An interpolation-based decoding scheme for interleaved subspace codes is presented. The scheme can be used as a (not necessarily polynomial-time) list decoder as well as a probabilistic unique decoder. Both interpretations allow to decode interleaved subspace codes beyond half the minimum subspace distance. Further, an efficient interpolation procedure for the required linearized multivariate polynomials is presented and a computationally- and memory-efficient root-finding algorithm for the probabilistic unique decoder is proposed. These two efficient algorithms can also be applied for accelerating the decoding of interleaved Gabidulin codes.
An interpolation-based decoding scheme for interleaved subspace codes is presented. The scheme can be used as a (not necessarily polynomial-time) list decoder as well as a probabilistic unique decoder. Both interpretations allow to decode interleaved subspace codes beyond half the minimum subspace distance. Further, an efficient interpolation procedure for the required linearized multivariate polynomials is presented and a computationally- and memory-efficient root-finding algorithm for the prob...