- Title:
A Parallel, Black-Box Coupling Algorithm for Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Author(s):
- Uekermann, Benjamin; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Gatzhammer, Bernhard; Mehl, Miriam
- Keywords:
- Mathematik; precice
- Editor:
- Idelsohn, Sergio; Papadrakakis, Manolis; Schrefler, Bernhard
- Book / Congress title:
- Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013
- Publisher:
- eBook (http://congress.cimne.com/coupled2013/proceedings/)
- Publisher address:
- Stanta Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain
- Year:
- 2013
- WWW:
- http://congress.cimne.com/coupled2013/proceedings/full/p559.pdf
- Notes:
- mediatitle: Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013
editor: Idelsohn, Sergio; Papadrakakis, Manolis; Schrefler, Bernhard
address: Stanta Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain
URL: http://congress.cimne.com/coupled2013/proceedings/full/p559.pdf
- BibTeX