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Überschrift (Headline):
Qualitätskontrolle in der Immunkommunikation von Zellen / Cellular quality control in immunce cell communication
Beschreibung (Caption):
Left: Complete structure of interleukin 23; the component IL23-alpha is shown in gray. Right: IL23-alpha: The researchers intentionally modified the area marked in red. (Image: Sina Bohnacker / TUM)
Stichwörter (Keywords):
Protein structures; immune cells; interleukins; immune system; chaperone; Proteinstruktur; Immunzellen; Interleukin; Immunsystem; BNMRZ
Wissenschaftsgebiet (Research Area):
Stadt/Ort (Location):
Garching, Bayern, Deutschland / Bavaria, Germany
Datum (Date created):
Urheber/in (Creator/By-Line):
Sina Bohnacker
Copyright (Copyright-Notice):
Sina Bohnacker / TUM
Nutzungsbedingungen (Rights usage terms):
Verwendung frei fuer die Berichterstattung ueber die TUM bei Nennung des Copyrights / Free for use in reporting on TUM, with the copyright noted