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A Cost-Efficient FOC-controlled Haptic Knob for Industrial Robot Programming with Force Feedback

Document type:
Ding, Junsheng; Fu, Xiangyu; Wei, Tiantian; Perzylo, Alexander
Robot programming is still an elaborate process in industrial assembly, especially in cases requiring a specific force profile for successfully executing an assembly step. In this work, we present the Haptic Knob, a low-cost haptic device (around 100 EUR on hardware costs) for (currently) one-dimensional robot movement programming on both position and force profiles. The Haptic Knob is equipped with a Field-Oriented Controlled (FOC) motor and a positional encoder that reads the human input posi...     »
Dewey Decimal Classification:
000 Informatik, Wissen, Systeme; 010 Bibliografien; 020 Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften; 030 Enzyklopädien, Faktenbücher; 040 [Unbesetzt]; 050 Zeitschriften, fortlaufende Sammelwerke; 060 Verbände, Organisationen, Museen; 070 Publizistische Medien, Journalismus, Verlagswesen; 080 Allgemeine Sammelwerke, Zitatensammlungen; 090 Handschriften, seltene Bücher; 100 Philosophie; 110 Metaphysik; 120 Epistemologie; 130 Parapsychologie, Okkultismus; 140 Philosophische Schulen; 150 Psychologie...     »
Book / Congress title:
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
Publisher address:
Beijing, China