This work considers coding for partially stuck memory cells. Such memory cells can only store partial information as some of their levels cannot be used due to, e.g., wearout. First, we present 2^µ-ary partially stuck cell code construction (over the finite field F_2^µ , where integer µ > 1) for masking partially stuck cells while correcting substitution errors. "Masking" finds a word whose entries coincide with writable levels at the (partially) stuck cells. Then we investigate a technique where the encoder, after a first masking step, introduces errors at some partially stuck positions of a codeword in order to satisfy the stuck-at constraints. It turns that treating some of the partially stuck cells as erroneous cells can decrease the required redundancy for some parameters, e.g., by Lemma 2.
This work considers coding for partially stuck memory cells. Such memory cells can only store partial information as some of their levels cannot be used due to, e.g., wearout. First, we present 2^µ-ary partially stuck cell code construction (over the finite field F_2^µ , where integer µ > 1) for masking partially stuck cells while correcting substitution errors. "Masking" finds a word whose entries coincide with writable levels at the (partially) stuck cells. Then we investigate a technique wher...