This thesis investigates questions related with the quantification, creation and
application of entanglement. We first show how the notion of entanglement is
modified by the presence of superselection rules. Next, we develop protocols
for the optimal generation of squeezing and entanglement from noisy operations.
The second part of the thesis applies quantum information methods to quantum
many-body problems. We start by investigating the relation of Hamiltonian and
correlations for lattices of harmonic oscillators. Next, we turn towards the
description of many-body systems in terms of Matrix Product States (MPS) and
Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS). We clarify the relation between entropy
scaling laws and the approximability by MPS, and determine the computational
complexity of creating and simulating PEPS. Finally, we define Gaussian MPS as
a generalization of MPS to bosonic systems.
This thesis investigates questions related with the quantification, creation and
application of entanglement. We first show how the notion of entanglement is
modified by the presence of superselection rules. Next, we develop protocols
for the optimal generation of squeezing and entanglement from noisy operations.
The second part of the thesis applies quantum information methods to quantum
many-body problems. We start by investigating the relation of Hamiltonian and
correlations for lattic...