Providing formal guarantees for robust constraint satisfaction is a crucial problem in safety-critical applications. We address this problem by combining robust optimal control with set-based reachability analysis of nonlinear systems. Our algorithm is built on a recently proposed scheme for optimizing affine feedback policies by iterating between solving a perturbed nominal optimal control problem and synthesizing linear feedback controllers -- however, robust constraint satisfaction is not guaranteed. To overcome this limitation, we leverage concepts from robust controller synthesis and set-based reachability analysis. Our experiments show only a modest decrease in performance compared to an approximately robust approach, while we outperform state-of-the-art approaches that guarantee robust constraint satisfaction.
Providing formal guarantees for robust constraint satisfaction is a crucial problem in safety-critical applications. We address this problem by combining robust optimal control with set-based reachability analysis of nonlinear systems. Our algorithm is built on a recently proposed scheme for optimizing affine feedback policies by iterating between solving a perturbed nominal optimal control problem and synthesizing linear feedback controllers -- however, robust constraint satisfaction is not gua...