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Berglar, Sophie Theresa Maria; Diagnostische Genauigkeit der Dual-Source Computertomographie in der Detektion von Thromben im linken Herzohr vor Katheterablation von Vorhofflimmern
Doney, R.A., Klüppelberg, C., and Maller, R.A.; Passage time and fluctuation calculations for subexponential Lévy processes
Rückstieß, Thomas Frank; Reinforcement Learning in Supervised Problem Domains
Deinbeck, Kristin Anna; Retrospektive Analyse - Strahlentherapie bei Marginalzonenlymphomen
Hassenpflug, Jörg Martin; Zirkulierender Tissue Faktor und Mikropartikel bei Patienten mit akuter venöser Thrombose
Bareis, Alexa; Behandlung von Bewegungseinschränkungen im Bereich der Halswirbelsäule mit der Strain-Counterstrain-Methode
Sailer, David Raphael Anton; Nebenwirkungen und Komplikationen der Propofolsedierung bei der endoskopischen Koloskopie
Criens, D.; Glau, K.; Grbac, Z.; Martingale Property of Exponential Semimartingales: A Note on Explicit Conditions and Applications to Financial Models
Schmidbauer, Manuela; Untersuchung des Wachstumsverhaltens von Hyalozyten und RPE-Zellen auf verschiedenen Biomatrices zur Entwicklung zellbasierter Glaskörperimplantate
Oswald, Alexander; Automatisierter Entwurf und Optimierung elektrischer Linearmaschinen
Schnittfeld, Till; Polypharmakotherapie und das QTc-Intervall im klinisch-psychiatrischen Alltag
Sadikovic, Suwad; Mikroembolisignale bei Patienten mit ischämischem Schlaganfall oder TIA
Aschenbrenner, Ina Maria; Multizentrische prospektiv-randomisierte Studie zur Versorgung kniegelenksnaher Frakturen mittels mono-/ polyaxialer winkelstabiler Plattensysteme (LISS- vs. NCB®-DF/PT)
Fetzer, Bettina Irmgard Irene; Vergleich des Outcomes einer stationären Rehabilitation bei Z.n. Rotatorenmanschetten-Rekonstruktion mit dem Outcome nach ambulanter Rehabilitation
Rippel, Eva Katharina; Apoptoseinduktion und Proliferationshemmung von Hepatomazelllinien mittels Antihypertensiva
Chong, C.; Lévy-driven Volterra equations in space and time
Ducheine, Abigail Ruth; Auswirkungen des schulbasierten Präventionsprogramms "JuvenTUM Stufe 3" auf Anthropometrie, Lipidprofil und körperliche Aktivität von Haupt- und Realschülern.
Müller, Stephan; Das optimale Bedienelement und der optimale Bedienort für eine Nutzerfunktion
Kempf, Lisa Katharina; Nicht-invasive Elektrocochleographie mit einer Tympanon-Spiralfeder-Elektrode zum intraoperativen Monitoring der Hörfunktion
Lutsch, Christina; Methylierungsanalysen des BRCA1-Gens beim tripel-negativen Mammakarzinom
Beintner, Madita; Dexamethason-stimulierte FKBP5-Genexpression und ACTH- und Cortisolsuppression im Zeitverlauf
Drecoll, Enken Maren Susanna; Präklinische Untersuchungen zur Radiopeptidtherapie der Peritonealkarzinose mit Alpha-Strahlern
Can, Önay; Functional Adaptation with Hyperkinematics using Natural Element Method: Application for Articular Cartilage
Miller, Isabella Viktoria; Evaluation of potential biomarkers for Ewing´s sarcoma as cargo of tumor derived exosomes
Kley, O., Klüppelberg, C., and Reinert G.; Risk in a large claims insurance market with bipartite graph structure
Steinlechner, Eva-Maria; Etablierung eines submaximalen Belastungstests in der kardialen Kernspintomographie
Tavakkoli, Timon-Amir; Importance of Hemodynamic Right and Left Ventricular Parameters and CPET-Data in Fallot-Patients and Patients with Fallot-like Pathologies
Pfeufer, Daniel Alfred; Die Beurteilbarkeit von Freezing of gait im Tagesverlauf bei Patienten mit fluktuierender Parkinsonerkrankung
Holwein, Christian; Funktionelle Ergebnisse nach transphysealer Rekonstruktion des Vorderen Kreuzbandes bei Patienten mit offenen Wachstumsfugen
Widmann, Eric Thomas; Herzrhythmusstörungen bei Kindern nach Stromunfall im Niederspannungsbereich
Heitmann, Henrik B.; Der Einfluss von akuter Phenylalanin und Tyrosin Depletion auf die Wahrnehmung und zerebrale Verarbeitung von Schmerz
Kavaldjieva, Galina; Langzeitergebnisse und Patientenzufriedenheit bei der kontinuierlichen subkutanen Apomorphin-Infusionstherapie (csAI) - katamnestische Erhebung von Patienten mit Parkinson
Hovorka, Sonja Christina; Perzeption und Produktion von Gesten bei Apraxie
Wilkesmann, Rainer; Prädiktive Faktoren für Gesundheitszustand, Lebensqualität und Funktion bei Hüft- und Kniegelenksoperationen
Janssen, Matthias Hubert; Ursachen und Risikofaktoren akuter Angioödeme der oberen Atem-Schluckstraße
Sonnenfeld, Stefan Philipp Jan; Plastizität zerebraler Netzwerke gesunder Probanden im Rahmen von Habituation durch repetitive Schmerzreizung und Netzwerkveränderung bei Schmerzpatienten – eine fMRT- Studie
Thaler, Christoph; Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von persistierendem Foramen ovale, APC-Resistenz und Schlaganfallrisiko anhand des 10-Jahres-Follow-Up von 970 neurologischen Patienten
Hubbuch, Elisabeth Mara; Retrospektive Analyse zweier Konditionierungsprotokolle zur allogenen Stammzelltransplantation
Haug, Alexander Tobias; Der Effekt von Insulin auf primäre humane Osteoblasten in vitro
Weber, Philip; Diagnostische Sicherheit präoperativer Untersuchungen bei Patienten mit Prostatakarzinom im Vergleich zum histologischen Befund bei radikaler Prostatektomie
Preuß, Caroline Ines; Prognostische Faktoren beim metastasierten Mammakarzinom
Böhler, Christoph; Rheumatoid arthritis: the influence of disease activity on clinical and serological parameters
Huber, Gabriel Johannes; Veränderte frontocerebelläre Konnektivität bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie: eine funktionelle Ruhe-Magnetresonanztomographie Studie
Cichosz, Jörg; Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling of the Mechanical Response for Biaxial Braided Composites
Windisch, Thomas Werner; Ergebnisse für den Beweis einer Sirolimus-Resistenz in der Behandlung von In-Stent Restenosen
Zimmermann, Christiane Charlotte; Vergleich des postoperativen Ergebnisses nach Implantation von Knieprothesen in Abhängigkeit von Injektion mit Adrenalin und Schmerzmitteln am Operationsende – Eine Patientenbeobachtung zur Veränderung von Behandlungspfaden
Kagerer, Markus; Mikrofertigung und Mikromontage zur Herstellung eines individuellen piezoelektrisch betriebenen Mikrotropfenerzeugers
Pasquariello V., Hammerl G., Örley F., Hickel S., Danowski C., Popp A., Wall W.A., Adams N.A.; A cut-cell Finite Volume – Finite Element coupling approach for fluid-structure interaction in compressible flow
Kronbichler, M.; Schoeder, S.; Müller, C.; Wall, W.A.; Comparison of implicit and explicit hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods for the acoustic wave equation
Schmidt, Georg Philipp; Therapie und Prognose des Vulvakarzinoms an der Frauenklinik des Klinikums rechts der Isar
Feichtinger, Pia Stephanie Inés; Analyse von prothrombotischen Risikofaktoren bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose und Pfortaderthrombose
Mehnert, Laura Franziska Dorothee Olga; Systematische Übersicht zur Effektivität von medikamentösen Behandlungen bei der Alzheimer-Demenz
Buchberger, Anna Maria Stefanie; The Behavior of Bovine Articular Chondrocytes of distinct topographical Knee Joint Regions in Monolayer - and mechanically stimulated 3-D Culture
Schmidmeier, Michael; Zur Ermüdungssicherheit vollverschlossener Seile unter Biegung
Mösenlechner, Lorenz; The Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine
Nowack, Marisa Claudia Michelle; Kontinuierliche intravenöse Verabreichung von Vancomycin bei Patienten der Intensivtherapiestation
Schneider, Jan; Inzidenz, Prävalenz und Prognose des akuten Nierenversagens in Abhängigkeit von seiner Definition nach AKIN und RIFLE bei Patienten auf einer internistischen Intensivstation
Noé, Jonas Gottfried; FMRT-Untersuchung funktioneller Konnektivität in Form von Ruhenetzwerken bei Patienten mit Embouchure Dystonie
Knop, Lisanne; SLC6A15 als Biomarker für depressive Störungen und seine Auswirkungen auf den Stresshormonhaushalt
Mayer, Judith Helena; In vivo Langzeitstudie zur vaskulären Integration an in vitro vorkultivierten, tissue engineerten Präadipozyten im Polyurethangerüst
Mühlbayer (geb. Birzele), Jan Philipp; Das metabolische Syndrom und seine Parameter bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Becker- von Rose, Carl Joschka Moritz Aaron; Validierung prognostisch wichtiger Marker beim Ovarialkarzinom
Jäger, Clemens; Therapeutic vaccination using MVA-vectors in a murine model of chronic HBV infection
Ille, Sebastian; Refining language mapping by repetitive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with left-sided perisylvian brain lesions
Göttesdorfer, Ingmar-Ernst; Identifizierung transkriptionell aktivierter humaner endogener Retroviren (HERVs) in Tumorerkrankungen
Canti, Robert; Analyse für eine belastungsgerechte Auslegung von Presswerkzeugen am Beispiel Niederhalter und Schiebersystem
Barchfeld, Verena; Charakterisierung einer perizytären Zellpopulation im Pankreas und in der Pankreatitis
Schulz, Linus Andreas; On the Dry Reforming of Methane at Elevated Pressures
Brandl, Felix; Intrinsische funktionelle Konnektivität zerebraler Netzwerke bei rezidivierender Depression
Hackl, Marianne; The Role of Cathepsin K in Hematopoiesis
Schild, Sebastian Benjamin; Validierung der deutschen Version der regionalen Schmerzskala zur Diagnose des Fibromyalgiesyndroms
Best, Johanna; Einfluss der Dexamethason-Plasmakonzentration auf die Aktivität der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse bei Patienten mit Depression
Hoser, Charlotte; Effekte der Entspannungstherapie Progressive Muskelrelaxation auf die Lebensqualität von Patienten mit Hauterkrankungen aus dem atopischen Formenkreis
Kley, O. and Klüppelberg, C.; Bounds for randomly shared risk of heavy-tailed loss factors
Merkl, Lisa; Epigenetische Regulation beim Magenkarzinom
Brunner, Teresa Franziska; In vitro - Untersuchung des Einflusses von einem nicht-viralen BMP-2 Gentransfer auf die osteogene Differenzierung modifizierter mesenchymaler Stammzellen in einer 3D Alginatkultur
Heckmann, Markus; Vergleichende Untersuchungen an hydraulischen und elektrischen Achsantrieben für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen unter Berücksichtigung betriebstypischer Einsatzbedingungen
Buhl, S. and Klüppelberg, C.; Anisotropic Brown-Resnick space-time processes: estimation and model assessment
Kreuzer, Lena; The impact of protein instability on target antigen processing, presentation and immunogenicity in MVA vaccines
Klüppelberg, C. and Zhang, J.; Time-consistency of risk measures with GARCH volatilities and their estimation
Alt, Nicolas; Visuo-haptic environment perception for autonomous robotic systems
Heß, Christoph; Beitrag zur Qualitätssicherung für die serientaugliche Herstellung von textilen Preformen
Heimberg, Stefanie; Risikostratifizierung bei Dialysepatienten anhand retinaler Mikrozirkulation
Klebanov, Ilja; Approximation of PDEs with Underlying Continuity Equations
Breer, Justus; Untersuchung der Plaqueneovaskularisierung der A. carotis interna (ACI) mit kontrastmittelverstärktem Ultraschall
Baquet, Moritz; Einfluss der Reduktion des rechtsventrikulären Volumens auf die kardiopulmonale Belastbarkeit: Ein Vergleich der korrigierten Fallot’schen Anomalie und der Ebstein Anomalie
Zebhauser, Anna; Einsamkeit im Alter. Ergebnisse der KORA-Age Studie
Matsutomo, Toshiaki; Structure determination and quantitation of key antioxidant compounds in aged garlic extract
Goffart, Klaus; Entscheidungsverhalten im Fahrzeug am Beispiel von Parkplatzentscheidungen
Meidert, Agnes Sophia; Nichtinvasive kontinuierliche Blutdruckmessung mittels radial-arterieller Applanationstonometrie in der Intensivmedizin.
Zimmermann, Julian Johannes; Zur Typologie des Schmerzes bei Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom und chronischer Pantkreatitis: Ergebnisse mit der Quantitativen Sensorischen Testung und dem Schmerzfragebogen painDETECT
Aberl, Anita; Methodenentwicklung der Headspace-Trap-GC-MS Analyse zur schnellen quantitativen Bestimmung fluechtiger Verbindungen in Hopfen und Bier - mit Korrelationsanalyse der Hopfenoelkomponenten.
Holzbach, Andreas; Enabling Scalable and Efficient Visual Attention, Object-Based Attention and Object Recognition for Humanoid Robots - a Biologically-Inspired Approach.
Lehner, Anna Veronika; Expressionsanalyse und Epigenetik der Serinprotease HTRA1 im Mammakarzinom
Pfefferkorn, Sabrina; Evaluation neuer Serum- und immunhistochemischer Marker zur Verlaufsbeurteilung einer topischen Steroidtherapie bei Eosinophiler Ösophagitis
Song, Liang; Role of Bcl-3 in sterile inflammation
Karmann, Sebastian Alexander; Kurz- und mittelfristiger Verlauf nach endovaskulärer Therapie von Stenosen der Arteria carotis interna
Podolskij, M., Stolzer, R., Thorbjørnsen, S., and Veraart, A.E.D.; Simulation of stochastic Volterra equations driven by space-time Lévy noise.
Dima, Alexander; Optoacoustic handheld imaging for clinical screening and intervention
Walther, Alexia Katharina; Stadienmigration und Veränderung von Tumoreigenschaften bei Patienten mit Prostatakrebs nach radikaler Prostatektomie 1998-2012
Krugel, Johannes; Approximate Pattern Matching with Index Structures
Roosen-Runge, Tobias Jürgen Martin; Einfluss von genetischen Varianzen in der Clopidogrel-Aktivierung auf klinische Ereignisse nach interventioneller Therapie des akuten Myokardinfarktes
Beyer, Sonja; Veränderungen von Makrozirkulation und Mikrozirkulation in der Adoleszenz
Hasenöder, Stefan; The role of Oct4 in murine endoderm development
Wilzeck, Verena Charlotte; Untersuchung somatosensorischer Repräsentationen bei Schreibkrampfpatienten während taktiler Stimulation mittels fMRT
Gantner, Lea Franziska; Welchen Nutzen hat die Bestimmung von CA-125 in der Nachsorge des Ovarialkarzinoms?
Nagler, Gregor; Der Wiederaufbau Augsburgs nach den Zerstörungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Blaeschke, Franziska; Generation of Ewing's sarcoma antigens CHM1- and EZH2-selective and HLA-A*0201-restricted T-cell receptor transgenic T cells
Werner, Julia; Plazentaretention und Wochenbettkomplikationen nach makroskopischer Begutachtung der Plazenta
Zillmer, Stephanie; Integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression profiles in osteosarcoma cell lines
Jakubaß, Michael; Perioperative und Langzeit-Morbidität und -Mortalität nach elektiver Therapie infrarenaler Aortenaneurysmen
Münch, Stefan; Vorhofvolumina und Pulmonalvenenostien als Prädiktoren für ein Rezidiv von Vorhofflimmern nach einer Pulmonalvenenisolation
Cui, Haissi; Die Rolle von TIMP-1 in der tumorfördernden Stressantwort in Tumorzelle und Wirt
Hanrieder, Elisabeth Katharina; Promoted bimetallic PdAu catalysts for gas phase vinyl acetate synthesis
Gahbler, Lucia; Beratungsanlässe und psychische Komorbidität in der Notfallsprechstunde einer Bereitschaftspraxis
Miller, Katharina Julia; Die Rolle des Typ I Interferonrezeptors im adulten murinen Pankreas im Verlauf der Entzündung und Regeneration
Lenschow, Magdalena; Anzüchtung von Chondrozyten in einer 3D- Kultur auf dem Trägermaterial Novocart®
Hoberg, Patrick; Kunden- und Anbietereinfluss im Vergleich
Obermüller, Thomas; Prospektive Auswertung der Pedikelschraubenlage im Vergleich zwischen Freihand- und 3D-Fluoro-Technik gestützter thorakolumbosakraler Instrumentierung
Muschaweckh, Andreas; Characterization of tissue-resident CD8+ T cell memory formation upon skin infection with the viral vector MVA
Weißbrich, Bianca; T cell receptor binding avidity of antigen-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in chronic infection
Saur, Ute; Funktionelle, klinische, sowie ganganalytische Ergebnisse nach Resektion der proximalen Tibia und Strecksehnenrekonstruktion im Rahmen der Tumorendoprothetik
Molter, Philipp Lionel; Technikintegration in offenen Fassadensystemen
Baumgartner, Michaela Christina; Langzeiteffekt ambulanter Herzgruppentherapie auf körperliche Belastbarkeit und kardiovaskuläres Risikoprofil
Solf, Mark Alexander; Psychoherzchirurgie - Krankheitsverarbeitung kardiochirurgischer Patienten
Brunner, Beate; Zusammenhang der kardialen autonomen Funktion mit klassischen Kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren bei chronischen Dialysepatienten
Chen, Gang; Resource Management in Real-time Multicore Embedded Systems: Performance and Energy Perspectives
Stückl, Stefan; Methods for the Design and Evaluation of Future Aircraft Concepts Utilizing Electric Propulsion Systems
Liegsalz-Beck, Veronika Maria; Neue Aspekte des Beta2-integrinvermittelten Crawlings von Leukozyten dargestellt anhand von in vivo-Multiphotonenmikrokopie
Krank, B.; Wall, W.A.; A new approach to wall modeling in LES of incompressible flow via function enrichment
Fischer, Gerrit August Johann; Vergleich der kontinuierlichen, transgastrischen, intraabdominellen Druckmessung mit transvesikalen und intraperitonealen Messungen bei Patienten mit Risikofaktoren für einen abdominalen Hypertonus auf der Intensivstation unter Berücksichtigung von Atmung und Hämodynamik
Wagner, Julia Elke Elisabeth; Thermo-mechanisches Schädigungsverhalten in faserverstärkten Kunststoffen an werkstoffhybriden Fügeverbindungen
Dori, Gergö; Simulation-based methods for float time determination and schedule optimization for construction projects
Haase, Kerstin; Clinical Application of Next Generation Sequencing Data in Virology and Oncology
Meinel, Martin; Distributed and event-triggered optimization in multi-agent networks
Stemp, Pia Verena; Einfluss von Migrations- und Bildungshintergrund bei Kindern und Jugendlichen auf die arterielle Gefäßsteifigkeit im Zusammenhang mit Übergewicht und Adipositas
Dötlinger, Alexander Markus; Near Minimum-Time Predictive Reference Governors for Mechatronic Drive Systems
Hausmann, Simone Christine; Functional relevance of the extracellular matrix protein Periostin in pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinogenesis and metastatic spread
Glau, Kathrin; Classification of Lévy Processes with Parabolic Kolmogorov Backward Equations
Suffner, Sascha; Mutationsanalyse der Oligomerisierung des kleinen Hepatitis B Virus Hüllproteins S und ihr Einfluss auf die Partikelbildung des Hepatitis B und D Virus.
Tron, Alexandru-Cristian; Decellularized whole organs as vascularized bioscaffolds for bone tissue engineering
Wei, Bin; Shape Morphing Skin Design with Applications on Mechanically Reconfigurable Reflector Antennas and Sailplane Wings
Cuno, Stephan Matthias; Analysis of two Candidate Genes for Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA)
Böhner, Alexander; Th22 Zellen in der Leber – funktionelle Interaktion mit Hepatozyten in einem Alkohol-dominierten Mikromilieu
Büchner, Michael; Eine prospektive randomisierte Studie zum Vergleich der gezielten Isolation von Pulmonalvenen mit arrythmogenen Potentialen vs der Isolation sämtlicher Pulmonalvenen bei Patienten mit paroxysmalem Vorhofflimmern
Habekost, Cornelia; Methodological differences in PET data derived from PET/MR and PET/CT
Sinn, Philipp; Vergleich einer neuartigen Wellenkraftwerkstechnologie mit existierenden Stromversorgungsmöglichkeiten an einem dezentralen Modellstandort
Abdul-Sater, Kassim; Task-Based, Computer-Aided Kinematic Design of Spherically Constrained Kinematic Chains
Backhaus, Julian Christoph Sebastian; Adaptierbares aufgabenorientiertes Programmiersystem für Montagesysteme
Szeterlak, Nina Tatjana; Adjuvante Radiatio nach Skin-Sparing Mastektomie und autologer Sofortrekonstruktion bei invasivem Mammakarzinom - Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zum Vergleich strahlentherapeutischer Zielvolumina
Kaiser, Imme Erika Maria; Stillen als protektiver Faktor bei Gestationsdiabetikerinnen gegen die Entwicklung eines Typ 2 Diabetes später im Leben
Grünwald, Barbara Theresia; Leberspezifische Mechanismen der TIMP-1-induzierten Metastasierung im Kontext des duktalen Adenokarzinoms des Pankreas
Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Transcriptional and functional characterization of the first neuro-invasive genetically engineered mouse model of pancreatic cancer
Rezai, Arian; Postoperative Komplikationen materialunterstützter plastisch-, rekonstruktiver Mammaoperationen
Müller, Sebastian; Understanding elementary steps in methanol-to-olefins chemistry
Wüstner, Stefanie; Immunoregulatory role of Helicobacter pylori γ-glutamyltransferase during infection
Böck, Matthias; Learning of Probabilistic Models to Infer Gene Regulatory Networks
Woischke, Andreas Hanns; Der modulare proximale Humerusersatz Modular-München-Lübeck (MML): klinische, radiologische und funktionelle Ergebnisse
Hapfelmeier, Andreas; Incremental Linear Model Trees on Big Data
Vetter, Christoph; Accelerated Registration and Reconstruction for Functional Nuclear Imaging
Chen, Chen; A multimodal biosensor-based system with compatibility for telemonitoring and epidemiological services
Kronbichler M., Diagne A., Holmgren H.; A massively parallel two-phase flow solver for the simulation of microfluidic chips
Turcksin B., Kronbichler M., Bangerth, W.; WorkStream - a design pattern for multicore-enabled finite element computations
Dujka, Nina; Die Relevanz der frühzeitigen chirurgischen Inzision über einen intraoralen Zugang unter Lokalanästhesie bei perimandibulären Abszessen auf den Heilungsverlauf
Rathgeber, Kathrin J.; Detektion disseminierter Tumorzellen in Lymphknoten von Patienten mit invasivem Harnblasenkarzinom im Rahmen der operativen Therapie mittels radikaler Zystektomie und Lymphadenektomie durch quantitative Reverse Transkriptase Polymerase-Kettenreaktion
Düwel, Charlotte; Falsely Elevated Cyclosporine A and Tacrolimus Concentrations due to Reversible Adsorption to Central Venous Catheters
Groß, Christiane; Kulturlandschaft interkommunal entwickeln
Hauck, Simon; Optimierung der kardialen Resynchronisationstherapie -
Yuan, Detian; Investigation of Environmental and Epigenetic Etiologies Driving Cholangiolar and Hepatocellular Neoplasias
Tritschler, Martin; Metaheuristic Approaches for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with Flexible Resource Profiles
Barth, Marcus; Few-Body Correlations in Many-Body Physics
Krotil, Stefan; Online-Simulation von fluidischen Prozessen in der frühen Phase der Maschinen- und Anlagenentwicklung
Waluschnig, Timo Lukas; Perioperative Komplikationen und Outcome bei Salvage-Prostatektomie
Lummert, Eckart Hartmut Heinrich Werner; Beitrag zur Problematik nicht-kardialer Comorbiditäten bei Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern
Braun geb. Messer, Marlena; Die selektive Aktivierung des PI3K Signalwegs im Pankreas induziert metastasierende duktale Adenokarzinome
Albertshauser, Jennifer Maria; Persönlichkeitsmerkmale bei Patienten mit neuroepithelialen Tumoren
Brigo, D.; Fries, C.; Hull, J.; Scherer, M.; Sommer, D.; Werner, R.; FVA and electricity bill valuation adjustment – much of a difference?
Babaee, Mohammadreza; Immersive Interactive Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data Visualization
Otto, Alexander; Mittleres Follow-up nach isolierter und kombinierter operativer Therapie der patellofemoralen Instabilität
Paukner, Anna; Einfluss des Klick-Stimulus auf das EEG
Köck, Daniela; Isolierung und Charakterisierung von cellulolytischen Bakterien aus der mikrobiellen Lebensgemeinschaft in Biogasanlagen
Schlund, Maximilian; Algebraic Systems of Fixpoint Equations over Semirings: Theory and Applications
Schmalhofer, Alexander; Perturbationsprofile im Nachwuchsleistungsfußball
Nikolaus, Marc Joachim; Entwicklung reversibler Fab-Multimere zur Gewinnung und funktionellen Charakterisierung muriner regulatorischer T-Zellen
Remmler, Sebastian; Gravity-Wave Breaking and Turbulence in the Atmosphere
Gerdes, Lennart; Capacity Bounds and Achievable Rates for the Gaussian MIMO Relay Channel
Rheude, Tobias Andreas; Beurteilung der linksventrikulären Funktion und mechanischen Dyssynchronität nach einem Marathon mittels 3D-Speckle Tracking Echokardiographie im Rahmen der Be-MaGIC Studie (Beer, Marathon, Genetics, Inflammation, Cardiovascular System)
Sagstetter, Florian; Schedule Synthesis for Time-Triggered Automotive Architectures
Förster, Christoph; Influence of management and restoration on greenhouse gas fluxes of a prealpine bog
Herold, Birgit; In Vitro Versuchsreihe zum Einfluss von Selen als Radikalfänger bei Mammakarzinomzellen
Habermann, Jana; Veränderung des Inflammationsstatus durch körperliche Extrembelastung und dessen Beeinflussung durch Polyphenole
Kuhn, Christian Alexander; Effektivität und Machbarkeit manualisierter Körperpsychotherapie in der gruppentherapeutischen Behandlung somatoformer Störungen - eine Pilotstudie -
Sandig, Simon Jan; Untersuchungen zur Wertigkeit von Procalcitonin, C-reaktivem-Protein und der Leukozytenzahlen zur Identifikation von Perfusionsstörungen mikrovaskulärer Lappentransplantate in der frühen postoperativen Phase
Engelhardt, Marc; Das synoviale Hämangiom am Kniegelenk
Hausding, Christian; The role of Toll-Like Receptor 2, 4 and 9 in atherosclerosis
Kottmaier, Marc; Aortenklappenchirurgie: Komplikationen und Lebensqualität nach Aortenklappenrekonstruktion oder Klappenersatz mit einer biologischen oder mechanischen Prothese
Peng, Bo; Phosgene-free synthesis of diphenyl carbonate
Baumann, Gisela Katharina; The role of EphB3-ephrinB3 signaling during the adult neural stem/progenitor cell response to hypoxia
Broadley, Steven Phillip; Immune factors guiding Listeria monocytogenes infection
Meisinger, Michael Johannes; A Service-Oriented Development Process for Distributed Reactive Systems
Förschner, Paul Felix; Klinische und kernspintomografische 10-Jahres-Ergebnisse nach Mega-OATS Operation am Kniegelenk
Henschel, Johannes Benedikt; Zusammenhang zwischen zentralem Venendruck, intraabdominellem Druck und Beatmungsdruck: eine Beobachtungsstudie
Seitz, Carolin Claudia; The perception of and attitude towards regional food products
Antosch, Janine; Untersuchungen zur Biosynthese und Produktion bioaktiver polyzyklischer Macrolactam-Naturstoffe
Brandt, Laura Sophie; Architekturgesteuerte Elektrik/Elektronik Baukastenentwicklung im Automobil
Goschenhofer, Eva Maria; Charakteriseirung der Energie- und Nährstoffaufnahme bei den Frauen der INFAT-Studie- Zusamenhang mit anthropometrischen Parametern des Kindes und der Gewichtszunahme in der Schwangerschaft
Durst, Markus; Efficient Acquisition Strategies for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Hyperpolarised Biomarkers
Klapproth, Christoph Paul; Economic Evaluation of Universal Varicella Zoster Immunization Programs in Developed Countries - A Meta Analysis
Bruns, Philipp Edgar; In vivo and in silico models of early pancreatic carcinogenesis
Stähle, Hauke; A Model-Based Framework for System-Wide Plug-and-Play with Flexible Timing Verification for Automotive Systems
Jokisch, Jan-Friedrich; Morphologische und immunhistologische Analyse der Expression von IgG4 an chronischen Entzündungen der Schilddrüse
Bauer-Rudolph, Karina; Expression Analysis of Heat Shock Proteins in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Koerdt, Steffen; Der bestrahlte Hals - klinische und molekulare Grundlagen
Leutz, Daniel Maurice; Forming simulation of AFP material layups: Material characterization, simulation and validation
Neykova, Daniela; Optimal Investment Strategies under Affine Markov-Switching Models
Grundner, Sebastian; Selective methane oxidation on zeolite stabilized copper oxide clusters
Hauk, Christoph Sebastian; Analyse und ökonomische Optimierung von Kurzumtriebsplantagen
de Vaal M., Gee M.W., Stock U., Wall W.A.; Computational evaluation of aortic occlusion and the proposal of a novel, improved occluder: Constrained endoaortic balloon occlusion (CEABO)
Müller K.W., Birzle A., Wall W.A.; Beam finite element model of a molecular motor for the simulation of active fibre networks
Olearius, Götz; Handelskettenwahl im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
Ndilmbaye , Armand Nekar; Decentralization and Land Management in Chad: Exploring the Context of Land Readjustment as a Consequence of Municipal Restructuring.
Sabih, Jamil Josef; Auswirkungen der präoperativen Kartierung motorischer Funktion des Kortex mittels navigierter transkranieller Magnetstimulation bei Patienten mit Läsionen in motorisch eloquenten Gehirnarealen
Hofmann, Alexander; Biomechanische Analyse nach Achillessehnenheilung durch bFGF-transduzierte Stammzellen im Langzeitversuch an der Ratte
Gaschler, Andre K.; Efficient Geometric Predicates for Integrated Task and Motion Planning
Hagenmaier, Markus Alexander; Determinants of consumers' choices and perceived value in mass customization
Kelbert, Florian Manuel; Data Usage Control for Distributed Systems
Rippinger, Nathalie Sylvie; Der herzchirurgische Eingriff bei Patienten mit dialysepflichtiger Niereninsuffizienz
Falco, Franziska Maria Elisabeth Luise; Langzeitverlauf und molekulargenetische Charakterisierung von Patienten mit kongenitalem Hyperinsulinismus
Pithamitsis, Viktor Johannes; Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Erkennung neuromuskulärer Restblockaden auf der Grundlage klinischer Muskelfunktionstests
Penners, Bastian; Qualitätsanalyse der Hüftsonographie in Diagnostik und Therapie bei Hüftreifungsverzögerungen / Hüftluxationen
Strobl, Tobias; Modellbasierter Entwurf eines hybriden Systemansatzes zur Eisentfernung von den Oberflächen einer Flugzeugkonfiguration
Wang, Kun; Investigations on Compact Antenna Arrays for Multiple Input Multiple Output Communication Systems
Zinsl, Jonathan Simon; Systems of Evolution Equations with Gradient Flow Structure
Höppner, Hannes; Analysis of Human Intrinsic Stiffness Modulation and its Use in Variable-Stiffness Robots
Hauder, Matheus; Empowering End-Users to Collaboratively Structure Knowledge-Intensive Processes
Schöttl, Theresa; Novel experimental strategies to assess the interplay between white adipocyte mitochondrial bioenergetics and systemic glucose homeostasis in C57BL/6 mice
Förster, Mark; Aeroelastische Stabilitäts- und Antwortanalyse auf Basis numerischer Strömungssimulation
Schumacher, Melissa; Peri-urban development in Cholula, Mexico
S. Erhart;S. Hirche; Model and analysis of the interaction dynamics in cooperative manipulation tasks
Pozzi, Fabio; CERN Radiation Protection (RP) calibration facilities
Masching, Helmut; Parameter Free Optimization of Shape Adaptive Shell Structures
Brennauer, Tina; Postprandial metabolic changes in healthy males and in subjects homozygous for GWAS-identified variants at lipid metabolism loci
Jüssen, Julia Simone; Der Tumorsuppressor KAI1 und seine Spleißvariante im Ovarialkarzinom
Kevei, P. and Mason, D.M.; On the Breiman conjecture
Neth, Katharina; Manganese: Brain Species and Mechanisms of Brain Injury
Polous, Khatereh; Event Cartography: A New Perspective in Mapping
Menke, Annika; Die „Digital Hand“ in der deutschen Konsumgüterwirtschaft: Die Digitalisierung der Waren- und Datenströme zwischen den Lebensmittelhändlern und -herstellern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im internationalen Kontext (1965 – 1989). Eine Untersuchung an der Schnittstelle von Technik- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Neff, Florian; Exploring the immune environment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Nobis, Philipp Richard Rainer; Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Modells zur Analyse der Netzstabilität in Wohngebieten mit Elektrofahrzeugen, Hausspeichersystemen und PV-Anlagen
Ramakrishnan, Robert; 3-D-Drucken mit einem anorganischen Formstoffsystem
Gruber, Michael E.; Spectral Domain and FFT Accelerated Cavity Green's Function Boundary Element Methods for Numerical Modeling of Reverberation Chambers
Dill, Dieter H.; Laserstrukturierte Planarsensoren zur Bestimmung respiratorischer Parameter
Jakwerth, Constanze Anneliese; The Functional Role of Zeta-Chain-Associated Protein 70 in the Pathogenesis of B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Eichwald, Irina; Perpendicular Nanomagnetic Logic: Three-dimensional devices for non-volatile field-coupled computing
Braun, Benjamin; High Performance Kalman Filter Tuning for Integrated Navigation Systems
Altenhofer, Christian; Influence of feeding supplementation and lactation cycle on milk cholesterol, fatty acid profile and milk fat globule size
Lüders, Michael; A Fully-Integrated, Digitally-Enhanced Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator for Energy-Constrained Microcontroller Systems
Deng, Jun; Feature Transfer Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition
Pramsohler, Thomas; Modellbasierte Adaptierung von Softwarekomponenten am Beispiel Automotive Infotainment
Demmel, Franz; Korrelative Sensorik und Bildgebung für die funktionale Tumor-Analytik
Kraft, Anna; Managing Organizational Change
Mayr, Moritz; Einfluss genetischer Marker auf den Erfolg einer stationären Therapieintervention bei adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen
Neubauer, Benedikt; Lastverteilung und Anregungsverhalten in Planetengetriebesystemen
Randt, Niclas Peter; Aircraft Technology Assessment Using Fleet-Level Metrics
Jianshu, Chao; Feature-preserving image and video compression
Kalinowski, Ivonne; Pharmakawirkung auf in vitro kultivierte primäre humane Osteoblasten
Berariu, Anca; On Using Domain Knowledge for Advanced Programming Tools
Hemmerling, Jana; Murine susceptibility to intestinal inflammation by in utero exposure to maternal inflammation and maternal obesity
Altenfelder, Sara; Conservation on the edge: habitat conditions and management strategies to maintain amphibious plant communities of temporarily flooded field ponds in north-east Germany
Bazzi, Samer; Linear Precoding and Analysis of Performance Criteria in MIMO Interference Channels
Müller, Veronika Maria; Effects of diet-induced obesity on intestinal barrier integrity and enteroendocrine secretion
Pleißner, Sophie Johanna; Proteinkinasen der Abscisinsäure-Signaltransduktion – in vitro Charakterisierung und Regulation
Kleinhans, Regina; Etablierung und Validierung eines prädiktiven metabolischen Chemosensitivitätstests mittels automatisierter chipgestützter Analytik
Ascher, Kornelia; Klinische und biomechanische Ergebnisse der vorderen Kreuzbandersatzplastik mit 4-facher Semitendinosussehne in tibialer und femoraler Ein- versus Zweikanaltechnik
Willmann, Stefanie Julia; Screen to identify the novel pancreatic gene Synaptotagmin 13 (Syt13)
Schenk, Steffen; Exchangeable exogenous shock models
Bay, Erwin; Real-time Optoacoustic Monitoring of Ablation Treatments in Medicine
Fiala, Friederike Anna; Nachweis von disseminierten Tumorzellen im Knochenmark von Patienten mit Harnblasenkarzinom mittels quantitativer real-time PCR und der molekularbiologischen Marker CK20, CK14, CK17, UPK2, SPINK1 und TMPRSS2
Jehl, Marc-André; Computational methods for the prediction of bacterial pathogen-host protein protein interactions
Stambolieva, Teodora; Unterschiede in der funktionellen Netzwerkaktivierung in Patienten mit leichter kognitiver Störung und in gesunden Kontrollpersonen während des Erinnerungsprozesses mittels fMRT
Dahlhausen, Johanna Lena; Motivation, preference and willingness to pay for selected credence food attributes
Prause, Markus; In vitro effects of pantoprazole on human osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Loffredo-Verde, Eva; The interaction of hepatitis B or C virus infection and schistosomiasis in chronic pathogen-induced liver inflammation
Schmakat, Philipp; Neutron Depolarisation Measurements of Ferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transitions
Zhou, Yueyin; Wagner, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas; Wasmeier, Peter; Calibration Method for IATS and Application in Multi-Target Monitoring using Coded Targets
Wagner, Markus; Elektromobilität als Baustein der Energiewende – Chancen und Potentiale der zukünftigen Individualmobilität in ausgesuchten Raum- und Siedlungsstrukturen
Steidl, Daniela; Cost-Effective Quality Assurance For Long-Lived Software Using Automated Static Analysis
Ringling, Christiane; Folatanalytik und Simulation der Verdauung von Folaten
Noschinski, Lars; Formalizing Graph Theory and Planarity Certificates
Schreiber, Alex Joachim Ernst; Dynamic programming with radial basis functions and Shepard's method
Dittlein, Daniela; Influence of keratinocyte derived mediators on CD4+ T cell plasticity
Calavrezos, Lenika; Isolated aortic regurgitation and submaximal steady-state exercise:
Früchtl, Felix Benedikt; Sturm-Liouville Operator Functions
Güll, Florian Dieter; Die in vitro Response osteoarthrotischer Knorpel-Knochen-Zylinder unter Hyaluronsäure-Einfluss während physiologisch-mechanischer Stimulation
Hock, Kathrin Anna Josepha; Die Bedeutung des Mutationsstatus der Phosphatase mit Tensin-Homologie für die Ausbildung des Brain Tumor Stem Cell Phänotyps in Korrelation mit der Aldehyd-Dehydrogenase-1A1-Expression
Vuong A.-T., Ager C., Wall W.A.; Two finite element approaches for Darcy and Darcy-Brinkman flow through deformable porous media – mixed method vs. NURBS based (isogeometric) continuity
Meier C., Popp A., Wall W.A.; A finite element approach for the line-to-line contact interaction of thin beams with arbitrary orientation
Farah P., Gitterle M., Wall W.A., Popp A.; Computational wear and contact modeling for fretting analysis with isogeometric dual mortar methods
Seitz A., Farah P., Kremheller J., Wohlmuth B.I., Wall W.A., Popp A.; Isogeometric dual mortar methods for computational contact mechanics
Schindler, Aline Ramona; Markierungsfreier Protein-Microarray zur Detektion von Autoantikörpern beim Antiphospholipid-Syndrom
Schneider, Alexander W.; Decision Support for Application Landscape Diversity Management
Probst, Florian Andreas; Einfluss eines nicht-viralen BMP-2-Gentransfers aus PDLLA-beschichteten Titanimplantatoberflächen auf die periimplantäre Knochenheilung – eine experimentelle Studie am Minischwein
Hopf, Thomas; Phenotype prediction from evolutionary sequence covariation
Henrich, Annika; Untersuchungen zum Wechselspiel zwischen NFĸB/p65 und dem Tumorsuppressor p53 in vitro sowie zur Rolle des NFĸB-Inhibitors beta (IĸBβ) in der Karzinogenese des Pankreaskarzinoms in vivo
Rizzi, Daniela; The Pinheiros Canalspace in São Paulo
Feigelman, Justin; Stochastic and deterministic methods for the analysis of Nanog dynamics in mouse embryonic stem cells
Beyer, Robert Maria; Spatial Leaf Density-based Modelling of Teleonomic Crown Dynamics of Crops and Trees
Schott B., Shahmiri S., Kruse R. and Wall W.A.; A stabilized Nitsche-type extended embedding mesh approach for 3D low- and high-Reynolds-number flows
Daras, Ilias; Gravity field processing towards future LL-SST satellite missions
Zhu, Tao; Unsteady porous-media flows
Zöller, Jessica; LTβR-mediated alternative NF-κB signaling executes H. pylori-induced gastric pathology independent of CagA
Kratz, Tobias; Darwinistische Selektionsmechanismen in der Therapie des metastasierten Mammakarzinoms: Konzept und klinische Beobachtung
Bock, Judith; Klinische und MR-tomografische Langzeituntersuchung von Funktion und Integrität des M. subscapularis nach arthroskopischer Schulterstabilisierung über das tiefe antero-inferiore 5:30-Uhr-Portal
Kohlmayer, Florian; Datenschutz und biomedizinische Forschung: Konzepte und Lösungen für Anonymität
Lamche, Béatrice; Improving the User Experience in Mobile Recommender Systems
Diepold, Klaus Jürgen; Set Point and Trajectory Tracking of Constrained Systems in Takagi-Sugeno Form
Rimmel, Nina; Selektive ω-Oxidation aliphatischer Substrate – Charakterisierung von Monooxygenasen und Etablierung einer Biotransformationsplattform
Wittkowski, Anna Tine Franziska; Somatoforme Schwindelsyndrome
Shekariesfahlan, Azam; NO-mediated modification of nuclear proteins: S-Nitrosylation of Arabidopsis HD2 proteins
Weikl, Fabian Christopher; Fungi and human health: Targeting outdoor sources of allergens, volatiles from allergenic fungi, and indoor microbial communities with their relations to allergy
Kübeck, Raphaela; Experimental strategies to evaluate the gut microbiota-host-diet interaction in the regulation of energy balance
Lehmann, Alexander; Mobile Social Situation Detection
Meis, Claudia; Flexibles Energiemanagement für hybride Nutzfahrzeuge
Nusser, Michaela; Entwicklung, Evaluation und Anwendung eines Kniesimulators zur Ermittlung der auftretenden Kräfte im Knie unter skitypischen Belastungssituationen
Kutzner, Tatjana; Geospatial Data Modelling and Model-driven Transformation of Geospatial Data based on UML Profiles
Ding, Linfang; Visual Analysis of Large Floating Car Data – A Bridge-Maker between Thematic Mapping and Scientific Visualization
Herber, Christian; Enablement of Multi-Core-Based Automotive Embedded Systems through I/O- and Network Virtualization
Kühne, Maximilian R.; Drivers of energy storage demand in the German power system: an analysis of the influence of methodology and parameters on modelling results
Fischer, Reyk; Adipose Tissue Engineering mit humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen am Mausmodell
Yang, Jian; Labeling Spatial Trajectories in Road Network using Probabilistic Graphical Models
Manner, Stephanie; Validierung eines hybriden Sensornetzwerks im Hubschrauberrotorblatt
Emara, Karim Ahmed Awad El-Sayed; Safety-aware Location Privacy in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Dragoi, Diana; Inhibition of autocrine signaling of the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in breast cancer
Novack, Tessio; Context-based classification of urban structure types using spaceborne InSAR images
Kranich, Stefan; Continuity in Dynamic Geometry
Kellerer, Anna Elisabeth; Future Energy System Dispatch and Control – Development of Decentralized Control Algorithms
Wang, Tianyang; Development of Co-Simulation Environment and Mapping Algorithms
Reitmeier, Martina; The Effect of Life Transitions and Emotions on Food Choices in Older Adults
Hofmann, Benjamin; Spatial Coordination of Atg8-Lipidation in Selective and Non-selective Autophagy
Ostertag, Daniela Gisela Rosa; Neuroimaging enterischer Neurone in humanen intestinalen Biopsien
Glose, Daniel; Modulation Strategies for Symmetrical Six-Phase Drives
Buggenthin, Felix; Computational prediction of cellular states in time-lapse microscopy based on single-cell morphodynamics
Schenk, Robert; REP Atomizer Engineering & UMo Fuel-Powder Fabrication
Schneider, Katharina Sophie; Determining the Requirement of Caspase-1 Catalytic Activity for Inflammasome-Induced Unconventional Secretion of IL-1 and Cell Death
Becker, Philipp; Kategorisierung der subjektiven Wirkung einer erfahrungsbasierten Akademie auf die Teilnehmer
Zhao, Yan; Analyse und Unterstützung des Gangs bei Parkinson-Patienten mittels eines tragbaren Systems
Selch, Daniela Anna; A multivariate Cox process with simultaneous jump arrivals and its application in insurance modelling
Örley, Felix; Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flows in Diesel Injection Systems
Zhang, Hao; A General Approach for Solving Inverse Problems in Geophysical Systems by Applying Finite Element Method and Metamodel Techniques
Gehrsitz, Thomas; Entwurf und Evaluierung von Protokollen für die Powerline-Kommunikation im Fahrzeug
Görner, Christian; Genetic Engineering of the Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus and the Bacteria Escherichia coli Aimed at the Production of High Value Lipids and Bioactive Diterpenes
Bahmanyar, Reza; Conception and Assessment of Semantic Feature Descriptors for Earth Observation Images
Schall, Dominik Ludwig; Drivers of sustainable behavior: Personality, training, and incentives
Steiert, Sabrina; Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory Potential of Tesalin® on Airway Epithelium and Innate Immune Effector Cells
Yu, Hoi Fung; Constraints on the Prompt Emission Mechanism of Gamma-Ray Bursts using Time-Resolved Spectroscopy
Jäger, Nicolas; Struktur-Funktionsanalyse der Kopfregion des Yersinia Adhäsins YadA von enteropathogenen Yersinien hinsichtlich Pathogenität und der Bindung an extrazelluläre Matrix-Proteine
Kirchner, Christian Oliver; Protein-Engineering eines Anticalins mit Bindungsspezifität für das Anthrazyklin-Zytostatikum Doxorubicin
Groß, Christina; Characterization of TLR7-independent effects of Imidazoquinolines
Schmies, Fadwa; Evaluation of patient specific mechano-biological interactions in abdominal aortic aneurysm wall
Bertram, Katharina; Differential Protein Expression in CAIX Depleted HeLa Cells Under Different Oxygen Conditions
Albinski, Maciej Kazimierz; Syndecan-3: Mediator der neuralen Invasion im Pankreaskarzinom
Ferizi, Mehrije; Modified messenger RNA and its application in bone tissue engineering
Axenie, Cristian; Synthesis of Distributed Cognitive Systems: Interacting Computational Maps for Multisensory Fusion
Grübel, Matthias; Analyse und Funktionalisierung Siloxanbasierter Thermoplastischer Elastomere
Fukamori, Yves; Static and dynamic characterization of size-selected cluster diffusion and ripening on periodically wettable surfaces
Weiler, Benedikt; Nanotransfer Printing and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Metal-Oxide-Structures
Mengel, Wilhelm Alexander; Nitric oxide affects histone acetylation by inhibiting histone deacetylase activity in Arabidopsis
Bermejo-Vega, Juan; Normalizer Circuits and Quantum Computation
Conradi, Timo; Drivers of plant diversity in grassland metacommunities
Meng, Chen; Application of multivariate methods to the integrative analysis of high-throughput omics data
Hartung, Steffen Uwe; Vanadium-Based Materials as Electrode Materials in Sodium-Ion Batteries
Bucher, Nicolas; On Improvements of Sodium Manganese Oxide Materials as Sodium-Ion Battery Cathode
Pallangyo, Charles Kisali; Canonical NF-κB signaling in fibroblasts and cancer-associated fibroblasts in colitis and colorectal cancer.
Krämer, Markus; Evaluation and Optimization of a Digital Calorimetric Trigger and Analysis of Pion-Photon-Interactions in πNi→ππ0π0Ni Reactions at COMPASS at CERN
Eisele, Andreas; Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Flüssigkristallen für die Verwendung als Elektrolyte in Lithium-Ionen Batterien
Klein, Thorsten Philipp; Agiles Engineering im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
Egerer, Christian; Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Cavitating Flows
Jehs, Bertram; Bestimmung des Anteils an gefährdetem, infarziertem und gerettetem Myokard mit kontrastmittelverstärkter Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie (MRT) in der Frühphase nach reperfundiertem Myokardinfarkt - Vergleich mit Myokardszintigraphie (SPECT).
Kalinnik, Anna; Bildung und Dynamik von Silber- und Silbersulfidnanopartikeln unter naturnahen aquatischen Bedingungen
Zwerger, Christian; Numerical investigation of the flow field around a delta wing
Yao, Yuan; Ordered maghemite nanoparticles in diblock copolymer films
Torano Caicoya, Astor; Allometric Estimation of Aboveground Forest Biomass using Forest Structure Parameters estimated by means of Multi-Baseline SAR Measurements
Hörnig, Martin; Kameraparameter-Nachführung durch natürliche Landmarken in Sequenzen monokularer Bilder am Beispiel von Fußballübertragungen mit Anwendungen zu automatischer Ballbesitz- und Spielereigniserkennung
Roth, Anna; Learning in Founding Teams: The Effect of Learning Behavior and a Team Intervention on Team Processes and Outcomes
Weiß, Thomas; Reflected Brownian motions in the KPZ universality class
Bhattacharyya, Swarnendu; Ultrafast non-adiabatic nuclear dynamics in systems with strong Jahn-Teller effects
Goll, Maren E.; Paralympic Alpine Skiing Sitting Class - Anforderungsprofil auf Basis der zugrundeliegenden Stoffwechselprozesse und muskulären Aspekte
Trapp, Julia K.; What Does it Take to Negotiate? The Combined Effects of the Implicit Power Motive and the Explicit Affiliation Motive on Requests in a Salary Negotiation
Wiedemann, Markus; Methodik zur auslastungsorientierten Angebotsterminierung für hochvariante Produkte mit kundenindividuellen Leistungsanteilen
Wagner, Arthur; Untersuchung der kognitiven und affektiven Veränderungen nach neurochirurgischer Behandlung nicht-rupturierter intrakranieller Aneurysmen
Morasch, Alexander; Mechanical characterization and modeling of extruded and steel-wire-reinforced aluminum sections with respect to impact loading
Kunčar, Ondřej; Types, Abstraction and Parametric Polymorphism in Higher-Order Logic
Jardon Alvarez, Ana; The role of Cathepsin K in haematopoiesis
Schneiderbanger, Hubertus Josef; Entstehung, Abbau und potentielle Verlustquellen wertgebender Aromen während der Produktion von Weizenbieren
Karamooz, Morteza Mahdiabadi; Bartl, Andreas; Rixen, Daniel J.; Effect of Interface Substitute when Applying Frequency Based Substructuring to the Ampair600 Wind Turbine Rotor Assembly
Xu, D.; Karamooz, Morteza Mahdiabadi; Bartl, Andreas; Rixen, Daniel J.; A Comparison of Common Model Updating Approaches
Dutta, Rahul; Genome editing in livestock
Petschauer, Stefan; Baryonic forces and hyperons in nuclear matter from SU(3) chiral effective field theory
Schulze, Florian; Conversational Context for Mobile Notification Management
Dörfel, Robert Urs; Power-Management in Automotiven Systemen - Integration und Umsetzung am Beispiel der PLASA-Plattform
Osendorfer, Christian Anton; Connectionist Models for Learning Local Image Descriptors: An empirical case study
Söffge, Fabian Tai Pan; Private Equity Sponsored Leveraged Buyout Transactions in the German-speaking Region
Schulte zu Berge, Christian Ulrich; Real-time Processing for Advanced Ultrasound Visualization
Reger, Christian Matthias; Effekte von Retinoiden alleine sowie in Kombination mit Gemcitabin in humanen Harnblasenkarzinomzelllinien
Carstens, Simeon; Bayesian structure determination from Chromosome Conformation Capture data and avenues to improve conformational sampling
Adam, Daniel; Konzept einer bionischen E/E-Architektur für Fahrzeuge nach dem Vorbild des menschlichen Körpers
Metzger, Christine; Understanding CO2 fluxes in peatlands: What can we learn from process oriented modelling?
Dorfner, Johannes; Open Source Modelling and Optimisation of Energy Infrastructure at Urban Scale
Deroo, Frederik; Control of interconnected systems with distributed model knowledge
Rojas Lobos, Felix Eduardo; A High Performance Power Supply based on a Four-Leg Three-Level NPC Converter for Non-linear and Unbalanced Systems
Töpert, Cornelia; Untersuchung zur psychischen Komorbidität bei Patienten mit Morbus Menière und vestibulärer Migräne
Stempfhuber, Barbara Hildegard Josefine; Drivers for the performance of nitrifying organisms and their temporal and spatial interaction in grassland and forest ecosystems
Lindauer, Matthias; Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchange over a wind-throw-disturbed upland spruce forest in the Bavarian Forest National Park
Schirmer, David; Generation of transgenic, antigen-specific, allogeneic, HLA-A*02:01-restricted, cytotoxic T cells directed against Ewing Sarcoma specific target antigen STEAP1
Han, Gel; Development of an Indoor Location Tracking System for the Operating Room
Schnepf, Vera Maria; Functions of the RAC/ROP GTPase HvRACB in the early plant immune response and in transcriptional reprogramming of barley
Friedmann, Jan; Reduktion des Sensorikbedarfs in der industriellen Antriebstechnik
Rödiger, Wolf-Steffen; Scalable Distributed Query Processing in Parallel Main-Memory Database Systems
Bartel, Jörg; Embedding metabolism into the omics landscape: Integrated analysis of metabolomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data from cellular to organ level
Heller, Katharina Ursula; Die enzymatische Phosphocholinierung als neue Proteinmarkierungsmethode
Chen, Zhe; Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machines with multiple saliencies
Greiner, Maximilian Martin; Molecular and multiscale modeling of the dissolution of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Urgel Tendero, José Ignacio; Two-dimensional lanthanide-directed metal-organic networks at surfaces
Hafner, Lilia; Elektrisch induzierte Proliferationsbeeinflussung von Tumorzellen
Schwendtner, Anna Sophie; Psychometrische Parameter als Prädiktoren einer erfolgreichen Adipositastherapie
Hille, Claudia Heidi; Rhenium-Carben-Komplexe und ihre Anwendungen
Vicedo Jover, Maria Esmeralda; Comprehensive analysis of intrinsically disordered protein content in organisms exposed to extreme ambient conditions
Shahzad, Muhammad; From TomoSAR Point Clouds To Objects
Pankratz, Frieder; Augmented Reality for Augmented Reality
Itoh, Yuta; Calibration and Use of Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays toward Indistinguishable Augmented Reality
Sahasrabudhe, Priyanka; Influence of the Hsp90 co-chaperones on client protein activation
Thomys, Oliver Dieter; Entwicklung von Nickel-Trägerkatalysatoren für die Methanisierung von Kohlenstoffdioxid unter Anwendung von Parallelpräparation und statistischer Versuchsplanung
de Reese, Johanna; Wechselwirkung von Bionanokompositen und Fließmitteln mit zementären Systemen
Fotouhi, Reza; Current Distortion Optimization for Electrical Drives at Low Switching Frequencies
Huber, Tanja; Thermal Conductivity of High-Density Uranium-Molybdenum Fuels for Research Reactors
Grünert, Uta E.; Responses in growth, phenology and vertical distribution of the calcite-loricated phytoflagellate Phacotus lenticularis (Chlorophyta) to climate related changes of the lake water carbonate chemistry and temperature
Gebhardt, Maria; Effektivität der Funktionellen Entspannung zur Stressprävention
Babaee, M.; Yu, X.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Immersive Interactive SAR Image Representation Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Glöckner, Rosa; Rotational-state cooling and detection of trapped CH3F molecules
Gerlach, Caroline; Die Untersuchung der Wirkung autologer Wachstumsfaktoren, gewonnen aus thrombozytenreichem Plasma, auf die Wundheilung von Spalthautentnahmestellen am Oberschenkel - eine klinische Studie
Baumer, Benedikt Johannes; Generation of a Porcine Model for Atherosclerosis
Fabry, Thomas Gabor; Die Korrektur des kompletten atrioventrikulären Septumdefekts (CAVSD):
Lee, Heekyoung; Understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of cis-regulatory variants on gene expression at T2D associated loci
Giesbertz, Pieter; Plasma and tissue metabolite profiling in mouse models of obesity and diabetes
Steinemann, Sebastian; Development and validation of a DNA-based root phenotyping method in maize (Zea mays L.)
Neuzner, Andreas; Resonance Fluorescence of an Atom Pair in an Optical Resonator
Schmid, Ellen Anke; Me, Myself And I: Theory and Effects of Self-Interested Leaders
Trinitis, Carsten ; Weidendorfer, Josef; Foreword
Haritatos, Alexandros-Herodotos ; Nikas, Konstantinos ; Goumas, Georgios ; Koziris, Nectarios; A resource-centric Application Classification Approach
Weidendorfer, Josef ; Breitbart, Jens; Detailed Characterization of HPC Applications for Co-Scheduling
Blanche, Andreas de ; Lundqvist, Thomas; Terrible Twins: A Simple Scheme to Avoid Bad Co-Schedules
Süß, Tim ; Döring, Nils ; Gad, Ramy ; Nagel, Lars ; Brinkmann, André ; Feld, Dustin ; Schricker, Eric ; Soddemann, Thomas; Impact of the Scheduling Strategy in Heterogeneous Systems That Provide Co-Scheduling
Schukraft, Johannes Frieder; Sonographische Diagnostik und liposomale Therapie des postradiogenen Sicca-Syndroms
Rohrmoser, Benjamin Paul; Nutzung von Bremsstrahlungsinformation zur zerstörungsfreien Charakterisierung radioaktiver Abfallgebinde
Stratil, Christopher; The Small Heat Shock Proteins and the Heat Stress Response of Baker’s Yeast
Unterhuber, Tobias; Der Einfluss des Therapieregimes auf die postoperative Rezidiv- und Überlebensrate bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Mundhöhlenkarzinom
Zhang, Zhenbin; On Control of Grid-Tied Back-to-Back Power Converters and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Wind Turbine Systems
Wießner, Nikolas Benjamin; Management von ingestierten Fremdkörpern - Eine prospektive und retrospektive Studie
Clauss, Carsten ; Moschny, Thomas ; Eicker, Norbert; Dynamic Process Management with Allocation-internal Co-Scheduling towards Interactive Supercomputing
Henke, Simon; Über Stofftransportprozesse während der Verkleisterung und des enzymatischen Abbaus von partikulärer Gerstenstärke
Reimers, Fabian; Separating Invariants of Finite Groups
Milzarek, Andre; Numerical methods and second order theory for nonsmooth problems
Winkel, Max Oliver; Komplexe Pulsformalgorithmen und Teilchenidentifikation zur Echtzeit-Implementierung in CALIFA
Koch, Christiane; Degradation and invasibility of subtropical grasslands in Southern Brazil
Zintel, Marc; Zur quantitativen Bewertung des Korrosionsschutzpotentials epoxidharzbeschichteter Bewehrung
Bischur, Enrico; Energy Harvesting auf Basis monoaxial gereckter PVDF-Folie und der Technologie von Folienkondensatoren
Imhoff, Florian; Biomechanische Untersuchung des Einflusses von lentiviral transduzierten Stammzellen mit basic fibroblast-growth-factor (bFGF) auf die Sehnenheilung im in-vivo Rattenmodell
Liebl, Andreas; Formation of new venture organizational identity
Bruder, Lena Marie; Polynucleotide probe based, taxon-specific detection and enrichment of fecal bacteria
Kahler, Stefan Alexander; Characterizations of Orthogonal Polynomials and Harmonic Analysis on Polynomial Hypergroups
Thorn, Simon Otto; Effects of salvage logging on biodiversity - Ecological evidence for conservation-oriented management of natural disturbances
Wüchner, Tobias; Behavior-based Malware Detection with Quantitative Data Flow Analysis
Bakshi, Mayur; Long-term developmental alterations in the mouse heart after low doses ionizing radiation revealed by quantitative proteomic investigations
Pölsterl, Sebastian Walter; Algorithms for Large-scale Learning from Heterogeneous Survival Data
Erhart, Sebastian; Cooperative multi-robot manipulation under uncertain kinematic grasp parameters
Regn, Michael Andreas; Untersuchungen zur Funktion von Peptidase Inhibitor 16 (PI16) im kardialen Krankheitskontext
Hellenkamp, Björn; Dynamic structure of a multi-domain protein
Krusche, Stephan; Rugby - A Process Model for Continuous Software Engineering
Schatz, Markus Edwin; Multicriteria Optimization of Fiber Composite Structures with Respect to Structural Performance and Manufacturing
Wohlgemuth, Sebastian; CO2-optimierter Antrieb eines Kleinfahrzeuges
He, Xun; Validation of the TRACE Code for the System Dynamic Simulations of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment and the Preliminary Study on the Dual Fluid Molten Salt Reactor
Handel, O.; Modeling Dynamic Decision-Making of Virtual Humans
Li, Li; Singularity Cancellation Transformations and Hierarchical Higher Order Basis Functions for the Hybrid Finite Element Boundary Integral Technique
Kevei, P.; A note on the Kesten-Grincevičius-Goldie theorem
Kaths, J.; Integrating reliable speed advisory information and adaptive urban traffic control for connected vehicles
Ji, Yang; Model-based design and integration of the power network in more electric aircraft
Markota, Anamarija; The role of dietary iron for intestinal immune responses in murine colitis model
Gupta, Shubhangi; Non-isothermal, Multi-phase, Multi-component Flows through Deformable Methane Hydrate Reservoirs.
Ruiz Yaniz, Maite; Advanced X-ray grating- and propagation-based phase-contrast imaging using synchrotron radiation
Oberti, Roberto;Marchi, Massimo;Tirelli, Paolo;Calcante, Aldo;Iriti, Marcello;Tona, Emanuele;Hočevar, Marko;Baur, Joerg;Pfaff, Julian;Schütz, Christoph;Ulbrich, Heinz; Selective spraying of grapevines for disease control using a modular agricultural robot
Seijs, Maarten V. van der;Klerk, Dennis de;Rixen, Daniel J.; General framework for transfer path analysis: History, theory and classification of techniques
Ozbek, Muammer;Rixen, Daniel J.; A new analysis methodology for estimating the eigenfrequencies of systems with high modal damping
Bartl, Andreas; Mayet, Johannes; Karamooz, Morteza Mahdiabadi; Rixen, Daniel J.; Multi-DoF Interface Synchronization of Real-Time-Hybrid-Tests using a Recursive-Least-Squares Adaption Law: A Numerical Evaluation
Friedl, Ken; Russell Voelker, Aaron; Peer, Angelika; Eliasmith, Chris; Human-Inspired Neurorobotic System for Classifying Surface Textures by Touch
Zehe, Alexandra Katharina; Three Essays on Family Firm Succession
Gruber, Fabian M.;Rutzmoser, Johannes B.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Generalized Craig-Bampton method using Robin boundary conditions
Merget, D.; Eckl, T.; Schwörer, M.; Tiefenbacher, P. and Rigoll, G.; Capturing Facial Videos with Kinect 2.0: A Multithreaded Open Source Tool and Database
Röder, Nina; Wiesche, Manuel; Schermann, Michael; Krcmar, Helmut; Toward an Ontology of Workarounds: A Literature Review on Existing Concepts
T. Soleymani;S. Hirche;J. S. Baras; Optimal Self-Driven Sampling for Estimation Based on Value of Information
Vopel, Sven Christian; Konstruktion und Charakterisierung von Anticalinen mit Spezifität für chromophore Liganden
Röhm, Christian W.; How do top management teams impact exploration and exploitation in family firms? The role of family top management team involvement and family CEOs' goals and motivations.
Koschany, Franz; Experimentelle Studien zur Methanisierung von CO2 auf Nickelkatalysatoren
Franke, Michael; The neutrino experiment Double Chooz and data analysis with the near detector
Yannelli Lucero, Florencia; Biological invasions and restoration: trait-based design of seed mixtures, biotic resistance and competition with native species
Staudacher, Thomas; Entwicklung eines Modells zur techno-ökonomischen und ökologischen Analyse dezentraler Stromversorgungssysteme für private Haushalte
Lins, Tobias; High Precision Physics in Low Magnetic Fields
Seybold, Martin; Influence of the Lipid Environment on the Dimerization Properties of the Amyloid Precursor Protein Transmembrane Domain
Holl, Kristina; Der Einfluss von Klimaschwankungen auf Kunstwerke im historischen Kontext
Chen, Chao; Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Vehicles with Space Exploration Guided Heuristic Search
Hertweck, Michael; Einfluss der Flammenposition auf transversale hochfrequente akustische Moden in zylindrischen Brennkammern
Breibeck, Joscha; Studien zum biophysikalischen Verhalten von rekombinanten Aminosäurepolymeren definierter Zusammensetzung
Spicker, Andreas Bernhard; Entwicklung von Verfahren der teilflächenspezifischen Stickstoffdüngung zu Wintergerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) und Winterraps (Brassica napus L.) auf Grundlage reflexionsoptischer Messungen
Daigo Schulte, Maria Joy; Space- and resource-related decomposition of growth for understanding mechanisms of competitive success
Greitemann, Josef; Methodik für die systematische Identifikation von Produktionstechnologien
Uttenthaler, Elisabeth; Identification of molecular hallmarks and regulators during neuronal maturation in adult hippocampal neurogenesis using RNA-Sequencing
Neudeck, Ann-Kathrin; Charakterisierung der HIF-1- und HIF-2-Stabilisierung unter kontinuierlicher versus intermittierender Hypoxie sowie Vergleich der Expression Malignitäts-assoziierter Marker unter Hypoxie und Normoxie in humanen Pankreasadenokarzinomzellen unterschiedlicher Differenzierung
Chong, C.; Stochastic PDEs with heavy-tailed noise
Kaposi, Tobias; A Compact and Versatile Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition Setup
Procopio, Susanne; The impact of amino acid availability and gene transcription on aroma compound profiling in Saccharomyces yeast
Da Rocha-Schmidt, L.; Datashvili, L.; Baier, H.; A Multistep Morphing Structures Design Approach Applied to Dfferent Types of Applications in Aerospace
Voswinkel, Linda Elisabeth; Fractionation of major and minor Whey Proteins using Membrane-based Ion-exchange Chromatography
Gumprecht, Jan D. J.; Sonic-CT – Ein Medizingerät zur kontinuierlichen, transkutanen Ultraschallbildgebung für minimal-invasive Eingriffe in der Urologie
Kaling, Moritz; Mass-spectrometric characterization of stress-induced metabolite profiles in poplar
Maurer, Stefanie; Molecular functions in brown adipose tissue and their physiological significance in the context of systemic glucose homeostasis in mice
Weberruß, Heidi; Cardiovascular Prevention in Childhood.
Dogan, Berna; In Silico Prediction of Dissolution Rates of Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Micro-Kinetic Model Based on Spiral Dissolution
Fischer, Konrad Josef; Multi-transgenic pigs for xenotransplantation
Huber, Maximilian Josef; Development and Evaluation of an Assessment Method for Decentralized Stormwater Treatment Systems for Runoff from Traffic Areas
Mandl, Franziska; Kinetic and theoretical studies of beta-lactone reactivity and amino-epoxycyclohexenones and their protein targets in Salmonella typhimurium
Höwing, Timo; Programmierter Zelltod in Arabidopsis:
Kondofersky, Ivan; Statistical modelling of functional data from biological systems
Rauch, Philipp; Innate Cytokines Networks Link Atherosclerosis and Bacterial Sepsis
Cleven-Kobuch, Julia Anna Nwabisa; Effekte von Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 auf die Homöostase Neutrophiler Granulozyten
Meister, Teresa Karina; Homogeneous Industrial Catalysis - Hydrosilylation, Epoxidation, Transvinylation
Rosenberg, Zuzana; Simulation Approach for Managing and Analyzing Dynamic Complexities in Business Process Change Projects
Wilfing, Lisa Steffi Franziska; The Influence of Geotechnical Parameters on Penetration Prediction in TBM Tunneling in Hard Rock
Back, Katrin Christiane; Substrate recognition determinants of the small heat shock protein αB-crystallin and its role in cataractogenesis
Ahrens, Stefanie; Three Essays on Asymmetric Information, Bank Regulation, and the Optimal Structure of Corporate Debt
Wortmann, Guido; Investigating the Dynamic Response of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems for Flight Control Application
Twaddle, Heather; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Modeling the speed, acceleration and deceleration of bicyclists for microscopic simulation
Amini, Sasan; Twaddle, Heather; Leonhardt, Axel; Modelling of the tactical path selection of bicyclists at signalized intersections
Fritsch, Caroline Monika Tanja; Interaction of lupin and sunflower secondary plant metabolites with lactic acid- and bifidobacteria
Seitz, Michael J.; Simulating pedestrian dynamics
Hain, Karin; Development of an ultra-sensitive detection method for transuranium elements with respect to ocean water samples from Fukushima
Räder, Andreas Franz Bernd; Studien zu einer kurzen Synthese von (–)-Vinigrol und eine Suche nach neuen Fluorquinolon-Antibiotika durch eine Wasserstoffbrücken-vermittelte kombinatorische Bibliothek
Wagner, Andreas; A new approach for geo-monitoring using modern total stations and RGB + D images
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Bill, Ralf; Donaubauer, Andreas; Prozedurale Verfahren zur Generierung von 3D-Infrastrukturobjekten
Ruprecht, Benjamin; Development of phospho- and chemoproteomic methods to study cellular signaling
Wasmeier, Peter; Wagner, Andreas; Bildgebende Tachymeter und Scanning Mehr Wert auf Knopfdruck?
Riß, Fabian Karl Eberhard; Funktions- und belastungsgerechte Auslegung additiv gefertigter Wabenkerne für Sandwichbauteile
Regel, René Marcel; Die Referenzraummethode als eine vereinfachte Bewertung komplexer Liegenschaften im Quartier am Beispiel von Hochschulen
Freiherr von Gleissenthall, Klaus; Cardinalities in Software Verification
Chen, Han-Yi; Investigation of Polyoxometalates and Nanostructured Carbon Materials as Electrode Materials for Energy Storage Applications
Arnold, Matthias; Supporting the evidence for human trait-associated genetic variants by computational biology methods and multi-level data integration.
Lampert, Paul; Den Konsumenten im Fokus: Eine verbraucherorientierte Analyse des Product Carbon Footprints entlang der Wertschöpfungskette von Spargel.
Hövelmann, Andreas; Analysis and Control of Partly-Developed Leading-Edge Vortices
Kainz, Ulla; Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Durable Biobased Plastic Products: Findings from an Experimental Auction
Chibani, Haytham; Photon Blockade with Memory and Slow Light using a Single Atom in an Optical Cavity
Schnepf, Bastian Harald; Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf die Umströmung eines Pkw-Rades in Simulation und Experiment
Puche, Benjamin; Essays on Value Creation and its Determinants in Private Equity
Wittmann, Anke Annette; Generation and Analysis of Mouse Models for Alzheimer’s Disease
Garzorz-Stark, Natalie Verena; Novel diagnostic tools and markers for inflammatory skin diseases
Mair, Waltraud; Quantitative Studies of Tau Protein and Tauopathy
Lei, Lei; A Comprehensive Study of Interactions Occurring Between Superplasticizers and Clays, and Superplasticizers and Cement
Osterhoff, Friedrich; Three Essays on Equity Exchange-Traded Funds
Hauptmann, Benedikt; Reducing System Testing Effort by Focusing on Commonalities in Test Procedures
Turnwald, Annemarie; Althoff, Daniel; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Understanding Human Avoidance Behavior: Interaction-aware Decision Making based on Game Theory
Staack, Holger Silvan Günter; Charakterisierung des dynamischen Versagensverhaltens von Kunststoffkomponenten im Fußgängerschutz von Fahrzeugen
Helms, Maria Katharina; Biologische Publikationen als Ideengeber für das Lösen technischer Probleme in der Bionik
Böhm, Maria-Elisabeth; Comparative phylogenetic and transcriptional analysis of the Bacillus cereus sensu lato enterotoxin genes nhe, hbl and cytK
Orth, Anne-Marie; Assessment of Dietary Exposure to Flavouring Substances via Consumption of Flavoured Teas
Luo, Jian; Conservative sharp interface methods for incompressible multi-phase flow
Mohsen Kaboli, Rich Walker, and Gordon Cheng; Re-using Prior Tactile Experience by Robotic Hands to Discriminate In-Hand Objects via Texture Properties
Reindl, Florian; Exploring Light Dark Matter With CRESST-II Low-Threshold Detectors
Favot, Valerio; Hierarchical Joint Control of Humanoid Robots
Appelmann, Karina; Wirkung des europäischen Emissionshandels auf die Förderung erneuerbarer Energien - eine empirische Untersuchung
Kahlert S.; Spliethoff H.; Flexibilitätspotential von industriellen KWK-GuDAnlagen in Deutschland
Trubetskaya, A.; Jensen, P. A.; Jensen, A. D.; Steibel, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Glarborg, P.; Larsen, H.; Comparison of high temperature chars of wheat straw and rice husk with respect to chemistry, morphology and reactivity
Bagherpour, Iman; Long-Term Volume Change Behaviour of an Unsaturated Compacted Organic Soil under Oedometric Conditions
Dyakonova, Margarita A.; Stimuli-responsive reversible hydrogels from polyampholytes
Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena; Bio-inspired design: Ideation in collaboration between mechanical engineers and biologists
Schermann, Michael;Dongus, Konrad;Yetton, Philip;Krcmar, Helmut; The role of Transaction Cost Economics in Information Technology Outsourcing research: A meta-analysis of the choice of contract type
Schermann, Michael;Yetton, Philip;Krcmar, Helmut; A response to “Transaction Cost Economics on Trial Again”
Ebner, Katharina;Mueller, Benjamin;Urbach, Nils;Riempp, Gerold;Krcmar, Helmut; Assessing IT Management's Performance: A Design Theory for Strategic IT Benchmarking
Biehler, Jonas; Efficient Uncertainty Quantification for Large-Scale Biomechanical Models Using a Bayesian Multi-Fidelity Approach
Weiß, Michael; System Architectures to Improve Trust, Integrity and Resilience of Embedded Systems
Laumann, Klaus Josef; Über Methoden zur Qualitätsbeurteilung von virtuellen Kopfhörern
Badieyan, Zohreh Sadat; Establishing mRNA Delivery Systems for Conversion of Cell Differentiation Status
Mall, Sabine; In vivo monitoring of cancer specific TCR-engineered human T cells by Immuno-PET to analyze pharmacokinetics of T-cell based immunotherapies
Sauer, Julia; Ökologische Betrachtungen zur Nachhaltigkeit von Tunnelbauwerken der Verkehrsinfrastruktur
Kurowski, M. P.; Spliethoff, H.; Deposition and slag flow modeling with SPH for a generic gasifier with different coal ashes using fusibility data
Nottbeck, Alexander Bernhard; Untersuchungen zu Auswirkungen von Geschwindigkeitserhöhungen auf Bahnstrecken im Bestand
Gimpfl, Martina; The role of fatty acid quality in a maternal obesogenic diet for adipose tissue development in offspring mice
Grandl, Martina Isabell; Molecular and functional changes induced by mutations transform the tumor suppressor RNF43 into an oncogene
Zhang, Feihu; Data Fusion for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Based on Random Finite Set Statistic
Mesch, Christina; Food choice during the complementary feeding period – Variety in dietary practice and experimental optimisation using (LC-)PUFA rich foods
Abelen, Sarah; Signals of Weather Extremes in Soil Moisture and Terrestrial Water Storage from Multi-Sensor Earth Observations and Hydrological Modeling
Mahl, M.; Klaproth, T.; Baier, H.; Thermo-mechanische Untersuchungen von Hochleistungskunststoffen für kryogene Wasserstoffdrucktanks
Biondini, Simone; Effective field theories for heavy Majorana neutrinos in a thermal bath
Semper, Raphaela Patricia; The diverse roles of NLRP3 and NLRC4 inflammasomes during Helicobacter pylori infection
Nied, Christian Alexander; Untersuchungen zur horizontalen pneumatischen Pfropfenförderung
Li, Juan; Photoresponsive Molecular Architectures at Interfaces
Fuchs, Christoph; Limits and Chances of Social Information Retrieval
Akkaya Türkavci, Cigdem; A Comprehensive Analysis on Citizen Adoption of E-Government Services: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
Rahimi, Amir; Semiprobabilistisches Nachweiskonzept zur Dauerhaftigkeitsbemessung und -bewertung von Stahlbetonbauteilen unter Chlorideinwirkung
Schöppner, Patricia; Regulatory Implications of Non-Trivial Splicing of Human Proteins
Rittinger, Sabine Christine; Analyse des Einflusses von kleinen Hitzeschockproteinen aus Cyanophagen auf die Stabilität der Photosysteme des Wirts
Giegerich, Tobias Leonhard Günther; Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität, (sport-)motorische Fähigkeiten und kardiovaskuläre Gesundheit bei normalgewichtigen und übergewichtigen bzw. adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen
Peter, Steffen; Algorithms for Robust and Fast Sparse Recovery
Hong, Hanna; Total Synthesis of Novel Bioactive Cyclic Peptide Natural Products
Tänzler, Rene; Integrative taxonomy and evolution of the hyperdiverse weevil genus Trigonopterus
Finis, Jan Peter; On Supporting Hierarchical Data in Relational Main-Memory Database Systems
Grill, Sonja Eva; Incorporation of external information into clinical prediction models
Riddell A., Moore M., Schmid R., Schmitz M.; Insights into the IGS master antenna
T. Beckers; S. Hirche; Stability of Gaussian Process State Space Models
Kasperek, Daniel; Structure-based System Dynamics Analysis of Engineering Design Processes
Teufelhart, Stefan; Belastungsoptimiertes Design von Gitterstrukturen für die additive Fertigung nach dem bionischen Prinzip der kraftflussgerechten Gestaltung
Schönsteiner, Karl Johann; The impact of a sustainable energy supply on global hub cities — a discussion based on the example of Singapore
Both, Kathrin; Biotribology and biomechanics of articular cartilage
Delgado Londono, Sergio; Total Energy Shaping for Underactuated Mechanical Systems: Dissipation and Nonholonomic Constraints
Preusse, Martin; Analysis of microRNA function using systemic regulatory features and graph models
Blasi, Thomas; Data-driven statistical learning to model cellular heterogeneity
Wang, Ping; OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cells overexpressing kallikrein-related peptidases KLK4, 5, 6 and 7: effects on expression of cancer-related genes
Gold, Christian Günter; Modeling of Take-Over Performance in Highly Automated Vehicle Guidance
Zhang, R. F.;Wen, X. D.;Legut, D.;Fu, Z. H.;Veprek, S.;Zurek, E.;Mao, H. K.; Crystal Field Splitting is Limiting the Stability and Strength of Ultra-incompressible Orthorhombic Transition Metal Tetraborides
Karabulut, Nermin Pinar; Structure-Based Analysis of Tissue-Specific Posttranslational Modifications
Schaffarczyk, Monika Kathrin; Optimization of Lipase Application by Means of Activity-Guided Lipid Fractionation
Ju, Wenbo; Supported nanoparticles: From electrochemical deposition to electrocatalytic properties
Schmideder, Andreas; Kontinuierliche Bioprozessführung in miniaturisierten Rührkesselreaktoren
Zehner, Fabian; Automatic Processing of Text Responses in Large-Scale Assessments
Tischer, Stefanie Viola; Charakterisierung der Abscisinsäure-Rezeptorkomplexe in Arabidopsis thaliana
Lindner, M.; Aigner, C.; Witzmann, R.; Wirtz, F.; Berber, I.; Gödde, M.; Frings, R.; Aktuelle Musternetze zur Untersuchung von Spannungsproblemen in der Niederspannung
Kerber, G.; Finkel, M.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Steinhart, C.; Gratza, M.; Witzmann, R.; Konzept für eine lokale Inselnetzversorgung mit dezentralen Erzeugungsanlagen bei großflächigen Stromausfällen
Meyer, M.; Maucher, B.; Witzmann, R.; Verbesserung der Aufnahmefähigkeit und Sicherung der Netzqualität von Verteilnetzen
Boiarchuk, I.; Hewes, D.; Altschäffl, S.; Witzmann, R.; Simulation Framework for Analysis of the European Transmission System under a Wide Range of Operating Conditions
Seywald, Klaus; Impact of Aeroelasticity on Flight Dynamics and Handling Qualities of Novel Aircraft Configurations
Grumbein, Stefan; Material properties of bacterial biofilms
Wagner, Martin Otto Werner; Gefahrenerkennung in Konfigurationen verteilter Systeme
Yao, Zhihang; Chaturvedi, Kanishk; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Browser-basierte Visualisierung großer 3D-Stadtmodelle durch Erweiterung des Cesium Web Globe
Berto, Tobias; Elucidation of reaction pathways of the photoreforming and overall water splitting reaction over precious metal decorated semiconductors
Nguyen Dinh, Nen; Precast Ultra-Thin Whitetopping (PUTW) in Singapore and its Application for Electrified Roadways
Tiefenbacher, P.; Chouchane, A.; Merget, D.; Schenk, S.; Rigoll, G.; Biomechanics of Thumb Touch Gestures on Handheld Devices
Schenk, S. Tiefenbacher, P.; Rigoll, G.; Dorr, M.; SPOCK: A Smooth Pursuit Oculomotor Control Kit
Dorfner, Johannes; Energy transmission networks at different scales
Takanen, M.; Seeber, B.U.; Extending a Leaky Integrate and Fire Model of the Electrically Stimulated Auditory Nerve Fiber for Pulse Train Stimulation
Wunderlich Th.; Getting to the point: the engineering geodesist’s role in an interdiscilplinary team of experts
Schlögl M.; Wunderlich, Th.; Ingenieurgeodätische Instrumente im Übergang von der Mechanik zur Elektronik und Satellitentechnik
Usbeck, Julia C.; Differentiation of yeasts and their metabolic status by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Nuber, Andreas Hans; Analysis of the function of Farnesoid X Receptor in a mouse model of Barrett’s Esophagus and Adenocarcinoma
Hroß, Sabrina; Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification for image based systems biology
Schlamp, Johann; An Evaluation of Architectural Threats to Internet Routing
Philipp Wagner, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf; DiaSys: On-Chip Trace Analysis for Multi-processor System-on-Chip
Staudacher, M.; 1 bit Massive MIMO Transmitter
Burkovska, Olena; Reduced Basis Methods for Option Pricing and Calibration
Wagler, M.; Witzmann, R.; Erstellung und Evaluierung eines synthetischen Haushaltslastprofilgenerators für Wirk- und Blindleistung
Guertler, Matthias R.; Michailidou, Ioanna; Lindemann, Udo; How to assess a company’s open innovation situation?
Schuetz, Christoph;Ponn, Thomas;Sygulla, Felix;Rixen, Daniel;Ulbrich, Heinz; Proprioceptive Estimation of External Joint Torques at a 9-DOF Manipulator
Virlez, G.; Bruels, O.; Duysinx, P.; Geradin, M.; Cardona, A.; Unilateral contact condition enhanced with squeeze film modelling in automotive differentials
Geist, Christian; Generating Insights in Social Choice Theory via Computer-aided Methods
Seeber B.U.; Sánchez A.J.; Wijetillake, A.; Takanen, M.; Interaural level differences are dominantly evaluated prior to modulation maxima
Clapp S.; Seeber, B.U.; Sound Localization in Partially Updated Room Auralizations
Takanen, M.; Seeber, B.U.; Modeling Pulse Train Stimulation of Electrically Stimulated Auditory Nerve Fibers
Zhang, Qi; Enzyme-like Catalysis in Self-Assembled Aromatic Capsules
Wilnhammer, Matthias Simon; Increased wood energy use: evaluation of resource availability and selected environmental impacts for the case study area Bavaria
Fischer, Mario; Financing Mergers and Acquisitions
Schulze, Moritz; Linear Stability Assessment of Cryogenic Rocket Engines
Pasquini, Lorenzo; Graded degeneration of cortical networks and medial temporal lobe dysconnectivity: Brain network dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease
Wagner, Andreas; Improved concepts of using natural targets for geo-monitoring
Schunk, Christian; Contributions to the assessment of past, present and future forest fire danger in Bavaria and the Alpine region
Lange, André; Non-Gaussian Correlated Multivariate Modeling for Variability Abstraction in Integrated Circuit Analysis
Hübner, Sebastian; Replacing Beryllium: Novel Graphenic Carbon X-ray Transmission Windows
Deinert, Sebastian; Shape and Sizing Optimization of Aircraft Structures with Aeroelastic and Induced Drag Requirements
Rupprecht, Maximilian Fred; Family Businesses: Understanding non-family managers’ discretion, goal diversity, and intra-firm heterogeneity
Bertoglio C., Caiazzo A.; A Stokes-residual backflow stabilization method applied to physiological flows
Landesfeind J., Hattendorff J., Ehrl A., Wall W.A., Gasteiger H.A.; Tortuosity Determination of Battery Electrodes and Separators by Impedance Spectroscopy
Bicker, Karl Alexander; Model Selection for and Partial-Wave Analysis of a Five-Pion Final State at the COMPASS Experiment at CERN
Tooni, Sakineh; Analysis and Design of Open Periodic Metamaterials
Füller, Kathrin; Abud, Elias; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Knowledge Management in Customer Integration: A Customer Input Management System
Füller, Kathrin; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Designing for Positive User Experience in Product Design: A Qualitative Analysis of Toolkit Design Elements and their Implications on Emotional Reactions and Perceptions
Hein, Andreas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Multiple-Case Analysis on Governance Mechanisms of Multi-Sided Platforms
Kistler, Martin; Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in mouse breath as a new tool for metabolic phenotyping
M. Kimmel;S. Hirche; Invariance Control with Time-varying Constraints
Tan, Chung Hui James;Saier, Tim;von Deimling, Constantin;Martetschläger, Frank;Minzlaff, Philipp;Feucht, Matthias J.;Martinez, Horazio;Braun, Sepp;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Burgkart, Rainer; Effect of three remplissage techniques on tendon coverage and shoulder kinematics: a navigated robotic biomechanical study
Liu, Ziyong; Effects of mutations in metabolic genes of Clostridium acetobutylicum
De Candido, O.; Cheema, S.A.; Baltar, L.G.; Haardt, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Downlink Precoder and Equalizer Designs for Multi-User MIMO FBMC/OQAM
Bartzoudis, N.; Berg, V.; Baltar, L.G.; Font, O.; Roth, K.; Payaro, M.; Faerber, M.; Complexity and implementation aspects of filter bank multicarrier
Holst, C.; Neuner, H.; Wieser, A.; Wunderlich, Th.; Kuhlmann H.; Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners
Thomakos, D., Klepsch, J., and Politis, D.; Multivariate NoVaS and Inference on Conditional Correlations
Bittracher, Andreas; The generating structure of spatial conformation dynamics
Plikhta, Andriy; Rational Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Carbene-Centered Pincer Complexes for Small Molecules Conversion
Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wasmeier, Peter; Wunderlich, Thomas; Monitoring Concepts Using Image Assisted Total Stations
Iwanow, M., Vucic, N., Castaneda, M., Luo, J., Xu, W., Utschick, W.; Some Aspects on Hybrid Wideband Transceiver Design for mmWave Communication Systems
Brunner, Hans H.; Intercell Interference Robustness
Pikus M., Kramer G., Böcherer G.; Discrete Signaling for Non-Coherent, Single-Antenna, Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wagner, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas; Using IATS to Read and Analyze Digital Levelling Staffs
Kilian Roth; Javier Garcia; Jawad Munir; Michael Faerber; Josef A. Nossek; Channel capacity comparison of different system concepts for mmWave
Hentschel, J.; Babić, U.; Spliethoff, H.; A parametric approach for the valuation of power plant flexibility options
Buttler, A.; Dinkel, F.; Franz, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Variability of wind and solar power – An assessment of the current situation in the European Union based on the year 2014
Apostolopoulos, Sotirios; Sobotka (Leibold), Marion; Buss, Martin; Online Motion Planning Over Uneven Terrain with Walking Primitives and Regression
Ma, Meng; Personalized Interaction with Medical Information in Mixed Reality Environments
de Nijs, Roderick; Landsiedel, Christian; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Quadratization and Roof Duality of Markov Logic Networks
Kielar, P. M.;Borrmann, A.; Modeling pedestrians’ interest in locations: A concept to improve simulations of pedestrian destination choice
Sayed Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed Abdelaziz; In silico modeling using in vitro high throughput screening data for toxicity prediction within REACH
Fadaei, Salman; Algorithmic Mechanism Design via Relaxation and Rounding
Hill, Katharina; Identifizierung natürlicher Liganden der Abscisinsäure-Rezeptorkomplexe
Huber, Michaela; Das uPAR-System: Identifizierung neuer uPAR-Interaktionspartner und ihre Relevanz beim triple-negativen Brustkrebs
Scholz, Birgit; Novel Approaches for the Analysis of Phytosteryl/-stanyl Fatty Acid Esters and Phytosterol Oxidation Products in Enriched Foods
Bongini, Mattia; Sparse Optimal Control of Multiagent Systems
Wu, Y. and Wigger, M.; Coding schemes with rate-limited feedback that improve over the nofeedback capacity for a large class of broadcast channels
Metzger, Michael; The P2X7 receptor and its functional involvement in mood and neurodegenerative disorders
Bloch, Gregor; An Experimental Study on Vertical Subcooled Flow Boiling Under the Influence of Turbulence and Secondary Flows
Niehues, Michael Richard; Adaptive Produktionssteuerung für Werkstattfertigungssysteme durch fertigungsbegleitende Reihenfolgebildung
P. Henkel, A. Sperl; Precise RTK Positioning with GPS/ INS Tight Coupling and Multipath Estimation
P. Henkel, A. Sperl; Real-Time Kinematic Positioning for Unmanned Air Vehicles
P. Henkel, M. Iafrancesco, A. Sperl; Precise Point Positioning with Code Multipath Estimation
Yao, Weiwei; Application of the Ecohydraulic Model on Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
Huang, Kai;Hu, Biao;Botsch, Jan;Madduri, Nikhil;Knoll, Alois; A Scalable Lane Detection Algorithm on COTSs with OpenCL
Rickert, Markus;Perzylo, Alexander; Industrieroboter für KMU: Flexible und intuitive Prozessbeschreibung
Hu, Biao;Huang, Kai;Chen, Gang;Cheng, Long;Knoll, Alois; Evaluation and Improvements of Runtime Monitoring Methods for Real-Time Event Streams
Cheng, Long;Huang, Kai;Chen, Gang;Hu, Biao;Knoll, Alois; Minimizing peak temperature for Pipelined Hard Real-time Systems
El-Guindy, A.;Han, D.;Althoff, M.; Formal Analysis of Drum-Boiler Units to Maximize the Load-Following Capabilities of Power Plants
Staib, Lena; Investigation of propanediol and fucose degradation by Salmonella Typhimurium
Icer, E.;Giusti, A.;Althoff, M.; A Task-Driven Algorithm for Configuration Synthesis of Modular Robots
Zhang, Feihu;Hinz, Gereon;Gulati, Dhiraj;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Localization based on the Symmetric Measurement Equation Filter
Schürmann, Bastian;El-Guindy, Ahmed;Althoff, Matthias; Closed-Form Expressions of Convex Combinations
Giusti, A.;Althoff, M.; Ultimate Robust Performance Control of Rigid Robot manipulators using Interval Arithmetic
Javier Garcia, Jawad Munir, Amine Mezghani and Josef A. Nossek; A Bayesian Sparse Reconstruction Framework for Mitigation of Non-Linear Effects in OFDM Systems
Zöller, Andreas Josef; Artificial Neural Network Based Pulse-Shape Analysis for Cryogenic Detectors Operated in CRESST-II
T. Soleymani;S. Hirche;J. S. Baras; Optimal Stationary Self-Triggered Sampling for Estimation
Schuwerk, Clemens; Client/Server-Based Shared Haptic Virtual Environments: Perceptual Data Reduction, Communication, and Delay Compensation
Bai, Qing; Energy Efficient Design and Operation of Wireless Communication Systems
Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Muñoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J.; Silva, B.; Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest
Stein, Manuel S.; Signal Parameter Estimation with 1-bit ADC
Rausch, Johannes; Reformen der Sozialsysteme
Nedelcu, A. ; Kramer, G.; Sensitivity of Information Rates of Matching Circuits for Antenna Arrays
Uhl, Sebastian; Photon Reconstruction and Partial-Wave Analysis of Three-Body Final States with Neutral Particles at COMPASS
Solaguren-Beascoa Negre, Ana; Standard Model Fermion Hierarchies with Multiple Higgs Doublets
von Sivers, Isabella Katharina Maximiliana; Modellierung sozialpsychologischer Faktoren in Personenstromsimulationen
Schulte, P.; Non-Binary Low Density parity Check Codes
Schulte, P.; Non-Binary Low Density parity Check Codes
Affolter-Huber, Benita Barbara; Engagement und Beanspruchung von Lehrpersonen in der Phase des Berufseintritts
Haban, Franz Xaver; Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen an Spannbetonschwellen
Müller, Birgit Sabine; Optimization of efficiency and dosimetric quality in treatment planning of intensity-modulated radiotherapy with photon and proton beams
Schuller, Jan Michael; Cryo-EM single particle analysis of ASCE-ATPases
Lalik, Rafał Tomasz; A beam detector for pion experiments and analysis of the inclusive Λ production in proton-proton reactions with HADES
Kern, Tanja Petra; Stickstoffmetabolismus von Listeria monocytogenes: Identifizierung von Substraten und ihre Verwendung für die Proteinsynthese
Bode, Tobias; The neutrinoless double beta decay experiment GERDA Phase II: A novel ultra-low background contacting technique for germanium detectors and first background data
Wucherer, Patrick; Simulation in medical education
Mocker-Henning, Marina; Kombinierte elektromagnetische Vollwellen- und strahlbasierte Simulationen von Fahrzeugantennen in virtuellen Testfahrten
Koropouli, V.; Gusrialdi, A.; Hirche, S.; Lee, D.; An extremum-seeking control approach for constrained robotic motion tasks
Cai, Caixia;Somani, Nikhil;Knoll, Alois; Orthogonal Image Features for Visual Servoing of a 6-DOF Manipulator with Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
Seidel, Christian Markus; Finite-Elemente-Simulation des Aufbauprozesses beim Laserstrahlschmelzen
Kausika, Bhavya;Moshrefzadeh, Mandana;Kolbe, Thomas H.;van Sark, Wilfried; 3D Solar Potential Modelling and Analysis: A case study for the city of Utrecht
Schmidhalter, U.; Stickstoff gezielt und effizient düngen
Pellinger, Christoph Martin Heinrich; Mehrwert Funktionaler Energiespeicher aus System- und Akteurssicht
Meier, Markus Rainer; Zementhydratation und Kristallisation von Ettringit unter Mikrogravitation in Gegenwart und Abwesenheit von Polycarboxylat-Fließmitteln
Stiegler, Sandrine Carolina; Analysis and Modulation of the disease-related Hsp90 machinery
Peters, Sebastian Matthias; MIBO – A Framework for the Integration of Multimodal Intuitive Controls in Smart Buildings
Ferrari, Elena; Adaptation of Listeria weihenstephanensis and Listeria monocytogenes to anaerobiosis
Jahn, Markus; Heat shock protein 90 studied at the single molecule level
Junker, Maximilian; Specification and Analysis of Availability for Software-Intensive Systems
Saraiya, Megha; Characterisation of transgenic mice for cardiac fibroblast-specific transgenesis.
Schweitzer, Andreas; Kryo-EM Struktur des humanen 26S Proteasoms
Wühst, Eva Maria; Essays on Auditing and Financial Reporting Regulation
Goldberg, Tatyana; Next Generation Machine Learning Prediction of Protein Cellular Sorting
Farah P., Vuong A.-T., Wall W.A., Popp A.; Volumetric coupling approaches for multiphysics simulations on non-matching meshes
Kutzner, Tatjana; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Extending Semantic 3D City Models by Supply and Disposal Networks for Analysing the Urban Supply Situation
Stöckl, Katharina Bernadette; Defining the ecological niche of the thick-shelled river mussel Unio crassus - implications for the conservation of an endangered species
Enders, Björn; Development and Application of Decoherence Models in Ptychographic Diffraction Imaging
Henze, Alexander; Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium- and Sodium-Rich Transition-Metal Germanides and Stannides
Wagner, C.; Proux, B.; Krinner, A.; Thümmel, T.; Rixen, D.; Rotordynamik: Modellierung und Einfluss von Schrägkugellagern für Hochdrehzahlanwendungen
Sargut, Mine; Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der objektiven Erfassung der Pankreasstiffness über den Activated-Stroma-Index
Dighera, Francesco; Radiative Corrections in Relic Density Calculations
Kowalski, Natalie; Charakterisierung der Glutathiontransferasen aus Arabidopsis thaliana
Degenfeld-Schonburg, Peter; Self-consistent projection operator theory
Strillinger, Eva Elisabeth; Herstellung von halophilen Enzymen mit Haloferax volcanii im Rührkesselreaktor
Graf, Tobias Maximilian; Tröpfchenbewässerung im Hopfenbau - Feldversuche, Physiologie und Rhizosphäre
Hintermayer, Sarah Beate; Charakterisierung der Anodenatmung von Pseudomonas putida in Rührkesselreaktoren
Neupert, Stephan; Foliations and the cohomology of moduli spaces of bounded global G-shtukas
Lang, Michael; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; What Are the Most Important Criteria for Cloud Service Provider Selection? A Delphi Study
Pflügler, Christoph; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; The Dual-sided Effect of Project Failure on IT Professionals
Kooshapur, Sheema; Modelling dispersion on the pore scale based on the velocity distribution function
Neuner, Susanne Renate; Baumartenwahl im Klimawandel
Menz, Benedikt Josef; Development of large area X-ray beam collimator
Linderholt, Andreas; Abrahamsson, Thomas; Johansson, Anders; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza; Rixen, Daniel J.; The Dynamic Behavior of Three Sets of the Ampair 600 Wind Turbine
H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer; Arbitrarily varying multiple access channels with conferencing encoders: List decoding and finite coordination resources
Kühnel, Annett; The effect of heat shock factor 1 (HSF-1) and heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp27 on radiosensitivity and immunogenicity
Heimbach, Florian; Current-Controlled Spin-Wave Interference in Magnonic Waveguides and Magnetization Dynamics in Artificial Spin Ice and Ferromagnetic Nanotubes
Büchner, Alexander; Kondensation binärer Gemische an horizontalen Rohren
Li, S.; Lee, D.; Fast Visual Odometry using Intensity assisted Iterative Closest Point
Metz, Christian; Gasblasenbildung und Sorption von organischen SERS-aktiven Substanzen an mikro- und nanostrukturierten Oberflächen
Wulschner, Karl Friedrich; Controlled interactions in superconducting quantum circuits
Rischke, Roman; Deterministic, Stochastic, and Robust Cost-Aware Scheduling
Büttner, David; Improving Hybrid Codes Through MPI-Aware OpenMP
Stangl, Michaela Katja; Dissecting brain-specific functions of histone deacetylases 1 and 3 by using genetic mouse models
Janßen, Gisbert; Quantum protocols for coherence and security under source uncertainties
Hoffmann, Thomas; Structure-based Prediction and Modeling of the Inter-Domain Association Angles of T-cell Receptors
Gebhardt, R.; Davies, M.E.P.; Seeber, B.U.; Psychoacoustic Approaches for Harmonic Music Mixing
Pastula, Agnieszka; Organoids as a model to study the cellular microenvironment and as a potential tool for personalized cancer medicine
Mousa, Wael Ahmad Yousuf; Potential of vernacular architecture for an integrated model for passive design in hot-arid climate
Babaee, M.; Wolf, T.; Rigoll, G.; Relative Attribute Guided Dictionary Learning
Wolf, T.; Babaee, M.; Rigoll, G.; Multi-View Gait Recognition Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
Tiefenbacher, P.; Sirch, M.; Babaee, M.; Rigoll, G.; Wavelet Contrast-Based Image Inpainting With Sparsity-Driven Initialization
V. Koropouli;A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche;D. Lee; An extremum-seeking control approach for constrained robotic motion tasks
Herrmann, S.; Jimenez-Arreola, M.; Fendt, S.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; effizienzsteigerung der biomassevergasung mittels hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen
Herrmann, S.; Jimenez-Arreola, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermo-economic evaluation of medium-scale integrated biogas, biomass gasification and solid oxide fuel cell system
Herrmann, S.; Kahlert, S.; Wuerth, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermo-economic evaluation of novel flexible caes/ccpp concept
Briesemeister, L.; Kremling, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of the gasification of HTC biocoal in a 100 kW air-blown entrained-flow reactor
Sebastian Eyerer, Wei Liu , Matthäus Irl , Stefan Ausfelder , Eva-Maria Dichtl , Christoph Wieland , Hartmut Spliethoff; EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF AN ORC WITH UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS AND INTER-MODEL COMPARISON FOR THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF R1233ZD-E
Vandersickel, A.; Aboueldahab, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Small-scale pumped heat electricity storage for decentralised combined heat and power generation: cost optimal design and operation
Blomberg, C. K.; Mitakos, D.; Bardi, M.; Boulouchos, K.; Wright, Y. M.; Vandersickel, A.; Extension of the phenomenological 3-Arrhenius auto-ignition model for six surrogate automotive fuels
Reif, Anna Verena; Kondensation von Reinstoffen an horizontalen Rohren
Kümmel, Michal; Taxis, Passengers and Stable Marriage
Moshrefzadeh, Mandana; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Smart Data Infrastructure for Smart and Sustainable Cities
Halama, S.;Spliethoff, H.; Reaction kinetics of pressurized entrained flow coal gasification: computational fluid dynamics simulation of a 5 MW siemens test gasifier
Flurl, Matthias Heinrich Josef; Kollaborative Modellierung und simulationsgestützte Evaluierung trassenbasierter Infrastrukturbauwerke
Verheyen, Christoph; Structural investigations of yeasted wheat dough – the impact of CO2 and glutathione
Büttner, Marc Alexander; Genetic Strategies to Improve Folding and Secretion of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli
Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;Schuetz, Christoph;Wahrmann, Daniel;Wittmann, Robert;Rixen, Daniel; A Flexible Robotic Framework for Autonomous Manufacturing Processes: Report from the European Robotics Challenge Stage 1
Landesfeind J., Ehrl A., Graf M., Wall W. A., Gasteiger H. A.; Direct Electrochemical Determination of Thermodynamic Factors in Aprotic Binary Electrolytes
Durante, F.; Puccetti, G.; Scherer, M.; Vanduffel, S.; Stat Trek - An interview with Christian Genest
Gleinser, M.; Wieland, C.; The misselhorn cycle: batch-evaporation process for efficient low-temperature waste heat recovery
Meier, Christoph Anton; Geometrically exact finite element formulations for slender beams and their contact interaction
Traunsteiner, Christoph Sebastian; Electrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy Studies of Enzyme Immobilization on Model Electrodes
Babaee, M.; Yu, X.; Rigoll, G.; Datcu, M.; Position-Aware Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Satellite Image Representation
Bitzer, Mario; Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Iridium and Ruthenium: Synthesis, Characterization and Scope towards (Tandem-) Catalysis
Reich, Robert; Application of imidazolium based ionic liquids as solvents and catalysts in the epoxidation of olefins – Influence of the substitution pattern of the imidazolium cation on ion-pairing and catalytic activity
von Soden-Fraunhofen, Johann Felix; Automation of higher order corrections and their applications Beyond the Standard Model
Soller, Benedikt Simon; Rare Earth Metal-Mediated Group Transfer Polymerization of Vinylphosphonates: Initiation, Propagation, and Stereoregularity
Emmert, Thomas Michael; State Space Modeling of Thermoacoustic Systems with Application to Intrinsic Feedback
Hackenberg, Manuela; A Coupled Integral Transform Method - Finite Element Method Approach to Model the Soil-Structure-Interaction
Müller F., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Bosch W.; Sea Ice Leads and Polynya Detection using Multi-Mission altimetry in the Greenland Sea
Andreisek, G.; Schädler, S.; Seeber, B.U.; Analyse, Synthese und perzeptiv-motivierte Kodierung von transienten Schallsignalen für die zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung
Gomez, G.: Seeber, B.U.; Differences in distance perception for sounds from the front and back with and without hearing aid satellites
Guibourgé, A.; Ghaderi, V.; Conradt, J.; Seeber, B.U.; Acoustic spatial encoding in a portable navigation aid for the blind
Leis, Viktor; Query Processing and Optimization in Modern Database Systems
Fontaine, Pirmin Stefan Reinhold; Methodological Advances and New Formulations for Bilevel Network Design Problems
Zollitsch, Christoph Wilhelm; Single Excitation Transfer in the Quantum Regime: A Spin-Based Solid-State Approach
Wand, Patricia; Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Platinum Nanoparticles in Colloidal Hydrogenation Reactions
Schreiner, Emanuel; Stimulating innovation: The role of leadership, teamwork, and boundary spanning
Rumm, Stefanie; Verbrauchereinschätzungen zu Biokunststoffen: eine Analyse vor dem Hintergrund des heuristic-systematic model
Stöcker, Fabian Johannes; Muscle oxygen availability in response to exercise: influence of intensity and duration.
Bauer, Veronika Maria; Analysing and supporting software reuse in practice
Meinel, D.; Braimakis, K.; Wieland, C.; Karellas, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Flexible two-stage turbine bleeding organic rankine cycles (ORCs) for combined heat and power applications
Singer, Dominic;Bügler, Maximilian;Borrmann, André; Knowledge based Bridge Engineering - Artificial Intelligence meets Building Information Modeling
Krepp, Stefan;Jahr, Katrin;Bigontina, Sonja;Bügler, Maximilian;Borrmann, André; BIMsite - Towards a BIM-based Generation and Evaluation of Realization Variants Comprising Construction Methods, Site Layouts and Schedules
Pfitzner, Rebecca; The impact of mega-sport events on host residents’ quality of life
Preidel, C.; Borrmann, A.; Integrating Relational Algebra into a Visual Code Checking Language for Information Retrieval from Building Information Models
Preidel, C.; Borrmann, A.; Oberender, C.; Tretheway, M.; Seamless Integration of Common Data Environment Access into BIM Authoring Applications: the BIM Integration Framework
Muenzberg, Christopher; Gericke, Kilian; Oehmen, Josef; Lindemann, Udo; An Exploratory Study of Crises in Product Development
Horger, Thomas; Complexity Reduction for Finite Element Methods with Applications to Eigenvalue Problems
Ringelhan, Andreas; Wüsthoff, Tilo; Frenkler, Fritz; Prototyping Interaction: Methoden für die nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung intelligenter, physisch interaktiver Systeme
Holling, Dominik; Defect-based Quality Assurance with Defect Models
Meinlschmidt, Pia; Nonthermal Processing Technologies for the Mitigation of Soy Protein Isolates Immunoreactivity - with Focus on their Sensory and Physicochemical Properties
Göttl F., Schwatke C., Dettmering D.; Combination of Envisat, CryoSat-2 and SARAL/ALTIKA measurements for estimating water level variations of lakes
Kulczycki, Wojciech; The Effects of Sport Organizations’ Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumers
Werther, Norman; Einflussgrößen auf das Abbrandverhalten von Holzbauteilen und deren Berücksichtigung in empirischen und numerischen Beurteilungsverfahren
Henke, Klaudius; Additive Baufertigung durch Extrusion von Holzleichtbeton
Doll, Dominik; Enhancement of corporate decision making – Three essays on ability-based group composition, assessment criteria for payment scheme efficiency, and factors for employee pay satisfaction
Geisler, Konstantin; Einfluss einer Tragschicht mit hydraulischen Bindemitteln auf die Dimensionierung einer Festen Fahrbahn
Trautner, Andreas; CP and other Symmetries of Symmetries
Stadlberger, Korbinian Franz; Modelling and Performance Aspects of Coanda Flap Systems
Haag, Thore-Björn; Risikofaktoren für Rückenschmerz im Volleyball
Wüpper, David Johannes; Culture and Rural Development
Gürtler, Matthias Rudolf; Situational Open Innovation
Mattyus, Gellert; Joint Information Augmentation of Road Maps, Aerial Images and Ground Images
Ingawale, Yashodhara; Characterisation of murine mesenchymal stem cells during ageing and radiation exposure
Khan, Sheraz; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Modeling Laser Intensities For Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Schrod, Nikolas Johannes; From Axons to Synapses: Cryo-Electron Tomography of Neurons
Liu, Fangzhou; Buss, Martin; Node-Based SIRS Model on Heterogeneous Networks: Analysis and Control
Pernpeintner, Matthias Elmar Maria; Nanomechanical hybrid systems
Liu, Zhen; Real-time Investigation of Underlying Physiology behind PET Tracer Uptake based on Positron Imaging of a Microfluidic Chip and a Window Chamber
Veltkamp, Christian; Analysis of Ras effector pathways in pancreatic cancer progression and maintenance
Amann, J.;Borrmann, A.; Embedding Procedural Knowledge into Building Information Models: The IFC Procedural Language and Its Application for Flexible Transition Curve Representation
Moustris, George P.; Geravand, Milad; Tzafestas, Costas; Peer, Angelika; User-Adaptive Shared Control in a Mobility Assistance Robot based on Human-Centered Intention Reading and Decision Making Scheme
Wieser, Carola; Quantifying the Effect of Stress Changes on the Deformation and Cracking Behavior of Solid Rock using Acoustic Emission Techniques
Donner, Philine; Buss, Martin; Cooperative Swinging of Complex Pendulum-Like Objects: Experimental Evaluation
Ritzinger, Anne; Flächensparen zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Chen, Zhifen; Human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes as platforms for cardiac disease modeling, therapeutic discovery and safety pharmacology
Haladjian, Juan; TangoHapps: An Integrated Development Environment for Smart Textiles
Hein, Andreas Makoto; Heritage Technologies in Space Programs - Assessment Methodology and Statistical Analysis
Huang, Chun-Hao; Tracking by Detection of 3D Human Shapes in Multi-camera Environments
Brückner, Sarah; Industrielle Abwärme in Deutschland
Groher, Anna; Vergleichende reaktionstechnische Analyse verschiedener acetogener Mikroorganismen zur Gasfermentation
Fries, Veronika; Pflügler, Christoph; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; The hateful six - Factors Hindering Adoption of Innovation at small and medium sized Enterprises
Baader, Galina; Meyer, Robert; Wagner, Christoph; Krcmar Helmut; Specification and Implementation of a Data Generator to simulate Fraudulent User Behavior
Baader, Galina; Knigge, Marlene; Hecht, Sonja; Krcmar Helmut; Teaching Big Data Analytics to IS Students: Development of a Learning Framework
Guertler, Matthias Rudolf; Becerril, Lucia; Lindemann, Udo; How to Identify Suitable Collaboration Strategies for Open Innovation?
Angst, Gerrit; Disentangling the sources, chemical composition, and spatial distribution of soil organic matter in topsoil and subsoil under European beech
Engerer, Peter; Plasticity of the vsx1+ progenitor lineage during zebrafish retinogenesis
Huber, Bettina; Biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion in sludge digesters
Hora, Manuel Christian; Solid- and Solution-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Analysis of Amyloidogenic Immunoglobulin Light Chains and their Interactions with Epigallocatechin Gallate
del Razo Sarmina, Jose Victor; Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging in Residential and Highway Environments
Nohe, Björn; Einflussfaktoren auf den Steuerungsaufwand in Bauprojekten als Bewertungskriterium für die Festlegung einer Projektorganisationsform
Jauernig, Johanna; Uhl, Matthias; Lütge, Christoph; The Ambivalence of Creating Peace Signals: How a Self-Binding Device Influences Aggression
Hackelöer, Andreas; Conflation of Road Networks from Digital Maps
Drost, Bertram Heinrich; Point Cloud Computing for Rigid and Deformable 3D Object Recognition
Sara El-Molla, Andreas Albrecht, Engin Cagatay, Philipp Mittendorfer, Gordon Cheng, Paolo Lugli, José F. Salmerón and Almudena Rivadeneyra; Integration of a Thin Film PDMS-Based Capacitive Sensor for Tactile Sensing in an Electronic Skin
Abu-Alqumsan, Mohammad; Advancing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Robotic Embodiment Systems
Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Angermann D.; DGFI part of project PN 5 - status report
Beil-Wagner, Jane; Determining the master regulator responsible for negative selection in thymocytes
Bügler, Maximilian; Reactive Simulation of Shoring and Excavation Processes based on Automated Performance Monitoring
Singh, Akanksha; Deciphering multitrophic interactions for aphid control on okra in Cameroon
Zepic, Robert; Klotz, Thomas; Dapp, Marcus; Krcmar, Helmut; Social Media in Political Transition: A Literature Review
Sehr, Christiana Verena; Model based analysis of central metabolic pathways of Halomonas elongata
Schneider, Florian; URML: Towards Visual Negotiation of Complex System Requirements
Bloßfeld M., Panafidina N., Seitz M.; Consistent dynamic satellite reference frames and terrestrial geodetic datum parameters - status report PN 6
Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D., Schmid R.; The most recent DGFI-TUM realization of the ITRS: DTRF2014
Eichner, Ruth; Functional characterization of Cereblon, the molecular target of immunomodulatory drugs
Cho, Yi-Li; Stochastic differentiation of single CD4+ T cells is modulated by T cell receptor avidity
Breitenberger, Michael; CAD-Integrated Design and Analysis of Shell Structures
J. Nötzel, M. Wiese, H. Boche; The Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channel -- Secret Randomness, Stability, and Super-Activation
Werz, Patrick David Leonidas; Stimuli-responsive Polymerpartikel für die energieeffiziente Abtrennung von Kohlenstoffdioxid
H. Boche, E. Tampubolon; On the decay -- and the smoothness behavior of the Fourier transform, and the construction of signals having strong divergent Shannon sampling series
H. Boche, V. Pohl; The divergence behavior of adaptive signal processing algorithms with finite search horizon
M. Wiese, J. Nötzel, H. Boche; A Channel Under Simultaneous Jamming and Eavesdropping Attack--Correlated Random Coding Capacities Under Strong Secrecy Criteria
Wlokka, Stephan Albrecht; Aspects of Ultra-Cold Neutron Production in Radiation Fields at the FRM II
Schuster, Simon F.; Reuse of Automotive Lithium-Ion Batteries: An Assessment from the Cell Aging Perspective
Kammerl, Daniel; Winkler, Stefan; Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Mörtl, Markus; Model-based support for Product-Service System planning
Schubert-Mielnik, Ulrich; Differential Equations and the Magnus Exponential for multi-loop multi-scale Feynman Integrals
Englsberger, Johannes; Combining reduced dynamics models and whole-body control for agile humanoid locomotion
Müller, Martina; Roth, Michael; Lindemann, Udo; The Hazard Analysis Profile: Linking Safety Analysis and SysML
Roth, Michael; Beetzen, Christoffer von; Lindemann, Udo; Matrix-based Multi-hierarchy Fault Tree Generation and Evaluation
Roth, Michael; Mayr, Lisa; Lindemann, Udo; A Knowledge Framework for Safety Analysis of User-Induced Changes
Roth, Michael; Münzberg, Christopher; Lindemann, Udo; A Method to Explicate Safety Functions
Roth, Michael; Ulrich, Christina Marianne; Holle, Maik; Lindemann, Udo; The Impact of User-driven Customization on the Development Process
Bock, Julius; Wilberg, Julian; Lindemann, Udo; Supplier Integration in Product Development: a Search for Existing Approaches in other Industries
Rötzer, Sebastian; Wilberg, Julian; Lindemann, Udo; Lean Innovation Methods: Application & Evaluation during a Student Project
Zhong, Yu; Characterization of novel Helicobacter pylori vaccine candidates
Wieghold, Sarah; Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Studies of Nanostructures at the Solid-Liquid Interface
Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Design and Governance of Platform Ecosystems – Key Concepts and Issues for Future Research
Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Modularization of Digital Services for Urban Transportation
Silbernagl, Matthias; A Polyhedral Analysis of Start-up Process Models in Unit Commitment Problems
Buchberger, Irmgard; Electrochemical and structural investigations on lithium-ion battery materials and related degradation processes
Périn, Yann; Development of a Multi-Physics, Multi-Scale simulation tool for LWR safety analysis
Guertler, Matthias R.; Stahl, Stephanus; Muenzberg, Christopher; Lindemann, Udo; Analysing the influence of planning-parameters on Open Innovation performance
Lindemann, Udo; Innovationsmanagement
Eder, Sebastian; Exploiting Execution Profiles in Software Maintenance and Test
Hiller, Matthias; Key Derivation with Physical Unclonable Functions
Gaß, Maximilian; PIDE methods and concepts for parametric option pricing
d'Albert, Hugo; Schweigert, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo; Anwendung von Anforderungsschablonen im Simulationsdatenmanagement
Lechner, J.; Günthner, W.A.;; Messkonzept und Methodik zur Konfiguration und zum Nachweis einer zuverlässigen Identifikation durch UHF - RFID - Installationen
Rackl, M.; Günthner, W.A.; Experimental investigation on the influence of different grades of wood chips on screw feeding performance
Ludwig, C.; Günthner, W.A.; Hochregale aus Stahl und Holz
Rackl, M.; Görnig, C.D.; Hanley, K.J.; Günthner, W.A.; Efficient calibration of discrete element material model parameters using Latin hypercube sampling and Kriging
Melson, Tobias Fabian; Modeling neutrino-driven core-collapse supernova explosions in three dimensions
Jagtap, Pravin Kumar Ankush; Molecular recognition of splicing factors involved in Fas alternative splicing
Heydenreuter, Wolfgang; Target identification of natural products by activity based protein profiling and a whole proteome inventory of background photocrosslinker binding
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Braun, Felix; Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander; Mörtl, Markus; Interview study: How can Product-Service Systems increase customer acceptance of innovations?
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Breyer, Manuel; Lindemann, Udo; Servitizationof on-campus mobility - A sharing system for electric skateboards
Michailidou, Ioanna; Franzen, Florian; Lindemann, Udo; Method to create market-specific customer profiles for enhancing positive user experiences in cars
Michailidou, Ioanna; Lindemann, Udo; Exploring the actual practice of user experience and scenario-based methods
Michailidou, Ioanna; Lindemann, Udo; Managing user experience design: The role of a "storykeeper"
Hofer, Katharina; Fusarium species on barley: Steps towards an integrated management
Kück, Jens Wilhelm; Adding Value to Double Bonds: Epoxidation Reactions Catalyzed by Iron N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes
Mayr, Matthias; A Monolithic Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Adaptive Time Stepping and a Hybrid Preconditioner
Pandey, K. P.; Adhikari, Y.P.; Weber, M.; Structure, composition and diversity of forest along the altitudinal gradient in the Himalayas, Nepal
Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Behncke, Florian; Roth, Michael; Fleckenstein, Franz; Roos, Reinhard; Integrated Value Engineering - Increasing the value of a forklift subsystem
Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Fürtbauer, Daniel; Behncke, Florian; Lindemann, Udo; INTEGRATED VALUE ENGINEERING - IMPLEMENTATION OF VALUE OPTIMIZATION POTENTIALS
Behncke, Florian; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Shalumov, Boris; Kieckebusch, Martin; Koehler, Christian; Lindemann, Udo; Strategisches Produktkostenmanagement - Eine Studie der europäischen Industrie
Wild, Sebastian; Phenomenology of dark matter searches: simplified models and novel model-independent approaches
Hille, Claudia;Kühn, Fritz E.; Cationic rhenium complexes ligated with N-heterocyclic carbenes – an overview
Heidegger, Simon;Gößl, Dorothée;Schmidt, Alexandra;Niedermayer, Stefan;Argyo, Christian;Endres, Stefan;Bein, Thomas;Bourquin, Carole; Immune response to functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery
Maturi, Mark M.;Fukuhara, Gaku;Tanaka, Koichiro;Kawanami, Yuko;Mori, Tadashi;Inoue, Yoshihisa;Bach, Thorsten; Enantioselective [4+4] photodimerization of anthracene-2,6-dicarboxylic acid mediated by a C 2 -symmetric chiral template
Marchetti, Barbara;Karsili, Tolga N. V.; Theoretical insights into the photo-protective mechanisms of natural biological sunscreens: building blocks of eumelanin and pheomelanin
Görner, Christian;Redai, Veronika;Bracharz, Felix;Schrepfer, Patrick;Garbe, Daniel;Brück, Thomas; Genetic engineering and production of modified fatty acids by the non-conventional oleaginous yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus ATCC 20509
Grundner, S.;Luo, W.;Sanchez-Sanchez, M.;Lercher, J. A.; Synthesis of single-site copper catalysts for methane partial oxidation
Neumann, A.-C.;Wang, X.;Niessner, R.;Knopp, D.; Determination of microcystin-LR in surface water by a magnetic bead-based colorimetric immunoassay using antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles
Gamiz-Hernandez, Ana P.;Kaila, Ville R. I.; Conversion of light-energy into molecular strain in the photocycle of the photoactive yellow protein
Yun, Jeongsik;Pfisterer, Jonas;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; How simple are the models of Na intercalation in aqueous media?
Schweigert, Sebastian; D'Albert, Hugo; Lindemann, Udo; Enhancement of Collaboration and Communication between Design and Simulation Departments by Methods of Requirements Engineering
Wagner, Marcel; Abbildung von transientem Produktverhalten in der Maschinenbelegungsplanung
Griebel, B.; Brecheisen, D.; Ramakrishnan, R.; Volk W.; Optical Measurement Techniques Determine Young's Modulus of Sand Core Materials
Yuan, Ji; Time-dependent Probabilistic Assessment of Rainfall-induced Slope Failure
Babaee, M.; Wolf, M.; Rigoll, G.; Toward Semantic Attributes in Dictionary Learning and Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Dippon, Andreas; Natural Interaction in Multi-Device Environments
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Richter, Christoph; Hostettler, Rafael; Schneider, Philip; Plum, Ines; Böhler, Dominik; Lindemann, Udo; Conradt, Jörg; Knoll, Alois; Think.Make.Start. - An Agile Framework
Khakhutskyy, Valeriy; Sparse Grids for Big Data: Exploiting Parsimony for Large-Scale Learning
Schopf, Anna; de Vries, Walter Timo; Kiehlbrei, Nina; Comparative analysis of transnational cooperation forms of the Alpine border region Germany - Austria
Fürst, Bernhard; Multi-modal Registration and Robotic Imaging for Computer Assisted Surgery
Campanella, Antonella; Structure and dynamics of nanocomposites composed of hydrophobically modified ethoxylated urethanes and magnetite nanoparticles in the hydrogel and dried state
Liu, W.; Wieland, C.; Meinel, D.; Spliethoff, H.; Optimal heat source temperature for supercritical organic rankine cycle
Angerer, M.;Djukow , M.; Riedl, K.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Simulation of cogeneration combined cycle plant flexibilization by thermochemical energy storage
Thiem, S.; Born, A.; Danov, V.; Vandersickel, A.; Schaefer, J.; Hamacher, T.; Modeling of ice storages for integration in smart combined heat, cold and power (chcp) plants
Li, Renyi; Bioaugmentation towards isoproturon degradation in agricultural soils: Implications for biological remediation of soils contaminated with organics
Geißler, A.; Steibel, M.; Botteghi, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of the entrained flow gasification of a bituminous coal and a lignite
Eyerer, S.; Wieland, C.; Vandersickel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental study of an ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) and analysis of R1233zd-E as a drop-in replacement for R245fa for low temperature heat utilization
Speth, K.; Murer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of nitrogen species distribution in wood combustion and their influence on NOx reduction by combining air staging and ammonia injection
Schatte, G. A. ;Kohlhepp, A.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Development of a new empirical correlation for the prediction of the onset of the deterioration of heat transfer to supercritical water in vertical tubes
Fernandez Miguel, Rodrigo; Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Lindemann, Udo; Factors influencing knowledge application - A review from the knowledge management field
Borrmann, A.;Hochmuth, M.;König, M.;Liebich, T.;Singer, D.; Germany’s governmental BIM initiative – Assessing the performance of the BIM pilot projects
Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; A Graph Transformation Based Method for the Semi-Automatic Generation of Parametric Models of Shield Tunnels
Kratzer, Michael Christoph; Local methods for global and stochastic problems in optimal control
Hessler, André; Exotic Particles at the LHC: Production via the Higgs Portal and FIMP Dark Matter Searches
Omer, Mayada; Venkataraman, Srinivasan; Wilberg, Julian; Hollauer, Christoph; A knowledge management framework for identifying innovation potentials from use phase information
Rosner, Andreas; Hollauer, Christoph; Kammerl, Daniel; Omer, Mayada; Mörtl, Markus; Evaluation of life cycle analysis case studies: Findings for application and further development
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Böttcher, Lena; Wilberg, Julian; Kammerl, Daniel; Lindemann, Udo; Modeling Transfer of Knowledge in an Online Platform of a Cluster
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Brüderle, Peter; Mörtl, Markus; Focusing Aspects of Customer Acceptance for Planning Product-Service Systems – A Case Study from Construction Machines Industry
Lünskens, Tobias; Size-dependent Plasmonic Properties of Supported Silver Clusters and Cluster-Molecule Complexes
Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Lehmer, Katharina; Rebentisch, Eric; Lindemann, Udo; Synchronization in Product Development Projects: A Literature Study on Challenges and Practices
Holle, Maik; Straub, Immanuel; Roth, Michael; Lindemann, Udo; Customer Individual Product Development - Methodology for Product Architecture Modification
Emmanouilidis, Leonidas; Structural biology in peroxisome biogenesis
Eliasdottir, Bryndis B.; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza; Bartl, Andreas; Rixen, Daniel J.; An Experimental-Numerical Substructuring Approach in Dual Form
von Deimling, Constantin;Föhr, Peter;Obermeier, Andreas;Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;Schütz, Christoph;Wahrmann, Daniel;Rixen, Daniel;Burgkart, Rainer; Spatial investigation of biologic joints by robotic arms
Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Wahrmann, Daniel; Wittmann, Robert; v. Deimling, Constantin; Rixen, Daniel; Autonomous Robotics: Application on Legged and Agricultural Robots
Krinner, A.;Rixen, D. J.; Load Dependent Interface Reduction Method for Flexible Multibody Systems with Elastohydrodynamic Lubricated Joints
Abbassi, Sara; Building Blocks for Organometallic Frameworks and Ionic Liquids
Bentlohner, Manuel Meinrad; Reactions of [Ge9]4- Zintl Anions for the Synthesis of New Materials
Braun, A.;Tuttas, S.;Stilla, U.;Borrmann, A.; Incorporating knowledge on construction methods into automated progress monitoring techniques
Braun, A.;Tuttas, S.;Stilla, U.;Borrmann, A.; Classification of detection states in construction progress monitoring
Koch, Heiner Matthias; Application of mass spectrometry-based proteomics to study cancer drug resistance mechanisms
Felbermeier, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Klimaschutz durch Holz- und Forstwirtschaft
Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Muñoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J.; Silva, B.; Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest
Kunz, Michael; Superconductivity and competing ordered states in layered organic metals
Tseitlin, Lidia; Nonfamily employee commitment in family firms: The role of perceived transgenerational intentions, shared vision and organizational identification
López Gehler, Sergio Andrés; Phenomenology of gamma-ray spectral features induced by dark matter cascade processes
Dominik Meyer, Christoph Passenberg, Johannes Feldmaier, Hao Shen; Dynamic Programming for Smart Water Heater Control
Johannes Feldmaier, Dominik Meyer, Klaus Diepold; Monitoring Smart Energy Systems using Multi-timescale Nexting
Stefan Bongard; CoFAT 2016 - The Try-e-Project
P. Wacker, J. Adermann, M. Lienkamp; CoFAT 2016 - Using Active Battery Switching Technology to Improve Electric Drivetrain Efficiency
Andreas Lange, Li Lin, Ferit Küçükay; CoFAT 2016 - Evaluation and optimization of innovative hybrid drives
Andreas Greifelt, Dieter Gerling; CoFAT 2016 - Field Oriented Control for a 60-Phase Intelligent Stator Cage Drive (ISCAD)
Jens-Olav Jerratsch, Stefanie Marker; CoFAT 2016 - Electrifying Commercial Vehicle Fleets – Energetic Simulation including Auxiliaries
Michael Baumann, Stephan Rohr, Markus Lienkamp; CoFAT 2016 - Development and Investigation of a modular stationary Second Life Storage System
Thomas M. Fojcik, Nicole Schleiffer; CoFAT2016 - Why does Non-Commercial Early Adopter shun Battery Electric Vehicles? - A Longitudinal Study of Private Customers in Germany
Ronald Mies, Igor Petrov; CoFAT 2016 - Standardised travel information for electric vehicle users - A hybrid service via broadcast and Internet
J. Adermann, P. Wacker, L. Horlbeck, M. Baumann, M. Lienkamp; CoFAT 2016 - Alternative methods for detecting the degeneration of electric drive train components
Raja Sangili Vadamalu, Mikula Thiem, Christian Beidl; CoFAT 2016 - Methodology for model-based development, validation and calibration of connected electrified powertrain systems
Sophie Steinmaßl, Markus Lienkamp; CoFAT 2016 - Customer requirements for a multitrack electric bicycle - Product development process for multitrack electric bicycles
Stefan Köhler, Bernhard Wagner, Stefan Endres, Christoph Seßler; CoFAT 2016 - Lyapunov-Based Nonlinear Observer Design for an Inductively Supplied Saturated Excitation Coil of an Externally Excited Synchronous Machine
Martin Kieckebusch, Christian Koehler, Hans Beck; CoFAT 2016 - The influence of highly automated driving on the automotive industry
Björn Born, Madlen Günther, Benjamin Jähn, Sebastian Müller, Svenja Scherer, Aniko Temmler, Jens Teuscher, Uwe Götze, Ulrich Heinkel, Josef F. Krems, Wolfgang Schufft, Gerd Wanielik; CoFAT 2016 - Connected Electromobility – Between CO2 optimized energy management, user-centered design and cost effectiveness
S.Wagner, G.Göhler, H.Triebke, F.Klausmann, R.Lange, S.Schmidt, F.Edel; CoFAT 2016 - PEV-Charging in Rural and Business Environments - A User Behaviour and Demand Comparison
Achim Kampker, Ansgar Hollah, Kai Kreisköther, Christoph Lienemann; CoFAT 2016 - Electromobile Remanufacturing - Nutzenpotenziale für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge
Axel Sturm, Ferit Küçükay, Hendrik Piechottka, Sebastian Grams; CoFAT 2016 - Powertrain dimensioning of electrified vehicle concepts based on a synthesis
Geissler, Andreas; Lifestyle of beer spoiling lactic acid bacteria
Vandersickel, A.; Aboueldahab, A.; Electro-thermal electricity storage for decentralized power and heat generation
Herrmann, S.; Kahlert, S.; Würth, M.; Hartmut, H.; Druckluftspeicherkraftwerk mit Dampfkreislauf
Geis, M.; Herrmann, S.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Degradation of the SOFC anode by contaminants in biogenic gaseous fuels
Stephan, A.; Schuler, F.; Wolf, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Untersuchung der Ammoniumsulfat-Eindüsung zur Korrosionsminderung an einem Bio-HKW
Hahn, Eva Maria; Ruthenium and Gold Complexes as potential Anticancer Drugs targeting selectively Integrin Receptors
Zwickel T, Klaffke H, Richards K, Rychlik M; Development of an HPLC-MS/MS based analysis for the simultaneous quantification of various Alternaria toxins in wine, vegetable and fruit juices
Straube, Florian; Dorwarth, Uwe; Ammar-Busch, Sonia; Peter, Timo; Noelker, Georg; Massa, Thomas; Kuniss, Malte; Ewertsen, Niels Christian; Chun, Kyoung Ryul Julian; Tebbenjohanns, Juergen; Tilz, Roland; Kuck, Karl Heinz; Ouarrak, Taoufik; Senges, Jochen; Hoffmann, Ellen; for the FREEZE Cohort Investigators; First-line catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: outcome of radiofrequency vs. cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation
Scheler, Bjo¨rn; Schnepf, Vera; Galgenmu¨ller, Carolina; Ranf, Stefanie; Hu¨ckelhoven, Ralph; Barley disease susceptibility factor RACB acts in epidermal cell polarity and positioning of the nucleus
Riegger, Julia; Byrne, Robert A.; Joner, Michael; Chandraratne, Sue; Gershlick, Anthony H.; Berg, Jurrien M. ten; Adriaenssens, Tom; Guagliumi, Giulio; Godschalk, Thea C.; Neumann, Franz-Josef; Trenk, Dietmar; Feldman, Laurent J.; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Desmet, Walter; Alfonso, Fernando; Goodall, Alison H.; Wojdyla, Roman; Dudek, Dariusz; Philippi, Vanessa; Opinaldo, Sheryl; Titova, Anna; Malik, Nikesh; Cotton, James; Jhagroe, Darshni A.; Heestermans, Antonius A.C.M.; Sinnaeve, Peter; Vermeersch, Paul; Valina, Christian; Schulz, Christian; Kastrati, Adnan; Massberg, Steffen; the Prevention of Late Stent Thrombosis by an Interdisciplinary Global European Effort Investigators; Histopathological evaluation of thrombus in patients presenting with stent thrombosis. A multicenter European study: a report of the prevention of late stent thrombosis by an interdisciplinary global European effort consortium
Quentin, Michae¨l; Baures, Isabelle; Hoefle, Caroline; Caillaud, Marie-Cecile; Allasia, Valerie; Panabieres, Franck; Abad, Pierre; Hu¨ckelhoven, Ralph; Keller, Harald; Favery, Bruno; The Arabidopsis microtubule-associated protein MAP65-3 supports infection by filamentous biotrophic pathogens by down-regulating salicylic acid-dependent defenses
Menapace, Luisa; Colson, Gregory; Raffaelli, Roberta; A comparison of hypothetical risk attitude elicitation instruments for explaining farmer crop insurance purchases
Mayr, N. P.; Hapfelmeier, A.; Martin, K.; Kurz, A.; van der Starre, P.; Babik, B.; Mazzitelli, D.; Lange, R.; Wiesner, G.; Tassani-Prell, P.; Comparison of sedation and general anaesthesia for transcatheter aortic valve implantation on cerebral oxygen saturation and neurocognitive outcome
Kaufhold, N.; Schaller, S. J.; Stauble, C. G.; Baumuller, E.; Ulm, K.; Blobner, M.; Fink, H.; Sugammadex and neostigmine dose-finding study for reversal of residual neuromuscular block at a train-of-four ratio of 0.2 (SUNDRO20)
Knoke, T.; Waldinventuren-Antworten auf den Informationsbedarf
Härtl, F.; Waldinventuren-Grundlage für die betriebliche Planung
Wallner, A.; Schneider, T.; Knoke, T.; Auswahl von Inventurpunkten mithilfe von RapidEye-Daten
Kolo, H.; Methoden zur Beurteilung von Wildverbiss
Paul, C.; Knoke, T.; 2030-Agenda-ein globaler Blick auf Trends in der Waldnutzung
Kindu, M.; Schneider, T.; Teketay, D.; Knoke, T.; Landnutzungs-Änderungen im Hochland von Äthiopien
Ochoa, S.; Paul, C.; Knoke, T.; Warum Kleinbauern in Ecuador die Landnutzung diversifizieren
Härtl, F.; Waldinventuren-Grundlage für die betriebliche Planung
Paul, C.; Knoke, T.; 2030-Agenda-ein globaler Blick auf Trends in der Waldnutzung
Kindu, M.; Schneider, T.; Teketay, D.; Knoke, T.; Landnutzungs-Änderungen im Hochland von Äthiopien
Ochoa, S.; Paul, C.; Knoke, T.; Warum Kleinbauern in Ecuador die Landnutzung diversifizieren
Wallner, A.; Schneider, T.; Knoke, T.; Auswahl von Inventurpunkten mithilfe von RapidEye-Daten
Kolo, H.; Methoden zur Beurteilung von Wildverbiss
Michalski, Jan; The Role of Energy Storage Technologies for the Integration of Renewable Electricity into the German Energy System
Schmidt, Simon; Entwicklung einer neuen Methode zur thermisch – energetischen und ökonomischen Optimierung von Wohngebäuden
Rauh, Thomas Johannes Georg; Precise top and bottom quark masses from pair production near threshold in e+e- collisions
Meister, Oliver; Sierpinski Curves for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods
Kech, Michael; Constrained Quantum Tomography
Zhao, Weining; Investigation of Fimbrolide and Beta-Lactone Targets Related to the Inhibition of Quorum Sensing-Regulated Bioluminescence in Vibrios
Zeng, Lingyao; Understanding the genetics of coronary artery disease through novel statistical approaches
Andreisek G.; Korthals, D.; Grosse, C.U.; Seeber, B.U.; The virtual tap test – a training system for wind turbine rotor blade inspectors
Marsman, J.-B. C.; Cornelissen, F.W.; Dorr, M.; Vig, E.; Barth, E.; Renken, R.J.; A novel measure to determine viewing priority and its neural correlates in the human brain
Fink, Martin; The Vehicle Routing Problem with Worker and Vehicle Synchronization: Metaheuristic and Branch-and-Price Approaches
M. Rauscher;M. Kimmel;S. Hirche; Constrained Robot Control Using Control Barrier Functions
M. Kimmel; C. Jähne; S. Hirche; Augmented Invariance Control for Systems with Smoothness Constraints
Schmidt, Andrea; Supramolecular metallocages as potential delivery systems for anticancer drugs
Gruber, Fabian M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Evaluation of Substructure Reduction Techniques with Fixed and Free Interfaces
Sygulla, Felix;Schuetz, Christoph;Rixen, Daniel; Adaptive Motion Control in Uncertain Environments using Tactile Feedback
Wahrmann, Daniel;Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;Wittmann, Robert;Sygulla, Felix;Rixen, Daniel;Buschmann, Thomas; Fast Object Approximation for Real-Time 3D Obstacle Avoidance with Biped Robots
Gaber Moawad, Hanaa Mohamed; Hepatitis C virus control: viral resistance, new therapeutic targets and host defense
Kreiss G., Krank B., Efraimsson G.; Analysis of stretched grids as buffer zones in simulations of wave propagation
Heitmann, Nils;Kindt, Philipp H.;Chakraborty, Samarjit; EG0N: Portable In-Situ Energy Measurement for Low-Power Sensor Devices
Bangerth W., Heister T., Heltai L., Kanschat G., Kronbichler M., Maier M., Turcksin B.; The deal.II Library, Version 8.3
Bangerth W., Davydov D., Heister T., Heltai L., Kanschat G., Kronbichler M., Maier M., Turcksin B., Wells D.; The deal.II Library, Version 8.4
Schunk, C.;Ruth, B.;Leuchner, M.;Wastl, C.;Menzel, A.; Comparison of different methods for the in situ measurement of forest litter moisture content
Loew, Eva-Maria; Analyse von Verbrennungsvorgängen im selbstzündungsdominierten Regime mittels Mischungsstatistik
Mühlbauer, Tobias; On Scalable and Flexible Transaction and Query Processing in Main-Memory Database Systems
Ertl, Thomas Michael; Modeling Neutrino-Driven Supernova Explosions Across the Stellar Mass and Metallicity Range
Robert Heininger, Loina Prifti, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar; Towards a Model of Heterogeneity in IT Service Value Networks: Results from a Literature Review
Wagler, M.; Witzmann, R.; Interaction of state estimation and sensitivity analysis for the operation of a real flexible distribution grid
Seiler, J.; Kindersberger J.; Polymer-filler interactions and polymer chain dynamics in the interphase in silicon nanocomposites
T. Beckers; S. Hirche; Equilibrium distributions and stability analysis of Gaussian Process State Space Models
Stühmer, Jan; A Convex Optimization Framework for Connectivity Constraints in Image Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction
Uekermann, Benjamin Walter; Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction on Massively Parallel Systems
Suda, Michael; Folgmann, Michael; Kasten, Alina; Batz, Martina; Reader, Quiz und Wissensrallye
Suda, Michael; Folgmann, Michael; Kasten, Alina; Batz, Martina; Sicher zu Faktenwissen mit Reader, Quiz und Wissensrallye
Pickartz, Simon ; Breitbart, Jens ; Lankes, Stefan; Implications of Process-Migration in Virtualized Environments
Steiner, Alexander; Coordination between membrane and microtubule dynamics during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Max F. Horsche, Michael Sturm, Andreas Jossen; Realising Serial Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (sHESS) by implementing Switching Circuits on Battery Cell Level
Colic, Viktor; The Impact of the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface Status on the Activity, Stability, and Selectivity of Electrocatalytic Centers
Kannengießer, Nils Timotheus; Improving Copy Protection for Mobile Apps
Patzelt, Christoph; Iod(III)-katalysierte, direkte Umwandlung von Imiden zu beta-Lactamen und Derivaten und Design, Synthese und Evaluierung fluorhaltiger Verbindungen als Kontrastmittel für Anwendungen in der 19F-MRT
Alfred Theorin; Kristofer Bengtsson; Julien Provost; Michael Lieder; Charlotta Johnsson;Thomas Lundholm; Bengt Lennartson; An Event-Driven Manufacturing Information System Architecture for Industry 4.0
M. Vilgelm; M.H. Mamduhi; W. Kellerer; S. Hirche; Adaptive Decentralized MAC for Event-triggered Networked Control Systems
Baum, Thomas;Cordes, Christian;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Ruschke, Stefan;Franz, Daniela;Hauner, Hans;Kirschke, Jan S;Karampinos, Dimitrios C; MR-based assessment of body fat distribution and characteristics.
Kracke, Bettina; Protein-based nanoparticles with thermoswitchable particle size
Bruse, Florian; Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Lindemann, Udo; Cooperation between large companies and start-ups: the access to drive disruptive innovation
Schlenk, Johannes Kaspar; Techniques for higher order corrections and their application to LHC phenomenology
Holle, Maik; Elsesser, Luisa; Schuhmacher, Matthias; Lindemann, Udo; How to Motivate External Open Innovation-Partners: Identifying Suitable Measures
Jurisch, Marlen Christin;Rosenberg, Zuzana;Krcmar, Helmut; Emergent risks in business process change projects
Hollering, Manuela; Homogeneous Catalysis and Supramolecular Chemistry: Diverse Applications of Transition Metal Complexes
Münch, Natasha Stephens; High fat diet accelerates esophageal dysplasia in a mouse model of Barrett Esophagus through IL-8 (KC) mediated inflammatory niche formation
Geselbracht, Philipp; Neutron scattering investigation of Ce based heavy fermion systems
Abram, Laura; Münzberg, Christopher; Lindemann, Udo; Crisis Situations in Engineering Product Development: Elaboration of Principles for effective Crisis Solving
Wagler, M.; Witzmann, R.; Unsymmetrie in NS-Netzen durch dezentrale PV-Anlagen
Cui, Hao; Options for the Phytoremediation of Polar Pharmaceuticals
H. Mangesius,D. Xue:S. Hirche; Consensus Driven by the Geometric Mean
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.; Enhanced Differencing and Merging of IFC Data by Processing Spatial, Semantic and Relational Model Aspects
Schindler, Christina Eva Maria; Flexible Docking Methods for Investigating Protein-Protein Interactions
Schopf, Florian Helmut; The regulation of Hsp90 by its essential co-chaperone Cns1
Müller F., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Bosch W.; Sea ice leads and polynya detection using multi-mission altimetry in the Greenland Sea
Monaghan, J.J.M.; Seeber, B.U.; A method to enhance the use of interaural time differences for cochlear implants in reverberant environments
W. Betz, I. Papaioannou, M. Eckl, H. Heidkamp, D. Straub; Reliability Analysis of a Tunnel Design with RELY
R., Sacks;A., Kedar;A., Borrmann;L., Ma;D., Singer;U., Kattel; SeeBridge Information Delivery Manual (IDM) for Next Generation Bridge Inspection
Y. Fanger; J. Umlauft; S. Hirche; Gaussian Processes for Dynamic Movement Primitives with Application in Knowledge-based Cooperation
Eß, Michaela; Oxidationsreaktivitätsbestimmung und Strukturanalyse von Propanrußen und motorischen (Bio)Dieselrußen
O. Spackova, B. Dittes, D. Straub; Critical infrastructure and disaster risk reduction planning under socioeconomic and climate change uncertainty
Ventura, Jacopo; Autonomous Proximity Operations for Noncooperative Space Targets
Rutz, Daniel; Characterization of different Hsp90-client and chaperone-substrate interactions
Ranftl, Quirin Ludwig; Rolle und Regulation der LLM-Domänen B-GATA Transkriptionsfaktor-Familie aus Arabidopsis thaliana
Zink, A;Gensbaur, A;Zirbs, M;Seifert, F;Suarez, I;Mourantchanian, V;Weidinger, S;Mempel, M;Ring, J;Ollert, M; Targeting IgE in Severe Atopic Dermatitis with a Combination of Immunoadsorption and Omalizumab
Büttner, Benjamin; Consequences of sharp increases in mobility costs on accessibility
Vomacka, Jan Dominik; Proteomic target spectrum and mode of action analysis of antibacterial small molecules
Meo, Andrea; Reaktionstechnische Charakterisierung der Lipidherstellung aus verdünnten Zuckergemischen mit Trichosporon oleaginosus
Keuschnig, Markus; Long-term monitoring of permafrost-affected rock walls
Ge, Xuming; Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology from Calibration to Registration with Respect to Deformation Monitoring
Haghverdi, Laleh; Geometric Diffusions for Reconstruction of Cell Differentiation Dynamics
Weißenberger, Markus; Lebenszyklusorientierte Analyse der ökologischen Eigenschaften von Niedrigstenergiewohngebäuden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gebäudetechnik
Marco Rehme, Stefan Richter, Aniko Temmler, Uwe Götze; CoFAT 2016 - Second-Life Battery Applications - Market potentials and contribution to the cost effectiveness of electric vehicles
Gogoll, Jan ; Uhl, Matthias; Automation and Morals - Eliciting Folk Intuitions: an Experiment
Kunze, Andreas; Aufkonzentrierung und Detektion viraler und bakterieller Pathogene in Trinkwasser
Zwirglmaier, Kilian Martin; Reliability analysis with Bayesian networks
Lieb, Verena; Enhanced regional gravity field modeling from the combination of real data via MRR
Michael Dronia, Marc Gallet; CoFAT 2016 - Field test of charging management system for electric vehicle - State of the art charging management using ISO 61851 with EV from different OEMs
Schendzielorz, Tobias; Cooperative System to Improve Safety at Controlled Urban Intersections
Strobio Chen, Lin; Scattering and Generation of Acoustic and Entropy Waves across Moving and Fixed Heat Sources
Berwein, Matthias Wilhelm Georg; Heavy Quark-Antiquark Pairs at Zero and Finite Temperature with Effective Field Theories of QCD
Neumann, Anna-Cathrine Ruth; Entwicklung eines Abreicherungsverfahrens für Microcystin-LR aus Wasserproben mit rekombinant in Pflanzen hergestellten Antikörpern (Plantibodies)
Oellig, Christine; Structural Characterization of the Argonaute Protein from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii
Knoke, T.; Clase,. C; Paul, C.; Friedrich, S.; Ökonomische Kalkulationen sprechen oft für Naturverjüngung
Kelbert, Florian; Fromm, Alexander; Compliance Monitoring of Third-Party Applications in Online Social Networks
Groß, Felicitas Barbara; COPPER AMINE OXIDASE 8 (CuAO8) participates in the regulation of nitric oxide production during salt stress in seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana
Zechlau, Thorsten Sven; Ultra-Cold Neutron Transport and Spin Manipulation System for the Measurement of the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment
Demir, Ismail; Visual Abstractions for Analyzing Uncertain Multidimensional Data
Jarema, Mihaela; Visual Analysis of Statistical Aspects of Ensemble Data
Falco, Aniello; Printed Components for Organic Optoelectronics
Vocke, Benno M.; Organisation von Planung und Bauausführung – Integrale Leistungsbilder für Organisationsplanung, Projektsteuerung und Projektleitung
Kalinowska-Brandt, Kamila; The role of ESCRT-associated AMSH proteins and ALIX in intracellular trafficking in Arabidopsis thaliana
Moser, Astrid U.; Structure and Growth of Urban Trees and Their Impacts on the Environment - From Assessment to Model
Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Kriegler, Johannes; Hollauer, Christoph; Kattner, Niklas; Becerril, Lucia; Weidmann, Dominik; Lindemann, Udo; Systematic Partitioning in Mechatronic Product Development by Modeling Structural Dependencies
Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Starke, Phillip; Moser, Bryan R.; Rebentisch, Eric; Lindemann, Udo; Characterizing and Measuring Activity Dependence in Engineering Projects
Felgenhauer, Markus; Battery and fuel cell electric vehicles in the context of the energy transition
Kohl, Markus; Roth, Michael; Lindemann, Udo; Safety-oriented Modular Function Deployment
Roth, Michael; Gantenbein, Felix; Model-based Hazard and Propagation Assessment of Product Changes
Weidmann, Dominik; Burgenmeister, Martin; Pfeiffer, Sabine; Lindemann, Udo; Open Organization in Engineering Design
Koh, Suet Kwan; Mensinger, Martin; First steps on parametric study with FDS for load-bearing structures within hollow spaces
T. Soleymani;S. Hirche;J. S. Baras; Optimal Information Control in Cyber-Physical Systems
Kaths, J.; Krause, S.; Integrated simulation of microscopic traffic flow and vehicle dynamics
Erhard Wieser and Gordon Cheng; Progressive Learning of Sensory-Motor Maps through Spatiotemporal Predictors
Heindlmaier, M.; Staudacher, M.; Iterative Decoding for Noisy Network Coding for Two-Way Relay Channels
Rackl, M.; Hanley, Kevin J.; Günthner, Willibald A; Verification of an automated work flow for discrete element material parameter calibration
Keuntje, C.; Günthner, W.A.; Ganzheitliche Konzeptauswahl für Routenzugsysteme zur Produktionsversorgung
Lieberoth-Leden, C.; Regulin, D.; Günthner, W. A.; Efficient messaging through cluster coordinators in decentralized controlled material flow systems
Keuntje, C.; Heiß, J.; Gangkofner, P.; Günthner, W.A.; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Ergonomie von Handschiebewagen in Routenzugsystemen
Coenders, Stefan; High-energy cosmic ray accelerators: searches with IceCube neutrinos
Ferstl, Florian; Visualizing the Variability in Ensemble Simulations
Colasanti, Simone; Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Nanotubes Networks: Toward a Multiscale Approach
Shah, D.; Falco, P.; Saveriano, M.; Lee, D.; Encoding Human Actions with a Frequency Domain Approach
Winter, F.; Saveriano, M.; Lee, D.; The Role of Coupling Terms in Variable Impedance Policies Learning
Hu, K.; Ott, C.; Lee, D.; Learning and Generalization of Compensative Zero-Moment Point Trajectory for Biped Walking
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Hübner, Daniel; Mörtl, Markus; Product-Service Systems for Increasing Customer Acceptance Concerning Perceived Complexity
Pessel, Senta; Mensinger, Martin; Gehring, Matthias; Crack Growth in the Rail Foot
Lubos, Daniel; Decay Spectroscopy of 100Sn and Neighboring Nuclei
Everding, L.; Walger, L.; Ghaderi, V. S.; Conradt, J.; A Mobility Device for the Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution Using Dynamic Vision Sensors
Cipollini P., Calafat F. M., Clarizia M. P., Gommenginger C., Passaro M., Snaith H.; Advances in Satellite Altimetry and GNSS-Reflectometry for monitoring world’s oceans and coasts
Passaro M., Cipollini P., Quartly G. D., Snaith H. M., Dinardo S., Benveniste J., Lucas B.; Coastal altimetry improves the understanding of sea level variability at regional scales
Ahmadian, A. ; Zirwas, W. ; Siva Siva Ganesan, R. ; Panzner, B.; Low Complexity Moore-Penrose Inversion for Large CoMP Areas with Sparse Massive MIMO Channel Matrices
Rader, T.; Fastl, H.; Baumann, U.; Simulation of speech perception with cochlear implants
Sánchez L.; GGOS Focus Area 1: Unified Height System, Present activities
Sánchez L., Ihde J., Pail R., Barzaghi R., Marti U., Ågren J., Sideris M., Novák P.; Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
Sánchez L.; Working Group on the Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS): Brainstorming and definition of action items
Becerril, Lucia; Sauer, Michael; Lindemann, Udo; Estimating the effects of Engineering Changes in early stage product development
Bartz, H.; Sidorenko, V.; Power Decoding of Punctured Subspace Codes
Aufderheide, Antje Renate; Structural studies of the 26S proteasome and its interaction with Ubp6 by cryo-electron microscopy
Schwatke C.; EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) – Status Report 2014-2016
Schwatke C.; EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) – Recent developments of the EDC
Handel, O.; Kleemann, M.; New Scripts for Group Model Building
Schweigert, Sebastian;Carro Saavedra, Cristina;Marahrens, Nils-Jorge;Lindemann, Udo; A Process Standardization Approach to Enhance Design Verification
Schweigert, Sebastian;Çavuşoğlu, Mesut;Lindemann, Udo; Enhancing Collaboration between Design and Simulation Departments by Methods of Complexity Management
Anneser, Markus Robert; A Bioinspired Tetra(NHC) Iron Complex: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application of an Organometallic Heme Analogue
Utz, Andreas; Wilberg, Julian; Lindemann, Udo; Design for Logistics: Development of a Process Model
Wilberg, Julian; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo; Proactive Cost Management: Integrating Use Phase Data to Reduce Uncertainty
Wilberg, Julian; Preißner, Stephanie; Dengler, Christian; Füller, Kathrin; Gammel, Josef; Kernschmidt, Konstantin ;Kugler, Katharina; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Performance measurement in interdisciplinary innovation processes – Transparency through structural complexity management
Sadi, Tarek; Wilberg, Julian; Tommelein, Iris D.; Lindemann, Udo; Supporting the Design of Competitive Organizations by a Domain-Specific Application Framework for the Viable System Model
Gebhardt, Marcel; Schmied, Christian; Mörtl, Markus; Ex-ante Quantifizierung indirekter Anderungskosten - Vorgehen zur Entwicklung heuristischer Verfahren
Kremer, Simon; Lindemann, Udo; Extracting Insights from Experience Designers to Enhance User Experience Design
Kremer, Simon; Günther, Stefan, Lindemann, Udo; Roles in User Experience Design - Transferring insights from experience oriented disciplines
Hollauer, Christoph; Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo; Towards a Methodology to Support the Development of Flexible Company-Specific Engineering Design Processes
Bodach, Susanne; Climate responsive building design for low-carbon development in Nepal
Chatelain, Pierre; Quality-Driven Control of a Robotized Ultrasound Probe
Bartl, Andreas; Wernsen, Matthieu; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza ; Rixen, Daniel Jean; Interface State Estimation for Hardware-In-The-Loop Tests of Structural Dynamic Systems
Krinner, A.;Rixen, D. J.; Interface reduction methods for mechanical systems with elastohydrodynamic lubricated joints
Wittmann, Robert;Hildebrandt, Arne-christoph;Wahrmann, Daniel;Sygulla, Felix;Rixen, Daniel;Buschmann, Thomas; Model-Based Predictive Bipedal Walking Stabilization
Gruber, Fabian M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Generalized Craig-Bampton methodology for dynamic substructuring
Schaefers, Françoise; Herstellung und funktionelle Charakterisierung von neuen Biokatalysatoren für die Verwendung in der Naturstoffsynthese
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Müller H., Schmid R., Seitz M., Zeitlhöfler J.; Ein Vergleich der aktuellsten ITRS-Realisierungen: ITRF2014, DTRF2014 und JTRF2014
Abelen S.; Signals of weather extremes in soil moisture and terrestrial water storage from multi-sensor Earth observations and hydrological modeling
Schreieck, Maximilian; Pflügler, Christoph; Dehner, Christoph; Vaidya, Samit; Bönisch, Simon; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; A Concept of Crowdsourced Delivery for Small Local Shops
Pflügler, Christoph; Köhn, Thomas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Predicting the Availability of Parking Spaces with Publicly Available Data
Bukas, Vanessa Jane; Dissociation and dissipation dynamics of adsorbates at solid surfaces
Kristian Beckers, Jörg Landthaler, Florian Matthes, Alexander Pretschner, Bernhard Waltl; Data Accountability in Socio-Technical Systems
Kristian Beckers, Isabelle Cote, Thomas Frese, Denis Hatebur, Maritta Heisel; A structured and systematic model-based development method for automotive systems, considering the OEM/supplier interface
Kristian Beckers,Sebastian Pape, Veronika Fries; HATCH: Hack And Trick Capricious Humans – A Serious Game on Social Engineering
D Ki-Aries, Shamal Faily, Kristian Beckers; Persona-Driven Information Security Awareness
Peter Schaab, Kristian Beckers, Sebastian Pape; A Systematic Gap Analysis of Social Engineering Defence Mechanisms Considering Social Psychology
Kristian Beckers, Jürgen Dürrwang, Dominik Holling; Standard Compliant Hazard and Threat Analysis for the Automotive Domain
Tong Li, Jennifer Horkoff, Elda Paja, Kristian Beckers and John Mylopoulos; Security Attack Analysis Using Attack Patterns
Kristian Beckers,Sebastian Pape; A Serious Game for Eliciting Social Engineering Security Requirements
Ognawala, Saahil; Ochoa, Martín; Pretschner, Alexander; Limmer, Tobias; MACKE: compositional analysis of low-level vulnerabilities with symbolic execution
Wang, Weijia; Nanostructure-Performance Relationship in Polymer-Based Solar Cells
Fischer, F.; CO 2 - Einbindung in dezentralen Biomassevergasungsanlagen
Ostermeier, P.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Numerische Simulation der Hydrodynamik in einer blasenbildenden Gas-Feststoff Wirbelschicht
Pili, R.; Romagnoli, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Wieland, C.; Economic feasibility of organic rankine cycles (orc) in different transportation sectors
Gleinser, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; New approach for transient simulation of closed batch evaporation in a plate heat exchanger
Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Heinkelmann R., Hugentobler U., Sánchez L., Steigenberger P.; GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards: Inventory of standards and conventions used for the generation of IAG products
Lehmann, Johannes; Target Identification of anti-mycobacterial Substances
Koldewey, Philipp; Mechanistic and structural characterization of the molecular chaperone Spy
Cichy, Adam Leszek; Untersuchungen zur Substratidentifizierung von Fic-Proteinen aus Coxiella burnetii und Legionella longbeachae
John, Christine; Analysis of different antibody domain mutations affecting the VH/VL interface, CH1 folding and CH2 stability
Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;Demmeler, Manuel;Wittmann, Robert;Wahrmann, Daniel;Sygulla, Felix;Rixen, Daniel;Buschmann, Thomas; Real-Time Predictive Kinematic Evaluation and Optimization for Biped Robots
Hofmann, Oliver;Huber, Benedikt;Rixen, Daniel; Robust Injection Rate Estimation in Common Rail Diesel Injectors with Nozzle Wear
Russer, J.A.; Cangellaris, A.; Russer, P.; Correlation Transmission Line Matrix (CTLM) modeling of stochastic electromagnetic fields
D. Rusiti;T. R. Oliveira;G. Mills;M. Krstic; Newton-based Extremum Seeking for Higher Derivatives of Unknown Maps with Delays
Russer, J.A.; Haider, M.; Baharuddin, M.H.; Smartt, C.; Wane, S.; Bajon, D.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Thomas, D.; Russer, P.; Near-Field Correlation Measurement and Evaluation of Stationary and Cyclostationary Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields
Göttl F., Dettmering D., Müller F.L., Schwatke C.; Lake level estimation based on CryoSat-2 SAR altimetry and multi-looked waveform classification
Willner, Marian S.; Quantitative phase-contrast computed tomography for biomedical applications
Schmidt, Eva-Maria; Probleme und Unterstützungsbedarf von Angehörigen von Patienten mit frontotemporaler Demenz
Geier, Martin and Pitzl, Florian and Chakraborty, Samarjit; GigE Vision Data Acquisition for Visual Servoing Using SG/DMA Proxying
Florian Bergner, Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; Event-based signaling for large-scale artificial robotic skin - Realization and performance evaluation
Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Ilya Dianov, Florian Bergner and Gordon Cheng,; General Recognition Models Capable of Integrating Multiple Sensors for Different Domains
Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Florian Bergner, Karinne Ramirez-Amaro and Gordon Cheng; From Multi-modal Tactile Signals to a Compliant Control
E. Dean, K. Ramirez-Amaro, F. Bergner, I. Dianov, P. Lanillos, and G. Cheng; Robotic technologies for fast deployment of industrial robot systems
Springer, Paul; Constraining low-energy models of QCD from fundamental interactions
Kurowski, M. P.;Spliethoff, H.; Deposition and slagging in an entrained-flow gasifier with focus on heat transfer, reactor design and flow dynamics with SPH
Wieland, C.; Meinel, D.; Eyerer, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Innovative CHP concept for ORC and its benefit compared to conventional concepts
Stahl, Evi Katharina; Modellsystemstudien und Methoden zur Probenherstellung für die Kristallisation komplexer DNA-Objekte
Binder, F.; Langrehr, J.; Stiegler, J.; Stimm, B.; Bergahornwurzelsysteme im Auwald nach Pflanzung
Kachan, Devin; Müller, Kei W.; Wall, Wolfgang A.; Levine, Alex J.; Discontinuous bundling transition in semiflexible polymer networks induced by Casimir interactions
Pukall, Klaus; Waldnaturschutz – eine Herausforderung für Förster
Müller F., Passaro M., Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Bosch W.; Unsupervised classification of multi-mission altimetry data for open water detection in the Greenland Sea
Boergens E., Buhl S., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; River level monitoring based on multi-mission altimetry and spatio-temporal kriging - a case study in the Mekong river basin
Mohsen Kaboli, Kunpeng Yao, and Gordon Cheng; Tactile-based Manipulation of Deformable Objects with Dynamic Center of Mass
Quentin Leboutet, Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; Tactile-based Compliance with Hierarchical Force Propagation for Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulators
Kronbichler M., Krank B., Fehn N., Legat S., Wall W.A.; A new high-order discontinuous Galerkin solver for DNS and LES of turbulent incompressible flow
Cyron, C. J.;Aydin, R. C.;Humphrey, J. D.; A homogenized constrained mixture (and mechanical analog) model for growth and remodeling of soft tissue
Marcus, Roy P.;Koerner, Elise;Aydin, Roland C.;Zinsser, Dominik;Finke, Tobias;Cyron, Christian J.;Bamberg, Fabian;Nikolaou, Konstantin;Notohamiprodjo, Mike; The Evolution of Radiation Dose over Time: Measurement of a Patient Cohort undergoing Whole-Body Examinations on three Computer Tomography Generations
Pugachev, A.; Griebel, C.; Tibos, S.; Charnley, B.; Performance analysis of hybrid brush pocket damper seals using computational fluid dynamics
Yang, Zhenyu; Genetic basis of water use efficiency and yield potential in Arabidopsis thaliana
Wunderlich, Th.; Niemeier, W.; Wujanz,D.; Holst, C.; Neitzel, F.; Kuhlmann, H.; Areal Deformation from TLS Point Clouds – the Challenge
Ge, X.; Wunderlich, Th.; Surface-based matching of 3d point clouds with variable coordinates in source and target system
Wunderlich, Th.; Zweimal scannen – und danach?
Wunderlich, Th.; Geschichte und Zukunft der Vermessung
Wunderlich, Th.; Reliable Navigation Underground
Wunderlich, Th.; BIM – die Modellabweichungen
Wunderlich, Th.; Verformungsgerechtes Aufmaß, Monitoring und Deformationsanalyse Schwerpunkt „Vermessung und Modellierung von Bauwerken“
Wunderlich, Th.; Getting to the Point: the Engineering Geodesist’s Role in an Interdisciplinary Team of Experts
Wunderlich, Th.; Pseudoranges – A Geometrical Mystery?
Krinner, Andreas;Schindler, Thorsten;Rixen, Daniel; Time integration of mechanical systems with elastohydrodynamic lubricated joints using Quasi-Newton method and projection formulation
Wittmann, Robert;Rixen, Daniel; A Prediction Model for State Observation and Model Predictive Control of Biped Robots
M. Rank;Z. Shi;H.J. Müller; S. Hirche; Predictive Communication Quality Control in Haptic Teleoperation with Time Delay and Packet Loss
Ueckert, Martina; Hochtemperaturaquiferspeicher in den Malmcarbonaten des bayerischen Molassebeckens
Durante, F.; Puccetti, G.; Scherer, M.; Vanduffel, S.; Distributions with given marginals: the beginnings
Pablo Lanillos, Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; Multisensory Object Discovery via Self-detection and Artificial Attention
Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Rose S.K., Svendsen P., Piccioni G.; Arctic Sea Level Change over the altimetry era and reconstructed back to 1950
Gómez-Enri J., Cipollini P., Passaro M., Vignudelli S., Coca J.; Accurate coastal altimeter products in the Strait of Gibraltar: ready for exploitation
Quartly G.D., Smith W., Passaro M.; Intra-1 Hz Correlations
Legeais J.-F., Cazenave A., Benveniste J., Ablain M., Larnicol G., Meyssignac B., Scharffenberg M., Johannessen J., Timms G., Rudenko S., Roca M., Andersen O., Cipollini P., Balmaseda M., Fernandes J., Quartly G., Fenoglio-Marc L., Passaro M., Ambrózio A., Restano M.; A New ECV Release (v2.0) to Accurately Measure the Sea Level Change from the ESA Climate Change Initiative
Passaro M., Müller F., Dettmering D.; Exploring Cryosat-2 stack data for nadir-lead detection in sea-ice regions
Singh A., Seitz F., Eicker A., Güntner A.; Water budget analysis within the surrounding of prominent lakes and reservoirs from multi-sensor Earth observation data and hydrological models: case studies of the Aral Sea and Lake Mead
Meng , Liqiu; Cartography and its connecting role
Castagnotto, A.; Cruz Varona, M.; Emmert, T.; Jaensch, S.; Meindl, M.; Lohmann, B.; Polifke, W.; sss & sssMOR - Analyse und Reduktion dynamischer Systeme sehr hoher Ordnung
Castagnotto, A.; Cruz Varona, M.; Lohmann, B.; sss & sssMOR - Analysis and Reduction of Large-Scale Dynamic Systems in MATLAB
Hetterich, B.; Dorfner, J.; Vandersickel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Optimal energy supply system and hourly operation plan for the TUM campus Garching using linear programming model URBS
Herrmann, S.; Jimenez Arreola, M.; Geis, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Efficient integration of SOFC and gasification system
Ostermeier, P.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Numerical simulation of gas - solid fixed bed reactors: approaches, sensitivity and verification
Hentschel, J.; Zindler, H.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Angepasste Sekundärregelcharakteristik durch dynamische Kraftwerkssimulation unter Berücksichtigung des Zeitverhaltens von Steinkohlemühlen
Hentschel, J.; Zindler, H.; Spliethoff, H.; Dynamic simulation of a 550 MW_el coal fired power plant for extended secondary control power output
Garnica, Manuela;Schwarz, Martin;Ducke, Jacob;He, Yuanqin;Bischoff, Felix;Barth, Johannes V.;Auwärter, Willi;Stradi, Daniele; Comparative study of the interfaces of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride with silver
Cruz Varona, M.; Interpolation-based model reduction of nonlinear systems
Cruz Varona, M.; Olcay, E.; Lohmann, B.; Interpolation-based H2-pseudo-optimal model reduction of bilinear systems
Cruz Varona, M.; Krylov subspace model reduction for bilinear and MIMO quadratic-bilinear systems
Blenk, Andreas;Basta, Arsany;Zerwas, Johannes;Reisslein, Martin;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Control Plane Latency With SDN Network Hypervisors: The Cost of Virtualization
Guck, Jochen;Reisslein, Martin;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Function Split between Delay-Constrained Routing and Resource Allocation for Centrally Managed QoS in Industrial Networks
Jell, S.; Modellierung der Stickoxidbildung mit detailliertem Reaktionsmechanismus
Aleieldin Salem; Sebastian Banescu; Metadata Recovery From Obfuscated Programs Using Machine Learning
Kleinhans, U.; Rück, R.; Schmid, S.; Haselsteiner, T.; Spliethoff, H.; Alkali Vapor Condensation on Heat Exchanging Surfaces: Laboratory-Scale Experiments and a Mechanistic CFD Modeling Approach
Speth, K.; Murer, M.; von Raven, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of Stoichiometry and Mixing on NOx Reduction in Waste-to-Energy Plants
Deffaa, Mirjam; Weis, Mirjam ; Trommsdorff, Gisela; Selbstregulation in Risikolagen: Die Rolle mütterlicher Erziehung
Rudenko S., Esselborn S., Schöne T., Dettmering D., Neumayer K.-H.; Assessment of ITRF2014 for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites
llya Dianov, Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Pablo Lanillos, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Florian Bergner and Gordon Cheng; Extracting general task structures to accelerate the learning of new tasks
Stefan Ehrlich, Gordon Cheng; A neuro-based method for detecting context-dependent erroneous robot action
Koch, Susanne; Weingart, Peter; The Delusion of Knowledge Transfer: The Impact of Foreign Aid Experts on Policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Seitz M., Schmid R.; DTRF2014 products for station coordinates and EOP
Bloßfeld M., Schmidt M., Erdogan E.; Thermospheric density estimation from SLR observations of LEO satellites - a case study with the ANDE-Pollux satellite
Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Kehm A., Angermann D.; A comparison of ITRF2014, DTRF2014 and JTRF2014 using SLR
Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Benveniste J., Piccioni G.; A new Arctic 25-year Altimetric Sea-level Record (1992-2016) and Initial look at Arctic Sea Level Budget Closure
Rebischung P., Schmid R.; IGS14/igs14.atx: a new framework for the IGS products
Pflügler, Christoph; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; The Explanatory Power of the Constructs of Transaction Cost Economics Theory
Fries, Veronika; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; The Dualism of Workarounds: Effects of Technology and Mental Workload on Improvement and Noncompliant Behavior within Organizations
Terzimehić, Nađa; Leipold, Nadja; Schäfer, Hanna; Madenach, Mira; Böhm, Markus; Groh, Georg; Gedrich, Kurt; Krcmar, Helmut; Can an Automated Personalized Nutrition Assistance System Successfully Change Nutrition Behavior? - Study Design
Vuong, Anh-Tu; A Computational Approach to Coupled Poroelastic Media Problems
Suda, Michael; Schaffner, Stefan; Politikfeld Wald
Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; Governance of nonprofit platforms – Onboarding mechanisms for a refugee information platform
Clapp, S.W.; Seeber, B.U.; Prior exposure to room acoustics and its effect on localization
Keuntje, C., Thomaser, P., Günthner, W. A.; Ermittlung der Zykluszeit von Routenzügen
Lienert, T.;Günthner, W.A.; Development and simulation-based evaluation of an algorithm for the retrieval-in-sequence for shuttle systems
Keuntje, C.; Kelterborn, M.; Günthner, W.A.; Integrierte Planung von Routenzugsystemen
Rackl, M.; Günthner, W.A.; Effiziente Kalibrierung von DEM-Materialmodell-Parametern
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Lindemann, Udo; Agile Innovation - Challenges while Implementing Agile Approaches within complex mechatronic processes of large corporations.
d'Albert, Hugo; Lindemann, Udo; Engineering Design Education: Practical Methods of Product Development
Pflügler, Christoph;Schreieck, Maximilian;Hernandez, Gabriel;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; A Concept for the Architecture of an Open Platform for Modular Mobility Services in the Smart City
Lebuhn, Michael;Derenkó, Jaqueline;Rademacher, Antje;Helbig, Susanne;Munk, Bernhard;Pechtl, Alexander;Stolze, Yvonne;Prowe, Steffen;Schwarz, Wolfgang;Schlüter, Andreas;Liebl, Wolfgang;Klocke, Michael; DNA and RNA Extraction and Quantitative Real-Time PCR-Based Assays for Biogas Biocenoses in an Interlaboratory Comparison
Kattner, Niklas; Wang, Tianyi, Lindemann, Udo; Performance Metrics in Engineering Change Management – Key Performance Indicators and Engineering Change Performance Levels
Dominik Meyer, Johannes Feldmaier, Hao Shen; Reinforcement Learning in Conflicting Environments for Autonomous Vehicles
Roth, Michael; Mayr, Lisa; Ploetner, Maik; Lindemann, Udo; A continuous toolchain for User-Driven Customization
Gaigl, C.; Mensinger, M.; The temperature development of hot dip galvanized steel members in fire / Vývoj teplot žárově zinkovaných ocelových prvků během požáru
Kremer, Simon; Sies, Tony, Lindemann, Udo; Designing Meaningful User Experiences: Interactive Learning Experience Model
Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Goevert, Kristin; Moertl, Markus; Lindemann, Udo; Supporting Product Platform Decisions with Lifecycle Costing
Goevert, Kristin; Cloutier, Robert; Roth, Michael; Lindemann, Udo; Concept of System Architecture Database Analysis
Weidmann, Dominik; Burgenmeister, Martin; Pfeiffer, Sabine; Lindemann, Udo; Open Organization in Engineering Design
Weidmann, Dominik; Kattner, Niklas; Hollauer, Christoph; Becerril, Lucia; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Lindemann, Udo; Methods Collection to Support Requirements Engineering with Focus on Structuring and Consolidation of Requirements
Hollauer, Christoph; Riebl, Peter; Becerril, Lucia; Kattner, Niklas; Weidmann, Dominik; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Ruhland, Karl; Amann, Karl; Lindemann, Udo; An approach for improving method and model application in engineering design processes: Case study of a German plant engineering company
Hollauer, Christoph; Hornauer, Lennart; Lindemann, Udo; Process Maturity Models for the Development of Mechatronic Products
Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Marahrens, Nils-Jorge; Schweigert, Sebastian; Kestel, Philipp; Kremer, Simon; Wartzack, Sandro; Lindemann, Udo; Development of a Toolkit of Methods for Simulations in Product Development
Schreieck, Maximilian; Safetli, Hazem; Siddiqui, Sajjad Ali; Pflügler, Christoph; Wiesche, Manuel, Krcmar, Helmut; A Matching Algorithm for Dynamic Ridesharing
Schmied, Christian; Gebhardt, Marcel; d'Albert, Hugo; Mörtl, Markus; Erweiterung der Design for Cost Methodik für indirekte Änderungskosten
Schmied, Christian; Gebhardt, Marcel; d'Albert, Hugo; Mörtl, Markus; Lindemann, Udo; Analyse des Systemverhaltens und Beeinflussung indirekter Änderungskosten
Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wasmeier, Peter; Wunderlich, Thomas; Improved concepts of using natural targets for geo-monitoring
Kammerl, Daniel; Novak, Gabriel; Hollauer, Christoph; Mörtl, Markus; Integrating Usage Data into the Planning of Product-Service Systems
Kindt, Philipp H.;Yunge, Daniel;Tobola, Andreas;Fischer, Georg;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Dynamic Service Switching for the Medical IoT
Bernhard Dieber; Severin Kacianka; Stefan Rass; Peter Schartner; Application-level security for ROS-based applications
Banescu, Sebastian and Collberg, Christian and Ganesh, Vijay and Newsham, Zack and Pretschner, Alexander; Code Obfuscation Against Symbolic Execution Attacks
Ibrahim, Amjad and Banescu, Sebastian; StIns4CS: A State Inspection Tool for C\#
Banescu, Sebastian and Lucaci, Ciprian and Krämer, Benjamin and Pretschner, Alexander; VOT4CS: A Virtualization Obfuscation Tool for C\#
D. Holling and S. Banescu and M. Probst and A. Petrovska and A. Pretschner; Nequivack: Assessing Mutation Score Confidence
Tobias Wüchner,Martin Ochoa,Mojdeh Golagha,Gaurav Srivastava,Thomas Schreck,Alexander Pretschner; MalFlow: identification of C\&C servers through host-based data flow profiling
Severin Kacianka;Florian Kelbert;Alexander Pretschner; Towards a Unified Model of Accountability Infrastructures
Seeber, B.U.; Müller, M.; Menzer, F.; Does learning a room’s reflections aid spatial hearing?
Gomez, G.; Hoening, V.M.; Seeber, B.U.; Spatial Sound Perception with Hearing Aids – Examining Localization, Distance, Width, Elevation and Internalization
Cordes, Christian;Baum, Thomas;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Ruschke, Stefan;Diefenbach, Maximilian N;Hauner, Hans;Kirschke, Jan S;Karampinos, Dimitrios C; MR-Based Assessment of Bone Marrow Fat in Osteoporosis, Diabetes, and Obesity.
Bergstrand S., Schmid R.; Activities of the IERS Working Group on Site Survey and Co-location
Klopotek G., Artz T., Bellanger A., Bourda G., Gerstl M., Gordon D., Haas R., Halsig S., Hjelle G.A., Hobiger T., Hugentobler U., Iddink A., Kirkvik A.S., Lambert S., Plank L., Schmid R., Shu F., Titov O., Tong F., Wang G., Xu M., Zheng W.; Results from the VLBI Analysis Software Comparison Campaign 2015
Maas, C.; Günther, J.; Intra, C.; Günthner, W. A.; Identification of parts with logistics potential regarding the inbound supply performance
Rechl, F.; Günthner, W. A.; Identification of significant life-cycle costs of intralogistics systems as a basis for investment decisions
Carton, Daniel; Nitsch, Verena; Meinzer, Dominik; Wollherr, Dirk; Towards Assessing the Human Trajectory Planning Horizon
Holzapfel, Christina;Merl, Melissa;Stecher, Lynne;Hauner, Hans; One-Year Weight Loss with a Telephone-Based Lifestyle Program.
Halama, Anna;Horsch, Marion;Kastenmüller, Gabriele;Möller, Gabriele;Kumar, Pankaj;Prehn, Cornelia;Laumen, Helmut;Hauner, Hans;Hrab? de Angelis, Martin;Beckers, Johannes;Suhre, Karsten;Adamski, Jerzy; Metabolic switch during adipogenesis: From branched chain amino acid catabolism to lipid synthesis.
Shen, Jun;Baum, Thomas;Cordes, Christian;Ott, Beate;Skurk, Thomas;Kooijman, Hendrik;Rummeny, Ernst J;Hauner, Hans;Menze, Bjoern H;Karampinos, Dimitrios C; Automatic segmentation of abdominal organs and adipose tissue compartments in water-fat MRI: Application to weight-loss in obesity.
Lee, Yu-Mi;Wolf, Petra;Hauner, Hans;Skurk, Thomas; Effect of a fermented dietary supplement containing chromium and zinc on metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind cross-over study.
Hauner, Hans;Woodward, Euan; Looking Back - EASO Is Celebrating Its 30th Anniversary.
Strawbridge, Rona J;Laumen, Helmut;Hamsten, Anders;Breier, Michaela;Grallert, Harald;Hauner, Hans;Arner, Peter;Dahlman, Ingrid; Effects of Genetic Loci Associated with Central Obesity on Adipocyte Lipolysis.
Six-Merker, Julia;Meisinger, Christa;Jourdan, Carolin;Heier, Margit;Hauner, Hans;Peters, Annette;Linseisen, Jakob; Treatment of Thyroid Dysfunctions Decreases the Risk of Cerebrovascular Events in Men but Not in Women: Results of the MONICA/KORA Cohort Study.
Gan, Thiam-Soon;Grunow, Martin; Concurrent product and supply chain design: a literature review, an exploratory research framework and a process for modularity design
Sánchez L.; Unified Height System: Required measurements and expected products
Sánchez L., Ihde J., Pail R., Barzaghi R., Marti U., Ågren J., Sideris M., Novák P.; Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
Sánchez L.; Recent activities of the IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS - IGS RNAAC SIRGAS
Drewes H., Sánchez L.; The Velocity Model for SIRGAS 2010-2015 (VEMOS2015)
Kepa Iturralde, Thomas Linner, Thomas Bock; Development of a modular and integrated productmanufacturing-installation system kit for the automation of the refurbishment process in the research project BERTIM
Sagstetter, Florian;Waszecki, Peter;Steinhorst, Sebastian;Lukasiewycz, Martin;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Multi-Schedule Synthesis for Variant Management in Automotive Time-Triggered Systems
Canlong Ma; Julien Provost; DTT-MAT: A software toolbox on a design-to-test approach for testing of embedded programmable controllers
Oliver Latka; Julien Provost; Implementation of a Cloud-based Service-Oriented Architecture for Hardware Control Systems supported by Neural Network
Canlong Ma; Julien Provost; Design-to-test: an approach to enhance testability of programmable controllers for critical systems-two case studies
Minjie Zou; Laura Folk; Julien Provost; Psychoacoustic impacts estimation in manufacturing based on accelerometer measurement using artificial neural networks
Vilgelm, Mikhail;Mamduhi, Mohammad H.;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Hirche, Sandra; Adaptive Decentralized MAC for Event-Triggered Networked Control Systems
Wong, Elaine;Mas Machuca, Carmen;Wosinska, Lena; Survivable Architectures for Power-Savings Capable Converged Access Networks
Kellerer, Wolfgang;Basta, Arsany;Blenk, Andreas; Using a Flexibility Measure for Network Design Space Analysis of SDN and NFV
Gürsu, Murat;Vilgelm, Mikhail;Zoppi, Samuele;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Reliable co-existence of 802.15.4e TSCH-based WSN and Wi-Fi in an Aircraft Cabin
Vilgelm, Mikhail;Gürsu, Murat;Zoppi, Samuele;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Time Slotted Channel Hopping for Smart Metering: Measurements and Analysis of Medium Access
Blenk, Andreas;Kalmbach, Patrick;van der Smagt, Patrick;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Boost Online Virtual Network Embedding: Using Neural Networks for Admission Control
Zerwas, Johannes;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Optimization Models for Flexible and Adaptive SDN Network Virtualization Layers
Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards Flexible Networking in Dynamically Changing Environments
Wang, Kun;Gavler, Anders;Mas Machuca, Carmen;Wosinska, Lena;Brunnström, Kjell;Chen, Jiajia; Migration Strategies for FTTx Solutions based on Active Optical Networks
Mueller, Tobias;Fischer, Janett;Gessner, Reinhard;Rosendahl, Jonas;Böhm, Stephan;van Bömmel, Florian;Knop, Viola;Sarrazin, Christoph;Witt, Heiko;Marques, Andreas Mas;Kovacs, Peter;Schleinitz, Dorit;Stumvoll, Michael;Blüher, Matthias;Bugert, Peter;Schott, Eckart;Berg, Thomas; Apolipoprotein E allele frequencies in chronic and self-limited hepatitis C suggest a protective effect of APOE4 in the course of hepatitis C virus infection.
Ebert, Karolin;Witt, Heiko; Fructose malabsorption.
Mosandl, R.; Abt, A.; Waldbauverfahren in Eichenwäldern gestern und heute.
Felbermeier, B.; Weber, M.; Knoke, T.; Mosandl, R.; There is no alternative to forest management. Response (eLetter) to Nauth et al. (2016): Europe’s forest management did not mitigate climate warming.
Danzer, M.; Dietsch, P.; Winter, S.; Reinforcement of round holes in glulam beams arranged eccentrically in groups
Dick W.R., Thaller D.; ITRS Combination Centres: Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI-TUM)
Ebert, S.; Dietsch, P.; Winter, S.; Interdisciplinary design projects and practical project work in the education of civil engineers
Feldmann, A.; Huang, H.; Chang, W.; Harris, R.; Dietsch, P.; Gräfe, M.; Hein, C.; Dynamic properties of tall timber structures under wind-induced vibration
Wagner, C.; Berninger, T.; Thümmel, T.; Rixen, D.; Rotordynamic effects in turbopumps for space propulsion systems - systems first minimal models and experimental validation
Lang, Alexander; Tesch, Anna Teresa; Opening up the R&D process is risky - how far do you have to go in order to beat your competitors?
Katsikis, Nikolaos; Lang, Alexander; Debreczeny, Csaba; Evaluation of Open Innovation in B2B from a Company Culture Perspective
Lang, Alexander; Telkamp, Sarah; Lindemann, Udo; Lead User in Open Organizations, How a Refined Lead User Concept can help to Integrate Workshop Results
M. Vilgelm, G. Neamtu, P. Mittendorfer, G. Cheng, W. Kellerer; Partitioning Algorithm for a Resource-Constrained Robotic Skin Sensor Network
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Li, Mengchu;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Reliability-aware Synthesis with Dynamic Device Mapping and Fluid Routing for Flow-based Microfluidic Biochips
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Mengchu;Li, Bing;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Columba: Co-Layout Synthesis for Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Biochips
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Yeh, Ching-Feng;Jhan, Hsiang-Chieh;Tsai, Zuo-Min;Lin, Mark Po-Hung;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Novel CMOS RFIC Layout Generation with Concurrent Device Placement and Fixed-Length Microstrip Routing
Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Sieve-valve-aware Synthesis of Flow-based Microfluidic Biochips Considering Specific Biological Execution Limitations
Raab, Susanne;Wang, Haiyan;Uhles, Sabine;Cole, Nadine;Alvarez-Sanchez, Ruben;Künnecke, Basil;Ullmer, Christoph;Matile, Hugues;Bedoucha, Marc;Norcross, Roger D.;Ottaway-Parker, Nickki;Perez-Tilve, Diego;Conde Knape, Karin;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Hoener, Marius C.;Sewing, Sabine; Incretin-like effects of small molecule trace amine-associated receptor 1 agonists
Lloyd, Julian A.;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Fischer, Sybille;Oh, Seung Cheol;Saǧlam, Özge;Diller, Katharina;Duncan, David A.;Allegretti, Francesco;Klappenberger, Florian;Stöhr, Martin;Maurer, Reinhard J.;Reuter, Karsten;Reichert, Joachim;Barth, Johannes V.; Dynamics of Spatially Confined Bisphenol A Trimers in a Unimolecular Network on Ag(111)
Jiang, Li;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Oh, Seung Cheol;Sağlam, Özge;Reichert, Joachim;Duncan, David A.;Zhang, Yi-Qi;Klappenberger, Florian;Guo, Yuanyuan;Allegretti, Francesco;More, Sandeep;Bhosale, Rajesh;Mateo-Alonso, Aurelio;Barth, Johannes V.; Synthesis of Pyrene-Fused Pyrazaacenes on Metal Surfaces: Toward One-Dimensional Conjugated Nanostructures
Villamagua-Vergara Gabriela Carolina, Muñoz-Chamba Johana Cristina; Especies maderables comercializadas en mercados locales: Un estudio de caso Timber species trade in local markets: A case study
Tsunoda, W.; Wagner, C.; Berninger, T.; Thümmel, T.; Rixen, D.; Measurement Method of Damping Ratio as Stability Diagnosis for Rotor-Seal System with Fluidic Random Excitation
Herbig, Anna-Lena; Stability of vegetable micro-constituents at intermediate temperatures: fate of vitamins and other micro-components in products based on fruits and vegetables
Soroush Hooshyar, Natalie Germann; A thermodynamic study of shear banding in polymer solutions
Yates, Nichola; Teuner, Christina M.; Hunger, Matthias; Holle, Rolf;Stark, Renee; Laxy, Michael; Hauner, Hans; Peters, Annette; Wolfenstetter, Silke B.; The Economic Burden of Obesity in Germany: Results from the Population Based KORA Studies
Sikora, Anna;César, Eduardo;Comprés, Isaías;Gerndt, Michael; Autotuning of MPI Applications Using PTF
Gerndt, Michael; The READEX Project for Dynamic Energy Efficiency Tuning
Schreieck, Maximilian; Hakes, Christoph; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Analysis of Platform Governance in the Internet of Things
Lösch, Andreas;Böhle, Knut;Coenen, Christopher;Dobroc, Paulina;Ferrari, Arianna;Heil, Reinhard;Hommrich, Dirk;Sand, Martin;Grunwald, Armin;Dickel, Sascha;Schulz-Schaeffer, Ingo;Wentland, Alexander; Technikfolgenabschätzung von soziotechnischen Zukünften
Wentland, Alexander; Imagining and enacting the future of the German energy transition: Electric vehicles as grid infrastructure
Metall Zug AG; Digital, Smart, Vernetzt? - Starke Standorte brauchen mehr!
Wahrmann, Daniel;Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;Wittmann, Robert;Sygulla, Felix;Rixen, Daniel;Buschmann, Thomas; 3D-Modellierung dynamischer Umgebungen für Echt-Zeit-Navigation autonomer zweibeiniger Roboter
Hofmann, Oliver;Strauß, Peter;Schuckert, Sebastian;Huber, Benedikt;Rixen, Daniel;Wachtmeister, Georg; Identification of Aging Effects in Common Rail Diesel Injectors Using Geometric Classifiers and Neural Networks
Paul, Amitesh; Stiffness in vortex—like structures due to chirality-domains within a coupled helical rare-earth superlattice
Auffenberg, Eva;Jurik, Angela;Mattusch, Corinna;Stoffel, Rainer;Genewsky, Andreas;Namendorf, Christian;Schmid, Roland M.;Rammes, Gerhard;Biel, Martin;Uhr, Manfred;Moosmang, Sven;Michalakis, Stylianos;Wotjak, Carsten T.;Thoeringer, Christoph K.; Remote and reversible inhibition of neurons and circuits by small molecule induced potassium channel stabilization
Steubl, Dominik;Block, Matthias;Herbst, Victor;Nockher, Wolfgang Andreas;Schlumberger, Wolfgang;Satanovskij, Robin;Angermann, Susanne;Hasenau, Anna-Lena;Stecher, Lynne;Heemann, Uwe;Renders, Lutz;Scherberich, Jürgen; Plasma Uromodulin Correlates With Kidney Function and Identifies Early Stages in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Bouman, Johannes;Ebbing, Jörg;Fuchs, Martin;Sebera, Josef;Lieb, Verena;Szwillus, Wolfgang;Haagmans, Roger;Novak, Pavel; Satellite gravity gradient grids for geophysics
Wahl, Elizabeth A.;Schenck, Thilo L.;Machens, Hans-Günther;Egaña, J. Tomás; Acute stimulation of mesenchymal stem cells with cigarette smoke extract affects their migration, differentiation, and paracrine potential
Mayer, Kerstin;Klein, Wilhelm;Fässler, Thomas F.; (4,7,13,16,21,24-Hexaoxa-1,10-diazabicyclo[8.8.8]hexacosane-κ8N2,O6)rubidium 4,4′-bipyridinidyl
Birnbacher, Lorenz;Willner, Marian;Velroyen, Astrid;Marschner, Mathias;Hipp, Alexander;Meiser, Jan;Koch, Frieder;Schröter, Tobias;Kunka, Danays;Mohr, Jürgen;Pfeiffer, Franz;Herzen, Julia; Experimental Realisation of High-sensitivity Laboratory X-ray Grating-based Phase-contrast Computed Tomography
Marschner, M.;Willner, M.;Potdevin, G.;Fehringer, A.;Noël, P. B.;Pfeiffer, F.;Herzen, J.; Helical X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography without phase stepping
Yaroshenko, Andre;Pritzke, Tina;Koschlig, Markus;Kamgari, Nona;Willer, Konstantin;Gromann, Lukas;Auweter, Sigrid;Hellbach, Katharina;Reiser, Maximilian;Eickelberg, Oliver;Pfeiffer, Franz;Hilgendorff, Anne; Visualization of neonatal lung injury associated with mechanical ventilation using x-ray dark-field radiography
Su, Yi-Huang;Salazar-López, Elvira; Visual Timing of Structured Dance Movements Resembles Auditory Rhythm Perception
Riemenschneider, Mona;Cashin, Kieran Y.;Budeus, Bettina;Sierra, Saleta;Shirvani-Dastgerdi, Elham;Bayanolhagh, Saeed;Kaiser, Rolf;Gorry, Paul R.;Heider, Dominik; Genotypic Prediction of Co-receptor Tropism of HIV-1 Subtypes A and C
Roth, Hans-Christian;Schwaminger, Sebastian P.;Peng, Fei;Berensmeier, Sonja; Immobilization of Cellulase on Magnetic Nanocarriers
Schlinkert, Hella;Ludwig, Martin;Batáry, Péter;Holzschuh, Andrea;Kovács-Hostyánszki, Anikó;Tscharntke, Teja;Fischer, Christina; Forest specialist and generalist small mammals in forest edges and hedges
Tylutki, Marek;Recati, Alessio;Dalfovo, Franco;Stringari, Sandro; Dark–bright solitons in a superfluid Bose–Fermi mixture
Birle, Stephan;Hussein, Mohamed Ahmed;Becker, Thomas; Management of Uncertainty by Statistical Process Control and a Genetic Tuned Fuzzy System
Scheidler, Christopher;Sobotta, Jessica;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Wächtershäuser, Günter;Huber, Claudia; Unsaturated C3,5,7,9-Monocarboxylic Acids by Aqueous, One-Pot Carbon Fixation: Possible Relevance for the Origin of Life
Kim, Young-Woo;Joo, Jungnam;Yoon, Hong Man;Eom, Bang Wool;Ryu, Keun Won;Choi, Il Ju;Kook, Myeong Cherl;Schuhmacher, Christoph;Siewert, Joerg Ruediger;Reim, Daniel; Different survival outcomes after curative R0-resection for Eastern Asian and European gastric cancer
Reim, Daniel;Strobl, Andreas N.;Buchner, Christian;Schirren, Rebekka;Mueller, Werner;Luppa, Peter;Ankerst, Donna Pauler;Friess, Helmut;Novotny, Alexander; Perioperative transfusion of leukocyte depleted blood products in gastric cancer patients negatively influences oncologic outcome
Angst, Gerrit;John, Stephan;Mueller, Carsten W.;Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid;Rethemeyer, Janet; Tracing the sources and spatial distribution of organic carbon in subsoils using a multi-biomarker approach
Sánchez-Garduño, Faustino;Pérez-Velázquez, Judith; Reactive-Diffusive-Advective Traveling Waves in a Family of Degenerate Nonlinear Equations
Mühlbauer, S;Kindervater, J;Adams, T;Bauer, A;Keiderling, U;Pfleiderer, C; Kinetic small angle neutron scattering of the skyrmion lattice in MnSi
Reeb, Jonas;Hecht, Maximilian;Mahlich, Yannick;Bromberg, Yana;Rost, Burkhard; Predicted Molecular Effects of Sequence Variants Link to System Level of Disease
Husemann, Martin;Sturm, Sarah;Curto, Manuel;Meimberg, Harald;Habel, Jan Christian; Four new mitochondrial genomes of the genus zosterops (aves: passeriformes: zosteropidae) from East Africa with a phylogenetic evaluation of the group
Geissler, Andreas J.;Behr, Jürgen;Vogel, Rudi F.; Multiple Genome Sequences of the Important Beer-Spoiling SpeciesLactobacillus backii: TABLE 1
Weiler, Benedikt;Haeberle, Tobias;Gagliardi, Alessio;Lugli, Paolo; Kinetic Monte Carlo of transport processes in Al/AlOx/Au-layers: Impact of defects
Wiesmeier, Martin;Poeplau, Christopher;Sierra, Carlos A.;Maier, Harald;Frühauf, Cathleen;Hübner, Rico;Kühnel, Anna;Spörlein, Peter;Geuß, Uwe;Hangen, Edzard;Schilling, Bernd;von Lützow, Margit;Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid; Projected loss of soil organic carbon in temperate agricultural soils in the 21st century: effects of climate change and carbon input trends
Abula, Kahar;Beckmann, J��rgen;Chen, Kai;Gr��pel, Peter; Validation of the Chinese version of the physical activity stages of change questionnaire
Hamann, Johannes;Kissling, Werner;Mendel, Rosmarie; Does it matter whether physicians' recommendations are given early or late in the decision-making process? An experimental study among patients with schizophrenia
Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Joseph, Divya;Kapfhammer, Martin;Giritli, Sabahattin;Horn, Matthias;Haller, Dirk;Clavel, Thomas; IMNGS: A comprehensive open resource of processed 16S rRNA microbial profiles for ecology and diversity studies
Fust, Sergej;Mukherjee, Saumya;Paul, Neelima;Stahn, Jochen;Kreuzpaintner, Wolfgang;Böni, Peter;Paul, Amitesh; Realizing topological stability of magnetic helices in exchange-coupled multilayers for all-spin-based system
Coleman, Olivia I.;Nunes, Tiago; Role of the Microbiota in Colorectal Cancer: Updates on Microbial Associations and Therapeutic Implications
Alsheakhali, Mohamed;Eslami, Abouzar;Roodaki, Hessam;Navab, Nassir; CRF-Based Model for Instrument Detection and Pose Estimation in Retinal Microsurgery
Geissler, Andreas J.;Behr, Jürgen;Vogel, Rudi F.; Multiple Genome Sequences of Important Beer-Spoiling Lactic Acid Bacteria: TABLE 1
Götz, Carolin;Drecoll, Enken;Straub, Melanie;Bissinger, Oliver;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Kolk, Andreas; Impact of HPV infection on oral squamous cell carcinoma
Adikaram, K. K. L. B.;Hussein, M. A.;Effenberger, M.;Becker, T.; Non-Parametric Local Maxima and Minima Finder with Filtering Techniques for Bioprocess
Schmid, Markus;Pröls, Sandra;Kainz, Daniel M.;Hammann, Felicia;Stäbler, Andreas; Impact of Hydrolyzed Whey Protein on the Molecular Interactions and Cross-Linking Density in Whey Protein Isolate-Based Films
Kübeck, Raphaela;Bonet-Ripoll, Catalina;Hoffmann, Christina;Walker, Alesia;Müller, Veronika Maria;Schüppel, Valentina Luise;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Scholz, Birgit;Engel, Karl-Heinz;Daniel, Hannelore;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Haller, Dirk;Clavel, Thomas;Klingenspor, Martin; Dietary fat and gut microbiota interactions determine diet-induced obesity in mice
Wiestler, Benedikt;Kluge, Anne;Lukas, Mathias;Gempt, Jens;Ringel, Florian;Schlegel, Jürgen;Meyer, Bernhard;Zimmer, Claus;Förster, Stefan;Pyka, Thomas;Preibisch, Christine; Multiparametric MRI-based differentiation of WHO grade II/III glioma and WHO grade IV glioblastoma
Wahl, Elizabeth A.;Schenck, Thilo L.;Machens, Hans-Günther;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.; VEGF released by deferoxamine preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells seeded on collagen-GAG substrates enhances neovascularization
Pölsterl, Sebastian;Gupta, Pankaj;Wang, Lichao;Conjeti, Sailesh;Katouzian, Amin;Navab, Nassir; Heterogeneous ensembles for predicting survival of metastatic, castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients
Li, Qin;Michel, Klaus;Annahazi, Anita;Demir, Ihsan E.;Ceyhan, Güralp O.;Zeller, Florian;Komorowski, Lars;Stöcker, Winfried;Beyak, Michael J.;Grundy, David;Farrugia, Gianrico;De Giorgio, Roberto;Schemann, Michael; Anti-Hu antibodies activate enteric and sensory neurons
Seiberl, W.;Hahn, D.;Paternoster, F. K.; Reduced activation in isometric muscle action after lengthening contractions is not accompanied by reduced performance fatigability
von Werder, Alexander; Everolimus in a Patient with Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Rectum
Tan, Chung Hui James;Saier, Tim;von Deimling, Constantin;Martetschläger, Frank;Minzlaff, Philipp;Feucht, Matthias J.;Martinez, Horazio;Braun, Sepp;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Burgkart, Rainer; Effect of three remplissage techniques on tendon coverage and shoulder kinematics: a navigated robotic biomechanical study
Mitchell, Thomas C.;Williams, Bethany R. M.;Wood, John R. I.;Harris, David. J.;Scotland, Robert W.;Carine, Mark A.; How the temperate world was colonised by bindweeds: biogeography of the Convolvuleae (Convolvulaceae)
Storck, Katharina;Kreiser, Kornelia;Hauber, Johannes;Buchberger, Anna-Maria;Staudenmaier, Rainer;Kreutzer, Kilian;Bas, Murat; Management and prevention of acute bleedings in the head and neck area with interventional radiology
Mueller, Tara C.;Bachmann, Jeannine;Prokopchuk, Olga;Friess, Helmut;Martignoni, Marc E.; Molecular pathways leading to loss of skeletal muscle mass in cancer cachexia – can findings from animal models be translated to humans?
Schneider, Jochen;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Thöres, Sieglinde;Obermeier, Andreas;Schulz, Christoph;Pförringer, Dominik;Nennstiel, Simon;Spinner, Christoph;Schmid, Roland M.;Algül, Hana;Huber, Wolfgang;Weber, Andreas; Mortality Risk for Acute Cholangitis (MAC): a risk prediction model for in-hospital mortality in patients with acute cholangitis
Pausch, Hubert;Emmerling, Reiner;Schwarzenbacher, Hermann;Fries, Ruedi; A multi-trait meta-analysis with imputed sequence variants reveals twelve QTL for mammary gland morphology in Fleckvieh cattle
Neuhaus, Klaus;Landstorfer, Richard;Fellner, Lea;Simon, Svenja;Schafferhans, Andrea;Goldberg, Tatyana;Marx, Harald;Ozoline, Olga N.;Rost, Burkhard;Kuster, Bernhard;Keim, Daniel A.;Scherer, Siegfried; Translatomics combined with transcriptomics and proteomics reveals novel functional, recently evolved orphan genes in Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC)
Prokopchuk, Olga;Andres, Stephanie;Becker, Karen;Holzapfel, Konstantin;Hartmann, Daniel;Friess, Helmut; Maffucci syndrome and neoplasms: a case report and review of the literature
Riemenschneider, Mona;Senge, Robin;Neumann, Ursula;Hüllermeier, Eyke;Heider, Dominik; Exploiting HIV-1 protease and reverse transcriptase cross-resistance information for improved drug resistance prediction by means of multi-label classification
Pausch, Hubert;Venhoranta, Heli;Wurmser, Christine;Hakala, Kalle;Iso-Touru, Terhi;Sironen, Anu;Vingborg, Rikke K.;Lohi, Hannes;Söderquist, Lennart;Fries, Ruedi;Andersson, Magnus; A frameshift mutation in ARMC3 is associated with a tail stump sperm defect in Swedish Red (Bos taurus) cattle
Bronner, Katharina;Perneczky, Robert;McCabe, Rose;Kurz, Alexander;Hamann, Johannes; Which medical and social decision topics are important after early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease from the perspectives of people with Alzheimer’s Disease, spouses and professionals?
Otto, Angela M.; Warburg effect(s)—a biographical sketch of Otto Warburg and his impacts on tumor metabolism
Nagel, Robin D.;Haeberle, Tobias;Schmidt, Morten;Lugli, Paolo;Scarpa, Giuseppe; Large Area Nano-transfer Printing of Sub-50-nm Metal Nanostructures Using Low-cost Semi-flexible Hybrid Templates
Schwarzenbacher, Hermann;Wurmser, Christine;Flisikowski, Krzysztof;Misurova, Lubica;Jung, Simone;Langenmayer, Martin C.;Schnieke, Angelika;Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela;Fries, Ruedi;Pausch, Hubert; A frameshift mutation in GON4L is associated with proportionate dwarfism in Fleckvieh cattle
Saier, T.;Plath, J. E.;Beitzel, K.;Minzlaff, P.;Feucht, J. M.;Reuter, S.;Martetschläger, F.;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Aboalata, M.;Braun, S.; Return-to-activity after anatomical reconstruction of acute high-grade acromioclavicular separation
Kraus, T. M.;Imhoff, F. B.;Reinert, J.;Wexel, G.;Wolf, A.;Hirsch, D.;Hofmann, A.;Stöckle, U.;Buchmann, S.;Tischer, T.;Imhoff, A. B.;Milz, S.;Anton, M.;Vogt, S.; Stem cells and bFGF in tendon healing: Effects of lentiviral gene transfer and long-term follow-up in a rat Achilles tendon defect model
Harrasser, Norbert;Gorkotte, Johannes;Obermeier, Andreas;Feihl, Susanne;Straub, Melanie;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger;Moser, Walter;Gruner, Philipp;de Wild, Michael;Gollwitzer, Hans;Burgkart, Rainer; A new model of implant-related osteomyelitis in the metaphysis of rat tibiae
Toepfer, Andreas;Lenze, Ulrich;Gerdesmeyer, Ludger;Pohlig, Florian;Harrasser, Norbert; Endoscopic resection and allografting for benign osteolytic lesions of the calcaneus
Sandmann, G. H.;Crönlein, M.;Neumaier, M.;Beirer, M.;Buchholz, A.;Stöckle, U.;Biberthaler, P.;Siebenlist, S.; Reduction and stabilization of radial neck fractures by intramedullary pinning: a technique not only for children
Beirer, Marc;Serly, Julian;Vester, Helen;Pförringer, Dominik;Crönlein, Moritz;Deiler, Stephan;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; The Munich Wrist Questionnaire (MWQ) – development and validation of a new patient-reported outcome measurement tool for wrist disorders
Stöcker, Fabian;Von Oldershausen, Christoph;Paternoster, Florian Kurt;Schulz, Thorsten;Oberhoffer, Renate; Relationship of post-exercise muscle oxygenation and duration of cycling exercise
Heinmüller, Stefan;;Schneider, Antonius;Linde, Klaus; Quantity, topics, methods and findings of randomised controlled trials published by German university departments of general practice – systematic review
Poschenrieder, Andreas;Schottelius, Margret;Schwaiger, Markus;Kessler, Horst;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; The influence of different metal-chelate conjugates of pentixafor on the CXCR4 affinity
Kessler, Thorsten;Erdmann, Jeanette;Vilne, Baiba;Bruse, Petra;Kurowski, Volkhard;Diemert, Patrick;Schunkert, Heribert;Sager, Hendrik B.; Serum microRNA-1233 is a specific biomarker for diagnosing acute pulmonary embolism
Huber, Stephan;;Crönlein, Moritz;von Matthey, Francesca;Hanschen, Marc;Seidl, Fritz;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Lefering, Rolf;Huber-Wagner, Stefan; Effect of private versus emergency medical systems transportation in trauma patients in a mostly physician based system- a retrospective multicenter study based on the TraumaRegister DGU®
Prasser, Fabian;Kohlmayer, Florian;Kuhn, Klaus A.; Efficient and effective pruning strategies for health data de-identification
Huptas, Christopher;Scherer, Siegfried;Wenning, Mareike; Optimized Illumina PCR-free library preparation for bacterial whole genome sequencing and analysis of factors influencing de novo assembly
Görner, Christian;Schrepfer, Patrick;Redai, Veronika;Wallrapp, Frank;Loll, Bernhard;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Haslbeck, Martin;Brück, Thomas; Identification, characterization and molecular adaptation of class I redox systems for the production of hydroxylated diterpenoids
Schwarzenbacher, Hermann;Burgstaller, Johann;Seefried, Franz R.;Wurmser, Christine;Hilbe, Monika;Jung, Simone;Fuerst, Christian;Dinhopl, Nora;Weissenböck, Herbert;Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit;Dolezal, Marlies;Winkler, Reinhard;Grueter, Oskar;Bleul, Ulrich;Wittek, Thomas;Fries, Ruedi;Pausch, Hubert; A missense mutation in TUBD1 is associated with high juvenile mortality in Braunvieh and Fleckvieh cattle
Dewes, Sabrina;Schiller, Kilian;Sauter, Katharina;Eiber, Matthias;Maurer, Tobias;Schwaiger, Markus;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Combs, Stephanie E.;Habl, Gregor; Integration of 68Ga-PSMA-PET imaging in planning of primary definitive radiotherapy in prostate cancer: a retrospective study
Klermund, Ludwig;Poschenrieder, Sarah T.;Castiglione, Kathrin; Simple surface functionalization of polymersomes using non-antibacterial peptide anchors
Harrasser, Norbert;Jüssen, Sebastian;Obermeir, Andreas;Kmeth, Ralf;Stritzker, Bernd;Gollwitzer, Hans;Burgkart, Rainer; Antibacterial potency of different deposition methods of silver and copper containing diamond-like carbon coated polyethylene
Rommel, Niklas;Rohleder, Nils H.;Koerdt, Steffen;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Härtel-Petri, Roland;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Kesting, Marco R.; Sympathomimetic effects of chronic methamphetamine abuse on oral health: a cross-sectional study
Dyrna, Felix;Herbst, Elmar;Hoberman, Alexander;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Schmitt, Andreas; Stem cell procedures in arthroscopic surgery
Beggel, S.;Brandner, J.;Cerwenka, A. F.;Geist, J.; Synergistic impacts by an invasive amphipod and an invasive fish explain native gammarid extinction
Huber, Bettina;Herzog, Bastian;Drewes, Jörg E.;Koch, Konrad;Müller, Elisabeth; Characterization of sulfur oxidizing bacteria related to biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion in sludge digesters
Hessler, Johannes Baltasar;Ander, Karl-Heinz;Brönner, Monika;Etgen, Thorleif;Förstl, Hans;Poppert, Holger;Sander, Dirk;Bickel, Horst; Predicting dementia in primary care patients with a cardiovascular health metric: a prospective population-based study
Kiechle, Marion;Engel, Christoph;Berling, Anika;Hebestreit, Katrin;Bischoff, Stephan C.;Dukatz, Ricarda;Siniatchkin, Michael;Pfeifer, Katharina;Grill, Sabine;Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam;Kirsch, Ellen;Niederberger, Uwe;Enders, Ute;Löffler, Markus;Meindl, Alfons;Rhiem, Kerstin;Schmutzler, Rita;Erickson, Nicole;Halle, Martin; Effects of lifestyle intervention in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers on nutrition, BMI, and physical fitness (LIBRE study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Riemenschneider, Mona;Hummel, Thomas;Heider, Dominik; SHIVA - a web application for drug resistance and tropism testing in HIV
Harada, Yukinori;;Colleran, Roisin;Kufner, Sebastian;Giacoppo, Daniele;Rheude, Tobias;Michel, Jonathan;Cassese, Salvatore;Ibrahim, Tareq;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Kastrati, Adnan;Byrne, Robert A.; Five-year clinical outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus treated with polymer-free sirolimus- and probucol-eluting stents versus second-generation zotarolimus-eluting stents: a subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Bissinger, Oliver;Kreutzer, Kilian;Götz, Carolin;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Pautke, Christoph;Vogt, Stephan;Wexel, Gabriele;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Tischer, Thomas;Prodinger, Peter Michael; A biomechanical, micro-computertomographic and histological analysis of the influence of diclofenac and prednisolone on fracture healing in vivo
Kolbinger, Otto;Link, Daniel; The use of vanishing spray reduces the extent of rule violations in soccer
Poschenrieder, Andreas;Schottelius, Margret;Schwaiger, Markus;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Preclinical evaluation of [68Ga]NOTA-pentixafor for PET imaging of CXCR4 expression in vivo — a comparison to [68Ga]pentixafor
Greve, F.;Crönlein, M.;Beirer, M.;Kirchhoff, C.;Biberthaler, P.;Braun, K. F.; Pseudoaneurysm of the anterior tibial artery after interlocking tibial nailing: an unexpected complication
Brandt, Julia U.;Jakob, Frank;Behr, Jürgen;Geissler, Andreas J.;Vogel, Rudi F.; Dissection of exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Kozakia baliensis
Straube, Christoph;Pigorsch, Steffi U.;Scherb, Hagen;Wilkens, Jan J.;Bier, Henning;Combs, Stephanie E.; Reduced volume SIB-IMRT/IGRT to head and neck cancer in elderly and frail patients: outcome and toxicity
Heuser, Fabian;Schulz, Christian M.;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Lehnen, Nadine;Kochs, Eberhard F.;Wagner, Klaus J.; A period of immobility after remifentanil administration protects from nausea: an experimental randomized cross-over study
von Korn, Pia;Vogt, Manfred;Oberhoffer, Renate;Ewert, Peter;Müller, Jan; Juvenile competitive triathlete after cardiotoxic anthracycline therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Engerer, Cosima;Berberat, Pascal O.;Dinkel, Andreas;Rudolph, Baerbel;Sattel, Heribert;Wuensch, Alexander; Integrating 360° behavior-orientated feedback in communication skills training for medical undergraduates: concept, acceptance and students’ self-ratings of communication competence
Gerdesmeyer, Ludger;Al Muderis, Munjed;Gollwitzer, Hans;Harrasser, Norbert;Stukenberg, Martin;Clifford, Maria-Angela;Toepfer, Andreas; 19 years outcome after cementless total hip arthroplasty with spongy metal structured implants in patients younger than 65 years
Gross, Eva;van Tinteren, Harm;Li, Zhou;Raab, Sandra;Meul, Christina;Avril, Stefanie;Laddach, Nadja;Aubele, Michaela;Propping, Corinna;Gkazepis, Apostolos;Schmitt, Manfred;Meindl, Alfons;Nederlof, Petra M.;Kiechle, Marion;Lips, Esther H.; Identification of BRCA1-like triple-negative breast cancers by quantitative multiplex-ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis of BRCA1-associated chromosomal regions: a validation study
Pfitzner, Rebecca;Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Quality of life of residents living in a city hosting mega-sport events: a longitudinal study
Schmaderer, Christoph;Tholen, Susanne;Hasenau, Anna-Lena;Hauser, Christine;Suttmann, Yana;Wassertheurer, Siegfried;Mayer, Christopher C.;Bauer, Axel;Rizas, Kostantinos D.;Kemmner, Stephan;Kotliar, Konstantin;Haller, Bernhard;Mann, Johannes;Renders, Lutz;Heemann, Uwe;Baumann, Marcus; Rationale and study design of the prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study “rISk strAtification in end-stage renal disease” (ISAR) study
Kiechle, Marion;Engel, Christoph;Berling, Anika;Hebestreit, Katrin;Bischoff, Stephan;Dukatz, Ricarda;Gerber, Wolf-Dieter;Siniatchkin, Michael;Pfeifer, Katharina;Grill, Sabine;Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam;Kirsch, Ellen;Niederberger, Uwe;Marter, Nicole;Enders, Ute;Löffler, Markus;Meindl, Alfons;Rhiem, Kerstin;Schmutzler, Rita;Erickson, Nicole;Halle, Martin; Lifestyle intervention in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers: study protocol for a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical feasibility trial (LIBRE-1 study)
Schülein, Stefanie;Taylor, Katherine J.;König, Jochem;Claus, Matthias;Blettner, Maria;Klug, Stefanie J.; Factors influencing uptake of HPV vaccination among girls in Germany
Pick, André;Beer, Barbara;Hemmi, Risa;Momma, Rena;Schmid, Jochen;Miyamoto, Kenji;Sieber, Volker; Identification and characterization of two new 5-keto-4-deoxy-D-Glucarate Dehydratases/Decarboxylases
Neumann, Ursula;Riemenschneider, Mona;Sowa, Jan-Peter;Baars, Theodor;Kälsch, Julia;Canbay, Ali;Heider, Dominik; Compensation of feature selection biases accompanied with improved predictive performance for binary classification by using a novel ensemble feature selection approach
Crönlein, Moritz;Holzapfel, Konstantin;Beirer, Marc;Postl, Lukas;Kanz, Karl-Georg;Pförringer, Dominik;Huber-Wagner, Stefan;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Evaluation of a new imaging tool for use with major trauma cases in the emergency department
Pausch, Hubert;Ammermüller, Simon;Wurmser, Christine;Hamann, Henning;Tetens, Jens;Drögemüller, Cord;Fries, Ruedi; A nonsense mutation in the COL7A1 gene causes epidermolysis bullosa in Vorderwald cattle
Schoffer, Olaf;Schülein, Stefanie;Arand, Gerlinde;Arnholdt, Hans;Baaske, Dieter;Bargou, Ralf C.;Becker, Nikolaus;Beckmann, Matthias W.;Bodack, Yves;Böhme, Beatrix;Bozkurt, Tayfun;Breitsprecher, Regine;Buchali, Andre;Burger, Elke;Burger, Ulrike;Dommisch, Klaus;Elsner, Gudrun;Fernschild, Karin;Flintzer, Ulrike;Funke, Uwe;Gerken, Michael;Göbel, Hubert;Grobe, Norbert;Gumpp, Vera;Heinzerling, Lucie;Kempfer, Lana Raffaela;Kiani, Alexander;Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika;Klöcking, Sabine;Kreibich, Ute;Knabner, Katrin;Kuhn, Peter;Lutze, Stine;Mäder, Uwe;Maisel, Tanja;Maschke, Jan;Middeke, Martin;Neubauer, Andreas;Niedostatek, Antje;Opazo-Saez, Anabelle;Peters, Christoph;Schell, Beatrice;Schenkirsch, Gerhard;Schmalenberg, Harald;Schmidt, Peter;Schneider, Constanze;Schubotz, Birgit;Seide, Anika;Strecker, Paul;Taubenheim, Sabine;Wackes, Matthias;Weiß, Steffen;Welke, Claudia;Werner, Carmen;Wittekind, Christian;Wulff, Jörg;Zettl, Heike;Klug, Stefanie J.; Tumour stage distribution and survival of malignant melanoma in Germany 2002–2011
Toepfer, Andreas;Harrasser, Norbert;Petzschner, Isabel;Pohlig, Florian;Lenze, Ulrich;Gerdesmeyer, Ludger;Pförringer, Dominik;Toepfer, Marcel;Beirer, Marc;Crönlein, Moritz;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger;Mühlhofer, Heinz; Short- to long-term follow-up of total femoral replacement in non-oncologic patients
D’Angella, Davide;Zander, Nils;Kollmannsberger, Stefan;Frischmann, Felix;Rank, Ernst;Schröder, Andreas;Reali, Alessandro; Multi-level hp-adaptivity and explicit error estimation
Ascher, A.;Eberhardt, M.;Lehner, M.;Biebl, E.; A GPS based fawn saving system using relative distance and angle determination
Chen, Guo;Auerswald, Karl;Schnyder, Hans; 2H and 18O depletion of water close to organic surfaces
Eberhardt, Michael;Eschlwech, Philipp;Biebl, Erwin; Investigations on antenna array calibration algorithms for direction-of-arrival estimation
Chen, Jia;Viatte, Camille;Hedelius, Jacob K.;Jones, Taylor;Franklin, Jonathan E.;Parker, Harrison;Gottlieb, Elaine W.;Wennberg, Paul O.;Dubey, Manvendra K.;Wofsy, Steven C.; Differential column measurements using compact solar-tracking spectrometers
Mittermaier, Thomas J.;Siart, Uwe;Eibert, Thomas F.;Bonerz, Stefan; Extended Kalman Doppler tracking and model determination for multi-sensor short-range radar
Patelczyk, Timo;Löffler, Andreas;Biebl, Erwin; Data preprocessing for a vehicle-based localization system used in road traffic applications
Stähler, Simon C.;Sigloch, Karin; Fully probabilistic seismic source inversion – Part 2: Modelling errors and station covariances
Yilmaz, Tim I.;Duschl, Florian;Di Genova, Danilo; Feathery and network-like filamentous textures as indicators for the re-crystallization of quartz from a metastable silica precursor at the Rusey Fault Zone, Cornwall, UK
Stewart, Terrence C.;Kleinhans, Ashley;Mundy, Andrew;Conradt, Jörg; Serendipitous Offline Learning in a Neuromorphic Robot
Mulas, Marcello;Waniek, Nicolai;Conradt, Jörg; Hebbian Plasticity Realigns Grid Cell Activity with External Sensory Cues in Continuous Attractor Models
Schmid, Jochen;Heider, Dominik;Wendel, Norma J.;Sperl, Nadine;Sieber, Volker; Bacterial Glycosyltransferases: Challenges and Opportunities of a Highly Diverse Enzyme Class Toward Tailoring Natural Products
Chávez, Myra N.;Aedo, Geraldine;Fierro, Fernando A.;Allende, Miguel L.;Egaña, José T.; Zebrafish as an Emerging Model Organism to Study Angiogenesis in Development and Regeneration
Peters, Henning;Shao, Junming;Scherr, Martin;Schwerthöffer, Dirk;Zimmer, Claus;Förstl, Hans;Bäuml, Josef;Wohlschläger, Afra;Riedl, Valentin;Koch, Kathrin;Sorg, Christian; More Consistently Altered Connectivity Patterns for Cerebellum and Medial Temporal Lobes than for Amygdala and Striatum in Schizophrenia
Ünlü, Ali; Adjusting Potentially Confounded Scoring Protocols for Motivation Aggregation in Organismic Integration Theory: An Exemplification with the Relative Autonomy or Self-Determination Index
Stratmann, Philipp;Lakatos, Dominic;Albu-Schäffer, Alin; Neuromodulation and Synaptic Plasticity for the Control of Fast Periodic Movement: Energy Efficiency in Coupled Compliant Joints via PCA
Kessel, Kerstin A.;Combs, Stephanie E.; Review of Developments in Electronic, Clinical Data Collection, and Documentation Systems over the Last Decade – Are We Ready for Big Data in Routine Health Care?
Trebeschi, Stefano;Riederer, Isabelle;Preibisch, Christine;Bohn, Karl P.;Förster, Stefan;Alexopoulos, Panagiotis;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Valentinitsch, Alexander; Diagnostic Potential of Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling in Alzheimer's Disease
Mönch, Sabine;Netzel, Michael;Netzel, Gabriele;Ott, Undine;Frank, Thomas;Rychlik, Michael; Pilot Study on Folate Bioavailability from a Camembert Cheese Reveals Contradictory Findings to Recent Results from a Human Short-term Study
Zietek, Tamara;Rath, Eva; Inflammation Meets Metabolic Disease: Gut Feeling Mediated by GLP-1
Su, Yi-Huang; Sensorimotor Synchronization with Different Metrical Levels of Point-Light Dance Movements
Shevtsov, Maxim;Multhoff, Gabriele; Heat Shock Protein–Peptide and HSP-Based Immunotherapies for the Treatment of Cancer
Böhm, Maria-Elisabeth;Krey, Viktoria M.;Jeßberger, Nadja;Frenzel, Elrike;Scherer, Siegfried; Comparative Bioinformatics and Experimental Analysis of the Intergenic Regulatory Regions of Bacillus cereus hbl and nhe Enterotoxin Operons and the Impact of CodY on Virulence Heterogeneity
Nixdorf, Insa;Frank, Raphael;Beckmann, Jürgen; Comparison of Athletes’ Proneness to Depressive Symptoms in Individual and Team Sports: Research on Psychological Mediators in Junior Elite Athletes
Hölzel, Britta K.;Brunsch, Vincent;Gard, Tim;Greve, Douglas N.;Koch, Kathrin;Sorg, Christian;Lazar, Sara W.;Milad, Mohammed R.; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Fear Conditioning, and The Uncinate Fasciculus: A Pilot Study
Cordes, Christian;Baum, Thomas;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Ruschke, Stefan;Diefenbach, Maximilian N.;Hauner, Hans;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; MR-Based Assessment of Bone Marrow Fat in Osteoporosis, Diabetes, and Obesity
Seidel, Hannes;Menzel, Annette; Above-Ground Dimensions and Acclimation Explain Variation in Drought Mortality of Scots Pine Seedlings from Various Provenances
Ortner, Marion;Pasquini, Lorenzo;Barat, Martina;Alexopoulos, Panagiotis;Grimmer, Timo;Förster, Stefan;Diehl-Schmid, Janine;Kurz, Alexander;Förstl, Hans;Zimmer, Claus;Wohlschläger, Afra;Sorg, Christian;Peters, Henning; Progressively Disrupted Intrinsic Functional Connectivity of Basolateral Amygdala in Very Early Alzheimer’s Disease
Wohlschläger, Afra M.;Glim, Sarah;Shao, Junming;Draheim, Johanna;Köhler, Lina;Lourenço, Susana;Riedl, Valentin;Sorg, Christian; Ongoing Slow Fluctuations in V1 Impact on Visual Perception
Seidel, Hannes;Schunk, Christian;Matiu, Michael;Menzel, Annette; Diverging Drought Resistance of Scots Pine Provenances Revealed by Infrared Thermography
Hahl, Sayuri K.;Kremling, Andreas; A Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling Approaches for Biochemical Reaction Systems: On Fixed Points, Means, and Modes
Löwe, Hannes;Kremling, Andreas;Marin-Sanguino, Alberto; Time Hierarchies and Model Reduction in Canonical Non-linear Models
Ünlü, Ali;Schrepp, Martin; Toward a Principled Sampling Theory for Quasi-Orders
Shevtsov, Maxim;Multhoff, Gabriele; Immunological and Translational Aspects of NK Cell-Based Antitumor Immunotherapies
Doerfler, Renate L.;Lehermeier, Christina;Kliem, Heike;Möstl, Erich;Bernhardt, Heinz; Physiological and Behavioral Responses of Dairy Cattle to the Introduction of Robot Scrapers
Krieg, Sandro M.;Picht, Thomas;Sollmann, Nico;Bährend, Ina;Ringel, Florian;Nagarajan, Srikantan S.;Meyer, Bernhard;Tarapore, Phiroz E.; Resection of Motor Eloquent Metastases Aided by Preoperative nTMS-Based Motor Maps—Comparison of Two Observational Cohorts
Horvath, Lisa K.;Merkel, Elisa F.;Maass, Anne;Sczesny, Sabine; Does Gender-Fair Language Pay Off? The Social Perception of Professions from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Schmauss, Daniel;Machens, Hans-Günther;Harder, Yves; Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy
Schiller, Kilian C.;Habl, Gregor;Combs, Stephanie E.; Protons, Photons, and the Prostate – Is There Emerging Evidence in the Ongoing Discussion on Particle Therapy for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer?
Michail, Georgios;Dresel, Christian;Witkovský, Viktor;Stankewitz, Anne;Schulz, Enrico; Neuronal Oscillations in Various Frequency Bands Differ between Pain and Touch
Combs, Stephanie;Schmid, Thomas;Vaupel, Peter;Multhoff, Gabriele; Stress Response Leading to Resistance in Glioblastoma—The Need for Innovative Radiotherapy (iRT) Concepts
Boergens, Eva;Dettmering, Denise;Schwatke, Christian;Seitz, Florian; Treating the Hooking Effect in Satellite Altimetry Data: A Case Study along the Mekong River and Its Tributaries
Moser, Astrid;Rötzer, Thomas;Pauleit, Stephan;Pretzsch, Hans; The Urban Environment Can Modify Drought Stress of Small-Leaved Lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) and Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)
Adikaram, K.;Hussein, Mohamed;Effenberger, Mathias;Becker, Thomas; Multi-Variable, Multi-Layer Graphical Knowledge Unit for Storing and Representing Density Clusters of Multi-Dimensional Big Data
Zhang, Feihu;Knoll, Alois; Vehicle Detection Based on Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
Si, Liang;Wang, Qian; Rapid Multi-Damage Identification for Health Monitoring of Laminated Composites Using Piezoelectric Wafer Sensor Arrays
Freis, Julia;Vohlidka, Philipp;Günthner, Willibald; Low-Carbon Warehousing: Examining Impacts of Building and Intra-Logistics Design Options on Energy Demand and the CO2 Emissions of Logistics Centers
Zhang, Feihu;Knoll, Alois; Systematic Error Modeling and Bias Estimation
Dahlhausen, Jens;Biber, Peter;Rötzer, Thomas;Uhl, Enno;Pretzsch, Hans; Tree Species and Their Space Requirements in Six Urban Environments Worldwide
Lin, Hung-Chun;Fukushima, Yasuhiro; Rice Cultivation Methods and Their Sustainability Aspects: Organic and Conventional Rice Production in Industrialized Tropical Monsoon Asia with a Dual Cropping System
Cinelli, Patrizia;Schmid, Markus;Bugnicourt, Elodie;Coltelli, Maria;Lazzeri, Andrea; Recyclability of PET/WPI/PE Multilayer Films by Removal of Whey Protein Isolate-Based Coatings with Enzymatic Detergents
Bacher, Adelbert;Chen, Fan;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Decoding Biosynthetic Pathways in Plants by Pulse-Chase Strategies Using 13CO2 as a Universal Tracer †
Geiger, Bernhard;Böcherer, Georg; Greedy Algorithms for Optimal Distribution Approximation
Dettmering, Denise;Schwatke, Christian;Boergens, Eva;Seitz, Florian; Potential of ENVISAT Radar Altimetry for Water Level Monitoring in the Pantanal Wetland
Huber, Maximilian;Helmreich, Brigitte; Stormwater Management: Calculation of Traffic Area Runoff Loads and Traffic Related Emissions
Bugnicourt, Elodie;Kehoe, Timothy;Latorre, Marcos;Serrano, Cristina;Philippe, Séverine;Schmid, Markus; Recent Prospects in the Inline Monitoring of Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings by Optical Technologies
Zink, Joël;Wyrobnik, Tom;Prinz, Tobias;Schmid, Markus; Physical, Chemical and Biochemical Modifications of Protein-Based Films and Coatings: An Extensive Review
Ochiai, Tatsumi;Szilvási, Tibor;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Facile Access to Stable Silylium Ions Stabilized by N-Heterocyclic Imines
Misra, Gourav;Buras, Allan;Menzel, Annette; Effects of Different Methods on the Comparison between Land Surface and Ground Phenology—A Methodological Case Study from South-Western Germany
Axenie, Cristian;Richter, Christoph;Conradt, Jörg; A Self-Synthesis Approach to Perceptual Learning for Multisensory Fusion in Robotics
Göttl, Franziska;Dettmering, Denise;Müller, Felix;Schwatke, Christian; Lake Level Estimation Based on CryoSat-2 SAR Altimetry and Multi-Looked Waveform Classification
Barmeier, Gero;Schmidhalter, Urs; High-Throughput Phenotyping of Wheat and Barley Plants Grown in Single or Few Rows in Small Plots Using Active and Passive Spectral Proximal Sensing
Weraneck, Klaus;Heilmeier, Florian;Lindner, Markus;Graf, Moritz;Jakobi, Martin;Volk, Wolfram;Roths, Johannes;Koch, Alexander; Strain Measurement in Aluminium Alloy during the Solidification Process Using Embedded Fibre Bragg Gratings
Lupp, Gerd;Förster, Bernhard;Kantelberg, Valerie;Markmann, Tim;Naumann, Johannes;Honert, Carolina;Koch, Marc;Pauleit, Stephan; Assessing the Recreation Value of Urban Woodland Using the Ecosystem Service Approach in Two Forests in the Munich Metropolitan Region
Singh, Alka;Kumar, Ujjwal;Seitz, Florian; Correction: Singh, A., et al. Remote Sensing of Storage Fluctuations of Poorly Gauged Reservoirs and State Space Model (SSM)-Based Estimation. Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 17113–17134
Singh, Alka;Seitz, Florian;Eicker, Annette;Güntner, Andreas; Water Budget Analysis within the Surrounding of Prominent Lakes and Reservoirs from Multi-Sensor Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Models: Case Studies of the Aral Sea and Lake Mead
Alarcón-Suesca, Carlos;Ludwig, Jennifer;Hlukhyy, Viktor;Stinner, Christoph;Nilges, Tom; In Situ Studies and Magnetic Properties of the Cmcm Polymorph of LiCoPO4 with a Hierarchical Dumbbell-Like Morphology Synthesized by Easy Single-Step Polyol Synthesis
Geiger, Bernhard;Kubin, Gernot; Information-Theoretic Analysis of Memoryless Deterministic Systems
Leix, Carmen;Hartl, Rebecca;Zeh, Christian;Beer, Franz;Drewes, Jörg;Koch, Konrad; Performance and N2O Formation of the Deammonification Process by Suspended Sludge and Biofilm Systems—A Pilot-Scale Study
Adikaram, K.K.L.B.;Hussein, Mohamed;Effenberger, Mathias;Becker, Thomas; Continuous Learning Graphical Knowledge Unit for Cluster Identification in High Density Data Sets
Abdelrahem, Mohamed;Kennel, Ralph; Fault-Ride through Strategy for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators in Variable-Speed Wind Turbines
Weberruß, Heidi;Pirzer, Raphael;Dalla Pozza, Robert;Netz, Heinrich;Oberhoffer, Renate; Intima-Media Thickness Does Not Differ between Two Common Carotid Artery Segments in Children
Gossner, Martin M.;Struwe, Jan-Frederic;Sturm, Sarah;Max, Simeon;McCutcheon, Michelle;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Zytynska, Sharon E.; Searching for the Optimal Sampling Solution: Variation in Invertebrate Communities, Sample Condition and DNA Quality
Kazeroonian, Atefeh;Fröhlich, Fabian;Raue, Andreas;Theis, Fabian J.;Hasenauer, Jan; CERENA: ChEmical REaction Network Analyzer—A Toolbox for the Simulation and Analysis of Stochastic Chemical Kinetics
Fichter, Andreas M.;Ritschl, Lucas M.;Borgmann, Anna;Humbs, Martin;Luppa, Peter B.;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Mücke, Thomas; Development of an Extracorporeal Perfusion Device for Small Animal Free Flaps
von Bomhard, Achim;Elsässer, Alexander;Ritschl, Lucas Maximilian;Schwarz, Silke;Rotter, Nicole; Cryopreservation of Endothelial Cells in Various Cryoprotective Agents and Media – Vitrification versus Slow Freezing Methods
Behr, Jürgen;Geissler, Andreas J.;Schmid, Jonas;Zehe, Anja;Vogel, Rudi F.; The Identification of Novel Diagnostic Marker Genes for the Detection of Beer Spoiling Pediococcus damnosus Strains Using the BlAst Diagnostic Gene findEr
Willner, Marian;Viermetz, Manuel;Marschner, Mathias;Scherer, Kai;Braun, Christian;Fingerle, Alexander;Noël, Peter;Rummeny, Ernst;Pfeiffer, Franz;Herzen, Julia; Quantitative Three-Dimensional Imaging of Lipid, Protein, and Water Contents via X-Ray Phase-Contrast Tomography
Zhong, Yu;Anderl, Florian;Kruse, Tobias;Schindele, Franziska;Jagusztyn-Krynicka, Elżbieta Katarzyna;Fischer, Wolfgang;Gerhard, Markus;Mejías-Luque, Raquel; Helicobacter pylori HP0231 Influences Bacterial Virulence and Is Essential for Gastric Colonization
Huber, Wolfgang;Fuchs, Stephan;Minning, Andreas;Küchle, Claudius;Braun, Marlena;Beitz, Analena;Schultheiss, Caroline;Mair, Sebastian;Phillip, Veit;Schmid, Sebastian;Schmid, Roland M.;Lahmer, Tobias; Transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) before, during and after Sustained Low Efficiency Dialysis (SLED). A Prospective Study on Feasibility of TPTD and Prediction of Successful Fluid Removal
Beller, Ebba;Klopp, David;Göttler, Jens;Kaesmacher, Johannes;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Prothmann, Sascha; Closed-Cell Stent-Assisted Coiling of Intracranial Aneurysms: Evaluation of Changes in Vascular Geometry Using Digital Subtraction Angiography
Kopp, Markus;Morisset, Rosalie;Koehler, Peter;Rychlik, Michael; Stable Isotope Dilution Assays for Clinical Analyses of Folates and Other One-Carbon Metabolites: Application to Folate-Deficiency Studies
Link, Daniel;de Lorenzo, Michael F.; Seasonal Pacing - Match Importance Affects Activity in Professional Soccer
Karabulut, Nermin Pinar;Frishman, Dmitrij; Sequence- and Structure-Based Analysis of Tissue-Specific Phosphorylation Sites
Hillreiner, Maria;Flinspach, Claudia;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Kliem, Heike; Effect of the Ketone Body Beta-Hydroxybutyrate on the Innate Defense Capability of Primary Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells
Kopp, Felix K.;Holzapfel, Konstantin;Baum, Thomas;Nasirudin, Radin A.;Mei, Kai;Garcia, Eduardo G.;Burgkart, Rainer;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Noël, Peter B.; Effect of Low-Dose MDCT and Iterative Reconstruction on Trabecular Bone Microstructure Assessment
Ayenew, Habtamu Yesigat; Production Efficiency and Market Orientation in Food Crops in North West Ethiopia: Application of Matching Technique for Impact Assessment
Prodinger, Peter Michael;Burgkart, Rainer;Kreutzer, Kilian;Liska, Franz;Pilge, Hakan;Schmitt, Andreas;Knödler, Martina;Holzapfel, Boris Michael;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Tischer, Thomas;Bissinger, Oliver; Does Anticoagulant Medication Alter Fracture-Healing? A Morphological and Biomechanical Evaluation of the Possible Effects of Rivaroxaban and Enoxaparin Using a Rat Closed Fracture Model
Sauter, Andreas;Koehler, Thomas;Fingerle, Alexander A.;Brendel, Bernhard;Richter, Vivien;Rasper, Michael;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Noël, Peter B.;Münzel, Daniela; Ultra Low Dose CT Pulmonary Angiography with Iterative Reconstruction
Rasch, Sebastian;Phillip, Veit;Reichel, Stephanie;Rau, Bettina;Zapf, Christian;Rosendahl, Jonas;Halm, Ulrich;Zachäus, Markus;Müller, Martin;Kleger, Alexander;Neesse, Albrecht;Hampe, Jochen;Ellrichmann, Mark;Rückert, Felix;Strauß, Peter;Arlt, Alexander;Ellenrieder, Volker;Gress, Thomas M.;Hartwig, Werner;Klar, Ernst;Mössner, Joachim;Post, Stefan;Schmid, Roland M.;Seufferlein, Thomas;Siech, Marco;Werner, Jens;Will, Uwe;Algül, Hana; Open Surgical versus Minimal Invasive Necrosectomy of the Pancreas—A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis of the German Pancreatitis Study Group
Hertzog, Lionel R.;Ebeling, Anne;Meyer, Sebastian T.;Eisenhauer, Nico;Fischer, Christine;Hildebrandt, Anke;Wagg, Cameron;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; High Survival of Lasius niger during Summer Flooding in a European Grassland
Kessel, Kerstin A.;Lettner, Sabrina;Kessel, Carmen;Bier, Henning;Biedermann, Tilo;Friess, Helmut;Herrschbach, Peter;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Meyer, Bernhard;Peschel, Christian;Schmid, Roland;Schwaiger, Markus;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Combs, Stephanie E.; Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) as Part of the Oncological Treatment: Survey about Patients’ Attitude towards CAM in a University-Based Oncology Center in Germany
de las Heras Gala, Tonia;Geisel, Marie Henrike;Peters, Annette;Thorand, Barbara;Baumert, Jens;Lehmann, Nils;Jöckel, Karl-Heinz;Moebus, Susanne;Erbel, Raimund;Meisinger, Christine;Mahabadi, Amir Abbas;Koenig, Wolfgang;; Recalibration of the ACC/AHA Risk Score in Two Population-Based German Cohorts
Schott, Ann-Sophie;Behr, Jürgen;Quinn, Jennifer;Vogel, Rudi F.; MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Enables a Comprehensive and Fast Analysis of Dynamics and Qualities of Stress Responses of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei F19
Gradl, Regine;Zanette, Irene;Ruiz-Yaniz, Maite;Dierolf, Martin;Rack, Alexander;Zaslansky, Paul;Pfeiffer, Franz; Mass Density Measurement of Mineralized Tissue with Grating-Based X-Ray Phase Tomography
Carton, Daniel;Nitsch, Verena;Meinzer, Dominik;Wollherr, Dirk; Towards Assessing the Human Trajectory Planning Horizon
Jungmann, Pia M.;Baum, Thomas;Nevitt, Michael C.;Nardo, Lorenzo;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Lane, Nancy E.;McCulloch, Charles E.;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Link, Thomas M.; Degeneration in ACL Injured Knees with and without Reconstruction in Relation to Muscle Size and Fat Content—Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Bissinger, Oliver;Kirschke, Jan S.;Probst, Florian Andreas;Stauber, Martin;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Haller, Bernhard;Götz, Carolin;Plank, Christian;Kolk, Andreas; Micro-CT vs. Whole Body Multirow Detector CT for Analysing Bone Regeneration in an Animal Model
Ulrich, Werner;Lens, Luc;Tobias, Joseph A.;Habel, Jan C.; Contrasting Patterns of Species Richness and Functional Diversity in Bird Communities of East African Cloud Forest Fragments
Su, Yi-Huang; Visual Enhancement of Illusory Phenomenal Accents in Non-Isochronous Auditory Rhythms
Wagner, Thomas C.;Hane, Susanne;Joubert, Dave F.;Fischer, Christina; Herbaceous Legume Encroachment Reduces Grass Productivity and Density in Arid Rangelands
Gabriel, Diana;Gordon, Leslie B.;Djabali, Karima; Temsirolimus Partially Rescues the Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Cellular Phenotype
Link, Daniel;Lang, Steffen;Seidenschwarz, Philipp; Real Time Quantification of Dangerousity in Football Using Spatiotemporal Tracking Data
Habel, Jan Christian;Teucher, Mike;Rödder, Dennis;Bleicher, Marie-Therese;Dieckow, Claudia;Wiese, Anja;Fischer, Christina; Kenyan endemic bird species at home in novel ecosystem
Kemmner, Stephan;Lesevic, Hasema;Reents, Tilko;Schunkert, Heribert;Burgdorf, Christof; Right ventricular thrombus formation in a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia following radiofrequency ablation
Scherer, Pia I.;Raeder, Uta;Geist, Juergen;Zwirglmaier, Katrin; Influence of temperature, mixing, and addition of microcystin-LR on microcystin gene expression inMicrocystis aeruginosa
Lang, Marion;Prestele, Julia;Fischer, Christina;Kollmann, Johannes;Albrecht, Harald; Reintroduction of rare arable plants by seed transfer. What are the optimal sowing rates?
Mueller, Melanie;Geist, Juergen; Conceptual guidelines for the implementation of the ecosystem approach in biodiversity monitoring
Fischer, Christina;Türke, Manfred; Seed preferences by rodents in the agri-environment and implications for biological weed control
Lohr, Kerstin;Pachl, Fiona;Moghaddas Gholami, Amin;Geillinger, Kerstin E.;Daniel, Hannelore;Kuster, Bernhard;Klingenspor, Martin; Reduced mitochondrial mass and function add to age‐related susceptibility toward diet‐induced fatty liver in C57BL/6J mice
Schenck, Thilo L.;Lin, Shenyu;Stewart, Jessica K.;Koban, Konstantin C.;Aichler, Michaela;Rezaeian, Farid;Giunta, Riccardo E.; Sensory reanimation of the hand by transfer of the superficial branch of the radial nerve to the median and ulnar nerve
Hellinckx, Jessica;Fuchs, Thilo M.; Hysteresis in myo-inositol utilization by Salmonella Typhimurium
Harada, Yukinori;Michel, Jonathan;Koenig, Wolfgang;Rheude, Tobias;Colleran, Roisin;Giacoppo, Daniele;Kastrati, Adnan;Byrne, Robert A.; Prognostic Value of Cardiac Troponin T and Sex in Patients Undergoing Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Meyer, Sebastian T.;Ebeling, Anne;Eisenhauer, Nico;Hertzog, Lionel;Hillebrand, Helmut;Milcu, Alexandru;Pompe, Sven;Abbas, Maike;Bessler, Holger;Buchmann, Nina;De Luca, Enrica;Engels, Christof;Fischer, Markus;Gleixner, Gerd;Hudewenz, Anika;Klein, Alexandra-Maria;de Kroon, Hans;Leimer, Sophia;Loranger, Hannah;Mommer, Liesje;Oelmann, Yvonne;Ravenek, Janneke M.;Roscher, Christiane;Rottstock, Tanja;Scherber, Christoph;Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael;Scheu, Stefan;Schmid, Bernhard;Schulze, Ernst-Detlef;Staudler, Andrea;Strecker, Tanja;Temperton, Vicky;Tscharntke, Teja;Vogel, Anja;Voigt, Winfried;Weigelt, Alexandra;Wilcke, Wolfgang;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity
Wang, Yu-Ming;Shen, Yue-Long; Perturbative corrections to Λ b → Λ form factors from QCD light-cone sum rules
Frederix, Rikkert;Hamilton, Keith; Extending the Minlo method
Frederix, R.;Frixione, S.;Vryonidou, E.;Wiesemann, M.; Heavy-quark mass effects in Higgs plus jets production
Drewes, Marco;Kang, Jin U; Sterile neutrino Dark Matter production from scalar decay in a thermal bath
Buras, Andrzej J.; New physics patterns in ε′/ε and ε K with implications for rare kaon decays and ∆M K
Broggio, Alessandro;Ferroglia, Andrea;Pecjak, Ben D.;Signer, Adrian;Yang, Li Lin; Associated production of a top pair and a Higgs boson beyond NLO
Biondini, S.;Brambilla, N.;Escobedo, M. A.;Vairo, A.; CP asymmetry in heavy Majorana neutrino decays at finite temperature: the nearly degenerate case
Biondini, S.;Brambilla, N.;Vairo, A.; CP asymmetry in heavy Majorana neutrino decays at finite temperature: the hierarchical case
Bharucha, Aoife;Straub, David M.;Zwicky, Roman; B →Vℓ+ℓ− in the Standard Model from light-cone sum rules
Beneke, M.;Ruiz-Femenía, P.; Threshold singularities, dispersion relations and fixed-order perturbative calculations
Drewes, Marco;Garbrecht, Björn;Gueter, Dario;Klarić, Juraj; Leptogenesis from oscillations of heavy neutrinos with large mixing angles
Niehoff, Christoph;Stangl, Peter;Straub, David M.; Direct and indirect signals of natural composite Higgs models
Garbrecht, Björn;Millington, Peter; Constraining the effective action by a method of external sources
Drewes, Marco;Eijima, Shintaro; Neutrinoless double β decay and low scale leptogenesis
Steubl, Dominik;Roos, Marcel;Hettwer, Stefan;Angermann, Susanne;Wen, Ming;Schmaderer, Christoph;Luppa, Peter;Heemann, Uwe;Renders, Lutz; Comparison of Peritoneal Low-Molecular-Weight-Protein-Removal in CCPD and CAPD Patients Based on C-Terminal Agrin Fragment Clearance
Möller, Tilman Reitz und Angela Graf und Christina; Nicht förderungswürdig. Weshalb die Evaluation der Exzellenzinitiative gegen deren Fortsetzung spricht
Ferizi, Mehrije;Aneja, Manish K.;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.;Badieyan, Zohreh Sadat;Mykhaylyk, Olga;Rudolph, Carsten;Plank, Christian; Human cellular CYBA UTR sequences increase mRNA translation without affecting the half-life of recombinant RNA transcripts
Dietsch, P.; Kreuzinger, H.; Dynamic effects in reinforced timber beams at time of timber fracture
Loebus, S.; Werther, N.; Winter, S.; TES-Fassaden unter Brandbeanspruchung
Loebus, S.; Winter, S.; Two-way spanning CLT-concrete-composite-slab
Dietsch, P.; Reinforcement of timber structures - a new section for eurocode 5
Gräfe, M.; Hofmann, V.; Werther, N.; Winter, S.; Brandsicherheit von Verbindungen mit Balkenschuhen und Vollgewindeschrauben
Henke, K.; Talke, D.; Winter, S.; Additive manufacturing of building elements by extrusion of wood concrete
Hofmann, V.; Gräfe, M.; Werther, N.; Winter, S.; Fire resistance of primary beam - secondary beam connections with full thread screws
Kleinhenz, M.; Schneider, P.; Dotzler, C.; Stein, R.; Holzfassadenelemente für Hybridbauwesen
Kleinhenz, M.; Winter, S.; Dietsch, P.; Eurocode 5 - A halftime summary of the revision process
Kleinhenz, M.; Dietsch, P.;; Splitting tendency of nailed roof battens under variation of different parameters
Liebau, Stefan;Gadue, Paul;Nalapareddy, Kodandaramireddy;von Figura, Guido;Kleger, Alexander; Factors Regulating Stem Cell Biology in Development and Disease
Reynolds, T.; Feldmann, A.; Ramage, M.; Chang, W.; Harris, R.; Dietsch, P.; Design Parameters for Lateral Vibration of Multi-Storey Timber Buildings
Tietze, A.; Boulet, S.; Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Consideration of disturbances and deficiencies in the moisture safety design of tall timber facades
Werther, Norman; External an Internal Factors Influencing the Charring of Timber - an Experimental Study with Respect to natural Fires and Moisture Conditions
Werther, N.; Denzler, J. K.; Stein, R.; Winter, S.; Detailing of CLT with Respect to Fire Resistance
Zhang, Wenhua;Kauer, Max;Halbherr, Olesia;Epp, Konstantin;Guo, Penghu;Gonzalez, Miguel I.;Xiao, Dianne J.;Wiktor, Christian;LIabrés i Xamena, Francesc X.;Wöll, Christof;Wang, Yuemin;Muhler, Martin;Fischer, Roland A.; Ruthenium Metal-Organic Frameworks with Different Defect Types: Influence on Porosity, Sorption, and Catalytic Properties
Z. Meng;B. D. O. Anderson;S. Hirche; Formation control with mismatched compasses
Matthias Utesch, Andreas Hauer, Robert Heininger, Helmut Krcmar; An IT - based Learning Approach about Finite State Machines Using the Example of Stock Trading - The Stock Trading Game FSTG
Matthias Utesch, Robert Heininger, Helmut Krcmar; Strengthening Study Skills by using ERPsim as a new Tool within the Pu pils’ Academy of Serious Gaming
Robert Heininger,Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar; Schülerakademie Serious Gaming mit ERPsim zur Förderung der Studierfähigkeit
Matthias Utesch, Andreas Hauer, Robert Heininger, Helmut Krcmar; The Pupils ́ Academy of Serious Gaming: Strengthening Study Skills with ERPsim
Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Fusion of Laser- and Image-Based Data Sets – Concepts and Perspectives
Wagner, Andreas; Monitoring Concepts Using Image Assisted Total Stations
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Using IATS to Read and Analyze Digital Levelling Staffs
Pukall, Klaus; The Role of Disasters for Policy Change in the Alpine Hazard Management
Pukall, Klaus; Kruse, Sylvia; Die zentralen Herausforderung der Klimawandelanpassung für das Naturgefahrenmanagement im Alpenraum: Berücksichtigung des zukünftigen Wandels des Schadenpotentials
Fischer, F.; Influence of Co-Gasification Agents on Fluidized Bed Steam Gasification of Biomass for Biofuel Production
Litvinov, Sergey;Xie, Qingguang;Hu, Xiangyu;Adams, Nikolaus;Ellero, Marco; Simulation of Individual Polymer Chains and Polymer Solutions with Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics
Steinhart, C.J.; Gratza, M.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Finkel, M.; Witzmann, R. ; Kerber, G.; Local Island Power Supply with Distribution Generation Systems in Case of Large-Scale Blackouts
Wunderlich, Th.; Filmprogramme erzählen Geschichte
Wunderlich, Th.; Standorte geodätischer Lehre und Forschung in Deutschland: TUM
Wunderlich, Th.; Vorstellung TUM BGU Focus Area Geodesy
Wunderlich, Th.; Conquering new frontiers: Focus Area Geodesy
Camodeca, Giuseppe; Giglio, Marco; L'odeon della Villa Imperiale del Pausilypon: nuove ricerche sulla progettazione architettonica in epoca romana
M. H. Mamduhi; M. Kneissl; S. Hirche; Decentralized Event-triggered Medium Access Control for Networked Control Systems
Caccavale, R.; Finzi, A.; Lee, D.; Saveriano,M.; Integrated Task Learning and Kinesthetic Teaching for Human-Robot Cooperation
Auernhammer, H.; Precision Farming zwischen Realität und systemtechnischen Möglichkeiten
Sollmann, Nico;Hauck, Theresa;Tussis, Lorena;Ille, Sebastian;Maurer, Stefanie;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Ringel, Florian;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; Results on the spatial resolution of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for cortical language mapping during object naming in healthy subjects
Adams, F.;Altenbuchner, P. T.;Werz, P. D. L.;Rieger, B.; Multiresponsive micellar block copolymers from 2-vinylpyridine and dialkylvinylphosphonates with a tunable lower critical solution temperature
Reich, Robert M.;Kaposi, Marlene;Pöthig, Alexander;Kühn, Fritz E.; Kinetic studies of fluorinated aryl molybdenum( ii ) tricarbonyl precursors in epoxidation catalysis
Rinklin, Philipp;Krause, Hans-Joachim;Wolfrum, Bernhard; On-chip electromagnetic tweezers - 3-dimensional particle actuation using microwire crossbar arrays
Schmidt, Andrea;Hollering, Manuela;Drees, Markus;Casini, Angela;Kühn, Fritz E.; Supramolecular exo-functionalized palladium cages: fluorescent properties and biological activity
Schmidt, Andrea;Hollering, Manuela;Han, Jiaying;Casini, Angela;Kühn, Fritz E.; Self-assembly of highly luminescent heteronuclear coordination cages
Schneemann, Andreas;Takahashi, Yukiko;Rudolf, Robin;Noro, Shin-ichiro;Fischer, Roland A.; Influence of Co-adsorbates on CO 2 induced phase transition in functionalized pillared-layered metal-organic frameworks
Schömig, Veronika J.;Käsdorf, Benjamin T.;Scholz, Christoph;Bidmon, Konstantinia;Lieleg, Oliver;Berensmeier, Sonja; An optimized purification process for porcine gastric mucin with preservation of its native functional properties
Schreiber, Moritz W.;Rodriguez-Niño, Daniella;Gutiérrez, Oliver Y.;Lercher, Johannes A.; Hydrodeoxygenation of fatty acid esters catalyzed by Ni on nano-sized MFI type zeolites
Pohl, Marcus D.;Colic, Viktor;Scieszka, Daniel;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Elucidation of adsorption processes at the surface of Pt(331) model electrocatalysts in acidic aqueous media
Seidl, Lukas;Martens, Slađana;Ma, Jiwei;Stimming, Ulrich;Schneider, Oliver; In situ scanning tunneling microscopy studies of the SEI formation on graphite electrodes for Li(+)-ion batteries
Silvi, Luca;Röhm, Eva;Fichtner, Maximilian;Petry, Winfried;Lohstroh, Wiebke; Hydrogen dynamics in (beta)-Mg(BH4)2 on the picosecond timescale
Wang, Weijia;Guo, Shuai;Herzig, Eva M.;Sarkar, Kuhu;Schindler, Markus;Magerl, David;Philipp, Martine;Perlich, Jan;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Investigation of morphological degradation of P3HT: PCBM bulk heterojunction films exposed to long-term host solvent vapor
Wiesheu, Alexandra C.;Anger, Philipp M.;Baumann, Thomas;Niessner, Reinhard;Ivleva, Natalia P.; Raman microspectroscopic analysis of fibers in beverages
Winnacker, Malte;Rieger, Bernhard; Poly(ester amide)s: Recent insights into synthesis, stability and biomedical applications
Wright, M. H.;Sieber, S. A.; Chemical proteomics approaches for identifying the cellular targets of natural products
Schwarz-Schilling, M.;Aufinger, L.;Mückl, A.;Simmel, F. C.; Chemical communication between bacteria and cell-free gene expression systems within linear chains of emulsion droplets
Zhang, Wenhua;Chen, Zhihao;Al-Naji, Majd;Guo, Penghu;Cwik, Stefan;Halbherr, Olesia;Wang, Yuemin;Muhler, Martin;Wilde, Nicole;Gläser, Roger;Fischer, Roland A.; Simultaneous introduction of various palladium active sites into MOF via one-pot synthesis: Pd@Cu3-xPdx(BTC)2n
Plaisance, Craig P.;Reuter, Karsten;van Santen, Rutger A.; Quantum chemistry of the oxygen evolution reaction on cobalt(ii,iii) oxide - implications for designing the optimal catalyst
Neuwirth, D.;Eckhard, J. F.;Visser, B. R.;Tschurl, M.;Heiz, U.; Two reaction regimes in the oxidation of larger cationic tantalum clusters (Tan(+), n = 13-40) under multi-collision conditions
Altmann, Philipp J.;Pöthig, Alexander; Capsoplexes: encapsulating complexes via guest recognition
Angı, Arzu;Sinelnikov, Regina;Meldrum, Al;Veinot, Jonathan G. C.;Balberg, Isacc;Azulay, Doron;Millo, Oded;Rieger, Bernhard; Photoluminescence through in-gap states in phenylacetylene functionalized silicon nanocrystals
Anneser, Markus R.;Haslinger, Stefan;Pöthig, Alexander;Cokoja, Mirza;D'Elia, Valerio;Högerl, Manuel P.;Basset, Jean-Marie;Kühn, Fritz E.; Binding of molecular oxygen by an artificial heme analogue: investigation on the formation of an Fe-tetracarbene superoxo complex
Bentlohner, Manuel M.;Fischer, Christina;Fässler, Thomas F.; Synthesis and characterization of pristine closo-Ge10(2.)
Breit, Nora C.;Eisenhut, Carsten;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Phosphinosilylenes as a novel ligand system for heterobimetallic complexes
Chen, Lipeng;Gelin, Maxim F.;Chernyak, Vladimir Y.;Domcke, Wolfgang;Zhao, Yang; Dissipative dynamics at conical intersections: simulations with the hierarchy equations of motion method
Ochiai, Tatsumi;Franz, Daniel;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Applications of N-heterocyclic imines in main group chemistry
Franz, Daniel;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Advances in the development of complexes that contain a group 13 element chalcogen multiple bond
Greiner, Maximilian;Choscz, Carsten;Eder, Cornelia;Elts, Ekaterina;Briesen, Heiko; Multiscale modeling of aspirin dissolution: From molecular resolution to experimental scales of time and size
Hanrieder, Elisabeth K.;Jentys, Andreas;Lercher, Johannes A.; Interaction of alkali acetates with silica supported PdAu
Kubryk, Patrick;Niessner, Reinhard;Ivleva, Natalia P.; The origin of the band at around 730 cm(-1) in the SERS spectra of bacteria: a stable isotope approach
Lehmann, J.;Vomacka, J.;Esser, K.;Nodwell, M.;Kolbe, K.;Rämer, P.;Protzer, U.;Reiling, N.;Sieber, S. A.; Human lysosomal acid lipase inhibitor lalistat impairs Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth by targeting bacterial hydrolases
Lehmann, Johannes;Richers, Johannes;Pöthig, Alexander;Sieber, Stephan A.; Synthesis of ramariolide natural products and discovery of their targets in mycobacteria
Ludwig, Jennifer;Marino, Cyril;Haering, Dominik;Stinner, Christoph;Nordlund, Dennis;Doeff, Marca M.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Nilges, Tom; Facile, ethylene glycol-promoted microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis of high-performance LiCoPO 4 as a high-voltage cathode material for lithium-ion batteries
Göppel, Tobias;Palyulin, Vladimir V.;Gerland, Ulrich; The efficiency of driving chemical reactions by a physical non-equilibrium is kinetically controlled
Zhao, Weining;Lorenz, Nicola;Jung, Kirsten;Sieber, Stephan A.; Mechanistic analysis of aliphatic (beta)-lactones in Vibrio harveyi reveals a quorum sensing independent mode of action
Schmauss, Daniel;Machens, Hans-Günther;Harder, Yves; Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy
Grafarend, E.; Digital Terrain Models
Hirt, C.;Rexer, M.;Scheinert, M.;Pail, R.;Claessens, S.;Holmes, S.; A new degree-2190 (10 km resolution) gravity field model for Antarctica developed from GRACE, GOCE and Bedmap2 data
Hauk, M.;Hirt, C.;Ackermann, C.; Experiences with the QDaedalus system for astrogeodetic determination of deflections of the vertical
Freeden, W.; Rummel, R.; Topographische Modellierung des Gravitationsfeldes
Grafarend, E.; Gravity Forward Modelling
Kuhn, M.;Hirt, C.; Topographic gravitational potential up to second-order derivatives: an examination of approximation errors caused by rock-equivalent topography (RET)
Rexer, M.;Hirt, C.; Evaluation of intermediate TanDEM-X digital elevation data products over Tasmania using other digital elevation models and accurate heights from the Australian National Gravity Database
Rexer, M.;Hirt, C.;Claessens, S.;Tenzer, R.; Layer-based modelling of the Earth’s gravitational potential up to 10km-scale in spherical harmonics in spherical and ellipsoidal approximation
Hirt, C.;Reußner, E.;Rexer, M.;Kuhn, M.; Topographic gravity modelling for global Bouguer maps to degree 2,160: Validation of spectral and spatial domain forward modelling techniques at the 10 microgal-level
Craig, Forest; Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena; Weinmann, Julian; Lindemann, Udo; Quantitative Survey and Analysis of Five Maker Spaces at Large, Research-Oriented Universities
Icer, E.;Althoff, M.; Cost-Optimal Composition Synthesis for Modular Robots
Corazza G., Agnoli S.; Creating Bio-inspired Solution Ideas Using Biological Research Articles
Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena; Helms, Maria Katharina; Münzberg, Christopher; Lindemann, Udo; Technology-pull and biology-push approaches in bio-inspired design – comparing results from empirical studies on student teams
Ventosa, Edgar;Paulitsch, Bianca;Marzak, Philipp;Yun, Jeongsik;Schiegg, Florian;Quast, Thomas;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; The Mechanism of the Interfacial Charge and Mass Transfer during Intercalation of Alkali Metal Cations
Hirsenkorn, Nils;Hanke, Timo;Rauch, Andreas;Dehlink, Bernhard;Rasshofer, Ralph;Biebl, Erwin; Virtual sensor models for real-time applications
Lohner, Thomas;Ziegltrum, Andreas;Stemplinger, Johann-Paul;Stahl, Karsten; Engineering Software Solution for Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Using Multiphysics Software
Sachs, Gottfried; Comparison of Power Requirements: Flapping vs. Fixed Wing Vehicles
Schulze, Moritz;Wagner, Michael;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Linearized Euler Equations for the Determination of Scattering Matrices for Orifice and Perforated Plate Configurations in the High Mach Number Regime
Ziemys, Grazvydas;Trummer, Christian;Gamm, Stephan Breitkreutz-v.;Eichwald, Irina;Schmitt-Landsiedel, Doris;Becherer, Markus; Characterization of the magnetization reversal of perpendicular Nanomagnetic Logic clocked in the ns-range
Goertz, Jelle J. W.;Ziemys, Grazvydas;Eichwald, Irina;Becherer, Markus;Swagten, Henk J. M.;Breitkreutz-v. Gamm, Stephan; Domain wall depinning from notches using combined in- and out-of-plane magnetic fields
Ju, James (Zi-Jian);Sun, Bo;Haunschild, Georg;Loitsch, Bernhard;Stoib, Benedikt;Brandt, Martin S.;Stutzmann, Martin;Koh, Yee Kan;Koblmüller, Gregor; Thermoelectric properties of In-rich InGaN and InN/InGaN superlattices
Alexopoulos, Panagiotis;;Werle, Lukas;Roesler, Jennifer;Thierjung, Nathalie;Gleixner, Lena Sophie;Yakushev, Igor;Laskaris, Nikolaos;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Gourzis, Philippos;Kurz, Alexander;Perneczky, Robert; Conflicting cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and progression to dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease
Mutzenbach, Johannes Sebastian;Pikija, Slaven;Otto, Ferdinand;Halwachs, Ursula;Weymayr, Friedrich;Sellner, Johann; Intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke after dabigatran reversal with idarucizumab - a case report
Yang, Fang;Gong, Xiao Ying;Liu, Hai Tao;Schäufele, Rudi;Schnyder, Hans; Effects of nitrogen and vapour pressure deficit on phytomer growth and development in a C4grass
Reuss, Andreas;Olivares, Pablo;Seco, Luis;Zagst, Rudi; Risk management and portfolio selection using \alpha-stable regime switching models
Barbarossa, Maria;Kuttler, Christina; Mathematical Modeling of Bacteria Communication in Continuous Cultures
Gebhardt, Roman;Davies, Matthew;Seeber, Bernhard; Psychoacoustic Approaches for Harmonic Music Mixing
Truong, Cong;Naumann, Maik;Karl, Ralph;Müller, Marcus;Jossen, Andreas;Hesse, Holger; Economics of Residential Photovoltaic Battery Systems in Germany: The Case of Tesla’s Powerwall
Zeh, Alexander;Müller, Marcus;Naumann, Maik;Hesse, Holger;Jossen, Andreas;Witzmann, Rolf; Fundamentals of Using Battery Energy Storage Systems to Provide Primary Control Reserves in Germany
Saugel, Bernd;Huber, Wolfgang;Nierhaus, Axel;Kluge, Stefan;Reuter, Daniel A.;Wagner, Julia Y.; Advanced Hemodynamic Management in Patients with Septic Shock
Kirschke, Jan S.;Braun, Sepp;Baum, Thomas;Holwein, Christian;Schaeffeler, Christoph;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Woertler, Klaus;Jungmann, Pia M.; Diagnostic Value of CT Arthrography for Evaluation of Osteochondral Lesions at the Ankle
Huber, Michaela C.;Mall, Rebecca;Braselmann, Herbert;Feuchtinger, Annette;Molatore, Sara;Lindner, Katrin;Walch, Axel;Gross, Eva;Schmitt, Manfred;Falkenberg, Natalie;Aubele, Michaela; uPAR enhances malignant potential of triple-negative breast cancer by directly interacting with uPA and IGF1R
Pohlig, Florian;Ulrich, Jörg;Lenze, Ulrich;Mühlhofer, Heinrich M. L.;Harrasser, Norbert;Suren, Christian;Schauwecker, Johannes;Mayer-Kuckuk, Philipp;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger; Glucosamine sulfate suppresses the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in osteosarcoma cells in vitro
Perneczky, Robert;Tene, Oren;Attems, Johannes;Giannakopoulos, Panteleimon;Ikram, M. Arfan;Federico, Antonio;Sarazin, Marie;Middleton, Lefkos T.; Is the time ripe for new diagnostic criteria of cognitive impairment due to cerebrovascular disease? Consensus report of the International Congress on Vascular Dementia working group
Kang, Yang Jae;Ahn, Yul-Kyun;Kim, Ki-Taek;Jun, Tae-Hwan; Resequencing of Capsicum annuum parental lines (YCM334 and Taean) for the genetic analysis of bacterial wilt resistance
Beyerlein, Andreas;Koller, Daniela;Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele;Lack, Nicholas;Maier, Werner; Does charge-free screening improve detection of gestational diabetes in women from deprived areas: a cross-sectional study
Fiedler, Anna;Raeth, Sebastian;Theis, Fabian J.;Hausser, Angelika;Hasenauer, Jan; Tailored parameter optimization methods for ordinary differential equation models with steady-state constraints
Raab, Jennifer;Haupt, Florian;Scholz, Marlon;Matzke, Claudia;Warncke, Katharina;Lange, Karin;Assfalg, Robin;Weininger, Katharina;Wittich, Susanne;Löbner, Stephanie;Beyerlein, Andreas;Nennstiel-Ratzel, Uta;Lang, Martin;Laub, Otto;Dunstheimer, Desiree;Bonifacio, Ezio;Achenbach, Peter;Winkler, Christiane;Ziegler, Anette-G; Capillary blood islet autoantibody screening for identifying pre-type 1 diabetes in the general population: design and initial results of the Fr1da study
Schneider, Antonius;Donnachie, Ewan;Tauscher, Martin;Gerlach, Roman;Maier, Werner;Mielck, Andreas;Linde, Klaus;Mehring, Michael; Costs of coordinated versus uncoordinated care in Germany: results of a routine data analysis in Bavaria
Rauscher, Isabel;Maurer, Tobias;Fendler, Wolfgang P.;Sommer, Wieland H.;Schwaiger, Markus;Eiber, Matthias; 68Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT in patients with prostate cancer: How we review and report
Scherr, Johannes;Jung, Philip;Schuster, Tibor;Pollmer, Lars;Eisele, Gert;Goss, Franz;Schneider, Jens;Halle, Martin; Left ventricular diastolic function is strongly correlated with active emptying of the left atrium: a novel analysis using three-dimensional echocardiography
Schramke, Hannah;Tostevin, Filipe;Heermann, Ralf;Gerland, Ulrich;Jung, Kirsten; A Dual-Sensing Receptor Confers Robust Cellular Homeostasis
Oberle, Susanne G.;Hanna-El-Daher, Layane;Chennupati, Vijaykumar;Enouz, Sarah;Scherer, Stefanie;Prlic, Martin;Zehn, Dietmar; A Minimum Epitope Overlap between Infections Strongly Narrows the Emerging T Cell Repertoire
Mease, Rebecca A.;Metz, Markus;Groh, Alexander; Cortical Sensory Responses Are Enhanced by the Higher-Order Thalamus
Weil, Marie-Theres;Möbius, Wiebke;Winkler, Anne;Ruhwedel, Torben;Wrzos, Claudia;Romanelli, Elisa;Bennett, Jeffrey L.;Enz, Lukas;Goebels, Norbert;Nave, Klaus-Armin;Kerschensteiner, Martin;Schaeren-Wiemers, Nicole;Stadelmann, Christine;Simons, Mikael; Loss of Myelin Basic Protein Function Triggers Myelin Breakdown in Models of Demyelinating Diseases
Feucht, Walter;Schmid, Markus;Treutter, Dieter; Acclimation Changes of Flavonoids in Needles of Conifers during Heat and Drought Stress 2015
Wohlleber, Dirk;Knolle, Percy A; The role of liver sinusoidal cells in local hepatic immune surveillance
Diesch, Jeannine;Zwick, Anabel;Garz, Anne-Kathrin;Palau, Anna;Buschbeck, Marcus;Götze, Katharina S.; A clinical-molecular update on azanucleoside-based therapy for the treatment of hematologic cancers
Han, Yanshuo;Tanios, Fadwa;Reeps, Christian;Zhang, Jian;Schwamborn, Kristina;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Zernecke, Alma;Pelisek, Jaroslav; Histone acetylation and histone acetyltransferases show significant alterations in human abdominal aortic aneurysm
Weigt, David;Hopf, Carsten;Médard, Guillaume; Studying epigenetic complexes and their inhibitors with the proteomics toolbox
Althoff, M.;Frehse, G.; Combining Zonotopes and Support Functions for Efficient Reachability Analysis of Linear Systems
Althoff, M.;Grebenyuk, D.; Implementation of Interval Arithmetic in {CORA} 2016
Althoff, M.;Lösch, R.; Can Automated Road Vehicles Harmonize with Traffic Flow While Guaranteeing A Safe Distance?
Althoff, M.;Magdici, S.; Set-Based Prediction of Traffic Participants on Arbitrary Road Networks
Han, D.;El-Guindy, A.;Althoff, M.; On Estimating the Robust Domain of Attraction for Uncertain Non-Polynomial Systems: An LMI Approach
Han, D.;El-Guindy, A.;Althoff, M.; Estimating the Domain of Attraction based on the Invariance Principle
Han, D.;Rizaldi, A.;El-Guindy, A.;Althoff, M.; On Enlarging Backward Reachable Sets via Zonotopic Set Membership
Magdici, S.;Althoff, M.; Fail-Safe Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles
Pereira, A.;Althoff, M.; Overapproximative Arm Occupancy Prediction for Human-Robot Interaction Built from Archetypal Movements
Roehm, H.;Oehlerking, J.;Heinz, T.;Althoff, M.; {STL} Model Checking of Continuous and Hybrid Systems
Roehm, H.;Oehlerking, J.;Woehrle, M.;Althoff, M.; Reachset Conformance Testing of Hybrid Automata
Zeestraten, M. ~J. ~A.;Pereira, A.;Althoff, M.;Calinon, S.; Online Motion Synthesis with Minimal Intervention Control and Formal Safety Guarantees
Farzaneh, Morteza Hashemi;Shafaei, Sina;Knoll, Alois; Formally verifiable modeling of in-vehicle time-sensitive networks (TSN) based on logic programming
Farzaneh, Morteza Hashemi;Knoll, Alois; An ontology-based Plug-and-Play approach for in-vehicle Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
Seidl, Lukas;Martens, Slađana;Ma, Jiwei;Stimming, Ulrich;Schneider, Oliver; In situ scanning tunneling microscopy studies of the SEI formation on graphite electrodes for Li+-ion batteries
Asen, L.;Ju, W.;Mostafa, E.;Martens, S.;Heiz, U.;Stimming, U.;Schneider, O.; Electrodeposition of Pt - Rare Earth Alloys as ORR Catalysts for Fuel Cells
Somani, Nikhil; Rickert, Markus; Gaschler, Andre; Cai, Caixia; Perzylo, Alexander; Knoll, Alois; Task Level Robot Programming using Prioritized Non-Linear Inequality Constraints
Chen, Chao; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Combining Task and Motion Planning for Intersection Assistance Systems
Perzylo, Alexander; Somani, Nikhil; Profanter, Stefan; Kessler, Ingmar; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Intuitive Instruction of Industrial Robots: Semantic Process Descriptions for Small Lot Production
Atanasov, Atanas;Uekermann, Benjamin;Pachajoa Mejía, Carlos;Bungartz, Hans-Joachim;Neumann, Philipp; Steady-State Anderson Accelerated Coupling of Lattice Boltzmann and Navier–Stokes Solvers
Schmid, Sebastian;Kapfer, Barbara;Heim, Markus;Bogdanski, Ralph;Anetsberger, Aida;Blobner, Manfred;Jungwirth, Bettina; Algorithm-guided goal-directed haemodynamic therapy does not improve renal function after major abdominal surgery compared to good standard clinical care: a prospective randomised trial
Kabisch, Nadja;Frantzeskaki, Niki;Pauleit, Stephan;Naumann, Sandra;Davis, McKenna;Artmann, Martina;Haase, Dagmar;Knapp, Sonja;Korn, Horst;Stadler, Jutta;Zaunberger, Karin;Bonn, Aletta; Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action
Hobley, Eleanor U.;Wilson, Brian; The depth distribution of organic carbon in the soils of eastern Australia
Kevei, Péter; A note on the Kesten–Grincevičius–Goldie theorem
Bethuelsen, Stein Andreas;Völlering, Florian; Absolute continuity and weak uniform mixing of random walk in dynamic random environment
Hillenbrand, Patrick;Maier, Kerstin C;Cramer, Patrick;Gerland, Ulrich; Inference of gene regulation functions from dynamic transcriptome data
Mourão, André;Bonnal, Sophie;Soni, Komal;Warner, Lisa;Bordonné, Rémy;Valcárcel, Juan;Sattler, Michael; Structural basis for the recognition of spliceosomal SmN/B/B’ proteins by the RBM5 OCRE domain in splicing regulation
Kuhn, Peer-Hendrik;Colombo, Alessio Vittorio;Schusser, Benjamin;Dreymueller, Daniela;Wetzel, Sebastian;Schepers, Ute;Herber, Julia;Ludwig, Andreas;Kremmer, Elisabeth;Montag, Dirk;Müller, Ulrike;Schweizer, Michaela;Saftig, Paul;Bräse, Stefan;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F; Systematic substrate identification indicates a central role for the metalloprotease ADAM10 in axon targeting and synapse function
Kessler, Thorsten;Vilne, Baiba;Schunkert, Heribert; The impact of genome‐wide association studies on the pathophysiology and therapy of cardiovascular disease
Engel, Katharina;Rudelius, Martina;Slawska, Jolanta;Jacobs, Laura;Ahangarian Abhari, Behnaz;Altmann, Bettina;Kurutz, Julia;Rathakrishnan, Abirami;Fernández‐Sáiz, Vanesa;Brunner, Andrä;Targosz, Bianca‐Sabrina;Loewecke, Felicia;Gloeckner, Christian Johannes;Ueffing, Marius;Fulda, Simone;Pfreundschuh, Michael;Trümper, Lorenz;Klapper, Wolfram;Keller, Ulrich;Jost, Philipp J;Rosenwald, Andreas;Peschel, Christian;Bassermann, Florian; USP9X stabilizes XIAP to regulate mitotic cell death and chemoresistance in aggressive B‐cell lymphoma
Gleinser, Moritz;Wieland, Christoph; The Misselhorn Cycle: Batch-Evaporation Process for Efficient Low-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery
Felgenhauer, Markus F.;Pellow, Matthew A.;Benson, Sally M.;Hamacher, Thomas; Economic and Environmental Prospects of Battery and Fuel Cell Vehicles for the Energy Transition in German Communities
Braun, Sebastian; Hydropower Storage Optimization Considering Spot and Intraday Auction Market
Franklin, D. W.;Batchelor, A. V.;Wolpert, D. M.; The Sensorimotor System Can Sculpt Behaviorally Relevant Representations for Motor Learning
Vogt, Elisabeth I.;Kupfer, Veronika M.;Vogel, Rudi F.;Niessen, Ludwig; A novel preparation technique of red (sparkling) wine for protein analysis
Safi, Wajima;Kuehnl, Andreas;Nüssler, Andreas;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Pelisek, Jaroslav; Differentiation of human CD14+ monocytes: an experimental investigation of the optimal culture medium and evidence of a lack of differentiation along the endothelial line
Reiße, Steven;Haack, Martina;Garbe, Daniel;Sommer, Bettina;Steffler, Fabian;Carsten, Jörg;Bohnen, Frank;Sieber, Volker;Brück, Thomas; In Vitro Bioconversion of Pyruvate to n-Butanol with Minimized Cofactor Utilization
Öz, Hasan H.;Zhou, Benyuan;Voss, Pina;Carevic, Melanie;Schroth, Carolin;Frey, Nina;Rieber, Nikolaus;Hector, Andreas;Hartl, Dominik; Pseudomonas aeruginosa Airway Infection Recruits and Modulates Neutrophilic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells
Schoppe, Oliver;Harper, Nicol S.;Willmore, Ben D. B.;King, Andrew J.;Schnupp, Jan W. H.; Measuring the Performance of Neural Models
Matthias A. Heinrich; Development of a Raw Material Model for Urban Systems – A Contribution to Support Material Flow Analysis and Resource Management
Vaupel, Peter;Multhoff, Gabriele; Commentary: A Metabolic Immune Checkpoint: Adenosine in Tumor Microenvironment
Mitsdoerffer, Meike;Peters, Anneli; Tertiary Lymphoid Organs in Central Nervous System Autoimmunity
Singh, Anurag;Lelis, Felipe;Braig, Stefanie;Schäfer, Iris;Hartl, Dominik;Rieber, Nikolaus; Differential Regulation of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells by Candida Species
Schmid, Jochen;Fariña, Julia;Rehm, Bernd;Sieber, Volker; Editorial: Microbial Exopolysaccharides: From Genes to Applications
Müller, Stephan A.;Scilabra, Simone D.;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Proteomic Substrate Identification for Membrane Proteases in the Brain
Pikija, Slaven;Pilz, Georg;Gschwandtner, Gerald;Rösler, Cornelia;Schlick, Konstantin;Greil, Richard;Sellner, Johann; Panitumumab-Associated Encephalopathy after Accidental Intra-arterial Application through Dislocated Central Venous Access Device
Rusch, Hannes;Böhm, Robert;Herrmann, Benedikt; Editorial: Parochial Altruism: Pitfalls and Prospects
Loscar, Michael E.;Huptas, Christopher;Wenning, Mareike;Sieber, Volker;Schmid, Jochen; Draft Genome Sequence of Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus SR-86
Schmid, Jochen;Huptas, Christopher;Wenning, Mareike; Draft Genome Sequence of the Xanthan ProducerXanthomonas campestrisLMG 8031
Fellner, Lea;Huptas, Christopher;Simon, Svenja;Mühlig, Anna;Scherer, Siegfried;Neuhaus, Klaus; Draft Genome Sequences of Three European Laboratory Derivatives from EnterohemorrhagicEscherichia coliO157:H7 Strain EDL933, Including Two Plasmids: TABLE 1
Unterseer, Sandra;Pophaly, Saurabh D.;Peis, Regina;Westermeier, Peter;Mayer, Manfred;Seidel, Michael A.;Haberer, Georg;Mayer, Klaus F. X.;Ordas, Bernardo;Pausch, Hubert;Tellier, Aurélien;Bauer, Eva;Schön, Chris-Carolin; A comprehensive study of the genomic differentiation between temperate Dent and Flint maize
Vidalis, Amaryllis;Živković, Daniel;Wardenaar, René;Roquis, David;Tellier, Aurélien;Johannes, Frank; Methylome evolution in plants
Bellot, Sidonie;Cusimano, Natalie;Luo, Shixiao;Sun, Guiling;Zarre, Shahin;Gröger, Andreas;Temsch, Eva;Renner, Susanne S.; Assembled Plastid and Mitochondrial Genomes, as well as Nuclear Genes, Place the Parasite Family Cynomoriaceae in the Saxifragales
Niehaus, Eva-Maria;Münsterkötter, Martin;Proctor, Robert H.;Brown, Daren W.;Sharon, Amir;Idan, Yifat;Oren-Young, Liat;Sieber, Christian M.;Novák, Ondřej;Pěnčík, Aleš;Tarkowská, Danuše;Hromadová, Kristýna;Freeman, Stanley;Maymon, Marcel;Elazar, Meirav;Youssef, Sahar A.;El-Shabrawy, El Said M.;Shalaby, Abdel Baset A.;Houterman, Petra;Brock, Nelson L.;Burkhardt, Immo;Tsavkelova, Elena A.;Dickschat, Jeroen S.;Galuszka, Petr;Güldener, Ulrich;Tudzynski, Bettina; Comparative “Omics” of theFusarium fujikuroiSpecies Complex Highlights Differences in Genetic Potential and Metabolite Synthesis
Stam, Remco;Scheikl, Daniela;Tellier, Aurélien; Pooled Enrichment Sequencing Identifies Diversity and Evolutionary Pressures at NLR Resistance Genes within a Wild Tomato Population
Dotzler, Andreas;Riemensberger, Maximilian;Utschick, Wolfgang; Minimax Duality for MIMO Interference Networks
Beckers, Kristian;Dürrwang, Jürgen;Holling, Dominik; Standard Compliant Hazard and Threat Analysis for the Automotive Domain
Rausch, Johannes;Maier, Andreas;Fahrig, Rebecca;Choi, Jang-Hwan;Hinshaw, Waldo;Schebesch, Frank;Haase, Sven;Wasza, Jakob;Hornegger, Joachim;Riess, Christian; Kinect-Based Correction of Overexposure Artifacts in Knee Imaging with C-Arm CT Systems
Karrasch, Stefan;Brüske, Irene;Smith, Maia P.;Thorand, Barbara;Huth, Cornelia;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Kronenberg, Florian;Heinrich, Joachim;Holle, Rolf;Peters, Annette;Schulz, Holger; What is the impact of different spirometric criteria on the prevalence of spirometrically defined COPD and its comorbidities? Results from the population-based KORA study
Pikija, Slaven;Magdic, Jozef;Lukic, Anita;Schreiber, Catharina;Mutzenbach, Johannes;McCoy, Mark;Sellner, Johann; Antiplatelet Usage Impacts Clot Density in Acute Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke
Pikija, Slaven;Magdic, Jozef;Trkulja, Vladimir;Unterkreuter, Peter;Mutzenbach, Johannes;Novak, Helmut;Weymayr, Friedrich;Hauer, Larissa;Sellner, Johann; Intracranial Thrombus Morphology and Composition Undergoes Time-Dependent Changes in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A CT Densitometry Study
Subiantoro, Alison;Wong, Kin Keong;Ooi, Kim Tiow; Exergy Analysis of the Revolving Vane Compressed Air Engine
Zhang, Meng;Yao, Wei;Meng, Liqiu; Automatic and Accurate Conflation of Different Road-Network Vector Data towards Multi-Modal Navigation
Walter, Benjamin Michael;Klare, Peter;Neu, Bruno;Schmid, Roland M;von Delius, Stefan; Development and Testing of an Automated 4-Day Text Messaging Guidance as an Aid for Improving Colonoscopy Preparation
Bustin, Aurelien;Odille, Freddy;Kudielka, Guido P;Janich, Martin A;Brau, Anja C;Menini, Anne; A fully automated binning method for improved SHARP reconstruction of free-breathing cardiac images
Nadjiri, Jonathan;Hendrich, Eva;Will, Albrecht;Pellegrini, Costanza;Husser, Oliver;Hengstenberg, Christian;Martinoff, Stefan;Hadamitzky, Martin; Prognostic value of dual T1 mapping to predict adverse events in TAVR-patients: extra cellular volume as a possible predictor for peri- and post-TAVR adverse events
Telieps, Tanja;Köhler, Meike;Treise, Irina;Foertsch, Katharina;Adler, Thure;Busch, Dirk H.;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Verschoor, Admar;Adler, Kerstin;Bonifacio, Ezio;Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele; Longitudinal Frequencies of Blood Leukocyte Subpopulations Differ between NOD and NOR Mice but Do Not Predict Diabetes in NOD Mice
Fleischmann, Katrin K.;Pagel, Philipp;von Frowein, Julia;Magg, Thomas;Roscher, Adelbert A.;Schmid, Irene; The leukemogenic fusion gene MLL-AF9 alters microRNA expression pattern and inhibits monoblastic differentiation via miR-511 repression
Kessel, Kerstin A;Vogel, Marco ME;Schmidt-Graf, Friederike;Combs, Stephanie E; Mobile Apps in Oncology: A Survey on Health Care Professionals’ Attitude Toward Telemedicine, mHealth, and Oncological Apps
El-Molla, Sara;Albrecht, Andreas;Cagatay, Engin;Mittendorfer, Philipp;Cheng, Gordon;Lugli, Paolo;Salmerón, José F.;Rivadeneyra, Almudena; Integration of a Thin Film PDMS-Based Capacitive Sensor for Tactile Sensing in an Electronic Skin
Blumenstein, Tobias;Turova, Varvara;Alves-Pinto, Ana;Lampe, Renée; Sensorimotor Piano System for People with Disabilities
Pikija, Slaven;Trkulja, Vladimir;Mutzenbach, Johannes Sebastian;McCoy, Mark R.;Ganger, Patricia;Sellner, Johann; Fibrinogen consumption is related to intracranial clot burden in acute ischemic stroke: a retrospective hyperdense artery study
Duscher, Dominik;Luan, Anna;Rennert, Robert C.;Atashroo, David;Maan, Zeshaan N.;Brett, Elizabeth A.;Whittam, Alexander J.;Ho, Natalie;Lin, Michelle;Hu, Michael S.;Walmsley, Graham G.;Wenny, Raphael;Schmidt, Manfred;Schilling, Arndt F.;Machens, Hans-Günther;Huemer, Georg M.;Wan, Derrick C.;Longaker, Michael T.;Gurtner, Geoffrey C.; Suction assisted liposuction does not impair the regenerative potential of adipose derived stem cells
Körber, Nina;Behrends, Uta;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Protzer, Ulrike;Bauer, Tanja; Validation of an IFNγ/IL2 FluoroSpot assay for clinical trial monitoring
Huber, Wolfgang;Huber, Toni;Baum, Stephan;Franzen, Michael;Schmidt, Christian;Stadlbauer, Thomas;Beitz, Analena;Schmid, Roland M.;Schmid, Sebastian; Sodium Bicarbonate Prevents Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Addition to Theophylline
Endesfelder, David;Engel, Marion;Davis-Richardson, Austin G.;Ardissone, Alexandria N.;Achenbach, Peter;Hummel, Sandra;Winkler, Christiane;Atkinson, Mark;Schatz, Desmond;Triplett, Eric;Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele;zu Castell, Wolfgang; Towards a functional hypothesis relating anti-islet cell autoimmunity to the dietary impact on microbial communities and butyrate production
Ebert, Karolin;Witt, Heiko; Fructose malabsorption
Ziegler, A.G.;Danne, T.;Dunger, D.B.;Berner, R.;Puff, R.;Kiess, W.;Agiostratidou, G.;Todd, J.A.;Bonifacio, E.; Primary prevention of beta-cell autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes – The Global Platform for the Prevention of Autoimmune Diabetes (GPPAD) perspectives
Pigoni, Martina;Wanngren, Johanna;Kuhn, Peer-Hendrik;Munro, Kathryn M.;Gunnersen, Jenny M.;Takeshima, Hiroshi;Feederle, Regina;Voytyuk, Iryna;De Strooper, Bart;Levasseur, Mikail D.;Hrupka, Brian J.;Müller, Stephan A.;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Seizure protein 6 and its homolog seizure 6-like protein are physiological substrates of BACE1 in neurons
Eser, P.;Wachutka, L.;Maier, K. C.;Demel, C.;Boroni, M.;Iyer, S.;Cramer, P.;Gagneur, J.; Determinants of RNA metabolism in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome
Habler, Katharina;Frank, Oliver;Rychlik, Michael; Chemical Synthesis of Deoxynivalenol-3-β-d-[13C6]-glucoside and Application in Stable Isotope Dilution Assays
Kautz, Markus;Imron, Muhammad Ali;Dworschak, Kai;Schopf, Reinhard; Dispersal variability and associated population-level consequences in tree-killing bark beetles
Huber, Eva M.;Heinemeyer, Wolfgang;Li, Xia;Arendt, Cassandra S.;Hochstrasser, Mark;Groll, Michael; A unified mechanism for proteolysis and autocatalytic activation in the 20S proteasome
Yu, Haiming;d’ Allivy Kelly, O.;Cros, V.;Bernard, R.;Bortolotti, P.;Anane, A.;Brandl, F.;Heimbach, F.;Grundler, D.; Approaching soft X-ray wavelengths in nanomagnet-based microwave technology
Schuppler, Matthias;Keber, Felix C.;Kröger, Martin;Bausch, Andreas R.; Boundaries steer the contraction of active gels
Jacob, Simon N.;Stalter, Maximilian;Nieder, Andreas; Cell-type-specific modulation of targets and distractors by dopamine D1 receptors in primate prefrontal cortex
Knoke, Thomas;Paul, Carola;Hildebrandt, Patrick;Calvas, Baltazar;Castro, Luz Maria;Härtl, Fabian;Döllerer, Martin;Hamer, Ute;Windhorst, David;Wiersma, Yolanda F.;Curatola Fernández, Giulia F.;Obermeier, Wolfgang A.;Adams, Julia;Breuer, Lutz;Mosandl, Reinhard;Beck, Erwin;Weber, Michael;Stimm, Bernd;Haber, Wolfgang;Fürst, Christine;Bendix, Jörg; Compositional diversity of rehabilitated tropical lands supports multiple ecosystem services and buffers uncertainties
Van Haute, Lindsey;Dietmann, Sabine;Kremer, Laura;Hussain, Shobbir;Pearce, Sarah F.;Powell, Christopher A.;Rorbach, Joanna;Lantaff, Rebecca;Blanco, Sandra;Sauer, Sascha;Kotzaeridou, Urania;Hoffmann, Georg F.;Memari, Yasin;Kolb-Kokocinski, Anja;Durbin, Richard;Mayr, Johannes A.;Frye, Michaela;Prokisch, Holger;Minczuk, Michal; Deficient methylation and formylation of mt-tRNAMet wobble cytosine in a patient carrying mutations in NSUN3
Bassani-Sternberg, Michal;Bräunlein, Eva;Klar, Richard;Engleitner, Thomas;Sinitcyn, Pavel;Audehm, Stefan;Straub, Melanie;Weber, Julia;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Specht, Katja;Martignoni, Marc E.;Werner, Angelika;Hein, Rüdiger;H. Busch, Dirk;Peschel, Christian;Rad, Roland;Cox, Jürgen;Mann, Matthias;Krackhardt, Angela M.; Direct identification of clinically relevant neoepitopes presented on native human melanoma tissue by mass spectrometry
Tzoumas, Stratis;Nunes, Antonio;Olefir, Ivan;Stangl, Stefan;Symvoulidis, Panagiotis;Glasl, Sarah;Bayer, Christine;Multhoff, Gabriele;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Eigenspectra optoacoustic tomography achieves quantitative blood oxygenation imaging deep in tissues
Kabra, Dhiraj G.;Pfuhlmann, Katrin;García-Cáceres, Cristina;Schriever, Sonja C.;Casquero García, Veronica;Kebede, Adam Fiseha;Fuente-Martin, Esther;Trivedi, Chitrang;Heppner, Kristy;Uhlenhaut, N. Henriette;Legutko, Beata;Kabra, Uma D.;Gao, Yuanqing;Yi, Chun-Xia;Quarta, Carmelo;Clemmensen, Christoffer;Finan, Brian;Müller, Timo D.;Meyer, Carola W.;Paez-Pereda, Marcelo;Stemmer, Kerstin;Woods, Stephen C.;Perez-Tilve, Diego;Schneider, Robert;Olson, Eric N.;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Pfluger, Paul T.; Hypothalamic leptin action is mediated by histone deacetylase 5
Kulig, Paulina;Musiol, Stephanie;Freiberger, Sandra Nicole;Schreiner, Bettina;Gyülveszi, Gabor;Russo, Giancarlo;Pantelyushin, Stanislav;Kishihara, Kenji;Alessandrini, Francesca;Kündig, Thomas;Sallusto, Federica;Hofbauer, Günther F.L.;Haak, Stefan;Becher, Burkhard; IL-12 protects from psoriasiform skin inflammation
List, Jonathan;Falgenhauer, Elisabeth;Kopperger, Enzo;Pardatscher, Günther;Simmel, Friedrich C.; Long-range movement of large mechanically interlocked DNA nanostructures
Tymoczko, Jakub;Calle-Vallejo, Federico;Schuhmann, Wolfgang;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Making the hydrogen evolution reaction in polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysers even faster
Berger, Emanuel;Rath, Eva;Yuan, Detian;Waldschmitt, Nadine;Khaloian, Sevana;Allgäuer, Michael;Staszewski, Ori;Lobner, Elena M.;Schöttl, Theresa;Giesbertz, Pieter;Coleman, Olivia I.;Prinz, Marco;Weber, Achim;Gerhard, Markus;Klingenspor, Martin;Janssen, Klaus-Peter;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Haller, Dirk; Mitochondrial function controls intestinal epithelial stemness and proliferation
Krishnan, Swati;Ziegler, Daniela;Arnaut, Vera;Martin, Thomas G.;Kapsner, Korbinian;Henneberg, Katharina;Bausch, Andreas R.;Dietz, Hendrik;Simmel, Friedrich C.; Molecular transport through large-diameter DNA nanopores
Maresch, Roman;Mueller, Sebastian;Veltkamp, Christian;Öllinger, Rupert;Friedrich, Mathias;Heid, Irina;Steiger, Katja;Weber, Julia;Engleitner, Thomas;Barenboim, Maxim;Klein, Sabine;Louzada, Sandra;Banerjee, Ruby;Strong, Alexander;Stauber, Teresa;Gross, Nina;Geumann, Ulf;Lange, Sebastian;Ringelhan, Marc;Varela, Ignacio;Unger, Kristian;Yang, Fengtang;Schmid, Roland M.;Vassiliou, George S.;Braren, Rickmer;Schneider, Günter;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Bradley, Allan;Saur, Dieter;Rad, Roland; Multiplexed pancreatic genome engineering and cancer induction by transfection-based CRISPR/Cas9 delivery in mice
Romanelli, Elisa;Merkler, Doron;Mezydlo, Aleksandra;Weil, Marie-Theres;Weber, Martin S.;Nikić, Ivana;Potz, Stephanie;Meinl, Edgar;Matznick, Florian E. H.;Kreutzfeldt, Mario;Ghanem, Alexander;Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus;Metz, Imke;Brück, Wolfgang;Routh, Matthew;Simons, Mikael;Bishop, Derron;Misgeld, Thomas;Kerschensteiner, Martin; Myelinosome formation represents an early stage of oligodendrocyte damage in multiple sclerosis and its animal model
Cremer, Johannes W.;Thaler, Klemens M.;Haisch, Christoph;Signorell, Ruth; Photoacoustics of single laser-trapped nanodroplets for the direct observation of nanofocusing in aerosol photokinetics
Wieghold, Sarah;Li, Juan;Simon, Patrick;Krause, Maximilian;Avlasevich, Yuri;Li, Chen;Garrido, Jose A.;Heiz, Ueli;Samorì, Paolo;Müllen, Klaus;Esch, Friedrich;Barth, Johannes V.;Palma, Carlos-Andres; Photoresponse of supramolecular self-assembled networks on graphene–diamond interfaces
Scherer, Kai;Birnbacher, Lorenz;Willer, Konstantin;Chabior, Michael;Herzen, Julia;Pfeiffer, Franz; Correspondence: Quantitative evaluation of X-ray dark-field images for microcalcification analysis in mammography
Janowski, Robert;Heinz, Gitta A.;Schlundt, Andreas;Wommelsdorf, Nina;Brenner, Sven;Gruber, Andreas R.;Blank, Michael;Buch, Thorsten;Buhmann, Raymund;Zavolan, Mihaela;Niessing, Dierk;Heissmeyer, Vigo;Sattler, Michael; Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40
Pelz, Benjamin;Žoldák, Gabriel;Zeller, Fabian;Zacharias, Martin;Rief, Matthias; Subnanometre enzyme mechanics probed by single-molecule force spectroscopy
Serr, Isabelle;Fürst, Rainer W.;Achenbach, Peter;Scherm, Martin G.;Gökmen, Füsun;Haupt, Florian;Sedlmeier, Eva-Maria;Knopff, Annette;Shultz, Leonard;Willis, Richard A.;Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele;Daniel, Carolin; Type 1 diabetes vaccine candidates promote human Foxp3+Treg induction in humanized mice
Alves-Pinto, Ana;Turova, Varvara;Blumenstein, Tobias;Lampe, Renée; The Case for Musical Instrument Training in Cerebral Palsy for Neurorehabilitation
Kowarik, Markus C.;Hoshi, Muna;Hemmer, Bernhard;Berthele, Achim; Failure of alemtuzumab as a rescue in a NMOSD patient treated with rituximab
Lampe, Renee;Alves-Pinto, Ana;Blumenstein, Tobias;Turova, Varvara; Altered lower leg muscle activation patterns in patients with cerebral palsy during cycling on an ergometer
Stana, Markus;Sepiol, Bogdan;Kozubski, Rafał;Leitner, Michael; Chemical ordering beyond the superstructure in long-range ordered systems
Seiringer, Robert;Warzel, Simone; Decay of correlations and absence of superfluidity in the disordered Tonks–Girardeau gas
Leitner, Michael;Weber, Josef Andreas;Ceeh, Hubert; Fermi surface determination from momentum density projections
Loitsch, Bernhard;Müller, Marcus;Winnerl, Julia;Veit, Peter;Rudolph, Daniel;Abstreiter, Gerhard;Finley, Jonathan J;Bertram, Frank;Christen, Jürgen;Koblmüller, Gregor; Microscopic nature of crystal phase quantum dots in ultrathin GaAs nanowires by nanoscale luminescence characterization
X. Wang, B. Leible, W. Wang, D. Rörich, S. ten Brink; Joint IQ Imbalance Compensation and Channel Estimation in Coherent Optical OFDM Systems
Yunge, Daniel;Park, Sangyoung;Kindt, Philipp;Pravadelli, Graziano;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Dynamic service synthesis and switching for medical IoT and ambient assisted living
de Beauchene, Isaure Chauvot;de Vries, Sjoerd J.;Zacharias, Martin; Fragment-based modelling of single stranded RNA bound to RNA recognition motif containing proteins
Häse, Florian;Zacharias, Martin; Free energy analysis and mechanism of base pair stacking in nicked DNA
La Rosa, Giuseppe;Zacharias, Martin; Global deformation facilitates flipping of damaged 8-oxo-guanine and guanine in DNA
Buschmann, Dominik;Haberberger, Anna;Kirchner, Benedikt;Spornraft, Melanie;Riedmaier, Irmgard;Schelling, Gustav;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Toward reliable biomarker signatures in the age of liquid biopsies - how to standardize the small RNA-Seq workflow
Saalfrank, A;Janssen, K-P;Ravon, M;Flisikowski, K;Eser, S;Steiger, K;Flisikowska, T;Müller-Fliedner, P;Schulze, É;Brönner, C;Gnann, A;Kappe, E;Böhm, B;Schade, B;Certa, U;Saur, D;Esposito, I;Kind, A;Schnieke, A; A porcine model of osteosarcoma
Cheng, T;Jian, Z;Li, K;Raulefs, S;Regel, I;Shen, S;Zou, X;Ruland, J;Ceyhan, G O;Friess, H;Michalski, C W;Kleeff, J;Kong, B; In vivo functional dissection of a context-dependent role for Hif1α in pancreatic tumorigenesis
Straub, Melanie;Drecoll, Enken;Pfarr, Nicole;Weichert, Wilko;Langer, Rupert;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Götz, Carolin;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Kolk, Andreas;Specht, Katja; CD274/PD-L1 gene amplification and PD-L1 protein expression are common events in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
Warth, Arne;Endris, Volker;Stenzinger, Albrecht;Penzel, Roland;Harms, Alexander;Duell, Thomas;Abdollahi, Amir;Lindner, Michael;Schirmacher, Peter;Muley, Thomas;Dienemann, Hendrik;Fink, Ludger;Morresi-Hauf, Alicia;Pfarr, Nicole;Weichert, Wilko; Genetic changes of non-small cell lung cancer under neoadjuvant therapy
Blaeschke, Franziska;Thiel, Uwe;Kirschner, Andreas;Thiede, Melanie;Alba Rubio, Rebeca;Schirmer, David;Kirchner, Thomas;Richter, Günther H.S.;Mall, Sabine;Klar, Richard;Riddell, Stanley;Busch, Dirk H.;Krackhardt, Angela;Grunewald, Thomas G.P.;Burdach, Stefan; Human HLA-A*02:01/CHM1+ allo-restricted T cell receptor transgenic CD8+ T Cells specifically inhibit Ewing sarcoma growth in vitro and in vivo
Bette, Stefanie;Wiestler, Benedikt;Kaesmacher, Johannes;Huber, Thomas;Gerhardt, Julia;Barz, Melanie;Delbridge, Claire;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Ringel, Florian;Zimmer, Claus;Meyer, Bernhard;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Kirschke, Jan S.;Gempt, Jens; Infarct volume after glioblastoma surgery as an independent prognostic factor
Kirschner, Andreas;Thiede, Melanie;Blaeschke, Franziska;Richter, Günther H.S.;Gerke, Julia S.;Baldauf, Michaela C.;Grünewald, Thomas G.P.;Busch, Dirk H.;Burdach, Stefan;Thiel, Uwe; Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 predicts fratricide amongst T cell receptor transgenic CD8+ T cells directed against tumor-associated antigens
Lubeseder-Martellato, Clara;Hidalgo-Sastre, Ana;Hartmann, Carolin;Alexandrow, Katharina;Kamyabi-Moghaddam, Zahra;Sipos, Bence;Wirth, Matthias;Neff, Florian;Reichert, Maximilian;Heid, Irina;Schneider, Günter;Braren, Rickmer;Schmid, Roland M.;Siveke, Jens T.; Membranous CD24 drives the epithelial phenotype of pancreatic cancer
Löffler, Harald;Pfarr, Nicole;Kriegsmann, Mark;Endris, Volker;Hielscher, Thomas;Lohneis, Philipp;Folprecht, Gunnar;Stenzinger, Albrecht;Dietel, Manfred;Weichert, Wilko;Krämer, Alwin; Molecular driver alterations and their clinical relevance in cancer of unknown primary site
Beer, Ambros J.;Schwarzenböck, Sarah M.;Zantl, Niko;Souvatzoglou, Michael;Maurer, Tobias;Watzlowik, Petra;Kessler, Horst;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Schwaiger, Markus;Krause, Bernd Joachim; Non-invasive assessment of inter-and intrapatient variability of integrin expression in metastasized prostate cancer by PET
Eisch, Veronika;Lu, Xiang;Gabriel, Diana;Djabali, Karima; Progerin impairs chromosome maintenance by depleting CENP-F from metaphase kinetochores in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria fibroblasts
Heyking, Kristina von;Roth, Laura;Ertl, Miriam;Schmidt, Oxana;Calzada- Wack, Julia;Neff, Frauke;Lawlor, Elizabeth R.;Burdach, Stefan;Richter, Günther H.S.; The posterior HOXD locus: Its contribution to phenotype and malignancy of Ewing sarcoma
Seeger, Markus;Karlas, Angelos;Soliman, Dominik;Pelisek, Jaroslav;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Multimodal optoacoustic and multiphoton microscopy of human carotid atheroma
Deán-Ben, Xosé Luís;Razansky, Daniel; On the link between the speckle free nature of optoacoustics and visibility of structures in limited-view tomography
Schroffenegger, J.;Fierlinger, P.;Hollering, A.;Geltenbort, P.;Lauer, T.;Rauch, H.;Zechlau, T.; Improved measurement of the neutron absorption cross section for very low velocities
Fuchs, Alexander N.;Zaeh, Michael F.; Efficiency of Laser Cutting of Carbon Fiber Textiles
Lugauer, F.P.;Stiehl, T.H.;Zaeh, M.F.; Functional Safety of Hybrid Laser Safety Systems – How can a Combination between Passive and Active Components Prevent Accidents?
Heckert, André;Singer, Christian;Zaeh, Michael F.;Daub, Ruediger;Zeilinger, Tobias; Gas-tight Thermally Joined Metal-thermoplastic Connections by Pulsed Laser Surface Pre-treatment
Ganser, A.;Pieper, J.;Liebl, S.;Zaeh, M.F.; Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Efficiency During Laser Deep Penetration Welding
Schmid, Dominik;Renza, Johanna;Zaeh, Michael F.;Glasschroeder, Johannes; Process Influences on Laser-beam Melting of the Magnesium Alloy AZ91
Chauvot de Beauchene, Isaure;de Vries, Sjoerd J.;Zacharias, Martin; Binding Site Identification and Flexible Docking of Single Stranded RNA to Proteins Using a Fragment-Based Approach
Harper, Nicol S.;Schoppe, Oliver;Willmore, Ben D. B.;Cui, Zhanfeng;Schnupp, Jan W. H.;King, Andrew J.; Network Receptive Field Modeling Reveals Extensive Integration and Multi-feature Selectivity in Auditory Cortical Neurons
Wurst, Wolfgang; Animal Models Are Valid to Uncover Disease Mechanisms
Arellano, Benjamine;Hussain, Rehana;Miller-Little, William A.;Herndon, Emily;Lambracht-Washington, Doris;Eagar, Todd N.;Lewis, Robert;Healey, Don;Vernino, Steven;Greenberg, Benjamin M.;Stüve, Olaf; A Single Amino Acid Substitution Prevents Recognition of a Dominant Human Aquaporin-4 Determinant in the Context of HLA-DRB1*03:01 by a Murine TCR
Thaler, Markus Alexander;Feurer, Regina;Thaler, Christoph;Sonntag, Natalie;Schleef, Michael;Rondak, Ina-Christine;Poppert, Holger; Activated Protein C Resistance Does Not Increase Risk for Recurrent Stroke or Death in Stroke Patients
Schulte, Eva C.;Altmaier, Elisabeth;Berger, Hannah S.;Do, Kieu Trinh;Kastenmüller, Gabi;Wahl, Simone;Adamski, Jerzy;Peters, Annette;Krumsiek, Jan;Suhre, Karsten;Haslinger, Bernhard;Ceballos-Baumann, Andres;Gieger, Christian;Winkelmann, Juliane; Alterations in Lipid and Inositol Metabolisms in Two Dopaminergic Disorders
Kriebel, Jennifer;Herder, Christian;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Wahl, Simone;Kunze, Sonja;Molnos, Sophie;Volkova, Nadezda;Schramm, Katharina;Carstensen-Kirberg, Maren;Waldenberger, Melanie;Gieger, Christian;Peters, Annette;Illig, Thomas;Prokisch, Holger;Roden, Michael;Grallert, Harald; Association between DNA Methylation in Whole Blood and Measures of Glucose Metabolism: KORA F4 Study
Karamyan, Anush;Dünser, Martin W.;Wiebe, Douglas J.;Pilz, Georg;Wipfler, Peter;Chroust, Vaclav;Novak, Helmut F.;Hauer, Larissa;Trinka, Eugen;Sellner, Johann; Critical Illness in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Matched Case-Control Study
Petermann, Jana S.;Rohland, Anja;Sichardt, Nora;Lade, Peggy;Guidetti, Brenda;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Gossner, Martin M.; Forest Management Intensity Affects Aquatic Communities in Artificial Tree Holes
Lahmer, Tobias;Brandl, Andreas;Rasch, Sebastian;Schmid, Roland M.;Huber, Wolfgang; Fungal Peritonitis: Underestimated Disease in Critically Ill Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Spontaneous Peritonitis
Pohlig, Florian;Guell, Florian;Lenze, Ulrich;Lenze, Florian W.;Mühlhofer, Heinrich M. L.;Schauwecker, Johannes;Toepfer, Andreas;Mayer-Kuckuk, Philipp;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Burgkart, Rainer;Salzmann, Gian M.; Hyaluronic Acid Suppresses the Expression of Metalloproteinases in Osteoarthritic Cartilage Stimulated Simultaneously by Interleukin 1β and Mechanical Load
Hantke, Simone;Weninger, Felix;Kurle, Richard;Ringeval, Fabien;Batliner, Anton;Mousa, Amr El-Desoky;Schuller, Björn; I Hear You Eat and Speak: Automatic Recognition of Eating Condition and Food Type, Use-Cases, and Impact on ASR Performance
Cravens, Petra D.;Hussain, Rehana Z.;Miller-Little, William A.;Ben, Li-Hong;Segal, Benjamin M.;Herndon, Emily;Stüve, Olaf; IL-12/IL-23p40 Is Highly Expressed in Secondary Lymphoid Organs and the CNS during All Stages of EAE, but Its Deletion Does Not Affect Disease Perpetuation
Jörger, Ann-Kathrin;Liu, Lei;Fehlner, Karin;Weisser, Tanja;Cheng, Zhangjun;Lu, Miao;Höchst, Bastian;Bolzer, Andreas;Wang, Baocai;Hartmann, Daniel;Assfalg, Volker;Sunami, Yoshiaki;Schlitter, Anna Melissa;Friess, Helmut;Hüser, Norbert;Laschinger, Melanie; Impact of NKT Cells and LFA-1 on Liver Regeneration under Subseptic Conditions
Hrycyk, Joris;Kaemmerer, Harald;Nagdyman, Nicole;Hamann, Moritz;Schneider, KTM;Kuschel, Bettina; Mode of Delivery and Pregnancy Outcome in Women with Congenital Heart Disease
Dreher, Constantin;Scholz, Christian;Pommer, Mira;Brons, Stephan;Prokesch, Hannah;Ecker, Swantje;Debus, Jürgen;Jäkel, Oliver;Combs, Stephanie E.;Habermehl, Daniel; Optimization of Carbon Ion Treatment Plans by Integrating Tissue Specific α/β-Values for Patients with Non-Resectable Pancreatic Cancer
Jung, Nikolai H.;Gleich, Bernhard;Gattinger, Norbert;Hoess, Catrina;Haug, Carolin;Siebner, Hartwig R.;Mall, Volker; Quadri-Pulse Theta Burst Stimulation using Ultra-High Frequency Bursts – A New Protocol to Induce Changes in Cortico-Spinal Excitability in Human Motor Cortex
Haas, Sylvia;ten Cate, Hugo;Accetta, Gabriele;Angchaisuksiri, Pantep;Bassand, Jean-Pierre;Camm, A. John;Corbalan, Ramon;Darius, Harald;Fitzmaurice, David A.;Goldhaber, Samuel Z.;Goto, Shinya;Jacobson, Barry;Kayani, Gloria;Mantovani, Lorenzo G.;Misselwitz, Frank;Pieper, Karen;Schellong, Sebastian M.;Stepinska, Janina;Turpie, Alexander G. G.;van Eickels, Martin;Kakkar, Ajay K.;; Quality of Vitamin K Antagonist Control and 1-Year Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Global Perspective from the GARFIELD-AF Registry
Ramalho, Tiago;Meyer, Andrea;Mückl, Andrea;Kapsner, Korbinian;Gerland, Ulrich;Simmel, Friedrich C.; Single Cell Analysis of a Bacterial Sender-Receiver System
Wittmann, Anke;Grimm, Marcus O. W.;Scherthan, Harry;Horsch, Marion;Beckers, Johannes;Fuchs, Helmut;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Ford, Steven J.;Burton, Neal C.;Razansky, Daniel;Trümbach, Dietrich;Aichler, Michaela;Walch, Axel Karl;Calzada-Wack, Julia;Neff, Frauke;Wurst, Wolfgang;Hartmann, Tobias;Floss, Thomas; Sphingomyelin Synthase 1 Is Essential for Male Fertility in Mice
Buras, Allan;van der Maaten-Theunissen, Marieke;van der Maaten, Ernst;Ahlgrimm, Svenja;Hermann, Philipp;Simard, Sonia;Heinrich, Ingo;Helle, Gerd;Unterseher, Martin;Schnittler, Martin;Eusemann, Pascal;Wilmking, Martin; Tuning the Voices of a Choir: Detecting Ecological Gradients in Time-Series Populations
Ranf, Stefanie; Immune Sensing of Lipopolysaccharide in Plants and Animals: Same but Different
Lock, Christopher;Reinhart, Gunther; A Meta-model for Analyzing the Influence of Production-related Business Processes
Sager, Benedikt;Hawer, Sven;Reinhart, Gunther; A Performance Measurement System for Global Manufacturing Networks
Knoche, Thomas;Surek, Florian;Reinhart, Gunter; A Process Model for the Electrolyte Filling of Lithium-ion Batteries
Niehues, M.;Sellmaier, P.;Steinhaeusser, T.;Reinhart, G.; Adaptive Job-Shop Control Using Resource Accounts
Shen, Yi;Zastrow, Stefanie;Graf, Johannes;Reinhart, Gunther; An Uncertainty-based Evaluation Approach for Human-robot-cooperation within Production Systems
Hawer, Sven;Braun, Nino;Reinhart, Gunther; Analyzing Interdependencies between Factory Change Enablers Applying Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Plehn, Christian;Stein, Florian;de Neufville, Richard;Reinhart, Gunther; Assessing the Impact of Changes and their Knock-on Effects in Manufacturing Systems
Ulrich, Marco;Lux, Gregor;Jürgensen, Lëıla;Reinhart, Gunther; Automated and Cycle Time Optimized Path Planning for Robot-Based Inspection Systems
Michniewicz, Joachim;Reinhart, Gunther;Boschert, Stefan; CAD-Based Automated Assembly Planning for Variable Products in Modular Production Systems
Kleinwort, Robin;Schweizer, Martin;Zaeh, Michael F.; Comparison of Different Control Strategies for Active Damping of Heavy Duty Milling Operations
Schönmann, Alexander;Ulverich, Michael;Intra, Carsten;Reinhart, Gunther; Considering External and Internal Cycles of a Manufacturer for Planning and Evaluating Production Technologies
Koch, Jonas;Michels, Nicolas;Reinhart, Gunther; Context Model Design for a Process-oriented Manufacturing Change Management
Münzberg, Christopher;Hammer, Jens;Brem, Alexander;Lindemann, Udo; Crisis Situations in Engineering Product Development: A TRIZ Based Approach
Feistle, Martin;Golle, Roland;Volk, Wolfram; Determining the Influence of Shear Cutting Parameters on the Edge Cracking Susceptibility of High-strength-steels Using the Edge-fracture-tensile-test
Opritescu, Daniel;Hartmann, Christoph;Volk, Wolfram; Efficient Parameterized Characterization of Manufacturing Strategies for Automated Copied Driving
Popp, Richard S.-H.;Liebl, Corinna;Zaeh, Michael F.; Energy Flexible Machine tool Components – An Investigation of Capabilities
Meis, Jan-Fabian;Tüshaus, Anna Theresa;Reinhart, Gunther; Engineered Hours Per Product for Simultaneous Engineering
Krinninger, Michael;Opritescu, Daniel;Golle, Roland;Volk, Wolfram; Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Punch Velocity on the Springback Behavior and the Flat Length in Free Bending
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello;Brüderle, Peter;Mörtl, Markus; Focusing Aspects of Customer Acceptance for Planning Product-Service Systems – A Case Study from Construction Machines Industry
Zwicker, Carola;Hammerstingl, Veit;Possin, Corinna;Reinhart, Gunther; Life Cycle Cost Estimation of Robot Systems in an Early Production Planning Phase
Schmalz, Johannes;Giering, Lucas;Hölzle, Matthias;Huber, Niklas;Reinhart, Gunther; Method for the Automated Dimensioning of Gripper Systems
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello;Böttcher, Lena;Wilberg, Julian;Kammerl, Daniel;Lindemann, Udo; Modeling Transfer of Knowledge in an Online Platform of a Cluster
Knoll, Dino;Prüglmeier, Marco;Reinhart, Gunther; Predicting Future Inbound Logistics Processes Using Machine Learning
Schönmann, Alexander;Greitemann, Josef;Reinhart, Gunther; Proactive Management of Production Technologies: A Conceptual Framework
Schnell, Joscha;Reinhart, Gunther; Quality Management for Battery Production: A Quality Gate Concept
Vernim, Susanne;Reinhart, Gunther; Usage Frequency and User-Friendliness of Mobile Devices in Assembly
Airiian, Vagram;Korenkov, Vladimir;Nechaevskiy, Andrey; Implementing, Evaluating and Extending the Model of LIT Cloud Infrastructure at JINR
Weidendorfer, Josef;Breitbart, Jens; Inclusive Cost Attribution for Cache Use Profiling
Bi, Ran;Xiao, Jiajian;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Knoll, Alois; Influence of Charging Behaviour Given Charging Station Placement at Existing Petrol Stations and Residential Car Park Locations in Singapore
Litescu, Sorina Costache;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; Information Dynamics in Transportation Systems with Traffic Lights Control
Kümmel, Michal;Busch, Fritz;Wang, David Z.W.; Taxi Dispatching and Stable Marriage
Sunderrajan, Abhinav;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Cai, Wentong;Knoll, Alois; Traffic State Estimation Using Floating Car Data
Philipp, Benedikt;Wüchner, Roland;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Advances in the Form-finding of Structural Membranes
Nusser, Michaela;Hermann, Aljoscha;Senner, Veit; Artificial Knee Joint and Ski Load Simulator for the Evaluation of Knee Braces and Ski Bindings
Ndogmo, Joseph;Mensinger, Martin;Both, Ioan; Buckling Behavior of Stiffened Plate Under Biaxial Compression and Shear
Goldbach, Ann-Kathrin;Breitenberger, Michael;Widhammer, Armin;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Computational Cutting Pattern Generation Using Isogeometric B-Rep Analysis
Passler, Stefanie;Mitternacht, Jürgen;Janta, Marius;Senner, Veit; Conceptual Development and Evaluation of Heat Relief Principles for the Application in Bicycle Helmets
Knye, Michael;Grill, Timo;Senner, Veit; Flexural Behavior of Ski Boots Under Realistic Loads – The Concept of an Improved Test Method
Schramm, Nicholas;Fischer, Oliver; Investigations on the Shear Behavior of Bridge Girders made of Normal and Ultra-high Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Senner, Veit;Aringer, Carmen;Bengler, Klaus; Just another Title? MSc. Human Factors Engineering Versus Sports Engineering
Fischer, Oliver; Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Germany – Overview of Current New Structures, Re-analysis and Research Activities to Preserve the Existing Infrastructure Network
Janta, Marius;Höschele, Nadja;Senner, Veit; The Zero Heat Flux Method and Sweat Loss Modeling in Sports: Attempts of Next Generation Sports Information Systems
Nowak, Marcel;Fischer, Oliver; Traffic Parameter Sensitivity in the Development of Site-specific Load Models
Klare, Stefan;Trapp, Andreas;Parodi, Joaquin;Senner, Veit; VacuuAir - A New Technology for High Performance Inflatable SUPs
Mensinger, Martin;Fard, Reza Rahbari;Hacker, Andreas;Näßl, Andreas; Validation of the Dynamic Amplification Factor in Case of Historic Railway Steel Bridges with Short and Medium Spans
Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe;Widhammer, Armin; Variation of Reference Strategy - A Novel Approach for Generating Optimized Cutting Patterns of Membrane Structures
Meyer, Daniel;Kloss, Gideon;Senner, Veit; What is Slowing Me Down? Estimation of Rolling Resistances During Cycling
Adam, Caroline;Senner, Veit; Which Motives are Predictors for Long-term Use of Exergames?
Dietrich, S.;Wunderer, M.;Huissel, A.;Zaeh, M.F.; A New Approach for a Flexible Powder Production for Additive Manufacturing
Oechsner, Markus;Chizzali, Barbara;Devecka, Michal;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth;Wilkens, Jan Jakob;Duma, Marciana Nona; Registration uncertainties between 3D cone beam computed tomography and different reference CT datasets in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy
Estalella, Adolfo;Sánchez Criado, Tomás; Experimentación etnográfica: infraestructuras de campo y re-aprendizajes de la antropología
Escobar, Marcos;Krayzler, Mikhail;Ramsauer, Franz;Saunders, David;Zagst, Rudi; Incorporation of Stochastic Policyholder Behavior in Analytical Pricing of GMABs and GMDBs
Herzog, J.;Klot-Heydenfeldt, F. von;Jabar, S.;Ranft, A.;Rossig, C.;Dirksen, U.;Van den Brande, J.;D’Incalci, M.;Luettichau, I. von;Grohar, P. J.;Berdel, W. E.;Burdach, St.; Trabectedin Followed by Irinotecan Can Stabilize Disease in Advanced Translocation-Positive Sarcomas with Acceptable Toxicity
Ketterer, P.;Willner, E. M.;Dietz, H.; Nanoscale rotary apparatus formed from tight-fitting 3D DNA components
Andlauer, T. F. M.;Buck, D.;Antony, G.;Bayas, A.;Bechmann, L.;Berthele, A.;Chan, A.;Gasperi, C.;Gold, R.;Graetz, C.;Haas, J.;Hecker, M.;Infante-Duarte, C.;Knop, M.;Ku mpfel, T.;Limmroth, V.;Linker, R. A.;Loleit, V.;Luessi, F.;Meuth, S. G.;Mu hlau, M.;Nischwitz, S.;Paul, F.;Pu tz, M.;Ruck, T.;Salmen, A.;Stangel, M.;Stellmann, J.-P.;Stu rner, K. H.;Tackenberg, B.;Then Bergh, F.;Tumani, H.;Warnke, C.;Weber, F.;Wiendl, H.;Wildemann, B.;Zettl, U. K.;Ziemann, U.;Zipp, F.;Arloth, J.;Weber, P.;Radivojkov-Blagojevic, M.;Scheinhardt, M. O.;Dankowski, T.;Bettecken, T.;Lichtner, P.;Czamara, D.;Carrillo-Roa, T.;Binder, E. B.;Berger, K.;Bertram, L.;Franke, A.;Gieger, C.;Herms, S.;Homuth, G.;Ising, M.;Jo ckel, K.-H.;Kacprowski, T.;Kloiber, S.;Laudes, M.;Lieb, W.;Lill, C. M.;Lucae, S.;Meitinger, T.;Moebus, S.;Mu ller-Nurasyid, M.;No then, M. M.;Petersmann, A.;Rawal, R.;Schminke, U.;Strauch, K.;Vo lzke, H.;Waldenberger, M.;Wellmann, J.;Porcu, E.;Mulas, A.;Pitzalis, M.;Sidore, C.;Zara, I.;Cucca, F.;Zoledziewska, M.;Ziegler, A.;Hemmer, B.;Mu ller-Myhsok, B.; Novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci implicated in epigenetic regulation
Loiseau, E.;Schneider, J. A. M.;Keber, F. C.;Pelzl, C.;Massiera, G.;Salbreux, G.;Bausch, A. R.; Shape remodeling and blebbing of active cytoskeletal vesicles
Luitz, Manuel P.;Bomblies, Rainer;Ramcke, Evelyn;Itzen, Aymelt;Zacharias, Martin; Adenylylation of Tyr77 stabilizes Rab1b GTPase in an active state: A molecular dynamics simulation analysis
Lin, Hsiao-Chun Amy;Dutta, Rahul;Mandal, Subhamoy;Kind, Alexander;Schnieke, Angelika;Razansky, Daniel; Advancing ovarian folliculometry with selective plane illumination microscopy
Goldberg, Tatyana;Rost, Burkhard;Bromberg, Yana; Computational prediction shines light on type III secretion origins
Schick, Joel A.;Seisenberger, Claudia;Beig, Joachim;Bürger, Antje;Iyer, Vivek;Maier, Viola;Perera, Sajith;Rosen, Barry;Skarnes, William C.;Wurst, Wolfgang; CRISPR-Cas9 enables conditional mutagenesis of challenging loci
Fischer, Konrad;Kraner-Scheiber, Simone;Petersen, Björn;Rieblinger, Beate;Buermann, Anna;Flisikowska, Tatiana;Flisikowski, Krzysztof;Christan, Susanne;Edlinger, Marlene;Baars, Wiebke;Kurome, Mayuko;Zakhartchenko, Valeri;Kessler, Barbara;Plotzki, Elena;Szczerbal, Izabela;Switonski, Marek;Denner, Joachim;Wolf, Eckhard;Schwinzer, Reinhard;Niemann, Heiner;Kind, Alexander;Schnieke, Angelika; Efficient production of multi-modified pigs for xenotransplantation by ‘combineering’, gene stacking and gene editing
Fichter, Andreas M.;Ritschl, Lucas M.;Robitzky, Luisa K.;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Mitchell, David A.;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Mücke, Thomas; Impact of different antithrombotics on the microcirculation and viability of perforator-based ischaemic skin flaps in a small animal model
Scherer, Kai;Braig, Eva;Ehn, Sebastian;Schock, Jonathan;Wolf, Johannes;Birnbacher, Lorenz;Chabior, Michael;Herzen, Julia;Mayr, Doris;Grandl, Susanne;Sztrókay-Gaul, Anikó;Hellerhoff, Karin;Pfeiffer, Franz; Improved Diagnostics by Assessing the Micromorphology of Breast Calcifications via X-Ray Dark-Field Radiography
Kellnberger, Stephan;Assmann, Walter;Lehrack, Sebastian;Reinhardt, Sabine;Thirolf, Peter;Queirós, Daniel;Sergiadis, George;Dollinger, Günther;Parodi, Katia;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Ionoacoustic tomography of the proton Bragg peak in combination with ultrasound and optoacoustic imaging
Ceeh, Hubert;Weber, Josef Andreas;Böni, Peter;Leitner, Michael;Benea, Diana;Chioncel, Liviu;Ebert, Hubert;Minár, Jan;Vollhardt, Dieter;Hugenschmidt, Christoph; Local electron-electron interaction strength in ferromagnetic nickel determined by spin-polarized positron annihilation
Zantow, Jonas;Just, Sarah;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Kisling, Sigrid;Dübel, Stefan;Lepage, Patricia;Clavel, Thomas;Hust, Michael; Mining gut microbiome oligopeptides by functional metaproteome display
Jung, Bomi;Messias, Ana C.;Schorpp, Kenji;Geerlof, Arie;Schneider, Günter;Saur, Dieter;Hadian, Kamyar;Sattler, Michael;Wanker, Erich E.;Hasenöder, Stefan;Lickert, Heiko; Novel small molecules targeting ciliary transport of Smoothened and oncogenic Hedgehog pathway activation
Fischer, Andreas;Lasser, Tobias;Schrapp, Michael;Stephan, Jürgen;Noël, Peter B.; Object Specific Trajectory Optimization for Industrial X-ray Computed Tomography
Reiner, Markus;Bauer, Andreas;Leitner, Michael;Gigl, Thomas;Anwand, Wolfgang;Butterling, Maik;Wagner, Andreas;Kudejova, Petra;Pfleiderer, Christian;Hugenschmidt, Christoph; Positron spectroscopy of point defects in the skyrmion-lattice compound MnSi
Camilloni, Carlo;Sala, Benedetta Maria;Sormanni, Pietro;Porcari, Riccardo;Corazza, Alessandra;De Rosa, Matteo;Zanini, Stefano;Barbiroli, Alberto;Esposito, Gennaro;Bolognesi, Martino;Bellotti, Vittorio;Vendruscolo, Michele;Ricagno, Stefano; Rational design of mutations that change the aggregation rate of a protein while maintaining its native structure and stability
Kolb, Christof;Sturmer, Marcio;Babuty, Dominique;Sick, Peter;Davy, Jean Marc;Molon, Giulio;Schwab, Jörg Otto;Mantovani, Giuseppe;Wickliffe, Andrew;Lennerz, Carsten;Semmler, Verena;Siot, Pierre-Henri;Reif , Sebastian; Relation between detection rate and inappropriate shocks in single versus dual chamber cardioverter-defibrillator – an analysis from the OPTION trial
Enthart, Andreas;Klein, Christian;Dehner, Alexander;Coles, Murray;Gemmecker, Gerd;Kessler, Horst;Hagn, Franz; Solution structure and binding specificity of the p63 DNA binding domain
Jiang, Yifan;Vijayraghavan, Karun;Jung, Seungyong;Jiang, Aiting;Kim, Jae Hyun;Demmerle, Frederic;Boehm, Gerhard;Amann, Markus C.;Belkin, Mikhail A.; Spectroscopic Study of Terahertz Generation in Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers
Kaniber, M.;Schraml, K.;Regler, A.;Bartl, J.;Glashagen, G.;Flassig, F.;Wierzbowski, J.;Finley, J. J.; Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy of single bowtie nano-antennas using a differential reflectivity method
Beil-Wagner, Jane;Dössinger, Georg;Schober, Kilian;vom Berg, Johannes;Tresch, Achim;Grandl, Martina;Palle, Pushpalatha;Mair, Florian;Gerhard, Markus;Becher, Burkhard;Busch, Dirk H.;Buch, Thorsten; T cell-specific inactivation of mouse CD2 by CRISPR/Cas9
Wildgruber, Moritz;Aschenbrenner, Teresa;Wendorff, Heiko;Czubba, Maria;Glinzer, Almut;Haller, Bernhard;Schiemann, Matthias;Zimmermann, Alexander;Berger, Hermann;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Meier, Reinhard;Wohlgemuth, Walter A.;Libby, Peter;Zernecke, Alma; The “Intermediate” CD14++CD16+ monocyte subset increases in severe peripheral artery disease in humans
Pan, Fei;Zhang, Jian;Chen, Hao-Long;Su, Yen-Hsun;Su, Yen-Hao;Hwang, Weng-Sing; Thermodynamic Calculation among Cerium, Oxygen, and Sulfur in Liquid Iron
Brenneis, Andreas;Schade, Felix;Drieschner, Simon;Heimbach, Florian;Karl, Helmut;Garrido, Jose A.;Holleitner, Alexander W.; THz-circuits driven by photo-thermoelectric, gate-tunable graphene-junctions
Prade, Friedrich;Fischer, Kai;Heinz, Detlef;Meyer, Pascal;Mohr, Jürgen;Pfeiffer, Franz; Time resolved X-ray Dark-Field Tomography Revealing Water Transport in a Fresh Cement Sample
Chhaya, Mohit P.;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.;Hutmacher, Dietmar W.;Schantz, Jan-Thorsten; Transformation of Breast Reconstruction via Additive Biomanufacturing
Su, Yi-Huang; Visual tuning and metrical perception of realistic point-light dance movements
Shevtsov, M. A.;Parr, M. A.;Ryzhov, V. A.;Zemtsova, E. G.;Arbenin, A. Yu;Ponomareva, A. N.;Smirnov, V. M.;Multhoff, G.; Zero-valent Fe confined mesoporous silica nanocarriers (Fe(0) @ MCM-41) for targeting experimental orthotopic glioma in rats
Poschenrieder, Werner;Rais, Andreas;van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem G.;Pretzsch, Hans; Modelling sawn timber volume and strength development at the individual tree level – essential model features by the example of Douglas fir
Lohaus, Raphaela;Michel, Jonathan;Mayer, Katharina;Lahmann, Anna Lena;Byrne, Robert A.;Wolk, Annabelle;ten Berg, Jurrien M.;Neumann, Franz-Josef;Han, Yaling;Adriaenssens, Tom;Tölg, Ralph;Seyfarth, Melchior;Maeng, Michael;Zrenner, Bernhard;Jacobshagen, Claudius;Wöhrle, Jochen;Kufner, Sebastian;Morath, Tanja;Ibrahim, Tareq;Bernlochner, Isabell;Fischer, Marcus;Schunkert, Heribert;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Mehilli, Julinda;Kastrati, Adnan;Schulz-Schüpke, Stefanie; Six Versus Twelve Months Clopidogrel Therapy After Drug-Eluting Stenting in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome: An ISAR-SAFE Study Subgroup Analysis
Wang, Xianming;Chen, Shen;Burtscher, Ingo;Sterr, Michael;Hieronimus, Anja;Machicao, Fausto;Staiger, Harald;Häring, Hans-Ulrich;Lederer, Gabriele;Meitinger, Thomas;Lickert, Heiko; Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from a patient carrying a P33T mutation in the PDX1 gene
Wang, Xianming;Chen, Shen;Burtscher, Ingo;Sterr, Michael;Hieronimus, Anja;Machicao, Fausto;Staiger, Harald;Häring, Hans-Ulrich;Lederer, Gabriele;Meitinger, Thomas;Lickert, Heiko; Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from a patient with family history of diabetes carrying a C18R mutation in the PDX1 gene
Reichert, Maximilian;Blume, Karin;Kleger, Alexander;Hartmann, Daniel;von Figura, Guido; Developmental Pathways Direct Pancreatic Cancer Initiation from Its Cellular Origin
Pastuła, Agnieszka;Middelhoff, Moritz;Brandtner, Anna;Tobiasch, Moritz;Höhl, Bettina;Nuber, Andreas H.;Demir, Ihsan Ekin;Neupert, Steffi;Kollmann, Patrick;Mazzuoli-Weber, Gemma;Quante, Michael; Three-Dimensional Gastrointestinal Organoid Culture in Combination with Nerves or Fibroblasts: A Method to Characterize the Gastrointestinal Stem Cell Niche
Lapa, Constantin;Lückerath, Katharina;Kleinlein, Irene;Monoranu, Camelia Maria;Linsenmann, Thomas;Kessler, Almuth F.;Rudelius, Martina;Kropf, Saskia;Buck, Andreas K.;Ernestus, Ralf-Ingo;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Löhr, Mario;Herrmann, Ken; 68Ga-Pentixafor-PET/CT for Imaging of Chemokine Receptor 4 Expression in Glioblastoma
Zwickel, Theresa;Kahl, Sandra;Klaffke, Horst;Rychlik, Michael;Müller, Marina; Spotlight on the Underdogs—An Analysis of Underrepresented Alternaria Mycotoxins Formed Depending on Varying Substrate, Time and Temperature Conditions
Reess, T J;Rus, O G;Schmidt, R;de Reus, M A;Zaudig, M;Wagner, G;Zimmer, C;van den Heuvel, M P;Koch, K; Connectomics-based structural network alterations in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Karatsoli, Maria;Margreiter, Martin;Spangler, Matthias; Simulation based Performance Test of Incident Detection Algorithms Using Bluetooth Measurements
Pflügler, Christoph;Schreieck, Maximilian;Hernandez, Gabriel;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; A Concept for the Architecture of an Open Platform for Modular Mobility Services in the Smart City
Biedermann, Daniel H.;Torchiani, Carolin;Kielar, Peter M.;Willems, David;Handel, Oliver;Ruzika, Stefan;Borrmann, André; A Hybrid and Multiscale Approach to Model and Simulate Mobility in the Context of Public Events
Schreieck, Maximilian;Safetli, Hazem;Siddiqui, Sajjad Ali;Pflügler, Christoph;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; A Matching Algorithm for Dynamic Ridesharing
So, Jaehyun;Hoffmann, Silja;Lee, Joyoung;Busch, Fritz;Choi, Keechoo; A Prediction Accuracy-Practicality Tradeoff Analysis of the State-of-the-art Safety Performance Assessment Methods
Margreiter, Martin; Automatic Incident Detection Based on Bluetooth Detection in Northern Bavaria
Riggins, Gary;Bertini, Robert;Ackaah, Williams;Margreiter, Martin; Evaluation of Driver Compliance to Displayed Variable Advisory Speed Limit Systems: Comparison between Germany and the U.S.
Betz, Johannes;Werner, Dominick;Lienkamp, Markus; Fleet Disposition Modeling to Maximize Utilization of Battery Electric Vehicles in Companies with On-Site Energy Generation
Pessel, Senta;Mensinger, Martin; Fracture Mechanics Based Approach to the Significance of Certain Loads on the Service Life of Rails
Kinigadner, Julia;Wenner, Fabian;Bentlage, Michael;Klug, Stefan;Wulfhorst, Gebhard;Thierstein, Alain; Future Perspectives for the Munich Metropolitan Region – an Integrated Mobility Approach
Moeckel, Rolf;Nagel, Kai; Maintaining Mobility in Substantial Urban Growth Futures
Moreno, Ana Tsui;Llorca, Carlos;Garcia, Alfredo; Operational Impact of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment of Two-Lane Highways
Motamedidehkordi, Nassim;Margreiter, Martin;Benz, Thomas; Shockwave Suppression by Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Haug, Andrea;Grosanic, Slavica; Usage of Road Weather Sensors for Automatic Traffic Control on Motorways
Haas, Sylvia;Holberg, Gerlind;Kreutz, Reinhold;Lassen, Michael Rud;Mantovani, Lorenzo;Haupt, Verena;Vogtländer, Kai;Turpie, Alexander; The effects of timing of prophylaxis, type of anesthesia, and use of mechanical methods on outcome in major orthopedic surgery - subgroup analyses from 17,701 patients in the XAMOS study
Huber, Maximilian;Badenberg, Sophia;Wulff, Moritz;Drewes, Jörg;Helmreich, Brigitte; Evaluation of Factors Influencing Lab-Scale Studies to Determine Heavy Metal Removal by Six Sorbents for Stormwater Treatment
Hammerstingl, Veit; Zimmermann, Patrick; Reinhart, Gunther; Automatisierte Konfiguration und Selbstauskunft von Industrierobotern – Intelligente Vernetzung mittels ROS und OPC UA
Baum, T; Use of MR-based trabecular bone microstructure analysis at the distal radius for osteoporosis diagnostics: a study in post-menopausal women with breast cancer and treated with aromatase inhibitor
Hamiaz, Adnane;Mehrenberger, Michel;Sellama, Hocine;Sonnendrücker, Eric; The semi-Lagrangian method on curvilinear grids
Frimberger, Eckart;Abdelhafez, Mohamed;Schmid, Roland;von Delius, Stefan; A novel mechanical simulator for cannulation and sphincterotomy after Billroth II or Roux-en-Y reconstruction
Dörnhöfer, Martin;Schröder, Falk;Günthner, Willibald A.; Logistics performance measurement system for the automotive industry
Holzapfel, Christina;Merl, Melissa;Stecher, Lynne;Hauner, Hans; One-Year Weight Loss with a Telephone-Based Lifestyle Program
El-Nahal, Fady; Bidirectional OFDM-WDM-PON System Employing 16-QAM Intensity Modulated OFDM Downstream and OOK Modulated Upstream
Hollerieth, Katharina;Gaßmann, Bernhard;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Moog, Philipp;Vo-Cong, Minh-Truc;Heemann, Uwe;Stock, Konrad Friedrich; Preclinical evaluation of acoustic radiation force impulse measurements in regions of heterogeneous elasticity
Brandl, S., Falk, W., Mette, T., Rötzer, T., Pretzsch, H.; Standortsensitive Modellierung der Produktivität.
Pretzsch, H.; Ertragstafel-Korrekturfaktoren für Umwelt- und Mischungseffekte.
Pretzsch, H.; Effekt der Mischung auf die Bestandesstruktur, die Dichte und das Ertragsniveau von Waldbeständen.
Pretzsch, H., Schütze, G., Biber, P.; Zum Einfluss der Baumartenmischung auf die Ertragskomponenten von Waldbeständen
Ertl, Rainer;Willibald A., Günthner; Meta-model for calculating the mean energy demand of automated storage and retrieval systems
Staab, Tobias;Günthner, Willibald A.; Layoutgenerierung und Geometrieberechnung für die systematische Planung manuell bedienter Lagersysteme
Galka, Stefan;Günthner, Willlibald A.; Einfluss von Artikeleigenschaften auf die Entnahmezeit in Kommissioniersystemen
Freis, Julia;Günthner, Willibald A.; Systemische Betrachtung der Zusammenhänge und Auswirkungen von Planungsalternativen auf die Gesamtenergiebilanz von Logistikzentren
Wenzler, Florian;Günthner, Willlibald A.; Multi-Agenten-System zur Terminplanoptimierung im Bauwesen mit gemeinsam genutzten Ressourcen
Gruber, Lutz;West, Mike; GPU-Accelerated Bayesian Learning and Forecasting in Simultaneous Graphical Dynamic Linear Models
Erlmeier, F.;Seitz, A.K.;Hatzichristodoulou, G.;Stecher, L.;Retz, M.;Gschwend, J.E.;Weichert, W.;Kübler, H.R.;Horn, T.; The Role of PD-L1 Expression and Intratumoral Lymphocytes in Response to Perioperative Chemotherapy for Urothelial Carcinoma
Deimel, Peter S.;Bababrik, Reda M.;Wang, Bin;Blowey, Phil J.;Rochford, Luke A.;Thakur, Pardeep K.;Lee, Tien-Lin;Bocquet, Marie-Laure;Barth, Johannes V.;Woodruff, D. Phil;Duncan, David A.;Allegretti, Francesco; Direct quantitative identification of the “surface trans-effect”
Freitag, Kerstin;Molon, Mariusz;Jerabek, Paul;Dilchert, Katharina;Rösler, Christoph;Seidel, Rüdiger W.;Gemel, Christian;Frenking, Gernot;Fischer, Roland A.; Zn⋯Zn interactions at nickel and palladium centers
Beitzel, K;Reuter, S;Imhoff, AB;Braun, S; Athlete's Shoulder: 5 Keys for Successful Treatment
Moldovan, Christian;Sieber, Christian;Heegaard, Poul;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Hoßfeld, Tobias; YouTube Can Do Better: Getting the Most Out of Video Adaptation
Sieber, Christian; Heegaard, Poul; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Sacrificing Efficiency for Quality of Experience: YouTube’s Redundant Traffic Behavior
Sieber, Christian;Blenk, Andreas;Basta, Arsany;Kellerer, Wolfgang; hvbench: An open and scalable SDN network hypervisor benchmark
Sieber, Christian;Basta, Arsany;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Online resource mapping for SDN network hypervisors using machine learning
Sieber, Christian;Blenk, Andreas;Basta, Arsany;Hock, David;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards a programmable management plane for SDN and legacy networks
Nitsche, Ulrich;Stögbauer, Fabian;Späth, Christoph;Haller, Bernhard;Wilhelm, Dirk;Friess, Helmut;Bader, Franz G.; Right Sided Colon Cancer as a Distinct Histopathological Subtype with Reduced Prognosis
Gulati, Dhiraj;Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Vehicle infrastructure cooperative localization using Factor Graphs
Feiten, Wendelin;Bagüés, Susana Alcalde;Fiegert, Michael;Zhang, Feihu;Gulati, Dhiraj;Tiedemann, Tim; A new concept for a cooperative fusion platform
Zhang, Feihu;Malovetz, Daniel;Gulati, Dhiraj;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Joint bias estimation and localization in factor graph
Ter Wal, Anne L.J.;Alexy, Oliver;Block, Jörn;Sandner, Philipp G.; The Best of Both Worlds
Wang, Bing;Hu, Xiangyu;Li, Xinliang;Wang, Qiang; Numerical study on super/hypersonic flow, mixing, and combustion phenomena, 2015
Seifert, Christian L;Schönbach, Etienne M;Zimmer, Claus;Förschler, Annette;Tölle, Thomas R;Feurer, Regina;Gempt, Jens;Papadopoulou, Athina;Magon, Stefano;Sprenger, Till;Poppert, Holger; Association of clinical headache features with stroke location: An MRI voxel-based symptom lesion mapping study
Gloeckl, Rainer;Teschler, Sebastian;Jarosch, Inga;Christle, Jeffrey W;Hitzl, Wolfgang;Kenn, Klaus; Comparison of two- and six-minute walk tests in detecting oxygen desaturation in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — A randomized crossover trial
Agthe, Maria;Strobel, Maria;Spörrle, Matthias;Pfundmair, Michaela;Maner, Jon K.; On the Borders of Harmful and Helpful Beauty Biases
Haslbeck, Andreas;Hoermann, Hans-Juergen; Flying the Needles
Gold, Christian;Körber, Moritz;Lechner, David;Bengler, Klaus; Taking Over Control From Highly Automated Vehicles in Complex Traffic Situations
Schulze, Moritz;Schmid, Martin;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Influence of atomization quality modulation on flame dynamics in a hypergolic rocket engine
Müller, Roel AJ;Hermann, Jakob;Polifke, Wolfgang; Control authority over a combustion instability investigated in CFD
Achury, Javier;Polifke, Wolfgang; Theoretical investigation of the particle response to an acoustic field
Stoeckelhuber, Mechthild;Loeffelbein, Denys J.;Olzowy, Bernhard;Schmitz, Christoph;Koerdt, Steffen;Kesting, Marco R.; Labial Salivary Glands in Infants
Körber, Moritz;Radlmayr, Jonas;Bengler, Klaus; Bayesian Highest Density Intervals of Take-Over Times for Highly Automated Driving in Different Traffic Densities
Knott, Verena C.;Wiest, Alexander;Bengler, Klaus; Repetitive Lifting Tasks in Logistics – Effects on Humans at Different Lifting Task Durations
Feldhütter, Anna;Gold, Christian;Hüger, Adrian;Bengler, Klaus; Trust in Automation as a Matter of Media Influence and Experi-ence of Automated Vehicles
Si, Liang;Baier, Horst; An in situ ensemble impact monitoring and identification technique for fiber composite structures under multiple disturbances
Teuschl, Andreas;Heimel, Patrick;Nürnberger, Silvia;van Griensven, Martijn;Redl, Heinz;Nau, Thomas; A Novel Silk Fiber–Based Scaffold for Regeneration of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Moroder, Philipp;Tauber, Mark;Scheibel, Markus;Habermeyer, Peter;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Liem, Dennis;Lill, Helmut;Buchmann, Stefan;Wolke, Julia;Guevara-Alvarez, Alberto;Salmoukas, Katharina;Resch, Herbert; Defect Characteristics of Reverse Hill-Sachs Lesions
Kronbichler, M.;Diagne, A.;Holmgren, H.; A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation
Schmidt, A;Bloechinger, M;Weber, A;Siveke, J;von Delius, S;Prinz, C;Schmitt, W;Schmid, RM;Neu, B; Short-term effects and adverse events of endoscopically applied radiofrequency ablation appear to be comparable with photodynamic therapy in hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Kling, Maximilian;Seyring, Nicole;Tzanova, Polia; Assessment of economic instruments for countries with low municipal waste management performance: An approach based on the analytic hierarchy process
Hata, K.; Fukuda, K.; Masuzaki, S.; Mechanism of critical heat flux during flow boiling of subcooled water in a circular tube at high liquid Reynolds number
Eling, Rob; te Wierik, Mathys; van Ostayen, Ron; Rixen, Daniel; Towards Accurate Prediction of Unbalance Response, Oil Whirl and Oil Whip of Flexible Rotors Supported by Hydrodynamic Bearings
Everdij, Frank P.X.; Lloberas-Valls, Oriol; Simone, Angelo; Rixen, Daniel J.; Sluys, Lambertus J.; Frank P.X. Everdij, Oriol Lloberas-Valls, Angelo Simone, Daniel J. Rixen, and Lambertus J. Sluys
Will, Felix; Tay, Gilbert; Becker, Axel; Carnelly, Daniel; Eychenne, Frédérich; Hornung, Mirko; Green Airlines 2025: Environment and Sustainability in Commercial Aviation – A Scenario Study
Heinemann, Philipp; Schmidt, Michael; Will, Felix; Shamiyeh, Michael; Jeßberger, Christoph; Hornung, Mirko; Conceptual Studies of a Transport Aircraft Operating out of Inner-City Airports
Heinemann, Philipp; Schmidt, Michael; Jeßberger, Christoph; Will, Felix; Kaiser, Sascha; Hornung, Mirko; Sizing and Performance Implications of a Regional Aircraft For Inner-City-Airport Operations
Schneider, Antonius;Donnachie, Ewan;Tauscher, Martin;Gerlach, Roman;Maier, Werner;Mielck, Andreas;Linde, Klaus;Mehring, Michael; Costs of coordinated versus uncoordinated care in Germany: results of a routine data analysis in Bavaria
Raab, Jennifer;Haupt, Florian;Scholz, Marlon;Matzke, Claudia;Warncke, Katharina;Lange, Karin;Assfalg, Robin;Weininger, Katharina;Wittich, Susanne;Löbner, Stephanie;Beyerlein, Andreas;Nennstiel-Ratzel, Uta;Lang, Martin;Laub, Otto;Dunstheimer, Desiree;Bonifacio, Ezio;Achenbach, Peter;Winkler, Christiane;Ziegler, Anette-G; Capillary blood islet autoantibody screening for identifying pre-type 1 diabetes in the general population: design and initial results of the Fr1da study
Furukawa, Toshi A;Salanti, Georgia;Atkinson, Lauren Z;Leucht, Stefan;Ruhe, Henricus G;Turner, Erick H;Chaimani, Anna;Ogawa, Yusuke;Takeshima, Nozomi;Hayasaka, Yu;Imai, Hissei;Shinohara, Kiyomi;Suganuma, Aya;Watanabe, Norio;Stockton, Sarah;Geddes, John R;Cipriani, Andrea; Comparative efficacy and acceptability of first-generation and second-generation antidepressants in the acute treatment of major depression: protocol for a network meta-analysis
Brinker, Titus J;Holzapfel, Julia;Baudson, Tanja G;Sies, Katharina;Jakob, Lena;Baumert, Hannah Maria;Heckl, Marlene;Cirac, Ana;Suhre, Janina L;Mathes, Verena;Fries, Fabian N;Spielmann, Hannah;Rigotti, Nancy;Seeger, Werner;Herth, Felix;Groneberg, David A;Raupach, Tobias;Gall, Henning;Bauer, Claudia;Marek, Pat;Batra, Anil;Harrison, Chase H;Taha, Lava;Owczarek, Andreas;Hofmann, Felix J;Thomas, Roger;Mons, Ute;Kreuter, Michael; Photoaging smartphone app promoting poster campaign to reduce smoking prevalence in secondary schools: the Smokerface Randomized Trial: design and baseline characteristics
Koch, Johannes;Feichtinger, René G;Freisinger, Peter;Pies, Mechthild;Schrödl, Falk;Iuso, Arcangela;Sperl, Wolfgang;Mayr, Johannes A;Prokisch, Holger;Haack, Tobias B; Disturbed mitochondrial and peroxisomal dynamics due to loss of MFF causes Leigh-like encephalopathy, optic atrophy and peripheral neuropathy
Easton, Douglas F;Lesueur, Fabienne;Decker, Brennan;Michailidou, Kyriaki;Li, Jun;Allen, Jamie;Luccarini, Craig;Pooley, Karen A;Shah, Mitul;Bolla, Manjeet K;Wang, Qin;Dennis, Joe;Ahmad, Jamil;Thompson, Ella R;Damiola, Francesca;Pertesi, Maroulio;Voegele, Catherine;Mebirouk, Noura;Robinot, Nivonirina;Durand, Geoffroy;Forey, Nathalie;Luben, Robert N;Ahmed, Shahana;Aittomäki, Kristiina;Anton-Culver, Hoda;Arndt, Volker;Baynes, Caroline;Beckman, Matthias W;Benitez, Javier;Van Den Berg, David;Blot, William J;Bogdanova, Natalia V;Bojesen, Stig E;Brenner, Hermann;Chang-Claude, Jenny;Chia, Kee Seng;Choi, Ji-Yeob;Conroy, Don M;Cox, Angela;Cross, Simon S;Czene, Kamila;Darabi, Hatef;Devilee, Peter;Eriksson, Mikael;Fasching, Peter A;Figueroa, Jonine;Flyger, Henrik;Fostira, Florentia;García-Closas, Montserrat;Giles, Graham G;Glendon, Gord;González-Neira, Anna;Guénel, Pascal;Haiman, Christopher A;Hall, Per;Hart, Steven N;Hartman, Mikael;Hooning, Maartje J;Hsiung, Chia-Ni;Ito, Hidemi;Jakubowska, Anna;James, Paul A;John, Esther M;Johnson, Nichola;Jones, Michael;Kabisch, Maria;Kang, Daehee;Kosma, Veli-Matti;Kristensen, Vessela;Lambrechts, Diether;Li, Na;Lindblom, Annika;Long, Jirong;Lophatananon, Artitaya;Lubinski, Jan;Mannermaa, Arto;Manoukian, Siranoush;Margolin, Sara;Matsuo, Keitaro;Meindl, Alfons;Mitchell, Gillian;Muir, Kenneth;Nevelsteen, Ines;van den Ouweland, Ans;Peterlongo, Paolo;Phuah, Sze Yee;Pylkäs, Katri;Rowley, Simone M;Sangrajrang, Suleeporn;Schmutzler, Rita K;Shen, Chen-Yang;Shu, Xiao-Ou;Southey, Melissa C;Surowy, Harald;Swerdlow, Anthony;Teo, Soo H;Tollenaar, Rob A E M;Tomlinson, Ian;Torres, Diana;Truong, Thérèse;Vachon, Celine;Verhoef, Senno;Wong-Brown, Michelle;Zheng, Wei;Zheng, Ying;Nevanlinna, Heli;Scott, Rodney J;Andrulis, Irene L;Wu, Anna H;Hopper, John L;Couch, Fergus J;Winqvist, Robert;Burwinkel, Barbara;Sawyer, Elinor J;Schmidt, Marjanka K;Rudolph, Anja;Dörk, Thilo;Brauch, Hiltrud;Hamann, Ute;Neuhausen, Susan L;Milne, Roger L;Fletcher, Olivia;Pharoah, Paul D P;Campbell, Ian G;Dunning, Alison M;Le Calvez-Kelm, Florence;Goldgar, David E;Tavtigian, Sean V;Chenevix-Trench, Georgia;;;;; No evidence that protein truncating variants inBRIP1are associated with breast cancer risk: implications for gene panel testing
S. Music; S. Hirche; Classification of Human-Robot Team Interaction Paradigms
Keler, Andreas;Mazimpaka, Jean Damascene; Safety-aware routing for motorised tourists based on open data and VGI
Kirwan, Laura;Walsh, Marianne C.;Celis-Morales, Carlos;Marsaux, Cyril F. M.;Livingstone, Katherine M.;Navas-Carretero, Santiago;Fallaize, Rosalind;O’Donovan, Clare B.;Woolhead, Clara;Forster, Hannah;Kolossa, Silvia;Daniel, Hannelore;Moschonis, George;Manios, Yannis;Surwillo, Agnieszka;Godlewska, Magdalena;Traczyk, Iwona;Drevon, Christian A.;Gibney, Mike J.;Lovegrove, Julie A.;Martinez, J. Alfredo;Saris, Wim H. M.;Mathers, John C.;Gibney, Eileen R.;Brennan, Lorraine; Phenotypic factors influencing the variation in response of circulating cholesterol level to personalised dietary advice in the Food4Me study
Brugger, Daniel;Windisch, Wilhelm M.; Subclinical zinc deficiency impairs pancreatic digestive enzyme activity and digestive capacity of weaned piglets
Kormann, Katharina; A Time-Space Adaptive Method for the Schrödinger Equation
Mendl, Christian B.; Efficient Algorithm for Many-Electron Angular Momentum and Spin Diagonalization on Atomic Subshells
Kurz, Alexander;Bakker, Christian;Böhm, Markus;Diehl-Schmid, Janine;Dubois, Bruno;Ferreira, Catarina;Gage, Heather;Graff, Caroline;Hergueta, Thierry;Jansen, Sabine;Jones, Bridget;Komar, Alexander;de Mendonça, Alexandre;Metcalfe, Anna;Milecka, Katrina;Millenaar, Joany;Orrung Wallin, Anneli;Oyebode, Jan;Schneider-Schelte, Helga;Saxl, Susanna;de Vugt, Marjolein; RHAPSODY – Internet-based support for caregivers of people with young onset dementia: program design and methods of a pilot study
SCHRAML, M.;GUTSER, R.;MAIER, H.;SCHMIDHALTER, U.; Ammonia loss from urea in grassland and its mitigation by the new urease inhibitor 2-NPT
Deijfen, Maria;Gantert, Nina; Routeing on trees
BLUM, MATTHIAS;STREBEL, MATTHIAS; Max Weber and the First World War: Protestant and Catholic living standards in Germany, 1915–1919
Teipel, Stefan;Grothe, Michel J.;Zhou, Juan;Sepulcre, Jorge;Dyrba, Martin;Sorg, Christian;Babiloni, Claudio; Measuring Cortical Connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease as a Brain Neural Network Pathology: Toward Clinical Applications
Allendorf, Mark D.;Medishetty, Raghavender;Fischer, Roland A.; Guest molecules as a design element for metal–organic frameworks
Egger, N.;Wild, B.;Zipfel, S.;Junne, F.;Konnopka, A.;Schmidt, U.;de Zwaan, M.;Herpertz, S.;Zeeck, A.;Löwe, B.;von Wietersheim, J.;Tagay, S.;Burgmer, M.;Dinkel, A.;Herzog, W.;König, H.-H.; Cost-effectiveness of focal psychodynamic therapy and enhanced cognitive–behavioural therapy in out-patients with anorexia nervosa
Livingstone, Katherine M;Celis-Morales, Carlos;Lara, Jose;Woolhead, Clara;O’Donovan, Clare B;Forster, Hannah;Marsaux, Cyril FM;Macready, Anna L;Fallaize, Rosalind;Navas-Carretero, Santiago;San-Cristobal, Rodrigo;Kolossa, Silvia;Tsirigoti, Lydia;Lambrinou, Christina P;Moschonis, George;Surwiłło, Agnieszka;Drevon, Christian A;Manios, Yannis;Traczyk, Iwona;Gibney, Eileen R;Brennan, Lorraine;Walsh, Marianne C;Lovegrove, Julie A;Martinez, J Alfredo;Saris, Wim HM;Daniel, Hannelore;Gibney, Mike;Mathers, John C; Clustering of adherence to personalised dietary recommendations and changes in healthy eating index within the Food4Me study
Abhinav Sunderrajan, Vaisagh Vishwanathan, Wentong Cai, and Alois Knoll; Traffic state estimation using floating car data
A Böhmer, C Richter, R Hostettler, P Schneider, I Plum, D Böhler, U Lindemann, J Conradt, A Knoll, et al.; Think. make. start.-an agile framework
Han, D.; El-Guindy, A. ; Althoff, M.; Power Systems Transient Stability Analysis via Optimal Rational {L}yapunov Functions
Park, Sangyoung;Zhang, Licong;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Design Space Exploration of Drone Infrastructure for Large-Scale Delivery Services
Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Pengcheng Huang, Lothar Thiele, and Alois Knoll; On-the-fly fast overrun budgeting for mixed-criticality systems
Daniel Clarke, Daniel Andre, and Feihu Zhang; Synthetic aperture radar for lane boundary detection in driver assistance systems
Alexander Diewald, Sebastian Voss, and Simon Barner; A lightweight design space exploration and optimization language
Feihu Zhang and Alois Knoll; Vehicle detection based on probability hypothesis density filter
H. Roehm, J. Oehlerking, T. Heinz, and M. Althoff; STL model checking of continuous and hybrid systems
Jordan Ivanchev, Daniel Zehe, Vaisagh Viswanathan, Suraj Nair, and Alois Knoll; Bisos: Backwards incremental system optimum search algorithm for fast socially optimal traffic assignment
Y. Ren, Y. Liu, M. Jin, H. Liu; Biomimetic object impedance control for dual-arm cooperative 7-DOF manipulators
Moreno, Ana Tsui.; Moeckel,Rolf; Microscopic Destination Choice: Incorporating Travel Time Budgets as Constraints
Hellinckx, Jessica;Fuchs, Thilo M.; Hysteresis inmyo-inositol utilization bySalmonellaTyphimurium
Scherer, Pia I.;Raeder, Uta;Geist, Juergen;Zwirglmaier, Katrin; Influence of temperature, mixing, and addition of microcystin-LR on microcystin gene expression inMicrocystis aeruginosa
Thyagaturu, Akhilesh;Mercian, Anu;McGarry, Michael P.;Reisslein, Martin;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Software Defined Optical Networks (SDONs): A Comprehensive Survey
Kunkowski, Tim; Wasser in der afrikanischen Entwicklungspolitik
Ge, X.; Non-rigid registration of 3D point clouds under isometric deformation
Omar, Murad;Rebling, Johannes;Wicker, Kai;Schmitt-Manderbach, Tobias;Schwarz, Mathias;Gateau, Jérôme;López-Schier, Hérnan;Mappes, Timo;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Optical imaging of post-embryonic zebrafish using multi orientation raster scan optoacoustic mesoscopy
Pigoni, Martina;Gunnersen, Jenny M.;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Seizure-6 proteins highlight BACE1 functions in neurobiology
Moon, Jisook;Schwarz, Sigrid C.;Lee, Hyun-Seob;Kang, Jun Mo;Lee, Young-Eun;Kim, Bona;Sung, Mi-Young;Höglinger, Günter;Wegner, Florian;Kim, Jin Su;Chung, Hyung-Min;Chang, Sung Woon;Cha, Kwang Yul;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Schwarz, Johannes; Preclinical Analysis of Fetal Human Mesencephalic Neural Progenitor Cell Lines: Characterization and Safety In Vitro and In Vivo
Kiechle, Marion;Neuenfeldt, Miriam; Experience with oral emergency contraception since the OTC switch in Germany
Zyskowski, M.;Crönlein, M.;Heidt, E.;Biberthaler, P.;Kirchhoff, C.; Osteosynthese einer distalen Fibulafraktur mithilfe von IlluminOss
Vogel, Freydis;Wecker, Christof;Kollar, Ingo;Fischer, Frank; Socio-Cognitive Scaffolding with Computer-Supported Collaboration Scripts: a Meta-Analysis
Chen, Zhifen;Xian, Wenying;Bellin, Milena;Dorn, Tatjana;Tian, Qinghai;Goedel, Alexander;Dreizehnter, Lisa;Schneider, Christine M.;Ward-van Oostwaard, Dorien;Ng, Judy King Man;Hinkel, Rabea;Pane, Luna Simona;Mummery, Christine L.;Lipp, Peter;Moretti, Alessandra;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Sinnecker, Daniel; Subtype-specific promoter-driven action potential imaging for precise disease modelling and drug testing in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes
Metzger, C. M. H.;Heinichen, J.;Eickenscheidt, T.;Drösler, M.; Impact of land-use intensity on the relationships between vegetation indices, photosynthesis and biomass of intensively and extensively managed grassland fens
Lee, Thomas;Clavel, Thomas;Smirnov, Kirill;Schmidt, Annemarie;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Walker, Alesia;Lucio, Marianna;Michalke, Bernhard;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Fedorak, Richard;Haller, Dirk; Oral versus intravenous iron replacement therapy distinctly alters the gut microbiota and metabolome in patients with IBD
Menzel, A.;Matiu, M.;Michaelis, R.;Jochner, S.; Indoor birch pollen concentrations differ with ventilation scheme, room location, and meteorological factors
Kneissl, Julia;Hartmann, Anja;Pfarr, Nicole;Erlmeier, Franziska;Lorber, Thomas;Keller, Simone;Zwingenberger, Gwen;Weichert, Wilko;Luber, Birgit; Influence of the HER receptor ligand system on sensitivity to cetuximab and trastuzumab in gastric cancer cell lines
Gong, Xiao Ying;Schäufele, Rudi;Schnyder, Hans; Bundle-sheath leakiness and intrinsic water use efficiency of a perennial C4grass are increased at high vapour pressure deficit during growth
Prothmann, Sascha;Schwaiger, Benedikt J;Gersing, Alexandra S;Reith, Wolfgang;Niederstadt, Thomas;Felber, Alexandra;Kurre, Wiebke; Acute Recanalization of Thrombo-Embolic Ischemic Stroke with pREset (ARTESp): the impact of occlusion time on clinical outcome of directly admitted and transferred patients
Schatz, Markus E.;Hermanutz, Andreas;Baier, Horst J.; Multi-criteria optimization of an aircraft propeller considering manufacturing
Haage, Mathias; Profanter, Stefan; Kessler, Ingmar; Perzylo, Alexander; Somani, Nikhil; Sörnmo, Olof; Karlsson, Martin; Robertz, Sven Gestegård; Nilsson, Klas; Resch, Ludovic; Marti, Michael; On cognitive robot woodworking in SMErobotics
Hamann, R.; Kähler, N.; Straub, D.; Kim, H.J.; Ventikos, N.; Sotiralis P.; Valkonen, J.; Generic risk models for ship inspection based on readily available information
Kim H., Straub D.; Quantifying the effect of inspections in ships considering the spatial variability of corrosion
Straub D., Špačková O.; Optimizing adaptable systems for future uncertainty
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D.; Approaches to Bayesian network structure elicitation
Brandenbourger, Benjamin and Vathoopan, Milan and Zoitl, Alois; Engineering of Automation Systems using a Metamodel implemented in AutomationML
Brandenbourger, Benjamin and Vathoopan, Milan and Zoitl, Alois; Behavior modeling of automation components using cross-domain interdependencies
Vathoopan, Milan and Brandenbourger, Benjamin and Zoitl, Alois; A human in the loop corrective maintenance methodology using cross domain engineering data of mechatronic systems
Patrick Henkel and Houcem Hentati; Reliable RTK Positioning with Tight Coupling of 6 Low-Cost Sensors
Patrick Henkel, Ulrich Mittmann and Michele Iafrancesco; Real-Time Kinematic Positioning with GPS and GLONASS
Treimer, M.; Virtualisierung des Bremsgerauschentwicklungsprozesses zur Sicherstellung einer robusten Anlaufqualitat
T. Soleymani;S. Hirche;J. S. Baras; Maximization of Information in Energy-Limited Directed Communication
Pöppl, Alexander; Bader, Michael; SWE-X10: An Actor-based and Locally Coordinated Solver for the Shallow Water Equations
Tatsumi Ochiai, Tibor Szilvási, Daniel Franz, Elisabeth Irran, Shigeyoshi Inoue; Isolation and Structure of Germylene–Germyliumylidenes stabilized by N-Heterocyclic Imine
Daniel Franz, Lorenz Sirtl, Alexander Pöthig, Shigeyoshi Inoue; Stabilized by N-Heterocyclic Imines as Catalysts for Hydroborations with Pinacolborane
Graff, Lavinia;Harbrecht, Helmut;Zimmermann, Markus; On the computation of solution spaces in high dimensions
Fender, Johannes;Duddeck, Fabian;Zimmermann, Markus; Direct computation of solution spaces
Wimmler, J;Wahle, M;Zimmermann, M;Schramm, D; Optimizing suspension systems for feasibility, performance and cost
Erschen, Stefan; Duddeck, Fabian; Zimmermann, Markus; Optimal decomposition of high dimensional solution spaces for robust design
J Wimmler, M Wahle, M Zimmermann, D Schramm; Optimizing suspension systems for feasibility, performance and cost
Eversmann, Philipp; Schling, Eike; Ihde, André; Louter, Christian; Low-Cost Double Curvature: Geometrical and Structural Potentials of Rectangular, Cold-Bent Glass Construction
Hayat, Rameez; Buss, Martin; Model identification for robot manipulators using regressor-free adaptive control
Cebrucean, D.; Cebrucean, V.; Ionel, I.; Spliethoff, H.; Performance of two iron-based syngas-fueled chemical looping systems for hydrogen and/or electricity generation combined with carbon capture
Kahlert, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Investigation of Different Operation Strategies to Provide Balance Energy With an Industrial Combined Heat and Power Plant Using Dynamic Simulation
Deek, Joanna;Hecht, Fabian;Rossetti, Leone;Wißmiller, Katharina;Bausch, Andreas R.; Mechanics of soft epithelial keratin networks depend on modular filament assembly kinetics
Janowski, Robert;Scanu, Sandra;Niessing, Dierk;Madl, Tobias; Crystal and solution structural studies of mouse phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase 4
Göbl, Christoph;Resch, Moritz;Strickland, Madeleine;Hartlmüller, Christoph;Viertler, Martin;Tjandra, Nico;Madl, Tobias; Increasing the Chemical-Shift Dispersion of Unstructured Proteins with a Covalent Lanthanide Shift Reagent
Hartlmüller, Christoph;Göbl, Christoph;Madl, Tobias; Prediction of Protein Structure Using Surface Accessibility Data
Sagredo, Sandra;Pirzer, Tobias;Aghebat Rafat, Ali;Goetzfried, Marisa A.;Moncalian, Gabriel;Simmel, Friedrich C.;de la Cruz, Fernando; Orthogonal Protein Assembly on DNA Nanostructures Using Relaxases
Marchetti, Barbara;Karsili, Tolga N. V.; An exploration of the reactivity of singlet oxygen with biomolecular constituents
Diller, Katharina;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Klappenberger, Florian;Allegretti, Francesco;Barth, Johannes V.;Auwärter, Willi; In vacuo interfacial tetrapyrrole metallation
Krumsiek, Jan;Bartel, Jörg;Theis, Fabian J; Computational approaches for systems metabolomics
Karsili, Tolga N. V.;Marchetti, Barbara;Ashfold, Michael N. R.; Mechanistic insights into excited state intramolecular proton transfer in isolated and metal chelated supramolecular chemosensors
Beckmann, Sabrina;Welte, Cornelia;Li, Xiaomin;Oo, Yee M.;Kroeninger, Lena;Heo, Yooun;Zhang, Miaomiao;Ribeiro, Daniela;Lee, Matthew;Bhadbhade, Mohan;Marjo, Christopher E.;Seidel, Jan;Deppenmeier, Uwe;Manefield, Mike; Novel phenazine crystals enable direct electron transfer to methanogens in anaerobic digestion by redox potential modulation
Glau, Kathrin; A Feynman–Kac-type formula for Lévy processes with discontinuous killing rates
Encke, J.;Kreh, J.;Völk, F.;Hemmert, W.; Codierung von Schallsignalen in Aktionspotenziale des auditorischen Nervs
Leaver, Amber M.;Turesky, Ted K.;Seydell-Greenwald, Anna;Morgan, Susan;Kim, Hung J.;Rauschecker, Josef P.; Intrinsic network activity in tinnitus investigated using functional MRI
Regulin, Daniel;Aicher, Thomas;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Improving Transferability Between Different Engineering Stages in the Development of Automated Material Flow Modules
Säubert, Steffen;Jungwirth, Rainer;Zweifel, Tobias;Hofmann, Michael;Hoelzel, Markus;Petry, Winfried; Neutron and hard X-ray diffraction studies of the isothermal transformation kinetics in the research reactor fuel candidate U–8 wt%Mo
Gardiazabal, José;Matthies, Philipp;Vogel, Jakob;Frisch, Benjamin;Navab, Nassir;Ziegler, Sibylle;Lasser, Tobias; Flexible mini gamma camera reconstructions of extended sources using step and shoot and list mode
Speckbacher, Maximilian;Treu, Julian;Whittles, Thomas J.;Linhart, Wojciech M.;Xu, Xiaomo;Saller, Kai;Dhanak, Vinod R.;Abstreiter, Gerhard;Finley, Jonathan J.;Veal, Tim D.;Koblmüller, Gregor; Direct Measurements of Fermi Level Pinning at the Surface of Intrinsically n-Type InGaAs Nanowires
Wright, M. H.;Sieber, S. A.; Chemical proteomics approaches for identifying the cellular targets of natural products
Silvi, Luca;Röhm, Eva;Fichtner, Maximilian;Petry, Winfried;Lohstroh, Wiebke; Hydrogen dynamics in β-Mg(BH4)2 on the picosecond timescale
Rüdiger, Celine;Favaro, Marco;Valero-Vidal, Carlos;Calvillo, Laura;Bozzolo, Nathalie;Jacomet, Suzanne;Hejny, Clivia;Gregoratti, Luca;Amati, Matteo;Agnoli, Stefano;Granozzi, Gaetano;Kunze-Liebhäuser, Julia; Fabrication of Ti substrate grain dependent C/TiO2 composites through carbothermal treatment of anodic TiO2
Neuwirth, D.;Eckhard, J. F.;Visser, B. R.;Tschurl, M.;Heiz, U.; Two reaction regimes in the oxidation of larger cationic tantalum clusters (Tan+, n = 13–40) under multi-collision conditions
Lelaidier, Tony;Lünskens, Tobias;von Weber, Alexander;Leoni, Thomas;Ranguis, Alain;D'Aléo, Anthony;Fages, Frédéric;Kartouzian, Aras;Becker, Conrad;Heiz, Ulrich; Optical and morphological properties of thin films of bis-pyrenyl π-conjugated molecules
Marchetti, Barbara;Karsili, Tolga N. V.; Theoretical insights into the photo-protective mechanisms of natural biological sunscreens: building blocks of eumelanin and pheomelanin
Segovia, Jorge;Ortega, Pablo G.;Entem, David R.;Fernández, Francisco; Bottomonium spectrum revisited
Chiogna, Gabriele;Majone, Bruno;Cano Paoli, Karina;Diamantini, Elena;Stella, Elisa;Mallucci, Stefano;Lencioni, Valeria;Zandonai, Fabiana;Bellin, Alberto; A review of hydrological and chemical stressors in the Adige catchment and its ecological status
Lipsa, Dorelia;Leva, Paolo;Barrero-Moreno, Josefa;Coelhan, Mehmet; Inflammatory effects induced by selected limonene oxidation products: 4-OPA, IPOH, 4-AMCH in human bronchial (16HBE14o-) and alveolar (A549) epithelial cell lines
Celano, M. P.;Silvestri, S.;Schlieben, G.;Kirchberger, C.;Haidn, O. J.;Knab, O.; Injector characterization for a gaseous oxygen-methane single element combustion chamber
Beneke, M.;Boito, D.;Wang, Y.-M.; Signatures of anomalous Higgs couplings in angular asymmetries of H→Zℓ+ℓ− and e+e−→HZ
Herwerth, Marina;Kalluri, Sudhakar Reddy;Srivastava, Rajneesh;Kleele, Tatjana;Kenet, Selin;Illes, Zsolt;Merkler, Doron;Bennett, Jeffrey L.;Misgeld, Thomas;Hemmer, Bernhard; In vivo imaging reveals rapid astrocyte depletion and axon damage in a model of neuromyelitis optica-related pathology
Sharma, Y.;Wieczorek, M.;Schaff, F.;Seyyedi, S.;Prade, F.;Pfeiffer, F.;Lasser, T.; Six dimensional X-ray Tensor Tomography with a compact laboratory setup
Breit, Nora C.;Eisenhut, Carsten;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Phosphinosilylenes as a novel ligand system for heterobimetallic complexes
Liu, Xiaojun;Karsili, Tolga N.V.;Sobolewski, Andrzej L.;Domcke, Wolfgang; Photocatalytic water splitting with acridine dyes: Guidelines from computational chemistry
Diegelmann, Felix;Hickel, Stefan;Adams, Nikolaus A.; Shock Mach number influence on reaction wave types and mixing in reactive shock–bubble interaction
Freynhagen, Rainer;Backonja, Miroslav;Schug, Stephan;Lyndon, Gavin;Parsons, Bruce;Watt, Stephen;Behar, Regina; Pregabalin for the Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms: A Comprehensive Review
Greiner, Maximilian;Choscz, Carsten;Eder, Cornelia;Elts, Ekaterina;Briesen, Heiko; Multiscale modeling of aspirin dissolution: from molecular resolution to experimental scales of time and size
Zhu, Xiao Xiang;Grohnfeldt, Claas;Bamler, Richard; Exploiting Joint Sparsity for Pansharpening: The J-SparseFI Algorithm
Baum, Thomas;Inhuber, Stephanie;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Cordes, Christian;Ruschke, Stefan;Klupp, Elisabeth;Jungmann, Pia M.;Farlock, Rosanna;Eggers, Holger;Kooijman, Hendrik;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Schwirtz, Ansgar;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Association of Quadriceps Muscle Fat With Isometric Strength Measurements in Healthy Males Using Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Amann, Julian;Borrmann, André; Embedding Procedural Knowledge into Building Information Models: The IFC Procedural Language and Its Application for Flexible Transition Curve Representation
Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Mücke, Thomas;von Bomhard, Achim;Ritschl, Lucas M.;Schneider, Jürgen;Humbs, Martin;Fichter, Andreas M.; Free flap transplantation using an extracorporeal perfusion device: First three cases
Stache, Martin;Guettler, Marcus;Marburg, Steffen; A precise non-destructive damage identification technique of long and slender structures based on modal data
Marchetti, Barbara;Karsili, Tolga N. V.;Ashfold, Michael N. R.;Domcke, Wolfgang; A ‘bottom up’, ab initio computational approach to understanding fundamental photophysical processes in nitrogen containing heterocycles, DNA bases and base pairs
Ortega, Pablo G.;Segovia, Jorge;Entem, David R.;Fernández, Francisco; Molecular components in P -wave charmed-strange mesons
Müller, Birgit S;Wilkens, Jan J; Prioritized efficiency optimization for intensity modulated proton therapy
Bauer, A.;Benka, G.;Regnat, A.;Franz, C.;Pfleiderer, C.; Ultra-high vacuum compatible preparation chain for intermetallic compounds
Pfotenhauer, Sebastian M.;Wood, Danielle;Roos, Dan;Newman, Dava; Architecting complex international science, technology and innovation partnerships (CISTIPs): A study of four global MIT collaborations
Auinger, Hans-Jürgen;Schönleben, Manfred;Lehermeier, Christina;Schmidt, Malthe;Korzun, Viktor;Geiger, Hartwig H.;Piepho, Hans-Peter;Gordillo, Andres;Wilde, Peer;Bauer, Eva;Schön, Chris-Carolin; Model training across multiple breeding cycles significantly improves genomic prediction accuracy in rye (Secale cereale L.)
Kolmakov, Andrei;Gregoratti, Luca;Kiskinova, Maya;Günther, Sebastian; Recent Approaches for Bridging the Pressure Gap in Photoelectron Microspectroscopy
Peters, Nadja;Park, Sangyoung;Chakraborty, Samarjit;Meurer, Benedikt;Payer, Hannes;Clifford, Daniel; Web browser workload characterization for power management on HMP platforms
Koch, T.;Zhuo, X.;Reinartz, P.;Fraundorfer, F.; A NEW PARADIGM FOR MATCHING UAV- AND AERIAL IMAGES
Regn, Michael;Laggerbauer, Bernhard;Jentzsch, Claudia;Ramanujam, Deepak;Ahles, Andrea;Sichler, Sonja;Calzada-Wack, Julia;Koenen, Rory R.;Braun, Attila;Nieswandt, Bernhard;Engelhardt, Stefan; Peptidase inhibitor 16 is a membrane-tethered regulator of chemerin processing in the myocardium
Werfel, Stanislas;Nothjunge, Stephan;Schwarzmayr, Thomas;Strom, Tim-Matthias;Meitinger, Thomas;Engelhardt, Stefan; Characterization of circular RNAs in human, mouse and rat hearts
Marburg, Steffen; The Burton and Miller Method: Unlocking Another Mystery of Its Coupling Parameter
Schönleber, Konrad;Patzauer, Maximilian;Krischer, Katharina; A comparison of modeling frameworks for the oscillatory silicon electrodissolution
Hüttner, Amelie;Mai, Jan-Frederik;Mineo, Stefano; Portfolio selection based on graphs: Does it align with Markowitz-optimal portfolios?
Pan, W., Bock, T., Linner, T., Iturralde, K.; Development of a fast and effective solution for on-site building envelope installation
Hu, R., Linner, T., Bock, T.; SMARTBEE: A Framework of Single/Multi-task On-site Adaptable Renovation Robot Technology for Building, Engineering Enhancement
Meschini, S., Iturralde, K., Linner, T., Bock, T.; Novel applications offered by integration of robotic tools in BIM-based design workflow for automation in construction processes
Lublasser, E., Iturralde, K., Linner, T., Brell Cokcan, S., Bock, T.; Automated refurbishment & end-of-life processes research approaches in German and Japanese construction.
Follini, C., Pan, W., Linner, T., Nadim, W., Bock, T.; Development of a Methodology based on Requirements Engineering for Informal Settlements upgrading in Cairo
Güttler, J., Georgoulas, C., Linner, T., Bock, T.; Evaluation of low cost capacitive ECG prototypes: A hardware/software approach
Pan, M., Linner, T., Cheng, H. M., Wei Pan, Bock, T.; A Framework for Utilising Automated/ Robotic Construction for Sustainable Building
Wichert, R. & Klausing, H; Development and Evaluation of an Assistive Workstation for Cloud Manufacturing
Kaposi, Tobias;Joshi, Sushobhan;Hoh, Tobias;Wiengarten, Alissa;Seufert, Knud;Paszkiewicz, Matheusz;Klappenberger, Florian;Ecija, David;Đorđević, Luka;Marangoni, Tomas;Bonifazi, Davide;Barth, Johannes V.;Auwärter, Willi; Supramolecular Spangling, Crocheting, and Knitting of Functionalized Pyrene Molecules on a Silver Surface
Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Diller, Katharina;Fischer, Sybille;Allegretti, Francesco;Klappenberger, Florian;Oh, Seung Cheol;Sağlam, Özge;Reichert, Joachim;Wiengarten, Alissa;Seufert, Knud;Auwärter, Willi;Barth, Johannes V.; In Vacuo Porphyrin Metalation on Ag(111) via Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ru3(CO)12: Mechanistic Insights
Buechel, Martin;Knoll, Alois; A Parameter Estimator for a Model Based Adaptive Control Scheme for Longitudinal Control of Automated Vehicles
Buechel, Martin;Knoll, Alois; An adaptive nonlinear model predictive controller for longitudinal motion of automated vehicles
Pöppl, Alexander; SWE-X10: Simulating shallow water waves with lazy activation of patches using ActorX10
Pöppl, Alexander; SWE-X10: An Actor-Based and Locally Coordinated Solver for the Shallow Water Equations
Steffen Seckler; Nikola Tchipev; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Philipp Neumann; Load Balancing for Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Heterogeneous Architectures
Uphoff, Carsten; Bader, Michael; Rettenberger, Sebastian; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; High performance earthquake simulations in viscoelastic media using SeisSol
Zwickel T, Kahl S, Klaffke H, Rychlik M, Müller M; Spotlight on the Underdogs—An Analysis of Underrepresented Alternaria Mycotoxins Formed Depending on Varying Substrate, Time and Temperature Conditions
Kautz, Markus;Imron, Muhammad Ali;Dworschak, Kai;Schopf, Reinhard; Dispersal variability and associated population-level consequences in tree-killing bark beetles
Brack, A.; Optimal Estimation of a Subset of Integers with Application to GNSS
Neuhaus, Klaus;Landstorfer, Richard;Fellner, Lea;Simon, Svenja;Schafferhans, Andrea;Goldberg, Tatyana;Marx, Harald;Ozoline, Olga N.;Rost, Burkhard;Kuster, Bernhard;Keim, Daniel A.;Scherer, Siegfried; Translatomics combined with transcriptomics and proteomics reveals novel functional, recently evolved orphan genes in Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC)
Roth, Susanne;Bergmann, Hanna;Jaeger, Martin;Yeroslaviz, Assa;Neumann, Konstantin;Koenig, Paul-Albert;Prazeres da Costa, Clarissa;Vanes, Lesley;Kumar, Vinod;Johnson, Melissa;Menacho-Márquez, Mauricio;Habermann, Bianca;Tybulewicz, Victor L.;Netea, Mihai;Bustelo, Xosé R.;Ruland, Jürgen; Vav Proteins Are Key Regulators of Card9 Signaling for Innate Antifungal Immunity
Bauer, Franz X.;Gau, Dominik;Guell, Florian;Eblenkamp, Markus;Loeffelbein, Denys J.; Automated detection of alveolar arches for nasoalveolar molding in cleft lip and palate treatment
Zeppenfeld, Matthias;Wardenberg, Maximilian;Rapp, Christin;Eblenkamp, Markus; Protection of active implant electronics with organosilicon open air plasma coating for plastic overmolding
Boudot, Cécile;Burkhardt, Sarah;Haerst, Miriam; Long-term stable modifications of silicone elastomer for improved hemocompatibility
Nagaraj, Yeshaswini;Menze, Bjoern;Friebe, Michael; US/MRI fusion with new optical tracking and marker approach for interventional procedures inside the MRI suite
Leonhardt, Stefan;Klare, Martin;Scheer, Maurice;Fischer, Theresa;Cordes, Burghard;Eblenkamp, Markus; Biocompatibility of photopolymers for additive manufacturing
Michler, Thomas;Große, Stefanie;Mockenhaupt, Stefan;Röder, Natalie;Stückler, Ferdinand;Knapp, Bettina;Ko, Chunkyu;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Protzer, Ulrike;Grimm, Dirk; Blocking sense‐strand activity improves potency, safety and specificity of anti‐hepatitis B virus short hairpin RNA
Peters, Henning;Shao, Junming;Scherr, Martin;Schwerthöffer, Dirk;Zimmer, Claus;Förstl, Hans;Bäuml, Josef;Wohlschläger, Afra;Riedl, Valentin;Koch, Kathrin;Sorg, Christian; More Consistently Altered Connectivity Patterns for Cerebellum and Medial Temporal Lobes than for Amygdala and Striatum in Schizophrenia
Schmidt, Veronika;Kositz, Christian;Herbinger, Karl-Heinz;Carabin, Hélène;Ngowi, Bernard;Naman, Ezra;Wilkins, Patricia P.;Noh, John;Matuja, William;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia; Association between Taenia solium infection and HIV/AIDS in northern Tanzania: a matched cross sectional-study
Schulze, Moritz;Schmid, Martin;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Influence of atomization quality modulation on flame dynamics in a hypergolic rocket engine
Brandt, Felix;Geist, Christian; Finding Strategyproof Social Choice Functions via SAT Solving
Schunk, C.;Ruth, B.;Leuchner, M.;Wastl, C.;Menzel, A.; Comparison of different methods for the in situ measurement of forest litter moisture content
Moch, P.;Rohrwild, J.; B¯→Xsγwith a warped bulk Higgs
Beneke, M.;Moch, P.;Rohrwild, J.; Lepton flavour violation in RS models with a brane- or nearly brane-localized Higgs
Friedrich, Benjamin;Lobsien, Donald;Maegerlein, Christian;Wunderlich, Silke;Zimmer, Claus;Kaesmacher, Johannes;Kleine, Justus; Distance to Thrombus in acute middle cerebral artery stroke predicts basal ganglia infarction after mechanical thrombectomy
Sandmann, Gunther H.;Siebenlist, Sebastian;Imhoff, Florian B.;Ahrens, Philipp;Neumaier, Markus;Freude, Thomas;Biberthaler, Peter; Balloon-guided inflation osteoplasty in the treatment of Hill-Sachs lesions of the humeral head: case report of a new technique
Jung, Martin; Branching ratio measurements and isospin violation in B -meson decays
Schreurs, Miranda A.; The Paris Climate Agreement and the Three Largest Emitters: China, the United States, and the European Union
Azevedo, Vitor Gonçalves de;Santos, André Alves Portela;Campos, Lucila Maria de Souza; Corporate sustainability and asset pricing models: empirical evidence for the Brazilian stock market
Funke, Jonas J.;Ketterer, Philip;Lieleg, Corinna;Schunter, Sarah;Korber, Philipp;Dietz, Hendrik; Uncovering the forces between nucleosomes using DNA origami
Gruber, Fabian M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Evaluation of Substructure Reduction Techniques with Fixed and Free Interfaces
Zink, A;Koch, E;Seifert, F;Rotter, M;Spinner, CD;Biedermann, T; Nonmelanoma skin cancer in mountain guides: high prevalence and lack of awareness warrant development of evidence-based prevention tools
Amunts, Katrin;Ebell, Christoph;Muller, Jeff;Telefont, Martin;Knoll, Alois;Lippert, Thomas; The Human Brain Project: Creating a European Research Infrastructure to Decode the Human Brain
A. Knoll, M. Gewaltig; Brain-inspired intelligent robotics: The intersection of robotics and neuroscience sciences
Bi, Ran;Xiao, Jiajian;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Knoll, Alois; Influence of Charging Behaviour Given Charging Station Placement at Existing Petrol Stations and Residential Car Park Locations in Singapore
Chen, Gang;Huang, Kai;Cheng, Long;Hu, Biao;Knoll, Alois; Dynamic Partitioned Cache Memory for Real-Time MPSoCs with Mixed Criticality
Hinkel, Georg;Groenda, Henning;Krach, Sebastian;Vannucci, Lorenzo;Denninger, Oliver;Cauli, Nino;Ulbrich, Stefan;Roennau, Arne;Falotico, Egidio;Gewaltig, Marc-Oliver;Knoll, Alois;Dillmann, Rüdiger;Laschi, Cecilia;Reussner, Ralf; A Framework for Coupled Simulations of Robots and Spiking Neuronal Networks
Zhang, Feihu;Knoll, Alois; Systematic Error Modeling and Bias Estimation
Hu, Biao;Huang, Kai;Chen, Gang;Cheng, Long;Knoll, Alois; Adaptive Workload Management in Mixed-Criticality Systems
Richter, Christoph;Jentzsch, Soren;Hostettler, Rafael;Garrido, Jesus A.;Ros, Eduardo;Knoll, Alois;Rohrbein, Florian;van der Smagt, Patrick;Conradt, Jorg; Musculoskeletal Robots: Scalability in Neural Control
Bi, Ran;Xiao, Jiajian;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Knoll, Alois; Influence of Charging Behaviour Given Charging Station Placement at Existing Petrol Stations and Residential Car Park Locations in Singapore
Sunderrajan, Abhinav;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Cai, Wentong;Knoll, Alois; Data driven Adaptive Traffic simulation of an expressway
Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Zehe, Daniel;Ivanchev, Jordan;Pelzer, Dominik;Knoll, Alois;Aydt, Heiko; Simulation-assisted exploration of charging infrastructure requirements for electric vehicles in urban environments
Litescu, Sorina Costache;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; The effect of information uncertainty in road transportation systems
Litescu, Sorina Costache;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Aydt, Heiko;Knoll, Alois; Information Dynamics in Transportation Systems with Traffic Lights Control
Ivanchev, Jordan;Zehe, Daniel;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Nair, Suraj;Knoll, Alois; BISOS: Backwards Incremental System Optimum Search Algorithm for Fast Socially Optimal Traffic Assignment
Sunderrajan, Abhinav;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Cai, Wentong;Knoll, Alois; Traffic State Estimation Using Floating Car Data
Zehe, Daniel;Viswanathan, Vaisagh;Cai, Wentong;Knoll, Alois; Online Data Extraction for Large-Scale Agent-Based Simulations
Richter, Christoph;Jentzsch, Soren;Hostettler, Rafael;Garrido, Jesus A;Ros, Eduardo;Knoll, Alois;Rohrbein, Florian;van der Smagt, Patrick;Conradt, Jorg; Musculoskeletal robots: scalability in neural control
Böhmer, A;Richter, Christoph;Hostettler, Rafael;Schneider, Philip;Plum, Ines;Böhler, Dominik;Lindemann, Udo;Conradt, Jörg;Knoll, Alois;others; Think. make. start.-an agile framework
Martius, Georg;Hostettler, Rafael;Knoll, Alois;Der, Ralf; Compliant control for soft robots: emergent behavior of a tendon driven anthropomorphic arm
Der, Ralf;Knoll, Alois;Hostettler, Rafael;Martius, Georg; Self-organized control of an tendon driven arm by differential extrinsic plasticity
Richter, Christoph;Jentzsch, Sören;Hostettler, Rafael;Garrido, Jesús A;Ros, Eduardo;Knoll, Alois C;Röhrbein, Florian;van der Smagt, Patrick;Conradt, Jörg; Scalability in neural control of musculoskeletal robots
Minnerup, Pascal;Lenz, David;Kessler, Tobias;Knoll, Alois; Debugging Autonomous Driving Systems Using Serialized Software Components
Lenz, David;Kessler, Tobias;Knoll, Alois; Tactical cooperative planning for autonomous highway driving using Monte-Carlo Tree Search
Ott, S.; Tietze, A.; Winter, S.; Introduction of a semi-probabilistic moisture safety model for tall timberbased building shell – a risk based durability approach
Ter Wal, Anne L.J.;Alexy, Oliver;Block, Jörn;Sandner, Philipp G.; The Best of Both Worlds
Poplata, Saner;Tröster, Andreas;Zou, You-Quan;Bach, Thorsten; Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Cyclobutanes by Olefin [2 + 2] Photocycloaddition Reactions
Chen, Lipeng;Gelin, Maxim F.;Chernyak, Vladimir Y.;Domcke, Wolfgang;Zhao, Yang; Dissipative dynamics at conical intersections: simulations with the hierarchy equations of motion method
Schmitt, Michael;Zhu, Xiao Xiang; Demonstration of Single-Pass Millimeterwave SAR Tomography for Forest Volumes
Richter, Christoph;Jentzsch, Soren;Hostettler, Rafael;Garrido, Jesus A.;Ros, Eduardo;Knoll, Alois;Rohrbein, Florian;van der Smagt, Patrick;Conradt, Jorg; Musculoskeletal Robots: Scalability in Neural Control
Eyben, Florian;Scherer, Klaus R.;Schuller, Bjorn W.;Sundberg, Johan;Andre, Elisabeth;Busso, Carlos;Devillers, Laurence Y.;Epps, Julien;Laukka, Petri;Narayanan, Shrikanth S.;Truong, Khiet P.; The Geneva Minimalistic Acoustic Parameter Set (GeMAPS) for Voice Research and Affective Computing
Braun, Susanne;Aydin, Nilüfer;Frey, Dieter;Peus, Claudia; Leader Narcissism Predicts Malicious Envy and Supervisor-Targeted Counterproductive Work Behavior: Evidence from Field and Experimental Research
Vögele, Christian;van Hoorn, André;Schulz, Eike;Hasselbring, Wilhelm;Krcmar, Helmut; WESSBAS: extraction of probabilistic workload specifications for load testing and performance prediction—a model-driven approach for session-based application systems
Liu, C;Marioni, R E;Hedman, Å K;Pfeiffer, L;Tsai, P-C;Reynolds, L M;Just, A C;Duan, Q;Boer, C G;Tanaka, T;Elks, C E;Aslibekyan, S;Brody, J A;Kühnel, B;Herder, C;Almli, L M;Zhi, D;Wang, Y;Huan, T;Yao, C;Mendelson, M M;Joehanes, R;Liang, L;Love, S-A;Guan, W;Shah, S;McRae, A F;Kretschmer, A;Prokisch, H;Strauch, K;Peters, A;Visscher, P M;Wray, N R;Guo, X;Wiggins, K L;Smith, A K;Binder, E B;Ressler, K J;Irvin, M R;Absher, D M;Hernandez, D;Ferrucci, L;Bandinelli, S;Lohman, K;Ding, J;Trevisi, L;Gustafsson, S;Sandling, J H;Stolk, L;Uitterlinden, A G;Yet, I;Castillo-Fernandez, J E;Spector, T D;Schwartz, J D;Vokonas, P;Lind, L;Li, Y;Fornage, M;Arnett, D K;Wareham, N J;Sotoodehnia, N;Ong, K K;van Meurs, J B J;Conneely, K N;Baccarelli, A A;Deary, I J;Bell, J T;North, K E;Liu, Y;Waldenberger, M;London, S J;Ingelsson, E;Levy, D; A DNA methylation biomarker of alcohol consumption
Liu, C;Marioni, R E;Hedman, Å K;Pfeiffer, L;Tsai, P-C;Reynolds, L M;Just, A C;Duan, Q;Boer, C G;Tanaka, T;Elks, C E;Aslibekyan, S;Brody, J A;Kühnel, B;Herder, C;Almli, L M;Zhi, D;Wang, Y;Huan, T;Yao, C;Mendelson, M M;Joehanes, R;Liang, L;Love, S-A;Guan, W;Shah, S;McRae, A F;Kretschmer, A;Prokisch, H;Strauch, K;Peters, A;Visscher, P M;Wray, N R;Guo, X;Wiggins, K L;Smith, A K;Binder, E B;Ressler, K J;Irvin, M R;Absher, D M;Hernandez, D;Ferrucci, L;Bandinelli, S;Lohman, K;Ding, J;Trevisi, L;Gustafsson, S;Sandling, J H;Stolk, L;Uitterlinden, A G;Yet, I;Castillo-Fernandez, J E;Spector, T D;Schwartz, J D;Vokonas, P;Lind, L;Li, Y;Fornage, M;Arnett, D K;Wareham, N J;Sotoodehnia, N;Ong, K K;van Meurs, J B J;Conneely, K N;Baccarelli, A A;Deary, I J;Bell, J T;North, K E;Liu, Y;Waldenberger, M;London, S J;Ingelsson, E;Levy, D; A DNA methylation biomarker of alcohol consumption
Arulselvan, Ashwin;Cseh, Ágnes;Groß, Martin;Manlove, David F.;Matuschke, Jannik; Matchings with Lower Quotas: Algorithms and Complexity
Albrecht, Florian;Bischoff, Felix;Auwärter, Willi;Barth, Johannes V.;Repp, Jascha; Direct Identification and Determination of Conformational Response in Adsorbed Individual Nonplanar Molecular Species Using Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
Bischoff, Felix;He, Yuanqin;Seufert, Knud;Stassen, Daphné;Bonifazi, Davide;Barth, Johannes V.;Auwärter, Willi; Tailoring Large Pores of Porphyrin Networks on Ag(111) by Metal-Organic Coordination
Wurm, Luisa; García, Rubén; Anthes, Christoph; Kranzlmüller, Dieter; Höhl, Wolfgang; Benefits of Tablet Interfaces for Immersive Visualization in Information Visualization
Niemann, A.; Glaser, P.; Wehrmann, W.; Werther, N.; Entwicklung eines Bausystems für Parkhäuser in Buchenfurnierschichtholz
Weiler, Benedikt; Nanotransfer Printing and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Metal-Oxide-Structures
Sommer, A.;Bothschafter, E. M.;Sato, S. A.;Jakubeit, C.;Latka, T.;Razskazovskaya, O.;Fattahi, H.;Jobst, M.;Schweinberger, W.;Shirvanyan, V.;Yakovlev, V. S.;Kienberger, R.;Yabana, K.;Karpowicz, N.;Schultze, M.;Krausz, F.; Attosecond nonlinear polarization and light–matter energy transfer in solids
Paasch-Colberg, Tim;Kruchinin, Stanislav Yu.;Sağlam, Özge;Kapser, Stefan;Cabrini, Stefano;Muehlbrandt, Sascha;Reichert, Joachim;Barth, Johannes V.;Ernstorfer, Ralph;Kienberger, Reinhard;Yakovlev, Vladislav S.;Karpowicz, Nicholas;Schiffrin, Agustin; Sub-cycle optical control of current in a semiconductor: from the multiphoton to the tunneling regime
Guggenmos, Alexander;Akil, Ayman;Ossiander, Marcus;Schäffer, Martin;Azzeer, Abdallah Mohammed;Boehm, Gerhard;Amann, Markus-Christian;Kienberger, Reinhard;Schultze, Martin;Kleineberg, Ulf; Attosecond photoelectron streaking with enhanced energy resolution for small-bandgap materials
Ossiander, M.;Siegrist, F.;Shirvanyan, V.;Pazourek, R.;Sommer, A.;Latka, T.;Guggenmos, A.;Nagele, S.;Feist, J.;Burgdörfer, J.;Kienberger, R.;Schultze, M.; Attosecond correlation dynamics
Ott, S.; Mise au point d’un concept semi- probabiliste de maîtrise de l’humidité pour des façades élevées en bois
Aust, Hemut;Nolte, Georg;Aust, Helmut Philipp; Dynamic and Evolutive Interpretation of the ECHR by Domestic Courts? An Inquiry into the Judicial Architecture of Europe
Djeffal, Christian; Static and Evolutive Treaty Interpretation: A Functional Reconstruction
I S M Khalil, Y Michel, B Su, and S Misra; Feeling paramagnetic micro-particles trapped in gas bubbles: A tele-manipulation study
Pelzer, Dominik;Ciechanowicz, David;Knoll, Alois; Energy arbitrage through smart scheduling of battery energy storage considering battery degradation and electricity price forecasts
Haider, Michael; Stošić, Biljana; Baharuddin, Mohd H.; Thomas, Nebojša Dončov David W. P.; Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.; Modeling of Aperture Fields for Cavities Excited by Stochastic Current Sources
Mittermeier, Thomas;Weiß, Alexandra;Hasché, Frédéric;Hübner, Gerold;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; PEM Fuel Cell Start-up/Shut-down Losses vs Temperature for Non-Graphitized and Graphitized Cathode Carbon Supports
Keil, Peter;Schuster, Simon F.;Wilhelm, Jörn;Travi, Julian;Hauser, Andreas;Karl, Ralph C.;Jossen, Andreas; Calendar Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Jung, Roland;Metzger, Michael;Haering, Dominik;Solchenbach, Sophie;Marino, Cyril;Tsiouvaras, Nikolaos;Stinner, Christoph;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Consumption of Fluoroethylene Carbonate (FEC) on Si-C Composite Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Landesfeind, Johannes;Hattendorff, Johannes;Ehrl, Andreas;Wall, Wolfgang A.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Tortuosity Determination of Battery Electrodes and Separators by Impedance Spectroscopy
Landesfeind, Johannes;Ehrl, Andreas;Graf, Maximilian;Wall, Wolfgang A.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Direct Electrochemical Determination of Thermodynamic Factors in Aprotic Binary Electrolytes
Gorlin, Yelena;Patel, Manu U. M.;Freiberg, Anna;He, Qi;Piana, Michele;Tromp, Moniek;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Understanding the Charging Mechanism of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Using Spatially Resolved Operando X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Bernt, Maximilian;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Influence of Ionomer Content in IrO2/TiO2Electrodes on PEM Water Electrolyzer Performance
Solchenbach, Sophie;Pritzl, Daniel;Kong, Edmund Jia Yi;Landesfeind, Johannes;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; A Gold Micro-Reference Electrode for Impedance and Potential Measurements in Lithium Ion Batteries
Ni, Xiaotong;Pastawski, Fernando;Yoshida, Beni;König, Robert; Preparing topologically ordered states by Hamiltonian interpolation
Fischer, Kevin A;Müller, Kai;Lagoudakis, Konstantinos G;Vučković, Jelena; Dynamical modeling of pulsed two-photon interference
Ackermann, Ulrich;Löwe, Benjamin;Dickmann, Marcel;Mitteneder, Johannes;Sperr, Peter;Egger, Werner;Reiner, Markus;Dollinger, Günther; Four-dimensional positron age-momentum correlation
Allner, S;Koehler, T;Fehringer, A;Birnbacher, L;Willner, M;Pfeiffer, F;Noël, P B; Bilateral filtering using the full noise covariance matrix applied to x-ray phase-contrast computed tomography
Deijfen, Maria;Gantert, Nina; Routeing on trees
Litts, B., Kafai, Y. B., Fields, D. A., Halverson, E. R., Peppler, K., Keune, A. Tissenbaum, M., Grimes, S. M., Change, S., Regalla, L., Telhan, O., & Tan, M.; Connected making: Designing for youth learning in online maker communities in and out of schools
K. Peppler, Y. Kafai, E. Halverson; Design Playshop: Preschoolers Making, Playing and Learning with Squishy Circuits
D'Urzo, S., Foster, J., Keune, A., Peppler, K., & Stutzman, A.; Makerspaces: Providing Pennsylvania Practical Prefiguration
Griebel, Benjamin; Ramakrishnan, Robert; Volk, Wolfram; Baibl, Dominik; Nürnberger, Frank; Projektbericht: Einflussanalyse anorganisch gebundener Formstoffe
Suda, Michael; Dobler, Günter; Die Macht der Worte
Rizaldi, A.;Immler, F.;Althoff, M.; A Formally Verified Checker of the Safe Distance Traffic Rules for Autonomous Vehicles
Igelsböck, Judith;Koprax, Irina;Link, Karin;Kuhlmann, Martin;Zierler, Clemens; Bestandsaufnahme Arbeitspolitik in Oberösterreich. Herausforderungen und Perspektiven von Industrie 4.0 und veränderten Marktanforderungen.
Wagner, Stefan;Abdulkhaleq, Asim;Bogicevic, Ivan;Ostberg, Jan-Peter;Ramadani, Jasmin; How are functionally similar code clones syntactically different? An empirical study and a benchmark