- Title:
API-Based Hardware Fault Simulation for DNN Accelerators
- Document type:
- Zeitschriftenaufsatz
- Author(s):
- Omland, Patrik; Peng, Yang; Paulitsch, Michael; Parra, Jorge; Espinosa, Gustavo; Daniel, Abishai; Hinz, Gereon; Knoll, Alois
- Journal title:
- IEEE Design & Test
- Year:
- 2023
- Journal volume:
- 40
- Journal issue:
- 2
- Pages contribution:
- 75-81
- Fulltext / DOI:
- doi:10.1109/mdat.2022.3180977
- Publisher:
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- 2168-23562168-2364
- Date of publication:
- 01.04.2023