Transforming research results into marketable products requires considerable endurance and a strong sense of entrepreneurship. The KUKA Lightweight Robot (LWR) is the latest outcome of a bilateral research collaboration between KUKA Roboter, Augsburg, and the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Wessling. The LWR has unique characteristics including a low mass-payload ratio and a programmable, active compliance which enables researchers and engineers to develop new industrial and service robotics applications with unprecedented performance, making it a unique reference platform for robotics research and future manufacturing. The stages of product genesis, the most innovative features and first application examples are presented.
Transforming research results into marketable products requires considerable endurance and a strong sense of entrepreneurship. The KUKA Lightweight Robot (LWR) is the latest outcome of a bilateral research collaboration between KUKA Roboter, Augsburg, and the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Wessling. The LWR has unique characteristics including a low mass-payload ratio and a programmable, active compliance which enables researchers and engineers to de...