The Toll-like receptor system represents a crucial defence mechanism of the innate immune system with MyD88 as a major player. To investigate the cell-type-specific relevance of MyD88 during immune responses an
in vivo model was established which allows reexpression of this adaptor protein in defined cell-types by using a gene trap strategy in combination with the cre/loxP recombination system. In the second part of the study
in vitro analysis was used to investigate cell-type-specific regulation of TNF-α biosynthesis in macrophages and dendritic cells in detail. The differential involvement of the adaptor protein TRIF in regulation of TNF-α on a posttranscriptional level could be described for the first time.
The Toll-like receptor system represents a crucial defence mechanism of the innate immune system with MyD88 as a major player. To investigate the cell-type-specific relevance of MyD88 during immune responses an
in vivo model was established which allows reexpression of this adaptor protein in defined cell-types by using a gene trap strategy in combination with the cre/loxP recombination system. In the second part of the study
in vitro analysis was used to investigate cell-type-specific regulatio...