Technische Universität München
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mediaTUM Content
University Bibliography
Electronic Examination Papers
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Research Data
TUM.University Press
Research Centers
TUM Board of Management
Functional Units
Partnerschaftliche Einrichtungen
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Examination Papers
Computer Engineering
AI Planning in Dynamic Environments (Prof. Khadiv)
AI Processor Design (Prof. Amrouch)
Audio-Information Processing Group (Prof. Seeber)
Bio-inspired Information Processing (Prof. Hemmert)
Coding for Communications and Data Storage (W3TT) (Prof. Wachter-Zeh)
Data Processing (Prof. Diepold)
Design Automation (Prof. Wille)
Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (Prof. Steinhorst)
Electronic Design Automation (Prof. Schlichtmann)
Human-centered Assistive Robotics (Prof. Cheng komm.)
Informatics 6 - Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems (Prof. Knoll)
Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Cyber Physical Systems (Prof. Althoff)
Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Telerobotik und Sensordatenfusion - (Prof. Burschka)
Informatics 8 - Chair of Network Architectures and Services (Prof. Carle)
Informatik 9 - Professur für Machine Learning for Robotics (Prof. Leutenegger)
Informatics 10 - Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems (Prof. Schulz)
Informatics 10 - Associate Professorship of Architecture of Parallel and Distributed Systems - (Prof. Gerndt)
Informatics 11 - Chair of Connected Mobility (Prof. Ott)
Informatics 13 - Associate Professorship of Integrated Computing Systems- (N.N.)
Informatik 16 - Professur für Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics (Prof. Piazza)
Informatics 20 - Chair of IT Security (Prof. Eckert)
Informatics 23 - Chair of Sensorbasierte Robotersysteme und intelligente Assistenzsysteme (Prof. Albu-Schäffer)
Perception for Intelligent Systems (Prof. Lilienthal)
Informatics 39 - Associate Professorship of Learning AI for Dextrous Robots (Prof. Bäuml)
Informatik Heilbronn 2 - Professur für Computer Architecture & Operating Systems (Prof. Trinitis)
Informatics Heilbronn 8 - Assistant Professorship of Cyber-Physical Systems (Prof. Abdelhafez)
Informatik Heilbronn 9 - Professur für Distributed Systems and Security (Prof. Günther komm.)
Field of Information-oriented Control (Prof. Hirche)
Integrated Systems (Prof. Herkersdorf)
Cognitive Systems (Prof. Cheng)
Communication Networks (Prof. Kellerer)
Line Transmission Technology (Prof. Hanik)
Machine Learning (Prof. Heckel)
Media Technology (Prof. Steinbach)
Human-Machine Communication (Prof. Rigoll)
Signal Processing Methods (Prof. Utschick)
Communications Engineering (Prof. Kramer)
Neuroengineering Materials (Prof. Kozielski)
Quantum Communication Systems Engineering (Prof. Vogl)
Real-Time Computer Systems (Prof. Wille komm.)
Robotik und Systemintelligenz (Prof. Haddadin)
Security in Information Technology (Prof. Sigl)
Sicherheit, Performanz und Zuverlässigkeit für lernende Systeme (Prof. Schoellig)
Automatic Control Engineering (Prof. Buss)
Theoretical Information Technology (Prof. Boche)
Holger Boche
Zuhra Amiri
Vlad-Costin Andrei
Christian Arendt
Harutyun Aydinyan
Sebastian Baur
Igor Bjelakovic
Yannik Böck
Minglai Cai
Haris Ceribasic
Sumit Chaudhary
Jin Hyeok Choi
Anil Kumar Chorppath
Pau Colomer
Shahram Dehdashti
Christian Deppe
Stephen DiAdamo
Aladin Djuhera
Kareem H. El-Safty
Rami Ezzine
Brendan Farrell
Anna Frank
Zoe Garcia del Toro
Soham Ghosh
Mario Goldenbaum
Andrea Leticia Grigorescu
Johannes Großmann
Peter Jiacheng Gu
Jonathan Huffmann
Andreas Ibing
Gisbert Janssen
Alihan Kaplan
Mani Khavari
Paul Kohl
Wafa Labidi
Xinyang Li
Davide Li Calsi
Igor Litvin
Ahmed Saleh Mansour
Ullrich Mönich
Pere Munar Vallespir
Siddharth Naik
Kumar Nilesh
Janis Nötzel
Volker Pohl
Johannes Rosenberger
Sajad Saeedinaeeni
Florian Seitz
Simon Sekavčnik
Jochen Sommerfeld
Evagoras Stylianou
Ezra Tampubolon
Nima Tavangaran
Lars Thiele
Luis Torres-Figueroa
Claudio Verdun
Alonso Viladomat Jasso
Johannes Voichtleitner
Ilya Vorobyev
Sander Wahls
Philipp Walk
Moritz Wiese
Rafael Wyrembelski/Schaefer
Fanny Yang
Cagkan Yapar
Publication Type
Publication Year
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Images CIT
Technical Reports
ehemalige Lehrstühle und Fachgebiete
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan
TUM School of Management
TUM School of Medicine and Health
TUM School of Natural Sciences
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit
Service Facilities
TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Central Administration
mediaTUM Gesamtbestand
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Computer Engineering
Theoretische Informationstechnik (Prof. Boche)
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