LA-ICP-MS as a method to study the Interfacial Transition Zone in a Concrete Model System
4th International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials (ICCCM)
Investigation of the Interfacial Transition Zone of Concrete in a Model System with LA-ICP-MS
European Workshop on Laser Ablation
Influence of the Pre-Curing Procedure on Carbonation Hardening of Cementitious Materials
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) - Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Effect of Sodium Sulfate on the Hydration of Natural and Synthetic Anhydrite
4th International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials (ICCC)
Karlsruhe, Germany
Synthesis and Reactivity Testing of Artificial Supplementary Cementitious Materials
4th International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials 2022 (ICCCM2022)
Karlsruhe, Germany
Cleansing Mechanisms of Cementitious Filters in Textile Wastewater Treatment
4th International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials
Link between durability and sustainability of cementitious materials
Gordon Research Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Effect of the Portland Cement Quality on the Rheology of LC3 Binders Containing Superplasticizers
4th International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials
September 26-28, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany
Towards more sustainable 3D printed concrete by the use of LC3 binders
International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete (CCSC 2021)
04.-07.07.2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
Can the R3-test be used as a rapid screening test for the ASR mitigation potential of calcined clays?
Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete Conference