The following paper investigated psychometric predictors of a successful weight loss in a prospective study in the context of a 52 week multimodal obesity treatment on the basis oft the standardised questionnaires SCL-90, SF-36, FBeK and IIP-D. After 12, 26 and 52 weeks the coherence of weight reduction of the 81 outpatients and the questionnaires subscales were correlated. To this effect, the IIP-D subscales „contentious“ (p= .058) and „cold and distant“ (p=. 035) correlated significantly negative with weight reduction, while the subscales „compliant“ (p= .032) and „expressive“ (p=.075) indicated a significant positive coherence.
Therefore, a therapy concept including intensifying social interaction, practice to handle negative emotions or a dichotomous way of thinking could be helpful.
The following paper investigated psychometric predictors of a successful weight loss in a prospective study in the context of a 52 week multimodal obesity treatment on the basis oft the standardised questionnaires SCL-90, SF-36, FBeK and IIP-D. After 12, 26 and 52 weeks the coherence of weight reduction of the 81 outpatients and the questionnaires subscales were correlated. To this effect, the IIP-D subscales „contentious“ (p= .058) and „cold and distant“ (p=. 035) correlated significantly negat...