Detection of interaural time differences (ITDs) is crucial for sound
localization in most vertebrates. The current view is that optimal
computational strategies of ITD detection depend mainly on head size and
available frequencies, although evolutionary history should also be
taken into consideration. In archosaurs, which include birds and
crocodiles, the brainstem nucleus laminaris (NL) developed into the
critical structure for ITD detection. In birds, ITDs are mapped in an
orderly array or place code, whereas in the mammalian medial superior
olive, the analog of NL, maps are not found. As yet, in crocodilians,
topographical representations have not been identified. However,
nontopographic representations of ITD cannot be excluded due to
different anatomical and ethological features of birds and crocodiles.
Therefore, we measured ITD-dependent responses in the NL of anesthetized
American alligators of either sex and identified the location of the
recording sites by lesions made after recording. The measured
extracellular field potentials, or neurophonics, were strongly ITD
tuned, and their preferred ITDs correlated with the position in NL. As
in birds, delay lines, which compensate for external time differences,
formed maps of ITD. The broad distributions of best ITDs within narrow
frequency bands were not consistent with an optimal coding model. We
conclude that the available acoustic cues and the architecture of the
acoustic system in early archosaurs led to a stable and similar
organization in today's birds and crocodiles, although physical
features, such as internally coupled ears, head size, or shape, and
audible frequency range, vary among the two groups.
Detection of interaural time differences (ITDs) is crucial for sound
localization in most vertebrates. The current view is that optimal
computational strategies of ITD detection depend mainly on head size and
available frequencies, although evolutionary history should also be
taken into consideration. In archosaurs, which include birds and
crocodiles, the brainstem nucleus laminaris (NL) developed into the
critical structure for ITD detection. In birds, ITDs are mapped in an
orderly array or pla...