With the very intensive usage of automatic concentrate dispensers, problems have arisen with ration calculations based on milk yields. To overcome these problems, a multivariant estimation program was used with a microcomputer to predict the dry matter intake of individual cows. These data then were used to calculate the required concentrates for each cow. The program was used as input of a complete herd management system involving microprocessor-controlled concentrate dispensers, automatic milk yield measurement, and continuous automatic data transfer and data processing. Systems installed on practical farms have performed with very little loss of data and have shown that they offer possibilities for considerable savings in the use of concentrates and in labor requirements.
With the very intensive usage of automatic concentrate dispensers, problems have arisen with ration calculations based on milk yields. To overcome these problems, a multivariant estimation program was used with a microcomputer to predict the dry matter intake of individual cows. These data then were used to calculate the required concentrates for each cow. The program was used as input of a complete herd management system involving microprocessor-controlled concentrate dispensers, automatic milk...