From 07/2001 to 02/2005 40 patients undergoing RO gastrectomy are randomised to re-ceive either supplemental immune enhancing diet (IED, n = 20) via feeding jejunostomy or a conventional diet (controls, n = 20). IED patients are loosing significant less body weight compared with controls throughout the 6 month-study period and show significantly de-creased CRP- and triglyceride levels on day 5-7. Moreover IED is markedly reducing com-plications and is improving immune competence and quality of life with respect to physical and emotional functioning.
From 07/2001 to 02/2005 40 patients undergoing RO gastrectomy are randomised to re-ceive either supplemental immune enhancing diet (IED, n = 20) via feeding jejunostomy or a conventional diet (controls, n = 20). IED patients are loosing significant less body weight compared with controls throughout the 6 month-study period and show significantly de-creased CRP- and triglyceride levels on day 5-7. Moreover IED is markedly reducing com-plications and is improving immune competence and quality of l...