Robot task planning is an inherently challenging problem, as it covers both continuous-space geometric reasoning about robot motion and perception, as well as purely symbolic knowledge about actions and objects. This paper presents a novel "knowledge of volumes" framework for solving generic robot tasks in partially known environments. In particular, this approach (abbreviated, KVP) combines the power of symbolic, knowledge-level AI planning with the efficient computation of volumes, which serve as an intermediate representation for both robot action and perception. While we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in a bimanual robot bartender scenario, our approach is also more generally applicable to tasks in automation and mobile manipulation, involving arbitrary numbers of manipulators.
Robot task planning is an inherently challenging problem, as it covers both continuous-space geometric reasoning about robot motion and perception, as well as purely symbolic knowledge about actions and objects. This paper presents a novel "knowledge of volumes" framework for solving generic robot tasks in partially known environments. In particular, this approach (abbreviated, KVP) combines the power of symbolic, knowledge-level AI planning with the efficient computation of volumes, which serve...