Bauch, G.; Tejera, P.; Guthy, C.; Utschick, W.; Nossek, J.A.; Herdin, M.; Bach Andersen, J.; Nielsen, J.; Steinbach, E.; Khan, S.; Multiuser MIMO: principle, performance in measured channels and applicable service
Bauch, G.; Tejera, P.; Guthy, C.; Utschick, W.; Nossek, J.A.; Herdin, M.; Nielsen, J.; Andersen, J.B.; Steinbach, E.; Khan, S.; Multiuser MIMO: Principle, Performance in Measured Channels and Applicable Service
Bauch, G.; Tejera, P.; Guthy, C.; Utschick, W.; Nossek, J.A.; Herdin, M.; Nielsen, J.; Bach Andersern, J.; Steinbach, E.; Khan, S.; Aspects of multiuser MIMO for cell throughput maximization
Haberl, Wolfgang;Kugele, Stefan;Tautschnig, Michael;Bauer, Andreas;Schallhart, Christian;Merenda, Stefano;Kühnel, Christian;Müller, Florian;Wang, Zhonglei;Wild, Doris;Rittmann, Sabine; COLA – The Component Language
Batliner, A.;Steidl, S.;Schuller, B.;Seppi, D.;Vogt, T.;Devillers, L.;Vidrascu, L.;Amir, N.;Kessous, L.;Aharonson, V.; The Impact of F0 Extraction Errors on the Classification of Prominence and Emotion
Schröder, M.;Devillers, L.;Karpouzis, K.;Martin, J.-C.;Pelachaud, C.;Peter, C.;Pirker, H.;Schuller, B.;Tao, J.;Wilson, I.; What should a generic emotion markup language be able to represent?
Luck, Tobias;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.;Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna;Bickel, Horst;Jessen, Frank;Pentzek, Michael;Wiese, Birgitt;Koelsch, Heike;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Abholz, Heinz-Harald;Moesch, Edelgard;Gorfer, Sandra;Angermeyer, Matthias C.;Maier, Wolfgang;Weyerer, Siegfried; Mild Cognitive Impairment in General Practice: Age-Specific Prevalence and Correlate Results from the German Study on Ageing, Cognition and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe)
Steinke, Mathias;Fiocchi, Alessandro;Kirchlechner, Veronika;Ballmer-Weber, Barbara;Brockow, Knut;Hischenhuber, Claudia;Dutta, Manjula;Ring, Johannes;Urbanek, Radvan;Terracciano, Luigi;Wezel, Rainer; Perceived Food Allergy in Children in 10 European Nations
Schuler, Ulrich;Bammer, Susanne;Aulitzky, Walter E.;Binder, Claudia;Böhme, Angelika;Egerer, Gerlinde;Sandherr, Michael;Schwerdtfeger, Rainer;Silling, Gerda;Wandt, Hannes;Glasmacher, Axel;Ehninger, Gerhard; Safety and Efficacy of Itraconazole Compared to Amphotericin B as Empirical Antifungal Therapy for Neutropenic Fever in Patients with Haematological Malignancy*
Schlemmer, Marcus;Wendtner, Clemens-Martin;Falk, Martin;Abdel-Rahman, Sultan;Licht, Thomas;Baumert, Jens;Straka, Christian;Hentrich, Marcus;Salat, Christoph;Hiddemann, Wolfgang;Issels, Rolf-Dieter; Efficacy of Consolidation High-Dose Chemotherapy with Ifosfamide, Carboplatin and Etoposide (HD-ICE) Followed by Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Rescue in Chemosensitive Patients with Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Noack, P.O., Muhr, T., Schönfelder, M., Kutschera, J., Hancock, P., Selige, T.; Evaluation of digital terrain models derived from data collected with RTK-GPS based automatic steering systems using a high precision laser scanner
Gamboa-Dominguez, Armando; Seidl, Stefan; Reyes-Gutierrez, Edgardo; Hermannstädter, Christine; Quintanilla-Martinez, Leticia; Busch, Raymonde; Höfler, Heinz; Fend, Falko; Luber, Birgit; Prognostic significance of p21WAF1/CIP1, p27Kip1, p53 and E-cadherin expression in gastric cancer
Pail, R.;Metzler, B.;Lackner, B.;Preimesberger, T.;Höck, E.;Schuh, W.D.;Alkhatib, H.;Boxhammer, C.;Siemes, C.;Wermuth, M.; GOCE gravity field analysis in the framework of HPF: operational software system and simulation results
Fritz, D. M.;Reis, D. A.;Adams, B.;Akre, R. A.;Arthur, J.;Blome, C.;Bucksbaum, P. H.;Cavalieri, A. L.;Engemann, S.;Fahy, S.;Falcone, R. W.;Fuoss, P. H.;Gaffney, K. J.;George, M. J.;Hajdu, J.;Hertlein, M. P.;Hillyard, P. B.;Horn-von Hoegen, M.;Kammler, M.;Kaspar, J.;Kienberger, R.;Krejcik, P.;Lee, S. H.;Lindenberg, A. M.;McFarland, B.;Meyer, D.;Montagne, T.;Murray, E. D.;Nelson, A. J.;Nicoul, M.;Pahl, R.;Rudati, J.;Schlarb, H.;Siddons, D. P.;Sokolowski-Tinten, K.;Tschentscher, Th.;von der Linde, D.;Hastings, J. B.; Ultrafast Bond Softening in Bismuth: Mapping a Solid's Interatomic Potential with X-rays
Cavalieri, A L;Goulielmakis, E;Horvath, B;Helml, W;Schultze, M;Fieß, M;Pervak, V;Veisz, L;Yakovlev, V S;Uiberacker, M;Apolonski, A;Krausz, F;Kienberger, R; Intense 1.5-cycle near infrared laser waveforms and their use for the generation of ultra-broadband soft-x-ray harmonic continua
Cavalieri, A. L.;Müller, N.;Uphues, Th.;Yakovlev, V. S.;Baltuška, A.;Horvath, B.;Schmidt, B.;Blümel, L.;Holzwarth, R.;Hendel, S.;Drescher, M.;Kleineberg, U.;Echenique, P. M.;Kienberger, R.;Krausz, F.;Heinzmann, U.; Attosecond spectroscopy in condensed matter
Bratt, J D;Edwards, R G;Engelhardt, M;(presenter), G T Fleming;Hägler, Ph;Musch, B;Negele, J W;Orginos, K;Pochinsky, A V;Renner, D B;Richards, D G;Schroers, W; Ab initioHadron structure from lattice QCD