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Maa, T.-Y., Schwarzmeier, S., Obersteiner, A.
Evaluating fraction representations in German and Taiwanese textbooks from a Conceptual Change perspective
13th International Conference on Conceptual Change

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Schons, C.
Investigating mathematics teachers’ assessment competencies: What can we learn from process data?.
Atlantic Education Graduate Student Conference

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Nickl, M., Sommerhoff, D.
Advancing Adaptivity of Support in Digital Learning Environments: Focusing on the Adaptivity Design
Symposium at EARLI SIG 6 & 7

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Nickl, M., Sommerhoff, D., Radkowitsch, A., Huber, S. A., Bauer, E., Ufer, S., Plass, J. L., & Seidel, T.
Effects of real-time adaptivity of scaffolding: Supporting pre-service mathematics teachers’ assessment skills in simulations

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Schons, C., Nickl, M., Brunner, K., Obersteiner, A., Leuders, T.
How cosistently do students make typical errors? An analysis of errors in the domain of functions
13th International Conference on Conceptual Change

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Forsmann, C., D'Erchie, M., Obersteiner, A., & Schneider, M.
Rethinking the Relationship Between Fractions and Algebra Using Network Analysis
13th International Conference on Conceptual Change

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D'Erchie, M., Rosenkranz, J., Schwarzmeier, S., & Obersteiner, A.
Reducing the Natural Number Bias Through Magnitude-Based Reasoning: Results of an Intervention Study
13th International Conference on Conceptual Change

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D'Erchie, M., Rosenkranz, J., Schwarzmeier, S., & Obersteiner, A.
Overcoming the Natural Number Bias in Fraction Comparison Through Magnitude-Based Reasoning
7th Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS)

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Schwarzmeier, S., & Obersteiner, A.
Is Students’ Ability of Visually Comparing Fraction Magnitudes Related to Their General Fraction Knowledge? An Eye-Tracking Study
7th Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS)

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Kadluba, A., Strohmaier, A., Schons, C., Obersteiner, A.
Wie viel C steckt in TPACK? Ein systematisches Literaturreview zur Fachspezifität der Messung von TPACK im Kontext von Mathematikunterricht
11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF)