A genome sequence provides the complete information regarding the relative order of single genetic elements. The work presented here analyzed these data in order to identify groups of equal objects, which are repeatedly found in close neighborhood to each other. Within the scope of this study, three different levels got considered for an analysis. On the DNA sequence level, the analysis identified segmental duplications in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transferred to the gene level, the method performs as a synteny prediction tool. As such, it was applied to fungal genomes and to different Chlamydia species respectively. For an analysis on the functional level, the concept of attribute clusters got introduced. A new context based method for the functional annotation of genes is now available.
A genome sequence provides the complete information regarding the relative order of single genetic elements. The work presented here analyzed these data in order to identify groups of equal objects, which are repeatedly found in close neighborhood to each other. Within the scope of this study, three different levels got considered for an analysis. On the DNA sequence level, the analysis identified segmental duplications in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transferred to the gene level, the method performs...