Catching objects requires robots to perceive, plan and act in fractions of a second. This thesis decouples and investigates generic planning tasks for high operation velocities using robotic object catching as an example. Contact between an object and robot end-effector is robustly established by stabilizing the underlying hybrid dynamical system such that Zeno behavior occurs. Nonprehensile manipulation, as an execution strategy, enables modeling the free choice of contact with additional virtual motors and, hence, planning dynamically feasible robot motions.
Catching objects requires robots to perceive, plan and act in fractions of a second. This thesis decouples and investigates generic planning tasks for high operation velocities using robotic object catching as an example. Contact between an object and robot end-effector is robustly established by stabilizing the underlying hybrid dynamical system such that Zeno behavior occurs. Nonprehensile manipulation, as an execution strategy, enables modeling the free choice of contact with additional virtu...