Echolocating bats evolved a sophisticated biosonar imaging system that
allows for a life in dim-light habitats. However, especially for
far-range operations such as homing, bats can support biosonar by
vision. Large eyes and a retina that mainly consists of rods are assumed
to be the optical adjustments that enable bats to use visual information
at low light levels. In addition to optical mechanisms, many nocturnal
animals evolved neural adaptations such as elongated integration times
or enlarged spatial sampling areas to further increase the sensitivity
of their visual system by temporal or spatial summation of visual
information. The neural mechanisms that underlie the visual capabilities
of echolocating bats have, however, so far not been investigated. To
shed light on spatial and temporal response characteristics of visual
neurons in an echolocating bat, Phyllostomus discolor, we recorded
extracellular multiunit activity in the retino-recipient superficial
layers of the superior colliculus (SC). We discovered that response
latencies of these neurons were generally in the mammalian range,
whereas neural spatial sampling areas were unusually large compared to
those measured in the SC of other mammals. From this we suggest that
echolocating bats likely use spatial but not temporal summation of
visual input to improve visual performance under dim-light conditions.
Furthermore, we hypothesize that bats compensate for the loss of visual
spatial precision, which is a byproduct of spatial summation, by
integration of spatial information provided by both the visual and the
biosonar systems. Given that knowledge about neural adaptations to
dim-light vision is mainly based on studies done in non-mammalian
species, our novel data provide a valuable contribution to the field and
demonstrate the suitability of echolocating bats as a nocturnal animal
model to study the neurophysiological aspects of dim-light vision. (c)
2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
Echolocating bats evolved a sophisticated biosonar imaging system that
allows for a life in dim-light habitats. However, especially for
far-range operations such as homing, bats can support biosonar by
vision. Large eyes and a retina that mainly consists of rods are assumed
to be the optical adjustments that enable bats to use visual information
at low light levels. In addition to optical mechanisms, many nocturnal
animals evolved neural adaptations such as elongated integration times
or enlarge...