The world wide web got ubiquitous and pervasive in our lives, organizations and higher education institutions (HEIs). Search engines try to locate, sort and catalogue the web and help us find the wanted information. Due to configuration mistakes, bugs or other human failure there are many cases of unwanted publication of information through the web.
Information leakage is one of the next great challenges for the information society. “Google Hacking” has been established as acronym for the use of search engines to gain attack vectors or to find confidential information or privacy threats via search queries. The spectrum reaches from traitorous error messages to login credentials up to special file types and browseable directories.
The world wide web got ubiquitous and pervasive in our lives, organizations and higher education institutions (HEIs). Search engines try to locate, sort and catalogue the web and help us find the wanted information. Due to configuration mistakes, bugs or other human failure there are many cases of unwanted publication of information through the web.
Information leakage is one of the next great challenges for the information society. “Google Hacking” has been established as acronym for the use o...