;Goebel, Werner;Fuchs, Thilo M.;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Analysis of carbon substrates used by Listeria monocytogenes during growth in J774A.1 macrophages suggests a bipartite intracellular metabolism
Altomonte, Jennifer;Ebert, Oliver; Sorting Out Pandora’s Box: Discerning the Dynamic Roles of Liver Microenvironment in Oncolytic Virus Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Schmid, J.;Koenig, S.;Pick, A.;Steffler, F.;Yoshida, S.;Miyamoto, K.;Sieber, V.; Draft Genome Sequence of Kozakia baliensis SR-745, the First Sequenced Kozakia Strain from the Family Acetobacteraceae
Xhepa, E.;Tada, T.;Cassese, S.;King, L.;Ott, I.;Fusaro, M.;Kastrati, A.;Byrne, R.A.; Safety and efficacy of the Yukon Choice Flex sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in an all-comers population cohort
Zellhuber, Mathieu;Schwing, Joachim;Schuermans, Bruno;Sattelmayer, Thomas;Polifke, Wolfgang; Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thermoacoustic Sources Related to High-Frequency Instabilities
Molinaro, Emiliano;Yaguna, Carlos E.;Zapata, Oscar; FIMP realization of the scotogenic model
Buras, Andrzej J.;Buttazzo, Dario;Girrbach-Noe, Jennifer;Knegjens, Robert; Can we reach the Zeptouniverse with rare K and B s,d decays?
Garny, Mathias;Ibarra, Alejandro;Rydbeck, Sara;Vogl, Stefan; Majorana dark matter with a coloured mediator: collider vs direct and indirect searches
Beneke, Martin;Dighera, Francesco;Hryczuk, Andrzej; Relic density computations at NLO: infrared finiteness and thermal correction
Buras, Andrzej J.;De Fazio, Fulvia;Girrbach-Noe, Jennifer; Z-Z′ mixing and Z-mediated FCNCs in SU(3) C × SU(3) L × U(1) X models
Mehring, Michael;Haag, Max;Linde, Klaus;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Schneider, Antonius; Effects of a Guided Web-Based Smoking Cessation Program With Telephone Counseling: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Botkin, Nikolai;Turova, Varvara; Numerical Construction of Viable Sets for Autonomous Conflict Control Systems
Dahlhoff, Christoph;Worsch, Stefanie;Sailer, Manuela;Hummel, Björn A.;Fiamoncini, Jarlei;Uebel, Kirsten;Obeid, Rima;Scherling, Christian;Geisel, Jürgen;Bader, Bernhard L.;Daniel, Hannelore; Methyl-donor supplementation in obese mice prevents the progression of NAFLD, activates AMPK and decreases acyl-carnitine levels
Grimmer, Timo;Goldhardt, Oliver;Guo, Liang-Hao;Yousefi, Behrooz H.;Förster, Stefan;Drzezga, Alexander;Sorg, Christian;Alexopoulos, Panagiotis;Förstl, Hans;Kurz, Alexander;Perneczky, Robert; LRP-1 polymorphism is associated with global and regional amyloid load in Alzheimer's disease in humans in-vivo
Zeller, Patrick;Günther, Sebastian; What are the possible moiré patterns of graphene on hexagonally packed surfaces? Universal solution for hexagonal coincidence lattices, derived by a geometric construction
Ellwanger, Daniel Christian;Leonhardt, Jörn Florian;Mewes, Hans-Werner; Large-scale modeling of condition-specific gene regulatory networks by information integration and inference
Osberg, Brendan;Nuebler, Johannes;Korber, Philipp;Gerland, Ulrich; Replication-guided nucleosome packing and nucleosome breathing expedite the formation of dense arrays
Schiefler, Carlotta;Piontek, Guido;Doescher, Johannes;Schuettler, Dominik;Mißlbeck, Martin;Rudelius, Martina;Haug, Anna;Reiter, Rudolf;Brockhoff, Gero;Pickhard, Anja; Inhibition of SphK1 reduces radiation-induced migration and enhances sensitivity to cetuximab treatment by affecting the EGFR / SphK1 crosstalk
Pickhard, Anja;Siegl, Michael;Baumann, Alexander;Huhn, Maximilian;Wirth, Markus;Reiter, Rudolf;Rudelius, Martina;Piontek, Guido;Brockhoff, Gero; The response of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma to cetuximab treatment depends on Aurora kinase A polymorphism
Herrmann, Ken;Buck, Andreas K.;Schuster, Tibor;Abbrederis, Kathrin;Blümel, Christina;Santi, Ivan;Rudelius, Martina;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Peschel, Christian;Schwaiger, Markus;Dechow, Tobias;Keller, Ulrich; Week one FLT-PET response predicts complete remission to R-CHOP and survival in DLBCL
Schümann, Klaus;Ettle, Thomas;Szegner, Bernadett;Elsenhans, Bernd;Solomons, Noel W.; Risiken und Nutzen der Eisensupplementation: Empfehlungen zur Eisenaufnahme kritisch betrachtet
Möllenberg, R.;von Feilitzsch, F.;Hellgartner, D.;Oberauer, L.;Tippmann, M.;Winter, J.;Wurm, M.;Zimmer, V.; Detecting the upturn of the solar 8 B neutrino spectrum with LENA
Buchalla, Gerhard;Catà, Oscar;Krause, Claudius; On the power counting in effective field theories
Kramer, Christopher;Jordan, Denis;Kretschmer, Alexander;Lehmeyer, Veronika;Kellermann, Kristine;Schaller, Stephan J.;Blobner, Manfred;Kochs, Eberhard F.;Fink, Heidrun; Electromyographic Permutation Entropy Quantifies Diaphragmatic Denervation and Reinnervation
Pircher, Joachim;Czermak, Thomas;Merkle, Monika;Mannell, Hanna;Krötz, Florian;Ribeiro, Andrea;Vielhauer, Volker;Nadjiri, Jonathan;Gaitzsch, Erik;Niemeyer, Markus;Porubsky, Stefan;Gröne, Hermann-Josef;Wörnle, Markus; Hepatitis C Virus Induced Endothelial Inflammatory Response Depends on the Functional Expression of TNFα Receptor Subtype 2
Purahong, Witoon;Kapturska, Danuta;Pecyna, Marek J.;Schulz, Elke;Schloter, Michael;Buscot, François;Hofrichter, Martin;Krüger, Dirk; Influence of Different Forest System Management Practices on Leaf Litter Decomposition Rates, Nutrient Dynamics and the Activity of Ligninolytic Enzymes: A Case Study from Central European Forests
Schramm, Katharina;Marzi, Carola;Schurmann, Claudia;Carstensen, Maren;Reinmaa, Eva;Biffar, Reiner;Eckstein, Gertrud;Gieger, Christian;Grabe, Hans-Jörgen;Homuth, Georg;Kastenmüller, Gabriele;Mägi, Reedik;Metspalu, Andres;Mihailov, Evelin;Peters, Annette;Petersmann, Astrid;Roden, Michael;Strauch, Konstantin;Suhre, Karsten;Teumer, Alexander;Völker, Uwe;Völzke, Henry;Wang-Sattler, Rui;Waldenberger, Melanie;Meitinger, Thomas;Illig, Thomas;Herder, Christian;Grallert, Harald;Prokisch, Holger; Mapping the Genetic Architecture of Gene Regulation in Whole Blood
Sepp, Dominik;Franz, Daniela;Triftshaeuser, Natalie;Ott, Ilka;Esposito-Bauer, Lorena;Feurer, Regina;Seifert, Christian L.;Thaler, Markus;Hemmer, Bernhard;Poppert, Holger; Mobilization of CD133+ Progenitor Cells in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction
Doppler, Stefanie A.;Werner, Astrid;Barz, Melanie;Lahm, Harald;Deutsch, Marcus-André;Dreßen, Martina;Schiemann, Matthias;Voss, Bernhard;Gregoire, Serge;Kuppusamy, Rajarajan;Wu, Sean M.;Lange, Rüdiger;Krane, Markus; Myeloid Zinc Finger 1 (Mzf1) Differentially Modulates Murine Cardiogenesis by Interacting with an Nkx2.5 Cardiac Enhancer
Eder, Stephan H. K.;Gigler, Alexander M.;Hanzlik, Marianne;Winklhofer, Michael; Sub-Micrometer-Scale Mapping of Magnetite Crystals and Sulfur Globules in Magnetotactic Bacteria Using Confocal Raman Micro-Spectrometry
Röder, Pia V.;Geillinger, Kerstin E.;Zietek, Tamara S.;Thorens, Bernard;Koepsell, Hermann;Daniel, Hannelore; The Role of SGLT1 and GLUT2 in Intestinal Glucose Transport and Sensing
Linnerbauer, Stefanie;Behrends, Uta;Adhikary, Dinesh;Witter, Klaus;Bornkamm, Georg W.;Mautner, Josef; Virus and Autoantigen-Specific CD4+ T Cells Are Key Effectors in a SCID Mouse Model of EBV-Associated Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Abu-Farah, L.;Haidn, O.J.;Kau, H.-P.; Numerical simulations of single and multi-staged injection of H2 in a supersonic scramjet combustor
Combs, Stephanie E;Debus, Jürgen;Feick, Günter;Hadaschik, Boris;Hohenfellner, Markus;Schüle, Roland;Zacharias, Jens-Peter;Schwardt, Malte; Current state of the art, multimodality research and future visions for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer: consensus results from "Challenges and Chances in Prostate Cancer Research Meeting 2013"
Niyazi, Maximilian;Flieger, Maya;Ganswindt, Ute;Combs, Stephanie E;Belka, Claus; Validation of the prognostic Heidelberg re-irradiation score in an independent mono-institutional patient cohort
Wiesner, Kerstin R.;Habel, Jan Christian;Gossner, Martin M.;Loxdale, Hugh D.;Köhler, Günter;Schneider, Anja R. R.;Tiedemann, Ralph;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Effects of habitat structure and land-use intensity on the genetic structure of the grasshopper species Chorthippus parallelus
Haas, Sylvia;Bode, Christoph;Norrving, Bo;G G Turpie, Alexander; Practical guidance for using rivaroxaban in patients with atrial fibrillation: balancing benefit and risk
He, Haiyan;Klein, Wilhelm;Fässler, Thomas F.; Crystal structure of (4,7,13,16,21,24-hexaoxa-1,10-diazabicyclo[8.8.8]- hexacosane-κ8N2,O6) potassium-di-(1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane-κ6O) potassium potassium nonastannide ethylenediamine sesquisolvate, [K([2.2.2]crypt)][K(18-crown-6)]2[KSn9](en)1.5, C45H96K4N5O18Sn9
Tiemeyer, Constantin;Plank, Johann; Impact of Temperature on the Solution Conformation and Performance of AMPS®- and AHPS-based Fluid Loss Polymers in Oil Well Cement
Zhang, Bo;Li, Su;Cokoja, Mirza;Herdtweck, Eberhardt;Mink, János;Zang, Shu-Liang;Herrmann, Wolfgang A.;Kühn, Fritz E.; Ion Pairs of Weakly Coordinating Cations and Anions: Synthesis and Application for Sulfide to Sulfoxide Oxidations
Woidy, Patrick;Meng, Weizhe;Kraus, Florian; The Hexaammine Copper(II) Fluoride Monohydrate [Cu(NH3)6][F(H2O)F]: Synthesis and Crystal Structure
Benda, Christian B.;Fässler, Thomas F.; The Reduction of Pyridine by K12Si17 to the 4,4′-Bipyridine Radical Anion [C10H8N2]-•: Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Characterization of [K([2.2.2]crypt)][C10H8N2]
Greiwe, Magnus;Nilges, Tom; Zr4CuSb7 – A PbFCl-related Polyantimonide, and Structure Relations of Zirconium-Transition Metal Polyantimonides
Ivanchev, Jordan;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; Stochastic bus traffic modelling and validation using smart card fare collection data
Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Hausmann, B.; Hafner, A.; BRP building resource performance – development of an operational material flow management system for construction project development
Zhang, Zengjie ;Yu, Zhandong; An Implement of FPGA Based PCI Controller Device and Improvement of DDA Arc Interpolation
Behmel, Andreas; Höhl, Wolfgang; Kienzl, Thomas; [DEMO] MRI design review system: A mixed reality interactive design review system for architecture, serious games and engineering using game engines, standard software, a tablet computer and natural interfaces
Markus Kaiser; Sim Games, Simulation und industrielle Anwendungen
Leone, Stephen R.;McCurdy, C. William;Burgdörfer, Joachim;Cederbaum, Lorenz S.;Chang, Zenghu;Dudovich, Nirit;Feist, Johannes;Greene, Chris H.;Ivanov, Misha;Kienberger, Reinhard;Keller, Ursula;Kling, Matthias F.;Loh, Zhi-Heng;Pfeifer, Thomas;Pfeiffer, Adrian N.;Santra, Robin;Schafer, Kenneth;Stolow, Albert;Thumm, Uwe;Vrakking, Marc J. J.; What will it take to observe processes in 'real time'?
Paasch-Colberg, Tim;Schiffrin, Agustin;Karpowicz, Nicholas;Kruchinin, Stanislav;Sağlam, Özge;Keiber, Sabine;Razskazovskaya, Olga;Mühlbrandt, Sascha;Alnaser, Ali;Kübel, Matthias;Apalkov, Vadym;Gerster, Daniel;Reichert, Joachim;Wittmann, Tibor;Barth, Johannes V.;Stockman, Mark I.;Ernstorfer, Ralph;Yakovlev, Vladislav S.;Kienberger, Reinhard;Krausz, Ferenc; Solid-state light-phase detector
Schiffrin, Agustin;Paasch-Colberg, Tim;Karpowicz, Nicholas;Apalkov, Vadym;Gerster, Daniel;Mühlbrandt, Sascha;Korbman, Michael;Reichert, Joachim;Schultze, Martin;Holzner, Simon;Barth, Johannes V.;Kienberger, Reinhard;Ernstorfer, Ralph;Yakovlev, Vladislav S.;Stockman, Mark I.;Krausz, Ferenc; Addendum: Optical-field-induced current in dielectrics
Prinz, Stephan;Häfner, Matthias;Schultze, Marcel;Teisset, Catherine Y.;Bessing, Robert;Michel, Knut;Kienberger, Reinhard;Metzger, Thomas; Active pump-seed-pulse synchronization for OPCPA with sub-2-fs residual timing jitter
Helml, W.;Maier, A. R.;Schweinberger, W.;Grguraš, I.;Radcliffe, P.;Doumy, G.;Roedig, C.;Gagnon, J.;Messerschmidt, M.;Schorb, S.;Bostedt, C.;Grüner, F.;DiMauro, L. F.;Cubaynes, D.;Bozek, J. D.;Tschentscher, Th.;Costello, J. T.;Meyer, M.;Coffee, R.;Düsterer, S.;Cavalieri, A. L.;Kienberger, R.; Measuring the temporal structure of few-femtosecond free-electron laser X-ray pulses directly in the time domain
Djeffal, Christian; Establishing the Argumentative DNA of International Law: Of Transatlantic Divides and Universal Unity: A Cubistic View on the Rule of Treaty Interpretation and its Underlying Legal Culture(s)
Cassius, Guimaraes Chai;Adorno, Alberto Manuel Poletti;Djeffal, Christian; Mediation in International Law: Mapping its Specifics for Comparison
A Sánchez , Y M Sadek, I S M Khalil, and S Misra; Mobi-Mag: A compact device for medical research using wireless control of magnetic microrobots
Strüwind, Christoph Mauritz; Der α-Winkel des Schenkelhals-Kopf-Übergangs und die fluoroskopische Navigation in der arthroskopischen Therapie des Cam-Impingements: Eine experimentelle Studie
Pelzer, Dominik;Ciechanowicz, David;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; A price-responsive dispatching strategy for Vehicle-to-Grid: An economic evaluation applied to the case of Singapore
Freiberg, A.;Metzger, M.;Haering, D.;Bretzke, S.;Puravankara, S.;Nilges, T.;Stinner, C.;Marino, C.;Gasteiger, H. A.; Anodic Decomposition of Trimethylboroxine as Additive for High Voltage Li-Ion Batteries
Mueller, Florian;Stellmach, Sophie;Greenberg, Saul;Dippon, Andreas;Boll, Susanne;Garner, Jayden;Khot, Rohit;Naseem, Amani;Altimira, David; Proxemics Play: Understanding Proxemics for Designing Digital Play Experiences
Alarcón-Suesca, C E;Nilges, T; Phospho-olivines as cathode materials for lithium ion battery: trends on microwave synthesis
Ross, Manuel;Stana, Markus;Leitner, Michael;Sepiol, Bogdan; Direct observation of atomic network migration in glass
Godec, Aljaž;Bauer, Maximilian;Metzler, Ralf; Collective dynamics effect transient subdiffusion of inert tracers in flexible gel networks
Vrana, Péter;Reeb, David;Reitzner, Daniel;Wolf, Michael M; Fault-ignorant quantum search
Keyl, Michael;Zeier, Robert;Schulte-Herbrüggen, Thomas; Controlling several atoms in a cavity
Reeb, David;Wolf, Michael M; An improved Landauer principle with finite-size corrections
Sakurai, Atsunori;Tanimura, Yoshitaka; Self-excited current oscillations in a resonant tunneling diode described by a model based on the Caldeira–Leggett Hamiltonian
Di Candia, R;Menzel, E P;Zhong, L;Deppe, F;Marx, A;Gross, R;Solano, E; Dual-path methods for propagating quantum microwaves
Milz, Stefan;Wilkens, Jan J;Ullrich, Wolfgang; A dose error evaluation study for 4D dose calculations
Gantert, Nina;Ramanan, Kavita;Rembart, Franz; Large deviations for weighted sums of stretched exponential random variables
Gantert, Nina;Nagel, Jan; Reconstructing the environment seen by a RWRE
Berestycki, Nathanaël;Gantert, Nina;Mörters, Peter;Sidorova, Nadia; Galton–Watson Trees with Vanishing Martingale Limit
Toikkanen, T., & Keune, A.; Designing Edukata: a method for educators to create learner-centered activities
McNicol, S., Lewin, C., Keune, A., & Toikkanen, T.; Facilitating student reflection through digital technologies in the iTEC project: Pedagogically-led change in the classroom
Gallesco, Christophe;Gantert, Nina;Popov, Serguei;Vachkovskaia, Marina; A conditional quenched CLT for random walks among random conductances on $\mathbb{Z}^d$
Gantert, Nina;Kochler, Michael;Pene, Francoise; On the recurrence of some random walks in random environment