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Plabst D.
Neural Network Equalizers and Successive Intereference Cancellation for Bandlimited Channels with a Nonlinearity
ITG-Workshop KT3.1 "Modellierung und Simulation photonischer Komponenten und Systeme"

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Wiegart, T.; Plabst, D.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Optimizing Bipolar Constellations for High-Rate Transmission in Short-Reach Fiber Links with Direct Detection
Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC) Conf.

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Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Diedolo, F.; Wiegart, T.; Böcherer, G.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Neural network equalizers and successive interference cancellation for bandlimited channels with a nonlinearity
IEEE Intl. Symp. Inf. Theory

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Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Diedolo, F.; Wiegart, T.; Boecherer, G.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Neural Network-Based Successive Interference Cancellation for Non-Linear Bandlimited Channels
IEEE Trans. Commun.

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Prinz, T.; Plabst, D.; Wiegart, T.; Calabro, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Successive Interference Cancellation for Bandlimited Channels with Direct Detection
IEEE Trans. Commun.

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Prinz T.; Plabst D.; Wiegart T.; Calabro S.; Hanik N.; Kramer G.;
Successive Interference Cancellation for Fiber-Optic Channels with Direct Detection
ITG-Fachgruppe KT3.1

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Plabst D.; Diedolo F.; Kramer G.
Neural Network Successive Interference Cancellation for Channels with Intersymbol Interference and a Memoryless Nonlinearity
ITG Professional Group "Applied Information Theory"

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Prinz, T.; Wiegart, T.; Plabst, D.; Rahman, T.; Hossain, S.; Stojanović, N.; Calabrò, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Comparison of PAM-6 Modulations for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Links with Intensity Modulation and Direct Detection
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2022

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Wiegart, T.; Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Rahman, T.; Schädler, M.; Stojanović, N.; Calabrò, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Experiments on Bipolar Transmission with Direct Detection
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2022

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Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Wiegart, T.; Rahman, T.; Stojanovic, N.; Calabro, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.
Achievable Rates for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Channels with Direct Detection
IEEE/OSA J. Lightw. Technol.