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Fütterer, Nancy; Mitochondriale hepatozerebrale Syndrome im Kindesalter - mtDNA Depletion und Mutationen im POLG1- bzw. DGUOK- Gen als mögliche Pathogenese
Schaller, Stefan; Sugammadex and Neostgimine Dose-finding Study for Reversal of Residual Neuromuscular Block (Sundro-Study)
Schertl, Florian; Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Histondeacetylase-Inhibitoren auf die Expression von Chemoresistenz-assoziierten ABC-Transportern und Sensibilität von Leukämiezellen gegenüber Zytostatika
Keßler, Mirjam; Die Bedeutung von S1P und Sphingosin für die Thrombozytenfunktion
Hepperger, P.; Pricing high-dimensional Bermudan options using variance-reduced Monte-Carlo methods
Cotar, C., Friesecke, G., and Klüppelberg, C.; Density functional theory and and optimal transportation with Coulomb cost
Graeff, Dorothee; Harnsteinbildung und metabolisches Syndrom
Hübner, Matthias; Klinische Erfahrungen in der Anwendung von Pegaptanib bei der Behandlung der exsudativen altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration
Scalercio, Nicola Francesco; Einfluss von Technik, Geschlecht und Alter auf die Messparameter der anorektalen Manometrie bei Erwachsenen
Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E., and Stelzer, R.; The multivariate supOU stochastic volatility model
Bernard, C., and Czado, C.; Multivariate option pricing using copulae
Fink, H., Klüppelberg, C., and Zähle, M.; Conditional characteristic functions of processes related to fractional Brownian motion
Biagini, F., Fink, H., and Klüppelberg, C.; A fractional credit model with long range dependent hazard rate
Esmaeili, H., and Klüppelberg, C.; Two-step estimation of a multi-variate Lévy process
Steinkohl, C., Davis, R., and Klüppelberg, C.; Extreme value analysis of multivariate high frequency wind speed data
Fasen, V.; Time series regression on integrated continuous-time processes with heavy and light tails
Fuchs, F., and Stelzer, R.; Spectral representation of multivariate regularly varying Lévy and CARMA processes
Fuchs, F,. and Stelzer, R.; Mixing conditions for multivariate infinitely divisible processes with an application to mixed moving averages and the supOU stochastic volatility model
Brockwell, P. J., and Schlemm, E.; Parametric estimation of the driving Lévy process of multivariate CARMA processes from discrete observations
Brechmann, E.C., and Czado, C.; Risk management with high-dimensional vine copulas: An analysis of the Euro Stoxx 50
Dißmann, J., Brechmann, E.C., Czado, C., and Kurowicka, D.; Selecting and estimating regular vine copulae and application to financial returns
Fasen, V.; Statistical estimation of multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and applications to co-integration
Mensing, Christian; Location Determination in OFDM Based Mobile Radio Systems
Roos, Teresa; Expression von Cancer-Testis-Antigenen bei Plasmazellneoplasien
Neidig, Michael; Die retinale Mikrozirkulation von Schulkindern der fünften Jahrgangsstufe im Zusammenhang mit Adipositas und metabolischen Risikofaktoren
Sharp, Leah; Theory and computational studies of the photoinduced dynamics and time-resolved spectroscopy of molecular aggregates
Krämer, Christian; Ergonomische Optimierung des Handbike-Antriebes
Pointner, Sebastian Paul Benno; 1. Transpankreatische Precut-Sphinkterotomie (TPS) als Technik bei schwieriger Gallengangsintubation 2. Langzeit- Follow up von benignen und malignen Veränderungen der Papilla vateri
Rasper, Michael; The Impact of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase-1 Expression on Glioblastoma Stem Cell Capacity
Schrödl, Christina Barbara; Die intramedulläre Osteosynthese von dislozierten Klavikulaschaftfrakturen mittels elastisch-stabiler Marknagelung - klinische Analyse, Vergleich der offenen mit geschlossener Reposition sowie mit anderen Therapieverfahren
Bufe, Miriam; Einfluss von Operationsverfahren und Befallsmuster auf Rezidivverhalten und funktionelles Ergebnis bei Pigmentierter Villonodulärer Synovialitis: eine retrospektive Analyse
R. Ahlswede, I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, J. Nötzel; Quantum Capacity Under Adversarial Quantum Noise: Arbitrarily Varying Quantum Channels
Davis, R.A., Klüppelberg, C., and Steinkohl, C.; Max-stable processes for modelling extremes observed in space and time
Brechmann, E., and Schepsmeier, U.; CDVine: Modeling Dependence with C- and D-Vine Copulas in R
Ludes, Katharina; Stat3 ist ein wichtiger Regulator der Progression präneoplastischer Läsionen im in-vivo-Modell der pankreatischen Onkogenese
Brunnert, Stefan; Modellierung des technisch-wirtschaftlichen Einsatzpotentials von Elektrofahrzeugen in Großstädten
Comerford, A.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; An algebraic variational multiscale-multigrid method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent pulsatile flows in complex geometries with detailed insight into pulmonary airway flow
Ehrl, A.;Bauer, G.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W. A.; A computational approach for the simulation of natural convection in electrochemical cells
Popp, A.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.; A primal-dual active set strategy for finite deformation dual mortar contact
Heimberg, Ellen; Ultraschallgestützter Vergleich der abdominellen Fettdepots bei Säuglingen mit und ohne Substitution von Omega-3-Fettsäuren und Reduktion der Arachidonsäurezufuhr in der mütterlichen Kost während der Schwangerschaft und Stillperiode
Schüler, Susanne; TRAIL-Resistenz im duktalen Adenokarzinom des Pankreas – molekulare Mechanismen
Dummler, Sara Katharina; Genome-wide expression analysis of human bypass grafts with different degrees of atherosclerosis: Identification of an anti-apoptotic network and validation of the candidate genes in in vitro and ex vivo systems
Lohöfer, Fabian Karl; Quantitative Expression und zelluläre Lokalisation von Cathepsinen in abdominalen Aortenaneurysmen
Sindlinger, Holger; Risikostratifizierung bei Postinfarktpatienten mit Vorhofflimmern
Tappayuthpijarn, Ktawut; Adaptive Video Streaming Architectures for Next-Generation Mobile Networks
Lipp, Christina; Die Evaluation der Funktion der Metalloproteasen ADAMs in humanen abdominalen Aortenaneurysmen
Wieser, Stephan; Weiterentwicklung eines Gehörgangssensors für die mobile Pulsoximetrie
Meder, Susanne; Röntgenweichstrahltherapie von Basaliomen und Spinaliomen
Sorgatz, André; Stufenlose Regelung von Materialflusssystemen am Beispiel von Behältertransporteuren in Getränkeabfüllanlagen
Wiesner, T.;Tuminaro, R.S.;Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.; Multigrid transfers for nonsymmetric systems based on schur complements and Galerkin projections
Fuchs, Mattias Josef; Die retinale Mikrozirkulation von Schulkindern der fünften Jahrgangsstufe im Zusammenhang mit Adipositas und körperlicher Aktivität - eine sechsmonatige Analyse der Interventionsstudie “Kinder und Jugendliche als Gesundheitsexperten - JuvenTUM Stufe 3"
Buck, Martin; Die Intima-Media-Thickness (IMT) der Arteria carotis communis bei gesunden Kindern und Jugendlichen
Schell, Julia; Eine immunhistochemische Analyse der humanen µ-Opioidrezeptor Expression und seiner Regulatoren in Abhängigkeit des COMT Val108/158Met Polymorphismus
Staehle, Kathrin; Cerebrale Ruheaktivität bei Migränepatienten - eine funktionelle (resting state) MRT-Studie
Winkelmann, Franziska Kathleen; Vergleichende Analyse endoskopischer und chirurgischer Therapieansätze bei Gallenwegsläsionen nach Cholecystektomie
Ismail, M.;Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.; Adjoint-based inverse analysis of windkessel parameters for patient-specific vascular models
Höhn, Henrik; Vergleich von Knochendichte und Knochenmikroarchitektur perimenopausaler Frauen mittels quantitativer Computertomographie und hochauflösender Magnetresonanztomographie
Krall, Nicole; Richtungs-Projektion und räumliches Kurzzeitgedächtnis des Menschen bei akutem unilateralem, vestibulärem Funktionsverlust
Fucini, Elisabeth; The Effect of MR Contrast Agents on the Viability and Differentiation Capacity of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Labermeyer, Sabrina; Die Wertigkeit der anorektalen Manometrie in der Diagnostik der Stuhlinkontinenz bei Erwachsenen
Numberger, Barbara; Surrogatmarker des Glukosestoffwechsels und der DNS-Synthese zur Response-Prädiktion maligner Lymphome
Franck, Julia; Vergleich der Akut-Effektivität und Komplikationshäufigkeit bei der Katheterablation von Atrioventrikular-Knoten-Reentry-Tachykardien
Hühns, Julia Daniela; Vergleich von Cryo-Energie und Radiofrequenzenergie bei der Katheterablation von Atrioventrikularknoten-Reentry-Tachykardien: Rezidivfreiheit im 6-Monats-Verlauf in einer multizentrischen randomisierten Studie
Cyron, J.C.;Mueller, K.W.;Bausch, A.R.;Wall, A.W.; Micromechanical simulations of biopolymer networks with finite elements
Hoffmann, Angelika; Validation of dynamic contrast enhanced MR blood-brain barrier permeability measurements and prediction of hemorrhagic transformation in an adult rat model of ischemic stroke
Salletmaier, Hanna; Bispectral Index zur Überwachung einer Midazolam und Propofol Sedierung während ERCP: Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie (EndoBIS Study)
Treiber, Elisabeth Anna Maria Margarete; Die Rolle von NF-κB in der entzündungsassoziierten Fibrogenese in der experimentellen chronischen Pankreatitis
König, Jonas Alexander; Eine prospektive klinische Studie zur Erfassung und Prädiktion von Abweichungen des Pulskontur-Herzindex und dessen Genauigkeit im Vergleich zum Thermodilutions-Herzindex nach kalibrationsfreien Intervallen von 1, 2, 4, 6 und 8 Stunden unter Verwendung des PiCCO®-Systems
Rupp, Anna Maria; The CD4+ T cell response against structural antigens of EBV: the role of the lytic cycle antigens BNRF1 and gp350
Baumgärtner, Jessica; Welchen Beitrag kann die Fremdbeurteilung des psychoedukativen Gruppenverlaufs zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von mangelnder Krankheitseinsicht und Compliance sowie einem erhöhten Rückfallrisiko bei schizophren erkrankten Patienten leisten?
Gramer, Bettina; Neue iterative Bildrekonstruktionsalgorithmen in der kardialen Computertomographie - Einfluss auf die Bildqualität und Strahlendosis
Matheis, Ulrike; PROST-Pancreatitis During Oktoberfest Study
Maier, Paul; Model-based Plan Assessment for Autonomous Technical Systems
Rasthofer, U.;Gravemeier, V.; Multifractal subgrid-scale modeling within a variational multiscale method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow
Müller-Höcker, Christina; Analysis of cartilage T2 values of the patella and trochlea derived from 3T MRI in asymptomatic subjects and the correlation with muscle strength and physical activity.
Lemperle, Stefan; Das Vesikuläre Stomatitis Virus in der onkolytischen Virotherapie des pankreatischen duktalen Adenokarzinoms
Gietl, Alina; Wirkung von Bivalirudin auf die Thrombozyten- und Leukozytenaktivierung bei Patienten mit elektiver Koronarintervention
Das Neves Afonso, Duarte; Characterization of the muscle proteome in cancer cachexia: Identification of novel targets for intervention
Adomeit, Ines Marie; Genexpression von Inflammationsmarkern in peripheren mononukleären Zellen vor und nach zehnwöchigem aerobem Ausdauertraining sowie nach Absolvieren eines Marathonlaufs bei Personen unterschiedlicher körperlicher Konstitution.
Einspieler, Ingo; Iod-131-SPECT/CT Hybridbildgebung im Vergleich zur planaren Iod-131- Ganzkörperszintigraphie nach Radioiodtherapie und in der Nachsorge von Patienten mit differenziertem Schilddrüsenkarzinom
Weier, Michael Josef; Das Outcome der PHILOS-Plattenosteosynthese bei Frakturen des proximalen Humerus: Delta-Split vs. Deltoideopectoraler Zugang
Sedlmeier, Simon; Klinische Untersuchungen zum prognostischen Stellenwert von Nahrungsmittelallergien und Filaggrinmutationen beim frühkindlichen atopischen Ekzem
Jaroni, Jennifer; Beurteilung der linksventrikulären Funktionsparameter mit Cine-MRT und 3D-kt-BLAST
Kleemann, Rita Christiane; Energetics and Physiology of Dissimilatory Iron Reduction
Linsenmeyer, Eva-Maria; Zur Häufigkeit der Schädigung sensibler Nerven nach zahnärztlich-chirurgischen Eingriffen im Unterkiefer-Seitenzahnbereich – eine retrospektive Untersuchung
Berg, Christoph; Einfluss einer strukturierten, internetbasierten Bewegungsintervention auf körperliche Aktivität, Fitness und Lebensqualität von inaktiven Patienten mit drohendem oder manifestem metabolischen Syndrom.
Demmel, Anja; DNA-based analysis of food allergens - development and validation of a real-time PCR method for the detection of DNA from lupine in foods
Vogg, Christine Anne; Veränderungen intrinsischer Ruhenetzwerke des Gehirns nach repetitiver Schmerzreizung am Menschen – eine fMRT-Studie
Salcher, Thomas; Optimierte Betriebsstrategie hybrider Antriebssysteme für den Serieneinsatz
Dütsch, Yvonne; Reproduzierbarkeit trabekulärer Strukturparameter des distalen Radius akquiriert mit hochauflösender Magnetresonanztomographie bei 1,5 und 3,0 Tesla
Reeps, C.;Maier, A.;Pelisek, J.;Haertl, F.;Wall, W.A.;Eckstein, H.-H.;Gee, M.W.,; Measuring and Modeling Patient-Specific Distributions of Material Properties in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Wall
Schöll, Elvira; Validierung des deutschen Addenbrooke´s Cognitive Examination-Revised (ACE-R)
Widl, Julia; Die Verwendung des actibelt® zur Untersuchung von morbogenen und pharmakogenen Einflüssen auf die körperliche Aktivität bei Patienten mit depressiven Störungen
Kolodziejczak, Dominika; Phenotyping of PEPT1-deficient mice on the background of a high fat-diet induced obesity
Blaha-Kaplans, Heike Julia; Bestimmung der Referenzbereiche für die Parameter des großen Blutbildes und der Retikulozyten gesunder Erwachsener mit den Hämatologie-Analysensystemen Siemens ADVIA 120, Abbott CELL-DYN Sapphire, Sysmex XT-2000i und Sysmex XE-2100
Todor, Sebastian; Numerical and analytical modeling of Fourier domain mode-locked lasers
Ringelhan, Marc; Charakterisierung der Funktion der transaktivierenden NF-κB Untereinheit RelA/p65 in der Leberregeneration nach partieller Hepatektomie in der Maus
Schickl, Nikolaus Andreas; Molekulare MRT-Bildgebung des koronaren Umbauprozesses nach stentinduzierter Verletzung mittels eines neuartigen, Elastin spezifischen Kontrastmittels im Tiermodell
Schrank, Madeleine; Staging von Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs - Nachweis von synchronen Zweittumoren mit 18F-FDG-PET/CT
Stumper, Jean-Francois; Flatness-based predictive and optimal control for electrical drives
Fasen, V., and Fuchs, F.; On the Limit Behavior of the Periodogram of High-Frequency Sampled Stable CARMA Processes
Maris, Nikolaos; Der Einsatz eines kurzen Fragebogens (question prompt sheet) bei ambulant versorgten depressiven Patienten verändert nicht ihr Verhalten während des Arztgespräches und auch nicht ihre Zufriedenheit mit der Konsultation des Arztes
Kahan, Lina; Optimierung eines interventionellen Gruppenangebots zur Förderung von Ressourcen
Boerschmann, Heike Ulrike; Untersuchung der CD4+ Immunantwort gesunder Virusträger gegen Proteine des lytischen Zyklus des Epstein-Barr-Virus
Renner, Andrea; Untersuchungen zur Rolle von potentiellen Krebsstammzellen bei der Chemotherapie-Resistenz des Pankreaskarzinoms
Meyer, Melanie; Gezielte Genmodifikation in Mauszygoten durch sequenzspezifische Nukleasen
Berthold-Scholz, Anke; Validierung von Selbsteinschätzungsinstrumenten (GÜF, Nelting und Finlayson, 2004 und Khalfa et al., 2002) in der Diagnostik der Geräuschüberempfindlichkeit-Entwicklung eines Hyperakusis-Inventar (HKI) zur Fremd-und Selbsteinschätzung
Becher, Johann Valentin; Validation of spectral gas radiation models under oxyfuel conditions
Bauer, G.;Gamnitzer, P.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; An isogeometric variational multiscale method for large-eddy simulation of coupled multi-ion transport in turbulent flow
Eden, Marie-Aline; Demenz und Epilepsie: Epidemiologische und neurobiologische Evidenz mit Fokus auf die Demenz vom Alzheimer Typ (DAT)
Sommerfeld, Jochen; Capacity Results for Classes of Wiretap Channels
Euring, Frank; Untersuchungen zur Qualitätsbeschreibung von Lebensmitteln mittels berührungsloser Leitfähigkeitsmessung
Schmid-Zellner, Stefanie; Sauerstoffkonzentrationen in tissue-engineerten Knorpelkonstrukten, besiedelt mit humanen Chondrozyten
Hackl, Janina; Erythropoetin versus Placebo bei Patienten mit akutem ST-Hebungsinfarkt und primärer Koronarintervention
Zeh, Ramona; Neurological and molecular biological characterisation of the mutant mouse line Tom40
Wieland, Franziska Maria; Die chirurgische Behandlung des Vorhofflimmerns mittels modifizierter Maze-Ablationsverfahren
Stoltenberg, Solveigh Liza; Einfluss der Patientenlagerung auf die Dosisbelastung von Herz und Herzkranzgefäßen bei der Strahlentherapie des Mammakarzinoms
Wimmer, Teresa Maria; Zum Einfluss des Ovulationsgeschehens auf die Veränderung der Knochendichte: 2-Jahres-Daten der PEKNO (Perimenopausale Knochendichte und Ovulation)- Studie
Tacke, Moritz; Einsatz von maschinellen Lernverfahren zur Erkennung intraoperativer Wachheit
Reiter, Jürgen; Stratifizierung des Typ 1-Diabetesrisikos auf der Basis von Inselzell-Autoantikörper-Charakteristika
Adorjan, Krisztina; Risikostratifizierung von Komplikationen unter der Behandlung des Alkoholentzugssyndroms. Prädiktoren für cerebrale Krampfanfälle und Delirien. Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven Kohorten-Studie.
Mielsch, Caroline Dagmar Irene; Evaluierung eines spektrofotometrischen Bestimmungsverfahrens für die Serumkonzentration des Neugeborenen-Bilirubins
Davis, R.A., Klüppelberg, C., and Steinkohl, C.; Statistical inference for max-stable processes in space and time
Berenz, Stefan; Ökonomisch-ökologische Bewertung des energetischen Biomasse-Einsatzes anhand eines ökobilanziellen Modells
Huß, Michael; Übertragung von Motoreigenschaften mit Hilfe charakteristischer Skalierfunktionen zur Simulation verschiedener Varianten von Ottomotoren
Drytkiewicz, Witold; The Impact of Architecture on Quality of Electronic Control Systems
Xiaolong, Wang; Identification and Characterization of Candidate Genes for Complex Traits in Cattle
Hauptvogel, Katja; Untersuchungen zur Risikoprädiktion und Outcome bei 121 Patienten mit nekrotisierender Pankreatitis (1994-2007)
Heppt, Franz; Die hypofraktionierte, stereotaktische Strahlentherapie von Lebermetastasen
Gehrke, Thomas; Untersuchung humaner tissue-engineerter Knorpelkonstrukte im präfabrizierten Durchflussmodell der Maus
Oversohl, Nina Cornelia; Der Einfluss einer verbalen Suggestion auf den Koronardiameter: Ergebnisse einer randomisierten kontrollierten Pilotstudie während der Koronarangiographie
Müller, Thomas; Architecture and Methodology for Sensor-Based Robotics on Lie Algebras
von Loesch, Boris Tobias; A Class of Trust-Region Multilevel Methods
Maier-Eschenlohr, Thomas; Ein System zur Mikro-Telemanipulation am Mittelohr
Popp, A.; Seitz, A.; Gee, M.W.; Wall, W.A.; Improved robustness and consistency of 3D contact algorithms based on a dual mortar approach
Nordmann, Melanie; Prospektiver, randomisierter Vergleich zwischen Paclitaxel- und Sirolimus-eluting Stents bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung am ungeschützten Hauptstamm
Kleiner, Sebastian Hans-Friedrich; Angiographischer Vergleich von medikamentenbeschichteten Koronarstents mit biodegradablem Polymer und permanentem Polymer
Blohm, Ivo; Absorptive Capacity und kollektive Ideenbewertung in Open Innovation Communities von Softwareunternehmen
Hegemann, Nina-Sophie; Verträglichkeit und Effektivität der Strahlentherapie der pelvinen Lymphbahnen bei Patienten mit Prostatakarzinom
Brockwell, P.J., Ferrazzano, V., and Klüppelberg, C.; High-frequency sampling and kernel estimation for continuous-time moving average processes
Hamatschek, Eva; Entwicklung einer kostenoptimierten dezentralen Abfallverbrennungsanlage für den Einsatz in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern
Zimmermann, Christina; Energieaufnahme, Makronährstoffverzehr und Essverhalten von 100 adipösen Patienten vor und nach individueller Ernährungsumstellung
Popescu, Veronika Maria Christina; Einflussfaktoren auf die Knochendichte von Osteoporose- und Brustkrebspatientinnen
Klarenbach, Hans-Christoph; Hochdynamische Servoantriebe mit paralleler Algorithmenverarbeitung
Maier, Josefine Theresia; Recombinant production, purification and biochemical characterization of the three human kallikrein-related peptidases KLK4, KLK8 and KLK15
Berninger, Markus; Effekt der in vitro-Parameter Passagezahl, Zellzahl und Membranstandzeit auf die in vivo-Regeneration von Knorpeldefekten des Kniegelenkes nach Matrix-assoziierter Autologer Chondrozyten Transplantation am Tiermodell
Kschischang, F.R.; Lutz, T.; A Constrained Coding Approach to Error-Free Half-Duplex Relay Networks
Greimel, Felix; Mittelfristige klinische und radiologische Ergebnisse zementfreier Endoprothetik bei Acetabulumdefekten infolge Hüftgelenksdysplasie - Cranialpfannensystem versus Pfannendachplastik
Hörger, Andreas; Prävalenz von Komplikationen und Folgeerkrankungen bei schwerer Hypertriglyceridämie / Chylomikronämie (HITRIG-II Studie)
Jörg, Florian; Stellt Adipositas einen isolierten Risikofaktor in der Kardiovaskularchirurgie dar?
Stemmer, Martin Georg; Energetische und funktionale Vernetzung von aktiven Lenksystemen
Schwarzer, Claudia Enza Catarina; Langzeitstudie über das Rezidivverhalten des Plattenepithelkarzinoms des Ösophagus
Schneider, Markus; Interdisziplinäre Simulation am Beispiel hydraulischer Nockenwellenversteller
Hurka, Florian; Konzeption und Realisierung eines Systems zur intraoperativen Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine
Socha, Julia Christina; Überleben von Hochrisiko-Patienten mit schwerer Aortenklappenstenose in Abhängigkeit der erhaltenen Therapie: Vergleich von konventionellem Aortenklappenersatz, kathetergestützter Aortenklappenimplantation und konservativer Therapie
Fischer, Frank Victor; Modeling Ternary Mixing in Turbulent Flow
Danhauser, Katharina; Funktionelle Analyse von seltenen DNA-Varianten in Genen, die mit einem Defekt des Atmungskettenkomplexes I assoziiert sind
Selby, Boris Peter; Bildgestützte 3D-Vermessung von Patienten zur Positionierung für die radiologische Krebstherapie
Tanasic, Sascha; Acute effects of psychopharmacological compounds on ionotropic receptor signalling and synaptic plasticity related mechanisms
Neubauer, Ludwig; Prospektive Untersuchung zur Überprüfung der perkutanen Instrumentation mit dem Expedium™ LIS bei degenerativen Erkrankungen im Bereich der Lendenwirbelsäule
Jochheim, David; Prospektiv, randomisierter Vergleich eines polymerfreien Sirolimus und eines polymerbasierenden Zotarolimus- freisetzenden Stent bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung
Müller, Constanze; Metabolomics in host-pathogen interactions - An investigation of Chlamydia infected human cells
Blum, Tobias; Human-Computer Interaction for Medical Education and Training
Springer, Birgit; Langzeitverlauf nach Cryoablation bei AV-nodaler Reentry Tachykardie im Kindesalter
Stribl, Carola; Effects of a human ALS causative point mutation expressed in mouse - Generation and analysis
Reichl, Tobias; Advanced Hybrid Tracking and Navigation for Computer-Assisted Interventions
Nägele, Andreas; Large-Scale Bayesian Network Structure Learning
Kornmayer, Marielouise; Screening auf psychosozialen Distress, Depressivität und Angst bei Patienten nach radikaler Prostatektomie in Abhängigkeit von klinischen und soziodemographischen Parametern und der Familienanamnese
Kretschmer, Alexander Dennis Rudolf; Expression des adulten und fetalen Azetylcholinrezeptors und der Rezeptortyrosinkinase MuSK nach Denervierung und Reinnervation
Walz, Linda Maria; Der Einfluss von Kontextvariablen und psychischen Faktoren auf die prähospitale Verzögerungszeit beim akuten Myokardinfarkt
Hellings, C.;Joham, M.;Utschick, W.; QoS Feasibility in MIMO Broadcast Channels with Widely Linear Transceivers
Mensching, Steffen; Einfluss eines sechsmonatigen Trainings auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und die echokardiographischen Parameter bei Patienten mit diastolischer Dysfunktion und diastolischer Herzinsuffizienz
Voigt, Florian; Die Rolle der toll-like-Rezeptoren beim sekundären Hirnschaden nach experimentellem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
Dahlhoff, Christoph; Murine one-carbon metabolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Clauberg, Patrick Jan; Methoden zur parallelen Berechnung von nicht-glatten dynamischen Systemen
Löbbecke, Anja; Über Naturgärten
Willershäuser, Monja; Metabolische Phänotypisierung von Mausmutantenlinien mit einer Störung in der Körpertemperatur- und Gewichtsregulation
Spies, Roland; Entwicklung und Evaluierungen eines Touchpadbedienkonzepts mit adaptiv haptisch veränderlicher Oberfläche zur Menübedienung im Fahrzeug
Tieftrunk, Elke; Die Charakterisierung des Aktivierungszustandes der humanen Schwannschen Zellen in der pankreatischen Neuropathie im Pankreaskarzinom
Lukač, Lisa; Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei herzchirurgischen Patienten nach konventionellen Eingriffen und transkatheter Aortenklappenimplantationen
Fritz, Christian Johannes; Funktionelle Überprüfung der Bedeutung von Nipa für die c-Myc-induzierte Krebsentwicklung
Hadersdorfer, Johannes; Development of an isothermal nucleic acid amplification protocol for high-throughput monitoring of Plum pox virus infection in stone fruit production
Eyl, Sebastian Johannes; Die Wirkung subanästhetischer Konzentrationen von S-Ketamin und Sevofluran auf akustisch, viszeral und durch Kontakthitze evozierte Potentiale
Frieß, Marc René; Situative Creativity
Lichti, Fabian; Bewertung und Optimierung der Nährstoff- und Umweltwirkung von Gärrückständen aus der Biogasgewinnung
Romrig, Franziska; Metabolic Derangements in Pancreatic Cancer
Regner, Kerstin; Assessment of clinical utility of breast cancer biomarkers uPA and PAI-1
Wöllmer, Martin; Context-Sensitive Machine Learning for Intelligent Human Behavior Analysis
Hangauer, Andreas; Detection schemes, algorithms and device modeling for tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy
Neumann, Jan; Proliferativer Einfluss von Erythropoetin auf Lebertumorzellen
Brugger, Sarah; Untersuchung des Adhäsionverhalten primärer Osteoblasten unter Diclofenac-Einfluss
Mannhardt, Wiebke Regina; Operative Therapie des Benignen Prostatasyndroms mittels transurethraler Prostataresektion: Prä- und Postoperative Erektile Funktion
Kaltenborn, Eva; Molecular pathomechanisms of ABCA3 mutations causing interstitial lung disease in children
Biberacher, Viola Maria; Verstärkung der Zytotoxizität der anti-CD22 Immuntoxine durch Bryostatin 1 in B-Zelllymphomen
Daemgen, Susanne; Untersuchung der Rolle des Zellzyklusregulators Cks1 in der Pathogenese hämatopoetischer Tumorerkrankungen
Schwerdtfeger, Christiane; Pankreas-spezifische Deletion von IκBα
Yeh, Su-Ying; The lignification of strawberry fruit: molecular basis and effects on fruit quality
Mildner, Christian; Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen des Crashverhaltens von FVK-verstärkten Metallstrukturbauteilen
Schütz, Katrin Helga; Konnektorstents für den freien Gewebetransfer- Eine Produktentwicklung von in vitro getesteten Stents bis zur Anwendbarkeit im Finalversuch am Versuchstier Ratte
Böck, Philipp; Einfluss neuartiger Flugzeugkonzepte auf die Flughafenkapazität
Hillier, Brigitte; Intraperitoneale-Onlay-Mesh-Technik (IPOM). Ein neues Verfahren zur Behandlung der Narbenhernie. Ergebnisse der Kreisklinik Altötting in dem Zeitraum 2008 - 2009
Kellnberger, Stephan; Thermoacoustic Imaging in time and frequency domain. Theory and experiments
von Netzer, Frederick Conrad Reinhard; BSS and beyond - The structure and function of anaerobic hydrocarbon degrader communities in the environment as traced via gene markers for catabolic key reactions
Fasen, V., and Fuchs, F.; Spectral Estimates for High-Frequency Sampled CARMA Processes
Seibold, Michael; Operational Business Intelligence as a Service in the Cloud
Rau, Dieter; Synthese, Charakterisierung, in-situ und ex-situ Hochdruckverhalten, Phasenumwandlungen und Eigenschaften von Kupfernitrid, Eisennitriden und Eisencarbonitriden
Pausch, Hubert; Genome-wide analysis of complex traits in cattle
Berger, Thomas; 5-HT Actions in the Human Submucous Plexus
Vieracker, Viktoria; Nosoden und Sarkoden
Emmerl, Stefanie; Die Repräsentation der Gastroenterologie in der Intensivmedizin in Deutschland
Krauss, Hilmar; Langzeitergebnisse nach distalen und proximalen operativen Interventionen zur Behandlung höhergradiger patellofemoraler Instabilität
Wimmer, Rainer Lorenz; Innovatives Verfahren zur Optimierung der Osteointegration von Knochentransplantaten mittels RGD-Peptiden
Ostermeier, Ralph; Multisensor Data Fusion in einem mobilen landtechnischen BUS-System für die Real-time Prozessführung in sensorgestützten Düngesystemen
Fiegel, Felix; Klinische Wertigkeit eines neuartigen Biosensors zum Nachweis von DNA-Autoantikörpern bei Systemischem Lupus Erythematodes
Cornelius, Christine; Monitoring and analysis of plant phenological responses in manipulative experiments and along natural gradients
Dick, Annemarie; Analyse des Ballaststoffverzehrs bei 292 Patienten mit Übergewicht und Adipositas
Schultz-Gambard, Elsa Sophie; Die Therapie des invasiv epithelialen Ovarialkarzinoms an der Frauenklinik der Technischen Universität München im Zeitraum 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007 - Qualitätskontrolle, Prognosefaktoren, Überlebenszeitanalyse
Albrecht, Nadine; Applications of NGS : Regulatory actions of lincRNAs and SNP analysis of Restless legs syndrome
Sudhakar, Y.;Wall W.A.; Quadrature schemes for arbitrary convex/concave volumes and integration of weak form in enriched partition of unity methods
Mazanec, Oliver; Charakterisierung der Mischzeit und des rheologischen Verhaltens ultrahochfester Betone unter Einbeziehung interpartikulärer Wechselwirkungen
Helms, Bergen; Object-Oriented Graph Grammars for Computational Design Synthesis
Hinmüller, Katarzyna Maria; Effektivität einer späten Hochdosischemotherapie mit autologer Stammzelltransplantation beim Multiplen Myelom
Walter, Dirk Christoph; Entwicklung und klinische Erprobung eines serologischen Tests für Helicobacter pylori auf Basis rekombinant hergestellter Antigene
Baumbach, Jennifer; Beitrag zum Tragverhalten von Mikropfählen unter axial zyklischer Belastung in bindigen Böden
Hepperle, Clemens; Planung lebenszyklusgerechter Leistungsbündel
Fernández, L.; Hieber, P.; Scherer, M.; Double-barrier first-passage times of jump-diffusion processes
Jüde, Sara Antonia Teresa; Welche Patienten verpassen ihren Termin in der Psychosomatischen Ambulanz?
Luxi, Margot; Bakterielle Fehlbesiedelung und Motilitätsstörungen des Dünndarms bei äthyltoxischer Leberzirrhose
Danowski, C.;Gravemeier, V.;Yoshihara, L.;Wall, W.A.; A monolithic computational approach to thermo-structure interaction
Papazov, Chavdar; Stochastic and Deterministic Methods for 3D Shape Registration
Haupt, Christian; Ein multiphysikalisches Simulationsmodell zur Bewertung von Antriebs- und Wärmemanagementkonzepten im Kraftfahrzeug
Schulz, Manon Dominique; High fat diet increases tumor incidence in the intestine due to alterations in microbial communities and immune system
Mayer, Jan-Peter Mayer; Rationales und kombinatorisches Protein-Engineering mit Lipocalinen
Kerner, Anna-Lena; Analysis of the function of the polarity factors aPKCi and MPP5 in migration and differentiation of granule cells in the cerebellum of Danio rerio
Kallabis, Bianca; Bedeutung einer Gewichtszunahme im normalen Gewichtsbereich für die Entwicklung der Insulinresistenz
Kiani Bejestani, Arman; Wholesale Energy Market in a Smart Grid: Dynamic modeling, stability, and robustness
Schwitalla, Sarah; The role of IKKb-dependent NF-kB signaling on different stages of intestinal carcinogenesis
Linder, Michael; Test Set Optimization for Industrial SRAM Testing
Ding, Rui; Comparative Analyses of Land Reform Policies to Improve Tenure Security In China
Bayoumi, Mohannad Maher; Plus-Energie-Hochhäuser in der subtropischen Klimaregion
Lehmberg, Lars; Emission von Kommunikationsstoffen des Buchdruckers:
Preeg, Martin; Ablation heterotoper Magenschleimhaut des zervikalen Ösophagus zur Eliminierung von atypischen Refluxsymptomen
Frikel, Jürgen; Reconstructions in limited angle x-ray tomography: Characterization of classical reconstructions and adapted curvelet sparse regularization
Stellwagen, Florian; Bedeutung des PI3K/mTOR Signalweges als Ziel einer Target- Therapie im Harnblasenkarzinom
Mendoza Garcia, Alejandro; Automation of a Portable Extracorporeal Circulatory Support System with the Use of Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers
Lieberknecht, Sebastian; Contributions to Real-time Visual Tracking and Live Environment Modeling for Augmented Reality Applications
Sigl, Tanja; Transcript regulation in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells purified from milk and effects of restricted feeding on mammary protein biosynthesis pathways, hepatic regulation, milk yield and composition in dairy cows selected for different milk protein content
Biernath, Christian Jörg; Modeling climate change impacts on the yield and quality of crops based on leaf photosynthesis with the acclimation to elevated CO2
Schäfer, Christian; Predicting the structural effect upon single amino acid exchange
Bochen, Alexander; Synthesis of Mono- and Divalent Integrin Antagonists for Surface Coating and Imaging
Loregger, Anke; Characterization of RNF43, a novel negative regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway
Gufler, Benjamin; Load-Balanced Massively Parallel Distributed Data Exploration
Hebel, Dirk Peter; Protein Crystallization in Stirred-Tank Reactors
Rühmkorf, Christine; Molecular background, in situ production and structure/function relation of bacterial exopolysaccharides in gluten-free dough and bread
Bader, Kai Christian; High-performance approaches to the comprehensive computation and evaluation of signatures in bacterial sequence datasets
Steck, Michael Horst Emil; Entwicklung und Bewertung von Algorithmen zur Einsatzplanerstellung virtueller Kraftwerke
Garcés Sanchez, Gabriela; Quantification of Cryptosporidium parvum and enteroviruses by quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) in environmental samples - Methodological developments for monitoring anaerobic systems
Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad; Image Analysis Methods in Multi-View Transcranial 3D Ultrasound for Diagnosis of Neurological Movement-Disorders
Auckenthaler, Thomas; Highly Scalable Eigensolvers for Petaflop Applications
Schaupp, Christoph Simon; Large-Eddy-Simulation turbulenter Verbrennung eines Wasserstoffstrahls in kompressibler Luftströmung
Becker, Michael Friedrich; Elektrolytische Ozonerzeugung - Konzeption und wissenschaftliche Evaluierung einer Gesamtanlage zur Oberflächendesinfektion im Getränkesektor
Yan, Xueying; Verbesserte hepatische und osteogene Differenzierung humaner Ad-MSCs älterer Spender durch epigenetische Modifikation mit 5-Azacytidin und BIX 01294
Wiedemann, Daniel; Permanent Magnet Reluctance Actuators for Vibration Testing
Pfoh, Jonas; Leveraging Derivative Virtual Machine Introspection Methods for Security Applications
Klaissle, Markus; Ablagerungsbildung beim Betrieb eines Dieselmotors mit Rapsölkraftstoff
Schleip, Inga; Carbon residence time in above-ground and below-ground biomass of a grazed grassland community
Plett, Johannes; Bio-Inspired Motion Vision for Aerial Course Control
Seeger, Maike; Entwicklung und Bewertung lichtbogen-gespritzter Invar-Laminiervorrichtungen für die CFK Produktion
Vochem, Ruth; Wertigkeit des Standard-12-Kanal-EKG sowie der erweiterten EKG-Ableitungen bei der Erkennung des akuten Myokardinfarktes im Vergleich zur kontrastverstärkten Magnetresonanztomographie
Bulwahn, Lukas; Counterexample Generation for Higher-Order Logic Using Functional and Logic Programming
Falcenberg, Mathias Alexander; Sutent-Sensitive Kinases as Targets for Anti-Diabetic Therapy Development
Gaiser, Andreas; Verification of Reachability Properties and Termination for Probabilistic Systems
Kirrbach, Jan; Mapping of the Human Bitopic Membrane Proteome for Self-Interacting Transmembrane Helices
Ferrazzano, V., and Fuchs, F.; Noise recovery for Lévy-driven CARMA processes and high-frequency behaviour of approximating Riemann sums
Wittmann, Wolfgang Thomas; Computergestützte grafische Planungs- und Operationssysteme für die Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenchirurgie
Rukundo, Bruce; The Implications of Land Governance on Natural Resource Management: The Case of Land-Use and Forest-Cover Change in Kibaale District, Uganda
Weber, Sonja; Waldameisen-Lachniden-Trophobiose und Qualität des Honigtaus von Fichtenrindenläusen (Sternorrhyncha, Lachnidae)
Lehl, Martin; Control of planar pendulum systems
Eichhorn, Lisa; Untersuchungen zu Auslösern, Schweregrad und Wertigkeit der Diagnostik bei 270 Patienten mit Anaphylaxie
Köhler, Iris; The interactive effects of rising atmospheric CO2 and nutrient supply on carbon and water relations in grassland ecosystems: An analysis of stable carbon isotopes and water-use efficiency in vegetation samples from the Park Grass Experiment
Hölzl, Johannes; Construction and Stochastic Applications of Measure Spaces in Higher-Order Logic
Reuß, Andreas; Normalization of Horn Clauses with Disequality Constraints
Landwehr, Saskia; Nimmt die Beinachsenkorrektur direkten Einfluss auf die Progression der Gonarthrose?
Jahnke, Mathias; Nicht-Photorealismus in der Stadtmodellvisualisierung für mobile Nutzungskontexte
Lesina, Marina; Charakterisierung der Funktion des Transkriptionsfaktors RelA/p65 im Ela-TGFα transgenen Mausmodell der pankreatischen Karzinogenese
Herzyk, Agnieszka Monika; Resilience and resistance of a pristine aquifer towards toluene contamination – impact assessment using microbes and elucidation of factors limiting natural attenuation
Stoll, Julia; Effect of weight loss on adipokine and chemokine serum concentration in overweight and obese adults
Schmidt, Michael; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen von Clostridium acetobutylicum Stämmen zur Butanolgärung in Rührkesselreaktoren
Wölkl, Stefan Josef; Model Libraries for Conceptual Design
Ettner, Florian Anton; Effiziente numerische Simulation des Deflagrations-Detonations-Übergangs
Schneider, Melanie; Genetic predispositions to atopic eczema and psoriasis: survey, meta-analyses and comparison
Sailer, Manuela; Metabolic interrelationships of amino acid metabolism in health and disease
Heid, Irina; Molecular carcinogenesis, development of new therapeutic strategies and multimodal imaging in murine endogenous pancreatic cancer
Krämer, N., Brechmann, E.C., Silvestrini, D., and Czado, C.; Total loss estimation using copula-based regression models
Ueltzhöfer, F.A.J.; On non-parametric estimation of the Lévy kernel of Markov processes
Lubinus, Tim; Fate of dietary phytosteryl/-stanyl esters upon digestion by humans: Analysis of individual intact esters in feces
Sonnenberg, Jan Hendrik; Erfahrungen aus 15 Jahren Chirurgie der Ohrspeicheldrüse am Klinikum rechts der Isar unter besonderer Berücksichtigung histopathologischer Befunde und Fazialisschäden
Lamla, Gregor; Identitätsmanagement in verteilten Umgebungen zur Unterstützung der translationalen medizinischen Forschung
Richter, Tobias; New methods for transgenesis in rabbits: Cell-mediated transgenesis and transposons
Storath, Martin; Amplitude and sign decompositions by complex wavelets - Theory and applications to image analysis
Remlinger, Wolfram; Analyse von Sichteinschränkungen im Fahrzeug
Grande García, Eduardo; Double Experimental Procedure for Model-Specific Finite Element Analysis of the Human Femur and Trabecular Bone
Traore, Katy; Untersuchung der Effekte von Insulin- Glargin im Vergleich zu Metformin auf Herz- und Gefäßwandfunktion bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung, gestörtem Nüchternblutzucker, gestörter Glukosetoleranz oder frühem Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
Praßer, Fabian; Incremental Ontology-Based Integration for Translational Medical Research
Fink, H.; Conditional characteristic functions of Molchan-Golosov fractional Lévy processes with application to credit risk
Kulkarni, Rohit Madhukar; Large Eddy Simulation of Autoignition in Turbulent Flows
C. Guthy; W. Utschick; M.L. Honig; Large System Analysis of Sum Capacity in the Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channel
Pan, Xin; On the Sizing of Analog Integrated Circuits towards Lifetime Robustness
Warnecke, Dennis; Emotions and learning from terminated R&D projects – A multiple-case study research
Reinhart, Verena; Monitoring of New Immunotherapies for Prostate Cancer with Optical Imaging
Lukas, Katharina; Optimierung der Instandsetzungszeitpläne städtischer Infrastrukturbauwerke auf Basis von Metaheuristiken
Hilber, Botho Hermann Johannes; Klinisch-pathologische Bedeutung des Signalweges des Rezeptors des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktors (EGFR) beim Adenokarzinom des gastroösophagealen Übergangs Typ I (Barrett-Karzinom)
Javed, Sundus; Effect of Helicobacter gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase on epithelial cells
von Heyking, Kristina; Homotypic chondro-osseous differentiation, metastasis and osteotropism in Ewing Tumors
Leung, Kent; Development of a new superfluid helium ultra-cold neutron source and a new magnetic trap for neutron lifetime measurements
Köppen, Martin; Energievariierte Photoemissionsstudien an berylliumhaltigen Oberflächen für die Fusion
Schlabitz, Matthias; Organizational Visions and Followers’ Motives
Josuttis, Melanie; Einfluss von Klima und Kulturmaßnahmen auf wertgebende Inhaltsstoffe der Erdbeere
Gumpinger, Sophie; Das kapilläre Leck bei Neugeborenen nach herzchirurgischen Operationen mit Hilfe der Herz-Lungen-Maschine
Akram, Hasan Ibne; Learning Probabilistic Subsequential Transducers
Fischer, Stephanie Carolina; Distale Bicepssehnenruptur: Retrospektive Untersuchung nach Refixation mittels Fadenanker
Schwing, Joachim; Über die Interaktion von transversalen akustischen Moden, Strömung und drallstabilisierter Flamme in zylindrischen Flammrohren
Bandh, Tobias; Coordination of autonomic function execution in Self-Organizing Networks
Sauer, Thomas Albert; Radio(chemo)therapie des Analkarzinoms : eine retrospektive Studie
Thiele, Lars; Räumliches Interferenzmanagement in OFDM-basierten zellularen Systemen
Bretschneider, Martin; Vergleich von pharmakodynamischen Modellen und prozessiertem EEG zur Vorhersage von Bewusstseinsverlust und -wiedererlangen bei propofolinduzierter Bewusstlosigkeit
Reuter, Miriam; Mitochondrial transport during axon loss in a model of motor neuron disease and at the developing neuromuscular junction
Sivalingam, Senthoorselvan; CO2 separation by calcium looping from full and partial fuel oxidation processes
Wiedemann, Claudia Susanne; Hautoberflächentemperaturen und Differenzen aus Körperkern- und Hautoberflächentemperaturen: Zusammenhang mit klinischer Einschätzung der Mikrozirkulation, Laktat, ScvO2 sowie Herzindex und SVRI
Fuchs, Florian; Spectral Analysis of High-Frequency Continuous-Time ARMA Models
Zhou, Yuxiang; Spatio-temporal patterns of suspended and attached bacterial communities in a hydrologically dynamic aquifer (Mittenwald, Germany)
Siegle, Malte; Innovationen in der Wettkampfdiagnostik Fußball
Møller, J.S., and Rasmussen, M.G.; The translation invariant massive Nelson model: II. The continuous spectrum below the two-boson threshold
Steinkohl, Christina Katharina; Statistical Modelling of Extremes in Space and Time Using Max-Stable Processes
Enss, Carmen Maria; Altstadt im Umbau
Hoffmann, Tanja; Mammographiescreening Oberfranken – Brustzentrum Bamberg, Interaktionen 2006 - 2009
Dünnebeil, Sebastian; Modulare Software-Architektur für Mehrwertanwendungen der deutschen Gesundheitstelematik
Popp, A.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.; Mortar methods for single- and multi-field applications in computational mechanics
Dinkel, Alexander; Nutzung fahrzeuggenerierter Daten zur Ermittlung des witterungsbedingten Fahrbahnzustands in Streckenbeeinflussungsanlagen
Yoshihara, L.;Ismail, M.;Wall, W.A.; Bridging scales in respiratory mechanics
Hellenbrand, David; Transdisziplinäre Planung und Synchronisation mechatronischer Produktentwicklungsprozesse
Ismail, M.; Gee, M.W.; Wall, W.A.; CFD Challenge: Hemodynamic Simulation of a Patient-Specific Aortic Coarctation Model with Adjoint-Based Calibrated Windkessel Elements
Weigelt, Lizzy; Osteochondrale Transplantation am Ellenbogen: Langzeitergebnisse bei osteochondralen Schäden
Gläßer, Christine; Globale Analyse transkriptionaler regulatorischer Netzwerke bei der retrograden Signaltransduktion
Tenerowicz-Wirth, Peter; Kommunikationskonzept für selbststeuernde Fahrzeugkollektive in der Intralogistik
Wunderlich, Bernhard; Complex Microfluidics
Smejkal, Benjamin; Aufreinigung und Formulierung eines therapeutischen Antikörpers mittels Kristallisation
Hötzel, Jörg Volker; Der Einfluss von Hypoxie auf die Expression von Komponenten des Plasminogen-Aktivierungs-Systems und den Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches.
Zaplata, Markus Klemens; Prozesse der raum-zeitlichen Musterbildung initialer Vegetationsdynamik am Beispiel eines künstlich angelegten Einzugsgebiets
Löhner, R.; Corrigan, A.; Wichmann, K.-R.; Wall, W.A.; On the achievable speeds of finite difference solvers on CPUs and GPUs.
Wiesmeth, Alfred J.; Retrospektive Studie an 71 Patienten mit Analkarzinom, behandelt mit einheitlicher Radiochemotherapie.
Barbarossa, Maria Vittoria; On a class of neutral equations with state-dependent delay in population dynamics
Zenner, Lieselotte; Atmospheric and Oceanic Mass Variations and their role for gravity field determination
Wiesent, Benjamin R.; Miniaturisiertes Infrarot-Spektrometer zur Online-Ölzustandsüberwachung in Offshore-Windkraftgetrieben
Weigell, Philipp; Investigation of Properties of Novel Silicon Pixel Assemblies Employing Thin n-in-p Sensors and 3D-Integration
Wissing, Livia; Evolution of mineral-associated organic matter in paddy soils – a chronosequence study
Dubina, Elina; The Phenomenon of Cement Ageing on Moist Air: Surface Chemistry, Mechanisms and Effects on Admixture Performance
Müller, Tim-Oliver; Quantization and Scattering in the Presence of Singular Attractive Potential Tails
Wang, Xiangzun; The Free Neutron β-Decay: A Powerful Tool for the Investigation in Particle Physics
Heindl, Stefan; The role of E-cadherin in EGFR signal transduction and EGFR-inhibitory treatment in gastric cancer
Kurzrock, Andreas Robert; EMMPRIN (CD 147): Ein Schlüsselprotein in der Tumorprogression des Harnblasenkarzinoms
Ljubic, Andreas; Der Einfluss von präoperativen onkologischen Behandlungen auf den Erfolg von mikrochirurgischem Gewebetransfer
Kraxner, Michael; Empirische Ermittlung von Auslegungskriterien für Gleichstromzyklone in Multizyklonblöcken
Wellmann, Christian; Charakterisierung der calciumabhängigen Proteinkinase GCA2 aus Arabidopsis thaliana
Stratmann, Antonia; Unterschiede verschiedener Rekonstruktionstechniken des vorderen Kreuzbandes in Bezug auf die funktionelle Stabilität 2-3 Jahre postoperativ – Evaluation mit drei apparativen Messmethoden
Enders, Christian; Beurteilung und Überwachung der Sehleistung von Patienten mit feuchter AMD unter Ranibizumab-Therapie mit dem Macular Mapping Test
Leidenfrost, Marc; Validierung der Berechnungsmethode zur Lebensdauerbewertung von thermomechanisch beanspruchten Zylinderköpfen aus Gusseisen mit Vermiculargraphit
Ureña de Vivanco, Mateo Joaquin; Characterisation of a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode and Applications for the Oxidation of Pharmaceutical Substances and Disinfection in Water
Henkel, Annemarie; Direkte Umsetzung von Ethen zu Propen mit Nickelkatalysatoren
Zimprich, Annemarie; Impact of acute and chronic restraint stress on behaviour and neuronal morphology in genetically modified mouse models
Pinker, Maximilian; Analysen des spannungsabhängigen Calciumkanals CaV1.2 unter Verwendung des SNAP-Tag
Ebert, Birgit; The effect of mitochondrial dysfunction on astrocytes and radial glia like stem cells in the adult hippocampus
Ng, Geok Bee Serina; Interactions of Polycarboxylate based Superplasticizers with Montmorillonite Clay in Portland Cement and with Calcium Aluminate Cement
Hackl, Harald; Simulated field environment with combined salt and drought stresses as a platform for phenotyping plant tolerance to salinity
Albutiu, Martina-Cezara; Scalable Analytical Query Processing
Ueltzhöfer, Florian Alexander Johann; On the estimation of jumps of continuous-time stochastic processes
Würfl, Andreas; Spanning subgraphs of growing degree
Kuhn, Hannah Maria; Langzeitoutcome hereditärer Prostatakarzinompatienten mit klinisch organbegrenztem Tumor im Vergleich zu Patienten mit negativer Familienanamnese
Koch, Anna-Maria; Pulswellenanalyse zur Bestimmung des Gefäßstatus im Kindes- und Jugendalter – Bedeutung erhöhter Harnsäurewerte als kardiovaskulärer bzw. kardiometabolischer Risikofaktor
Gundlach, Jasmin; Analyse und Charakterisierung HOCl-resistenter Escherichia coli-Stämme
Kuhn, Sebastian; Regulation der TGFβ Signaltransduktion durch Phosphorylierung des Transkriptions-Cofaktors Smif
Maftei, Constantin Alin; Determination of the dynamics of tumor hypoxia during radiation therapy using biological imaging on mouse xenograft tumors
Siebert, Barbara Stephanie; Enteric-coated Mycophenolsäure (EC-MPA) in der Nierentransplantation - Nutzen der IMPDH-Enzymaktivitätsmessung sowie Evaluation der Nebenwirkungen hinsichtlich der Lebenszufriedenheit
Meint, Peter; Immunhistochemische Charakterisierung von Zellen aus dem Glaskörper-Raum in vitro - Identifizierung einer Glaskörpervorläuferzelle
Anger, Christian; Photosäure induzierte Polymerisation von Oxasilacyclen zum Aufbau neuer Polysiloxan-Architekturen
Grienberger, Christine Maria; Analysis of neuronal network function in the mouse visual cortex in vivo
Leuchs, Simon; Conditional gene targeting of TP53 in pig - a model for Li-Fraumeni disease and gastric cancer
Hahn, Ellen; Einflussfaktoren auf Fertilität und Rezidivrisiko bei Patientinnen mit Borderline Tumoren des Ovars - eine klinisch epidemiologische Studie der Frauenklinik der Technischen Universität München im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2008
Müller, Andreas; Analysis and Control of Middleboxes in the Internet
Krapf, Lutz Christian; Evaluation of near infrared spectroscopy to estimate process parameters in anaerobic digestion of agricultural feedstocks
Ollivier, Julien; Diversity, abundance and activity of microbes involved in nitrogen turnover in the rhizosphere of different plants grown on sites contaminated with the antibiotic sulfadiazine or heavy metals
Ferrazzano, Vincenzo; Turbulence modelling by time-series methods
Bauer, Alexander; Pair-copula constructions for non-Gaussian Bayesian networks
Witting, Michael; Host-Pathogen metabolomics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection models
Beggel, Sebastian; Integrative Assessment of Stressor Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems: Bridging the Gap between 'Omics' and Behavioral Responses
Reß, R.; Grawunder, M.; Breitsamter, C.; Adams, N. A.; Windkanaluntersuchung einer Hubschrauberzelle einschließlich eines rotierende
Klüppelberg, C., and Rasmussen, M.G.; Outcrossings of safe regions by generalized hyperbolic processes
Habbaba, Ahmad; A Comprehensive Study on Multiple Phenomena Originating From Sulfate Ions Which Influence the Dispersing Mechanism of Polycarboxylate Based Superplasticizers in Cementitious Systems
Miczek, Fabian; Simulation of low Mach number astrophysical flows
Al Atiki, Faiz; Spannbeton und Spannverfahren - Anforderungen und Eigenschaften von Einpressmörteln
Epple, Kathrin; Bedeutung der diffusionsgewichteten Ganzkörper-MRT in der Diagnostik bei Patienten mit Prostatakarzinom in der Rezidivsituation im Vergleich mit 11 C-Cholin-PET/CT
Münsterer, Andrea; Ergebnisse nach Transkatheterklappenimplantation über die A. subclavia im Vergleich zum transfemoralen Zugang
Wachinger, Benedikt; Next Generation Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Literature with Semantic Big Data Approaches
Hölzel, Robert; A Neural Network of Weakly Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators with a Global, Time-Dependent Coupling - Theory and Experiment
Albesharat, Rima; Characterization and translocation of lactic acid bacteria from the intestine of mothers to their milk and progeny
Bolz, Christian; Untersuchungen zum biochemischen Wirkungsmechanismus der Helicobacter pylori gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase
Ding, Jie; Functional Analysis of Truncated Murine Cav1.2 at Asp-1904 in hearts
Kuruthukulangarakoola, Gitto Thomas; Effect of Nitric Oxide on the Growth and Development of Arabidopsis thaliana
Sorg, Diana; Functional characterization and comparison of the intra-mammary immune system of ancient and modern cattle breeds
Stöhr, Gabriele; Advanced quantitative mass spectrometry applied to aneuploidy and apoptosis
Schütte, Julian Hendrik; Security Policies in Pervasive Systems
Fügener, Andreas; Operating Room Planning - Incorporating Stochastic and Behavioral Effects
Bülichen, Daniel; Wirkmechanismus verschiedener Celluloseether als Wasserretentionsmittel in der Tiefbohrzementierung und in Trockenmörtelsystemen
Wiese, Moritz; Multiple Access Channels with Cooperating Encoders
Schulz, Felix; Untersuchungen zur metallfreien Wasserstoffaktivierung und katalytischen Hydrierung mittels frustrierter Lewis-Paare
Mayer, Manuel; Performance-Modellierung und Simulation eines SAP-Netweaver-Portal-Systems
Hubert, Ágnes; Needle in the haystack: Protein complex purification from Thermoplasma acidophilum with a phage display library
Schüßler, Florian; Impact of La3+ cations in FAU type zeolites to hydride transfer reactions
Bader, Roland; Proactive Recommender Systems in Automotive Scenarios
Erbel, Christoph; Beiträge zur Entwicklung der ELIF-Messtechnik
Meyer, Michael; Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows on Cartesian Adaptive Grids
Schiepe-Tiska, Anja; In the Power of Flow
Sternecker, Katharina; The impact of stream substratum quality on salmonid reproduction
Braunschweig, Juliane; Impact of organic acids and mineral properties on microbial iron oxide reduction
Zhao, Jian; Warum manche Patienten nicht auf eine BMP 2 oder BMP 7 Therapie ansprechen:
Wantke, Jana Franziska Marie; Die prognostische Bedeutung der 18F-FDG-PET/CT im Therapieverlauf nach stereotaktischen Hochpräzisionsbestrahlungen von nichtkleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinomen im Stadium I
Volk, Sarah; Einfluss der Eigentümerstruktur auf Finanzierungs- und Investitionsentscheidungen in privaten und börsennotierten Unternehmen
Much, Daniela; The effect of a reduction in the n-6/n-3 LCPUFAs ratio in the maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation on infant adipose tissue growth within the first year of life -Final results of the INFAT-study-
Eick, Michael; Structure and Signal Path Analysis for Analog and Digital Circuits
Ratzke, Christoph; Single Molecule Spectroscopy on Hsp90
Hagen, Sebastian; Algorithms for the Efficient Verification and Planning of Information Technology Change Operations
Baer, Sebastian A.; Untersuchungen zu Reaktionen von Metall- und Nichtmetallhalogeniden im Lösungsmittel flüssiges Ammoniak
Keimel, Christian; Pangerl, Christopher; Diepold, Klaus; Comparison of Lossless Video Codecs for Crowd-based Quality Assessment on Tablets
Held, Claudia Maria; Funktionelle Genomanalyse von Clostridium ljungdahlii
Fuchs, Christopher; Funktionalisierung von Lipiden durch Peroxygenase
Liu, Jia; Einfluss der Schienenbefestigungskomponenten auf das laterale Verformungs- und Lastverteilungsverhalten der Schiene
Oancea, Andreas; Optoacoustic System and Method for Mesoscopic Imaging
Bartsch, Christian; Particles and populations in random media
Pencheva, Tsvetelina; Hochaufgelöste MRT zur Quantifizierung veränderter trabekulärer Knochen-Architektur bei Patientinnen mit und ohne Mammakarzinom und osteoporotischer Wirbelkörper-Fraktur
Casagrande, Sandro; Impact of Flavor and Higgs Physics on Theories Beyond the Standard Model
Seppel, Gernot; Klinische und radiologische Ergebnisse nach arthroskopischer und offener Rekonstruktion von isolierten Subscapularissehnen-Rupturen
Bamberger, Walter; Trust between Cooperating Technical Systems
Špačková, O.; Straub, D.; Dynamic Bayesian network for probabilistic modeling of tunnel excavation processes
Ilg, Melanie; Defaultable term structure models: macroeconomic impact and valuation of complex credit- and inflation-linked derivatives
Holzmeister, Christian; Charakterisierung des Redoxsystems in Arabidopsis thaliana-Pflanzen mit gestörter NO-Homöostase
Kolb, Gelia; Die Rolle von NFκB/RelA in der Onkogenese des Pankreaskarzinoms - genetisch basierte in vivo-Studien
Heyszl, Johann; Impact of Localized Electromagnetic Field Measurements on Implementations of Asymmetric Cryptography
Eisenhofer, Sabine; A coupled system of ordinary and partial differential equations modeling the swelling of mitochondria
Oberhollenzer, Kathrin; Histochemical and molecular studies of the interaction of hop with the hop powdery mildew fungus
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Linear Precoding in Parallel MIMO Broadcast Channels: Separable and Inseparable Scenarios
Goswami, Dip;Masrur, Alejandro;Schneider, Reinhard;Chun, Jason Xue;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Multirate Controller Design for Resource- and Schedule-Constrained Automotive ECUs
Karamalis, Athanasios; Ultrasound Confidence Maps and Applications in Medical Image Processing
Waltl, Josef; IP Modularity in Software Products and Software Platform Ecosystems
Breitenbach, Heiko; Identification of new regulators for systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in plants by an integrated proteomics approach
Kalus, Georg; Projektspezifische Anpassung von Vorgehensmodellen
Scheerle, Romy Katharina; Mass Spectrometry Compatible Enzymatic Assays: Miniaturisation, Automation and Applications
Araque Caballero, Miguel Angel; Incorporating Sensor Properties in Optoacoustic Imaging
Pourrostami, Tahmineh; Synchronization phenomena in temporally forced electrochemical oscillating media
Wunderlich, Th.; Die Zukunft der geodätischen Absteckung von Bauwerken
Wunderlich, Th.; Heipke, C.; Hornik, H.; Jahressitzung 2012 der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission - 60 Jahre DGK / Gemeinsame Sitzung mit ÖGK und SGK / Schwerpunkt „Zukunft Studium/Beruf“
Wenzel, F.; Zschau, J.; Low Cost 3D Early Warning System for Alpine Instable Slopes: The Aggenalm Landslide Monitoring System
Pagano, Dennis; Portneuf - A Framework for Continuous User Involvement
Zhang, Jiantong; A Congruent Hybrid Model for Conflation of Satellite Image and Road Database
Zhigun, Anna; Biofilm Models with Various Nonlinear Effects: Long-time Behavior of Solutions
Glas, Martin; Ontology-based Model Integration for the Conceptual Design of Aircraft
Schweinberger, Florian Frank; Catalysis with supported size-selected Pt clusters
Mayer, Franz; Kostensicherheit zum Zeitpunkt der Realisierungsentscheidung - Entwicklung eines Kosten-Prognose-Modells für Bauwerkskosten im Hochbau
Schmelcher, Dominik Karl; Integrationskonzepte und -lösungen zur Etablierung einer Forschungsinfrastruktur für Biobanken
Schlaffer, Martin B.; Non-reflecting Boundary Conditions for the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Egerer, Markus; Auswirkungen saisonaler Effekte auf das Working Capital Management
Hupfeld, Julia; Expansion and Modulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Biomaterials in Bioreactors
Ravarani, Lisa; Optical Imaging allows in vivo tracking of theranostic liposomes to ovarian cancers
Huber, Eva Maria; Structural and functional characterization of the immunoproteasome
Richter, Gerhard Rainer Manfred; Monomolekulare Schichten auf wasserstoffterminierten Diamantoberflächen
Battenberg, Oliver Alexander; Design and application of natural product derived probes for activity based protein profiling
Mehrparvar, Mohsen; Metacommunity Ecology in a Plant–Herbivore System
Wirth, Matthias; Proliferative und apoptotische Eigenschaften des Transkriptionsfaktors MYC
Gütlein, Achim; Feasibility Study for a First Observation of Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Scattering Using Low-Temperature Detectors.
Stöckl, Michael; Mathematical Modeling of Discrete Sports Behaviors as Continuous Topologies – Applications in Golf and Field Hockey
Ernst, Jana; Effekte einer mehrjährigen Ozonbehandlung von Fichten (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) auf die Struktur und Funktion von Ektomykorrhiza-Gemeinschaften
Cordes, Ole; Strategieentwicklung im Fußball
Materne, Stefan; Tests of prototype magnets and study on a MCP based proton detector for the neutron lifetime experiment PENeLOPE
Göb, Andreas; SOA und Softwarequalität
Linner, Thomas; Automated and Robotic Construction: Integrated Automated Construction Sites
Schiele, Felix; Structural And Biophysical Characterization of Antibody:antigen Complexes of Therapeutic Relevance
Vigh, Balázs; Enorale Implantation mit Hilfe des „head-mounted display“ in der augmentierten Realität
Prucha, Michaela Hanna Dominica; Identifikation eines neuen Gens (OLFML2B) und Charakterisierung seiner genetischen Varianten in Patienten mit Repolarisationsstörungen und plötzlichem Kindstod (SIDS)
Steiger, Konrad; Decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei around 37Al
Kirchner, Marie-Therese; Akupunktur im Vergleich zu Antihistaminika bei experimentellem Juckreiz bei Patienten mit atopischem Ekzem
Kneidl, Angelika; Methoden zur Abbildung menschlichen Navigationsverhaltens bei der Modellierung von Fußgängerströmen
Lepyoshkina, Olga; Coulomb Excitation of Proton Rich Nuclei 32Ar and 34Ar
Kaffe, Maria; Functional analysis of the RLS-associated MEIS1 intronic locus
Paul, Mariel Cathérine; Functions of snail homolog 1 (Snail) in pancreatic cancer
Kern, Christian; Methods for the Diagnosis and Automatic Repair of Software Systems
Canli, Özge; Glutathione peroxidase 4 regulates autophagy and cell death during erythropoiesis
Nitsche, Ulrich; Molecular Characterization of Metastasis-associated Signaling Pathways and their Interactions in Colon Cancer
Reith, C.; Seifert, H.; Spreng, K.; Bewegung in den Bergen – Berge in Bewegung
Richter, René; Charakterisierung von GNC und GNL/CGA1 als Zielgene der Gibberellinantwort in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Schlögl, Stefan; Influence of Reaction Parameters on the Bottom-Up Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Polymers
Vosyka, Oliver; Assay development for monitoring intramembrane (Rhomboid) serine protease substrate cleavage and inhibition
Aue, Katja; Health behavior: a dynamic analysis with regard to poverty and social inequality
Hussein, Walid; Digital Processing Based Solutions for Life Science Engineering Recognition Problems
Schilling, Franz; Novel Methods for NMR - Single-SHOT Correlation Spectroscopy and Diffusion of 13C-Metabolites utilizing both Hyperpolarization and Optimal Control
Le, Yan; Identification and Characterization of Oxidative Stress Related Proteins
Büttner, Barbara Elisabeth; Analysis of intact folate and folate catabolites in bioavailability and stability studies using stable isotope, ileostomy and breast milk designs
Hübner, Rico; Sozioökonomische Bewertung von Landnutzungsstrategien für den Klimaschutz
Siebenson, Johannes; Strange baryonic resonances below the Kbar-N threshold - Results from p+p reactions at the HADES experiment
Prodinger, Peter Michael; Influence of Anticoagulant Medication on Fracture-Healing using a Rat closed Fracture Model: A Morphological and Biomechanical Evaluation
Pallas, Sabine; Analysis of Multi-period Investment under Regulation in the German Power Grid
Sauerschnig, Martin; The Influence of Alignment on Physiological Performance, Cartilage T2 Relaxation Time and Subchondral Bone Architecture in Asymptomatic Knee Joints.
Fahn, Carmen Patrizia; Untersuchungen zum Infektionsschutz in Freilandhaltung von Geflügel unter Berücksichtigung der Aviären Influenza
Nikodem, Astrid; ParaGauss and ParaTools – Transition State Search and Efficient Parallelization for Density Functional Calculations
Meier, Marianne; ’Sporting Role Models’ as Potential Catalysts to Facilitate Empowerment and Tackle Gender Issues.
Neuhauser, Nadin; Computational approaches to enhance mass spectrometry-based proteomics
Heidinger, Emanuel; Performance Bounds in Switched Ethernet Onboard Networks
Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Territorial Development
Marksteiner, Uwe; Airborne Wind Lidar Observations for the Validation of the ADM-Aeolus Instrument
Unger, Christian; Contributions to Stereo Vision
Albrecht, Sebastian; Modeling and numerical solution of inverse optimal control problems for the analysis of human motions
Schöps, Johanna; Kundenzufriedenheit in direkt absetzenden Einzelhandelsgärtnereien
Steinhoff, Alexander Sebastian; Enhancing Tagging Systems with a Flexible, Faceted Organization Structure
Reichersdorfer, Elisabeth; Unterstützungsmaßnahmen am Beginn des Mathematikstudiums: Heuristische Lösungsbeispiele und Problemlösen in problembasierten Lernumgebungen zur Förderung mathematischer Argumentationskompetenz
Stöber, Jakob; Regular Vine Copulas with the simplifying assumption, time-variation, and mixed discrete and continuous margins
Wolff, Regine; Ein intraoperatives optisches Messsystem für die Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Habal, Husni; Constraint-Based Layout-Driven Sizing of Analog Circuits
Gorzelniak, Lukas; Towards a methodology for improving the comparability of accelerometer-based results for physical activity measurements in older adults
Wittek, Finni; Identification of systemic acquired resistance-inducing molecules in plants by a new metabolomic approach
Lowke, Dirk; Sedimentationsverhalten und Robustheit Selbstverdichtender Betone
Hörlein, Elisabeth; Bedeutung der psychischen Komorbidität für das Inanspruchnahmeverhalten von Patienten in der Hausarztpraxis
Hillmann, Hedda; Molekulare Entschlüsselung des nicht-flüchtigen Sensometaboloms von Parmesankäse und Balsamico Essig
Rauschek, Lena Katharina; Einfluss einer leichten kognitiven Beeinträchtigung auf die Zufriedenheit innerhalb einer partnerschaftlichen Beziehung
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Performance Gains due to Improper Signals in MIMO Broadcast Channels with Widely Linear Transceivers
Hellings, C.;Herrmann, S.;Utschick, W.; Carrier Cooperation Can Reduce the Transmit Power in Parallel MIMO Broadcast Channels with Zero-Forcing
Fritsch, O.; Henze, B.; Lohmann, B.; Fast and Saturating Thrust Direction Control for a Quadrotor Helicopter
Rauh, Kathrin Maria; Feasibility and effects of a lifestyle intervention in pregnancy to optimize maternal weight development – The FeLIPO study
Scherer, Anne; Self-Service Technologies - Friend or Foe?
Dobreva, Veneta Mateeva; Efficient Management of RFID Traceability Data
Jakob, Sebastian Bernhard Ludwig; The n-Si(111):H Surface in Contact with an Aqueous Electrolyte: Surface States, Electrochemical Charge Transfer, and Nanoscale Structuring
Weninger, F.;Staudt, P.;Schuller, B.; Words that Fascinate the Listener: Predicting Affective Ratings of On-Line Lectures
Wöllmer, M.;Kaiser, M.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; LSTM-Modeling of Continuous Emotions in an Audiovisual Affect Recognition Framework
Wöllmer, M.;Weninger, F.;Geiger, J.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Noise Robust ASR in Reverberated Multisource Environments Applying Convolutive NMF and Long Short-Term Memory
Wöllmer, M.;Weninger, F.;Knaup, T.;Schuller, B.;Sun, C.;Sagae, K.;Morency, L.-P.; YouTube Movie Reviews: In, Cross, and Open-domain Sentiment Analysis in an Audiovisual Context
Zhang, Yun; Structural studies on cooperative 3’ splice site recognition by the SF1-U2AF65 complex
Adhikari, Yagya Prasad; Distribution pattern, micro-site conditions, host tree characteristics and utilization of epiphytic orchids in the central Himalayas
Schroth, Georg G.A.; Mobile Visual Location Recognition
Gründinger, A.; Leiner, D.; Joham, M.; Hellings, C.; Utschick, W.; Ergodic Robust Rate Balancing for Rank-One Vector Broadcast Channels via Sequential Approximations
Majer, Claudia; Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy at the solid/liquid interface
Murarasu, Alin Florindor; Advanced Optimization Techniques for Sparse Grids on Modern Heterogeneous Systems
Mikosch, T., and Moser, M.; The limit distribution of the maximum increment of a random walk with dependent regularly varying jump sizes
Baur, J.;Pfaff, J.;Schuetz, C.;Ulbrich, H.; Dynamic modeling and realization of an agricultural manipulator
Hannot, Stephan D.A.;Rixen, Daniel J.; A palette of methods for computing pull-in curves for numerical models of microsystems
Roßner, Markus;Heckmann, Benjamin;Thümmel, Thomas;Ulbrich, Heinz; Modellbasiertes Monitoring von Schlag und Unwucht am Rotor
Rossner, M.;Heckmann, B.;Thümmel, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Modellbasiertes Monitoring von Schlag und Unwucht am Rotor Schlag und Unwucht
Grilli, Muzio; Analysis of the unsteady behavior in shockwave turbulent boundary layer interaction
Alber, Michael; Lehren aus bergbauinduzierter Seismizität für die Stimulation petrothermaler Geothermie
Albert, Katharina ; Zoßeder, K. ; Schulze, M. ; Nickel, S.; Optimierungsmöglichkeiten bei der Planung und Auslegung eines Erdwärmesondenfeldes
Arndt, Michael ; di Pietro, P. ; Tinti, M.; Schutzmaßnahmen gegen Flut-und Murgangschäden am Beispiel des Aosta Tals, Italien
Backers, Tobias ; Moeck, I.; Iterative Bohrlochstabilitätsanalyse für geothermale Tiefbohrungen im bayerischen Molassebecken
Baumgarten, Lars; Das Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von Postaer Sandstein bei Zugbeanspruchung
Beckhaus, Karsten ; Gödecke, H.; Die Fräsbarkeit von Fels und ihre ingenieurgeologische Bedeutung für den Spezialtiefbau
Beer, Silvia ; Lehrberger, G. ; Thuro, K.; 3D reconaissance of quarternary terrace system for an enhanced hydro- and engineering interpretation
Bi, Renneng ; Rohn, J. ; Schleier, M. ; Xiang, W. ; Ehret, D.; Landslides recognition and ground truth in Xiangxi area/China
Bluck, Katharina; Nutzbarkeit numerischer Simulationen zur Bestimmung der Dämpfungsfaktoren für Vertikalinklinometermessungen
Blum, Philipp ; Steger, H. ; Ergüler, Z.; Bestimmung geotechnischer Parameter von Tonsteinen mit dem Nadelpenetrometertest
Böhm, Florian ; Vogel, H. ; Kind, B.; Verwitterungsempfindliche Böschungen im Verkehrswegebau planen und dauerhaft sichern
Braun, Anika ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M. ; Havenith, H.-B. ; Torgoev, A.; Untersuchung der Rutschungssuszeptibilität im tektonisch aktiven Hochgebirge mit der InfoVal Methode- eine Fallstudie aus Maily-Say, Kirgistan
Brenner, Olaf ; Orlowsky, D.; Seismik zur Strukturerkundung geothermischer Lagerstätten
Burbaum, Ulrich ; Sass, I.; Gebirgsmechanische Ursachen der Risse an Gebäuden und Straßen der Stadt Staufen im Breisgau
Butscher, Christoph ; Einstein, H.H. ; Huggenberger, P.; Hydrogeologischer Ansatz zur Beurteilung des Quellrisikos anhydritführender Tonsteine im Tunnelbau
Dammyr, Øyvind; Numerical analysis of spalling phenomena in a TBM tunnel using Phase2 from Rocscience©
Dietrich, Andreas ; Luu-Chucholowski, S.-Y. ; Krautblatter, M. ; Rimböck, K. ; Mayer, K.; Ansätze für eine quantitative und reproduzierbare AbSchätzung von potenziellen Geschiebe- und Murvolumen in bayerischen Wildbacheinzugsgebieten
Dumperth, Christian ; Bi, R. ; Rohn, J. ; Xiang, W.; Untersuchungen und 3D Analysen an der Huangtupo Großrutschung in Badong (VR China)
Ellecosta, Peter ; Lempe, B. ; Thuro, K.; Die Geologie des Burgfelsens von Schloss Summersberg in Gufidaun/Südtirol und seine geotechnischen Herausforderungen bei den Sicherungsarbeiten
Fernández-Steeger, Thomas M. ; Feinendegen, M.; Verklebungen in der EPB-Praxis: Auftreten, Einflüsse und Quantifizierung
Festl, Judith ; Singer, J. ; Thuro, K.; Grundwasserstandsschwellenwerte für tiefgreifende Hangbewegungen mittels Zeitreihenanalyse und numerischen Modellen (Aggenalm, Bayrischzell)
Filipponi, Marco ; Schmassmann, S. ; Jeannin, P.-Y. ; Parriaux, A.; Karst-ALEA Methode: Vom speläogenetischen Konzept zu einer Methode zur Beurteilung des Karstrisiko für den Untertagebau
Fillibeck, Jochen; Erfahrungen bei Tunnelvortrieben im Lockergestein im Münchner Raum
Fischer, Karsten ; Henk, A.; Geomechanische Lagerstättenmodelle für die Prognose von tektonischen Spannungsfeldern in tiefen geothermischen Reservoiren
Förster, Annika ; Lempp, C.; Die Fry- und Intercept-Methode: Ein sinnvolles Tool zur Deformationsanalyse von Festgesteinen?
Funk, Daniel; Direct sheartests on cohesionless rock joints under frozen and unfrozen conditions- experimental setup, data analysis and implications for process understanding
Gallemann, Thomas; Monitoring einer Rutschung im digitalen Zeitalter: Sind Messuhr und Zollstock noch zeitgemäß?
Gorka, Torsten ; Peters, S. ; Kerosevic, I. ; Rübel, H.-J.; Ingenieurgeologische Aufnahmen im Bergbau zur Erkundung von unerwarteten Ausbruchskörpern und Einsatz geotechnischer Meßsysteme
Häfner, Friedrich ; Lehrberger, G. ; Schroeder, J.H.; Steine in der Stadt - Geotourismus, Naturwerksteinmarketing, außerschulischer Lernort
Heinrichs, Kurt ; Azzam, R.; Investigation of salt weathering on stone monuments – the ‘petraSalt’ research project
Heinrichs, Kurt ; Azzam, R.; Damage associated with geological discontinuities on rock-cut monuments in Petra / Jordan
Herrmann, Verena ; Herrmann, R.A.; Geotechnische Risiken bei der Herstellung von Erdwärmesonden-Bohrungen: Lösungen durch "Geothermische Kategorien"?
Hesser, Jürgen ; Wang, Q.; Bestimmung der Verformungseigenschaften salinarer Schichten durch Konvergenzmessungen in Schächten
Hollmann, F.S ; Weiz, M. ; Thewes, M. ; Alber, M.; Analyse des Siebdurchgangs und –rückstands beim Siebtrommelversuch im Hinblick auf maschinelle Tunnelvortriebe
Hu, Hui ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M. ; Dong, M. ; Azzam, R.; Deformation monitoring and modeling based on LiDAR data for slope stability assessment
Jaritz, Wolfgang ; Marte, R.; 75 Jahre Sanierung Großrutschung Doren (Vorarlberg)
Kister, Bernd; Beurteilung von alten Stützbauwerken des Verkehrswegebaus aus Natur-steinmauerwerk mit Rating-System und zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren
Klebingat, Stefan ; Azzam, R. ; Schulten, M. ; Quicker, P. ; Kempka, T. ; Schlüter, R. ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M.; Quantitative Modellprognosen zur Teer- Schadstoff Produktion und Wasserlöslichkeit im Rahmen der Untertagevergasung (UTV) von Kohle
Kleine Vennekate, Gisa ; Ziegler, M. ; Noorsalehi-Garakani, S. ; Urai, J.L.; Finite Elemente-Simulationen von Sandboxversuchen zur Untersuchung des Clay Smear-Prozesses
Köhler, Achim ; Hennings, S. ; Nguyen, H.T. ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M.; Strukturuntersuchungen zur Gebirgsdurchlässigkeit und Standsicherheit mittels TLS am Beispiel des geplanten Pumpspeicherwerks Blautal
Köppl, Florian ; Thuro, K.; Verschleißprognose für Abbauwerkzeuge beim Vortrieb mit Hydro-Schild TVM in Lockergesteinen
Kürten , Sylvia ; Feinendegen, M. ; Noël, Y.; Einfluss der Standortbedingungen bei der energetischen Nutzung von Haldenschwelbränden
Lehrberger, Gerhard ; Thuro, K.; Gesteine in und unter München- Kultur-Geologie des Tagungsortes
Li, Cheng ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M. ; Azzam, R.; JDL Multi-sensor data fusion in wireless sensor network for landslide monitoring
Lorenz, Heinz ; Lehrberger, G.; Savonnières, Morley & Co.: Oolithische Kalksteine aus Lothringen (Frankreich) als Bau- und Denkmalgesteine in Mitteleuropa.
Marsch, Kristofer ; Thermann, K.; Vergleichende 2D und 3D FE-Berechnungen für die Kaverne des PSW Vianden
May, Matthias ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M. ; Bitsch Link, J.A.; X-Slews: Ein neuer flexibler Träger für Sensoren für das Geomonitoring
Mazzanti, Paolo ; Pezzetti, G.; Traditional and Innovative Techniques for Landslide Monitoring: dissertation on design criteria
Meier, Günter; Geothermische Grubenwassernutzung aus dem alten Wismutschacht 302 in Marienberg (Erzgebirge)- Entstehung - Nutzung - Erfahrungen -
Menberg, Kathrin ; Bayer, P. ; Zosseder, K. ; Rumohr, S. ; Blum, P.; Urbane Wärmeinseln im Untergrund deutscher Städte
Menschik, Florian ; Thuro, K. ; Käsling, H. ; Bayerl, M.; Vorstellung einer Datenbank zur Dokumentation und Analyse von Labordaten sowie im Feld gewonnen Kennwerten
Moser, Michael; Motor der Hangbewegungen
Müller, B. ; Pipping, U.; Vorstellung von praktikablen geotechnischen Klassifikationen der Festgesteine und Festgebirge an Beispielen aus der Praxis des Fels- und Tunnelbaues
Nehler, Mathias ; Mielke, P. ; Bignall, G. ; Sass, I.; Einfluss der hydrothermalen Alteration auf die Permeabilität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit der Huka Fall und Waiora-Formation im Tauhara Geothermalfeld (Taupo Volcanic Zone, Neuseeland)
Nguyen, Hieu ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M. ; Wiatr, T. ; Azzam, R.; Landslides and cascading effects on Madeira Island
Nickmann, Marion ; Thuro, K.; Die veränderlich festen Mergelsteine der Kössener Schichten als Schlüssel-horizonte für Hangbewegungen im Spitzingseegebiet (Nördliche Kalkalpen)
Nie, Wen ; Krautblatter, M. ; Thuro, K.; Rainfall and snowmelt forcing of pore pressure in a deep-seated landslide (Aggenalm landslide, Bavaria)
Nöll, Heiko ; Raab, S.; Ertüchtigung des Sylvensteinstaudammes
Obojes, Ulrich ; Unterwurzacher, M. ; Saxer, A. ; Mirwald, P.W.; Bis er bricht: Wie viel Hitze verträgt ein Stein?
Patula, Simone; Gefahrenhinweiskarten für geologische gefährdungen in bayern
Patzelt, Johanna ; Thuro, K.; Analyse von Spannungszuständen in Tunnelbauwerken bei hoher Überlagerung am Beispiel Brenner Basistunnel
Plank, Simon ; Singer, J. ; Thuro, K.; Überwachung von Hangbewegungen mittels Radarinterferometrie – Methoden zur objektiven Überprüfung der Anwendbarkeit
Plinninger, Ralf ; Palla, R.; Tunnel Sonnenburg, St. Lorenzen / Südtirol: Erfolgreicher Teilschnittmaschinenvortrieb unter Rahmenbedingungenschwierigen geologischen
Plinninger, Ralf ; Alber, M. ; Brodbeck, M. ; Singer, J. ; Scherbeck, M.; BMBF-Forschungsprojekt GeoKlimB – Teil 2: Einrichtung und Betrieb dreier Geosensor-Felder am Albaufstieg der BAB A8
Poscher , Gerhard ; Sommer, P.; Vollausbau hochrangiger Verkehrsverbindungen – Zurück an den Start bei der ingenieurgeologisch-geotechnischen Planung der zweiten Tunnelröhren ?
Reinhold, Chris ; Töchterle, A.; Ermittlung der geomechanischen Kennwerte von Störungszonen im Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit auf Basis der Erkundungsergebnisse beim Brenner Basistunnel
Ribis, Markus; Das Blockgletscherinventar von Tirol – Ein Beitrag zur Permafrostforschung
Scherbeck, Martin ; Alber, M. ; Steinrücke, M. ; Brodbeck, M. ; Plinninger, R.; BMBF-Forschungsprojekt GeoKlimB – Teil 1: Erfassen, Bewerten und Verfolgen von Georisiken als Folge des sich verändernden Klimas
Scherzer, Katrin ; Mehnert, L. ; Lempe, B. ; Festl, J. ; Thuro, K.; Trennflächenauswertung am Burgberg der Trostburg bei Waidbruck/Südtirol/Italien
Schleier, Markus ; Hermanns, Reginald L. ; Krieger, Ingvar ; Rohn, Joachim ; Eiken, Trond; Geotechnische Untersuchung einer tiefgreifenden komplexen Festgesteinsinstabilität mit Hilfe detaillierter Geländeaufnahme und hochauflösender Digitaler Geländemodelle in West-Norwegen
Schleier, Markus ; Rohn, Joachim ; Bi, Renneng; Ehret, Dominik ; Xiang, Wei; Methode zur Suszeptibilitätsanalyse für Massenbewegungen im regionalen Maßstab mit Hilfe von GIS und statistischer Analyse im Bereich des Drei-Schluchten-Stausees, V.R China
Scholz, Marcus ; Kroitoru, L.; Über die Planung der Wasserhaltung für NÖT-Vortriebe in den pleistozänen Dünensanden von Tel Aviv
Schrader, Joerg; Untersuchung von Kriechprozessen in stark plastischen Tonböden auf der Atlantikinsel Madeira
Schrader, Joerg; Untersuchung von Kriechprozessen in stark plastischen Tonböden auf der Atlantikinsel Madeira
Sellmeier, Bettina ; Krautblatter, M. ; Thuro, K.; Enhanced hazard assessment of a steep limestone rock slope above the federal road B 305
Shigorina, Elena; Mechanical properties of Vendian clays at the site “Lakhta” in St. Petersburg, Russia
Siebert, Philipp; Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Auslegung von HDR Risssystemen
Song, Jie ; Fernández-Steeger, T.M. ; Hu, H. ; Azzam, R.; Stabilitätsuntersuchung einer geklüfteten Felsböschung mit LiDAR und der FE-Methode
Steiger, Torsten ; Uhlig, S.; Industrie-Paläontologie zur Unterstützung von geothermischen Tiefbohrungen
Steinacher, Reinhold; Ingenieurgeologische Aspekte des 124 MW Wasserkraftwerksprojektes Dagachhu in Bhutan / Himalaya
Stöckhert, Ferdinand ; Brenne, S. ; Molenda, M. ; Bartmann, K. ; Hoenig, S. ; Alber, M.; Hydromechanische Charakterisierung von Vulkaniten und Sedimenten des Rotliegenden im Norddeutschen Becken für die Optimierung des Aufschlusses geothermischer Lagerstätten zur Abschätzung der Bohrlochstabilität
Stockinger, Georg ; Nickmann, M. ; Thuro, K.; Ingenieurgeologische Untersuchung eines Rutschhanges in der Oberen Süßwassermolasse bei Alkofen (Niederbayern)
Tiedemann, Joachim; Gefährdungseinschätzung natürlicher Hänge im Geschiebemergel als Aufgabe der Ingenieurgeologie
Tondera, Detlef ; Klapperich, H. ; Blöcher, G. ; Moeck, I. ; Steiger, T. ; Bems, C. ; Hild, S.; Geothermie-Forschungsprojekt " Allgäu 2.0" - Forschungsansätze, Laboruntersuchungen & Planungsschritte
Torizin, Jewgenij ; Fuchs, M. ; Balzer, D. ; Kuhn, D. ; Arifianti, Y. ; Kusnadi; Methoden zur Erstellung und Evaluierung von Gefahrenhinweiskarten für Hangbewegungen: Fallstudie Insel Lombok/Indonesien
Vehling, Lucas ; Rohn, J. ; Moser, M.; Gravitative Massenbewegungen in einem proglazialen Geosystem, Gepatschferner, Tirol - Quantitative Erfassung der relevanten Geofaktoren und Bilanzierungsansätze
Wagner, Valentin ; Blum, P. ; Kübert, M. ; Bayer, P.; Analytische und numerische Auswertung advektiv beinflusster Thermal Response Tests
Wendl, Katharina; Geologisch-Geotechnische Verhältnisse beim Vortrieb des Fensterstollen Ampass
Wiedenmann, Johannes ; Rohn, J. ; Moser, M.; Systematische Untersuchungen von Hangbewegungen im Nordbayerischen Raum
Wieser, Carola ; Lempe, B. ; Käsling, H. ; Thuro, K.; Nordwest-Umfahrung Meran – Untersuchungen zu Gebirgslösung und Verschleiß in der Festgesteinsstrecke
Wilfing, Lisa ; Käsling, H. ; Thuro, K.; Ansätze für eine einheitliche Definition der Zähigkeit zur verbesserten Penetrationsprognose bei TBM-Vortrieben
Wyrsch, Rafael ; Roduner, A.; Neues Dämpfungssystem für Steinschlagschutzgalerien
Wyss, Roland; Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Tiefengeothermie in der Schweiz
Zanon, Raphael ; Pergher, L.; Geologische Evaluierung hochalpiner Speicherstandorte in Tirol / Österreich
Zaretzki, Britta ; Shao, H. ; Hesser, J.; Hydraulische Charakterisierung von dichtem Salzgestein
Zimmermann, Karsten ; Althaus, P. ; Bock, H.; Zur Hangüberwachung mit innovativen, vernetzten Mess- und Auswertesystemen am Beispiel des geodätisch-geophysikalischen Monitorings am 3-Schluchten Staudamm in China
Zosseder, Kai ; Chavez-Kus, L. ; Somogyi, G. ; Kotyla, P. ; Kerl, M. ; Wagner, B. ; Kainzmaier, B.; GEPO-Geothermisches Potenzial der Münchener Schotterebene
Zwack, Thomas; Vergleich zweier kommerziell erhältlicher Programme zur numerischen 2D-Steinschlagsimulation anhand eines Fallbeispiels
Ismail,M.;Comerford, A.;Wall, W.A.; Coupled and reduced dimensional modeling of respiratory mechanics during spontaneous breathing
Cui, Xinxin; Derivation of porcine induced pluripotent stem cells and somatic cells gene targeting in pig
Agostini, Matteo; Signal and background studies for the search of neutrinoless double beta decay in GERDA
Klein, Bettina Sylvia; Elastizitäts-Quantifizierung mittels Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastographie: Werte in nephrologischen Normkollektiven und erste Erfahrungen bei Nierenerkrankungen
Weinzierl, Marion; Hybrid Geometric-Algebraic Matrix-Free Multigrid on Spacetrees
Hein, Jana; Evaluation des Stellenwertes von prophylaktischen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Mundgesundheit als Behandlungsstrategie zur Vermeidung Bisphosphonat-assoziierter Knochennekrosen bei Patienten mit ossär metastasiertem Prostatakarzinom
Doberauer, Kathrin; Sox11 as a regulator of neuronal maturation & integration in the adult hippocampus
Auer, Stefan; An Embedding Method for Interactive Simulation on Dynamic Surfaces
Huang, Haowei; Ensemble-based Programming for Scientific Applications
Kraus, Michael; Variational Integrators in Plasma Physics
Steinke, Christina; Psychosoziale Belastungen und Lebensqualität einer HIV-positiven homosexuellen Kohorte in Deutschland
Kotyczka, P.; Local linear dynamics assignment in IDA-PBC
Oestreicher, Dorothee; Entwicklung eines strukturierten Evaluationsbogens für eine objektive 3-D-Analyse der Gesichtsgeometrie in der Plastischen, Ästhetischen und Rekonstruktiven Chirurgie
Kong, Bo; Identification and characterization of molecular subtypes of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Hoffmann, Elisabeth; Experiments on Two-Resonator Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: A Superconducting Quantum Switch
König, Stefan M.; Complexity and Approximation of Fundamental Problems in Computational Convexity
Pester, Oxana; Die Helixpeptidrückgratdynamik der Alzheimerschen Amyloid Vorläuferprotein Transmembrandomäne - ein γ-Sekretase-Substrat
Friesecke, G., Mendl, C.B., Pass, B., Cotar, C., and Klüppelberg, C.; N-density representability and the optimal transport limit of the Hohenberg-Kohn functional
Butnaru, Daniel; Computational Steering with Reduced Complexity
Belapure, Jaydeep; Non-thermal electron populations in microwave heated plasmas investigated with X-ray detectors
Hitkova, Ivana; Die Funktion von Caveolin-1 in Helicobacter pylori-induzierter Entzündung des Magens
Hartmann, Tobias; Development of a Modular Systems Code to Analyse the Implications of Physics Assumptions on the Design of a Demonstration Fusion Power Plant
Csallner, Gisela; Klinische und psychobehaviorale Charakteristika bei Patienten mit organisch unerklärten Beschwerden einer universitären Lyme Borreliose - Sprechstunde
Ahn, John; Investigation into the reaction of toluene methylation to p-xylene over acidic zeolites
Kretschmer, Anja; Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the atopic eczema associated RAD50-locus
Lax, Jutta; Mittagsverpflegung an allgemeinbildenden Schulen in Bayern
Knežević, Jovana; A high-performance computational steering framework for engineering applications
Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Baltar, L.G.; Qi, L.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; Delayed Single-Tap Frequency-Domain Chromatic-Dispersion Compensation
Pletschen, N.; Spirk, S.; Lohmann, B.; Frequency-Selective Adaptive Control of a Hybrid Suspension System
Bai, Q.; Nossek, J.A.; Modulation and Coding Optimization for Energy Harvesting Transmitters
Castaneda, M.; Nossek, J.A.; FDD and TDD Single-User Capacity Bounds
Reinhardt, Christian; Validated computation of connecting orbits in ordinary differential equations
Blobner, Florian; Adsorbates on Noble- and Ferromagnetic Metals: From Structural and Electronic Properties to Ultrafast Spin-Dependent Electron Transport
Wartner, Eva Maria; Bedeutung der psychischen Komorbidität für die Konkordanz in der Arzt-Patienten-Begegnung in der Hausarztpraxis
Dworschak, Kai; Ecophysiology of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.)
Diller, Katharina; Free-base and metalated porphyrins on metal surfaces - a systematic X-ray spectroscopy and density functional theory investigation
Staub, Christoph; Micro Endoscope based Fine Manipulation in Robotic Surgery
Zeilinger, Sonja; Association analysis between genome-wide DNA methylation patterns and tobacco smoking
Kautz, Markus; Raum-Zeit-Dynamik der Ausbreitung des Buchdruckerbefalls (Ips typographus L.)
Texier, Yves Stephan; Quantitative analysis of ciliary protein networks - Characterization of the intraflagellar transport complex B
Rehrl, Tobias; Multimodale Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion für Ambient Assisted Living
Chen, Huanlei; Driven Eigenproblem Computation for Periodic Structures
Mühlbauer, Martin Johann; Neutron µstiX
Fink, Martin Norbert; Scattering and Absorption of Ultracold Atoms by Nanotubes
Schuurman, T.;Rixen, D. J.;Swenne, C. A.;Hinnen, J.-W.; Feasibility of Laser Doppler Vibrometry as potential diagnostic tool for patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms
van der Seijs, M. V.;van den Bosch, D. D.;Rixen, D. J.;de Klerk, D.; An Improved Methodology for the Virtual Point Transformation of Measured Frequency Response Functions in Dynamic Substructuring
Müller, Christiane Nadine; Transkonjunktivale nahtlose Pars Plana Vitrektomie und Brilliant Blau - assistiertes ILM Peeling bei Patienten mit Makulaforamen
Hoffmann, Christian; Entwicklung breitbandiger Zeitbereichsmesssysteme für die Messung elektromagnetischer Störemissionen bis in den Millimeterwellenbereich
Wang , Xiaolan; Assessment and Management of Oak Coppice Stands in Shangnan County, Southern Shaanxi Province, China
Meindl, Johannes Quirin; Reconstruction and Measurement of Cosmogenic Signals in the Neutrino Experiment Borexino
Müller, Kevin and Münch, Daniel and Isfort, Ole and Paulitsch, Michael and Sigl, Georg; Decreasing System Availability on an Avionic Multicore Processor Using Directly Assigned PCI Express Devices
Schweiger, Florian; Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multiview Video
Au Yeung, Yuen; Crystalline Order, Surface Energy Densities and Wulff Shapes: Emergence from Atomistic Models
Brunner, Stefanie; Effect of a dietary intervention to reduce the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio in maternal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation on selected maternal and cord blood biomarkers in relation to infant body composition up to 2 years of life
Jarchow, Svenja; Die Finanzierung deutscher Biotechnologieunternehmen über Venture Capital und strategische Allianzen
Špačková, O.; Šejnoha, J.; Straub, D.; Tunnel construction time and cost estimates: from deterministic to probabilistic approaches
Ranjan, R.; Betz, W.; Papaioannou, I,; Straub, D.; A Two-Step Approach for Reliability Assessment of a Tunnel in Soft Soil
Stetter, Frank; Zur nanomechanischen Charakterisierung von oberflächengestützten Biomembranmodellen
Nagler, A.;Bertoglio, C.;Gee, M.;Wall W.A.; Personalization of cardiac fiber orientations from image data using the Unscented Kalman Filter
Schneider, Christian A.; Full Virtual Machine State Reconstruction for Security Applications
Jänsch, André; Contribution of thiol- and hydroxycinnamic acids metabolism of sourdough lactobacilli on structural and sensorial properties of wheat breads
Hoffmann, Silja; Mikroskopische Modellierung und Bewertung von verkehrssicherheitskritischen Situationen
Schneller, Mirjam Simone; Transport of super-thermal particles and their effect on the stability of global modes in fusion plasmas
Li, Qin; Effect of Neuronal Autoantibodies on Enteric Neurons and Vagal Afferents
Peters, Björn; Entwicklung eines Systems zur Expression von membranständigen Dehydrogenasen aus einem Metagenom von Essigsäurebakterien in Gluconobacter oxydans
Al-Kahachi, Noora; Polarimetric SAR Modelling of a Two-Layer Structure
Hahn, A.; Knoke, T.; Gewinnmaximierung und Vorsichtsprinzip bei der Ertragsplanung: ein Konflikt?
Salmeia, Khalifah; Copolymerization of Propylene Oxide and CO2 with Salen-type Catalysts; Polymerization Activities and Polymer Microstructure
Pohl, Johannes; Adaption von Produktionsstrukturen unter Berücksichtigung von Lebenszyklen
Hager, Philipp B.; Dynamic thermal modeling for moving objects on the Moon
Schöpplein, Sabine Elke; Integration fahrstreifenbezogener Kenngrößen und seitlicher Detektionsdaten in ein makroskopisches Verkehrsflussmodell für dreistreifige Richtungsfahrbahnen
Runtemund, Katrin; Output-only measurement-based parameter identification of dynamic systems subjected to random load processes
Wilhelm, Wolfgang; Charakterisierung qualitativer und quantitativer Unterschiede in wertgebenden Geruchstoffen verschiedener Hopfenspezies
Chang, Yu-Ping; Opportunities to Learn Mathematical Proofs in Geometry
Reith, C.; Vernetzte Workshops zu den Themen "Videotachymetrie - Wege in eine intelligente Zukunft" und "Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Ingenieurgeodäsie"
Karbyshev, Aleksandr; Monadic Parametricity of Second-Order Functionals
Seyfarth, Katrin; The Role of the Parkinson’s Disease associated Protein DJ-1 in the Development of Diet-induced Obesity in Mice
Fischer, Sybille; Combined STM and X-ray spectroscopy study of surface-confined biologically relevant molecules
Cai, Quanji; Finite Cell Method for Transport Problems in Porous Media
Simson, Stefanie; Stability of silica supported Pd/Au catalysts in gas phase vinyl acetate monomer synthesis
Damböck, Daniel; Automationseffekte im Fahrzeug – von der Reaktion zur Übernahme
Harasim, Markus; Dynamik semiflexibler Polymere im Scherfluss
Straub, Christian; Langzeitoutcome nach radikaler Prostatovesikuloektomie in einem deutschlandweiten Kollektiv, in Abhängigkeit klinischer und histopathologischer Parameter
Stratmann, Greta Annabell; Stickoxidmessungen in der Tropopausenregion an Bord eines Linienflugzeugs: Großräumige Verteilung und Einfluss des Luftverkehrs
Durigan Dalio, Ronaldo J.; Deciphering mechanisms of pathogenicity and resistance induction in the interaction between Phytophthora spp. and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Stage, Alexander; A Study of Resource Allocation Methods in Virtualized Enterprise Data Centres
Schröter, Sebastian Josef Arthur; Complex dynamics in planar two-electron quantum dots
Haedke, Ute Regina; Novel activity-based probes for serine proteases
Atay, Cigdem; IKKα Funktion in Makrophagen Polarisierung und Energiestoffwechsel bei der Entwicklung des Pankreaskarzinoms
Weber, Christoph Alfred Willibald; Quantitative Proteomics Strategies to Reveal Cellular Mechanisms of Kinase Inhibitor Drug Action
Janke, Tobias; Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Pilzdiversität in Stall- und Hausstaubproben mittels PCR-SSCP und Parallelsequenzierung
von Grabe, Jörn; Ein heuristisches Verfahren, das es ermöglicht, die prognostische Simulation menschlichen Interagierens mit Gebäuden realitätsgerechter zu gestalten - Prototypische Entwicklung am Beispiel des Energiehaushalts von Gebäuden
Kornprobst, Tobias; Aerogele und Photokatalysatoren als Beispiele für innovative Baumaterialien
Stavropoulou, Faidra; Generalized Wiener expansions for individual based control: theory and applications
Chu, Nam Ky; The effect of posttranslational modifications on biochemical and structural characteristics of Prion Protein variants and the SMN Tudor domain
Basaran, Duygu; Theoretical Studies of Catalytic Transformations of Hydrocarbons over Transition Metals
May, Stephanie; Influence of adipogenesis and high fat diet on the development of cell stress markers in adipose tissue
Wolferstetter, Hannah Veronika; Assoziation des Melanoma inhibitory activity 3-Gens mit dem Myokardinfarkt
Pennino, Davide; Interleukin-17 and Interleukin-22: key cytokines in tissue inflammation
Carlucci, Maria Valentina; Quark-Flavour Phenomenology of Models with Extended Gauge Symmetries
Schmidt, Margot Marion; High barrier materials for flexible and transparent encapsulation of organic electronics
Schmidt, Richard; From few- to many-body physics with ultracold atoms
Tyanova, Stefka; Computational Methods and Tools for Functional Analysis and Mining of High-throughput Proteomics Data
Deubel, Frank; Polymer Brushes on Semiconductor Surfaces
Tapfer, Arne; Small Animal X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging
Marozava, Sviatlana; Insights into the microbial physiology of bacteria capable of degrading pollutants in contaminated groundwater ecosystems
Wurmser, Christine Maria; Identifizierung und genomische Charakterisierung von Kandidatengenen für Stoffwechsel- und Gesundheitsmerkmale des Milchrindes
Bannör, Karl Friedrich; Incorporating parameter risk into derivatives prices – bid-ask pricing and calibration
Benth, F. E.; Khedher, A.; Weak stationarity of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with stochastic speed of mean reversion
Kotyczka, P.; Sarras, I.; On the equivalence of two nonlinear control approaches: Immersion and Invariance and IDA-PBC
Torka, Philipp J.; Dienstorientierte Architekturen: Eine konzeptuelle Herleitung auf Basis eines formalen Prozessmodells
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Energy Efficiency Optimization in MIMO Broadcast Channels with Fairness Constraints
Reiner, Uwe Henrik; Determinants of Venture Capital Performance – Empirical Evidence
Passenberg, Carolina; Transparency- and Performance-Oriented Control of Haptic Teleoperation Systems
Wirth, Tanja; Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 – A Novel Target of Duocarmycins and Activity Based Protein Profiling during Bacterial Invasion
Herrenbrück, Martin Johannes; Finite-Element Based Determination of Response Spectra of Viscoelastic Materials Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact Loading
Nölleke, Christian; Quantum state transfer between remote single atoms
Špačková, O.; Šejnoha, J.; Straub, D.; Probabilistic assessment of tunnel construction performance based on data
Papaioannou, I.; Gao, R.; Rank, E.; Wang, C.M.; Stochastic hydroelastic analysis of pontoon-type very large floating structures considering directional wave spectrum
Van Opdenbosch, Daniel; Nanostrukturierte hierarchische Materialien durch Biotemplatierung
Špačková, O.; Rimböck, A.; Straub, D.; How to select optimal mitigation strategies for natural hazards?
Schmidt, Jana A.; Machine Learning of Timed Automata
Jaksch, Sebastian; Phasenverhalten von Poly(2-Oxazolinen) in wässriger Lösung
Ramanujam, Deepak Prabhu; Characterization of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) in the myocardium
Pouliot, Jacynthe;Daniel, Sylvie;Hubert, Frédéric;Zamyadi, Alborz; Semantic 3D modeling of multi-utility networks in cities for analysis and 3D visualization
Pouliot, Jacynthe;Daniel, Sylvie;Hubert, Frédéric;Zamyadi, Alborz; Modelling 3D Topographic Space Against Indoor Navigation Requirements
Le, Doan Tuong-Van; Modeling the Allosteric Mechanism of Spastin
T. Lorenz;A. Mörtl;S. Hirche; Movement Synchronization Fails during Non-Adaptive Human-Robot Interaction
Tao, Sha; Activation of CTL against Poxviral Antigens depends on Time of Expression and Subcellular Location during Infection
Herlitzius, Clemens; The Doppler Shift Attenuation Method Facility: Its Design, Setup and Commissioning with the 32S(3He,4He)31S Reaction
Zellhuber, Mathieu Paul Gebhard; High Frequency Response of Auto-Ignition and Heat Release to Acoustic Perturbations
P. Donner;A. Mörtl;S. Hirche;M. Buss; Human-Robot Cooperative Object Swinging
Krisp, Jukka M.; App-Free Zone: Paper Maps as Alternative to Electronic Indoor Navigation Aids and Their Empirical Evaluation with Large User Bases
Zon, Vera; Nanoparticle Structures for Plasmonic Applications
Gründinger, A.; Bethenod, R.; Joham, M.; Riemensberger, M.; Utschick, W.; Optimal Power Allocation for the Chance-Constrained Vector Broadcast Channel and Rank-One Channel Approximation
Hawe, Simon Alois; Learning Sparse Data Models via Geometric Optimization with Applications to Image Processing
Wyrzgol, Sonja Agnes; Controlled Catalysis by the Electronic Charge Transfer at Metal-Support Interfaces: A Study of Gallium Nitride Supported Platinum Nanoparticles
Manich, Salvador and Wamser, Markus and Sigl, Georg; Improving the Security of Scan Path Test using Differential Chains
Vanadia, Marco; Measurement of the production cross section of heavy quark jets in association with a W boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Qureshi, Muhammad Ayyaz; Near-Field Error Analysis and Efficient Sampling Techniques for the Fast Irregular Antenna Field Transformation Algorithm
Joham, M.; Gründinger, A.; Pastore, A.; Fonollosa, J. R.; Utschick, W.; Rate Balancing in the Vector BC with Erroneous CSI at the Receivers
Stinner, M.; Finite-length scaling of convolutional protographs
Spalvieri, A.; Boffi, P.; Pecorino, S.; Magarini, M.; Gatto, A.; Martelli, P.; Martinelli, M.; Barletta, L.; Direct detection analog nonlinear MIMO for mode-division multiplexing in fiber
Baumann, Claudia Maria; Humane Amnionmembran zur Deckung von Spalthautentnahmestellen - eine tierexperimentelle Machbarkeitsstudie am Minischwein
Saeedi Bidokhti, S.; Prabhakaran, V.; Diggavi, S.; A Block Markov Encoding Scheme For Broadcasting Nested Message Sets
Saeedi Bidokhti, S.; Prabhakaran, V.; Diggavi, S.; Broadcasting and Multicasting Nested Message Sets
Saeedi Bidokhti, S.; Prabhakaran, V.; Diggavi, S.; A Block Markov Encoding Scheme for Broadcasting Nested Message Sets
Klein, Katharina; Label-free microscopic bioimaging by means of confocal Raman spectroscopy on living glioblastoma cells
Gebauer, Michaela; Kombinatorisches Design und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Anticalinen gegen die Extra-Domäne B in onkofetalem Fibronektin
Malecki, Andreas Dominik; X-Ray Tensor Tomography
Gerdes, L.; Riemensberger, M.; Utschick, W.; Bounds on the capacity regions of half-duplex Gaussian MIMO relay channels
Schiller, Barbara Astrid; Das Studium als Zeitfenster für Mutterschaft
Töppe, Eno; Convex Optimization Methods for Single View 3D Reconstruction
Lievenbrück, Martin; Determinants for Corporate Hedging Decisions
Schatt, Sebastian; Banking regulation and disclosure in M&A
Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng; Extracting Semantic Rules from Human Observations
Ji, Y.;Borrmann, A.;Beetz, J.;Obergriesser, M.; Exchange of Parametric Bridge Models using a Neutral Data Format
Ritter, F.; Trautmann, B.; Podgorski, C.; Borrmann, A.; Automated Design Space Exploration for Improved Early-Stage Decision-Making
Wagner, Andreas; Geo-Monitoring mithilfe hochauflösender optischer Sensorik
Manoliu, Ioan-Andrei; The triple network model of mental disorders: disease-specific characterization of cognitive large-scale brain networks via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Novotarskyi, Sergii; QSAR approaches to predict human cytochrome P450 inhibition
Philipp Mittendorfer, Gordon Cheng; From a multi-modal intelligent cell to a self-organising robotic skin
Herold, Eva-Maria; Folding and association of antibody domains
Ziello, Chiara; Einfluss des rezenten Klimawandels auf die Pollensaison in Europa
Dietrich, Benedikt;Chakraborty, Samarjit; DEMO: Power Management using Game State Detection on Android Smartphones
Neumann, David; Dotzler, Andreas; Utschick, Wolfgang; Dietl, Guido; Optimal Utility-Based Multi-User Scheduling and Low-Complexity Alternatives
Lindert, Jonas M. R.; Aspects of SUSY Phenomenology at the LHC
Geier, Martin and Becker, Martin and Yunge, Daniel and Dietrich, Benedikt and Schneider,Reinhard and Goswami, Dip and Chakraborty, Samarjit; Let's put the Car in your Phone!
Kerber, S.;Seeber, B.U.; Localization in reverberation with cochlear implants: predicting performance from basic psychoacoustic measures
Monaghan, J.J.M.;Krumbholz, K.;Seeber, B.U.; Factors affecting the use of envelope interaural time differences in reverberation
Seeber, B.U.;Hafter, E.R.; Perceptual equalization of artifacts of sound reproduction via multiple loudspeakers
Wiggins, I.M.;Seeber, B.U.; Linking dynamic-range compression across the ears can improve speech intelligibility in spatially separated noise
Roppenecker, Günter; Lohmann, Boris; Fast Tracking Control for the Thrust Direction of a Quadrotor Helicopter
Wolfrat, Anna Katharina; Verbessert ein problemorientierter Sportunterricht die Bewegungsqualität und die Teamfähigkeit?
Maunz, Andreas; Graph Mining Methods for Predictive Toxicology
Jung, Simone; Molekulargenetische Aufklärung von zwei Erbkrankheiten der Fleckvieh-Population
Wendler, F.; Stein, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J. A.; Quantization-loss Reduction for 1-bit BOC Positioning
Wagner, Andreas; Stylianidis, Efstratios; Smagas, Konstantinos; Trdlicka, Jiri; Paar, Gerhard; Huber, Ben; Reith, Christoph; Reiterer, Alexander; Geo-Monitoring By High-Resolution Optical Sensors
Kreutz, Johannes; Augmented Beam Elements Using Unit Deflection Shapes Together with a Finite Element Discretisation of the Cross Section
Straubinger, Kathrin; Immunosuppressive and transgenerational effects on the development of allergic airway inflammation during Schistosoma mansoni infection
Salzinger, Stephan; Expansion of Rare Earth Metal-Mediated Group Transfer Polymerization to New Monomers
Reinartz, Sebastian Johannes; The Impact of Production Characteristics on Capital Structure and Mergers & Acquisitions
Stadie, Jasmin; Metabolic activity and symbiotic interaction of bacteria and yeasts in water kefir
Pittala, F.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; Single-Stage FDE Supported by Training-Aided Channel Estimation for Coherent Optical Receivers
Tremel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Gasification kinetics during entrained flow gasification - Part I: Devolatilisation and char deactivation
Tremel, A.;Becherer, D.;Fendt, S.;Gaderer, M.;Spliethoff, H.; Performance of entrained flow and fluidised bed biomass gasifiers on different scales
Pugachev, A. O.; Application of gradient-based optimization methods for a rotor system with static stress, natural frequency, and harmonic response constraints
Spirk, S.; Hu, C.; Traktionsorientierte Regelung aktiver Fahrwerke mittels Straßenprofilabtastung oder radstandbasierter Schätzung
Pfaffelmoser, Tobias Josef; Visualization of Uncertain Scalar Data Sets
Halama, Anna Maria; Analyses of metabolic pathways of cellular processes in apoptosis and adipogenesis
Böhme, Peter; Wärmeverbrauchsanalyse auf Basis einer raumbezogenen Zusammenführung von Gebäudedaten
Ring, Ludwig; Untersuchungen zur Regulation der Polyphenolbiosynthese in der Erdbeerfrucht (Fragaria × ananassa) mittels Metabolite Profiling
Steib, Kathrin; The function of mitochondrial dynamics, content and localization during adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Neuhöfer, Patrick Thomas; Transcription factors in acute pancreatitis
Targosz, Bianca-Sabrina Yvonne; The role of the SCFFbxo9 in the pathogenesis and therapy of Multiple Myeloma
Zintel, M.; Gehlen, C.; Kessler, S.; Epoxidharzbeschichtete Bewehrung in der Praxis - Bewertung der Korrosionsschutzwirkung nach 21 Jahren Nutzungsdauer anhand eines deutschen Pilotprojektes
Ivrlac, M.T.; Lehmeyer, B.; Nossek, J.A.; Hofmann, C.A.; Lankl, B.; Estimation of Noise Parameters in Multi-Antenna Receivers using Digitized Signal Samples
Wingenfeld, Daniel Rudolf; Fügetechnische Konstruktionslösungen für Bauteile aus ultrahochfestem Beton (UHPC)
Stein, M.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J. A.; Quantization-Loss Analysis for Array Signal-Source Localization
Stein, M.; Wendler, F.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J. A.; Quantization-loss Reduction for Signal Parameter Estimation
Kühnlenz, Barbara Andrea; Alignment Strategies for Information Retrieval in Prosocial Human-Robot Interaction
Volkwein, A.; Weirich, T.; Gehlen, C.; Ermüdung der Bewehrung ohne und mit Korrosion
Castaneda, M.; Theiler, S.; Nossek, J.A.; Optimizing the Number of Feedback Users
Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Baltar, L.G.; Qi, L.; Nossek, J.A.; Frequency Domain vs. Time Domain Filter Design of RRC Pulse Shaper for Spectral Confinement in High Speed Optical Communications
Zierer, Bettina Karolina; Einfluss von Mutationen und niedermolekularen Modulatoren auf den konformationellen Zyklus von Hsp90
Mapurunga Aoqui, Cristiane; Vascular TNF-α/Rho-kinase Signaling Mediates Vasoconstriction and Blood Pressure Elevation in Overweight
Dori, G.;Wild, M.;Borrmann, A.;Fischer, O.; A System Model for Lifecycle Monitoring of Bridges
Dori, G.;Wild, M.;Borrmann, A.;Fischer, O.; A system model based approach for lifecycle monitoring of bridges
Michels, Sven; Interstitielle Zystitis - eigene Erfahrungen in der Behandlung mit Electromotive-Drug Administration (EMDA) am Klinikum rechts der Isar, München
Dislich, Bastian; The global proteomic profiling of the BACE1 knockout mouse brain allows the identification of novel BACE1 candidate substrates in vivo
Fuchs, Stefan; Protein Phosphatases 2C of Arabidopsis thaliana in Stress Signaling
Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Model Order Reduction of Parametrized Systems with Sparse Grid Learning Techniques
Seitz, Maria; Informationsmanagement im Nutzfahrzeug
Lehmann, Lars; Komplementarität von Umweltmanagement, -Innovationen und -Investitionen
Zhu, C.; Pittala, F.; Finkenbusch, M.; Krummrich, P.M.; Hauske, F.; Tran, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Overhead-free channel estimation using implicit traning for polarization-multiplexed coherent optical systems
Müllauer, Wolfram; Mechanismen des Sulfatangriffs auf Beton – Phasenneubildungen und Expansionsdrücke in Mörteln unter Na2SO4 Belastung
Gölgeli Matur, Meltem; Mathematical Modeling of Quorum Sensing: Two different approaches
Haslbeck, Veronika; Functional analysis of TPR cofactors of Hsp90
Brunner, H.H.; Nossek, J.A.; Interference temperature analysis in a large scale cellular system
Erhardt, Sascha André; Synthese von cyclischen Alkoxysilanen über ein zinnkatalysiertes Umesterungsverfahren und deren Anwendung zur Darstellung von hydroxymethyl-funktionalisierten Siloxanen und Kieselgelen
Hindelang, Konrad; Funktionalisierung metallorganischer Netzwerke mittels prä- und postsynthetischer Methoden
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Three Kinds of Inseparability in Parallel MIMO Broadcast Channels with Linear Transceivers
Voit, Harald; An Arbitrated Networked Control Systems Approach to Cyber-Physical Systems
Gulitz, Anna Jana; Analysis of the diversity of water kefir microbiota by culture-dependent and -independent approaches
Hahn, A.; Knoke, T.; Angebot, Nachfrage und Nachhaltigkeit im Wald
Meini, Stefano; The Influence of Irreversible Electrochemical Reactions on the Fundamental Mechanisms Governing Capacity and Cycle Life of Li-O2 Batteries
Vijayaraghavan, Saranyan; Supramolecular architectures as templates for atomic and molecular confinement
Sosnowski, Stefan Georg; Advances in Social and Underwater Robotics through Biomimetic Design
Bai, Q.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Throughput Maximization for Energy Harvesting Receivers
Farrag, Mostafa; Preparation of Monolayer-Protected Gold and Silver Nanoclusters and their Optical, Chiroptical and Photochemical Properties
Lüßmann, J.; Mathias, P.; Mann, M.; Fullerton, M.;; Route Distribution Control in Road Traffic Networks to Make On-Board Navigation Systems Become Part of the Traffic Management
Dressler, Anne; Einfluss von Tausalz und puzzolanischen, aluminiumhaltigen Zusatzstoffen auf die Mechanismen einer schädigenden Alkali-Kieselsäure-Reaktion in Beton
Cyron C.J.;Müller K.W.;Schmoller K.M.;Bausch A.R.; Wall W.A.;Bruinsma R. F.; Equilibrium phase diagram of semi-flexible polymer networks with linkers
Kiermaier, Josef; Entwicklung und Aufbau einer Apparatur zur Bestimmung der photokatalytischen Eigenschaften von halbleiterbasierten Modellsystemen im Ultrahochvakuum
Borrmann, A.;Jubierre, J. R.; A multi-scale tunnel product model providing coherent geometry and semantics
Jubierre, J. R.;Borrmann, A.; Cross-submodel consistency preservation in multi-scale engineering models
Padma, R.S.;Sawhney, A.;Borrmann, A.; Product Data Management Systems for the bulk material handling cinstruction industry
Sinha, S.;Sawhney, A.;Borrmann, A.;Ritter, F.; Extracting information from building information models for energy code compliance of building envelope
Brechmann, Eike Christian; Hierarchical Kendall Copulas and the Modeling of Systemic and Operational Risk
Pagani, Davide; NLO Corrections to Production of Heavy Particles at Hadron Colliders
Xia, Yuchen; Effector pathway of the antiviral effect of interferons in Hepatitis B Virus infection
Fischer, Michael; Finite Element Based Simulation, Design and Control of Piezoelectric and Lightweight Smart Structures
Melny, Ina; Fear-Induced Self-Control Depletion
Käbisch, Romy Astrid; Effect of Helicobacter pylori infection on dendritic cell maturation, signalling and subsequent adaptive immune response
Hirsch, Nuria; BOLD-based Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hypoxia in the Human Brain
Osterminski, Kai; Zur voll-probabilistischen Modellierung der Korrosion von Stahl in Beton
Loga, Florian; Die Rolle des cGMP/cGKI Signalweges und der Trpc-Kanäle in der Regulation des vaskulären Tonus
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Energy Efficiency Optimization in the Multiantenna Downlink with Linear Transceivers
Hieber, Peter; First-exit times and their applications in default risk management
Wacker, Sabine; Hämatogene Wachstumsfaktoren: Isolation, Applikation und biologische Wirkung
Schäffner, Karoline Julia; Study of Backgrounds in the CRESST Dark Matter Search
Olufemi, Carolina Fumilayo; Ursachen der Ereignis-Wahrnehmung im Sportunterricht
Wicker, Jörg; Large Classifier Systems in Bio- and Cheminformatics
Hocke, Fredrik; Microwave circuit-electromechanics in a nanomechanical hybrid system
Schön, Anja; University-to-Industry Technology Transfer
Bissinger, Marc Oliver; Einfluss verschiedener Medikamente auf die Frakturheilung am Femurschaft – eine tierexperimentelle Studie
Mezger Echeverri, Olmo Tomás; Modellierung und Analyse von Lademodellen für Elektroautos aus energiewirtschaftlicher und Fahrzeugnutzer-Sicht
Bügler, M.; Metzmacher, H.; Borrmann, A.; v. Treeck, C.; Integrating Feedback from Image based 3D Reconstruction into Models of Excavation Processes for efficient Scheduling
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.; Boundary Representation-Based Implementation of Spatial BIM Queries
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.; Definition and Implementation of Temporal Operators for a 4D Query Language
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.; Checking Spatio-Semantic Consistency of Building Information Models by Means of a Query Language
Bügler, M.;Dori, G.;Borrmann, A.; Swap Based Process Schedule Optimization using Discrete-Event Simulation
Palagin, Dennis; First-Principles Statistical Mechanics Study of Functionalization of Doped Silicon Clusters:
Auernhammer, Hermann;Seifert, Arne;Teichert, Astrid;Bernhardt, Heinz; Digitalisierte Bilder und Schriften Agrartechnik in der „AgTecCollection in mediaTUM®“
Buschmann, T. Ewald, A.;Schwienbacher, M.;Favot, V.;Ulbrich, H.; Humanoide Laufmaschinen
Clauberg, J.;Huber, R.; Using Non-Smooth Mechanics and Parallelization Techniques for the Efficient Simulation of Different Types of Valve Springs
Esefeld, B.;Schindler, T.;Ulbrich, H.; A Coupling Approach for the Numerical Integration of Non-Smooth Multibody Systems
Esefeld, B.;Schindler, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Coupling of ODE- and DAE-integration with the Time-stepping Integration Method for Multibody Systems with Impacts and Friction
Schindler, T.;Rezaei, S.;Kursawe, J.; Practical implementation of timestepping schemes based on discontinuous Galerkin methods for multi-dimensional examples
Schindler, T.; Timestepping schemes based on discontinuous Galerkin methods
Schindler, T.;Schoeder, S.; Discussion of the Gear-Gupta-Leimkuhler method for multibody systems including clearance and impacts
Voormeeren, Sven;Rixen, Daniel; Updating component reduction bases of static and vibration modes using preconditioned iterative techniques
A. Molin;S. Hirche; On the Optimality of Certainty Equivalence for Event-triggered Control Systems
Hajas, Viktoria; Motivationale Effekte von Unternehmensvisionen
Mühlberger, Louisa; Nutzung der Hypersensibilitätsresistenz der Europäischen Pflaume (Prunus domestica L.) gegenüber dem Scharkavirus (Plum pox virus) zur Einschränkung der Virusverbreitung
Giglmaier, Marcus; Strömungsphysikalische Phänomene bei der gasdynamisch initiierten Partikelerzeugung
Kretinsky, Jan; Verification of Discrete- and Continuous-Time Non-Deterministic Markovian Systems
Strasser, Matthias; Social Motives and Relational Models
Strauß, Raimund Johann; Energy-Dependent Quenching Factor Measurements of CaWO4 Crystals at mK Temperatures and Detector Prototypes for Direct Dark Matter Search with CRESST
Kulinski, Michal Andrzej; The role of NIPA in DNA damage response
Wickel, M.;Schenkl, S. A.;Schmidt, D. M.;Hense, J.;Mandl, H.;Maurer, M.; Knowledge structure maps based on Multiple Domain Matrices
Schiller, M.;Weißmann, M.;Mörtl, M.; Evaluierung von Kosteneinsparpotential in hochautomatisierten Produktionsanlagen
Schenkl, Sebastian A.;Bruse, Florian;Lindemann, Udo; Wissensgetriebene Entwicklung nachahmungsrobuster Produkt-Service Systeme
Ölmez, M.;Schandera, M.;Kissel, M.;Lindemann, U.; Using Decision Classification Criteria for Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer in Multi-Perspective Decision Making Processes
Metzler, Torsten;Schmid, Hendrik;Lindemann, Udo; Bewertungsmethodik zur systematischen Integration kognitiver Funktionen in Produkte
Metzler, Torsten;Mosch, Michael;Lindemann, Udo; Meta-Design Catalogs for Cognitive Products
Metzler, Torsten;Jowers, Iestyn;Kain, Andreas;Lindemann, Udo; Development of Cognitive Products via Interpretation of System Boundaries
Maurer, M.;Maisenbacher, S.; Modeling and Analyzing Systems in Application
Maier, Th. G.;Elezi, F.;Lindemann, U.; A Snapshot Approach for Applying the Viable System Model in Management Systems
Kohn, Andreas;Reif, Julia;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Kernschmidt, Konstantin;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut;Brodbeck, Felix;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Lindemann, Udo;Maurer, Maik; Improving common model understanding within collaborative engineering design research projects
Kirner, K.G.M.;Siyam, G.I.;Lindemann, U.;Wynn, D.C.;Clarkson, P.J.; Information in Lean Product Development – Assessment of Value and Waste
Kirner, K.G.M.;Lindemann, U.; Assessing the Performance of Product Development Processes in a Multi-project Environment in SME
Kasperek, Daniel;Maurer, Maik; Coupling Structural Complexity Management and System Dynamics to represent the Dynamic Behavior of Product Development Processes
Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena;Reik, Alexander U.;Maurer, Maik; Development of a Knowledge Mapping Approach for Independent Knowledge Elicitation and Representation
Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena;Kaiser, Maria Katharina;Metzler, Torsten;Lindemann, Udo; Cross-disciplinary approaches – indications of a student design project
Gürtler, Matthias R.;Münzberg, Christopher;Lindemann, Udo; Idea in a bottle – A new method for creativity in Open Innovation
Gürtler, Matthias Rudolf;Kain, Andreas;Lindemann, Udo; Bridging the gap: From Open Innovation to an Open Product-Life-Cycle by using Open-X methodologies
Elezi, F.;Maier, Th. G.;Lindemann, U.; Engineering Change Management Challenges and Management Cybernetics
Behncke, Florian;Mauler, Stefan;Lindemann, Udo;Mbang, Sama;Holstein, Manuel;Kalmbach, Hansjörg; Supporting the decision process of engineering changes through the computational process synthesis
Samsonyuk, Andriy; Monte Carlo wave packet propagators for multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy
Stern, Sebastian; Searches for Higgs Boson Decays to Muon Pairs in the Standard Model and in its Minimal Supersymmetric Extension with the ATLAS Detector
Elliott, Jonathan; Using gamma-ray bursts as tools: prompt emission mechanism, host galaxy environment, and the cosmic star formation history connection
Kinkelin, Holger; Autonomous and Robust Components for Security in Network Domains
Bauer, Lukas Michael Maximilian; Bedeutung tumorstammzellassoziierter Gene für die Chemotherapieresistenz und Prognose beim Magenkarzinom
F. Deroo;S. Hirche; A MATLAB Toolbox for Large-scale Networked Systems
GALIA SHTANG-WEISS; A Cultural Center in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel
KHAOULA RABOUDI, ABDELKADER BEN SACI; A morphological generator of urban rules of solar control
TUBELO, R. C. S., RODRIGUES, L., GILLOTT, M.; A Parallel between the Brazilian Energy Labelling System and the Passivhaus Standard for Housing
ALESSANDRO GRECO, VALENTINA GIACOMETTI; Accessibility and Social Sustainability
SIMOS YANNAS; Adaptive Architecturing
ERIC CARBONNIER; Alvar Aalto’s Daylight Devices
MERVE BEDİR, SONJA VAN DAM; Analysis of Thermostat Control Behaviour in Dwellings
SHOHEI NOGUCHI, TAKAHIRO TANAKA, SATORU SADOHARA; Analysis on Factors of Summer Temperature Distribution in the Basin City
EDUARDO L. KRÜGER, PETER BRÖDE; Analyzing the Relationship between Local Urban Morphology and Predicted Thermal Perception
JEAN-FRANCOIS BENEY, SHADY ATTIA, MARILYNE ANDERSEN; Application of the Cradle to Cradle paradigm to a housing unit in Switzerland
ROBERTA COCCI GRIFONI, M. FEDERICA OTTONE, ENRICO PRENNA; Applying computational fluid dynamics to evaluate thermal building comfort in Douala, Cameroon
NOURA GHABRA, LUCELIA RODRIGUES, BENSON LAU; Architecture Excellence and Environmental Performance
LILIJA OBLECOVA, DR. FILBERT MUSAU; Assessing the Potential of Affordable Passivhaus Tenement Housing in Urban Glasgow
RONG XU, BENSON LAU; Muti-purpose Atrium in Future Sustainable School Design
THOMAS BERKER, LIANA MÜLLER, MARTIN ANFINSEN; Between standardisation and flexibility
C.FALCONY, A.CHACALO, V. FREIXANET; Bioclimatic design of therapeutic gardens for children with Down syndrome
ANA CECILIA GONZÁLEZ VERON, MARCIA MORALES IBARRIA, ESPERANZA GARCÍA LÓPEZ; Bioluminescent algae and possible implications in architectural design
FLORIAN LICHTBLAU; Block of Flats from 1958, Rejuvenated with Wood in 2012
TATHIANE MARTINS, LUC ADOLPHE, MARION BONHOMME; Building Energy Demand Based on Urban Morphology Analysis
BETA PARAMITA, HIROATSU FUKUDA; Building Groups Design Strategies in Hot-humid Climate
FEIFEI SUN, BEHZAD SODAGAR, JOHN BELL; Building Heating Consumptions under Present and Future Climate Scenarios
CHRISTIAN KRÜGER, THOMAS WILKEN,MORITZ FEDKENHEUER, TIM BIALUCHA; Carbon neutral living in a modernised settlement house
CRISTIAN SUAU; Climate and Urban Design of Maritime Public Spaces in Mediterranean Arab Cities
FIONN STEVENSON, HANNAH BAKER, KATE FEWSON; Cohousing case studies in the UK
KHALED EL-DEEB; Combined Effect Of Window-To-Wall Ratio And Wall Composition On Energy Consumption
M. IMPERADORI, M. SAUCHELLI, A. BRAMBILLA, N. FALCONE, C. ZANELLO, V.A. ZORZI; Comfort and Energy Assessment of the First Italian Nearly Zero Energy Building in a University Campus
MELINDA OROVA, ANDRAS REITH; Comparison and evaluation of neighbourhood sustainability assessment systems
LADAN GHOBAD, AHOO MALEKAFZALI ARDAKAN, JIANXIN HU, WAYNE PLACE; Comparison of Climate-Based Daylighting in Two Integrated Simulation Tools
HASIM ALTAN, MOHAMED REFAEE; Comparison of Measured Indoor Environment for Social Housing in West Yorkshire, UK
MONIKA HALL, BASTIAN BURGER, ACHIM GEISSLER; Accounting for electricity generation for a net zero energy balance – experience gained with MINERGIE-A®
JIHYUN PARK, TSUNG-HSIEN WANG, ANDREW WITT, VIVIAN LOFTNESS; Data Acquisition and Visualisation for IEQ Assessment
MARILYNE ANDERSEN, ANTOINE GUILLEMIN; Daylight dynamics to guide early stage design
MAÍRA VIEIRA DIAS, PAULO SERGIO SCARAZZATO; Daylighting, Wellbeing and Health for Industrial Employees
L. OLIVIERI, E. CAAMAÑO-MARTÍN, F. OLIVIERI, J. NEILA; Design, development and construction of an outdoor testing facility for semi-transparent photovoltaic modules
PAULINA WEGERTSEDER; Diagnosis of Physical Quality of Existing Social Housing without Thermal Considerations in Chile
EVYATAR ERELL, DANIEL BONEH, DAVID PEARLMUTTER, PUA BAR-KUTIEL; Effect of High-albedo Materials on Pedestrian Thermal Sensation in Urban Street Canyons in Hot Climates
SYED ABU SUFIAN KUSHOL, KHANDAKER SHABBIR AHMED, MD MOHATAZ HOSSAIN, IFTEKHAR RAHMAN; Effect of Street Morphology on Microclimate in Residential Areas Following FAR Rule in Dhaka City
PATTNAIK OMPRIYA MOHANTY, BRIAN FORD, BENSON LAU; Effectiveness of Natural Ventilation in Tall Residential Building in Tropical Climate
TASNEEM TARIQ, ZEBUN NASREEN AHMED; Effects of Roof Treatment on Thermal Performance of Residential Buildings in Dhaka
ALISON McDONALD, HENRY SKATES; Embedding Sustainable Design in a Design-Build-Studio
JORGE RODRÍGUEZ ÁLVAREZ; Energy and urban form
MARCELO GALAFASSI, FERNANDO O. RUTTKAY PEREIRA; Energy Efficiency Regulations and the Process of Architecture Design of Buildings
LUCELIA TARANTO RODRIGUES, SEDA KACEL; Energy Efficient Retrofit of a Protected Building of Historical Significance
ALESSANDRO ROGORA, CLAUDIA POGGI; Energy rehabilitation of existing, historical, not monumental buildings
Emanuele Naboni; Environmental Simulation Tools in Architectural Practice
MEITAL BEN DAYAN; Environmentally Responsive School Buildings in the UK
MARIA GRACIA RIERA PEREZ, EMMANUEL REY; Estimated reduction of energy consumption related to mobility in urban renewal projects
Juliana Costa Morais, Lucila Chebel Labaki; Evaluating natural ventilation in multi-storey social housing
RAJAT GUPTA, LAURA BARNFIELD; Evaluating the impact of low carbon communities on household energy behaviours
RENAN CID VARELA LEITE, ANÉSIA BARROS FROTA; Evaluating thermal performance of residential buildings in different urban environments
BART JANSSENS; Exploring the first European residential project receiving the ‘outstanding’ BREEAM certificate
HOM BAHADUR RIJAL; Field Investigation of Comfort Temperature and Adaptive Model in Japanese Houses
ANNE-FRANCOISE MARIQUE, MARINE PENDERS, SIGRID REITER; From Zero Energy Building to Zero Energy Neighbourhood
C. RAMÍREZ-BALAS, R. SUÁREZ, J.J. SENDRA; Future technologies in Le Corbusier’s environmental conditioning systems
PATRICIA EDITH CAMPOREALE; Genetic algorithms applied to urban growth optimizing solar radiation
THOMAS BRAUN, MARKUS TREIBER; Green Building Certification for the Siemens Headquarters in Munich, Germany
VINCENT BUHAGIAR, SIMON PAUL BORG, DANIEL BUHAGIAR; Ground Cooling Potential in a Mediterranean Climate
JORGE RODRÍGUEZ ÁLVAREZ; Heat Island and Urban Morphology
ALAN LAI, M.K. LEUNG, RAYMOND YAU, EDWARD NG; Hong Kong First Zero Carbon Building
YANTI CHEN, BRIAN FORD; How Do Occupants Perceive the Building Performance of Award-winning Schools in the UK
JAN CREMERS; How membrane materials help to improve buildings' energy efficiency, indoor comfort and LCA results
TANIA SHARMIN, KOEN STEEMERS; Effect of Canyon Geometry on Outdoor Thermal Comfort
YANNAI KALMAN, DAVID PEARLMUTTER, EVYATAR ERELL; Impact of Increasing the Height of Tel Aviv Buildings on Pedestrian Comfort and Building Energy Efficiency
VAMSHI GOOJE; Impact of Radiant Asymmetry of Thermal Comfort
Saiful Islam; Impacts of ‘Maximum Allowable Building Footprint’ on Natural Ventilation in Apartment Building
SHAN HE, ULRIKE PASSE; Improving Airflow Performance Models for Passive Solar and Natural Ventilation Design
LUISA BROTAS, GUILLERMO MARTINEZ PAJARES; Improving Daylighting in Architecture
BAKR GOMAA; Innovation in Natural Ventilation in Buildings' Design and Application
KOUKI WATANABE, HOM BAHADUR RIJAL, TAKASHI NAKAYA; Investigation of Clothing Insulation and Thermal Comfort in Japanese Houses
SEDA KACEL, BENSON LAU; Investigation of the Luminous Environment in Louis I. Kahn’s Kimbell Art Museum
GALAN GONZALEZ A., STEVANOVIC M., ACHA ROMÁN C., BOUILLARD P.; Keeping the Historical Heritage Alive
ARVIND KRISHAN; Knowledge Based Expert System Computer Aided Climate Responsive Integrated Approach to Architectural Design
IQBAL SINGH DEOGUN, LUCELIA RODRIGUES, GUILLERMO GUZMAN; Learning From the Swahili Architecture in Mombasa/Kenya.
PABLO LA ROCHE, LEINA NAVERSEN, MARGARET JAMISON; Learning Sustainable Design from the Recent Past
CRAIG ROBERTSON, DR DEJAN MUMOVIC; Legislation, disincentives and low energy buildings
MICHELE PALEARI, MONICA LAVAGNA, ANDREA CAMPIOLI; Life Cycle Assessment and Zero Energy Residential Buildings
Silvia DOMINGO-IRIGOYEN, Ana SÁNCHEZ-OSTIZ GUTIÉRREZ, AURORA MONGE BARRIO, PURIFICACIÓN GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ; Methodology for diagnosis of real condition of a listed building envelope for its refurbishment
SURA ALMAIYAH, HISHAM ELKADI, ZEYNEP AYGEN; Modelling Daylight for Preserving Identity
CRISTINA ALBA, AGUSTIN ADARVE, JOSE ROBERTO GARCIA CHAVEZ; Natural Ventilation and Ground Cooling to Improve Thermal Comfort Conditions of Workers in an Industrial Building
NEVEEN HAMZA, ISLAM ABOHELA; Non-Uniform Double Skin Façade Cavities
JULIET LANDLER; Office Building Energy Benchmarking Comparison
AIKATERINI MERESI; Oil free, low energy heating and cooling of an apartment in Litochoro, Greece
CLAUDE DEMERS, ANDRÉ POTVIN; On the Art of Daylighting Calculations
MOHAMMAD TALEGHANI, MARTIN TENPIERIK, ANDY VAN DEN DOBBELSTEEN; Optimisation of Heating Energy Demand and Thermal Comfort of a Courtyard-Atrium Dwelling
MIGUEL ANGEL JUAREZ DE LEON, BENSON LAU; Optimum Gradual Glazing in Atria for Optimized Daylight Performance in the Adjacent Spaces
MARO SINOU, AMANDA GAIL KENTON; Parameters contributing to the design of a successful urban pocket park
LUISA BROTAS, DANIJEL RUSOVAN; Parametric Daylight Envelope
ANDREW CORNEY; Passive Downdraft in California
AFEEF CHOORAPULAKKAL, MASA NOGUCHI; Performance Analysis of a Proposed ‘Water Tube Heat Exchanger’ Space Cooling System in Kerala
KOKI KIKUTA, ASAMI SAGARA, HIROFUMI HAYAMA; Performance Verification of the Free-cooling System in Summer and Moderate Seasons
RICARDO FORGIARINI RUPP, ENEDIR GHISI; Potential for Energy Savings by Using Daylighting and Hybrid Ventilation in Brazil
Design-build student projects in a global context; Practical Relevance in Architectural Education
Yang CHEN, Edward NG; Public Participation and Social Life
Roderick Bates, Stephanie Carlisle, Billie Faircloth, Ryan Welch; Quantifying the Embodied Environmental Impact of Building Materials During Design
SALLY SALOME SHAHZAD, JOHN BRENNAN, DIMITRIS THEODOSSOPOULOS; Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methodologies to Investigate Environmental Control in the Workplace
KAMILA MENDONÇA DE LIMA, LEONARDO SALAZAR BITTENCOURT, ROSANA MARIA CARAM; Ranking Configurations of Shading Devices by Its Thermal and Luminous Performance
ADOLFO GOMEZ-AMADOR, PABLO ELIAS-LOPEZ, MIGUEL ELIZONDO, MARCOS GONZALEZ-TREVIZO, CARLOS ESPARZA; Recycled packaging material as an upper deck ventilation system in buildings
MARCO L. POLO, JOHN McMINN; Regional Narratives of Sustainable Architecture in Canada
MARIA FIANCHINI; Renewable energy sources technologies in the built environment
GREGOR C. GRASSL; SCIM (Sustainable City Information Model)
STEVEN A. MOORE, BARBARA B. WILSON; Sociotechnical Code-making in the United States
EIKO KUMAKURA, KAZUAKI NAKAOHKUBO, AKIRA HOYANO; Solar Shading Effects by Tree Species in an Urban Environment Using Numerical Simulation Tool
RAFAEL MAURICIO EUFRASIO ESPINOSA, FIONN STEVENSON; Spatial life cycle energy model of dwellings within a bioregional context
R.S. ADHIKARI, E. LUCCHI, V. PRACCHI, E. ROSINA; Static and Dynamic Evaluation Methods for Energy Efficiency in Historical Buildings
SHUN KUMAGAI, NOBUYUKI SUNAGA, YASUTOMO YAMAMOTO; Study on Energy Saving Strategies for Public High Schools in Tokyo Considering Installation of Cooling Systems
OLIVIA GUERRA-SANTIN1, CHRISTOPHER TWEED1; Summer post occupancy evaluation of a Passivhaus care home in the UK
CAROLINE VERUT VON ILBERG, MARIA VIRGINIA PEREZ REYES; Sustainable and Passive Architecture in the Tropics
SEVERINE HERMAND, PHILIPPE BOUILLARD, AHMED Z. KHAN; Sustainable development by the “in-between spaces” in terms of energy performance analysis in Brussels
CRISTINA NORI, FRANCESCA OLIVIERI, ROBERTA COCCI GRIFONI, CÉSAR BEDOYA; Testing the performance of a green wall system on an experimental building in the summer
FERNANDO TADEU DE ARAUJO LIMA, ALINE CALAZANS MARQUES; The appliance of parameterization proposing urban projects
MINGWEI SUN, BRIAN FORD, BENSON LAU; The Applicability of the Bio-Climatic Facade in a Hot and Humid Climate
CHRISTOPHER J. WHITMAN, GABRIELA ARMIJO P., L. NICOLÁS SCHIAPPACASSE P.; The Challenge of Sustainable Tourist Infrastructure in the Araucania Andina, Chile
ROGER FRANCE Jean-François; The European Foundation House
INJI KENAWY, HISHAM ELKADI; The impact of cultural and climatic background on thermal sensation votes
KEREN SNIR, DAVID PEARLMUTTER, EVYATAR ERELL; The Moderating Effect of Desert Ground Cover Plants on Pedestrian Thermal Sensation
MARCO IMPERADORI, PUSCEDDU CRISTINA, GRAZIANO SALVALAI; Thermal-reflective multilayer insulation systems in the emergency architecture
MARIANA FORTES GOULART, KELEN ALMEIDA DORNELLES, ROSANA CARAM; Thermal Comfort in the Pedagogical College of the State University of Maringá, Brazil
GIANE DE C. GRIGOLETTI, GABRIELA I. LINCK, RENATA S. DE ALBERNARD; Thermal performance of low-cost single-family one-floor housing typologies in the South of Brazil
VINCENT BUHAGIAR, LARA RUNCO; Geothermal Ground Heat Exchangers in Malta
DAPHNE GONDHALEKAR, JENNY KEBSCHULL; To Centralize or Not to Centralize
PARAG RASTOGI, SOENKE F. HORN, MARILYNE ANDERSEN; Toward Assessing the Sensitivity of Buildings to Changes in Climate
SERGIO ALTOMONTE, HANA REIMER, PETER RUTHERFORD, ROBIN WILSON; Towards Education for Sustainability in University Curricula and in the Practice of Design
WIEBKE KLEMM, SANDA LENZHOLZER, BERT HEUSINKVELD, BERT VAN HOVE; Towards green design guidelines for thermally comfortable streets
JOSÉ JÚLIO CORREIA DA SILVA, ANTÓNIO MIGUEL GANHÃO; Training Program About Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings
W. VICTORIA LEE, KOEN STEEMERS; Unpacking Overheating Risks Through Exposure Duration
RENAN CID VARELA LEITE, ANÉSIA BARROS FROTA; Urban densification and pressure coefficients of buildings
HYUNJUNG LEE, HELMUT MAYER; Urban human-biometeorology supports urban planning to handle the challenge by increasing severe heat
FLAVIA OSAKU MINELLA, EDUARDO L. KRÜGER; Using Computer Simulations for Assessing Microclimatic Impacts of Urban Interventions
CORALIE CAUWERTS, MAGALI BODART; Validation of a questionnaire for assessing perceptions of lighting characteristics in daylit spaces
AURORA MONGE BARRIO, ANA SANCHEZ-OSTIZ GUTIERREZ, SILVIA DOMINGO IRIGOYEN, PURIFICACION GONZALEZ MARTINEZ; Verification of the thermal behaviour of dwellings designed with bioclimatic criteria
MY DAO LE HONG, LUCELIA RODRIQUES; Visual and Thermal Performance in Façade Design
PATRICIA MARTÍN DEL GUAYO; Weather perception in urban public spaces
Kammergruber, Florian; Mobiles Virtual-Reality-System zur Planung und Schulung in der Logistik
W. Feiten;M. Lang;S. Hirche; Rigid Motion Estimation using Mixtures of Projected Gaussians
Häring, Tim; Spatial Prediction Methods for the Assessment and Mapping of Forest Site Characteristics
Luis Armando Canul Euán, Adolfo Gómez Amador, José Manuel Ochoa de la Torre; Thermal performance of two vertical greenery system in warm sub humid climate
RASHED KHALIFA AL-SHAALI; A Process to Assist Architects Utilize Wind Information for Passive Cooling
EDUARDO L. KRÜGER, FLÁVIA OSAKU MINELLA, ANDREAS MATZARAKIS; Analysis of Different Input Data for Assessing Mean Radiant Temperature as Relevant Human-Biometeorological Factor in Thermal Comfort Issues
SESANA MARTA MARIA, SALVALAI GRAZIANO, GRECCHI MANUELA, MASERA GABRIELE; Guidelines for residential zero energy buildings by an integrated design approach with a support toolbox
Cynara BREMER, Giovanna COLLI, Danielle OLIVEIRA; Recycled materials for plastic timber production in Brazil
Kagerer, Christian; Bedeutung des Informationsrückflusses an landwirtschaftliche Betriebe der Produktionskette Schwein am Beispiel der Informationsplattform Qualifood
Abdelaziz, Shokry; Numerical simulation of fish behavior and fish movement through passages
M. Lawitzky;M. Kimmel;P. Ritzer;S. Hirche; Trajectory Generation under the Least Action Principle for Physical Human-Robot Cooperation
J.R. Medina Hernández;M. Lawitzky;A. Molin;S. Hirche; Dynamic Strategy Selection for Physical Robotic Assistance in Partially Known Tasks
J.R. Medina Hernández;D. Sieber;S. Hirche; Risk-sensitive Interaction Control in Uncertain Manipulation Tasks
Li, Lingxiangyu; Method Development of Extraction and Enrichment of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Environmental Water Samples
PHIL JONES; A Regional Approach Towards a Low Carbon Built Environment
D. Xue;A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche; Robust Distributed Control Design for Interconnected Systems under Topology Uncertainty
D. Xue;S. Hirche; Event-triggered Consensus of Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Double-Integrator Dynamics
Khegai, Oleksandr; Quantification methods for time-resolved metabolic magnetic resonance imaging using hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Balan, G.; Losurdo, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental study of high-temperature chlorine-induced corrosion in dependence of gas velocity
Englert, Barbara; Sisyphus-Kühlung von polyatomaren Molekülen
HEBA ELSHARKAWY, PETER RUTHERFORD, HAITHAM RASHED; Energy Consumption Behaviour and Home Performance
TIM SHARPE, DONALD SHEARER; Scenario Testing Of The Energy And Environmental Performance Of The ‘Glasgow House’
Krug, Susanne; The human metabolome under nutritional challenges in young men and subjects carrying risk alleles for obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2
Zhang, Ke; Comprehensive analysis of Hepatitis B virus antiviral drug resistance mutations based on a new high-throughput phenotypic assay
Büttner, Florian; Study of seed-based microRNA targeting in mammals
Haag, Nils-Holger; Experimental Determination of the Antineutrino Spectrum of the Fission Products of U238
Lewke, Timo; Studies of Scintillator Optical Properties, Electronics Simulation and Data Analysis for the BOREXINO Neutrino Experiment
Schulte, Eva Christina; Genetic variants in restless legs syndrome and Parkinson´s disease: the rare, the common and everything in between
Girbinger, Vroni; Immunological aspects of YB-1-dependent oncolytic virotherapy
Fendt, S.; Maschke, M.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Concept study of small-scale biomass-to-SNG systems with excess power integration
Bohn, J. P.; Blume, M.; Baumgartner, A.; Goanta, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Oxyfuel combustion of lignite in a non-stoichiometric operating two burner arrangement
Erbel, C.; Mayerhofer, M.; Monkhouse, P.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Continuous in situ measurements of alkali species in the gasification of biomass
Murer, M. J.; Alonso-Herranz, E.; de Waal, C. M. W.; Spliethoff, H.; van Berlo, M. A. J.; Gohlke, O.; Energy efficiency monitoring - which sensors are really needed?
Tremel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Gasification kinetics during entrained flow gasification - Part III: Modelling and optimisation of entrained flow gasifiers
Tremel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Gasification kinetics during entrained flow gasification - Part II: Intrinsic char reaction rate and surface area development
Chucholowski, F.; Büchner, S.; Reicheneder, J.; Lienkamp, M.; Prediction Methods for Teleoperated Road Vehicles
Dettmann, A.; Jentsch, M.; Leiber, P.; Bullinger, A.C.; Langer, D.; User in the loop: Konzeption und Entwicklung von Nutzerschnittstellen für "Mobility-on-demand"-Konzepte
Eckl, R.; Ehrl, B.; Lienkamp, M.; Range Extender for Seldom Use in the Electric Car MUTE – Zinc Air Battery Conference on Future Automotive Technology: Focus Electromobility
Gohla-Neudecker, B.; Wimmer, P.; Huber, M.; Hamacher, T.; Energy Economic Assessment of Range Extension Technologies for BEVs in 2020
Grubwinkler, S.; Lienkamp, M.; A modular and dynamic approach to predict the energy consumption of electric vehicles
Lieb, J.; Czuppa, F.; Knoll, S.; Schröder, J.; Bäker, B.; Simulating low temperature behavior of high voltage traction batteries – The challenge of real time efficiency estimation
Matz, S.; Lienkamp, M.; Optimisation of vehicle concepts in a multimodal environment with regard to user benefit
Mueller, K.; Heinrich, R.; Modern High Voltage Drive Train Architecture to Accommodate the Needs for a Variety of Components for Future Automotive Applications
Nitsch, C.; Höhn, B.-R.; Stahl, K.; Otto, M.; Heider, M.; Vogler, F.; Prospects of Compound-Gears for e-Mobility Applications
Reuter, B.; Kulcsar, J.; Bradshaw, A.M.; Hamacher, T.; Lienkamp, M.; Consequences for the environmental impact during the life cycle of an electric vehicle due to different technical and methodological approaches to the treatment of the car body - Annex
Seign, R.; Bogenberger, K.; Prescriptions for the Successful Diffusion of Carsharing with Electric Vehicles
Till, Z.; Lienkamp, M.; Market and customer oriented design of electrified vehicle concepts Vehicle Concepts & Engineering
Vogt, S.; Thalmeier, M.; Rill, D.; Volk, W.; Kindersberger, J.; High voltage aluminium connector (LEIKO)
Walder, G.; Campestrini, C.; Kohlmeier, S.; Lienkamp, M.; Jossen, A.; Functionality and Behaviour of an Dual Kalman Filter implemented on a Modular Battery-Management-System
Gaszner, M.; Pugachev, A.O.; Georgakis, C.; Cooper, P.; Leakage and rotordynamic coefficients of brush seals with zero cold clearance used in an arrangement with labyrinth fins
Pugachev, A.O.; Predicted performance of brush seals: porous medium versus resolved bristle matrix and comparison with experimental data
Halama, S.; Kleinhans, U.; Spliethoff, H.; CFD simulation of pulverized fuel combustion, gasification and ash deposition in entrained flow reactors
Halama, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Numerische Simulation der Flugstromvergasung von Kohle bei hohen Prozesstemperaturen und -drücken
Spliethoff, H.; Buttler, A.; Integration chemischer Speicher in konventionelle Kraftwerke
Buttler, A.; Kunze, C.; Spliethoff, H.; IGCC–EPI: Decentralized concept of a highly load-flexible IGCC power plant for excess power integration
Kleinhans, U.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Modeling ash deposition and formation during pulverized fuel combustion using computational fluid dynamics
Baumgartner, A.; Blume, M.; Goanta, A.; Dias, P.; Spliethoff, H.; Investigations on oxyfuel combustion of a subbituminous coal in a two-burner arrangement
Blume, M.; Baumgartner, A.; Goanta, A.; Dias, P.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of interaction between coal flames - effects on total and radiation heat fluxes
Bügler, M.;Kargul, A.;Wimmer, J.;Horenburg, T.;Borrmann, A.;Günthner, W. A.; FAUST - Fertigungssynchrone Ablaufsimulation von Unikatbaustellen im Spezialtiefbau
Zehetmeier, Monika; A system approach to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and key parameters from dairy cow production as affected by milk yield and breed
Böck, L.; Haßlberger, J.; Sattelmayer, T.; Explosive Combustion of Stratified Hydrogen-Air Mixtures
Böhme, P.; Hamacher, T; Heat Consumption Analysis on a City Scale
Buttler, A.; Flexible power and synthesis plant concepts with integrated chemical power storage
Goebel, C.; Jacobsen, H.-A.; A need- and willingness-based approach for online electric vehicle charging control
Doblander, C.; Goebel, C.; Jacobsen, H.-A.; Smart Grid Simulation
Hamacher, T.; Research Towards Innovative Energy Systems and Materials
Himpsl, A.; Dandl, T.; Heindl, T.; Ulrich, A.; Table-Top Electron-Beam Induced Plasma Chemistry
Körper, J.; Climate Science - What do we know about past, current and future climate change?
Mangesius, H.; Huber, M.; Power systems research - why we should cooperate
Martins, O.; Natural Gas: An abundant, cleaner-burning energy solution
Ulbrich, M.; Kremling, M.; Fendt, S.; Briesemeister, L.; Herrmann, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; Processes for the Gasification of Biomass and current Developments
Kappes, Imke; Implications of Alternative Governance Models on Corporate Behaviour
Wild, M.;Dori, G.;Borrmann, A.;Fischer, O.; A system model for lifecycle monitoring of bridges
Schröer, Bernhard Karl Georg; Lösungskomponente Mensch
Hahn, A.; Knoke, T.; Angebot, Nachfrage und Nachhaltigkeit im Wald
Auernhammer, Hermann; Seifert, Arne; Teichert, Astrid; Bernhardt, Heinz; Digitalisierte Bilder und Schriften Agrartechnik in der „AgTecCollection in mediaTUM®“
Roth, Sabine; The Potential of Neganov-Luke Amplified Cryogenic Light Detectors and the Scintillation-Light Quenching Mechanism in CaWO4 Single Crystals in the Context of the Dark Matter Search Experiment CRESST-II
Wolf, Jan-Christoph; Nitro-PAH-Bildung in Dieselpartikelfiltern & Partikelanzahl-Messverfahren für Dieselabgas
S. Erhart;D. Sieber;S. Hirche; An impedance-based control architecture for multi-robot cooperative dual-arm mobile manipulation
S. Erhart;S. Hirche; Adaptive Force/Velocity Control for Multi-Robot Cooperative Manipulation under Uncertain Kinematic Parameters
Israel, Boris; Potenziale eines kontaktanalogen Head-up Displays für den Serieneinsatz
Schuhbauer, C.; Angerer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Kluger, F.; Tschaffon, H,; Detailliert gekoppelte Simulation von Kraftwerksfeuerung und Dampferzeugung
Chursov, Andrey; Sequence-structure relationships in mRNAs
Sommer, Lisa A. M.; Structural characterization of the membrane mimetic interactions of the FATC domains of the protein kinase 'target of rapamycin' and related kinases
Helm, Toni; Electronic Properties of Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors Probed by High-Field Magnetotransport
Rümenapp, Christine; Magnetic Resonance with Magnetic Nanoparticles
Pachl, Fiona; Quantitative chemical and phosphoproteomics for studying signaling in cancer
Oswald, Susanna; Entwicklung einer immunologischen Multianalytmethode zur Detektion von Mykotoxinen in Getreide
Zeppenfeld, Martin G. W.; Electric Trapping and Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules
Röhl, Alina; Molecular architecture, dynamics and regulation of the Hsp90 cochaperone Sti1
Krause, Maike; Structural and functional characterization of small Heat shock proteins of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Hiller, Matthias and Sigl, Georg and Pehl, Michael; A New Model for Estimating Bit Error Probabilities of Ring-Oscillator PUFs
Hennig, Maxim and Schimmel, Oliver and Zieris, Philipp and Sigl, Georg; Manipulationssensible Kopierschutzfolie
Merli, Dominik and Heyszl, Johann and Heinz, Benedikt and Schuster, Dieter and Stumpf, Frederic and Sigl, Georg; Localized Electromagnetic Analysis of RO PUFs
Belaid, Sonia and De Santis, Fabrizio and Heyszl, Johann and Mangard, Stefan and Medwed, Marcel and Schmidt, Jörn-Marc and Standaert, Francois-Xavier and Tillich , Stefan; Towards Fresh Re-Keying with Leakage-Resilient PRFs Cipher Design Principles and Analysis
Haensel, Mirjam; Pulverisierung von hochviskosen zuckerhaltigen Flüssigkeiten zur Herstellung lagerfähiger Pulver
D. Sieber;F. Deroo;S. Hirche; Formation-based approach for multi-robot cooperative manipulation based on optimal control design
D. Sieber;F. Deroo;S. Hirche; Iterative optimal feedback control design under relaxed rigidity constraints for multi-robot cooperative manipulation
F. Deroo;M. Ulbrich;S. Hirche;B. D. O. Anderson; Distributed controller design for a class of sparse singular systems with privacy constraints
Runtemund, K.; Cottone, G.; Müller, G.; Treatment of arbitrarily autocorrelated load functions in the scope of parameter identification
Bensi, M.T.; Der Kiureghian A.; Straub, D.; Efficient Bayesian network modeling of systems
Sättele, M; Bründl, M.; Straub,D.; Bayesian networks to quantify the reliability of a debris flow alarm system
Schneider, R.; Thöns, S.; Rücker, W.; Straub, D.; Effect of different inspection strategies on the reliability of Daniels systems subjected to fatigue
Breun, Peter; Optimal Control Over Power Constrained Communication Channels
Furtmayr, Florian; Nitride Nanowire Heterostructures
Fu, Yilei; Asymmetric reductions using novel ene-reductases from cyanobacteria
M. Goldenbaum, H. Boche, S. Stanczak; Harnessing Interference for Analog Function Computation in Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Goldenbaum, S. Stanczak; Robust Analog Function Computation via Wireless Multiple-Access Channels
Wagner, Andreas; Image Assisted Total Stations: Prospects for Deformation Monitoring
H. Mangesius;M. Huber;T. Hamacher;S. Hirche; A Framework to Quantify Technical Flexibility in Power Systems Based on Reliability Certificates
H. Mangesius; New Convergence and Exact Performance Results for Linear Consensus Algorithms Using Relative Entropy and Lossless Passivity Properties
Brunner, H.H.; Nossek, J.A.; Fun examples for teaching linear and nonlinear circuits
Bendlin, R. ; Brunner, H.H. ; Ivrlac, M.T. ; Nossek, J.A. ; Huang, Y.; Two-Phase Scheduling and Leakage-Based Precoding in Wireless Cellular Networks
Sommer, Bettina I.; A new synthetic biology methodology for the cell-free production of industrial alcohols
Schleede, Simone; X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging at a Compact Laser-Driven Synchrotron Source
Mühlhäuser, Katja Mara Vanessa; Measuring expected stock returns - The implied cost of capital and its applications
Schuster, Christina; Studies on Phenology and Intra-annual Tree Ring Growth along Altitudinal Gradients in the Werdenfelser Region
Stamou, Emmanuel; Flavour Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Top and Bottom Quarks
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; Wiretap Channels with Side Information--Strong Secrecy Capacity and Optimal Transceiver Design
Herzog, Bastian; Benzotriazole and Sulfamethoxazole - Biodegradation of polar, non-adsorptive xenobiotic micropollutants with activated sludge communities and pure cultures
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; Capacity Results and Super-Activation for Wiretap Channels with Active Wiretappers
M. Karaca, Y. Sarikaya, O. Ercetin, T. Alpcan, H. Boche; Joint Opportunistic Scheduling and Selective Channel Feedback
M. Wiese, H. Boche; The Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access Channel with Conferencing Encoders
R.F. Wyrembelski, M. Wiese, H. Boche; Strong Secrecy in Bidirectional Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages
Drazic, Adrian; Characterization of the HOCl-specific transcription factor HypT and the effects of HOCl on the metabolism of E. coli
Günter Roppenecker / Boris Lohmann; An Approach for Stability-Preserving Model Order Reduction for Switched Linear Systems Based on Individual Subspaces
Walters, Evelyn; Fate and Transport of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Flume Systems Mimicking an Oligotrophic River
Kleßinger, Ulrich Andreas; Nichtlineare Flusseffekte komplexer Fluide in Mikrofluidikkanälen
Grabmayr, Heinrich Ernst Paul; Dual-Channel STED Microscopy with Pulsed Interleaved Excitation
Bendlin, R.; Brunner, H.H.; Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Huang, Y.; Two-Phase Scheduling and Leakage-Based Precoding in Wireless Cellular Networks
Ritz, Robert; Superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior on the border of itinerant ferromagnetism
Schwarze, Thomas; Spin Waves in 2D and 3D Magnonic Crystals: From Nanostructured Ferromagnetic Materials to Chiral Helimagnets
Matthes, Michaela; The cellular polarity of ENHANCER OF PINOID: underlying factors and its role in the organogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana
Lechner, Carolin; Functional analysis and biotechnological applications of silaffin peptides
Kraft, B.;Krämer, T.; Verifikation semantischer Konzepte in digitalen Bauwerksmodellen mit Object Constraint Language
Clasen, Christian; Wald-Wild-Konflikt – Wildschadensregulierung und Vegetationsgutachten
Wagner, Andreas; Wasmeier, Peter; Reith, Christoph; Wunderlich, Thomas; Bridge Monitoring By Means Of Video-Tacheometer – A Case Study
Steinfatt, Heiko W.; Tunica-albuginea-underlap-Technik - eine neue Modifikation der penilen Corporoplastik nach Nesbit
Huber, Rupert; Control of Spin Waves on the Nanoscale in One-Dimensional Magnonic Crystals and Atomic Layer Deposition of Metallic Ferromagnets for Second Generation of Nanomaterials
Hafner, A.; Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Bodemer, E.; Höllentalangerhütte - A case study for end of life Reuse and recycling methodologies.
Werner, Joachim; Steigerung der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz bei Sportstudierenden
Castaneda, M., Stein, M., Antreich, F., Tasdemir, E., Kurz, L., Noll, T. G., and Nossek, J. A.; Joint Space-Time Interference Mitigation for Embedded Multi-Antenna GNSS Receivers
Voormeeren, S. N.;van der Valk, P. L. C.;Nortier, B. P.;Molenaar, D-P.;Rixen, D. J.; Accurate and efficient modeling of complex offshore wind turbine support structures using augmented superelements
Ewald, A.;Buschmann, T.; Online Trajectory Replanning for Biped Robots Based on Foot Step Position Modification
Spillane, N.;Rixen, D.J.; Automatic spectral coarse spaces for robust finite element tearing and interconnecting and balanced domain decomposition algorithms
Rixen, Daniel J.;Valk, Paul L.C. van der; An Impulse Based Substructuring approach for impact analysis and load case simulations
Besselink, B.;Tabak, U.;Lutowska, A.;Wouw, N. van de;Nijmeijer, H.;Rixen, D.J.;Hochstenbach, M.E.;Schilders, W.H.A.; A comparison of model reduction techniques from structural dynamics, numerical mathematics and systems and control
Roland Schmehl, Uwe Ahrens, and Moritz Diehl; Nonlinear aeroelasticity, flight dynamics and control of a flexible membrane traction kite
Filippi, M.;Ulbrich, H.; Optimizing the Dynamics of Mechanical Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimizers and Meta-Models
Kuittinen, M.; Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Good practices for carbon efficiency in wood construction.
Takano, A.; Pittau, F.; Hafner, A.; Ott, S.; Greenhouse Gas Emission from Construction process of multistory wooden buildings.
Popp, A.;Wall, W.A.; Mortar methods for computational contact mechanics and general interface problems
Mestek, P.; Dietsch, P.; Design concept for CLT - reinforced with self-tapping screws
J. Lunze; Event-based control
A. Molin;S. Hirche; A bi-level approach for the design of event-triggered control systems over a shared network
A. Molin;S. Hirche; Suboptimal event-triggered control for networked control systems
M. Andersson, R.F. Schaefer, T.J. Oechtering, M. Skoglund; Polar Coding for Bidirectional Broadcast Channels with Common and Confidential Messages
K. Benidis, R.F. Schaefer, H. Boche; Bidirectional Relay Communication with Additional Private Message
R.F. Schaefer, H.V. Poor, H. Boche; MIMO Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Private and Confidential Messages and with Receiver Side Information
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; Capacity Results, Coordination Resources, and Super-Activation in Wiretap Channels
Möllenberg, Randolph; Monte Carlo Study of Solar 8B Neutrinos and the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background in LENA
Günter Roppenecker / Boris Lohmann; Analysis, Interpretation and Generalization of Strictly Dissipative State Space Formulation of Second Order Systems
Brechmann, E.C., Hendrich, K., and Czado, C.; Conditional copula simulation for systemic risk stress testing
Brechmann, E.C.; Sampling from hierarchical Kendall copulas
Hakenjos, Jana Pia; Neddylierung in Arabidopsis thaliana: Charakterisierung eines Inhibitors und eines neuen Substrats
Bloch, G.; Elfner, J.; Finke, K.; Sattelmayer, T.; Setup and Fabrication of Cost Effective, Robust Fiber Optical Needle Probes for Application in Multiphase Flows
Gaaß, Thomas; Acceleration of Radial Data Acquisition in Medical Imaging via Iterative, Histogram-Constrained Reconstruction
Benitez Herrera, Sandra; Model-Independent Approach to Reconstruct the Expansion History of the Universe with Type Ia Supernovae
Gaszner, M.; Pugachev, A.O.; Georgakis, C.; Cooper, P.; Leakage and rotordynamic coefficients of brush seals with zero cold clearance used in an arrangement with labyrinth fins
Kleinhans, U.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Modellierung des zeitlichen Depositionsaufbaus bei der Staubfeuerung in einem Flugstromreaktor: Ein Vergleich zwischen Simulation und Experiment
Menzel, Edwin Peter Kurt; Propagating Quantum Microwaves: Dual-path State Reconstruction and Path Entanglement
Huber, Matthias; Ziems, Christian; Hamacher, Thomas; Weber, Harald; Combining LP and MIP approaches to model model the impacts of renewable energy generation on individual thermal power plant operation
Mangesius, Herbert; Huber, Matthias; Hirche, Sandra; Hamacher, Thomas; A Framework to Quantify Technical Flexibility in Power Systems Based on Reliability Certificates
Huber, Matthias; Sänger, Florian; Hamacher, Thomas; Coordinating Smart Homes in Microgrids: A Quantification of Benefits
Huber, Matthias; Sänger, Florian; Hamacher, Thomas; Das „Post-EEG“-Potenzial von Photovoltaik im privaten Strom- und Wärmesektor
Egbers, Jörg Franz; Identifikation und Adaption von Arbeitsplätzen für leistungsgewandelte Mitarbeiter entlang des Montageplanungsprozesses
Stein, Martin Lorenz; Detection, Identification and Characterization of the Natural 20S Proteasome Inhibitors from Photorhabdus luminescens
Tomaras, Constantin Philemon; Hochfrequente Zustandsdichte und Phononenlokalisierung in ungeordneten Festkörpern
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche;Y. Nakamura; Multiresolution Laplacian Trajectory Replanning
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche;Y. Nakamura; Variable Positional Constraints for Laplacian Trajectory Editing
Neumaier, Sabine; Fast Conformational Dynamics in Folded Peptides and Proteins Measured by Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer
Zhang, Bo; Epoxidation and sulfoxidation mediated by ionic liquids
Amann, J.;Borrmann, A,; Hegemann, F.; Jubierre, J.R.; Flurl, M.; Koch, C.; König, M.; A Refined Product Model for Shield Tunnels Based on a Generalized Approach for Alignment Representation
Bai, Q.; Amjad, R.A.; Nossek, J.A.; Average throughput maximization for energy harvesting transmitters with causal energy arrival information
Bai, Q.; Nossek, J.A.; Modulation optimization for energy harvesting transmitters with compound Poisson energy arrivals
Pittala, F.; Qi, J.; Msallem, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Joint frame synchronization and frequency offset estimation in coherent optical transmission systems
Chen, Y.; Nossek, J.A.; Mezghani, A.; Circuit-Aware Cognitive Radios for Energy-Efficient Communications
Niedermeier, Martin A.; Novel structuring routines of titania films for application in photovoltaics
Bai, Q.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; On the Optimization of ADC Resolution in Multiantenna Systems
Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; EM Based Per-Subcarrier ML Channel Estimation for Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems
Ritter, F.;Geyer, P.;Borrmann, A; The Design Space Exploration Assistance Method: Constraints and Objectives
Baumgartner, A.; Blume, M.; Goanta, A.; Dias, P.; Spliethoff, H.; Investigations on oxyfuel combustion of a subbituminous coal in a two-burner arrangement
Fischnaller, M.; Volz, F.; Kunde, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Gaderer, M.; Small scale gasifiers – market and technology evaluation for promising developments
Kayser, Jona; Non-equilibrium Effects in Cytoskeletal Networks
Yang, Shan; Investigation into Shanghai Spatial Publicness
Bai, Q.; Nossek, J.A.; Throughput Maximization for Energy Harvesting Nodes Transmitting over Time-Varying Channels
Manich, Salvador and Wamser, Markus Guillen, Oscar and Sigl, Georg; Differential Scan-Path: A Novel Solution for Secure Design-for-Testability
Steibel, M.; Botteghi, F.; Stetka, M.; Nakonz, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimentelle Untersuchung der Hochdruck-Pyrolyse von Kohle und deren Einfluss auf die intrinsische Kinetik der CO2-, H2O- und der kombinierten H2O-/CO2-Vergasung
Stimm, B.; Stiegler, J.; Genser, C.; Wittkopf, S.; Mosandl, R.,; Paulownia – Hoffnungsträger aus Fernost? Eine schnellwachsende Baumart aus China in Bayern auf dem Prüfstand.
P. Walk, P. Jung; On a Reverse l2-inequality for Sparse Circular Convolutions
Wiesner, T.A.;Popp, A.;Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.; Algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods for saddle-point problems arising from mortar-based finite element discretizations
Popp, A.;Farah, P.;Seitz, A.;Wall, W.A; Improved robustness and efficiency of mortar-based FE discretizations for nonlinear contact problems
I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, G. Janssen; Universal quantum state merging
Wiesner, T.;Popp, A.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.; Towards algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods for mortar-based finite element discretizations in contact mechanics
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Characterization of the range of the Hilbert transform for bounded bandlimited signals and applications
Schott, B.;Wall, W.A.; A face-oriented stabilized fictitious domain approach for 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations applied to fluid-structure interaction
Busche, Marc Aurel; In vivo two-photon calcium imaging of hippocampal neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease
V. Pohl, E. Tampubolon, H. Boche; Sampling and reconstruction in sparse atomic spaces
H. Boche, J. Nötzel; Abritrarily small amounts of correlation for arbitrarily varying quantum channels
Rasthofer, U.;Wall, W.A.;Gravemeier, V.; Eine variationelle Mehrskalenmethode mit multifraktaler Subskalenmodellierung zur Grobstruktursimulation turbulenter Strömungen mit passivem und aktivem Skalartransport
Winter, A.; Kindersberger, J.; Hinrichsen, V.; Imamovic, D.; Tenzer, M.; Compact Gas-Solid Insulating Systems for High-Field-Stress in HVDC applications
Seiler, J.; Kindersberger, J.; Resistance to surface erosion of epoxy resins with silica and alumina nanofillers
Winter, A.; Kindersberger, J.; Transient field distribution on epoxy resin insulators in air under dc voltages
Seiler, J.; Kindersberger, J.; Einfluss der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit nanoskaliger SiO2-Partikel auf die Erosionsbeständigkeit von gefüllten Epoxidharzformstoffen
Spliethoff, H.; The role of solid fuel conversion in future power generation
Spliethoff, H.; Gasifcation – the key for efficient power production
Fendt, S.; Buttler, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Biomass gasification for excess power integration
Pittala, F.; Nossek, J.A.; Training-aided frequency offset estimation in 16-QAM Nyquist transmission systems
Horch, Clemens; Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Length-independent Refinement of Video Quality Metrics Based on Multiway Data Analysis
Rembiasz, Tomasz; Numerical Studies of the Magnetorotational Instability in Core-Collapse Supernovae
Roenneberg, Casper Jonathan; Die Indocyaningrün-Fluoreszenz-Angiographie – Evaluation einer neuen nicht-invasiven Methode zur Bestimmung der residualen Gewebeperfusion bei Patienten mit peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit
Balzer, Bizan Nicolas Anosarwan; Single Polymer Friction
Redl, Arne; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus; Saliency based video quality prediction using multi-way data analysis
Redi, Judith; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Korshunov, Pavel; Mazza, Filippo; Povoa, Isabel; Keimel, Christian; Crowdsourcing-based multimedia subjective evaluations: a case study on image recognizability and aesthetic appeal
Seybold, Tamara; Keimel, Christian; Knopp, Marion; Stechele, Walter; Towards an evaluation of denoising algorithms with respect to realistic camera noise
K. Leibrandt;T. Lorenz;T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche; Modelling Human Gameplay at Pool and Countering it with an Anthropomorphic Robot
Feldmaier, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus; Emotional evaluation of bandit problems
Weiherer, Tobias; Bouzouraa, Sayed; Hofmann, Ulrich; An interval based representation of occupancy information for driver assistance systems
Onyekwelu, J. C.; Olusola, J. A.; Stimm, B.; Mosandl, R.; Agbelade, A. D.; Domestication Potential of Some Important Ntfps Tree Species: Farm-level Tree Growth Characteristics, Fruit Phenotypic Variation and Economic Assessment.
Onyekwelu, J. C.; Stimm, B.; Mosandl, R.; Olusola, J. A.; Domestication of Socio-economically Important Forest Food Tree Species: Effects of Light Intensities on Germination and Early Growth of Chrysophyllum albidum and Irvingia gabonensis.
Filippi, M.;Ulbrich, H.; Reibungsminimierung in Steuerkettentrieben
Tremel, A.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Small-scale production of synthetic natural gas by allothermal biomass gasification
Slim, I.; Mezghani, A.; Baltar, L.G.; Qi, L.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; Delayed Single-tap Subband Processing for Chromatic Dispersion Compensation
Gehlen, C.; Dauerhaftigkeitsbemessung und Lebenszyklus von Stahlbetonbauwerken
Hergert, A.; Kindersberger, J.; Bär, C.; Bärsch, R.; Stand und Entwicklung von Prüfverfahren zur Bewertung dynamischer Hydrophobieeigenschaften polymerer Isolierstoffe für den Hochspannungseinsatz
Thalmeier, M.; Kindersberger, J.; Vogt, S.; Rill, D.; Volk, W.; High voltage aluminium connector (LEIKO)
Niedernhuber, J.; Kindersberger, J.; Electrical treeing in insulating resins with silica nanofillers
Hergert, A.; Kindersberger, J.; Bär, C.; Bärsch, R.; Test Methods for the Evaluation of Dynamic Hydrophobicity Properties of Polymeric Insulating Materials for High-Voltage Applications
Refaey, M.; Kindersberger, J.; Stressing Factors Impact on Surface Erosion of Epoxy Resin Exposed to Electrical Discharges
Germano, A.; Kindersberger, J.; Seifert, M.; Influence of Nanosilica on the Performance of HTV Silicone Rubber for Outdoor Insulation
Meysel, P.; Halama, S.; Botteghi, F.; Steibel, M.; Nakonz, M.; Rück, R.; Kurowski, P.; Buttler, A.; Spliethoff, H.; High temperature gasification and gas cleaning – phase II of the HotVegas project
Kerber, S.; Seeber, B.U.; Psychoacoustic abilities of CI users in relation to speech understanding and localization in a reverberant room
Seeber, B.U.; Monaghan, J.J.M.; Envelope enhancement for improving hearing in reverberant spaces
Wieland, C.; Meinel, D.; Spliethoff, H.; Exergo-economic comparison of ORC concepts at different Scales
Wieland, C.; Geothermische ORC Anlagen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Flexibilität
Hilbig, H.; Gmell, A.; Nakonz, M.; Heinz, D.; Laser Ablation ICP-MS for Spatially Resolved Element Analysis
Stöckl, G.; Witzmann, R.; Analysis of the Potential of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Price Controlled Charging Strategies
Wirth, G.; Spring, A.; Becker, G.; Pardatscher, R.; Witzmann, R.; Brantl, J.; Schmidt, S.; Schramm, S.; Schmidt, M.; Klassifizierung der Netzeinflüsse durch Photovoltaikanlagen nach meteorologischen Parametern
Spring, A.; Wirth, G.; Becker, G.; Pardatscher, R.; Witzmann, R; Brantl, J.; Schmidt, S.; Untersuchung der Korrelationen aus Tageslastgängen und PV-Einspeisung zur Bestimmung der maximalen Netzbelastung
Esslinger, P.; Witzmann, R.; Experimental Study on Voltage Dependent Reactive Power Control Q(V) by Solar Inverters in Low-Voltage Networks
Ozbolt, J., Grosse C., Richter R.; Combined acoustic emission and simulation approach to study fracture behavior of concrete under fire load
Grosse, C.; Schumacher, T.; Anwendungen der Schallemissionsanalyse an Betonbauwerken
Moser, D.; Poelchau, M.; Stark, F.; Grosse, C.; Application of nondestructive testing methods to study the damage zone underneath impact craters of MEMIN laboratory experiments
Richter, R.; Malm, F.; Grosse, C.; Lokalisierung von Schallemissionsereignissen in Probekörpern mit veränderlicher und inhomogener Schallgeschwindigkeitsverteilung
Grosse, C.; Van Tittelboom, K.; De Belie, N.; Non-destructive testing techniques for the observation of healing effects in cementitious materials – an introduction
Richter, R. ; Malm, F. ; Grosse, C.; Lokalisierung von Schallemissionsereignissen in Probekörpern mit veränderlicher und inhomogener Schallgeschwindigkeitsverteilung
Stengel, Thorsten; Verbundverhalten und mechanische Leistungsfähigkeit von Stahlfasern in ultrahochfestem Beton
Richter, R.; Dehn, F.; Schmidt, J.; Juknat, M.; Grosse C.; Measurement systems to detect the time-dependant development of concrete spalling under fire exposure
Radlmeier, M.; Richter, R.; Grosse, C.; Automatische Qualitätsbeurteilung der Ersteinsatzbestimmung von Schallemissionssignalen mit Hilfe von autoregressiven Pickerfunktionen
Richter, R.; Grosse, C.; Portner, B.; Raith, M.; Auswertemöglichkeiten und Darstellung von Schallemissionsdaten am Beispiel von Brandexperimenten
I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, J. Nötzel; Erratum to: Entanglement transmission and generation under channel uncertainty: universal quantum channel coding
G. Wunder, R.F.H. Fischer, H. Boche, S. Litsyn, J.-S. No; The PAPR Problem in OFDM Transmission: New Directions for a Long-Lasting Problem
Griess, V.C.; S. Höllerl, S.; Griess, H.; Ding, H.; Falk, P.; Hansen, T.; Hofmann, M.; Hong, K.; Kirchner, C.; Lohmeier, R.; Madl, F.; Rau, M.; Schemm, C.; Wöllhaf, S.; Zankl, G.; Neuenglands Wälder – junge Vielfalt. Ein Bericht der Yale-TUM Summer School
Khan, Aftab, A.; Kolbe, Thomas, H.;; Subspacing based on Connected Opening Spaces and for Different Locomotion Types Using Geometric and Graph based Representation in Multilayered Space-Event Model (MLSEM)
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; Optimal transceiver design for wiretap channels with side information
M. Goldenbaum, H. Boche, S. Stanczak; Reliable computation of nomographic functions over Gaussian multiple-access channels
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; On the strong secrecy capacity of wiretap channels with side information
F. Yang, V. Pohl, H. Boche; Phase Retrieval via Structured Modulation in Paley-Wiener Spaces
Knoke, Thomas; Ökosystemleistungen und Forstplanung
Hahn, Andreas; Schall, Julian; Kosten von Naturschutzauflagen für Waldeigentümer - Bewertungsbeispiele für Mindestvorrat und Flächenstilllegung
Kindu, Mengistie; Schneider, Thomas; Knoke, Thomas; Monetäre Bewertung der Landnutzungs-/Landoberflächentypen - Landschaftsausschnitt Munessa-Shashemene des äthiopischen Hochlandes
Uhde, Britta; Integration von Ökosystemleistungen in forstliche Planungsprozesse - Anwendung einer multikriteriellen Entscheidungsanalyse
Härtl, Fabian; Stoffliche oder thermische Holznutzung? Auswirkungen steigender Ölpreise auf Sortierung und C-Bilanz
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Characterization of the Pointwise and the Peak Value Behavior of System Approximation under Thresholding
O. Khalid, C. Rolfes, A. Ibing; On implementing trusted boot for embedded systems
Machl, Thomas; Donaubauer, Andreas; Auernhammer, Hermann; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Shape and Ergonomics: Methods for Analyzing Shape and Geometric Parameters of Agricultural Parcels
Sun, Xianyong; Catalytic Conversion of Methanol to Olefins over HZSM-5 Catalysts
Kaden, Robert; Prytula, Michael; Krüger, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Energieatlas Berlin: Vom Gebäude zur Stadt – Am Beispiel zur Abschätzung der Wärmeenergiebedarfe von Gebäuden
Kaden, Robert; Kolbe, Thomas H.; City-Wide Total Energy Demand Estimation of Buildings using Semantic 3D City Models and Statistical Data
Nikhil Somani, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Caixia Cai, Alois Knoll; Scene Perception and Recognition for Human-Robot Co-Operation
Takaaki Kuratate; Mask-bot: a retro-projected talking head head for social interaction media applications
Andreas Holzbach, Gordon Cheng; Enhancing Object Recognition for Humanoid Robots through Time-Awareness
Mayet, Johannes; Rixen, Daniel; Ulbrich, Heinz; Centrifugal Pendulum Vibration Absorbers: Effects of Coulomb Friction
Brahmi, M; Siedersberger, K.-H.; Siegel A.; Maurer M.; Reference Systems for Environmental Perception: Requirements, Validation and Metric-based Evaluation
Hesse, T.; Schieben, A.; Heesen, M.; Dziennus, M.; Griesche, S.; Köster, F.; Interaction design for automation initiated steering manoeuvres for collision avoidance
Braeuchle, C.; Ruenz, J.; Flehmig, F.; Rosenstiel, W.; Kropf, T.; Situation analysis and decision making for active pedestrian protection using Bayesian networks
Engel, S.; Kratzsch, C.; David, K.; Warkow, D.; Holzknecht, M.; Car2Pedestrian Positioning: Methods for Improving GPS Positioning in Radio-Based VRU Protection Systems
Beggiato, M.; Krems, J. F.; Sequence analysis of glance patterns to predict lane changes on urban arterial roads
Gold, C.; Damböck, D.; Bengler, K.; Lorenz, L.; Partially Automated Driving as a Fallback Level of High Automation
Thierstein, Alain; Blick von aussen - Rankings und Hierarchien sind allgegenwärtig und machen auch vor Standorten und deren Attraktivität nicht Halt.
J. Rivera;P Wolfrum;S. Hirche;C. Christoph Goebel;H.-A. Jacobsen; Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Decentralized Electric Vehicle Charging Control
Kilian Grundl, Thomas Cebulla, Thorsten Schindler, Arie van der Velde, Semih Yildiz; INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT PULLEY-CONTOURS ON THE KINEMATICS OF A PUSHBELT VARIATOR
Horst, G.;Hoper, M.;Kohn, N.;Fiolka, A.;Feussner, H.;Ulbrich, H.; Snake-like Kinematics for Minimally Invasive Surgery Using Selective Laser Sintering
Horst, G.;Roppenecker, D.B.;Lueth, T.C;Ulbrich, H.; Design of a disposable solid-state bending section for minimally invasive surgery
Eling, R.;van Ostayen, R.;Rixen, D.J.; Dynamics of rotors on hydrodynamic bearings
Kirschneck, M.;Rixen, D.J.;Polinder, H.;van Ostayen, R.; Electromagnetic Coupling in Electric Machines, Garden Grove, CA
Lloberas-Valls, O.;Everdij, F. P. X.;Rixen, D. J.;Simone, A.;Sluys, L. J.; Objective Multiscale Analysis of Random Heterogeneous Materials
Mayet, J.;Rixen, D. J.;Ulbrich, H.; Experimental Investigation of Centrifugal Pendulum Vibration Absorbers
Rahimi, S.;de Klerk, D.;Rixen, D.J.; The Ampair 600 Wind Turbine Benchmark: Results From the Frequency Based Substructuring Applied to the Rotor Assembly
van der Seijs, M.V.;de Klerk, D.;Rixen, D.J.;Rahimi, S.; Validation of Current State Frequency Based Substructuring Technology for the Characterisation of Steering Gear - Vehicle Interaction
Tiso, Paolo;Dedden, Rob;Rixen, D.J.; A Modified Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method For Reducing Non-linear Structural Finite Element Models
Tiso, P.;Dedden, R.;Rixen, D.J.; Discrete Empirical Interpolation for Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Reduction
Tiso, P.;Riahi, G.;Rixen, D.J.; Modal Derivatives for the Joined Wing Problem -A Close Look
van der Valk, Paul L.C.;Rixen, D.J.; Using a Coupled Co-Simulation Method for Coupling Complex Foundation Models and Wind Turbine Models in Aero-Elastic Simulations
van der Valk, P.L.C.;Rixen, D.J.; Substituting internal Forces for Blocked Forces or Free Interface Displacements in Substructured Simulations
Voormeeren, S.N.;Nortier, B.P.;Rixen, D.J.; Error Estimation and Adaptive Model Reduction Applied to Offshore Wind Turbine Modeling
Parret-Fréaud, Augustin; Rixen, Daniel J.; Efficient computation of large array-based mechanical structures
Ertl, R.; Günthner, W. A.; Schnell zu aussagekräftigen Werten gelangen - Teil 1, Analytische Berechnung des mittleren Energiebedarfs von Regalbediengeräten mit Energierückspeisung
Bügler, M.; Kargul, A.; Wimmer, J.; Horenburg, T.; Borrmann, A.; Günthner, W. A.; FAUST - Fertigungssynchrone Ablaufsimulation von Unikatbaustellen im Spezialtiefbau
Ertl, R.; Günthner, W. A.; Schnell zu aussagekräftigen Werten gelangen - Teil 2, Analytische Berechnung des mittleren Energiebedarfs von Regalbediengeräten mit Energierückspeisung
Hense, J.; Klevers, M.; Sailer, M.; Horenburg, T.; Mandl, H.; Günthner, W.A.; Using gamification to enhance staff motivation in logistics
Ertl, R.; Günthner, W. A.; Energieeffiziente Bahnplanung von Regalbediengeräten - Zwischenkreis ermöglicht einen niedrigen Gesamtverbrauch
Mirlach, M.; Günthner, W.A.; Ulbrich, A.; Beckhaus, K.; Auftragszuteilungsverfahren für Staplerleitsysteme
Hohenstein, Frank; Günthner, W. A.; Anforderungen und Fähigkeiten gegenwärtiger Stapler-Lokalisierung
Dewitz, M.; Günthner, W. A.; Routenzug ist nicht gleich Routenzug
Habenicht, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Energiebedarfsermittlung in der Grobplanungsphase - Welche Ansätze eignen sich?
Bauer, Wolfgang;Elezi, Fatos;Homann, Florian;Maurer, Maik; The Identification of Limiting and Enabling factors of the Organization on the Development of Platform-based Products
Behncke, F. G. H.;Ehrhardt, J.;Lindemann, U.; Models for the optimization of supply chains - a literature review
Elezi, Fatos;Schmidt, Michael;Tommelein, Iris D.;Lindemann, U.; Enhanced Viability in Organizations: An Approach to Expanding the Requirements of the Viable System Model
Herberg, A.;Lindemann, U.; A different view on system decomposition – subsystem-centered property evaluation in multiple supersystems
Kaiser, Maria Katharina;Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena;Lindemann, Udo; BIOscrabble - Extraction of Biological Analogies out of Large Text Sources
Kasperek, Daniel;Peters, Konrad;Maisenbacher, Sebastian;Maurer, Maik; Development of an Assessment Procedure for the Problem-Specific Selection of Most Suitable Modeling Methods for Complex Systems
Kasperek, Daniel;Steenweg, Ragna;Maisenbacher, Sebastian;Füller, Kathrin Jasmin;Krcmar, Helmut;Maurer, Maik; Representing Ontologies in Multiple Domain Matrices
Kernschmidt, Konstantin;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Münzberg, Christopher;Kammerl, Daniel;Goswami, Suparna;Lindemann, Udo;Krcmar, Helmut;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Concept for an Integration-Framework to enable the crossdisciplinary Development of Product-Service Systems
Lichtenberg, Christian;Kasperek, Daniel;Maisenbacher, Sebastian;Maurer, Maik; Strukturbasierte Modellierung und Bewertung von Entwicklungsprozessen von Produkt-Service Systemen
Maisenbacher, S.;Behncke, F. G. H.;Lindemann, U.; Model for Integrated Value Engineering
Maisenbacher, S.;Kernschmidt, Konstantin;Kasperek, Daniel;Vogel-Heuser, B.;Maurer, M.; Using DSM and MDM Methodologies to Analyze Structural SysML Models
Metzler, Torsten;Lindemann, U.; Improving the Development of Companion Robots for Elderly Care by Integrating Meaningful Cognitive Functions
Reik, Alexander U.;Hashemi Farzaneh, H.;Maurer, Maik; Identifikation und Transfer von Wissen: Ein Fall für Social Media?
Reik, Alexander U.;King, Moritz;Lindemann, Udo; Investigation of the Information Generated by Technology Management Tools and Links to Strategic Product Planning Stages
Roth, Michael;Kasperek, Daniel;Lindemann, Udo; Functional Analysis and Modeling of Complex, Evolutionary Grown, Mechatronic Products
Sop Njindam, T.;Metzler, Torsten;Lindemann, U.;Paetzold, Kristin; A Model-Based Assessment for the Solution Space of a Cognitive Coffee Robot Waiter
von Saucken, Constantin;Michailidou, Ioanna;Lindemann, Udo; Emotional Mental Model
Wei, B.;Magner, D.;Endler, S.;Datashvili, L.; High precision large space structures: challenges in cable networks design
Ungwattanapanit, T.;Zhang, Y.;Baier, H.; Hybrid-Stiffness Laminated Fuselage Panels with Window Cutouts Optimized under Stability and Strength Constraints
Schatz, M.;Both, J.;Baier, H.; Experimental and numerical investigation of the stress-free temperature in CFRP and hybrid CFRP-metal composites
Bauer, Wolfgang;Elezi, Fatos;Maurer, Maik; Application of DSMs for Analyzing Product and Organizational Structures
Bauer, Wolfgang;Elezi, Fatos;Maurer, Maik; An Approach for Cycle-Robust Platform Design
Behncke, Florian G. H.;Kübel, Teresa;Lindemann, Udo; Supplier Evaluation based on a Product’s Architecture
Chucholowski, Nepomuk;Langer, Stefan;Behncke, Florian G. H.;Lindemann, Udo; Comparison of engineering change cause analysis in literature and industrial practice
Elezi, Fatos;Resch, David;Tommelein, Iris D.;Lindemann, Udo; Improving Organizational Design and Diagnosis by Supporting Viable System Model Application with Structural Complexity Management
Gürtler, Matthias R.; Open Innovation Interview-Studie 2012
Gürtler, Matthias R.;Lindemann, Udo; Situative Open Innovation - A model for selecting the right external actors and involving them in an efficient way
Gürtler, Matthias R.;Lindemann, Udo; Using Boolean Operators for modeling complex logical dependencies in matrices
Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena;Kaiser, Katharina; Influence of communication elements and cognitive effects on creative solution search in groups
Herzberger, Philipp;Behncke, Florian G. H.;Schenkl, Sebastian;Lindemann, Udo; Interactive Modeling and Evaluation of Product-Service-Systems
Kammerl, Daniel;Gast, Dominik;Orawski, Robert;Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander;Mörtl, Markus; Analysis of Product-Service System models as a basis for a modeling framework
Kasperek, Daniel;Kohn, Andreas;Maurer, Maik; Identifying Uncertainties within Structural Complexity Management
Kohn, Andreas;Hollauer, Christoph;Huber, Michael;Lindemann, Udo; Assistentensystem zur Unterstützung der projektspezifischen Arbeit mit Produktmodellen
Kohn, Andreas;Lindemann, Udo;Maurer, Maik; Knowledge base for supporting the handling of product models in engineering design
Michailidou, Ioanna;von Saucken, Constantin;Lindemann, U.; Extending product specification with emotional aspects: Introducing User Experience Stories
Michailidou, Ioanna;von Saucken, Constantin;Lindemann, U.; How to create a UX story
Nies, Benedikt Johannes;Orawski, Robert;Lindemann, Udo; Customer focused requirement engineering and system design for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)
Orawski, Robert;Hein, Christoph;Polenov, Dieter;Holle, Maik;Schenkl, Sebastian;Mörtl, Markus;Lindemann, Udo; Reuse of Requirements: An Approach with a Generic Requirements Pool
Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander;Schneider, Franz-Xaver;Kammerl, Daniel;Orawski, Robert;Hutterer, Philipp;Mörtl, Markus; Methodical Deployment of Quality Criteria
Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander;Spörl, Sebastian;Behncke, Florian G. H.;Orawski, Robert;Mörtl, Markus; Deploying decision criteria in a cyclical decision process for the product planning phase
Schmidt, D. M.;Schenkl, S. A.;Wickel, M. C.;Braun, M.;Maurer, M.; Intepreting Knowledge Maps Using Structural Criteria
Schmidt, D. M.;Schenkl, S. A.;Wickel, M. C.;v. Saucken, C.;Maurer, M.; Multiple-Domain Matrices and Knowledge Maps for Visualizing Knowledge-Driven Scenarios
Schöttl, Florian;Bauer, Wolfgang;Lindemann, Udo; Design for System Lifecycle Properties – Support of Planning Processes by Modularization of Stakeholder Networks
Schrieverhoff, Phillip;Lindemann, Udo; Managing a methodology-development requirement-process – Best practices and lessons learned
Steinhaeusser, Tobias;Elezi, Fatos;Tommelein, Iris D.;Lindemann, Udo; Management Cybernetics as a Theoretical Basis for Lean Thinking
von Saucken, Constantin;Michailidou, Ioanna;Lindemann, Udo; How to Design Experiences: Macro UX versus Micro UX Approach
von Saucken, Constantin;Reinhardt, Jakob;Michailidou, Ioanna;Lindemann, Udo; Principles for User Experience Design – Adapting the TIPS Approach for the Synthesis of Experiences
Wickel, Martina Carolina;Behncke, Florian G. H.;Lindemann, Udo; When to check for deviations in the design process - an approach to determine a systematic checkpoint schedule
Schöttl, F.;Herrmann, N.;Maurer, M.;Lindemann,U.; Systematic Procedure for Handling Complexity in the Automotive Production
Roppenecker, Günter; Lohmann, Boris; Diskretisierte Modelle für Netzwerke verteilt-parametrischer Port-Hamiltonscher Systeme
Arsic, D.;Huff, J.E.;Putner, J.; Efficient Evaluation of Wind Turbine Noise
Blume, J.;Bannat, A.;Rigoll, G.; iProgram: intuitive programming of an industrial hri cell
Browne, J.W.;Uhl, F.;Putner, J.;Fastl, H.;Pfaffelhuber, K.; Sound Quality Improvement using Low Weight Reinforced Thermoplastics (LWRT) in Automotive Air Conditioning Systems
Brückner, R.;Schuller, B.; Hierarchical Neural Networks and Enhanced Class Posteriors for Social Signal Classification
Deng, J.;Zhang, Z.;Marchi, E.;Schuller, B.; Sparse Autoencoder-based Feature Transfer Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition
Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.;Groß, F.;Schuller, B.; Recent Developments in openSMILE, the Munich Open-Source Multimedia Feature Extractor
Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.;Lehment, N.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Affective Video Retrieval: Violence Detection in Hollywood Movies by Large-Scale Segmental Feature Extraction
Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.;Marchi, E.;Schuller, B.; Likability of human voices: A feature analysis and a neural network regression approach to automatic likability estimation
Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.;Paletta, L.;Schuller, B.; The acoustics of eye contact - Detecting visual attention from conversational audio cues
Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Real-life Voice Activity Detection with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks and an Application to Hollywood Movies
Fastl, H.; Hören + Akustik = Psychoakustik
Fastl, H.; Basics and applications of psychoacoustics
Fastl, H.;Putner, J.;Hun You, J.;Breitsamter, C.;Krämer, P.; Psychoacoustic Aspects of Helicopter Sounds
Ferroni, G.;Marchi, E.;Eyben, F.;Gabrielli, L.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Onset Detection Exploiting Adaptive Linear Prediction Filtering in DWT Domain with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Ferroni, G.;Marchi, E.;Eyben, F.;Squartini, S.;Schuller, B.; Onset Detection Exploiting Wavelet Transform with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Geiger, J.T.;Eyben, F.;Evans, N.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Using Linguistic Information to Detect Overlapping Speech
Geiger, J.T.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Detecting Overlapping Speech with Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
Geiger, J.;Hofmann, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Gait-based Person Identification by Spectral, Cepstral and Energy-related Audio Features
Geiger, J.;Leykauf, T.;Rehrl, T.;Wallhoff, F.;Rigoll, G.; The Robot ALIAS as a Gaming Platform for Elderly Persons
Geiger, J.T.;Weninger, F.;Hurmalainen, A.;Gemmeke, J.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.;Virtanen, T.; The TUM+TUT+KUL Approach to the 2nd CHiME Challenge: Multi-Stream ASR Exploiting BLSTM Networks and Sparse NMF
Geiger, J.;Yenin, I.;Rehrl, T.;Wallhoff, F.;Rigoll, G.; Display of Emotions with the Robotic Platform ALIAS
Geiger, J. T.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Large-Scale Audio Feature Extraction and SVM for Acoustic Scene Classification
Hofmann, M.;G., Rigoll; Exploiting Gradient Histograms for Gait-Based Person Identification
Hofmann, M.;Haag, M.;G., Rigoll; Unified Hierarchical Multi-Object Tracking using Global Data Association
Hofmann, M.;Wolf, D.;Rigoll, G.; Hypergraphs for Joint Multi-View Reconstruction and Multi-Object Tracking
Joder, C.;Schuller, B.; Off-line Refinement of Audio-to-Score Alignment by Observation Template Adaptation
Joder, C.;Weninger, F.;Virette, D.;Schuller, B.; Integrating Noise Estimation and Factorization-based Speech Separation: a Novel Hybrid Approach
Joder, C.;Weninger, F.;Virette, D.;Schuller, B.; A Comparative Study on Sparsity Penalties for NMF-based Speech Separation: Beyond LP-Norms
Kerber, S.;Seeber, B.; Psychoacoustic abilities of CI users in relation to speech understanding and localization in a reverberant room
Laquai, F.;Gusmini, C.;Tönnis, M.;Rigoll, G.;Klinker, G.; A Multi Lane Car Following Model for Cooperative ADAS
Pavlic, M.;Rigoll, G.;Ilic, S.; Classification of Images in Fog and Fog-Free Scenes for Use in Vehicles
Putner, J.;Divko, C.A.;Fastl, H.;Zeitler, A.; Dieselness of Car Noises in Different Driving Conditions
Putner, J.;Fastl, H.; Rating the dieselness of vehicle noise using different psychoacoustic methods
Putner, J.;Grams, P.B.;Fastl, H.; Nonlinear Behavior of Piezoelectric Accelerometers
Putner, J.;Lohrmann, M.;Fastl, H.; Contribution analysis of vehicle exterior noise with operational transfer path analysis
Putner, J.;Lohrmann, M.;Fastl, H.; Analysis of the contributions from vehicle cabin surfaces to the interior noise
Rehrl, Tobias; Multimodale Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion für Ambient Assisted Living
Rehrl, T.;Geiger, J.;Golcar, M.;Gentsch, S.;Knobloch, J.;Rigoll, G.;Scheibl, K.;Schneider, W.;Ihsen, S.;Wallhoff, F.; The Robot ALIAS as a Database for Health Monitoring for Elderly People
Schuller, B.;Friedmann, F.;Eyben, F.; Automatic Recognition of Physiological Parameters in the Human Voice: Heart Rate and Skin Conductance
Schuller, B.;Marchi, E.;Baron-Cohen, S.;O’Reilly, H.;Robinson, P.;Davies, I.;Golan, O.;Friedenson, S.;Tal, S.;Newman, S.;Meir, N.;Shillo, R.;Camurri, A.;Piana, S.;Bölte, S.;Lundqvist, D.;Berggren, S.;Baranger, A.;Sullings, N.; ASC-Inclusion: Interactive Emotion Games for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions
Schuller, B.;Pokorny, F.;Ladstätter, S.;Fellner, M.;Graf, F.;Paletta, L.; Acoustic Geo-Sensing: Recognising Cyclists’ Route, Route Direction, and Route Progress from Cell-Phone Audio
Valstar, M.;Schuller, B.;Smith, K.;Eyben, F.;Jiang, B.;Bilakhia, S.;Schnieder, S.;Cowie, R.;Pantic, M.; AVEC 2013 - The Continuous Audio/Visual Emotion and Depression Recognition Challenge
Völk, Florian; Interrelations of Virtual Acoustics and Hearing Research by the Example of Binaural Synthesis
Völk, F.;Fastl, H.; Physical correlates of loudness transfer functions in binaural synthesis
Weninger, F.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; The TUM Approach to the MediaEval Music Emotion Task Using Generic Affective Audio Features
Weninger, F.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.W.;Mortillaro, M.;Scherer, K.R.; On the Acoustics of Emotion in Audio: What Speech, Music and Sound have in Common
Weninger, F.;Geiger, J.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; The Munich Feature Enhancement Approach to the 2013 CHiME Challenge Using BLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Weninger, F.;Kirst, C.;Schuller, B.;Bungartz, H.-J.; A Discriminative Approach to Polyphonic Piano Note Transcription using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Weninger, F.;Wagner, C.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Morency, L.-P.; Speaker Trait Characterization in Web Videos: Uniting Speech, Language, and Facial Features
Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Probabilistic ASR Feature Extraction Applying Context-Sensitive Connectionist Temporal Classification Networks
Wöllmer, M.;Zhang, Z.;Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Feature Enhancement by Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Conversational Speech Recognition in Highly Non-Stationary Noise
Zhang,Z.;Deng, J.;Marchi, E.;Schuller, B.; Active Learning by Label Uncertainty for Acoustic Emotion Recognition
Zhang, Z.;Deng, J.;Schuller, B.; Co-Training Succeeds in Computational Paralinguistics
L. Thiele, M. Kurras, M. Olbrich, K. Borner; On Feedback Requirements for CoMP Joint Transmission in the Quasi-Static User Regime
Paul, C., Weber, M.; Intercropping Cedrela odorata with Shrubby Crop Species to Reduce Infestation with Hypsipyla grandella and Improve the Quality of Timber.
Grünberg, Christina; Untersuchung von Oberflächenveränderungen dentaler Implantate nach Insertion in humanen Kieferknochen
Grill, Sabine; Ein randomisierter Vergleich von zwei verschiedenen medikamentenbeschichteten Stents hinsichtlich der Verwendung eines Langzeitpolymers bzw.polymerfreien Prinzips
Bartram, Claas; Noceboresponse in randomisierten kontrollierten Medikamentenstudien des Fibromyalgiesyndroms und der schmerzhaften peripheren diabetischen Neuropathie
Veprek, Stan; Recent search for new superhard materials: Go nano!
Witzmann, R.; Finkel, M.; Gerblinger, A.; Simulation of innovative business cases for household customers in the German electricity supply
Spring, A.; Wirth, G.; Becker, G.; Pardatscher, R.; Witzmann, R; Brantl, J.; Schmidt, S.; Effects of Flicker in a Distribution Grid with high PV Penetration
Witzmann, R.; Wagler, M.; Spring, A.; Becker, G.; Reactive Power Flows of Photovoltaic Inverters with a Power Factor Requirement of One
Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Eun-Sol Kim, Jiseob Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang, Michael Beetz, Gordon Cheng; Enhancing Human Action Recognition through Spatio-temporal Feature Learning and Semantic Rules
Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng; Extracting Semantic Rules from Human Observations
Ewald Lutscher and Gordon Cheng; A Practical Approach to Generalized Hierarchical Task Specification for Indirect Force Controlled Robots
Borrmann, A.;Kolbe, T.H.;Donaubauer, A.;Steuer, H.;Jubierre, J.R.; Transferring multi-scale Approaches from 3D City Modeling to IFC-based Tunnel Modeling
Kreuzpaintner, Alexandra; EDV-gestütze Dokumentation und ökologische Bewertung gartenbaulicher Produktionsprozesse im Gewächshaus
Kantelhardt, Jan W.;Fullerton, Matthew;Kämpf, Mirko;Beltran-Ruiz, Cristina;Busch, Fritz; Phases of scaling and cross-correlation behavior in traffic
Luque, J.; Papaioannou, I.; Straub, D.; Ruess, M.; Schillinger, D.; Probabilistic model of bone structure based on CT scan data and validation of simulation results using the Finite Cell Method
Zwirglmaier, K.; Papakosta, P.; Straub, D.; Learning a Bayesian network model for predicting wildfire behavior
Betz, W.; Papaioannou, I.; Straub, D.; Assessment of methods for the numerical solution of the Fredholm integral eigenvalue problem
Papaioannou, I.; Breitung, K.; Straub, D.; Reliability sensitivity analysis with Monte Carlo methods
Yuan, J.; Papaioannou, I.; Mok, C. M.; Straub, D.; Effect of rainfall on the reliability of an infinite slope
Luque, L.; Straub, D.; Algorithms for optimal risk-based planning of inspections using influence diagrams
Papaioannou, I.; Betz, W.; Straub, D.; Bayesian model updating of a tunnel in soft soil with settlement measurements
Špačková, O.; Sejnoha, J.; Straub, D.; Tunnel construction time and costs estimates: from deteministic to probabilistic approaches
Wenger, A.; Fullerton, M.; Baur, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Lüßmann, J.; 3D visualization for microscopic traffic data sources
Fayeulle, Antoine; Etude des mécanismes intervenant dans la biodégradation des Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques par les champignons saprotrophes telluriques en vue d’applications en bioremédiation fongique de sols pollués
Arca, Francesco; Organic photodiodes for industrial sensing and medical imaging
D. Xue;J. Yao;J. Wang;Y. Guo;X. Han; Formation control of multi-agent systems with stochastic switching topolgoy and time-varying communication delays
D. Xue;J. Yao;J. Wang; H-infinity Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance for Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems
Mas Machuca, Carmen;Topaloglu, Bekir; Impact of protection strategies to the cost of Next Generation Hybrid PON access networks
de la Cruz, Beatriz;Mas Machuca, Carmen; Optimal technicians’ allocation problem with respect failure reparation
Haslbeck, A, Eichinger, A., Bengler, B.; Pilot Decision Making: Modeling Choices in Go-Around Situations
Haug, Anna-Katharina; Angiogenesemarker als prognostische Faktoren sowie Unterschiede in der Ausprägung verschiedener Angiogenesemarker zwischen HPV-positiven und HPV-negativen Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs
Kessel, Claudia; Qualitative und quantitative Untersuchung des Riech- und Schmeckvermögens bei Patienten mit dem Reizdarmsyndrom
Gohla Neudecker, Bodo; Wimmer, Patrick; Huber, Matthias; Hamacher, Thomas; Energy Economic Assessment of Range Extension Technologies for BEVs in 2020
Dietsch, P., Kreuzinger, H., Winter, S.; Design of shear reinforcement for timber beams.
Zeh, A.; Witzmann, R.; Operational Strategies for Battery Storage Systems in Low-Voltage Distribution Grids to Limit the Feed-In Power of Roof-Mounted Solar Power Systems
Henkel, J., Schöberl, S., Alexy, O.; The emergence of openness: How and why firms adopt selective revealing in open innovation
Bytschkow, Denis; Dotzler, Andreas; Hackl, Christoph; Hellings, Christoph; Huber, Matthias; Mangesius, Herbert; Seuschek, Hermann; Power systems research - why we should cooperate
Dotzler, Andreas; Hamacher, Thomas, Hellings, Christoph; Huber, Matthias; Utschick, Wolfgang; Decomposition methods for large-scale optimization of power systems
M.H. Mamduhi;A. Molin;S. Hirche; Stability analysis of stochastic prioritized dynamic scheduling for resource-aware heterogeneous multi-loop control systems
Loebus, S.; Werther, N; Winter, S.; Fire Safety in timber-based element facade-systems
Guertler, Matthias R.;Lewandowski, Paulina;Klaedtke, Kevin;Lindemann, Udo; Can Stakeholder-Analysis support Open Innovation?
Ozbek, M.;Meng, F.;Rixen, D.J.; Challenges in testing and monitoring the in-operation vibration characteristics of wind turbines
Caixia Cai, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Dario Mendoza, Nikhil Somani and Alois Knoll; Uncalibrated 3D Stereo Image-based Dynamic Visual Servoing for Robot Manipulators
M. Wiertlewski;S. Endo;A.M. Wing;V. Hayward; Slip-induced vibration influences the grip reflex: a pilot study
A. Koene;J. Honisch;S. Endo;A.M. Wing; Relative information content of gestural features of non-verbal communication related to object-transfer interactions
R. Timmers;S. Endo;A. Wing; Temporal coordination in string quartet performance
A.M. Wing;S. Endo;T. Yates;A. Bradbury; Follow my leader? String quartet synchronization
Philipp Mittendorfer, Eiichi Yoshida, Thomas Moulard and Gordon Cheng; A General Tactile Approach for Grasping Unknown Objects with a Humanoid Robot
Provost, Julien; Ebrahimi, Amir Hossein; Åkesson,Knut; Online support for shop-floor operators using body movements tracking
Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.; Scheu, S.; Wilcke, W.; Knowledge Transfer for Conservation and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: A Case Study from Southern Ecuador.
Kühnlenz (Gonsior), Barbara; Sosnowski, Stefan; Buß, Malte; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Buss, Martin; Increasing Helpfulness towards a Robot by Emotional Adaption to the User
Donner, Philine; Christange, Franz; Buss, Martin; Human-Robot Cooperative Swinging of Complex Pendulum-like Objects
Donner, Philine; Mörtl, Alexander; Hirche, Sandra; Buss, Martin; Human-Robot Cooperative Object Swinging
Lawitzky, Andreas; Althoff, Daniel; Passenberg, Carolin; Tanzmeister, Georg; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Interactive Scene Prediction for Automotive Applications
Lawitzky, Andreas; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Energy Optimal Control to Approach Traffic Lights
Pekarovskiy, Alexander; Buss, Martin; Optimal Control Goal Manifolds for Planar Nonprehensile Throwing
Hu, Kai;Ott, Christian;Lee, Dongheui; Human Walking Imitation based on Quadratic Programming
Koo, S.;Lee, Dongheui;Kwon, D.; GMM-based 3D Object Representation and Robust Tracking in Unconstructed Dynamic Environments
Koo, S.;Lee, Dongheui;Kwon, D.; Incremental object learning and robust tracking of multiple objects from RGB-D point set data
Koo, Seongyong;Lee, Dongheui;Kwon, Dong-Soo; Multiple Object Tracking Using an RGB-D Camera by Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Data Association
Ott, Christian;Bernd Henze,;Lee, Dongheui; Kinesthetic teaching of humanoid motion based on whole-body compliance control with interaction-aware balancing
Saveriano, Matteo;Lee, Dongheui; Distance based Dynamical System Modulation for Reactive Collision Avoidance
Saveriano, Matteo;Lee, Dongheui; Point Cloud based Dynamical System Modulation for Reactive Avoidance of Convex and Concave Obstacles
Saveriano, Matteo;Lee, Dongheui; Invariant Representation of Motion for Gesture Recognition in Daily Life Scenarios
Saveriano, Matteo;Lee, Dongheui; Invariant Representation for User Independent Motion Recognition
Brunnert, Andreas;Danciu, Alexandru;Vögele, Christian;Tertilt, Daniel;Krcmar, Helmut; Integrating the Palladio-Bench into the Software Development Process of a SOA Project
Ziaie, Pujan;Krcmar, Helmut; Theorizing a design-oriented categorization for online voluntary production communities
Engel, Tobias;Könnings, Maximilian;Heydebrand, Nadiem von;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; A NFC-based Concept for Medication Related Patient Services
Engel, Tobias;Birth, Olga;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; How Supply Chain Governance Influences Information Sharing Behaviors: A Multiple Case Study Approach
Homann, Marcus;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards User Interface Patterns for ERP Applications on Smartphones
Ertl, Christoph;Krcmar, Helmut; Das Modell von Burns und Scapens am Beispiel der IT-Auslagerung bei einem öffentlichen Unternehmen
Manner, Julia;Nienaber, David;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Six Principles for Governing Mobile Platforms
Manner, Julia;Kohl, Christopher;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Effect of non-Unified Interaction Design of in-car Applications on Driving Performance, Situational Awareness and Task Performance
Obermeier, Manuela;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Anforderungen an ein EAM-Konzept für die öffentliche Verwaltung in Deutschland ? Eine Fallstudie
Brunnert, Andreas;Vögele, Christian;Krcmar, Helmut; Automatic Performance Model Generation for Java Enterprise Edition (EE) Applications
Kohn, Andreas;Reif, Julia;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Kernschmidt, Konstantin;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut;Brodbeck, Felix;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Lindemann, Udo;Maurer, Maik; Improving Common Model Understanding Within Collaborative Engineering Design Research Projects
Wollersheim, Jan;Teufl, Sabine;Hoberg, Patrick;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Mechanisms to gather customer-feedback - Requirements in the cloud service ecosystem
Wollersheim, Jan;Hoberg, Patrick;Krcmar, Helmut; Procurement of Cloud Services - Seven Principles to Success
Tiemeyer, Ernst; IT-Controlling
Thomas, Oliver;Nüttgens, Markus; Von Anforderungslisten zum konzeptionellen Design
Niderman, Fred;Swanson, Burt;Crowston, Kevin;Krcmar, Helmut;Powell, Philip; The Impact of IS Research: Is it enough? How do we expand? How do we document?
Schlachtbauer, Tobias;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Do Prototypes Hamper Innovative Behavior in Developing IT-based Services?
Heininger, Robert;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Managing Heterogeneity in IT Service Management: Towards a Research Agenda
Kernschmidt, Konstantin;Wolfenstetter, Thomas;Münzberg, Christoph;Kammerl, Daniel;Goswami, Suparna;Lindemann, Udo;Krcmar, Helmut;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Concept for an Integration-framework to Enable the Crossdisciplinary Development of Product-service Systems
Wollersheim, Jan;Hoberg, Patrick;Krcmar, Helmut; How to specify cloud service demand - An approach recognizing planned application
Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; Quality analysis approaches for cloud services - Towards a framework along customer's activity cycle
Hoberg, Patrick;Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; Value4Cloud - The 2013 Project Coordinator's View on a Project that Creates Trust in the Complex World of the Cloud
Engel, Tobias;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards the development of competitive supply chain information sharing strategies
Hoermann, Stefan;Schermann, Michael;Lenk, Matthias;Krcmar, Helmut; Explaining the Effect of Risk Factors on Vendor Profitability in ERP Projects
Hoberg, Patrick;Yetton, Philip;Leimeister, Stefanie;Krcmar, Helmut; Three Antecedent Factors that Shape Successful BPO Contracts
Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Keskinov, Hristo;Krcmar, Helmut; Why Do Organizations Prefer Exploitative IT-enabled Management Control Systems? An Exploratory Case Study
Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; Purchasing processes for cloud services
Hoberg, Patrick;Krcmar, Helmut; Vendor Capabilities in ITO Research: A Systematization and Critical Review
Palka, Wolfgang;Jurisch, Marlen;Leicht, Maximilian;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Classification Schemes for Open Government Data Provision
Wiesche, Manuel;Keskinov, Hristo;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Classifying Information Systems Risks: What Have We Learned So Far?
Akkaya, Cigdem;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; A Comprehensive Analysis of E-Government Adoption in the German Household
Ziaie, Pujan;Krcmar, Helmut; Content in Open Production Communities: Taxonomy and Design Construct
Ziaie, Pujan;Krcmar, Helmut; Hidden or Implicit Contextual Factors Influencing User Participation in Online Production Communities
Palka, Wolfgang;Jurisch, Marlen;Schreiber, Veronika;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Mobile Government, quo vadis? Opportunities and Risks of Mobile E-Government Services
Greger, Vanessa;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Performance Management of IT in Public Administrations
Jurisch, Marlen;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Using the Case Survey Method for Synthesizing Case Study Evidence in Information Systems Research
Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; When IT Risk Management Produces more Harm than Good: The Phenomenon of `Mock Bureaucracy
Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Sunyaev, Ali;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Modular Architecture of Value-Added Applications for German Healthcare Telematics
Meier, Maria;Gall, Florian;Engel, Tobias;Krcmar, Helmut; Nachhaltige urbane Mobilität ? eine Frage des Informationsmanagements
Riedl, Christoph;Köbler, Felix;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; Tweeting to Feel Connected: A Model for Social Connectedness in Online Social Networks
Goswami, Suparna;Engel, Tobias;Krcmar, Helmut; A comparative analysis of information visibility in two supply chain management information systems
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Post-Route Alleviation of Dense Meander Segments in High-Performance Printed Circuit Boards
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Post-Route Refinement for High-Frequency PCBs Considering Meander Segment Alleviation
Newinger, M.; Baltar, L.G.; Nossek, J.A.; MMSE Training Design for Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems with Per-Subcarrier Channel Estimation
Oberti, R.;Marchi, M.;Tirelli, P.;Calcante, A.;Iriti, M.;Hočevar, M.;Baur, J.;Pfaff, J.;Schuetz, C.;Ulbrich, H.; Selective spraying of grapevines diseases by a modular agricultural robot
Kiss A, Lucio M, Fildier A, Buisson C, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Cren C; Doping Control Using High and Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Based Non-Targeted Metabolomics-A Case Study of Salbutamol and Budesonide Abuse.
Borrmann, A.; Building Information Modeling - Durchgängige Planung, Realisierung und Bewirtschaftung auf Basis eines digitalen Gebäudemodells
R. Huber, M. Krawczyk, T. Schwarze, H. Yu, G. Duerr, S. Albert, and D. Grundler; Reciprocal Damon-Eschbach-type spin wave excitation in a magnonic crystal due to tunable magnetic symmetry
Meyer, Dominik; Knopp, Martin; Shen, Hao; Bootstrapped Gradient Temporal-Difference Learning
Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Image Completion for View Synthesis Using Markov Random Fields and Efficient Belief Propagation
Geist J.; Auerswald, K.; Caractéristiques physico-chimiques du lit des cours d'eau et recrutement des mulettes perlières
Xu,Q.; Wehrle,E.; Baier,H.; Knowledge-Based Surrogate Modeling in Engineering Design Optimization
S. Limmer, S.Stanczak, M. Goldenbaum, R.L.G. Cavalcante; Exploiting Interference for Efficient Distributed Computation in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Wiese, H. Boche; On the Weakest Resource for Coordination in Arbitrarily Varying Multiple Access Channels with Conferencing Encoders
Winterstein, A.; Dreher, A.; Hardware-Implemented Calibration Algorithms for Antenna Arrays
Moreira, Ana;Schätz, Bernhard;Gray, Jeff;Vallecillo, Antonio;Clarke, Peter; A Generic Fault Model for Quality Assurance
Autenrieth, Christine S.;Karrasch, Stefan;Heier, Margit;Gorzelniak, Lukas;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Peters, Annette;Döring, Angela; Decline in Gait Performance Detected by an Electronic Walkway System in 907 Older Adults of the Population-Based KORA-Age Study
Guberina, Hana;Baumann, Marcus;Bruck, Heike;Feldkamp, Thorsten;Nürnberger, Jens;Kribben, Andreas;Philipp, Thomas;Witzke, Oliver;Sotiropoulos, Georgios;Mitchell, Anna; Associations of Smoking with Alterations in Renal Hemodynamics May Depend on Sex- Investigations in Potential Kidney Donors
Wagner, H.;Hartmann, G.;Hartmann, G.;Wagner, H.; Introduction
Feußner, Hubertus;Weitz, Jürgen; Minimalinvasive versus offene Chirurgie bei Malignomen des Gastrointestinaltrakts
Roth, Susanne;Thomas, Christina;Ruland, Jürgen;Hartmann, G.;Wagner, H.; Immunobiology of C-Type Lectin Receptors
Gundling, F.;Seidl, H.;Strassen, I.;Haller, B.;Siegmund, T.;Umgelter, A.;Pehl, C.;Schepp, W.;Schumm-Draeger, P.M.; Clinical Manifestations and Treatment Options in Patients with Cirrhosis and Diabetes Mellitus
Fasunla, Ayotunde J.;Harbeck, Nadia;Berktold, Sabina;Böhner, Christina;Hundt, Walter;Wolf, Petra;Steinbach, Silke; Is Routine Audiometric Evaluation Necessary in Gynaecologic Tumour Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy?
Müller, Timo D.;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Benso, A.;Casanueva, F.F.;Ghigo, E.;Granata, R.; Ghrelin - A Key Pleiotropic Hormone-Regulating Systemic Energy Metabolism
Cifuentes, Liliana;Ring, Johannes;Brockow, Knut; Clonal Mast Cell Activation Syndrome with Anaphylaxis to Sulfites
Späth, Christoph;Müller, Tara;Nitsche, Ulrich;Maak, Matthias;Käser, Samuel A.;Kleeff, Jörg;Bader, Franz G.; Minimalinvasive Chirurgie bei Malignomen des Gastrointestinaltrakts: Kolon - Pro-Position
Lämmle, Lena;Bergmann, Karin;Bös, Klaus;Koletzko, Berthold; Predictors of Differences in Vitamin D Levels in Children and Adolescents and Their Relation to Endurance Performance
Ringelhan, Marc;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Protzer, Ulrike; Direct Effects of Hepatitis B Virus-Encoded Proteins and Chronic Infection in Liver Cancer Development
Hartmann, Daniel;Michalski, Christoph W.;Kleeff, Jörg; Minimalinvasive Chirurgie bei Malignomen des Gastrointestinaltrakts: Pankreas - Kontra-Position
Melchart, Dieter; Onkologie und Komplementärmedizin - vom Widerspruch zum Dialog!
Klare, P.;Meining, A.;von Delius, S.;Wolf, P.;Konukiewitz, B.;Schmid, R.M.;Bajbouj, M.; Argon Plasma Coagulation of Gastric Inlet Patches for the Treatment of Globus Sensation: It Is an Effective Therapy in the Long Term
Untch*, Michael;Gerber, Bernd;Harbeck, Nadia;Jackisch, Christian;Marschner, Norbert;Möbus, Volker;von Minckwitz, Gunter;Loibl*, Sibylle;Beckmann, Matthias W.;Blohmer, Jens-Uwe;Costa, Serban-Dan;Decker, Thomas;Diel, Ingo;Dimpfl, Thomas;Eiermann, Wolfgang;Fehm, Tanja;Friese, Klaus;Jänicke, Fritz;Janni, Wolfgang;Jonat, Walter;Kiechle, Marion;Köhler, Uwe;Lück, Hans-Joachim;Maass, Nicolai;Possinger, Kurt;Rody, Achim;Scharl, Anton;Schneeweiss, Andreas;Thomssen, Christoph;Wallwiener, Diethelm;Welt, Anja; 13th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2013: Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer Evidence, Controversies, Consensus - Opinion of a German Team of Experts (Zurich 2013)
Linde, Klaus;Friedrichs, Clara;Alscher, Anna;Blank, Wolfgang A.;Schneider, Antonius;Fässler, Margrit;Meissner, Karin; Use of Placebos and Nonspecific and Complementary Treatments by German Physicians - Rationale and Development of a Questionnaire for a Nationwide Survey
Becker, V.;Bobardt, J.;Ott, R.;Rösch, T.;Meining, A.; Long-Term Follow-Up in Patients with Indeterminate Barrett Esophagus
Walach, Harald;Brinkhaus, Benno;Heusser, Peter;Melchart, Dieter;Michalsen, Andreas;Musial, Frauke;Reiter, Bettina;Saller, Reinhard; 20 Years and No Wrinkles - a Reason to Be Proud
Gertler, Ralf;Feith, Marcus; Minimalinvasive Chirurgie bei Malignomen des Gastrointestinaltrakts: Ösophagus - Kontra-Position
Salmhofer, Hermann;Franzen, Michael;Hitzl, Wolfgang;Koller, Josef;Kreymann, Bernhard;Fend, Falko;Hauser-Kronberger, Cornelia;Heemann, Uwe;Berr, Frieder;Schmaderer, Christoph; Multi-Modal Treatment Of Calciphylaxis With Sodium-Thiosulfate, Cinacalcet And Sevelamer Including Long-Term Data
Machl, Thomas; Entwicklung von Verfahren zur flächendeckenden Analyse arbeitswissenschaftlich relevanter Aspekte der Feldstückgeometrie
Samborski, Anastazia; Untersuchung der Genexpression im porcinen Endometrium während der Präimplantationsphase mittels HOCHDURCHSATZ-RNA-Sequenzierung und DNA-Microarrays
Jiang, Y.; Schaffrath, J.; Knorz, M.; Winter, S.; Bonding of various wood species - studies about their applicability in glued laminated timber.
K. Lakakis, P. Savvaidis, Th. Wunderlich; Evaluation of a Low-cost Mobile Mapping and Inspection System for Road Safety Classification
Martínez, Horacio;Obst, Tobias;Ulbrich, Heinz;Burgkart, Rainer; A novel application of direct force control to perform in-vitro biomechanical tests using robotic technology
Randt, Niclas P.; Foundations of a Technology Assessment Technique Using a Scenario-Based Fleet System Dynamics Model
Randt, Niclas P.; Jessberger, Christoph; Ploetner, Kay; Becker, Axel;; Air Traffic Growth, Energy and the Environment 2040: Drivers, Challenges and Opportunities for Aviation
Büchter, Kai-Daniel; Randt, Niclas P.; Sizmann, Andreas;; Capacity Scaling in Airborne Communication Networks based on Air Traffic Scenario Modeling
Randt, Niclas P.; Oettl, Gerald;; Applied scenario planning as a basis for the assessment of future aircraft technologies
Suda, Michael; Gaggermeier, Anika; Koch, Marc; Kleinstprivatwald unter der Lupe- Waldbesitzerbefragung im Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken
Suda, Michael; Dobler, Günter; Gehasst und geliebt: der Baum
Adner, Maria; Suda, Miachel; Gaggermeier, Anika; Ein Experiment in deutschen Baumärkten: Bedeutung der Holzherkunft und -zertifizierung im Rahmen der Kundenberatung
Suda, Michael; Gaggermeier, Anika; Koch, Marc; Ländliche Entwicklung in kleinparzellierten Waldgebieten - Strukturverbesserung für den privaten Waldbesitz in Bayern
Dobler, Günter; Suda, Michael; Der Held und der Bösewicht. Wie Greenpeace und andere uns von Gut und Böse erzählen
Dobler, Günter; Suda, Michael; Die Kraft des Unternehmensmythos: Wie Narrationen im Naturschutz motivieren und Identität schaffen
Suda, Michael; Schaffner, Stefan; Das Phänomen meinungs- und mehrheits-bildender Bevölkerungsumfragen als Instrument zur Legitimierung von Interessen im politischen Raum. Sozialempirische Befragungstechnik am Scheideweg zwischen Stimmungsmache oder Erkenntnisgewinn
Wunderlich, Th.; Wasmeier, P.; Ohlmann, J.; Ge, X.; Reidl, F.; Ansätze und Einrichtungen des Geodätischen Prüflabors der TUM zur Untersuchung und Kalibrierung von Laserscannern
Wüchner, Tobias;Müller, Steffen;Fischer, Robin; Compliance-Preserving Cloud Storage Federation Based on Data-Driven Usage Control
Birnstill, Pascal;Pretschner, Alexander; Enforcing privacy through usage-controlled video surveillance
Kelbert, F.; Data Usage Control for the Cloud
Babaee, M. and Bahmanyar, R. and Rigoll, G. and Datcu, M.; Immersive Visual Information Mining for exploring the content of TerraSAR-X archives
Babaee, M. and Bahmanyar, R. and Rigoll, G. and Datcu, M.; Immersive Visual Information Mining for exploring the content of EO archives
Babaee, M. and Rigoll, G. and Datcu, M.; Immersive Interactive Information Mining with Application to Earth Observation Data Retrieval
Babaee, M. and Rigoll, G. and Datcu, M.; Assessment of dimensionality reduction based on communication channel model; application to immersive information visualization
Babaee, M. and Rigoll, G. and Datcu, M.; Immersive Visualization of the quality of dimensionality reduction
Kelbert, Florian;Pretschner, Alexander; Data usage control enforcement in distributed systems
Kumari, Prachi;Pretschner, Alexander; Model-Based Usage Control Policy Derivation
Fromm, Alexander;Kelbert, Florian;Pretschner, Alexander; Data Protection in a Cloud-Enabled Smart Grid
Grossi, L.; Wirth, G.; Spring, A.; Becker, G.; Pardatscher, R.; Witzmann, R.; Brantl, J.; Schmidt, S.; Simulation of the Grid Impacts of a Distributed PV Fleet
Seeber, B.U.; What can we learn from simulated acoustic environments?
Pretschner, Alexander;Holling, Dominik;Eschbach, Robert;Gemmar, Matthias; A Generic Fault Model for Quality Assurance
Oudinet, Johan;Denise, Alain;Gaudel, Marie-Claude; A new dichotomic algorithm for the uniform random generation of words in regular languages
Büchler, Matthias; Security Testing with Fault-Models and Properties
M.H. Mamduhi;A. Molin;S. Hirche; On the Stability of Prioritized Error-Based Scheduling for Resource-Constrained Networked Control Systems
Kokkalis, Nicolas;Köhn, Thomas;Pfeiffer, Carl;Chornyi, Dima;Bernstein, Michael S.;Klemmer, Scott R.; EmailValet: Managing Email Overload Through Private, Accountable Crowdsourcing
Stopper, Jochen; Boeing, Felix; Gstoehl, Daniel; Fluid Glass Façade Elements: Influences of dyeable Liquids within the Fluid Glass Façade
Stopper, Jochen; Boeing, Felix; Gstoehl, Daniel; Fluid Glass Façade Elements: Influences of dyeable Liquids within the Fluid Glass Façade
Nemeth, I.; Lindauer, M.; Ahlhaus, P.;; Geo-Referenced Modeling of an Urban Quarter for the Assessment of Refurbishment Potentials and Energy Supply Strategies
El-Rahman, A. A.; Abdel-Rahman, E.; Characteristic-Based Non-Linear Simulation of Large-Scale Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic Engine
Papapanagiotou, E.; Poschinger, A.; Zeng, M.; CTM Based Calculation of Number of Stops and Waiting Times
Binder, R; Felbermeier, B.; Der Bergwald im internationalen Kontext.
Olivares Estay, Felipe A.; Probing the Connection between Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Špačková, O. ; Straub, D.; Probabilistic assessment of tunnel construction time using dynamic Bayesian network
Hahn M., Müller T., Levenhagen J.; An optimized end-to-end process for the analysis of agile Earth observation satellite missions
Diego, M. Murguía; Böhling, Kathrin; Sustainability reporting on large-scale mining conflicts: The case of Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina
Ievgen Smielik and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert; Statistical dependence of pixel intensities for pattern recognition
Staehle, Hauke;Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Towards the Deployment of a Centralized ICT Architecture in the Automotive Domain
Gaschler, Andre;Petrick, Ronald P. A.;Giuliani, Manuel;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; KVP: A Knowledge of Volumes Approach to Robot Task Planning
Bayer, Justin;Osendorfer, Christian;Urban, Sebastian;van der Smagt, Patrick; Training Neural Networks with Implicit Variance
Osendorfer, Christian;Bayer, Justin;Urban, Sebastian;van der Smagt, Patrick; Unsupervised Feature Learning for low-level Local Image Descriptors
Schaub, Alexander;Burschka, Darius; Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Collision Candidates for Static and Dynamic Objects in Monocular Image Sequences
Bohren, Jonathan;Papazov, Chavdar;Burschka, Darius;Krieger, Kai;Parusel, Sven;Haddadin, Sami;Shepherdson, Wiliam;Hager, Gregory;Whitcomb, Louis; A Pilot Study in Vision-Based Augmented Telemanipulation for Remote Assembly Over High-Latency Networks
Ramirez, Juan Carlos;Burschka, Darius; Dynamic 3D Mapping - Visual Estimation of Independent Motions for 3D Structures in Dynamic Environments
Camek, Alexander;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Future Cars: Necessity for an Adaptive and Distributed Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) Architecture
Chen, Chao;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; Combining Space Exploration and Heuristic Search in Online Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Vehicles
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Geisinger, Michael;Buckl, Christian; Synthesizing Controllers for Automation Tasks with Performance Guarantees
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Energy Optimization with Worst-Case Deadline Guarantee for Pipelined Multiprocessor Systems
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Huang, Jia;Knoll, Alois; Cache Partitioning and Scheduling for Energy Optimization of Real-Time MPSoCs
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Huang, Jia;Christian, Buckl;Knoll, Alois; Effective Online Power Management with Adaptive Interplay of DVS and DPM for Embedded Real-time System
Chen, Lili;Wang, Wei;Knoll, Alois; Global Optimal Data Association for Multiple People Tracking
Hees, Vincent T. van;Gorzelniak, Lukas;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Eder, Martin;Pias, Marcelo;Taherian, Salman;Ekelund, Ulf;Renström, Frida;Franks, Paul W.;Horsch, Alexander;Brage, Soren; Separating movement and gravity components in an acceleration signal and implications for the assessment of human daily physical activity
Foster, Mary Ellen;Gaschler, Andre;Giuliani, Manuel; How Can I Help You? Comparing Engagement Classification Strategies for a Robot Bartender
Giuliani, Manuel;Petrick, Ronald P. A.;Foster, Mary Ellen;Gaschler, Andre;Isard, Amy;Pateraki, Maria;Sigalas, Markos; Comparing Task-Based and Socially Intelligent Behaviour in a Robot Bartender
Gaschler, Andre;Petrick, Ronald P. A.;Kröger, Torsten;Knoll, Alois;Khatib, Oussama; Robot Task Planning with Contingencies for Run-time Sensing
Foster, Mary Ellen;Giuliani, Manuel;Isard, Amy; Task-Based Evaluation of Context-Sensitive Referring Expressions in Human-Robot Dialogue
Osendorfer, Christian;Bayer, Justin;Urban, Sebastian;Smagt, Patrick van der; Convolutional Neural Networks Learn Compact Local Image Descriptors
Autenrieth, Christine S.;Karrasch, Stefan;Heier, Margit;Gorzelniak, Lukas;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Peters, Annette;Döring, Angela; Decline in Gait Performance Detected by an Electronic Walkway System in 907 Older Adults of the Population-Based KORA-Age Study
Lichtenthäler, Christina;Peters, Annika;Griffiths, Sascha;Kirsch, Alexandra; Be a Robot! Robot Navigation Patterns in a Path Crossing Scenario
Huang, Jia;Raabe, Andreas;Huang, Kai;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; A Framework for Reliability-Aware Design Exploration for MPSoC Based Systems
Keddis, Nadine;Kainz, Gerd;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Towards Adaptable Manufacturing Systems
Chen, Xiaoping;Stone, Peter;Sucar, LuisEnrique;Zant, Tijn van der; TUMsBendingUnits from TU Munich: RoboCup 2012 Logistics League Champion
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Reducing the impact of vibration-caused artifacts in a brain-computer interface using gyroscope data
Mercep, Ljubo;Buitkamp, Claudia;Staehle, Hauke;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois;Lienkamp, Markus; The Innotruck Case Study on Holistic Approach to Electric Mobility
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois;Stoeck, Jakob; Interface Concepts for Communicating Green Cyber-Physical Systems to Public
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; A Case Study on Implementing Future Human-Machine Interfaces
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; A robust driver assessment method for the brain-computer interface
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Human Performance Profiling while Driving a Sidestick-Controlled Car
Artashes, Mkhitaryan;Burschka, Darius; Visual Estimation of Object Density Distribution through Observation of its Impulse Response
Nair, S.;Nasseri, M. Ali.;Eder, M.;Lohmann, C. P.;Knoll, A.; Embedded Middleware and Hard Real-time based Architecture for Robot Assisted Ophthalmic Surgery
Nasseri, M.A.;Eder, M.;Nair, S.;Dean, E.C.;Maier, M.;Zapp, D.;Lohmann, C.P.;Knoll, A.; The introduction of a new robot for assistance in ophthalmic surgery
Nasseri, M.A.;Eder, M.;Eberts, D.;Nair, S.;Maier, M.;Zapp, D.;Lohmann, C.P.;Knoll, A.; Kinematics and dynamics analysis of a hybrid parallel-serial micromanipulator designed for biomedical applications
Glasauer, Markus Huber AND Aleksandra Kupferberg AND Claus Lenz AND Alois Knoll AND Thomas Brandt AND Stefan; Spatiotemporal Movement Planning and Rapid Adaptation for Manual Interaction
Song, Dan;Kyriazis, Nikolaos;Oikonomidis, Iason;Papazov, Chavdar;Argyros, Antonis;Burschka, Darius;Kragic, Danica; Predicting Human Intention in Visual Observations of Hand/Object Interactions
Marco, Daniel Di;Janssen, Rob;Perzylo, Alexander;Molengraft, Marinus J.G. van de;Levi, Paul; A Deliberation Layer for Instantiating Robot Execution Plans from Abstract Task Descriptions
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Path Optimization for Abstractly Represented Tasks with Respect to Efficient Control
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Analysis of Manipulator Structures under Joint-Failure with Respect to Efficient Control in Task-Specific Contexts
Shah, Hardik;Raabe, Andreas;Knoll, Alois; Challenges of WCET Analysis in COTS Multi-core due to Different Levels of Abstraction
Shah, Hardik;Knoll, Alois;Akesson, Benny; Bounding Resource Interference: Detailed Analysis vs. Latency-Rate Analysis
Reichenbach, Frank;Sojer, Dominik;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; A Model-Driven Approach for Runtime Reliability Analysis
Sommer, Stephan;Geisinger, Michael;Buckl, Christian;Bauer, Gerd;Knoll, Alois; Reconfigurable Industrial Process Monitoring using the CHROMOSOME Middleware
Sprunk, Nicole;Garcia, Alejandro Mendoza;Schreiber, Ulrich;Bauernschmitt, Robert;Knoll, Alois; Evaluation of an adaptive algorithm for fuzzy type-2 control in blood pressure regulation
Gaschler, Andre;Petrick, Ronald P. A.;Kröger, Torsten;Khatib, Oussama;Knoll, Alois; Robot Task and Motion Planning with Sets of Convex Polyhedra
Zhang, Feihu;Simon, Carsten;Chen, Guang;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Cumulative Error Estimation from Noisy Relative Measurements
Zhang, Feihu;Staehle, Hauke;Chen, Chao;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; A Lane Marking Extraction Approach based on Random Finite Set Statistics
Schlegl, Thomas;Kröger, Torsten;Gaschler, Andre;Khatib, Oussama;Zangl, Hubert; Virtual Whiskers -- Highly Responsive Robot Collision Avoidance
Zhang, Feihu;Staehle, Hauke;Chen, Guang;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Multiple Vehicle Cooperative Localization under Random Finite Set Framework
Klose, Sebastian;Heise, Philipp;Knoll, Alois; Efficient Compositional Approaches for Real-Time Robust Direct Visual Odometry from RGB-D Data
Cai, Caixia;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Mendoza, Dario;Somani, Nikhil;Knoll, Alois; Uncalibrated 3D Stereo Image-based Dynamic Visual Servoing for Robot Manipulators
Knoll, Robert Bauernschmitt AND Alois; Robotik in der Chirurgie
Giuliani, Manuel;Knoll, Alois; Using Embodied Multimodal Fusion to Perform Supportive and Instructive Robot Roles in Human-Robot Interaction
Keizer, Simon;Foster, Mary Ellen;Lemon, Oliver;Gaschler, Andre;Giuliani, Manuel; Training and evaluation of an MDP model for social multi-user human-robot interaction
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Extended Abstract: Energy Optimization for Real-Time Multiprocessor System-on-Chip with Optimal DVFS and DPM Combination
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Context Processing for Automotive Human-Machine Interfaces
Liu, Ziyuan;Wang, Wei;Chen, Dong;Wichert, Georg von; A Coherent Semantic Mapping System Based on Parametric Environment Abstraction and 3D Object Localization
Wang, Wei;Li, Shile;Chen, Lili;Chen, Dongming;Kühnlenz, Kolja; Fast Object Recognition and 6D Pose Estimation using Viewpoint Oriented Color-Shape Histogram
Sommer, Stephan;Camek, Alexander;Becker, Klaus;Buckl, Christian;Zirkler, Andreas;Fiege, Ludger;Armbruster, Michael;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; RACE: A Centralized Platform Computer Based Architecture for Automotive Applications
Somani, Nikhil;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Cai, Caixia;Knoll, Alois; Scene Perception and Recognition for Human-Robot Co-Operation
Somani, Nikhil;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Cai, Caixia;Knoll, Alois; Perception and Reasoning for Scene Understanding in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios
Somani, Nikhil;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Cai, Caixia;Knoll, Alois; Scene Perception and Recognition in industrial environments
Natekin, Alexey;Knoll, Alois; Fusion Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Neural Networks
Iliadis, Lazaros;Papadopoulos, Harris;Jayne, Chrisina; Boosting Simplified Fuzzy Neural Networks
Chen, Guang;Zhang, Feihu;Giuliani, Manuel;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Unsupervised Learning Spatio-temporal Features for Human Activity Recognition from RGB-D Video Data
Heise, Philipp;Klose, Sebastian;Jensen, Brian;Knoll, Alois; PM-Huber: PatchMatch with Huber Regularization for Stereo Matching
Stephan, Achim;Walter, Sven; Repräsentation (Kap. IV.16)
Griffiths, Sascha;Röhrbein, Florian; Technology Transfer in Academia-Industry Collaborations
Huber, Markus;Lenz, Claus;Wendt, Cornelia;Färber, Berthold;Knoll, Alois;Glasauer, Stefan; Predictive Mechanisms increase Efficiency in Robot-supported Assemblies: An Experimental Evaluation
Bischoff, Bastian;Nguyen-Tuong, Duy;Koller, Torsten;Markert, Heiner;Knoll, Alois; Learning Throttle Valve Control Using Policy Search
Bischoff, Bastian;Nguyen-Tuong, Duy;Lee, I-Hsuan;Streichert, Felix;Knoll, Alois; Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Robot Navigation
Bischoff, Bastian;Nguyen-Tuong, Duy;Markert, Heiner;Knoll, Alois; Learning Control Under Uncertainty: A Probabilistic Value-Iteration Approach
Bischoff, Bastian;Nguyen-Tuong, Duy;Markert, Heiner;Knoll, Alois; Solving the 15-Puzzle Game Using Local Value-Iteration
Blume, Jürgen;Bannat, Alexander;Rigoll, Gerhard;Rooker, Martijn Niels;Angerer, Alfred;Lenz, Claus; Programming Concept for an Industrial HRI Packaging Cell
Chen, Guang;Clarke, Daniel;Zhang, Feihu;Knoll, Alois; Learning to Track Multi-Target Online by Boosting and Scene Layout
Cai, Caixia;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Somani, Nikhil;Knoll, Alois; 3D Image-based Dynamic Visual Servoing with Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
Maier, Mathias;Nasseri, M Ali;Zapp, Daniel;Eder, Martin;Kobuch, Karin;Lohmann, Chris;Knoll, Alois; Robot-assisted vitreoretinal surgery
Jäntsch, Michael;Wittmeier, Steffen;Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos;Panos, Alexander;Volkart, Fabian;Knoll, Alois; Anthrob -- A Printed Anthropomimetic Robot
Huang, Kai;Shah, Hardik;Savant, Karan;Chen, Dexin;Chen, Gang;Klose, Sebastian;Knoll, Alois; A LEGO/FPGA-Based Platform for the Education of Cyber-Physical/Embedded Systems
Hess, D.;Althoff, M.;Sattel, T.; Comparison of Trajectory Tracking Controllers for Emergency Situations
Althoff, M.;Rajhans, A.;Krogh, B. H.;Yaldiz, S.;Li, X.;Pileggi, L.; Formal Verification of Phase-Locked Loops Using Reachability Analysis and Continuization
Althoff, M.; Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems using Conservative Polynomialization and Non-Convex Sets
Althoff, M.;Hess, D.;Gambert, F.; Road Occupancy Prediction of Traffic Participants
Hess, D.;Althoff, M.;Sattel, T.; Should Collision Avoidance Systems use Yaw Stabilization?
Eder, Martin;Karl, Maximilian;Schultheiss, Felix;Schürmann, Johannes;Knoll, Alois;Riesner, Stefan; Design of an inherently safe Worm-like Robot
Lichtenthäler, Christina;Peters, Annika;Griffiths, Sascha;Kirsch, Alexandra; Social Navigation - Identifying Robot Navigation Patterns in a Path Crossing Scenario
Wu, Jing;Nasseri, M.A.;Eder, M.;Gavaldon, M. Azqueta;Lohmann, C.P.;Knoll, Alois; The 3D Eyeball FEA Model with Needle Rotation
Barner, Simon;Huang, Jia;Voss, Sebastian; Sicher steuern mit Multicore-Prozessoren
Artashes, Mkhitaryan;Burschka, Darius; RGB-D Sensor Data Correction and Enhancement by Introduction of an Additional RGB View
Hashemi Farzaneh, M.;Feldmann, S.;Legat, C.;Folmer, J.;Vogel-Heuser, B.; Modeling Multicore Programmable Logic Controllers in Networked Automation Systems
Mair, Elmar;Augustine, Marcus;Jäger, Bastian;Stelzer, Annett;Brand, Christoph;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; A biologically inspired navigation concept based on the landmark-tree map for efficient long-distance robot navigation
Mair, Elmar;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; Error Propagation in Monocular Navigation for Zinf Compared to Eightpoint Algorithm
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Estimation of Inverse Kinematics of Arbitrary Serial Chain Manipulators and Human-Like Robotic Hands
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Contact State Based Representation of Object Relations in the Environment for Dexterous Manipulations
Geisinger, Michael;Cheng, Chih-Hong; Programm auf Knopfdruck?
Höppner, Hannes;McIntyre, Joseph;Smagt, Patrick van der; Task Dependency of Grip Stiffness—A Study of Human Grip Force and Grip Stiffness Dependency during Two Different Tasks with Same Grip Forces
Fligge, N.;Urbanek, H.;Smagt, P. van der; Relation between object properties and EMG during reaching to grasp
Rückstiess, Thomas;Osendorfer, Christian;van der Smagt, Patrick; Minimizing Data Consumption with Sequential Online Feature Selection
Braun, David J.;Petit, Florian;Huber, Felix;Haddadin, Sami;Smagt, Patrick van der;Albu-Schaffer, Alin;Vijayakumar, Sethu; Robots Driven by Compliant Actuators: Optimal Control under Actuation Constraints
Castellini, Claudio;Smagt, Patrick van der; Evidence of muscle synergies during human grasping
Desai, Jaydev P.;Dudek, Gregory;Khatib, Oussama;Kumar, Vijay; Identification of Human Limb Stiffness in 5 DoF and Estimation via EMG
Vogel, Jörn;Bayer, Justin;Smagt, Patrick van der; Continuous robot control using surface electromyography of atrophic muscles
Urban, Sebastian;Bayer, Justin;Osendorfer, Christian;Wesling, Göran;Edin, Benoni B.;Smagt, Patrick van der; Computing grip force and torque from finger nail images using Gaussian processes
Knoll, A. AND Staub, C. AND Reckter, B.; 3-D-Kamera fürs minimalinvasive Endoskop
Natekin, Alexey;Knoll, Alois; Gradient Boosting Machines, A Tutorial
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano;Hung, Yeung Sam; Robust Consensus for a Class of Uncertain Multi-agent Dynamical Systems
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano; Synchronization Conditions for Multi-agent Systems with Intrinsic Nonlinear Dynamics
Sadran, Emal;Wurm, Kai M.;Burschka, Darius; Sparse keypoint models for 6D object pose estimation
Artashes, Mkhitaryan;Burschka, Darius; RGB-D Sensor Data Correction and Enhancement by Introduction of an Additional RGB View
Song, Dan;Kyriazis, Nikolaos;Oikonomidis, Iason;Papazov, Chavdar;Argyros, Antonis A.;Burschka, Darius;Kragic, Danica; Predicting human intention in visual observations of hand/object interactions
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Path optimization for abstractly represented tasks with respect to efficient control
Zehe, Daniel;Aydt, Heiko;Lees, Michael;Knoll, Alois; JavaScript Distributed Agent Based Discrete Event Simulation
Aydt, Heiko;Xu, Yadong;Lees, Michael;Knoll, Alois; A Multi-Threaded Execution Model for the Agent-based SEMSim Traffic Simulation
Xiao, Jiajian;Aydt, Heiko;Lees, Michael;Knoll, Alois; A Partition Based Match Making Algorithm for Taxi Sharing
Ciechanowicz, David;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; SEMSim Power as an Application of USES
Osswald, Sebastian;Zehe, Daniel;Mundhenk, Philipp;Sheth, Pratik;Schaller, Martin;Schickram, Stephan;Gleyzes, Daniel; HMI Development for a Purpose-Built Electric Taxi in Singapore
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Geisinger, Michael;Buckl, Christian; Synthesizing Controllers for Automation Tasks with Performance Guarantees
Tenorth, Moritz;Perzylo, Alexander;Lafrenz, Reinhard;Beetz, Michael; The RoboEarth language: Representing and Exchanging Knowledge about Actions, Objects and Environments (Extended Abstract)
Tenorth, Moritz;Profanter, Stefan;Balint-Benczedi, Ferenc;Beetz, Michael; Decomposing CAD Models of Objects of Daily Use and Reasoning about their Functional Parts
Tenorth, Moritz;Perzylo, Alexander;Lafrenz, Reinhard;Beetz, Michael; Representation and Exchange of Knowledge about Actions, Objects, and Environments in the RoboEarth Framework
Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Fischer, Sybille;Oh, Seung Cheol;Sağlam, Özge;Reichert, Joachim;Wiengarten, Alissa;Seufert, Knud;Vijayaraghavan, Saranyan;Écija, David;Auwärter, Willi;Allegretti, Francesco;Acres, Robert G.;Prince, Kevin C.;Diller, Katharina;Klappenberger, Florian;Barth, Johannes V.; Self-Terminating Protocol for an Interfacial Complexation Reaction in Vacuo by Metal–Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
Zeilinger, Michael;Fässler, Thomas F.; Revision of the Li 13 Si 4 structure
Jelic, Jelena;Denysenko, Dmytro;Volkmer, Dirk;Reuter, Karsten; Computational screening study towards redox-active metal-organic frameworks
Grassi, Ana;Tremmel, Anton;Koch, Alexander;El-Khozondar, Hala; On-Line Thickness Measurement for Two-Layer Systems on Polymer Electronic Devices
Kottra, Gabor;Spanier, Britta;Verri, Tiziano;Daniel, Hannelore; Peptide transporter isoforms are discriminated by the fluorophore-conjugated dipeptides β-Ala- and d -Ala-Lys-N-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid
He, Haiyan;Klein, Wilhelm;Fässler, Thomas F.; (1,4,7,10,13,16-Hexaoxacyclooctadecane-κ 6 O )bis(tetrahydrofuran-κ O )potassium bis[(1,2,3,4-η)-anthracene]cobalt(−I) tetrahydrofuran monosolvate
Ener, Semih;Mehaddene, Tarik;Pedersen, Björn;Leitner, Michael;Neuhaus, Jürgen;Petry, Winfried; Vibrational properties of Ni–Mn–Ga shape memory alloy in the martensite phases
Rauh, Kathrin;Gabriel, Elisabeth;Kerschbaum, Eva;Schuster, Tibor;von Kries, Ruediger;Amann-Gassner, Ulrike;Hauner, Hans; Safety and efficacy of a lifestyle intervention for pregnant women to prevent excessive maternal weight gain: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Sollmann, Nico;Hauck, Theresa;Obermüller, Thomas;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Meyer, Bernhard;Ringel, Florian;Krieg, Sandro M; Inter- and intraobserver variability in motor mapping of the hotspot for the abductor policis brevis muscle
Bauer, Eva;Falque, Matthieu;Walter, Hildrun;Bauland, Cyril;Camisan, Christian;Campo, Laura;Meyer, Nina;Ranc, Nicolas;Rincent, Renaud;Schipprack, Wolfgang;Altmann, Thomas;Flament, Pascal;Melchinger, Albrecht E;Menz, Monica;Moreno-González, Jesús;Ouzunova, Milena;Revilla, Pedro;Charcosset, Alain;Martin, Olivier C;Schön, Chris-Carolin; Intraspecific variation of recombination rate in maize
Toepfer, Andreas;Pohlig, Florian;Mühlhofer, Heinrich;Lenze, Florian;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Lenze, Ulrich; A popliteal giant synovial osteochondroma mimicking a parosteal osteosarcoma
Spinner, Christoph D;Noe, Sebastian;Schwerdtfeger, Christiane;Todorova, Antonia;Gaa, Jochen;Schmid, Roland M;Busch, Dirk H;Neuenhahn, Michael; Acute hypophysitis and hypopituitarism in early syphilitic meningitis in a HIV-infected patient: a case report
Kartouzian, Aras; Cluster-assembled metallic glasses
Herzog, Bastian;Huber, Bettina;Lemmer, Hilde;Horn, Harald;Müller, Elisabeth; Analysis and in situ characterization of activated sludge communities capable of benzotriazole biodegradation
Herzog, Bastian;Lemmer, Hilde;Horn, Harald;Müller, Elisabeth; Characterization of pure cultures isolated from sulfamethoxazole-acclimated activated sludge with respect to taxonomic identification and sulfamethoxazole biodegradation potential
Ehrmann, Matthias A;Angelov, Angel;Picozzi, Claudia;Foschino, Roberto;Vogel, Rudi F; The genome of the Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis temperate phage EV3
Sollmann, Nico;Hauck, Theresa;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Meyer, Bernhard;Ringel, Florian;Krieg, Sandro M; Intra- and interobserver variability of language mapping by navigated transcranial magnetic brain stimulation
Shakeel, Asma; An assessment of the impact of IECC on electricity consumption in residential buildings of Lahore, Pakistan
Lakakis, K.; Savvaidis, P; Wunderlich, Th.; Evaluation of a Low-cost Mobile Mapping and Inspection System for Road Safety Classification
Wunderlich, Th.; Ansätze und Einrichtungen des Geodätischen Prüflabors der TUM ur Untersuchung und Kalibrierung von Laserscannern
Wunderlich, Th.; Vermessungsarbeiten beim Neubau der EZB in Frankfurt - eine Herausforderung für die Ingenieurvermessung (Einführung)
Wunderlich, Th.; Jubiläum 150 Jahre Österreichische Geodätische Kommission, Grußwort der DGK
Wunderlich, Th.; Geodäsie und Geoinformation – was ist das denn überhaupt?
Wunderlich, Th.; Off the Beaten Track
Wunderlich, Th.; Naturgefahren im alpinen Raum
Wunderlich, Th.; Die Zukunft der geodätischen Absteckung von Bauwerken
P.S.Koutsourelakis; Optimization in the presence of uncertainty: applications in designing random heterogeneous media
Kasperek, Daniel; Steenweg, Ragna; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Füller, Kathrin; Krcmar, Helmut; Maurer, Maik; Representing Ontologies in Multiple Domain Matrices
Abelen S., Seitz F.; Relating satellite gravimetry data to global soil moisture products via data harmonization and correlation analysis
Schwatke C., Bosch W., Dettmering D.; A new Database of Water Level Time Series for Lakes, Rivers, and Wetlands from Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry
Schwatke C., Bosch W., Dettmering D.; A new Database of Water Level Time Series for Lakes, Rivers, and Wetlands from Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Bosch W.; DAHITI: A new Database of Water Level Time Series for Lakes, River, and Wetlands from Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry
Wu, Y. and Wigger, M.; Any positive feedback rate increases the capacity of strictly less-noisy broadcast channels
Wu, Y., Minero, P. and Wigger, M.; Reliability of the Gaussian broadcast channel with common message and feedback
Winterhalter, L., Mistele, B., Schmidhalter, U.; Spektrale Augen im Mais
Stankewitz, A.; Schulz, E.; May, A.; Neuronal correlates of impaired habituation in response to repeated trigemino-nociceptive but not to olfactory input in migraineurs: An fMRI study
Schellong, Sebastian M.; Encke, Albrecht; Weber, Artur-Aaron; Bramlage, Peter; Paar, W. Dieter; Haas, Sylvia; Benefits and Risks of Preventing Thromboembolism With Enoxaparin in Patients With General Surgery in Real World—The CLEVER Study
Verdorfer, Armin Pircher; Weber, Wolfgang G.; Unterrainer, Christine; Seyr, Sarah; The relationship between organizational democracy and socio-moral climate: Exploring effects of the ethical context in organizations
Wolf, Bernhard; Herzog, Karolin; Electronics for better healthcare
Block, Joern; Miller, Danny; Jaskiewicz, Peter; Spiegel, Frank; Economic and Technological Importance of Innovations in Large Family and Founder Firms: An Analysis of Patent Data
Thomae, Manuela; Zeitlyn, David; Griffiths, Sascha S.; van Vugt, Mark; Intergroup Contact and Rice Allocation via a Modified Dictator Game in Rural Cameroon
Strobel, Maria; Tumasjan, Andranik; Spörrle, Matthias; Welpe, Isabell M.; The future starts today, not tomorrow: How future focus promotes organizational citizenship behaviors
Keyes, David E.; McInnes, Lois C.; Woodward, Carol; Gropp, William; Myra, Eric; Pernice, Michael; Bell, John; Brown, Jed; Clo, Alain; Connors, Jeffrey; Constantinescu, Emil; Estep, Don; Evans, Kate; Farhat, Charbel; Hakim, Ammar; Hammond, Glenn; Hansen, Glen; Hill, Judith; Isaac, Tobin; Jiao, Xiangmin; Jordan, Kirk; Kaushik, Dinesh; Kaxiras, Efthimios; Koniges, Alice; Lee, Kihwan; Lott, Aaron; Lu, Qiming; Magerlein, John; Maxwell, Reed; McCourt, Michael; Mehl, Miriam; Pawlowski, Roger; Randles, Amanda P.; Reynolds, Daniel; Rivière, Beatrice; Rüde, Ulrich; Scheibe, Tim; Shadid, John; Sheehan, Brendan; Shephard, Mark; Siegel, Andrew; Smith, Barry; Tang, Xianzhu; Wilson, Cian; Wohlmuth, Barbara; Multiphysics simulations: Challenges and opportunities
Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Schmidt, Eva-Maria; Nunnemann, Sabine; Riedl, Lina; Kurz, Alexander; Förstl, Hans; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Cramer, Barbara; Caregiver Burden and Needs in Frontotemporal Dementia
Riedel, Oliver; Klotsche, Jens; Förstl, Hans; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Clock Drawing Test: Is It Useful for Dementia Screening in Patients Having Parkinson Disease With and Without Depression?
Werber, K.-D.; Schmelz, R.; Peimer, C. A.; Wagenpfeil, S.; Machens, H.-G.; Lohmeyer, J. A.; Biomechanical effect of isolated capitate shortening in Kienböck’s disease: an anatomical study
Pavlichenko, Ida; Exner, Armin T.; Lugli, Paolo; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Lotsch, Bettina V.; Tunable thermoresponsive TiO2/SiO2 Bragg stacks based on sol–gel fabrication methods
Urbig, Diemo; Bürger, Robin; Patzelt, Holger; Schweizer, Lars; Investor Reactions to New Product Development Failures: The Moderating Role of Product Development Stage
Mayser, Sabine; Wangenheim, Florian von; Perceived Fairness of Differential Customer Treatment: Consumers’ Understanding of Distributive Justice Really Matters
Wünderlich, Nancy V.; Wangenheim, Florian v.; Bitner, Mary Jo; High Tech and High Touch: A Framework for Understanding User Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Smart Interactive Services
Havla, J.; Berthele, A.; Kümpfel, T.; Krumbholz, M.; Jochim, A.; Kronsbein, H.; Ryschkewitsch, C.; Jensen, P.; Lippmann, K.; Hemmer, B.; Major, E.; Hohlfeld, R.; Co-occurrence of two cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a natalizumab “infusion group”
Mühlau, Mark; Buck, Dorothea; Förschler, Annette; Boucard, Christine C.; Arsic, Milan; Schmidt, Paul; Gaser, Christian; Berthele, Achim; Hoshi, Muna; Jochim, Angela; Kronsbein, Helena; Zimmer, Claus; Hemmer, Bernhard; Ilg, Rüdiger; White-matter lesions drive deep gray-matter atrophy in early multiple sclerosis: support from structural MRI
Olsson, Tomas; Achiron, Anat; Alfredsson, Lars; Berger, Thomas; Brassat, David; Chan, Andrew; Comi, Giancarlo; Eraksoy, Mefkure; Hegen, Harald; Hillert, Jan; Jensen, Poul Erik Hyldgaard; Moiola, Lucia; Myhr, Kjell-Morten; Oturai, Annette; Schippling, Sven; Siva, Aksel; Sorensen, Per Soelberg; Trampe, Anne-Kathrin; Weber, Thomas; Potts, James; Plavina, Tatiana; Paes, Dominic; Subramanyam, Meena; Wiendl, Heinz; Dib, Hussein; Üren, Deniz; Hemmer, Bernhard; Buck, Dorothea; Anti-JC virus antibody prevalence in a multinational multiple sclerosis cohort
Selter, Rebecca C.; Biberacher, Viola; Grummel, Verena; Buck, Dorothea; Eienbröker, Christian; Oertel, Wolfgang H.; Berthele, Achim; Tackenberg, Björn; Hemmer, Bernhard; Natalizumab treatment decreases serum IgM and IgG levels in multiple sclerosis patients
Teunissen, Charlotte; Menge, Til; Altintas, Ayse; Álvarez-Cermeño, José C.; Bertolotto, Antonio; Berven, Frode S.; Brundin, Lou; Comabella, Manuel; Degn, Matilde; Deisenhammer, Florian; Fazekas, Franz; Franciotta, Diego; Frederiksen, Jette L.; Galimberti, Daniela; Gnanapavan, Sharmilee; Hegen, Harald; Hemmer, Bernhard; Hintzen, Rogier; Hughes, Steve; Iacobaeus, Ellen; Kroksveen, Ann C.; Kuhle, Jens; Richert, John; Tumani, Hayrettin; Villar, Luisa M.; Drulovic, Jelena; Dujmovic, Irena; Khalil, Michael; Bartos, Ales; Consensus definitions and application guidelines for control groups in cerebrospinal fluid biomarker studies in multiple sclerosis
Gold, Christian; Damböck, Daniel; Lorenz, Lutz; Bengler, Klaus; “Take over!” How long does it take to get the driver back into the loop?
Müller, Thomas; Hajek, Hermann; Radi?-Weißenfeld, Ljubica; Bengler, Klaus; Can You Feel The Difference? The Just Noticeable Difference of Longitudinal Acceleration
Lipp, Josef; Field test with Stirling engine micro-combined heat and power units in residential buildings
Streit, J. A.; Brandstetter, C.; Heinichen, F.; Kau, H-P; An advanced axial-slot casing treatment on a transonic compressor: A close look with computational fluid dynamics and experimental validation
Hippmann, Sophie; Li, Qianqian; Addinal, Raphael; Volk, Wolfram; Carbon nanotubes–reinforced copper matrix composites produced by melt stirring
Hentschel, Tanja; Shemla, Meir; Wegge, Jürgen; Kearney, Eric; Perceived Diversity and Team Functioning: The Role of Diversity Beliefs and Affect
Eder, Maximilian; Grabhorn, Ariane; Waldenfels, Fee v.; Schuster, Tibor; Papadopulos, Nikolaos A.; Machens, Hans-Günther; Kovacs, Laszlo; Prediction of Breast Resection Weight in Reduction Mammaplasty Based on 3-Dimensional Surface Imaging
Patete, Paolo; Eder, Maximilian; Raith, Stefan; Volf, Alexander; Kovacs, Laszlo; Baroni, Guido; Comparative Assessment of 3D Surface Scanning Systems in Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Bätz, Georg; Weber, Bernhard; Scheint, Michael; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Dynamic contact force/torque observer: Sensor fusion for improved interaction control
Lehmann-Horn, Klaus; Kronsbein, Helena C.; Weber, Martin S.; Targeting B cells in the treatment of multiple sclerosis: recent advances and remaining challenges
Murer, Martin J.; Alonso-Herranz, Elisa; Waal, Chantal M. W. de; Spliethoff, Hartmut; van Berlo, Marcel A. J.; Gohlke, Oliver; Energy efficiency monitoring – which sensors are really needed?
Hörer, Jürgen; Kasnar-Samprec, Jelena; Charitos, Efstratios; Stierle, Ulrich; Bogers, Ad J. J. C.; Hemmer, Wolfgang; Hetzer, Roland; Hübler, Michael; Robinson, Derek R.; Sievers, Hans H.; Lange, Rüdiger; Patient Age at the Ross Operation in Children Influences Aortic Root Dimensions and Aortic Regurgitation
Hoisl, Frank; Shea, Kristina; Three-dimensional labels: A unified approach to labels for a general spatial grammar interpreter
Sorg, D.; Danowski, K.; Korenkova, V.; Rusnakova, V.; Küffner, R.; Zimmer, R.; Meyer, H. H. D.; Kliem, H.; Microfluidic high-throughput RT-qPCR measurements of the immune response of primary bovine mammary epithelial cells cultured from milk to mastitis pathogens
Sorg, D.; Fandrey, E.; Frölich, K.; Meyer, H.H.D.; Kliem, H.; Mammary immunity of White Park and Highland cattle compared with Brown Swiss and Red Holstein
Desmarchelier, Charles; Ludwig, Tobias; Scheundel, Ronny; Rink, Nadine; Bader, Bernhard L.; Klingenspor, Martin; Daniel, Hannelore; Diet-induced obesity in ad libitum-fed mice: food texture overrides the effect of macronutrient composition
Finsterer, Josef; Ahting, Uwe; Mitochondrial Depletion Syndromes in Children and Adults
Müller, Jan; Pringsheim, Milka; Engelhardt, Andrea; Meixner, Juliana; Halle, Martin; Oberhoffer, Renate; Hess, John; Hager, Alfred; Motor training of sixty minutes once per week improves motor ability in children with congenital heart disease and retarded motor development: a pilot study
Doering, Friederike; Eicken, Andreas; Hess, John; Ischaemic stroke with intact atrial septum - exclude arteriovenous malformations
BÖTTCHER, JULIA; KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU; TARAZ, ANUSCH; Almost Spanning Subgraphs of Random Graphs After Adversarial Edge Removal
Kurz, Alexander; Clare, Linda; Lautenschlager, Nicola T.; Add life to years: psychosocial interventions for people with cognitive disorders
Lisak, Katarina; Toro-Sierra, Jose; Kulozik, Ulrich; Božani?, Rajka; Cheison, Seronei Chelulei; Chymotrypsin selectively digests ?-lactoglobulin in whey protein isolate away from enzyme optimal conditions: Potential for native ?-lactalbumin purification
Remmler, S.; Fruman, M. D.; Hickel, S.; Direct numerical simulation of a breaking inertia-gravity wave
ZAGGL, MICHAEL A.; Eleven mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation
Oliveros, A.; Frewin, C. L.; Schoell, S. J.; Hoeb, M.; Stutzmann, M.; Sharp, I. D.; Saddow, S. E.; Assessment of cell proliferation on 6H-SiC biofunctionalized with self-assembled monolayers
Palancher, H.; Bonnin, A.; Colin, C. V.; Nassif, V.; Honkimäki, V.; Jungwirth, R.; Ritter, C.; Champion, G.; Calzavara, Y.; UMo/Al nuclear fuel plate behavior under thermal treatment (425-550°C)
Türke, Manfred; Blattmann, Tamara; Knop, Eva; Kindermann, Anne; Prestele, Julia; Marquez, Leonardo; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Christina; Weeds and endangered herbs have unforeseen dispersal helpers in the agri-environment: gastropods and earthworms
Kepcija, Nenad; Two-dimensional nanoporous molecular networks: growth, dynamics and electron confinement
Steck, Natalie; Mueller, Kerstin; Schemann, Michael; Haller, Dirk; Republished: Bacterial proteases in IBD and IBS
Shibata, Wataru; Ariyama, Hiroshi; Westphalen, Christoph Benedikt; Worthley, Daniel L.; Muthupalani, Sureshkumar; Asfaha, Samuel; Dubeykovskaya, Zinaida; Quante, Michael; Fox, James G.; Wang, Timothy C.; Stromal cell-derived factor-1 overexpression induces gastric dysplasia through expansion of stromal myofibroblasts and epithelial progenitors
Rosendahl, Jonas; Landt, Olfert; Bernadova, Jana; Kovacs, Peter; Teich, Niels; Bödeker, Hans; Keim, Volker; Ruffert, Claudia; Mössner, Joachim; Kage, Andreas; Stumvoll, Michael; Groneberg, David; Krüger, Renate; Luck, Werner; Treiber, Matthias; Becker, Michael; Witt, Heiko; CFTR, SPINK1, CTRC and PRSS1 variants in chronic pancreatitis: is the role of mutated CFTR overestimated?
Nüesch, Eveline; Häuser, Winfried; Bernardy, Kathrin; Barth, Jürgen; Jüni, Peter; Comparative efficacy of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions in fibromyalgia syndrome: network meta-analysis
Bohn, D.; Kühn-Becker, H.; Schmutzer, G.; Häuser, W.; OP0068?Mediation of childhood/adolescence maltreatment and adult fibromyalgia syndrome by depression - a case control study
Goswami, Suparna;Engel, Tobias;Krcmar, Helmut; A comparative analysis of information visibility in two supply chain management information systems
Gulenko, Iwan; Social against social engineering
Brenner, Peter J.; Killy Literaturlexikon. Autoren und Werke des deutschsprachigen Kulturraumes. 2., vollständig überarbeitete Aufl. Hg. von Wilhelm Kühlmann in Verbindung mit Achim Aurnhammer u. a.
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Anforderungen an CPS aus Sicht der Automatisierungstechnik / Requirements on CPS from the Viewpoint of Automation
Blume, Jürgen; Multimodale Interaktion auf einer sozialen Roboterplattform
Wolf, Thomas; Model Order Reduction by Approximate Balanced Truncation: A Unifying Framework / Modellreduktion durch approximatives Balanciertes Abschneiden: eine vereinigende Formulierung
Zacharias, Martin; Reengineering of subtilisin Carlsberg for oxidative resistance
Siebert, Irmgard; Die Zukunft liegt in der Vergangenheit
Canella, L; Phantom Studies of Neutron Capture of Boron Containing Magnetic Nanoparticles
Jordan, D.; EEG Measures Indicating Anaesthesia Induced Changes of Cortical Information Processing
Menhorn, Friedrich; Genome Assembly Framework on Massively Parallel, Distributed Memory Supercomputers
Martin, Jan; Point-of-care testing on admission to the intensive care unit: lactate and glucose independently predict mortality
Firl, Nina; Determination of the fatty acid profile of neutral lipids, free fatty acids and phospholipids in human plasma
Hamacher, Thomas; The Potential Scarcity of Rare Elements for the Energiewende
Djintchui, Arnaud Ngongang; Synthesis and antimicrobial activities of some novel thiophene containing azo compounds
Van Opdenbosch, Daniel; Chemistry and water-repelling properties of phenyl-incorporating wood composites
Manghabati, Hadi; Photocatalytic Purification of Wastewater Polluted by Odorant Sulfur Compounds Using Titanium Oxide in a Continuous Photoreactor
Ellerbroek, Victoria; A levothyroxine dose recommendation for the treatment of children and adolescents with autoimmune thyroiditis induced hypothyroidism
Hieber, Peter; Double-barrier first-passage times of jump-diffusion processes
Gerstberger, Gisela; Unusual reaction pathways of gallium(III) silylamide complexes
Lehermeier, Christina; Sensitivity to prior specification in Bayesian genome-based prediction models
Bukas, Vanessa Jane; Ready, Set and no Action: A Static Perspective on Potential Energy Surfaces commonly used in Gas-Surface Dynamics
Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt; Die Rückkehr der Wölfe in die Alpen
Abelev, B.;Adam, J.;Adamová, D.;Adare, A.M.;Aggarwal, M.M.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agocs, A.G.;Agostinelli, A.;Aguilar Salazar, S.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad Masoodi, A.;Ahmad, N.;Ahn, S.A.;Ahn, S.U.;Akindinov, A.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Alici, A.;Alkin, A.;Almaráz Aviña, E.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altini, V.;Altinpinar, S.;Altsybeev, I.;Andrei, C.;Andronic, A.;Anguelov, V.;Anielski, J.;Anson, C.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arbor, N.;Arcelli, S.;Arend, A.;Armesto, N.;Arnaldi, R.;Aronsson, T.;Arsene, I.C.;Arslandok, M.;Asryan, A.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Awes, T.C.;Äystö, J.;Azmi, M.D.;Bach, M.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y.W.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Baldini Ferroli, R.;Baldisseri, A.;Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa, F.;Bán, J.;Baral, R.C.;Barbera, R.;Barile, F.;Barnaföldi, G.G.;Barnby, L.S.;Barret, V.;Bartke, J.;Basile, M.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Bathen, B.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Baumann, C.;Bearden, I.G.;Beck, H.;Behera, N.K.;Belikov, I.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belmont-Moreno, E.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Berceanu, I.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berenyi, D.;Bergognon, A.A.E.;Berzano, D.;Betev, L.;Bhasin, A.;Bhati, A.K.;Bhom, J.;Bianchi, N.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchin, C.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Bjelogrlic, S.;Blanco, F.;Blanco, F.;Blau, D.;Blume, C.;Boccioli, M.;Bock, N.;Böttger, S.;Bogdanov, A.;Bøggild, H.;Bogolyubsky, M.;Boldizsár, L.;Bombara, M.;Book, J.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossú, F.;Botje, M.;Botta, E.;Boyer, B.;Braidot, E.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Breitner, T.;Browning, T.A.;Broz, M.;Brun, R.;Bruna, E.;Bruno, G.E.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Busch, O.;Buthelezi, Z.;Caballero Orduna, D.;Caffarri, D.;Cai, X.;Caines, H.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camerini, P.;Canoa Roman, V.;Cara Romeo, G.;Carena, W.;Carena, F.;Carlin Filho, N.;Carminati, F.;Casanova Díaz, A.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Castillo Hernandez, J.F.;Casula, E.A.R.;Catanescu, V.;Cavicchioli, C.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Cepila, J.;Cerello, P.;Chang, B.;Chapeland, S.;Charvet, J.L.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chawla, I.;Cherney, M.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D.D.;Chochula, P.;Chojnacki, M.;Choudhury, S.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C.H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Chung, S.U.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Cleymans, J.;Coccetti, F.;Colamaria, F.;Colella, D.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J.G.;Cormier, T.M.;Corrales Morales, Y.;Cortese, P.;Cortés Maldonado, I.;Cosentino, M.R.;Costa, F.;Cotallo, M.E.;Crescio, E.;Crochet, P.;Cruz Alaniz, E.;Cuautle, E.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Dalsgaard, H.H.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, K.;Das, I.;Dash, A.;Dash, S.;De, S.;de Barros, G.O.V.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;Delagrange, H.;Deloff, A.;De Marco, N.;Dénes, E.;De Pasquale, S.;Deppman, A.;D Erasmo, G.;de Rooij, R.;Diaz Corchero, M.A.;Di Bari, D.;Dietel, T.;Di Giglio, C.;Di Liberto, S.;Di Mauro, A.;Di Nezza, P.;Divià, R.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dobrin, A.;Dobrowolski, T.;Domínguez, I.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Driga, O.;Dubey, A.K.;Dubla, A.;Ducroux, L.;Dupieux, P.;Dutta Majumdar, A.K.;Dutta Majumdar, M.R.;Elia, D.;Emschermann, D.;Engel, H.;Erazmus, B.;Erdal, H.A.;Espagnon, B.;Estienne, M.;Esumi, S.;Evans, D.;Eyyubova, G.;Fabris, D.;Faivre, J.;Falchieri, D.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fearick, R.;Fehlker, D.;Feldkamp, L.;Felea, D.;Feliciello, A.;Fenton-Olsen, B.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferretti, A.;Ferretti, R.;Festanti, A.;Figiel, J.;Figueredo, M.A.S.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F.M.;Fiore, E.M.;Floris, M.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Francescon, A.;Frankenfeld, U.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J.J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A.;Gallio, M.;Gangadharan, D.R.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garishvili, I.;Gerhard, J.;Germain, M.;Geuna, C.;Gheata, A.;Gheata, M.;Ghosh, P.;Gianotti, P.;Girard, M.R.;Giubellino, P.;Gladysz-Dziadus, E.;Glässel, P.;Gomez, R.;Ferreiro, E.G.;González-Trueba, L.H.;González-Zamora, P.;Gorbunov, S.;Goswami, A.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L.K.;Grajcarek, R.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoras, A.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Grinyov, B.;Grion, N.;Gros, P.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J.F.;Grossiord, J.-Y.;Grosso, R.;Guber, F.;Guernane, R.;Guerra Gutierrez, C.;Guerzoni, B.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gulkanyan, H.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Haaland, Ø.;Hadjidakis, C.;Haiduc, M.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Han, B.H.;Hanratty, L.D.;Hansen, A.;Harmanová-Tóthová, Z.;Harris, J.W.;Hartig, M.;Harton, A.;Hasegan, D.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hayrapetyan, A.;Heckel, S.T.;Heide, M.;Helstrup, H.;Herghelegiu, A.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, N.;Hess, B.A.;Hetland, K.F.;Hicks, B.;Hippolyte, B.;Hori, Y.;Hristov, P.;Hřivnáčová, I.;Huang, M.;Humanic, T.J.;Hwang, D.S.;Ichou, R.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilkiv, I.;Inaba, M.;Incani, E.;Innocenti, G.M.;Innocenti, P.G.;Ippolitov, M.;Irfan, M.;Ivan, C.;Ivanov, V.;Ivanov, A.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanytskyi, O.;Jacholkowski, A.;Jacobs, P.M.;Jang, H.J.;Janik, R.;Janik, M.A.;Jayarathna, P.H.S.Y.;Jena, S.;Jha, D.M.;Jimenez Bustamante, R.T.;Jones, P.G.;Jung, H.;Jusko, A.;Kaidalov, A.B.;Kalcher, S.;Kaliňák, P.;Kalliokoski, T.;Kalweit, A.;Kang, J.H.;Kaplin, V.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Khan, S.A.;Khan, P.;Khan, M.M.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Kileng, B.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, D.J.;Kim, D.W.;Kim, J.H.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, T.;Kim, M.;Kim, B.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J.L.;Klein, J.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kliemant, M.;Kluge, A.;Knichel, M.L.;Knospe, A.G.;Koch, K.;Köhler, M.K.;Kollegger, T.;Kolojvari, A.;Kondratiev, V.;Kondratyeva, N.;Konevskikh, A.;Kour, R.;Kowalski, M.;Kox, S.;Koyithatta Meethaleveedu, G.;Kral, J.;Králik, I.;Kramer, F.;Kravčáková, A.;Krawutschke, T.;Krelina, M.;Kretz, M.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krus, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kucheriaev, Y.;Kugathasan, T.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P.G.;Kulakov, I.;Kumar, J.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.B.;Kurepin, A.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kushpil, V.;Kvaerno, H.;Kweon, M.J.;Kwon, Y.;Ladrón de Guevara, P.;Lakomov, I.;Langoy, R.;La Pointe, S.L.;Lara, C.;Lardeux, A.;La Rocca, P.;Lea, R.;Lechman, M.;Lee, K.S.;Lee, G.R.;Lee, S.C.;Lehnert, J.;Lenhardt, M.;Lenti, V.;León, H.;Leoncino, M.;León Monzón, I.;León Vargas, H.;Lévai, P.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lindal, S.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lippmann, C.;Lisa, M.A.;Ljunggren, H.M.;Loenne, P.I.;Loggins, V.R.;Loginov, V.;Lohn, S.;Lohner, D.;Loizides, C.;Loo, K.K.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Løvhøiden, G.;Lu, X.-G.;Luettig, P.;Lunardon, M.;Luo, J.;Luparello, G.;Luzzi, C.;Ma, K.;Ma, R.;Madagodahettige-Don, D.M.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahapatra, D.P.;Maire, A.;Malaev, M.;Maldonado Cervantes, I.;Malinina, L.;MalʼKevich, D.;Malzacher, P.;Mamonov, A.;Manceau, L.;Mangotra, L.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G.V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Marin Tobon, C.A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martashvili, I.;Martin, N.A.;Martinengo, P.;Martínez, M.I.;Martínez Davalos, A.;Martínez García, G.;Martynov, Y.;Mas, A.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Matthews, Z.L.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazer, J.;Mazzoni, M.A.;Meddi, F.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Mercado Pérez, J.;Meres, M.;Miake, Y.;Milano, L.;Milosevic, J.;Mischke, A.;Mishra, A.N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Mitu, C.;Mizuno, S.;Mlynarz, J.;Mohanty, B.;Molnar, L.;Montaño Zetina, L.;Monteno, M.;Montes, E.;Moon, T.;Morando, M.;Moreira De Godoy, D.A.;Moretto, S.;Morsch, A.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Muhuri, S.;Mukherjee, M.;Müller, H.;Munhoz, M.G.;Musa, L.;Musso, A.;Nandi, B.K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Nattrass, C.;Navin, S.;Nayak, T.K.;Nazarenko, S.;Nedosekin, A.;Nicassio, M.;Niculescu, M.;Nielsen, B.S.;Niida, T.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikolic, V.;Nikulin, V.;Nikulin, S.;Nilsen, B.S.;Nilsson, M.S.;Noferini, F.;Nomokonov, P.;Nooren, G.;Novitzky, N.;Nyanin, A.;Nyatha, A.;Nygaard, C.;Nystrand, J.;Ochirov, A.;Oeschler, H.;Oh, S.K.;Oh, S.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A.C.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Oskarsson, A.;Ostrowski, P.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Ozawa, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Pachr, M.;Padilla, F.;Pagano, P.;Paić, G.;Painke, F.;Pajares, C.;Pal, S.K.;Palaha, A.;Palmeri, A.;Papikyan, V.;Pappalardo, G.S.;Park, W.J.;Passfeld, A.;Pastirčák, B.;Patalakha, D.I.;Paticchio, V.;Pavlinov, A.;Pawlak, T.;Peitzmann, T.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Pereira De Oliveira Filho, E.;Peresunko, D.;Pérez Lara, C.E.;Perez Lezama, E.;Perini, D.;Perrino, D.;Peryt, W.;Pesci, A.;Peskov, V.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petran, M.;Petris, M.;Petrov, P.;Petrovici, M.;Petta, C.;Piano, S.;Piccotti, A.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pitz, N.;Piyarathna, D.B.;Planinic, M.;Płoskoń, M.;Pluta, J.;Pocheptsov, T.;Pochybova, S.;Podesta-Lerma, P.L.M.;Poghosyan, M.G.;Polák, K.;Polichtchouk, B.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Pospíšil, V.;Potukuchi, B.;Prasad, S.K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C.A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puddu, G.;Pulvirenti, A.;Punin, V.;Putiš, M.;Putschke, J.;Quercigh, E.;Qvigstad, H.;Rachevski, A.;Rademakers, A.;Räihä, T.S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Ramírez Reyes, A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S.S.;Rascanu, B.T.;Rathee, D.;Read, K.F.;Real, J.S.;Redlich, K.;Reed, R.J.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reicher, M.;Renfordt, R.;Reolon, A.R.;Reshetin, A.;Rettig, F.;Revol, J.-P.;Reygers, K.;Riccati, L.;Ricci, R.A.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Rodriguez Manso, A.;Røed, K.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Romita, R.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosnet, P.;Rossegger, S.;Rossi, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, C.;Rubio Montero, A.J.;Rui, R.;Russo, R.;Ryabinkin, E.;Rybicki, A.;Sadovsky, S.;Šafařík, K.;Sahoo, R.;Sahu, P.K.;Saini, J.;Sakaguchi, H.;Sakai, S.;Sakata, D.;Salgado, C.A.;Salzwedel, J.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sanchez Castro, X.;Šándor, L.;Sandoval, A.;Sano, S.;Sano, M.;Santoro, R.;Sarkamo, J.;Scapparone, E.;Scarlassara, F.;Scharenberg, R.P.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmidt, H.R.;Schmidt, C.;Schreiner, S.;Schuchmann, S.;Schukraft, J.;Schuster, T.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Scott, R.;Segato, G.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J.;Serci, S.;Serradilla, E.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shabratova, G.;Shahoyan, R.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, N.;Rohni, S.;Shigaki, K.;Shtejer, K.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siciliano, M.;Sicking, E.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Silvestre, C.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singaraju, R.;Singh, R.;Singha, S.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sinha, B.C.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T.B.;Skjerdal, K.;Smakal, R.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R.J.M.;Søgaard, C.;Soltz, R.;Son, H.;Song, J.;Song, M.;Soos, C.;Soramel, F.;Sputowska, I.;Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M.;Srivastava, B.K.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Stan, I.;Stefanek, G.;Steinpreis, M.;Stenlund, E.;Steyn, G.;Stiller, J.H.;Stocco, D.;Stolpovskiy, M.;Strmen, P.;Suaide, A.A.P.;Subieta Vásquez, M.A.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Susa, T.;Symons, T.J.M.;Szanto de Toledo, A.;Szarka, I.;Szczepankiewicz, A.;Szostak, A.;Szymański, M.;Takahashi, J.;Tapia Takaki, J.D.;Tarantola Peloni, A.;Tarazona Martinez, A.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terrevoli, C.;Thäder, J.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Timmins, A.R.;Tlusty, D.;Toia, A.;Torii, H.;Toscano, L.;Trubnikov, V.;Truesdale, D.;Trzaska, W.H.;Tsuji, T.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T.S.;Ulery, J.;Ullaland, K.;Ulrich, J.;Uras, A.;Urbán, J.;Urciuoli, G.M.;Usai, G.L.;Vajzer, M.;Vala, M.;Valencia Palomo, L.;Vallero, S.;Vande Vyvre, P.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vannucci, L.;Vargas, A.;Varma, R.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vechernin, V.;Veldhoen, M.;Venaruzzo, M.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara, S.;Vernet, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Viesti, G.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vinogradov, Y.;Vinogradov, A.;Vinogradov, L.;Virgili, T.;Viyogi, Y.P.;Vodopyanov, A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vranic, D.;Vrláková, J.;Vulpescu, B.;Vyushin, A.;Wagner, B.;Wagner, V.;Wan, R.;Wang, D.;Wang, Y.;Wang, M.;Wang, Y.;Watanabe, K.;Weber, M.;Wessels, J.P.;Westerhoff, U.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilde, M.;Wilk, A.;Wilk, G.;Williams, M.C.S.;Windelband, B.;Xaplanteris Karampatsos, L.;Yaldo, C.G.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yang, H.;Yang, S.;Yasnopolskiy, S.;Yi, J.;Yin, Z.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J.;Yu, W.;Yuan, X.;Yushmanov, I.;Zaccolo, V.;Zach, C.;Zampolli, C.;Zaporozhets, S.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zelnicek, P.;Zgura, I.S.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, H.;Zhang, X.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, F.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, H.;Zichichi, A.;Zimmermann, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zoccarato, Y.;Zynovyev, M.;Zyzak, M.; Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV
Montenbruck, O.;Steigenberger, P.;Kirchner, G.; GNSS Satellite Orbit Validation Using Satellite Laser Ranging
Rexer, M.;Hirt, C.;Pail, R.;Claessens, S.; Evaluation of the third- and fourth-generation GOCE Earth gravity field models with Australian terrestrial gravity data in spherical harmonics
Hirt, C.;Claessens, S.;Fecher, T.;Kuhn, M.;Pail, R.;Rexer, M.; New ultra-high resolution picture of Earth's gravity field
Claessens, S.J.;Hirt, C.; Ellipsoidal topographic potential - new solutions for spectral forward gravity modelling of topography with respect to a reference ellipsoid
Featherstone, W.E.;Hirt, C.;Kuhn, M.; Band-limited Bouguer gravity identifies new basins on the Moon
Hirt, C.; RTM gravity forward-modeling using topography/bathymetry data to improve high-degree global geopotential models in the coastal zone
Vaníček, P.;Kingdon, R.;Kuhn, M.;Ellmann, A.;Featherstone, W.E.;Santos, M.C.;Martinec, Z.;Hirt, C.;Avalos, D.; Testing Stokes-Helmert geoid model computation on a synthetic gravity field: experiences and shortcomings
Filmer, M.S.;Hirt, C.;Featherstone, W.E.; Error sources and data limitations for the prediction of surface gravity: a case study using benchmarks
Vincent-Lancrin, Stephan; Pfotenhauer, Sebastian M.; Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education. Where do we Strand?
Gritzmann, P.; Grundlagen der Mathematischen Optimierung
Hückelhoven, R.;Eichmann, R.;Weis, C.;Hoefle, C.;Proels, R. K.; Genetic loss of susceptibility: A costly route to disease resistance?
Weis, Corina;Hückelhoven, Ralph;Eichmann, Ruth; LIFEGUARD proteins support plant colonization by biotrophic powdery mildew fungi
Y Liu, M Rychlik; Development of a Stable Isotope Dilution LC-MS/MS Method for the Alternaria Toxins Tentoxin, Dihydrotentoxin and Isotentoxin
Alpers, A.; R.J. Gardner, D. Moseev; Geometric Reconstruction Methods for Electron Tomography
Brandenberg, René;König, Stefan; No Dimension-Independent Core-Sets for Containment Under Homothetics
Sieber, Christian; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Zinner, Thomas; Tran-Gia, Phouc; Timmerer, Christian; Implementation and user-centric comparison of a novel adaptation logic for DASH with SVC
Schnúr, Andrea;Beer, Sebastian;Witt, Heiko;Hegyi, Péter;Sahin-Tóth, Miklós; Functional effects of 13 rarePRSS1variants presumed to cause chronic pancreatitis
Schick, Verena;Scheiber, Jonas A;Mooren, Frank C;Turi, Stefan;Ceyhan, Güralp O;Schnekenburger, Jürgen;Sendler, Matthias;Schwaiger, Theresa;Omercevic, Armin;Brandt, Cindy van den;Fluhr, Gabriele;Domschke, Wolfram;Krüger, Burkhard;Mayerle, Julia;Lerch, Markus M; Effect of magnesium supplementation and depletion on the onset and course of acute experimental pancreatitis
Matteoli, Gianluca;Gomez-Pinilla, Pedro J;Nemethova, Andrea;Di Giovangiulio, Martina;Cailotto, Cathy;van Bree, Sjoerd H;Michel, Klaus;Tracey, Kevin J;Schemann, Michael;Boesmans, Werend;Vanden Berghe, Pieter;Boeckxstaens, Guy E; A distinct vagal anti-inflammatory pathway modulates intestinal muscularis resident macrophages independent of the spleen
Habegger, Kirk M;Al-Massadi, Omar;Heppner, Kristy M;Myronovych, Andriy;Holland, Jenna;Berger, Jose;Yi, Chun-Xia;Gao, Yuanging;Lehti, Maarit;Ottaway, Nickki;Amburgy, Sarah;Raver, Christine;Müller, Timo D;Pfluger, Paul T;Kohli, Rohit;Perez-Tilve, Diego;Seeley, Randy J;Tschöp, Matthias H; Duodenal nutrient exclusion improves metabolic syndrome and stimulates villus hyperplasia
Jackson, Christopher Benjamin;Nuoffer, Jean-Marc;Hahn, Dagmar;Prokisch, Holger;Haberberger, Birgit;Gautschi, Matthias;Häberli, Annemarie;Gallati, Sabina;Schaller, André; Mutations inSDHDlead to autosomal recessive encephalomyopathy and isolated mitochondrial complex II deficiency
Clauberg, Jan;Leistner, Michael;Ulbrich, Heinz; Hybrid-Parallel Calculation of Jacobians in Multi-Body Dynamics
Bensi, M.; Der Kiureghian, A.; Straub, D.; Bayesian network for post-earthquake infrastructure risk assessment and decision
Fischer J., Straub D.; Spatial reliability analysis of a concrete bridge subject to corrosion conditional on monitoring results
Camos C., Molins C., Špačková O., Straub D.; Development of a probabilistic model for the prediction of building damage due to tunneling induced settlements
Runtemund, K.; Output-only measurement-based parameter identification of dynamic systems subjected to random load processes
Zimmermann, Markus;von Hoessle, Johannes Edler; Computing solution spaces for robust design
Fender, Johannes;Duddeck, Fabian;Zimmermann, Markus; On the calibration of simplified vehicle crash models
A. Hangauer, J. Chen, R. Strzoda, M.-C. Amann; Multi-harmonic detection in wavelength modulation spectroscopy systems
Iturralde, K., Bock, T.; Endo, K.; linner, T.; Towards an embedded robotic environment (ERE) in existing buildings
Endo, K., Bock, T., Linner, T., Iwamatsu, J., Iturralde, K.; A Study of General Contractors' Management Strategies: A Time Series Analysis of the ENR Top International Contractors 225
Endo, K., Bock, T., Linner, T.; Rapid Return on Investment by innovative Methods in Construction visualized by Cash Flow Model
Linner, T., Bock, T.; Evolution of large-scale Industrialization and Service - Innovation in Japanese Prefabrication Industry
Piroozfar P. A.E. & Piller F. T.; Automation, Robotics, Services: evolution of large-scale mass customization in the Japanese building industry
Piroozfar P. A. E. & Piller F. T.; Robot oriented construction management
Machl, Thomas;Donaubauer, Andreas;Auernhammer, Hermann;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Shape and Ergonomics: Methods for Analyzing Shape and Geometric Parameters of Agricultural Parcels
Luichtl, M.;Fiesselmann, B. S.;Matthes, M.;Yang, X.;Peis, O.;Brunner, A.;Torres-Ruiz, R. A.; Mutations in the Arabidopsis RPK1 gene uncouple cotyledon anlagen and primordia by modulating epidermal cell shape and polarity
Kaiser, Christoph J.O.;Grötzinger, Stefan W.;Eckl, Julia M.;Papsdorf, Katharina;Jordan, Stefan;Richter, Klaus; A network of genes connects polyglutamine toxicity to ploidy control in yeast
Formichella, Luca;Romberg, Laura;Bolz, Christian;Vieth, Michael;Geppert, Michael;Göttner, Gereon;Nölting, Christina;Walter, Dirk;Schepp, Wolfgang;Schneider, Arne;Ulm, Kurt;Wolf, Petra;Busch, Dirk H.;Soutschek, Erwin;Gerhard, Markus; A Novel Line Immunoassay Based on Recombinant Virulence Factors Enables Highly Specific and Sensitive Serologic Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori Infection
Hoffmann, Christoph;Zimmermann, Anika;Hinney, Anke;Volckmar, Anna-Lena;Jarrett, Harry W.;Fromme, Tobias;Klingenspor, Martin; A Novel SP1/SP3 Dependent Intronic Enhancer Governing Transcription of the UCP3 Gene in Brown Adipocytes
Fichtner, Stephanie;Hessling, Gabriele;Ammar, Sonia;Reents, Tilko;Estner, Heidi L.;Jilek, Clemens;Kathan, Susanne;Büchner, Michael;Dillier, Roger;Deisenhofer, Isabel; A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Isolation of the Arrhythmogenic Vein Versus All Veins in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Eyben, Florian;Weninger, Felix;Lehment, Nicolas;Schuller, Björn;Rigoll, Gerhard; Affective Video Retrieval: Violence Detection in Hollywood Movies by Large-Scale Segmental Feature Extraction
Maier, Patrick;Klinker, Gudrun; Augmented Chemical Reactions: 3D Interaction Methods for Chemistry
Schlag, Christoph;Wörner, Alexandra;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Kochs, Eberhard F;Schmid, Roland M;von Delius, Stefan; Capnography Improves Detection of Apnea During Procedural Sedation for Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiodrainage
Mette, Tobias;Dolos, Klara;Meinardus, Cathrin;Bräuning, Achim;Reineking, Björn;Blaschke, Markus;Pretzsch, Hans;Beierkuhnlein, Carl;Gohlke, Andreas;Wellstein, Camilla; Climatic turning point for beech and oak under climate change in Central Europe
Frank, Raphael;Beckmann, J;Nixdorf, I; Depressionen im Hochleistungssport: Prävalenzen und psychologische Einflüsse
Di Nardo, S.;Farinelli, P.;Kim, T.;Marcelli, R.;Margesin, B.;Paola, E.;Pochesci, D.;Vietzorreck, L.;Vitulli, F.; Design of RF MEMS based switch matrix for space applications
Ollivier, Julien;Schacht, Daniela;Kindler, Reimo;Groeneweg, Joost;Engel, Marion;Wilke, Berndt-Michael;Kleineidam, Kristina;Schloter, Michael; Effects of repeated application of sulfadiazine-contaminated pig manure on the abundance and diversity of ammonia and nitrite oxidizers in the root-rhizosphere complex of pasture plants under field conditions
Schmitt, Manfred;Magdolen, Viktor;Yang, Feng;Kiechle, Marion;Bayani, Jane;Yousef, George M.;Scorilas, Andreas;Diamandis, Eleftherios P.;Dorn, Julia; Emerging clinical importance of the cancer biomarkers kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) in female and male reproductive organ malignancies
Braun, Alexander;Schneider, Stephan;Auerswald, Karl;Bellof, Gerhard;Schnyder, Hans; Forward Modeling of Fluctuating Dietary 13C Signals to Validate 13C Turnover Models of Milk and Milk Components from a Diet-Switch Experiment
Buhmann, Raymund;Michael, Stanglmaier;Juergen, Hess;Horst, Lindhofer;Peschel, Christian;Kolb, Hans-Jochem; Immunotherapy with FBTA05 (Bi20), a trifunctional bispecific anti-CD3 x anti-CD20 antibody and donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) in relapsed or refractory B-cell lymphoma after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: study protocol of an investigator-driven, open-label, non-randomized, uncontrolled, dose-escalating Phase I/II-trial
Pausch, Hubert;Aigner, Bernhard;Emmerling, Reiner;Edel, Christian;Götz, Kay-Uwe;Fries, Ruedi; Imputation of high-density genotypes in the Fleckvieh cattle population
Klein, Sabine;Seidler, Barbara;Kettenberger, Anna;Sibaev, Andrei;Rohn, Michael;Feil, Robert;Allescher, Hans-Dieter;Vanderwinden, Jean-Marie;Hofmann, Franz;Schemann, Michael;Rad, Roland;Storr, Martin A.;Schmid, Roland M.;Schneider, Günter;Saur, Dieter; Interstitial cells of Cajal integrate excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission with intestinal slow-wave activity
Bauer, Eva;Falque, Matthieu;Walter, Hildrun;Bauland, Cyril;Camisan, Christian;Campo, Laura;Meyer, Nina;Ranc, Nicolas;Rincent, Renaud;Schipprack, Wolfgang;Altmann, Thomas;Flament, Pascal;Melchinger, Albrecht E;Menz, Monica;Moreno-González, Jesús;Ouzunova, Milena;Revilla, Pedro;Charcosset, Alain;Martin, Olivier C;Schön, Chris-Carolin; Intraspecific variation of recombination rate in maize
Mayer, Benedikt;Rudolph, Daniel;Schnell, Joscha;Morkötter, Stefanie;Winnerl, Julia;Treu, Julian;Müller, Kai;Bracher, Gregor;Abstreiter, Gerhard;Koblmüller, Gregor;Finley, Jonathan J.; Lasing from individual GaAs-AlGaAs core-shell nanowires up to room temperature
Czerwensky, Fabian;Leucht, Stefan;Steimer, Werner; MC4R rs489693: a clinical risk factor for second generation antipsychotic-related weight gain?
Schuhmacher, Christoph;Reim, Daniel;Novotny, Alexander; Neoadjuvant Treatment for Gastric Cancer
Zech, Michael;Nübling, Georg;Castrop, Florian;Jochim, Angela;Schulte, Eva C.;Mollenhauer, Brit;Lichtner, Peter;Peters, Annette;Gieger, Christian;Marquardt, Thorsten;Vanier, Marie T.;Latour, Philippe;Klünemann, Hans;Trenkwalder, Claudia;Diehl-Schmid, Janine;Perneczky, Robert;Meitinger, Thomas;Oexle, Konrad;Haslinger, Bernhard;Lorenzl, Stefan;Winkelmann, Juliane; Niemann-Pick C Disease Gene Mutations and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders
Kasper, Daniel;Ünlü, Ali; On the Relevance of Assumptions Associated with Classical Factor Analytic Approaches†
Lutzweiler, Christian;Razansky, Daniel; Optoacoustic Imaging and Tomography: Reconstruction Approaches and Outstanding Challenges in Image Performance and Quantification
Kong, Bo;Qia, Chengjia;Erkan, Mert;Kleeff, Jörg;Michalski, Christoph W.; Overview on how oncogenic Kras promotes pancreatic carcinogenesis by inducing low intracellular ROS levels
Tholen, Susanne;Klofat, Katharina;Pan, Cheng Rui;Schmaderer, Christoph;Lutz, Jens;Heemann, Uwe;Baumann, Marcus; Progression of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Langer, Andreas;Hampel, Paul A.;Kaiser, Wolfgang;Knezevic, Jelena;Welte, Thomas;Villa, Valentina;Maruyama, Makiko;Svejda, Matej;Jähner, Simone;Fischer, Frank;Strasser, Ralf;Rant, Ulrich; Protein analysis by time-resolved measurements with an electro-switchable DNA chip
Buchner, Johannes;Li, Jing; Structure, Function and Regulation of the Hsp90 Machinery
Müller, Timo D.;Müller, Anne;Yi, Chun-Xia;M Habegger, Kirk;Meyer, Carola W.;Gaylinn, Bruce D.;Finan, Brian;Heppner, Kristy;Trivedi, Chitrang;Bielohuby, Maximilian;Abplanalp, William;Meyer, Franziska;Piechowski, Carolin L.;Pratzka, Juliane;Stemmer, Kerstin;Holland, Jenna;Hembree, Jazzmin;Bhardwaj, Nakul;Raver, Christine;Ottaway, Nickki;Krishna, Radha;Sah, Renu;Sallee, Floyd R.;Woods, Stephen C.;Perez-Tilve, Diego;Bidlingmaier, Martin;Thorner, Michael O.;Krude, Heiko;Smiley, David;DiMarchi, Richard;Hofmann, Susanna;Pfluger, Paul T.;Kleinau, Gunnar;Biebermann, Heike;Tschöp, Matthias H.; The orphan receptor Gpr83 regulates systemic energy metabolism via ghrelin-dependent and ghrelin-independent mechanisms
Peters, Stefan;Meng, Liqiu; Visual Analysis for Nowcasting of Multidimensional Lightning Data
He, Haiyan;Klein, Wilhelm;Fässler, Thomas F.; (1,4,7,10,13,16-Hexaoxacyclooctadecane-κ6O)bis(tetrahydrofuran-κO)potassium bis[(1,2,3,4-η)-anthracene]cobalt(−I) tetrahydrofuran monosolvate
Wurst, W.;Prakash, N.; Wnt1-regulated genetic networks in midbrain dopaminergic neuron development
Boehm, Johannes;Eichhorn, Stefan;Kornek, Matthias;Hauner, Katharina;Prinzing, Anatol;Grammer, Joachim;Lahm, Harald;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Lange, Ruediger; Apolipoprotein E genotype, TNF-α 308G/A and risk for cardiac surgery associated-acute kidney injury in Caucasians
Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Life Cycle in Timber Facade Systems – Robust Design Patterns
Loebus, S., Ott, S.; Prefabricated Retrofit Facade System – a Systemized Building Construction Detailing
Bradler, Maximilian;Werhahn, Jasper C.;Hutzler, Daniel;Fuhrmann, Simon;Heider, Rupert;Riedle, Eberhard;Iglev, Hristo;Kienberger, Reinhard; A novel setup for femtosecond pump-repump-probe IR spectroscopy with few cycle CEP stable pulses
Djeffal, Christian; Commentaries on the Law of Treaties: A Review Essay Reflecting on the Genre of Commentaries
Djeffal, Christian; Die herrschende Meinung als Argument: Ein didaktischer Beitrag in historischer und theoretischer Perspektive
Brechmann, E.C., K. Hendrich and C. Czado; Conditional copula simulation for systemic risk stress testing.
Ceeh, Hubert;Weber, Josef;Hugenschmidt, Christoph;Leitner, Michael;Böni, Peter; First measurements with the Munich 2D-ACAR spectrometer on Cr
Piochacz, C;Hugenschmidt, C; A novel setup for the pulsing and energy enhancement of a positron beam
Weber, J A;Böni, P;Ceeh, H;Leitner, M;Hugenschmidt, Ch; First 2D-ACAR Measurements on Cu with the new Spectrometer at TUM
Hugenschmidt, C;Ceeh, H;Gigl, T;Lippert, F;Piochacz, C;Pikart, P;Reiner, M;Weber, J;Zimnik, S; The Upgrade of the Neutron Induced Positron Source NEPOMUC
Wheldon, C;Ashwood, N I;Barr, M;Curtis, N;Freer, M;Kokalova, Tz;Malcolm, J D;Spencer, S J;Ziman, V A;Faestermann, Th;Krücken, R;Wirth, H-F;Hertenberger, R;Lutter, R;Bergmaier, A; Absolute partial decay branching-ratios in16O
Bhattacharyya, S;Opalka, D;Poluyanov, L V;Domcke, W; Jahn-Teller theory beyond the standard model
Lorenz, M;Weber, M;Agakishiev, G;Behnke, C;Belver, D;Belyaev, A;Berger-Chen, J C;Blanco, A;Blume, C;Böhmer, M;Cabanelas, P;Chernenko, S;Dritsa, C;Dybczak, A;Epple, E;Fabbietti, L;Fateev, O;Fonte, P;Friese, J;Fröhlich, I;Galatyuk, T;Garzón, J A;Gill, K;Golubeva, M;González-Díaz, D;Guber, F;Gumberidze, M;Harabasz, S;Hennino, T;Holzmann, R;Huck, P;Hhne, C;Ierusalimov, A;Ivashkin, A;Jurkovic, M;Kämpfer, B;Karavicheva, T;Koenig, I;Koenig, W;Kolb, B W;Korcyl, G;Kornakov, G;Kotte, R;Krása, A;Krebs, E;Krizek, F;Kuc, H;Kugler, A;Kurepin, A;Kurilkin, A;Kurilkin, P;Ladygin, V;Lalik, R;Lang, S;Lapidus, K;Lebedev, A;Lopes, L;Maier, L;Mangiarotti, A;Markert, J;Metag, V;Michel, J;Müntz, C;Münzer, R;Naumann, L;Palka, M;Parpottas, Y;Pechenov, V;Pechenova, O;Pietraszko, J;Przygoda, W;Ramstein, B;Rehnisch, L;Reshetin, A;Rustamov, A;Sadovsky, A;Salabura, P;Scheib, T;Schuldes, H;Siebenson, J;Sobolev, Yu G;Spataro, S;Ströbele, H;Stroth, J;Strzempek, P;Sturm, C;Svoboda, O;Tarantola, A;Teilab, K;Tlusty, P;Traxler, M;Tsertos, H;Vasiliev, T;Wagner, V;Wendisch, C;Wüstenfeld, J;Yurevich, S;Zanevsky, Y;; Proton induced dielectron radiation off Nb: Pt and Y distributions
Salabura, Piotr;Agakishiev, G;Behnke, C;Belver, D;Belyaev, A;Berger-Chen, J C;Blanco, A;Blume, C;Böhmer, M;Cabanelas, P;Chernenko, S;Dritsa, C;Dybczak, A;Epple, E;Fabbietti, L;Fateev, O;Fonte, P;Friese, J;Fröhlich, I;Galatyuk, T;Garzón, J A;Gill, K;Golubeva, M;Gonázlez-Díaz, D;Guber, F;Gumberidze, M;Harabasz, S;Hennino, T;Holzmann, R;Huck, P;Höhne, C;Ierusalimov, A;Ivashkin, A;Jurkovic, M;Kämpfer, B;Karavicheva, T;Koenig, I;Koenig, W;Kolb, B W;Korcyl, G;Kornakov, G;Kotte, R;Krása, A;Krebs, E;Krizek, F;Kuc, H;Kugler, A;Kurepin, A;Kurilkin, A;Kurilkin, P;Ladygin, V;Lalik, R;Lang, S;Lapidus, K;Lebedev, A;Lopes, L;Lorenz, M;Maier, L;Mangiarotti, A;Markert, J;Metag, V;Michel, J;Müntz, C;Münzer, R;Naumann, L;Palka, M;Parpottas, Y;Pechenov, V;Pechenova, O;Pietraszko, J;Przygoda, W;Ramstein, B;Rehnisch, L;Reshetin, A;Rustamov, A;Sadovsky, A;Salabura, P;Scheib, T;Schuldes, H;Siebenson, J;Sobolev, Yu G;Spataro, S;Ströbele, H;Stroth, J;Strzempek, P;Sturm, C;Svoboda, O;Tarantola, A;Teilab, K;Tlusty, P;Traxler, M;Tsertos, H;Vasiliev, T;Wagner, V;Weber, M;Wendisch, C;Wüstenfeld, J;Yurevich, S;Zanevsky, Y;; Hades experiments: investigation of hadron in-medium properties
Ahrens, S;Müller, T-O;Villalba-Chávez, S;Bauke, H;Müller, C; Spin effects in strong-field laser-electron interactions
Kostorz, Kathrin;Hölzel, Robert W;Krischer, Katharina; Distributed coupling complexity in a weakly coupled oscillatory network with associative properties
Szehr, Oleg;Dupuis, Frédéric;Tomamichel, Marco;Renner, Renato; Decoupling with unitary approximate two-designs
Schwarz, M J;Goetz, J;Jiang, Z;Niemczyk, T;Deppe, F;Marx, A;Gross, R; Gradiometric flux qubits with a tunable gap
Neu, Elke;Hepp, Christian;Hauschild, Michael;Gsell, Stefan;Fischer, Martin;Sternschulte, Hadwig;Steinmüller-Nethl, Doris;Schreck, Matthias;Becher, Christoph; Low-temperature investigations of single silicon vacancy colour centres in diamond
Gonzalez-Tudela, Alejandro;Laussy, Fabrice P;Tejedor, Carlos;Hartmann, Michael J;Valle, Elena del; Two-photon spectra of quantum emitters
Valle, Elena del; Distilling one, two and entangled pairs of photons from a quantum dot with cavity QED effects and spectral filtering
Zhong, L;Menzel, E P;Di Candia, R;Eder, P;Ihmig, M;Baust, A;Haeberlein, M;Hoffmann, E;Inomata, K;Yamamoto, T;Nakamura, Y;Solano, E;Deppe, F;Marx, A;Gross, R; Squeezing with a flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier
Lercher, Daniel;Giedke, Géza;M Wolf, Michael; Standard super-activation for Gaussian channels requires squeezing
Wilde, M A;Grundler, D; Alternative method for the quantitative determination of Rashba- and Dresselhaus spin–orbit interaction using the magnetization
Rudolph, Daniel;Schweickert, Lucas;Morkötter, Stefanie;Hanschke, Lukas;Hertenberger, Simon;Bichler, Max;Koblmüller, Gregor;Abstreiter, Gerhard;Finley, Jonathan J; Probing the trapping and thermal activation dynamics of excitons at single twin defects in GaAs–AlGaAs core–shell nanowires
Svensson, S Fahlvik;Hoffmann, E A;Nakpathomkun, N;Wu, P M;Xu, H Q;Nilsson, H A;Sánchez, D;Kashcheyevs, V;Linke, H; Nonlinear thermovoltage and thermocurrent in quantum dots
Birkner, Matthias;Cerny, Jiri;Depperschmidt, Andrej;Gantert, Nina; Directed random walk on the backbone of an oriented percolation cluster
Toikkanen, T., & Keune, A.; Ambient awareness of classroom activities. Designing mobile face-to-face group interactions workshop
Keune, A., & Leinonen, T.; Square1 prototype: Build your own devices for collaborative learning
Gantert, Nina;Kochler, Thomas; Cutoff and mixing time for transient random walks in random environments
Suda, Michael; Dobler, Günter; Baummythen und Widersprüche