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Überschrift (Headline):
l-r: Prof. Christian Kupatt, Dr. Christine M. Poch, Prof. Alessandra Moretti, Prof. Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz.
Beschreibung (Caption):
Drei Professuren der TUM beteiligt: Prof. Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz (r.), Prof. Alessandra Moretti (2.v.r.) und Prof. Christian Kupatt-Jeremias (l.) mit Erstautorin Dr. Christine M. Poch. Three TUM professorships involved: Prof. Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz (r.), Prof. Alessandra Moretti (2. v.r.) and Prof. Christian Kupatt-Jeremias (l.) with first author Dr. Christine M. Poch. Daniel Delang / TUM; Free for use in reporting on TUM, with the copyright noted
Datum (Date created):
Urheber/in (Creator/By-Line):
Daniel Delang / TUM
Herkunft/Quelle (Source):
Daniel Delang / TUM
Copyright (Copyright-Notice):
Daniel Delang / TUM; Free for use in reporting on TUM, with the copyright noted
Nutzungsbedingungen (Rights usage terms):
Daniel Delang / TUM; Free for use in reporting on TUM, with the copyright noted