With dynamic imbalances caused by both software and ever more complex hardware, applications and runtime systems must adapt to dynamic load imbalances. We present a diffusion-based, reactive, fully asynchronous, and decentralized dynamic load balancer for a distributed actor library. With the asynchronous execution model, features such as remote procedure calls, and support for serialization of arbitrary types, UPC++ is especially feasible for the implementation of the actor model. While providing a substantial speedup for small- to medium-sized jobs with both predictable and unpredictable workload imbalances, the scalability of the diffusion-based approaches remains below expectations in most presented test cases.
With dynamic imbalances caused by both software and ever more complex hardware, applications and runtime systems must adapt to dynamic load imbalances. We present a diffusion-based, reactive, fully asynchronous, and decentralized dynamic load balancer for a distributed actor library. With the asynchronous execution model, features such as remote procedure calls, and support for serialization of arbitrary types, UPC++ is especially feasible for the implementation of the actor model. While providi...