Extended Karhunen-Loéve Expansion Method for Modelling Nonlinear Phase Noise in RZ-DPSK Systems
Proc. 2nd Sino-German Symposium on Optical Communication Networks (SOCN) 2007,Berlin
Analysis of Electronic Dispersion Compensation for Step-Index Polymer Optical Fiber by Use of an Advanced Simulation Model
Proc. European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing over Multimode Optical Fibers
Proc. 12th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/Leos Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium
Electronic Mitigation of Polarization-Mode Dispersion using Polarization Diversity and Iterative Equalization
Proc. 2nd Sino-German Symposium on Optical Communication Networks (SOCN) 2007, Berlin
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Dispersion on Nonlinear Phase Noise in RZ-DPSK Systems
Proc. 33rd European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2007), Berlin
1 Gbit/s Transmission over POF using Light-Emitting Diodes
Proc. 16th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers 2007 (POF2007), Turin, Italy
On the Ultimate Capacity of SI-POF Links and the Use of OFDM: Recent Results from the POF-ALL Project
Proc. 16th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers 2007 (POF2007), Turin, Italy
Low-Cost 10 Gb/s Transmission Systems with Multimode Fiber using Discrete Multitone Modulation
Proc. Ephotone One Summer School 2007, Brest, Frankreich
High-Speed Wireless Indoor Communication via Visible Light
Proc. ITG-Fachkonferenz: Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland Vielfalt für alle?, TU Berlin
10 Gbit/s Transmission over 220 m Perfluorinated Graded-Index Polymer Optical Fiber using PAM-4 Modulation and Simple Equalization Schemes
Proc. 16th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers 2007 (POF2007), Turin, Italy