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Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J., Neidhardt A., Plötz C., Klügel T.
P7: The application of time in closure as a novel strategy towards error-free space geodetic observations
DFG Research Unit FOR 5456 Status Seminar

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Hugentobler U., Duan B., Thaller D., Bloßfeld M., Wolf H., Böhm J.
TRF Combination with GENESIS - The Different Levels of Rigorousness
9th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamanetal Aspects of GNSS

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Bloßfeld M., Hugentobler U., Courde C., Merkowitz S., Pearlman M., Lemoine F. G., Steindorfer M., Perez J. R., Willkinson M., Kur T., Carabajal C., Kehm A.
ESA's Genesis mission - from an ILRS perspective
9th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamanetal Aspects of GNSS

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Pisareva M. N., Müller F. L., Dettmering D., Seitz F., Passaro M., Schwatke C.
Chukchi and Beaufort Seas circulation in 2013-2023 from satellite radar altimetry
2024 European Polar Science Week

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Boergens E., Güntner A., Schwatke C., Dobslaw H.
Contributions of Water Storage Compartments to TWS in the East African Rift Region
GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2024

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Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Passaro M., Hart-Davis M., Scherer D., Müller F.L., Bosch W., Seitz F.
OpenADB: DGFI-TUM's Open Altimeter Database
FGS-Workshop 2024

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Deng X., Shum C.K., Benveniste J., Vignudelli S., IAS Pilot Service Group ( ... Dettmering D., ..., Schwatke C., ...)
IAS Pilot Service for Science and Operational Applications
COPSAR 2024, 45th Scientific Assembly

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David C., Pavelsky T., Schumann G., Bonnema M., Garambois P., Tourian M., Bates P., Benveniste J., Biancamaria S., Gleason C., Durand M., Cretaux J., Oubanas H., Allen G., Frasson R., Cerbelaud A., Wade J., Tom M., Malaterre P., Schwatke C., Kittel C., Paris A., Andreadis K., Feng D., Yamazaki D., Dasgupta A., Bauer-Gottwein P., Tarpanelli A., Mischel S., Picot N. , Hossain F., Rodriguez E.
Progress Towards Satellite and Model Requirements to Capture Water Propagation in Earth`s Rivers
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Deng X., Shum C.K., Benveniste J., Vignudelli S., IAS Pilot Service Group ( ... Dettmering D., ..., Schwatke C., ...)
IAS Pilot Service for Scientific and Geodetic Applications
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Passaro M., Hart-Davis M., Scherer D., Müller F.L., Bosch W., Seitz F.
OpenADB: DGFI-TUM's Open Altimeter Database
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium