The newly developed analysis tool contains a detailed model, consisting of a car model (SIMPACK) and an engine model (MATLAB Simulink). With these models load reversal phenomena of a passenger car can be simulated. By means of two built-in assessment methods (Ruckelpeak and AVL-Drive) the load reversal behaviour, whether derived from measurements or from simulation, can be evaluated. In this study the Ruckelpeak method is renewed significantly. The analysis tool renders the virtual design of powertrain, chassis and engine parameters simultaneously possible in an early development phase. Because these many parameters with a physical meaning are designed simultaneously, a better compromise of conflicting aims can be achieved. Moreover, the number of expensive and time-consuming design changes in a later development phase can be reduced significantly.
The newly developed analysis tool contains a detailed model, consisting of a car model (SIMPACK) and an engine model (MATLAB Simulink). With these models load reversal phenomena of a passenger car can be simulated. By means of two built-in assessment methods (Ruckelpeak and AVL-Drive) the load reversal behaviour, whether derived from measurements or from simulation, can be evaluated. In this study the Ruckelpeak method is renewed significantly. The analysis tool renders the virtual design of pow...