ExaHyPE is a hyperbolic PDE engine capable of solving systems of first order hyperbolic PDEs. The engine provides a space-tree discretization of the computational domain, higher-order ADER DG schemes and a-posteriori subcell limiters. The two main applications currently tackled with this engine are long-range seismic risk assessment and the search for gravitational waves emitted by binary neutron stars.
The primary goal of our project is to enable medium-sized interdisciplinary research teams to realise extreme-scale simulations quickly. Users of the engine write only their own application specific code and benefit immediately from the efficient adaptive mesh refinement algorithms and from the numerical schemes built into ExaHyPE. On our poster, we will provide several examples illustrating the effort necessary to add new hyperbolic PDE systems into the engine.
This is joint work with groups from Frankfurt's FIAS, the University of Trento, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and the University of Durham.
ExaHyPE is a hyperbolic PDE engine capable of solving systems of first order hyperbolic PDEs. The engine provides a space-tree discretization of the computational domain, higher-order ADER DG schemes and a-posteriori subcell limiters. The two main applications currently tackled with this engine are long-range seismic risk assessment and the search for gravitational waves emitted by binary neutron stars.
The primary goal of our project is to enable medium-sized interdisciplinary research team...