Prof. Dr. Thomas Korn, Professor of Experimental Neuroimmunology at Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum of the Technical University's School of Medicine sits in front of a microscope. The image was taken for the magazine Faszination Forschung (Januar 2017) and used for TUM press release "Multiple sclerosis: Newly discovered signal mechanism causes T cells to turn pathogenic". ( (image: Magdalena Jooss / TUM). Verwendung frei für Berichterstattung über die TU München unter Nennung des Copyrights/ Free for use in reporting on TU München with the copyright noted
Prof. Dr. Thomas Korn, Professor of Experimental Neuroimmunology at Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum of the Technical University's School of Medicine sits in front of a microscope. The image was taken for the magazine Faszination Forschung (Januar 2017) and used for TUM press release "Multiple sclerosis: Newly discovered signal mechanism causes T cells to turn pathogenic". ( (image: Magdalena Jooss / TUM). Verwendung frei für Be...