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Lautner, Corinna; Auswertung und Analyse von Patienten mit Bisphosphonat-assoziierten Knochennekrosen im Kieferbereich
Jawansky, Stefan; Messungen der ADP-induzierten Thrombozytenaggregation mittels optischer Aggregometrie nach Born und mittels Multiplate Analyter aus Vollblut nach Gabe einer 600 mg Loadingdosis Clopidogrel.
Kanev, Kristiyan; CD4 T-cell help sustains distinct subpopulations in functional and dysfunctional CD8 T-cell responses.
Kühbeck, Felizian Emanuel Guntram; Untersuchungen zum prädiktiven Wert formativer Onlinetests für die Prüfungsleistung von Medizinstudierenden im Fach Pharmakologie: eine prospektive Kohortenstudie
Oelsmann J., Marcos M., Passaro M., Sanchez L., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; Vertical land motion reconstruction unveils nonlinear effects on relative sea level
Ostermeier, Theresa; Antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit von photokatalytisch aktiven Nanopartikeln in Silikonelastomeren zur Herstellung von Kontaktoberflächen in Krankenhäusern
Leonhardt, Stefan; Photopolymere und additiver Fertigungsprozess zur Herstellung von zertifizierbaren Bioreaktoren in der Medizintechnik
Jefferies, Benedict Alexander; Nicht-invasive Tumorbildgebung im befruchteten Hühnerei
Schulz, Simon Julius; Klinische und objektive Methoden zur Erfassung von Freezing of Gait
Hiltensperger, Michael Thomas; The site of initial activation determines the central nervous system infiltration characteristics of T helper cells in a preclinical model of multiple sclerosis
Hartrampf, Bonnie Olivia; Der Einfluss einer magnetischen Endoskopdarstellung (Magnetic Endoscope Imaging) auf Patientensicherheit und Untersuchungsergebnisse in der Koloskopie
Plambeck, Marten Matthias; Mapping Division Speed During the Early Differentiation Phase of CD8 T Cells
Frank, Yvonne; Quantifizierung von Kollateralflüssen bei Patienten mit einer totalen cavopulmonalen Konnektion während submaximaler Belastung mittels kardiovaskulärer Magnetresonanztomographie
Philipp, Anett; Ursachen einer verzögerten antibiotischen Therapie bei schwerer Sepsis in einem Krankenhaus der Grund- und Regelversorgung – monozentrische Datenevaluation im Rahmen der multizentrischen MEDUSA-Studie
Karasoy, Özlem; Bipolare Dissektionstechnik in der Parotischirurgie
Gökkaya, Mehmet; From Exposure to Reaction: Expression of immune parameters under natural pollen exposure and their effect on allergic symptoms
Hadas, Stefan; Physische und psychische Beschwerdeprävalenz bei Patienten der HNO-Tumornachsorgesprechstunde unter Berücksichtigung klinischer endokrinologischer Marker
Tsipenyuk, Arseniy; Evolution Equations in Fourier Phase Retrieval
Vogel, Anna-Lena; Adaptive immune responses to AQP4 in a murine model for neuromyelitis optica
Soto Setzke, David Wayra; Success Factors for Digital Transformation Strategies in Established Organizations - A Configurational Approach
Fallenbacher, Katharina; Veränderung der Haltungskontrolle bei Menschen mit funktionellem Schwindel nach Integrativer Psychotherapie vs. Selbsthilfegruppe
Hofmann, Marie-Kristin Charlot; Auswirkung von Endotheltrauma und venösen Interponaten auf Indocyaningrün Videoangiographie und FLOW 800® Tool in einem mikrovaskulären Transplantationsmodell der Ratte
Garcia Arteaga, Veronica; Effects of Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Pea Protein Isolate on its Functional, Sensory and Immunogenic Properties
Xu, Jingyi; Modeling Nonplanar Frictional Surface Contacts for Robust Robot Grasping
Heitmann, Nils; Mass-deployable Objective Hearing Screening with Otoacoustic Emissions
Lersch, Robert Christian; Funktionelle Analyse einer intergenischen Region downstream von Bcl11b
Dorfhuber, Florian Sebastian; Vergleich von Beatmungsmodi während kardiopulmonaler Reanimation mit mechanischer Reanimationshilfe im Schockraum
Sünnen, Philippe; Analysis of a Consensus-based Optimization Method on Hypersurfaces and Applications
Barbara Wirthl, Sebastian Brandstaeter, Jonas Nitzler, Bernhard A. Schrefler, Wolfgang A. Wall; Global sensitivity analysis based on Gaussian-process metamodelling for complex biomechanical problems
Steinweg, Dominik Maximilian; Cost and Benefit of Structural Health Monitoring in Commercial Aviation
Schoeps, Benjamin Oliver; TIMP-1 vermittelt Signalaktivitäten in Immunzellen über die Rezeptoren CD63 und CD74
Strauß, Tabea; Investigating the MAPT haplotype as a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases with induced pluripotent stem cells
Rettenmaier, Michael; Interaction between Automated Vehicles and Oncoming Human Drivers: Efficient and Safe Urban Driving in Bottleneck Scenarios
Hamzehi, Sascha Sirus Jakob; A Deep Reinforcement Learning Model for Combinatorial Optimization and Fleet Dispatching in Mobility On-Demand Services
Heilmaier, Daniela-Isabella Maria Eleonore Elisabeth; Die prädiktive Wertigkeit der prätherapeutischen Analyse von Homogenitätsparametern im PET-CT bei Melanom Patienten im Stadium IV vor Therapie mit Ipilimumab bzw. Vemurafemib
Omozik, Kamil L.; Expertenbewertungen als Absicherungsmethodik zum Nutzererlebnis beim automatisierten Fahren
Anders, Sophie-Isabelle; Der Multigentest EndoPredict® als prognostischer Biomarker in der klinischen Routine beim frühen Östrogenrezeptor-positiven, Her2-negativen Mammakarzinom
Gan, Thiam Soon; Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Design: Framework, Process, Methods and Application
Köppl, Simon; Konzipierung eines marktbasierten Koordinationsmechanismus zur Integration von dezentraler Flexibilität in das Netzengpassmanagement im Verteilnetz
Schröffer, Andreas; Methoden für den Entwurf individueller nachgiebiger Mechanismen aus Kunststoff
Neff, Teresa; Ergebnisse nach Neutronentherapie eines an der Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) bestrahlten Patientenkollektivs
Goldinger, Herbert; Anaerobe Hydrolyse von Cellulose im vollsynthetischen Medium
Mercader, Alexandra L.V.; Ein Verfahren zur mechanischen Validierung von OP-Planungen in der Kniegelenk-Ersatz-Therapie
Ganser, Daniela Maureen Alexandra; Nachweis immunaktiver Zellen in Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals Bereiches als therapieprädiktive Marker
Mücke, Johannes; Etablierung und Evaluierung innovativer Stimulatorantigene zur Charakterisierung des zellulären Immunstatus von Patienten mit EBV-assoziierter Infektiöser Mononukleose
Wang, Yida; Learning-based Single View 3D Completion
Maruhn, Philipp Bastian; Revisiting Street Crossing Simulators
Conrady, Simon; Approximate Computing for Motion Picture Camera Processing
Auge, Daniel Gustav; Low-power Time Series Processing with Spiking Neural Networks
Lin, Jianjie; Robot Systems in Industrial Applications: From Trajectory Optimization and Computer Vision to Grasp Planning
Pann, Patrick Hartmut Herbert; Diet Induced Obesity in an Adipose Tissue Specific Monoacylglycerol Lipase Knockout Mouse Model
Rögner, Nadine Sarah; Odor-Active Compounds in Malt Extracts for the Baking Industry – Identification, Sources, and Impact on Bread Aroma
Blasini, Annette Maria; Dupilumab bei Patienten mit atopischem Ekzem in der klinischen Anwendung
Pollmann, Kathrin; Ventricular Remodeling in Children and Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
Hagerer, Gerhard Johann; Opinion Mining for Qualitative Content Studies
Grötsch , Marie-Therese; Modifizierung der Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale
Qurashi, Moeid; Microscopic modeling, optimization, and demand estimation for autonomous mobility-on-demand ridesplitting
Lee, Young-Hee; Cooperative SLAM for Multi-Robot Systems using Visual Odometry and Range Measurements
Tschebiner, David Emanuel; Semistrukturierte Interviews mit jüdisch-deutschen Ärztinnen und Ärzten über Verlust, Trauer und ärztliche Trauerbegleitung
Urban, Marcia; System Analysis of Long-haul Airline Market Dynamics
Berninger, Tobias Franz Christian; External Stabilization of Robot Manipulators
Rudolph, Katharina; Psychosoziale Belastung, Wunsch nach und Inanspruchnahme von psychosozialer Unterstützung bei Patientinnen mit gynäkologischen Krebserkrankungen – Evaluation des FBK-R10 Distress-Screenings
DiAdamo, Stephen; Designs, Protocols, and Software Tools for Quantum Enhanced Networks
Wang, Mengle; Analysis of vitamin B12 in foods - development and application of stable isotope dilution assays for naturally occurring cobalamins
Stirner, Simone Franziska Roxana; Evaluation der Integrierten Versorgung in der Psychiatrie
Hilverkus, Johannes; Einfluss strukturmechanischer Effekte von Servomotoren auf die Bandbreite von Servoantrieben
Burbaum, Laura; Actin's role in cytokinesis and muscle contraction as studied by Cryo-Electron Tomography
Pilstl, Lisa; Überleben freier, mikrovaskulärer Gewebetransplantate bei modifizierter intraoperativer Antikoagulation und postoperativer Antikoagulation
Kropf, Markus Werner; Postoperativer Verlauf bei Ösophaguskarzinomen ohne Anastomoseninsuffizienz – wichtige Indikatoren und Risikofaktoren
Schneider, Simon Arno; Prospektive Pilotstudie zur physikalischen Analyse autologer und heterologer Spenderareale bzw. -materialien im Kontext der rekonstruktiven Mammachirurgie
Türk, Ida; The interaction of uPAR and miR-221 expression levels in glioblastoma cell lines
Xie, Haotian; Objective Function Reformulation of Model Predictive Control for Electrical Drive Systems
Schwab, Miriam Brigitta Clara Theresia; Inzidenz und Risikofaktoren der Post-ERCP-Pankreatitis
Kajó, Márton; Machine Intuition in Mobile Network Automation
Kirchner, Jan Hendrik; Activity-dependent plasticity in the developing cortex
Schlatterbeck, Leonhard V.; Langzeit-Follow-up nach interventionellem Vorhofohrverschluss
Kunzke, Thomas; Cancer associated metabolic changes in tissues studied by multimodal spatial omics
Wapler, Charlotte Susanne; Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Patienten in der Notaufnahme
Vestner, Matthias; Deformable Shape Correspondence Using Pointwise and Pairwise Features
Paetzold, Johannes Christian; Whole Brain Vasculature Analysis Using Advanced Learning Models
Hübner, Tobias; Entwicklung eines Industriemodells zur Ableitung kostenoptimierter Energietransformationspfade der deutschen Industrie
Liu, Tong; Constrained Adaptive Control of Uncertain Switched Systems
Koch-Sembdner, Kai Wilhelm Peter; Vergleich des prädiktiven Wertes zweier etablierter Risikoscores hinsichtlich der Gesamtmortalität beim Hämodialyse-Patienten
Schuster, Nikola; Salvageresektion für Ösophaguskarzinome
Bamberger, Stefan Julian Bernhard; Representing and Recovering Structured High-Dimensional Data: Fast Dimension Reduction, Recovery Guarantees, and Neural Network Representation
Pabst von Ohain, Benjamin Amadeus; Leadership for Digital Transformation
Česonis, Justinas; Seeing the future is a fundamental skill: the influence of time-to-target in visuomotor control
Groß, Narcisse Sara; Vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation in patient-derived cells from stable versus ruptured plaques in carotid artery disease
Bachmayer, Maria Anna; Synthese teilbiobasierter, alternierender Polyamid-Polysiloxan-Copolymere
Utz, David Daniel; Interaktion zwischen Kopf-Hals-Tumoren und mesenchymalen Fettgewebsstammzellen
Anwaar, Muhammad Umer; Leveraging Representation Learning for Multi-Modal and Graph-Structured Data
Gasteiger, Johannes; On the Convergence of Structure and Geometry in Graph Neural Networks
Varastehhajipour, Amir; Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Network Resource Allocation and Reconfiguration Algorithms
Wang, Xingxing; Sevoflurane but not Xenon interferes with Synaptic Remodeling via Elevation of BACE-derived Signaling Pathways and Reduction of Nectin-3 Expression
Striegel, Martin Matthias; Secure and User-Friendly Setup and Maintenance of Wirelessly Interconnected Embedded Systems
Gallitz, Oliver Christoph; Validation of Machine Learning Algorithms by Design with Applications for Automated Driving
Laudahn, Simon Korbinian; Getriebemodelle für Ähnlichkeitsbetrachtungen
Schneider, Julia Barbara; Qualitative und quantitative MR-Bildgebung und klinische Ergebnisse nach isolierten und kombinierten Verfahren der retropatellaren Matrixassoziierten Knorpelzelltransplantation (MACT) und medialer patellofemoraler Ligament-Rekonstruktion (MPFL)
Clement, Deborah Maria Christine; Gravidität und Nierentransplantation: Zentrumserfahrungen und Ergebnisse einer Metaanalyse
Wessner, Joseph; Grid-based sensor data fusion for static and dynamic environment perception
Muradkhanli, Nigar; German-Russian Gas Relations: From Cooperation to Conflict
Skrobol, Ekaterina; Advanced Mission Simulation based Aircraft Design for UAVs
Schaller, Carolin Maria; Risikostratifizierung der Mortalität bei Hämodialysepatienten anhand spezifischer EKG-Veränderungen
Maidl, Stephan Johannes; Integrated Sensor System for Monitoring the Braiding Process as a Use Case for Digitalization in Composite Production Technology
Wünsch, Sarah Franziska; Klinischer Vergleich zwischen einer supraannulären und einer intraannulären selbstexpandierenden Transkatheter-Herzklappe der neuesten Generation
Nano, Nejva; Periprozedurale Myokardschädigung gemäß der optischen Charakterisierung der Neointima und der Behandlungsmodalität der In-Stent-Restenose
Dlugosch, Julian Matthias; Conductance Switching in Ensemble Molecular Devices Based on Liquid Crystal Inspired Molecules
Noll, Andreas; Vibrotactile Communication: Signal Compression, Quality Assessment and Enhancement, Actuator Equalization
Zhang, Xiaoxiao; Predictive modelling of cancer chromosomal instability
Thomas, Nadine Bettina Melanie; Einfluss auf das Beulverhalten längsversteifter Platten unter biaxialer Beanspruchung und exzentrischer Lasteinleitung aus unterschiedlichen Verschublagertypen
Cozzolino, Vittorio; Platform Orchestration and Resource Provisioning in Edge-Cloud Infrastructures
Peter, Natalie Luise; Sexuelle und endokrine Nebenwirkungen von Antipsychotika in der Therapie der Schizophrenie: eine Metaanalyse
Hörmann, Stefan; Robust Face Recognition Under Adverse Conditions
Melnyk, Oleh; Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurements and Applications to Ptychography
Lutomska, Luiza Maria; Hypercaloric diet induces a molecular, spatial, and transient rearrangement of astrocytes in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus
Shefer, Ira; Changing the (political) climate? Assessing the influence of Germany and the European Union on climate governance in Israel
Rodríguez Brena, Ismael Valentín; Knowledge Based Autonomous Planning of Industrial Assembly Tasks for Robotized Setups
Weirather, Johannes; Prozesssimulation des Laserstrahlschmelzens mit der Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics-Methode
Oelsch, Martin; 3D LiDAR Odometry and Mapping Leveraging Prior Knowledge
Melsbach, Manuel Rudolf; Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Langzeitwirksamkeit von gemischtkörnigen mineralischen Abdichtungsmaterialien
Riesch, Michael; On the Modeling and Simulation of the Dynamical Behavior of Quantum Cascade Lasers
Heetmeyer, Jeannine Sophie; Characterization of subtype-specific combinatorial treatment-induced adaptive immune responses and vascular remodeling in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Möckl, Maximilian Christopher; Cell-Level Improvement Strategies for Large-Scale Implementation of Hydrogen Production by PEM Water Electrolysis
Burwinkel, Hendrik; Deep Learning based Clinical Decision Support through Strong Differentiable Domain Priors
Schein, Alexander; Model Reduction for Biomedical Models in Vascular and Cardiac Mechanics
Palm, Jonas Florian; NT-proBNP als Prädiktor von major adverse cardiovascular events in der Kinderkardiologie
Pfingstl, Simon Bernhard; Gaussian Processes for Prognostics
Teschemacher, Tobias Christoph; CAD-integrated constitutive modelling, analysis, and design of masonry structures
Brandl, Felix Jakob; Business Process Innovation in Manufacturing Companies
Krohmer, Evelyn Natalie; The role of TGFbeta1 in tumour initiation and progression of pancreatic cancer
Reger, Matthias Thomas Anton Johann; Technologische und Verfahrenstechnische Grundlagen für die Entwicklung eines neuartigen, elektrisch betriebenen, selbstfahrenden automatischen Fütterungssystems
Weißer, Jana; A contribution to the harmonization of microplastic analysis in beverages and food
Tomar, Archana; Identifying novel genetic determinants of Indirect Genetic Effects
Trutzenberg, Adriana; Activation of the susceptibility factor HvRACB in the interaction between Hordeum vulgare and Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei
Fuchs, Daniel; Einfluss mikroskopischer Fehlstellen auf die Zahnfußtragfähigkeit
Bayer, Andreas Markus; Flüssigsorptions-Kältemaschine mit Energiespeicherfunktion
Schramm, Severin; Using navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation to map the supplementary motor area
Li, Hongwei; Efficient and Cross-Domain Deep Learning for Advanced Neuroimage Analysis
Akcan, Toray Sami; Deciphering Trans-acting Regulatory Molecular Mechanisms with Machine Learning
Keppler, Manuel; From Underactuation to Quasi-Full Actuation
Papoutsis, Efthymios; On the incorporation of industrial constraints in node-based optimization for car body design
Kofler, Florian; The Hitchhiker's Guide to Machine Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis
Dötsch, Sarah Claudia; Improvement of Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Specific T Cells for Adoptive T Cell Transfer
Diaz Torres, Dana; Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Flexibilisierung und Verbesserung der Transporte auf dem Werksgelände durch den Einsatz autonomer mobiler Roboter
Spindler, Lena; Tumorimmunologie oraler Plattenepithelkarzinome - Bedeutung und Zusammensetzung des immunologischen Mikromilieus
Xie, You; Temporally Coherent Video Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks
Prater, Isabel; Organic matter in permafrost-affected soils as affected by soil forming processes and vegetation in the Arctic and Antarctica
Steger, Jana Simone; Development of a novel colon anastomosis procedure and an endoscopic, single-use platform by using additive manufacturing
Eiberle, Matthias; First-Person-View Videos als innovative Debriefingmethode in simulierten Reanimationsszenarien und deren Auswirkung auf die Reanimationsqualität - Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie
Uhlemann, Kai Frank; A Dynamic View on Team Relationships
Vemparala, Manoj Rohit; Hardware Aware Robust Compression of Neural Networks
Brinkschmidt, Tonio; Skin tissue resident memory T cells in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Fassio, Florian; Das T-Line TL-200 System für eine kontinuierliche, nichtinvasive Blutdruckmessung an intensivpflichtigen Patienten
Wörther, Hannah Maria Hildegard; Vergleich zwischen der 18F-rhPSMA-7.3 PET/CT- und CT-Schnittbildgebung für das primäre N-Staging beim Prostatakarzinom
Gendera, Katarzyna Karolina; Ballonexpandierbare Stents für die Re-Koarktation der Aorta bei kleinen Kindern
Podtschaske, Armin Horst; Konzentration von Oxytocin und Arginin-Vasopressin in Blut, Liquor und Speichel als Marker für perioperativen Stress bei Patienten mit Aortenaneurysmarepair
Consalvo, Sarah Emilie; Abschätzung der Prognose bei malignen Knochen- und Weichteiltumoren durch serologische CRP (C-reaktives Protein)-Konzentrationen
Swaboda, Nora; Investigating preschoolers’ active and ecological learning with novel non-verbal paradigms
Roski, Ferdinand Otto Rudolf; Opportunistic Screening for Osteoporosis Based on Vertebral Bone Mineral Density Measurements with Dual-Layer Spectral Computed Tomography
Wang, Hongxin; Development of a Digital System for the Uncertainty Quantification and Minimization of Chemical Kinetic Models
Dietachmayr, Michael; Antagonistic activities of CDC14B and CDK1 on USP9X regulate WT1-dependent mitotic transcription and survival
Futter, Christoph; Development and evaluation of an adsorption-based dehumidification system for energy efficient air conditioning in electric vehicles
Koppenberg, Maximilian Richard Klaus Stephen; Essays on output market power and its determinants in EU food supply chains
Çepele, Ganildo; TRPC6 as a novel treatment target in vascular remodeling: in vitro and in vivo analyses
Gantzkow, Alicia; The role of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 in the combined treatment of C6 glioblastoma cells with cold atmospheric plasma and standard radiotherapy
Kurowski, Susanne; Resource Mobilization of Cleantech Startups: Perspectives on Political Ideology and Product Digitization
Oser, Patrick; Entwicklung von faserbasierten photoakustischen Wandlern für Ultraschallanwendungen im Megahertz-Bereich
Strobel, Lea-Therese; Fostering creativity and innovation in teams
Tönges, Yannic-Henrik; Advances in the production of poly(oxymethylene) dimethyl ethers and methanolic formaldehyde solution
Kau, Josephine; Analyse der Typ 2 Innaten Lymphoid Zellen in allergischer Rhinokonjunktivitis und allergischem Asthma
Mayer, Carla Konstanze; Micro-CT and Histological Evaluation of a Tissue-Engineered Enthesis in a Rat Model: Comparison to Native Tissue
Siafis, Spyridon; Evidence-based pharmacotherapy and drug development in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review, network meta-analysis and meta-regression of placebo-effects
Begander, Benjamin; Analyse und Anwendung elektro- enzymatischer Verfahren der NADH Cofaktor-Regeneration zur nachhaltigen Synthese von Chemikalien
Lankes, Katharina; Synthetic lethalities to target a MYC-driven PDAC subtype
Shahryari, Alireza; Functional Analysis of INK4 Locus in Endocrine Development and Function
Weiß, Niklas M.; Platform Emergence in Incumbent Firms
Miller, Gregor M.; Tailored statistical methodology for large-scale registry-based clinical data to optimize online risk prediction
Rossa, Benjamin; Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von kleinen Hitzeschockproteinen
Fratini, Alessia; Verwendung der navigierten transkraniellen Magnetstimulation (nTMS) und nTMS-basierten Traktographie zur Risikostratifizierung bei Patienten mit spracheloquenten Hirntumoren
Gebhard, Sophia Maria Felicitas; Cardiopulmonary fitness and quality of life in breast cancer patients and the influence of a six month exercise program
Samkiewicz, Bastian Dominik; Wirkung und Sicherheit von Sugammadex im Vergleich zu Neostigmin / Glycopyrronium zur Reversierung von neuromuskulären Blockaden bei ASA 3 Patienten
Ernst, Lucia; Zielvolumendefinition der Lymphabflusswege beim Mammakarzinom - eine Analyse des physiologischen Lymphabflusses
Ding, Lu; Efficient Model-based Reconstruction for Three-dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography
Abuzahu, Jasmin; Assoziation der Körperkomposition und Hyperhydratation mit systemischer Inflammation und anderen Risikofaktoren beim Dialysepatienten
Eberherr, Andreas Christian; Gene Editing in the STAT3 Hyper-IgE Syndrome
Scheibenzuber, Sophie; LC-MS/MS basierte Multimykotoxinanalytik zur Bestimmung des Verhaltens von Alternaria Toxinen während des Mälzungs- und Brauprozesses
Russelli, Lisa; Development of innovative chelators for the synthesis of 89Zr and [18F]AlF protein-based PET tracers
Appel, Simon; New 8B Neutrino Spectroscopy in Borexino and Search for Sterile Neutrinos
Lorson, Fabian Johannes; Perspectives on the warehouse of the future
Estendorfer, Jennifer; The influence of different land use intensities on plant-associated bacterial communities of Dactylis glomerata L.
Härtl, Simon Petrus; Effizienzsteigerung beim Ottomotor durch den Einsatz von Serienzylinderdrucksensoren
Fathi Far, Fataneh; Physiological and biochemical characterization of a novel insulin-inhibitory receptor in pancreatic β-cells
Fischer, Johanna Maria; Software-basierte, automatische Berechnung des ASPECT Scores bei Patienten mit neu aufgetretenem großem Verschluss der vorderen Zirkulation: Klinische Umsetzbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit
Wolff, Justus Richard; Leveraging policy setting, impact measurement and privacy technology for an increased implementation of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare
Oberndorfer, Thomas Johannes; Zur Entwicklung von Brettsperrholzwänden mit eingeklebten schlanken Lamellen aus ultrahochfestem Beton
Platzer, Melanie; Experimental study on the influence of phenolic compound structures on antioxidant activity measurement methods
Neßbach, Philipp; Co-Kultivierung von adiposen Stromazellen in Kombination mit Biomaterialien zur verbesserten Geweberegeneration und Angiogenese
Gemperlein, Karla Emilie; Prävalenz der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit (pAVK) bei Patienten mit Wundheilungsstörung nach erfolgter orthopädischer Fußoperation
Hartz, Frederik; Auswirkung einer erweiterten, präoperativen Gerinnungsdiagnostik und Substitution verminderter Gerinnungsfaktoren auf die Nachblutungsrate bei Patienten nach elektiven intrakraniellen Eingriffen
Eberl, Julia Verena; Effects of microbiota modulations on profiles of intestinal stem cell markers
Hauffa, Jan Lukas; Topic-Driven Characterization of Social Relationships for the Analysis of Social Influence
Crönert, Tobias; Decision-Making in Competitive Environments
Hansen, Lynn Johanna; Upgrading Fuel Properties of Residual Biomass by Hydrothermal Carbonisation
Schwab, Melissa Elisabeth; Targeting cancer metabolism enhances radiosensitivity by impairing the heat shock response
Köhler, Anja; Enzymatische und biochemische Charakterisierung neuartiger Bioscavenger zur Detoxifizierung phosphororganischer Verbindungen
Merkle, Michael; Funktionelles Ergebnis, Return-To-Sports und Return-To-Work nach kombinierter VKB-/HKB-Ersatzbandplastik und posterolateraler Rekonstruktion des Kniegelenks
Freisinger, Julian M.; Harmonic and transient three-dimensional Structure-Soil-Structure-Interaction applying a coupled ITM-FEM approach
Li, Ling; Genetic investigation of coronary artery disease by Mendelian randomization and transcriptome-wide association studies
Kurle, Richard; Variational Bayes for Continual Learning and Time-Series Forecasting
Rose, Tim Daniel; Computational strategies employing stratification and network analysis to advance lipidomics-driven research
Gabler, Volker Stefan; From Acting to Interacting: Allowing Robots to Collaborate in the Presence of Uncertainty
von Stumberg, Lukas Michael; Optimization- and Learning-Based Approaches to Visual SLAM and Relocalization
Yan, Wei; A General Framework for Modelling the Microstructure and Water Retention Behaviour of Soils with Heterogeneous Pore Structure
Purcarea, Anna; T cell receptor-dependent protection, recruitment and phenotypes of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells with different avidities in a murine MC38-OVA tumor model
Dietz, Linus W.; Data-driven Destination Recommender Systems
Schmöller, Maximilian; Control of the Weld Depth for Deep Penetration Laser Beam Welding
Bernstein, Karina; Digital Health Interventions in the Treatment of Internet Use Disorder and Insomnia in Students
Reik, Anna; Genetic and dietary predictors for the postprandial glucose response and possible implications of the postprandial metabolic phenotype on weight management
Finkenzeller, Sebastian David; Der Einfluss von Frailty (Gebrechlichkeit) auf das Behandlungsergebnis von Intensivpatienten - eine monozentrische, prospektive Kohortenstudie
Jarosch, Sebastian; T cell characterization in correlation with the intestinal microbiome and GvHD after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Hardt, Cornelius; Optimization of Vehicle Sharing Systems
Keim, Dominik Michael; Validation der C13-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie-Bildgebung mittels Protonenspektroskopie und klinischer Chemie am DEN-induzierten HCC der Ratte
Vollmer, Michael; Methode zur Ermittlung und Optimierung des ökologischen Flächenbedarfs von Gebäuden basierend auf Lebenszyklusanalysen (LCA) und thermischen Gebäudesimulationen
Walter, Raimund Mathias Heinz; Modeling Coated Gasoline Particulate Filters
Kroiß, Markus Ludwig; Der Einfluss des Transkriptionsfaktors ICER auf die angeborene Immunantwort im Rahmen der akuten Pankreatitis
Dong, Jie; Single-Shot Quantitative Phase Imaging with Common-Path Interferometric Systems
Schaffer, Norman Rick; Conceptualizing Business Model Evolution
Dossenbach, Andrietta Maria Christine Hildegard; Temporäre Tracheotomie im Rahmen von mikrovaskulären Rekonstruktionen im Kopf-Hals Bereich
Rammensee, Johannes Rüdiger; Erstellung eines Frakturregisters und Analyse des Outcomes nach operativer Versorgung von distalen Radiusfrakturen mittels Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM).
Ruf, Michael Gerhard; Untersuchung von neuartigen Wasserstofftankkonzepten für die Integration in zukünftige Fahrzeugarchitekturen
Arends, Martina; Axo-Oligodendroglial Mechanisms of Paranodal Protein Sorting
Hoppe, Nils; A Modular Parallel-Computing Strategy for Multiresolution Simulations of Complex Flows on High-Performance Computers
Rixner, Maximilian; Physics-Informed and Data-Driven Probabilistic Modeling of Materials Systems
Bressan, Camilla; Metriplectic relaxation for calculating equilibria: theory and structure-preserving discretization
Debus, Jennifer Muriel; Tageszeitliche Schwankungen der Blut-, Liquor- und Speichelkonzentrationen von Oxytocin und Arginin-Vasopressin bei Intensivpatienten mit intrakranieller Pathologie
Kaltenbach, Sebastian Johannes; Physics-aware, probabilistic machine learning in the Small Data regime
Maier, Nikola Viktoria; Prävalenz und Prädiktoren für Upgrading und Upstaging bei Männern mit Low-Risk und Favorable-Intermediate-Risk Prostatakarzinom unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der onkologischen Familienanamnese
Angelov, Jorg Nicolai; Model-Based Systems Engineering of Flight Control for VTOL Transition Aircraft
Hörmann, Silvia; Eine retrospektive Untersuchung über Hospitalisierungsraten und Therapiekosten bei schizophrenen Patienten unter der Behandlung mit Risperidon in Deptoform
Horstenkamp, Benedikt; Der Einfluss des Gehaltstags auf Kaufverhalten, Nutzung und Entscheidungen
Bauer, Yulia; Analysis of CXCL11 expression in high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)
Bogensperger, Alexander Johannes; Assessing the Potential of Multiple Use Cases for German Energy Communities via Integration of Machine Learning in the Energy-Economic Modeling Process
Liu, Yang; Signalverarbeitung bei Self-mixing Interferometrie Signalen zur Rotationsgeschwindigkeitsmessung mit Hilfe von Korrelationsfunktionen
Haindl, Regina; Cultivation and conservation of the human intestinal microbiota
Fuchs, Michael Wolfgang Johannes; Performance Analysis in Table Tennis
Omary, Ahmed Tariq; Laborbiochemische und klinische Evaluationsstudie eines Multiallergenen-Testsystems zum Nachweis von spezifischen IgE
Kronthaler, Sophia; Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Bone with Ultrashort Echo Time
Müller, Mathias David; Netzintegration dezentraler Flexibilitätsoptionen mit Fokus auf ausgewählte Anwendungsfälle für bidirektionale Elektrofahrzeuge
Fangmann, Laura-Christin Elisabeth; Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Rolle von Perizyten für die Neuro-Angiogenese im Pankreaskarzinom
Kamariotis A., Sardi L., Papaioannou I., Chatzi E., Straub D.; A comparative assessment of online and offline Bayesian estimation of deterioration model parameters
Zhu, Jianjun; The role of stores in recycling sucrose and supplying respiration of a perennial C3 grass: on the effects of Last Glacial Maximum to projected end-of-21st-century atmospheric CO2 concentration
Westphal, Catharina Sophia; Der Einfluss von Dexmedetomidin auf thalamische HCN-Kanäle
Graf, Laura; Human Resource Management in Higher Education: Performance Measurement, Recruiting, and Personnel Selection
Schaffelhofer, Andreas; Untersuchung von Rezidiv-Plattenepithelkarzinomen bei Kopf- und Halstumoren im Bereich der Feldgrenzen nach primärer Radiochemotherapie
Lörsch, Alisa Martina; Unizentrischer Vergleich allogener Stammzelltransplantationen von haploidentischen und HLA-identischen Familienspendern bei akuter Leukämie oder myelodysplastischem Syndrom
Lochbihler, Sarah Nadja; Beyond the ten-year horizon: long-term outcome of patients undergoing TAVR with first-generation devices
May, Pauline Milena Amira; 3-Jahres-Evaluation eines Fraktur-Liaison-Services in Deutschland
Rilling, Maximilian Johannes; Möglichkeiten und Frequenz der dentalen Rehabilitation nach knöcherner mikrovaskulärer Rekonstruktion
Pfriem, Niklas; Non-Ideality in Acid Catalyzed Alcohol Dehydration Reactions in Condensed- Phase
Höpfl, Verena Brigitte Helga; The beneficial effect of mass transport limitation on catalytic performance of LaX zeolite in isobutane/2-butene alkylation
Perosa, Francesca; Decision-Making Integrating Ecosystem Services for Floodplain Management in the Danube River Basin
Rab, Peter; Einflussfaktoren auf die Langzeitergebnisse der inversen Schultertotalendoprothese Delta XTEND bei Defektarthropathie, Revisionsendoprothetik und Frakturfolgezuständen
Wendl, Andreas; Transverse-Field Ising Transition under Tilted Magnetic Field
Weiß, Lukas Sebastian; Protein Modification and Interaction Partners of the Small GTPase RACB in the Barley-Powdery Mildew Pathosystem
Newrzella, Sebastian Richard; Cross-industry Digital Twin framework for deriving, designing, and describing Digital Twin applications
Fahmy, Ahmed Raouf; 3D printing and texture modulation of cereal-based matrices
Nentwich, Corbinian Ernst; Automated Condition Monitoring for Industrial Robot Gears
Roldan Fonseca, Juliano; Metabolomics and bioassay-guided fractionation: integrated strategies to characterize bioactive metabolites secreted by probiotic bacteria
Schockenhoff, Franz Ferdinand; Fahrzeugkonzeptentwicklung für autonome, geteilte und elektrische Mobilität
Schnappinger, Markus; On Machine Learning Assisted Software Maintainability Assessments
Rötzer, Sebastian; Product Family Design: an approach to maintain external variety, manage product complexity, and minimize cost
Engert, Martin; Managing Complementor Engagement in Digital Platform Ecosystems
Antoniadou, Kyriaki; Targeted Chemoprofiling and Bioactivity Screening of Willow Bark
Gold, Julia Beate; Development of a dendritic cell vaccine against HCC using the immunogenic oncolytic virus VSV-NDV
Kalb, Luis; Expanding Haptic Shared Control with Tactile Stimuli
Khalil, Ahmed Elagamy Mohamed Mahmoud; Exploring the role of telomerase and adipose tissue serine racemase in modulating obesity and metabolic homeostasis
Narayanan, Santhanakrishnan; Aggregate four-step and disaggregate agent-based modelling approaches, but what is in between?: Development of an intermediate modelling approach
Klein, Judit; Community Corporate Social Responsibility in Family Firms: The Role of Family Foundations
Kohn, André; Efficient Analytical Workflows for Computational Database Systems
Stefano Gasperini; Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro; Michael Schmidt; Nassir Navab; Benjamin Busam; Federico Tombari; Segmenting Known Objects and Unseen Unknowns without Prior Knowledge
Biswas, János Daniel; Rerating of Electronic Components for improved Lunar Mission Night Survival
Häringer, Paul Martin; Automatisierte Generierung und Bewertung von Taktplanungsoptionen mithilfe von Verfahren der Lean Construction und Building Information Modeling
Péridis, Marc; Long-term dry storage: Temperature profiles in a cask and impact on the hydrogen behaviour in the cladding
Winkler, Marlene; Charakterisierung von γ/δ T-Zellen und NKT-like Zellen in allergischen Atemwegserkrankungen
Borgmann, Björn; Detektion, Verfolgung und Posenschätzung von Personen im urbanen Straßenverkehr mit mobilen Multisensorsystemen
Prexler, Carolin Marie; Radiogenomics in Ewing Sarcoma – Deciphering the Interphase of Functional Genomics and Functional Imaging
Moser , Sylvain Cédric; Searching for epistasis in complex traits: Genome-wide and biological knowledge-driven approaches in coronary artery disease
Kimna, Ceren; Engineering smart biopolymer-based materials for drug delivery applications
Essien, Eno Itunu; Combination of drug therapies and radiation against stem cell-enriched glioblastoma-derived spheres.
Engelmann, Severin Karl David; Understanding the Legitimacy of Digital Socio-Technical Classification Systems
Temori, Farid; Neue diagnostische Ansätze zur Früherkennung des akuten Nierenversagens
Pulfer, Stephanie Maria; Mastozytose: Klinische Charakterisierung, Diagnostik und Lebensqualität
Erben, Amelie S.; High-Precision 3D Printed Scaffolds Mimicking Native Alveolar Tissue in Geometrical, Mechanical and Biochemical Cues
Feiler, Johannes Paul; Modifizierung der maschinellen Wahrnehmung mittels Teleassistenz
Prantl, Lukas; Deep Learning Methods for Simulation of Liquids
Bergant, Valter; Data-driven host-directed antiviral drug repurposing against emerging pathogens
Mock, Josef Nepomuk; Engineering of hybrid organic-inorganic silicon quantum dot light-emitting diodes
Abualdenien, Jimmy A. G.; Consistent management and evaluation of building models across design phases
Steinsträter, Matthias; Optimierte Integration vom Hochvolt-Heizgerät im Elektrofahrzeug
Kernetzky, Karl Tasnad; Numerical Optimization of Ultra-Broadband Wavelength Conversion in Nonlinear Optical Waveguides
Reignier, Charlotte Lou; Vergleich der Sicherheit und Effizienz von Taurolidin und Zitrat als Locklösung von Shaldonkathetern bei Patienten auf Intensivstation
Binsfeld, Carole; Bilanzierung ausgewählter raumphysiologischer Auswirkungen von Gebäuden auf den Nutzer
Winter, Johanna; Microbeam radiotherapy on the path to clinical application: A powerful compact x-ray source and microbeam treatment planning
Wolff, Sebastian Pascal; Eco-Efficiency Assessment of Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Vehicle Concepts
Blum, Christopher; Inertial Sensor Performance Revisited
Sheed Middleton, Wilfrid Martin; Methods and workflows for design and engineering in living architecture: learning from living root bridges
Epple, Denise A. N.; Die Rolle der Lipasen bei der Entstehung der chronischen Pankreatitis
Möhring, Björn Niclas; Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Radar for Tracing Discontinuities on Transmission Lines
Vögler, Daniela; The curse of dimension in multi-marginal optimal transport
Shugurov, Ivan; 6 DoF Pose Estimation of Known and Novel Objects With Dense Correspondences
Yilmaz, Mustafa; Getriebeschmierung mit wasserhaltigen Polyglykolen
Flötgen, Rob Jago; Digital Platform Ecosystems: Integrating the Efforts of Autonomous Actors
Tröber, Philipp Maximilian; Adhäsionsentstehung beim Scherschneiden und Tiefziehen unter Berücksichtigung von Temperatur und thermoelektrischen Strömen
Niedersüß, Sebastian Andreas; Evaluierung von Hilfsmerkmalen zur Erfassung des Alters bei Eintritt der Pubertät des männlichen Schweines
Götz, Joshua Gillian; Anregungs- und Schwingungsverhalten von Planetengetrieben
Blochum, Sebastian; Potentialbewertung von synthetischen, sauerstoffhaltigen C1-Kraftstoffen im direkteinspritzenden Ottomotor
Spies, Monika; Long-term effects of an antenatal lifestyle intervention alongside routine care on maternal postpartum health behaviour and child development
Reisch, Raven Thomas; Prozessorientierter Digitaler Zwilling für die Additive Fertigung mittels Lichtbogenauftragschweißen
Jindal, Anshul; Function Delivery Network: Bringing Serverless Computing to Edge-Cloud Continuum
Putko, Katarzyna Maria; Evaluation der Messgenauigkeit bei der Erfassung von hämodynamischen Parametern mittels GE E-PiCCO im Vergleich zum PiCCO®-System an intensivpflichtigen Patienten
Kidess, Marc Anwar; Screening of a drug library in HDAC-2 proficient and deficient murine pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells to identify new potential combination therapies
Pena Sanchez, Gisela Alejandra; Investigations on Methane Oxidation Linked with Nitrogen Cycling Processes in the Seasonally Stratified Lake Fohnsee
Artigues, Victor Maria Allan; Multi-Class and Cross-Tokamak Disruption Prediction using Shapelet-Based Neural Networks
Bdair, Tariq Mousa Ahmad; Annotation-Efficient Medical Imaging with Deep Learning
Sebald, Kathrin; Querschnittsstudie zum Spektrum von Hauterkrankungen bei HIV-Infizierten im Raum München, Deutschland
Hewing, Viktoria; Vestibularisschwannom-Resektionen – die Lernkurve eines jungen Neurochirurgen
Schneeweis, Christian Andreas; The Role of FRA1 and SUMOylation in Pancreatic Cancer
Pungercar, Vesna; Salt in building construction
Kaesmacher, Mirjam; Determinanten des klinischen Outcomes nach mechanischer Thrombektomie bei Verschlüssen der A. cerebri media
Eisenkolb, Gabriel Winfried Franz; The role of cGAS-STING signaling in graft-versus-host disease and intestinal epithelial regeneration
Neuß, Thorsten Stefan; Signalling and metabolic requirements in early pancreatic carcinogenesis
Miehl, Christoph; Functional roles of inhibitory plasticity: stability, control of excitatory plasticity, and beyond
Koch, Lotta Margarete; Energy performance and ecological potential of solar thermal collectors made of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) for a CO2 neutral heat supply
Güner, Samed; Exploring enzyme promiscuity to unlock new-to-nature reactions for biocatalysis
Oeckl, Josef Robert; Futile substrate cycles in brown adipose tissue
Kauschinger, Martin; Vieth, Niklas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Krcmar, Helmut;; Detecting Feature Requests of Third-Party Developers through Machine Learning: A Case Study of the SAP Community
Kehm A., Hellmers H., Bloßfeld M., Dill R., Angermann D., Seitz F., Hugentobler U., Dobslaw H., Thomas M., Thaller D., Böhm J., Schönemann E., Mayer V., Springer T., Otten M., Bruni S., Enderle W.; Combination strategy for consistent final, rapid and predicted Earth rotation parameters
König, Adrian Paul; Methodik zur Auslegung von autonomen Fahrzeugkonzepten
Pfrombeck, Johanna; Toward a systems-oriented evaluation of data-driven agriculture – the case of wearable sensors in dairy farming
Gaßmann, Hendrik Maximilian; Ewing Sarcoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Impair Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function, and Upregulate Endogenous Retroelements
Gleis, Stephan Maximilian; Optische Untersuchung eines diffusiven Dual-Fuel Brennverfahrens für Erdgas sowie alternative Kraftstoffe mit niedriger Zündwilligkeit
Oberbichler, Thomas Josef; A modular and efficient implementation of isogeometric analysis for the interactive CAD-integrated design of lightweight structures
Xia, Yan; Perception of vehicles and place recognition in urban environment based on MLS point clouds
Winter, Christian Alexander Constantin; Influence of Automotive Coatings on 77 GHz Radar Sensors for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving
Kern, Timo; Assessment of the Added Value of Bidirectionally Chargeable Electric Vehicles for the User and the Energy System
Lipp, Wolfram Emanuel; Drivers of Negotiation Performance
Fritz, Julia; On Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces: Existence, Regularized Nikaido-Isoda Merit Functionals, and Augmented Lagrangian Methods
Zhuwu, Yize; Überlebensanalysen von Patienten mit metastasiertem malignem Melanom unter Immuntherapie und Targeted Therapies im Rahmen einer FDG-PET/CT Ganzkörper-Untersuchung und Beurteilung des Ansprechens auf Immuntherapie mittels PET- und CT-Parameter in einzelnen Läsionen
Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Resolving Interactions among Fully Automated Vehicles and Bicyclists in Complex Traffic Situations
Haaf, Raoul Ten; Structural brain analysis in autistic compared to non-autistic adults and its relationship to autistic traits and the oxytocin system
Trpovski, Andrej; Synthetic Power Grid Development: Optimal Power System Planning-based Approach and Its Application for Singapore Case Study
Jurisch, Victoria Alice Anna; The influence of agrin and extracellular matrix on infarct healing in a large animal model
Schwall, Laurent Louis Aloyse; Klinischer Verlauf von Erwachsenen mit Fallot'scher Tetralogie oder Pulmonalatresie mit Ventrikelseptumdefekt über einem Alter von 40 Jahren
Hikino, Kyohsuke; Leaf and whole-tree physiology and morphology of mature Norway spruce and European beech under repeated summer drought and subsequent recovery
Straub, Konrad Stephan Jakob; Zur Wirkung von ε-Aminocapronsäure auf die synaptische Übertragung in der murinen basolateralen Amygdala
Wagner, Antonia Elisa; Die Regulierung von extrazellulären Vesikeln durch hypomethylierende Substanzen in der akuten myeloischen Leukämie
Steiner, Simeon David; Hat ein zielgerichtetes hämodynamisches Monitoring Auswirkungen auf das postoperative Outcome und die spätere Lebensqualität?
Heinemann, Paul Johannes; Optimizing N-fertilization decisions of wheat and maize by advanced soil- and plant-analysis
Siebler, Jakob; Mittelfristige klinische und radiologische Ergebnisse nach Implantation einer Inversen Schulterprothese
Lieberum, Tobias; Behavioral Aspects in Project Management
Sauter, Matthias Alexander; Addressing Surgical Uncertainty Surrounding Fat Grafting for Breast Cancer Reconstruction by Creating Novel In Vitro Migration Assays
Gelner, Alexander Daniel; OME als Wegbereiter klimaneutraler und schadstofffreier Dieselmotoren
Alt, Katharina Johanna Gertrud; Dekarbonisierung und Flexibilisierung leitungsgebundener Wärmeversorgung
Ecker, Felix; 1. Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung der metallabhängigen Isoprenyldiphosphatsynthase PcIDS1;2. Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Terpencyclase MstE aus aquatischen Cyanobakterien
Liu, Zhe; A novel ring model for tire dynamics and its application to uncertainty quantification
Syväri, Jan; Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy based Quantification of Proton Density Fat Fraction and Fatty Acid Composition
Hannus, Veronika; Sustainability Management at Farm Level - Preferences and Innovation
Wolze, Philip; Resiliente Flugbahnregelung zur Erhöhung der Systemsicherheit von Autopiloten unbemannter Fluggeräte
Seibold, Matthias Robert; Deep Learning-based Acoustic Sensing for Medical Applications
Decker, Marco Joe; Optimierung der Laserablations-ICP-MS für mikrochemische Untersuchungen an zementgebundenen Bauwerkstoffen
Hafner, Yannic Andreas; Methodik zur Implementierung eines kooperativen Ersatzteilmanagements
Shayegan, Shahrokh; Enhanced Algorithms for Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations
Eder, Matthias; Validierung von Materialmodellen
Vogelgsang, Ferdinand; Explorations of post-synthetic acid treatment and operando site-titration for hydrogenation catalysis on transition metal sulfides
Oszfolk, Nadja Isabel; Effekt der Strahlendosis am zentralen gustatorischen System auf die Blutzuckerregulation
Lang, Daniel Manfred; Deep learning based analysis of medical imaging data in oncology with a focus on radiation therapy
Klinger, Andy; Trag- und Verformungsverhalten von Schirmgewölben mit Spießen beim Tunnelvortrieb im Lockergestein
Hermle, Doris Maria; Timely prediction potential of landslide early warning systems with multispectral image correlation techniques
Rückerl, Sebastian; Specification of Distributed Computing for Small Satellite Control
Lang, Miriam; Long-term outcome after mitral valve repair using chordal replacement
Trastulla, Lucia; Convergence of genetic mechanisms: Pathway identification and patient stratification from imputed gene expression in complex diseases
Zhang, Zhong; Functional analysis of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes from patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Schorr, Johanna; Häufigkeit und Risikofaktoren von Magnetreversionen als Ausdruck elektromagnetischer Interferenz in implantierbaren Kardioverter Defibrillatoren
Laumann, Matthias; Estimation Methods for Sensor Fault-Tolerant Control of Reluctance Synchronous Machines
Chandra, Sourav; Dynamic Analysis of Composite Plates in Thermal Environments:
Kählke, Fanny; Are Internet- and Mobile-Based Interventions in Mental Health a Good Value for Money?
Lengauer, Jozefina Maria; Die Bedeutung der miRNA-221 und -222 für die Puma vermittelte Apoptose in Schleimhautmelanomen und kutanen Melanomen
Stöckle, Patrick; Sammereier, Michael;Grobauer, Bernd;Pretschner, Alexander; Sichere Konfigurationshärtung laufender Systeme
Müller, Kerstin Ulrike; Structure-property relationships of homogeneous cellulose blends and their application potential in thermoplastic processing
Hobmeier, Karina Anna; Metabolic Engineering in Halomonas elongata for enhanced production of compatible solutes
Doll-Lee, Johanna Elisabeth Regina; Die Rolle der Risikofaktoren "genetische Prädisposition" und "Übebelastung" in der Genese der Musikerdystonie – eine Follow-up Studie
Tremmel, Karolina Juliane; Stabilität versus Plastizität der Hauthomöostase nach extrinsischer pH-Modulation mit besonderem Fokus auf S. aureus
Watzel, Tobias; Enhancements for Hybrid and End-to-End Speech Recognition Architectures
Kovačević, Jasna; Dreidimensionale Darstellung der duktalen Reaktion nach chemischer Leberschädigung
Romero Vega, Pedro; Numerical Modeling of High-Frequency Transverse Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Reheat Combustors
Fenn, Amit M.; Towards Reproducibility in Alternative Splicing Analysis
Bibo, Julian Ferdinand Rainer; Higher-order and Quotient group symmetry-protected topological phenomena
Bernhofer, Michael; Evolution of Transmembrane Protein Prediction
Winckler, Jannik; Der Einfluss des Fraktalkine/CX3CR1-Signalweges auf die Tumorzellproliferation und -migration beim Pankreaskarzinom
Gensch, Marc; Investigation of the Evolution from Nanostructured Metal Clusters to Thin Metal Films on Diblock Copolymer Templates
Schmid, Katharina Theresia; Computational methods for design and analysis of population-based multiomics studies
Mahajan, Vishal;Cantelmo, Guido;Rothfeld, Raoul;Antoniou, Constantinos; Predicting network flows from speeds using open data and transfer learning
Toporova, Nevena Jordanova; Arbeitsmotivation und Beschäftigungsperspektiven in atypischen Beschäftigungsverhältnissen
Stockinger, Ulrich Vinzenz; Untersuchung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Einfach- und Mehrfachkonus-Synchronisierungen
Knoblach (vorm. Meyer), Theresa Emma; Change detection and geometric BIM verification for indoor construction site monitoring based on 3D point clouds and uncertainties
Erdmann, Marvin Vincent Dominik; On-Demand Mobility Service Evaluation for the Ride Hailing and Ride Pooling Use Case with a Novel Diffusion Customer Model
Dendorfer, Patrick; Deep Learning for Human Motion: Advancing Trajectory Prediction and Multi-Object Tracking
Fischer, Anja; Genome-wide in vivo screens link regulatory principles and phenotype evolution in T cell leukemia
Scheid, Caroline Valerie; Geschlechterspezifische Wirkung von Interleukin 8 in Hämodialysepatienten
Imig, Anne Sophie Charlotte; Characterization of hydraulic and biogeochemical processes in the subsurface related to anthropogenic impacts and the potential use of managed aquifer recharge
Bauer, Michaela; The Role of Adipocyte-derived Extracellular Vesicles in Metabolic Diseases
Ziernwald, Lisa Marie; Classification and Promotion of High-Achieving Students
Tödtheide, Alexander; Unified Force-Sensitive Robot Mechatronics
Rüther, Katharina Maria; Myope choroidale Neovaskularisation bei pathologischer Myopie: Optische Kohärenztomographie - Angiographie (OCT-A) und Fluoreszein-Angiographie (FLA)
Rückel, Anton Hans; Autotrophe Umsetzung von biogenem Synthesegas mit Clostridium carboxidivorans und Clostridium autoethanogenum
Bautz, Maximilian; Manometrische Detektion von Obstruktionslevel zur Evaluation der Eignung für eine Versorgung mit einem Hypoglossusschrittmacher
Zhang, Qin; Advances in Pedestrian Travel Demand Modeling
Glomsda, Matthias; Improvement of geodetic reference frame and Earth orientation parameters by reduction of non-tidal loading effects in Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Basilio Hazas, Mónica; Impact of hydropeaking on groundwater mixing: from laboratory experiments to field scale observations
Remmele, Julia; „Neuromental-health Aspekte von Patienten mit angeborenem Herzfehler“
Helmrath, Sabine; Deciphering the role of Roquin RNA binding proteins in late B cell development
Weil-Kennedy, Chana Yvonne Marie; Observation Petri Nets
Hermanutz, Andreas; The Natural Passive Aerodynamic Load Alleviation Characteristic of Swept High Aspect Ratio Transport Aircraft Wings
Mileti, Marco; Performance Optimisation of a Coupled Cone and Dog Clutch for Automotive Application
Hartinger, Franziska Maria; Protein-Based Particles
Claßen, Carolina Anna Sophia; Retrospektive Analyse des Intervalls zwischen Trauma und operativer Versorgung bei Unterkieferfrakturen im zahntragenden Teil
Weinberger, Uwe; Anregungsverhalten doppelschrägverzahnter Planetenradgetriebe
Bodescu, Mihai Adrian; A single-molecule mechanics study of the talin/integrin bond
Lim, Lyn Jiapei; Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning with Advanced Learning Technologies
Taygur, Mehmet Mert; Wave Propagation Simulations by Bidirectional Ray-Tracing and Investigations on Ray Based Channel Modeling for Massive MIMO
Klotz, Moritz Michael; Biomediierte Materialsynthese mittels Phototaxis und Rheotaxis
Munjal, Bharti; Fine-grained Object Recognition with Fewer Labels: From Person Search to Few-shot Classification & Multi-object Tracking
Voss, Raoul Lukas; Assessing Chemical Recycling Regarding Sustainability Impacts and its Role in the Circular Economy
Đerić, Nemanja; Quality-of-Service-Aware Virtualization of Programmable Networks
Sigurdsdotter Arnö, Sophia Linnea; Cytotoxic effects of cannabidiol on tumor cells versus normal cells
Maldarelli, Gianmarco; Behavioral Performance and Neurobiology of Sound Localization in the Chicken
Koch, Alexander; Energieeffizientes Fahren und optimale, elektrische Antriebsstränge für automatisierte Fahrzeuge
Morasch, Robert; Li-Ion Battery Theory vs. Experiment: Parametrization of Porous Electrodes and Kinetic Fundamentals via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Wang, Junpeng; Trajectory-based Stress Tensor Visualization and its Application in Structural Design and Optimization
Stadlmayr, Claudia Christina; Geometry of rational double points and del Pezzo surfaces
Haller, Nicole; Separation of the major whey proteins α–Lactalbumin and β–Lactoglobulin by means of selective precipitation and continuous centrifugal separation
Leiber, Daria Franziska; Automatisierte Layoutplanung von Montagelinien
Schreiner, David; Simulationsgestützte Auslegung des Kalandrierprozesses und experimentelle Charakterisierung der Elektroden von Lithium-Ionen-Batteriezellen
Petrovska, Ana; On Engineering Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems
Beinstingel, Andreas; Schwingungs- und Geräuschverhalten von Zahnradgetrieben im stationären Betrieb
Le, Anh Tuan; 3D Microwave Cavity-Controlled Nanoelectromechanical Systems
Beck, Stefan Fritz; Context-sensitive linking of heterogeneous information models from the building and the urban domain
Kliesch, Alexander; Quantum Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization
Deimel, Martin Maximilian; Ab Initio Studies of the Activity and Selectivity of Transition Metal Catalysts for CO Hydrogenation
Havrylenko, Yevhen; Risk limitation and risk sharing in investment and insurance
Nottensteiner, Korbinian; Adaptive Task Execution for Flexible Robotic Assembly Systems Using Intrinsic Tactile Sensing
Ketels, Josef Helmut; 2D-ACAR and Compton Scattering: Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Pd and LaB6
Ottelé, Lina; The immune response of CRISPR-Cas9 generated B2M knockout and MHC-I deficient human induced pluripotent stem cells
Günter, Florian J.; Charakterisierung der Befüllung von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen mit Elektrolytflüssigkeit
Eggers, Julia; Wewerka, Judith; Viljoen, Altus; Krcmar, Helmut; Supporting Subject Matter Experts as Developers: Towards a Framework for Decentralized Robotic Process Automation Development
Jais, Marius Oliver Werner; The Motivational Paradox of Chasing the Wrong Goals: Conceptual Replications of the Self-Infiltration Effect
Heinze, Margret Hildegard; Quantum Fault-Tolerance with Continuous Variable Systems
Hasenöhrl, Markus; Semicausality in Quantum Information Theory
Günther, Till; Untersuchungen zu Fehlern beim Kalandrieren von Lithium-Ionen-Elektroden
Salpisti, Despoina; Procedural Generation of Virtual Environments as Context for Mixed Reality Experiences in the Automotive Design
Bullinger, Martin; Computing Desirable Outcomes in Coalition Formation
Mergen, Julia; Perioperatives Risiko von Schlaganfall oder Tod nach Carotis-Thrombendarteriektomie während des stationären Aufenthalts und im 30-Tage-Zeitraum
Oswald, Stefan; Elucidating the Degradation Mechanisms of Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Gedrich, Florian Gabriel; Funktionelle Langzeitanalyse komplexer Weichteilrekonstruktionen des Vorfußes
Sanusi, Usman; Effect of Pathogen Quiescence on Epidemiological Models of Infectious Diseases
Oettgen, Fabienne; Sicherheit manueller und maschineller Beatmung pädiatrischer Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern während intrahospitalem Transport und Bildgebung
Waibel, Dominik Jens Elias; Deep learning methods for single cell morphometry in high-throughput microscopy
de Deus e Sousa, Isabel Sofia; From SNP to function: a framework to decode pleiotropy in complex traits
Wenzel, Patrick M.; Deep Learning Methods for Vehicle Localization and Control under Challenging Conditions
Mrozynski, Hannah Marie Juliane; Suizidalität und Autonomie: Theoretische Hintergründe und subjektive Wirklichkeit suizidaler Patient:innen
Reiter, Franziska Cäcilia; Cardiac progenitors repopulate left ventricular myocardium in an ex vivo 3D tissue model
Thiel, Kevin Kennard; Automated Creation, Evaluation and Configuration of Markerless Object Tracking for Superimposed Augmented Reality
Hariharan, Sai Gokul; Novel Analytical and Learning-based Image Processing Techniques for Dose Reduction in Interventional X-ray Imaging
Waldmüller, Wolfgang; Energetische und stoffliche Betrachtung der hydrothermalen Carbonisierung von Klärschlamm mit gekoppelter Phosphorrückgewinnung
Seidel, Ina; Homologous Circulations, Voronoi Cells, and Densest Subgraphs
Frank, Manuela Stefanie; Clinical Dark-Field Chest Radiography — Patient Exposure and Application for COVID-19-pneumonia
Böttcher, Jan D.; Scalable Concurrency Control Methods for Modern Database Systems
Hörl, Marie Sophie Elisabeth; Prädiktion des histopathologischen Gradings hepatozellulärer Karzinome durch die Kombination von 18FDG-PET/CT und DCE-MRT in einem translationalen Rattenmodell
Weber, Sandro; Embodiment in Virtual and Mixed Environments
be Isa, Johannes; System zur kurzfristigen Produktionsplanung in dynamischen Produktionsnetzwerken
Altun, Irem; Igf2+ and Asc-1+ preadipocytes regulate healthy white adipose tissue function and expansion in mice
López Gonzales, Elena; Role of serine and paraventricular nucleus-NMDA receptors in whole-body metabolism and energy homeostasis
Ullmann, Rupert Ludwig Emanuel; Highly Efficient Energetic Synthesis of Coupled Steady-State Dynamic Systems
Lier, Andrej; Alpha particle driven Alfvénic instabilities in ITER post-disruption plasmas and their impact on runaway electron generation
Brenner, Anja Sabine; Model- and halo-independent limits on the dark matter-nucleon interaction
Cebe, Asli; Methods for Thermalization and Equilibration Dynamics in Quantum Many-Body Systems
Bauer, Kornelia; BETA-D-XYLOSIDASE 4 and carbohydrate pathways modulate systemic immune signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Sahliger, Jan Pascal; Influence of anisotropy induced effects on the collective spin excitations in skyrmion hosting system Cu2OSeO3
Kreft, Luisa Alexandra; Regulation of Immune Tolerance and Allergic Predisposition by the Intestinal Microbiome
Griessmair, Michael; Die physiologische Rolle der Aldehyddehydrogenase 1 in Schwann-Zellen und ihr Beitrag zur neoplastischen Transformation benigner Schwannzell-Tumore
Rothkopf, Isabell; Interactions of fat migration and crystallization in filled dark chocolate products
Gruber, Christoph Gerhard; Molecular Engineering of Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling CRISPR/Cas13d for Next-Generation RNA Targeting
Liu , Xue; The role of serine racemase, glypican 4 and accelerated aging on pancreatic beta cell function
Zhou, Qunjie; Deep Learning Meets Visual Localization
Schäfer, Sonja; Rekombinante Expression des humanen GTP-bindenden Proteins rab31 in E. coli: Herstellung und Charakterisierung von polyklonalen rab31-Antikörpern
Hoffeller, Marina; Bestimmung der Investitionskosten von Verkehrswegen, Brücken und Tunneln zum Zeitpunkt der Realisierungsentscheidung über die Gesamtnutzungsdauer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Objektkonzeption
Weggel, Ramona; Prospektive Pilotanalyse der EBV-spezifischen IgG-Antikörperantwort im Kontext der Infektiösen Mononukleose mittels innovativer Multiplex-Serologie
Fank, Jana; Fahrer-Fahrzeug Interaktion für kooperative Lkw-Überholmanöver auf Autobahnen
Kusmenkov, Ekatharina; Langzeitverlauf nach Truncus Arteriosus Communis Korrektur
Schneider, Thomas Rudolf; Anticipatory coordination of digit centers of pressure and forces for torque control in young and elderly adults and patients with chronic stroke
Peter, Cornelia; Prostatakarzinom-spezifische Ängste bei Langzeitüberlebenden nach radikaler Prostatektomie: eine Längsschnittstudie
Riedel, Christian; Local Control and Manipulation of Propagating Spin Waves Studied by Time-Resolved Kerr Microscopy
Wischnewski, Alexander; Robust and Data-Driven Control for Autonomous Racing
Stöckle, Patrick; Wasserer, Theresa; Grobauer, Bernd; Pretschner, Alexander; Automatisierte Identifikation von sicherheitsrelevanten Konfigurationseinstellungen mittels NLP
Schwellnus, Carl Leonard; Essays on Current Topics in Corporate Restructuring
Zhao, Yulong; Parameter Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries using Distribution of Relaxation Times
Buckett, Lance; The Human Metabolism of the Bioactive Prenylated Flavonoid Xanthohumol from Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
Pfitzinger, Paulo Leonardo; The tumor growth-modulatory effect of the cholinergic signaling in pancreatic cancer
Höhne, Carolin Luisa; Die Rolle einer langen, nicht-kodierenden RNA am Chromosom 4q27 für das Risiko koronarer Herzerkrankungen
Heine, Sonja Maria; The aryl hydrocarbon receptor as a new potential target in allergen-specific immunotherapy
Plagge, Johannes; The role of gut microbiota in intestinal lipid absorption and systemic lipid metabolism
Manai, Chokri; Quantum Spin Glass Models
Khakzar, Ashkan; Rethinking Feature Attribution for Neural Network Explanation
Mörtl, Anna-Lena; Möglichkeiten und Limitationen automatischer Wirbelkörpersegmentierungen in Abhängigkeit von patientenspezifischen Faktoren und vorhandenen Trainingsdaten
Schauf, Magnus; Essays on Technological Progress toward Clean Energy and Manufacturing
Regier, Matthias Christopher; Empirical Insights on Executive Compensation, Human Capital Creation, and Accounting Misconduct
Nehls, Nadja; Untersuchung der Rolle der nukleären Klasse I Histon-Deacetylasen 1 und 8 in der Pathogenese des Ewing-Sarkoms
Müller, Quentin Hans Albrecht; The contribution of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) to the metastases of pancreatic cancer
Zeitler, Leonie Kristin; Mechanisms of cell regulation by the immunosuppressive L-amino acid oxidase IL4i1
Jetter, Julian Benedikt; Modell zur Prognose der Betriebskosten von Wohnimmobilien unter Berücksichtigung spezifischer Objekt- und Standorteigenschaften
Rommel, Marcel German Erwin; Hematopoietic cell tracing in mouse models of regeneration and infection
Cui, Kai; Color Image Restoration and Compression Exploiting Inter-Channel Correlation
Anderl, Lisa Marie; Risk Factors for Failure to Successful Fontan Completion Following the Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Shunt
Nasirifard, Pezhman; Reducing Coordination in Permissioned Blockchains with Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
Pumm, Anna-Katharina; DNA-Origami-Nanorotationsmotoren
Carolin M. Geitner, Tobias Becher, Inéz Frerichs, Norbert Weiler, Jason H.T. Bates, Wolfgang A. Wall; An approach to study recruitment/derecruitment dynamics in a patient-specific computational model of an injured human lung
Vitzthum, Simon Josef; In-situ Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Characteristics of Steel Sheets
Schmidt, Tabea Ruth Jasmin; Testing the Safe Behavior of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Scenario-Based Testing
Maier, Thomas Lorenz; Enhancing the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Nanostructured Metal/Silicon Electrodes by a Bifunctional Mechanism
Weigert Muñoz, Angela-Maria; Investigation of prokaryotic adrenergic protein targets in Vibrio campbellii & investigation of the catechol-reactive proteome
Li, Bailing; Thioredoxin reductase 1 (Txnrd1) and glutathione system are central to pancreatic homeostasis
Prommegger, Barbara; Tackling the IT Skills Shortage: Different Paths in a Difficult Terrain
Krieger, Marie-Therese; Managing a native invader in wet grasslands: Effects on target species, community composition and grassland multifunctionality
Schmitt, Julius; State of health estimation for lithium-ion batteries
Gelovani, Shota; Polarization on Social Media and Beyond: A Comparative Study of how Social Media Influence Inter-Group Attitudes
Stanley, Philip Matthew; Solar Fuel Production with Metal-Organic Framework and Molecular Catalyst Assemblies
Karthikaisamy, Vignesh; Pharmacological intervention for tumor-induced cachexia
Buck, Michèle Constanze; Kinetic Changes of Hematopoiesis During Aging, in Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential, and in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Riegel, Anja Devenie; Analytical and sensory characterization of the stereoisomers of 2-mercapto-4-alkanols and related substituted 1,3-oxathianes
Richter, Michael Fridolin; Mechanical surrogate models for hybrid material joints in crashworthiness simulation
Prößdorf, Johanna; Reaction Cascades Initiated by Intramolecular ortho Photocycloadditions: Studies on Totalsynthetic Applications & Catalysis
Bruckmoser, Jonas; Catalyst Design for the Precise Synthesis of Polyester Materials
Heitzmann, Juliane Christina; Patientenzufriedenheit und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität – Vergleich von URS und ESWL bei der Harnleitersteintherapie
Tirindelli, Maria; Physics-Inspired Machine Intelligence for Robotic Ultrasound Imaging
Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Proportionally Fair Resource Allocation in SD-RAN
Brutau Abia, Anna; RNF43 mutations are drivers of pancreatic pathology and potential targets for T cell therapy
Haider, Valentin Thomas; Mehmeti, Fidan; Cantarero, Ana; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Joint α-Fair Allocation of RAN and Computing Resources to Vehicular Users with URLLC Traffic
Bischoff, Lukas; Apoptosis inducing factor 1 and its role during plaque stabilization in carotid artery disease and ischemic stroke
Stieglitz, Lucas; Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polypropylene
Fleischmann, Antonia Maria; Characteristics of EEG Burst Suppression pattern during general anesthesia
Büchel, Martin; Predictive Longitudinal Vehicle Motion Tracking Using Offset-Free Receding Horizon Control and Deep Reinforcement Learning
Storz, Theresa Antonia; Rolle des angeborenen Immunsystems und des endogenen Mikrobioms des Darmes bei der Entwicklung einer Nahrungsmittelallergie
Sousa, Ronaldo;Zając, Tadeusz;Halabowski, Dariusz;Aksenova, Olga V.;Bespalaya, Yulia V.;Carvalho, Francisco;Castro, Paulo;Douda, Karel;da Silva, Janine P.;Ferreira‐Rodríguez, Noé;Geist, Juergen;Gumpinger, Clemens;Labecka, Anna M.;Lajtner, Jasna;Lewin, Iga;Lopes‐Lima, Manuel;Meira, Alexandra;Nakamura, Keiko;Nogueira, Joana Garrido;Ondina, Paz;Ożgo, Małgorzata;Reis, Joaquim;Riccardi, Nicoletta;Shumka, Spase;Son, Mikhail O.;Teixeira, Amílcar;Thielen, Frankie;Urbańska, Maria;Varandas, Simone;Wengström, Niklas;Zając, Katarzyna;Zieritz, Alexandra;Aldridge, David C.; A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe
Mahajan, Vishal;Barmpounakis, Emmanouil;Alam, Md Rakibul;Geroliminis, Nikolas;Antoniou, Constantinos; Treating Noise and Anomalies in Vehicle Trajectories from an Experiment with a Swarm of Drones
Fritz, Thomas Christian; Klinische und therapeutische Relevanz von viralen Onkogenen bei sinunasalen Plattenepithelkarzinomen.
Krischer, Lukas; Informed Decomposition: Distributed design optimization of mechanical multi-component systems
Rauschendorfer, Philipp; Miniaturized intravascular catheters for high-speed near-infrared fluorescence-ultrasound imaging of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries
Strauß, Eva-Maria; Gefäßalterationen in der Optischen Kohärenztomographie-Angiographie bei Patienten mit Neuromyelitis Optica
Bauer, Philipp Alexander Friedrich; Ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung von roboterbasierten optischen Messsystemen durch eine neuartige Verkettung von Punktwolken
Bert, Christopher; Beurteilung klimainduzierter Einwirkungsgrößen auf Fertigteil-Sandwichfassaden im Hinblick auf querschnittsabhängige Lastansätze
Vospernik, Sonja;Heym, Michael;Pretzsch, Hans;Pach, Maciej;Steckel, Mathias;Aldea, Jorge;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Bravo-Oviedo, Andrés;Del Rio, Miren;Löf, Magnus;Pardos, Marta;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo, Felipe;Coll, Lluís;Černý, Jakub;Droessler, Lars;Ehbrecht, Martin;Jansons, Aris;Korboulewsky, Nathalie;Jourdan, Marion;Nord-Larsen, Thomas;Nothdurft, Arne;Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;Ponette, Quentin;Sitko, Roman;Svoboda, Miroslav;Wolff, Barbara; Tree species growth response to climate in mixtures of Quercus robur/Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris across Europe - a dynamic, sensitive equilibrium
Klemm, Simone Kerstin; Pyruvat-Dehydrogenase-(PDHc)-Defizienz – genetische und klinische Präsentation
Shit, Suprosanna; Physical Constraints-Aware Machine Learning Models for Vascular Image Analysis
Bimmer, Martin Thomas; Genetische Analyse der Cellulosesynthese in Essigsäurebakterien
Konzack, Olga Vladimirovna; Lebensqualität und Zufriedenheit von Patienten nach kieferorthopädisch-kieferchirurgischer Kombinationstherapie
Sahm, Vincenz Kajetan; Influence of shortened telomeres on the development of the adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and evaluation of telomere length as a biomarker
Ezhov, Ivan; Learnable personalization of brain tumor growth models
Ortlieb, Markus; Deterministic and Contingency-Aware Motion Planning for UAVs over Congested Areas in VLL Airspace
Nejati, Ameneh; Formal Verification and Control of Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Model-based and Data-driven Techniques
Abhiroop Satheesh, Christoph P. Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier; Structure-Preserving Invariant Interpolation Schemes for Invertible Second-Order Tensors
Roth, Clara Luise; Kraniofaziale Verletzungsmuster bei E-Scooter-Unfällen im Vergleich zu Fahrradunfällen – eine einjährige Single-Center-Studie
Schuster, Christian; Influence of Fuelling on Transport in the Tokamak Edge Plasma
Yilmaz, Fatih; Application and Development of Business Capability Maps in Horizontal Collaborations
Benciolini, Tommaso; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Non-Conservative Trajectory Planning for Automated Vehicles by Estimating Intentions of Dynamic Obstacles
Parzinger, Mara Katharina; Selektion, Charakterisierung und präklinische Evaluierung von Radiopharmaka mit cyclopeptidischer Leitstruktur
Lückemeier, Philipp; T-cell receptor avidity of polyclonal CD8+ T-cell populations
De Candido, Oliver Thomas; Validating Machine Learning-based Highly Automated Driving Functions by Diversity
Zawada, Dorota Marta; Defining early steps of human cardiac progenitor lineage segregation, fate decision and gene regulatory elements
Pichler, Theresia; Psychoonkologie: Determinanten der Belastung und der Nutzung psychoonkologischer Versorgung bei stationären Krebspatient:innen
Nagel, Lea; Prädiktoren für die Notwendigkeit einer akuten Intervention bei Schrittmacher- und Defibrillatoreingriffen
Klüpfel, Julia Teresa; Development of rapid automated chemiluminescence microarray immunoassays for SARS-CoV-2 serological assessments
Eisenberger, Laura; Connect2Move – Neue Wege der Gesundheitsförderung in den Alpen
Ayan, Onur; Control-Aware Wireless Resource Management for Networked Control Systems
Neumeier, Stefan; Enabling Teleoperated Driving in Everyday's Traffic Scenarios
Tebelmann, Lars; Side-Channel Analysis and Countermeasures for Physical Unclonable Functions
Wu, Chao; Txnrd2 deficiency inhibits Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal-Transition (EMT) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
Brück, Florian; Exchangeable Minimum-Infinitely Divisible Sequences: Characterization, Simulation And A Detour To Model Selection
Heithorst, Bernd; Influence of Fluid Properties on Lubricant Return for Low-GWP Refrigerants
Singer-Cornelius, Thirza; Die prognostische Relevanz von miR-7, miR-16, miR-27a, uPA und PAI-1 im triple-negativen Brustkrebs
Baierl, Ramona; Synthesis of Bidentate N–heterocyclic Carbene–Phosphinidene Ligands and Complexation of Group 14 Elements
Heilmann, Gerrit; A Consistent Helmholtz Framework for the Accurate Prediction of Linear and Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Stability in Gas Turbine Combustors
Bachmann, Frederik R.; Dandl, Florian; Syed, Arslan Ali; Engelhardt, Roman; Bogenberger, Klaus; Optimized Passenger Redirection During Incidents in Urban Public Transportation Systems
Frommer, Fabian; Effects of Additive Manufacturing on Urban Logistics and Mobility
Liu, Hengyuan; Transcriptomic analysis of Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) activities in the pathological context
Kobus, Kathrin; Einfluss von malignen Tumoren und Tumortherapien auf das Wachstum viszeraler und aortaler Aneurysmen
Sweet, Fabio Sefanjo Timothy; Opening the gates, closing the doors
Pan, Yuandong; Creating an information-rich digital twin of indoor environments by interpretation and fusion of image and point-cloud data
Kovryga, Andriy; Strength grading of hardwoods for glulam application. Mechanical properties and quality control options
Rampf, Felix; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Malcolm, Patrick; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; Modelling autonomous vehicle interactions with bicycles in traffic simulation
Brekenfeld, Manuel K. L.; Ein photonischer Quantenspeicher mit einem Atom in gekreuzten optischen Faserresonatoren
Antonau, Ihar; Enhanced computational design methods for large industrial node-based shape optimization problems
Hummel, Nora Margaux; Aorta-on-a-chip: a novel tool to gain molecular insight into vascular diseases
Kakkavas, Anastasios; Single-Anchor Multi-Antenna Positioning for Millimeter-Wave Systems
Mauersberger, Carina Maria; The Impact of Platelet Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Deficiency on Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation and Vascular Inflammation
Mathes, Thomas;Seidel, Dominik;Häberle, Karl-Heinz;Pretzsch, Hans;Annighöfer, Peter; What Are We Missing? Occlusion in Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Its Impact on the Detection of Single-Tree Morphologies and Stand Structural Variables
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Angermann D.; Comparison of Simultaneous VGOS and Legacy VLBI Sessions
Savkin, Artem; Synthetic Data for Perception in Autonomous Driving
Mathes, Thomas; Seidel, Dominik; Häberle, Karl-Heinz; Pretzsch, Hans; Annighöfer, Peter; What Are We Missing? Occlusion in Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Its Impact on the Detection of Sinlge- Tree Morphologies and Stand Structural Variables
Zerwas, Johannes; Györgyi, Csaba; Blenk, Andreas; Schmid, Stefan; Avin, Chen; Duo: A High-Throughput Reconfigurable Datacenter Network Using Local Routing and Control
Walth-Hummel, Alina Agnes; Transcriptional control of pancreatic beta-cells by the transcription co-factors TBL1 and TBLR1
Dong, Quang Huan; Selected Aspects of Technical Debt in Production Automation
Trinnes, Klaus; Spontanheilungsrate und klinische Stabilität nach konservativ versorgter Ruptur des vorderen Kreuzbandes
Schikore, Jonas; Compliant Grids
Kauke, Dirk; Ein Untersuchungsmodell zur Einflussanalyse relevanter Planungsprobleme in hybriden Kommissioniersystemen
Stahl, Philipp Peter; Design and Comparison of Configurations and Subsystems for Fixed-Wing Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Wöhr, Ferdinand;Uhri, Ekin;Königs, Simon;Trauer, Jakob;Stanglmeier, Max;Zimmermann, Markus; Coordination and complexity: an experiment on the effect of integration and verification in distributed design processes
Cubillos Pinilla, Leidy Yurani; Rules are made to be broken! The role of rule-breaking in entrepreneurship - evidence from behavioural, cognitive and neuroscience approaches
Álvarez-Ossorio Martinez, Santiago; Margreiter, Martin; Predicting Pedestrian Crossing Intention at Signalized Intersections Using Roadside LiDAR Sensors
von den Eichen, Nikolas; Automatisierte mikrobielle Expressionsoptimierung durch Kombination von Parallelreaktorsystemen im digitalisierten Bioprozesslabor
Tauber, Christina Victoria Isabella; Microtubule-associated protein tau gene as risk factor for the sporadic Parkinson syndrome
Schmied, Gerhard;Hilmers, Torben;Mellert, Karl-Heinz;Uhl, Enno;Buness, Vincent;Ambs, Dominik;Steckel, Mathias;Biber, Peter;Šeho, Muhidin;Hoffmann, Yves-Daniel;Pretzsch, Hans; Nutrient regime modulates drought response patterns of three temperate tree species
Rostami-Shahrbabaki, M.; Zhang, H.; Sekeran, M; Bogenberger, K.; Increasing the Capacity of a Lane-Free Beltway for Connected and Automated Vehicles Using Potential Lines
Gregor, Lena; Schnappinger, Markus; Pretschner, Alexander; Revisiting Inter-Class Maintainability Indicators
Nobis, Matthias Fabian; Three-Membered Silacycles and Silylenes in Thermal and Photochemical Curing of Polysiloxanes
Braitsch, Krischan Oliver; Der Einfluss von Therapie und zytogenetischen Veränderungen auf die Interaktion mit dem Tumormikroenvironment bei Patienten mit chronisch lymphatischer Leukämie
Meixner, Maximilian; Molecular Modeling of Macrocyclic Inhibitors
Berger, Jan; Elucidating Dynamic Responsiveness in Model Rigid and Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks
Schönhofer, Thomas; Kaltenhäuser, Bernd; Bogenberger, Klaus; Analysis of survey data on preferences of German commuters using structural equation modeling
Klasen,Verena ; Bogucka,Edyta P. ; Meng,Liqiu ; Krisp,Jukka M.; How we see time – the evolution and current state of visualizations of temporal data
Rosowski, Simon Thomas; Transcriptional monitoring of endothelial development at the single-cell level
Börner, Hendrik;Carboni, Gerolamo;Cheng, Xiaoxiao;Takagi, Atsushi;Hirche, Sandra;Endo, Satoshi;Burdet, Etienne; Physically interacting humans regulate muscle coactivation to improve visuo-haptic perception
Deng, Fuli; Reaction Mechanism for Pd-Catalyzed Decarboxylation of Carboxylic Acid
Zapf, Julian Frederik; Vergleichende biomechanische in-vitro-Testung zweier OP-Techniken zur Refixierung der distalen Bicepssehne am humanen Kadavermodell: Intramedulläre Bicepsbutton vs. Fadenanker
Waldherr, Sebastian; Einsatz neuer Allergene und Testverfahren im Basophilenaktivierungstest bei Patienten mit Insektengiftallergien
Kutsch, Alexander; Loder, Allister; Tilg, Gabriel; Bogenberger, Klaus; Extended Urban Traffic State Estimation Using Different Sensor Strategies
Ulmer geb. Wörheide, Maria Anna; A network-based, multi-omics integration framework for Alzheimer's disease
Beddrich, Lukas; Consequences of lattice dimensionality in solid state magnetism
Heß, Jan Philipp; Prediction of extreme precipitation events: combining process-based with machine learning models
Liebmann, Janina Mara Claudia; Lebensqualität nach Rhinoplastik - eine prospektive klinische Studie
Schambeck, Lena Maria; Effekte psychosozialer Aspekte auf den Verlauf von Inflammationsparametern bei depressiven KHK-Patienten
Fischer, Sebastian; Development of Radiohybrid PSMA Ligands for the Endoradiotherapy of Prostate Cancer
Buck, Johannes Ernst-Emanuel; Causal Inference of Extremes
Saurwein, Andreas Erwin; Synthesis and Reactivity of Phosphinimide-Based Silylenes
Sukopp, Maximilian Michael; Postinterventionelle Analyse von Rupturprädiktoren und Risikofaktoren hinsichtlich Rezidiventwicklung zerebraler Aneurysmen nach endovasculärer Coilversorgung
Amadeus M. Gebauer, Martin R. Pfaller, Fabian A. Braeu, Christian J. Cyron, Wolfgang A. Wall; A homogenized constrained mixture model of cardiac growth and remodeling: Analyzing mechanobiological stability and reversal
Meier-Dotzler, Christina Maria; Lebenszyklusbasierte ökologische Kennwertentwicklung von Gebäudekonstruktionen im Alt- und Neubau zur Anwendung in 3D-Stadtmodellen
Klenk, Tanja;Nullmeier, Frank;Wewer, Göttrik; Contact-Tracing-Apps (digitale Kontaktnachverfolgung)
Müller, Stephan; Optimizing Exercise Training in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Rößner, Lisa Julia; Vergleich unterschiedlicher antithrombotischer Therapiestrategien bei Patienten mit perkutaner Koronarintervention und Indikation zur oralen Antikoagulation
Passigato, Francesco; Study of Motorcycle Dynamics for the Improvement of the Stability of Weave and Wobble Eigenmodes
Sasidharan, Nikhil; A lesion-level deep learning approach to predicting enhancing lesions from non-enhanced images in Multiple Sclerosis patients
Janssen, Simon;Pretzsch, Hans;Bürgi, Anton;Ramstein, Laura;Gallus Bont, Leo; Improving the accuracy of timber volume and basal area prediction in heterogeneously structured and mixed forests by automated co-registration of forest inventory plots and remote sensing data
Biele, Emilie Cécile Renée; Enhancing CHM1319 specific TCR-transgenic T cell cytotoxic effect on Ewing sarcoma cell lines
Lurz, Martin; Esterbauer, Alexander; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Feedback on Shopping Receipt Data Through a Mobile App: A Pilot Study
Rahman, Mohammad A.;Pawijit, Yanin;Xu, Chao;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Pretzsch, Hans;Rötzer, Thomas;Pauleit, Stephan; A comparative analysis of urban forests for storm-water management
Stritih, Ana;Seidl, Rupert;Senf, Cornelius; Alternative states in the structure of mountain forests across the Alps and the role of disturbance and recovery
Grötsch, Daniel; Thermal Behavior of Wet Clutches in Industrial Applications
Frank, Alexander Maximilian; Retrospektive Vergleichsstudie der Ergebnisse der subtalaren Arthrorise bei idiopathischem und neurogenem Pes planovalgus
Terkan, Korkut; Printing Technologies for Implantable Neural Interfaces
Liu, Stefan B.;Giusti, Andrea;Althoff, Matthias; Velocity Estimation of Robot Manipulators: An Experimental Comparison
Stoiber, Manuel; Closing the Loop: 3D Object Tracking for Advanced Robotic Manipulation
Heisz, Simone Eva-Maria; Cachexia in patients with gastrointestinal tumor diseases – an interplay of tissues and molecular mechanisms
Stimm, Kilian Patrick; Growth potential of European oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L.) in unmanaged and managed stands in dependence of stand structure and site quality
Klop, Mathieu Edouard; The role of p22phox in the cardiovascular response to obesity
Rehrl, Maria Theresa; Explorative Analyse von Prädiktoren für die Veränderung der Lebensqualität und der psychischen Belastung von Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom
Königstorfer, Stephan A.; First measurement of the absorption of anti-3He and anti-3H in matter and its impact on anti-3He propagation in the galaxy
Salvi, Esther; Informal Entreprenuership
Louadi, Zakaria; Towards a System Biology Approach For Alternative Splicing
Havardi-Burger, Nirit; A framework for sustainability assessment tailored to floricultural value chains
Aytekin, Alp; Determinants of Clinical Outcomes Following Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation: Temporal Course, Mechanisms and Optical Characteristics of Stent Failure
Burian, Nora-Maria; Temporäre Tracheotomien in der Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgie: eine Analyse von Komplikationen
Wieschollek, Fabian; Non-linear simulations of the interaction of pre-existing magnetic islands in tokamak plasmas with massive deuterium injection for disruption mitigation
Koenen, Max Wenzel Niklas; Protection Switching for Efficient Fail-Operational and Hard Real-Time Communication in Network on Chip
Sorbie, Adam D. A.; Activating transcription factor 6-altered fatty acid metabolism shapes the tumour-associated microbiota
Meesters, Sophie ; Bazata, Jeremias ; Handtke, Violet ; Gehrmann, Jan ; Kurkowski, Sandra ; Klein, Carsten ; Bausewein, Claudia ; Schildmann, Eva; “It’s pretty much flying blind in the home care setting”: A qualitative study on the influence of home care specific circumstances on sedation in specialist palliative home care
Tacke, Friedrich ; Knockaert, Mirjam ; Patzelt, Holger ; Breugst, Nicola; When Do Greedy Entrepreneurs Exhibit Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior? The Role of New Venture Team Trust
Stueger, Philipp N. ; Fehn, Fabian ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Minimizing the Effects of Urban Mobility-on-Demand Pick-Up and Drop-Off Stops: A Microscopic Simulation Approach
Bertram, Teresa ; Hoffmann Ayala, Daniel ; Huber, Maria ; Brandl, Felix ; Starke, Georg ; Sorg, Christian ; Mulej Bratec, Satja; Human threat circuits: Threats of pain, aggressive conspecific, and predator elicit distinct BOLD activations in the amygdala and hypothalamus
Wang, Pengyu ; Zhao, Jianfeng ; Liu, Kangli ; Jin, Cheng ; Chen, Wenzhe; Mixed-potential-function-based large-signal stability analysis of DC microgrid with constant power loads
Allweiss, Lena ; Testoni, Barbara ; Yu, Mei ; Lucifora, Julie ; Ko, Chunkyu ; Qu, Bingqian ; Lütgehetmann, Marc ; Guo, Haitao ; Urban, Stephan ; Fletcher, Simon P ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Levrero, Massimo ; Zoulim, Fabien ; Dandri, Maura; Quantification of the hepatitis B virus cccDNA: evidence-based guidelines for monitoring the key obstacle of HBV cure
Zietek, Tamara ; Rath, Eva; Organoids_Mini Guts Help Answer Big Questions About Intestinal Nutrient Transport
Zhang, Lu ; Zhang, Fen ; Wang, Yuan ; Ma, Xiao ; Shen, Yuanpeng ; Wang, Xiaozhong ; Yang, Huaiyu ; Zhang, Wei ; Lakshmanan, Prakash ; Hu, Yuncai ; Xu, Jiuliang ; Chen, Xinping ; Deng, Yan; Physiological and metabolomic analysis reveals maturity stage-dependent nitrogen regulation of vitamin C content in pepper fruit
Gaubert, Malo ; Dell'Orco, Andrea ; Lange, Catharina ; Garnier-Crussard, Antoine ; Zimmermann, Isabella ; Dyrba, Martin ; Duering, Marco ; Ziegler, Gabriel ; Peters, Oliver ; Preis, Lukas ; Priller, Josef ; Spruth, Eike Jakob ; Schneider, Anja ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Schott, Björn H. ; Maier, Franziska ; Glanz, Wenzel ; Buerger, Katharina ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Perneczky, Robert ; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan ; Teipel, Stefan ; Kilimann, Ingo ; Laske, Christoph ; Munk, Matthias H. ; Spottke, Annika ; Roy, Nina ; Dobisch, Laura ; Ewers, Michael ; Dechent, Peter ; Haynes, John Dylan ; Scheffler, Klaus ; Düzel, Emrah ; Jessen, Frank ; Wirth, Miranka; Performance evaluation of automated white matter hyperintensity segmentation algorithms in a multicenter cohort on cognitive impairment and dementia
Erhardt, André H. ; Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira ; Lines, Glenn Terje ; Martens, Erik Andreas; Editorial: Dynamical systems, PDEs and networks for biomedical applications: Mathematical modeling, analysis and simulations
Rivadeneira, María F. ; Salvador, Carmen ; Araujo, Lorena ; Caicedo-Gallardo, José D. ; Cóndor, José ; Torres-Castillo, Ana Lucía ; Miranda-Velasco, María J. ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan; Digital health literacy and subjective wellbeing in the context of COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among university students in Ecuador
Baumgartner, Miriam ; Erhard, Michael H. ; Zeitler-Feicht, Margit H.; Which animal-to-feeding-place ratio at time-controlled hay racks is animal appropriate? Preliminary analysis of stress responses of horses
Shahryari, Mehrgan ; Keller, Sarah ; Meierhofer, David ; Wallach, Iwona ; Safraou, Yasmine ; Guo, Jing ; Marticorena Garcia, Stephan R. ; Braun, Jürgen ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Sack, Ingolf ; Berndt, Nikolaus; On the relationship between metabolic capacities and in vivo viscoelastic properties of the liver
Noske, Aurelia ; Steiger, Katja ; Ballke, Simone ; Kiechle, Marion ; Oettler, Dirk ; Roth, Wilfried ; Weichert, Wilko; Comparison of assessment of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) status in triple-negative breast cancer biopsies and surgical specimens
Weschke, Sarah ; Franzen, Delwen Louise ; Sierawska, Anna Karolina ; Bonde, Lea-Sophie ; Strech, Daniel ; Schorr, Susanne Gabriele; Reporting of patient involvement: a mixed-methods analysis of current practice in health research publications using a targeted search strategy
Metwaly, Amira ; Abdelaziz, Ahmed; Through a Crystal Ball: Using Bacterial Signatures to Predict Intestinal Diseases
Stefan, Philipp ; Pfandler, Michael ; Kullmann, Aljoscha ; Eck, Ulrich ; Koch, Amelie ; Mehren, Christoph ; von der Heide, Anna ; Weidert, Simon ; Fürmetz, Julian ; Euler, Ekkehard ; Lazarovici, Marc ; Navab, Nassir ; Weigl, Matthias; Computer-assisted simulated workplace-based assessment in surgery: application of the universal framework of intraoperative performance within a mixed-reality simulation
Hintze, Stefan ; Möhl, Britta S. ; Beyerl, Jessica ; Wulff, Karin ; Wieser, Andreas ; Bork, Konrad ; Meinke, Peter; Mutant plasminogen in hereditary angioedema is bypassing FXII/kallikrein to generate bradykinin
Rampf, Felix ; Grigoropoulos, Georgios ; Malcolm, Patrick ; Keler , Andreas ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Modelling autonomous vehicle interactions with bicycles in traffic simulation
Ahmed, Mabroor ; Bicher, Sandra ; Stewart, Robert D. ; Bartzsch, Stefan ; Schmid, Thomas E. ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Juergen; Dosimetric quantities and cell survival for spatially fractionated radiation therapy
Buchheim, Anna ; Kernberg, Otto F. ; Netzer, Nikolaus ; Buchheim, Peter ; Perchtold-Stefan, Corinna ; Sperner-Unterweger, Barbara ; Beckenbauer, Fabian ; Labek, Karin; Differential neural response to psychoanalytic intervention techniques during structural interviewing: A single-case analysis using EEG
Chai, Kai-Xuan ; Xu, Fei ; Swaboda, Nora ; Ruggeri, Azzurra; Preschoolers' information search strategies: Inefficient but adaptive
Höher, Louisa Sophie; Evaluation der postoperativen Knielaxizität nach akuter, kombinierter Verletzung des vorderen Kreuzbandes und des medialen Seitenbandkomplexes
Dolinschek, Romana; Influence of integrin alphavbeta3 activation on anoikis resistance of anchorage-dependent human ovarian cancer cells
Monferrer i Sureda, Alba; Functional DNA Origami Shells for Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Applications
Elsner, Daniel; Kacianka, Severin; Lipp, Stephan; Pretschner, Alexander; Habermann, Axel; Graber, Maria; Reimer, Silke; BinaryRTS: Cross-language Regression Test Selection for C++ Binaries in CI
Rodrigues Martins, Tatiana Isabel; Context-specific characterization of the stromal tumor microenvironment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Erhard, Patricia; Slurry-based 3D printing of ceramic casting cores
Sert, Enes; Quasistatische und dynamische Festigkeitsuntersuchungen additiv gefertigter Aluminium-Silizium-Legierungen
Patzwahl geb. Schummer, Florian; Graphen-gestützte Systemanalyse
Musundi, Beryl Onyuma; Multi-scale Modeling of Cholera: Linking Within-host and Between-host Dynamics
Meyer-Lindemann, Clara Ulrike; Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis Using Colchicine
Imhof, Alexander M.; Peroxide-Based Chemical Oxygen Generation for Aviation Purposes
Schäfer, Julian; Collage Landscape
Karl, Janik Sebastian; Sonographische Evaluation anatomischer Landmarken des oberen Respirationstraktes bei Patienten mit obstruktiver Schlafapnoe
Ahmed, Mohamed Adel Abdelhakim; Characterization of gut microbial profiles in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients in response to therapy
Niu, Guanglin; Deciphering the role of p53, YAP1 and APC in carcinogenesis. Studies on pig models.
Lallinger, Vincent Maximilian; Prognostische Faktoren und Nachsorge von Patienten mit Myxofibrosarkom
Theilmann, Michaela Johanna; Applying quasi-experimental methods to establish causal impacts of large-scale disease prevention interventions
Pangotra, Dhananjai; Electrochemical water oxidation to hydrogen peroxide at carbon-based anodes: Basic development and optimization of process parameters
Anniés, Simon B.; Meso-scale modeling of the structural, electronic and transport properties governing (dis-)charging processes in lithium intercalated graphite anodes
Idzikowski, Maria Katharina; Implementation der Konfokalen Laserendomikroskopie für digitale Biopsien von Hirntumoren
Bachmann, Joel Micha; Analysis and Application of Dual Curing Photopolymers in 3D Printing
Bing, Zhenshan;Koch, Alexander;Yao, Xiangtong;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Language Instructions.
Christian Schneider, Christoph P. Schmidt, Anton Neumann, Moritz Clausnitzer, Marcel Sadowsk, Sascha Harm, Christoph Meier, Timo Danner, Karsten Albe, Arnulf Latz, Wolfgang A. Wall, Bettina V. Lotsch; Effect of Particle Size and Pressure on the Transport Properties of the Fast Ion Conductor t-Li7SiPS8
Rausch, Niclas; Application of the structural stress concept for cruciform joints subjected to fatigue loading under the specific evaluation of influences from imperfections on the component behaviour
Klöpfer, Kai Philipp; NMR structural and biochemical studies of the chloroplast proteins OEP21 and Tic40
Weber, Franziska; Modelling Strategies for Acoustic Metamaterials with Porous Components and Numerical Studies on Exemplary Structures
Biltzinger, Björn; New insights in gamma-ray astrophysics with modern analysis concepts
Hartmann, Christian;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Rahman, Mohammad A.;Franceschi, Eleonora;von Strachwitz, Miriam;Pauleit, Stephan;Pretzsch, Hans;Rötzer, Thomas;Paeth, Heiko; The footprint of heat waves and dry spells in the urban climate of Würzburg, Germany, deduced from a continuous measurement campaign during the anomalously warm years 2018–2020
Shu, Lin-Jie; Functional characterization of the interaction of the immune receptor LORE and 3-hydroxy fatty acid elicitors in Brassicaceae
Villamil Lopez, Carlos; Change detection for monitoring of man-made objects using time series of very high resolution spaceborne SAR images
Ludwig, Sebastian Peter; Sensorless Internal Temperature Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Connan, Mathilde; Biosensor-Based Multimodal Intent Detection for Wearable Myocontrol
Werner, Michael; Automatic Generator Methodology for Safe Embedded Software
Chen, Xia; Deciphering the SUB-QKY signaling complex and the role of QKY in cell wall signaling
Marvakov, Valentin Adamov; Automating the Transition of Lift-to-Cruise eVTOL Aircraft
Oelsmann, Julius; The role of vertical land motion in past, present, and future relative sea level changes
Czempiel, Tobias M.; Symphony of Time: Temporal Deep Learning for Surgical Activity Recognition
Hildebrand, Johannes Adrian Rowen; Aberrante Cathepsin S Aktivität im Follikulären Lymphom
Cui, Yuning;Tao, Yi;Bing, Zhenshan;Ren, Wenqi;Gao, Xinwei;Cao, Xiaochun;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Selective Frequency Network for Image Restoration.
Cui, Yuning;Tao, Yi;Ren, Wenqi;Knoll, Alois; Dual-domain attention for image deblurring
Lu, Qing-Long; Qurashi, Moeid; Antoniou, Constantinos; A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming approach for Dynamic OD Estimation
Naser Reda, Mayameen; Thermal Control of Photovoltaic Panels under Desert Climates
Shaigani, Pariya; Holistic optimization of single cell oil processes: Creating and controlling the genetic toolbox as well as cultivation processes
Eilers, Christine; Intelligent, Applicable and Acceptable Robotic Ultrasound
Pricoco, Rafael Paolo; Evaluation eines familienintegrierenden Behandlungspfades für Frühgeborene mit sehr niedrigem Geburtsgewicht in Bezug auf Ernährung, Wachstum und assoziierte Qualitätsindikatoren (2008 – 2017)
Burger, Stefan; Structure-Property Relations of Functional Materials Featuring a Perovskite Structure Motif
Wahida, Adam; Dissecting aberrant host-microbiota interactions in a model of TNF-driven intestinal inflammation
Pan, Y.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.;I., Brilakis; 3D deep-learning-enhanced void-growing approach in creating geometric digital twins of buildings
Bäumler, Johannes; Behavior of long-range percolation at critical phases
Karl-Alexander Hoppe, Kevin Josef Li, Bettina Chocholaty, Johannes D. Schmid, Simon Schmid, Kian Sepahvand, Steffen Marburg; Surrogate Recycling for Structures with Spatially Uncertain Stiffness
Sala Vila, Jan; The Arabidopsis thaliana GATA factors GNC and GNL repress the growth of starch granules, coordinating the interplay between gravitropism and phototropism
Fichtl, Maximilian; Algorithms for Computing Equilibria in Auctions
Forth, K.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; Calculation of embodied GHG emissions in early building design stages using BIM and NLP-based semantic model healing
Gmach, Yvonne Alexandra Maria; Biomediierte Materialsynthese rheotaktisch strukturierter und hierarchisch organisierter Materialien aus bakterieller Cellulose
Ferrer Velasco, Rubén;Lippe, Melvin;Fischer, Richard;Torres, Bolier;Tamayo, Fabián;Kalaba, Felix Kanungwe;Kaoma, Humphrey;Bugayong, Leonida;Günter, Sven; Reconciling policy instruments with drivers of deforestation and forest degradation: cross-scale analysis of stakeholder perceptions in tropical countries
Mehmeti, Fidan; Haider, Valentin Thomas; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Admission Control for URLLC Traffic with Computation Requirements in 5G and Beyond
Küchle, Johannes Thore; Formation Processes and Interface Effects of Epitaxially Grown Two-Dimensional Materials
Swazinna, Phillip A.; Policy Regularization for Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning
Hundsdorfer, Simon; Elsner, Daniel; Pretschner, Alexander; DIRTS: Dependency Injection Aware Regression Test Selection
Würsching, Roland;Elsner, Daniel;Leinen, Fabian;Pretschner, Alexander;Grueneissl, Georg;Neumeyr, Thomas;Vosseler, Tobias; Severity-Aware Prioritization of System-Level Regression Tests in Automotive Software
Radziej, Sandra; NMR based methods for the rapid determination of food thickeners --- Investigations of metabolic pathways during infections with the obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis using isotopologue profiling
Krauß, Tanja Lisa-Maria; Beteiligung spezifischer miRNAs an Muskelatrophie und Lipolyse bei Patienten mit Tumorkachexie
Knoche, Martin;Teepe, Torben;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Explainable Model-Agnostic Similarity and Confidence in Face Verification
Herzog, Fabian;Chen, Junpeng;Teepe, Torben;Gilg, Johannes;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Synthehicle: Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking in Virtual Cities
Ellath Meethal, Rishith; Hybrid modelling and simulation approaches for the solution of forward and inverse problems in engineering by combining finite element methods and neural networks
Bohnsack, Daniel; Hydraulic properties of carbonate rocks from the Upper Jurassic “Malm” aquifer of the South German Molasse Basin and their dependencies on variable effective stress conditions within the reservoir
Gerasimos Chourdakis; What is new in preCICE?
Palmas, Fabrizio; The Impact of Gamification on Corporate Extended Reality Training
Frank, Thomas; Biocompatible Reaction Compartments with Functionalizable Membranes
Eckfeld, Celina; Neue funktionelle Interaktionspartner vermitteln eine zytokinische immunmodulatorische Signalfunktion von Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1)
Mahvari, M. M.; Kramer, G.; Stability of Bernstein’s characterization of Gaussian vectors and a soft doubling argument
Tomczak, Agnieszka Maria; Deep learning for blood cell image analysis
Schneider, Simone Anna Christina; Vergleich zweier Ultraschallgeräte zur Messung der Intima-Media-Dicke
Werner, Roman Alejandro; Cleaning of Woven Filter Cloths – In-Depth Analysis of Possible Concepts Utilizing Jet Cleaning in a Brewery Case Study
Lederer, Armin; Gaussian Processes in Control: Performance Guarantees through Efficient Learning
Xanthopoulos, Alexia Margarita; Bestimmung von exosomalem Hsp70 im Plasma von Patientinnen mit nicht metastasiertem Mammakarzinom im Therapieverlauf
Kunert, Jan-Philip; Development and Evaluation of Therapeutic PSMA-Binding Radiopharmaceuticals with Optimized Pharmacokinetics
Tetteh, Giles; Analyzing Vascular Networks Extracted from Clinical Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Li, Xiaodong; Development of the high temperature superconducting REBCO coated conductor magnet system for ultra-high-field thermonuclear fusion power plants
Page Vizcaíno, Josué; Enabling real-time light-field 3D fluorescence microscopy through computational microscopy and deep learning
Şahin, Özge; Statistical learning based on vine copulas with societal applications
Jakob, Vivian Louise; Indikationen und Zeitintervalle in der Implantatchirurgie der Mamma mit Fokus auf Kapselfibrose und periprothetische Infektion
Großmann, Paula Friederike; Advanced Shaping of Catalysts via Additive Manufacturing – Direct Ink Writing in the Context of Heterogeneous Catalysis
Pirnay, Jonathan; Göttl, Quirin; Burger, Jakob; Grimm, Dominik G.; Policy-Based Self-Competition for Planning Problems
Sperl, Philip; Defending Neural Networks with Activation Analysis
Hudeczek, Richard; Modelling and Design of a Monolithic Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Compatible Front-End-of Line Fin Field-Effect Transistor Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System
Eguiguren Velepucha, Paúl Alexander; Forest ecosystem services and multifunctionality across the land use transition phases in Ecuadorian forest landscapes
Khan, Rayyan Ahmad; Unsupervised Learning of Network Embedding with Variational Autoencoder Framework
Witter, Marcus Richard; Three Essays on Costing and Decision Making in the Digital Age
Schneider, Alisa; Diagnostischer Wert des hochsensitiven Troponins T zur Vorhersage eines Myokardinfarkts Typ 1 bei Patienten mit akuter Herzinsuffizienz
Fernández Collado, Javier; Tricalbins maintain plasma membrane integrity by modulating endoplasmic reticulum membrane curvature at ER-PM contact sites
Kolbe, Fenna Meret; Applications of HBVenv-specific antibodies as research and therapeutic tools
Heiliger, Christian; Nutzung des Fluoreszenzfarbstoffes Indocyanin-Grün (ICG) zur Evaluation onkologisch- experimentalchirurgischer Ansätze am Groß- und Kleintiermodell
Rojas Botero, Sandra Liliana; Ecological restoration of urban grasslands in times of global change. Towards scientifically-informed practice based on mesocosm experiments
Mahajan, Vishal;Cantelmo, Guido;Antoniou, Constantinos; Towards automated calibration of large-scale traffic simulations
Angelidis, Emmanouil; Biologically-inspired robot locomotion models in interaction with complex terrain physics
Wu, Zhiyuan; Functionalized Hybrid Iron Oxide-Gold Nanoparticles Targeting Membrane Hsp70 Radiosensitize Triple-negative Breast Cancer Cells by ROS-mediated Apoptosis
Reiß, Jan Fritz; Tire Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics
Wang, Qi; Design and analysis of the very high temperature gas-cooled reactor-driven nuclear hydrogen production system based on sulfur-iodine thermochemical cycle and gas-steam combined cycle
Caporali, Alessio;Galassi, Kevin;Zagar, Bare Luka;Zanella, Riccardo;Palli, Gianluca;Knoll, Alois C; RT-DLO: Real-Time Deformable Linear Objects Instance Segmentation
Carvalho Corso, Thiago; Mathematical contributions to static and time-dependent density functional theory
Bleidißel, Nathalie; Funktionelle und morphologische Ergebnisse der invertierten ILM Flap Technik bei Patienten mit idiopathischem durchgreifendem Makulaforamen
Freitag, Michael Johannes; Building an HTAP Database System for Modern Hardware
Lechner, T.; Laufer, J.; Seifried, S.; Kerber, G.; Hufnagel, B.; Timmermann, J.; Bernecker-Castro, C.; Herrmann, S.; Finkel, M.; Witzmann, R.:; Betrieb von hybriden Netzersatzanlagen mit der Einbindung von dezentralen Erzeugungsanlagen und die daraus resultierenden Fragestellungen zum EEG
Storch, D.J.; Seifried, S.; Lechner, T.; Finkel, M.; Witzmann, R.:; Notstromversorgung von Wasserversorgungsanla-gen mit Biogasanlagen im Inselnetz: Analyse der technischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Umsetzbarkeit
Aschenbrenner, Isabel Sarah; Structural and cellular mechanisms of interleukin 12 family cytokine biogenesis
Winter, Christian Michael; Managing Dynamic Workloads in Relational Database Systems
Somagond, Yallappa M. ; Alhussien, Mohanned Naif ; Dang, Ajay Kumar; Repeated injection of multivitamins and multiminerals during the transition period enhances immune response by suppressing inflammation and oxidative stress in cows and their calves
Deindl, Christian ; Diehl, Katharina ; Spallek, Jacob ; Richter, Matthias ; Schüttig, Wiebke ; Rattay, Petra ; Dragano, Nico ; Pischke, Claudia R.; Self-rated health of university students in Germany-The importance of material, psychosocial, and behavioral factors and the parental socio-economic status
Mühlhoff, Rainer ; Willem, Theresa; Social media advertising for clinical studies: Ethical and data protection implications of online targeting
Linnakoski, Riikka ; Jyske, Tuula ; Eerikäinen, Ronja ; Veteli, Pyry ; Cortina-Escribano, Marta ; Magalhães, Frederico ; Järvenpää, Eila ; Heikkilä, Lotta ; Hutzler, Mathias ; Gibson, Brian; Brewing potential of strains of the boreal wild yeast Mrakia gelida
Ponzelli, Michele ; Nguyen, Hiep ; Drewes, Jörg E. ; Koch, Konrad; Improved Recovery of Overloaded Anaerobic Batch Reactors by Graphene Oxide
Bolsega, Silvia ; Smoczek, Anna ; Meng, Chen ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Scheele, Tim ; Meller, Sebastian ; Glage, Silke ; Volk, Holger A. ; Bleich, André ; Basic, Marijana; The Genetic Background Is Shaping Cecal Enlargement in the Absence of Intestinal Microbiota
Blaschke, Simon ; Schad, Nele ; Schnitzius, Melina ; Pelster, Klaus ; Mess, Filip; The Connection between Non-Alcoholic Fatty-Liver Disease, Dietary Behavior, and Food Literacy in German Working Adults
Graichen, Heiko ; Strauch, Marco ; Hirschmann, Michael T. ; Becker, Roland ; Lustig, Sébastien ; Clatworthy, Mark ; Jordaan, Jacobus Daniel ; Hazratwala, Kaushik ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Giesinger, Karlmeinrad ; Calliess, Tilman; Digital TKA Alignment Training with a New Digital Simulation Tool (Knee-CAT) Improves Process Quality, Efficiency, and Confidence
Kodchasee, Pratthana ; Pharin, Nattanicha ; Suwannarach, Nakarin ; Unban, Kridsada ; Saenjum, Chalermpong ; Kanpiengjai, Apinun ; Sakar, Dipayan ; Shetty, Kalidas ; Zarnkow, Martin ; Khanongnucha, Chartchai; Assessment of Tannin Tolerant Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts Isolated from Miang for Production of Health-Targeted Beverage Using Miang Processing Byproducts
Bonaccorsi, Guglielmo ; Gallinoro, Veronica ; Guida, Andrea ; Morittu, Chiara ; Ferro Allodola, Valerio ; Lastrucci, Vieri ; Zanobini, Patrizio ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Lorini, Chiara; Digital Health Literacy and Information-Seeking in the Era of COVID-19: Gender Differences Emerged from a Florentine University Experience
Schmickler, Johanna Marie ; Blaschke, Simon ; Robbins, Rebecca ; Mess, Filip; Determinants of Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study in University Students
Teymoori, Vahid ; Kamper, Maarten ; Wang, Rong-Jie ; Kennel, Ralph; Sensorless Control of Dual Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines_A Review
Bonaiti, Luca ; Geitner, Michael ; Tobie, Thomas ; Gorla, Carlo ; Stahl, Karsten; A Comparison between Two Statistical Methods for Gear Tooth Root Bending Strength Estimation Starting from Pulsator Data
Mueller, Tara ; Dimpel, Rebekka ; Kehl, Victoria ; Friess, Helmut ; Reim, Daniel; Surgical site infection prevention in abdominal surgery: is intraoperative wound irrigation with antiseptics effective? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Siafis, Spyridon ; Schneider-Thoma, Johannes ; Hamza, Tasnim ; Bighelli, Irene ; Dong, Shimeng ; Hansen, Wulf-Peter ; Davis, John M ; Salanti, Georgia ; Leucht, Stefan; Efficacy of clozapine compared with other second-generation antipsychotic drugs in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Uhl, Bernd ; Haring, Florian ; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia ; Luft, Joshua ; Schneewind, Vera ; Hildinger, Jonas ; Wu, Zhengquan ; Steiger, Katja ; Smiljanov, Bojan ; Batcha, Aarif M. N. ; Keppler, Oliver T. ; Hellmuth, Johannes C. ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Stock, Konrad ; Weiss, Bernhard G. ; Canis, Martin ; Stark, Konstantin ; Bromberger, Thomas ; Moser, Markus ; Schulz, Christian ; Weichert, Wilko ; Zuchtriegel, Gabriele ; Reichel, Christoph A.; Vitronectin promotes immunothrombotic dysregulation in the venular microvasculature
Brandl, Felix ; Knolle, Franziska ; Meng, Chun ; Borgwardt, Stefan; Editorial: Specific macroscopic brain changes in psychotic disorders
Puente-Marin, Sara ; Dietrich, Fabrícia ; Achenbach, Peter ; Barcenilla, Hugo ; Ludvigsson, Johnny ; Casas, Rosaura; Intralymphatic glutamic acid decarboxylase administration in type 1 diabetes patients induced a distinctive early immune response in patients with DR3DQ2 haplotype
Fritzsche, Marie-Christine ; Akyüz, Kaya ; Cano Abadía, Mónica ; McLennan, Stuart ; Marttinen, Pekka ; Mayrhofer, Michaela Th. ; Buyx, Alena M.; Ethical layering in AI-driven polygenic risk scores_New complexities, new challenges
Ellinger, Jan ; Mess, Filip ; Bachner, Joachim ; von Au, Jakob ; Mall, Christoph; Changes in social interaction, social relatedness, and friendships in Education Outside the Classroom: A social network analysis
Bauer, Kornelia ; Nayem, Shahran ; Lehmann, Martin ; Wenig, Marion ; Shu, Lin-Jie ; Ranf, Stefanie ; Geigenberger, Peter ; Vlot, A. Corina; β-D-XYLOSIDASE 4 modulates systemic immune signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Dutz, Regina ; Hubner-Benz, Sylvia ; Emmerling, Franziska ; Peus, Claudia; Sure you are ready? Gendered arguments in recruitment for high-status positions in male-dominated fields
Borrmann, Melanie ; Brandes, Florian ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Klein, Matthias ; Billaud, Jean-Noël ; Reithmair, Marlene ; Rehm, Markus ; Schelling, Gustav ; Pfaffl, Michael W. ; Meidert, Agnes S.; Extensive blood transcriptome analysis reveals cellular signaling networks activated by circulating glycocalyx components reflecting vascular injury in COVID-19
Freund, Johanna ; Ebert, David Daniel ; Thielecke, Janika ; Braun, Lina ; Baumeister, Harald ; Berking, Matthias ; Titzler, Ingrid; Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to evaluate a nationwide depression prevention project (ImplementIT) from the perspective of health care workers and implementers: Results on the implementation of digital interventions for farmers
Ünlü, Ali; Qualitative motivation with sets and relations
Hohma, Ellen ; Boch, Auxane ; Trauth, Rainer ; Lütge, Christoph; Investigating accountability for Artificial Intelligence through risk governance: A workshop-based exploratory study
Murböck, Michael ; Abrykosov, Petro ; Dahle, Christoph ; Hauk, Markus ; Pail, Roland ; Flechtner, Frank; In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Accelerometers and Microwave Ranging Instrument
Ostermann, Adrian ; Dossow, Patrick ; Ziemsky, Valerie; Design and Application of the unIT-e2 Project Use Case Methodology
Basiouni, Shereen ; Tellez-Isaias, Guillermo ; Latorre, Juan D. ; Graham, Brittany D. ; Petrone-Garcia, Victor M. ; El-Seedi, Hesham R. ; Yalçin, Sakine ; El-Wahab, Amr Abd ; Visscher, Christian ; May-Simera, Helen L. ; Huber, Claudia ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Shehata, Awad A.; Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidative Phytogenic Substances against Secret Killers in Poultry: Current Status and Prospects
Stephan, Ann-Sophie ; Kosinska, Anna D. ; Mück-Häusl, Martin ; Muschaweckh, Andreas ; Jäger, Clemens ; Röder, Natalie ; Heikenwälder, Mathias ; Dembek, Claudia ; Protzer, Ulrike; Evaluation of the Effect of CD70 Co-Expression on CD8 T Cell Response in Protein-Prime MVA-Boost Vaccination in Mice
Cruise, Joseph R. ; Seidel, Alexander; Sequencing the Entangled DNA of Fractional Quantum Hall Fluids
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Gerini, Francesca ; Ikram, Ali ; Saeed, Farhan ; Feng, Xi ; Chen, Yanping; Rabbit Meat_Production, Consumption and Consumers' Attitudes and Behavior
Benalia, Nadir ; Laroussi, Kouider ; Benlaloui, Idriss ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Bensalah, Abed-Djebar ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Optimized Power Pads for Charging Electric Vehicles Based on a New Rectangular Spiral Shape Design
Mardani Korani, Zahra ; Moin, Armin ; Rodrigues da Silva, Alberto ; Ferreira, João Carlos; Model-Driven Engineering Techniques and Tools for Machine Learning-Enabled IoT Applications: A Scoping Review
Bente, Klaas ; Rus, Janez ; Mooshofer, Hubert ; Gaal, Mate ; Grosse, Christian Ulrich; Broadband Air-Coupled Ultrasound Emitter and Receiver Enable Simultaneous Measurement of Thickness and Speed of Sound in Solids
Mauro, Gianfranco ; De Carlos Diez, Maria ; Ott, Julius ; Servadei, Lorenzo ; Cuellar, Manuel P. ; Morales-Santos, Diego P.; Few-Shot User-Adaptable Radar-Based Breath Signal Sensing
Mathes, Thomas ; Seidel, Dominik ; Häberle, Karl-Heinz ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Annighöfer, Peter; What Are We Missing? Occlusion in Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Its Impact on the Detection of Single-Tree Morphologies and Stand Structural Variables
Magalhaes, Jorge M. ; Lapa, Ian G. ; Santos-Ferreira, Adriana M. ; da Silva, José C. B. ; Piras, Fanny ; Moreau, Thomas ; Amraoui, Samira ; Passaro, Marcello ; Schwatke, Christian ; Hart-Davis, Michael ; Maraldi, Claire ; Donlon, Craig; Using a Tandem Flight Configuration between Sentinel-6 and Jason-3 to Compare SAR and Conventional Altimeters in Sea Surface Signatures of Internal Solitary Waves
Sickert, Till ; Kalinke, Isabel ; Christoph, Jana ; Gaukel, Volker; Microwave-Assisted Freeze-Drying with Frequency-Based Control Concepts via Solid-State Generators: A Simulative and Experimental Study
Zanuttigh, Enrica ; Derderian, Kevork ; Güra, Miriam A. ; Geerlof, Arie ; Di Meo, Ivano ; Cavestro, Chiara ; Hempfling, Stefan ; Ortiz-Collazos, Stephanie ; Mauthe, Mario ; Kmieć, Tomasz ; Cammarota, Eugenia ; Panzeri, Maria Carla ; Klopstock, Thomas ; Sattler, Michael ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Messias, Ana C. ; Iuso, Arcangela; Identification of Autophagy as a Functional Target Suitable for the Pharmacological Treatment of Mitochondrial Membrane Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN) In Vitro
Kajuna, Flora ; Mwang'onde, Beda ; Holst, Christine ; Ngowi, Bernard ; Sukums, Felix ; Noll, Josef ; Winkler, Andrea S. ; Ngowi, Helena; Effects of a Digital Health Literacy Intervention on Porcine Cysticercosis Prevalence and Associated Household Practices in Iringa District, Tanzania
Rasool, Izza Faiz ul ; Aziz, Afifa ; Khalid, Waseem ; Koraqi, Hyrije ; Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; AL-Farga, Ammar ; Lai, Wing-Fu ; Ali, Anwar; Industrial Application and Health Prospective of Fig (Ficus carica) By-Products
Keiz, Katharina ; Ulrich, Sebastian ; Wenderlein, Jasmin ; Keferloher, Patrick ; Wiesinger, Anna ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Lagkouvardos, Ilias ; Wedekind, Helmut ; Straubinger, Reinhard K.; The Development of the Bacterial Community of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) during Ontogeny
Eshtewy, Neveen Ali ; Scholz, Lena ; Kremling, Andreas; Parameter Estimation for a Kinetic Model of a Cellular System Using Model Order Reduction Method
Tošić, Marko ; Larsson, Roland ; Stahl, Karsten ; Lohner, Thomas; Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Analysis of a Worm Gear
Heller, Martin ; Stöcker, Anett ; Kawalla, Rudolf ; Leuning, Nora ; Hameyer, Kay ; Wei, Xuefei ; Hirt, Gerhard ; Böhm, Lucas ; Volk, Wolfram ; Korte-Kerzel, Sandra; Correction: Heller et al. Characterization Methods along the Process Chain of Electrical Steel Sheet_From Best Practices to Advanced Characterization. Materials 2022, 15, 32
de Vries, Walter Timo ; Rudiarto, Iwan; Testing and Enhancing the 8R Framework of Responsible Land Management with Documented Strategies and Effects of Land Reclamation Projects in Indonesia
Pogorzelski, Jonas ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Scheiderer, Bastian ; Lacheta, Lucca ; Schliemann, Benedikt ; Schanda, Jakob ; Heuberer, Philipp ; Schneider, Marco ; Hackl, Michael ; Lorbach, Olaf; Management of Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears_A Current Concepts Review and Proposed Treatment Algorithm by the AGA Shoulder Committee
Matouskova, Jana ; Schillinger, Burkhard ; Sklenka, Lubomir; New Neutron Imaging Facility NIFFLER at Very Low Power Reactor VR-1
Conte, Raffaele ; De Luca, Ilenia ; Valentino, Anna ; Cerruti, Pierfrancesco ; Pedram, Parisa ; Cabrera-Barjas, Gustavo ; Moeini, Arash ; Calarco, Anna; Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Containing Resveratrol-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles as an Adjuvant in Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
Brandl, Andreas ; Egner, Christoph ; Schwarze, Monique ; Reer, Rüdiger ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Schleip, Robert; Immediate Effects of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization on Hydration Content in Lumbar Myofascial Tissues: A Quasi-Experiment
Erbas, Gizem Seyda ; Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph ; Ostermayer, Eva ; Kovacevic, Alexander ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Ewert, Peter ; Wacker-Gussmann, Annette; Anxiety and Depression Levels in Parents after Counselling for Fetal Heart Disease
Skiba, Adrianna ; Koziol, Ewelina ; Luca, Simon Vlad ; Budzyńska, Barbara ; Podlasz, Piotr ; Van Der Ent, Wietske ; Shojaeinia, Elham ; Esguerra, Camila V. ; Nour, Mohammed ; Marcourt, Laurence ; Wolfender, Jean-Luc ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna; Evaluation of the Antiseizure Activity of Endemic Plant Halfordia kendack Guillaumin and Its Main Constituent, Halfordin, on a Zebrafish Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-Induced Seizure Model
Pakbin, Babak ; Brück, Wolfram Manuel ; Brück, Thomas B.; Molecular Mechanisms of Shigella Pathogenesis; Recent Advances
Jiang, Jun ; Cong, Xiaobin ; Alageel, Sarah ; Dornseifer, Ulf ; Schilling, Arndt F. ; Hadjipanayi, Ektoras ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Moog, Philipp; In Vitro Comparison of Lymphangiogenic Potential of Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS) and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Sun, Jianfeng ; Ru, Jinlong ; Ramos-Mucci, Lorenzo ; Qi, Fei ; Chen, Zihao ; Chen, Suyuan ; Cribbs, Adam P. ; Deng, Li ; Wang, Xia; DeepsmirUD: Prediction of Regulatory Effects on microRNA Expression Mediated by Small Molecules Using Deep Learning
Shi, Dai ; Wong, Jaime K. Y. ; Zhu, Kaichuan ; Noakes, Peter G. ; Rammes, Gerhard; The Anaesthetics Isoflurane and Xenon Reverse the Synaptotoxic Effects of Aβ1-42 on Megf10-Dependent Astrocytic Synapse Elimination and Spine Density in Ex Vivo Hippocampal Brain Slices
Xin, Rui ; Ding, Linfang ; Ai, Bo ; Yang, Min ; Zhu, Ruoxin ; Cao, Bin ; Meng, Liqiu; Geospatial Network Analysis and Origin-Destination Clustering of Bike-Sharing Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yi, Xiaoyan ; Zou, Qinqi ; Zhang, Zewei ; Chang, Sheng-Han-Erin; What Motivates Greenhouse Vegetable Farmers to Adapt Organic-Substitute-Chemical-Fertilizer (OSCF)? An Empirical Study from Shandong, China
Leksy, Karina ; Wójciak, Miroslaw ; Gawron, Grzegorz ; Muster, Rafal ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan; Work-Related Stress of Polish School Principals during the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Risk Factor for Burnout
Matoulek, Dominik ; Je ek, Bruno ; Vohnoutová, Marta ; Symonová, Radka; Advances in Vertebrate (Cyto)Genomics Shed New Light on Fish Compositional Genome Evolution
Roelofs, Freek ; Blackburn, Lindy ; Lindahl, Greg ; Doeleman, Sheperd S. ; Johnson, Michael D. ; Arras, Philipp ; Chatterjee, Koushik ; Emami, Razieh ; Fromm, Christian ; Fuentes, Antonio ; Knollmüller, Jakob ; Kosogorov, Nikita ; Müller, Hendrik ; Patel, Nimesh ; Raymond, Alexander ; Tiede, Paul ; Traianou, Efthalia ; Vega, Justin; The ngEHT Analysis Challenges
Tönges, Yannic ; Dieterich, Vincent ; Fendt, Sebastian ; Spliethoff, Hartmut ; Burger, Jakob; Techno-Economic Analysis of Large Scale Production of Poly(oxymethylene) Dimethyl Ether Fuels from Methanol in Water-Tolerant Processes
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Schulte, Henning ; Pleissner, Daniel ; Schönfelder, Stephanie ; Kvangarsnes, Kristine ; Dauksas, Egidijus ; Rustad, Turid ; Cropotova, Janna ; Heinz, Volker ; Smetana, Sergiy; Transformation of Seafood Side-Streams and Residuals into Valuable Products
Lülf, Rebekka H. ; Selg-Mann, Karl ; Hoffmann, Thomas ; Zheng, Tingting ; Schirmer, Melanie ; Ehrmann, Matthias A.; Carbohydrate Sources Influence the Microbiota and Flavour Profile of a Lupine-Based Moromi Fermentation
Zhang, Kundi ; Jiang, Dandan ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; Wang, Maofeng ; Gu, Lichuan ; Liu, Ziyong ; Ehrenreich, Armin; Confirmation of Glucose Transporters through Targeted Mutagenesis and Transcriptional Analysis in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Pavão, Diogo C. ; Jevšenak, Jernej ; Silva, Lurdes Borges ; Elias, Rui Bento ; Silva, Luís; Climate-Growth Relationships in Laurus azorica_A Dominant Tree in the Azorean Laurel Forest
Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Jedlicska, Nana ; Wijnen-Meijer, Marjo ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Schmidt-Bäse, Karen ; Renders, Lutz ; Weimann, Katja ; Konukiewitz, Björn ; Schlegel, Jürgen; Design and Transition of an Emergency E-Learning Pathology Course for Medical Students_Evaluation of a Novel Course Concept
Giacomello, Ginevra ; Otto, Carolin ; Priller, Josef ; Ruprecht, Klemens ; Böttcher, Chotima ; Parr, Maria Kristina; 1,2-13C2-Glucose Tracing Approach to Assess Metabolic Alterations of Human Monocytes under Neuroinflammatory Conditions
Colson, Cécilia ; Batrow, Pierre-Louis ; Dieckmann, Sebastian ; Contu, Laura ; Roux, Christian H. ; Balas, Laurence ; Vigor, Claire ; Fourmaux, Baptiste ; Gautier, Nadine ; Rochet, Nathalie ; Bernoud-Hubac, Nathalie ; Durand, Thierry ; Langin, Dominique ; Klingenspor, Martin ; Amri, Ez-Zoubir; Effects of Fatty Acid Metabolites on Adipocytes Britening: Role of Thromboxane A2
Ersoy, Franziska ; Beinhorn, Philine ; Schalk, Kathrin ; Scherf, Katharina A. ; Berger, Ralf G. ; Krings, Ulrich; A Prolyl Endopeptidase from Flammulina velutipes Degrades Celiac Disease-Inducing Peptides in Grain Flour Samples
Hiltner, Theresa ; Szörenyi, Noémi ; Kohlruss, Meike ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Herz, Anna-Lina ; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia ; Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Novotny, Alexander ; Lange, Sebastian ; Ott, Katja ; Weichert, Wilko ; Keller, Gisela; Significant Tumor Regression after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer, but Poor Survival of the Patient? Role of MHC Class I Alterations
Bar-Sinai, Karen Lee ; Shaked, Tom ; Fettahoglu, Elif Simge ; Krimm, Jochen ; Boucsein, Benedikt; Embedding Acoustic Analysis in Landscape Architecture Design Processes: A Case Study of Munich Airport
Ziegler, Wolfram ; Schölderle, Theresa ; Brendel, Bettina ; Risch, Verena ; Felber, Stefanie ; Ott, Katharina ; Goldenberg, Georg ; Vogel, Mathias ; Bötzel, Kai ; Zettl, Lena ; Lorenzl, Stefan ; Lampe, Renée ; Strecker, Katrin ; Synofzik, Matthis ; Lindig, Tobias ; Ackermann, Hermann ; Staiger, Anja; Speech and Nonspeech Parameters in the Clinical Assessment of Dysarthria: A Dimensional Analysis
Wohnrade, Camilla ; Velling, Ann-Kathrin ; Mix, Lucas ; Wurster, Claudia D. ; Cordts, Isabell ; Stolte, Benjamin ; Zeller, Daniel ; Uzelac, Zeljko ; Platen, Sophia ; Hagenacker, Tim ; Deschauer, Marcus ; Lingor, Paul ; Ludolph, Albert C. ; Lulé, Dorothée ; Petri, Susanne ; Osmanovic, Alma ; Schreiber-Katz, Olivia; Health-Related Quality of Life in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients and Their Caregivers_A Prospective, Cross-Sectional, Multi-Center Analysis
Reimer, Martin ; Mayer, Kai ; Van Opdenbosch, Daniel ; Scheibel, Thomas ; Zollfrank, Cordt; Biocompatible Optical Fibers Made of Regenerated Cellulose and Recombinant Cellulose-Binding Spider Silk
Wang, Fei ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Correction: Wang, F.; Multhoff, G. Repurposing Cannabidiol as a Potential Drug Candidate for Anti-Tumor Therapies. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 582
Herteleer, Michiel ; Runer, Armin ; Remppis, Magdalena ; Brouwers, Jonas ; Schneider, Friedemann ; Panagiotopoulou, Vasiliki C. ; Grimm, Bernd ; Hengg, Clemens ; Arora, Rohit ; Nijs, Stefaan ; Varga, Peter; Continuous Shoulder Activity Tracking after Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures
Bachmann, Denise ; Pal, Upasana ; Bockwoldt, Julia A. ; Schaffert, Lena ; Roentgen, Robin ; Büchs, Jochen ; Kalinowski, Jörn ; Blank, Lars M. ; Tiso, Till; C-, N-, S-, and P-Substrate Spectra in and the Impact of Abiotic Factors on Assessing the Biotechnological Potential of Paracoccus pantotrophus
Mastrone, Marco Nicola ; Hildebrand, Lucas ; Paschold, Constantin ; Lohner, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten ; Concli, Franco; Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Oil Flow in a Planetary Gearbox
Restrepo-Herrera, David ; Martinez, Walter ; Trejos-Grisales, Luz Adriana ; Restrepo-Cuestas, Bonie Johana; A Holistic Approach for Design and Assessment of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Systems
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime ; Korona-Glowniak, Izabela ; Minceva, Mirjana ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Trifan, Adriana; Value-Added Compounds with Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Enzyme-Inhibitory Effects from Post-Distillation and Post-Supercritical CO2 Extraction By-Products of Rosemary
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Trifan, Adriana; Post-Distillation By-Products of Aromatic Plants from Lamiaceae Family as Rich Sources of Antioxidants and Enzyme Inhibitors
Sweet, Fabio S. T. ; Noack, Peter ; Hauck, Thomas E. ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; The Relationship between Knowing and Liking for 91 Urban Animal Species among Students
Revilla, Pedro ; Butrón, Ana ; Rodriguez, Víctor Manuel ; Rincent, Renaud ; Charcosset, Alain ; Giauffret, Catherine ; Melchinger, Albrecht E. ; Schön, Chris-Carolin ; Bauer, Eva ; Altmann, Thomas ; Brunel, Dominique ; Moreno-González, Jesús ; Campo, Laura ; Ouzunova, Milena ; Álvarez, Ángel ; Ruíz de Galarreta, José Ignacio ; Laborde, Jacques ; Malvar, Rosa Ana; Genetic Variation for Cold Tolerance in Two Nested Association Mapping Populations
Regler, Fredrik ; Hausmann, Franz ; Krüger, Max ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Potential and Improvement of Maintenance Efficiency of Agricultural PTO Shafts by a New Digital Maintenance Assistant
Bawono, Ali Aryo ; NguyenDinh, Nen ; Thangaraj, Janaki ; Ertsey-Bayer, Maximilian ; Simon, Christoph ; Lechner, Bernhard ; Freudenstein, Stephan ; Yang, En-Hua; Study of Tire-Pavement Noise Acoustic Performance in Resilient Road Pavement Made of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites
Tannert, Swantje ; Eitel, Alexander ; Marder, Johanna ; Seidel, Tina ; Renkl, Alexander ; Glogger-Frey, Inga; How can signaling in authentic classroom videos support reasoning on how to induce learning strategies?
Akl, Mahmoud ; Ergene, Deniz ; Walter, Florian ; Knoll, Alois; Toward robust and scalable deep spiking reinforcement learning
Quoika, Patrick K. ; Kamenik, Anna S. ; Fernández-Quintero, Monica L. ; Zacharias, Martin ; Liedl, Klaus R.; Water model determines thermosensitive and physicochemical properties of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in molecular simulations
Roeder, Jan ; Liu, Jinghui ; Doch, Isabel ; Ruschhaupt, Moritz ; Christmann, Alexander ; Grill, Erwin ; Helmke, Hendrik ; Hohmann, Sabine ; Lehr, Stefan ; Frackenpohl, Jens ; Yang, Zhenyu; Abscisic acid agonists suitable for optimizing plant water use
Shuck, Sarah C. ; Achenbach, Peter ; Roep, Bart O. ; Termini, John S. ; Hernandez-Castillo, Carlos ; Winkler, Christiane ; Weiss, Andreas ; Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele; Methylglyoxal products in pre-symptomatic type 1 diabetes
Hanuna, Maja ; Pabst von Ohain, Jelena ; Haas, Nikolaus ; Mueller, Christoph S. ; Dalla-Pozza, Robert ; Fischer, Marcus ; Born, Frank ; Kamla, Christine ; Jakob, Andre ; Hagl, Christian ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Michel, Sebastian G.; Case report: Heart Mate III for systemic right ventricular support in a patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Kampaktsis, Polydoros N. ; Emfietzoglou, Maria ; Al Shehhi, Aamna ; Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia ; Bakogiannis, Constantinos ; Mouselimis, Dimitrios ; Tsarouchas, Anastasios ; Vassilikos, Vassilios P. ; Kallmayer, Michael ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Hadjileontiadis, Leontios ; Karlas, Angelos; Artificial intelligence in atherosclerotic disease: Applications and trends
Wirth, Markus ; Schmidl, Benedikt ; Wollenberg, Barbara ; Pigorsch, Steffi; Editorial: Challenges and their implications for the clinical practice of head and neck cancer
Prokofeva, Polina; Pushing the boundaries of affinity-based target deconvolution: Promiscuous immobilization of nature-made molecules and proteome-wide medicinal chemistry
Englbrecht, Fabian J.; Prediction of organoid growth with artificial neural networks
Stöckle, Patrick;Sammereier, Michael;Grobauer, Bernd;Pretschner, Alexander; Better Safe Than Sorry! Automated Identification of Functionality-Breaking Security-Configuration Rules
Arzt, Kathrin Viktoria; Untersuchung reibungsinduzierter Schwingungen an automobilen Türdichtkontakten
Lux, Marian;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; DDCAL: Evenly Distributing Data into Low Variance Clusters Based on Iterative Feature Scaling
Betz, Timm ; Pond, Amy; Politically Connected Owners
Karmann, Stephan ; Eicheldinger, Stefan ; Prager, Maximilian ; Jaensch, Malte ; Wachtmeister, Georg; Experimental comparison between an optical and an all-metal large bore engine
Schramm, Severin ; Börner, Corinna ; Reichert, Miriam ; Baum, Thomas ; Zimmer, Claus ; Heinen, Florian ; Bonfert, Michaela V ; Sollmann, Nico; Functional magnetic resonance imaging in migraine: A systematic review
Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Lindner, Felix ; Winkler, Philipp W. ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Mehl, Julian ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Feucht, Matthias J.; Clinical Effect of Isolated Lateral Closing Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy Compared to Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy for the Correction of Varus Malalignment: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis
Güresir, Erdem ; Lampmann, Tim ; Bele, Sylvia ; Czabanka, Marcus ; Czorlich, Patrick ; Gempt, Jens ; Goldbrunner, Roland ; Hurth, Helene ; Hermann, Elvis ; Jabbarli, Ramazan ; Krauthausen, Marius ; König, Ralph ; Lindner, Dirk ; Malinova, Vesna ; Meixensberger, Jürgen ; Mielke, Dorothee ; Németh, Robert ; Darkwah Oppong, Marvin ; Pala, Andrej ; Prinz, Vincent ; Rashidi, Ali ; Roder, Constantin ; Sandalcioglu, Ibrahim Erol ; Sauvigny, Thomas ; Schebesch, Karl-Michael ; Timmer, Marco ; Vajkoczy, Peter ; Wessels, Lars ; Wild, Florian ; Wilhelm, Christoph ; Wostrack, Maria ; Vatter, Hartmut ; Coch, Christoph; Fight INflammation to Improve outcome after aneurysmal Subarachnoid HEmorRhage (FINISHER) trial: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Vidafar, Parisa ; Spitschan, Manuel; Light on Shedding: A Review of Sex and Menstrual Cycle Differences in the Physiological Effects of Light in Humans
Kreutmayr, Simon; Elektromobilität im städtischen Verteilnetz
Kalsbach, Tobias; Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing
Greif, Simon; Räumlich hoch aufgelöste Analyse des technischen Potenzials von Wärmepumpen zur dezentralen Wärmeversorgung der Wohngebäude in Deutschland
Rieger, Karl August Georg Valentin; Direct detection of the self-modulation instability of a long relativistic proton bunch in the AWAKE Experiment
Dang, Ni; Brüdigam, Tim; Zhang, Zengjie; Liu, Fangzhou; Leibold, Marion; Buss, Martin; Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for a Microscopic Interactive Traffic Model
Dawo, F.; Buhr, J.; Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental assessment of an Organic Rankine Cycle with a partially evaporated working fluid
Wieland, C.; Schifflechner, C.; Dawo, F.; Astolfi, M.; The organic Rankine cycle power systems market: Recent developments and future perspectives
Plank, Eva Maria; Analyse der Blut- und Liquorkonzentrationen von Estradiol, Progesteron und Testosteron bei Patienten mit aneurysmatischer Subarachnoidalblutung: pathophysiologische Aspekte, Einfluss auf Vasospasmus und klinisches Outcome
Schleibinger, Sabrina Teresa; Die Bedeutung der Serinprotease TMPRSS2 im Kontext von Influenza-A-Virus-Infektionen im Haushuhn
Bauer, Maria G.;Lieleg, Oliver; Bio‐Macromolecular Surface Coatings for Autohesive, Transparent, Elastomeric Foils
Juhl M.-C., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Saraceno M.; Wind as driver of sub-annual SLA on South Brazil and Patagonian shelf
Knoche, Martin;Elkadeem, Mohamed;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Octuplet Loss: Make Face Recognition Robust to Image Resolution
Bock, Lennart; 3D impurity transport and dynamic wall evolution in the fusion experiment ASDEX Upgrade
Sorensen Wheatman, Kristina; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mahon, Mark; La Porta, Thomas; QoE-Analysis of 5G Network Resource Allocation Schemes for Competitive Multi-User Video Streaming Applications
Lammert, Jacqueline; Assessment of risk and risk factors for hereditary breast cancer & cardiovascular disease: Opportunities for diagnosis and prevention
Omland, Patrik;Peng, Yang;Paulitsch, Michael;Parra, Jorge;Espinosa, Gustavo;Daniel, Abishai;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; API-Based Hardware Fault Simulation for DNN Accelerators
Di Carlo, Daniel; Novel 18F-labeled Radiopharmaceuticals comprising Silicon-based Fluoride Acceptors
Ruhland, Johannes Martin; Beeinflussung des Nachlaufwirbelsystems einer Transportflugzeugkonfiguration mittels oszillierender Hinterkantenklappen
Reinhold, Sarah; Crossing the Rubicon: The Process of Study Choice and its Determinants
Bing, Zhenshan;Nitschke, Dominik;Zhuang, Genghang;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Towards cognitive navigation: A biologically inspired calibration mechanism for the head direction cell network
Sulzbach R., Hart-Davis M.G., Dettmering D., Thomas M.; Regularized Empirical Variance-Covariance-Matrices for stochastic gravity modeling of 8 major ocean tides (data)
Fehn, Natalie A.; Linear and Nonlinear Chiroptical Spectroscopy with the Aim of Asymmetric Heterogeneous Catalysis
Schulte, Stefan Andreas; Physics beyond the Standard Model: Exploring Dark Matter and Leptoquarks at the Large Hadron Collider
Wieland, C.; Schifflechner, C.; Braimakis, K.; Kaufmann, F.; Dawo, F.; Karellas, S.; Besagni, G.; Markides, C. N.; Innovations for organic Rankine cycle power systems: Current trends and future perspectives
Arne Linder; Übersetzer: Rahul Kanchan, Peter Stolze; Chen Qing; Modellbasierte Prädiktivregelung in der Antriebstechnik / Model-Based Predictive Control of Electric Drives / 模型预测控制与电力驱动技术
Koch, Kristina; Accelerators as Boundary Spanners between Startups and Corporates
Morbitzer, Mathias; Analyzing and Improving the Security of Trusted Execution Environments
Ridderbeek, Korneel; Development of Scattering Photon-Correlation Fourier Spectroscopy for In-Solution Sensing
Niklas Kochdumper; Hanna Krasowski; Xiao Wang; Stanley Bak; Matthias Althoff; Provably Safe Reinforcement Learning via Action Projection using Reachability Analysis and Polynomial Zonotopes
Aude Billard, Tamim Asfour, Oussama Khatib; What Can Algebraic Topology and Differential Geometry Teach Us About Intrinsic Dynamics and Global Behavior of Robots?
Schiele, Simon; Shape Memory Structures: Automatisierter Entwurf von unteraktuierten additiv gefertigten schlangenähnlichen Festkörpergelenkstrukturen
Augenstein, Hannah Madina Sarah; Gezielte Dotierung von getragenen Nickel-Nanopartikeln als Modellkatalysatoren für die Hydrierung von Kohlendioxid
Vogel, Manuel Johann; Determination of Equivalence Ratio Fluctuations in a Lean Premixed Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Combustor
tho Pesch, Fiona Maria; Understanding moral wiggle room: Situational conditionalities and interindividual differences in prosociality
Schoonjans, Eline; Real and Capital-Market Effects of Labor Market Frictions: Gender Quotas, Tokenism, and Unionization
Hofmeister, Florentin Benedikt; Advancing hydrological modeling in high-elevation Alpine catchments
Stettmer, Matthias Johannes; Analysis of the precision of digital technologies for recording the spatial variability of yield and nitrogen uptake in winter wheat as a basis for site-specific fertilization
Xu, Huihui; Synthesis, Isolation, and Reactivity of NHC-stabilized Aluminum Chalcogenides and Dialumenes
Jacob, Alina; Vergleich von DXA und opportunistischer spinaler QCT im Hinblick auf die Vorhersage inzidenteller Wirbelkörperfrakturen
Kupfer, Karina; Systematische Dosisreduktion in der neuroradiologischen Computertomographie-Bildgebung
Renner, Sebastian; Secure Lightweight Authenticated Encryption for Critical Infrastructures in the Internet of Things
Ayvasik, Serkut;Mehmeti, Fidan;Babaians, Edwin;Kellerer, Wolfgang; PEACH: Proactive and Environment-Aware Channel State Information Prediction with Depth Images
Then, Kristina; Nutritional programming of white adipose tissue growth and metabolism in adulthood
Bublitz, Dennis; A material model for the compaction process simulation of carbon fiber preforms
Nickl, Michael Ludwig; Developing Effective Scaffolding for Future Mathematics Teachers’ Assessment Skills in Simulations
Lambrecht, Laura Patricia; Funktionelle Auswirkungen von Acetylsalicylsäure auf die Thrombozytenfunktion von Trägern von genetischen Varianten im KHK-Risikogen GUCY1A1
Kübelsbeck, Ludwig Alexander; Dissecting Toll-like receptor 3 function in pancreatic regeneration and neoplastic transformation
Benker, Maximilian Johann Florian; Condition Monitoring of Machine Tool Feed Drives and Methods for the Estimation of Remaining Useful Life
Kain, Alphina Navapatr; A multisource approach to evaluating associated factors and disease burden of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia – STOPZOS
Thiel, Charlotte; Einfluss von CO2-Druck und Feuchtegehalt auf das Porengefüge von zementgebundenen Materialien während der Carbonatisierung
Li, Xinyi;Liu, Yinlong;Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan;Cao, Hu;Zhang, Feihu;Knoll, Alois; Globally Optimal Robust Radar Calibration in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Alshadafan, Abdel Fattah Ibrahim Abdel Fattah; Governance and Inclusiveness of International Standard-Setting: The Case of the International Electrotechnical Commission
Schifflechner, C.; Kuhnert, L.; Irrgang, L; Dawo, F.; Kaufmann, F.; Wieland, C; Spliethoff, H.; Geothermal trigeneration systems with Organic Rankine Cycles: Evaluation of different plant configurations considering part load behaviour
Gruber, T.; SAR Positioning for Geodetic Applications
Wöllner, Romy Constanze; Habitat configuration and metapopulations of endangered plants in Alpine rivers - How can river restoration support species conservation in a dynamic system?
Binder, J.; Jaensch, M.; Wachtmeister, G.; Verbesserung der Floating-Liner Methode zur Messung der Kolbengruppenreibung durch Einsatz doppelschrägverzahnter Zahnriemen.
Golibrzuch, Matthias; Nanoimprint Lithography: Advances and Applications
Gückelhorn, Janine; Magnon Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Insulators
Ahmed, Shamim;Sarker, Swapan Kumar;Kamruzzaman, Md;Ema, Juthika Afneen;Saagulo Naabeh, Clement Sullibie;Cudjoe, Eric;Chowdhury, Faqrul Islam;Pretzsch, Hans; How biotic, abiotic, and functional variables drive belowground soil carbon stocks along stress gradient in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest?
Paper, Michael Josef Dieter; Metal Biosorption by Cyanobacteria Focusing on the Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements
Janacek, Dorina P.; PIN-FORMED PROTEINs from Arabidopsis thaliana: Biochemical characterization of functional domains and transport properties
Zaragoza Mulas, Adriana Pilar; Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Ability to Connect Professional Knowledge with Lesson Planning
Weikl, Simone;Mayer, Patricia; Data-driven quality assessment of cycling networks
Berdysheva, Sofia; Issues brought by energy transition on levels of firms, industries, and global trade
Hauenstein, Jürgen; Kooperative Längsführung für Nutzfahrzeuge
Doll, Anaïs Marie Theresa; Vergleich unterschiedlicher Biopsietechniken zur molekularen Diagnostik bei chronisch entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen
Großkopf, Johannes Josef; Breaking the Mirror: Development of New Photochemical Deracemization Reactions
Jiao, Chunting;Zhang, Lin;Su, Xiaojie;Huang, Jiangshuai;Bing, Zhenshan;Knoll, Alois; Task-Based Compliance Control for Bottle Screw Manipulation With a Dual-Arm Robot
Hiller, Max Johannes; Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Copper-Based Catalysts in the Butyraldehyde Hydrogenation
Geist, Juergen;Benedict, Alia;Dobler, Andreas H.;Hoess, Rebecca;Hoos, Philipp; Functional interactions of non-native aquatic fauna with European freshwater bivalves: implications for management
Geldreich, Katharina; Programmieren in der Grundschule
Schroeder, Philip; On the Advantages of Nonlinear Continuum Scale Filtration Models
Rostami-Shahrbabaki, Majid;Weikl, Simone;Niels, Tanja;Bogenberger, Klaus; Modeling Vehicle Flocking in Lane-Free Automated Traffic
Bian, Qiang; Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for High Temperature Metal Casting and Health Monitoring of Metal Structures
Zhai, Simon Ximeng; A Data-Driven Approach for Predictive Maintenance Integrated Production Scheduling
Räth, Mario; Beyond gyrokinetic theory
Stephan Sinzig, Thomas Hollweck, Christoph P. Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall.; A Finite Element Formulation to Three-Dimensionally Resolve Space-Charge Layers in Solid Electrolytes
Denninger, Maximilian; Persistent Learning for Semantic Indoor Mapping in Dynamic Environments
Chen, Shu Yu; Interaction and Modulation of γ-Secretase and Amyloid Precursor Protein Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Patri, Sai Kireet; Planning and Control of Disaggregated Quantum-Safe Optical Transport Networks
Burschinski, Angelika; Netzwerk-Metaanalyse zu metabolischen Nebenwirkungen von Antipsychotika in der mittel- bis langfristigen Therapie der Schizophrenie
Kremser, Stephan Michael; Computational Models for Cellular Pattern Formation with Local Interactions
Schlaak, M.; Graf, M.; Pail, R.; Long-term Trend Estimation of Climate Related Mass Transport in Satellite Gravity Simulations
Graf, M.; Schlaak, M.; Pail, R.; Time Series of Mass Trends for the Greenland Ice Sheet and Peripheral Glaciers
Schlaak, M.; Schiller, S.; Gruber, Th.; 3D SAR Positioning Results - Experiences with Electronic Corner Reflectors
Schiller, S.; Gruber, Th.; Schlaak, M.; First Evaluation of Swedish and Finnish Corner Reflectors
Al Kim, Haider Abdul Hassan Hadi; Coding and Bounds for Unreliable Data Storage Memories
Wegat, Vanessa; Engineering of FLS and RuMP pathway modules for synthetic methylotrophy in yeast
Kiechle, Martina; Ion-beam irradiation presented as a universal fabrication method for spin-wave devices in YIG
Wang, Zhe; Microbial nitrogen cycling in sediments of an agricultural stream as impacted by stream-groundwater exchange
Hayden Liu Weng; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Felix Dietrich; Data-Driven Solver Selection for Sparse Linear Matrices at Scale
Geyer, Sebastian Karl; Structural reliability analysis accounting for spatial variability and measurements
Funke , Victor; Knöcherne Risikofaktoren der patellofemoralen Instabilität: eine radiologische Untersuchung
Turrina, Chiara Maria; Magnetic drug delivery: Iron oxide nanoparticles as a drug carrier for the antimicrobial peptide lasioglossin
Groß, Elisabeth; Surface Modification of 0D and 2D Silicon Nanomaterials: Towards Anisotropic Materials and Application in Optoelectronics
Genzel, Christoph;Klaus, Manuela;Hempel, Nico;Nitschke-Pagel, Thomas;Pantleon, Karen; Energy-dispersive X-ray stress analysis under geometric constraints: exploiting the material's inherent anisotropy
Toelstede, Jan-Niklas; Electromagnetic and power-suppressed effects in exclusive B decays
Pechinger, Mathias; Collective Perception using Roadside ITS Stations: Simulations on Traffic Safety and Efficiency of Urban Automated Driving
Bohnacker, Sina; From viruses to worms - regulation of macrophage activation in infectious disease
Abdalla, Mohanned ; Schweiger, Andreas H. ; Berauer, Bernd J. ; McAdam, Scott A. M. ; Ahmed, Mutez Ali; Constant hydraulic supply and ABA dynamics facilitate the trade-offs in water and carbon
Kellberg, Sarah ; Nordine, Jeffrey ; Keller, Melanie ; Lewalter, Doris; Fostering students' willingness to act pro-environmentally through an identity-oriented socio-scientific exhibition on the energy transition
Schwendner, Maximilian ; Liang, Raimunde ; Butenschön, Vicki M. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Ille, Sebastian ; Krieg, Sandro M.; The one-stop-shop approach: Navigating lumbar 360-degree instrumentation in a single position
Kraus, Kim Melanie ; Oreshko, Maksym ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth ; Peeken, Jan Caspar; Dosiomics and radiomics to predict pneumonitis after thoracic stereotactic body radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibition
Pander, Joachim ; Casas-Mulet, Roser ; Geist, Juergen; Contribution of a groundwater-influenced hinterland drainage system to the restoration of salmonid spawning grounds at the upper river Danube
Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; On, Begum Irmak ; Mühlau, Mark ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Berthele, Achim ; Gasperi, Christiane ; Mansmann, Ulrich ; Wuschek, Alexander ; Bussas, Matthias ; Boeker, Martin ; Bayas, Antonios ; Senel, Makbule ; Havla, Joachim ; Kowarik, Markus C. ; Kuhn, Klaus ; Gatz, Ingrid ; Spengler, Helmut ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Grundl, Lioba ; Sepp, Dominik ; Hemmer, Bernhard; Retrospective cohort study to devise a treatment decision score predicting adverse 24-month radiological activity in early multiple sclerosis
Schiffer, Carolin J. ; Grätz, Christian ; Pfaffl, Michael W. ; Vogel, Rudi F. ; Ehrmann, Matthias A.; Characterization of the Staphylococcus xylosus methylome reveals a new variant of type I restriction modification system in staphylococci
Fischer, Maximillian ; Jakab, Moritz ; Hirt, Marc N. ; Werner, Tessa R. ; Engelhardt, Stefan ; Sarikas, Antonio; Identification of hypertrophy-modulating Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases in primary cardiomyocytes
Hiltensperger, Michael ; Krackhardt, Angela M.; Current and future concepts for the generation and application of genetically engineered CAR-T and TCR-T cells
Grab, Maximilian ; Hundertmark, Fabian ; Thierfelder, Nikolaus ; Fairchild, Matthew ; Mela, Petra ; Hagl, Christian ; Grefen, Linda; New perspectives in patient education for cardiac surgery using 3D-printing and virtual reality
Huang, Junjie ; Liang, Susu ; Li, Longhui ; Li, Xingyi ; Liao, Xiang ; Hu, Qianshuo ; Zhang, Chunqing ; Jia, Hongbo ; Chen, Xiaowei ; Wang, Meng ; Li, Ruijie; Daily two-photon neuronal population imaging with targeted single-cell electrophysiology and subcellular imaging in auditory cortex of behaving mice
Alhussien, Mohanned Naif ; Dang, Ajay Kumar ; Bu, Dengpan; Editorial: Strategies for mitigating the transition period stress in dairy cattle
Empere, Marta ; Wang, Xujia ; Prein, Carina ; Aspberg, Anders ; Moser, Markus ; Oohashi, Toshitaka ; Clausen-Schaumann, Hauke ; Aszodi, Attila ; Alberton, Paolo; Aggrecan governs intervertebral discs development by providing critical mechanical cues of the extracellular matrix
Bing, Zhenshan ; Yang, Chenguang ; Knoll, Alois; Editorial: Neuromorphic engineering for robotics
Paper, Michael ; Koch, Max ; Jung, Patrick ; Lakatos, Michael ; Nilges, Tom ; Brück, Thomas B.; Rare earths stick to rare cyanobacteria: Future potential for bioremediation and recovery of rare earth elements
Perin, Stephanie ; Lai, Rhoda ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; You, Emily ; Kurz, Alexander ; Tensil, Maria ; Wenz, Michael ; Foertsch, Bettina ; Lautenschlager, Nicola T; Online counselling for family carers of people with young onset dementia: The RHAPSODY-Plus pilot study
Maidl, Stephan ; Hilbck, Maximilian ; Kind, Kalle ; Drechsler, Klaus; Optical inspection of the braid formation zone during manufacturing of preforms from reinforcement fibers for defect detection purposes
Coskun, Ömer K. ; Gomez-Saez, Gonzalo V. ; Beren, Murat ; Ozcan, Dogacan ; Hosgormez, Hakan ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Orsi, William D.; Carbon metabolism and biogeography of candidate phylum
Knoedler, Samuel ; Hoch, Cosima C. ; Huelsboemer, Lioba ; Knoedler, Leonard ; Stögner, Viola A. ; Pomahac, Bohdan ; Kauke-Navarro, Martin ; Colen, David; Postoperative free flap monitoring in reconstructive surgery_man or machine?
Tetteh, Giles ; Navarro, Fernando ; Meier, Raphael ; Kaesmacher, Johannes ; Paetzold, Johannes C. ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Zimmer, Claus ; Wiest, Roland ; Menze, Bjoern H.; A deep learning approach to predict collateral flow in stroke patients using radiomic features from perfusion images
Balalian, Arin A. ; Graeve, Richard ; Richter, Matthias ; Fink, Astrid ; Kielstein, Heike ; Martins, Silvia S. ; Philbin, Morgan M. ; Factor-Litvak, Pam; Prenatal exposure to opioids and neurodevelopment in infancy and childhood: A systematic review
Afzali, Ali M. ; Moog, Philipp ; Kalluri, Sudhakar Reddy ; Hofauer, Benedikt ; Knopf, Andreas ; Kirschke, Jan Stefan ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Berthele, Achim; CNS demyelinating events in primary Sjögren's syndrome: A single-center case series on the clinical phenotype
Kehl, Alexandra ; Valkai, Mario ; Van de Weyer, Anna-Lena ; Brockmann, Maria ; Steiger, Katja ; Schusser, Benjamin ; Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike; miRNA Profiles of Canine Intestinal Carcinomas, Lymphomas and Enteritis Analysed by Digital Droplet PCR from FFPE Material
Willy, Christian ; Bugert, Joachim J. ; Classen, Annika Y. ; Deng, Li ; Düchting, Anja ; Gross, Justus ; Hammerl, Jens A. ; Korf, Imke H. E. ; Kühn, Christian ; Lieberknecht-Jouy, Simone ; Rohde, Christine ; Rupp, Markus ; Vehreschild, Maria J. G. T. ; Vogele, Kilian ; Wienecke, Sarah ; Witzenrath, Martin ; Würstle, Silvia ; Ziehr, Holger ; Moelling, Karin ; Broecker, Felix; Phage Therapy in Germany_Update 2023
Siegl, Manuel ; Kämpf, Manuel ; Geier, Dominik ; Andreeßen, Björn ; Max, Sebastian ; Zavrel, Michael ; Becker, Thomas; Generalizability of Soft Sensors for Bioprocesses through Similarity Analysis and Phase-Dependent Recalibration
Mahapatra, Tanmaya ; Tsiamitros, Nikolaos ; Rohr, Anton Moritz ; K, Kailashnath ; Pipelidis, Georgios; Pedestrian Augmented Reality Navigator
Abele, Anrijs ; Royston, Sam ; Bamber, Jonathan; The Impact of Altimetry Corrections of Sentinel-3A Sea Surface Height in the Coastal Zone of the Northwest Atlantic
Napolitano, Fabrizio ; Addazi, Andrea ; Bassi, Angelo ; Bazzi, Massimiliano ; Bragadireanu, Mario ; Cargnelli, Michael ; Clozza, Alberto ; De Paolis, Luca ; Del Grande, Raffaele ; Derakhshani, Maaneli ; Donadi, Sandro ; Fiorini, Carlo ; Guaraldo, Carlo ; Iliescu, Mihail ; Laubenstein, Matthias ; Manti, Simone ; Marcianò, Antonino ; Marton, Johann ; Miliucci, Marco ; Milotti, Edoardo ; Piscicchia, Kristian ; Porcelli, Alessio ; Scordo, Alessandro ; Sgaramella, Francesco ; Sirghi, Diana Laura ; Sirghi, Florin ; Doce, Oton Vazquez ; Zmeskal, Johann ; Curceanu, Catalina; Underground Tests of Quantum Mechanics by the VIP Collaboration at Gran Sasso
Ziegler, David ; Wolff, Sebastian ; Agu, Ana-Beatrice ; Cortiana, Giorgio ; Umair, Muhammad ; Durfort, Flore de ; Neumann, Esther ; Walther, Georg ; Kristiansen, Jakob ; Lienkamp, Markus; How to Measure Sustainability? An Open-Data Approach
Elkeiy, Mohamed A. ; Abdelaziz, Yousef N. ; Hamad, Mostafa S. ; Abdel-Khalik, Ayman S. ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Multiport DC-DC Converter with Differential Power Processing for Fast EV Charging Stations
Elsässer, Christina ; Mayr, Veronika ; Montag, Peter ; Angelin, Eva Mariasole ; Hilbig, Harald ; Grosse, Christian Ulrich ; Pamplona, Marisa; Mock-Ups in Plastic Conservation Research: Processing and Aging of 3D Celluloid Specimens Simulating Historical Objects
Dong, Qiuling ; Sidra, Sidra ; Gieger, Christian ; Wang-Sattler, Rui ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Prehn, Cornelia ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Peters, Annette ; Grallert, Harald ; Sharma, Sapna; Metabolic Signatures Elucidate the Effect of Body Mass Index on Type 2 Diabetes
Otte, Anna-Lena ; Mai, Phuong Thao ; Stark, Andreas ; Hoelzel, Markus ; Hofmann, Michael ; Gibmeier, Jens; Kinetics of Martensite Decomposition and Microstructure Stability of Ti-6246 during Rapid Heating to Service Temperatures
Locke, Christopher ; Guggemos, Martin ; Gruber, Maximilian ; Maier, Lorenz ; Mayr, Lukas ; Weiß, Tony ; Volk, Wolfram ; Günther, Daniel; Compound Casting of Aluminum with Sheet Steel in 3D Sand Casting Using an Inductive Heating System
Pakbin, Babak ; Dibazar, Shaghayegh Pishkhan ; Allahyari, Samaneh ; Shariatifar, Hanifeh ; Brück, Wolfram Manuel ; Farasat, Alireza; ACE2-Inhibitory Effects of Bromelain and Ficin in Colon Cancer Cells
Fahrenholtz, Ida L. ; Melin, Anna K. ; Garthe, Ina ; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte ; Ivarsson, Andreas ; Koehler, Karsten ; Logue, Danielle ; Lundström, Petra ; Madigan, Sharon ; Wasserfurth, Paulina ; Torstveit, Monica K.; Effects of a 16-Week Digital Intervention on Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Behavior in Female Endurance Athletes with Risk of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs)
Brajkovic, Sarah ; Rugen, Nils ; Agius, Carlos ; Berner, Nicola ; Eckert, Stephan ; Sakhteman, Amirhossein ; Schwechheimer, Claus ; Kuster, Bernhard; Getting Ready for Large-Scale Proteomics in Crop Plants
Stadler, Sebastian ; Cornet, Henriette ; Frenkler, Fritz; Assessing Heuristic Evaluation in Immersive Virtual Reality_A Case Study on Future Guidance Systems
Pinuji, Sukmo ; de Vries, Walter Timo ; Rineksi, Trisnanti Widi ; Wahyuni, Wahyuni; Is Obliterated Land Still Land? Tenure Security and Climate Change in Indonesia
Stark da Silva, Priscila Weruska ; Duarte, Denise ; Pauleit, Stephan; The Role of the Design of Public Squares and Vegetation Composition on Human Thermal Comfort in Different Seasons a Quantitative Assessment
Kalbas, Yannik ; Jung, Hoijoon ; Ricklin, John ; Jin, Ge ; Li, Mingjian ; Rauer, Thomas ; Dehghani, Shervin ; Navab, Nassir ; Kim, Jinman ; Pape, Hans-Christoph ; Heining, Sandro-Michael; Remote Interactive Surgery Platform (RISP): Proof of Concept for an Augmented-Reality-Based Platform for Surgical Telementoring
Seibold, Matthias ; Spirig, José Miguel ; Esfandiari, Hooman ; Farshad, Mazda ; Fürnstahl, Philipp; Translation of Medical AR Research into Clinical Practice
Henkelmann, Ralf ; Hepp, Pierre ; Mester, Bastian ; Dudda, Marcel ; Braun, Philipp-Johannes ; Kleen, Sebastian ; Zellner, Johannes ; Galler, Michael ; Koenigshausen, Matthias ; Schildhauer, Thomas A. ; Saier, Tim ; Trulson, Inga ; Dey Hazra, Rony-Orijit ; Lill, Helmut ; Glaab, Richard ; Bolt, Basil ; Wagner, Marcus ; Raschke, Michael J. ; Katthagen, Jan Christoph; Assessment of Complication Risk in the Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures: A Retrospective Analysis of 4019 Patients
Brandl, Andreas ; Egner, Christoph ; Reer, Rüdiger ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Schleip, Robert; Immediate Effects of Myofascial Release Treatment on Lumbar Microcirculation: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Hoch, Matti ; Rauthe, Jannik ; Cesnulevicius, Konstantin ; Schultz, Myron ; Lescheid, David ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Chiurchiù, Valerio ; Gupta, Shailendra; Cell-Type-Specific Gene Regulatory Networks of Pro-Inflammatory and Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediator Biosynthesis in the Immune System
Klatt, Ann-Brit ; Diersing, Christina ; Lippmann, Juliane ; Mayer-Lambertz, Sabine ; Stegmann, Felix ; Fischer, Swantje ; Caesar, Sandra ; Fiocca Vernengo, Facundo ; Hönzke, Katja ; Hocke, Andreas C. ; Ruland, Jürgen ; Witzenrath, Martin ; Lepenies, Bernd ; Opitz, Bastian; CLEC12A Binds to Legionella pneumophila but Has No Impact on the Host's Antibacterial Response
Meyer-Lindemann, Ulrike ; Moggio, Aldo ; Dutsch, Alexander ; Kessler, Thorsten ; Sager, Hendrik B.; The Impact of Exercise on Immunity, Metabolism, and Atherosclerosis
Gonçalves, Juliana Pereira Lopes ; Bollwein, Christine ; Noske, Aurelia ; Jacob, Anne ; Jank, Paul ; Loibl, Sibylle ; Nekljudova, Valentina ; Fasching, Peter A. ; Karn, Thomas ; Marmé, Frederik ; Müller, Volkmar ; Schem, Christian ; Sinn, Bruno Valentin ; Stickeler, Elmar ; van Mackelenbergh, Marion ; Schmitt, Wolfgang D. ; Denkert, Carsten ; Weichert, Wilko ; Schwamborn, Kristina; Characterization of Hormone Receptor and HER2 Status in Breast Cancer Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Küchler, Ann-Marie ; Schultchen, Dana ; Dretzler, Tim ; Moshagen, Morten ; Ebert, David D. ; Baumeister, Harald; A Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness, Acceptance, and Negative Effects of StudiCare Mindfulness, an Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for College Students with No and
Mantovani, Lorenzo G. ; Cozzolino, Paolo ; Ferrara, Pietro ; Virdone, Saverio ; Camm, A. John ; Verheugt, Freek W. A. ; Bassand, Jean-Pierre ; Turpie, Alexander G. G. ; Hacke, Werner ; Kayani, Gloria ; Goldhaber, Samuel Z. ; Goto, Shinya ; Pieper, Karen S. ; Gersh, Bernard J. ; Fox, Keith A. A. ; Haas, Sylvia ; van Eickels, Martin ; Kakkar, Ajay K.; Healthcare Resource Utilization in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation: A Global Analysis from the GARFIELD-AF Registry
Chatterjee, Koushik ; Chael, Andrew ; Tiede, Paul ; Mizuno, Yosuke ; Emami, Razieh ; Fromm, Christian ; Ricarte, Angelo ; Blackburn, Lindy ; Roelofs, Freek ; Johnson, Michael D. ; Doeleman, Sheperd S. ; Arras, Philipp ; Fuentes, Antonio ; Knollmüller, Jakob ; Kosogorov, Nikita ; Lindahl, Greg ; Müller, Hendrik ; Patel, Nimesh ; Raymond, Alexander ; Traianou, Efthalia ; Vega, Justin; Accretion Flow Morphology in Numerical Simulations of Black Holes from the ngEHT Model Library: The Impact of Radiation Physics
Gärtner, Sebastian ; Marx-Schubach, Thomas ; Gaderer, Matthias ; Schmitz, Gerhard ; Sterner, Michael; Techno-Economic Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Separation for an Innovative Energy Concept towards Low-Emission Glass Melting
Buchenberg, Patrick ; Addanki, Thushara ; Franzmann, David ; Winkler, Christoph ; Lippkau, Felix ; Hamacher, Thomas ; Kuhn, Philipp ; Heinrichs, Heidi ; Blesl, Markus; Global Potentials and Costs of Synfuels via Fischer-Tropsch Process
Koruyucu, Ayşe ; Blums, Karlis ; Peest, Tillmann ; Schmack-Rauscher, Laura ; Brück, Thomas ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; High-Cell-Density Yeast Oil Production with Diluted Substrates Imitating Microalgae Hydrolysate Using a Membrane Bioreactor
Karmann, Stephan ; Eicheldinger, Stefan ; Prager, Maximilian ; Jaensch, Malte ; Wachtmeister, Georg; Optical and Thermodynamic Investigations of a Methane- and Hydrogen-Blend-Fueled Large-Bore Engine Using a Fisheye Optical System
Fleischer, Timo ; Deibl, Ines ; Moser, Stephanie ; Strahl, Alexander ; Maier, Simone ; Zumbach, Joerg; Mobile Eye Tracking during Experimenting with Digital Scaffolding_Gaze Shifts between Augmented Reality and Experiment during Zinc Iodide Electrolysis Set-Up
Günlü, Onur ; Schaefer, Rafael F. ; Boche, Holger ; Poor, H. Vincent; Information Theoretic Methods for Future Communication Systems
Schoenfeld, Julia ; Roeh, Astrid ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; von Korn, Pia ; Haller, Bernhard ; Krueger, Kimberly ; Falkai, Peter ; Halle, Martin ; Hasan, Alkomiet ; Scherr, Johannes; High-mobility group box 1 protein, receptor for advanced glycation end products and nucleosomes increases after marathon
Piscicchia, Kristian ; Porcelli, Alessio ; Bassi, Angelo ; Bazzi, Massimiliano ; Bragadireanu, Mario ; Cargnelli, Michael ; Clozza, Alberto ; De Paolis, Luca ; Del Grande, Raffaele ; Derakhshani, Maaneli ; Lajos, Diósi ; Donadi, Sandro ; Guaraldo, Carlo ; Iliescu, Mihai ; Laubenstein, Matthias ; Manti, Simone ; Marton, Johann ; Miliucci, Marco ; Napolitano, Fabrizio ; Scordo, Alessandro ; Sgaramella, Francesco ; Sirghi, Diana Laura ; Sirghi, Florin ; Vazquez Doce, Oton ; Zmeskal, Johann ; Curceanu, Catalina; A Novel Approach to Parameter Determination of the Continuous Spontaneous Localization Collapse Model
Deppe, Dominik ; Ziegeler, Katharina ; Hermann, Kay Geert A. ; Proft, Fabian ; Poddubnyy, Denis ; Radny, Felix ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Muhle, Maximilian ; Diekhoff, Torsten; Dual-Energy-CT for Osteitis and Fat Lesions in Axial Spondyloarthritis: How Feasible Is Low-Dose Scanning?
Bühler, Michael Max ; Nübel, Konrad ; Jelinek, Thorsten ; Riechert, David ; Bauer, Thomas ; Schmid, Thomas ; Schneider, Martin; Data Cooperatives as a Catalyst for Collaboration, Data Sharing and the Digital Transformation of the Construction Sector
Hu, Pan ; Aghajanirefah, Hamidreza ; Anvari, Arsalan ; Nehdi, Moncef L.; Combining Artificial Neural Network and Seeker Optimization Algorithm for Predicting Compression Capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns
Hoffmann, Christina ; Schneider, Tamara ; Wannous, Chadia ; Nyberger, Karolina ; Haavardsson, Ingeborg ; Gilmore, Brynne ; Quigley, Paula ; Winkler, Andrea S. ; Ludwig, Sabine; Impact of COVID-19 on the private and professional lives of highly educated women working in global health in Europe_A qualitative study
Hoefele, Julia ; Rao, Jia ; Mallett, Andrew J.; Editorial: Genetics and epigenetics of chronic kidney disease
Amberg-Schwab, Sabine ; Müller, Kajetan ; Somorowsky, Ferdinand ; Sängerlaub, Sven; UV-Activated, Transparent Oxygen Scavenger Coating Based on Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Polymer (ORMOCER®) with High Oxygen Absorption Capacity
Vidovic, Maximilian ; Müschen, Lars Hendrik ; Brakemeier, Svenja ; Machetanz, Gerrit ; Naumann, Marcel ; Castro-Gomez, Sergio; Current State and Future Directions in the Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Cordts, Isabell ; Wachinger, Annika ; Scialo, Carlo ; Lingor, Paul ; Polymenidou, Magdalini ; Buratti, Emanuele ; Feneberg, Emily; TDP-43 Proteinopathy Specific Biomarker Development
Vaupel, Peter ; Piazena, Helmut ; Notter, Markus ; Thomsen, Andreas R. ; Grosu, Anca-L. ; Scholkmann, Felix ; Pockley, Alan Graham ; Multhoff, Gabriele; From Localized Mild Hyperthermia to Improved Tumor Oxygenation: Physiological Mechanisms Critically Involved in Oncologic Thermo-Radio-Immunotherapy
Wu, Zhiyuan ; Stangl, Stefan ; Hernandez-Schnelzer, Alicia ; Wang, Fei ; Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, Morteza ; Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Functionalized Hybrid Iron Oxide-Gold Nanoparticles Targeting Membrane Hsp70 Radiosensitize Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by ROS-Mediated Apoptosis
Tolpadi, Aniket A. ; Bharadwaj, Upasana ; Gao, Kenneth T. ; Bhattacharjee, Rupsa ; Gassert, Felix G. ; Luitjens, Johanna ; Giesler, Paula ; Morshuis, Jan Nikolas ; Fischer, Paul ; Hein, Matthias ; Baumgartner, Christian F. ; Razumov, Artem ; Dylov, Dmitry ; Lohuizen, Quintin van ; Fransen, Stefan J. ; Zhang, Xiaoxia ; Tibrewala, Radhika ; de Moura, Hector Lise ; Liu, Kangning ; Zibetti, Marcelo V. W. ; Regatte, Ravinder ; Majumdar, Sharmila ; Pedoia, Valentina; K2S Challenge: From Undersampled K-Space to Automatic Segmentation
Theiler, Michael ; Schneider, Dominik ; Endisch, Christian; Experimental Investigation of State and Parameter Estimation within Reconfigurable Battery Systems
Lerchl, Tanja ; Nispel, Kati ; Baum, Thomas ; Bodden, Jannis ; Senner, Veit ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Multibody Models of the Thoracolumbar Spine: A Review on Applications, Limitations, and Challenges
Bashir, Bashar ; Alsalman, Abdullah ; Bachir, Hussein ; Elnobi, Mahmoud; GIS-Analysis for Active Tectonics Assessment of Wadi Al-Arish, Egypt
Miller, Marius ; Pfeil, Markus ; Reick, Benedikt ; Murri, Raphael ; Stetter, Ralf ; Kennel, Ralph; Measurement and Modeling of a Cargo Bicycle Tire for Vehicle Dynamics Simulation
Ryzhov, Vyacheslav ; Deriglazov, Vladimir ; Grouzdev, Denis ; Koziaeva, Veronika ; Kiselev, Igor ; Larionov, Ivan ; Gareev, Kamil ; Sitkov, Nikita ; Zimina, Tatiana ; Marchenko, Yaroslav ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Biogenic Nanomagnetic Carriers Derived from Magnetotactic Bacteria: Magnetic Parameters of Magnetosomes Inside Magnetospirillum spp.
Murillo, Carla ; Weil, Ann B. ; Moore, George E. ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Ko, Jeff C.; Electroencephalographic and Cardiovascular Changes Associated with Propofol Constant Rate of Infusion Anesthesia in Young Healthy Dogs
Miller, Regina ; Grott, Andrea ; Patzkéwitsch, Dorian ; Döring, Dorothea ; Abendschön, Nora ; Deffner, Pauline ; Reiser, Judith ; Ritzmann, Mathias ; Saller, Anna M. ; Schmidt, Paul ; Senf, Steffanie ; Werner, Julia ; Baumgartner, Christine ; Zöls, Susanne ; Erhard, Michael ; Bergmann, Shana; Behavior of Piglets in an Observation Arena before and after Surgical Castration with Local Anesthesia
Tomatis, Francisco ; Egerer, Monika ; Correa-Guimaraes, Adriana ; Navas-Gracia, Luis Manuel; Urban Gardening in a Changing Climate: A Review of Effects, Responses and Adaptation Capacities for Cities
Scholl, M.; Passek, M.; Lainer, M.; Schneider, F.; Taddei, F.; Müller, G.; Data-based localisation methods using simulated data with application to small-scale structures
Rieser, Jasper; Zimmermann, Markus; On the design of internal features for additive manufacturing
Cao, Hu; Deep Representation Learning for Object Perception Based on Attention Mechanisms
Zhong, Bingzhuo; Formal Methods for Sandboxing Controllers in Cyber-Physical Systems
Gantert, Nina;Klenke, Achim; Biased Random Walk on Spanning Trees of the Ladder Graph
Gantert, Nina;Nestoridi, Evita;Schmid, Dominik; Mixing times for the simple exclusion process with open boundaries
Würbser, Michaela Angela; Chemically fueled self-assembly approach toward life-like materials
Renner, Julian Benedict; Flame Dynamics Investigation of the Lean Burnout Zone of an RQL Combustion Chamber
Müller, Florian ; Cañal-Bruland, Rouwen; On the relationship between individual differences in motives and motor performance
Langer, Marcel ; Kates, Ronald ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Simulation of Urban Crash Occurrence Based on Real-World Crash Data
Obermeier, Daniel Quirin; Blockchains’ Potential to Reshape the Economy: An Examination of Trust and Decentralization in Smart Contract-Based Applications
Gilg, Johannes;Teepe, Torben;Herzog, Fabian;Rigoll, Gerhard; The Box Size Confidence Bias Harms Your Object Detector
Elsner, Daniel Valentin; Integrating System and Process Characteristics into Regression Test Optimization
Peis, Leander M.; Near- and far-field Raman spectroscopy as an experimental approach to correlated kagome metals
Willinger, Laura; Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Activity Promotion in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease
Babl, Leon; Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of a Bacterial Protein Family
Hilgert, Nicolas W.; Azole Coupling Reactions via Combining Sulfonium Activation and Concepts of Catalytic Metalation
Pablo Budde gen. Dohmann, Sandra Hirche; Event-Triggered Pose Synchronization in SE(3) for Cooperating Multi-Robot Teams
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Kyle Davis; Benjamin Rodenberg; Miriam Schulte; Frédéric Simonis; Benjamin Uekermann; Georg Abrams; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Lucia Cheung Yau; Ishaan Desai; Konrad Eder; Richard Hertrich; Florian Lindner; Alexander Rusch; Dmytro Sashko; David Schneider; Amin Totounferoush; Dominik Volland; Peter Vollmer; Oguz Ziya Koseomur; preCICE: A sustainable and user-friendly coupling ecosystem for partitioned simulations
Wang, Kun; Fiber-Optic Multimode Interference Sensing and Imaging
Marquez Macias, Fabian Ignacio; Investigation and Prediction of the Mixture Quality in Multi-Injector Burner Systems
Sochor, Robin Dennis; Verbesserung des Wissensmanagements in der manuellen Montage durch Einsatz eines Anreizsystems
Mangler, Juergen;Grüger, Joscha;Malburg, Lukas;Ehrendorfer, Matthias;Bertrand, Yannis;Benzin, Janik-Vasily;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie;Serral Asensio, Estefania;Bergmann, Ralph; DataStream XES Extension: Embedding IoT Sensor Data into Extensible Event Stream Logs
Beerepoot, Iris;Di Ciccio, Claudio;Reijers, Hajo A.;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie;Bandara, Wasana;Burattin, Andrea;Calvanese, Diego;Chen, Tianwa;Cohen, Izack;Depaire, Benoît;Di Federico, Gemma;Dumas, Marlon;van Dun, Christopher;Fehrer, Tobias;Fischer, Dominik A.;Gal, Avigdor;Indulska, Marta;Isahagian, Vatche;Klinkmüller, Christopher;Kratsch, Wolfgang;Leopold, Henrik;Van Looy, Amy;Lopez, Hugo;Lukumbuzya, Sanja;Mendling, Jan;Meyers, Lara;Moder, Linda;Montali, Marco;Muthusamy, Vinod;Reichert, Manfred;Rizk, Yara;Rosemann, Michael;Röglinger, Maximilian;Sadiq, Shazia;Seiger, Ronny;Slaats, Tijs;Simkus, Mantas;Someh, Ida Asadi;Weber, Barbara;Weber, Ingo;Weske, Mathias;Zerbato, Francesca; The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die
Okwuibe, Godwin Chidiebube; Local Markets in the Energy Sector Based on Distributed Ledger Technologies
Hambarzumjan, Anna; Evaluation of the DNA repair enzyme PARP1 as a biomarker for prostate cancer
Garb, Kathrin A.; Tamper-Sensitive Design of PUF-Based Security Enclosures
Jano, Alba; Alejandre Garana, Pablo; Mehmeti, Fidan; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Modeling of IoT Devices Energy Consumption in 5G Networks
Albu-Schaeffer, Alin;Huchler, Norbert;Kessler, Ingmar;Lay, Florian;Perzylo, Alexander;Seidler, Michael;Steinmetz, Franz;Weitschat, Roman; Soziotechnisches Assistenzsystem zur lernförderlichen Arbeitsgestaltung in der robotergestützten Montage
Stolz, Thomas Eugen; A Quantum-Logic Gate between Optical Photons Based on Cavity Rydberg Blockade
Karlstetter, Roman Johannes; An Industrial Sensor Data Processing and Query System
Weiß, Lennart Jakob Konstantin; Stochastic Detection of Silver Nanoparticles for Sensing Applications
Kondmann, Lukas Johannes; Deep Learning for Time-Series Analysis of Optical Satellite Imagery
Graupner, Robert; Entwicklung eines Messsystems für die transversale Permeabilität von Faserhalbzeugvorformlingen und dessen Validierung anhand relevanter Material-, Design- und Prozessparameter
Lindinger, Nina Kristina; First-Person-View-Videos als Feedback-Tool nach simulierten Reanimationen
Berg, Ronja Christina; Optimizing quantitative structural magnetic resonance imaging to quantify brain tissue parameters for clinical applications
Thomas, Christopher; Synthesis and Evaluation of Performance Enhanced Re(I)/Ru(II)-based Catalysts for the Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
Hartbaum, Verena Annette; Zwischen Konfliktregulierung und Konsenspolitik
Wittmann, Andrea Perpedua; Late effects on primary murine heart and lung endothelial cells after in vivo heart irradiation
Sharma, Ritika; Epigenetic Signatures of maternal stress phenotypes in newborns: FELICITy study
Dyszewski, Piotr;Gantert, Nina;Höfelsauer, Thomas; The maximum of a branching random walk with stretched exponential tails
Kender, Robert Jacob; Der digitale Zwilling – Schlüsseltechnologie zur Flexibilisierung von Luftzerlegungsanlagen
Gross, Mathieu Etienne André; Remote Security Threats and Protection of Modern FPGA-SoC Architectures
Winogrodzki, Thomas; The generation and characterisation of a physiologically relevant porcine model of inflammatory bowel disease
Voggenreiter, Angelina; Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Computational Social Science
Stratz, Lilia del Carmen; Decision making in entrepreneurial firms: investigating the role of resources through theoretical and empirical lenses
Floetgen, Rob Jago; Winder, Philipp; Fielt, Erwin; Weking, Jörg; Hein, Andreas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; OWNERSHIP STRUCTURES AND GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES FOR DIGITAL PLATFORM ECOSYSTEMS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY
Zimmermann, Sina; Feike, Paula; Hein, Andreas; Gewald, Heiko; Combined Digital Nudging to Leverage Public Transportation Use
Lin, Yuanfei; Althoff, Matthias; CommonRoad-CriMe: A Toolbox for Criticality Measures of Autonomous Vehicles
Neuner, Maximilian Ulrich; Hierarchical Verification and Hierarchical Synthesis of the Power-Down Mode of Analog Circuits
Silvia Hervas-Raluy, Barbara Wirthl, Pedro E. Guerrero, Gil Robalo Rei, Jonas Nitzler, Esther Coronado, Jaime Font de Mora Sainz, Bernhard A. Schrefler, Maria Jose Gomez-Benito, Jose Manuel Garcia-Aznar, Wolfgang A. Wall; Tumour growth: An approach to calibrate parameters of a multiphase porous media model based on in vitro observations of Neuroblastoma spheroid growth in a hydrogel microenvironment
Tosolini, Anton Patricio Robert; Spatiotemporal Complexity in a Birhythmic System: An Experimental Study
Pretzsch, Hans;Heym, Michael;Hilmers, Torben;Bravo-Oviedo, Andrés;Ahmed, Shamim;Ammer, Christian;Avdagić, Admir;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo, Felipe;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Fabrika, Marek;Hurt, Vaclav;Kurylyak, Viktor;Löf, Magnus;Pach, Maciej;Ponette, Quentin;Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;Stojanovic, Dejan;Svoboda, Miroslav;Wolff, Barbara;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;del Río, Miren; Mortality reduces overyielding in mixed Scots pine and European beech stands along a precipitation gradient in Europe
Sánchez Arribas, Irene; Cavity optomechanics with hexagonal boron nitride mechanical resonators
Kraus, Denis; Impedance Based Design and Assessment of Interoperability within Wireless Power Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles
Lutz, Theresa Monika; Inter- and intramolecular interactions of purified (and modified) mucin glycoproteins with other molecules, cells, and artificial materials
Baumgartner, Lisa; Vascular structure and function in physically active children and adolescents – is there a ‘pediatric athlete’s artery’?
Newcome, Samuel James; Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Neumann, Philipp; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Towards the Smarter Tuning of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Böttcher, Timo Phillip; Antecedents, Design and Outcomes of Digital Business Model Innovation - A Configuration Model
Riquelme, Juan Luis; Dynamic propagation of neuronal activity in the reptilian brain
Heieck, Kevin; Analysis of L-cysteine production with recombinant Escherichia coli
Schlembach, Florian; Development of a Novel Coastal Retracking Algorithm for SAR Satellite Altimetry
Kauschinger, Martin; Münch, Christian; Schreieck, Maximilian; Knowledge Sharing in Platform Ecosystems through Sponsored Online Communities: The Influence of User Roles and Media Richness
Methner, Yvonne; Investigations into metabolic properties of non-Saccharomyces yeasts for the production of beers with novel flavor profiles
Azinović, Dejan; Inverse Rendering for Geometry and Material Reconstruction
Cui, Yuning;Tao, Yi;Jing, Luoxi;Knoll, Alois; Strip Attention for Image Restoration
Condés, Sonia;Pretzsch, Hans;Río, Miren del; Species admixture can increase potential tree growth and reduce competition
Zieglmeier, Valentin; Loyola Daiqui, Gabriel; Pretschner, Alexander; Decentralized Inverse Transparency With Blockchain
Zhou, Shanyu; Feasibility studies for the identification of plastics on land surfaces and their functional assignment using optical remote sensing
Messerschmidt, Luca Elias; Economic and Political Consequences of Foreign Direct Investment for Developing Countries
Huber, Kerstin Sabine; Supporting computer-based learning by investigating process data
Rakoczy, Łukasz;Grudzień-Rakoczy, Małgorzata;Rutkowski, Bogdan;Cygan, Rafał;Hanning, Fabian;Cios, Grzegorz;Habisch, Stefan;Andersson, Joel;Mayr, Peter;Zielińska-Lipiec, Anna; The role of the strengthening phases on the HAZ liquation cracking in a cast Ni-based superalloy used in industrial gas turbines
Chengqi Lu, Michal Maciejewski, Hao Wu, Kai Nagel; Optimization of demand-Responsive Transport: The Rolling Horizon Approach.
Stier, Philipp Johannes; Factors influencing the production of bacterial spores as biological indicators with standardized resistance to inactivation with hydrogen peroxide
Leubner, Andreas; On the Fast Track: Three Essays on Corporate Accelerators
Kober, Stefan A.; Three perspectives on integer programming: practical and theoretical applications, and the case of bounded subdeterminants
Krämer, Patrick; Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Data-driven Algorithms for Networking
Renger, Michael Uwe; Inter-lab Quantum Microwave Teleportation
Martin, Lea; Downstream process development for the compatible solute Nγ-acetyl-L-2,4 diaminobutyric acid from saline fermentation of Halomonas elongata
Glöckler, Viviane Sibylle; Risikogruppen-Verteilung, Tumorcharakteristika und Rezidivauftreten bei Prostatakarzinom-Patienten nach radikaler Prostatektomie – Veränderungen über den Zeitraum von 1995 bis 2019
Kakoulidou, Ioanna; DNA methylation remodeling in F1 hybrids and its impact on heterosis
Kröll, Daniel; Neutral atomic hydrogen shells in the local Milky Way
Tepegjozova, Marija; Statistical learning with vine copulas in regression settings
Hauck, Daniel; Plant availability of secondary P sources in growing media-based crop production
de Riese, Thorben; Fendt, Sebastian; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Utilising Thermodynamic Equilibrium Calculations to Model Potassium Capture by Aluminosilicate Additives in Biomass Combustion Plants
Morgenstern, L.; Talebi, E.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of CaO/Ca(OH)2 for thermochemical energy storage – commissioning of a 0.5 kWh experimental setup
Engert, Martin;Evers, Julia;Hein, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; Sustaining complementor engagement in digital platform ecosystems: Antecedents, behaviours and engagement trajectories
Rickert, Carolin Alexandra; Surface Modification and Topographical Analysis of Biomedical Interfaces
Palieri, Virginia; Principles in Homeostatic Navigation
Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze, Walter Timo de Vries, Pamela Durán-Díaz; Causes of Slum Emergence from Decently Built Government's Affordable Housing Projects in Enugu, Nigeria: The Experts’ Perspectives
Bachmann, Frederik Reinhard; To Wait or Not to Wait? Redirecting Passengers and Realloacting Capacities During Incidents in Public Transport Systems
Zhang, Yue; Addressing Workability Challenges in Clay-bearing OPC and Low Carbon Alkali-activated Slag Systems through Innovative PCE Structural Design
Najdi, Farah; Impact of Progerin Expression on Adipose Tissue Loss in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS)
Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Delay Fairness in 5G Networks with SD-RAN
Cui, Yuning;Ren, Wenqi;Yang, Sining;Cao, Xiaochun;Knoll, Alois; IRNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Network Design for Image Restoration
Aykurt, Kaan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Autonomous Network Management in Multi-Domain 6G Networks based on Graph Neural Networks
Mohammadzadeh Keleshtery, Payam; On the Identification of Critical High-Frequency Modes and Resonator Impacts in a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber
Cuevas Salazar, Iván; Systems Engineering Based Crashworthiness Design for the Small Overlap Load Case
Ellinger, Jan Leonard; Better learning in the outdoors?
Kresse, Daniel; Towards Energy Saturation in Three-dimensional Simulations of Core-collapse Supernova Explosions
Walter, Stefanie ; Kinski, Lucy ; Boda, Zsófia; Who talks to whom? Using social network models to understand debate networks in the European Parliament
Mittermaier, Alexandra ; Patzelt, Holger ; Shepherd, Dean A.; Motivating Prosocial Venturing in Response to a Humanitarian Crisis: Building Theory From the Refugee Crisis in Germany
Silva, Cat ; Moeckel, Rolf ; Clifton, Kelly; Comparative Observational Assessment of Cyclists' Interactions on Urban Streets with On-Street and Sidewalk Bike Lanes
Würtz, Samuel ; Bogenberger, Klaus ; Göhner, Ulrich; Big Data and Discrete Optimization for Electric Urban Bus Operations
Salvi, Esther ; Belz, Frank-Martin ; Bacq, Sophie; Informal Entrepreneurship: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda
Willinger, Lukas ; Athwal, Kiron K. ; Holthof, Sander ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Williams, Andy ; Amis, Andrew A.; Role of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Anterolateral Complex, and Lateral Meniscus Posterior Root in Anterolateral Rotatory Knee Instability: A Biomechanical Study
Hostettler, Isabel Charlotte ; Lange, Nicole ; Schwendinger, Nina ; Ambler, Gareth ; Hirle, Theresa ; Frangoulis, Samira ; Trost, Dominik ; Gempt, Jens ; Kreiser, Kornelia ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Winter, Christof ; Wostrack, Maria; VPS dependency after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage and influence of admission hyperglycaemia
Kopczak, Anna ; S Stringer, Michael ; van den Brink, Hilde ; Kerkhofs, Danielle ; W Blair, Gordon ; van Dinther, Maud ; Onkenhout, Laurien ; A Wartolowska, Karolina ; Thrippleton, Michael J ; Duering, Marco ; Staals, Julie ; Middeke, Martin ; André, Elisabeth ; Norrving, Bo ; Bousser, Marie-Germaine ; Mansmann, Ulrich ; Rothwell, Peter M ; N Doubal, Fergus ; van Oostenbrugge, Robert ; Jan Biessels, Geert ; Webb, Alastair JS ; Wardlaw, Joanna M ; Dichgans, Martin; The EffecTs of Amlodipine and other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases (TREAT-SVDs) trial: Study protocol for a randomised crossover trial
Fuest, K. E. ; Lorenz, Marco ; Grunow, Julius J. ; Weiss, Björn ; Mörgeli, Rudolf ; Finkenzeller, Sebastian ; Bogdanski, Ralph ; Heim, Markus ; Kapfer, Barbara ; Kriescher, Silja ; Lingg, Charlotte ; Martin, Jan ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Schaller, Stefan J.; Corrigendum: The functional trajectory in frail compared with non-frail critically ill patients during the hospital stay
Klüh, Daniel ; Nieminen, Harri ; Melin, Kristian ; Laari, Arto ; Koiranen, Tuomas; Assessment of electrified ethylene production via biomass gasification and electrochemical CO reduction
de Sainte Agathe, Jean-Madeleine ; Pode-Shakked, Ben ; Naudion, Sophie ; Michaud, Vincent ; Arveiler, Benoit ; Fergelot, Patricia ; Delmas, Jean ; Keren, Boris ; Poirsier, Céline ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S ; Tabarki, Brahim ; Bend, Eric ; Davis, Kellie ; Bebin, Martina ; Thompson, Michelle L ; Bryant, Emily M ; Wagner, Matias ; Hannibal, Iris ; Lenberg, Jerica ; Krenn, Martin ; Wigby, Kristen M ; Friedman, Jennifer R ; Iascone, Maria ; Cereda, Anna ; Miao, Térence ; LeGuern, Eric ; Argilli, Emanuela ; Sherr, Elliott ; Caluseriu, Oana ; Tidwell, Timothy ; Bayrak-Toydemir, Pinar ; Hagedorn, Caroline ; Brugger, Melanie ; Vill, Katharina ; Morneau-Jacob, Francois-Dominique ; Chung, Wendy ; Weaver, Kathryn N ; Owens, Joshua W ; Husami, Ammar ; Chaudhari, Bimal P ; Stone, Brandon S ; Burns, Katie ; Li, Rachel ; de Lange, Iris M ; Biehler, Margaux ; Ginglinger, Emmanuelle ; Gérard, Bénédicte ; Stottmann, Rolf W ; Trimouille, Aurélien; ARF1-related disorder: phenotypic and molecular spectrum
Berthele, Achim ; Levy, Michael ; Wingerchuk, Dean M. ; Pittock, Sean J. ; Shang, Shulian ; Kielhorn, Adrian ; Royston, Minying ; Sabatella, Guido ; Palace, Jacqueline; A single relapse induces worsening of disability and health-related quality of life in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
Trouvelot, Sophie ; Lemaitre-Guillier, Christelle ; Vallet, Julie ; Jacquens, Lucile ; Douillet, Antonin ; Harir, Mourad ; Larignon, Philippe ; Roullier-Gall, Chloé ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Adrian, Marielle ; Fontaine, Florence; Sodium arsenite-induced changes in the wood of esca-diseased grapevine at cytological and metabolomic levels
Heydenreich, Juliane ; Koehler, Karsten ; Braun, Hans ; Grosshauser, Mareike ; Heseker, Helmut ; Koenig, Daniel ; Lampen, Alfonso ; Mosler, Stephanie ; Niess, Andreas ; Schek, Alexandra ; Carlsohn, Anja; Effects of internal cooling on physical performance, physiological and perceptional parameters when exercising in the heat: A systematic review with meta-analyses
Borgstedt, Laura ; Schaller, Stefan J. ; Goudkamp, Daniel ; Fuest, Kristina ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Schmid, Sebastian; Successful treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is still based on quick activation of the chain of survival
Ullrich, Bernhard W. ; Schnake, Klaus John ; Schenk, Philipp ; Katscher, Sebastian ; Bäumlein, Martin ; Zimmermann, Volker ; Schwarz, Falko ; Schmeiser, Gregor ; Scherer, Michael ; Müller, Michael ; Sprengel, Kai ; Liepold, Katja ; Schramm, Simon ; Baron, Hagen-Christopher ; Siekmann, Holger ; Franck, Alexander ; Scheyerer, Max J. ; Kirtas, Seyma ; Spiegl, Ulrich J. A. ; Osterhoff, Georg; Clinical Evaluation of the Osteoporotic Fracture Treatment Score (OF-Score): Results of the Evaluation of the Osteoporotic Fracture Classification, Treatment Score and Therapy Recommendations (EOFTT) Study
Osterhoff, Georg ; Schenk, Philipp ; Katscher, Sebastian ; Schnake, Klaus John ; Bäumlein, Martin ; Zimmermann, Volker ; Schmeiser, Gregor ; Scherer, Michael A. ; Müller, Michael ; Sprengel, Kai ; Liepold, Katja ; Schramm, Simon ; Baron, Christopher ; Siekmann, Holger ; Schwarz, Falko ; Franck, Alexander ; Scheyerer, Max J. ; Spiegl, Ulrich J. A. ; Ullrich, Bernhard W.; Treatment and Outcome of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Vertebral Fractures With Anterior or Posterior Tension Band Failure (OF 5): Short-Term Results From the Prospective EOFTT Multicenter Study
Spiegl, Ulrich J. A. ; Schenk, Philipp ; Schnake, Klaus John ; Ullrich, Bernhard W. ; Osterhoff, Georg ; Scheyerer, Max J. ; Schmeiser, Gregor ; Bäumlein, Martin ; Scherer, Michael A. ; Müller, Michael ; Sprengel, Kai ; Liepold, Katja ; Schramm, Simon ; Baron, H.-Christopher ; Siekmann, Holger ; Schwarz, Falko ; Franck, Alex ; Zimmermann, Volker ; Katscher, Sebastian; Treatment and Outcome of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Vertebral Body Fractures With Deformation of Both Endplates With or Without Posterior Wall Involvement (OF 4): Short-Term Results from the Prospective EOFTT Multicenter Study
Klusen, Sophie T. ; Peiler, Antonia ; Schmidt, Georg P. ; Kiechle, Marion E. ; Muench, Stefan ; Asadpour, Rebecca ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Borm, Kai J.; Simultaneous integrated boost within the lymphatic drainage system in breast cancer: A single center study on toxicity and oncologic outcome
Zuberbier, Torsten ; Altrichter, Sabine ; Bauer, Sabine ; Brehler, Randolf ; Brockow, Knut ; Dressler, Corinna ; Fluhr, Joachim ; Gaskins, Matthew ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Kühne, Kathrin ; Merk, Hans ; Mülleneisen, Norbert K. ; Nast, Alexander ; Olze, Heidi ; Ott, Hagen ; Pleimes, Marc ; Ruëff, Franziska ; Staubach-Renz, Petra ; Wedi, Bettina ; Maurer, Marcus; S3 Guideline Urticaria. Part 1: Classification and diagnosis of urticaria - German-language adaptation of the international S3 Guideline
Wirthl, Barbara ; Brandstaeter, Sebastian ; Nitzler, Jonas ; Schrefler, Bernhard A. ; Wall, Wolfgang A.; Global sensitivity analysis based on Gaussian-process metamodelling for complex biomechanical problems
Restle, Tassilo M. F. ; Scherf, Lavinia ; Dums, Jasmin V. ; Mutschke, Alexander G. ; Spranger, Robert J. ; Kirchhain, Holger ; Karttunen, Antti J. ; van Wüllen, Leo ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Lithium-ion Mobility in Li6B18(Li3N) and Li Vacancy Tuning in the Solid Solution Li6B18(Li3N)1-x(Li2O)x
Tschumi, Elisabeth ; Lienert, Sebastian ; Bastos, Ana ; Ciais, Philippe ; Gregor, Konstantin ; Joos, Fortunat ; Knauer, Jürgen ; Papastefanou, Philip ; Rammig, Anja ; van der Wiel, Karin ; Williams, Karina ; Xu, Yidi ; Zaehle, Sönke ; Zscheischler, Jakob; Large Variability in Simulated Response of Vegetation Composition and Carbon Dynamics to Variations in Drought-Heat Occurrence
Tröber, Philipp ; Hackl, Alfred ; Leitner, Harald ; Welm, Markus ; Demmel, Peter ; Golle, Matthias ; Volk, Wolfram; On the Sensitivity of a Tool-Workpiece Thermocouple to Chemical Composition and Microstructure
Chamorro, Rodrigo ; Jouffe, Céline ; Oster, Henrik ; Uhlenhaut, N. Henriette ; Meyhöfer, Sebastian M.; When should I eat: A circadian view on food intake and metabolic regulation
Kleybolte, Moritz E. ; Vagin, Sergei I. ; Rieger, Bernhard; A Polymer Lost in the Shuffle: The Perspective of Poly(para)phenylenes
Andersen, Gaby ; Kahlenberg, Kristin ; Krautwurst, Dietmar ; Somoza, Veronika; [6]-Gingerol Facilitates CXCL8 Secretion and ROS Production in Primary Human Neutrophils by Targeting the TRPV1 Channel
Gao, Hong ; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Eye-Tracking-Based Prediction of User Experience in VR Locomotion Using Machine Learning
Mueller, Kilian Maria Arthur ; Unterrainer, Andreas ; Rojas-González, Diana Marcela ; De-Juan-Pardo, Elena ; Willner, Marian Sebastian ; Herzen, Julia ; Mela, Petra; Introducing Controlled Microporosity in Melt Electrowriting
Agarwala, Hemlata ; Chen, Xiaoyu ; Lyonnet, Julien R. ; Johnson, Ben A. ; Ahlquist, Mårten ; Ott, Sascha; Alternating Metal-Ligand Coordination Improves Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction by a Mononuclear Ru Catalyst**
Wudy, Katrin ; Sapishchuk, Svitlana ; Hofmann, Joseph ; Schmidt, Jochen ; Konwitschny, Fabian ; Töpper, Hans-Christoph ; Daub, Ruediger; Polymer-based separator for all-solid-state batteries produced by additive manufacturing
Xu, Huihui ; Kostenko, Arseni ; Weetman, Catherine ; Fujimori, Shiori ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; An Aluminum Telluride with a Terminal Al=Te Bond and its Conversion to an Aluminum Tellurocarbonate by CO2 Reduction
Rubanschi, Sven ; Meyer, Sebastian T. ; Hof, Christian ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Modelling potential biotope composition on a regional scale revealed that climate variables are stronger drivers than soil variables
Wilkinson, Isabel V. L. ; Bottlinger, Max ; El Harraoui, Yassmine ; Sieber, Stephan A.; Profiling the Heme-Binding Proteomes of Bacteria Using Chemical Proteomics
Lauff, Sören ; Petzke, Frank ; Brill, Silviu ; Schouten, Leonie ; Fitzcharles, Mary-Ann ; Pereira, John X. ; Häuser, Winfried; Face validity of the ICD-10 criteria of substance abuse and dependence for patients prescribed cannabis-based medicines for chronic pain_A survey of pain medicine physicians in Canada, Germany and Israel
Almaguer, Cynthia ; Kollmannsberger, Hubert ; Gastl, Martina ; Becker, Thomas; Characterization of the aroma profile of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and assessment of the impact of malting on the odor-active volatile composition
Stieglitz, Lucas ; Geiger, Christina ; Großmann, Paula F. ; Kränzlein, Moritz ; Rodewald, Katia ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Rieger, Bernhard; Fiber Spinning of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Isotactic Polypropylene: Melt Spinning and Melt Drawing
Quansah, Frank ; Ankomah, Francis ; Agormedah, Edmond Kwesi ; Ntumi, Simon ; Hagan, John Elvis ; Srem-Sai, Medina ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan ; Schack, Thomas; A cross-sectional study of university students' pocket money variance and its relationship with digital health literacy and subjective well-being in Ghana
Reiserer, Andreas; Der Weg zum Quanteninternet
Mähn, Laura Anna ; Hof, Christian ; Brandl, Roland ; Pinkert, Stefan; Beyond latitude: Temperature, productivity and thermal niche conservatism drive global body size variation in Odonata
Vollstedt, Eva-Juliane ; Schaake, Susen ; Lohmann, Katja ; Padmanabhan, Shalini ; Brice, Alexis ; Lesage, Suzanne ; Tesson, Christelle ; Vidailhet, Marie ; Wurster, Isabel ; Hentati, Faycel ; Mirelman, Anat ; Giladi, Nir ; Marder, Karen ; Waters, Cheryl ; Fahn, Stanley ; Kasten, Meike ; Brüggemann, Norbert ; Borsche, Max ; Foroud, Tatiana ; Tolosa, Eduardo ; Garrido, Alicia ; Annesi, Grazia ; Gagliardi, Monica ; Bozi, Maria ; Stefanis, Leonidas ; Ferreira, Joaquim J. ; Correia Guedes, Leonor ; Avenali, Micol ; Petrucci, Simona ; Clark, Lorraine ; Fedotova, Ekaterina Y. ; Abramycheva, Natalya Y. ; Alvarez, Victoria ; Menéndez-González, Manuel ; Jesús Maestre, Silvia ; Gómez-Garre, Pilar ; Mir, Pablo ; Belin, Andrea Carmine ; Ran, Caroline ; Lin, Chin-Hsien ; Kuo, Ming-Che ; Crosiers, David ; Wszolek, Zbigniew K. ; Ross, Owen A. ; Jankovic, Joseph ; Nishioka, Kenya ; Funayama, Manabu ; Clarimon, Jordi ; Williams-Gray, Caroline H. ; Camacho, Marta ; Cornejo-Olivas, Mario ; Torres-Ramirez, Luis ; Wu, Yih-Ru ; Lee-Chen, Guey-Jen ; Morgadinho, Ana ; Pulkes, Teeratorn ; Termsarasab, Pichet ; Berg, Daniela ; Kuhlenbäumer, Gregor ; Kühn, Andrea A. ; Borngräber, Friederike ; de Michele, Giuseppe ; De Rosa, Anna ; Zimprich, Alexander ; Puschmann, Andreas ; Mellick, George D. ; Dorszewska, Jolanta ; Carr, Jonathan ; Ferese, Rosangela ; Gambardella, Stefano ; Chase, Bruce ; Markopoulou, Katerina ; Satake, Wataru ; Toda, Tatsushi ; Rossi, Malco ; Merello, Marcelo ; Lynch, Timothy ; Olszewska, Diana A. ; Lim, Shen-Yang ; Ahmad-Annuar, Azlina ; Tan, Ai Huey ; Al-Mubarak, Bashayer ; Hanagasi, Hasmet ; Koziorowski, Dariusz ; Ertan, Sibel ; Genç, Gençer ; de Carvalho Aguiar, Patricia ; Barkhuizen, Melinda ; Pimentel, Marcia M.G. ; Saunders-Pullman, Rachel ; van de Warrenburg, Bart ; Bressman, Susan ; Toft, Mathias ; Appel-Cresswell, Silke ; Lang, Anthony E. ; Skorvanek, Matej ; Boon, Agnita J.W. ; Krüger, Rejko ; Sammler, Esther M. ; Tumas, Vitor ; Zhang, Bao-rong ; Garraux, Gaetan ; Chung, Sun Ju ; Kim, Yun Joong ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Sue, Carolyn M. ; Tan, Eng-King ; Damásio, Joana ; Klivényi, Péter ; Kostic, Vladimir S. ; Arkadir, David ; Martikainen, Mika ; Borges, Vanderci ; Hertz, Jens Michael ; Brighina, Laura ; Spitz, Mariana ; Suchowersky, Oksana ; Riess, Olaf ; Das, Parimal ; Mollenhauer, Brit ; Gatto, Emilia M. ; Petersen, Maria Skaalum ; Hattori, Nobutaka ; Wu, Ruey-Meei ; Illarioshkin, Sergey N. ; Valente, Enza Maria ; Aasly, Jan O. ; Aasly, Anna ; Alcalay, Roy N. ; Thaler, Avner ; Farrer, Matthew J. ; Brockmann, Kathrin ; Corvol, Jean-Christophe ; Klein, Christine; Embracing Monogenic Parkinson's Disease: The MJFF Global Genetic PD Cohort
Hiendlmeier, Lukas ; Zurita, Francisco ; Vogel, Jonas ; Del Duca, Fulvia ; Al Boustani, George ; Peng, Hu ; Kopic, Inola ; Nikić, Marta ; F. Teshima, Tetsuhiko ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; 4D-Printed Soft and Stretchable Self-Folding Cuff Electrodes for Small-Nerve Interfacing
Flemming, Ronja ; Frölich, Franziska ; Donner-Banzhoff, Norbert ; Sundmacher, Leonie; Diffusion of a new drug among ambulatory physicians_The impact of patient pathways
Maierhofer, Johannes ; Rixen, Daniel J.; Strategies for Finding Training Snapshots for the Hyperreduction Method ECSW in Magnetodynamic Systems
Pilz, Julia Felicitas ; Köberle, Martin ; Kain, Alphina ; Seidl, Peter ; Zink, Alexander ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Pilz, Anna Caroline; Increasing incidence of Trichophyton tonsurans in Munich_A single-centre observation
Wilkinson, Isabel V. L. ; Bottlinger, Max ; El Harraoui, Yassmine ; Sieber, Stephan A.; Untersuchung des Häm-bindenden bakteriellen Proteoms mittels chemischer Proteomik
Dietrich, Florian ; Chen, Jia ; Shekhar, Ankit ; Lober, Sebastian ; Krämer, Konstantin ; Leggett, Graham ; van der Veen, Carina ; Velzeboer, Ilona ; Denier van der Gon, Hugo ; Röckmann, Thomas; Climate Impact Comparison of Electric and Gas-Powered End-User Appliances
Schad, Peter; World Reference Base for Soil Resources_Its fourth edition and its history
Wang, Rosi ; Mathes, Sonja ; Claussen, Carla ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Brockow, Knut; Cutaneous reactions following COVID-19 vaccination assessed by dermatologists: a single-institutional study in Germany
Krammer, Christine ; Yang, Bishan ; Reichl, Sabrina ; Besson-Girard, Simon ; Ji, Hao ; Bolini, Verena ; Schulte, Corinna ; Noels, Heidi ; Schlepckow, Kai ; Jocher, Georg ; Werner, Georg ; Willem, Michael ; El Bounkari, Omar ; Kapurniotu, Aphrodite ; Gokce, Ozgun ; Weber, Christian ; Mohanta, Sarajo ; Bernhagen, Jürgen; Pathways linking aging and atheroprotection in Mif-deficient atherosclerotic mice
Sun, Kun ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Shedding Light on the Moisture Stability of Halide Perovskite Thin Films
Jiang, Xinyu ; Grott, Sebastian ; Körstgens, Volker ; Wienhold, Kerstin S. ; Li, Zerui ; Zhang, Jinsheng ; Everett, Christopher R. ; Schwartzkopf, Matthias ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Film Formation Kinetics of Polymer Donor and Nonfullerene Acceptor Active Layers During Printing Out of 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene in Ambient Conditions
Wilkinson, Isabel V. L. ; Castro-Falcón, Gabriel ; Roda-Serrat, Maria C. ; Purdy, Trevor N. ; Straetener, Jan ; Brauny, Melanie M. ; Maier, Lisa ; Brötz-Oesterhelt, Heike ; Christensen, Lars P. ; Sieber, Stephan A. ; Hughes, Chambers C.; The Cyanobacterial
Feil, Katharina ; Berndt, Maria Teresa ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Maegerlein, Christian ; Bernkopf, Kathleen ; Zimmermann, Hanna ; Herzberg, Moriz ; Tiedt, Steffen ; Küpper, Clemens ; Wischmann, Johannes ; Schönecker, Sonja ; Dimitriadis, Konstantin ; Liebig, Thomas ; Dieterich, Marianne ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kellert, Lars ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias; Endovascular thrombectomy for basilar artery occlusion stroke: Analysis of the German Stroke Registry-Endovascular Treatment
Koh, Ezra S. ; Geiger, Simon ; Gunnarson, Alexander ; Imhof, Timo ; Meyer, Gregor M. ; Paciok, Paul ; Etzold, Bastian J. M. ; Rose, Marcus ; Schüth, Ferdi ; Ledendecker, Marc; Influence of Support Material on the Structural Evolution of Copper during Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Zuberbier, Torsten ; Altrichter, Sabine ; Bauer, Sabine ; Brehler, Randolf ; Brockow, Knut ; Dressler, Corinna ; Fluhr, Joachim ; Gaskins, Matthew ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Kühne, Kathrin ; Merk, Hans ; Mülleneisen, Norbert K. ; Nast, Alexander ; Olze, Heidi ; Ott, Hagen ; Pleimes, Marc ; Ruëff, Franziska ; Staubach-Renz, Petra ; Wedi, Bettina ; Maurer, Marcus; S3 Guideline Urticaria. Part 2: Treatment of urticaria - German-language adaptation of the international S3 guideline
Koppenberg, Maximilian; Markups, organic agriculture and downstream concentration at the example of European dairy farmers
Schielein, Maximilian C. ; Christl, Joshua ; Sitaru, Sebastian ; Pilz, Anna Caroline ; Kaczmarczyk, Robert ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Lasser, Tobias ; Zink, Alexander; Outlier detection in dermatology: Performance of different convolutional neural networks for binary classification of inflammatory skin diseases
Aljović, Almir ; Jacobi, Anne ; Marcantoni, Maite ; Kagerer, Fritz ; Loy, Kristina ; Kendirli, Arek ; Bräutigam, Jonas ; Fabbio, Luca ; Van Steenbergen, Valérie ; Ple niar, Katarzyna ; Kerschensteiner, Martin ; Bareyre, Florence M; Synaptogenic gene therapy with FGF22 improves circuit plasticity and functional recovery following spinal cord injury
Rauer, Luise ; Reiger, Matthias ; Bhattacharyya, Madhumita ; Brunner, Patrick M. ; Krueger, James G. ; Guttman-Yassky, Emma ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Neumann, Avidan U.; Skin microbiome and its association with host cofactors in determining atopic dermatitis severity
Willers, Vivian Pascal ; Beer, Barbara ; Sieber, Volker; Integrating Carbohydrate and C1 Utilization for Chemicals Production
Biber, Matthias F. ; Voskamp, Alke ; Hof, Christian; Potential effects of future climate change on global reptile distributions and diversity
Makarieva, Anastassia M. ; Nefiodov, Andrei V. ; Nobre, Antonio Donato ; Baudena, Mara ; Bardi, Ugo ; Sheil, Douglas ; Saleska, Scott R. ; Molina, Ruben D. ; Rammig, Anja; The role of ecosystem transpiration in creating alternate moisture regimes by influencing atmospheric moisture convergence
Biel, Davina ; Suárez-Calvet, Marc ; Hager, Paul ; Rubinski, Anna ; Dewenter, Anna ; Steward, Anna ; Roemer, Sebastian ; Ewers, Michael ; Haass, Christian ; Brendel, Matthias ; Franzmeier, Nicolai; sTREM2 is associated with amyloid-related p-tau increases and glucose hypermetabolism in Alzheimer's disease
Alvarez-Covarrubias, Hector A. ; Joner, Michael ; Cassese, Salvatore ; Warmbrunn, Mairead ; Lutz, Jannik ; Trenkwalder, Teresa ; Seguchi, Masaru ; Aytekin, Alp ; Presch, Antonia ; Pellegrini, Constanza ; Rheude, Tobias ; Patrick Mayr, N. ; Kufner, Sebastian ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Kastrati, Adnan ; Xhepa, Erion; Iliofemoral artery predilation prior to transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with aortic valve stenosis and advanced peripheral artery disease
Mayer, Kristine E. ; Gaa, Jochen ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Posch, Christian; Image-based response assessment during immunotherapy in skin cancer
Gille, Max ; Maierhofer, Johannes ; Rixen, Daniel J.; Optimization of Mirror Positioning for Single-Camera 3D Displacement Measurements
Schauberger, Gunther ; Tanaka, Luana Fiengo ; Berger, Moritz; A tree-based modeling approach for matched case-control studies
Genzel, Christoph ; Klaus, Manuela ; Hempel, Nico ; Nitschke-Pagel, Thomas ; Pantleon, Karen; Energy-dispersive X-ray stress analysis under geometric constraints: exploiting the material's inherent anisotropy
Von Matthey, F. ; Rammensee, J. ; Müller, M. ; Biberthaler, P. ; Abel, H.; Can elderly patients regain their preoperative functional level after distal radius fracture type A? Results from a fracture register study using PROM
Klein, Ana ; Flaskamp, Martina ; Berthele, Achim ; Held, Friederike ; Muratovic, Harisa ; Hemmer, Bernhard; The impact of disease-modifying therapies on immunoglobulin blood levels in patients with multiple sclerosis: a retrospective cross-sectional study
Baumgart, Lea ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Anetsberger, Aida ; Thunstedt, Dennis ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Meyer, Hanno S. ; Gempt, Jens; Brain metastases in the elderly - Impact of residual tumor volume on overall survival
Maier, Ann-Marie ; Huth, Karsten ; Alessandrini, Francesca ; Schnautz, Benjamin ; Arifovic, Anela ; Riols, Fabien ; Haid, Mark ; Koegler, Anja ; Sameith, Katrin ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Esser-von-Bieren, Julia ; Ohnmacht, Caspar; The aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulates lipid mediator production in alveolar macrophages
Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Dealing with great challenges via rigorous and relevant empirical sport management research
Körber, Nina ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Wilkens, Gesa ; Liao, Bo-Hung ; Werz, Maia L. ; Platen, Louise ; Cheng, Cho-Chin ; Tellenbach, Myriam ; Kappler, Verena ; Lehner, Viktor ; Mijo ević, Hrvoje ; Christa, Catharina ; Assfalg, Volker ; Heemann, Uwe ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Bauer, Tanja ; Renders, Lutz; Comparable cellular and humoral immunity upon homologous and heterologous COVID-19 vaccination regimens in kidney transplant recipients
Wang, Qiwei ; Zhao, Yinan ; Wang, Fang ; Tan, Guolin; Clustering and machine learning-based integration identify cancer associated fibroblasts genes' signature in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Meagher, Margaret F. ; Mir, Maria C. ; Minervini, Andrea ; Kriegmair, Maximilian ; Heck, Matthias ; Porpiglia, Francesco ; Van Bruwaene, Siska ; Linares, Estefania ; Hevia, Vital ; D'Anna, Maurizio ; Veccia, Alessandro ; Roussel, Eduard ; Claps, Francesco ; Palumbo, Carlotta ; Marchioni, Michele ; Afari, Jonathan ; Saitta, Cesare ; Liu, Franklin ; Rubio, Jose ; Campi, Riccardo ; Mari, Andrea ; Amiel, Thomas ; Checcucci, Enrico ; Musquera, Mireia ; Guruli, Georgi ; Pavan, Nicola ; Albersen, Maarten ; Antonelli, Alessandro ; Klatte, Tobias ; Autorino, Riccardo ; McKay, Rana R. ; Derweesh, Ithaar H.; Proposal for a Two-Tier Re-classification of Stage IV/M1 domain of Renal Cell Carcinoma into M1 (“Oligometastatic”) and M2 (“Polymetastatic”) subdomains: Analysis of the Registry for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (REMARCC)
Hofmann, Stefan ; Lohner, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Influence of water content on elastohydrodynamic friction and film thickness of water-containing polyalkylene glycols
Weikl, Simone ; Mayer, Patricia; Data-driven quality assessment of cycling networks
Arshadipour, Ava ; Thorand, Barbara ; Linkohr, Birgit ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz ; Heier, Margit ; Peters, Annette; Multimorbidity patterns and mortality in older adults: Results from the KORA-Age study
Reuter, Christoph ; Bartha-Doering, Lisa ; Czedik-Eysenberg, Isabella ; Maeder, Marcus ; Bertsch, Matthias A. ; Bibl, Katharina ; Deindl, Philipp ; Berger, Angelika ; Giordano, Vito; Living in a box: Understanding acoustic parameters in the NICU environment
Mazer, C David ; Siadati-Fini, Niloufar ; Boehm, Johannes ; Wirth, Felix ; Myjavec, Andrej ; Brown, Craig D ; Koyner, Jay L ; Boening, Andreas ; Engelman, Daniel T ; Larsson, Tobias E ; Renfurm, Ronny ; de Varennes, Benoit ; Noiseux, Nicolas ; Thielmann, Matthias ; Lamy, Andre ; Laflamme, Maxime ; von Groote, Thilo ; Ronco, Claudio ; Zarbock, Alexander; Study protocol of a phase 2, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, adaptive, parallel group clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of recombinant alpha-1-microglobulin in subjects at high risk for acute kidney injury following open-chest cardiac surgery (AKITA trial)
Bühler, Daniel ; Power Guerra, Nicole ; Müller, Luisa ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Düffer, Martin ; Vollmar, Brigitte ; Kuhla, Angela ; Wolfien, Markus; Leptin deficiency-caused behavioral change - A comparative analysis using EthoVision and DeepLabCut
Knott, Josef ; Mueller, Melanie ; Pander, Joachim ; Geist, Juergen; Downstream fish passage at small-scale hydropower plants: Turbine or bypass?
Xie, Xiyao ; Bertram, Teresa ; Zorjan, Saša ; Horvat, Marina ; Sorg, Christian ; Mulej Bratec, Satja; Social reappraisal of emotions is linked with the social presence effect in the default mode network
Kröninger, Fabian ; Lasser, Caroline ; Vaní ek, Jiří J. L.; Sampling strategies for the Herman-Kluk propagator of the wavefunction
Bexter, Frederik ; Rüger, Nancy ; Sid, Hicham ; Herbst, Alexandra ; Gabriel, Gülsah ; Osterhaus, Albert ; Rautenschlein, Silke; In Vitro Investigation of the Interaction of Avian Metapneumovirus and Newcastle Disease Virus with Turkey Respiratory and Reproductive Tissue
Tscheuschner, Georg ; Ponader, Marco ; Raab, Christopher ; Weider, Prisca S. ; Hartfiel, Reni ; Kaufmann, Jan Ole ; Völzke, Jule L. ; Bosc-Bierne, Gaby ; Prinz, Carsten ; Schwaar, Timm ; Andrle, Paul ; Bäßler, Henriette ; Nguyen, Khoa ; Zhu, Yanchen ; Mey, Antonia S. J. S. ; Mostafa, Amr ; Bald, Ilko ; Weller, Michael G.; Efficient Purification of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus by a Novel Peptide Aptamer
U-Din, Mueez ; Rebelos, Eleni ; Saari, Teemu ; Niemi, Tarja ; Kuellmer, Katharina ; Eskola, Olli ; Fromme, Tobias ; Rajander, Johan ; Taittonen, Markku ; Klingenspor, Martin ; Nuutila, Pirjo ; Nummenmaa, Lauri ; Virtanen, Kirsi A.; Thermogenic Capacity of Human Supraclavicular Brown Fat and Cold-Stimulated Brain Glucose Metabolism
Nyandjo Bamen, Hetsron L. ; Ntaganda, Jean Marie ; Tellier, Aurelien ; Menoukeu Pamen, Olivier; Impact of Imperfect Vaccine, Vaccine Trade-Off and Population Turnover on Infectious Disease Dynamics
Zhang, Ling ; Zhang, Wu-Shuai ; Meng, Qing-Feng ; Hu, Yun-Cai ; Schmidhalter, Urs ; Zhong, Cheng-Hu ; Zou, Guo-Yuan ; Chen, Xin-Ping; Optimizing Agronomic, Environmental, Health and Economic Performances in Summer Maize Production through Fertilizer Nitrogen Management Strategies
Mylo, Max D. ; Ludwig, Ferdinand ; Rahman, Mohammad A. ; Shu, Qiguan ; Fleckenstein, Christoph ; Speck, Thomas ; Speck, Olga; Conjoining Trees for the Provision of Living Architecture in Future Cities: A Long-Term Inosculation Study
Pan, Xiaogang ; Liu, Kangli ; Wang, Jianhua ; Hu, Yutao ; Zhao, Jianfeng; Capacity Allocation Method Based on Historical Data-Driven Search Algorithm for Integrated PV and Energy Storage Charging Station
Song, Zhao ; Hackl, Christoph M. ; Anand, Abhinav ; Thommessen, Andre ; Petzschmann, Jonas ; Kamel, Omar ; Braunbehrens, Robert ; Kaifel, Anton ; Roos, Christian ; Hauptmann, Stefan; Digital Twins for the Future Power System: An Overview and a Future Perspective
Sohn, Yoo Jung ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Gilles, Ralph ; Roth, Georg ; Vaßen, Robert; Combined X-ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction Study on B-Site Cation Ordering in Complex Perovskite La2(Al1/2MgTa1/2)O6
Haider, Arsalan ; Cho, Yongjae ; Pigniczki, Marcell ; Köhler, Michael H. ; Haas, Lukas ; Kastner, Ludwig ; Fink, Maximilian ; Schardt, Michael ; Cichy, Yannik ; Koyama, Shotaro ; Zeh, Thomas ; Poguntke, Tim ; Inoue, Hideo ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; Performance Evaluation of MEMS-Based Automotive LiDAR Sensor and Its Simulation Model as per ASTM E3125-17 Standard
Liu, Chang ; Zhang, Qi ; Ge, Linlin ; Sepasgozar, Samad M. E. ; Sheng, Ziheng; Dielectric Fluctuation and Random Motion over Ground Model (DF-RMoG): An Unsupervised Three-Stage Method of Forest Height Estimation Considering Dielectric Property Changes
Arias-Rodriguez, Leonardo F. ; Tüzün, Ulaş Firat ; Duan, Zheng ; Huang, Jingshui ; Tuo, Ye ; Disse, Markus; Global Water Quality of Inland Waters with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Using Cloud-Computed Machine Learning
Günther, Thomas ; Holzleitner, Nadine ; Di Carlo, Daniel ; Urtz-Urban, Nicole ; Lapa, Constantin ; Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Development of the First 18F-Labeled Radiohybrid-Based Minigastrin Derivative with High Target Affinity and Tumor Accumulation by Substitution of the Chelating Moiety
Bayer, Sandra ; Reik, Anna ; von Hesler, Lena ; Hauner, Hans ; Holzapfel, Christina; Association between Genotype and the Glycemic Response to an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: A Systematic Review
Du, Tianxing ; Brandl, Beate ; Hauner, Hans ; Skurk, Thomas; Skin Autofluorescence Mirrors Surrogate Parameters of Vascular Aging: An Enable Study
Esser, Anne ; Neirich, Leonie ; Grill, Sabine ; Bischoff, Stephan C. ; Halle, Martin ; Siniatchkin, Michael ; Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam ; Kiechle, Marion ; Lammert, Jacqueline; How Does Dietary Intake Relate to Dispositional Optimism and Health-Related Quality of Life in Germline BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers?
Skurk, Thomas ; Krämer, Tamara ; Marcinek, Patrick ; Malki, Agne ; Lang, Roman ; Dunkel, Andreas ; Krautwurst, Tiffany ; Hofmann, Thomas F. ; Krautwurst, Dietmar; Sweetener System Intervention Shifted Neutrophils from Homeostasis to Priming
Gareev, Kamil ; Tagaeva, Ruslana ; Bobkov, Danila ; Yudintceva, Natalia ; Goncharova, Daria ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Ten, Artem ; Samochernych, Konstantin ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Passing of Nanocarriers across the Histohematic Barriers: Current Approaches for Tumor Theranostics
Mekuete, Livie Blondèle Kenou ; Tsopgni, Willifred Dongmo Tékapi ; Nkojap, Augustine Kuinze ; Kojom, Jacquy Joyce Wanche ; Stark, Timo D. ; Fouokeng, Yannick ; Dongmo, Alain Bertrand ; Azeufack, Léon Tapondjou ; Azebaze, Anatole Guy Blaise; Rotenoids and Isoflavones from Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendonça & E.P. Souza and Their Biological Activities
Mert Eren, Meltem ; Celebi, Alper Tunga ; çer, Esra ; Baykasoğlu, Cengiz ; Mugan, Ata ; Yücel, Taner ; Yildiz, Esra; Biomechanical Behavior Evaluation of Resin Cement with Different Elastic Modulus on Porcelain Laminate Veneer Restorations Using Micro-CT-Based Finite Element Analysis
Michaelis, Jan Ulrich ; Kiese, Sandra ; Amann, Tobias ; Folland, Christopher ; Asam, Tobias ; Eisner, Peter; Thickening Properties of Carboxymethyl Cellulose in Aqueous Lubrication
Park, Hi-Un ; Bäcker, Henrik Constantin ; Häner, Martin ; Braun, Karl F. ; Petersen, Wolf; Clinical Outcome after Medial Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: Comparison of Two Angular Stable Locking Plates_TomoFix versus LOQTEQ® HTO Plate
Dementieva, Daryna ; Kuimov, Mikhail ; Panchenko, Alexander; Multiverse: Multilingual Evidence for Fake News Detection +
de Hesselle, Marie Louise ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Koll, Carolin E. M. ; Hower, Martin ; Stecher, Melanie ; Ebert, Daniel ; Hanses, Frank ; Schumann, Julia; Age and Comorbidity Burden of Patients Critically Ill with COVID-19 Affect Both Access to and Outcome of Ventilation Therapy in Intensive Care Units
Rosslenbroich, Steffen B. ; Achtnich, Andrea ; Brodkorb, Cathrin ; Kösters, Clemens ; Kreis, Carolin ; Metzlaff, Sebastian ; Schliemann, Benedikt ; Petersen, Wolf; Primary Proximal ACL Repair: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Different Arthroscopic Suture Configurations
Kaiser, Isabelle ; Pfahlberg, Annette B. ; Mathes, Sonja ; Uter, Wolfgang ; Diehl, Katharina ; Steeb, Theresa ; Heppt, Markus V. ; Gefeller, Olaf; Inter-Rater Agreement in Assessing Risk of Bias in Melanoma Prediction Studies Using the Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool (PROBAST): Results from a Controlled Experiment on the Effect of Specific Rater Training
Neumair, Julia ; D'Ercole, Claudia ; De March, Matteo ; Elsner, Martin ; Seidel, Michael ; de Marco, Ario; Macroporous Epoxy-Based Monoliths Functionalized with Anti-CD63 Nanobodies for Effective Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles in Urine
Čorak, Nina ; Anniko, Sirli ; Daschkin-Steinborn, Christina ; Krey, Viktoria ; Koska, Sara ; Futo, Momir ; Široki, Tin ; Woichansky, Innokenty ; Opašić, Luka ; Kifer, Domagoj ; Tušar, Anja ; Maxeiner, Horst-Günter ; Domazet-Lošo, Mirjana ; Nicolaus, Carsten ; Domazet-Lošo, Tomislav; Pleomorphic Variants of Borreliella (syn. Borrelia) burgdorferi Express Evolutionary Distinct Transcriptomes
Moog, Philipp ; Hughes, Jessica ; Jiang, Jun ; Röper, Lynn ; Dornseifer, Ulf ; Schilling, Arndt F. ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Hadjipanayi, Ektoras; Comparison of the Effect of Different Conditioning Media on the Angiogenic Potential of Hypoxia Preconditioned Blood-Derived Secretomes: Towards Engineering Next-Generation Autologous Growth Factor Cocktails
Rassner, Michael ; Waldeck, Silvia ; Follo, Marie ; Jilg, Stefanie ; Philipp, Ulrike ; Jolic, Martina ; Wehrle, Julius ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Peschel, Christian ; Illert, Anna Lena ; Duyster, Justus ; Scherer, Florian ; von Bubnoff, Nikolas; Development of Highly Sensitive Digital Droplet PCR for Detection of cKIT Mutations in Circulating Free DNA That Mediate Resistance to TKI Treatment for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)
Sen, Payel ; Shashikadze, Bachuki ; Flenkenthaler, Florian ; Van de Kamp, Esther ; Tian, Siyu ; Meng, Chen ; Gigl, Michael ; Fröhlich, Thomas ; Merkus, Daphne; Proteomics- and Metabolomics-Based Analysis of Metabolic Changes in a Swine Model of Pulmonary Hypertension
Dandolo, Lisa ; Telkmann, Klaus ; Hartig, Christina ; Horstmann, Sophie ; Pedron, Sara ; Schwettmann, Lars ; Selsam, Peter ; Schneider, Alexandra ; Bolte, Gabriele; Do Multiple Sex/Gender Dimensions Play a Role in the Association of Green Space and Self-Rated Health? Model-Based Recursive Partitioning Results from the KORA INGER Study
Rom, Jakob ; Haas, Florian ; Hofmeister, Florentin ; Fleischer, Fabian ; Altmann, Moritz ; Pfeiffer, Madlene ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Becht, Michael; Analysing the Large-Scale Debris Flow Event in July 2022 in Horlachtal, Austria Using Remote Sensing and Measurement Data
Mougias, Michalis ; Beratis, Ion N. ; Moustaka, Kleio ; Alexopoulos, Panagiotis ; Assimakopoulos, Konstantinos; The Differential Role of Executive Apathy in Alzheimer's Disease Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Cognitive Ageing
Rombach, Meike ; Dean, David L. ; Bitsch, Vera; Got Milk Alternatives? Understanding Key Factors Determining U.S. Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Plant-Based Milk Alternatives
Amer, Alaa ; Franceschi, Eleonora ; Hjazin, Amgad ; Shoqeir, Jawad H. ; Moser-Reischl, Astrid ; Rahman, Mohammad A. ; Tadros, Maher ; Pauleit, Stephan ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Rötzer, Thomas; Structure and Ecosystem Services of Three Common Urban Tree Species in an Arid Climate City
Mangler, Juergen ; Grüger, Joscha ; Malburg, Lukas ; Ehrendorfer, Matthias ; Bertrand, Yannis ; Benzin, Janik-Vasily ; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie ; Serral Asensio, Estefania ; Bergmann, Ralph; DataStream XES Extension: Embedding IoT Sensor Data into Extensible Event Stream Logs
Dossow, Patrick ; Hampel, Maximilian; Synergies of Electric Vehicle Multi-Use: Analyzing the Implementation Effort for Use Case Combinations in Smart E-Mobility
Dang, Ni ; Brüdigam, Tim ; Zhang, Zengjie ; Liu, Fangzhou ; Leibold, Marion ; Buss, Martin; Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for a Microscopic Interactive Traffic Model
Nedelcu, Andrei Stefan ; Steiner, Fabian ; Kramer, Gerhard; Correction: Nedelcu et al. Low-Resolution Precoding for Multi-Antenna Downlink Channels and OFDM. Entropy 2022, 24, 504
Rothe, Kathrin ; Dibos, Miriam ; Haschka, Stefanie J. ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Busch, Dirk ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Lahmer, Tobias; Galactomannan-Antigen Testing from Non-Directed Bronchial Lavage for Rapid Detection of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Critically Ill Patients: A Proof-of-Concept Study
Würstle, Silvia ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Karapetyan, Siranush ; Studen, Fabian ; Isaakidou, Andriana ; Schneider, Tillman ; Schmid, Roland M. ; von Delius, Stefan ; Gundling, Felix ; Burgkart, Rainer ; Obermeier, Andreas ; Mayr, Ulrich ; Ringelhan, Marc ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Geisler, Fabian ; Turner, Paul E. ; Chan, Benjamin K. ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Schneider, Jochen; Differentiation of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis from Secondary Peritonitis in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: Retrospective Multicentre Study
Schlaeger, Sarah ; Drummer, Katharina ; Husseini, Malek El ; Kofler, Florian ; Sollmann, Nico ; Schramm, Severin ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Wiestler, Benedikt; Implementation of GAN-Based, Synthetic T2-Weighted Fat Saturated Images in the Routine Radiological Workflow Improves Spinal Pathology Detection
Cabrera, Omar ; Ramón, Pablo ; Stimm, Bernd ; Gunter, Sven ; Mosandl, Reinhard; Functional Traits and Local Environmental Conditions Determine Tropical Rain Forest Types at Microscale Level in Southern Ecuador
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Singh, Shubhra ; Bahmid, Nur Alim ; Mehany, Taha ; Shyu, Douglas J. H. ; Assadpour, Elham ; Malekjani, Narjes ; Castro-Muñoz, Roberto ; Jafari, Seid Mahdi; Release of Encapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Active Packaging/Coating Materials and Its Modeling: A Systematic Review
Reid, Kimberley M. ; Steel, Dora ; Nair, Sanjana ; Bhate, Sanjay ; Biassoni, Lorenzo ; Sudhakar, Sniya ; Heys, Michelle ; Burke, Elizabeth ; Kamsteeg, Erik-Jan ; Hameed, Biju ; Zech, Michael ; Mencacci, Niccolo E. ; Barwick, Katy ; Topf, Maya ; Kurian, Manju A.; Loss-of-Function Variants in DRD1 in Infantile Parkinsonism-Dystonia
El-Shabrawi, Katharina ; Storck, Katharina ; Weitz, Jochen ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Knopf, Andreas; Comparison of T1/2 Tongue Carcinoma with or without Radial Forearm Flap Reconstruction Regarding Post-Therapeutic Function, Survival, and Gender
Kämmerer, Peer W. ; Tribius, Silke ; Cohrs, Lena ; Engler, Gabriel ; Ettl, Tobias ; Freier, Kolja ; Frerich, Bernhard ; Ghanaati, Shahram ; Gosau, Martin ; Haim, Dominik ; Hartmann, Stefan ; Heiland, Max ; Herbst, Manuel ; Hoefert, Sebastian ; Hoffmann, Jürgen ; Hölzle, Frank ; Howaldt, Hans-Peter ; Kreutzer, Kilian ; Leonhardt, Henry ; Lutz, Rainer ; Moergel, Maximilian ; Modabber, Ali ; Neff, Andreas ; Pietzka, Sebastian ; Rau, Andrea ; Reichert, Torsten E. ; Smeets, Ralf ; Sproll, Christoph ; Steller, Daniel ; Wiltfang, Jörg ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Kronfeld, Kai ; Al-Nawas, Bilal; Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity or Oropharynx and Solitary Ipsilateral Lymph Node Metastasis (pN1)_A Prospective Multicentric Cohort Study
Ranjan, Raphela A. ; Muenzner, Julienne K. ; Kunze, Philipp ; Geppert, Carol I. ; Ruebner, Matthias ; Huebner, Hanna ; Fasching, Peter A. ; Beckmann, Matthias W. ; Bäuerle, Tobias ; Hartmann, Arndt ; Walther, Wolfgang ; Eckstein, Markus ; Erber, Ramona ; Schneider-Stock, Regine; The Chorioallantoic Membrane Xenograft Assay as a Reliable Model for Investigating the Biology of Breast Cancer
Thomssen, Christoph ; Vetter, Martina ; Kantelhardt, Eva J. ; Meisner, Christoph ; Schmidt, Marcus ; Martin, Pierre M. ; Clatot, Florian ; Augustin, Doris ; Hanf, Volker ; Paepke, Daniela ; Meinerz, Wolfgang ; Hoffmann, Gerald ; Wiest, Wolfgang ; Sweep, Fred C. G. J. ; Schmitt, Manfred ; Jänicke, Fritz ; Loibl, Sibylle ; Minckwitz, Gunter von ; Harbeck, Nadia; Adjuvant Docetaxel in Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomized Trial of AGO-Breast Study Group, German Breast Group, and EORTC-Pathobiology Group
Renninger, Denise ; Bachner, Joachim ; García-Massó, Xavier ; Molina-García, Javier ; Reimers, Anne Kerstin ; Marzi, Isabel ; Beck, Franziska ; Demetriou, Yolanda; Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Active Travel to Different Destinations: A Cluster Analysis with Adolescents Living in Germany
Mao, Lu ; Wang, Yueqiang ; An, Lei ; Zeng, Beiping ; Wang, Yanyan ; Frishman, Dmitrij ; Liu, Mengli ; Chen, Yanyu ; Tang, Wenxue ; Xu, Hongen; Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Phenotypes of GJB2 Missense Variants
Nispel, Kati ; Lerchl, Tanja ; Senner, Veit ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Recent Advances in Coupled MBS and FEM Models of the Spine_A Review
Rank, Johannes ; Herget, Jonas ; Hein, Andreas ; Krcmar, Helmut; Evaluating Task-Level CPU Efficiency for Distributed Stream Processing Systems
Tyc, Jakub ; Selami, Tina ; Hensel, Defne Sunguroglu ; Hensel, Michael; A Scoping Review of Voxel-Model Applications to Enable Multi-Domain Data Integration in Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Karabacak, Mert ; Ozkara, Burak B. ; Senparlak, Kaan ; Bisdas, Sotirios; Deep Learning-Based Radiomics for Prognostic Stratification of Low-Grade Gliomas Using a Multiple-Gene Signature
Gärtner, Quirin ; Ronco, Ermanno ; Cagliano, Anna Corinna ; Reinhart, Gunther; Development of an Approach for the Holistic Assessment of Innovation Projects in Manufacturing Including Potential, Effort, and Risk Using a Systematic Literature Review and Expert Interviews
Macovei, Irina ; Luca, Simon Vlad ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Horhogea, Cristina Elena ; Rimbu, Cristina Mihaela ; Sacarescu, Liviu ; Vochita, Gabriela ; Gherghel, Daniela ; Ivanescu, Bianca Laura ; Panainte, Alina Diana ; Nechita, Constantin ; Corciova, Andreia ; Miron, Anca; Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized from Abies alba and Pinus sylvestris Bark Extracts: Characterization, Antioxidant, Cytotoxic, and Antibacterial Effects
Helmchen, Fabian ; Armanini, Sophie F. ; Hupfer, Andreas; A Framework to Elaborate on the Requirements for Electrified Commuter and Regional Aircraft
Bisignani, Giovanni ; De Bonis, Silvana ; Pierre, Bertrand ; Lau, Dennis H. ; Hofer, Daniel ; Sanfins, Victor Manuel ; Hain, Andreas ; Cabanas, Pilar ; Martens, Eimo ; Berruezo, Antonio ; Eschalier, Romain ; Milliez, Paul ; Lüsebrink, Ulrich ; Mansourati, Jacques ; Papaioannou, Georgios ; Giacopelli, Daniele ; Gargaro, Alessio ; Ploux, Sylvain; Insertable cardiac monitor with a long sensing vector: Impact of obesity on sensing quality and safety
Abd-El Wahab, Amr ; Basiouni, Shereen ; El-Seedi, Hesham R. ; Ahmed, Marwa F. E. ; Bielke, Lisa R. ; Hargis, Billy ; Tellez-Isaias, Guillermo ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Lehnherr, Hansjörg ; Kittler, Sophie ; Shehata, Awad A. ; Visscher, Christian; An overview of the use of bacteriophages in the poultry industry: Successes, challenges, and possibilities for overcoming breakdowns
Bischof, N.F.; Aublin, P.G.; Seeber, B.U.; Fast processing models effects of reflections on binaural unmasking
Passaro M., Juhl M.-C.; On the potential of mapping sea level anomalies from Copernicus Marine Service with Random Forest Regression
Zou, Yuqin; Functional ligands for optimization of device performance and stability of perovskite solar cells
Hart-Davis M.G., Ray R., Bordas Diaz L., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; Towards the optimisation of altimetry corrections for improved ocean tide modelling
Maierhofer, Johannes;Rixen, Daniel J.; Strategies for Finding Training Snapshots for the Hyperreduction Method ECSW in Magnetodynamic Systems
Gille, Max;Maierhofer, Johannes;Rixen, Daniel J.; Optimization of Mirror Positioning for Single‐Camera 3D Displacement Measurements
Šerkšnytė, Laura; Novel technique to access the strong interaction in three-body systems and Re-evaluated cosmic ray antinuclei fluxes
Samonaki, Maria; Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Survivable Node-Disjoint Routing in Multi-Domain Networks
Shtembari, Lolian; On non-parametric tests for discovery and limit setting in one and multiple dimensions
Barfuß, Christoph Johannes; Efficient Mulit-Scale Simulation of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Stratified H2-CO-Air Mixtures
Bischof, N.F.; Seeber, B.U.; Lokalisation der Trajektorien-Endpunkte einer bewegten Schallquelle in Rauschen
Hládek, Ľ.; Seeber, B.U.; Behavior in triadic conversations in conditions with varying positions of noise distractors
Kuntz, M.; Seeber, B.U.; Investigating the Effect of Head Movement on the Perception of Reproduction Artefacts of Moving Sources
Böhm, Christof Andreas; Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Outside the Brain
Groß, Sabine Barbara; Consumers and Animal Welfare
Ru, Jinlong; Computational Analysis of the Role of Bacteriophages in Environment and Health
Severin Reiz; Tobias Neckel; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Training Large-Scale Neural Networks with a Newton Conjugate Gradient Method (Newton-CG)
Schwarz, Christian; Towards FRM II LEU Conversion: Viable Barriers to Prevent Excessive Radiation-Induced Interdiffusion in Monolithic U-Mo Fuel Plates
Halicki M., Schwatke C., Scherer D.; High-resolution water surface slope of Polish rivers from multi mission satellite altimetry
Dommaraju, Nidhi Nivesh Varma; Computational Knowledge Generation for Cooperative Set-based Concept Optimization
Haslauer, Kristina Elisa; Optimization of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance based Metabolomics workflows for human large cohort analysis
Eggers, J.; Häge, M.-C.; Zimmermann, S.; Gewald, H.; Assessing Process Mining Use Cases: A Taxonomy of Antecedents and Value Potentials of Process Mining
Ebel, Patrick; Deep Learning for Cloud Removal in Spaceborne Earth Observation
Andonov, Dimislav Ivanov; Einfluss der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die Vorhersagegüte eines maschinellen Lernalgorithmus zur Prädiktion perioperativer Mortalität
Bakaç, Cafer; Implicit and Explicit Motives at Work: Incremental Validity Beyond Big Five Traits and Negative Effects of Their Incongruence
Bender, Julian; Quantum and classical methods for lattice gauge theories in higher dimensions
Li, Siyu; Comprehensive assessment of dissolved organic matter processing in the Amazon basin
Lainer, M.; Taddei, F.; Müller, G.; A Wave Based Method for the analysis of a fully and partially saturated halfspace under harmonic loading
Theil, Tobias; Physics Beyond the Standard Model at all Scales
Dobler, Andreas Helmut; Biotic interactions between native freshwater unionids and aquatic invasive species in relation to conservation management
Mubarak, Menatullah Sameh Sameeh; Identification and functional characterization of the transcription factor CEBPB as a novel hub gene and disease driver in chronic inflammatory skin disorders
Lukas Krenz; Elastic-acoustic coupling for large scale earthquake simulations
Ponzelli, Michele; Design of hybrid nano-engineered bioprocesses for wastewater treatment
Al-Qadi, Mohammad Munther Mohammad; Advancing water resources management in arid regions through stakeholder engagement, digitalization, and policy integration: Jordan as a case study
Agboeze, Anthony Ikechukwu; From Affordable Housing to Slum:
Zipfel, Alexander; Anreizbasierter Austausch steuerungsrelevanter Informationen in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken
Sampaio de Oliveira, Luis Guilherme; Syngas Fermentation Studies for Enhanced Alcohol Production with Clostridium ragsdalei
Kreutz, Michael; Trainotti, Francesco; Gimpl, Verena; Rixen, Daniel; On the Robust Experimental Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Identification of Bolted Joints Using Frequency-Based Substructuring
Weniger, Stefanie R.; Exploring Challenges in Corporate Venturing: Perspectives of Entrepreneurs and Corporations
Zieglmeier, Valentin; Pretschner, Alexander; Rethinking People Analytics With Inverse Transparency by Design
Strathern, Wienke Christine; Structures and Dynamics in Communication Conflicts in Social Media Networks
Niu, Minli; Blutflusscharakterisierung freier Gewebetransplantate
Nagel, Christoffer Johannes; Conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity – a case study of the common nase Chondrostoma nasus L.
Boeckmann, Jan; Algorithms for Municipal Flood Mitigation, Related Interdiction Problems, and Knapsack Problems
Lipp, Stephan; Elsner, Daniel; Kacianka, Severin; Pretschner, Alexander; Böhme, Marcel; Banescu, Sebastian; Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-based Stopping Criterion using Vulnerability Prediction
Niu, Yunhui; Targeting the intestinal circadian clock by meal timing ameliorates gastrointestinal inflammation
Feickert Fenske, Carolina; Biological H2/CO2 Methanation in Trickle Bed Reactors – Toward Industrial Application
Ghan, Simiam Andreas; Electronic Couplings from Density Functional Theory: Quantitative Approaches
Jiang, Xinyu; Active Layer Morphology in Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells
Keler, Andreas; Amini, Sasan; Lindner, Johannes; Bogenberger, Klaus; Introducing Data-Format-Dependent Road Network Conversion Techniques – Lessons Learned from the Digital Twin Munich
Keler, Andreas; Ludwig, Sylvia; Zuo, Chenyu; Using Interactive Space-Time Cube Visualisation for Pattern Mining in Bicycle Trajectories and Traffic-Related Parameters
Fuchs, Dominik Raphael; New Analysis Methods for Enhanced Sensitivity to Light Dark Matter at CRESST-III and Studies of Discovery Potential for Next Generation Cryogenic Experiments
Langenkämper, Alexander Klaus Herbert; Characterisation of the Muon-Induced Neutron Background with a LiF Cryogenic Detector
Shehu, Kaltrina; Coupled thermal-hydraulic and mechanic calculations for FRM II
Schwinger, Daniel P.; Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Photochemical Reactions of Conjugated Carbonyl Compounds: Fundamental Studies and Application to Isomerization of Cycloheptene Derivatives
Pfitzner, F.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; Object Detection Based Knowledge Graph Creation: Enabling Insight into Construction Processes
Mörtenkötter, Hendrik;Grünwald, Dominik;Fendt, Sebastian;Spliethoff, Hartmut; Validation of Electrothermal Vaporization for the Analysis of Biomass Samples and Comparison with Other Methods of Analysis
Talebi, Elija; Morgenstern, Leander; Würth, Manuel; Kerscher, Florian; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Effect of particle size distribution on heat transfer in bubbling fluidized beds applied in thermochemical energy storage
Kryda, Marco Julian; Assessing the Environment Perception Reliability of Automated Vehicles
Kellberg , Sarah; Bridging the Gap Between Formal and Informal Science Education:
Wetzlinger, Mark;Kochdumper, Niklas;Bak, Stanley;Althoff, Matthias; Fully-Automated Verification of Linear Systems Using Reachability Analysis with Support Functions
Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Automatic Abstraction Refinement in Neural Network Verification using Sensitivity Analysis
Stirenberg, Nora Theresa; Sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (STI): Assoziierte Parameter und Lebenszeitprävalenz bei deutschen Medizinstudierenden im Intergendervergleich
Mylo, Max D.;Ludwig, Ferdinand;Rahman, Mohammad A.;Shu, Qiguan;Fleckenstein, Christoph;Speck, Thomas;Speck, Olga; Conjoining Trees for the Provision of Living Architecture in Future Cities: A Long-Term Inosculation Study
Gustschin, Alex; Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Gratings for Multimodal Neutron and X-ray Imaging
Yazdi, Hadi;Shu, Qiguan;Ludwig, Ferdinand; A Target-driven Tree Planting and Maintenance Approach for Next Generation Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI)
Strobel, Samuel Thomas; Hybrid Models for Vibration Monitoring
Baudrexl, Melanie Julia; Biochemische und strukturelle Charakterisierung nicht klassifizierter Glykosidhydrolasen aus anaeroben, thermophilen Bakterien
Engelhardt, Felicitas; Adjoint-Based Analysis of Low-Order Thermoacoustic Networks
Bing, Zhenshan;Knak, Lukas;Cheng, Long;Morin, Fabrice O.;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Nonstationary and Nonparametric Environments
Kamariotis A., Chatzi E., Straub D.; A framework for quantifying the value of vibration-based structural health monitoring
Riechers, Keno; Past abrupt climate change
Schröder, Christian Andreas; Applied Photoemission Chronoscopy
Bösl, Markus; Quantitative Hochdurchsatzanalyse von Schlüsselgeruchstoffen in Lebensmitteln mittels UHPLC-MS/MS
Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Georgiou, Despoina; Pittich, Daniel; Technology education in primary schools: addressing teachers’ perceptions, perceived barriers, and needs
Vega-Torres, M.A.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; BIM-SLAM: Integrating BIM Models in Multi-session SLAM for Lifelong Mapping using 3D LiDAR
Novacek, Sophie Rebecca Charlotte; Einfluss eines Hämoglobinverlustes während der Hospitalisierung nach ST-Strecken-Hebungsinfarkt auf die myokardiale Regeneration und Langzeitmortalität
Schmalhofer, Maximilian; Mechanistic Studies on Polyketide Biosynthesis in Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria
Zander, Patrik; Zieglmeier, Valentin; Data Owner Benefit-Driven Design of People Analytics
Lechner, Severin; Chemoproteomics-based target deconvolution and selectivity profiling of Histone Deacetylase inhibitors
Wolf, Sebastian; Advanced Material Models and Dynamic Rupture in SeisSol
Schönfeld, Sabrina; Environmental stress level - a mathematical modeling framework to investigate the influence of the microenvironment on tumor cell survival
Bartie, Neill Jacques; Circularity and Sustainability – an approach for the integrated assessment of life cycle resource, environmental, techno-economic, and circularity performance, and its application to solar photovoltaic systems
Getino-Álvarez, Marina;San-Martin, Roberto;Pretzsch, Hans;Pach, Maciej;Bravo, Felipe;Turrión, María-Belén; Assessing soil C stock and C to N ratio of soil organic matter under mixed pine-beech forests at different scales
Schröder, Peter Michael; The evolution of B-family GATA transcription factors in the plant lineage
N. Das; J. Umlauft; A. Lederer; A. Capone; T. Beckers; S. Hirche; Deep Learning based Uncertainty Decomposition for Real-time Control
A. Lederer; A. Begzadi; N. Das; S. Hirche; Safe Learning-Based Control of Elastic Joint Robots via Control Barrier Functions
Osei, Richard;Titeux, Hugues;del Río, Miren;Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo, Felipe;Collet, Catherine;Cools, Corentin;Cornelis, Jean-Thomas;Drössler, Lars;Heym, Michael;Korboulewsky, Nathalie;Löf, Magnus;Muys, Bart;Najib, Yasmina;Nothdurft, Arne;Pach, Maciej;Pretzsch, Hans;Ponette, Quentin; Climatic water availability modifies tree functional diversity effects on soil organic carbon storage in European forests
Pan, Fengjunjie; Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Automated Design Space Exploration for Resource Allocation in Software-Defined Vehicles
Rechtik, Stephan; Structural Sizing Optimization of Aircraft Wing Structure Coupled with Direct Aeroelastic Mission Performance Sensitivity Analysis
Papa, Arled;Kutsevol, Polina;Mehmeti, Fidan;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Delphi: Computing the Maximum Achievable Throughput in SD-RAN Environments
Mährle, Christian Werner; Elektrische Schwungradhybride im Nutzfahrzeug: Modellbildung und Potentialanalyse für den öffentlichen Nahverkehr mit Bussen
Zhu, Rui ; Jiang, Dong; Frequency modulation analysis of solar array using genetic algorithm
Ruscheweyh, Ruth ; Dresler, Thomas ; Förderreuther, Stefanie ; Gaul, Charly ; Gossrau, Gudrun ; Jürgens, Tim Patrick ; Ruschil, Victoria ; Straube, Andreas ; Scheidt, Jörg; What do patients' efficacy and tolerability ratings of acute migraine medication tell us? Cross-sectional data from the DMKG Headache Registry
Mayrink Verdun, Claudio; Scalability in Ill-posed Machine Learning Problems: Bridging Least Squares Methods with (Non-)convex Algorithms
Amini, Sasan; Orlich, Christoph; Beil, Christof; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; Integrating SUMO in an urban digital twin - a case study from Munich
Schölkopf, Lasse; Entwicklung und Evaluation einer adaptiven Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle für Nutzfahrzeuge
Rawat, Hilansi ; Kornherr, Jessica ; Zawada, Dorota ; Bakhshiyeva, Sara ; Kupatt, Christian ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Bähr, Andrea ; Dorn, Tatjana ; Moretti, Alessandra ; Nowak-Imialek, Monika; Recapitulating porcine cardiac development in vitro: from expanded potential stem cell to embryo culture models
Abolfath, Ramin ; Baikalov, Alexander ; Fraile, Alberto ; Bartzsch, Stefan ; Schüler, Emil ; Mohan, Radhe; A stochastic reaction-diffusion modeling investigation of FLASH ultra-high dose rate response in different tissues
Karlas, A. ; Bariotakis, M. ; Kallmayer, M. ; Hadjileontiadis, L. ; Wildgruber, M.; Editorial: Research topic for frontiers in cardiovascular medicine: non-invasive sensing and imaging techniques for cardiometabolic diseases
Leick, Jürgen ; Rheude, Tobias ; Denne, Michael ; Cassese, Salvatore ; Kastrati, Adnan ; Hauptmann, Felix ; Gehrig, Thomas ; Kuna, Constantin ; Lindner, Michael ; Lauterbach, Michael ; Werner, Nikos; Comparison of long-term outcome in patients with calcified stenosis treated with intravascular lithotripsy or with modified balloon angioplasty: a propensity score-adjusted study
Braun, Pia ; Schwientek, Ann-Kathrin ; Angerer, Peter ; Guthardt, Lisa ; Icks, Andrea ; Loerbroks, Adrian ; Apolinário-Hagen, Jennifer; Investigating information needs and preferences regarding digital mental health services among medical and psychology students in Germany: A qualitative study
Kender, Zoltan ; von Rauchhaupt, Ekaterina ; Schwarz, Daniel ; Tsilingiris, Dimitrios ; Schimpfle, Lukas ; Bartl, Hannelore ; Longo, Valter D. ; Bendszus, Martin ; Kopf, Stefan ; Herzig, Stephan ; Heiland, Sabine ; Szendroedi, Julia ; Sulaj, Alba; Six-month periodic fasting does not affect somatosensory nerve function in type 2 diabetes patients
Mayer, Katja ; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Editorial: Critical data and algorithm studies
Scala, Emanuele ; Zink, Alexander; Editorial: Updates on hidradenitis suppurativa - Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
Banerjee, Ashmi ; Banik, Paromita ; Wörndl, Wolfgang; A review on individual and multistakeholder fairness in tourism recommender systems
Schillok, Hannah ; Coenen, Michaela ; Rehfuess, Eva A. ; Kuhlmann, Pia H. ; Matl, Stefan ; Kindermann, Hannah ; Maison, Nicole ; Eckert, Jana ; von Both, Ulrich ; Behrends, Uta ; Frühwald, Michael C. ; Neubert, Antje ; Woelfle, Joachim ; Melter, Michael ; Liese, Johannes ; Hübner, Johannes ; Klein, Christoph ; Kern, Anna ; Jung-Sievers, Caroline; Changes in behavior and quality of life in German young children during the COVID-19 pandemic_results from the COVID kids bavaria study
Weitz, Jochen ; Grabenhorst, Alex ; Singer, Hannes ; Niu, Minli ; Grill, Florian D. ; Kamreh, Daniel ; Claßen, Carolina A. S. ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Ritschl, Lucas M.; Mandibular reconstructions with free fibula flap using standardized partially adjustable cutting guides or CAD/CAM technique: a three- and two-dimensional comparison
Märkl, Florian ; Benmebarek, Mohamed-Reda ; Keyl, Julius ; Cadilha, Bruno L ; Geiger, Martina ; Karches, Clara ; Obeck, Hannah ; Schwerdtfeger, Melanie ; Michaelides, Stefanos ; Briukhovetska, Daria ; Stock, Sophia ; Jobst, Jakob ; Müller, Philipp Jie ; Majed, Lina ; Seifert, Matthias ; Klüver, Anna-Kristina ; Lorenzini, Theo ; Grünmeier, Ruth ; Thomas, Moritz ; Gottschlich, Adrian ; Klaus, Richard ; Marr, Carsten ; von Bergwelt-Baildon, Michael ; Rothenfusser, Simon ; Levesque, Mitchell P ; Heppt, Markus Vincent ; Endres, Stefan ; Klein, Christian ; Kobold, Sebastian; Bispecific antibodies redirect synthetic agonistic receptor modified T cells against melanoma
Ostuzzi, Giovanni ; Schneider-Thoma, Johannes ; Tedeschi, Federico ; Leucht, Stefan ; Barbui, Corrado; Crossroads of methodological choices in research synthesis: insights from two network meta-analyses on preventing relapse in schizophrenia
Krefting, Johannes ; Sen, Partho ; David-Rus, Diana ; Güldener, Ulrich ; Hawe, Johann S. ; Cassese, Salvatore ; von Scheidt, Moritz ; Schunkert, Heribert; Use of big data from health insurance for assessment of cardiovascular outcomes
ri, Dorottya ; Szocsics, Péter ; Molnár, Tamás ; Bankovska Motlova, Lucie ; Kazakova, Olga ; Mörkl, Sabrina ; Wallies, Michael ; Abdulhakim, Mohamed ; Boivin, Sylvie ; Bruna, Krista ; Cabacos, Carolina ; Carbone, Elvira Anna ; Dashi, Elona ; Grech, Giovanni ; Greguras, Stjepan ; Ivanovic, Iva ; Guevara, Kaloyan ; Kakar, Selay ; Kotsis, Konstantinos ; Klinkby, Ida Maria Ingeholm ; Maslak, Jovana ; Matheiken, Shevonne ; Mirkovic, Ana ; Nechepurenko, Nikita ; Panayi, Angelis ; Pereira, Ana Telma ; Pomarol-Clotet, Edith ; Raaj, Shaeraine ; Rus Prelog, Polona ; Soler-Vidal, Joan ; Strumila, Robertas ; Schuster, Florian ; Kisand, Helena ; Hargi, Ann ; Ahmadova, Gumru ; Vircik, Matus ; Yilmaz Kafali, Helin ; Grinko, Natalia ; Györffy, Zsuzsa ; Rózsa, Sandor; Psychometric properties of the Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers in 32 European countries - A bifactor ESEM representation
Brück, Wolfram M. ; Santiago-Vázquez, Lory ; Brück, Thomas B.; Editorial: Sustainable production of marine natural products - from discovery to application
Danner, Simon ; Feierle, Alexander ; Gary, Sebastian ; Bengler, Klaus; The effects of displaying availability sections of an automated driving function
Trouvelot, Sophie ; Lemaitre-Guillier, Christelle ; Vallet, Julie ; Jacquens, Lucile ; Douillet, Antonin ; Harir, Mourad ; Larignon, Philippe ; Roullier-Gall, Chloé ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Adrian, Marielle ; Fontaine, Florence; Sodium arsenite-induced changes in the wood of esca-diseased grapevine at cytological and metabolomic levels
Schwarting, Julian ; Rühling, Sebastian ; Bodden, Jannis ; Schwarting, Stéphanie K. ; Zimmer, Claus ; Mehrens, Dirk ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Kunz, Wolfgang G. ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias ; Froelich, Matthias F.; Endovascular thrombectomy is cost-effective in acute basilar artery occlusion stroke
Di Pizio, Antonella ; Bermudez, Marcel ; De Graaf, Chris ; Jockers, Ralf; Editorial: Peptide-binding GPCRs coming of age
Vysotskaya, Nastassia ; Will, Christoph ; Servadei, Lorenzo ; Maul, Noah ; Mandl, Christian ; Nau, Merlin ; Harnisch, Jens ; Maier, Andreas; Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Measurement Using 60 GHz-Radar_A Feasibility Study
Hausinger, Renate Ilona ; Bachmann, Quirin ; Crone-Rawe, Timotius ; Hannane, Nora ; Monsef, Ina ; Haller, Bernhard ; Heemann, Uwe ; Skoetz, Nicole ; Kreuzberger, Nina ; Schmaderer, Christoph; Effectiveness, Immunogenicity and Harms of Additional SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Doses in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review
Narayanan, Santhanakrishnan ; Makarov, Nikita ; Magkos, Evripidis ; Salanova Grau, Josep Maria ; Aifadopoulou, Georgia ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Can Bike-Sharing Reduce Car Use in Alexandroupolis? An Exploration through the Comparison of Discrete Choice and Machine Learning Models
Tsiamitros, Nikolaos ; Mahapatra, Tanmaya ; Passalidis, Ioannis ; K, Kailashnath ; Pipelidis, Georgios; Pedestrian Flow Identification and Occupancy Prediction for Indoor Areas
Nnadozie, Emmanuel C. ; Iloanusi, Ogechukwu N. ; Ani, Ozoemena A. ; Yu, Kang; Detecting Cassava Plants under Different Field Conditions Using UAV-Based RGB Images and Deep Learning Models
Faltermeier, Florian L. ; Krapf, Sebastian ; Willenborg, Bruno ; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Improving Semantic Segmentation of Roof Segments Using Large-Scale Datasets Derived from 3D City Models and High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
Scholz, Magdalena F. ; Brammer, Anthony J. ; Marburg, Steffen; Onset of Vibration-Induced White Finger: Insight Derived from a Meta-Analysis of Exposed Workers +
Trifan, Adriana ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Korona-Glowniak, Izabela ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Luca, Simon Vlad; Essential Oils and Sustainability: In Vitro Bioactivity Screening of Myristica fragrans Houtt. Post-Distillation By-Products
Rodamilans, Bernardo ; Hadersdorfer, Johannes ; Berki, Zita ; García, Beatriz ; Neumüller, Michael ; García, Juan Antonio; The Mechanism of Resistance of EUROPEAN Plum to Plum pox virus Mediated by Hypersensitive Response Is Linked to VIRAL NIa and Its Protease Activity
Gawel-B ben, Katarzyna ; Czech, Karolina ; Luca, Simon Vlad; Cannabidiol and Minor Phytocannabinoids: A Preliminary Study to Assess Their Anti-Melanoma, Anti-Melanogenic, and Anti-Tyrosinase Properties
Tonyan, Samvel ; Pospelova, Maria ; Krasnikova, Varvara ; Fionik, Olga ; Alekseeva, Tatyana ; Samochernykh, Konstantin ; Ivanova, Nataliya ; Vavilova, Tatyana ; Vasilieva, Elena ; Makhanova, Albina ; Nikolaeva, Aleksandra ; Bukkieva, Tatyana ; Combs, Stephanie ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) as a Potential Biomarker of the Peripheral Nervous System Damage Following Breast Cancer Treatment
Hoelz, Hannes ; Heetmeyer, Jeannine ; Tsakmaklis, Anastasia ; Hiergeist, Andreas ; Siebert, Kolja ; De Zen, Federica ; Häcker, Deborah ; Metwaly, Amira ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Gessner, André ; Vehreschild, Maria J. G. T. ; Haller, Dirk ; Schwerd, Tobias; Is Autologous Fecal Microbiota Transfer after Exclusive Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric Crohn's Disease Patients Rational and Feasible? Data from a Feasibility Test
Park, So-Hyun ; Paulmann, Carsten ; Hoelzel, Markus ; Hochleitner, Rupert; Mechanism for the Combined Li-Na Ionic Conductivity in Sugilite (Fe2Na2K[Li3Si12O30])-Type Compounds
Bäumler, Miriam ; Burgmaier, Veronika ; Herrmann, Fabian ; Mentges, Julian ; Schneider, Martina ; Ehrenreich, Armin ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Continuous Production of Ethanol, 1-Butanol and 1-Hexanol from CO with a Synthetic Co-Culture of Clostridia Applying a Cascade of Stirred-Tank Bioreactors
Rappl, Stefan ; Shahul Hameed, Muhammed Zubair ; Krempaszky, Christian ; Osterminski, Kai; Mechanical and Surface Geometric Properties of Reinforcing Bars and Their Significance for the Development of Near-Surface Notch Stresses
Drenkard, Hannah ; Fischer, Christian ; Sauer, Veit ; Gehlen, Christoph; On the Chloride Distribution in Concrete and Mortar Samples after an RCM Test
Weber, Patrick ; Beck, Melina ; Klug, Michael ; Klug, Andreas ; Klug, Alexander ; Glowalla, Claudio ; Gollwitzer, Hans; Survival of Patient-Specific Unicondylar Knee Replacement
Ndrepepa, Gjin ; Cassese, Salvatore ; Scalamogna, Maria ; Lahu, Shqipdona ; Aytekin, Alp ; Xhepa, Erion ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Kastrati, Adnan; Association of De Ritis Ratio with Prognosis in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Aminotransferase Activity within and outside the Healthy Values of Reference Range
Wiethölter, Mats ; Akgün, Doruk ; Plachel, Fabian ; Minkus, Marvin ; Karczewski, Daniel ; Braun, Karl ; Thiele, Kathi ; Becker, Luis ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Moroder, Philipp; Inter-Observer and Intra-Observer Reliability Assessment of the Established Classification Systems for Periprosthetic Shoulder Fractures
Maurer, Susanne J. ; Habdank, Veronika ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Ewert, Peter ; Tutarel, Oktay; NT-proBNP Is a Predictor of Mortality in Adults with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Associated with Congenital Heart Disease
Güldener, Ulrich ; Kessler, Thorsten ; von Scheidt, Moritz ; Hawe, Johann S. ; Gerhard, Beatrix ; Maier, Dieter ; Lachmann, Mark ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Cassese, Salvatore ; Schömig, Albert W. ; Kastrati, Adnan ; Schunkert, Heribert; Machine Learning Identifies New Predictors on Restenosis Risk after Coronary Artery Stenting in 10,004 Patients with Surveillance Angiography
Jurisic, Stjepan ; Komminoth, Mathis ; Todorov, Atanas ; Bertschi, Daniela A. ; Jurisic, Martin ; Vranjic, Ivica ; Wiggli, Benedikt ; Schmid, Hansruedi ; Gebhard, Catherine ; Gebhard, Caroline E. ; Heidecker, Bettina ; Beer, Jürg-Hans ; Patriki, Dimitri; Long-Term Mortality after New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation in COVID-19
Langhorst, Jost ; Koch, Anna K. ; Kehm, Christina ; Öznur, Özlem ; Engler, Harald ; Häuser, Winfried; Mild Water-Filtered Infrared-A Whole-Body Hyperthermia Reduces Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome_A Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial
Kellermann, Florian ; Hackl, Simon ; Leister, Iris ; Hungerer, Sven ; Militz, Matthias ; Stuby, Fabian ; Holzmann, Bernhard ; Friederichs, Jan; Advances in the Treatment of Implant-Associated Infections of the Pelvis: Eradication Rates, Recurrence of Infection, and Outcome
Schweer, Julian Thomas ; Neumann, Philipp-Alexander ; Doebler, Philipp ; Doebler, Anna ; Pascher, Andreas ; Mennigen, Rudolf ; Rijcken, Emile; Crohn's Disease as a Possible Risk Factor for Failed Healing in Ileocolic Anastomoses
Ribeiro, Andrea ; Liu, Feiyue ; Srebrzynski, Matthias ; Rother, Simone ; Adamowicz, Karina ; Wadowska, Marta ; Steiger, Stefanie ; Anders, Hans-Joachim ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Koziel, Joanna ; Lech, Maciej; Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate Promotes Macrophage-Associated Low-Grade Inflammation and Epithelial Cell Senescence
Pakbin, Babak ; Allahyari, Samaneh ; Dibazar, Shaghayegh Pishkhan ; Zolghadr, Leila ; Chermahini, Neda Karami ; Brück, Wolfram Manuel ; Brück, Thomas B. ; Mahmoudi, Razzagh; Effects of Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii Supernatant on Viability, Nano-Mechanical Properties of Cytoplasmic Membrane and Pro-Inflammatory Gene Expression in Human Gastric Cancer AGS Cells
Hermann, Aljoscha ; Christl, Vera ; Hastreiter, Valentin ; Carqueville, Patrick ; Ellenberger, Lynn ; Senner, Veit; Muscular Fatigue and Quadriceps-to-Hamstring Ratio in Alpine Skiing in Women over 40 Years
Ozcelik, Mine ; Kulozik, Ulrich; The Role of Maltodextrin Concentration in Maintaining Storage Stability of Dried Fruit Foams Texturized Using Plant Protein-Polysaccharide Blends
Lippkau, Felix ; Franzmann, David ; Addanki, Thushara ; Buchenberg, Patrick ; Heinrichs, Heidi ; Kuhn, Philipp ; Hamacher, Thomas ; Blesl, Markus; Global Hydrogen and Synfuel Exchanges in an Emission-Free Energy System
Wang, Shang ; Liu, Fangzhou ; Li, Cong ; Liu, Qingchen; Safety-Critical Control for Control Affine Systems under Spatio-Temporal and Input Constraints
Just, Anna Monika ; Vorholzer, Andreas ; von Aufschnaiter, Claudia; Employing a Force and Motion Learning Progression to Investigate the Relationship between Task Characteristics and Students' Conceptions at Different Levels of Sophistication
Yoneoka, Daisuke ; Rieck, Bastian; A Note on Cherry-Picking in Meta-Analyses
Sikkenk, Daan J. ; Sterkenburg, Andrea J. ; Schmidt, Iris ; Gorpas, Dimitris ; Nagengast, Wouter B. ; Consten, Esther C. J.; Detection of Tumour-Targeted IRDye800CW Tracer with Commercially Available Laparoscopic Surgical Systems
Cerwenka, Alexander F. ; Brandner, Joerg ; Dashinov, Dimitriy ; Geist, Juergen; Small but Mighty: The Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) as a Model Species of Biological Invasions
Dragani, Tommaso A. ; Muley, Thomas ; Schneider, Marc A. ; Kobinger, Sonja ; Eichhorn, Martin ; Winter, Hauke ; Hoffmann, Hans ; Kriegsmann, Mark ; Noci, Sara ; Incarbone, Matteo ; Tosi, Davide ; Franzi, Sara ; Colombo, Francesca; Lung Adenocarcinoma Diagnosed at a Younger Age Is Associated with Advanced Stage, Female Sex, and Ever-Smoker Status, in Patients Treated with Lung Resection
Redmond, Kristin J. ; Schaub, Stephanie K. ; Lo, Sheng-fu Larry ; Khan, Majid ; Lubelski, Daniel ; Bilsky, Mark ; Yamada, Yoshiya ; Fehlings, Michael ; Gogineni, Emile ; Vajkoczy, Peter ; Ringel, Florian ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Amin, Anubhav G. ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Lo, Simon S.; Radiotherapy for Mobile Spine and Sacral Chordoma: A Critical Review and Practical Guide from the Spine Tumor Academy
Griessmair, Michael ; Delbridge, Claire ; Ziegenfeuter, Julian ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Gempt, Jens ; Schmidt-Graf, Friederike ; Kertels, Olivia ; Thomas, Marie ; Meyer, Hanno S. ; Zimmer, Claus ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Yakushev, Igor ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Metz, Marie-Christin; Imaging the WHO 2021 Brain Tumor Classification: Fully Automated Analysis of Imaging Features of Newly Diagnosed Gliomas
Preissner, Saskia ; Heiland, Max ; Preissner, Robert ; Wirth, Markus ; Wollenberg, Barbara; Antibiotics Significantly Decrease the Survival of Head and Neck Carcinoma Patients with Immunotherapy: A Real-World Analysis of More Than 3000 Cases
Foreman, Sarah C. ; Llorián-Salvador, Oscar ; David, Diana E. ; Rösner, Verena K. N. ; Rischewski, Jon F. ; Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Kramp, Daniel W. ; Luiken, Ina ; Lohse, Ann-Kathrin ; Kiefer, Jurij ; Mogler, Carolin ; Knebel, Carolin ; Jung, Matthias ; Andrade-Navarro, Miguel A. ; Rost, Burkhard ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Woertler, Klaus ; Peeken, Jan C. ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Development and Evaluation of MR-Based Radiogenomic Models to Differentiate Atypical Lipomatous Tumors from Lipomas
Tews, Hauke C. ; Elger, Tanja ; Grewal, Thomas ; Weidlich, Simon ; Vitali, Francesco ; Buechler, Christa; Fecal and Urinary Adipokines as Disease Biomarkers
Tolpadi, Aniket A. ; Luitjens, Johanna ; Gassert, Felix G. ; Li, Xiaojuan ; Link, Thomas M. ; Majumdar, Sharmila ; Pedoia, Valentina; Synthetic Inflammation Imaging with PatchGAN Deep Learning Networks
Grzybek, Maciej ; Flisikowski, Krzysztof ; Giles, Tom ; Dyjak, Marta ; Ploski, Rafal ; Gasperowicz, Piotr ; Emes, Richard D. ; Lisowski, Pawel; Methylation Genome-Wide Profiling in Lowly and Highly Efficient Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Pigs
Kschonnek, Michel ; Dobrovolska, Iryna ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Zagst, Rudi; COVIX_An Index Allowing for the Assessment of the Pandemic Situation Based on Infections and Hospitalisation Data
Geyer, Jessica ; Krupa, Kristen A. ; Harris, Zachary M. ; Sun, Ying ; Sharma, Lokesh ; Würstle, Silvia ; Hu, Buqu ; Stanley, Gail ; Rajagopalan, Govindarajan ; Pellot, Erin ; Koff, Jonathan L. ; Robinson, Jayne B.; A Novel Zinc (II) Porphyrin Is Synergistic with PEV2 Bacteriophage against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections
Habermann, Anaïs Luisa ; Khot, Ankit ; Lampl, David Emanuel ; Perren, Christof; Aerodynamic Effects of a Wing Surface Heat Exchanger
Fischer, Anne ; Beiderwellen Bedrikow, Alexandre ; Tommelein, Iris D. ; Nübel, Konrad ; Fottner, Johannes; From Activity Recognition to Simulation: The Impact of Granularity on Production Models in Heavy Civil Engineering
Olson, Nils ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Reiner, Barbara ; Schulz, Thorsten; Study related factors associated with study engagement and student burnout among German university students
Höß, Rebecca Lisa; Impacts of fish ponds on freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) streams
Zollo, Michael; A modular concept for enzymatically activatable caged electrophiles & Chemoproteomic analysis of the covalent ligandability of Moraxella catarrhalis
Landini, Elisabetta; Machine Learning Based Screening of Double Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications
Weiß, Isabella Elena Christine; Vergleich der fovealen avaskulären Zone in Neuromyelitis-optica-Spektrum-Erkrankungen und multipler Sklerose mittels optischer Kohärenztomographie Angiographie
Hoch, David Christopher Julian; Optomechanics with high-stress silicon nitride resonators
Kremser, Malte; Excitons in Mono- and Bilayers of Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
Benedikt Leible, Norbert Hanik; The Nonlinear Fourier Transform and its Extension to the Strong Coupling Multi-Mode Case
Benedikt Leible, Norbert Hanik; Algorithms for the Nonlinear Fourier Transform in the Strong Coupling Multi-Mode Case
Michael, F.; Schrag, G.; „Simulation of Damping Effects in Irregularly Perforated MEMS Devices by Physical Compact Modeling“
Eggers, J.; Hein, A.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.; Leveraging Big Data for M&A: Towards Designing Process Mining Analyses for Process Assessment in IT Due Diligence
Wu, J.;Nousias, S.;Borrmann, A.; Parametrization-based solution space exploration for Model Healing
Carrara, A.; Nousias; S.; Dubey, R.; Borrmann, A.; 3D Reconstruction of Building Morphology from Façade Drawings using Transformed-based Mono-depth Estimation
Esser, S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; A reference framework enabling temporal scalability of object-based synchronization in BIM level 3 systems
Schlenger, J.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Process-oriented progress monitoring of cast-in-place shell constructions based on computer vision
Mehranfar, M.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; Automatic creation of digital building twins with rich semantics from dense RGB point clouds through semantic segmentation and model fitting
Berggold, P.;Nousias, S.;Dubey, R.K.;Borrmann, A.; Towards predicting Pedestrian Evacuation Time and Density from Floorplans using a Vision Transformer
Mafipour, M.S.;Ahmed, D.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Digitalization of 2D Bridge Drawings Using Deep Learning Models
Dienemann, Jan-Niklas; Investigation of innovative cofactor-based antimicrobial strategies against bacteria and parasites by chemical proteomics
Kaufmann, Jan; Dynamics of Lean Kerosene Flames of Different Premixing Levels Compared to Natural Gas
Zünd, Tanja S.; Challenges of Li- and Mn-Rich Cathodes Regarding their Scale-Up Process in Li-Ion Batteries
Ding, Pan; Defining the roles of Nafion/solvent formulations in copper-assisted CO2 electrolysis
Baur, Lucia; The Adoption of Low Power Wide Area Networks in the IoT Context, with a Focus on Smart Cities
Bandelow, Linda Aranka Maria; The Role of Congestion-impacted Accessibilities for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Scherer D., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; ICESat-2 river surface slope (IRIS): A global reach-scale water surface slope dataset
Sedlmeier, Christian Michael; Development and Validation Studies on Cell Hardware and Advanced Diagnostic Methods for Material and Electrode Characterization in All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
Mateyka, Laura Marlene; Identification and in-depth characterization of SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cell receptors
Kabalar, Julia;Wu, Shun-Cheng;Wald, Johanna;Tateno, Keisuke;Navab, Nassir;Tombari, Federico; Towards Long-Term Retrieval-Based Visual Localization in Indoor Environments With Changes
Eger, Tim; Epidemiologie und Volume-Outcome Analyse der akuten mesenterialen Ischämie in Deutschland von 2005 bis 2014
Wuennenberg, Max; Muehlbauer, Konstantin; Fottner, Johannes; Meissner, Sebastian; Towards Predictive Analytics in Internal Logistics – an approach for the Data-driven determination of Key Performance Indicators
Riedl, Stefan; Comparative analysis of the conformational dynamics of human and yeast Hsp90
Batziou, Eirini; Neutron Star Formation in Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs
Malay, Mert; Synthese von Cycloheptamycin und Derivaten sowie von komplexen Polyenintermediaten zur mechanistischen Aufklärung der Ikarugamycin-Biosynthese
Wollek, Alessandro Benjamin; Deep Learning for Clinical Decision Support Systems in Chest Radiography
Cabral, J. S.; Mendoza- Ponce, A.; da Silva, A. P.; Oberpriller, J.; Mimet, A.; Kieslinger, J.; Berger, T.; Blechschmidt,J.; Brönner, M.; Claasen, A.; Fallert, S.; Hartig, F.; Hof, C.; Hoffmann, M.; Knoke, T.; Krause, A.; Lewerentz, A.; Pohle, P.; Raeder, U.; Rammig, A.; Redlich, S.; Rubanschi, S.; Stetter, C.; Weisser, W.; Vedder, D.; Verburg, P. H.; Zurell, D.; The road to integrate climate change projections with regional land- use– biodiversity models
Isychev, Anastasia; Improving Analysis and Optimization of Finite-Precision Programs
Thaler, Stephan; Advances in Neural Network Potentials for Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Physics-Informed Training and Uncertainty Quantification
Lin, Chen; Kerscher, Florian; Herrmann, Stephan; Steinrücken, Benjamin; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Kinetic Study of Carbon Deposition in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs)
Dossow, M.; Leuter, P.; Spliethoff, H.; Fendt, S.; Process modelling of biofuel production from contaminated biomass through entrained flow gasification and syngas fermentation
Duan, Chuyi; Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and High-Pressure Torsion Processing of the Refractory High-Entropy Alloy MoNbTaTiVZr
Collins, F.C.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; Graph-based linking of point cloud and BIM elements for extended DT integration
Kolbeck, L.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Graph-based mass customisation of modular precast bridge systems
Ilic, Mario; Saghaeiannejad, Seyed M.; Amini, Sasan; Bogenberger, Klaus; Open-Source Framework for Modeling Emission Concentrations in Urban Areas
Osterroth, Isabel Anna; Electrical Energy Consumption of Beverage Bottling Plants: Analysis, Modeling, and Forecast
Knauer, Manuel Marco; Mechanistic insights into Aβ-dependent neuronal hyperactivity in an Alzheimer’s model
Milaković, Lara Patricia; Catalytic conversion of biomass-based resources to transportation fuels
Heim, Sophie;Baur, Lena;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Teaching Business Skills in the Cloud: A Process Model for Cloud-Based Enterprise Software Integration in Higher Education
Drieschner, Clemens;Heckl, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; Simulation Tool for Learning Action-Oriented Process Mining
Drieschner, Clemens; Sensoy, Mert; Weking, Jörg; Krcmar, Helmut; Business Capability Mining - Opportunities and Challenges
Davoodi Kermani, Iman; Framework for generating representative volume elements of random ligament networks
Wen, Long; Rickert, Markus; Pan, Fengjunjie; Lin, Jianjie; Knoll, Alois; Bare-Metal vs. Hypervisors and Containers: Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Technologies for Software-Defined Vehicles
Ji, Fan; Wünnenberg, Maximilian; Schypula, Rafael; Fischer, Juliane; Hujo, Dominik; Goedicke, Michael; Fottner, Johannes; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Inconsistency management in heterogeneous engineering data in intralogistics based on coupled metamodels
Knoche, Martin;Rigoll, Gerhard; Tackling Face Verification Edge Cases: In-Depth Analysis and Human-Machine Fusion Approach
Vogel, Lukas; Adaptive Storage Structures
Sloot, Henrik; Stochastic representations of Marshall–Olkin distributions and upper semilinear copulas
Doan, Dieu Thi; Model-based investigation of population heterogeneity induced variations in process performance
Pekel, Erdal; X-ray Computed Tomography with a Robotic Sample Holder
Göttler, Andrea; Healthy ageing for older migrants in Germany – A discourse analysis on health and social care, responsibility, and ethnicity in older age
Benjamin Rodenberg; A black-box coupling scheme for higher-order multirate time stepping with preCICE
Hofmeyer, J.;Esser, S.;Forth, K.;Borrmann, A.; Towards environmental design decision-making for infrastructure planning using parametric BIM
Forth, K.;Hollberg, A.;Borrmann, A.; Interactive visualization of uncertain embodied GHG emissions for design decision support in early stages using open BIM
Forth, K.;Noichl, F.;Borrmann, A.; LCA Calculation of Retrofitting Scenarios using Geometric Model Reconstruction and Semantic Enrichment of Point Clouds and Images
Zerwas, Johannes Peter Donato; Design and Evaluation of Demand- and Topology Reconfiguration-aware Networks
Zanoli, Silvia; Precision LHC phenomenology via NNLO predictions matched to parton showers
Mikhaeil, Makram Shokry Ebid; On the Application of Plate Heat Exchangers in Adsorption Processes
Lainer, M.; Müller, G.; Coupling of the analytical solution for the Timoshenko beam with a fully saturated halfspace by application of the Wave Based Method
Mafipour, M. S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Heuristic optimization for digital twin modeling of existing bridges from point cloud data by parametric prototype models
Noichl, F.;Pan, Y.;Mafipour, M. S.;Braun, A.;Brilakis, I.;Borrmann, A.; From enriched point cloud to structural and MEP models: An automated approach to create semantic-geometric models for industrial facilities
Müller, Tony; Policy Entrepreneurship in Global Institutions
Sundaria, Arpita; Structural investigation of Serum Amyloid A fibrils using solid-state NMR and the effect of Heparin on SAA aggregation
Li, Xinyi; Robust Solutions for Pose Estimation Problems in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Pinzek, Simon Johannes; Advances in grating fabrication and data processing for X-ray grating interferometry
Kamariotis, Antonios; Decision support with health monitoring for deteriorating engineering systems
Benjamin Rodenberg; B-Splines for flexible and robust multirate time stepping
Zeller, Gabriela Angela; Cyber Risk and Insurance
Weiß, Philipp; Fail-Operational Decentralized System Architectures
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D.; Investigating the datum parameters of new solutions by IVS AC DGFI-TUM
Haselbeck, Florian Franz Xaver; Time Series Forecasting with Self-Adaptive Gaussian Process Regression
Lozano-Valcarcel, Juan M.;Ov, David;Kränkel, Thomas;Gehlen, Christoph;Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bridging the Gap: Assessing Material Performance of Laboratory Specimens and Concrete Structures
Trauer, Jakob; Mac, Duc Phat; Mörtl, Markus; Zimmermann, Markus; A DIGITAL TWIN BUSINESS MODELLING APPROACH
Mahajan, Vishal; Data openness and efficient methods to address data insufficiency in mobility analyses and simulation calibration
Kachariya, Nitin; Structural analysis of multi-domain RNA binding proteins in 3’ splice site recognition and mRNA-protein assembly
Moser, Tim Fabian; Structure-Preserving Model Reduction of Port-Hamiltonian Descriptor Systems
Tanadini, Davide;Boller, Giulia;Leung, Pok Yin Victor;D'Acunto, Pierluigi; Plastic Design of Bespoke Interlocking Timber-to-Timber Connections for Robotic Assembly
Voigt, Katharina; Impulse und Dialoge zwischen Architektur und Körper
Job, Laura; Konstruktion und gentechnische Herstellung katalytischer Bioscavenger zur Detoxifizierung phosphororganischer Verbindungen
Wu, Jun; Homoscedasticity and Feedback Loops in Graphical Models
Spielbauer, Markus; Crashworthiness of Lithium-Ion Cells: Safety, Detectability and Modeling
Zimmer, Walter; Birkner, Joseph; Brucker, Marcel; Nguyen, Huu Tung; Petrovski, Stefan; Wang, Bohan; Knoll, Alois C.; InfraDet3D: Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection based on Roadside Infrastructure Camera and LiDAR Sensors
Zimmer, Walter;Grabler, Marcus;Knoll, Alois; Real-Time and Robust 3D Object Detection Within Road-Side LiDARs Using Domain Adaptation
Güner, Cansu; The Mutual Shaping of Gender and Entrepreneurship in Co-Living Spaces
Khansefid, Ali;Mahmoudreza Yadollahi, Seyed;Müller, Gerhard;Taddei, Francesca; Soil-structure-interaction effects on the seismic performance of a masonry building under geothermal power plants induced earthquakes
von Dichter, Katherina; Studying the impact of the Asymmetry in Convex Geometry
Beil, Christof; Ilic, Mario; Keler, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Automatically evaluating the service quality of bicycle paths based on semantic 3D city models
Helfrich, Martin; Efficient Analysis of Population Protocols and Chemical Reaction Networks
Kschonnek, Michel; Duality Methods for Dynamic Portfolio Optimization with Constraints
Zhu, Donghao; Information Disclosure and Pricing in On-Demand Service Platforms
Di Liu, Simone Baldi,Sandra Hirche; Collision Avoidance in Longitudinal Platooning: Graceful Degradation and Adaptive Designs
Liang, Linda Ao-Bei; A Population-based Study on Cervical Cancer Screening in Germany: Beyond the Baseline
Zhuang, Genghang; Bing, Zhenshan; Yao, Xiangtong; Huang, Yuhong; Huang, Kai; Knoll, Alois; An Energy-Efficient Lane-Keeping System Using 3D LiDAR Based on Spiking Neural Network
Michelmann, Johannes; Mateo Guarch, Maria; Hornung, Mirko; Influence of Airport Capacity Limitation Mitigation on Air Traffic Networks and Fuel Consumption
Reiser, Maximilian Ferdinand; Bestimmung der Herstellungskosten und Instandsetzungskosten sowie der Grauen Energie für die Gesamtnutzungsdauer unterschiedlicher Immobilientypen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lebensdauer der Bauteile
Holzapfel, Kilian; Bioluminescence in the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment: Shedding Light on the Deep Sea
Böhle, Tobias; Dynamical Systems on Large Networks and Their Limits
Strobel, Sophie Madlen; Extreme phenotype recovery in human adipocytes
Schönhofer, Thomas; Kaltenhäuser, Bernd; Bogenberger, Klaus; Potentials for Modal Shift through HOV/HOT Lanes in Germany
Pretzsch, Hans;del Río, Miren;Arcangeli, Catia;Bielak, Kamil;Dudzinska, Malgorzata;Ian Forrester, David;Kohnle, Ulrich;Ledermann, Thomas;Matthews, Robert;Nagel, Ralf;Ningre, François;Nord-Larsen, Thomas;Szeligowski, Henryk;Biber, Peter; Competition-based mortality and tree losses. An essential component of net primary productivity
Lenzen, Fabian; Computational methods for multi-parameter persistence
Lin, Sheng-Hsuan; Efficient simulations of quantum many-body dynamics with classical and quantum computers
Yu, Hao; Correspondence Estimation through Descriptor Learning for Point Cloud Registration
Kutsch, Alexander; Margreiter, Martin; Bogenberger, Klaus; Data Collection and Processing of Multimodal Trajectories Collected by Aerial Drones
Ilic, Mario; Margreiter, Martin; Alvarez-Ossorio, Santiago; Pechinger, Mathias; Bogenberger, Klaus; Roadside LiDAR Sensors for Data Privacy Conform VRU Detection
Wu, Hsuan-Ting; Margreiter, Martin; Pedestrian Flow Simulation and Capacity Analysis of Stations for Ultra-High-Speed Ground Transportation (Hyperloop)
Rieser, Jasper;Zimmermann, Markus; Towards closed-walled designs in topology optimization using selective penalization
Breuning, Larissa; Kerekeš, Anđelka; von Müller, Alexander; Gawlick, Julia; Fietz, Sina; Zohm, Hartmut; Hamacher, Thomas; Modeling magnetic confinement fusion power plants in future energy systems
Arnold, Matthias; Dietsch, Philipp; Winter, Stefan; Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells made of Diagonal Laminated Timber Elements
Vuko, Miljenka; The role of the soil microbiome as a driver for soil structure development during post-mining reclamation
Urban, Theresa; Dark-field Chest Radiography – Image Artifacts and COPD Assessment
Seidl, Martin; Integrierte, siliziumbasierte, miniaturisierte Pumpen und Strömungssensoren für mobile mikrofluidische Systeme
Ulbl, Philipp; Collision Models for Gyrokinetic Simulations of Edge Turbulence in Fusion Plasmas
Kinniburgh, Fiona Marie; Governing Pollutants
Ceglarz, Andrzej Pawel; Implementing Energy Transitions – Understanding Constraints, Pursuing Opportunities
Kriesmair, Julia Sophie; Katheterablationen bei Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern (EMAH) unter ununterbrochener oraler Antikoagulation – ein Vergleich zwischen direkten oralen Antikoagulantien und Vitamin K Antagonisten
Tobisch, Cynthia Monika; The significance of vegetation for arthropod communities along gradients of climate and land use
Endress, Felix; Rieser, Jasper; Zimmermann, Markus; On the Treatment of Requirements in DfAM: Three Industrial Use Cases
Christoph P. Schmidt, Stephan Sinzig, Volker Gravemeier, Wolfgang A. Wall; A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Coupling Electrochemistry and Solid Mechanics on Resolved Microstructures of All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
Cazenave, Lucille; Yurkewich, Aaron; Hohler, Chiara; Keller, Thierry; Krewer, Carmen; Jahn, Klaus; Hirche, Sandra; Endo, Satoshi; Burdet, Etienne; Hybrid Functional Electrical Stimulation and Robotic Assistance for Wrist Motion Training after Stroke: Preliminary Results
Wietfeld, Alexander; Schmidt, Sebastian; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Networks
H. Kavianirad; M. Forouhar; H. Sadeghian; S. Endo; S. Haddadin; S. Hirche; Model-Based Shared Control of a Hybrid FES-Exoskeleton: an Application in Participant-Specific Robotic Rehabilitation
Morales Guzman, Pablo Israel; Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Plasma Density Variations in a Proton-Driven Wakefield Accelerator
Müller, Christiane; Moser, Johannes; Neues Wohnen und Arbeiten
Singh , Bhawani; Study of the strong interaction in p–d system and of deuteron production in pp collisions
Breitsameter, Jonas Martin; Innovative Synthesis of Carbon Fiber Precursors and Epoxy Thermosets: Advances Towards Sustainable Fiber Composite Materials
Zink, Jakob Karl Ulrich; Klinisch-prospektive Untersuchung des Einflusses der Unterkieferprotrusionsstrecke auf den Posterior Airway Space
Ripsam, Melanie Ida Erika; Wirksamkeit von Augmented Reality zur Förderung des Stoff-Teilchen-Konzeptverständnisses
Albert, Klaus; Control of a Two-Wheeled Balancing Robot
Nguyen, Quynh Mai; Bestimmung der biologisch äquivalenten Dosis für die Mikrostrahltherapie
Kurth, Julia Katharina; Land use as a driver for the structure and function of biological soil crusts in mesic environments
Payam, Shahin ; Hossaini, Jihad ; Zaschka, Katharina ; Friedmann, Anna ; Mall, Volker; Designing Well-Being: A Qualitative Investigation of Young Patients' Perspectives on the Material Hospital Environment
Pfingstl, Simon ; Braun, Christian ; Nasrollahi, Amir ; Chang, Fu-Kuo ; Zimmermann, Markus; Warped Gaussian processes for predicting the degradation of aerospace structures
Hümmert, Martin W ; Stern, Carlotta ; Paul, Friedemann ; Duchow, Ankelien ; Bellmann-Strobl, Judith ; Ayzenberg, Ilya ; Schwake, Carolin ; Kleiter, Ingo ; Hellwig, Kerstin ; Jarius, Sven ; Wildemann, Brigitte ; Senel, Makbule ; Berthele, Achim ; Giglhuber, Katrin ; Luessi, Felix ; Grothe, Matthias ; Klotz, Luisa ; Schülke, Rasmus ; Gingele, Stefan ; Faiss, Jürgen H ; Walter, Annette ; Warnke, Clemens ; Then Bergh, Florian ; Aktas, Orhan ; Ringelstein, Marius ; Stellmann, Jan-Patrick ; Häußler, Vivien ; Havla, Joachim ; Pellkofer, Hannah ; Kümpfel, Tania ; Kopp, Bruno ; Trebst, Corinna; Cognition in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: A prospective multicentre study of 217 patients (CogniNMO-Study)
Gore, Ninad ; Arkatkar, Shriniwas ; Joshi, Gaurang ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Modified Bureau of Public Roads Link Function
Zhang, Yunfei ; Loder, Allister ; Rempe, Felix ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Temporal Aggregated Analysis of GPS Trajectory Data Using Two-Fluid Model
Brucks, Adele ; Lang, Anne ; Blank, Daniela ; Lincke, Hans-Joachim ; Riedl, Lina ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Brieger, Peter ; Hamann, Johannes; How do employees currently admitted to acute psychiatric inpatient units rate their psychosocial working conditions with the COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire)
Özbek, Emre Anil ; Dadoo, Sahil ; Chang, Audrey ; Simonian, Lauren ; Sebastiani, Romano ; Herman, Zachary ; Runer, Armin ; Poploski, Kathleen M. ; Smith, Clair N. ; Irrgang, James J. ; Musahl, Volker; Rates of Septic Arthritis After ACL Reconstruction: A Single-Center Analysis Highlighting Quadriceps Tendon Grafts
Heldmaier, Wiebke ; Lonic, Daniel ; Loeffelbein, Denys J.; Three-Dimensional Analyses of Postoperative Effects of Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (SARPE) on the Soft Tissue of the Midface Region and the Upper Airway Space Using Stereophotogrammetry and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
Yu, Fei ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Song, Shaoli ; Chen, Haojun ; Wei, Weijun; Editorial: Ionizing radiation reprograms tumor immune microenvironment by inducing immunogenic cell death
Amjad, Muhammad ; Bandarra Filho, Enio Pedone ; Ahmad, Shafiq ; Riaz, Fahid ; Qyyum, Muhammad Abdul ; Hu, Yanwei ; Gardy, Jabbar; Editorial: Energy materials based novel solar thermal applications
Scheibenbogen, Carmen ; Bellmann-Strobl, Judith Theresia ; Heindrich, Cornelia ; Wittke, Kirsten ; Stein, Elisa ; Franke, Christiana ; Prüss, Harald ; Preßler, Hannah ; Machule, Marie-Luise ; Audebert, Heinrich ; Finke, Carsten ; Zimmermann, Hanna Gwendolyn ; Sawitzki, Birgit ; Meisel, Christian ; Toelle, Markus ; Krueger, Anne ; Aschenbrenner, Anna C. ; Schultze, Joachim L. ; Beyer, Marc D. ; Ralser, Markus ; Mülleder, Michael ; Sander, Leif Erik ; Konietschke, Frank ; Paul, Friedemann ; Stojanov, Silvia ; Bruckert, Lisa ; Hedderich, Dennis M. ; Knolle, Franziska ; Riemekasten, Gabriela ; Vehreschild, Maria J. G. T. ; Cornely, Oliver A. ; Behrends, Uta ; Burock, Susen; Fighting Post-COVID and ME/CFS - development of curative therapies
Hight, Darren ; Obert, David P. ; Kratzer, Stephan ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Sepulveda, Pablo ; Sleigh, Jamie ; García, Paul S. ; Kreuzer, Matthias; Permutation entropy is not an age-independent parameter for EEG-based anesthesia monitoring
Agius, Dolores Rita ; Kapazoglou, Aliki ; Avramidou, Evangelia ; Baranek, Miroslav ; Carneros, Elena ; Caro, Elena ; Castiglione, Stefano ; Cicatelli, Angela ; Radanovic, Aleksandra ; Ebejer, Jean-Paul ; Gackowski, Daniel ; Guarino, Francesco ; Gulyás, Andrea ; Hidvégi, Norbert ; Hoenicka, Hans ; Inácio, Vera ; Johannes, Frank ; Karalija, Erna ; Lieberman-Lazarovich, Michal ; Martinelli, Federico ; Maury, Stéphane ; Mladenov, Velimir ; Morais-Cecílio, Leonor ; Pecinka, Ales ; Tani, Eleni ; Testillano, Pilar S. ; Todorov, Dimitar ; Valledor, Luis ; Vassileva, Valya; Exploring the crop epigenome: a comparison of DNA methylation profiling techniques
Straubinger, Franziska B. ; Venus, Terese E. ; Benjamin, Emmanuel O. ; Sauer, Johannes; Private management costs of Popillia japonica: a study of viticulture in Italy
Calligaris, Matteo ; Yang, Chun Y. ; Bonelli, Simone ; Spanò, Donatella Pia ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Troeberg, Linda ; Scilabra, Simone D.; Identification of membrane proteins regulated by ADAM15 by SUSPECS proteomics
Lu, Xia ; Zhu, Meilin ; Zhao, Lingzhou ; Qi, Feiran ; Zou, Heng ; He, Peng ; Zhou, Haizhong ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Du, Jie; 68Ga-labeled WVP peptide as a novel PET probe for molecular biological diagnosis of unstable thoracic aortic aneurysm and early dissection: an animal study
Strecker, Christoph ; Kopczak, Anna ; Saam, Tobias ; Sepp, Dominik ; Hennemuth, Anja ; Mayerhofer, Ernst ; Poli, Sven ; Ziemann, Ulf ; Poppert, Holger ; Schindler, Andreas ; Harloff, Andreas; Carotid geometry is independently associated with complicated carotid artery plaques
Finck, Tom ; Sperl, Philipp ; Hernandez-Petzsche, Moritz ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias ; Maegerlein, Christian ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan ; Berndt, Maria; Inflammation in stroke: initial CRP levels can predict poor outcomes in endovascularly treated stroke patients
Otto, Alexander ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Mehl, Julian ; Baldino, Joshua B. ; Murphy, Matthew ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Cote, Mark P. ; Scheiderer, Bastian ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian; Dual Bracing for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries Restores Native Valgus Laxity and Native Medial Joint Gapping of the Elbow
Hanuna, Maja ; Pattathu, Joseph ; Buech, Joscha ; Kamla, Christine ; Kneidinger, Nikolaus ; Behr, Juergen ; Milger, Katrin ; Veit, Tobias ; Nagel, Marina ; Abicht, Jan ; Dalla-Pozza, Robert ; Fischer, Marcus ; Jakob, Andre ; Hermann, Matthias ; Schramm, Rene ; Rosenthal, Laura L. ; Haas, Nikolaus ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Hagl, Christian ; Michel, Sebastian G.; Case report: Central venous catheter thrombosis complicated by chronic thromboembolic disease/pulmonary hypertension in two children requiring parenteral nutrition
Gesundheit, Benjamin ; Muckenhuber, Alexander ; Posen, Yehudit ; Ellis, Ronald ; Zisman, Philip David ; Schmoll, Harald ; Weisslein, Christine ; Srinivas Raju, Jayadeepa; Oncolytic virotherapy for metastatic breast cancer - a case report
Hoffmann, Timothy D. ; Kurze, Elisabeth ; Liao, Jieren ; Hoffmann, Thomas ; Song, Chuankui ; Schwab, Wilfried; Genome-wide identification of UDP-glycosyltransferases in the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) and their biochemical and physiological functions
Maier, Ann-Marie ; Huth, Karsten ; Alessandrini, Francesca ; Henkel, Fiona ; Schnautz, Benjamin ; Arifovic, Anela ; Riols, Fabien ; Haid, Mark ; Koegler, Anja ; Sameith, Katrin ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Esser-von-Bieren, Julia ; Ohnmacht, Caspar; Corrigendum: The aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulates lipid mediator production in alveolar macrophages
Brandl, Andreas ; Wilke, Jan ; Egner, Christoph ; Reer, Rüdiger ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Schleip, Robert; Thoracolumbar fascia deformation during deadlifting and trunk extension in individuals with and without back pain
Frank, Tamara ; Pichler, Theresia ; Maier, Sabrina ; Batenhorst, Ineke ; Abawi, Tanja ; Harbeck, Nadia ; Algül, Hana ; Heinemann, Volker ; Hermelink, Kerstin ; Mumm, Friederike ; Dinkel, Andreas; Stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic and their association with distress, depressive, and anxiety symptoms in cancer out-patients
Belleflamme, Alexandre ; Goergen, Klaus ; Wagner, Niklas ; Kollet, Stefan ; Bathiany, Sebastian ; El Zohbi, Juliane ; Rechid, Diana ; Vanderborght, Jan ; Vereecken, Harry; Hydrological forecasting at impact scale: the integrated ParFlow hydrological model at 0.6 km for climate resilient water resource management over Germany
Villagómez, Gemma Nydia ; Brachvogel, René-Chris ; Kárpáti, Zsolt ; Leonhardt, Sara D. ; Schmitt, Thomas ; Ruedenauer, Fabian A.; A common protocol for reliable comparison of pollen fatty acid profiles: highlighting pitfalls and proposing a methodology for ecological research
Han, Yongtao ; Georgii, Elisabeth ; Priego-Cubero, Santiago ; Wurm, Christoph J. ; Hüther, Patrick ; Huber, Gregor ; Koller, Robert ; Becker, Claude ; Durner, Jörg ; Lindermayr, Christian; Arabidopsis histone deacetylase HD2A and HD2B regulate seed dormancy by repressing DELAY OF GERMINATION 1
Sadafi, Ario ; Bordukova, Maria ; Makhro, Asya ; Navab, Nassir ; Bogdanova, Anna ; Marr, Carsten; RedTell: an AI tool for interpretable analysis of red blood cell morphology
Cipriani, Andrea ; Seedat, Soraya ; Milligan, Lea ; Salanti, Georgia ; Macleod, Malcolm ; Hastings, Janna ; Thomas, James ; Michie, Susan ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Gilbert, David ; Soares-Weiser, Karla ; Moreno, Carmen ; Leucht, Stefan ; Egger, Matthias ; Mansoori, Parisa ; Barker, James M ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe ; McCutcheon, Robert ; Wright, Simonne ; Simpson, Matilda ; Elugbadebo, Olufisayo ; Chiocchia, Virginia ; Tonia, Thomy ; Elgarf, Rania ; Kurtulmus, Ayse ; Sena, Emily ; Simple, Ouma ; Boyce, Niall ; Chung, Sophie ; Sharma, Anjuli ; Wolpert, Miranda ; Potts, Jennifer ; Elliott, Julian H; New living evidence resource of human and non-human studies for early intervention and research prioritisation in anxiety, depression and psychosis
Höhler, Chiara ; Wild, Laura ; de Crignis, Alexandra ; Jahn, Klaus ; Krewer, Carmen; Contralaterally EMG-triggered functional electrical stimulation during serious gaming for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility study
Weusthof, Christopher ; Burkart, Sebastian ; Semmelmayer, Karl ; Stögbauer, Fabian ; Feng, Bohai ; Khorani, Karam ; Bode, Sebastian ; Plinkert, Peter ; Plath, Karim ; Hess, Jochen; Establishment of a Machine Learning Model for the Risk Assessment of Perineural Invasion in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Zuo, Xingxing ; Liu, Yong; Efficient Intelligence with Applications in Embedded Sensing
Gupta, Himanshu ; Andreasson, Henrik ; Lilienthal, Achim J. ; Kurtser, Polina; Robust Scan Registration for Navigation in Forest Environment Using Low-Resolution LiDAR Sensors
Zhang, Shumao ; Yu, Yang ; Hu, Xiaoyang ; Bian, Qiang ; Wang, Dongying ; Weng, Junjie ; Liang, Jianqiao ; Wei, Linyi ; Jiang, Peng ; Luo, Hong ; Yang, Linfeng ; Yang, Junbo ; Zhang, Zhenrong; Design of OMC-Sagnac Loop Using PDMS and Different Package Structures to Improve Sensing Performance and Optimize the Ill-Conditioned Matrix
Nissen, Leon ; Hübner, Julia ; Klinker, Jens ; Kapsecker, Maximilian ; Leube, Alexander ; Schneckenburger, Max ; Jonas, Stephan M.; Towards Preventing Gaps in Health Care Systems through Smartphone Use: Analysis of ARKit for Accurate Measurement of Facial Distances in Different Angles
Asim, Muhammad ; Tahir, Muhammad Hanzla ; Kanwal, Ammara ; Riaz, Fahid ; Amjad, Muhammad ; Khalid, Aamna ; Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba ; Ahmad, Ashfaq ; Kalam, Mohammad Abul; Effects of Varying Volume Fractions of SiO2 and Al2O3 on the Performance of Concentrated Photovoltaic System
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Profeta, Adriano ; Decker, Thomas ; Smetana, Sergiy ; Menrad, Klaus; Influencing Factors for Consumers' Intention to Reduce Plastic Packaging in Different Groups of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Germany
Nellessen, Tobias ; Ebner, Benedikt ; Pyrgidis, Nikolaos ; Ledderose, Stephan ; Kretschmer, Alexander ; Marcon, Julian ; Teupser, Daniel ; Mayr, Doris ; Faihs, Valentina ; Stief, Christian G. ; French, Lars E. ; Herlemann, Annika ; Reinholz, Markus; Characterization of Human Papilloma Virus in Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy_A Prospective Study of 140 Patients
Cao, Mengqiu ; Papaix, Claire ; Yang, Tianren ; Büttner, Benjamin; Exploring the Relationship between Urban Form, Mobility and Social Well-Being: Towards an Interdisciplinary Field of Sustainable Urban Planning and Transport Development
Ahsan, Muhammad ; Rodriguez, Jose ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Distributed Control Algorithm for DC Microgrid Using Higher-Order Multi-Agent System
Álvarez, Fernanda ; Moya, Mario ; Rivera-Mora, Claudia ; Zúñiga, Paz E. ; Jara-Cornejo, Karla ; Muñoz, Paula ; Ayala-Raso, Aníbal ; Munné-Bosch, Sergi ; Figueroa, Carlos R. ; Figueroa, Nicolás E. ; Valdenegro, Mónika ; Alvaro, Juan E. ; Schwab, Wilfried ; Defilippi, Bruno G. ; Fuentes, Lida; Abscisic Acid Synthesis and Signaling during the Ripening of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus 'Heritage') Fruit
Settelmeier, Stephan ; Varasteh, Zohreh ; Staniszewska, Magdalena ; Beerlage, Anna-Lena ; Zarrad, Fadi ; Fendler, Wolfgang P. ; Rischpler, Christoph ; Notni, Johannes ; Totzeck, Matthias ; Herrmann, Ken ; Rassaf, Tienush ; Hendgen-Cotta, Ulrike B.; Demonstration of the Early Cardiac Bioavailability of a Non-Specific Cell-Targeted Peptide Using Radionuclide-Based Imaging In Vivo
Oesinghaus, Helge ; Wanken, Daniel ; Lupp, Kilian ; Gastl, Martina ; Elsner, Martin ; Glas, Karl; Incipient Biofouling Detection via Fiber Optical Sensing and Image Analysis in Reverse Osmosis Processes
Sytnyk, Dmytro ; Wohlmuth, Barbara; Exponentially Convergent Numerical Method for Abstract Cauchy Problem with Fractional Derivative of Caputo Type
Schröder, Maresa ; Zamanian, Alireza ; Ahmidi, Narges; What about the Latent Space? The Need for Latent Feature Saliency Detection in Deep Time Series Classification
Blinov, Andrey ; Gvozdenko, Alexey ; Golik, Alexey ; Siddiqui, Shahida A. ; Göğüş, Fahrettin ; Blinova, Anastasiya ; Maglakelidze, David ; Shevchenko, Irina ; Rebezov, Maksim ; Nagdalian, Andrey; Effect of MnxOy Nanoparticles Stabilized with Methionine on Germination of Barley Seeds (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Kang, Zeyu ; Gao, Hui ; Ma, Xiaolong ; Jia, Xiaodong ; Wen, Dongsheng; Fe-Ni/MWCNTs Nano-Composites for Hexavalent Chromium Reduction in Aqueous Environment
Urmann, Corinna ; Bieler, Lara ; Hackl, Michael ; Chia-Leeson, Olivia ; Couillard-Despres, Sebastien ; Riepl, Herbert; Semi-Synthesis of Different Pyranoflavonoid Backbones and the Neurogenic Potential
Ahmad, Nadim ; Ritz, Manfred ; Calchera, Anjuli ; Otte, Jürgen ; Schmitt, Imke ; Brueck, Thomas ; Mehlmer, Norbert; Biosynthetic Potential of Hypogymnia Holobionts: Insights into Secondary Metabolite Pathways
Pflüger, Patrick ; Harder, Felix N. ; Müller, Karoline ; Willinger, Lukas ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Crönlein, Moritz; Use of Distal Tibial Cortical Bone Thickness and FRAX Score for Further Treatment Planning in Patients with Trimalleolar Ankle Fractures
Hosseini, Kaveh ; Soleimani, Hamidreza ; Nasrollahizadeh, Amir ; Jenab, Yaser ; Karlas, Angelos ; Avgerinos, Dimitrios V. ; Briasoulis, Alexandros ; Kuno, Toshiki ; Doulamis, Ilias ; Kampaktsis, Polydoros N.; Edge-to-Edge Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Using PASCAL vs. MitraClip: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Wurm, David ; Ewert, Peter ; Fierlinger, Peter ; Wakai, Ronald T. ; Wallner, Verena ; Wunderl, Lena ; Wacker-Gußmann, Annette; A Small Scale Optically Pumped Fetal Magnetocardiography System
Walla, Brigitte ; Bischoff, Daniel ; Corona Viramontes, Iliana ; Montes Figueredo, Sergio ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Recent Advances in the Monitoring of Protein Crystallization Processes in Downstream Processing
Tischner, Katharina ; Rappl, Stefan ; Riegger, Felix ; Strasser, Alexander ; Osterminski, Kai ; Kraenkel, Thomas ; Baehr, Siegfried ; Zaeh, Michael F. ; Gehlen, Christoph; Bond Behavior of WAAM Reinforcements in Comparison to Conventional Steel Reinforcements
Pathan, Nasreen B. ; Couch, Logan ; Tehrani, Fariborz M. ; Naghshineh, Ali ; Fischer, Oliver; Experimental Seismic Evaluation of Novel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Containing Tire-Derived Aggregate Concrete
Knoop, Paul ; Yilmaz, Dilay ; Paganoni, Rossana ; Steele-Perkins, Peter ; Gruber, Andreas ; Akdogan, Banu ; Zischka, Hans ; Leopold, Kerstin ; Vujić Spasić, Maja; Hfe Actions in Kupffer Cells Are Dispensable for Hepatic and Systemic Iron Metabolism
Widelski, Jaroslaw ; Kasica, Natalia ; Maci g, Monika ; Luca, Simon Vlad ; Budzyńska, Barbara ; Fondai, Dafina ; Podlasz, Piotr ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna; Simple Coumarins from Peucedanum luxurians Fruits: Evaluation of Anxiolytic Activity and Influence on Gene Expression Related to Anxiety in Zebrafish Model
Kassab, Nour El Dine ; Mehlfeld, Verena ; Kass, Jennifer ; Biel, Martin ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Rammes, Gerhard; Xenon's Sedative Effect Is Mediated by Interaction with the Cyclic Nucleotide-Binding Domain (CNBD) of HCN2 Channels Expressed by Thalamocortical Neurons of the Ventrobasal Nucleus in Mice
Wettengel, Jochen M. ; Hansen-Palmus, Lea ; Yusova, Sofiya ; Rust, Lauren ; Biswas, Sreya ; Carson, Julien ; Ryu, Junghyun ; Bimber, Benjamin N. ; Hennebold, Jon D. ; Burwitz, Benjamin J.; A Multifunctional and Highly Adaptable Reporter System for CRISPR/Cas Editing
Matysik, Jörg ; Gerhards, Luca ; Theiss, Tobias ; Timmermann, Lisa ; Kurle-Tucholski, Patrick ; Musabirova, Guzel ; Qin, Ruonan ; Ortmann, Frank ; Solov'yov, Ilia A. ; Gulder, Tanja; Spin Dynamics of Flavoproteins
Erbas, Gizem Seyda ; Nordenstam, Felicia ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Sitzberger, Christina ; Wacker-Gußmann, Annette; Cardiovascular Health in Pregnant Women and Their Off-Spring
Liao, Jieren ; Lederer, Veronika ; Bardhi, Alba ; Zou, Zhiwei ; Hoffmann, Timothy D. ; Sun, Guangxin ; Song, Chuankui ; Hoffmann, Thomas ; Schwab, Wilfried; Acceptors and Effectors Alter Substrate Inhibition Kinetics of a Plant Glucosyltransferase NbUGT72AY1 and Its Mutants
Englisch, Colya N. ; Steinhäuser, Jakob ; Wemmert, Silke ; Jung, Martin ; Gawlitza, Joshua ; Wenzel, Gentiana ; Schick, Bernhard ; Tschernig, Thomas; Immunohistochemistry Reveals TRPC Channels in the Human Hearing Organ_A Novel CT-Guided Approach to the Cochlea
Puig-Bosch, Xènia ; Ballmann, Markus ; Bieletzki, Stefan ; Antkowiak, Bernd ; Rudolph, Uwe ; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich ; Rammes, Gerhard; Neurosteroids Mediate Neuroprotection in an In Vitro Model of Hypoxic/Hypoglycaemic Excitotoxicity via -GABAA Receptors without Affecting Synaptic Plasticity
Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Stadler, David ; Popp, Maria ; Kranke, Peter ; Fichtner, Falk ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Renders, Lutz ; Braunisch, Matthias Christoph ; Assali, Tarek ; Platen, Louise ; Wijnen-Meijer, Marjo ; Lühnen, Julia ; Steckelberg, Anke ; Pfadenhauer, Lisa ; Haller, Bernhard ; Fuetterer, Cornelia ; Seeber, Christian ; Schaaf, Christian; Locating Medical Information during an Infodemic: Information Seeking Behavior and Strategies of Health-Care Workers in Germany
Han, Yongtao ; Haouel, Amira ; Georgii, Elisabeth ; Priego-Cubero, Santiago ; Wurm, Christoph J. ; Hemmler, Daniel ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Becker, Claude ; Durner, Jörg ; Lindermayr, Christian; Histone Deacetylases HD2A and HD2B Undergo Feedback Regulation by ABA and Modulate Drought Tolerance via Mediating ABA-Induced Transcriptional Repression
Cao, Lijia ; Song, Pinde ; Wang, Yongchao ; Yang, Yang ; Peng, Baoyu; An Improved Lightweight Real-Time Detection Algorithm Based on the Edge Computing Platform for UAV Images
Boeriu, Estera ; Borda, Alexandra ; Miclea, Eunice ; Boeriu, Amalia-Iulia ; Vulcanescu, Dan Dumitru ; Bagiu, Iulia Cristina ; Horhat, Florin George ; Kovacs, Alexandra Flavia ; Avram, Cecilia Roberta ; Diaconu, Mircea Mihai ; Vlaicu, Luiza Florina ; Sirb, Otniel Dorian ; Arghirescu, Smaranda Teodora; Prognosis Communication in Pediatric Oncology: A Systematic Review
Ritter, Jessica ; Lisec, Kristina ; Klinner, Marina ; Heinrich, Martina ; von Schweinitz, Dietrich ; Kappler, Roland ; Hubertus, Jochen; Genetic Disruption of Cilia-Associated Signaling Pathways in Patients with VACTERL Association
Greve, Frederik ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Castellani, Christoph ; Singer, Georg ; Till, Holger ; Wegmann, Helmut; Beneficial Perioperative Aspects Favor the Use of Percutaneous Crossed Pinning over Antegrade Nailing in Pediatric Supracondylar Fractures_A Retrospective Comparative Study
Tzeplaeff, Laura ; Wilfling, Sibylle ; Requardt, Maria Viktoria ; Herdick, Meret; Current State and Future Directions in the Therapy of ALS
von Schledorn, Laura ; Puertollano Martín, David ; Cleve, Nicole ; Zöllner, Janina ; Roth, Doris ; Staar, Ben Ole ; Hegermann, Jan ; Ringshausen, Felix C. ; Nawroth, Janna ; Martin, Ulrich ; Olmer, Ruth; Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Patient-Specific hiPSC-Derived Airway Epithelium in Air-Liquid Interface Culture Recapitulates Disease Specific Phenotypes In Vitro
Hartinger, Ramona ; Lederer, Eva-Maria ; Schena, Elisa ; Lattanzi, Giovanna ; Djabali, Karima; Impact of Combined Baricitinib and FTI Treatment on Adipogenesis in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome and Other Lipodystrophic Laminopathies
Hoch, Cosima C. ; Stögbauer, Fabian ; Wollenberg, Barbara; Unraveling the Role of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Salivary Glands: A Comprehensive Review
Safi, Seyer ; Messner, Luis ; Kliebisch, Merten ; Eggert, Linn ; Ceylangil, Ceyra ; Lennartz, Philipp ; Jefferies, Benedict ; Klein, Henriette ; Schirren, Moritz ; Dommasch, Michael ; Lobinger, Dominik ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Circulating Hsp70 Levels and the Immunophenotype of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes as Potential Biomarkers for Advanced Lung Cancer and Therapy Failure after Surgery
Thaqi, Granit ; Berisha, Bajram ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; Expression of Locally Produced Adipokines and Their Receptors during Different Physiological and Reproductive Stages in the Bovine Corpus Luteum
Conrad, David ; Kehl, Alexandra ; Müller, Tobias ; Klopfleisch, Robert ; Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike; Immunohistochemical and Molecular Genetic Analysis of Canine Digital Mast Cell Tumours
Harsányi, Endre ; Bashir, Bashar ; Arshad, Sana ; Ocwa, Akasairi ; Vad, Attila ; Alsalman, Abdullah ; Bácskai, István ; Rátonyi, Tamás ; Hijazi, Omar ; Széles, Adrienn ; Mohammed, Safwan; Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms for Optimizing Maize Yield Forecasting in Central Europe
Kuhlmann, Markus ; Jiang, Hua ; Catoni, Marco ; Johannes, Frank; Editorial: DNA methylation in plants associated with abiotic stress, volume II
Schraivogel, Stephan ; Aebischer, Philipp ; Weder, Stefan ; Caversaccio, Marco ; Wimmer, Wilhelm; Cochlear implant electrode impedance subcomponents as biomarker for residual hearing
Beugholt, Alexander ; Geier, Dominik Ulrich ; Becker, Thomas; Improvement of Saccharomyces propagation performance through oxygen-enriched air and aeration parameter variation
Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Harkous, Hasanin; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Performance Analysis of General P4 Forwarding Devices with Controller Feedback: Single- and Multi-Data Plane Cases
Hemmer, Karina; Designing Multifunctionality and Confined Environments in Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Frameworks
Abram, Andrea; Metal Leaching and Performance of Supported Copper and Palladium Catalysts during Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation and CC-Coupling Reactions
Ding, Pan;An, Hongyu;Zellner, Philipp;Guan, Tianfu;Gao, Jianyong;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Weckhuysen, Bert M.;van der Stam, Ward;Sharp, Ian D.; Elucidating the Roles of Nafion/Solvent Formulations in Copper-Catalyzed CO2 Electrolysis
de Souza Nóia Júnior, Rogério; Understanding extreme wheat production failures through modeling
Hurtado, S. & Keune, A.; Expanding the ‘personally meaningful’: Engaging in sound making to support engineering practices
Keune, A.; Sewing and weaving data: Analyzing fiber crafts as context for performing data processing and storing
Saxena, P., Keune, A., Thompson, A. & Peppler, K.; To Quilt is to Math: Investigating the Breadth and Depth of Mathematics in Fiber Crafts
Peppler, K., Keune, A., Bender, S. & Yankova, N.; Theorizing Mathematical Unitizing through Fiber Crafts
Keune, A., Thompson, N., Cain, R., Kargin, T., Mawasi, A. & Dahn, M.; Navigating the “In-Between”: Making a Place for Early Career Scholars to Share and Connect Across Borders
Lamparth, Max; Fierz Interference Term in Neutron Beta Decay and New Approaches for Systematic Uncertainty Quantification
Cui, Yuning;Knoll, Alois; PSNet: Towards Efficient Image Restoration with Self-Attention
Hannane, Nora; Investigation of resistance mechanisms in acute myeloid leukaemia towards tyrosine kinase inhibitors with mass spectrometry
Speck, K;Schäffer, C;Gümmer, V; Design of a small pressure chamber to evaluate probe calibrations at varying Reynolds numbers
Scheibel, Beate;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; An End-to-End Approach for Online Decision Mining and Decision Drift Analysis in Process-Aware Information Systems: Extended Version
Klievtsova, Nataliia;Benzin, Janik-Vasily;Kampik, Timotheus;Mangler, Juergen;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Conversational Process Modelling: State of the Art, Applications, and Implications in Practice
Ritter, Daniel;Forsberg, Fredrik Nordvall;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Responsible Composition and Optimization of Integration Processes under Correctness Preserving Guarantees
Buducan, Kevin Georges; Development of European manufacturing process for bare uranium-molybdenum monolithic foils
Benedikt Leible, Norbert Hanik; The Nonlinear Fourier Transform and its Extension to the Strong Coupling Multi-Mode Case (Slides)
Benedikt Leible, Norbert Hanik; Algorithms for the Nonlinear Fourier Transform in the Strong Coupling Multi-Mode Case (Slides)
Kabliman, Evgeniya; Nirupam Chakraborti: Data-Driven Evolutionary Modeling in Materials Technology
Hartmann, Julian Myrddin Pascal; Studying Mutations and Perturbations in Biomolecules using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Ungar, P.; Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Manfridad, G.; Thermo-economic comparison of CO2 and water as a heat carrier for long-distance heat transport from geothermal sources
Glöckler, David Christopher; Tailor-made Sorbents to Enhance Sensitivity in Stable Isotope Analysis of Aquatic Micropollutants
Strohmeyer, Akim; Cholesterol-gut microbiome interactions as drivers of obesity and colorectal cancer
Engel, Thomas Maximilian; Brandschutz für biogene Fassaden
Mario Wille; Efficient GPU Offloading with OpenMP for a Hyperbolic Finite Volume Solver on Dynamically Adaptive Meshes
Lecina-Diaz, Judit;Campos, João;Pais, Silvana;Carvalho-Santos, Claudia;Azevedo, João;Fernandes, Paulo;Gonçalves, João;Aquilué, Núria;Roces-Díaz, José V.;Agrelo de la Torre, María;Brotons, Lluis;Chas-Amil, María-Luisa;Lomba, Angela;Duane, Andrea;Moreira, Francisco;Touza, Julia;Hermoso, Virgilio;Sil, Ângelo;Vicente, Joana;Honrado, Joao;Regos, Adrián; Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reserves
Molofsky, Jane;Thom, Dominik;Keller, Stephen R.;Milbrath, Lindsey R.; Closely related invasive species may be controlled by the same demographic life stages
Mandl, Lisa;Stritih, Ana;Seidl, Rupert;Ginzler, Christian;Senf, Cornelius; Spaceborne LiDAR for characterizing forest structure across scales in the European Alps
Mayer, Paula;Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne;Ciucci, Paolo;Salliou, Nicolas;Stritih, Ana; Mapping human- and bear-centered perspectives on coexistence using a participatory Bayesian framework
Lecina-Diaz, Judit;Chas-Amil, María-Luisa;Aquilué, Núria;Sil, Ângelo;Brotons, Lluís;Regos, Adrián;Touza, Julia; Incorporating fire-smartness into agricultural policies reduces suppression costs and ecosystem services damages from wildfires
Hansen, Winslow D.;Foster, Adrianna;Gaglioti, Benjamin;Seidl, Rupert;Rammer, Werner; The Permafrost and Organic LayEr module for Forest Models (POLE-FM) 1.0
Braziunas, Kristin H.;Kiel, Nathan G.;Turner, Monica G.; Less fuel for the next fire? Short‐interval fire delays forest recovery and interacting drivers amplify effects
Triviño, María;Potterf, Mária;Tijerín, Julián;Ruiz-Benito, Paloma;Burgas, Daniel;Eyvindson, Kyle;Blattert, Clemens;Mönkkönen, Mikko;Duflot, Rémi; Enhancing Resilience of Boreal Forests Through Management Under Global Change: a Review
Regos, Adrián;Pais, Silvana;Campos, João C.;Lecina-Diaz, Judit; Nature-based solutions to wildfires in rural landscapes of Southern Europe: let’s be fire-smart!
Riedel, Mirko Philipp; Setup Development for High-Resolution Quantitative Phase-Contrast Imaging at a Synchrotron Radiation Source
Jägle, E.; Timothy, J. J.; Diewald, F.; Kränkel, T.; Gehlen, C. & Machner, A.; The hydration of cement paste: Thermodynamics driven multi-scale modeling of elastic properties and coda wave interferometry based monitoring
Manuel, Manu; Design Space Exploration for Approximate Image Processing on FPGAs
Tripathi-Giesgen, Ishita; Exploring the Atypical Mechanisms of Protein Ubiquitination by Ariadne E3 Ligases
Salliou, Nicolas;Stritih, Ana; In complexity we trust: learning from the socialist calculation debate for ecosystem management
Tebcharani, Laura; Zero-order drug delivery systems
Rabusov, Andrei; Partial-Wave Analysis of τ−→π−π−π+ντ at Belle
Cichor, Jakub Edward; Leadership in the Digital Age: Utilizing Social Robots and Virtual Reality in Leadership
Knoke, T.; Hanley, N.; Roman-Cuesta, R. M.; Groom, B.; Venmans, F.; Paul, C.; Trends in tropical forest loss and the social value of emission reductions
Cui, Yuning;Ren, Wenqi;Cao, Xiaochun;Knoll, Alois; Focal Network for Image Restoration
Gruber, Th.; Geodetic Requirements for Next Generation Gravity Field Missions in the Context of Essential Geodetic Variables
Michelmann, Johannes; Hornung, Mirko; Influence and Sensitivities of Airport Capacity Limitations Modeling in Air Transport Fleet Development
Frédéric Simonis; Changes in preCICE Version 3
Frédéric Simonis; An introduction to the preCICE coupling library
Zhuang, Genghang; Bing, Zhenshan; Huang, Kai; Knoll, Alois; Toward Neuromorphic Perception: Spike-driven Lane Segmentation for Autonomous Driving using LiDAR Sensor
Gerasimos Chourdakis; David Schneider; Benjamin Uekermann; Coupling OpenFOAM with external simulation codes using OpenFOAM-preCICE
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Getting started with OpenFOAM-preCICE for FSI simulations
Gerasimos Chourdakis; New Special Interests Group: Research Software Engineering
Denk, Alina Constanze; Tunable polymer architectures for aliphatic polycarbonates via co- and terpolymerization of epoxides and CO2
Ecker, Dominik; Precision Measurement of the Chiral Anomaly and Improvements of the Data Acquisition System at the COMPASS experiment at CERN
Lamprecht, Xaver; Aqueous Sodium-Ion Batteries Based on Prussian Blue Analogs: From a Model System Towards an Optimized Design
Yang, Yanxiang; Essays on the Role of Gamified Smartphone Applications for Physical Activity
Cheng, Cho-Chin; Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection by vaccine-induced antibodies and small-interfering RNAs
Ritz, Manfred J.; The potential of a comparative genome and transcriptome approach for the discovery of valuable terpenoid molecules in Caryopteris x clandonensis
Lin, Yuanfei; Ratzel, Michael; Althoff, Matthias; Automatic Traffic Scenario Conversion from OpenSCENARIO to CommonRoad
Kopp, Philipp Michael; Space-time multi-level hp-finite elements for heat evolution in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
Geist, Juergen;Hoess, Rebecca;Rytterstam, Johan;Söderberg, Håkan; Substratum Raking Can Restore Interstitial Habitat Quality in Swedish Freshwater Pearl Mussel Streams
Dießel, Oriana K.; Polaron Physics and Phase Transitions in Light-Matter Systems
Sarpey, Theophilus Kobina; Impact of Electrolyte Composition on Electrode Processes. Investigation Using Laser-Assisted, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, and Impedance Techniques
Bienert, Lucas; Schumacher, Nils; Winter, Stefan; Richter, Klaus; Development of Disintegrated Hybrid Cross Laminated Timber
Pisareva M.N., Müller F.L., Seitz F., Dettmering D., Schwatke C.; Circulation in the Chukchi Sea from a long-term dataset of satellite radar altimetry
Sebald, Jonas; Unsteady Interference Effects on Passenger Vehicles in Open-Jet Wind Tunnels
Schwaiger, Dominik Mathias; Internal Dynamics and Stability of Bulk Heterojunction Films for Application in Organic Photovoltaics
Yasko, Timur; Method development in solid-state NMR using CPMG-like pulse sequence
Zieglmeier, Valentin; The Inverse Transparency Toolchain: A Fully Integrated and Quickly Deployable Data Usage Logging Infrastructure
Weik, Stefan J.; Essays on Finance and Entrepreneurship in a Global Venture Capital Landscape
Chen, Ke; Molecular Machine Learning for Complex Electronic Properties
Schneyer, Stefan;Sachtler, Arne;Eiband, Thomas;Nottensteiner, Korbinian; Segmentation and Coverage Planning of Freeform Geometries for Robotic Surface Finishing
Stefano Gasperini; Nils Morbitzer; HyunJun Jung; Nassir Navab; Federico Tombari; Robust Monocular Depth Estimation under Challenging Conditions
Rabenbauer, Alfred Horst Leopold; Pnp-Switchable Coinage-Metal Thermoelectrics for the Development of One-Compound Diodes
Gang, B.; Bingham, L.; Gosling, E.; Knoke, T.; Assessing the suitability of under-represented tree species for multifunctional forest management—an example using economic return and biodiversity indicators
Amaral, C.; Poulter, B.; Lagomasino, D.; Fatoyinbo, T.; Taillie, P.; Lizcano, G.; Canty, S.; Silveira, J. A. H.; Teutli-Hernandez, C.; Cifuentes-Jara, M.; Charles, S. P.; Moreno, C. S.; Gonzalez-Trujillo, J. D.; Roman-Cuesta, R. M.; Drivers of mangrove vulnerability and resilience to tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Basin
Natraš, Randa; Machine Learning for Modeling and Forecasting the Ionosphere Vertical Total Electron Content, Including Space Weather Effects and Uncertainty Quantification
Richard M. Milbradt; Benjamin Sappler, Christian B. Mendl; Hierarchy of Pure States and Tree Tensor Networks
Dörrstein, Jörg; Organosolv-Lignin aus Süßgräsern (Poacea) zum Einsatz in Bioverbundwerkstoffen
Pretzsch, Hans;Ahmed, Shamim;Rötzer, Thomas;Schmied, Gerhard;Hilmers, Torben; Structural and compositional acclimation of forests to extended drought: results of the KROOF throughfall exclusion experiment in Norway spruce and European beech
Schmied, Gerhard;Pretzsch, Hans;Ambs, Dominik;Uhl, Enno;Schmucker, Julia;Fäth, Julian;Biber, Peter;Hoffmann, Yves-Daniel;Šeho, Muhidin;Mellert, Karl Heinz;Hilmers, Torben; Rapid beech decline under recurrent drought stress: Individual neighborhood structure and soil properties matter
Himmels, Chantal;Andreev, Vladislav;Syed, Arslan Ali;Lindner, Johannes;Denk, Florian;Riener, Andreas; Are Head-mounted Displays Really Not Suitable for Driving Simulation? A Comparison with a Screen-Based Simulator
Lülf, Rebekka Herdis; The Microbiota of a Lupine-based Moromi Fermentation
Hládek, Ľ.; Seeber, B.U.; Speech Intelligibility in Reverberation is Reduced During Self-Rotation
Reinhardt, Till Nicolas; Chemical proteomic studies into the human side-effects of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and elucidation of the dual mode of action of novel indolin-2-one nitroimidazole antibiotics
Zhuang, Genghang;Bing, Zhenshan;Yao, Xiangtong;Huang, Yuhong;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Toward Intelligent Sensing: Optimizing Lidar Beam Distribution for Autonomous Driving
Lesniewska, Barbara; The role of the receptor kinase STRUBBELIG in the cell wall stress response
Gao, Yuan;Jiao, Junjie;Hirche, Sandra; H2 suboptimal containment control of multi-agent systems
Gao, Yuan;Jiao, Junjie;Hirche, Sandra; H2 suboptimal leader-follower consensus control of multi-agent systems
Capone, Alexandre;Jiao, Junjie;Zarei, Mostafa;Zhang, Shiqi;Hirche, Sandra; Robust H∞ Consensus for Homogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Parametric Uncertainties
Stephan Sinzig, Christoph P. Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall; An efficient approach to include transport effects in thin coating layers in electrochemo-mechanical models for all-solid-state batteries
Keerthi Gaddameedi, Dominik Huber, Jan Fecht, Valentina Schuller, Martin Schreiber, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Tobias Neckel; PFASST with dynamic resource management for large-scale applications
Châteauvieux, Camille Ondine Ida; BIM-gestützter Planungsprozess zur Berechnung des Schallschutzes im Holzbau
Bauer, Maria G.;Baglo, Kjetil;Reichert, Luca;Torgersen, Jan;Lieleg, Oliver; Comparing the resilience of macromolecular coatings on medical-grade polyurethane foils
Bratoev, Ivan; Predicting Urban-Scale Wind Simulations
Laxhuber, Dominik; Collisionless Dark Matter in Cosmology
Mehmeti, Fidan;La Porta, Thomas F.;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Efficient Resource Allocation with Provisioning Constrained Rate Variability in Cellular Networks
Hordijk, Iris;Maynard, Daniel S.;Hart, Simon P.;Lidong, Mo;ter Steege, Hans;Liang, Jingjing;de‐Miguel, Sergio;Nabuurs, Gert‐Jan;Reich, Peter B.;Abegg, Meinrad;Adou Yao, C. Yves;Alberti, Giorgio;Almeyda Zambrano, Angelica M.;Alvarado, Braulio V.;Esteban, Alvarez‐Davila;Alvarez‐Loayza, Patricia;Alves, Luciana F.;Ammer, Christian;Antón‐Fernández, Clara;Araujo‐Murakami, Alejandro;Arroyo, Luzmila;Avitabile, Valerio;Aymard C, Gerardo A.;Baker, Timothy;Bałazy, Radomir;Banki, Olaf;Barroso, Jorcely;Bastian, Meredith L.;Bastin, Jean‐Francois;Birigazzi, Luca;Birnbaum, Philippe;Bitariho, Robert;Boeckx, Pascal;Bongers, Frans;Bouriaud, Olivier;Brancalion, Pedro H. S.;Brandl, Susanne;Brienen, Roel;Broadbent, Eben N.;Bruelheide, Helge;Bussotti, Filippo;Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto;César, Ricardo G.;Cesljar, Goran;Chazdon, Robin;Chen, Han Y. H.;Chisholm, Chelsea;Cienciala, Emil;Clark, Connie J.;Clark, David B.;Colletta, Gabriel;Coomes, David;Cornejo Valverde, Fernando;Corral‐Rivas, Jose J.;Crim, Philip;Cumming, Jonathan;Dayanandan, Selvadurai;de Gasper, André L.;Decuyper, Mathieu;Derroire, Géraldine;DeVries, Ben;Djordjevic, Ilija;Iêda, Amaral;Dourdain, Aurélie;Nestor Laurier, Engone Obiang;Enquist, Brian;Eyre, Teresa;Fandohan, Adandé Belarmain;Fayle, Tom M.;Ferreira, Leandro V.;Feldpausch, Ted R.;Finér, Leena;Fischer, Markus;Fletcher, Christine;Frizzera, Lorenzo;Gamarra, Javier G. P.;Gianelle, Damiano;Glick, Henry B.;Harris, David;Hector, Andrew;Hemp, Andreas;Hengeveld, Geerten;Hérault, Bruno;Herbohn, John;Hillers, Annika;Honorio Coronado, Eurídice N.;Hui, Cang;Cho, Hyunkook;Ibanez, Thomas;Bin Jung, Il;Imai, Nobuo;Jagodzinski, Andrzej M.;Jaroszewicz, Bogdan;Johanssen, Vivian;Joly, Carlos A.;Jucker, Tommaso;Karminov, Viktor;Kartawinata, Kuswata;Kearsley, Elizabeth;Kenfack, David;Kennard, Deborah;Kepfer‐Rojas, Sebastian;Keppel, Gunnar;Khan, Mohammed Latif;Killeen, Timothy;Kim, Hyun Seok;Kitayama, Kanehiro;Köhl, Michael;Korjus, Henn;Kraxner, Florian;Laarmann, Diana;Lang, Mait;Lewis, Simon;Lu, Huicui;Lukina, Natalia;Maitner, Brian;Malhi, Yadvinder;Marcon, Eric;Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes;Marimon‐Junior, Ben Hur;Marshall, Andrew Robert;Martin, Emanuel;Martynenko, Olga;Meave, Jorge A.;Melo‐Cruz, Omar;Mendoza, Casimiro;Merow, Cory;Miscicki, Stanislaw;Mendoza, Abel Monteagudo;Moreno, Vanessa;Mukul, Sharif A.;Mundhenk, Philip;Nava‐Miranda, Maria G.;Neill, David;Neldner, Victor;Nevenic, Radovan;Ngugi, Michael;Niklaus, Pascal A.;Oleksyn, Jacek;Ontikov, Petr;Ortiz‐Malavasi, Edgar;Pan, Yude;Paquette, Alain;Parada‐Gutierrez, Alexander;Parfenova, Elena;Park, Minjee;Parren, Marc;Parthasarathy, Narayanaswamy;Peri, Pablo L.;Pfautsch, Sebastian;Phillips, Oliver L.;Picard, Nicolas;Piedade, Maria Teresa;Piotto, Daniel;Pitman, Nigel C. A.;Polo, Irina;Poorter, Lourens;Poulsen, Axel Dalberg;Poulsen, John R.;Pretzsch, Hans;Ramirez Arevalo, Freddy;Restrepo‐Correa, Zorayda;Rodeghiero, Mirco;Rolim, Samir;Roopsind, Anand;Rovero, Francesco;Rutishauser, Ervan;Saikia, Purabi;Salas‐Eljatib, Christian;Schall, Peter;Schepaschenko, Dmitry;Scherer‐Lorenzen, Michael;Schmid, Bernhard;Schöngart, Jochen;Searle, Eric B.;Šebeň, Vladimír;Serra‐Diaz, Josep M.;Sheil, Douglas;Shvidenko, Anatoly;Silva‐Espejo, Javier;Silveira, Marcos;Singh, James;Sist, Plinio;Slik, Ferry;Sonké, Bonaventure;Souza, Alexandre F.;Stereńczak, Krzysztof;Svenning, Jens‐Christian;Svoboda, Miroslav;Swanepoel, Ben;Targhetta, Natalia;Tchebakova, Nadja;Thomas, Raquel;Tikhonova, Elena;Umunay, Peter;Usoltsev, Vladimir;Valencia, Renato;Valladares, Fernando;van der Plas, Fons;Tran, Do Van;Van Nuland, Michael E.;Vasquez Martinez, Rodolfo;Verbeeck, Hans;Viana, Helder;Vibrans, Alexander C.;Vieira, Simone;von Gadow, Klaus;Wang, Hua‐Feng;Watson, James;Werner, Gijsbert D. A.;Wiser, Susan K.;Wittmann, Florian;Wortel, Verginia;Zagt, Roderick;Zawila‐Niedzwiecki, Tomasz;Zhang, Chunyu;Zhao, Xiuhai;Zhou, Mo;Zhu, Zhi‐Xin;Zo‐Bi, Irie Casimir;Crowther, Thomas W.; Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness
MELLERT, Karl H.;SCHMIED, Gerhard;BUNESS, Vincent;STECKEL, Mathias;UHL, Enno;ŠEHO, Muhidin;PRETZSCH, Hans; Small-scale variation in available water capacity of the soil influences height growth of single trees in Southern Germany
Tschernuth, Florian Siegfried; Synthesis and Characterization of Neutral Silicon- and Germanium-based Lewis Superacids for Catalytic Applications
Tesfazgi, S.;Sangouard, R.;Endo, S.;Hirche, S.; Uncertainty-aware Automated Assessment of the Arm Impedance with Upper-limb Exoskeletons
Leu, Chia-Luen; Interrogation of neural and astrocytic circuitry in sleep homeostasis
Bödeker, K.; Jordan-Fragstein, C.; Vor, T.; Ammer, C.; Knoke, T.; Abrupt height growth setbacks show overbrowsing of tree saplings, which can be reduced by raising deer harvest
Lesperance, Kaley; Gender Differences in STEM Motivational Outcomes
Knoke, T.; Fibich, J.; Entwicklungsbedarf für die Forstplanung
Fibich, J.; Paul, C.; Seidl, R.; Knoke, T.; Ökonomische Resilienz auf Bestandesebene quantifizieren
Gang, B.; Fibich, J.; Jarisch, I.; Knoke, T.; Bewertung seltener Nadelbaumarten anhand robuster Pareto-Kurven
Ortiz, J. C.; Jarisch, I.; Kindu, M.; Gang, B.; Fibich, J.; Knoke, T.; Robuste Optimierung der Bewirtschaftung von Mischbeständen
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Seitz F.; Effects of non-tidal loading applied in VLBI-only terrestrial reference frames
Springmann, Konstantin F.; How Light Scalars Change the Stellar Landscape
Haid, Charlotte; Lang, Alicia; Fottner, Johannes; Explaining Algorithmic Decisions: Design Guidelines for Explanations in User Interfaces
Li, Zhongkui;Jiao, Junjie;Chen, Xiang; Distributed Optimal Control with Recovered Robustness for Uncertain Network Systems: A Complementary Design Approach
Jochheim, Leonie ; Jochheim, David ; Habenicht, Livia ; Herner, Alexander ; Ulrich, Jörg ; Wiessner, Johannes ; Heilmaier, Markus ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Schmid, R.M. ; Lahmer, T. ; Mayr, Ulrich; Adjunctive Hydrocortisone Improves Hemodynamics in Critically Ill Patients with Septic Shock: An Observational Study Using Transpulmonary Thermodilution
Muench, Lukas N. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Mehl, Julian ; Scheiderer, Bastian ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Elhassan, Bassem T. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Berthold, Daniel P.; Physiological Tensioning During Lower Trapezius Transfer for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears May Be Important for Improvement in Shoulder Kinematics
Otero-Romero, Susana ; Lebrun-Frénay, Christine ; Reyes, Saúl ; Amato, Maria Pia ; Campins, Magda ; Farez, Mauricio ; Filippi, Massimo ; Hacohen, Yael ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Juuti, Rosa ; Magyari, Melinda ; Oreja-Guevara, Celia ; Siva, Aksel ; Vukusic, Sandra ; Tintoré, Mar; ECTRIMS/EAN consensus on vaccination in people with multiple sclerosis: Improving immunization strategies in the era of highly active immunotherapeutic drugs
Steinacker, Jürgen M ; Mechelen, Willem van ; Bloch, Wilhelm ; Börjesson, Mats ; Casasco, Maurizio ; Wolfarth, Bernd ; Knoke, Carolin ; Papadopoulou, Theodora ; Wendt, Janine ; Al Tunaiji, Hashel ; Andresen, Dietrich ; Andrieieva, Olena ; Bachl, Norbert ; Badtieva, Victoriya ; Beucher, Friedhelm J ; Blauwet, Cheri A ; Casajus Mallen, Jose-Antonio ; Chang, Ju-Ho ; Clénin, German ; Constantini, Naama ; Constantinou, Demitri ; Di Luigi, Luigi ; Declercq, Lukas ; Doutreleau, Stephane ; Drozdovska, Svitlana ; Duclos, Martine ; Ermolao, Andrea ; Fischbach, Thomas ; Fischer, Anastasia N ; Fossati, Chiara ; Franchella, Jeorge ; Fulcher, Mark ; Galle, Jan C ; Gerloff, Christian ; Georgiades, Evelina ; Gojanovic, Boris ; González Gross, Marcela ; Grote, Andy ; Halle, Martin ; Hauner, Hans ; Herring, Matthew Payton ; Hiura, Mikio ; Holze, Kerstin ; Huber, Gerhard ; Hughes, David ; Hutchinson, Mark R. ; Ionescu, Anca ; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina ; Jegier, Anna ; Jones, Natasha ; Kappert-Gonther, Kirsten ; Kellerer, Monika ; Kimura, Yutaka ; Kiopa, Agrita ; Kladny, Bernd ; Koch, Gerhard ; Kolle, Elin ; Kolt, Greg ; Koutedakis, Yiannis ; Kress, Stephan ; Kriemler, Susi ; Kröger, Jens ; Kuhn, Christian ; Laszlo, Roman ; Lehnert, Ralph ; Lhuissier, François J ; Lüdtke, Kerstin ; Makita, Shigeru ; Manonelles Marqueta, Pedro ; März, Winfried ; Micallef-Stafrace, Kirill ; Miller, Mike ; Moore, Melita ; Müller, Erich ; Neunhäuserer, Daniel ; Onur, I. Renay ; Ööpik, Vahur ; Perl, Malgorzata ; Philippou, Anastassios ; Predel, Hans-Georg ; Racinais, Sebastien ; Raslanas, Algirdas ; Reer, Ruediger ; Reinhardt, Klaus ; Reinsberger, Claus ; Rozenstoka, Sandra ; Sallis, Robert ; Sardinha, Luis B ; Scherer, Martin ; Schipperijn, Jasper ; Seil, Romain ; Tan, Benedict ; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno ; Schumacher, Nils ; Schwaab, Bernhard ; Schwirtz, Ansgar ; Suzuki, Masato ; Swart, Jeroen ; Tiesler, Ralph ; Tippelt, Ulf ; Tillet, Eleanor ; Thornton, Jane ; Ulkar, Bulent ; Unt, Eve ; Verhagen, Evert ; Weikert, Thomas ; Vettor, Roberto ; Zeng, Sheng ; Budgett, Richard ; Engebretsen, Lars ; Erdener, Ugur ; Pigozzi, Fabio ; Pitsiladis, Yannis P; Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity: the Hamburg Declaration
Königstein, Karsten ; Klenk, Christopher ; Sonnenberg, Jannik ; Streese, Lukas; Editorial: Lifestyle and vascular ageing
Schwenk, Vincent ; Leal Silva, Rafaela Magalhaes ; Scharf, Florentine ; Knaust, Katharina ; Wendlandt, Martin ; Häusser, Tanja ; Pickl, Julia M A ; Steinke-Lange, Verena ; Laner, Andreas ; Morak, Monika ; Holinski-Feder, Elke ; Wolf, Dieter A; Transcript capture and ultradeep long-read RNA sequencing (CAPLRseq) to diagnose HNPCC/Lynch syndrome
Sanftenberg, Linda ; Dreischulte, Tobias ; Härdtlein, Annette ; Kosub, Helena ; Gagyor, Ildiko ; Kurotschka, Peter Konstantin ; Kühlein, Thomas ; Burggraf, Larissa ; Eck, Stefanie ; Roos, Marco ; Gensichen, Jochen; Process evaluation in practice based research networks: a study protocol for a mixed-methods implementation study
Li, Liang ; Ling, Yan ; Cheng, Zhangjun ; Hüser, Norbert ; Cho, William C.; Editorial: Extracellular vesicles in gastrointestinal cancers
Pedron, Sara ; Herbert-Maul, Annika ; Sauter, Alexandra ; Linder, Stephanie ; Sommer, Raluca ; Vomhof, Markus ; Gontscharuk, Veronika ; Abu-Omar, Karim ; Thiel, Ansgar ; Ziemainz, Heiko ; Holle, Rolf ; Laxy, Michael; Preferences of women in difficult life situations for a physical activity programme: protocol of a discrete choice experiment in the German NU-BIG project
Lagares, Alfonso ; Payen, Jean-François ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Poca, M Antonia ; Méjan, Odile ; Pavlov, Vladislav ; Viglino, Damien ; Sapin, Vincent ; Lassaletta, Aurora ; de la Cruz, Javier; Study protocol for investigating the clinical performance of an automated blood test for glial fibrillary acidic protein and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 blood concentrations in elderly patients with mild traumatic BRAIN Injury and reference values (BRAINI-2 Elderly European study): a prospective multicentre observational study
Ortiz, Miriam ; Koch, Anna Katharina ; Cramer, Holger ; Linde, Klaus ; Rotter, Gabriele ; Teut, Michael ; Brinkhaus, Benno ; Haller, Heidemarie; Clinical effects of Kneipp hydrotherapy: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
Hoffmann, Laura ; Völlm, Carina ; Bernard, Marie ; Fink, Astrid ; Richter, Matthias ; Dawal, Britta; What does social participation mean? A qualitative study exploring the concept of participation from the perspectives of experts and parents
Voraberger, Barbara ; Mayr, Johannes A. ; Fratzl-Zelman, Nadja ; Blouin, Stéphane ; Uday, Suma ; Kopajtich, Robert ; Koedam, Marijke ; Hödlmayr, Helena ; Wortmann, Saskia B. ; Csillag, Bernhard ; Prokisch, Holger ; van der Eerden, Bram C. J. ; El-Gazzar, Ahmed ; Högler, Wolfgang; Investigating the role of ASCC1 in the causation of bone fragility
Reiter, Nils L ; Rosen, Diane ; Erhart, Michael ; Vogel, Barbara; Barriers, facilitators and implementation strategies for guideline-adherence in physiotherapy: a scoping review protocol
Kiechle, Martina ; Papp, Adam ; Mendisch, Simon ; Ahrens, Valentin ; Golibrzuch, Matthias ; Bernstein, Gary H. ; Porod, Wolfgang ; Csaba, Gyorgy ; Becherer, Markus; Spin-Wave Optics in YIG Realized by Ion-Beam Irradiation
Kauffert, Johanna ; Baur, Sophie ; Matiu, Michael ; König, Andreas ; Peters, Wibke ; Menzel, Annette; Fawn birthdays: From opportunistically sampled fawn rescue data to true wildlife demographic parameters
Kriegel, Peter ; Vogel, Sebastian ; Angeleri, Romain ; Baldrian, Petr ; Borken, Werner ; Bouget, Christophe ; Brin, Antoine ; Bussler, Heinz ; Cocciufa, Cristiana ; Feldmann, Benedikt ; Gossner, Martin M. ; Haeler, Elena ; Hagge, Jonas ; Hardersen, Sönke ; Hartmann, Henrik ; Hjältén, Joakim ; Kotowska, Martyna M. ; Lachat, Thibault ; Larrieu, Laurent ; Leverkus, Alexandro B. ; Macagno, Anna L. M. ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Müller, Jörg ; Obermaier, Elisabeth ; Parisi, Francesco ; Pelz, Stefan ; Schuldt, Bernhard ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Stengel, Elisa ; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne ; Weisser, Wolfgang ; Thorn, Simon; Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels
Lauffer, Felix ; Eyerich, Kilian; Eczematized psoriasis - a frequent but often neglected variant of plaque psoriasis
Moreno-Alcántar, Guillermo ; Picchetti, Pierre ; Casini, Angela; Gold Complexes in Anticancer Therapy: From New Design Principles to Particle-Based Delivery Systems
Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Teixeira, Leonardo H. ; Prucker, Paula ; Kloska, Veronika ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Le Stradic, Soizig; Root traits of grasslands rapidly respond to climate change, while community biomass mainly depends on functional composition
Tschernuth, Florian S. ; Bichlmaier, Lukas ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Catalytic Degradation of Aliphatic Ethers using the Lewis Superacidic Bis(perfluoropinacolato)silane
Keil, Philip M. ; Soyemi, Ademola ; Weisser, Kilian ; Szilvási, Tibor ; Limberg, Christian ; Hadlington, Terrance J.; Cationic Tetrylene-Iron(0) Complexes: Access Points for Cooperative, Reversible Bond Activation and Open-Shell Iron(-I) Ferrato-Tetrylenes**
Tröster, Alix ; DiPrima, Michael ; Jores, Nathalie ; Kudlinzki, Denis ; Sreeramulu, Sridhar ; Gande, Santosh L. ; Linhard, Verena ; Ludig, Damian ; Schug, Alexander ; Saxena, Krishna ; Reinecke, Maria ; Heinzlmeir, Stephanie ; Leisegang, Matthias S. ; Wollenhaupt, Jan ; Lennartz, Frank ; Weiss, Manfred S. ; Kuster, Bernhard ; Tosato, Giovanna ; Schwalbe, Harald; Optimization of the Lead Compound NVP-BHG712 as a Colorectal Cancer Inhibitor
Nóia Júnior, Rogério de S. ; Deswarte, Jean-Charles ; Cohan, Jean-Pierre ; Martre, Pierre ; van der Velde, Marijn ; Lecerf, Remi ; Webber, Heidi ; Ewert, Frank ; Ruane, Alex C. ; Slafer, Gustavo A. ; Asseng, Senthold; The extreme 2016 wheat yield failure in France
Nästle, Lea ; Deuschle, Friedrich-Christian ; Morath, Volker ; Skerra, Arne; FerryCalin: an Engineered Lipocalin Protein Directed against the Transferrin Receptor with Potential for Brain Drug Delivery
Kollenda, Anna ; Husseini, Kamal ; Henschel, Sebastian ; Schmidgruber, Nils ; Becker-Koch, David ; Braunwarth, Wolfgang ; Fleischer, Jürgen ; Daub, Rüdiger; Quality Assurance for Flexible Stack Assembly of Lithium-Ion Cells
Thoma, Felix ; Appel, Christof ; Russ, Dominik ; Huber, Janine ; Werner, Felix ; Blombach, Bastian; Improving growth properties of Corynebacterium glutamicum by implementing an iron-responsive protocatechuate biosynthesis
Mayer, T. ; Eppes, M. ; Draebing, D.; Influences Driving and Limiting the Efficacy of Ice Segregation in Alpine Rocks
Meyer, Thomas ; Salkic, Erma ; Grehl, Torsten ; Weyen, Ute ; Kettemann, Dagmar ; Weydt, Patrick ; Günther, René ; Lingor, Paul ; Koch, Jan Christoph ; Petri, Susanne ; Hermann, Andreas ; Prudlo, Johannes ; Großkreutz, Julian ; Baum, Petra ; Boentert, Matthias ; Metelmann, Moritz ; Norden, Jenny ; Cordts, Isabell ; Weishaupt, Jochen H. ; Dorst, Johannes ; Ludolph, Albert ; Koc, Yasemin ; Walter, Bertram ; Münch, Christoph ; Spittel, Susanne ; Dreger, Marie ; Maier, André ; Körtvélyessy, Péter; Performance of serum neurofilament light chain in a wide spectrum of clinical courses of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis_a cross-sectional multicenter study
Zimmermann, Elias Josef ; Candeias, Joana ; Gawlitta, Nadine ; Bisig, Christoph ; Binder, Stephanie ; Pantzke, Jana ; Offer, Svenja ; Rastak, Narges ; Bauer, Stefanie ; Huber, Anja ; Kuhn, Evelyn ; Buters, Jeroen ; Groeger, Thomas ; Delaval, Mathilde N. ; Oeder, Sebastian ; Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano ; Zimmermann, Ralf; Biological impact of sequential exposures to allergens and ultrafine particle-rich combustion aerosol on human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells at the air liquid interface
Halfter, Kathrin ; Schubert-Fritschle, Gabriele ; Klauschen, Frederick ; Werner, Jens ; Mayerle, Julia ; Weichert, Wilko ; Friess, Helmut ; Schmid, Roland ; Kremer, Marcus ; Ruppert, Reinhard ; Hoelzl, Jürgen ; Krenz, Detlef ; Nerlich, Andreas ; Agha, Ayman ; Fuchs, Martin ; Becker, Ingrid ; Nowak, Kai ; Engel, Jutta ; Schlesinger-Raab, Anne; The other colon cancer: a population-based cohort study of appendix tumour trends and prognosis
Mayer, Kristine E. ; Gan, Thomas ; Gaa, Jochen ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Posch, Christian; Pneumonitis and multiple pneumonial infections under combined immune-checkpoint inhibition
Terlau, Jördis F. ; Brose, Ulrich ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Amyntas, Angelos ; Boy, Thomas ; Dyer, Alexander ; Gebler, Alban ; Hof, Christian ; Liu, Tao ; Scherber, Christoph ; Schlägel, Ulrike E. ; Schmidt, Anja ; Hirt, Myriam R.; Microhabitat conditions remedy heat stress effects on insect activity
Duan, Haoran ; Zhang, Siqiong ; Zarai, Yoram ; Öllinger, Rupert ; Wu, Yanmeng ; Sun, Li ; Hu, Cheng ; He, Yaohui ; Tian, Guiyou ; Rad, Roland ; Kong, Xiangquan ; Cheng, Yabin ; Tuller, Tamir ; Wolf, Dieter A; eIF3 mRNA selectivity profiling reveals eIF3k as a cancer-relevant regulator of ribosome content
Grob, Leroy ; Weiß, Lennart J. K. ; Music, Emir ; Schwertfeger, Ilja ; Al Boustani, George ; Feuerbach, Julian ; Nikić, Marta ; Hiendlmeier, Lukas ; Rinklin, Philipp ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; Low-Cost, On-Site, Nano-Impact Detection of Silver Nanoparticles via Laser-Ablated Screen-Printed Microelectrodes
Köberl, Robert ; von Toussaint, Udo ; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim ; Schilling, Jonathan ; Albert, Christopher G.; Uncertainty quantification in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium reconstruction via surrogate-assisted Bayesian inference
Bousquet, J. ; Melén, E. ; Haahtela, T. ; Koppelman, G. H. ; Togias, A. ; Valenta, R. ; Akdis, C. A. ; Czarlewski, W. ; Rothenberg, M. ; Valiulis, A. ; Wickman, M. ; Akdis, M. ; Aguilar, D. ; Bedbrook, A. ; Bindslev-Jensen, C. ; Bosnic-Anticevich, S. ; Boulet, L. P. ; Brightling, C. E. ; Brussino, L. ; Burte, E. ; Bustamante, M. ; Canonica, G. W. ; Cecchi, L. ; Celedon, J. C. ; Chaves Loureiro, C. ; Costa, E. ; Cruz, A. A. ; Erhola, M. ; Gemicioglu, B. ; Fokkens, W. J. ; Garcia-Aymerich, J. ; Guerra, S. ; Heinrich, J. ; Ivancevich, J. C. ; Keil, T. ; Klimek, L. ; Kuna, P. ; Kupczyk, M. ; Kvedariene, V. ; Larenas-Linnemann, D. E. ; Lemonnier, N. ; Lodrup Carlsen, K. C. ; Louis, R. ; Makela, M. ; Makris, M. ; Maurer, M. ; Momas, I. ; Morais-Almeida, M. ; Mullol, J. ; Naclerio, R. N. ; Nadeau, K. ; Nadif, R. ; Niedoszytko, M. ; Okamoto, Y. ; Ollert, M. ; Papadopoulos, N. G. ; Passalacqua, G. ; Patella, V. ; Pawankar, R. ; Pham-Thi, N. ; Pfaar, O. ; Regateiro, F. S. ; Ring, J. ; Rouadi, P. W. ; Samolinski, B. ; Sastre, J. ; Savouré, M. ; Scichilone, N. ; Shamji, M. H. ; Sheikh, A. ; Siroux, V. ; Sousa-Pinto, B. ; Standl, M. ; Sunyer, J. ; Taborda-Barata, L. ; Toppila-Salmi, S. ; Torres, M. J. ; Tsiligianni, I. ; Valovirta, E. ; Vandenplas, O. ; Ventura, M. T. ; Weiss, S. ; Yorgancioglu, A. ; Zhang, L. ; Abdul Latiff, A. H. ; Aberer, W. ; Agache, I. ; Al-Ahmad, M. ; Alobid, I. ; Ansotegui, I. J. ; Arshad, S. H. ; Asayag, E. ; Barbara, C. ; Baharudin, A. ; Battur, L. ; Bennoor, K. S. ; Berghea, E. C. ; Bergmann, K. C. ; Bernstein, D. ; Bewick, M. ; Blain, H. ; Bonini, M. ; Braido, F. ; Buhl, R. ; Bumbacea, R. S. ; Bush, A. ; Calderon, M. ; Calvo-Gil, M. ; Camargos, P. ; Caraballo, L. ; Cardona, V. ; Carr, W. ; Carreiro-Martins, P. ; Casale, T. ; Cepeda Sarabia, A. M. ; Chandrasekharan, R. ; Charpin, D. ; Chen, Y. Z. ; Cherrez-Ojeda, I. ; Chivato, T. ; Chkhartishvili, E. ; Christoff, G. ; Chu, D. K. ; Cingi, C. ; Correia de Sousa, J. ; Corrigan, C. ; Custovic, A. ; D'Amato, G. ; Del Giacco, S. ; De Blay, F. ; Devillier, P. ; Didier, A. ; do Ceu Teixeira, M. ; Dokic, D. ; Douagui, H. ; Doulaptsi, M. ; Durham, S. ; Dykewicz, M. ; Eiwegger, T. ; El-Sayed, Z. A. ; Emuzyte, R. ; Fiocchi, A. ; Fyhrquist, N. ; Gomez, R. M. ; Gotua, M. ; Guzman, M. A. ; Hagemann, J. ; Hamamah, S. ; Halken, S. ; Halpin, D. M. G. ; Hofmann, M. ; Hossny, E. ; Hrubiško, M. ; Irani, C. ; Ispayeva, Z. ; Jares, E. ; Jartti, T. ; Jassem, E. ; Julge, K. ; Just, J. ; Jutel, M. ; Kaidashev, I. ; Kalayci, O. ; Kalyoncu, A. F. ; Kardas, P. ; Kirenga, B. ; Kraxner, H. ; Kull, I. ; Kulus, M. ; La Grutta, S. ; Lau, S. ; Le Tuyet Thi, L. ; Levin, M. ; Lipworth, B. ; Lourenço, O. ; Mahboub, B. ; Martinez-Infante, E. ; Matricardi, P. ; Miculinic, N. ; Migueres, N. ; Mihaltan, F. ; Mohammad, Y. ; Moniuszko, M. ; Montefort, S. ; Neffen, H. ; Nekam, K. ; Nunes, E. ; Nyembue Tshipukane, D. ; O'Hehir, R. ; Ogulur, I. ; Ohta, K. ; Okubo, K. ; Ouedraogo, S. ; Olze, H. ; Pali-Schöll, I. ; Palomares, O. ; Palosuo, K. ; Panaitescu, C. ; Panzner, P. ; Park, H. S. ; Pitsios, C. ; Plavec, D. ; Popov, T. A. ; Puggioni, F. ; Quirce, S. ; Recto, M. ; Repka-Ramirez, M. S. ; Robalo Cordeiro, C. ; Roche, N. ; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, M. ; Romantowski, J. ; Rosario Filho, N. ; Rottem, M. ; Sagara, H. ; Serpa, F. S. ; Sayah, Z. ; Scheire, S. ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. ; Sisul, J. C. ; Sole, D. ; Soto-Martinez, M. ; Sova, M. ; Sperl, A. ; Spranger, O. ; Stelmach, R. ; Suppli Ulrik, C. ; Thomas, M. ; To, T. ; Todo-Bom, A. ; Tomazic, P. V. ; Urrutia-Pereira, M. ; Valentin-Rostan, M. ; Van Ganse, E. ; van Hage, M. ; Vasankari, T. ; Vichyanond, P. ; Viegi, G. ; Wallace, D. ; Wang, D. Y. ; Williams, S. ; Worm, M. ; Yiallouros, P. ; Yusuf, O. ; Zaitoun, F. ; Zernotti, M. ; Zidarn, M. ; Zuberbier, J. ; Fonseca, J. A. ; Zuberbier, T. ; Anto, J. M.; Rhinitis associated with asthma is distinct from rhinitis alone: The ARIA-MeDALL hypothesis
Adly, Nouran ; Teshima, Tetsuhiko F. ; Hassani, Hossein ; Boustani, George Al ; Weiß, Lennart J.K. ; Cheng, Gordon ; Alexander, Joe ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; Printed Silk Microelectrode Arrays for Electrophysiological Recording and Controlled Drug Delivery
Jeong, Hyowon W. ; Ajay, Akhil ; Yu, Haiting ; Döblinger, Markus ; Mukhundhan, Nitin ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Koblmüller, Gregor; Sb-Mediated Tuning of Growth- and Exciton Dynamics in Entirely Catalyst-Free GaAsSb Nanowires
Rimmler, Berthold H. ; Hazra, Binoy K. ; Pal, Banabir ; Mohseni, Katayoon ; Taylor, James M. ; Bedoya-Pinto, Amilcar ; Deniz, Hakan ; Tangi, Malleswararao ; Kostanovskiy, Ilya ; Luo, Chen ; Neumann, Robin R. ; Ernst, Arthur ; Radu, Florin ; Mertig, Ingrid ; Meyerheim, Holger L. ; Parkin, Stuart S. P.; Atomic Displacements Enabling the Observation of the Anomalous Hall Effect in a Non-Collinear Antiferromagnet
Giesbertz, Pieter ; Brandl, Beate ; Volkert, Dorothee ; Hauner, Hans ; Skurk, Thomas; Age-related metabolite profiles and their relation to clinical outcomes in young adults, middle-aged individuals, and older people
Vogt, Ulrike Therese ; Kwak, Ju Eun ; Fahmy, Ahmed Raouf ; Laukemper, Rita ; Henrich, Alexander ; Becker, Thomas ; Jekle, Mario; Multi-scale dough adhesion analysis: Relation between laboratory scale, pilot scale and human sensory
Winnacker, Malte; Polyamides Derived from Terpenes: Advances in Their Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Setter, Robert ; Schmölzer, Stefan ; Rudolph, Natalie ; Moukhina, Elena ; Wudy, Katrin; Modeling of the curing kinetics of acrylate photopolymers for additive manufacturing
Schneider, Christian ; Schmidt, Christoph P. ; Neumann, Anton ; Clausnitzer, Moritz ; Sadowski, Marcel ; Harm, Sascha ; Meier, Christoph ; Danner, Timo ; Albe, Karsten ; Latz, Arnulf ; Wall, Wolfgang A. ; Lotsch, Bettina V.; Effect of Particle Size and Pressure on the Transport Properties of the Fast Ion Conductor t-Li7SiPS8
Setter, Robert ; Schmölzer, Stefan ; Rudolph, Natalie ; Moukhina, Elena ; Wudy, Katrin; Thermal stability and curing behavior of acrylate photopolymers for additive manufacturing
Engelhardt, Eva Katharina ; Bowler, Diana E. ; Hof, Christian; European Habitats Directive has fostered monitoring but not prevented species declines
Eigenfeld, Marco ; Wittmann, Leonie ; Kerpes, Roland ; Schwaminger, Sebastian P. ; Becker, Thomas; Studying the impact of cell age on the yeast growth behaviour of Saccharomyces pastorianus var. carlsbergensis by magnetic separation
Krauss, Tanja ; Heisz, Simone ; Honecker, Julius ; Prokopchuk, Olga ; Martignoni, Marc ; Janssen, Klaus-Peter ; Claussnitzer, Melina ; Hauner, Hans ; Seeliger, Claudine; Specific miRNAs are associated with human cancer cachexia in an organ-specific manner
Rigat, Ludovica ; Ouk, Koliane ; Kramer, Achim ; Priller, Josef; Dysfunction of circadian and sleep rhythms in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease
Causer, Grace L. ; Guasco, Laura ; Paull, Oliver ; Cortie, David; Topical Review of Quantum Materials and Heterostructures Studied by Polarized Neutron Reflectometry
Yang, Biao ; Niu, Kaifeng ; Cao, Nan ; Grover, Nitika ; Zhao, Wenchao ; Riss, Alexander ; Björk, Jonas ; Auwärter, Willi ; Barth, Johannes V. ; Senge, Mathias O.; On-Surface Synthesis of Polyphenylene Wires Comprising Rigid Aliphatic Bicyclo[1.1.1]Pentane Isolator Units
Singer, Célestine ; Kopp, Lorenz ; Aruqaj, Milot ; Daub, Rüdiger; Drying Process of Sulfide-Based All-Solid-State Battery Components_Investigation on Adhesion Strength and Microstructural Changes
Filimonova, Svetlana M. ; Melnikov, Evgeniy S. ; Kaufmann, Jan O. ; Shchepochkina, Olga Yu ; Eremin, Sergei A. ; Gravel, Irina V. ; Raysyan, Anna; Exploring the anti-α-amylase activity of flavonoid aglycones in fabaceae plant extracts: a combined MALDI-TOF-MS and LC-MS/MS approach
Nieddu, Mattia ; Patrian, Marta ; Ferrara, Sara ; Fuenzalida Werner, Juan Pablo ; Kohler, Fabian ; Anaya-Plaza, Eduardo ; Kostiainen, Mauri A. ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Berenguer, Jesús Rubén ; Costa, Rubén D.; Core-Shell Structured Fluorescent Protein Nanoparticles: New Paradigm Toward Zero-Thermal-Quenching in High-Power Biohybrid Light-Emitting Diodes
Henning, Alex ; Levashov, Sergej ; Qian, Chenjiang ; Grünleitner, Theresa ; Primbs, Julian ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Sharp, Ian D.; Tunable Encapsulation and Doping of Monolayer MoS2 by In Situ Probing of Excitonic Properties During Atomic Layer Deposition
Moreno-Alcántar, Guillermo; Inorganic Self-assembly: Going Bio
Sadid, Hashmatullah ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Modelling and simulation of (connected) autonomous vehicles longitudinal driving behavior: A state-of-the-art
Reb, Lennart K. ; Böhmer, Michael ; Predeschly, Benjamin ; Grott, Sebastian ; Weindl, Christian L. ; Ivandekic, Goran I. ; Guo, Renjun ; Spanier, Lukas V. ; Schwartzkopf, Matthias ; Chumakov, Andrei ; Dreißigacker, Christoph ; Gernhäuser, Roman ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Meyer, Andreas ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Space- and Post-Flight Characterizations of Perovskite and Organic Solar Cells
Keilhofer, Josef ; Schaffranka, Leon Wolfgang Ferdinand ; Wuttke, Amy ; Günter, Florian Josef ; Hille, Lucas ; Dorau, Filip Adam ; Daub, Rüdiger; Mechanical Structuring of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes Using an Embossing Roller
Ferrara, Sara ; Fernandéz-Blázquez, Juan P. ; Fuenzalida Werner, Juan Pablo ; Costa, Rubén D.; Homopolymeric Protein Phosphors: Overpassing the Stability Frontier of Deep-Red Bio-Hybrid Light-Emitting Diodes
Lotfollahi, Mohammad ; Klimovskaia Susmelj, Anna ; De Donno, Carlo ; Hetzel, Leon ; Ji, Yuge ; Ibarra, Ignacio L ; Srivatsan, Sanjay R ; Naghipourfar, Mohsen ; Daza, Riza M ; Martin, Beth ; Shendure, Jay ; McFaline-Figueroa, Jose L ; Boyeau, Pierre ; Wolf, F Alexander ; Yakubova, Nafissa ; Günnemann, Stephan ; Trapnell, Cole ; Lopez-Paz, David ; Theis, Fabian J; Predicting cellular responses to complex perturbations in high-throughput screens
Lang, Tatjana ; Di Pizio, Antonella ; Risso, Davide ; Drayna, Dennis ; Behrens, Maik; Activation Profile of TAS2R2, the 26th Human Bitter Taste Receptor
Vetschera, Paul ; Koberstein-Schwarz, Benno ; Schmitt-Manderbach, Tobias ; Dietrich, Christian ; Hellmich, Wibke ; Chekkoury, Andrei ; Symvoulidis, Panagiotis ; Reber, Josefine ; Westmeyer, Gil ; López-Schier, Hernán ; Omar, Murad ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Beyond Early Development: Observing Zebrafish over 6 Weeks with Hybrid Optical and Optoacoustic Imaging
Quirin, Markus ; Malekzad, Farhood ; Paudel, Dinesh ; Knoll, Alois C. ; Mirolli, Marco; Dynamics of personality: The Zurich model of motivation revived, extended, and applied to personality
Damjanović, Ana Marija ; Freiberg, Anna Theresa Sophie ; Siebel, Armin ; Koyutürk, Burak ; Menga, Davide ; Krempl, Kevin ; Madkikar, Pankaj ; Proux, Olivier ; Gasteiger, Hubert Andreas ; Piana, Michele; Ex situ/Operando X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy on Fe0.07Zr0.93O2- /C vs. Fe-N-C as Pt-Group-Metal-Free Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Deng, Philipp ; Rabenbauer, Alfred ; Vosseler, Kathrin ; Venturini, Janio ; Nilges, Tom; AgCuS: A Single Material Diode with Fast Switching Times
Werner, Roman Alejandro ; Takacs, Ronny ; Morsch, Patrick ; Geier, Dominik Ulrich ; Nirschl, Hermann ; Becker, Thomas; Jet Cleaning of Filter Cloths Used in Solid-Liquid Separation: A High-Speed Video Evaluation
Buhner, Sabine ; Schäuffele, Stefanie ; Giesbertz, Pieter ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin ; Zeller, Florian ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Schemann, Michael ; Gilles, Stefanie; Allergen-free extracts from birch, ragweed, and hazel pollen activate human and guinea-pig submucous and spinal sensory neurons
Lampe, Carola ; Kouroudis, Ioannis ; Harth, Milan ; Martin, Stefan ; Gagliardi, Alessio ; Urban, Alexander S.; Rapid Data-Efficient Optimization of Perovskite Nanocrystal Syntheses through Machine Learning Algorithm Fusion
Nebauer, Carmen A. ; Schleifer, Marielle C. ; Ruedenauer, Fabian A. ; Leonhardt, Sara D. ; Spaethe, Johannes; Perception, regulation, and fitness effects of pollen phytosterols in the bumble bee, Bombus terrestris
Sun, Guangxin ; Liao, Jieren ; Kurze, Elisabeth ; Hoffmann, Timothy D. ; Steinchen, Wieland ; McGraphery, Kate ; Habegger, Ruth ; Marek, Ludwig ; Catici, Dragana A. M. ; Ludwig, Christina ; Jing, Tingting ; Hoffmann, Thomas ; Song, Chuankui ; Schwab, Wilfried; Apocarotenoids are allosteric effectors of a dimeric plant glycosyltransferase involved in defense and lignin formation
Bartie, Neill ; Cobos-Becerra, Lucero ; Mathies, Florian ; Dagar, Janardan ; Unger, Eva ; Fröhling, Magnus ; Reuter, Markus A. ; Schlatmann, Rutger; Cost versus environment? Combined life cycle, techno-economic, and circularity assessment of silicon- and perovskite-based photovoltaic systems
Drton, Mathias ; Shi, Hongjian ; Strieder, David; A Discussion of
Hartung, Fabian ; Franks, Billy Joe ; Michels, Tobias ; Wagner, Dennis ; Liznerski, Philipp ; Reithermann, Steffen ; Fellenz, Sophie ; Jirasek, Fabian ; Rudolph, Maja ; Neider, Daniel ; Leitte, Heike ; Song, Chen ; Kloepper, Benjamin ; Mandt, Stephan ; Bortz, Michael ; Burger, Jakob ; Hasse, Hans ; Kloft, Marius; Deep Anomaly Detection on Tennessee Eastman Process Data
Kohl, Yvonne ; Müller, Michelle ; Fink, Marielle ; Mamier, Marc ; Fürtauer, Siegfried ; Drexel, Roland ; Herrmann, Christine ; Dähnhardt-Pfeiffer, Stephan ; Hornberger, Ramona ; Arz, Marius I. ; Metzger, Christoph ; Wagner, Sylvia ; Sängerlaub, Sven ; Briesen, Heiko ; Meier, Florian ; Krebs, Tobias; Development and Characterization of a 96-Well Exposure System for Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials
Paries, Michael ; Gutjahr, Caroline; The good, the bad, and the phosphate: regulation of beneficial and detrimental plant-microbe interactions by the plant phosphate status
Schröder, Peter ; Hsu, Bang-Yu ; Gutsche, Nora ; Winkler, Jana Barbro ; Hedtke, Boris ; Grimm, Bernhard ; Schwechheimer, Claus; B-GATA factors are required to repress high-light stress responses in Marchantia polymorpha and Arabidopsis thaliana
Richieri, Beatrice ; Bittner, Daniel ; Hartmann, Andreas ; Benettin, Paolo ; van Breukelen, Boris M. ; Labat, David ; Chiogna, Gabriele; Using continuous electrical conductivity measurements to derive major solute concentrations in karst systems
Haghi, Sajedeh ; Hidalgo, Marc Francis V. ; Niri, Mona Faraji ; Daub, Rüdiger ; Marco, James; Machine Learning in Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Production: A Comprehensive Mapping Study
Betz, Johannes ; Betz, Tobias ; Fent, Felix ; Geisslinger, Maximilian ; Heilmeier, Alexander ; Hermansdorfer, Leonhard ; Herrmann, Thomas ; Huch, Sebastian ; Karle, Phillip ; Lienkamp, Markus ; Lohmann, Boris ; Nobis, Felix ; Ögretmen, Levent ; Rowold, Matthias ; Sauerbeck, Florian ; Stahl, Tim ; Trauth, Rainer ; Werner, Frederik ; Wischnewski, Alexander; TUM autonomous motorsport: An autonomous racing software for the Indy Autonomous Challenge
Müller, Katharina ; Schuster, Florian ; Krumm, Silvia ; Leucht, Stefan ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Heres, Stephan ; Brieger, Peter ; Hamann, Johannes; Informing the development of a decision aid: Expectations and wishes from service users and psychiatrists towards a decision aid for antipsychotics in the inpatient setting
Berger, Luca M. ; Duportal, Malo ; Menezes, Leonardo de Souza ; Cortés, Emiliano ; Maier, Stefan A. ; Tittl, Andreas ; Krischer, Katharina; Improved In Situ Characterization of Electrochemical Interfaces Using Metasurface-Driven Surface-Enhanced IR Absorption Spectroscopy
Yan, Yihui ; Schmitt, Lucas ; Khramchenkova, Anastasiya ; Lengyel, Jozef; Ion transmission in an electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry interface using an S-lens
Sala, Jan ; Mosesso, Niccolò ; Isono, Erika ; Schwechheimer, Claus; Arabidopsis thaliana B-GATA factors repress starch synthesis and gravitropic growth responses
Vagias, Apostolos ; Nelson, Andrew ; Wang, Peixi ; Reitenbach, Julija ; Geiger, Christina ; Kreuzer, Lucas Philipp ; Saerbeck, Thomas ; Cubitt, Robert ; Benetti, Edmondo Maria ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; The Topology of Polymer Brushes Determines Their Nanoscale Hydration
Harder, Constantin ; Alexakis, Alexandros E. ; Bulut, Yusuf ; Xiong, Shuxian ; Sochor, Benedikt ; Pan, Guangjiu ; Zhong, Huaying ; Goordeyeva, Korneliya ; Reus, Manuel A. ; Körstgens, Volker ; Jeromin, Arno ; Keller, Thomas F. ; Söderberg, L. Daniel ; Malmström, Eva ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Roth, Stephan V.; Optical Properties of Slot-Die Coated Hybrid Colloid/Cellulose-Nanofibril Thin Films
Diniz, Ugo Mendes ; Aguiar, Ludmilla Moura de Souza; Spatiotemporal trends in floral visitation and interaction networks reveal shifting niches for bats in a Neotropical savanna
Schneider, Stefanie ; Wendinger, Eva-Maria ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Hatz, Anna-Katharina ; Lotsch, Bettina V. ; Nentwig, Markus ; Oeckler, Oliver ; Bräuniger, Thomas ; Schnick, Wolfgang; Comprehensive Investigation of Anion Species in Crystalline Li+ ion Conductor Li27-x[P4O7+xN9-x]O3 (x 1.9(3))
Givelet, Louis ; Bienau, Alexandra ; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Massively Parallel Double-Selection Workflow for the Evolution of Molecular Switches Based on Surface-Display in Escherichia coli
Lakhanpal, Garima ; Black, Jay R. ; Casas-Mulet, Roser ; Arora, Meenakshi ; Stewardson, Michael J.; Micro-computed tomography scanning approaches to quantify, parameterize and visualize bioturbation activity in clogged streambeds: A proof of concept
Jüstel, Dominik ; Irl, Hedwig ; Hinterwimmer, Florian ; Dehner, Christoph ; Simson, Walter ; Navab, Nassir ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Spotlight on Nerves: Portable Multispectral Optoacoustic Imaging of Peripheral Nerve Vascularization and Morphology
Küchler, Ann-Marie ; Kählke, Fanny ; Bantleon, Leandra ; Terhorst, Yannik ; Ebert, David Daniel ; Baumeister, Harald; Moderators and mediators of change of an internet-based mindfulness intervention for college students: secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial
Blöbaum, Anke ; Engel, Lukas ; Beer, Katrin ; Böcher, Michael ; Matthies, Ellen; Nature conservation versus climate protection: a basic conflict of goals regarding the acceptance of climate protection measures?
Stelzl, Tamara ; Tsimidou, Maria Z. ; Belc, Nastasia ; Zoani, Claudia ; Rychlik, Michael; Building a novel strategic research agenda for METROFOOD-RI: design process and multi-stakeholder engagement towards thematic prioritization
Schiessl, Stefan ; Kucukpinar, Esra ; Rivollier, Noémie ; Langowski, Horst-Christian ; Eisner, Peter; A Comparative Study on the Roll-to-Roll Processing of a Silicate-Polyvinyl Alcohol Composite Barrier Lacquer Using Slot-Die and Reverse Gravure Coating Techniques
Nikolaeva, Alexandra ; Pospelova, Maria ; Krasnikova, Varvara ; Makhanova, Albina ; Tonyan, Samvel ; Krasnopeev, Yurii ; Kayumova, Evgeniya ; Vasilieva, Elena ; Efimtsev, Aleksandr ; Levchuk, Anatoliy ; Trufanov, Gennadiy ; Voynov, Mark ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Elevated Levels of Serum Biomarkers Associated with Damage to the CNS Neurons and Endothelial Cells Are Linked with Changes in Brain Connectivity in Breast Cancer Patients with Vestibulo-Atactic Syndrome
Libuda, Lars ; Filipiak-Pittroff, Birgit ; Standl, Marie ; Schikowski, Tamara ; von Berg, Andrea ; Koletzko, Sibylle ; Bauer, Carl-Peter ; Heinrich, Joachim ; Berdel, Dietrich ; Gappa, Monika; Full Breastfeeding and Allergic Diseases_Long-Term Protection or Rebound Effects?
Bunse, Till ; Koerber, Nina ; Wintersteller, Hannah ; Schneider, Jochen ; Graf, Alexander ; Radonic, Aleksandar ; Thuermer, Andrea ; von Kleist, Max ; Blum, Helmut ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Bauer, Tanja ; Knolle, Percy A. ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Schulte, Eva C.; T-Cell-Dominated Immune Response Resolves Protracted SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Absence of Neutralizing Antibodies in an Immunocompromised Individual
Zhao, Yinzheng ; Jablonka, Anne-Marie ; Maierhofer, Niklas A. ; Roodaki, Hessam ; Eslami, Abouzar ; Maier, Mathias ; Nasseri, Mohammad Ali ; Zapp, Daniel; Comparison of Robot-Assisted and Manual Cannula Insertion in Simulated Big-Bubble Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Grausa, Kristina ; Siddiqui, Shahida A. ; Lameyer, Norbert ; Wiesotzki, Karin ; Smetana, Sergiy ; Pentjuss, Agris; Metabolic Modeling of Hermetia illucens Larvae Resource Allocation for High-Value Fatty Acid Production
Schobesberger, Michael ; Helmhagen, Simone ; Mende, Stefan ; Berensmeier, Sonja ; Fraga-García, Paula; From Micro to Nano: Grinding Natural Magnetite Ore for Microalgae Harvesting
Lozano-Valcarcel, Juan M. ; Ov, David ; Kränkel, Thomas ; Gehlen, Christoph ; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bridging the Gap: Assessing Material Performance of Laboratory Specimens and Concrete Structures
Cui, Xufeng ; Li, Fei ; de Vries, Walter Timo; Smart Land Use Planning: New Theories, New Tools and New Practice
Toepfer, Andreas ; Strässle, Michael ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Lenze, Florian ; Harrasser, Norbert; Allogenic Cancellous Bone versus Injectable Bone Substitute for Endoscopic Treatment of Simple Bone Cyst and Intraosseous Lipoma of the Calcaneus and Is Intraosseous Lipoma a Developmental Stage of a Simple Bone Cyst?
Nackenhorst, Maja Carina ; Kapalla, Marvin ; Weidle, Simon ; Kirchhoff, Felix ; Zschäpitz, David ; Sieber, Sabine ; Reeps, Christian ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Schneider, Heike ; Thaler, Markus ; Moog, Philipp ; Busch, Albert ; Sachs, Nadja; The Incidence of IgG4-Related and Inflammatory Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Is Rare in a 101 Patient Cohort
Jiang, Jun ; Altammar, Jannat ; Cong, Xiaobin ; Ramsauer, Lukas ; Steinbacher, Vincent ; Dornseifer, Ulf ; Schilling, Arndt F. ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Moog, Philipp; Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS) Promotes Proliferation and Chondrogenic Phenotype of Chondrocytes In Vitro
Kraevsky, Sergey V. ; Barinov, Nikolay A. ; Morozova, Olga V. ; Palyulin, Vladimir V. ; Kremleva, Alena V. ; Klinov, Dmitry V.; Features of DNA-Montmorillonite Binding Visualized by Atomic Force Microscopy
Knesebeck, Melanie ; Schäfer, Dominik ; Schmitz, Kevin ; Rüllke, Marcel ; Benz, J. Philipp ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Enzymatic One-Pot Hydrolysis of Extracted Sugar Beet Press Pulp after Solid-State Fermentation with an Engineered Aspergillus niger Strain
Schubert, Jonathan ; Grossmann, Lukas ; Seidlmayer, Stefan ; Pettinger, Karl-Heinz ; Gilles, Ralph ; Danzer, Michael A.; Identifying the Active Species in Li-Na Dual-Ion
Bühler, Michael Max ; Calzada, Igor ; Cane, Isabel ; Jelinek, Thorsten ; Kapoor, Astha ; Mannan, Morshed ; Mehta, Sameer ; Mookerje, Vijay ; Nübel, Konrad ; Pentland, Alex ; Scholz, Trebor ; Siddarth, Divya ; Tait, Julian ; Vaitla, Bapu ; Zhu, Jianguo; Unlocking the Power of Digital Commons: Data Cooperatives as a Pathway for Data Sovereign, Innovative and Equitable Digital Communities
Fleischhacker, Michael ; Arslan, Erkan ; Reinicke, Dana ; Eisenmann, Stefan ; Theil, Gerit ; Kollmeier, Jens ; Schäper, Christoph ; Grah, Christian ; Klawonn, Frank ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Schmidt, Bernd; Cell-Free Methylated PTGER4 and SHOX2 Plasma DNA as a Biomarker for Therapy Monitoring and Prognosis in Advanced Stage NSCLC Patients
Goller, Sophia S. ; Rischewski, Jon F. ; Liebig, Thomas ; Ricke, Jens ; Siller, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Vanessa F. ; Stahl, Robert ; Kulozik, Julian ; Baum, Thomas ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Foreman, Sarah C. ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Automated Opportunistic Trabecular Volumetric Bone Mineral Density Extraction Outperforms Manual Measurements for the Prediction of Vertebral Fractures in Routine CT
Wojtalewicz, Nathalie ; Vierbaum, Laura ; Kaufmann, Anne ; Schellenberg, Ingo ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Longitudinal Evaluation of AFP and CEA External Proficiency Testing Reveals Need for Method Harmonization
Modena, Daniela ; Moras, Maria Luisa ; Sandrone, Giovanni ; Stevenazzi, Andrea ; Vergani, Barbara ; Dasgupta, Pooja ; Kliever, Andrea ; Gulde, Sebastian ; Marangelo, Alessandro ; Schillmaier, Mathias ; Luque, Raul M. ; Bäuerle, Stephen ; Pellegata, Natalia S. ; Schulz, Stefan ; Steinkühler, Christian; Identification of a Novel SSTR3 Full Agonist for the Treatment of Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas
Azimzadeh, Omid ; Merl-Pham, Juliane ; Subramanian, Vikram ; Oleksenko, Kateryna ; Krumm, Franziska ; Mancuso, Mariateresa ; Pasquali, Emanuela ; Tanaka, Ignacia B. ; Tanaka, Satoshi ; Atkinson, Michael J. ; Tapio, Soile ; Moertl, Simone; Late Effects of Chronic Low Dose Rate Total Body Irradiation on the Heart Proteome of ApoE-/- Mice Resemble Premature Cardiac Ageing
Ose, Jennifer ; Gigic, Biljana ; Brezina, Stefanie ; Lin, Tengda ; Peoples, Anita R. ; Schobert, Pauline P. ; Baierl, Andreas ; van Roekel, Eline ; Robinot, Nivonirina ; Gicquiau, Audrey ; Achaintre, David ; Scalbert, Augustin ; van Duijnhoven, Fränzel J. B. ; Holowatyj, Andreana N. ; Gumpenberger, Tanja ; Schrotz-King, Petra ; Ulrich, Alexis B. ; Ulvik, Arve ; Ueland, Per-Magne ; Weijenberg, Matty P. ; Habermann, Nina ; Keski-Rahkonen, Pekka ; Gsur, Andrea ; Kok, Dieuwertje E. ; Ulrich, Cornelia M.; Higher Plasma Creatinine Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Death in Patients with Non-Metastatic Rectal but Not Colon Cancer: Results from an International Cohort Consortium
Hofheinz, Ralf ; Lorenzen, Sylvie ; Bohlmann, Michael K.; HER-2-Positive Tumors: A Continuously Evolving Field in Cancer Research
Garrido, Alejandra ; Guardiola, Marta ; Neira, Luz María ; Sont, Roberto ; Córdova, Henry ; Cuatrecasas, Miriam ; Flisikowski, Krzysztof ; Troya, Joel ; Sanahuja, Josep ; Winogrodzki, Thomas ; Belda, Ignasi ; Meining, Alexander ; Fernández-Esparrach, Glòria; Preclinical Evaluation of a Microwave-Based Accessory Device for Colonoscopy in an In Vivo Porcine Model with Colorectal Polyps
Passarotto, Edoardo ; Kopp, Bruno ; Lee, André ; Altenmüller, Eckart; Musical Expertise and Executive Functions in Experienced Musicians
Neumair, Julia ; Kröger, Marie ; Stütz, Evamaria ; Jerin, Claudia ; Chaker, Adam M. ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Seidel, Michael; Flow-Based CL-SMIA for the Quantification of Protein Biomarkers from Nasal Secretions in Comparison with Sandwich ELISA
Nikolaev, Boris ; Yakovleva, Ludmila ; Fedorov, Viacheslav ; Yudintceva, Natalia ; Ryzhov, Vyacheslav ; Marchenko, Yaroslav ; Ischenko, Alexander ; Zhakhov, Alexander ; Dobrodumov, Anatoliy ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Gao, Huile ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Magnetic Relaxation Switching Assay Using IFNα-2b-Conjugated Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Anti-Interferon Antibody Detection
De Tomassi, Amedeo ; Reiter, Anna ; Reiger, Matthias ; Rauer, Luise ; Rohayem, Robin ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Neumann, Avidan U. ; Hülpüsch, Claudia; Combining 16S Sequencing and qPCR Quantification Reveals Staphylococcus aureus Driven Bacterial Overgrowth in the Skin of Severe Atopic Dermatitis Patients
Frasch, Martin G. ; Yoon, Byung-Jun ; Helbing, Dario Lucas ; Snir, Gal ; Antonelli, Marta C. ; Bauer, Reinhard; Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Neuro-Immunometabolic Hypothesis of the Developmental Origins
D olan, Ante ; Lauff, Philipp ; Fischer, Oliver ; Šunjić, Goran; Influence of Concrete Shrinkage on the Behavior of Carbon Short-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (CSFRC) under Tension
Xiang, Tao ; Chen, Sufang ; Zhang, Yiwei ; Zhu, Rui; TrendFlow: A Machine Learning Framework for Research Trend Analysis
Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike ; Heidrich, Daniela ; Conrad, David ; Beitzinger, Christoph ; Masala, Nives ; Klopfleisch, Robert ; Müller, Tobias; Comparative Study of Digital Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Giant, Standard, and Miniature Schnauzers
Mayer, Alena ; Herr, Raphael M. ; Klein, Thomas ; Wiedemann, Eva ; Diehl, Katharina ; Hoffmann, Stephanie ; Blume, Miriam ; Jepsen, Dennis ; Sundmacher, Leonie ; Andreas, Marike ; Schneider, Sven; Socio-economic inequalities in body mass index among preschool children: do sports programs in early childhood education and care centers make a difference?
Richert, Emma ; Nienhaus, Andrea ; Ekroll Jahren, Silje ; Gazdhar, Amiq ; Grab, Maximilian ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Carrel, Thierry ; Obrist, Dominik ; Heinisch, Paul Philipp; Biogenic polymer-based patches for congenital cardiac surgery: a feasibility study
Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Corrigendum: Dealing with great challenges via rigorous and relevant empirical sport management research
Chauvin, Camille ; Alvarez-Simon, Daniel ; Radulovic, Katarina ; Boulard, Olivier ; Laine, William ; Delacre, Myriam ; Waldschmitt, Nadine ; Segura, Elodie ; Kluza, Jérome ; Chamaillard, Mathias ; Poulin, Lionel F.; NOD2 in monocytes negatively regulates macrophage development through TNFalpha
Schmucker, Julia;Uhl, Enno;Schmied, Gerhard;Pretzsch, Hans; Growth and drought reaction of European hornbeam, European white elm, field maple and wild service tree
Wang, Z.;Ying, H.;Sacks, R.;Borrmann, A.; CBIM: A graph-based approach to enhance interoperability using semantic enrichment
Mohiuddin, R.;Cruz Policroniades, M.;Slepicka, M.;Borrmann, A.; Optical Process Control for extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing methods in construction
Slepicka, M.;Helou, J.;Borrmann, A.; Real-time data exchange (RTDE) robot control integration for Fabrication Information Modeling
Kaiser, Sebastian Dominik; Size-Selected Pt Clusters on Fe3O4(001): How Cluster-Support Interactions Dominate Morphology, Stability and Reactivity
Reiner, Rudolf;Seidl, Rupert;Seibold, Sebastian;Senf, Cornelius; Forest disturbances increase the body mass of two contrasting ungulates
Kiel, Nathan G.;Braziunas, Kristin H.;Turner, Monica G.; Peeking under the canopy: anomalously short fire‐return intervals alter subalpine forest understory plant communities
Hermann, Mauro;Röthlisberger, Matthias;Gessler, Arthur;Rigling, Andreas;Senf, Cornelius;Wohlgemuth, Thomas;Wernli, Heini; Meteorological history of low-forest-greenness events in Europe in 2002–2022
Schirpke, Uta;Tasser, Erich;Borsky, Stefan;Braun, Martin;Eitzinger, Josef;Gaube, Veronika;Getzner, Michael;Glatzel, Stephan;Gschwantner, Thomas;Kirchner, Mathias;Leitinger, Georg;Mehdi-Schulz, Bano;Mitter, Hermine;Scheifinger, Helfried;Thaler, Sabina;Thom, Dominik;Thaler, Thomas; Past and future impacts of land-use changes on ecosystem services in Austria
Willis, Susan;Taylor, A. R.;Thom, Dominik;D’Orangeville, L.; Calibrating a process-based simulation model for the Acadian forest region
Christianen, Arthur; Chemistry in a quantum medium
Benciolini, Tommaso; Zhang, Xuhui; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Information Fusion for Online Estimation of the Behavior of Traffic Participants using Belief Function Theory
Esser, S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Version control for asynchronous BIM collaboration: Model merging through graph analysis and transformation
Mehdipour, Noushin;Althoff, Matthias;Tebbens, Radboud Duintjer;Belta, Calin; Formal methods to comply with rules of the road in autonomous driving: State of the art and grand challenges
Neuwirth, Tobias; Analysis of magnetic material properties in electrical steel using neutron grating interferometry
Herrera Moreno, Gonzalo; Particle attenuation within dark matter spikes
Wittmann, Jonas;Cha, Lukas;Kappertz, Marco;Seiwald, Philipp;Rixen, Daniel J.; Spherical Cubic Blends: $\mathcal{C}^{2}$-Continuous, Zero-Clamped, and Time-Optimized Interpolation of Quaternions
Vielemeyer, Johanna;Staufenberg, Nora-Sophie;Schreff, Lucas;Rixen, Daniel;Müller, Roy; Walking like a robot: do the ground reaction forces still intersect near one point when humans imitate a humanoid robot?
Prem, Sophia Alice; Sustainable biosynthesis of modified fatty acids for industrial applications using oleate hydratases
Stoess, Christian ; Leszczynska, Aleksandra ; Kui, Lin ; Feldstein, Ariel E.; Pyroptosis and gasdermins_Emerging insights and therapeutic opportunities in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis
Fre ian, Alexandra Maria ; Kirchhoff, Sandra ; Bauer, Ullrich ; Okan, Orkan; The effects of an adapted mental health literacy curriculum for secondary school students in Germany on mental health knowledge and help-seeking efficacy: results of a quasi-experimental pre-post evaluation study
Kolonko-Adamska, M. ; Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk, A. ; Bartosińska-Marzec, P. ; Koźmiński, W. ; Popowicz, G. ; Kr żel, A. ; Ożyhar, A. ; Greb-Markiewicz, B.; Interaction patterns of methoprene-tolerant and germ cell-expressed Drosophila JH receptors suggest significant differences in their functioning
Sparks, Sierra ; Pinto, Joana ; Hayes, Genevieve ; Spitschan, Manuel ; Bulte, Daniel P.; The impact of Alzheimer's disease risk factors on the pupillary light response
Knoedler, Samuel ; Broichhausen, Sonja ; Guo, Ruiji ; Dai, Ruoxuan ; Knoedler, Leonard ; Kauke-Navarro, Martin ; Diatta, Fortunay ; Pomahac, Bohdan ; Machens, Hans-Guenther ; Jiang, Dongsheng ; Rinkevich, Yuval; Fibroblasts - the cellular choreographers of wound healing
Samara, Myrto ; Thai-Van, Hung ; Ptok, Martin ; Glarou, Eleni ; Veuillet, Evelyne ; Miller, Simone ; Reynard, Pierre ; Grech, Helen ; Utoomprurkporn, Nattawan ; Sereti, Afroditi ; Bamiou, Doris-Eva ; Iliadou, Vasiliki Maria; A systematic review and metanalysis of questionnaires used for auditory processing screening and evaluation
Schuerch, Klaus ; Wimmer, Wilhelm ; Rummel, Christian ; Caversaccio, Marco Domenico ; Weder, Stefan; Objective evaluation of intracochlear electrocochleography: repeatability, thresholds, and tonotopic patterns
Baikalov, Alexander ; Abolfath, Ramin ; Schüler, Emil ; Mohan, Radhe ; Wilkens, Jan J. ; Bartzsch, Stefan; Intertrack interaction at ultra-high dose rates and its role in the FLASH effect
Akintayo, Stephen Olusanmi ; Hosseini, Behnoush ; Vahidinasab, Maliheh ; Messmer, Marc ; Pfannstiel, Jens ; Bertsche, Ute ; Hubel, Philipp ; Henkel, Marius ; Hausmann, Rudolf ; Voegele, Ralf T. ; Lilge, Lars; Characterization ofantifungal properties of lipopeptide-producing Bacillus velezensis strains and their proteome-based response to the phytopathogens, Diaporthe spp
Doering, Stephan ; Herpertz, Stephan ; Pape, Magdalena ; Hofmann, Tobias ; Rose, Matthias ; Imbierowicz, Katrin ; Geiser, Franziska ; Bierling, Antonie Louise ; Weidner, Kerstin ; Rademacher, Jörg ; Michalek, Silke ; Morawa, Eva ; Erim, Yesim ; Teigelack, Per ; Teufel, Martin ; Hartmann, Armin ; Lahmann, Claas ; Peters, Eva Milena Johanne ; Kruse, Johannes ; von Boetticher, Dirk ; Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph ; Nöhre, Mariel ; de Zwaan, Martina ; Dinger, Ulrike ; Friederich, Hans-Christoph ; Niecke, Alexander ; Albus, Christian ; Zwerenz, Rüdiger ; Beutel, Manfred ; Sattel, Heribert Christian ; Henningsen, Peter ; Stein, Barbara ; Waller, Christiane ; Hake, Karsten ; Spitzer, Carsten ; Stengel, Andreas ; Zipfel, Stephan ; Weimer, Katja ; Gündel, Harald ; Kessler, Henrik; The multicenter effectiveness study of inpatient and day hospital treatment in departments of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in Germany
Rettinger, Maximilian ; Rigoll, Gerhard; Touching the future of training: investigating tangible interaction in virtual reality
Schmid, Christoph ; Wimmer, Wilhelm ; Kompis, Martin; BPACE: A Bayesian, Patient-Centered Procedure for Matrix Speech Tests in Noise
Danzberger, Jasmin ; Werner, Ramona ; Mucha, Joanna ; Pritsch, Karin ; Weikl, Fabian; Drought legacy effects on fine-root-associated fungal communities are modulated by root interactions between tree species
Kornyeva, Anastasiya ; Burri, Melchior ; Lange, Rüdiger ; Ruge, Hendrik; Self-expanding vs. balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valves in small aortic annuli
Li, Tongguang ; Fan, Yizhou ; Tan, Yuanru ; Wang, Yeyu ; Singh, Shaveen ; Li, Xinyu ; Raković, Mladen ; van der Graaf, Joep ; Lim, Lyn ; Yang, Binrui ; Molenaar, Inge ; Bannert, Maria ; Moore, Johanna ; Swiecki, Zachari ; Tsai, Yi-Shan ; Shaffer, David Williamson ; Gašević, Dragan; Analytics of self-regulated learning scaffolding: effects on learning processes
Skurzok, Magdalena ; Cargnelli, Michael ; del Grande, Raffaele ; Fabbietti, Laura ; Guaraldo, Carlo ; Marton, Johann ; Moskal, Pawel ; Piscicchia, Kristian ; Scordo, Alessandro ; Silarski, Michal ; Sirghi, Diana Laura ; Vazquez Doce, Oton ; Zmeskal, Johann ; Wycech, Slawomir ; Branchini, Paolo ; Czerwiński, Eryk ; Kang, Xiaolin ; Mandaglio, Giuseppe ; Martini, Matteo ; Selce, Andrea ; Curceanu, Catalina; A review of the low-energy K--nucleus/nuclei interactions with light nuclei AMADEUS investigations
Rühling, Sebastian ; Schwarting, Julian ; Froelich, Matthias F. ; Löffler, Maximilian T. ; Bodden, Jannis ; Hernandez Petzsche, Moritz R. ; Baum, Thomas ; Wostrack, Maria ; Aftahy, A. Kaywan ; Seifert-Klauss, Vanadin ; Sollmann, Nico ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Tollens, Fabian; Cost-effectiveness of opportunistic QCT-based osteoporosis screening for the prediction of incident vertebral fractures
Mohamad Sukri, Siti Nur Amalina ; Shameli, Kamyar ; Teow, Sin-Yeang ; Chew, Jactty ; Ooi, Li-Ting ; Lee-Kiun Soon, Michiele ; Ismail, Nur Afini ; Moeini, Hassan; Enhanced antibacterial and anticancer activities of plant extract mediated green synthesized zinc oxide-silver nanoparticles
Hellings, P. W. ; Lau, S. ; Scadding, G. K. ; Bjermer, L. ; Backer, V. ; Chaker, A. M. ; Conti, D. M. ; De Corso, E. ; Diamant, Z. ; Djukanovic, R. ; Fokkens, W. ; Gevaert, P. ; Gray, C. L. ; Han, J. K. ; Heaney, L. G. ; Hoffmann, H. J. ; Jesenak, M. ; Johansen, P. ; Kumaran, M. S. ; McDonald, M. ; Melén, E. ; Mullol, J. ; Reitsma, S. ; Ryan, D. ; Scadding, G. ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. ; Teeling, T. ; Odemyr, M. ; Wahn, U.; EUFOREA summit in Brussels 2023: inspiring the future of allergy & respiratory care
Schiefenhövel, Fridtjof ; Berger, Christian ; Penkova, Liubov ; Grubitzsch, Herko ; Haller, Bernhard ; Meyer, Alexander ; Heringlake, Matthias ; Sander, Michael ; Erb, Joachim M. ; Balzer, Felix ; Treskatsch, Sascha; Influence of timing of Levosimendan administration on outcomes in cardiac surgery
Kehrer, Andreas ; Hollmann, Katharina S. ; Klein, Silvan M. ; Anker, Alexandra M. ; Tamm, Ernst R. ; Prantl, Lukas ; Engelmann, Simon ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Knoedler, Leonard ; Ruewe, Marc; Histomorphometry of the Sural Nerve for Use as a CFNG in Facial Reanimation Procedures
Reinkemeyer, Christina ; Khazaei, Yeganeh ; Weigert, Maximilian ; Hannes, Marlene ; Le Gleut, Ronan ; Plank, Michael ; Winter, Simon ; Noreña, Ivan ; Meier, Theresa ; Xu, Lisa ; Rubio-Acero, Raquel ; Wiegrebe, Simon ; Le Thi, Thu Giang ; Fuchs, Christiane ; Radon, Katja ; Paunovic, Ivana ; Janke, Christian ; Wieser, Andreas ; Küchenhoff, Helmut ; Hoelscher, Michael ; Castelletti, Noemi; The Prospective COVID-19 Post-Immunization Serological Cohort in Munich (KoCo-Impf): Risk Factors and Determinants of Immune Response in Healthcare Workers
Piscicchia, Kristian ; Marcianò, Antonino ; Addazi, Andrea ; Sirghi, Diana Laura ; Bazzi, Massimiliano ; Bortolotti, Nicola ; Bragadireanu, Mario ; Cargnelli, Michael ; Clozza, Alberto ; De Paolis, Luca ; Del Grande, Raffaele ; Guaraldo, Carlo ; Iliescu, Mihail ; Laubenstein, Matthias ; Manti, Simone ; Marton, Johann ; Miliucci, Marco ; Napolitano, Fabrizio ; Nola, Federico ; Porcelli, Alessio ; Scordo, Alessandro ; Sgaramella, Francesco ; Sirghi, Florin ; Doce, Oton Vazquez ; Zmeskal, Johann ; Curceanu, Catalina; First Experimental Survey of a Whole Class of Non-Commutative Quantum Gravity Models in the VIP-2 Lead Underground Experiment
Bauer, Franziska ; Wolfschlaeger, Immanuel ; Geist, Juergen ; Fastner, Jutta ; Schmalz, Carina Wiena ; Raeder, Uta; Occurrence, Distribution and Toxins of Benthic Cyanobacteria in German Lakes
Bühler, Michael Max ; Hollenbach, Pia ; Michalski, Alexander ; Meyer, Sonja ; Birle, Emanuel ; Off, Rebecca ; Lang, Christina ; Schmidt, Wolfram ; Cudmani, Roberto ; Fritz, Oliver ; Baltes, Guido ; Kortmann, Geraldine; The Industrialisation of Sustainable Construction: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Large-Scale Introduction of Compacted Mineral Mixtures (CMMs) into Building Construction
Makingi, George ; Ngowi, Bernard ; Mkupasi, Ernatus ; Wilson, Christina ; Winkler, Andrea Sylvia ; Nzalawahe, Jahashi ; Ngowi, Helena; Community Health-Education Intervention Trial against Human Taenia solium Taeniasis/Cysticercosis in Central and Southern Zones of Tanzania
Nikolaev, Boris ; Yakovleva, Ludmila ; Fedorov, Viacheslav ; Li, Hanmei ; Gao, Huile ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Nano- and Microemulsions in Biomedicine: From Theory to Practice
Schött, Svenja Y. ; Capsi-Morales, Patricia ; Villa, Steeven ; Butz, Andreas ; Piazza, Cristina; Would You Hold My Hand? Exploring External Observers' Perception of Artificial Hands
Kochetov, Vladislav ; Ahsan, Md Sabbir ; Hein, Dennis ; Wilkinson, Iain ; Bokarev, Sergey I.; Valence and Core Photoelectron Spectra of Aqueous I3- from Multi-Reference Quantum Chemistry
Schleser, Sebastian W. ; Krytovych, Oleksandr ; Ziegelmeier, Tim ; Groß, Elisabeth ; Kasparkova, Jana ; Brabec, Viktor ; Weber, Thomas ; Schobert, Rainer ; Mueller, Thomas; Palladium and Platinum Complexes of the Antimetabolite Fludarabine with Vastly Enhanced Selectivity for Tumour over Non-Malignant Cells
Mourgela, Rafaila Nikola ; Kioukis, Antonios ; Pourjam, Mohsen ; Lagkouvardos, Ilias; Large-Scale Integration of Amplicon Data Reveals Massive Diversity within Saprospirales, Mostly Originating from Saline Environments
Sarukhanian, Samvel ; Maslovskaya, Anna ; Kuttler, Christina; Three-Dimensional Cellular Automaton for Modeling of Self-Similar Evolution in Biofilm-Forming Bacterial Populations
Gamperl, Moritz ; Singer, John ; Garcia-Londoño, Carolina ; Seiler, Lisa ; Castañeda, Julián ; Cerón-Hernandez, David ; Thuro, Kurosch; Recommendations for Landslide Early Warning Systems in Informal Settlements Based on a Case Study in Medellín, Colombia
Niu, Lu ; Xu, Mengyao ; Vries, Walter Timo de; Investigation and Comparison of Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Farmland Fragmentation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China, and Bavaria, Germany
Zhou, Lin ; de Vries, Walter Timo ; Panman, Alexandra ; Gao, Fei ; Fang, Chenyu; Evaluating Collective Action for Effective Land Policy Reform in Developing Country Contexts: The Construction and Validation of Dimensions and Indicators
Dibos, Miriam ; Dumoulin, Johanna ; Mogler, Carolin ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Reichert, Maximilian ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Ringelhan, Marc ; Ehmer, Ursula ; Lahmer, Tobias; Fulminant Liver Failure after Treatment with a Checkpoint Inhibitor for Gastric Cancer: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Knoll, Katharina ; Fuchs, Patrick ; Weidmann, Isabel ; Altunkas, Fatih ; Voss, Stephanie ; Lennerz, Carsten ; Kolb, Christof ; Kessler, Thorsten ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Reinhard, Wibke ; Groß, Stefan ; Trenkwalder, Teresa; Incidence and Predictors of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy
Pratsch, Katrin ; Unemura, Chie ; Ito, Mana ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Horiguchi, Naotaka ; Herms, Jochen; New Highly Selective BACE1 Inhibitors and Their Effects on Dendritic Spine Density In Vivo
Setter, Robert ; Hafenecker, Jan ; Rothfelder, Richard ; Kopp, Sebastian-Paul ; Roth, Stephan ; Schmidt, Michael ; Merklein, Marion ; Wudy, Katrin; Innovative Process Strategies in Powder-Based Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing
Bock, Matthias ; von Schacky, Clemens ; Scherr, Johannes ; Lorenz, Elke ; Lechner, Benjamin ; Krannich, Alexander ; Wachter, Rolf ; Duvinage, André ; Edelmann, Frank ; Lechner, Katharina; De Novo Lipogenesis-Related Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in the Blood Are Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in HFpEF Patients
Bock, Matthias ; O'Connor, Matthew ; Chouchane, Amir ; Schmidt, Philip ; Schaarschmidt, Claudia ; Knoll, Katharina ; Bahlke, Fabian ; Englert, Florian ; Storz, Theresa ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Trenkwalder, Teresa ; Reents, Tilko ; Bourier, Felix ; Telishevska, Marta ; Lengauer, Sarah ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Kolb, Christof ; Lennerz, Carsten; Cardiologist-Directed Sedation Management in Patients Undergoing Transvenous Lead Extraction: A Single-Centre Retrospective Analysis
Muench, Lukas N. ; Slater, Maria ; Archambault, Simon ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Cote, Mark P. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D.; Contact Mechanics of Elliptical and Spherical Head Implants during Axial Rotation in Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Biomechanical Comparison
Ma, Ziming ; Hu, Lanjuan; MicroRNA: A Dynamic Player from Signalling to Abiotic Tolerance in Plants
Kanope, Tane ; Santos, Caleb G. M. ; Marinho, Feliciana ; Monnerat, Gustavo ; Campos-Junior, Mario ; da Fonseca, Ana Carolina P. ; Zembrzuski, Verônica M. ; de Assis, Miller ; Pfaffl, Michael W. ; Pimenta, Eduardo; Replicative Study in Performance-Related Genes of Brazilian Elite Soccer Players Highlights Genetic Differences from African Ancestry and Similarities between Professional and U20 Youth Athletes
Schmieder, Benedikt K. L. ; Pannusch, Verena B. ; Vannieuwenhuyse, Lara ; Briesen, Heiko ; Minceva, Mirjana; Influence of Flow Rate, Particle Size, and Temperature on Espresso Extraction Kinetics
Luque, Joaquín ; Tepe, Benedikt ; Larios, Diego ; León, Carlos ; Hesse, Holger; Machine Learning Estimation of Battery Efficiency and Related Key Performance Indicators in Smart Energy Systems
Khadar, Saad ; Kaddouri, Ameur Miloud ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Hafaifa, Ahmed ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Experimental Validation of Different Control Techniques Applied to a Five-Phase Open-End Winding Induction Motor
Kazemi, Azar ; Gharib, Masoumeh ; Mohamadian Roshan, Nema ; Taraz Jamshidi, Shirin ; Stögbauer, Fabian ; Eslami, Saeid ; Schüffler, Peter J.; Assessment of the Tumor-Stroma Ratio and Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Colorectal Cancer: Inter-Observer Agreement Evaluation
Geist, Juergen ; Hoess, Rebecca ; Rytterstam, Johan ; Söderberg, Håkan; Substratum Raking Can Restore Interstitial Habitat Quality in Swedish Freshwater Pearl Mussel Streams
Klersy, Anton ; Meyer, Sören ; Leuschner, Florian ; Kessler, Thorsten ; Hecker, Markus ; Wagner, Andreas H.; Ectodomain Shedding by ADAM17 Increases the Release of Soluble CD40 from Human Endothelial Cells under Pro-Inflammatory Conditions
Stögbauer, Fabian ; Geß, Barbara ; Brambs, Christine ; Lautizi, Manuela ; Kacprowski, Tim ; Ourailidis, Iordanis ; Bronger, Holger ; Kiechle, Marion ; Noske, Aurelia ; Keller, Gisela ; Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Poremba, Christopher ; Weichert, Wilko ; Boxberg, Melanie; Independent Tissue-Based Biomarkers in Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer: Tumor Budding in Microsatellite Instability and WHO Grading in Copy-Number-Low Patients
Diehl, Christian D. ; Giordano, Frank A. ; Grosu, Anca-L. ; Ille, Sebastian ; Kahl, Klaus-Henning ; Onken, Julia ; Rieken, Stefan ; Sarria, Gustavo R. ; Shiban, Ehab ; Wagner, Arthur ; Beck, Jürgen ; Brehmer, Stefanie ; Ganslandt, Oliver ; Hamed, Motaz ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Münter, Marc ; Raabe, Andreas ; Rohde, Veit ; Schaller, Karl ; Schilling, Daniela ; Schneider, Matthias ; Sperk, Elena ; Thomé, Claudius ; Vajkoczy, Peter ; Vatter, Hartmut ; Combs, Stephanie E.; Opportunities and Alternatives of Modern Radiation Oncology and Surgery for the Management of Resectable Brain Metastases
Zhang, Ruiyun ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Hohenforst-Schmidt, Wolfgang ; Steppert, Claus ; Sziklavari, Zsolt ; Schmidkonz, Christian ; Atzinger, Armin ; Hartmann, Arndt ; Vieth, Michael ; Förster, Stefan; Ability of 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography Radiomics and Machine Learning in Predicting KRAS Mutation Status in Therapy-Naive Lung Adenocarcinoma
Silzle, Tobias ; Blum, Sabine ; Kasprzak, Annika ; Nachtkamp, Kathrin ; Rudelius, Martina ; Hildebrandt, Barbara ; Götze, Katharina S. ; Gattermann, Norbert ; Lauseker, Michael ; Germing, Ulrich; The Absolute Monocyte Count at Diagnosis Affects Prognosis in Myelodysplastic Syndromes Independently of the IPSS-R Risk Score
Zhang, Wei ; Ille, Sebastian ; Schwendner, Maximilian ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Krieg, Sandro M.; The Impact of ioMRI on Glioblastoma Resection and Clinical Outcomes in a State-of-the-Art Neuro-Oncological Setup
Hönikl, Lisa S. ; Lange, Nicole ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Hanno S.; Postoperative Communicating Hydrocephalus Following Grade 2/3 Glioma Resection: Incidence, Timing and Risk Factors
Winkler, Frances ; Hipp, Anna V ; Ramirez, Carlos ; Martin, Bianca ; Villa, Matteo ; Neuwirt, Emilia ; Gorka, Oliver ; Aerssens, Jeroen ; Johansson, Susanne E ; Rana, Nisha ; Llewellyn-Lacey, Sian ; Price, David A ; Panning, Marcus ; Groß, Olaf ; Pearce, Erika L ; Hermann, Carl M ; Schumann, Kathrin ; Hannibal, Luciana ; Neumann-Haefelin, Christoph ; Boettler, Tobias ; Knolle, Percy ; Hofmann, Maike ; Wohlleber, Dirk ; Thimme, Robert ; Bengsch, Bertram; Enolase represents a metabolic checkpoint controlling the differential exhaustion programmes of hepatitis virus-specific CD8+ T cells
Metzger, Patrick ; Hess, Maria Elena ; Blaumeiser, Andreas ; Pauli, Thomas ; Schipperges, Vincent ; Mertes, Ralf ; Christoph, Jan ; Unberath, Philipp ; Reimer, Niklas ; Scheible, Raphael ; Illert, Anna L. ; Busch, Hauke ; Andrieux, Geoffroy ; Boerries, Melanie; MIRACUM-Pipe: An Adaptable Pipeline for Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis, Reporting, and Visualization for Clinical Decision Making
Boerner, Corinna ; Schroeder, Axel ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Krieg, Sandro M. ; Ille, Sebastian; Cortical Location of Language Function May Differ between Languages While White Matter Pathways Are Similar in Brain Lesion Patients
Vollrath, Shirin ; Matits, Lynn ; Jerg, Achim ; Zorn, Jule ; John, Lucas ; Steinacker, Jürgen Michael ; Bizjak, Daniel Alexander; Blood Profiling of Athletes after COVID-19: Differences in Blood Profiles of Post-COVID-19 Athletes Compared to Uninfected Athletic Individuals_An Exploratory Analysis
Rühmkorf, Alina ; Harbauer, Angelika Bettina; Role of Mitochondria-ER Contact Sites in Mitophagy
Pauli, Jessica ; Reisenauer, Tessa ; Winski, Greg ; Sachs, Nadja ; Chernogubova, Ekaterina ; Freytag, Hannah ; Otto, Christoph ; Reeps, Christian ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Scholz, Claus-Jürgen ; Maegdefessel, Lars ; Busch, Albert; Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) Rescues the Contractile Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype in Popliteal Artery Aneurysm Disease
Kroeger, Sebastian ; Wegmann, Marc ; Soellner, Christoph ; Zaeh, Michael F.; Solution Space Management to Enable Data Farming in Strategic Network Design
Joshi, Indu ; Mondal, Arnab Kumar ; Navab, Nassir; Chromosome Cluster Type Identification Using a Swin Transformer
Dobmeier, Fabian ; Li, Rui ; Ettemeyer, Florian ; Mariadass, Melvin ; Lechner, Philipp ; Volk, Wolfram ; Günther, Daniel; Predicting and Evaluating Decoring Behavior of Inorganically Bound Sand Cores, Using XGBoost and Artificial Neural Networks
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Mihai, Cosmin-Teodor ; Gradinaru, Adina Catinca ; Mandici, Alexandru ; Ciocarlan, Nina ; Miron, Anca ; Aprotosoaie, Ana Clara; Chemical Profile and Bioactivity Evaluation of Salvia Species from Eastern Europe
Küchler, Leonore ; Posthaus, Caroline ; Jäger, Kathrin ; Guscetti, Franco ; van der Weyden, Louise ; von Bomhard, Wolf ; Schmidt, Jarno M. ; Farra, Dima ; Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike ; Kehl, Alexandra ; Rottenberg, Sven ; de Brot, Simone; Artificial Intelligence to Predict the BRAF V595E Mutation in Canine Urinary Bladder Urothelial Carcinomas
Kaskous, Shehadeh ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; Milking Machine Settings and Liner Design Are Important to Improve Milking Efficiency and Lactating Animal Welfare_Technical Note
Martinez-Sanchis, Daniel ; Sternin, Andrej ; Haidn, Oskar ; Tajmar, Martin; Combustion Regimes in Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames for Space Propulsion
Ceccarelli, Giovanni ; Cantelmo, Guido ; Nigro, Marialisa ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Learning from Imbalanced Datasets: The Bike-Sharing Inventory Problem Using Sparse Information +
Venkataramanan, Revathy ; Padhee, Swati ; Rao, Saini Rohan ; Kaoshik, Ronak ; Sundara Rajan, Anirudh ; Sheth, Amit; Ki-Cook: clustering multimodal cooking representations through knowledge-infused learning
Sultanbawa, Yasmina ; Huang, Dejian ; Rychlik, Michael; Editorial: Ethnofood chemistry: bioactive components in unexploited foods from centres of biodiversity
Makarieva, Anastassia M. ; Nefiodov, Andrei V. ; Rammig, Anja ; Nobre, Antonio Donato; Re-appraisal of the global climatic role of natural forests for improved climate projections and policies
Özbek, Emre Anil ; Winkler, Philipp W. ; Nazzal, Ehab M. ; Zsidai, Bálint ; Drain, Nicholas P. ; Kaarre, Janina ; Sprague, Andrew ; Lesniak, Bryson P. ; Musahl, Volker; Failure Rates and Complications After Multiple-Revision ACL Reconstruction: Comparison of the Over-the-Top and Transportal Drilling Techniques
Kurth, Julia Katharina ; Albrecht, Martin ; Glaser, Karin ; Karsten, Ulf ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; Armbruster, Martin ; Kublik, Susanne ; Schmid, Christoph A. O. ; Schloter, Michael ; Schulz, Stefanie; Biological soil crusts on agricultural soils of mesic regions promote microbial cross-kingdom co-occurrences and nutrient retention
Das, Neha ; Endo, Satoshi ; Patel, Sabrina ; Krewer, Carmen ; Hirche, Sandra; Online detection of compensatory strategies in human movement with supervised classification: a pilot study
Schoenweger, Petra ; Kirschneck, Michaela ; Biersack, Katharina ; Di Meo, Anna-Francesca ; Reindl-Spanner, Philipp ; Prommegger, Barbara ; Ditzen-Janotta, Claudia ; Henningsen, Peter ; Krcmar, Helmut ; Gensichen, Jochen ; Jung-Sievers, Caroline; Community indicators for mental health in Europe: a scoping review
Bodden, Jannis ; Dieckmeyer, Michael ; Sollmann, Nico ; Burian, Egon ; Rühling, Sebastian ; Löffler, Maximilian T. ; Sekuboyina, Anjany ; El Husseini, Malek ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Baum, Thomas; Incidental vertebral fracture prediction using neuronal network-based automatic spine segmentation and volumetric bone mineral density extraction from routine clinical CT scans
Gassert, Florian T. ; Urban, Theresa ; Kufner, Alexander ; Frank, Manuela ; Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Baum, Thomas ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Braun, Christian ; Pfeiffer, Daniela ; Schwaiger, Benedikt J. ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Dark-field X-ray imaging for the assessment of osteoporosis in human lumbar spine specimens
Kronbichler, Martin ; Sashko, Dmytro ; Munch, Peter; Enhancing data locality of the conjugate gradient method for high-order matrix-free finite-element implementations
Weber, Christiana ; Fasse, Anja ; Haugh, Helen M. ; Grote, Ulrike; Varieties of Necessity Entrepreneurship - New Insights From Sub Saharan Africa
Malekzad, Farhood ; Jais, Marius ; Hernandez, Gina ; Kehr, Hugo ; Quirin, Markus; Not self-aware? Psychological antecedents and consequences of alienating from one's actual motives, emotions, and goals
Yamkate, Punyamanee ; Funke, Sabrina ; Steiger, Katja ; Gold, Randi M ; Lidbury, Jonathan A ; Karst, Uwe ; Steiner, Joerg M; Quantitative bioimaging of copper in frozen liver specimens from cats using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
Hoffmann, Markus Daniel; Discovering candidate regulatory networks in epigenomics and transcriptomics
Neubig, Christina Maria; Essays on Behavioral Interventions for Consumer Food Waste Reduction
Bui, Hanh My; Additive Manufacturing of Heterogeneous Catalysts: Development of Binder Jetting Printing Strategies for Al2O3-Supported Catalysts
Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; LieGrasPFormer: Point Transformer-based 6-DOF Grasp Detection with Lie Algebra Grasp Representation
Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Wen, Long; Hu, Yingbai; Knoll, Alois; Robust Point Cloud Registration with Geometry-based Transformation Invariant Descriptor
Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Wen, Long; Pan, Fengjunjie; Knoll, Alois; Knowledge-Augmented Anomaly Detection in Small Lot Production for Semantic Temporal Process Data
Zhao, H.; A GAN Speech Inpainting Model for Audio Editing Software
Bloch, T.;Borrmann, A.;Pauwels, P.; Graph-based learning for automated code checking – Exploring the application of graph neural networks for design review
Keilbach, Anna; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; Conflicting Identities During Digital Transformation Efforts of an Incumbent Automotive Firm
Weinsziehr, Leon; Tsakarestos, Antonios; Bachmann, Frederik R.; Bogenberger, Klaus; Detection of Bus Bunching through the Analysis of Prevalent Public Transport Control Data
Kratzl, Franziska Pia; Cell-cell interaction in a synthetic co-culture: PHA production from sunlight and CO2 co-cultivating Synechococcus elongatus and Pseudomonas putida
Wach, Benedikt; Measurement of Branching Fractions and direct CP Violation in B0 → K+π- and B0 → π+π- Decays at the Belle II Experiment
Schmidt, Sebastian; Zerwas, Johannes; Kellerer, Wolfgang; ADFAT: Adversarial Flow Arrival Time Generation for Demand-Oblivious Data Center Networks
Wu, J.;Schlenger, J.; Enriching building graphs with parametric design constraints for automated design adaptation
Noichl, F.;Esser, S.;Schlenger, J.; Adaptive scan planning for 4D-BIM-based construction progress monitoring
Forth, K.; Multilingual semantic enrichment of room-specific load profiles using BIM models for whole building energy simulation
Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Sachtler, Arne; Redundancy Resolution at Position Level
Lee, Seungjae; On Coexistence Dynamics and Its Theoretical Principles: Chimeras in Networks of Networks
Mokhtari, Parisa; Milli-Kelvin Thermal Transport in the Quasi-one-dimensional Quantum Magnet YbAlO3
Schmid, Clemens Maria; Processing Algorithms for Grating-Based X-Ray Phase Contrast with a Clinical CT Prototype
Vega-Torres, M.A.;Pfitzner, F.; Investigating Robot Dogs for Construction Monitoring: A Comparative Analysis of Specifications and On-site Requirements
Reuter, Dominik; Dark, Down, and Destructive: The Negative Sides of Entrepreneurship
Binder, Maximilian Florian; Integration von Sensoren in additiv gefertigte Metallbauteile
Ayan, Onur;Hirche, Sandra;Ephremides, Anthony;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Optimal Finite Horizon Scheduling of Wireless Networked Control Systems
Li, Cong;Liu, Qingchen;Qin, Jiahu;Buss, Martin;Hirche, Sandra; Safe Planning and Control Under Uncertainty: A Model-Free Design With One-Step Backward Data
Dumler, Patrick; Blankenhagen, Jakob; Werther, Norman; Winter, Stefan; Mensinger, Martin; Validierungsversuche für brandschutztechnisch sichere Konstruktionen in Stahl-Holz-Mischbauweise
Pretzsch, Hans;del Río, Miren;Arcangeli, Catia;Bielak, Kamil;Dudzinska, Malgorzata;Forrester, David Ian;Klädtke, Joachim;Kohnle, Ulrich;Ledermann, Thomas;Matthews, Robert;Nagel, Jürgen;Nagel, Ralf;Ningre, François;Nord-Larsen, Thomas;Biber, Peter; Forest growth in Europe shows diverging large regional trends
Zito, Antonello; Experimental and numerical investigation of helium exhaust at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak with full-tungsten wall
Kollmannsberger, Kathrin Luisa; Defined guest-MOF systems toward tailored catalysts
Pretzsch, Hans;del Río, Miren;Arcangeli, Catia;Bielak, Kamil;Dudzinska, Malgorzata;Forrester, David Ian;Klädtke, Joachim;Kohnle, Ulrich;Ledermann, Thomas;Matthews, Robert;Nagel, Jürgen;Nagel, Ralf;Ningre, François;Nord-Larsen, Thomas;Biber, Peter; Forest growth in Europe shows diverging large regional trends
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Donaubauer, Andreas; Beil, Christof .; Enhancing Realism in Urban Simulations: A Mapping Framework for the German National Standard XPlanung and CityGML
Ziyu Chen, Tingli Hu, Sami Haddadin and David W. Franklin; A Gradient-Based Method for Automated Muscle Path Calibration
Sperle, Philipp Julius; The potential of UVC-irradiation using LEDs as an (in situ) biofouling control strategy in reverse osmosis membrane systems
Singh, Parminder;Gollapalli, Kishore;Mangiola, Stefano;Schranner, Daniela;Yusuf, Mohd Aslam;Chamoli, Manish;Shi, Sting L.;Lopes Bastos, Bruno;Nair, Tripti;Riermeier, Annett;Vayndorf, Elena M.;Wu, Judy Z.;Nilakhe, Aishwarya;Nguyen, Christina Q.;Muir, Michael;Kiflezghi, Michael G.;Foulger, Anna;Junker, Alex;Devine, Jack;Sharan, Kunal;Chinta, Shankar J.;Rajput, Swati;Rane, Anand;Baumert, Philipp;Schönfelder, Martin;Iavarone, Francescopaolo;di Lorenzo, Giorgia;Kumari, Swati;Gupta, Alka;Sarkar, Rajesh;Khyriem, Costerwell;Chawla, Amanpreet S.;Sharma, Ankur;Sarper, Nazan;Chattopadhyay, Naibedya;Biswal, Bichitra K.;Settembre, Carmine;Nagarajan, Perumal;Targoff, Kimara L.;Picard, Martin;Gupta, Sarika;Velagapudi, Vidya;Papenfuss, Anthony T.;Kaya, Alaattin;Ferreira, Miguel Godinho;Kennedy, Brian K.;Andersen, Julie K.;Lithgow, Gordon J.;Ali, Abdullah Mahmood;Mukhopadhyay, Arnab;Palotie, Aarno;Kastenmüller, Gabi;Kaeberlein, Matt;Wackerhage, Henning;Pal, Bhupinder;Yadav, Vijay K.; Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging
Orange, Samuel T.;Leslie, Jack;Ross, Mark;Mann, Derek A.;Wackerhage, Henning; The exercise IL-6 enigma in cancer
Hassan Zada, Mohammad Javad; Yamnenko, Iuliia; Antoniou, Constantinos; Network-wide Traffic State Forecast Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning
Péntek, Máté-Tamás; Method Development for the Numerical Wind Tunnel in Applied Structural Engineering
Hossfeld, Tobias;Heegaard, Poul E.;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Comparing the Scalability of Communication Networks and Systems
Philipp Baumert, Sakari Mäntyselkä, Martin Schönfelder, Marie Heiber, Anandini Swaminathan, Petras Minderis; Mantas Dirmontas, Karin Kleigrewe, Chen Meng, Michael Gigl, Tomas Venckunas, Hans Degens, Aivaras Ratkevicius, Juha J. Hulmi & Henning Wackerhage; Metabolic remodeling during skeletal Muscle hypertrophy: role of glycolysis-derived intermediates in anabolic pathways
Sakari Mäntyselkä, Kalle Kolari, Philipp Baumert, Laura Ylä-Outinen, Lauri Kuikka, Suvi Lahtonen, Perttu Permi, Henning Wackerhage, Elina Kalenius, Riikka Kivelä, Juha J Hulmi; nhibiting serine synthesis pathway by PHGDH inhibition reprograms skeletal muscle cell metabolism and impairs anabolic processes
Gruber, Th.; Some thoughts on the definition of Essential Geodetic Variables (EGV's)
Pfitzner, F.; Schlenger, J.; Borrmann, A.; Automated Productivity Evaluation of Concreting Works: The Example of Concrete Pillar Production
Borrmann, A.;Biswanath, M.;Braun, A.;Zhaiyu, C.;Cremers, D.;Heeramaglore, M.;Hoegner, L.;Mehranfar, M.;Kolbe, T.;Petzold, F.;Rueda, A.;Solonets, S.;Zhu, Z.; Artificial Intelligence for the automated creation of multi-scale digital twins of the built world – AI4TWINNING
Gitahi, Joseph; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Requirements for Web-based 4D Visualisation of Integrated 3D City Models and Sensor Data in Urban Digital Twins
He, Hailong;Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia;Karlas, Angelos;Omar, Murad;Aguirre, Juan;Lutz, Jessica;Kallmayer, Michael;Füchtenbusch, Martin;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Ziegler, Annette;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Opening a window to skin biomarkers for diabetes stage with optoacoustic mesoscopy.
Lützow, Laura;Meng, Yue;Armijos, Andres Chavez;Fan, Chuchu; Density Planner: Minimizing Collision Risk in Motion Planning with Dynamic Obstacles using Density-based Reachability
Lützow, Laura; Althoff, Matthias; Reachability Analysis of ARMAX Models
Kutsevol, Polina; Ayan, Onur; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Value of Updates: Which Packets Are Worth Transmitting?
Lindner, Johannes; Bogenberger, Klaus; A Virtual Reality Wheelchair Simulator for Realistic Road User Behavior in Driving Simulations
Thumm, Jakob;Pelat, Guillaume;Althoff, Matthias; Reducing Safety Interventions in Provably Safe Reinforcement Learning
Müller, Jasper; Di Rosa, Gabriele; Fehenberger, Tobias; Wenning, Mario; Patri, Sai Kireet; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; Mas Machuca, Carmen; On the Benefits of Rate-Adaptive Transceivers: A Network Planning Study
Reichel, Julia; Identification of polymer types, additives and simultaneous quantification of trace organic chemical sorption behavior on subµ-particles in environmental samples
Ponnath, Lukas; Precise Measurement of Nuclear Interaction Cross Sections with R3B
Müller, Jasper;Slyne, Frank;Kaeval, Kaida;Troia, Sebastian;Fehenberger, Tobias;Elbers, Jörg-Peter;Kilper, Daniel C.;Ruffini, Marco;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Experimental Demonstration of ML-Based DWDM System Margin Estimation
Müller, Jasper; Di Rosa, Gabriele;Autenrieth, Achim;Elbers, Jörg-Peter;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Cost-Efficient Capacity Scaling using Multi-Wavelength Transponders and Adaptive Modulation
Müller, Jasper;Jovanovic, Ognjen;Fehenberger, Tobias;Di Rosa, Gabriele;Elbers, Jörg-Peter;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Multi-wavelength transponders for high-capacity optical networks: a physical-layer-aware network planning study
Hanna Krasowski; Prithvi Akella; Aaron D. Ames; Matthias Althoff; Safe Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Guarantees Satisfying Temporal Logic Specifications in Continuous Action Spaces
Jonathan Külz, Matthias Mayer, and Matthias Althoff; Timor Python: A Toolbox for Industrial Modular Robotics
Bergmann, Alexander Martin; Dissipative Structures and Oscillations in Active Emulsions
Kutsevol, Polina; Ayan, Onur; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards Semantic-Aware Transport Layer Protocols: A Control Performance Perspective
Kutsevol, Polina; Ayan, Onur; Pappas, Nikolaos; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Experimental Study of Transport Layer Protocols for Wireless Networked Control Systems
Kutsevol, Polina; Ayan, Onur; Pappas, Nikolaos; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Goal-Oriented Transport Layer Protocols for Wireless Control
Finkeldei, Florian; Althoff, Matthias; Synthesizing Traffic Scenarios from Formal Specifications Using Reachability Analysis
Holzleitner, Nadine; Novel Minigastrin-derived CCK-2R Targeted Ligands for Radiopharmaceuticals: From Bench to Clinical Translation
Drieschner, Clemens; Frank Morelli; Decoding Cross-Process Dependencies - An Embedded Case Study Approach for Teaching
Pereira, Joana Castro ; Renner, Judith; Animals in International Relations: a research agenda
Heyn, Jens ; Uenze, Birgit ; Christoph, Ricarda ; Baumann, Nanette ; Kiesewetter, Isabel ; Mihatsch, Lorenz ; Luchting, Benjamin; Personality disorders and outcome after multidisciplinary pain therapy
Kennedy, Andrew ; Dux, Paul E ; Mallett, Clifford J; Development of the brief expertise scale for sports coaching
Rostami-Shahrbabaki, Majid ; Weikl, Simone ; Niels, Tanja ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Modeling Vehicle Flocking in Lane-Free Automated Traffic
Donhauser, Lara Victoria ; Veloso de Oliveira, Julia ; Schick, Cordula ; Manlik, Wenzel ; Styblova, Sabrina ; Lutzenberger, Sarah ; Aigner, Michael ; Philipp, Patrick ; Robert, Sebastian ; Gandorfer, Beate ; Hempel, Dirk ; Hempel, Louisa ; Zehn, Dietmar; Responses of patients with cancer to mRNA vaccines depend on the time interval between vaccination and last treatment
Hegelich, Simon ; Dhawan, Saurabh ; Sarhan, Habiba; Twitter as political acclamation
Deline, Marshall L. ; Straub, Joshua ; Patel, Manisha ; Subba, Pratigya ; Grashei, Martin ; van Heijster, Frits H. A. ; Pirkwieser, Philip ; Somoza, Veronika ; Livingstone, James D. ; Beazely, Michael ; Kendall, Brian ; Gingras, Michel J. P. ; Leonenko, Zoya ; Höschen, Carmen ; Harrington, Gertraud ; Kuellmer, Katharina ; Bian, Wangqing ; Schilling, Franz ; Fisher, Matthew P. A. ; Helgeson, Matthew E. ; Fromme, Tobias; Lithium isotopes differentially modify mitochondrial amorphous calcium phosphate cluster size distribution and calcium capacity
Bayas, Antonios ; Berthele, Achim ; Blank, Norbert ; Dreger, Peter ; Faissner, Simon ; Friese, Manuel A. ; Gerdes, Lisa-Ann ; Grauer, Oliver Martin ; Häussler, Vivien ; Heesen, Christoph ; Janson, Dietlinde ; Korporal-Kuhnke, Mirjam ; Kowarik, Markus ; Kröger, Nikolaus ; Lünemann, Jan D. ; Martin, Roland ; Meier, Uwe ; Meuth, Sven ; Muraro, Paolo ; Platten, Michael ; Schirmer, Lucas ; Stürner, Klarissa Hanja ; Stellmann, Jan Patrick ; Scheid, Christof ; Bergh, Florian Then ; Warnke, Clemens ; Wildemann, Brigitte ; Ziemssen, Tjalf; Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis: a position paper and registry outline
Gulde, Philipp ; Hermsdörfer, Joachim; Corrigendum: Smoothness metrics in complex movement tasks
Tristram, Clara ; Reimers, Anne K. ; Renninger, Denise ; Beck, Franziska ; Demetriou, Yolanda ; Marzi, Isabel; Parental perspectives on the decision-making process on transport mode choice in adolescents: a qualitative study with mothers and fathers
Worku, Destaw ; Hussen, Jamal ; De Matteis, Giovanna ; Schusser, Benjamin ; Alhussien, Mohanned Naif; Candidate genes associated with heat stress and breeding strategies to relieve its effects in dairy cattle: a deeper insight into the genetic architecture and immune response to heat stress
Attia, Youssef A. ; Basiouni, Shereen ; Abdulsalam, Nisreen M. ; Bovera, Fulvia ; Aboshok, Afaf A. ; Shehata, Awad A. ; Hafez, Hafez M.; Alternative to antibiotic growth promoters: beneficial effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or Lactobacillus acidophilus supplementation on the growth performance and sustainability of broilers' production
Bhattacharyya, Sabarna ; Giridhar, Maya ; Meier, Bastian ; Peiter, Edgar ; Vothknecht, Ute C. ; Chigri, Fatima; Global transcriptome profiling reveals root- and leaf-specific responses of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to H2O2
Schaaf, Christian W. ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Pfister, Frederick ; Hannemann, Liya ; Hausinger, Renate I. ; Verbeek, Mareike ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Renders, Lutz ; Heemann, Uwe ; Küchle, Claudius; Extracorporeal light-chain elimination in myeloma with simple medium cutoff membrane hemodialysis: a retrospective cohort study
Balajadia, Eljoh ; Garcia, Sophie ; Stampfli, Janine ; Schrader, Björn ; Guidolin, Carolina ; Spitschan, Manuel; Usability and Acceptability of a Corneal-Plane α-Opic Light Logger in a 24-h Field Trial
Obermaier, Lisa ; da Mata, Barbara Paes Miglioli ; Perego, Caio Humberto ; Sivieri, Kátia ; Salgaço, Mateus Kawata ; dos Santos, André Gonzaga ; Boehni, Ruth ; Groehn, Viola ; Knapp, Jean-Pierre ; Rychlik, Michael; An improved folate stable isotope dilution assay of unexploited food sources from Brazil
Schrader, Hanna ; Ruck, Jessica ; Borgulya, Gábor ; Parisi, Sandra ; Ehlers-Mondorf, Jana ; Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna ; Joos, Stefanie ; Grau, Anna ; Linde, Klaus ; Gágyor, Ildikó; Stress experiences of healthcare assistants in family practice at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study
Hnatkova, Katerina ; Andršová, Irena ; Novotný, Tomáš ; Vanderberk, Bert ; Sprenkeler, David ; Junttila, Juhani ; Reichlin, Tobias ; Schlögl, Simon ; Vos, Marc A ; Friede, Tim ; Bauer, Axel ; Huikuri, Heikki V ; Willems, Rik ; Schmidt, Georg ; Sticherling, Christian ; Zabel, Markus ; Malik, Marek; QRS complex and T wave planarity for the efficacy prediction of automatic implantable defibrillators
Benciolini, Tommaso ; Zhang, Xuhui ; Wollherr, Dirk ; Leibold, Marion; Information fusion for online estimation of the behavior of traffic participants using belief function theory
Dadoo, Sahil ; Keeling, Laura E. ; Runer, Armin ; Musahl, Volker; Tips and Tricks for Anatomic ACL Reconstruction With Soft-Tissue Quadriceps Tendon and Remnant Repair
Rath, Eva; PKR activation in mitochondrial unfolded protein response-mitochondrial dsRNA might do the trick
Klimecki, Olga M. ; Liebscher, Maxie ; Gaubert, Malo ; Hayek, Dayana ; Zarucha, Alexis ; Dyrba, Martin ; Bartels, Claudia ; Buerger, Katharina ; Butryn, Michaela ; Dechent, Peter ; Dobisch, Laura ; Ewers, Michael ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Freiesleben, Silka Dawn ; Glanz, Wenzel ; Hetzer, Stefan ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Kilimann, Ingo ; Kleineidam, Luca ; Laske, Christoph ; Maier, Franziska ; Munk, Matthias H. ; Perneczky, Robert ; Peters, Oliver ; Priller, Josef ; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan ; Roy, Nina ; Scheffler, Klaus ; Schneider, Anja ; Spruth, Eike Jakob ; Spottke, Annika ; Teipel, Stefan J. ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Wolfsgruber, Steffen ; Yakupov, Renat ; Düzel, Emrah ; Jessen, Frank ; Wagner, Michael ; Roeske, Sandra ; Wirth, Miranka; Long-term environmental enrichment is associated with better fornix microstructure in older adults
Meyer, Hanno S. ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Hönikl, Lisa S. ; Delbridge, Claire ; Ketterer, Carl ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard; Clinical, radiological and pathological features of temporomesial tumors in the adult. A single center experience from 15 years
Salmen, Anke ; Hoepner, Robert ; Fleischer, Vinzenz ; Heldt, Milena ; Gisevius, Barbara ; Motte, Jeremias ; Ruprecht, Klemens ; Schneider, Ruth ; Fisse, Anna Lena ; Grüter, Thomas ; Lukas, Carsten ; Berthele, Achim ; Giglhuber, Katrin ; Flaskamp, Martina ; Mühlau, Mark ; Kirschke, Jan ; Bittner, Stefan ; Groppa, Sergiu ; Lüssi, Felix ; Bayas, Antonios ; Meuth, Sven ; Heesen, Cristoph ; Trebst, Corinna ; Wildemann, Brigitte ; Then Bergh, Florian ; Antony, Gisela ; Kümpfel, Tania ; Paul, Friedemann ; Nischwitz, Sandra ; Tumani, Hayrettin ; Zettl, Uwe ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Wiendl, Heinz ; Zipp, Frauke ; Gold, Ralf; Factors associated with depressive mood at the onset of multiple sclerosis - an analysis of 781 patients of the German NationMS cohort
Erdbrügger, Tim ; Westhoff, Andreas ; Höltershinken, Malte ; Radecke, Jan-Ole ; Buschermöhle, Yvonne ; Buyx, Alena ; Wallois, Fabrice ; Pursiainen, Sampsa ; Gross, Joachim ; Lencer, Rebekka ; Engwer, Christian ; Wolters, Carsten; CutFEM forward modeling for EEG source analysis
Angelidis, Emmanouil; A perspective on large-scale simulation as an enabler for novel biorobotics applications
Wilhelm, Nikolas ; von Deimling, Constantin ; Haddadin, Sami ; Glowalla, Claudio ; Burgkart, Rainer; Validation of a Robotic Testbench for Evaluating Biomechanical Effects of Implant Rotation in Total Knee Arthroplasty on a Cadaveric Specimen
Haider, Arsalan ; Pigniczki, Marcell ; Koyama, Shotaro ; Köhler, Michael H. ; Haas, Lukas ; Fink, Maximilian ; Schardt, Michael ; Nagase, Koji ; Zeh, Thomas ; Eryildirim, Abdulkadir ; Poguntke, Tim ; Inoue, Hideo ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; A Methodology to Model the Rain and Fog Effect on the Performance of Automotive LiDAR Sensors
Boch, Auxane ; Ryan, Seamus ; Kriebitz, Alexander ; Amugongo, Lameck Mbangula ; Lütge, Christoph; Beyond the Metal Flesh: Understanding the Intersection between Bio- and AI Ethics for Robotics in Healthcare
Haynack, Alexander ; Zadran, Sekandar ; Timothy, Jithender J. ; Gambarelli, Serena ; Kränkel, Thomas ; Thiel, Charlotte ; O bolt, Joško ; Gehlen, Christoph; Can a Hand-Held 3D Scanner Capture Temperature-Induced Strain of Mortar Samples? Comparison between Experimental Measurements and Numerical Simulations
Wehrli, Monika C. ; Weise, Anna ; Kratky, Tim ; Becker, Thomas; Thermomechanical Stress Analysis of Hydrated Vital Gluten with Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Rheology
Hartmann, Frank ; Bitsch, Martin ; Niebuur, Bart-Jan ; Koch, Marcus ; Kraus, Tobias ; Dietz, Christian ; Stark, Robert W. ; Everett, Christopher R. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Janka, Oliver ; Gallei, Markus; Self-Assembly of Polymer-Modified FePt Magnetic Nanoparticles and Block Copolymers
Gattringer, Michael ; Schalamon, Georg ; Pichler, Hannes ; Breulmann, Franziska Lioba ; Buerger, Heinz ; Mattiassich, Georg ; Bischofreiter, Martin; Sciatic Nerve Compression after a Chronic Proximal Hamstring Tear: A Report of Two Cases and a Narrative Review of the Literature
Gao, He ; de Vries, Walter Timo ; Zheng, Minrui ; Ye, Jianping; State Capacity to Influence Actor Relations within the Chinese Real Estate Market: An Analytical Framework
Anderson, Philip Mark ; Heinz, Tizian ; Rak, Dominik ; Arnholdt, Jörg ; Holzapfel, Boris Michael ; Dorsch, Silke ; Weißenberger, Manuel ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Jaenisch, Max ; Ertl, Max ; Wagner, Michael ; Windhagen, Henning ; Rudert, Maximilian ; Jakuscheit, Axel; Accuracy of Positioning and Risk Factors for Malpositioning Custom-Made Femoral Stems in Total Hip Arthroplasty_A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis
Ostermann, Roman C. ; Eigenschink, Martin ; Heuberer, Philipp R. ; Siegert, Paul ; Muellbacher, Willi ; Anderl, Lisa ; Schrott, Beate ; Laky, Brenda ; Pauzenberger, Leo ; Anderl, Werner; Bony Regrowth and New Spur Formation as Possible Causes of Failed Distal Clavicle Excision_Mid-Term Outcomes after Revision Surgery in a Matched-Pair Analysis
Wilhelm, Theresa Isabelle ; Lewalter, Thorsten ; Fischer, Johannes ; Reiser, Judith ; Werner, Julia ; Baumgartner, Christine ; Gleirscher, Lukas ; Hoppmann, Petra ; Kupatt, Christian ; Tiemann, Klaus ; Jilek, Clemens; Electroanatomical Conduction Characteristics of Pig Myocardial Tissue Derived from High-Density Mapping
Ndrepepa, Gjin ; Kastrati, Adnan; Coronary No-Reflow after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention_Current Knowledge on Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Clinical Impact and Therapy
Stoklasa, Kerstin ; Sieber, Sabine ; Naher, Shamsun ; Bohmann, Bianca ; Kuehnl, Andreas ; Stadlbauer, Thomas ; Wendorff, Heiko ; Biro, Gabor ; Kallmayer, Michael A. ; Knappich, Christoph ; Busch, Albert ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Patients with Acute Limb Ischemia Might Benefit from Endovascular Therapy_A 17-Year Retrospective Single-Center Series of 985 Patients
Pankatz, Lara ; Rojczyk, Philine ; Seitz-Holland, Johanna ; Bouix, Sylvain ; Jung, Leonard B. ; Wiegand, Tim L. T. ; Bonke, Elena M. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Kaufmann, Elisabeth ; Carrington, Holly ; Puri, Twishi ; Rathi, Yogesh ; Coleman, Michael J. ; Pasternak, Ofer ; George, Mark S. ; McAllister, Thomas W. ; Zafonte, Ross ; Stein, Murray B. ; Marx, Christine E. ; Shenton, Martha E. ; Koerte, Inga K.; Adverse Outcome Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Is Associated with Microstructure Alterations at the Gray and White Matter Boundary
Weidlich, Simon ; Schellberg, Sven ; Scholten, Stefan ; Schneider, Jochen ; Lee, Marcel ; Rothe, Kathrin ; Wantia, Nina ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Noe, Sebastian; Evaluation of Self-Collected Versus Health Care Professional (HCP)-Performed Sampling and the Potential Impact on the Diagnostic Results of Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in High-Risk Individuals
Sangouard, Ronan ; Freudenberg, Ivo ; Kertel, Maximilian; Computer Vision for DC Partial Discharge Diagnostics in Traction Battery Systems
Emslander, Quirin ; Krey, Karsten ; Hamad, Sabri ; Maidl, Susanne ; Oubraham, Lila ; Hesse, Joshua ; Henrici, Alexander ; Austen, Katharina ; Mergner, Julia ; Grass, Vincent ; Pichlmair, Andreas; MDM2 Influences ACE2 Stability and SARS-CoV-2 Uptake
Froehlich, Laura ; Niedrich, Jasmin ; Hattesohl, Daniel B. R. ; Behrends, Uta ; Kedor, Claudia ; Haas, Johannes-Peter ; Stingl, Michael ; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Evaluation of a Webinar to Increase Health Professionals' Knowledge about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
Deltas, Constantinos ; Papagregoriou, Gregory ; Louka, Stavroula F. ; Malatras, Apostolos ; Flinter, Frances ; Gale, Daniel P. ; Gear, Susie ; Gross, Oliver ; Hoefele, Julia ; Lennon, Rachel ; Miner, Jeffrey H. ; Renieri, Alessandra ; Savige, Judy ; Turner, A. Neil; Genetic Modifiers of Mendelian Monogenic Collagen IV Nephropathies in Humans and Mice
Fleischer, Timo ; Moser, Stephanie ; Deibl, Ines ; Strahl, Alexander ; Maier, Simone ; Zumbach, Joerg; Digital Sequential Scaffolding during Experimentation in Chemistry Education_Scrutinizing Influences and Effects on Learning
Wang, Shuchao ; Yetisen, Ali K. ; Wang, Kun ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; Dependence of the Michelson Interferometer-Based Membrane-Less Optical Microphone-Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Gas-Sensing Method on the Fundamental Parameters of a Photoacoustic Gas Cell
Thomik, Maximilian ; Faber, Felix ; Gruber, Sebastian ; Foerst, Petra ; Tsotsas, Evangelos ; Vorhauer-Huget, Nicole; A Non-Isothermal Pore Network Model of Primary Freeze Drying
Grojja, Yossri ; Hajlaoui, Hafedh ; Luca, Simon Vlad ; Abidi, Jouda ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Zouari, Sami ; Bouaziz, Mohamed; Untargeted Phytochemical Profiling, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of a Tunisian Capsicum annuum Cultivar
Inhuber, Vivienne ; Windisch, Wilhelm ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Meng, Chen ; Bächler, Benedikt ; Gigl, Michael ; Steinhoff-Wagner, Julia ; Ettle, Thomas; Effect of Rumen-Protected Methionine on Metabolic Profile of Liver, Muscle and Blood Serum Samples of Growing German Simmental Bulls Fed Protein-Reduced Diets
Radzhabov, Abdukhamid ; Zamuddinov, Musluhuddin ; Alidjanov, Jakhongir F. ; Pilatz, Adrian ; Wagenlehner, Florian M. ; Naber, Kurt G.; Linguistic and Clinical Validation of the Tajik Acute Cystitis Symptom Score for Diagnosis and Patient-Reported Outcome in Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis
Wilbrink, Marc ; Cieler, Stephan ; Weiß, Sebastian L. ; Beggiato, Matthias ; Joisten, Philip ; Feierle, Alexander ; Oehl, Michael; Principles for External Human-Machine Interfaces
Llucià-Carol, Laia ; Muiño, Elena ; Cullell, Natalia ; Cárcel-Márquez, Jara ; Lledós, Miquel ; Gallego-Fabrega, Cristina ; Martin-Campos, Jesús ; Martí-Fàbregas, Joan ; Aguilera-Simón, Ana ; Planas, Anna M. ; DeDiego, Marta L. ; de Felipe Mimbrera, Alicia ; Masjuan, Jaime ; García-Madrona, Sebastián ; Segura, Tomás ; González-Villar, Esther ; Serrano-Heras, Gemma ; Domínguez Mayoral, Ana ; Menéndez-Valladares, Paloma ; Montaner, Joan ; Migeotte, Isabelle ; Rahmouni, Souad ; Darcis, Gilles ; Bernardo, David ; Rojo, Silvia ; Schulte, Eva C. ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Fricke, Lisa ; Winter, Christof ; Niemi, Mari E. K. ; Cordioli, Mattia ; Delgado, Pilar ; Fernández-Cadenas, Israel; Genetic Architecture of Ischaemic Strokes after COVID-19 Shows Similarities with Large Vessel Strokes
Ball, Lena ; Bauer, Julia ; Krautwurst, Dietmar; Heterodimerization of Chemoreceptors TAS1R3 and mGlu2 in Human Blood Leukocytes
Baglivo, Mirko ; Nasca, Alessia ; Lamantea, Eleonora ; Vinci, Stefano ; Spagnolo, Manuela ; Marchet, Silvia ; Prokisch, Holger ; Catania, Alessia ; Lamperti, Costanza ; Ghezzi, Daniele; Evaluation of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Idebenone Responsiveness in Fibroblasts from Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) Subjects
Englert, Paul ; Andrä, Christian ; Demetriou, Yolanda; The Concept of Moving School and Its Practical Implementation in Bavarian Higher Secondary Schools
Arndt, Sophia ; Hartmann, Wolfgang ; Rókusz, András ; Leinauer, Benedikt ; von Baer, Alexandra ; Schultheiss, Markus ; Pablik, Jessica ; Fritzsche, Hagen ; Mogler, Carolin ; Antal, Imre ; Baumhoer, Daniel ; Mellert, Kevin ; Möller, Peter ; Szendröi, Miklós ; Jundt, Gernot ; Barth, Thomas F. E.; Histomorphometric Analysis of 38 Giant Cell Tumors of Bone after Recurrence as Compared to Changes Following Denosumab Treatment
Strand, Zoe ; Schrickel, Finn ; Dobiasch, Sophie ; Thomsen, Andreas R. ; Steiger, Katja ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Schilling, Daniela; Establishment of a 3D Model to Characterize the Radioresponse of Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Cells
Johnson, Felix ; Hofauer, Benedikt ; Wirth, Markus ; Wollenberg, Barbara ; Stögbauer, Fabian ; Notohamiprodjo, Susan ; Haller, Bernhard ; Reschke, Robin ; Knopf, Andreas ; Strassen, Ulrich; Novel Discovery of the Somatostatin Receptor (SSTR2) in Pleomorphic Adenomas via Immunohistochemical Analysis of Tumors of the Salivary Glands
Xanthopoulos, Alexia ; Samt, Ann-Kathrin ; Guder, Christiane ; Taylor, Nicholas ; Roberts, Erika ; Herf, Hannah ; Messner, Verena ; Trill, Anskar ; Holzmann, Katharina Larissa Kreszentia ; Kiechle, Marion ; Seifert-Klauss, Vanadin ; Zschaeck, Sebastian ; Schatka, Imke ; Tauber, Robert ; Schmidt, Robert ; Enste, Katrin ; Pockley, Alan Graham ; Lobinger, Dominik ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Hsp70_A Universal Biomarker for Predicting Therapeutic Failure in Human Female Cancers and a Target for CTC Isolation in Advanced Cancers
Mulder, Björn ; Schöberl, Jan ; Birke, Kai Peter; Thermal Propagation Test Bench with Multi Pouch Cell Setup for Reproducibility Investigations
Jocher, Philipp ; Kick, Michael K. ; Rubio Gomez, Manuel ; Himmelreich, Adrian V. ; Gruendl, Alena ; Hoover, Edgar ; Zaeh, Michael F. ; Jossen, Andreas; Determination of the Contact Resistance of Planar Contacts: Electrically Conductive Adhesives in Battery Cell Connections
Weiss, Larissa ; Saller, Anna M. ; Werner, Julia ; Süß, Stephanie C. ; Reiser, Judith ; Kollmansperger, Sandra ; Anders, Malte ; Potschka, Heidrun ; Fenzl, Thomas ; Schusser, Benjamin ; Baumgartner, Christine; Nociception in Chicken Embryos, Part I: Analysis of Cardiovascular Responses to a Mechanical Noxious Stimulus
Levin, Karin S. ; Winkhart, Felizitas ; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen ; Reents, Hans Jürgen ; Auerswald, Karl; Artefacts in Field Trial Research_Lateral Ammonia Fluxes Confound Fertiliser Plot Experiments
Bilekova, Sara ; Garcia-Colomer, Balma ; Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto ; Schirge, Silvia ; Krey, Karsten ; Sterr, Michael ; Kurth, Thomas ; Hauck, Stefanie M. ; Lickert, Heiko; Inceptor facilitates acrosomal vesicle formation in spermatids and is required for male fertility
Starke, Georg ; D'Imperio, Ambra ; Ienca, Marcello; Out of their minds? Externalist challenges for using AI in forensic psychiatry
Tesfazgi, Samuel ; Sangouard, Ronan ; Endo, Satoshi ; Hirche, Sandra; Uncertainty-aware automated assessment of the arm impedance with upper-limb exoskeletons
Galasso, Ilaria ; Geiger, Susi; Genetic research and the collective good: participants as leaders to reconcile individual and public interests
Seifert, Clara ; Zhao, Jingkang ; Brandi, Marie-Luise ; Kampe, Thabea ; Hermsdörfer, Joachim ; Wohlschläger, Afra; Investigating the effects of the aging brain on real tool use performance_an fMRI study
Morales, Paula ; Scharf, Magdalena M. ; Johnson, Cory P. ; Di Pizio, Antonella ; Hilger, Daniel; Editorial: New approaches for the discovery of GPCR ligands
Hoffmann, Marco;Kunzmann, Gerald;Dudda, Torsten;Irmer, Ralf;Jukan, Admela;Macher, Gordana;Ahmad, Abdullah;Beenen, Florian R.;Bröring, Arne;Fellhauer, Felix;Fettweis, Gerhard;Fitzek, Frank H. P.;Franchi, Norman;Gast, Florian;Haberland, Bernd;Hoppe, Sandra;Joodaki, Sadaf;Kuruvatti, Nandish P.;Li, Chu;Lopez, Miguel;Mehmeti, Fidan;Meyerhoff, Thomas;Miretti, Lorenzo;Nguyen, Giang T.;Parvini, Mohammad;Pries, Rastin;Schaefer, Rafael F.;Schneider, Peter;Schupke, Dominic;Strassner, Stephanie;Stubbe, Henning;Voicu, Andra M.; A secure and resilient 6G architecture vision of the German flagship project 6G-ANNA
Mafipour, M. S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Automated Geometric Digital Twinning of Bridges from Segmented Point Clouds by Parametric Prototype Models
Halder, Patrick; Christ, Fabian; Althoff, Matthias; Lexicographic Mixed-Integer Motion Planning with STL Constraints
Aykurt, Kaan; Ursu, Răzvan-Mihai; Zerwas, Johannes; Krämer, Patrick; Asadi, Navidreza; Wong, Leon; Kellerer, Wolfgang; HyPA: Hybrid Horizontal Pod Autoscaling with Automated Model Updates
Peiss, Lars Frederik; Wohlgemuth, Elias; Xue, Fan; Meyer, Eivind; Gressenbuch, Luis; Althoff, Matthias; Graph-Based Autonomous Driving with Traffic-Rule-Enhanced Curriculum Learning
Eisl, Dominik;Herzog, Fabian;Dugelay, Jean-Luc;Apvrille, Ludovic;Rigoll, Gerhard; Introducing A Framework for Single-Human Tracking Using Event-Based Cameras
Margreiter, Martin; Ilic, Mario; Joshi, Abhay; Bogenberger, Klaus; A Self-Driving Cycle Rickshaw for Autonomous Urban Passenger and Freight Transport
Margreiter, Martin; Kutsch, Alexander; Bogenberger, Klaus; The Munich Large-Scale Drone Data Set Containing Pedestrian, Cyclist, Manually Driven and Automated Vehicle Trajectory
Fehn, Fabian; Engelhardt, Roman; Margreiter, Martin; Bogenberger, Klaus; Ride-Parcel-Pooling: Integrating On-Demand Passenger Transportation and City Logistics
Maierhofer, Sebastian; Ballnath, Yannick; Althoff, Matthias; Map Verification and Repairing Using Formalized Map Specifications
Armin Lederer; Erfaun Noorani; John S. Baras; Sandra Hirche; Risk-Sensitive Inhibitory Control for Safe Reinforcement Learning
Kislaya Ravi; Tobias Neckel; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Multi-fidelity No-U-Turn Sampling
Mörtenkötter, H.; Heilmeier, C.; de Riese, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Temperaturaufgelöste Freisetzung von Nebenelementen aus fester Biomasse
Lambert, J.; Hanel, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Evaluation of sector-coupled energy systems using different foresight horizons
Lambert, J.; Spliethoff, H.; A Nonlinear Optimization Method for Expansion Planning of District Heating Systems with Graph Preprocessing
Hanel, A.; Dossow, M.; Schamper, R.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Energy System Analysis of the Power Sector Flexibility Via Hydrogen Utilization
Benzin, Janik-Vasily;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Petri Net Classes for Collaboration Mining: Assessment and Design Guidelines
Reb, Lennart Klaus; Perovskite and Organic Solar Cells Studied in Space
Hilmers, Torben;Leroy, Benjamin M.L.;Bae, Soyeon;Hahn, W. Andreas;Hochrein, Sophia;Jacobs, Martin;Lemme, Hannes;Müller, Jörg;Schmied, Gerhard;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Pretzsch, Hans; Growth response of oaks to insect defoliation: Immediate and intermediate perspectives
Motte, Florian;Rötzer, Thomas;Biber, Peter;Uhl, Enno;Pritsch, Karin;Pretzsch, Hans; Growth of European beech recovered faster than that of Norway spruce after a five-year experimental drought in a mixed forest stand
Borrmann, Andre; Biswanath, Manoj Kumar; Braun, Alex; Zhaiyu, Chen; Cremers, Daniel; Heeramaglore, Medhini; Hoegner, Ludwig; Mehranfar, Mansour; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Petzold, Frank; Rueda, Alejandro; Solonets, Sergei; Zhu, Xiaoxiang; Artificial Intelligence for the automated creation of multi-scale digital twins of the built world – AI4TWINNING
Kuntz, M.; Bischof, N.F.; Seeber, B.U.; Sound field synthesis for psychoacoustic research: In situ evaluation of auralized sound pressure level
Keilbach, Anna; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; Pathways for Digital Transformation: An Organizational Identity Perspective
Cazenave, Lucille;Einenkel, Martin;Yurkewich, Aaron;Endo, Satoshi;Hirche, Sandra;Burdet, Etienne; Hybrid robotic and electrical stimulation assistance can enhance performance and reduce mental demand
Lin, Yuanfei; Li, Haoxuan; Althoff, Matthias; Model Predictive Robustness of Signal Temporal Logic Predicates
Lopez-Randulfe, Javier;Reeb, Nico;Knoll, Alois; Integrate-and-fire circuit for converting analog signals to spikes using phase encoding
Tüngler, Marc; Hölz, Christiane; Friedl, Gunther; DSW/TUM-Vorstandsvergütungsstudie 2023 - Teil 2
Tüngler, Marc; Hölz, Christiane; Friedl, Gunther; DSW/TUM-Vorstandsvergütungsstudie 2023 - Teil 1
Geist, Juergen;Thielen, Frankie;Lavictoire, Louise;Hoess, Rebecca;Altmueller, Reinhard;Baudrimont, Magalie;Blaize, Christine;Campos, Miquel;Carroll, Paul;Daill, Daniel;Degelmann, Wolfgang;Dettmer, Rainer;Denic, Marco;Dury, Pierrick;de Eyto, Elvira;Grunicke, Felix;Gumpinger, Clemens;Jakobsen, Per J.;Kaldma, Katrin;Klaas, Kunnar;Legeay, Alexia;Mageroy, Jon Hamner;Moorkens, Evelyn A.;Motte, Grégory;Nakamura, Keiko;Ondina, Paz;Österling, Martin;Pichler‐Scheder, Christian;Spisar, Ondřej;Reis, Joaquim;Schneider, Lea D.;Schwarzer, Arno;Selheim, Heidi;Soler, Joaquín;Taskinen, Jouni;Taylor, John;Strachan, Ben;Wengström, Niklas;Zając, Tadeusz; Captive breeding of European freshwater mussels as a conservation tool: A review
Teutsch, Johannes; Ellmaier, Sebastian; Kerz, Sebastian; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; An Online Adaptation Strategy for Direct Data-driven Control
Teutsch, Johannes; Kerz, Sebastian; Brüdigam, Tim; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Offline Uncertainty Sampling in Data-driven Stochastic MPC
Kerz, Sebastian; Teutsch, Johannes; Brüdigam, Tim; Leibold, Marion; Wollherr, Dirk; Data-Driven Tube-Based Stochastic Predictive Control
Müller, Manuel M.; Coupling phenomena in magnonic hybrid heterostructures
Feix, Jürgen;Lechner, Johannes; Verstärken von Bestandsbauwerken: Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit
Finckh, Wolfgang;Niedermeier, Roland; Verstärkung mit geklebter Bewehrung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Deutschland und Europa
Gläser, Christian; Zustandsbewertung von Spannbetonbauwerken anhand von in Spannglieder integrierten ortsauflösenden Sensoren (smart tendons)
Grübl, Fritz; Die neuen DAUB-Empfehlungen für den Entwurf, die Herstellung und den Einbau von Tübbingringen
Kollegger, Johann;Untermarzoner, Franz;Rath, Michael; Das LT-Brückenbauverfahren für die schnelle und materialsparende Errichtung von Brücken
Lamatsch, Sebastian;Thoma, Sebastian;Fischer, Oliver; Längsverzerrung und Querkraft bei vorgespannten Querschnitten: Horizontale Kräfte für vertikales Gleichgewicht
Müller, André;Lenz, Peter; Elementum: Ein spannendes innerstädtisches Großprojekt im Bestand
Schmalz, Jonathan;Schermer, Detleff;Fischer, Oliver; Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Bemessung des Außenwand-Decken-Knotens
Wenker, Felix;Mähner, Dietmar;Fischer, Oliver; Einfluss von Erschütterungen auf jungen Beton: Sprengungen im Tunnelbau, Rammarbeiten und Laborversuche
Wulf, Ralf;Frischeisen, Frank; Übersicht über die aktuellen U-Bahn-Projekte der Landeshauptstadt München: 21 Streckenkilometer mit 18 neuen U-Bahnhöfen
Zehetmaier, Gerhard; U5: Eine neue U-Bahnlinie für Hamburg
Ahmad, Syed Nadim Marc; Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Evaluation - Genome Mining for Natural Product Formation
Kohtamäki, Natalia/Peuker, Enrico; Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland
Bastian Devresse, David Schmölz, Armin Geiser, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger; Parameterizations for bead-like regular shapes in node-based shape optimization
Bastian Devresse, David Schmölz, Armin Geiser, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger; Bead patterns in free form shape optimization
Carrion Ständer, Sebastian;Barschkett, Nora;Kabliman, Evgeniya; CAROUSEL: An Open-Source Framework for High-Throughput Microstructure Simulations
Hassaan, Mohab;Ott, Philip Alexander;Dugstad, Ann-Kristin;Vega Torres, M.A.;Borrmann, André; Emergency Floor Plan Digitization Using Machine Learning
Maurer, Julian Walter; E-Government im Bankwesen
Meyer, Eivind; Peiss, Lars Frederik; Althoff, Matthias; Deep Occupancy-Predictive Representations for Autonomous Driving
Meyer, Eivind; Brenner, Maurice; Zhang, Bowen; Schickert, Max; Musani, Bilal; Althoff, Matthias; Geometric Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving: Unlocking the Power of Graph Neural Networks With CommonRoad-Geometric
Patri, Sai Kireet; Dick, Isabella; Kaeval, Kaida; Müller, Jasper; Pedreno-Manresa, Jose-Juan; Autenrieth, Achim; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; Tikas, Marko; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Machine Learning enabled Fault-Detection Algorithms for Optical Spectrum-as-a-Service Users
Kaeval, K.; Slyne, F.; Troia, S.; Kenny, E.; Grobe, K.; Griesser, H.; Kilper, D.C.; Ruffini, M.; Pedreno-Manresa, J.J.; Patri, S.K.; Jervan, G.; Employing channel probing to derive end-of-life service margins for optical spectrum services
Karunakarn, Vignesh; Patri, Sai Kireet; Zimmermann, Stefan; Autenrieth, Achim; Bauschert, Thomas; OpenROADM for Disaggregated Optical Networks: Challenges, Requirements and Evaluation
Aykurt, Kaan;Zerwas, Johannes;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; When TCP Meets Reconfigurations: A Comprehensive Measurement Study
Briels, David;Renz, Mauritz;Nouman, Ahmad Saleem;Straßer, Alexander;Hechtl, Maximilian;Dahlenburg, Maximilian;Knychalla, Bruno;Sonnleitner, Patrick;Herding, Friedrich;Fleckenstein, Julia;Krakovská, Ema;Dörfler, Kathrin;Auer, Thomas; Monolithic AM façade: multi-objective parametric design optimization of additively manufactured insulating wall elements
Ding, Junsheng;Perzylo, Alexander;Zhou, Liangwei; A Knowledge-augmented Concept for Programming by Demonstration based on Hand-Object Actions
Mittel, Dominik;Hubert, Andreas;Ding, Junsheng;Perzylo, Alexander; Towards a Knowledge-Augmented Socio-Technical Assistance System for Product Engineering
Zhou, Yuchen;Perzylo, Alexander; OntoSustain: Towards an Ontology for Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Römer, Ralf;Lederer, Armin;Tesfazgi, Samuel;Hirche, Sandra; Vision-Based Uncertainty-Aware Motion Planning Based on Probabilistic Semantic Segmentation
Omainska, Marco;Yamauchi, Junya;Lederer, Armin;Hirche, Sandra;Fujita, Masayuki; Rigid Motion Gaussian Processes With SE(3) Kernel and Application to Visual Pursuit Control
Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Roßmeier, Justus; Wosinska, Lena; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Post-Quantum Cryptography Based Secure Mutual Authentication Mechanism for TDM-PONs
Lopez, Diego Manzanas;Althoff, Matthias;Forets, Marcelo;Johnson, Taylor T;Ladner, Tobias;Schilling, Christian; ARCH-COMP23 Category Report: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (AINNCS) for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Plants
Geretti, Luca;Alexandre Dit Sandretto, Julien;Althoff, Matthias;Benet, Luis;Collins, Pieter;Forets, Marcelo;Ivanova, Elena;Li, Yangge;Mitra, Sayan;Mitsch, Stefan;Schilling, Christian;Wetzlinger, Mark;Zhuang, Daniel; ARCH-COMP23 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics
Althoff, Matthias;Forets, Marcelo;Li, Yangge;Mitra, Sayan;Schilling, Christian;Wetzlinger, Mark;Zhuang, Daniel; ARCH-COMP23 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Continuous Dynamics
Schilcher, Maximilian J.; Multi-Scale Tight Binding Model for Optoelectronic Properties of Hybrid Halide Perovskites
Walter, Alexandra Parvin; Multifunctional Flavins for Oxidation Catalysis
Kessler, Lisa; Keler, Andreas; Lindner, Johannes; Bogenberger, Klaus; User Acceptance of Urban Cargo Bicycles
Natras R., Soja B., Schmidt M.; Uncertainty Quantification for Machine Learning-Based Ionosphere and Space Weather Forecasting: Ensemble, Bayesian Neural Network, and Quantile Gradient Boosting
Jano, Alba; Mert Bese, Mehmet; Mohan, Nitinder; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Ott, Jörg; nextGSIM: Towards Simulating Network Resource Management for Beyond 5G Networks
Wolf, Sebastian; Seelinger, Linus; Bader, Michael; Parallel uncertainty quantification with fused simulations
Kinast, Angelina Carina; Enhancing the Dark Matter Sensitivity of CRESST: Purification, Stress Reduction and 17O Enrichment of CaWO4 Target Crystals
Geischberger, Jakob;Isberner, Alessa;Weik, Norman; Optimizing rollout strategies for migration to moving block signaling – A MINLP-based approach for on-board train integrity monitoring technology
Maike Krips, Norman Weik, Christian Meirich; Untersuchung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Fahrstraßenknoten im Regel- und Stöfall - Entwicklung einer Methodik zur vergleichenden Analyse von Infrastrukturplanungsparadigmen
Gruber, Th.; Bruinsma, S.; Flechtner, F.; Müller, V.; Pail, R.; Visser, P.; MAGIC Science Study Team; Roadmap towards a MAGIC Processing Facility and Products
Teepe, Torben;Wolters, Philipp;Gilg, Johannes;Herzog, Fabian;Rigoll, Gerhard; EarlyBird: Early-Fusion for Multi-View Tracking in the Bird's Eye View
Mo, L., Zohner, C.M., Reich, P.B. et al.; Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential
Heise, I.; Requirements analysis for a digital road infrastructure twin
Giberti, Giulia Silvia;von Arx, Georg;Giovannelli, Alessio;du Toit, Ben;Unterholzner, Lucrezia;Bielak, Kamil;Carrer, Marco;Uhl, Enno;Bravo, Felipe;Tonon, Giustino;Wellstein, Camilla; The admixture of Quercus sp. in Pinus sylvestris stands influences wood anatomical trait responses to climatic variability and drought events
Sarah Brajkovic, Nils Rugen, Carlos Agius, Nicola Berner, Stephan Eckert , Amirhossein Sakhteman, Claus Schwechheimer and Bernhard Kuster; Getting Ready for Large-Scale Proteomics in Crop Plants.
Peter Schröder, Bang-Yu Hsu, Nora Gutsche, Jana Barbro Winkler, Boris Hedtke, Bernhard Grimm, Claus Schwechheimer; B-GATA factors are required to repress high-light stress responses in Marchantia polymorpha and Arabidopsis thaliana.
Engel, Thomas; Die begrünte Fassade
Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Rabl, Dominik;Püls, Marcel;Hochrein, Sophia;Bae, Soyeon;Müller, Jörg;Hebert, Paul D. N.;Kuzmina, Maria L.;Zakharov, Evgeny V.;Lemme, Hannes;Hahn, W. Andreas;Hilmers, Torben;Jacobs, Martin;Kienlein, Sebastian;Pretzsch, Hans;Heidrich, Lea;Seibold, Sebastian;Roth, Nicolas;Vogel, Sebastian;Kriegel, Peter;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Trait‐mediated responses of caterpillar communities to spongy moth outbreaks and subsequent tebufenozide treatments
Kislaya Ravi; Multi-fidelity No-U-Turn Sampling
Haider, Valentin Thomas; Mehmeti, Fidan; Cantarero, Ana; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Joint α-Fair Allocation of RAN and Computing Resources to URLLC Users in 5G
Nechaeva, Tatiana; Hosing of a Long Relativistic Proton Bunch Induced by an Electron Bunch in Plasma
Pittich, Daniel; Gromer, Andreas; Sing, Raphael; Konkretisierung überfachlicher Kompetenzen als Lernziele eines Lernfeldunterrichts – Ein aktueller Schwerpunkt berufsdidaktischer Forschung.
Nudelis, Natan;Mayr, Peter; Pore tracing in additive manufactured and hot isostatic pressed components
Fuchs, Simon; Böllhoff, Julian; Andraichuk, Valeriya; Wittges, Holger;; Towards an automated SAP service desk -Alignment of technical projects with a business perspective
Heim, Sophie; Oßing, Hanna; Zhou, Yutong; Ge, Tianyu; Wittges, Holger; Krcmar, Helmut; Development of an e3 Value Model of the SAP University Alliances Ecosystem
Carolin M. Geitner, Lea J. Köglmeier, Inéz Frerichs, Patrick Langguth, Matthias Lindner, Dirk Schädler, Norbert Weiler, Tobias Becher, Wolfgang A. Wall; Pressure- and time-dependent alveolar recruitment/derecruitment in a spatially resolved patient-specific computational model for injured human lungs
Sen Wang; Wei Zhang; Stefano Gasperini; Shun-Cheng Wu; Nassir Navab; VoxNeRF: Bridging Voxel Representation and Neural Radiance Fields for Enhanced Indoor View Synthesis
Liang, Siyuan;Lian, Meng;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf;Ho, Tsung-Yi; ARMM: Adaptive Reliability Quantification Model of Microfluidic Designs and Its Graph-Transformer-Based Implementation
Li, Mengchu;Zhang, Yushen;Lee, Ju Young;Gasvoda, Hudson;Araci, Ismail Emre;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Integrated Test Module Design for Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration
Zheng, Zhidan;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; XRing: A Crosstalk-Aware Synthesis Method for Wavelength-Routed Optical Ring Routers
Lian, Meng;Zhang, Yushen;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; FXT-Route: Efficient High-Performance PCB Routing with Crosstalk Reduction Using Spiral Delay Lines
Truppel, Alexandre;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Accurate Infinite-order Crosstalk Calculation for Optical Networks-on-Chip
Steinrücken, B.; Herrmann, S.; Feigl, K.; Schwiers, A.; Lenser, C.; Menzler, N. H.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of Naphthalene Induced Degradation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells Operated on Bio-Syngas
Steinrücken, B.; Dossow, M.; Schmid, M.; Hauck, M.; Fendt, S.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Process Simulation of Fuel Production Through Integration of High-Temperature Co-Electrolysis in a Biomass-To-Liquid Process
Irrgang, L.; Schifflechner, C.; Kestler, S.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Computationally Efficient Numerical Modelling of LiBr-H2O and H2O-NH3 in Single Effect, Double Effect and Double Lift Absorption Refrigeration Configurations Using Open-Source Tools
Kaufmann, F.; Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Design and Construction of a Reversible ORC Test Rig for Geothermal CHP Applications
Kaufmann, F.; Irrgang, L.; Schifflechner, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Development of a Generalised Low-Order Model for Twin-Screw Compressors
Morgenstern, L.; Ohmstedt, S.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Particle Properties of CaO/Ca(OH)2 Throughout Cyclisation in a Fluidized Bed for Thermochemical Energy Storage – Consequences for Fluidization
Felsheim, R.; Seeber, B.U.; Dietz, M.; Cochlear implant sound coding using a model of the auditory nerve
Ho, Cameron;Marzluff, John M.;Stahler, Daniel R.;Smith, Douglas W.;Mueller, Thomas;Wikelski, Martin;Safi, Kamran;Loretto, Matthias-Claudio; Scavengers use natural and anthropogenic resources connecting protected areas with surrounding lands
Moos, Christine;Stritih, Ana;Teich, Michaela;Bottero, Alessandra; Mountain protective forests under threat? an in-depth review of global change impacts on their protective effect against natural hazards
Dollinger, Christina;Rammer, Werner;Seidl, Rupert; Climate change accelerates ecosystem restoration in the mountain forests of Central Europe
Vandewiele, Michiel;Geres, Lisa;Lotz, Annette;Mandl, Lisa;Richter, Tobias;Seibold, Sebastian;Seidl, Rupert;Senf, Cornelius; Mapping spatial microclimate patterns in mountain forests from LiDAR
Pugh, Thomas A. M.;Seidl, Rupert;Liu, Daijun;Lindeskog, Mats;Chini, Louise P.;Senf, Cornelius; The anthropogenic imprint on temperate and boreal forest demography and carbon turnover
Glasmann, Felix;Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert;Annighöfer, Peter; Mapping subcanopy light regimes in temperate mountain forests from Airborne Laser Scanning, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
Maroschek, Michael;Seidl, Rupert;Poschlod, Benjamin;Senf, Cornelius; Quantifying patch size distributions of forest disturbances in protected areas across the European Alps
Zou, Jia‐Yun;Cadotte, Marc W.;Bässler, Claus;Brandl, Roland;Baldrian, Petr;Borken, Werner;Stengel, Elisa;Luo, Ya‐Huang;Müller, Jörg;Seibold, Sebastian; Wood decomposition is increased by insect diversity, selection effects, and interactions between insects and microbes
Potterf, Mária;Eyvindson, Kyle;Blattert, Clemens;Triviño, María;Burner, Ryan C.;Burgas, Daniel;Mönkkönen, Mikko; Diversification of forest management can mitigate wind damage risk and maintain biodiversity
Turner, Monica G.;Seidl, Rupert; Novel Disturbance Regimes and Ecological Responses
Matteo Pantano, Vladislav Klass, Qiaoyue Yang, Akhil Sathuluri, Daniel Regulin, Lucas Janisch, Markus Zimmermann, Dongheui Lee; Simplifying Robot Grasping in Manufacturing with a Teaching Approach based on a Novel User Grasp Metric
Blikstein, P., Davis, R., Rosenbaum, L. F., Zheng, Y., Bender, S., Halverson, E., Keune, A., Martin, L., Peppler, K., Murphy, C. T., Vossoughi, S., Worsley, M. A., Yankova, N., & Hooper, P.; The Future of Maker Education
Lamby, Metin; Zieglmeier, Valentin; Ziegler, Christian; Trusting a Smart Contract Means Trusting Its Owners: Understanding Centralization Risk
Ravil Dorozhinskii; Michael Bader; Combining CUDA and SYCL for Accelerating Earthquake Simulations in SeisSol
Schmucker, Julia;Skovsgaard, Jens Peter;Uhl, Enno;Pretzsch, Hans; Crown structure, growth, and drought tolerance of true service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) in forests and urban environments
Mustafa Raza, Edgardo M. Ortiz, Lea Schwung, Gentaro Shigita, Hanno Schaefer; Resolving the phylogeny of Thladiantha (Cucurbitaceae) with three different target capture pipelines
Nudelis, Natan; Mayr, Peter; Process Parameter Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using an Artificial Neural Network
Morgenstern, L.; Talebi, E.; Gleis, S.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Pilot-Plant Investigation of High-Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage Based on the Material System CaO/Ca(OH)2 in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed
Funcke, Florian; Forster, Tobias; Mayr, Peter; Advantages of Hybrid Neural Network Architectures to Enhance Prediction of Tensile Properties in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Barschkett, Nora; Carrion Ständer, Sebastian; Matheson, Graham; Evirgen, Alper; Kabliman, Evgeniya; High-Throughput Simulations of Phase Precipitation in Additively Manufactured Al Alloy
Ewald, A.; Demonstration of a Decentralized Disposal Concept for Sewage Sludge by Torrefaction and Subsequent Entrained Flow Gasification for Gas Engine Use
Mörtenkötter, H.; Alkali Removal by Mineral Sorbents in a Novel Two-staged Thermogravimetric Analysis System
Irrgang, L.; Schifflechner, C.; Kestler, S.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Computationally Efficient Numerical Modelling of LiBr-H2O and H2O-NH3 in Single Effect, Double Effect and Double Lift Absorption Refrigeration Configurations Using Open-Source Tools
Ewald, A.; Zugliani, P.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Techno-ökonomischer Vergleich von Verfahren zur thermischen Verwertung von Klärschlamm
Morgenstern, L.; Talebi, E.; Ohmstedt, S.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Particle Properties of CaO/Ca(OH)2 Throughout Cyclisation in a Fluidized Bed for Thermochemical Energy Storage – Consequences for Fluidization
Mörtenkötter, H.; Temperaturaufgelöste Freisetzung von Nebenelementen aus Biomassen
Trentmann, L.; Schweiger, B.; Schifflechner, C., Spliethoff, H.; Geothermische Fernwärme im ländlichen Raum – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für interkommunale Verbundleitungen
Pili, Roberto;Wieland, Christoph;Spliethoff, Hartmut;Haglind, Fredrik; Optimal tuning of model predictive controllers for organic Rankine cycle systems recovering waste heat from heavy-duty vehicles
TUM Senior Excellence Faculty; Design & Landnutzung
Michaelis, Tamara ; Wunderlich, Anja ; Baumann, Thomas ; Geist, Juergen ; Einsiedl, Florian; Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone
Balamurugan, Vigneshkumar ; Chen, Jia ; Wenzel, Adrian ; Keutsch, Frank N.; Spatiotemporal modeling of air pollutant concentrations in Germany using machine learning
Cao, Hongpeng ; Dirnberger, Lukas ; Bernardini, Daniele ; Piazza, Cristina ; Caccamo, Marco; 6IMPOSE: bridging the reality gap in 6D pose estimation for robotic grasping
Morticelli, Lucrezia ; Rossdam, Charlotte ; Cajic, Samanta ; Böthig, Dietmar ; Magdei, Mikhail ; Tuladhar, Sugat Ratna ; Petersen, Björn ; Fischer, Konrad ; Rapp, Erdmann ; Korossis, Sotirios ; Haverich, Axel ; Schnieke, Angelika ; Niemann, Heiner ; Buettner, Falk F. R. ; Hilfiker, Andres; Genetic knockout of porcine GGTA1 or CMAH/GGTA1 is associated with the emergence of neo-glycans
Malinovic, Marko ; Paciok, Paul ; Koh, Ezra Shanli ; Geuß, Moritz ; Choi, Jisik ; Pfeifer, Philipp ; Hofmann, Jan Philipp ; Göhl, Daniel ; Heggen, Marc ; Cherevko, Serhiy ; Ledendecker, Marc; Size-Controlled Synthesis of IrO2 Nanoparticles at High Temperatures for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Sitaru, Sebastian ; Wecker, Hannah ; Buters, Jeroen ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Zink, Alexander; Social media to monitor prevalent diseases: Hay fever and Twitter activity in Germany
Schulz, Annika ; Kalkuhl, Till L. ; Keil, Philip M. ; Hadlington, Terrance J.; T-shaped Ni0 Systems Featuring Cationic Tetrylenes: Direct Observation of L/Z-type Ligand Duality, and Alkene Hydrogenation Catalysis
Singh, Dheeraj Kumar ; Fuchs, Till ; Krempaszky, Christian ; Mogwitz, Boris ; Janek, Jürgen; Non-Linear Kinetics of The Lithium Metal Anode on Li6PS5Cl at High Current Density: Dendrite Growth and the Role of Lithium Microstructure on Creep
Wang, Shuchao ; Yetisen, Ali K. ; Jakobi, Martin ; Zhou, Quan ; Koch, Alexander W.; High-Performance Sound Detection of Nanoscale-Thick and Large-Area Graphene Oxide Films in Liquids
Korn, Thomas; Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in the central nervous system and other nonlymphoid tissues
Zhang, Shuyu ; Dauer, Karina ; Strohäker, Timo ; Tatenhorst, Lars ; Caldi Gomes, Lucas ; Mayer, Simon ; Jung, Byung Chul ; Kim, Woojin S. ; Lee, Seung-Jae ; Becker, Stefan ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Zweckstetter, Markus ; Lingor, Paul; Alpha-synuclein fibrils amplified from multiple system atrophy and Parkinson's disease patient brain spread after intracerebral injection into mouse brain
Schäfers, Michael ; Müller, Eckehard ; Mensinger, Martin; Experimental investigations of residual stresses in thick high-strength steel plates
Schüffler, Peter ; Steiger, Katja ; Weichert, Wilko; How to use AI in pathology
Thomas, Nadine ; Mensinger, Martin ; Ndogmo, Joseph; Influence of eccentric load introduction during launching with rockers using an elastomeric bearing
Zhao, Jing ; Marczynski, Matthias ; Henkel, Manuel ; Lieleg, Oliver; Agarose-based hydrogels with tunable, charge-selective permeability properties
Guillet, Marianne ; Schiffer, Maximilian; Coordinated charging station search in stochastic environments: A multiagent approach
Sitaru, Sebastian ; Oueslati, Talel ; Schielein, Maximilian C ; Weis, Johanna ; Kaczmarczyk, Robert ; Rueckert, Daniel ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Zink, Alexander; Automatic body part identification in real-world clinical dermatological images using machine learning
Haynack, Alexander ; Timothy, Jithender J. ; Kränkel, Thomas ; Gehlen, Christoph; Characterization of Cementitious Materials Exposed to Freezing and Thawing in Combination with Deicing Salts Using 3D Scans
Besiri, Ioanna N. ; Goudoulas, Thomas B. ; Fattahi, Ehsan ; Becker, Thomas; In situ evaluation of alginate-Ca2+ gelation kinetics
Weny, Kathrin ; Silva, Romesh ; Diop, Nafissatou ; Snow, Rachel; Spatial Clustering in Temporal Trends of Female Genital Mutilation Risk: Leveraging Sparse Data in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia
Schmey, Tamara ; Small, Corinn ; Einspanier, Severin ; Hoyoz, Lina Muñoz ; Ali, Tahir ; Gamboa, Soledad ; Mamani, Betty ; Sepulveda, German C. ; Thines, Marco ; Stam, Remco; Small-spored Alternaria spp. (section Alternaria) are common pathogens on wild tomato species
Lalancette, Michaël; On pairwise interaction multivariate Pareto models
Baglo, Kjetil ; Sauermoser, Marco ; Lid, Markus ; Paschke, Thomas ; Afif, Abdulla Bin ; Lunzer, Markus ; Flaten, Andreas ; Steinert, Martin ; Bock, Robert ; Torgersen, Jan; Overcoming the Transport Limitations of Photopolymer-Derived Architected Carbon
Englert, Ludwig ; Lacalle-Aurioles, María ; Mohamed, Nguyen-Vi ; Lépine, Paula ; Mathur, Meghna ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Durcan, Thomas M. ; Aguirre, Juan; Fast 3D Optoacoustic Mesoscopy of Neuromelanin Through Entire Human Midbrain Organoids at Single-Cell Resolution
Zuberbier, Torsten ; Abdul Latiff, Amir ; Aggelidis, Xenofon ; Augustin, Matthias ; Balan, Radu-Gheorghe ; Bangert, Christine ; Beck, Lisa ; Bieber, Thomas ; Bernstein, Jonathan A. ; Bertolin Colilla, Marta ; Berardi, Alejandro ; Bedbrook, Anna ; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten ; Bousquet, Jean ; de Bruin-Weller, Marjolein ; Bruscky, Dayanne ; Buyuktiryaki, Betul ; Canonica, Giorgio Walter ; Castro, Carla ; Chanturidze, Natia ; Chong-Neto, Herberto Jose ; Chu, Chia-Yu ; Chularojanamontri, Leena ; Cork, Michael ; Criado, Roberta F. J. ; Barredo, Laia Curto ; Custovic, Adnan ; Darsow, Ulf ; Emurlai, Arben ; de Pablo, Ana ; Del Giacco, Stefano ; Girolomoni, Giampiero ; Deleva Jovanova, Tanja ; Deleuran, Mette ; Douladiris, Nikolaos ; Duarte, Bruno ; Dubakiene, Ruta ; Eller, Esben ; Engel-Yeger, Batya ; Ensina, Luis Felipe ; Filho, Nelson Rosario ; Flohr, Carsten ; Fomina, Daria ; Francuzik, Wojciech ; Galimberti, Maria Laura ; Giménez-Arnau, Ana M. ; Godse, Kiran ; Mortz, Charlotte Gotthard ; Gotua, Maia ; Hide, Michihiro ; Hoetzenecker, Wolfram ; Hunzelmann, Nicolas ; Irvine, Alan ; Jack, Carolyn ; Kanavarou, Ioanna ; Katoh, Norito ; Kinaciyan, Tamar ; Kocatürk, Emek ; Kulthanan, Kanokvalai ; Lapeere, Hilde ; Lau, Susanne ; Machado Forti Nastri, Mariana ; Makris, Michael ; Mansour, Eli ; Marsland, Alexander ; Morelo Rocha Felix, Mara ; Moschione Castro, Ana Paula ; Nettis, Eustachio ; Nicolas, J. F. ; Nosbaum, Audrey ; Odemyr, Mikaela ; Papapostolou, Niki ; Parisi, Claudio A. S. ; Paudel, Sushil ; Peter, Jonny ; Pokharel, Prakash ; Puig, Luis ; Quint, Tamara ; Ramon, German Dario ; Regateiro, Frederico ; Ricci, Giampaolo ; Rosario, Cristine ; Sackesen, Cansin ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter ; Serra-Baldrich, Esther ; Siemens, Kristina ; Smith, Cathrine ; Staubach, Petra ; Stevanovic, Katarina ; Su-Kücük, Özlem ; Sussman, Gordon ; Tavecchio, Simona ; Teovska Mitrevska, Natasa ; Thaci, Diamant ; Toubi, Elias ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Treudler, Regina ; Vadasz, Zahava ; van Hofman, Ingrid ; Ventura, Maria Teresa ; Wang, Zhao ; Werfel, Thomas ; Wollenberg, Andreas ; Yang, Ariana ; Weng Yew, Yik ; Zhao, Zuotao ; Zwiener, Ricardo ; Worm, Margitta; A concept for integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis_A GA2LEN ADCARE initiative
Malhotra, Deepika ; Fattahi, Ehsan ; Germann, Natalie ; Flisikowska, Tatiana ; Schnieke, Angelika ; Becker, Thomas; Skin substitutes based on gellan gum with mechanical and penetration compatibility to native human skin
Breitsameter, Jonas M. ; Reinhardt, Nikita ; Feigel, Matthias ; Hinrichsen, Olaf ; Drechsler, Klaus ; Rieger, Bernhard; Synthesis of a Sustainable and Bisphenol A-Free Epoxy Resin Based on Sorbic Acid and Characterization of the Cured Thermoset
König, Sara ; Weller, Ulrich ; Betancur-Corredor, Bibiana ; Lang, Birgit ; Reitz, Thomas ; Wiesmeier, Martin ; Wollschläger, Ute ; Vogel, Hans-Jörg; BODIUM_A systemic approach to model the dynamics of soil functions
Cavinato, Luca M. ; Yamaoka, Keiko ; Lipinski, Sophia ; Calvi, Vladimir ; Wehenkel, Dominique ; van Rijn, Richard ; Albrecht, Ken ; Costa, Rubén D.; Dendri-LEC Family: Establishing the Bright Future for Dendrimer Emitters in Traditional and Graphene-Based Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Großkopf, Johannes ; Heidecker, Alexandra A. ; Bach, Thorsten; Photochemical Deracemization of 3-Substituted Oxindoles
Fehr, Lorenz ; Sewald, Leonard ; Huber, Robert ; Kaiser, Markus; Facile Multicomponent Synthesis of Oxazolidinones from Primary Amines and Cesium (Hydrogen)Carbonate
Arnold, Nathanael D. ; Garbe, Daniel ; Brück, Thomas B.; Isolation, biochemical characterization, and genome sequencing of two high-quality genomes of a novel chitinolytic Jeongeupia species
Tutzer, Kurt ; Kaul, Mathias ; Mensinger, Martin; Experimental investigations on the load-bearing behavior of shear studs in trapezoidal sheet in fire
Waschkies, Konrad F. ; Soch, Joram ; Darna, Margarita ; Richter, Anni ; Altenstein, Slawek ; Beyle, Aline ; Brosseron, Frederic ; Buchholz, Friederike ; Butryn, Michaela ; Dobisch, Laura ; Ewers, Michael ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Gabelin, Tatjana ; Glanz, Wenzel ; Goerss, Doreen ; Gref, Daria ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Kilimann, Ingo ; Lohse, Andrea ; Munk, Matthias H. ; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan ; Rostamzadeh, Ayda ; Roy, Nina ; Spruth, Eike Jakob ; Dechent, Peter ; Heneka, Michael T. ; Hetzer, Stefan ; Ramirez, Alfredo ; Scheffler, Klaus ; Buerger, Katharina ; Laske, Christoph ; Perneczky, Robert ; Peters, Oliver ; Priller, Josef ; Schneider, Anja ; Spottke, Annika ; Teipel, Stefan ; Düzel, Emrah ; Jessen, Frank ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Schott, Björn H. ; Kizilirmak, Jasmin M.; Machine learning-based classification of Alzheimer's disease and its at-risk states using personality traits, anxiety, and depression
Shu, Lin-Jie ; Kahlon, Parvinderdeep S. ; Ranf, Stefanie; The power of patterns: new insights into pattern-triggered immunity
Abarca-Cabrera, Lucía ; Milinovic, Olga ; Heitler, Viktoria ; Rühmann, Broder ; Kudermann, Jürgen ; Kube, Massimo ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Sieber, Volker ; Berensmeier, Sonja ; Fraga-García, Paula; Biocorona on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in a Complex Biotechnological Environment: Analysis of Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates
Berauer, Bernd J. ; Akale, Asegidew ; Schweiger, Andreas H. ; Knott, Mathilde ; Diehl, Dörte ; Wolf, Marc-Philip ; Sawers, Ruairidh J. H. ; Ahmed, Mutez A.; Differences in mucilage properties and stomatal sensitivity of locally adapted Zea mays in relation with precipitation seasonality and vapour pressure deficit regime of their native environment
Lokatis, Sophie ; Jeschke, Jonathan M. ; Bernard-Verdier, Maud ; Buchholz, Sascha ; Grossart, Hans-Peter ; Havemann, Frank ; Hölker, Franz ; Itescu, Yuval ; Kowarik, Ingo ; Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie ; Mietchen, Daniel ; Musseau, Camille L. ; Planillo, Aimara ; Schittko, Conrad ; Straka, Tanja M. ; Heger, Tina; Hypotheses in urban ecology: building a common knowledge base
Doll-Lee, Johanna ; Lee, André ; Furuya, Shinichi ; Haslinger, Bernhard ; Altenmüller, Eckart; Musician's Dystonia: Family History as a Predictor for Onset and Course of the Disease
Prokop, Georg ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Hieber, Daniel ; Withake, Fynn ; Mayer, Karoline ; Gempt, Jens ; Delbridge, Claire ; Schmidt-Graf, Friederike ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Märkl, Bruno ; Schlegel, Jürgen ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike; Multiscale quantification of morphological heterogeneity with creation of a predictor of longer survival in glioblastoma
Goetze, Thorsten Oliver ; Stein, Alexander ; Lorenzen, Sylvie ; Habibzada, Timorshah ; Goekkurt, Eray ; Herhaus, Peter ; Loose, Maria ; Sookthai, Disorn ; Brulin, Tanita ; Ihrig, Kristina ; Pauligk, Claudia ; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Ramucirumab beyond progression plus TAS-102 in patients with advanced or metastatic esophagogastric adenocarcinoma, after treatment failure on a ramucirumab-based therapy
Hernandez, Juan Daniel Cassiani ; Valcarcel, Juan Mauricio Lozano ; Kränkel, Thomas ; Gehlen, Christoph ; Keβler, Sylvia; Economic assessment of corrosion prevention measures in new structures
Voss, Raoul ; Lee, Roh Pin ; Keller, Florian; Towards a Structured Framework for Techno-Economic Analyses of Chemical Recycling Technologies
Baake, Pio ; Schwenen, Sebastian ; von Hirschhausen, Christian; Local Energy Markets*
Danisman, Bilal ; Zhang, Gui-Rong ; Baumunk, Adrian F. ; Yang, Juntao ; Brummel, Olaf ; Darge, Philipp ; Mayrhofer, Karl J. J. ; Libuda, Jörg ; Ledendecker, Marc ; Etzold, Bastian J. M.; Strong Activity Changes Observable during the First Pretreatment Cycles of Trimetallic PtNiMo/C Catalysts
Etgen, Thorleif ; Stigloher, Manuel ; Förstl, Hans ; Zwanzger, Peter ; Rentrop, Michael; Systematic analysis of nonfatal suicide attempts and further diagnostic of secondary injury in strangulation survivors: A retrospective cross-sectional study
Huber, Bernhard ; Krebs, Georg Johann ; Putra, Lingga Aksara ; Gaderer, Matthias; Positioning a Measurement System for Determining the Mixing Quality in Biogas Digesters
Wandelt, Sophia L. ; Mutschke, Alexander ; Khalyavin, Dmitry ; Steinadler, Jennifer ; Schnick, Wolfgang; A Novel Nitridoborate Hydride Sr13[BN2]6H8 Elucidated from X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Data
König, Adriana N. ; Linkohr, Birgit ; Peters, Annette ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz ; Laxy, Michael ; Schwettmann, Lars; Relating the visceral factor of pain to domain-specific risk attitudes
Mueller, Tony; When policy entrepreneurs drift between levels: The creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency
Lipinski, Sophia ; Cavinato, Luca M. ; Pickl, Thomas ; Biffi, Giulia ; Pöthig, Alexander ; Coto, Pedro B. ; Fernández-Cestau, Julio ; Costa, Rubén D.; Dual-Phosphorescent Heteroleptic Silver(I) Complex in Long-Lasting Red Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Leroy, Benjamin M. L. ; Rabl, Dominik ; Püls, Marcel ; Hochrein, Sophia ; Bae, Soyeon ; Müller, Jörg ; Hebert, Paul D. N. ; Kuzmina, Maria L. ; Zakharov, Evgeny V. ; Lemme, Hannes ; Hahn, W. Andreas ; Hilmers, Torben ; Jacobs, Martin ; Kienlein, Sebastian ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Heidrich, Lea ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Roth, Nicolas ; Vogel, Sebastian ; Kriegel, Peter ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Trait-mediated responses of caterpillar communities to spongy moth outbreaks and subsequent tebufenozide treatments
Wettengel, Jochen M. ; Bunse, Till ; Jeske, Samuel D. ; Wölfel, Roman ; Zange, Sabine ; Taeubner, Julia ; Goelnitz, Uta ; Protzer, Ulrike; Implementation and clinical evaluation of an Mpox virus laboratory-developed test on a fully automated random-access platform
Bauer, Elisabeth ; Greisel, Martin ; Kuznetsov, Ilia ; Berndt, Markus ; Kollar, Ingo ; Dresel, Markus ; Fischer, Martin R. ; Fischer, Frank; Using natural language processing to support peer-feedback in the age of artificial intelligence: A cross-disciplinary framework and a research agenda
Schneider, S. ; Wu, J. ; Tizek, L. ; Ziehfreund, S. ; Zink, A.; Prevalence of scabies worldwide_An updated systematic literature review in 2022
Dienemann, Jan-Niklas ; Chen, Shu-Yu ; Hitzenberger, Manuel ; Sievert, Montana L. ; Hacker, Stephan M. ; Prigge, Sean T. ; Zacharias, Martin ; Groll, Michael ; Sieber, Stephan A.; A Chemical Proteomic Strategy Reveals Inhibitors of Lipoate Salvage in Bacteria and Parasites
Yao, Yao ; Feng, Chenqi ; Xie, Jiteng ; Yan, Xiaoqin ; Guan, Qingfeng ; Han, Jian ; Zhang, Jiaqi ; Ren, Shuliang ; Liang, Yuyun ; Luo, Peng; A site selection framework for urban power substation at micro-scale using spatial optimization strategy and geospatial big data
Zhu, Huaiyuan ; Hanusch, Franziska ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Facile Bond Activation of Small Molecules by an Acyclic Imino(silyl)silylene
Almaguer, Cynthia ; Kollmannsberger, Hubert ; Gastl, Martina ; Becker, Thomas; Daily assessment of malting-induced changes in the volatile composition of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
Roth, Jakob ; Dürr, André ; Mensinger, Martin ; Rausch, Niclas; Investigations on the fatigue behaviour of welded cover plates with extended weld seams
Bauer, Maria G. ; Lieleg, Oliver; Bio-Macromolecular Surface Coatings for Autohesive, Transparent, Elastomeric Foils
Ltaief, Malik ; Mensinger, Martin; The effect of temperature actions on single-sided fillet welds in small-sized box girders of bridges
Witzgall, K. ; Hesse, B. D. ; Seguel, O. ; Oses, R. ; Grams, T. E. E. ; Mueller, C. W.; Tracing Low-CO2 Fluxes in Soil Incubation and 13C Labeling Experiments: A Simplified Gas Sampling System for Respiration and Photosynthesis Measurements
Neumeyer, Sonja ; Tanaka, Luana Fiengo ; Liang, Linda A. ; Klug, Stefanie J.; Epidemiology of cervical cancer in elderly women: Analysis of incidence, treatment, and survival using German registry data
Natras, Randa ; Soja, Benedikt ; Schmidt, Michael; Uncertainty Quantification for Machine Learning-Based Ionosphere and Space Weather Forecasting: Ensemble, Bayesian Neural Network, and Quantile Gradient Boosting
Tahedl, Marlene ; Schwarzbach, Jens V.; An automated pipeline for obtaining labeled ICA-templates corresponding to functional brain systems
Harrer, Philip ; Mirza-Schreiber, Nazanin ; Mandel, Vanessa ; Roeber, Sigrun ; Stefani, Ambra ; Naher, Shamsun ; Wagner, Matias ; Gieger, Christian ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Peters, Annette ; Högl, Birgit ; Herms, Jochen ; Schormair, Barbara ; Zhao, Chen ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Oexle, Konrad; Epigenetic Association Analyses and Risk Prediction of RLS
Baca Cabrera, Juan C. ; Hirl, Regina T. ; Zhu, Jianjun ; Schäufele, Rudi ; Ogée, Jérôme ; Schnyder, Hans; 18O enrichment of sucrose and photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic leaf water in a C3 grass_atmospheric drivers and physiological relations
Muhr, Maximilian ; Liang, Hao ; Allmendinger, Lars ; Bühler, Raphael ; Napoli, Fabrizio E. ; Ukaj, Dardan ; Cokoja, Mirza ; Jandl, Christian ; Kahlal, Samia ; Saillard, Jean-Yves ; Gemel, Christian ; Fischer, Roland A.; Catalytic Alkyne Semihydrogenation with Polyhydride Ni/Ga Clusters
Korfmann, Kevin ; Abu Awad, Diala ; Tellier, Aurélien; Weak seed banks influence the signature and detectability of selective sweeps
Prem, Sophia A. ; Helmer, Carl P. O. ; Loll, Bernhard ; Garbe, Daniel ; Brück, Thomas; Expanding the Portfolio by a Novel Monomeric Oleate Hydratase from Pediococcus parvulus
Bugelnig, Katrin ; Germann, Holger ; Steffens, Thomas ; Koos, Robert ; Boller, Elodie ; Wilde, Fabian ; Requena, Guillermo; 3D Investigation of Damage During Strain-Controlled Thermomechanical Fatigue of Cast Al-Si Alloys
Wang, Tianhe ; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Switchable Fluorescent Light-Up Aptamers Based on Riboswitch Architectures
Schwaiger, Dominik M. ; Lohstroh, Wiebke ; Wolf, Marcell ; Garvey, Christopher J. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; In-situ study of degradation in PTB7:PCBM films prepared with the binary solvent additive DPE:DIO
Litmeyer, Anne-Sophie ; Konukiewitz, Björn ; Kasajima, Atsuko ; Foersch, Sebastian ; Schicktanz, Felix ; Schmitt, Maxime ; Kellers, Franziska ; Grass, Albert ; Jank, Paul ; Lehman, Bettina ; Gress, Thomas M ; Rinke, Anja ; Bartsch, Detlef K ; Denkert, Carsten ; Weichert, Wilko ; Klöppel, Günter ; Jesinghaus, Moritz; High expression of insulinoma-associated protein 1 (INSM1) distinguishes colorectal mixed and pure neuroendocrine carcinomas from conventional adenocarcinomas with diffuse expression of synaptophysin
Weinberger, Maria E.; Unsteady Crossflow during Microfiltration and Its Impact on Fouling Occurrence
Teschemacher, Tobias ; Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; CAD-integrated parametric modular construction design
Osmani, Vanesa ; Hörner, Lucy ; Klug, Stefanie J. ; Tanaka, Luana Fiengo; Prevalence and risk of psychological distress, anxiety and depression in adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Semerci, Ali ; Buyruk, Ali ; Emin, Saim ; Hooijer, Rik ; Kovacheva, Daniela ; Mayer, Peter ; Reus, Manuel A. ; Blätte, Dominic ; Günther, Marcella ; Hartmann, Nicolai F. ; Lotfi, Soroush ; Hofmann, Jan P. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Bein, Thomas ; Ameri, Tayebeh; A Novel Multi-Functional Thiophene-Based Organic Cation as Passivation, Crystalline Orientation, and Organic Spacer Agent for Low-Dimensional 3D/1D Perovskite Solar Cells
Zhou, Zhenyu ; Wang, Jun ; Hou, Shujin ; Mukherjee, Soumya ; Fischer, Roland A.; Room Temperature Synthesis Mediated Porphyrinic NanoMOF Enables Benchmark Electrochemical Biosensing
Späth, Fabian ; Maier, Anton S. ; Stasi, Michele ; Bergmann, Alexander M. ; Halama, Kerstin ; Wenisch, Monika ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Boekhoven, Job; The Role of Chemically Innocent Polyanions in Active, Chemically Fueled Complex Coacervate Droplets
Säumel, Ina ; Ramírez, Leonardo R. ; Santolin, Julia ; Pintado, Karla; A step to disentangle diversity patterns in Uruguayan grasslands: Climatic seasonality, novel land-uses, and landscape context drive diversity of ground flora
Haghi, Sajedeh ; Leeb, Matthias ; Molzberger, Annika ; Daub, Rüdiger; Measuring Instruments for Characterization of Intermediate Products in Electrode Manufacturing of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Fuerst, Madeleine J. ; Luetge, Christoph ; Max, Raphael ; Kriebitz, Alexander; Toward organizational integrity measurement: Developing a theoretical model of organizational integrity
Singer, Helena ; Steudtner, Robin ; Klein, Andreas S. ; Rulofs, Carolin ; Zeymer, Cathleen ; Drobot, Björn ; Pol, Arjan ; Cecilia Martinez-Gomez, N. ; Op den Camp, Huub J. M. ; Daumann, Lena J.; Minor Actinides Can Replace Essential Lanthanides in Bacterial Life**
Kulke, Jennifer K. ; Nacke, Barbara ; Jacobi, Corinna; Fostering resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic via a digital mental health intervention_A pilot study
Petrić, Marko M. ; Villafañe, Viviana ; Herrmann, Paul ; Ben Mhenni, Amine ; Qin, Ying ; Sayyad, Yasir ; Shen, Yuxia ; Tongay, Sefaattin ; Müller, Kai ; Soavi, Giancarlo ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Barbone, Matteo; Nonlinear Dispersion Relation and Out-of-Plane Second Harmonic Generation in MoSSe and WSSe Janus Monolayers
Thoma, Sebastian ; Fischer, Oliver; Experimental investigations on the shear strength of prestressed beam elements with a focus on the analysis of crack kinematics
Schinz, David ; Schmitz-Koep, Benita ; Zimmermann, Juliana ; Brandes, Elin ; Tahedl, Marlene ; Menegaux, Aurore ; Dukart, Juergen ; Zimmer, Claus ; Wolke, Dieter ; Daamen, Marcel ; Boecker, Henning ; Bartmann, Peter ; Sorg, Christian ; Hedderich, Dennis M.; Indirect evidence for altered dopaminergic neurotransmission in very premature-born adults
Lau, M. ; Kraus, V. ; Schulze, A. F. ; Rausch, T. K. ; Krüger, M. ; Göpel, W.; Observational study on the neonatal outcome during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
Melcher, Felix ; Vogelgsang, Ferdinand ; Haack, Martina ; Masri, Mahmoud ; Ringel, Marion ; Roth, Arne ; Garbe, Daniel ; Brück, Thomas; Lipase-mediated plant oil hydrolysis_Toward a quantitative glycerol recovery for the synthesis of pure allyl alcohol and acrylonitrile
Liang, Linda A. ; Tseng, Ying-Ju ; Tanaka, Luana F. ; Klug, Stefanie J.; Second primary cancer among 217702 colorectal cancer survivors: An analysis of national German cancer registry data
Mueller, Kilian Maria Arthur ; Hangleiter, Annika ; Burkhardt, Sarah ; Rojas-González, Diana Marcela ; Kwade, Christina ; Pammer, Sebastian Tobias ; Leonhardt, Stefan ; Mela, Petra; Filament-Based Melt Electrowriting Enables Dual-Mode Additive Manufacturing for Multiscale Constructs
Wallach, Christoph ; Selic, Yasmin ; Geitner, Felix S. ; Kumar, Ajeet ; Thyrhaug, Erling ; Hauer, Jürgen ; Karttunen, Antti J. ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Probing Charge-Transfer Processes in a Covalently Linked [Ge9]-Cluster Imine Dyad
Smirnov, Dmitrii ; Konstantinovskiy, Nikita ; Prokisch, Holger; Integrative omics approaches to advance rare disease diagnostics
Engert, Martin ; Evers, Julia ; Hein, Andreas ; Krcmar, Helmut; Sustaining complementor engagement in digital platform ecosystems: Antecedents, behaviours and engagement trajectories
Göbel, Sven ; Jaén, Karim E. ; Dorn, Marie ; Neumeyer, Victoria ; Jordan, Ingo ; Sandig, Volker ; Reichl, Udo ; Altomonte, Jennifer ; Genzel, Yvonne; Process intensification strategies toward cell culture-based high-yield production of a fusogenic oncolytic virus
Laaß, Michael ; Kaestner, Anders; Nasal turbinates of the dicynodont Kawingasaurus fossilis and the possible impact of the fossorial habitat on the evolution of endothermy
Reiner, Rudolf ; Seidl, Rupert ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Senf, Cornelius; Forest disturbances increase the body mass of two contrasting ungulates
Gaiser, Manuel L. ; Winkler, Andrea S. ; Klug, Stefanie J. ; Nkurunziza, Sandra ; Stelzle, Dominik; Determinants of stunting among children under age five in Burundi: Evidence from the 2016-2017 Burundi Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS 2016-17)
Geitner, Carolin M. ; Becher, Tobias ; Frerichs, Inéz ; Weiler, Norbert ; Bates, Jason H. T. ; Wall, Wolfgang A.; An approach to study recruitment/derecruitment dynamics in a patient-specific computational model of an injured human lung
Bennstein, Sabrina B. ; Weinhold, Sandra ; Degistirici, Özer ; Oostendorp, Robert A. J. ; Raba, Katharina ; Kögler, Gesine ; Meisel, Roland ; Walter, Lutz ; Uhrberg, Markus; Corrigendum: Efficient in vitro generation of IL-22-secreting ILC3 from CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors in a human mesenchymal stem cell niche
Magaña, Alejandro ; Vlaeyen, Michiel ; Haitjema, Han ; Bauer, Philipp ; Schmucker, Benedikt ; Reinhart, Gunther; Viewpoint Planning for Range Sensors Using Feature Cluster Constrained Spaces for Robot Vision Systems
Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Rose, Stine Kildegaard ; Hart-Davis, Michael G.; Polar Ocean Tides_Revisited Using Cryosat-2
Wang, Wuhua ; Tang, Jiakui ; Zhang, Na ; Wang, Yanjiao ; Xu, Xuefeng ; Zhang, Anan; Spatiotemporal Pattern of Invasive Pedicularis in the Bayinbuluke Land, China, during 2019-2021: An Analysis Based on PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Data
Fezzani, Amor ; Guermoui, Mawloud ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Hafaifa, Ahmed ; Zaghba, Layachi ; Drid, Said ; Rodriguez, Jose ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Performances Analysis of Three Grid-Tied Large-Scale Solar PV Plants in Varied Climatic Conditions: A Case Study in Algeria
von Behren, Sascha ; Turek, Maximilian ; Barthelmes, Lukas ; Scholta, Hanna ; Hansen, Frank ; Kagerbauer, Martin ; Eisenmann, Christine; Decoding Urban Archetypes: Exploring Mobility-Related Homogeneity among Cities
Brammer, Anthony J. ; Scholz, Magdalena F.; Relating Occupational Exposure to Persistent Health Effects +
Ehret, Janine ; Brandl, Beate ; Schweikert, Karsten ; Rennekamp, Rachel ; Ströbele-Benschop, Nanette ; Skurk, Thomas ; Hauner, Hans; Benefits of Fiber-Enriched Foods on Satiety and Parameters of Human Well-Being in Adults with and without Cardiometabolic Risk
Wallis, Hannah ; Elgner, Melanie ; Schurr, Marisa ; Giel, Katrin Elisabeth ; Martus, Peter ; Paul, Gregor ; Jürgensen, Jan Steffen ; Allwang, Christine ; Mikolajczyk, Rafael ; Galante-Gottschalk, Annette ; Ehehalt, Stefan ; Junne, Florian ; Binneböse, Marius; Stress and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in the General Population and in SARS-CoV-2-Infected Patients_Findings from a Population-Based Three-Wave Study
Dutsch, Alexander ; Uhlig, Carsten ; Bock, Matthias ; Graesser, Christian ; Schuchardt, Sven ; Uhlig, Steffen ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Joner, Michael ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Lechner, Katharina; Multi-Omic Candidate Screening for Markers of Severe Clinical Courses of COVID-19
de Sá e Silva, Daniel Marques ; Thaitumu, Marlene ; Theodoridis, Georgios ; Witting, Michael ; Gika, Helen; Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling in the Analysis of Endogenous Metabolites
Kürzl, Christian ; Hartinger, Martin ; Ong, Patrick ; Schopf, Roland ; Schiffer, Simon ; Kulozik, Ulrich; Increasing Performance of Spiral-Wound Modules (SWMs) by Improving Stability against Axial Pressure Drop and Utilising Pulsed Flow
Noseda, Roberta ; Franchi, Matteo ; Pagnamenta, Alberto ; Müller, Laura ; Dines, Alison M. ; Giraudon, Isabelle ; Heyerdahl, Fridtjof ; Eyer, Florian ; Hovda, Knut Erik ; Liechti, Matthias E. ; Miró, Òscar ; Vallersnes, Odd Martin ; Yates, Christopher ; Dargan, Paul I. ; Wood, David M. ; Ceschi, Alessandro; Determinants of Admission to Critical Care Following Acute Recreational Drug Toxicity: A Euro-DEN Plus Study
Breden, Sebastian ; Hinterwimmer, Florian ; Consalvo, Sarah ; Neumann, Jan ; Knebel, Carolin ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Burgkart, Rainer H. ; Lenze, Ulrich; Deep Learning-Based Detection of Bone Tumors around the Knee in X-rays of Children
Payani, Elnaz ; Koliogiannis, Dionysios ; Schoenberg, Markus Bo ; Koch, Dominik ; Eser-Valeri, Daniela ; Denk, Gerald ; Rehm, Markus ; Schäfer, Simon ; Ehmer, Ursula ; Kremer, Andreas E. ; Meiser, Bruno ; Werner, Jens ; Guba, Markus ; Börner, Nikolaus; Frequent Follow-Up of Delisted Liver Transplant Candidates Is Necessary: An Observational Study about Characteristics and Outcomes of Delisted Liver Transplant Candidates
Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia ; Xie, Yi ; Katsouli, Nikoletta ; Reidl, Mario ; Kallmayer, Michael A. ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Hadjileontiadis, Leontios ; Avgerinos, Dimitrios V. ; Briasoulis, Alexandros ; Siasos, Gerasimos ; Hosseini, Kaveh ; Doulamis, Ilias ; Kampaktsis, Polydoros N. ; Karlas, Angelos; Clinical and Translational Imaging and Sensing of Diabetic Microangiopathy: A Narrative Review
Gohlke, Linus ; Alahdab, Ahmad ; Oberhofer, Angela ; Worf, Karolina ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Michaelis, Martin ; Cinatl, Jindrich ; Ritter, Christoph A; Loss of Key EMT-Regulating miRNAs Highlight the Role of ZEB1 in EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor-Resistant NSCLC
Turrina, Chiara ; Cookman, Jennifer ; Bellan, Riccardo ; Song, Jiankang ; Paar, Margret ; Dankers, Patricia Y. W. ; Berensmeier, Sonja ; Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Supramolecular Ureido-Pyrimidinone Coating for Antimicrobial Peptide Delivery
Sytnyk, Dmytro ; Wohlmuth, Barbara; Abstract Fractional Cauchy Problem: Existence of Propagators and Inhomogeneous Solution Representation
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Azmy Harahap, Iskandar ; Suthar, Priyanka ; Wu, Yuan Seng ; Ghosh, Nibedita ; Castro-Muñoz, Roberto; A Comprehensive Review of Phytonutrients as a Dietary Therapy for Obesity
Boulanouar, Sohaib Abdeslam ; Kaddouri, Ameur Miloud ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Benaissa, Amar ; Teta, Ali ; Hafaifa, Ahmed ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Multifunctional Control Technique for Grid-Tied Hybrid Distributed Generation System Taking into Account Power Quality Issues
Faraji Niri, Mona ; Aslansefat, Koorosh ; Haghi, Sajedeh ; Hashemian, Mojgan ; Daub, Rüdiger ; Marco, James; A Review of the Applications of Explainable Machine Learning for Lithium-Ion Batteries: From Production to State and Performance Estimation
Viladomat Jasso, Alonso ; Modi, Ark ; Ferrara, Roberto ; Deppe, Christian ; Nötzel, Janis ; Fung, Fred ; Schädler, Maximilian; Quantum and Quantum-Inspired Stereographic K Nearest-Neighbour Clustering
Schröder, Lars ; Mallmann, Michael R. ; Domroese, Christian M. ; Wefers, Natalie ; Dolscheid-Pommerich, Ramona ; Stoffel-Wagner, Birgit ; Trulson, Inga ; Vahldiek, Kai ; Klawonn, Frank ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Method Comparison and Clinical Performance of Breast Cancer Tumor Markers on Novel Multiplex Immunoassay and Automatized LOCI Technology Platforms
Pieralli, Irene ; Salvini, Antonella ; Angelin, Eva Mariasole ; Pamplona, Marisa ; Cocchetti, Valeria ; Bartolozzi, Giovanni ; Picollo, Marcello; A Formulation for a New Environmentally Friendly Varnish for Paintings
Grosse, Leonie ; Meuche, Anne C. ; Parzefall, Barbara ; Börner, Corinna ; Schnabel, Julian F. ; Späh, Malina A. ; Klug, Pia ; Sollmann, Nico ; Klich, Luisa ; Hösl, Matthias ; Heinen, Florian ; Berweck, Steffen ; Schröder, Sebastian A. ; Bonfert, Michaela V.; Functional Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation (frNMS) Targeting the Tibialis Anterior Muscle in Children with Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome: A Feasibility Study
Mathes, Sonja ; Lindwedel, Karla S. ; Nilsen, Lill Tove ; Kaiser, Isabelle ; Pfahlberg, Annette B. ; Gefeller, Olaf; Global Tanning Bed Advertising: A Comparison of Legal Regulations on Three Continents
van Overmeir, Anne Linde ; Šavija, Branko ; Bos, Freek P. ; Schlangen, Erik; Effects of 3D Concrete Printing Phases on the Mechanical Performance of Printable Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites
Iturralde, Kepa ; Gambao, Ernesto ; Bock, Thomas; Deviation-Correcting Interface for Building-Envelope Renovation
Gruenerbel, Lorenz ; Heinrich, Ferdinand ; Böhlhoff-Martin, Jonathan ; Röper, Lynn ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Gruenerbel, Arthur ; Schillinger, Moritz ; Kist, Andreas ; Wenninger, Franz ; Richter, Martin ; Steinbacher, Leonard; Wearable Prophylaxis Tool for AI-Driven Identification of Early Warning Patterns of Pressure Ulcers
Eck, Ulrich ; Wechner, Michael ; Pankratz, Frieder ; Yu, Kevin ; Lazarovici, Marc ; Navab, Nassir; Real-Time 3D Reconstruction Pipeline for Room-Scale, Immersive, Medical Teleconsultation
Rock, Teresa ; Hryhoruk, Taras ; Bleher, Thomas ; Bahram, Mohammad ; Marker, Stefanie ; Syed, Arslan Ali ; Sekeran, Maya; Objectively Scoring the Human-Likeness of Artificial Driver Models
Süß, Stephanie C. ; Werner, Julia ; Saller, Anna M. ; Weiss, Larissa ; Reiser, Judith ; Ondracek, Janie M. ; Zablotski, Yury ; Kollmansperger, Sandra ; Anders, Malte ; Potschka, Heidrun ; Schusser, Benjamin ; Fenzl, Thomas ; Baumgartner, Christine; Nociception in Chicken Embryos, Part III: Analysis of Movements before and after Application of a Noxious Stimulus
Kollmansperger, Sandra ; Anders, Malte ; Werner, Julia ; Saller, Anna M. ; Weiss, Larissa ; Süß, Stephanie C. ; Reiser, Judith ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Schusser, Benjamin ; Baumgartner, Christine ; Fenzl, Thomas; Nociception in Chicken Embryos, Part II: Embryonal Development of Electroencephalic Neuronal Activity In Ovo as a Prerequisite for Nociception
Heil, Kurt ; Klöpfer, Christian ; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen ; Schmidhalter, Urs; Description of Meteorological Indices Presented Based on Long-Term Yields of Winter Wheat in Southern Germany
Pieczonka, Stefan A. ; Zarnkow, Martin ; Ampenberger, Friedrich ; Gastl, Martina ; Rychlik, Michael ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; FT-ICR-MS reveals the molecular imprints of the brewing process
Moos, Christine ; Stritih, Ana ; Teich, Michaela ; Bottero, Alessandra; Mountain protective forests under threat? an in-depth review of global change impacts on their protective effect against natural hazards
Althoff, Friederike C. ; Schäfer, Lisa V. ; Acker, Fabian ; Aguinarte, Lukas ; Heinzen, Sophie ; Rost, Maximilian ; Atmaca, Akin ; Rosery, Vivian ; Alt, Jürgen ; Waller, Cornelius F. ; Reinmuth, Niels ; Rohde, Gernot ; Saalfeld, Felix C. ; Becker von Rose, Aaron ; Möller, Miriam ; Frost, Nikolaj ; Sebastian, Martin ; Stratmann, Jan A.; Survival benefit with checkpoint inhibitors versus chemotherapy is modified by brain metastases in patients with recurrent small cell lung cancer
Steinert, Janina Isabel ; Boehret, Ines ; Vasumati Satish, Rucha ; Sharma, Sanchita ; Chatterji, Sangeeta; 'We don't get money in our own hands': evidence from focus group discussions on economic abuse against women in two states of India
Lorini, Chiara ; Cavallo, Giuseppe ; Vettori, Virginia ; Buscemi, Primo ; Ciardi, Giulia ; Zanobini, Patrizio ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Lastrucci, Vieri ; Bonaccorsi, Guglielmo; Predictors of well-being, future anxiety, and multiple recurrent health complaints among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of socioeconomic determinants, sense of coherence, and digital health literacy. An Italian cross-sectional study
Sarhan, Habiba ; Hegelich, Simon; Understanding and evaluating harms of AI-generated image captions in political images
Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Identification and Interpretation of Change Patterns in Semantic 3D City Models
Tadese, S.; Soromessa, T.; Berta Aneseye, A.; Gebeyehu, G.; Noszcyk, T.; Kindu, M.; The impact of land cover change on the carbon stock of moist afromontane forests in the Majang Forest Biosphere Reserve
Bingham, L.; Van Kleunen, L.; Kolisnyk, B.; Nahorna, O.; Tupinamba-Simoes, F.; Reynolds, K.; Yousefpour, R.; Knoke, T.; Comment on ‘In complexity we trust: learning from the socialist calculation debate for ecosystem management’
Karlas, Angelos;Katsouli, Nikoletta;Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia;Bariotakis, Michail;Chlis, Nikolaos-Kosmas;Omar, Murad;He, Hailong;Iakovakis, Dimitrios;Schäffer, Christoph;Kallmayer, Michael;Füchtenbusch, Martin;Ziegler, Annette;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Hadjileontiadis, Leontios;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Dermal features derived from optoacoustic tomograms via machine learning correlate microangiopathy phenotypes with diabetes stage.
Wang, Xiao;Althoff, Matthias; Safe Reinforcement Learning for Automated Vehicles via Online Reachability Analysis
Hutzelmann, Thomas;Mauksch, Dominik;Petrovska, Ana;Pretschner, Alexander; Generation of Tailored and Confined Datasets for IDS Evaluation in Cyber-Physical Systems
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D.; Investigating the datum parameters of new solutions by IVS AC DGFI-TUM
Wuennenberg, Maximilian; Haid, Charlotte; Fottner, Johannes; A Classification of Data Structures for Process Analysis in Internal Logistics
Bouchard, Elise;Searle, Eric B.;Drapeau, Pierre;Liang, Jingjing;Gamarra, Javier G. P.;Abegg, Meinrad;Alberti, Giorgio;Zambrano, Angelica Almeyda;Alvarez‐Davila, Esteban;Alves, Luciana F.;Avitabile, Valerio;Aymard, Gerardo;Bastin, Jean‐François;Birnbaum, Philippe;Bongers, Frans;Bouriaud, Olivier;Brancalion, Pedro;Broadbent, Eben;Bussotti, Filippo;Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla;Češljar, Goran;Chisholm, Chelsea;Cienciala, Emil;Clark, Connie J.;Corral‐Rivas, José Javier;Crowther, Thomas W.;Dayanandan, Selvadurai;Decuyper, Mathieu;de Gasper, André L.;de‐Miguel, Sergio;Derroire, Géraldine;DeVries, Ben;Djordjević, Ilija;Van Do, Tran;Dolezal, Jiri;Fayle, Tom M.;Fridman, Jonas;Frizzera, Lorenzo;Gianelle, Damiano;Hemp, Andreas;Hérault, Bruno;Herold, Martin;Imai, Nobuo;Jagodziński, Andrzej M.;Jaroszewicz, Bogdan;Jucker, Tommaso;Kepfer‐Rojas, Sebastian;Keppel, Gunnar;Khan, Mohammed Latif;Kim, Hyun Seok;Korjus, Henn;Kraxner, Florian;Laarmann, Diana;Lewis, Simon;Lu, Huicui;Maitner, Brian S.;Marcon, Eric;Marshall, Andrew R.;Mukul, Sharif A.;Nabuurs, Gert‐Jan;Nava‐Miranda, María Guadalupe;Parfenova, Elena I.;Park, Minjee;Peri, Pablo L.;Pfautsch, Sebastian;Phillips, Oliver L.;Piedade, Maria Teresa F.;Piotto, Daniel;Poulsen, John R.;Poulsen, Axel Dalberg;Pretzsch, Hans;Reich, Peter B.;Rodeghiero, Mirco;Rolim, Samir;Rovero, Francesco;Saikia, Purabi;Salas‐Eljatib, Christian;Schall, Peter;Schepaschenko, Dmitry;Schöngart, Jochen;Šebeň, Vladimír;Sist, Plinio;Slik, Ferry;Souza, Alexandre F.;Stereńczak, Krzysztof;Svoboda, Miroslav;Tchebakova, Nadezhda M.;ter Steege, Hans;Tikhonova, Elena V.;Usoltsev, Vladimir A.;Valladares, Fernando;Viana, Helder;Vibrans, Alexander C.;Wang, Hua‐Feng;Westerlund, Bertil;Wiser, Susan K.;Wittmann, Florian;Wortel, Verginia;Zawiła‐Niedźwiecki, Tomasz;Zhou, Mo;Zhu, Zhi‐Xin;Zo‐Bi, Irié C.;Paquette, Alain; Global patterns and environmental drivers of forest functional composition
Kochdumper, N.;Althoff, M.; Constrained polynomial zonotopes
Pereira, Aaron;Baumann, Mareike;Gerstner, Jonas;Althoff, Matthias; Improving Efficiency of Human-Robot Coexistence While Guaranteeing Safety: Theory and User Study
Gruber, Felix;Althoff, Matthias; Scalable Robust Safety Filter With Unknown Disturbance Set
Kochdumper, Niklas;Schilling, Christian;Althoff, Matthias;Bak, Stanley; Open- and Closed-Loop Neural Network Verification Using Polynomial Zonotopes
Wetzlinger, Mark;Kochdumper, Niklas;Bak, Stanley;Althoff, Matthias; Fully Automated Verification of Linear Systems Using Inner and Outer Approximations of Reachable Sets
Gaßmann, Victor;Althoff, Matthias; Polynomial Controller Synthesis of Nonlinear Systems With Continuous State Feedback Using Trust Regions
Althoff, Matthias; Checking and Establishing Reachset Conformance in CORA 2023
Alanwar, Amr;Rath, Jagat Jyoti;Said, Hazem;Johansson, Karl Henrik;Althoff, Matthias; Distributed set-based observers using diffusion strategies
Alanwar, Amr;Gaßmann, Victor;He, Xingkang;Said, Hazem;Sandberg, Henrik;Johansson, Karl H.;Althoff, Matthias; Privacy-preserving set-based estimation using partially homomorphic encryption
Hartmann, Sebastian;Murua, Oihane;Arrizubieta, Jon Iñaki;Lamikiz, Aitzol;Mayr, Peter; Digital Twin of the Laser-DED process based on a multiscale approach
Reindl-Spanner, Philipp; Prommegger, Barbara; Gensichen, Jochen; Krcmar, Helmut; Exploring The Potentials Of Patient-generated Health Data For The Treatment Of Depression
Wuennenberg, Max; Wegerich, Benjamin; Fottner, Johannes; Towards Data Management and Data Science for Internal Logistics Systems using Process Mining and Discrete-Event Simulation
Rieser, J.;Zimmermann, M.; Closed-walled topology optimization of an additively manufactured motor bracket for an unmanned cargo aerial vehicle
Dehner, Christoph;Zahnd, Guillaume;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Juestel, Dominik; A deep neural network for real-time optoacoustic image reconstruction with adjustable speed of sound
Klahn, Christoph; Meboldt, Mirko; Ferchow, Julian; Designing Variable Thickness Sheets for Additive Manufacturing Using Topology Optimization with Grey-Scale Densities
Endress, Felix;Kipouros, Timoleon;Zimmermann, Markus; Distributing Design Domains for Topology Optimization in Systems Design
Wuennenberg, Max; Yang, Chen; Fottner, Johannes; Urban Consolidation Centers – an Analysis of Internal Processes Using Discrete Event Process Simulation
Harrer, Philip Wolfgang; Molecular analysis of movement disorders - genomic and epigenomic approaches
P. Bevanda, M. Beier, A. Lederer, S. Sosnowski, E. Hüllermeier, S. Hirche; Koopman Kernel Regression
Goshi, Endri; Karunakaran, Vignesh; Harkous, Hasanin; Pries, Rastin; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Procedure-Aware Stateless Systems for 5G & Beyond Core Networks
Holm, Dimitrij-Marian;Junge, Philipp;Rutinowski, Jérôme;Fottner, Johannes; Investigation of Deep Learning Datasets for Intralogistics
Eggers, Julia; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; Bridging the Gap: How Firms Use Process Mining to Create and Act on a Shared End-to-End Process Understanding
Eggers, Julia; Hein, Andreas; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Leveraging Big Data for M&A: Towards Designing Process Mining Analyses for Process Assessment in IT Due Diligence
Nunes, Rafael;Faes, Koen;De Waele, Wim;Simar, Aude;Verlinde, Wim;Lezaack, Matthieu;Sneyers, Wout;Arnhold, Julius; A Review on the Weldability of Additively Manufactured Aluminium Parts by Fusion and Solid-State Welding Processes
Lichtenecker, Daniel;Rixen, Daniel;Eichmeir, Philipp;Nachbagauer, Karin; On the use of adjoint gradients for time-optimal control problems regarding a discrete control parameterization
Lichtenecker, D.;Nachbagauer, K.; Combined Optimal Control and Design of Flexible Multibody Systems
Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Specification-Driven Neural Network Reduction for Scalable Formal Verification
Nawroth, Janna C;Roth, Doris;van Schadewijk, Annemarie;Ravi, Abilash;Maulana, Tengku Ibrahim;Senger, Christiana N;van Riet, Sander;Ninaber, Dennis K;de Waal, Amy M;Kraft, Dorothea;Hiemstra, Pieter S;Ryan, Amy L;van der Does, Anne M; Breathing on chip: Dynamic flow and stretch accelerate mucociliary maturation of airway epithelium in vitro.
Arias, Augusto;Anastasopoulou, Maria;Gorpas, Dimitris;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Using reflectometry to minimize the dependence of fluorescence intensity on optical absorption and scattering.
Seeger, Markus;Stylogiannis, Antonios;Prade, Ludwig;Glasl, Sarah;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Overdriven laser diode optoacoustic microscopy.
Nau, T;Schönmann, C;Hindelang, B;Riobo, L;Doll, A;Schneider, S;Englert, L;He, H;Biedermann, T;Darsow, U;Lauffer, F;Ntziachristos, V;Aguirre, J; Raster-scanning optoacoustic mesoscopy biomarkers for atopic dermatitis skin lesions.
Englert, Ludwig;Lacalle-Aurioles, Maria;Mohamed, Nguyen-Vi;Lepine, Paula;Mathur, Meghna;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Durcan, Thomas M.;Aguirre, Juan; Fast 3D Optoacoustic Mesoscopy of Neuromelanin Through Entire Human Midbrain Organoids at Single-Cell Resolution
Christoph Hecht, Daniel Schueller, Daniel Utsch, Thomas Stoll, Joerg Franke; Investigations on processing copper-titanium powder blends via PBF-LB/M
Mühlbauer, Maximilian Sebastian;Leutert, Florian;Plesker, Christian;Hulin, Thomas;Giordano, Alessandro Massimo;Silverio, Joao;Stulp, Freek;Schleich, Benjamin;Schilling, Klaus;Albu-Schäffer, Alin Olimpiu; ACOR - AI-enabled Cyber-Physical In-Orbit Self-Recovering Factory
Huck-Fries, Veronika;Nothaft, Francisca;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; Job satisfaction in agile information systems development: A stakeholder perspective
Prommegger, Barbara; Joseph, Damien; Krcmar, Helmut; The Hidden Potential: Explaining How and Why Late-Entry IT Professionals Move Into The IT Profession
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Hujo, Dominik; Volpert, Marcus; Landler, Stefan; Otto, Michael; Stahl, Karsten; Zimmermann, Markus; Formalizing Selected Mechatronic Component's Constraints in SysML Models
Leemann, Tobias; Pawelczyk, Martin; Kasneci, Gjergji; Gaussian Membership Inference Privacy
Rachut, Sarah; Maurer, Julian Walter; Die E-Evidence-Verordnung der Europäischen Union im Spannungsfeld zwischen Datenschutz und notwendiger Gewährleistung grenzüberschreitender Sicherheit
Ahmed, Usman;Moeckel, Rolf; Impact of Life Events on Incremental Travel Behavior Change
Hermann, David;Tejeci, Granit;Martínez, Clara Marina;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; Automated Sensor Performance Evaluation of Robot-Guided Vehicles for High Dynamic Tests
Raffl, Lukas; Extending geodetic geo-monitoring networks by supervised point cloud matching
Briegel, Karl D.;Riccius, Felix;Filser, Jakob;Bourgund, Alexander;Spitzenpfeil, Robert;Panighel, Mirco;Dri, Carlo;Lechner, Barbara A.J.;Esch, Friedrich; PyfastSPM: A Python package to convert 1D FastSPM data streams into publication quality movies
Staat, Christoph;Gattinger, Norbert;Gleich, Bernhard; PLUSPULS: A transcranial magnetic stimulator with extended pulse protocols
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Deshpande, Yash;Bi, Fandi;Zhao, Jingyun;Hujo, Dominik;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Kraft, André;Vojanec, Bernd;Markert, Timo; Delay Modelling and Measurement of Multi-Agent Systems with Digital Twins in a Gear Assembly Use Case
Deshpande, Yash;Diederich, Philip;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards a Network Aware Model of the Time Uncertainty Bound in Precision Time Protocol
Quirin Vogel, Yash Deshpande, Čedomir Stefanović, Wolfgang Kellerer; An Advanced Tree Algorithm with Interference Cancellation in Uplink and Downlink
Goodbody, Tristan R.H.;Coops, Nicholas C.;Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert; Airborne laser scanning to optimize the sampling efficiency of a forest management inventory in South-Eastern Germany
Wagner, Jennifer; Winter, Simon; Höhl, Wolfgang; Unraveling the Tales of Aurora - An Imaginative Serious Games Approach
Weilacher, Udo; Wenn Landschaft wirklich so wichtig ist, wie wir glauben. Udo Weilacher im Gespräch mit ECLAS-Präsidentin Ellen Fetzer.
Darvishi, Sonia ; Donnachie, Ewan ; Gasperi, Christiane ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Hemmer, Bernhard; Vaccination frequency in people newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis
Hinz, Maximilian ; Brunner, Moritz ; Winkler, Philipp W. ; Sanchez Carbonel, José Fernando ; Fritsch, Lorenz ; Vieider, Romed P. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Mehl, Julian; The Posterior Tibial Slope Is Not Associated With Graft Failure and Functional Outcomes After Anatomic Primary Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Özbek, Emre Anil ; Runer, Armin ; Dadoo, Sahil ; DiNenna, Michael ; Linde, Monica ; Smolinski, Patrick ; Musahl, Volker ; Mcclincy, Michael P.; The Effect of Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis in an ACL-Reconstructed Knee With Partial Medial Meniscectomy: A Biomechanical Study
Hammer, Veronika ; Schaeffer, Thibault ; Staehler, Helena ; Heinisch, Paul Philipp ; Burri, Melchior ; Piber, Nicole ; Lemmer, Julia ; Hager, Alfred ; Ewert, Peter ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Ono, Masamichi; Protein-Losing Enteropathy and Plastic Bronchitis Following the Total Cavopulmonary Connections
Taube, Florian ; Minner, Stefan; Optimal inventory control with cyclic fixed order costs
Ganokroj, Phob ; Dey Hazra, Maria ; Dey Hazra, Rony-Orijit ; Brady, Alex W. ; Brown, Justin R. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Garcia, Alexander R. ; Whalen, Ryan J. ; Millett, Peter J. ; Provencher, Matthew T.; Biomechanical Evaluation of the 2 Different Levels of Coracoid Graft Positions in the Latarjet Procedure for Anterior Shoulder Instability
Scheibler, Fülöp ; Geiger, Friedemann ; Wehkamp, Kai ; Danner, Marion ; Debrouwere, Marie ; Stolz-Klingenberg, Constanze ; Schuldt-Joswig, Anja ; Sommer, Christina Gesine ; Kopeleva, Olga ; Bünzen, Claudia ; Wagner-Ullrich, Christine ; Koch, Gerhard ; Coors, Marie ; Wehking, Felix ; Clayman, Marla ; Weymayr, Christian ; Sundmacher, Leonie ; Rüffer, Jens Ulrich; Patient-reported effects of hospital-wide implementation of shared decision-making at a university medical centre in Germany: a pre-post trial
Talon, Emile ; Wagner, Franca ; Weder, Stefan ; Anschuetz, Lukas ; Caversaccio, Marco ; Wimmer, Wilhelm; Evaluating temporal bone column density for optimized bone conduction implant placement
Fahrenholtz, Ida Lysdahl ; Melin, Anna Katarina ; Garthe, Ina ; Wasserfurth, Paulina ; Ivarsson, Andreas ; Hollekim-Strand, Siri Marte ; Koehler, Karsten ; Logue, Danielle ; Madigan, Sharon ; Gräfnings, Maria ; Torstveit, Monica K.; Short-term effects and long-term changes of FUEL_a digital sports nutrition intervention on REDs related symptoms in female athletes
Weissmann, Julie A. ; Rader, Sandra ; Ritz, Rasmus ; Walldorf, Iris R. M. ; Probst, Juliane ; Szydlik, Kristin R. ; Schaefer, Hanno; Holistic wild bee management in urban spaces
Almeida, Cláudia Maria ; Mou, Lichao ; Fraundorfer, Friedrich; Editorial: Advances in deep learning approaches applied to remotely sensed images
Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Dos Santos Ferreira, Carlos Eduardo ; Izopet, Jacques ; Theel, Elitza S. ; Wieser, Andreas; Clinical and laboratory considerations: determining an antibody-based composite correlate of risk for reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 or severe COVID-19
Schinz, David ; Schmitz-Koep, Benita ; Tahedl, Marlene ; Teckenberg, Timo ; Schultz, Vivian ; Schulz, Julia ; Zimmer, Claus ; Sorg, Christian ; Gaser, Christian ; Hedderich, Dennis M.; Lower cortical thickness and increased brain aging in adults with cocaine use disorder
Stumpf-Wollersheim, Jutta ; Oehler, Patrick J. ; Rimbeck, Marlen ; Spörrle, Matthias ; Welpe, Isabell M.; When is it good to feel bad? How sadness and fear differ in their effects on routine development
Giberti, Giulia Silvia ; von Arx, Georg ; Giovannelli, Alessio ; du Toit, Ben ; Unterholzner, Lucrezia ; Bielak, Kamil ; Carrer, Marco ; Uhl, Enno ; Bravo, Felipe ; Tonon, Giustino ; Wellstein, Camilla; The admixture of Quercus sp. in Pinus sylvestris stands influences wood anatomical trait responses to climatic variability and drought events
Rozhon, Wilfried ; Ramirez, Veronica E. ; Wieckhorst, Silke ; Hahn, Volker ; Poppenberger, Brigitte; Generation of high oleic acid sunflower lines using gamma radiation mutagenesis and high-throughput fatty acid profiling
Regnath, Franziska ; Biersack, Katharina ; Jäger, Nina ; Glasauer, Stefan ; Lehnen, Nadine; Not a general, symptom-unspecific, transdiagnostic marker for functional symptoms: sensorimotor processing of head control is intact in chronic pain
Thomsen, Andreas R. ; Sahlmann, Jörg ; Bronsert, Peter ; Schilling, Oliver ; Poensgen, Felicia ; May, Annette M. ; Timme-Bronsert, Sylvia ; Grosu, Anca-Ligia ; Vaupel, Peter ; Gebbers, Jan-Olaf ; Multhoff, Gabriele ; Lüchtenborg, Anne-Marie; Protocol of the HISTOTHERM study: assessing the response to hyperthermia and hypofractionated radiotherapy in recurrent breast cancer
Yu, Dahua ; Chuang, Kai-Hsiang ; Sollmann, Nico; Editorial: New challenges and future perspectives in brain imaging methods
Gernert, Andreas K. ; Wuttke, David A. ; Heese, H. Sebastian; Sourcing and pricing decisions under upstream competition with a financially distressed supplier, endogenous bankruptcy risk, and a backup supply option
Gu, Shangding ; Kshirsagar, Alap ; Du, Yali ; Chen, Guang ; Peters, Jan ; Knoll, Alois; A human-centered safe robot reinforcement learning framework with interactive behaviors
Riedel, Maximilian ; Kaefinger, Katharina ; Stuehrenberg, Antonia ; Ritter, Viktoria ; Amann, Niklas ; Graf, Anna ; Recker, Florian ; Klein, Evelyn ; Kiechle, Marion ; Riedel, Fabian ; Meyer, Bastian; ChatGPT's performance in German OB/GYN exams - paving the way for AI-enhanced medical education and clinical practice
Le, Thi Nhu Phuong ; Vu, Sang Van ; Ugalde, Sarah C. ; Subramanian, Sankar ; Gilmour, Arthur ; Dove, Michael ; Vu, In Van ; Geist, Juergen ; Tran, Thi Nang Thu ; Gondro, Cedric ; Cao, Giang Truong ; Le, Tat Thanh ; Nguyen, Thi Mai ; Ngo, Thi Khanh Ngoc ; Vu, Thi Thanh H ng ; H. K. A., Premachandra ; Knibb, Wayne ; O'Connor, Wayne; The genetics and breeding of the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata: lessons, experiences, and challenges in Vietnam
de las Fuentes, Lisa ; Schwander, Karen L. ; Brown, Michael R. ; Bentley, Amy R. ; Winkler, Thomas W. ; Sung, Yun Ju ; Munroe, Patricia B. ; Miller, Clint L. ; Aschard, Hugo ; Aslibekyan, Stella ; Bartz, Traci M. ; Bielak, Lawrence F. ; Chai, Jin Fang ; Cheng, Ching-Yu ; Dorajoo, Rajkumar ; Feitosa, Mary F. ; Guo, Xiuqing ; Hartwig, Fernando P. ; Horimoto, Andrea ; Kol ić, Ivana ; Lim, Elise ; Liu, Yongmei ; Manning, Alisa K. ; Marten, Jonathan ; Musani, Solomon K. ; Noordam, Raymond ; Padmanabhan, Sandosh ; Rankinen, Tuomo ; Richard, Melissa A. ; Ridker, Paul M. ; Smith, Albert V. ; Vojinovic, Dina ; Zonderman, Alan B. ; Alver, Maris ; Boissel, Mathilde ; Christensen, Kaare ; Freedman, Barry I. ; Gao, Chuan ; Giulianini, Franco ; Harris, Sarah E. ; He, Meian ; Hsu, Fang-Chi ; Kühnel, Brigitte ; Laguzzi, Federica ; Li, Xiaoyin ; Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka ; Nolte, Ilja M. ; Poveda, Alaitz ; Rauramaa, Rainer ; Riaz, Muhammad ; Robino, Antonietta ; Sofer, Tamar ; Takeuchi, Fumihiko ; Tayo, Bamidele O. ; van der Most, Peter J. ; Verweij, Niek ; Ware, Erin B. ; Weiss, Stefan ; Wen, Wanqing ; Yanek, Lisa R. ; Zhan, Yiqiang ; Amin, Najaf ; Arking, Dan E. ; Ballantyne, Christie ; Boerwinkle, Eric ; Brody, Jennifer A. ; Broeckel, Ulrich ; Campbell, Archie ; Canouil, Mickaël ; Chai, Xiaoran ; Chen, Yii-Der Ida ; Chen, Xu ; Chitrala, Kumaraswamy Naidu ; Concas, Maria Pina ; de Faire, Ulf ; de Mutsert, Renée ; de Silva, H. Janaka ; de Vries, Paul S. ; Do, Ahn ; Faul, Jessica D. ; Fisher, Virginia ; Floyd, James S. ; Forrester, Terrence ; Friedlander, Yechiel ; Girotto, Giorgia ; Gu, C. Charles ; Hallmans, Göran ; Heikkinen, Sami ; Heng, Chew-Kiat ; Homuth, Georg ; Hunt, Steven ; Ikram, M. Arfan ; Jacobs, David R. ; Kavousi, Maryam ; Khor, Chiea Chuen ; Kilpeläinen, Tuomas O. ; Koh, Woon-Puay ; Komulainen, Pirjo ; Langefeld, Carl D. ; Liang, Jingjing ; Liu, Kiang ; Liu, Jianjun ; Lohman, Kurt ; Mägi, Reedik ; Manichaikul, Ani W. ; McKenzie, Colin A. ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Milaneschi, Yuri ; Nauck, Matthias ; Nelson, Christopher P. ; O'Connell, Jeffrey R. ; Palmer, Nicholette D. ; Pereira, Alexandre C. ; Perls, Thomas ; Peters, Annette ; Polašek, Ozren ; Raitakari, Olli T. ; Rice, Kenneth ; Rice, Treva K. ; Rich, Stephen S. ; Sabanayagam, Charumathi ; Schreiner, Pamela J. ; Shu, Xiao-Ou ; Sidney, Stephen ; Sims, Mario ; Smith, Jennifer A. ; Starr, John M. ; Strauch, Konstantin ; Tai, E. Shyong ; Taylor, Kent D. ; Tsai, Michael Y. ; Uitterlinden, André G. ; van Heemst, Diana ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Wang, Ya-Xing ; Wei, Wen-Bin ; Wilson, Gregory ; Xuan, Deng ; Yao, Jie ; Yu, Caizheng ; Yuan, Jian-Min ; Zhao, Wei ; Becker, Diane M. ; Bonnefond, Amélie ; Bowden, Donald W. ; Cooper, Richard S. ; Deary, Ian J. ; Divers, Jasmin ; Esko, Tõnu ; Franks, Paul W. ; Froguel, Philippe ; Gieger, Christian ; Jonas, Jost B. ; Kato, Norihiro ; Lakka, Timo A. ; Leander, Karin ; Lehtimäki, Terho ; Magnusson, Patrik K. E. ; North, Kari E. ; Ntalla, Ioanna ; Penninx, Brenda ; Samani, Nilesh J. ; Snieder, Harold ; Spedicati, Beatrice ; van der Harst, Pim ; Völzke, Henry ; Wagenknecht, Lynne E. ; Weir, David R. ; Wojczynski, Mary K. ; Wu, Tangchun ; Zheng, Wei ; Zhu, Xiaofeng ; Bouchard, Claude ; Chasman, Daniel I. ; Evans, Michele K. ; Fox, Ervin R. ; Gudnason, Vilmundur ; Hayward, Caroline ; Horta, Bernardo L. ; Kardia, Sharon L. R. ; Krieger, Jose Eduardo ; Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O. ; Peyser, Patricia A. ; Province, Michael M. ; Psaty, Bruce M. ; Rudan, Igor ; Sim, Xueling ; Smith, Blair H. ; van Dam, Rob M. ; van Duijn, Cornelia M. ; Wong, Tien Yin ; Arnett, Donna K. ; Rao, Dabeeru C. ; Gauderman, James ; Liu, Ching-Ti ; Morrison, Alanna C. ; Rotter, Jerome I. ; Fornage, Myriam; Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-population genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel lipid loci
Romahn, Eva Feodora ; Wiltgen, Tun ; Bussas, Matthias ; Aly, Lilian ; Wicklein, Rebecca ; Noll, Christina ; Berthele, Achim ; Dehmelt, Vera ; Mardin, Christian ; Zimmer, Claus ; Korn, Thomas ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Mühlau, Mark ; Knier, Benjamin; Association of retinal vessel pathology and brain atrophy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Grabowska, Joanna ; Léopold, Valentine ; Olesek, Katarzyna ; Nijen Twilhaar, Maarten K. ; Affandi, Alsya J. ; Brouwer, Mieke C. ; Jongerius, Ilse ; Verschoor, Admar ; van Kooten, Cees ; van Kooyk, Yvette ; Storm, Gert ; van 't Veer, Cornelis ; den Haan, Joke M. M.; Platelets interact with CD169+ macrophages and cDC1 and enhance liposome-induced CD8+ T cell responses
Arnes, Jo Inge ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Horsch, Alexander ; Braaten, Tonje; Greedy knot selection algorithm for restricted cubic spline regression
Rehan, Mohammad ; Nizami, Abdul-Sattar ; Tabatabaei, Meisam ; Amjad, Muhammad ; Qyyum, Muhammad Abdul ; Javed, Muhammad Hassan ; H. Al-Muhtaseb, Ala a ; Ali, Arshid Mahmood ; Ahmad, Anees ; Moustakas, Konstantinos ; Lam, Su Shiung ; Ali, Imtiaz ; Farooq, Muhammad; Editorial: Integrated waste biorefineries: achieving sustainable development goals
Buras, Allan ; Rehschuh, Romy ; Fonti, Marina ; Lange, Jelena ; Fonti, Patrick ; Menzel, Annette ; Gessler, Arthur ; Rigling, Andreas ; Treydte, Kerstin ; von Arx, Georg; Quantitative wood anatomy and stable carbon isotopes indicate pronounced drought exposure of Scots pine when growing at the forest edge
Gabel, Sylvia ; Keskin, Özün ; Kollar, Ingo ; Lewalter, Doris ; Gegenfurtner, Andreas; Guiding pre-service teachers' visual attention through instructional settings: an eye-tracking study
Zhang, Wei ; Nowotny, Hanna ; Theodoropoulou, Marily ; Simon, Julia ; Hemmer, Charlotte M. ; Bidlingmaier, Martin ; Auer, Matthias K. ; Reincke, Martin ; Uhlenhaut, Henriette ; Reisch, Nicole; E47 as a novel glucocorticoid-dependent gene mediating lipid metabolism in patients with endogenous glucocorticoid excess
Heinisch, Paul Philipp ; Michel, Sebastian ; Zimpfer, Daniel ; Hörer, Jürgen; Editorial: Emerging opportunities in congenital cardiac surgery
Karlas, Angelos ; Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia ; Kallmayer, Michael ; Schäffer, Christoph ; Angelis, Georgios ; Katsouli, Nikoletta ; Reidl, Mario ; Duelmer, Felix ; Al Adem, Kenana ; Hadjileontiadis, Leontios ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Optoacoustic biomarkers of lipids, hemorrhage and inflammation in carotid atherosclerosis
Rennen, Philipp ; Gantner, Stefan ; Dielemans, Gido ; Bleker, Lazlo ; Christidi, Nikoletta ; Dörrie, Robin ; Hojjat, Majid ; Mai, Inka ; Mawas, Karam ; Lowke, Dirk ; D'Acunto, Pierluigi ; Dörfler, Kathrin ; Hack, Norman ; Popescu, Mariana; Robotic knitcrete: computational design and fabrication of a pedestrian bridge using robotic shotcrete on a 3D-Knitted formwork
Pichl, Anja ; Ranisch, Robert ; Altinok, Ozan Altan ; Antonakaki, Melpomeni ; Barnhart, Andrew J. ; Bassil, Katherine ; Boyd, J. Lomax ; Chinaia, Alice Andrea ; Diner, Sarah ; Gaillard, Maxence ; Greely, Henry T. ; Jowitt, Joshua ; Kreitmair, Karola ; Lawrence, David ; Lee, Tim Nicholas ; McKeown, Alex ; Sachdev, Vorathep ; Schicktanz, Silke ; Sugarman, Jeremy ; Trettenbach, Katharina ; Wiese, Lara ; Wolff, Hannes ; Árnason, Garðar; Ethical, legal and social aspects of human cerebral organoids and their governance in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States
Paper, Michael ; Jung, Patrick ; Koch, Max ; Lakatos, Michael ; Nilges, Tom ; Brück, Thomas B.; Stripped: contribution of cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances to the adsorption of rare earth elements from aqueous solutions
Kovtanyuk, Andrey ; Chebotarev, Alexander ; Lampe, Reneé; Mathematical modeling of cerebral oxygen transport from capillaries to tissue
Treinen, Chantal ; Claassen, Linda ; Hoffmann, Mareen ; Lilge, Lars ; Henkel, Marius ; Hausmann, Rudolf; Evaluation of an external foam column for in situ product removal in aerated surfactin production processes
Walter, Nike ; Mirzaei, Mohammadali ; Deng, Li ; Willy, Christian ; Alt, Volker ; Rupp, Markus; The Potential of Bacteriophage Therapy as an Alternative Treatment Approach for Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
Ulas, Sevtap Tugce ; Proft, Fabian ; Diekhoff, Torsten ; Rios, Valeria ; Rademacher, Judith ; Protopopov, Mikhail ; Greese, Juliane ; Eshed, Iris ; Adams, Lisa C ; Hermann, Kay Geert A ; Ohrndorf, Sarah ; Poddubnyy, Denis ; Ziegeler, Katharina; Sex-specific diagnostic efficacy of MRI in axial spondyloarthritis: challenging the 'One Size Fits All' notion
Ammer-Herrmenau, Christoph ; Antweiler, Kai L ; Asendorf, Thomas ; Beyer, Georg ; Buchholz, Soeren M ; Cameron, Silke ; Capurso, Gabriele ; Damm, Marko ; Dang, Linh ; Frost, Fabian ; Gomes, Antonio ; Hamm, Jacob ; Henker, Robert ; Hoffmeister, Albrecht ; Meinhardt, Christian ; Nawacki, Lukasz ; Nunes, Vitor ; Panyko, Arpad ; Pardo, Cesareo ; Phillip, Veit ; Pukitis, Aldis ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Riekstina, Diana ; Rinja, Ecaterina ; Ruiz-Rebollo, María Lourdes ; Sirtl, Simon ; Weingarten, Mark ; Sandru, Vasile ; Woitalla, Julia ; Ellenrieder, Volker ; Neesse, Albrecht; Gut microbiota predicts severity and reveals novel metabolic signatures in acute pancreatitis
Bredenoord, Albert J ; Dellon, Evan S ; Hirano, Ikuo ; Lucendo, Alfredo J ; Schlag, Christoph ; Sun, Xian ; Glotfelty, Lila ; Mannent, Leda ; Maloney, Jennifer ; Laws, Elizabeth ; Mortensen, Eric ; Shabbir, Arsalan; Dupilumab demonstrated efficacy and was well tolerated regardless of prior use of swallowed topical corticosteroids in adolescent and adult patients with eosinophilic oesophagitis: a subgroup analysis of the phase 3 LIBERTY EoE TREET study
Loidl, Verena ; Ziegler, Kerstin ; Hoppmann, Dagmar ; Wagner, Christian ; Fietzek, Urban M ; Ceballos-Baumann, Andrés O ; Grill, Eva; Implementation and the effects of a Parkinson Network Therapy (PaNTher) on activities of daily living and health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease patients: study protocol of an mixed-method observational cohort study in outpatient care
Tonia, Thomy ; Buitrago-Garcia, Diana ; Peter, Natalie Luise ; Mesa-Vieira, Cristina ; Li, Tianjing ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Cipriani, Andrea ; Leucht, Stefan ; Low, Nicola ; Salanti, Georgia; Tool to assess risk of bias in studies estimating the prevalence of mental health disorders (RoB-PrevMH)
Attia, Youssef A. ; Hassan, Reda A. ; Addeo, Nicola Francesco ; Bovera, Fulvia ; Alhotan, Rashed A. ; Al-qurashi, Adel D. ; Al-Baadani, Hani H. ; Al-Banoby, Mohamed A. ; Khafaga, Asmaa F. ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Shehata, Awad A. ; Basiouni, Shereen; Effects of Spirulina platensis and/or Allium sativum on Antioxidant Status, Immune Response, Gut Morphology, and Intestinal Lactobacilli and Coliforms of Heat-Stressed Broiler Chicken
Kloth, Christopher ; Beck, Annika ; Sollmann, Nico ; Beer, Meinrad ; Horger, Marius ; Thaiss, Wolfgang Maximilian; Imaging of Pathologies of the Temporal Bone and Middle Ear: Inflammatory Diseases, Their Mimics and Potential Complications_Pictorial Review
Singh, Mrityunjay ; Mahmoodpour, Saeed ; Schmidt-Hattenberger, Cornelia ; Sass, Ingo ; Drews, Michael; Influence of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Simultaneous Geothermal Energy Extraction and CO2 Storage
Mekonen, Sisay S. ; Boyce, Scott E. ; Mohammed, Abdella K. ; Flint, Lorraine ; Flint, Alan ; Disse, Markus; Recharge Estimation Approach in a Data-Scarce Semi-Arid Region, Northern Ethiopian Rift Valley
Donmezer, Semih ; Demircioglu, Pinar ; Bogrekci, Ismail ; Bas, Gokcen ; Durakbasa, Muhammet Numan; Revolutionizing the Garment Industry 5.0: Embracing Closed-Loop Design, E-Libraries, and Digital Twins
Adebanji, Atinuke O. ; Aschl, Franz ; Chumo, Ednah Chepkemoi ; Owiredu, Emmanuel Odame ; Müller, Johannes ; Mbegalo, Tukae; Social Response and Measles Dynamics
Zamanian, Alireza ; Ahmidi, Narges ; Drton, Mathias; Assessable and interpretable sensitivity analysis in the pattern graph framework for nonignorable missingness mechanisms
Novak, Magdalena ; Gramser, Siëlle ; Köster, Sandra ; Ceseña, Feliza ; Gerber-Hirt, Sabine ; Schwan, Stephan ; Lewalter, Doris; Presenting a socio-scientific issue in a science and technology museum: Effects on interest, knowledge and argument repertoire
Haas, Lukas ; Haider, Arsalan ; Kastner, Ludwig ; Zeh, Thomas ; Poguntke, Tim ; Kuba, Matthias ; Schardt, Michael ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; Velocity Estimation from LiDAR Sensors Motion Distortion Effect
Hinsen, Patrick ; Wiedemann, Thomas ; Shutin, Dmitriy ; Lilienthal, Achim J.; Exploration and Gas Source Localization in Advection-Diffusion Processes with Potential-Field-Controlled Robotic Swarms +
Patimisco, Pietro ; Ardito, Nicoletta ; De Toma, Edoardo ; Burghart, Dominik ; Tigaev, Vladislav ; Belkin, Mikhail A. ; Spagnolo, Vincenzo; Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensor Based on a Multi-Laser Source for In-Sequence Detection of NO2, SO2, and NH3
Pupillo, Giuseppe ; Righini, Simona ; Orosei, Roberto ; Bortolotti, Claudio ; Maccaferri, Giuseppe ; Roma, Mauro ; Mastrogiuseppe, Marco ; Pisanu, Tonino ; Schirru, Luca ; Cicalò, Stefano ; Tripodo, Antonio ; Harju, Jorma ; Penttilä, Antti ; Virkki, Anne K. ; Bach, Uwe ; Kraus, Alexander ; Margheri, Alessio ; Ghiani, Riccardo ; Iacolina, Maria N. ; Valente, Giuseppe ; Koschny, Detlef ; Moissl, Richard ; Sessler, Gunther; Toward a European Facility for Ground-Based Radar Observations of Near-Earth Objects
Boyko, Marina ; Hlukhyy, Viktor ; Fässler, Thomas F.; K7In4As6 and K3InAs2 - Two more Zintl phases showing the rich variety of In-As polyanion structures
Botta, Manuel ; Zeitz, Sabine ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Synthesis, Structure and Physical Properties of the Sodium-Rich Phosphidogermanate Na8GeP4
Ho, Sarah ; Buras, Allan ; Tuo, Ye; Comparing Agriculture-Related Characteristics of Flash and Normal Drought Reveals Heterogeneous Crop Response
Imig, Anne ; Augustin, Lea ; Groh, Jannis ; Pütz, Thomas ; Elsner, Martin ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Rein, Arno; Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 2. Leaching of four maize herbicides considering different processes
Imig, Anne ; Augustin, Lea ; Groh, Jannis ; Pütz, Thomas ; Zhou, Tiantian ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Rein, Arno; Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 1. Influence of different processes and model structure on vadose zone flow
Kang, Zeyu ; Jia, Xiaodong ; Ma, Xiaolong ; Wen, Dongsheng; Modelling and Prediction of Fe/MWCNT Nanocomposites for Hexavalent Chromium Reduction
Gemesi, Kathrin ; Winkler, Stefanie ; Schederecker, Florian ; Hauner, Hans ; Holzapfel, Christina; Weight Loss Effect of an App-Based Multimodal Lifestyle Intervention in Adults with Obesity_A Randomized Controlled Trial +
Prenzel, Tobias Manuel ; Hohmann, Andrea ; Prescher, Tim ; Angerer, Kerstin ; Wehner, Daniel ; Ilg, Robert ; von Reden, Tjark ; Drechsler, Klaus ; Albrecht, Stefan; Bringing Light into the Dark_Overview of Environmental Impacts of Carbon Fiber Production and Potential Levers for Reduction
Zhang, Ling ; Xue, Wen-Tao ; Sun, Hao ; Hu, Yun-Cai ; Wu, Rong ; Tian, Ye ; Chen, Yi-Shan ; Ma, Liang ; Chen, Qian ; Du, Ying ; Bai, Yang ; Liu, Shan-Jiang ; Zou, Guo-Yuan; Can the Blended Application of Controlled-Release and Common Urea Effectively Replace the Common Urea in a Wheat-Maize Rotation System? A Case Study Based on a Long-Term Experiment
Velikoseltsev, Alexander A. ; Schreiber, Karl Ulrich ; Kodet, Jan ; Wells, Jon-Paul R.; Non-Reciprocal Frequency Contributions from the Active Medium in a Ring Laser
Rauch, Fabian ; Fischer, Oliver; Application of a structural monitoring on segmental tunnel linings
Basler, Felix ; Mähner, Dietmar ; Fischer, Oliver ; Hilbig, Harald; Influence of early-age vibration on concrete strength
Zhang, Xingxing ; Kornmeier, Joana R. ; Hofmann, Michael ; Langebeck, Anika ; Alameddin, Shadi ; Alessio, Renan Pereira ; Fritzen, Felix ; Bunn, Jeffrey R. ; Cabeza, Sandra; Residual stresses in Cu matrix composite surface deposits after laser melt injection
Jaelani, Yogi ; Klemm, Alina ; Wimmer, Johannes ; Seitz, Fabian ; Köhncke, Martin ; Marsili, Francesca ; Mendler, Alexander ; von Danwitz, Max ; Henke, Sascha ; Gündel, Max ; Braml, Thomas ; Spannaus, Max ; Popp, Alexander ; Keßler, Sylvia; Developing a benchmark study for bridge monitoring
Hofmeister, Florentin ; Venegas, Brenda Rubens ; Sentlinger, Gabriel ; Tarantik, Michael ; Blume, Theresa ; Disse, Markus ; Chiogna, Gabriele; Automated streamflow measurements in high-elevation Alpine catchments
Mandl, Lisa ; Stritih, Ana ; Seidl, Rupert ; Ginzler, Christian ; Senf, Cornelius; Spaceborne LiDAR for characterizing forest structure across scales in the European Alps
Jaiswal, Atul ; Bui, Minh Duc ; Rutschmann, Peter; On the process of fine sediment infiltration into static gravel bed: A CFD-DEM modelling perspective
Johnson, Felix ; Knopf, Andreas; The Localisation of a Tracheosophageal Shunt during Laryn(-gopharyn)gectomy Determines the Risk of Shunt Insufficiency
Mair, Olivia ; Müller, Michael ; Rittstieg, Philipp ; Zehnder, Philipp ; Lefering, Rolf ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Wenk, Maren J. ; Hanschen, Marc; Predicting Genitourinary Injuries in Polytraumatized Patients_Development of the GUIPP Scoring System
Reischl, Stefan ; Ziegelmayer, Sebastian ; Graf, Markus ; Gawlitza, Joshua ; Sauter, Andreas Philipp ; Steinhardt, Manuel ; Weber, Marie-Christin ; Neumann, Philipp-Alexander ; Makowski, Marcus Richard ; Lohöfer, Fabian Karl ; Mogler, Carolin ; Braren, Rickmer Früdd; CT Attenuation of Hepatic Pancreatic Cancer Metastases Correlates with Prognostically Detrimental Metastatic Necrosis
Breden, Sebastian ; Hinterwimmer, Florian ; Beischl, Simone ; Consalvo, Sarah ; Gersing, Alexandra S. ; Lenze, Ulrich ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Knebel, Carolin; A New Method for Assessing Patients' Obesity-Associated Infection Risk Using X-rays in Hip Arthroplasties
Reeb, Nico ; Hutschenreuter, Sebastian ; Zehetner, Philipp ; Ensslin, Torsten ; Albert, A. ; Alves, S. ; André, M. ; Anghinolfi, M. ; Anton, G. ; Ardid, M. ; Aubert, J.-J. ; Aublin, J. ; Baret, B. ; Basa, S. ; Belhorma, B. ; Bendahman, M. ; Bertin, V. ; Biagi, S. ; Bissinger, M. ; Boumaaza, J. ; Bouta, M. ; Bouwhuis, M. C. ; Brânzaş, H. ; Bruijn, R. ; Brunner, J. ; Busto, J. ; Caiffi, B. ; Capone, A. ; Caramete, L. ; Carr, J. ; Carretero, V. ; Celli, S. ; Chabab, M. ; Chau, T. N. ; El Moursli, R. Cherkaoui ; Chiarusi, T. ; Circella, M. ; Coleiro, A. ; Colomer-Molla, M. ; Coniglione, R. ; Coyle, P. ; Creusot, A. ; Díaz, A. F. ; de Wasseige, G. ; Deschamps, A. ; Distefano, C. ; Di Palma, I. ; Domi, A. ; Donzaud, C. ; Dornic, D. ; Drouhin, D. ; Eberl, T. ; van Eeden, T. ; El Khayati, N. ; Enzenhöfer, A. ; Fermani, P. ; Ferrara, G. ; Filippini, F. ; Fusco, L. ; Gatelet, Y. ; Gay, P. ; Glotin, H. ; Gozzini, R. ; Gracia Ruiz, R. ; Graf, K. ; Guidi, C. ; Hallmann, S. ; van Haren, H. ; Heijboer, A. J. ; Hello, Y. ; Hernández-Rey, J. J. ; Hößl, J. ; Hofestädt, J. ; Huang, F. ; Illuminati, G. ; James, C. W. ; Jisse-Jung, B. ; de Jong, M. ; de Jong, P. ; Jongen, M. ; Kadler, M. ; Kalekin, O. ; Katz, U. ; Khan-Chowdhury, N. R. ; Kouchner, A. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Kulikovskiy, V. ; Lahmann, R. ; Le Breton, R. ; Lefèvre, D. ; Leonora, E. ; Levi, G. ; Lincetto, M. ; Lopez-Coto, D. ; Loucatos, S. ; Maderer, L. ; Manczak, J. ; Marcelin, M. ; Margiotta, A. ; Marinelli, A. ; Martínez-Mora, J. A. ; Melis, K. ; Migliozzi, P. ; Moussa, A. ; Muller, R. ; Nauta, L. ; Navas, S. ; Nezri, E. ; Fearraigh, B. Ó ; Organokov, M. ; P v laş, G. E. ; Pellegrino, C. ; Perrin-Terrin, M. ; Piattelli, P. ; Pieterse, C. ; Poirè, C. ; Popa, V. ; Pradier, T. ; Randazzo, N. ; Reck, S. ; Riccobene, G. ; Romanov, A. ; Sánchez-Losa, A. ; Salesa Greus, F. ; Samtleben, D. F. E. ; Sanguineti, M. ; Sapienza, P. ; Schnabel, J. ; Schumann, J. ; Schüssler, F. ; Spurio, M. ; Stolarczyk, Th. ; Taiuti, M. ; Tayalati, Y. ; Tingay, S.J. ; Vallage, B. ; Van Elewyck, V. ; Versari, F. ; Viola, S. ; Vivolo, D. ; Wilms, J. ; Zavatarelli, S. ; Zegarelli, A. ; Zornoza, J. D. ; Zúñiga, J.; Studying bioluminescence flashes with the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope
Wang, Fang ; Buchberger, Maria ; Böck, Katja ; Wirth, Markus; Essential Palatal Myoclonus and Clicking Tinnitus in a Nine-Year-Old Boy_A Case Report
Vidal, Leonhard Maria ; Ewigmann, Hans ; Schuster, Clemens ; Alpers, Thekla ; Scherf, Katharina Anne ; Jekle, Mario ; Becker, Thomas; Microscopic analysis of gluten network development under shear load_combining confocal laser scanning microscopy with rheometry
Philippi, Hanna ; Sommerfeld, Vera ; Windisch, Wilhelm ; Olukosi, Oluyinka Abiona ; Monteiro, Alessandra ; Rodehutscord, Markus; Interactions of zinc with phytate and phytase in the digestive tract of poultry and pigs: a review
Dollinger, Christina ; Rammer, Werner ; Seidl, Rupert; Climate change accelerates ecosystem restoration in the mountain forests of Central Europe
Bauer, Markus ; Huber, Jakob K. ; Kollmann, Johannes; Fit by design: Developing seed-substrate combinations to adapt dike grasslands to microclimatic variation
Ziegler, Christian Max ; Wagner, Ferdinand ; Alleborn, Karoline ; Geith, Tobias ; Holzapfel, Boris Michael ; Heimkes, Bernhard; Muscle forces acting on the greater trochanter lead to a dorsal warping of the apophyseal growth plate
Wang, Jingbo ; Joseph, Sabitha ; Vingill, Siv ; Dere, Ekrem ; Tatenhorst, Lars ; Ronnenberg, Anja ; Lingor, Paul ; Preisinger, Christian ; Ehrenreich, Hannelore ; Schulz, Jörg B. ; Stegmüller, Judith; Loss of the parkinsonism-associated protein FBXO7 in glutamatergic forebrain neurons in mice leads to abnormal motor behavior and synaptic defects
Mager, Gregor ; Faße, Anja; The contribution of smallholders' livelihood activities on income inequality and poverty: Case study from rural Tanzania
Graf, Markus ; Lange, Christian M. ; Langer, Mona M. ; Schattenberg, Jörn M. ; Seessle, Jessica ; Dietz, Julia ; Vermehren, Annika ; Michael, Florian A. ; Mondorf, Antonia ; Zeuzem, Stefan ; Pathil, Anita ; Graf, Christiana; Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)-Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) Variant Syndrome: Clinical Features, Response to Therapy and Long-Term Outcome
Munoz Lopez, Edwin Joseph ; Hergt, Alexander ; Ockenfels, Till ; Grund, Sebastian ; Gümmer, Volker; The Current Gap between Design Optimization and Experiments for Transonic Compressor Blades+
von Heynitz, Christian ; Ohlmann, Kilian ; Schmieder, Benedikt ; Hofmann, Thomas ; Glas, Karl; Ultrafast extraction of cold brew coffee in a planetary rotating bed reactor: A kinetic study on the pushback effect
Ring, Johannes; Pioneers in Dermatology and Venereology: An interview with Professor Johannes Ring
Ring, Johannes; Global recommendations for vitiligo management
Bayode, Ajibola A ; Anthony, Eric T ; Ore, Odunayo T ; Alfred, Moses O ; Koko, Daniel T ; Unuabonah, Emmanuel I ; Helmreich, Brigitte ; Omorogie, Martins O; A review on the versatility of Carica papaya seed: an agrogenic waste for the removal of organic, inorganic and microbial contaminants in water
Petersen, Thies ; Tatic, Milan ; Hartmann, Monika ; Hirsch, Stefan; Meat and meat substitutes_A hedonic-pricing model for the German market
Amran, Sorfina ; Salleh, Muhammad Zulhaziman Mat ; Hizaddin, Hanee F. ; Luthfi, Abdullah Amru Indera ; Alhadid, Ahmad ; Hadj-Kali, Mohamed Kamel; Extraction of Pyrrole from Its Mixture with n-Hexadecane Using Ionic Liquids and Their Binary Mixtures
Hecker, Dennis ; Lauber, Michael ; Behjati Ardakani, Fatemeh ; Ashrafiyan, Shamim ; Manz, Quirin ; Kersting, Johannes ; Hoffmann, Markus ; Schulz, Marcel H. ; List, Markus; Computational tools for inferring transcription factor activity
Witting, Michael; (Re-)use and (re-)analysis of publicly available metabolomics data
Wollek, Alessandro ; Hyska, Sardi ; Sabel, Bastian ; Ingrisch, Michael ; Lasser, Tobias; WindowNet: Learnable Windows for Chest X-ray Classification
Thielert, Marvin ; Itang, Ericka CM ; Ammar, Constantin ; Rosenberger, Florian A ; Bludau, Isabell ; Schweizer, Lisa ; Nordmann, Thierry M ; Skowronek, Patricia ; Wahle, Maria ; Zeng, Wen-Feng ; Zhou, Xie-Xuan ; Brunner, Andreas-David ; Richter, Sabrina ; Levesque, Mitchell P ; Theis, Fabian J ; Steger, Martin ; Mann, Matthias; Robust dimethyl-based multiplex-DIA doubles single-cell proteome depth via a reference channel
Göppel, Maximilian ; Anton, Mathias ; Gala, Hugo de las Heras ; Giussani, Augusto ; Trinkl, Sebastian ; Renger, Bernhard ; Brix, Gunnar; Dose-efficiency quantification of computed tomography systems using a model-observer
Debong, Marcel W. ; N'Diaye, Katharina ; Schöberl, Daniela ; Yin, Yue ; Lang, Roman ; Buettner, Andrea ; Hofmann, Thomas ; Loos, Helene M.; Linalool, 1,8-Cineole, and Eugenol Transfer from a Curry Dish into Human Urine
Buckett, Lance ; Sus, Nadine ; Spindler, Veronika ; Rychlik, Michael ; Schoergenhofer, Christian ; Frank, Jan; The Pharmacokinetics of Individual Conjugated Xanthohumol Metabolites Show Efficient Glucuronidation and Higher Bioavailability of Micellar than Native Xanthohumol in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial in Healthy Humans
Ahmad, Nadim ; Ritz, Manfred ; Calchera, Anjuli ; Otte, Jürgen ; Schmitt, Imke ; Brueck, Thomas ; Mehlmer, Norbert; Biosynthetic gene cluster synteny: Orthologous polyketide synthases in Hypogymnia physodes, Hypogymnia tubulosa, and Parmelia sulcata
Denk, Alina ; Fulajtar, Emilia ; Troll, Carsten ; Rieger, Bernhard; Controlled Synthesis of Statistical Polycarbonates Based on Epoxides and CO2
Rickert, Carolin A. ; Mansi, Salma ; Fan, Di ; Mela, Petra ; Lieleg, Oliver; A Mucin-Based Bio-Ink for 3D Printing of Objects with Anti-Biofouling Properties
Jirauschek, Christian; Theory of Hybrid Microwave-Photonic Quantum Devices
Lingg, Jakob G. P. ; Bischof, Thomas S. ; Arús, Bernardo A. ; Cosco, Emily D. ; Sletten, Ellen M. ; Rowlands, Christopher J. ; Bruns, Oliver T. ; Chmyrov, Andriy; Shortwave-Infrared Line-Scan Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging in Intact Organs
Joerger, Ann-Kathrin ; Albrecht, Carolin ; Rothhammer, Veit ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Wagner, Arthur ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Wostrack, Maria; The Role of Gut and Oral Microbiota in the Formation and Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysms: A Literature Review
Key, Jana ; Gispert, Suzana ; Koepf, Gabriele ; Steinhoff-Wagner, Julia ; Reichlmeir, Marina ; Auburger, Georg; Translation Fidelity and Respiration Deficits in CLPP-Deficient Tissues: Mechanistic Insights from Mitochondrial Complexome Profiling
Uzuegbunam, Bright Chukwunwike ; Rummel, Christoph ; Librizzi, Damiano ; Culmsee, Carsten ; Hooshyar Yousefi, Behrooz; Radiotracers for Imaging of Inflammatory Biomarkers TSPO and COX-2 in the Brain and in the Periphery
Feuerecker, Benedikt ; Gafita, Andrei ; Langbein, Thomas ; Tauber, Robert ; Seidl, Christof ; Bruchertseifer, Frank ; Gschwendt, Jürgen E. ; Weber, Wolfgang A. ; D'Alessandria, Calogero ; Morgenstern, Alfred ; Eiber, Matthias; Comparative Analysis of Morphological and Functional Effects of 225Ac- and 177Lu-PSMA Radioligand Therapies (RLTs) on Salivary Glands
Uzuegbunam, Bright C. ; Li, Junhao ; Paslawski, Wojciech ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Svenningsson, Per ; Ågren, Hans ; Hooshyar Yousefi, Behrooz; In Silico and In Vitro Study towards the Rational Design of 4,4 -Disarylbisthiazoles as a Selective α-Synucleinopathy Biomarker
Drainas, Konstantina ; Kaule, Lisa ; Mohr, Stefanie ; Uniyal, Bhumika ; Wild, Romy ; Geist, Juergen; Predicting stream water temperature with artificial neural networks based on open-access data
Thielecke, Janika ; Kuper, Paula ; Ebert, David ; Cuijpers, Pim ; Smit, Filip ; Riper, Heleen ; Lehr, Dirk ; Buntrock, Claudia; Does outcome expectancy predict outcomes in online depression prevention? Secondary analysis of randomised-controlled trials
Guo, Peiyao ; Hamacher, Thomas ; Perić, Vedran S.; Merchant and regulated storage investment in energy and reserve markets: A Stackelberg game
Gurbuz, Caglar ; Eser, Martin ; Marburg, Steffen; Multi-fidelity Gaussian processes for an efficient approximation of frequency sweeps in acoustic problems
Kinon, Philipp L. ; Thoma, Tobias ; Betsch, Peter ; Kotyczka, Paul; Discrete nonlinear elastodynamics in a port-Hamiltonian framework
Rauter, Andreas ; Utzig, Lukas ; Weisheit, Konrad ; Maeder, Marcus ; Marburg, Steffen; Squeak and rattle noise prediction in vehicle acoustics
Lesjak, Mathias ; Duddeck, Fabian; Dimensional reduction for parametric projection-based reduced-order models in crash
Bahlke, Fabian ; Wachter, Andreas ; Erhard, Nico ; Englert, Florian ; Krafft, Hannah ; Popa, Miruna ; Risse, Elena ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Telishevska, Marta ; Lengauer, Sarah ; Lennerz, Carsten ; Reents, Tilko ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Bourier, Felix; The influence of electrode-tissue-coverage on RF lesion formation and local impedance: Insights from an ex vivo model
Argens, Laura ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Ebeling, Anne ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Lange, Markus ; Oelmann, Yvonne ; Roscher, Christiane ; Schielzeth, Holger ; Schmid, Bernhard ; Wilcke, Wolfgang ; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Relationships between ecosystem functions vary among years and plots and are driven by plant species richness
Lewerentz, Anne ; Hoffmann, Markus ; Hovestadt, Thomas ; Raeder, Uta ; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Synergistic effects between global warming and water quality change on modelled macrophyte species richness
Wang, Mingming ; Flexeder, Claudia ; Harris, Carla P. ; Thiering, Elisabeth ; Koletzko, Sibylle ; Bauer, Carl-Peter ; Schulte-Körne, Gerd ; von Berg, Andrea ; Berdel, Dietrich ; Heinrich, Joachim ; Schulz, Holger ; Schikowski, Tamara ; Peters, Annette ; Standl, Marie; Accelerometry-assessed sleep clusters and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents
Li, Guojing ; Li, Yulin ; Luo, Qiyou ; Lu, Hongwei ; Lun, Runqi ; Chen, Yongfu; How Does Energy Intake Change in China? A Life Cycle Perspective
Blaurock, Julia ; Heuer, Thorsten ; Gedrich, Kurt; Optimization of a Food List for Food Frequency Questionnaires Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming: A Proof of Concept Based on Data from the Second German National Nutrition Survey
Foster, Chase; Legalism without adversarialism?: Bureaucratic legalism and the politics of regulatory implementation in the European Union
Strohauer, Stefan ; Wietschorke, Fabian ; Zugliani, Lucio ; Flaschmann, Rasmus ; Schmid, Christian ; Grotowski, Stefanie ; Müller, Manuel ; Jonas, Björn ; Althammer, Matthias ; Gross, Rudolf ; Müller, Kai ; Finley, Jonathan J.; Site-Selective Enhancement of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors via Local Helium Ion Irradiation
Ojara, Francis Williams ; Henrich, Andrea ; Frances, Nicolas ; Nassar, Yomna M. ; Huisinga, Wilhelm ; Hartung, Niklas ; Geiger, Kimberly ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Joerger, Markus ; Kloft, Charlotte; A prognostic baseline blood biomarker and tumor growth kinetics integrated model in paclitaxel/platinum treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients
Verwaaijen, Bart ; Alcock, Thomas David ; Spitzer, Christoph ; Liu, Zhaojun ; Fiebig, Anne ; Bienert, Manuela Désirée ; Bräutigam, Andrea ; Bienert, Gerd Patrick; The Brassica napus boron deficient inflorescence transcriptome resembles a wounding and infection response
Neumann, Eva ; Rohmann, Elke ; Sattel, Heribert; The 10-Item Short Form of the German Experiences in Close Relationships Scale (ECR-G-10)_Model Fit, Reliability, and Validity
Wiegmann, Eike ; Fischer, Steffen ; Leeb, Matthias ; Kwade, Arno; Sustainable Lithium Ferro-Phosphate Cathode Manufacturing: A Semi-Dry Approach with Water-Based Processing and Polytetrafluorethylene Binders
Kolb, Cara Greta ; Sommer, Alessandro ; Lehmann, Maja ; Teixeira, Carys-May ; Panzer, Hannes ; Maleksaeedi, Saeed ; Zaeh, Michael Friedrich; The Role of Binders for Water-Based Anode Dispersions in Inkjet Printing
Aşirim, Özüm Emre ; Asirim, Ece Z. ; Kuzuoğlu, Mustafa; Predictive Modeling of Light-Matter Interaction in One Dimension: A Dynamic Deep Learning Approach
R dulescu, Marian ; Mocanu, Adela-Ioana ; Neagu, Alexandra-Cristina ; Schipor, Mihai-Adrian ; Mocanu, Horia; Defining the URCOTEBS System as a Unilateral Radiographic-Stochastic Model for the Complementary States (Health/Disease) of the D-Organ and Middle-Ear Mucosa
Mariadass, Melvin ; Binder, Roman ; Ettemeyer, Florian ; Volk, Wolfram ; Günther, Daniel; Modeling De-Coring Tools with Coupled Multibody Simulation and Finite Element Analysis
Wörner, Jakob ; Panter, Sabrina ; Illarionov, Boris ; Bacher, Adelbert ; Fischer, Markus ; Weber, Stefan; Expanding Reaction Horizons: Evidence of the 5-Deazaflavin Radical Through Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Walter, Alexandra ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Storch, Golo; Photochemical Desaturation and Epoxidation with Oxygen by Sequential Flavin Catalysis
Ahyoune, Saiyd ; Álvarez Melcón, Alejandro ; Arguedas Cuendis, Sergio ; Calatroni, Sergio ; Cogollos, Cristian ; Devlin, Jack ; Díaz-Morcillo, Alejandro ; Díez-Ibáñez, David ; Döbrich, Babette ; Galindo, Javier ; Gallego, Juan Daniel ; García-Barceló, Jose María ; Gimeno, Benito ; Golm, Jessica ; Gu, Yikun ; Herwig, Louis ; Garcia Irastorza, Igor ; Lozano-Guerrero, Antonio Jose ; Malbrunot, Chloé ; Miralda-Escudé, Jordi ; Monzó-Cabrera, Juan ; Navarro, Pablo ; Navarro-Madrid, Jose Ramón ; Redondo, Javier ; Reina-Valero, José ; Schmieden, Kristof ; Schneemann, Tim ; Siodlaczek, Marc ; Ulmer, Stefan ; Wuensch, Walter; A Proposal for a Low-Frequency Axion Search in the 1-2 $\ eV Range and Below with the BabyIAXO Magnet
Zurita, Francisco ; Freko, Sebastian ; Hiendlmeier, Lukas ; Del Duca, Fulvia ; Groll, Tanja ; Seelbach, Olga ; Steiger, Katja ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; Thermoformed Parylene-C Cuff Electrodes for Small Nerve Interfacing
Sadlon, Angélique ; Takousis, Petros ; Ankli, Barbara ; Alexopoulos, Panagiotis ; Perneczky, Robert; Association of Chronic Pain with Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration, Microglial Activation, and Inflammation in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Impaired Cognitive Function
Gasperi, Christiane ; Wiltgen, Tun ; McGinnis, Julian ; Cerri, Stefano ; Moridi, Thomas ; Ouellette, Russell ; Pukaj, Albert ; Voon, Cuici ; Bafligil, Cemsel ; Lauerer, Markus ; Andlauer, Till F. M. ; Held, Friederike ; Aly, Lilian ; Shchetynsky, Klementy ; Stridh, Pernilla ; Harroud, Adil ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Zimmer, Claus ; Baras, Aris ; Piehl, Fredrik ; Berthele, Achim ; Granberg, Tobias ; Kockum, Ingrid ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Mühlau, Mark; A Genetic Risk Variant for Multiple Sclerosis Severity is Associated with Brain Atrophy
Eppink, A. ; Kuhn, M. ; Briesen, H.; Model-based design of stratified packings for enhanced mass transfer using optimal control theory
Berisha, Bajram ; Thaqi, Granit ; Sinowatz, Fred ; Schams, Dieter ; Rodler, Daniela ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; Prostaglandins as local regulators of ovarian physiology in ruminants
Weindl, Christian L. ; Wu, Kexin ; Fajman, Christian E. ; Xu, Zhuijun ; Zheng, Tianle ; Tian, Ting ; Harder, Constantin ; Sochor, Benedikt ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Fässler, Thomas F. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Toluene-Mediated Morphology Tuning of Diblock Copolymer-Templated Porous Si/Ge/K/C Thin Films for Li-Ion Batteries
Del Duca, Fulvia ; Hiendlmeier, Lukas ; Al Fata, Reem ; Al Boustani, George ; Kopic, Inola ; Peng, Hu ; De Chiara, Beatrice ; Nikić, Marta ; Zurita, Francisco ; Teshima, Tetsuhiko ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; Origami-Enabled Stretchable Electrodes Based on Parylene Deposition and 3D Printing
Nagel, Luca ; Gierse, Martin ; Gottwald, Wolfgang ; Ahmadova, Zumrud ; Grashei, Martin ; Wolff, Pascal ; Josten, Felix ; Karaali, Senay ; Müller, Christoph A. ; Lucas, Sebastian ; Scheuer, Jochen ; Müller, Christoph ; Blanchard, John ; Topping, Geoffrey J. ; Wendlinger, Andre ; Setzer, Nadine ; Sühnel, Sandra ; Handwerker, Jonas ; Vassiliou, Christophoros ; van Heijster, Frits H.A. ; Knecht, Stephan ; Keim, Michael ; Schilling, Franz ; Schwartz, Ilai; Parahydrogen-Polarized [1-13C]Pyruvate for Reliable and Fast Preclinical Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Linder, Pia M. ; Lan, Wenhong ; Trautwein, Nils F. ; Brosch-Lenz, Julia ; von Beschwitz, Sebastian ; Kupferschläger, Jürgen ; Reischl, Gerald ; Grözinger, Gerd ; Dittmann, Helmut ; la Fougère, Christian ; Schmidt, Fabian P.; Optimization of Y-90 Radioembolization Imaging for Post-Treatment Dosimetry on a Long Axial Field-of-View PET/CT Scanner
Kolbeck, Lothar ; Kovaleva, Daria ; Manny, Agemar ; Stieler, David ; Rettinger, Martin ; Renz, Robert ; Tošić, Zlata ; Teschemacher, Tobias ; Stindt, Jan ; Forman, Patrick ; Borrmann, André ; Blandini, Lucio ; Stempniewski, Lothar ; Stark, Alexander ; Menges, Achim ; Schlaich, Mike ; Albers, Albert ; Lordick, Daniel ; Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe ; Mark, Peter; Modularisation Strategies for Individualised Precast Construction_Conceptual Fundamentals and Research Directions
Hareesh, Chavana ; Ceretti, Monica ; Papet, Philippe ; Bosak, Alexeï ; Meven, Martin ; Paulus, Werner; Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Layered Ni+1/+2 Oxides Obtained by Topotactic Oxygen Release on Nd2-xSrxNiO4- Single Crystals
Hollstein, Moritz Maximilian ; Schober, Anna ; Treudler, Regina ; Becker, Sven ; Epping, Jelena ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Taube, Christian ; Wagenmann, Martin ; Wedi, Bettina ; Worm, Margitta ; Zink, Alexander ; Buhl, Timo ; Werfel, Thomas ; Traidl, Stephan; Current situation of allergological health care at German hospitals
Balakirski, Galina ; Becker, Sören L. ; Hartmann, Daniela ; Kofler, Lukas ; Kunte, Christian ; Müller, Cornelia S. L. ; Volz, Thomas ; Kendziora, Benjamin ; Schlager, Justin Gabriel ; Löser, Christoph R.; Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in skin surgery - Position paper of the Antibiotic Stewardship working group of the German Society for Dermatologic Surgery (DGDC), Part 2: Special indications and situations
Heidecker, Alexandra A. ; Stasi, Michele ; Spears, Alexander ; Boekhoven, Job ; Pöthig, Alexander; Silver and Gold Pillarplex Pseudorotaxanes from α, -Dicarboxylic Acids
Schmitz-Koep, Benita ; Menegaux, Aurore ; Zimmermann, Juliana ; Thalhammer, Melissa ; Neubauer, Antonia ; Wendt, Jil ; Schinz, David ; Daamen, Marcel ; Boecker, Henning ; Zimmer, Claus ; Priller, Josef ; Wolke, Dieter ; Bartmann, Peter ; Sorg, Christian ; Hedderich, Dennis M.; Altered gray-to-white matter tissue contrast in preterm-born adults
Worm, Margitta ; Fox, Adam T. ; Wickman, Magnus ; Ring, Johannes ; Ebisawa, Motohiro ; Pouessel, Guillaume ; Smith, Pete; Adrenaline auto injectors pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies and potential consequences for clinical practice
Schmidt, Miriam ; Felsche, Elizaveta; The effect of climate change on crop yield anomaly in Europe
Naghshineh, Ali ; Fischer, Oliver ; Pathan, Nasreen B. ; Couch, Logan ; Tehrani, Fariborz M.; Numerical Investigation of the Seismic Performance of an Innovative Type of Buckling-Restrained Brace (BRB)
Stipic, Marija ; Basara, Branislav ; Schmidt, Steffen J. ; Adams, Nikolaus A.; Tabulated Chemistry Combustion Model for Cost-Effective Numerical Simulation of Dual-Fuel Combustion Process
Naqvi, Ali Ammar ; Uddin, Emad ; Khan, Muhammad Zia Ullah; Passive Mixing and Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement for Nanofluid Flow across Corrugated Base Microchannels
Kindlein, Moritz ; Elts, Ekaterina ; Horlacher, Peter ; Briesen, Heiko ; Koch, Tobias; Structuring of 2-oleodipalmitin at the air interface from all-atom, united-atom, and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
Liu, Jin Yu ; Eisner, Teresa ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi ; Rieger, Bernhard; Isolation of a New Silepin with an Imine Ligand Based on Cyclic Alkyl Amino Carbene
Tschernuth, Florian S. ; Bichlmaier, Lukas ; Stigler, Sebastian ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Tuning the Lewis Acidity of Neutral Silanes Using Perfluorinated Aryl- and Alkoxy Substituents
von Heyl, Theresa ; Klinger, Romina ; Aumann, Dorothea ; Zenner, Christian ; Alhussien, Mohanned ; Schlickenrieder, Antonina ; Lengyel, Kamila ; Vikkula, Hanna-Kaisa ; Mittermair, Teresa ; Sid, Hicham ; Schusser, Benjamin; Loss of αβ but not y T cells in chickens causes a severe phenotype
Bayerl, Felix ; Bejarano, David A. ; Bertacchi, Giulia ; Doffin, Anne-Claire ; Gobbini, Elisa ; Hubert, Margaux ; Li, Lijian ; Meiser, Philippa ; Pedde, Anna-Marie ; Posch, Wilfried ; Rupp, Luise ; Schlitzer, Andreas ; Schmitz, Marc ; Schraml, Barbara U. ; Uderhardt, Stefan ; Valladeau-Guilemond, Jenny ; Wilflingseder, Doris ; Zaderer, Viktoria ; Böttcher, Jan P.; Guidelines for visualization and analysis of DC in tissues using multiparameter fluorescence microscopy imaging methods
Hess, Philipp ; Lange, Stefan ; Schötz, Christof ; Boers, Niklas; Deep Learning for Bias-Correcting CMIP6-Class Earth System Models
Zou, Jia-Yun ; Cadotte, Marc W. ; Bässler, Claus ; Brandl, Roland ; Baldrian, Petr ; Borken, Werner ; Stengel, Elisa ; Luo, Ya-Huang ; Müller, Jörg ; Seibold, Sebastian; Wood decomposition is increased by insect diversity, selection effects, and interactions between insects and microbes
Englmeier, Jana ; Rieker, Daniel ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Benjamin, Caryl ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Kellner, Harald ; Lorz, Janina ; Redlich, Sarah ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Stengel, Elisa ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Zhang, Jie ; Müller, Jörg ; Bässler, Claus; Diversity and specialization responses to climate and land use differ between deadwood fungi and bacteria
Baur, Sophie ; Kauffert, Johanna ; Hewison, A. J. Mark ; Reinermann, Sophie ; König, Andreas ; Menzel, Annette ; Peters, Wibke; Spatial scaling in bed-site selection by roe deer fawns: Implications for mitigating neonatal mortality during mowing
Ruggeri, Azzurra ; Stanciu, Oana ; Pelz, Madeline ; Gopnik, Alison ; Schulz, Eric; Preschoolers search longer when there is more information to be gained
Niemann, Anja ; Hillerich, Vivienne ; Wasem, Jürgen ; Dieris-Hirche, Jan ; Bottel, Laura ; Pape, Magdalena ; Herpertz, Stephan ; Timmesfeld, Nina ; Basten, Jale ; te Wildt, Bert Theodor ; Wölfling, Klaus ; Beckers, Rainer ; Henningsen, Peter ; Neusser, Silke ; Neumann, Anja; Health Economic Evaluation of an Online-Based Motivational Program to Reduce Problematic Media Use and Promote Treatment Motivation for Internet Use Disorder_Results of the OMPRIS Study
Höllerer, Dominik ; Kaiser, Peter ; Runer, Armin ; Steiner, Ekkehard ; Koidl, Christian ; Arora, Rohit ; Schneider, Friedemann; Injury Incidence, Outcomes, and Return to Competition Times after Sports-Related Concussions during One Professional Ice Hockey Season: A Prospective Cohort Study
Baroni, Francesca ; Schleip, Robert ; Arcuri, Lorenzo ; Consorti, Giacomo ; D'Alessandro, Giandomenico ; Zegarra-Parodi, Rafael ; Vitali, Anna Maria ; Tramontano, Marco ; Lunghi, Christian; Functional Neuromyofascial Activity: Interprofessional Assessment to Inform Person-Centered Participative Care_An Osteopathic Perspective
Singh, Mrityunjay ; Mahmoodpour, Saeed ; Bär, Kristian ; Sass, Ingo; Heat Extraction in Geothermal Systems with Variable Thermo-Poroelastic Fracture Apertures
Mekonen, Sisay S. ; Boyce, Scott E. ; Mohammed, Abdella K. ; Disse, Markus; Using an Open-Source Tool to Develop a Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework of the Kobo Valley, Ethiopia
Hermle, Doris ; Keuschnig, Markus ; Krautblatter, Michael ; Bickel, Valentin Tertius; Systematic Quantification and Assessment of Digital Image Correlation Performance for Landslide Monitoring
Merlevede, Jonathan ; Johnson, Benjamin ; Grossklags, Jens ; Holvoet, Tom; Generalized Hyperbolic Discounting in Security Games of Timing
Rötzer, Thomas ; Moser-Reischl, Astrid ; Rahman, Mohammad A. ; Pauleit, Stephan; Urban Forest and Urban Microclimate
Nicolas, Sébastien ; Bois, Benjamin ; Billet, Kevin ; Romanet, Rémy ; Bahut, Florian ; Uhl, Jenny ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Gougeon, Régis D.; High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics for Increased Grape Juice Metabolite Coverage
Zhu, Benz Xinqi ; Vrachioli, Maria ; Sauer, Johannes; Regional Employment Impacts of Biorefineries in the EU
Hauk, Markus ; Wilms, Josefine ; Sulzbach, Roman ; Panafidina, Natalia ; Hart-Davis, Michael ; Dahle, Christoph ; Müller, Vitali ; Murböck, Michael ; Flechtner, Frank; Satellite Gravity Field Recovery Using Variance-Covariance Information From Ocean Tide Models
Stumper, Benedikt ; Dhom, Jonas ; Schlosser, Lukas ; Daub, Rüdiger; Experimental Investigation of the Lithium Calendering Process for Direct Contact Prelithiation of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Zhang, Le ; Wirth, Matthias ; Patra, Upayan ; Stroh, Jacob ; Isaakidis, Konstandina ; Rieger, Leonie ; Kossatz, Susanne ; Milanovic, Maja ; Zang, Chuanbing ; Demel, Uta ; Keiten-Schmitz, Jan ; Wagner, Kristina ; Steiger, Katja ; Rad, Roland ; Bassermann, Florian ; Müller, Stefan ; Keller, Ulrich ; Schick, Markus; Actionable loss of SLF2 drives B-cell lymphomagenesis and impairs the DNA damage response
Giroud, Maude ; Kotschi, Stefan ; Kwon, Yun ; Le Thuc, Ophélia ; Hoffmann, Anne ; Gil-Lozano, Manuel ; Karbiener, Michael ; Higareda-Almaraz, Juan Carlos ; Khani, Sajjad ; Tews, Daniel ; Fischer-Posovszky, Pamela ; Sun, Wenfei ; Dong, Hua ; Ghosh, Adhideb ; Wolfrum, Christian ; Wabitsch, Martin ; Virtanen, Kirsi A ; Blüher, Matthias ; Nielsen, Søren ; Zeigerer, Anja ; García-Cáceres, Cristina ; Scheideler, Marcel ; Herzig, Stephan ; Bartelt, Alexander; The obesity-linked human lncRNA AATBC stimulates mitochondrial function in adipocytes
Alfaro, Ana Jimena ; Dittner, Claudia ; Becker, Janina ; Loft, Anne ; Mhamane, Amit ; Maida, Adriano ; Georgiadi, Anastasia ; Tsokanos, Foivos-Filippos ; Klepac, Katarina ; Molocea, Claudia-Eveline ; El-Merahbi, Rabih ; Motzler, Karsten ; Geppert, Julia ; Karikari, Rhoda Anane ; Szendrödi, Julia ; Feuchtinger, Annette ; Hofmann, Susanna ; Karaca, Samir ; Urlaub, Henning ; Berriel Diaz, Mauricio ; Melchior, Frauke ; Herzig, Stephan; Fasting-sensitive SUMO-switch on Prox1 controls hepatic cholesterol metabolism
Tüshaus, Johanna ; Sakhteman, Amirhossein ; Lechner, Severin ; The, Matthew ; Mucha, Eike ; Krisp, Christoph ; Schlegel, Jürgen ; Delbridge, Claire ; Kuster, Bernhard; A region-resolved proteomic map of the human brain enabled by high-throughput proteomics
Andersen, Line Lykke ; Huang, Yiqi ; Urban, Christian ; Oubraham, Lila ; Winheim, Elena ; Stafford, Che ; Nagl, Dennis ; O'Duill, Fionan ; Ebert, Thomas ; Engleitner, Thomas ; Paludan, Søren Riis ; Krug, Anne ; Rad, Roland ; Hornung, Veit ; Pichlmair, Andreas; Systematic P2Y receptor survey identifies P2Y11 as modulator of immune responses and virus replication in macrophages
Strobel, Joachim ; Müller, Hans-Peter ; Ludolph, Albert C. ; Beer, Ambros J. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Kassubek, Jan; New Perspectives in Radiological and Radiopharmaceutical Hybrid Imaging in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Systematic Review
Vivi, Eugenia ; Seeholzer, Lea R. ; Nagumanova, Anastasiia ; Di Benedetto, Barbara; Early Age- and Sex-Dependent Regulation of Astrocyte-Mediated Glutamatergic Synapse Elimination in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex: Establishing an Organotypic Brain Slice Culture Investigating Tool
Siddiqui, Gohar Ali ; Stebani, Julia A. ; Wragg, Darren ; Koutsourelakis, Phaedon-Stelios ; Casini, Angela ; Gagliardi, Alessio; Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Metadynamics for the Elucidation of the Binding Modes and Free Energy Landscape of Drug/Target Interactions: a Case Study
Zhu, Huaiyuan ; Fujimori, Shiori ; Kostenko, Arseni ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Dearomatization of C6 Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Main Group Complexes
Koser, Lilla ; Bach, Thorsten; Total Synthesis of (-)-5-Deoxyenterocin and Attempted Late-Stage Functionalization Reactions
Machner, Alisa; Interaction of layered double hydroxide phases with chloride ions
Haynack, Alexander ; Timothy, Jithender J. ; Kränkel, Thomas ; Gehlen, Christoph ; Thiel, Charlotte; Analyse des Frost-Tausalz-Widerstands zementgebundener Baustoffe mittels 3D-Laserscanning
Krüger, Miriam E. ; Heisig, Anne ; Heinz, Detlef ; Machner, Alisa; Effect of cement composition and the storage conditions on the morphology of ASR products in concrete
Kostic, Viktor ; Haynack, Alexander ; Timothy, Jithender J. ; Kränkel, Thomas; Efficient data generation for the determination of effective oxygen diffusion coefficients of cementitious materials
Behringer, Martin ; Hilbig, Harald ; Helmreich, Brigitte ; Machner, Alisa; Effect of the pH on the interaction of hydrotalcite with dyes from textile wastewater
Schnürer, Luis ; Machner, Alisa; Effects of the Chemical Composition of Synthetic Slags Compared to an Average Blast Furnace Slag
Kleiner, Florian ; Decker, Marco ; Rößler, Christiane ; Hilbig, Harald ; Ludwig, Horst-Michael; LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDX analyses for spatially resolved element detection in cement clinker phases
Vohburger, Andreas ; Gädt, Torben; Influence of Carboxylic Acids on the Nucleation of Cementitious Phases Studied by Titrimetric Methods
Wagner, Thomas ; Gädt, Torben; Rheological Investigation of a Set of PCE Superplasticizers in Cement
Remke, Sebastian ; Sant, Gaurav ; Gädt, Torben; Investigation of a hybrid binder system for large scale 3D printing
Thiedeitz, Mareike ; Crasselt, Claudia ; Xiao, Peng ; Ukrainczyk, Neven ; Schmidt, Wolfram ; Kränkel, Thomas; Multidisciplinary approach for the prediction of cement paste rheological properties: physical analysis, experimental rheology and microstructural modelling
Waltenberger, Maria ; Strick, Christian ; Vogel, Marco M. E. ; Diehl, Christian ; Combs, Stephanie E.; SBRT of Spinal Metastases Using a Simultaneous Integrated Boost Concept in Oligometastatic Cancer Patients Is Safe and Effective
Hofmann, Linda ; Harasymczuk, Malgorzata ; Huber, Diana ; Szczepanski, Miroslaw J. ; Dworacki, Grzegorz ; Whiteside, Theresa L. ; Theodoraki, Marie-Nicole; Arginase-1 in Plasma-Derived Exosomes as Marker of Metastasis in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Nassar, Yomna M. ; Ojara, Francis Williams ; Pérez-Pitarch, Alejandro ; Geiger, Kimberly ; Huisinga, Wilhelm ; Hartung, Niklas ; Michelet, Robin ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Joerger, Markus ; Kloft, Charlotte; C-Reactive Protein as an Early Predictor of Efficacy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Tumor Dynamics-Biomarker Modeling Framework
Mayer, Kristine E. ; Gaa, Jochen ; Wasserer, Sophia ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Persa, Oana-Diana; Whole-Body Imaging for the Primary Staging of Melanomas_A Single-Center Retrospective Study
Iturralde, Kepa ; Das, Samanti ; Srinivasaragavan, Aravind ; Bock, Thomas ; Holst, Christoph; An Automated Prefabricated Facade Layout Definition for Residential Building Renovation
Kerscher, Susanne Regina ; Zipfel, Julian ; Bevot, Andrea ; Sollmann, Nico ; Haas-Lude, Karin ; Tellermann, Jonas ; Schuhmann, Martin Ulrich; Non-Invasive Quantitative Approximation of Intracranial Pressure in Pediatric Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Based on Point-of-Care Ultrasound of the Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter
Dreismickenbecker, Elias ; Zinn, Sebastian ; Romero-Richter, Mara ; Kohlhaas, Madeline ; Fricker, Lukas R. ; Petzel-Witt, Silvana ; Walter, Carmen ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Toennes, Stefan W. ; Anders, Malte; Electroencephalography-Based Effects of Acute Alcohol Intake on the Pain Matrix
Yesilbas, Göktug ; Chou, Chun-Yu ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; A Physical Impedance Model of Lithium Intercalation into Graphite Electrodes for a Coin-Cell Assembly
Fritz-Langhals, Elke; [( 5-CpR)Ge:]+[BArF4]-/O2 - A Sustainable and Efficient Catalytic System for the Hydrosilylation of Selected Olefins
Bernard, Marie ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias ; Völlm, Carina ; Seyda, Miriam ; Fink, Astrid ; Dawal, Britta; A pilot study to develop a participation self-assessment tool for adolescents: The Social Participation Inventory (SPI)
Akhunov, Rustam ; Winchenbach, Rene ; Kolb, Andreas; Evaluation of particle-based smoothed particle hydrodynamics boundary handling approaches in computer animation
Safak, Okan ; Wang, Shenghan ; Mota Reyes, Carmen ; Gürcinar, Ibrahim Halil ; Tokalov, Sergey ; Cevik, Nedim Can ; Görgülü, Kivanc ; Yilmaz, Bengi Su ; Erdogan, Emre ; Ye, Linhan ; Li, Qiaolin ; Sever, Elif Arik ; Özer, Samed ; Süyen, Güldal ; Friess, Helmut ; Ceyhan, Güralp Onur ; Istvanffy, Rouzanna ; Algül, Hana ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Dynamics and cytokinic regulation of immune cell infiltration in genetically engineered mouse models of pancreatic cancer dictate the sensitivity to immunotherapy
Tahedl, Marlene ; Wiltgen, Tun ; Voon, Cui Ci ; Berthele, Achim ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Mühlau, Mark ; Zimmer, Claus ; Wiestler, Benedikt; Benefits of a mosaic approach for assessing cortical atrophy in individual multiple sclerosis patients
Schmidt, Eva-Madeleine ; Smith, Rebecca A. ; Fernández, Andrés ; Emmermann, Birte ; Christensen, Julia F.; Mood induction through imitation of full-body movements with different affective intentions
Göbel, Sven ; Jaén, Karim E. ; Fernandes, Rita P. ; Reiter, Manfred ; Altomonte, Jennifer ; Reichl, Udo ; Genzel, Yvonne; Characterization of a quail suspension cell line for production of a fusogenic oncolytic virus
Müller, Henri ; Deffur, Charlotte ; Schmideder, Stefan ; Barthel, Lars ; Friedrich, Tiaan ; Mirlach, Lukas ; Hammel, Jörg U. ; Meyer, Vera ; Briesen, Heiko; Synchrotron radiation-based microcomputed tomography for three-dimensional growth analysis of Aspergillus niger pellets
Merkel, Manuel ; Noll, Philipp ; Lilge, Lars ; Hausmann, Rudolf ; Henkel, Marius; Design and evaluation of a 3D-printed, lab-scale perfusion bioreactor for novel biotechnological applications
Ko, Jeff C. ; Murillo, Carla ; Weil, Ann B. ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Moore, George E.; Ketamine-Propofol Coadministration for Induction and Infusion Maintenance in Anesthetized Dogs: Effects on Electroencephalography and Antinociception
Boche, Holger ; Böck, Yannik N. ; Mönich, Ullrich J. ; Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Trustworthy Digital Representations of Analog Information_An Application-Guided Analysis of a Fundamental Theoretical Problem in Digital Twinning +
Görl, Johannes ; Lohr, Dieter ; Meinken, Elke ; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen; Co-Composting of Hop Bines and Wood-Based Biochar: Effects on Composting and Plant Growth in Copper-Contaminated Soils
Höhendinger, Martin ; Krieg, Hans-Jürgen ; Dietrich, Reinhard ; Rauscher, Stefan ; Hartung, Christina ; Stumpenhausen, Jörn ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Requirements and Economic Implications of Integrating a PV-Plant-Based Energy System in the Dairy Production Process
Lu, Zhidong ; Hong, Haichao ; Holzapfel, Florian; Multi-Phase Vertical Take-Off and Landing Trajectory Optimization with Feasible Initial Guesses
Choi, Ji Sik ; Yoo, Suhwan ; Koh, Ezra S. ; Aymerich-Armengol, Raquel ; Scheu, Christina ; Fortunato, Guilherme V. ; Lanza, Marcos R. V. ; Hwang, Yun Jeong ; Ledendecker, Marc; Unlocking the Potential of Sub-Nanometer Pd Catalysts for Electrochemical Hydrogen Peroxide Production
Zou, Yuqin ; Bai, Xinyu ; Kahmann, Simon ; Dai, Linjie ; Yuan, Shuai ; Yin, Shanshan ; Heger, Julian E. ; Schwartzkopf, Matthias ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Chen, Chun-Chao ; Zhang, Jianping ; Stranks, Samuel D. ; Friend, Richard H. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; A Practical Approach Toward Highly Reproducible and High-Quality Perovskite Films Based on an Aging Treatment
Patrian, Marta ; Nieddu, Mattia ; Banda-Vázquez, Jesús A. ; Gutierrez-Armayor, David ; González-Gaitano, Gustavo ; Fuenzalida-Werner, Juan Pablo ; Costa, Rubén D.; Genetically Encoded Oligomerization for Protein-Based Lighting Devices
Harder, Philipp ; yisan, Nergishan ; Wang, Chen ; Kohler, Fabian ; Neb, Irina ; Lahm, Harald ; Dreßen, Martina ; Krane, Markus ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Özkale, Berna; A Laser-Driven Microrobot for Thermal Stimulation of Single Cells
Mansi, Salma ; Dummert, Sarah V. ; Topping, Geoffrey J. ; Hussain, Mian Zahid ; Rickert, Carolin ; Mueller, Kilian M. A. ; Kratky, Tim ; Elsner, Martin ; Casini, Angela ; Schilling, Franz ; Fischer, Roland A. ; Lieleg, Oliver ; Mela, Petra; Introducing Metal-Organic Frameworks to Melt Electrowriting: Multifunctional Scaffolds with Controlled Microarchitecture for Tissue Engineering Applications
Kiebala, Derek J. ; Style, Robert ; Vanhecke, Dimitri ; Calvino, Céline ; Weder, Christoph ; Schrettl, Stephen; Sub-Micrometer Mechanochromic Inclusions Enable Strain Sensing in Polymers
Giobbio, Ginevra ; Cavinato, Luca M. ; Fresta, Elisa ; Montrieul, Anaïs ; Umuhire Mahoro, Gilbert ; Lohier, Jean-François ; Renaud, Jean-Luc ; Linares, Mathieu ; Gaillard, Sylvain ; Costa, Rubén D.; Design Rule Hidden from The Eye in S/N-Bridged Ancillary Ligands for Copper(I) Complexes Applied to Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Caicedo-Dávila, Sebastián ; Caprioglio, Pietro ; Lehmann, Frederike ; Levcenco, Sergiu ; Stolterfoht, Martin ; Neher, Dieter ; Kronik, Leeor ; Abou-Ras, Daniel; Effects of Quantum and Dielectric Confinement on the Emission of Cs-Pb-Br Composites
Erhard, Patricia ; Tanjavooru, Vivek Teja ; Hartmann, Christoph ; van den Bosch, Lucas ; Seidel, Alexander ; Volk, Wolfram ; Günther, Daniel; Simulation of Binder Infiltration in Additive Manufacturing of Sand Molds
Garger, Daniel ; Meinel, Martin ; Dietl, Tamina ; Hillig, Christina ; Garzorz-Stark, Natalie ; Eyerich, Kilian ; de Angelis, Martin Hrabě ; Eyerich, Stefanie ; Menden, Michael P.; The impact of the cardiovascular component and somatic mutations on ageing
Lennartz, Philipp ; Thölke, Dennis ; Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali ; Pilz, Mathias ; Lobinger, Dominik ; Messner, Verena ; Zanth, Hannah ; Ainslie, Karen ; Kafshgari, Morteza Hasanzadeh ; Rammes, Gerhard ; Ballmann, Markus ; Schlegel, Martin ; Foulds, Gemma Ann ; Pockley, Alan Graham ; Schmidt-Graf, Friederike ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Biomarkers in Adult-Type Diffuse Gliomas: Elevated Levels of Circulating Vesicular Heat Shock Protein 70 Serve as a Biomarker in Grade 4 Glioblastoma and Increase NK Cell Frequencies in Grade 3 Glioma
Schröder, Lars ; Domroese, Christian M. ; Rupp, Alexander B. A. ; Gihr, Kathrin M. E. ; Niederau, Christoph ; Mallmann, Michael R. ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Clinical Applicability of Tissue Polypeptide Antigen and CA-125 in Gynecological Malignancies
Rogge, Marcel ; Jossen, Andreas; Path-Dependent Ageing of Lithium-ion Batteries and Implications on the Ageing Assessment of Accelerated Ageing Tests
Geist, Juergen ; Thielen, Frankie ; Lavictoire, Louise ; Hoess, Rebecca ; Altmueller, Reinhard ; Baudrimont, Magalie ; Blaize, Christine ; Campos, Miquel ; Carroll, Paul ; Daill, Daniel ; Degelmann, Wolfgang ; Dettmer, Rainer ; Denic, Marco ; Dury, Pierrick ; de Eyto, Elvira ; Grunicke, Felix ; Gumpinger, Clemens ; Jakobsen, Per J. ; Kaldma, Katrin ; Klaas, Kunnar ; Legeay, Alexia ; Mageroy, Jon Hamner ; Moorkens, Evelyn A. ; Motte, Grégory ; Nakamura, Keiko ; Ondina, Paz ; Österling, Martin ; Pichler-Scheder, Christian ; Spisar, Ondřej ; Reis, Joaquim ; Schneider, Lea D. ; Schwarzer, Arno ; Selheim, Heidi ; Soler, Joaquín ; Taskinen, Jouni ; Taylor, John ; Strachan, Ben ; Wengström, Niklas ; Zaj c, Tadeusz; Captive breeding of European freshwater mussels as a conservation tool: A review
Pricoco, Rafael ; Mayer-Huber, Sandra ; Paulick, Johannes ; Benstetter, Franz ; Zeller, Michael ; Keller, Matthias; Impact of a family-centred clinical care programme on short-term outcomes of very low-birth weight infants
Wandelt, Sophia L. ; Mutschke, Alexander ; Khalyavin, Dmitry ; Steinadler, Jennifer ; Karttunen, Antti J. ; Schnick, Wolfgang; Ba12[BN2]6.67H4: A Disordered Anti-Skutterudite filled with Nitridoborate Anions
Illigmann, Astrid ; Vielberg, Marie-Theres ; Lakemeyer, Markus ; Wolf, Felix ; Dema, Taulant ; Stange, Patrik ; Kuttenlochner, Wolfgang ; Liebhart, Elisa ; Kulik, Andreas ; Staudt, Nicole D. ; Malik, Imran ; Grond, Stephanie ; Sieber, Stephan A. ; Kaysser, Leonard ; Groll, Michael ; Brötz-Oesterhelt, Heike; Structure of Staphylococcus aureus ClpP Bound to the Covalent Active-Site Inhibitor Cystargolide A
Wandelt, Sophia L. ; Mutschke, Alexander ; Khalyavin, Dmitry ; Calaminus, Robert ; Steinadler, Jennifer ; Lotsch, Bettina V. ; Schnick, Wolfgang; Combining Nitridoborates, Nitrides and Hydrides_Synthesis and Characterization of the Multianionic Sr6N[BN2]2H3
Großkopf, Johannes ; Bach, Thorsten; Catalytic Photochemical Deracemization via Short-Lived Intermediates
Großkopf, Johannes ; Plaza, Manuel ; Kutta, Roger Jan ; Nuernberger, Patrick ; Bach, Thorsten; Creating a Defined Chirality in Amino Acids and Cyclic Dipeptides by Photochemical Deracemization
Busch, Felix ; Keller, Sarah ; Rueger, Christopher ; Kader, Avan ; Ziegeler, Katharina ; Bressem, Keno K ; Adams, Lisa C; Mapping gender and geographic diversity in artificial intelligence research: Editor representation in leading computer science journals
Weirui Peng, Mengyi Wei, Zhixuan Zhou; Enhancing User Engagement in AI Auditing Through Gamification and Storytelling
Schumann, Felix;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Resource-Driven Process Manipulation: Modeling Concepts and Valid Allocations
Holla, Vijaya; Kopp, Philipp; Grünewald, Jonas; Praegla, Patrick M; Meier, Christoph; Wudy, Katrin; Kollmannsberger, Stefan; Laser beam shape optimization: Exploring alternative profiles to Gaussian-shaped laser beams in powder bed fusion of metals
Wittmann, Jonas;Laile, Mathias;Rainer, Johannes;Fottner, Johannes;Rixen, Daniel; Mobile Preassembly Systems with Cooperative Dual-Arm Manipulation - A Concept for Industrial Applications in the Near Future
Bernecker-Castro, C.; Timmermann, J.; Mecinaj, D.; Witzmann, R.; Lechner, T.; Seifried, S.; Finkel, M.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Herrmann, S.; Methodology for identification of controller parameters of a diesel generator in islanded grid operation
Sapena, Marta ; Gamperl, Moritz ; Kühnl, Marlene ; Garcia-Londoño, Carolina ; Singer, John ; Taubenböck, Hannes; Cost estimation for the monitoring instrumentation of landslide early warning systems
Stulic, Lukrecia ; Timmermann, Ralph ; Paul, Stephan ; Zentek, Rolf ; Heinemann, Günther ; Kanzow, Torsten; Southern Weddell Sea surface freshwater flux modulated by icescape and atmospheric forcing
Mitsui, Takahito ; Willeit, Matteo ; Boers, Niklas; Synchronization phenomena observed in glacial-interglacial cycles simulated in an Earth system model of intermediate complexity
Halilovic, Smajil ; Böttcher, Fabian ; Zosseder, Kai ; Hamacher, Thomas; Optimization approaches for the design and operation of open-loop shallow geothermal systems
Kurz, Vera ; Fuenfer, Manuel ; Pfeiffer, Florian ; Biebl, Erwin; MmWave scattering properties of roads on rough asphalt and concrete surfaces
Gürer, Ufuk ; Usslar, Felicitas von ; Zollfrank, Cordt ; Lieleg, Oliver; Engineering a Macroscopic Adhesion System Inspired by Mucilaginous Seeds
Schulze, Clarissa ; Hädrich, Maurice ; Borger, Jennifer ; Rühmann, Broder ; Döring, Manuel ; Sieber, Volker ; Thoma, Felix ; Blombach, Bastian; Investigation of exopolysaccharide formation and its impact on anaerobic succinate production with Vibrio natriegens
Rahide, Fatemehsadat ; Palanisamy, Krishnaveni ; Flowers, Jackson K. ; Hao, Junjie ; Stein, Helge S. ; Kranz, Christine ; Ehrenberg, Helmut ; Dsoke, Sonia; Modification of Al Surface via Acidic Treatment and its Impact on Plating and Stripping
Coburger, Peter; Redox-chemistry of Pyramidanes: A DFT Study
Busch, Felix ; Hoffmann, Lena ; Truhn, Daniel ; Palaian, Subish ; Alomar, Muaed ; Shpati, Kleva ; Makowski, Marcus Richard ; Bressem, Keno Kyrill ; Adams, Lisa Christine; International pharmacy students' perceptions towards artificial intelligence in medicine_A multinational, multicentre cross-sectional study
Bergner, John ; Borstelmann, Jan ; Cavinato, Luca M. ; Fuenzalida-Werner, Juan Pablo ; Walla, Christian ; Hinrichs, Heike ; Schulze, Philipp ; Rominger, Frank ; Costa, Rubén D. ; Dreuw, Andreas ; Kivala, Milan; A Conformationally Stable -Expanded X-Type Double Helicene Comprising Dihydropyracylene Units with Multistage Redox Behavior
Feuerstein, Anna ; Schoenrath, Felix ; Belyavskiy, Evgeny ; Knierim, Jan ; Friede, Tim ; Placzek, Marius ; Bach, Doris ; Pieske-Kraigher, Elisabeth ; Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph ; Westenfeld, Ralf ; Roden, Michael ; Rybczynski, Meike ; Verheyen, Nicolas ; Dörr, Marcus ; von Haehling, Stephan ; Störk, Stefan ; Halle, Martin ; Falk, Volkmar ; Pieske, Burkert ; Edelmann, Frank; Supervised exercise training in patients with advanced heart failure and left ventricular assist device: A multicentre randomized controlled trial (Ex-VAD trial)
Bayode, Ajibola A. ; Badamasi, Hamza ; Olusola, Johnson Adedeji ; Durodola, Solomon S. ; Akeremale, Olaniran K. ; Ore, Odunayo T. ; Helmreich, Brigitte ; Omorogie, Martins O.; One-Pot Synthesis of ZnO-Activated Eggshell@kaolinite: Sorbents for Phosphate Capture in Water
Marek, David ; Eberl, Daniel ; Otba, Khaled ; Walter, Ruth ; Kortekamp, Andreas ; Schwab, Wilfried ; Niessen, Ludwig; Detection of Esca-associated fungi in grapevine trunks using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays
Gebrekidan, Semere B. ; Marburg, Steffen; Frequency-independent Sound Absorbing Metamaterials
Tian, Ting ; Tu, Suo ; Xu, Ang ; Yin, Shanshan ; Oechsle, Anna Lena ; Xiao, Tianxiao ; Vagias, Apostolos ; Eichhorn, Johanna ; Suo, Jinping ; Yang, Zhangcan ; Bernstorff, Sigrid ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Unraveling the Morphology-Function Correlation of Mesoporous ZnO Films upon Water Exposure
Dong, Xingchen ; Li, Hongwei ; Wang, Kun ; Menze, Bjoern ; Jakobi, Martin ; Yetisen, Ali K. ; Koch, Alexander W.; Multispectral Microscopic Multiplexed (3m) Imaging of Atomically-Thin Crystals Using Deep Learning
Yao, Tongyan ; Bucka, Franziska ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Knief, Claudia; Organic matter type and soil texture shape prokaryotic communities during early-stage soil structure formation
Haghi, Sajedeh ; Keilhofer, Josef ; Schwarz, Nico ; He, Pengdan ; Daub, Rüdiger; Efficient Analysis of Interdependencies in Electrode Manufacturing Through Joint Application of Design of Experiments and Explainable Machine Learning
Peters, Arne ; Knoll, Alois C.; Robot self-calibration using actuated 3D sensors
Teshima, Mariko ; Sutiono, Samuel ; Döring, Manuel ; Beer, Barbara ; Boden, Mikael ; Schenk, Gerhard ; Sieber, Volker; Development of a Highly Selective NAD+-Dependent Glyceraldehyde Dehydrogenase and its Application in Minimal Cell-Free Enzyme Cascades
Sakai, Yoshiyuki ; Manhart, Michael; Direct numerical simulation of the distribution of floating microplastic particles in an open channel flow
Schreitmüller, Tobias ; Jeong, Hyowon W. ; Esmaielpour, Hamidreza ; Mead, Christopher E. ; Ramsteiner, Manfred ; Schmiedeke, Paul ; Thurn, Andreas ; Ajay, Akhil ; Matich, Sonja ; Döblinger, Markus ; Lauhon, Lincoln J. ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Koblmüller, Gregor; Large Tolerance of Lasing Properties to Impurity Defects in GaAs(Sb)-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowire Lasers
Maroschek, Michael ; Seidl, Rupert ; Poschlod, Benjamin ; Senf, Cornelius; Quantifying patch size distributions of forest disturbances in protected areas across the European Alps
Amelung, Wulf ; Tang, Ni ; Siebers, Nina ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Eusterhues, Karin ; Felde, Vincent J. M. N. L. ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Kaiser, Klaus ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Knief, Claudia ; Kruse, Jens ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mikutta, Robert ; Peth, Stephan ; Ray, Nadja ; Prechtel, Alexander ; Ritschel, Thomas ; Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Woche, Susanne K. ; Wu, Bei ; Totsche, Kai U.; Architecture of soil microaggregates: Advanced methodologies to explore properties and functions
Werfel, Thomas ; Heratizadeh, Annice ; Aberer, Werner ; Augustin, Matthias ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Bauer, Andrea ; Fölster-Holst, Regina ; Kahle, Julia ; Kinberger, Maria ; Nemat, Katja ; Neustädter, Irena ; Peters, Eva ; von Kiedrowski, Ralph ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter ; Schmitt, Jochen ; Schwennesen, Thomas ; Simon, Dagmar ; Spindler, Thomas ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Werner, Ricardo Niklas ; Wollenberg, Andreas ; Worm, Margitta ; Ott, Hagen; S3 guideline Atopic dermatitis: Part 2 - Systemic treatment
Geitner, Carolin M. ; Köglmeier, Lea J. ; Frerichs, Inéz ; Langguth, Patrick ; Lindner, Matthias ; Schädler, Dirk ; Weiler, Norbert ; Becher, Tobias ; Wall, Wolfgang A.; Pressure- and time-dependent alveolar recruitment/derecruitment in a spatially resolved patient-specific computational model for injured human lungs
Lewinski, Martin ; Steffen, Alexander ; Kachariya, Nitin ; Elgner, Mareike ; Schmal, Christoph ; Messini, Niki ; Köster, Tino ; Reichel, Marlene ; Sattler, Michael ; Zarnack, Kathi ; Staiger, Dorothee; Arabidopsis thaliana GLYCINE RICH RNA-BINDING PROTEIN 7 interaction with its iCLIP target LHCB1.1 correlates with changes in RNA stability and circadian oscillation
Christis, Maximilian ; Henning, Alex ; Bartl, Johannes D. ; Zeidler, Andreas ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Stutzmann, Martin ; Sharp, Ian D.; Annealing-Free Ohmic Contacts to n-Type GaN via Hydrogen Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition of Sub-Nanometer AlOx
Pradel, Franziska ; Sattler, Sebastian; Health consequences of a death threat: How terrorist attacks impact drinking
Wiala, A. ; Ranjan, R. ; Schnidar, H. ; Rappersberger, K. ; Posch, C.; Automated classification of hidradenitis suppurativa disease severity by convolutional neural network analyses using calibrated clinical images
Willeit, Nicole S. ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Coburger, Peter ; Fritz-Langhals, Elke ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Functionalised [Ge9Ni] Clusters as Homogeneous Single-Site Catalysts for Olefin Isomerisation Reactions
Sutiono, Samuel ; Melse, Okke ; Döring, Manuel ; Lommes, Petra ; Sieber, Volker; Integrating Chemocatalysis and Enzyme Engineering for Coproduction of Bioplastic Precursors Butanediol and Succinic Acid from Xylose
Reus, Manuel A. ; Krifa, Ahmed ; Akkerman, Quinten A. ; Biewald, Alexander ; Xu, Zehua ; Kosbahn, David P. ; Weindl, Christian L. ; Feldmann, Jochen ; Hartschuh, Achim ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Layer-By-Layer Printed Metal Hybrid (Cs:FA)PbI3 Perovskite Nanocrystal Solar Cells
Wagner, Laura I. ; Sirotti, Elise ; Brune, Oliver ; Grötzner, Gabriel ; Eichhorn, Johanna ; Santra, Saswati ; Munnik, Frans ; Olivi, Luca ; Pollastri, Simone ; Streibel, Verena ; Sharp, Ian D.; Defect Engineering of Ta3N5 Photoanodes: Enhancing Charge Transport and Photoconversion Efficiencies via Ti Doping
Göttlein, Axel; Derivation of threshold values for the sulfur nutritional status of European silver fir from a cumulative concentration distribution
Brocks, Claudia ; Das, Chandan K. ; Duan, Jifu ; Yadav, Shanika ; Apfel, Ulf-Peter ; Ghosh, Subhasri ; Hofmann, Eckhard ; Winkler, Martin ; Engelbrecht, Vera ; Schäfer, Lars V. ; Happe, Thomas; A Dynamic Water Channel Affects O2 Stability in [FeFe]-Hydrogenases
Guo, Renjun ; Xiong, Qiu ; Ulatowski, Aleksander ; Li, Saisai ; Ding, Zijin ; Xiao, Tianxiao ; Liang, Suzhe ; Heger, Julian E. ; Guan, Tianfu ; Jiang, Xinyu ; Sun, Kun ; Reb, Lennart K. ; Reus, Manuel A. ; Chumakov, Andrei ; Schwartzkopf, Matthias ; Yuan, Minjian ; Hou, Yi ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Herz, Laura M. ; Gao, Peng ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Trace Water in Lead Iodide Affecting Perovskite Crystal Nucleation Limits the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
Novella-Fernandez, Roberto ; Chalmandrier, Loïc ; Brandl, Roland ; Pinkert, Stefan ; Zeuss, Dirk ; Hof, Christian; Trait overdispersion in dragonflies reveals the role and drivers of competition in community assembly across space and season
Chesnyak, Valeria ; Cuxart, Marc G. ; Baranowski, Daniel ; Seufert, Knud ; Cojocariu, Iulia ; Jugovac, Matteo ; Feyer, Vitaliy ; Auwärter, Willi; Stripe-Like hBN Monolayer Template for Self-Assembly and Alignment of Pentacene Molecules
Kleybolte, Magdalena M. ; Winnacker, Malte; From Forest to Future: Synthesis of Sustainable High Molecular Weight Polyamides Using and Investigating the AROP of β-Pinene Lactam
Preißner, Stephanie ; Raasch, Christina ; Schweisfurth, Tim; When necessity is the mother of disruption: Users versus producers as sources of disruptive innovation
Stadlbauer, Anna ; Eyre, Lissa ; Biewald, Alexander ; Rauh, Felix ; Heindl, Markus W. ; Liu, Shangpu ; Zerhoch, Jonathan ; Feldmann, Sascha ; Hartschuh, Achim ; Deschler, Felix; Photoexcitation Control of Excitation Relaxation in Mixed-Phase Ruddlesden-Popper Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Lead-Iodide Perovskites
Ouni, Meriem ; Kovac, Leona ; Gancheva, Sofiya ; Jähnert, Markus ; Zuljan, Erika ; Gottmann, Pascal ; Kahl, Sabine ; de Angelis, Martin Hrab ; Roden, Michael ; Schürmann, Annette; Novel markers and networks related to restored skeletal muscle transcriptome after bariatric surgery
Azampour, Mohammad Farid ; Tirindelli, Maria ; Lameski, Jane ; Gafencu, Miruna ; Tagliabue, Eleonora ; Fatemizadeh, Emad ; Hacihaliloglu, Ilker ; Navab, Nassir; Anatomy-aware computed tomography-to-ultrasound spine registration
Preis, Sarah ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Zink, Alexander; Plaques muqueuses fauchées_Oval patches of the tongue during secondary syphilis
Koch, Max ; Paper, Michael ; Brück, Thomas B. ; Nilges, Tom; Rare earth element stripping from kaolin sands via mild acid treatment
Knochel, Kathrin ; Schmolke, Eva-Maria ; Meier, Lukas ; Buyx, Alena; Translating theories of justice into a practice model for triage of scarce intensive care resources during a pandemic
Bucka, Franziska B. ; Felde, Vincent J. M. N. L. ; Peth, Stephan ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid; Complementary effects of sorption and biochemical processing of dissolved organic matter for emerging structure formation controlled by soil texture
Weiss, Tobias ; Baklanov, Aleksandr ; Michelitsch, Georg S. ; Reuter, Karsten ; Schwarz, Martin ; Garnica, Manuela ; Auwärter, Willi; Adsorption, Single-Molecule Manipulation, and Self-Assembly of Borazine on Ag(111)
Wagner, Philipp ; Langer, Patrick ; Mäder, Marcus ; Marburg, Steffen; Experimental and simulation-based modeling of a vehicle seat
Wollek, Alessandro ; Willem, Theresa ; Ingrisch, Michael ; Sabel, Bastian ; Lasser, Tobias; Out-of-distribution detection with in-distribution voting using the medical example of chest x-ray classification
Höhler, Chiara ; Trigili, Emilio ; Astarita, Davide ; Hermsdörfer, Joachim ; Jahn, Klaus ; Krewer, Carmen; The efficacy of hybrid neuroprostheses in the rehabilitation of upper limb impairment after stroke, a narrative and systematic review with a meta-analysis
Groll, Lisa ; Kelly, John A. ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Reactivity of NHI-Stabilized Heavier Tetrylenes towards CO2 and N2O
Blikstein, P., Davis, R., Rosenbaum, L. F., Zheng, Y., Bender, S., Halverson, E., Keune, A., Martin, L., Peppler, K., Murphy, C. T., Vossoughi, S., Worsley, M. A., Yankova, N., & Hooper, P.; The Future of Maker Education
Keune, A.; Sewing and weaving data: Analyzing fiber crafts as context for performing data processing and storing
Hurtado, Santiago;Keune, Anna; Expanding the ‘Personally Meaningful’: Engaging in Sound Making to Support Engineering Practices
Keune, A., Thompson, N., Cain, R., Kargin, T., Mawasi, A. & Dahn, M.; Navigating the “In-Between”: Making a Place for Early Career Scholars to Share and Connect Across Borders
Kutsch, Alexander; Loder, Allister; Tilg, Gabriel; Bogenberger, Klaus; Extended Urban Traffic State Estimation using Different Sensor Strategies
Hekimoglu, Aral;Friedrich, Philipp;Zimmer, Walter;Schmidt, Michael;Marcos-Ramiro, Alvaro;Knoll, Alois; Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; MobilityCoins - an integrated multimodal Wardropian model for policy analysis
Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; MobilityCoin system design- modelling challenges and opportunities
Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Adenaw, Lennart; Bogenberger, Klaus; The 9 Euro Ticket: A Nation-Wide Experiment: Almost Fare-Free Public Transport for 3 Months in Germany: First Findings
Servatius, Phillip; Loder, Allister; Klaus, Bogenberger; MobilityCoins: Tradable Credit Scheme in Transport Project Appraisal
Genssler, Paul R.;Thomann, Simon;Amrouch, Hussam; Tutorial: The Synergy of Hyperdimensional and In-memory Computing
Drewniok, Jan;Walter, Marcel;Wille, Robert; Minimal Design of SiDB Gates: An Optimal Basis for Circuits Based on Silicon Dangling Bonds
Walter, Marcel;Drewniok, Jan;Ng, Samuel Sze Hang;Walus, Konrad;Wille, Robert; Reducing the Complexity of Operational Domain Computation in Silicon Dangling Bond Logic
Hofmann, Simon Toni;Walter, Marcel;Wille, Robert; Post-Layout Optimization for Field-coupled Nanotechnologies
Linhuber, Matthias;Bernius, Jan Philip;Krusche, Stephan; Constructive Alignment in Modern Computing Education: An Open-Source Computer-Based Examination System
Arab, Issar; EPSAPG: A Pipeline Combining MMseqs2 and PSI-BLAST to Quickly Generate Extensive Protein Sequence Alignment Profiles
Teschemacher, Tobias Christoph; CAD-integrated constitutive modelling, analysis, and design of masonry structures
Ehlers, Nico; Theilig, Kathrin; Lang, Werner; Life cycle-based comparison of office buildings in timber and concrete construction with special consideration of thermal masses using building simulation
Irrgang, L., Schifflechner, C., Spliethoff, H.; Kälteerzeugung aus Tiefengeothermie – Absorptionstechnologien im Überblick
Blankenhagen, Jakob; Diller, Johannes; Siebert, Dorina; Radlbeck, Christina; Mensinger, Martin; Cyclic plastic material behavior of novel high manganese austenitic stainless steel Printdur® HSA additively manufactured by PBF-LB/M
S. Martins, Tiago;Trainotti, Francesco;Zwölfer, Andreas;Afonso, Frederico; A Python Implementation of a Robust Multi-Harmonic Balance With Numerical Continuation and Automatic Differentiation for Structural Dynamics
Schober, Anna Katharina ; Hollstein, Moritz Maximilian ; Treudler, Regina ; Becker, Sven ; Epping, Jelena ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Taube, Christian ; Wagenmann, Martin ; Wedi, Bettina ; Worm, Margitta ; Zink, Alexander ; Buhl, Timo ; Werfel, Thomas ; Traidl, Stephan; Limited Reimbursement and Underuse of Digital Healthcare Concepts Are Major Barriers to Clinical Allergological Care in Germany
Weihrauch-Blüher, Susann ; Huizinga, Oliver ; Joisten, Christine ; Pflanz, Juliane ; Torbahn, Gabriel ; Wiegand, Susanna ; Holzapfel, Christina ; Hauner, Hans; Changes in Lifestyle and Body Weight in Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Representative Survey of Parents in Germany
Patelis, Nikolaos ; Matheiken, Sean ; Bisdas, Theodosios ; Jing, Zaiping ; Feng, Jiaxuan ; Trenner, Matthias ; Ocke Reis, Paulo Eduardo ; Elkouri, Stephane ; Lecis, Alexandre ; Le Roux, Dirk ; Ionac, Mihai ; Berczeli, Marton ; Jongkind, Vincent ; Yeung, Kak Khee ; Katsargyris, Athanasios ; Avgerinos, Efthymios ; Moris, Dimitrios ; Choong, Andrew ; Ng, Jun Jie ; Cvjetko, Ivan ; Antoniou, George A. ; Ghibu, Phillipe ; Svetlikov, Alexei ; Ebben, Harm P. ; Stepak, Hubert ; Kostiv, Sviatoslav ; Ancetti, Stefano ; Tadayon, Niki ; Fidalgo-Domingos, Liliana ; Sarutte Rosello, Eduardo Sebastian ; Isik, Arda ; Kakavia, Kyriaki ; Georgopoulos, Sotirios; Vascular e-Learning in the MENA Region during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Grueneisen, Sebastian ; Török, Georgina ; Wathiyage Don, Anushari ; Ruggeri, Azzurra; Young children's adaptive partner choice in cooperation and competition contexts
Kakoulidou, Ioanna ; Johannes, Frank; DNA methylation remodeling in F1 hybrids
Christopher Schifflechner; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut; Spliethoff; Martin O. Saar; CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) Systems for Combined Heat and Power: Opportunities and Challenges
Magnus Windfeldt; Han Deng; Trond Andresen; Christopher Schifflechner; Basic design of an ORC demonstrator system for implementation in an Iron & Steel plant through the DECAGONE project
Christopher Schifflechner; Jasper de Reus; Hartmut Spliethoff; Martin O. Saar; Sebastian Schuster; Dieter Brillert; The potential of CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG) Systems for CO2 component manufacturers: opportunities and development needs
Uruena Palomo, Manuel; Dark Energy from Cosmological Energy Conservation
Zhang, Sihua;Zhai, Di-Hua;Xiong, Yuhan;Lin, Juncheng;Xia, Yuanqing; Safety-critical control for robotic systems with uncertain model via control barrier function
Bertrand, Yannis;Van den Abbeele, Bram;Veneruso, Silvestro;Leotta, Francesco;Mecella, Massimo;Serral, Estefanía; A survey on the application of process discovery techniques to smart spaces data