- Überschrift (Headline):
- INSPECT enables highly sensitive monitoring of RNA regulation of both coding and non-coding RNA
- Beschreibung (Caption):
- Engineered introns inserted into genetic circuitry enlighten about the regulation of (non-)coding RNA.
- Stichwörter (Keywords):
- Bioengineering; Biomedical Engineering; noncoding RNA; biomolecular analysis
- Wissenschaftsgebiet (Research Area):
- Medizin
- Fakultät / Einrichtung der TUM (University department or unit):
- Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering (MIBE), TUM School of Medicine
- Stadt/Ort (Location):
- -
- Datum (Date created):
- 2022
- Urheber/in (Creator/By-Line):
- Barth van Rossum
- Copyright (Copyright-Notice):
- Barth van Rossum
- Nutzungsbedingungen (Rights usage terms):
- Verwendung frei für die Berichterstattung über die TUM bei Nennung des Copyrights / Free for use in reporting on TUM, with the copyright noted.