SeisSol is a high-performance software framework
widely used for simulating seismic wave propagation and dynamic
rupture processes. The incorporation of the acoustic wave model,
which is crucial for accurately representing the natural processes
in SeisSol, presents new performance challenges. The acoustic
wave model, consisting of four partial differential equations
(PDEs), is a special case of the elastic wave model, which
comprises nine PDEs. Based on this, in the current version
of SeisSol, the acoustic model is implemented by setting the
second Lam´e parameter to zero within the elastic model, which
leads to unnecessary resource usage. We implement a standalone
acoustic model for SeisSol’s proxy application, evaluate its
performance improvements using the roofline model, and analyze
its cache utilization. Although the performance bottlenecks have
not significantly changed, the runtime and memory data volume
have been reduced by approximately half under several typical
test conditions, while the last-level cache (LLC) miss rate has
increased by up to about 17%. Additionally, the process of
building the roofline model on the Leibniz Supercomputing
Center (LRZ)’s CoolMUC-2 cluster, along with its advantages
and limitations, is discussed.
SeisSol is a high-performance software framework
widely used for simulating seismic wave propagation and dynamic
rupture processes. The incorporation of the acoustic wave model,
which is crucial for accurately representing the natural processes
in SeisSol, presents new performance challenges. The acoustic
wave model, consisting of four partial differential equations
(PDEs), is a special case of the elastic wave model, which
comprises nine PDEs. Based on this, in the current version
of Se...