- document type:
- book contribution
- authors:
- Dietrich, F.; Dietl, G.; Joham, M.; Utschick, W.
- title:
- Robust and Reduced Rank Space-Time Decision Feedback Equalization
- pages:
- pp. 189-205
- book editor / author:
- Kaiser,T.; Bourdoux, A.; Boche, H.; Fonollosa, J.R.; Bach-Andersen, J.; Utschick, W.; (editors)
- book title:
- Smart Antennas - State-of-the-Art
- book volume:
- Volume 3 of EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications
- publisher:
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation
- year:
- 2006
- language:
- en
- TUM-institution:
- Associate Institute for Signal Processing
- ingested:
- 13.06.0007
- format:
- text