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Lainer, M.; Müller, G.
A Wave Based Method for the modeling of two canyons exposed to an oblique incident wave front
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA)

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Lainer, M. and Müller, G.
Modeling of an oblique incident P1-wave in a water saturated soil with the Wave Based Method
16th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM)

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Taddei, Francesca;Keil, Sabrina;Khansefid, Ali;Kumawat, Aditi;Schneider, Felix;Wassermann, Johachim;Müller, Gerhard
Development and use of semi-empirical spectral ground motion models for GPP-induced micro-earthquakes in Southern Germany
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

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F. Taddei, S. Keil, A. Kumawat, and G. Müller
Comparison Between Ground Motion Data and Semi-Empirical Spectral Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Geothermal-Induced Micro-Earthquakes
18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE)

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A. Kumawat, S. Keil, F. Taddei, and G. Müller
Generation of Synthetic Ground Motions for Geothermally Induced Earthquakes
In Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 2024)

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Schönfeld, N., Gsell, S., and Müller, G.
Transmission of Sound under the Influence of Various Environmental Conditions on Short Distances
SEA International 2024

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Schneider, Felix;Papaioannou, Iason;Sudret, Bruno;Müller, Gerhard
Maximum a Posteriori Estimation for Linear Structural Dynamics Models Using Bayesian Optimization with Rational Polynomial Chaos Expansions

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Luegmair, Marinus;Dantas, Rafaella;Schneider, Felix;Müller, Gerhard
Gaussian Process Surrogate Models for Vibroacoustic Simulations
SAE Technical Paper Series
SAE International

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Schopper, S; Müller, G.
Removing Inconsistencies of Reduced Bases in Parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix Interpolation

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Felix Schneider, Iason Papaioannou, Bruno Sudret, Gerhard Müller
Bayesian Model Updating for Frequency Domain Data Using Active Learning Based Sparse Bayesian Rational Polynomial Chaos Surrogates
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24)