Aim was to create an analysis system for the efficient determination of the quality of CO2 from beer fermentation in order to promote the use of recovered CO2 within the fields of application, which come into consideration. At the same time the analysis ought to provide an analytical basis for a research project, which aimed to increase the yield of recovered CO2 in breweries. In order to provide the necessary quality examination of CO2-samples the layout, dimensioning and the start of operation of an analysis application was required, which enabled to measure the relevant ingredients in CO2 in trace and ultra-trace concentrations. After assembling a list of ingredients, on which an expertise of CO2-quality is based after international standards, and considering their corresponding detection limits, the choice was made to set up a gas chromatograph in combination with a mass spectrometer (GC/MS) and a helium-ionisation-detector (HID).
The next task was to develop a system for transport and storage of gaseous and liquid samples. At this juncture it had to be guaranteed that the composition of the samples would not be changed, neither during sampling, storage or transport nor by injection into the analysis system. For raw gas samples, which are available at atmospheric pressure, this task was realised using gas bags, which were filled and emptied using lubrication-free membrane pumps and especially developed connection adapters. Those enabled to reduce the sample falsification due to their minimised dead space. For the handling of pressurised and liquid CO2 mobile cylinders were developed, which supplied the safety relevant information like sample pressure and container tightness via their integrated fittings.
Further examinations regarding the capability of the developed transport systems showed weak spots in their configuration, which were eliminated by changing single components of the cylinders and the choice of different materials for the gas bags. Furthermore examinations in terms of recyclability of the gas bags were carried through. This included the evaluation of regeneration methods, which were created to minimise the carryover of ingredients from former samples.
The development of the transport system enabled to carry out sampling of CO2 from different stages of the recovery process in order to track the change of concentration of single ingredients in CO2 over the whole recovery process of the Bayerischen Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan. Through daily sampling and testing of the CO2 quality after each process step possible sources of error were identified and improvement proposals were worked out. The results of the implemented changes within the recovery process were examined in a second series of analyses.
First results suggested a possible formation of COS within the gas-purifier, which seemed to be induced by the activated carbon. Apart from its toxicity COS has a lamination potential for H2S. Therefore investigations were expanded on different gas cleaning agents on adsorbative basis. Test stations in laboratory and small industrial scale were developed and integrated into the recovery process to measure their influence on the CO2-quality under real process conditions.
In a final series of tests activated coals of different suppliers were examined in terms of their cleaning potential for sulphurous compounds as well as a potential formation of COS. Here the main concern was to evaluate process conditions, which enable an improved mode of operation of the coals. Afterwards the coal samples were exposed to gases with high dirt loads in order to test their efficiency under a process failure.
Even with exceptionally polluted gases no significant snap through of impurities into the purified gas was observed. Additionally all tested coals showed no formation of COS. This was traced back to the fact, that all tested coals were highly specialised, endowed coals, which were developed for the separation of their correspondent gaseous compounds. At the same time, some coals showed different behaviour under humid/dry conditions. Considering the large number of activated carbon products on the market and the wide variety of applications, further investigations should be carried through in order to realise improved effectiveness in CO2-recovery in terms of ensuring the product quality of beer.
Aim was to create an analysis system for the efficient determination of the quality of CO2 from beer fermentation in order to promote the use of recovered CO2 within the fields of application, which come into consideration. At the same time the analysis ought to provide an analytical basis for a research project, which aimed to increase the yield of recovered CO2 in breweries. In order to provide the necessary quality examination of CO2-samples the layout, dimensioning and the start of operation...