Enabling closed control loops via wireless communication has attracted a lot of interest recently and is investigated under the name cyber-physical systems. Under cyber-physical systems one challenging scenario is multiple loops sharing a wireless medium, and the age of the control information has to be minimized without sacrificing reliability to guarantee the control stability. The number of transmitting devices depends on the control parameters thus, it is stochastic. Wireless uplink resource allocation given low latency constraints for unknown number of devices is a hard problem. For this problem, random access is the most prominent way to minimize latency, but reliability is sacrificed. However, as reliability is also critical for such applications, improved random access algorithms with hard latency guarantees are needed. Currently available random access algorithms with hard latency guarantees have low throughput and some of them are limited to low number of active devices. In this work, we provide a high-throughput random access algorithm with hard latency-constraints (SICQTA) that scales to any number of active devices. This algorithm, making use of feedback, has a varying throughput between 0.69 and 1 depending on the number of devices, which is unprecedented in the state of the art up to our best knowledge.
Enabling closed control loops via wireless communication has attracted a lot of interest recently and is investigated under the name cyber-physical systems. Under cyber-physical systems one challenging scenario is multiple loops sharing a wireless medium, and the age of the control information has to be minimized without sacrificing reliability to guarantee the control stability. The number of transmitting devices depends on the control parameters thus, it is stochastic. Wireless uplink resource...