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X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei, U. J. Mönich, and H. Boche
An achievable rate-distortion region for joint state and message communication over multiple access channels
2024 IEEE Information Theory Workshop

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V.-C. Andrei, A. Djuhera, X.-Y. Li, U. J. Mönich, W. Saad, and H. Boche
Resilient, federated large language models over wireless networks: why the PHY matters
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference

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J. Nötzel
Space Quantum Communications - Quantum Data Transmission and Software Prototyping with QuReed
Frontier Technologies for "Space 2.0" Communications
Ph.D. Summer School

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C. Deppe, H. Boche, R. Ezzine, W. Labidi
Workshop on Information Theory and Related Fields – In Memory of Ning Cai
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham

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L. Brüche, M. Mross, Y. Zhao, W. Labidi, C. Deppe, E. Jorswieck
Converse Techniques for Identification via Channels
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham

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Y. Böck, C. Deppe, H. Boche
On Effective Convergence in Fekete’s Lemma and Related Combinatorial Problems in Information Theory
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham

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P. Colomer, C. Deppe, A. Winter, H. Boche
Zero-entropy encoders and simultaneous decoders in identification via quantum channels
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham

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H. Boche, V. Pohl, H.V. Poor
The Optimal Causal Linear Predictor is Not Turing Computable
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham

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R. Ezzine, W. Labidi, C. Deppe, H. Boche
Optimal Signal Processing for Common Randomness Generation over MIMO Gaussian Channels with Applications in Identification
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham

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W. Labidi, C. Deppe, H. Boche
Secure Identification for Multi-Antenna Gaussian Channels
Festschrift in Memory of Ning Cai Information Theory and Related Fields
Springer Cham