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Al-Hames, M.;Zettl, S.;Wallhoff, F.;Reiter, S.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.
A Two-Layer Graphical Model for Combined Video Shot And Scene Boundary Detection
Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo ICME # 2006, Toronto, Canada

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Batliner, A.;Schuller, B.
More Than Fifty Years of Speech Processing – The Rise of Computational Paralinguistics and Ethical Demands
Proceedings ETHICOMP 2014, Paris, France, Commission de réflexion sur l'Ethique de la Recherche en sciences et technologies du Numérique d'Allistene, CERNA

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Batliner, A.;Steidl, S.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.
The Phonetics of Laughing (J. Trouvain and N. Campbell, eds.)
23 pages
The Phonetics of Laughing
Saarland University Press

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Brückner, R. and Schuller, B.
Social Signal Classification Using Deep BLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Proceedings 39th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2014, Florence, Italy
acceptance rate: 50

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Brückner, R.;Schuller, B.
Conflict and negotiation: Social research and machine intelligence (I. Poggi, F. D’Errico, and A. Vinciarelli, eds.)
Deep and Hierarchical Neural Networks for Classification and Regression of Conflict in Speech
Computational Social Sciences, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer

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Brückner, R.;Schuller, B.
Hierarchical Neural Networks and Enhanced Class Posteriors for Social Signal Classification
13th Biannual IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2013, Olomouc, Czech Republic
acceptance rate: 47

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Brückner, R.;Schuller, B.
Likability Classification -- A not so Deep Neural Network Approach
Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2012, 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
acceptance rate: 52

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Cambria, E.;Hussain, A.;Schuller, B.;Howard, N.
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Affective Neural Networks and Cognitive Learning Systems for Big Data Analysis
Neural Networks, Special Issue on Affective Neural Networks and Cognitive Learning Systems for Big Data Analysis, editorial
IF: 2.182, 5-year IF: 2.477 (2012)), to appear

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Cambria, E.;Schuller, B.;Liu, B.;Wang, H.;Havasi, C.
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Concept-Level Opinion and Sentiment Analysis
IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, Special Issue on Concept-Level Opinion and Sentiment Analysis
vol. 28
pp. 15-21

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Castellano, G.;Gunes, H.;Peters, Ch.;Schuller, B.
Handbook of Affective Computing, Rafael A. Calvo and Sidney D’Mello and Jonathan Gratch and Arvid Kappas (eds.)
Handbook of Affective Computing
Oxford University Press