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Continuous judgment of sound quality of electric home appliances

Document type:
Kuwano, S.; Namba, S.; Fastl, H.; Putner, J.
The sound quality of machinery noises is multi-dimensional and is often examined using semantic differential. In this case the overall impression of sound quality is judged. However, sound quality may vary according to the temporal stream of sounds. In this study, sound quality of electric home appliances was judged using the continuous judgment by line length. Forty-one kinds of the sound of home electric appliances were connected in random sequences with a slight interval between the sounds. T...     »
Book / Congress title:
Proc. 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, INTERNOISE 2014, Melbourne, Australia
8 pages
TUM Institution:
Lehrstuhl für Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation
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