Protection against physical attacks is a major requirement
for cryptographic implementations on devices which
can be accessed by attackers. Side-channel and fault injection
attacks are the most common types of physical attacks. In
this work we present a novel generic solution for simultaneous
protection against side-channel and fault attacks with arbitrary
order. We combine domain oriented masking and repetition
codes in an orthogonal way and call this approach DOMREP.
The resistance against side-channel attacks and fault attacks
can be scaled independently of each other, for the protection
against higher-order side-channel analysis and the injection of
multiple faults including SIFA. We develop the generic concept
of orthogonal protection, and implement the DOMREP concept
on GIMLI, a round two NIST LWC competition candidate, on a
Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA. Our implementation of GIMLI is verified
to be resistant against univariate first-order side-channel attacks
by TVLA. The resistance against SIFA is verified by means of
fault emulation of single as well as multiple bit faults. Our
implementation of GIMLI achieves the expected security level
according to these measurements. We also provide numbers for
the area overhead for our protected implementation of GIMLI.