This thesis deals with the behaviour of corrosion protection ducts (polyethylene, PE-HD) of bondless post-tensioning kits. These products are mainly used in bridge, building and tank construction. The protection effect of the ducts can be reduced at deviated tendons by imprints of the steel on the soft plastic and by friction that occurs when stressing the steel. Basic tasks, e.g. calculation of the cable factor of tendons using PE pipes, are presented but also the results of extensive experimental and theoretical investigations of different steel tendons for bondless stressing. Both a statistical model and a design model have been proposed for band tendons to estimate the mean of the depth of imprints into the PE-ducts for assessing their wear and for designing the dimensions that are necessary to maintain their protection effect. For tendons using pipes a first principle of mechanics has been proposed to estimate the imprints into the pipe. The content of the thesis will contribute to a qualified assessment of the durability and efficiency of existing post-tensioning systems or to their development.
This thesis deals with the behaviour of corrosion protection ducts (polyethylene, PE-HD) of bondless post-tensioning kits. These products are mainly used in bridge, building and tank construction. The protection effect of the ducts can be reduced at deviated tendons by imprints of the steel on the soft plastic and by friction that occurs when stressing the steel. Basic tasks, e.g. calculation of the cable factor of tendons using PE pipes, are presented but also the results of extensive experimen...