The effect of the apolipoprotein E genotype on response to personalized dietary advice intervention: findings from the Food4Me randomized controlled trial
Fallaize, R.; Celis-Morales, C.; Macready, A. L.; Marsaux, C. F.; Forster, H.; ODonovan, C.; Woolhead, C.; San-Cristobal, R.; Kolossa, S.; Hallmann, J.; Mavrogianni, C.; Surwillo, A.; Livingstone, K. M.; Moschonis, G.; Navas-Carretero, S.; Walsh, M. C.; Gibney, E. R.; Brennan, L.; Bouwman, J.; Grimaldi, K.; Manios, Y.; Traczyk, I.; Drevon, C. A.; Martinez, J. A.; Daniel, H.; Saris, W. H.; Gibney, M. J.; Mathers, J. C.; Lovegrove, J. A.