This thesis focuses on the photoinduced ultrafast dynamics of aromatic molecules through conical intersections. Pyrrole and phenol are selected as two typical systems to explore the dissociation dynamics via repulsive πσ* states and the nonadiabatic transitions at conical intersections. Electronic-structure calculations are employed to identify the relevant degrees of freedom of the chemical reactions. In a first approximation, reduced-dimensional models, including the NH or OH stretching motion and the relevant coupling coordinates of the conical intersections, are considered to capture the main features of the hydrogen-detachment photochemistry of pyrrole and phenol. Diabatic potential-energy surfaces have been obtained based on ab inito data and a suitable diabatization procedure. Quantum wave-packet calculations have been performed to explore the photoinduced dissociation and internal-conversion dynamics of these molecules. The electronic population transfer processes at the conical intersections, the branching ratio for the different dissociation channels, the internal-conversion probability, and their dependence on the initial preparation of the system have been investigated for both pyrrole and phenol.
It is shown that the excitation of the NH or OH stretching motion strongly enhances the photodissociation rate, while the excitation of the strongest coupling mode has a pronounced effect on the branching ratio of the photodissociation process. Time-dependent wavepackets are displayed to provide the insight into the photodissociation dynamics through conical intersections. To exhibit the role of vibrational relaxation effects on the nonadiabatic transition dynamics, we apply the reduced density-matrix formalism. With these methods, we explore the main features of the quantum dissipative dynamics of pyrrole through conical intersections. The internal conversion probability is enhanced when the coupling of the active degrees of freedom with the environment is taken into account. The cooling of the system by the coupling with the environment is visualized by time-dependent nuclear density probabilities of the system degrees of freedom.
This thesis focuses on the photoinduced ultrafast dynamics of aromatic molecules through conical intersections. Pyrrole and phenol are selected as two typical systems to explore the dissociation dynamics via repulsive πσ* states and the nonadiabatic transitions at conical intersections. Electronic-structure calculations are employed to identify the relevant degrees of freedom of the chemical reactions. In a first approximation, reduced-dimensional models, including the NH or OH stretching motion...