Test drives for validating automated driving functions
are expensive and not always suitable. Therefore,
simulation-based virtual test drives were invented. Both ways of
testing offer pros and cons. Mixed reality test drive (MRTD) is an
novel approach for combining the pros of reality and simulation.
It uses real environmental conditions of real test drives and the
accuracy and reproducibility of virtual test drive vehicle behavior
descriptions (scenarios). Until now no method for the derivation
of trajectories from a maneuver based scenario description exist.
In this paper a methodology for the derivation of vehicle target
trajectories from a scenario is introduced. The approach utilizes
the OpenScenario description format for modeling dynamic vehicle
behavior composed of sequential maneuvers. In particular,
maneuvers can further be divided into conditions and actions.
Due to physical restrictions of real vehicles, conditions and actions
are evaluated regarding operability. Nonetheless, the composition
of all maneuvers of a vehicle leads to its relative trajectory.
Consequently, in combination with an OpenDrive geometric roadnetwork,
a geographically-referenced global target trajectory is
derived. The presented methodology forms the basis of the MRTD
approach by providing global target trajectories as input data
for a vehicle motion controller. In addition, guidelines regarding
practicable OpenScenario conditions and actions of maneuvers in
the context of MRTD are defined. Finally, an overtake scenario is
used to evaluate the trajectory generation with virtual test drive
scenario simulation.
Test drives for validating automated driving functions
are expensive and not always suitable. Therefore,
simulation-based virtual test drives were invented. Both ways of
testing offer pros and cons. Mixed reality test drive (MRTD) is an
novel approach for combining the pros of reality and simulation.
It uses real environmental conditions of real test drives and the
accuracy and reproducibility of virtual test drive vehicle behavior
descriptions (scenarios). Until now no method for the der...